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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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QOTT: What do you work with?
Do you enjoy your job?
Are you a NEET?
If so, do you enjoy being a NEET?
i do not enjoy being a neet at all
i work as a cashier while studying and i absolutely hate it
I need a chaser who looks like DOLPH
being a neet sucks ass,

what are the main trips that visit here?
i’m a receptionist and i hate it but at least it’s fembrained
omg the guy on the right is soooo hot, need!!
>QOTT: What do you work with?
Usually, mouse and keyboard, sometimes when I feel really naughty I even use the whiteboard
>Do you enjoy your job?
>Are you a NEET?
the only attractive trips left in these threads are autumn and naoto
He's so me

I'm neet and I enjoy not working but I'm starting to resent the embarrassment of it as I become old and every time you meet up with people the first thing they do is measure up everyone's worth by careers
Not resenting it enough to change howeverbeit
Have you considered getting a job?
they've never even considered leaving their bed
When I get to develop stuff without people interrupting me (meetings, questions from non-tech etc)
Not any more
Being a NEET is infinitely worse than being a wagecel. I mean one thing is the salary (that alone makes it well worth it to work), but just not being inside all day slowly rotting is so nice
Qott: I don't, I made enough money to not have to work for many years. Hated work immensely, mainly the other humans involved. Yes. It's the best shit ever, every day is an adventure and everything I do is fun, there's no time constraints or rushing around, just whatever I want whenever I want it. Eventually my savings will get low and I'll have to work again, I don't think about it.
>What do you work with?
>Do you enjoy your job?
Yeah I like it. Pros are lots of good exercise, I get to work with my hands, listen to music and podcasts all night. I also got a great benefits package because of the union. Cons are it gets lonely and boring sometimes.
That sounds pretty good
i want to but its hard to do anything
It's pretty good. It's for a college and I am going to try and take advantage of the free courses I can take at the college. However another con is that my benefits package is actually kind of bad now that I think about it, like I get dental coverage but it's for a dentist in the city 3 hours away lmfao
sorry that im schizo
Wowie, a real life tranny janny, and she even gets paid!
why don't you just make a new alt for talking to people outside of the board?
get me added to the tier list :3
the original tier list came from that big tranny collage
were you on the collage?
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you should do something about your disgusting moid stomach
So is this thread going to be normal or is it going to have lingering attention starved tranners?
you cut out the best part of that picture
Then show it :)
noo :(
best part for a fag
So far pretty normal compared to the last thread
I should've told the collage guy to add you when I helped him make it
fine lol
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>secretly desperately want to be ranked and called cute too
Naoto and Stu are the only trips that aren't completely obnoxious
asking in earnest
how do you get this bad at only 19 years old
Defeat this desire. It brings only ruin.
I mean stu is just terminally underdicked and beggs for attention all the time
Either you are tiny, or you have a big dick
Are you surprised that the combination of estrogen, a sedentary lifestyle and an American diet doesn't exactly make you shredded?
wow, high praise!!
wdym by that, whats bad about it
second one
not asking for them to be shredded, but even a terminally online zoomer like spicebag and her completely sedentary with the worst kind of british diet, she has the godly hips with no kind of bad fat
>second one
How big? And do you wish it was smaller? Do you plan on getting SRS?
I can cross reference these posts to determine I am attractive and obnoxious. I only agree with the latter
what's bad about it? you have manly love handles, no hips, fat waist. what's your height and weight currently?
be nice to stu
you're more attractive than you are obnoxious
must be your boyfriend, right transbian?
Rat-tat-tat-tat late at night with my gat
On the streets of L.A. wonderin' where the bussy at
Straight chaser, lookin' for a ho
Hangin' out, rollin' in my six-fo
ok but thats just kinda luck at that point
>How big
just over 7 inches
>And do you wish it was smaller? Do you plan on getting SRS?
no to both but that might change idk
not telling bc ur being mean :P
I'm going to get my first big girl job soon hopefully :)
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Most of the trannies left, chasers you can stop acting obnoxious and mean now.
the thread is way better like that then being full of simps
People only consider you obnoxious if they don't vibe with spergs
Wait, spice is british? I thought BNWO was an exclusively american thing
I think I’m obnoxious because I’m most active here when I’m either depressed or manic
that doesn’t make sense anon
>just over 7 inches
>no to both but that might change idk
You are just the perfect women aren't you? Big dicked bottoms are so fucking hot
Sad that there are people who don't vibe with spergs. They're missing out on all the best things in life.
Obnoxious and mean posters are almost always trannies crabbucketposting
Granted there are a couple known perturber men in the gen but they're outnumbered
thinking its just luck is precisely why you have an unpleasant looking waist
i think shes british, or else why would they be obsessed with spicebags
NTA but she's Irish and she lives online so she might as well be American because she only consumes American media and interacts mostly with Americans all day
She's Irish
Globalism has exported the same racial tensions all around the world it's funny when it happens in Europe/etc because there's 0 of the same cultural anxiety and tension that created it here in the US, they don't even have black people just Africans lol
i dont think i had been posting at that point, never too late :^)
No wonder she's so hot, irish boys make the best girls
yeah i know but if someone has a similar lifestyle but looks better then it literally is luck
i am trying to change it so dont be mean ok?
do people really think that? thats good
I try to not post much when I'm in those less favorable moods. I don't think it's good for others to have to deal with me when I'm like that. I still do, but I try not to and so post far less. I make an effort to share happy moods when I have them.
Where do you even post because I'm on the board all the time and have never seen you
You're not very obnoxious for a trip
what are you doing to change it?
I could potentially make a new tiermaker with you on it soon
lol bro
She likes that it's big so that she can fuck women
We had something similar in 2015/2016 with the migrant crisis, people started heavily fetishizing muslims, such that actresses like Mia Khalifa, an christian orthodox, started pretended to be a muslim wearing a hijab to profit of it.

People are weird when it comes to race stuff.
she mostly posted last fall or so
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I wish people called me attractive without me fishing for compliments >_< I just get ignored and forgotten bc not cute enough I guess.
Answer the QOTT first
You are annoying is why
I can't believe anyone is still fooled by stus act
here, just search my name and u will find some pics..
you gotta make a new discord though
>do people really think that? thats good
Some are insecure, I mean you're even bigger than I am, but honestly I find that hot when the bottom has a big dick flopping all around while getting fucked by their top.

Also great to have something to grab
kek look how she's writing in here. Thats 100% a bottom
You're really physically attractive but your constant bdd attention posting is really offputting.
stu's act is just getting attention
she doesn't like men, only women
I am a neet mostly, I have been trying to stream the past couple days and that shit is hard. Baiting people into paying me is not easy when my personality is rly bad
same with pretty much all the "bi" trannies
Stu was made to mother my transbian heirs so they can inherent my Miku figurines.
Am I supposed to pretend he is a tranny? I know for a fact Stu is a chaser he is hot and can pull women
Stu is a chad here to steal the trannies
>I am a neet mostly
aren't you some spoiled rich fuck?
-i mostly make my own hours so any other option available seems a lot worse
-Technically no, functionally yes
-no, but then I don't think I'd enjoy being a wagie either
if I could actually pick what to do, no monetary concerns, I'd explore a lot, see the world and disappear
Things you can do to make yourself more attractive and maybe even gf material

>invent time travel
>travel back in time to lower your body count
>travel back in time and stop yourself from doing porn
Being bisexual is a real thing, actually
There are definitely those who mistakenly use the ID in the interim because of all the brainworms about being a transbian boogeyman, but insisting it's all or even most of them is kinda silly
with tits like that?
Post the evidence I need to examine
It's good to keep yourself humble if you're attractive. Nobody else will.
don't worry I'm sure she'll post an unsee of them anytime now
I am attracted to men
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I'm not rich at all, my parents are well off. I'm definitely spoiled but it's not like they pay for my own apartment or anything so I can live alone. I just dont cost a lot of money to keep alive
How many committed relationships have you been in with men and how many with women
I believe you

Chasers are usually shit. They hate bi trannies because straight ones are at least are stuck dealing with them.
I don’t believe Stu has tits it’s impossible
smelly transbian hands typed this post
Yeah and tons of trannies including the bi ones hate bi men because they feel automatically invalidated by their sexuality
I'm 26 almost 27 there is no shot you expect me to be a virgin still.
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Gentlemen. Inspired by last thread, we're so back. Get to work.
you need to add an iris pic to it
wtf only transbians like her
Please no I can't get rated as mediocre 6 times in a row again. My pride cannot take it
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At this point I might as well be. I've dated enough men to be sick of you fuckers now. The big cocks aren't worth dealing with the rest of most men.

Self hating trannies love bi men actually. They feel its the best outcome.
>At this point I might as well be. I've dated enough men to be sick of you fuckers now. The big cocks aren't worth dealing with the rest of most men.
mtfg is that way ---->
Camo is cute keep seething
Too catty and filled with bickering tripfags. I like you guys I just like shitting on moids too sometimes.
scrolling through all these pics is making me believe that agp curls are a real thing
Have you seen how much better she's looked in the last few weeks? Whatever she did is working.
>Self hating trannies love bi men actually.
I mean, if you think you will never really pass, it's a sound choice. And as a bisexual chaser, those are my favorites. Especially when they are so early in the transition that you know they will pass eventually
This is why i never post my pics :D
I have your pics saved either way
Damn you, I wanted to play some dota, now I have to rank trips
>if you think you'll never pass
most online trannies eat sleep and breathe bdd. Literally all bi chasers have to do is not touch her dick unless she likes it.
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Nice lil bro what do u think of my gock
And be in the US lol
what about mine
Im 5’4 what do u expect
absolutely dangerously based top 5
still not included… what’s the point in getting foldered if can’t even get any clout from it?
There are multiple types of bi haters who think being with a bi man is stooping low, either because of general homophobia or because they're chasing straight men to use as a tool for gender validation. Can include either stealth hsts's or gigahons

It's funny how weird people interpret bisexuality from both sides, people friggin hate when boundaries are fluid
best list
which tranny are you?
>big dick flopping all around while getting fucked by their top
>Also great to have something to grab
how can i prove i have tits?
add me please
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use this pic
I'm putting you in the transbian tier
Whatever, transbian. I'll add you I guess.
yo whats it take to get added to the list
I don't understand how you could possibly perceive transbians as a threat unless you are just ridiculously bad as a chaser
you gotta post a video of you sucking on a dildo
perceiving them as a "threat" and just not wanting them around are two different things
yayyyy thank you!!
>What do you work with?
back end developer with some devops
>Do you enjoy your job?
love the job but the career can be really annoying, linkedin is the worst thing to happen to this career ever
>If so, do you enjoy being a NEET?
I genuinely don't understand how someone could enjoy being poor. I guess NEET failsons exist too, they are probably having a good time (for now).
Being a known poster including face pics usually
Nevermind, it's this actually yeah
No no no friend the fear is that the girl youre dating is secretly a transbian who only uses you for validation and then leaves you. Happens a lot more than you think.
Added. But that other anon isn't me? Regardless.
Post yourself? Give me something to work with.
It's the same shared fear that your SO will do the worst possible thing (become like you)
Trannies fear you will become a tranny
Chasers fear you will become a chaser
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>Being a known poster
there goes my chances im too new
anyway my body pics are on archive so have my face here too
oh ok then thank you not him
Holy fuck, is that you? You are fucking hot
Damn, the girl with the fat ass is a hottie
trip on stu
thanks, i started going to the gym recently too for the first time in like 9 years
its only gonna get better from here
when have i ever complimented myself?
>when have i ever complimented myself?
when you were calling yourself the most alpha chaser or whatever
I like having them around.
Spoon or no spoon me still eating poo
So true. This is why bi4bi is the best, theres nowhere to go.
Real cutie. You're added.
because i am B(
I love them.
It's over for jadebros...
they already have their own gens
What are you yapping about, whore
Yeah its called chasergen I wanna fuck trans women.
i’m not a trip but i post nudes occasionally. i think maybe this is my most recognizable pic?
Everyone mogs me bc I have ugly bdd insecure personality
I thought for the longest time you were pura
Kill yourself. We were having a nice thread until this.
You're relentless. This can be a compliment or insult, your choice.
Oh yeah, talking about Stu being a transbian for the sixteenth time is a real nice thread. Don't worry, you'll get another shot at the thread of your dreams.
I already have this one in your folder
Time to play tarkov to dissociate and forget I'm a brick
Workout instead of playing dumb moid games
that’s one of the downsides to not being a trip. i get called spicebag sometimes just because we both have hips
yeah i’m in the folders but i want to be on the tier list :/
you gotta drop your discord sometime
Squeaky wheel gets the oil anon.
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my one and only purpose in life is to serve my girlfriend and treat her like the princess she is
damn bros I wanna get added to the disgusting fat chaser's list
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Show daddy your developing breasts babe, I'll slide you right in there next to troon 386 and troon 387
What does this mean
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I do work out I'm trying to make my ass bigger right now and you can't both gain weight in one area and lose it in another at the same time. My hips have gotten kinda bigger I think
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Did the lower rows properly, with ranking within the category, but there are just too many passoids. Still tried to roughly order by hotness within each category
add add add
idc which, im bad at picking
I could say a bunch of mean things about this but I won't
great list, 10/10, love it
I wish these tierlists had their own thread instead of derailing chasergen . not cozy 0/10
srsly girl, you are really hot. Also knowing how you look naked, you're one of my top tier trannies now :)
>quicker threads
>gets more sluts in here
Nah this is what we needed
No one's stopping you from cornyposting at the same time we can have both
jannies delete tier list threads
go bust a nut somewhere else you fucking disgusting fatass creep
mental-illness-mogs me to death
solid bait, i was mad for a second, well done.
i speak for all of us: we're not sorry and it will happen again

I wish i was a neet so bad. all i ever wanna do is dick around on 4channel and reddit all day
but because hons have to be walking stereotypes, im a software engineer with a physics degree...
Quick update: Removed Spicebag.
this isn't the transbian thread
Yep. I feel like the dudes making these don't really even fuck trannies, they just fap to them.
>i speak for all of us: we're not sorry and it will happen again
lol you look like you no one's mad
Push yourself harder, or change your diet. You got a couch bod still. Makes your skin look loose, because it is. Some things you have no control over but thats one thing you do.
why do you like spice so much
yeah, but i like talking to chasers. refer to >>36365039 RE: validation
I don't even know most of the trannies, but I like it as an excercise of learning what the trips look like. It's educational
a quick fap is about all half of the trips on this board are good for
I'm mostly gay so I like how long/angular her face is and how she looks pretty masculine and has a penis
im happy to be good for something
>yeah, but i like talking to chasers
yes you like farming male attention like every other transbian
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Not trying to be mean but you post like youre new to 4chan. If you're new you aught to leave. This place fucking sucks Reddit is nicer.
No idea who Sarah is and I don't care
I'm a simple man... She has a hot body and likes to share nudes
:) thanks babe
i mean i don’t fuck chasers irl either
She's 17. You're better than this.
who are you on the tier list?
I'm retarded, ofc. meant to answer to >>36365424
16 actually but ya
Yeah i bet you need lots of validation. I get mine from the mirror :)
Sarahbros, not like like this......
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disgusting fat fucks try not to ruin threads with their disgusting goonerism: impossible challenge
Gigachad transbian caveman phenotype
At least when she was tripfagging last year she claimed to be 19, so would be 20 by now
good! i dont like making people mad
youre crazy, some of them are really good looking. jennie, for example. but she has a bf, i think.
yeah thats what im saying
ive been on 4chan since 2008, off and on. im new(ish) to /tttt/ tho. ill be alright, but i appreciate your concern. and when people are too mean for me i absolutely do retreat to reddit.
I think you don't know what passing means
She lies. She always lies. It's been proven she's underage.
The trannies on this board are doing too well. We have to knock them down a peg.
Bro don't talk to sarah that way
Yeah the only interesting trannies on this board are anons but that's self-explanatory given the blatant mental illness of most trips
And how should I know? Count her cock rings?
>This place fucking sucks Reddit is nicer.
all of you zoomers should fuck off back to plebbit/tiktok/twitter where you came from
>hes talking about me
he's a fat fuck who's nice to people who indulge his fatfuck goonerism, the only language he understands is lewd one
im not on anyone's tier list. this trip is only a couple months old, and anyway i dont think i want to be on tier lists. i dont think id do too well
happy for you, sis
Probably not you specifically but I've talked to a total of 3 trannies, all anons, and they were equally cute or cuter than most trips but without the severe mental illness and need for constant validation from strangers which for me is a huge plus
maybe 25% of the trips on this board are real ones/have interesting personalities

but a lot of them are just soulless,narcissistic attention whores
Welcome to /tttt/ you will not enjoy your stay.
>but a lot of them are just soulless,narcissistic attention whores
Exactly. They also have completely different personalities in private than the fake ones they try to pull off when tripfagging.
>interesting personalities
like who anon
chasers are all shit
so why did you say the list made you mad?
Someone else's passing is subjective to an outside individual
It's not to the tranny, it's defined by an amalgamation of all combined subjective perspectives
One person rating can't evaluate an objective measure of that, it's just saying "I automatically perceive this person as a woman"
She's deluded as fuck dude she gets absolutely btfo'd and immediately convinces herself it's perfectly fine and actually she's hot and cool
Insane type of person normally found on reddit but she landed here
do you really want me to name them?
and how did you land here?
you fucking beached whale disgusting motherfucker
you would perceive a potato as a woman as long as if posted nudes of itself you pig man
ive been mostly having fun so far, as long as i dont post face. 4chan has always been kind of a breath of fresh air for me. since like 2014 anyway. nowadays literally just calling YOURSELF a tranny is grounds for a permanent ban most places.
because a lot of very attractive and passable girls are labeled "hon"
idk why i cant just be actually fine, but alright.
Youre describing me :p
Ok im mentally ill im just not annoying about it
I give you permission to name me
But I mean there are at least some objective markers we should all agree on. Like Jennies not a hon. She has like at least the wholemarks of a women. Meanwhile have you looked at the recent pictures of marie where you can see her beard stubbles?
Yeah I wanna see if Im interesting.
You're a babe and a good girl for being anonymous and not annoying
>I give you permission to name me
I don't know which one you are
but bro, jennie was mean to his fat ass, that totally means she's a hon
If you're all just going to keep arguing I'll drop the zip file full of trip images so everyone else can keep this going after everything gets deleted.

I often get mistook for a chaser so yeah im basically one of the boys *hair flip*
get a better pic for beloved spice
keep the chaos going
Shit. I was going to take her out of the folder.
truly the only reason to call her a hon
Just thinking about building a discord app that allows ppl to vote on tranny pics to make it an objective measurement of consensus amongst chasers
sounds rad, do it
shes literally a child you freak
Jennie is visibly trans and cute and that's okay
i use to be a provincial park warden. rode around in a big f150 telling people to not throw garbage in the fucking lake.

the best part was telling drunk college dwellers to stop being so fucking loud. especially when i can hear them across the park at my staff house.
So you want only tranners voting on it? Doesn't sound very objective.
This idea will eventually kill someone. I highly advise against it. You dont want that tranny blood on your chaser hands.
Great wisdom here it must be heeded
Too late, the Java IDE has already started, now there is no going back
I just wanna complain about having no friends in peace :<
Post your most recent drawing
The weird tierposting will calm down in a while, don't worry
Sorry Autmn, but your army of simps is currently occupied... They'll praise you again once their little cum crusted fingers are finished jerking off to the tierlists
God help us
god damn
trannies are gonna eat each other alive
Yeah, this is real enterprise shit now
im gonna go masturabate... cause u people are MEAN to me
don't hump the pillow too hard
best to worst tier of chaser?

fat ugly bastard chaser
prisongay chaser
rapist roidmonkey chaser
scat fetish chaser
obvious bottom repper that watches anime with you chaser
married with a piss fetish chaser

keep in mind most of these have zero rizz, ugly, and work shit jobs
And what are you gonna masturbate to?
I feel like you have a very bad view on chasers
fat ugly bastard chasers score all the hotties
good leave the thread
Stus belly pics from earlier today
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it looks like shit
i dont want simps
Yeah if you're making a tier list you have to accept that you have severe empathetic retardation. Ranking and sorting swaths of real people and calling half of them ugly hons is crazy

Be a horny retard but don't be a shitty horny retard, bros
I know how to get fat, but whats the best way to get bald?
you can thank your tier list making friend for that
fucking gross
Posts that go hard
>i dont want simps
what about knights?
This is good. It looks like you if you were a Foederati.
mid lol
>i dont want simps
Then why do you foster them so much?
gonna masturbate to stu's moid love handles, she's such a passoid ong
i just wish i could find a chaser into a nice "mtf" manmoder
don't wasnt sex even, just cuddling
the knight of Astora hasn’t posted in months, I fear he’s abandoned my kingdom for another
thanks, it’s meant to be a Goth
I don’t really think I do
ngl. I probably would
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happy Canada day chaserbros :3
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Im gunna be fuckin sick
im not gunna be good enough
If it's a Goth it should probably be a little more light haired
>I don’t really think I do
Yet you have the most loyal simps in all of chasergen...
nice butt canadanon im also canadian wanna get high and smoke canada dry togetrher? :3
>the knight of Astora hasn’t posted in months, I fear he’s abandoned my kingdom for another
*toots royal trumpet*
Autumn really got to much that box damn you win this time transbians
ill take it
you absolutely can. probably not here, but youll find him, i believe in you.
how are we gonna smoke ginger ale

dumb bottom
iris better.. https://archiveofsins.com/data/lgbt/image/1696/56/1696563662080748.jpg
seems light to me?
then why don’t I have any friends
Wow she's cute
yes iris you're better than stu congrats on being better than a turbohon
she's got nice ass and tits too
kill yourself
type of gigapassoid I won't believe until I see the dong
girls with big butts
My google search history
Ok forget it, I'm not going to do it. I don't want the hassle of dealing with personal data under gdpr, especially if it's user submitted pictures of potentially underage trannies, who as I know how awful you all are, will probably be even illegal nudes...

Maybe if I find a way to use discord itself for hosting the pictures, but not gonna take any risk to download them onto my server
she had the pp censored in the nudes I saw of her, but you could tell that she's a tranny
AAAAAAAAAA I FEEL BAD! I don't like being alive because I'm not good enough to be liked by being myself!
>then why don’t I have any friends
Because simps aren't friends dummy... Maybe look for people who share your interests rather than people whose only interest is you
very carefully. I meant weed but my brain farted and we got ginger ale smoking
You're cute and really insecure and thats kind of cute but its really unhealthy and annoyed
It's still brown hair. A Goth should look like this.
>Maybe if I find a way to use discord itself for hosting the pictures, but not gonna take any risk to download them onto my server
couldn't you just make a discord server for it?
i dont like being a hon :(
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camo in passoid tier..goals!!!
I've been a neet for the past 4 monthes after Uni, i'm sending applications but no one answers, i've been doing amateur shoots and odd jobs here and there since
this pic slays me every time
You Have Autism And Are Also Stupid
Would 100%
I thought about making a similar pic for sarah's insane transbian honfidence itt but I'm trying to end my mean arc
Yes. And?
ur not a hon babe... i still love u
The thing is, how I'm thinking about it, I don't want to have the pictures public, but rather have users submit pictures, probably with some challange, so people only ever upload pictures of their own (I don't want any tranny to be dragged into that without their knowledge or consent), that need to be verified by a mod. So the picture must be shared privately with the bot, which then sends it to a mod for verification.

If I'd just let people post pictures in a channel this would be easy, but I'm not awful, I don't want this to be an absolute nightmare for the trannies involved
i don't like weed it makes me sleepy and paranoid
Stu ur not a hon ur very cute don't let the dumb fucks discourage you when you're just starting.
Bros... It's so veiny.
i gave her red hair, which is common among Germanic peoples, even if she had brown hair, that wouldn’t have been impossible either
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i think lb looks good without makeup..thoughts?
>don't wasnt sex even, just cuddling
You gotta work on yourself
oh i just meant java. the project is fine as long as you leave kids out of it.
You're way too nice about this. Man up
you should still find some way to do it

for science
Is this real? Do i really mog her like that?
Ah ah ah not so fast


>In ancient sources, the Goths are always described as tall and athletic, with light skin, blonde hair and blue eyes.[233][234]
this is the mean thread now, you can thank the tier list making chasers for that
passable without makeup, sure. good? eh. mid-tier late 30s white woman.
Damn of course circumcised... I almost forgott that this is a thing in the US
How does one work on a better personality? I feel like when I'm confident it's bad but it's also bad when I'm annoying and bdd begging for validation and attention
she posted this herself
It's actually insane how many cute trans girl post on this site and even share nudes with us slimy chasers for validation

My personal top 5 is probably MWAHnon, NerdyLucy, Angel, LB and Sashaa
Autumn is a little Baltic Latvian slut for Gothic cock
Why do people not like Java? If you search for resources on the Discord API, you'll find the top results being JavaScript, Python and Java... And I'm not gonna use an API I don't know well with a non statically typed language

And love it or hate it, but Java just works
DNA says otherwise, and Greek and Roman descriptions are famously untrustworthy
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nice top 5
I wish mean shit wasn't so funny
She clearly passes... as a middle aged xanax abusing mother
autumn was built to fart on chaser cock
eco friendly vibrating pocket bussy
i for one welcome the era of passoid julie
People like honesty and humility. First step is accepting who you are, second is to embrace it. Youre an unapologetic whore, own it, youll get a lot of haters but you should be too busy having fun to even notice
No it does not and I can prove you wrong. Check under the DNA section of that article.
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Your very pretty, its honestly making me feel uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh
i have no idea if i’m still in a relationship or not and i probably won’t until they’re out of the ward in a few weeks
awh thank you <3
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cute angel
You're breedable
Too bad she found someone to dick her down but also happy for her
because its incapable of coexisting with the rest of your machine peacefully, "Hello World" in java is like fifteen times longer than any halfway decent language, the tooling sucks (compare "python path/to/script" vs "mvn gradle up --build && mvn --download-dependencies pre-build && gradle run && mvn pkg "), and you dont even get speed out of the trade-off. You want a fast, vm based language? use C#. You want to build something quickly? Python. What does java even do well??
look, just use Python with typehints or TypeScript. Its way better and easier.
whaaaat, what happened??
Good pic
Weird vibe when girls are only here because they're lonely and need validation and then leave when they become happy
A system built to be fucked up
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transbean passoids
Blanchardbros, it wasn't supposed to be like this....
Im not lonely and i dont need validation i just like tranny banter
But I fucking hate being a whore I hate that I have to show off my disgusting man body to get anyone to talk to me I don't even look hot enough to justify it which is why people don't like me. Like if I was an early transitioner my mental retardation would be fine and maybe even cute but I'm not.
the only reason they're able to do it is because the simps let them
im not just starting but ok
why does it matter? i really sont get why ppl care
like i know that its not a good thing to do to a baby but why does it make someone less attractive to so many ppl?
Not just for fapping, They need to be held kissed cuddled and cherished, they are all deserving of love and sex
Not even a little bit jealous. I'm admiring.
such is true for all Balts..
I do things other than fart, frog!!!
everyone knows Germans have red hair!! stop making me grumpy!!
this is those straight trannies that I was telling you about
You're literally baby trans with zero surgeries shut up you dumb biiiiiiiiiiiitch
Taking a moment to thank God for his beautiful creation making trannies with a hole in their butt perfectly designed for my cock
>I do things other than fart, frog!!!
playing with legos

youre delusional. youre cute as hell. if you hate being an e-whore thats one thing but dont gaslight yourself into thinking youre no good at it.
And i the shittiest chaser
I have many hobbies ..including cool adult ones >:(
Goths weren't Germans they were East Germanics from Scandinavia. You need to brush up on your history autism.
im not dumb ur dumb
>including cool adult ones
I thought you didn't want people to know about those....
We don't talk about autumn's plappies
Im worse than all of them combined because im not valid as a human being to begin with

they started as East Germanics from Scandinavia, but had a lot of mixing, it says so in the article
>What does java even do well??
Language design stability. I've learned C# in 09 at a similar time as Java whenever I get back to C# into a new project, it's fucking crazy, the code does not loke a bit like just a few years ago. While I can easiely always go to a java 22(?) codebase and it's except for a few quality of life features which are easiely understood still the same.
This is why Java and C are the most successful languages. You can sit someone who just learned it on a Project thats 20 years old and the can work on it just fine. Similarly, you can take a developer who hasn't used the language for 20 years and havethem build a new project on the newest technologies from scratch.
It's for someone whis 1. old and 2. uses like 10 different languages on a more or less regular basis, such a relief

I like python for small scripts, but the lack of type support (even with typehints) is driving me mad. C# is besides the instability in language design also fucking annoying with the 3 different runtimes (.Not, .NotCore, Mono), plus the extra stuff (Xamarin, GTK#, WPF) that for a humble multi OS user like me it just not an option. I want something I write once and use anywhere.
If you read the study you'll see that they were still blonde. You can't outsperg a sperg. Here's what it says

>Although the exact phenotypes of the studied individuals are unknown, the estimated population-wide allele frequencies at loci associated with hair, skin, and eye colours [67] indicated that, on average, individuals in both groups were blond haired, light skinned, and blue eyed (Additional file 2: Table S2).
if we’re transbians then why wasn’t I invited to her vtm campaign , checkmate chasers B)
Im hornier than Zeus but me being touch starved is more of an issue for me

Cuddling sounds nice

Hope you find a cuddle buddy
You say you don't want simps but you won't admit you're in transbians with her because then you'll lose your simps, curious
>you won't admit you're in transbians with her because then you'll lose your simps, curious
that's like half the trannies on this board
well I’m not a historian, I’m just an artist, and the vast majority of references on Goths depict them with blonde, red, and brown hair, so that’s what I drew
>yfw java dying out
Go is the new hotness anon, didnt you know?
C is totally respectable, i get that 100%
>I want something I write once and use anywhere.
TypeScript. even as bloated as it is, it will still play nicer with the rest of the OS than something that preallocates all of the memory you have regardless of how much it actually needs.
Operating systems are cooperative environments, and java doesnt make friends.
People like you, your just self destructive

People liked me but i was self destructive

Don't be like me jade, you're just going to end up........ Alone :(

Take your meds jade <3
Also to add to that >>36366320
Typescript is fucking shit. It's a bandaid over JavaScript that no one fucking uses. In pretty much any TS project I need to use the Any type at least once, because some smartass mcleetcoder thought that it would be great to have dynamically constructed classes at runtime rather than static type definitions...

Also not to mention that the typescript typesystem is inconsistent over the union type, allowing you if you have a list of number or list of strings, to mix number and strings... not to mention the missing int and char types...

Typescript is a massive improvement over javascript, but because it must be compatible to it, it's still shit
You're not a hon, you're beautiful im not going to go into detail about how i feel seeing you as its incredibly nsfw
hon? you are probably the hottest tranny in this thread rn
That's fine I just wanted to sperg out about my special interest
i dont care about, or want simps
Yes im feeling incredibly flustered and aroused
>that no one fucking uses
are you high??? everyone uses it, even if only in the form of jsdocs. i dont even know how to not use it, that sounds like a hellfuck nightmare
>inconsistent over the union type, allowing you if you have a list of number or list of strings, to mix number and strings...
how is that inconsistent?? type things how you want them typed?? strings are not allowed in number[] etc.
>not to mention the missing int and char types...
thats a JavaScript issue. TypeScript cant model things that dont exist.
>but because it must be compatible to it, it's still shit
backward compatibility is the bane of all languages, tbf. Python arguably has it even worse
i don’t wanna talk about the details. but the last time they were put in the ward they broke up with me over text the moment they were allowed to have their phone back. so i’m expecting as much as this time too :\
are you really gonna toss your knights aside like that?
You can look at other trans women and give tell them that they're being negative but you can can't do that yourself

You need to talk to yourself and see yourself the way other people see you

As cute

Be the best you that you can be jade
>Go is the new hotness anon, didnt you know?
Yep, go is on my list of things to try out, together with Erlang, Lisp and Zig
>Operating systems are cooperative environments, and java doesnt make friends.
I agree, but as long as you can stay within the java ecosystem it works fine. That said the JNI is a nightmare

>strings are not allowed in number[] etc.
Behold the beauty of an inconsistent typesystem:
function insertNumber<T>(arr: (T|number)[], num: number) {

let arr: string[] = ["Hello", "World"];
insertNumber(arr, 42);
for (let s of arr) {
thats so cute!
your life is a nightmare, jen. im praying for you girl, you deserve better.
go is actually pretty fun, even if i despise some of the philosophy behind their module system
>Behold the beauty of an inconsistent typesystem
anon discovers that any|x is equivalent to any for all x
>anon discovers that any|x is equivalent to any for all x
Look closer, thats not the issue, the issue is that I can feed an array of string into array of T|number, and treat it as array of string afterwards. A strict typesystem should never allow you to push a number in an strict array of string. If I string[], there should never ever end a number in there, at least not without an explicit cast.
bro you didnt type it as an array of strings. you gave a function that takes any[] an argument of string[]. if you tell the type system to give up you cant complain that it gave up.
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Thank u....
No I didn't tell the typesystem anything, there is not a single explicit cast in here. The only correct behavior (which you can see if you try the same in e.g. Haskell, which has a properly and mathematically provable coherent typesystem) is an error.

The compiler should shout at me that whatever I do here is undermining the typesafety of the program
uh look at this if you havent pls >>36366407
Why doesn't she love me back....
Not our problem you're a freak and creep and disgusto
when you use any, youre telling the compiler you dont care about types. it literally stops inspecting at that point. thats just how it works lol. so dont do that if its not what you want
Yes, I get that, the problem is not the passing to the function, the problem is the side effect taking effect after the function. Calling a function should not change the type of the variables you pass as parameters.

In that example arr is of type string[] before the call to insertNumber, but is effectively of type (string|int)[] after the call. But the worst thing is, that the tooling still thinks it is of type string[] afterwards.

So not just does the type change implicetly, which is a fucking no-go for a statically and explicetly typed language, the tooling recognizes it as the old type afterwards, which is just plainly wrong.
thats because typescript doesn't exist at runtime. the compiler trusts that you know what youre signing up for when you disable it for sections of your code.
it doesn't change the array's type from typescript's perspective. if you try to push a number to it afterwards it'll tell you thats wrong. the compiler just closes its eyes inside the function, because you told it to. thats why i use --noImplicitAny
anyway, this thread is dying. it was nice to have someone talk to me about something normal, with neither of us begging the other for attention. i had fun, and it was nice to meet you!
>the compiler trusts that you know what youre signing up for when you disable it for sections of your code
Which is what I mean with it is inconsistent, it allows you to circumvent typechecks and end up in an undefined/errorneous state
>i had fun, and it was nice to meet you!
You don't know but we had plenty of discussions today :P

But yeah I agree, was nice meeting you
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don't @ me
how many of these trannies have you talked to 1 on 1?
first time seeing your face, I saw your magnum dong and stomach first.
you're cute
that's personal
you cut out the feet =/
so cute
I've talked to almost every tranny on your tier list 1 on 1
This list is absurd, what are you smoking
jealousy is ugly luna

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