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prev >>36549266

QOTT: what's your favorite industrial or nu-metal band?
also do the polls: do you have social dysphoria? are you gonna manmode forever?
gotta say limp bizkit i think they’re the most overhated band in existence.
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NIN, KoЯn, SOAD, Orgy, and Celldweller all kind of define my musical taste growing up but there's a lot of other stuff in there from Ministry and Rob Zombie to Chemlab and Machines of Loving Grace all the way up to even stupider modern stuff that departs entirely like MSI and a lot of genres oriented entirely around the amen break and loud bass...
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deeply unserious website
stabbing westward and spineshank
i dont know any industrial or nu-metal bands, that music hurts my ears
>stabbing westward
based I'm obsessed with this one remix from the crow
new to me
nathanmoders have it harder than anyone
imagine having a full head of hair but looking like an axe murderer
come to think of it that would be pretty cool desu
LITERALLY me. people are terrified of my hulking 6'3" frame
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giwtwm going bald sucks

I actually wish I was taller
any other notimportantmoders in chat
my malebrained, autistic interests make it so that the only people i can interact with are other equally autistic moids on this website
same tbdesu
my need to be topped has grown so much, im starting my first dating profile
which one... what do you list yourself as... do you post pics... what if you get a 40 lb box of rape or a box full of aids..
Chad from a few months ago texted me to hookup again- I am not a Pump n dump thank god
I just started my first Grindr, it's nice getting a little validation but I'm still too early transition to do anything with anyone and I look like a man with my short hair :((
im doing bumble. i havent finished it yet, but i will put pics up
also, ill prob put NB & describe being a manmoder just to be honest

but ill be able to choose since its bumble :3
oh the only girls can swipe app... idk why but that makes me feel like I'd somehow be invading a space I don't belong in...
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thats why im putting NB rn. get to swipe first, filter people who are okay w/ trans people (& prob more open to manmoders), etc...
so. f*cken. epic... w00t
if i go outside they'll see me tits
if i wear a bra they can see the straps
if i order a binder they would see the box
my parents don't accept me for being transgender. but they'll never admit it to my face
if i go out with tits i still have an Adam's apple
i got laser but still have beard shadow
if i get laser again what do i do? show up in men's clothing to get laser? honmode? i don't even want to be a woman. i don't want to be a man
i want to be alone. i don't want you sick people looking at me and deciding im trans or a woman or a man and i just can't escape from the stereotypes or the labels no matter what i wear fuck all of you demons torturing me in hell
if i go outside in a hoodie it's weird and everyone points it out. if i look in the mirror self-consciously i have to hide it. my dad will see me look in the mirror and say stop. if i wear a bra they'll see the lines showing through my clothes. if i layer up in the heat they notice it and comment on it. and my tits. he said they look just like a real woman's but that ill never be one. but also im bipolar, im sick, i need to he on medication, i need to get off estrogen, i need therapy, when i get therapy they don't believe my therapist. oh but he thinks he's so fucking left liberal because he reads the new york fucking times and his birthday is coming up and i have to be nice to him and him comparing the Confederate flag to the trans flag was just free speech and he loves me so much and he's so sorry for spanking me as a kid and the school that kicked me out was just over capacity and they had nothing against me personally and the therapist that days i have autism is just confused because i feel so much empathy and im so funny
they never believe me
it's a contradiction. i can't have tits and an Adam's apple I can't get surgery if im not a woman. i cant be a woman if i don want to fuck men I can't be a man if i have tits and i can't do this I can't do this I don't know what to wear I don't know what to say bipolar borderline adhd everyone treating me like im crazy and trying to diagnose me but if I actually get a diagnosis deny deny deny everything's fine there were never any signs im Transgender and they don't acknowledge it they never bring it up except To use it against me to out me to the neighbors and my grandparents as trans and then to continue to misgender me at home and then when i slam my head against the wall it's all my fault I'm just crazy
i can't hide anymore. everyone knows. but i can't not hide either. i have to pretend to be a detransitioner. i have to torture myself
i just wanna take a knife and cut myself open right in front of my parents just to see the look of shock on their faces
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stop throwing dishes at the wall
i am not entitled to pronouns
i am not entitled to acceptance
i am not entitled to a name change
i am not entitled to anything
i do not deserve anything
no one owes me anything
i have been given more than i deserved. why am i so ungrateful?
why shouldn't they be able to fly the Confederate flag when you get to fly the trans flag? don't fall them Nazis. it's inaccurate and inflammatory. what do you mean you don't have a trans flag? you're obviously trans and i told the neighbors and your grandparent without asking you first. also, im not using your new name. how about i buy you some men's shirts son? would that help show you how much i love you and accept transvestites? trans stands for transvestite, right?
I'll buy you men's skirts. look I googled it and they make skirts for men now? here, my friend gifted me a kilt, try it on! wow you look so good in it. now that you know i accept you it's time for a haircut. don't worry, we'll take you to the salon. wow! you're short hair is so handsome now!! i- i mean beautiful. the nice people at the salon are so so accepting!!!
I'll use your they them pronouns sometimes but it's too hard for me because im old okay? she her? no i couldn't ever do that it's too hard for me okay? you never showed any signs of being trans. here, take this ANTIDEPRESSANT. what do you mean isn't it illegal to share medication. just try the pill. good boy. why'd you quit after only three days? it made you feel sick? that's normal. you have to take them for longer for them to start working. stop taking the estrogen it's making you too emotional. we don't want you to have another outburst and hurt yourself again
I won't accept you as trans but I'll also tell everyone that you're trans and that I'm really progressive for accepting you also please detransition. i also accept you being bisexual but don't talk about men it grosses me out. but do talk about girls i talk about hot chicks in front of my wife all the time and it's funny and normal. but don't say any gay shit son we're eating at the dinner table. no one wants to hear their family member's sexcapades. disgusting. now let me tell you about this girl i dated before i met your mom damn that pussy sure was good i still dream about her sometimes hahaha isn't that funny??
as scary and lonely as it gets sometimes and as much as it hurts when I think about my past (which is all the time especially when I'm asleep) I'm actually grateful to be finally completely alone and I will be even when it kills me - everyone is just so full of shit, every single one born to do noting but lie and consume and excrete and then die, nothing sincere or valuable to be found in any of them except platitudes and self-serving manipulation no matter their social link or hierarchical relationship to you like being "family" or "friends"
we think you have a mental disorder and need therapy and medication. no, not estrogen. antipsychotics. also we don't believe what your therapist is saying get a new therapist . we love and accept you and want the best for you please don't transition. see , the new therapist agrees it's too early to transition. oh , you're already on estrogen? i don't believe you i see no difference. now lift up your shirt and show daddy your tits wow!!! they look exactly like a real woman's... haha so weird too bad you'll never be he one. i love you, son
SEX ammo
today is a new exciting day full of possibilities!
except that of ever passing
walking around with my tits OUT in the MIDDLE of the NIGHT in the PARK drunk and HIGH where i WAIT for the RAPIST to RAPE my boy BUTT but the RAPE never Comes
Cum, like from my euphoria boner AGP ASE AGAMP MEF MTX RIP F
no one ever rapes my ass
balding old man head
hairy wrinkly man ass
no ass flat ass male butt
gay sex gay rape no one raped my ass today
straight man straight rape if he rapes me then i pass tonight, baby
in the middle of the street shouting "im on drugs!!" waiting for the rapist to notice my vulnerability and come get me. save me from my internalized Transphobia is the boymoder mating call of the wild but i have too much Schizophrenia and Brain Damage and i am not even a boymoder
and the devil is 6 and the devil is 6
anime catgirl mating call meow meow im a grown man meowing at my mom like Chris Chan it's the call of the wild that's drawing me near to the rules i will not adhere smoke the meth yeah
i rape countries i rape cultures i rape continents
spiritual rape
metaphysical rape
t. ransbian rapehon autopedophile (APP)
transbian Columbus please rape me i am the naked native cisbian native to the america omg is that a gun? please don't hurt me i promise to respect your pronoun oh my good ooh ouch my cis lesbian vulva my clit my vagina stop grabbing me by the pussy like donald trump oof oww it hurts so bad but my pussy is self lubricating i am so wet and cumming against my own will i don't consent to cumming please don't rape me transbian Columbus I'm an innocent naked native American cisbian
fuck june you’re so fucking sexy let me hit
its even bettter that you’re a raging cunt pleaseeeeeee
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not a fan of the current meta
retards gotta retard
i should post nude with full face and write nigger faggot and tranny all over my body to prove i am racist and ruin my life forever i should post my phone number email and home address I should dump all my browsing history and passwords and accounts and login information I should give you my credit card and social security number i should
i have ban evaded over nine billion times please why can't you permaban me why??? are you fucking stupid i hate you i hate you i hate you i just had to he sexist i hate sexist men like me who pretend to be trans as if that excuses their sexism and racism and sexual assault public masturbation and outing real gay people and harassing real trans people
it's your fault you're giving your parents mixed signals if they use your name and pronouns they're outing you if they don't they're misgendering you and you're on estrogen and yet you dress like a man it's retarded you're retarded your posts are retarded I hate you you deserve this it's your fault
manmoding isn't real you're just another autistic rapist pedophile and your parents can hear you masturbation to loli shota femboy hentai tranny porn shemale videos lesbian furry gurro alll nightt long
shoutout to my dick she's an autistic lesbian, too.
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it would be pretty cute to explore Sam's Cavern if you know what i mean
oh my god no OH MY GOD i hate prin so much right now I HATE PRIN SO MUCH RIGHT NOW
your highness pronouns for my dick girl don't be a turf cum on suck it lick it
>my existence
the ultimate narcissist
transgender=mentally ill
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bro I ain't ever seen this many piggies in one place they were serious about this guy it sounded like they were gonna shoot him
I look underage, estrogen really is the youth serum
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>he I mean they
I repressed for longer than I should and now my life will forever be shit because I didn’t use my time repressing improving aspects of life but instead neeting and losing friends
Transitioning often feels like just a desperate attempt to find my own identity but the truth is I simply aren’t a real human or a person but scum on earth
By every single account I should have been dead long ago
But no
Time to repress again this time on e
5 days of roaxcing so far
Literally only get out of bed to puss and eat.
Not even using my phone for anything, just sleeping or staring at the wall or hugging my blanket and imagining it’s something that loves me.
Well Korn ofc, along with Slayer its one of the only two listenable nu-metal bands
i wish estrogen did something
Hon dose
>”i wish hrt wasn’t a placebo”
>”anon, i think you’re just being hondosed”
some might say this is a story as old as time
skill issue
>174.9 on the scale
I can do one more day
If i ask my doctor for ozempic he will laugh at me but i’m serious
try to find something to do with your time and see if you can make some friends doing it, even if that's only online to start
transitioning from giant hulking autistic monster to giant hulking autistic monster with tits
so valid bestie <3
Every friend I made us disgusted by me
None of them actually care
Half of them I can’t even come out to cause they are transphobic and I’m not even a real tranny so I would tank be he optics
My only real I friend I’m afraid to come out to for the same reason, he will see he as a weird freak
I’m just non human
Friends are all just abandoning me the first chance or straight up abuse me
I hate myself too so I can’t help but reinforce the pity
make better friends
Hello brosisters. Haven't lurked in a while, how's Frenchie doing, did she quit the board by now?
nazi boy is glowing (and mogging me) over in his gross little containment gen >>>/lgbt/agpg
summon ame chan
my twink voice and feminine mannerisms look out of place
need to start laser
do it, make it happen somehow, it's worth it
I haven't shaved in days and my upper lip is so smooth and has almost no shadow holy shit I didn't think I'd ever have this
should I get laser or electrolysis if I have dark brown hair?
idk, google it, what's near you and what kind of lasers do they have and how well do they work with your skin+hair combo? electro tends to be more painful, more expensive, and harder to find but also more directly effective and permanent
probably gonna go with electrolysis not to waste my money
good luck, I couldn't find a place nearby that wasn't booked out for years, so I've rolled the dice on laser and been very happy with the results (it has just taken a lot of time)
what do I tell others if they ask me why I don't have facial hair?
>eat shit and die
>suck my dick
>why do you care
>thanks for noticing
>swift kick to the nuts
take your pick
what if these people are my parents?
then I recommend the first two options, specifically
whether hrt or laser or both people are gonna notice and you'll have to cope
I don't want them to notice, but should I tell people I'm on HRT to twinkmaxx?
yeah man that's totally something people will get and not just look at you like you're fucking crazy for
what's crazy about wanting to look young?
idk your personality or inner demons but i tried saying that to my mom and within 30 minutes she had me admitting all kinds of stuff abt my gd, trauma and even sh over the years. oops. my mom is especially perceptive though.
I can't tell what kind of conversation this is
that would make things very awkward, I literally just look like a male
what does that have to do with anything? i'm just saying, if there's more to the whole story than "i want to be a twink" be careful telling your parents a half truth. my mom knows me well and the signs were obvious in hindsight so she pushed a lot out of me earlier than i was ready. if that isn't the case with you then go wild i guess but yeah they're going to think you're crazy if you insist on that...
my mother thinks I'm gay but only through a really stupid story and I never insisted I am straight or anything; everyone else thinks I am a straight normal guy
i'm converting to gay
lucky ill never be able to tell my mom anything like this because she’ll kick me out
okay but do you want to be a woman?? do you plan on actually transitioning? if so then don't bother telling your parents some bs abt twinkmaxxing it's just going to damage your trust when you troon out. that's my two cents anyways, everyone's relationship with their parents is different. i really love my mom and don't want to hurt her, which insisting on a half truth does.
i'm sorry, that's really horrible. i think my mom has certain negative feelings abt the gender side of things, but when i dumped my trauma, history of seeking out male attention and other stuff she became oddly protective of me and our relationship improved.
>okay but do you want to be a woman?? do you plan on actually transitioning? if so then don't bother telling your parents some bs abt twinkmaxxing it's just going to damage your trust when you troon out. that's my two cents anyways, everyone's relationship with their parents is different. i really love my mom and don't want to hurt her, which insisting on a half truth does.
I don't pass at all and I won't pass without FFS, I don't want people to play around for my delusions
okay well good luck. i wouldn't tell them shit until much further down the line if i were you then. just say you got laser to save money on razors over the years.
my parents feigned support but deliberately made their actual stance clear with their actions and how much they tried to interfere or resist the notion on my behalf even as an adult grown-ass man

they're not in my life anymore and I don't think ever will be
it's just that being 6'1 manmoder makes me feel ridiculous
>she became oddly protective of me and our relationship improved.
You are very lucky, I hope you know how good you have it.
my mom started going out of her way to aggressively nitpick every little change the hormones were having on me while pointing out all my masculine traits and start referring to me as a stranger, "that man," or "some man" in "her" house (she hasn't worked in at least twenty years and burns my dad's money on nothing and I has been paying rent) while screaming that I was being written out of the will as though the fucking hicks could ever have anything to leave for me in the first place

I really hope when she goes it's painful, slow, and terrifying for her and that my dad has to put her down like a fucking animal (she's physically violent and has thrown a lot of things including TVs and two of my computers)
yes ik, my divorced dad is a bit of a chud but my mom makes up for it. tbf, my mom wasn't surprised at all and i'm preeetty sure she had some time to warm up to this internally. she's known i like guys since high school and would always ask me stuff like "is there something you need to tell me? what else is going on?" when i came home for holidays (always a fem gay type with a questionable voice). she was heartbroken to realize i haven't been okay for a long time but willing to try getting me healthy again, even if that includes gender stuff she isn't fully comfortable with.
it's a rare benefit of being an only child, i guess. my mom has had depressive streaks too and i'm a big reason she has kept trying over the years. our bond is strong enough i could probably tell her i'm a murderer and she'd only want to help. ig the tranny business isn't as bad as it could be. stuff like this
>>36570486 makes me incredibly sad.
not the person you're replying to, but my mom is always asking me if I'm okay, what's wrong, etc. whenever I meet her, but I don't want to tell her that I'm a tranny. She will feel obliged to call me a woman when I just look like a man, not even a tranny just a man, I don't want to do this to anyone, I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable, honestly I should just kms
i understand, it's a very difficult situation. i hope you can have a heart to heart eventually bc it sounds like she really loves you. if she's like mine, her desire to help you through tough times will outweigh any discomfort around the tranny stuff, but believe me i get it. that's a big reason i repressed as long as i did in the first place. take your time bc there's no going back.
she asked me if I'm a tranny at one point and I said no, well she didn't say "tranny" but you know
oops i clicked on other threads and want to kill myself again i'll do better tomorrow
>Miku Binder Columbus (she/they)
kek i luv ye methschizo
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>scrolling through this minefield when catching up on threads with my morning coffee
It’s funny how surgery on my face would completely fix almost all of the problems in my life, and I’ll never be able to get it, so I need to just kill myself instead
I want to end it
same it's just too expensive
try to move somewhere where insurance covers it
im trying but im in a grad program and i have limited input on where i end up the next few years. if i get unlucky, im just roping
maybe if you stopped gooning to crossdressing anime catboys and filled out a job application you wouldn't be so miserable
hot but I don't do that anymore
and I've been thinking about it and might do it any day now... just a little more credit card debt can't kill me...
reminds me of what was her name... eh
ffs on credit cards and still didn't pass
1,000 days of estrogen. for nothing. should i continue? it's only the sunk cost fallacy. gender dysphoria is a mental illness. anime isn't real. being a femboy is genetic. i will never he cute. so why make myself uglier than i already an by lazering away my facial hair and growing breasts and looking weirdly pale? i used to be a handsome man. now, i am disgusting
5 years of estrogen
i still have a beard after laser and a lot of electro
i still have balding
i'm still tall and brutish
Suicide is not that hard anon
nevermind sorry for spamming the thread. you changed my mind im staying on estrogen. fuck balding i don't care how big my tits get and how far apart they or or weird they look or if hair is growing between them still beats balding
Kill her
1511 days here, I have met or exceeded my goals and am on track to make more meaningful decisions within the next years despite being
>6' tall
>built like bane with a beergut
>deep voiced and deeply autistically malebrained with a male demeanor
>ugly m*idfaced incel phenotype with lip/chin shadow
>unironically uninterested in living as or presenting as a woman
>unemployed loser with no real prospects or sapirations
i'm not suicidal anon
i'm sorry
sounds like something the local prospector/sheriff/sawbones/mayor greets you with between swigs of moonshine
is it wrong to wanna date an autistic manmoder?
Well you should be
ew gross no I mean yes it is wrong, horribly, god what's wrong with you? what would you even want with one? I mean not that I want to know or anything, baka
Do You Love Your Manmoder and Her Two-tit Multi-track Drifting?
You should go on murder dates only with manmoders
fine come over already
yeah, i'm thinking literally me
Make it hurt
i'm curious what i will look like in a year
like you are now but one year older
t. knower
maybe not even sad just
one day i will be a post srs, post ffs manmoder
the hon 4chan warned you about
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I just got my nails painted for fun so now I am a hon until i wash it off
hello everyone
well, you know me... and i sure know you, everyone of you!
He is literally me
Same mestie, temporary honmode engaged
how do people in here not kill themselves lol
because im slowly making improvements over time
i have a bit of hope
Zesty and nasty at the same time haha wtf are those nail lengths
why haven't you yet
Hi princess
how will i be able to find out that you killed yourself if i kill myself first
Hello vro
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The chink messed up the thumb so No tip
why would you paint your nails but keep hairy man fingers
>je wants finger stubble
besides this is the MANmoder general you whiny little fruit
I am a man
Why would a man shave to put on nail polish, that sounds very agp i don’t want to look like a crossdresser…
show nails u dummy
before i inevitably kill myself i will need to write my philosophy magnum opus (and the only work at all)
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I might redo mine today
I wanna make a game or two before I an hero or get hatecrimed
the day I commit suicide, I will make a very pretty suicide note, carefully written, with intelligent sounding quotes from authors, etc. and I will get it published somehow
good luck babe
i look like this and i say this
those are some beady little eyes holy cow i need to count my blessings
7 years hrt give or take

manmoding and I have strangers gender me in both directions I live somewhere pretty conservative in a place with almost no trans people so unlikely the ones gendering me female are trying to be nice

Partner says my manmode is just butch woman mode and manmode is long gone for me

told my partner I identify as a double take
>told my partner I identify as a double take
lol fucking based
>You know, hope is a mistake.
>If you can't fix what's broken, you'll, uh...
>you'll go insane.
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>Testosterone secreted before birth, postnatally, and then after puberty is the major factor
I know it's over and it never really began
But in my heart it was so real
How do manmoders cope with youngshits existing? How can you even muster up the energy to go on, knowing of what you just barely missed out on and can never have? Bizarre.
it is quite difficult yeah. i mostly cope by having sex with my bf.
the same way I cope with my circumstances in general, doing what I can to mitigate the drawbacks - for me that means HRT, copium, and a lot of cannabis and alcohol
i have a better life than most but even reminding myself of that doesn't take the pain away. i drink to cope mostly when the dysphoria gets bad. when im feeling less misanthropic i do actually try and make the world a better place for the youngshits and i know its not their fault that im stuck like this but still. im not strong enough to be a good person every day.
I mean we're talking like 5-10 years of difference between you becoming like this or becoming like them.
That's how little of a time difference it was between having a life and body like theirs where they can stealth pass and have all the formative experiences and friends as their true selves, surrounded by adults that love and support and encourage and protect them from vitriol-
and whatever nightmare it was that brought you to current day with the bodies that force you into manmoding as a consolation prize.
It's been such a short time, in fact, that I'd be willing to be that the a LOT of same adults that once shamed and berated and physically harrassed and assaulted you for even the slightest sign of gender non-conformity, now are fully gung-ho about trans rights and trans youth. It's such a small time difference that there could be actually in this world be a trans woman that was beaten into repression by her parents for all of her life and ended up transitioning at 22 and becoming a manmoder for life, with a younger trans sister that was encouraged and immediately supported medically and started transition at 9.

Sounds like a nightmarish existence to have to navigate and cope with for 50-70 more years. Life sure is one wild ride, huh?
it's illegal to transition under 18 here so no youngshits where i live
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trying wayyy too hard there, hon

I started at 30, and the most dramatic of my disfiguration was complete by 16 - I'd still have killed to start at 20 and avoid a lot of the hair loss and body hair growth and general gnarliness that seems to have come with my bone structure and musculature aging my face and body in a masculine pattern, but it was over by the time I was 14 honestly like puberty just hit me too early and too hard

I'm very grateful for what HRT gave me (way exceeded my expectations tbqdesu) and I would never have been happy trying to be stealth or present as a normal girl/woman, so some kind of NB freak thing was always my destination anyway
mogs me and i'm not joking
...post unsee
Post ass sweetie.
https://unsee cc/album#ZkjuAu0obTAw

100% red blooded man in his shitty day to day life
i cant even lie anymore
mogged again
stop calling me that
why are you wearing that stupid ma'am suit
moved to my country's most liberal city and everyone is insistent that "its okay to girlmode there"
my sense of self-respect is still far too high for that tyvm
Looking at me in the mirror, all the strange angles my body and face has contorted itself into, all the freakish colors on my skin, all the fat and bones that protrudes from under it…is one thing
Comparing myself to passoids and afabs afterwards is really what kills me.
I’ll never be normal
Man what a shitty life.
i wish i had godlike powers so i could turn into a hot girl and snort hella cocaine and then kill and rape everything with a strapon
>How do manmoders cope with youngshits existing?
jerk off to their pictures
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i hate myself
i hate you too buddy
might end up looking like a handsome young man once i get done with laser
handsome young men all alone in the hood at night getting fucked getting raped getting AIDS in the ass dripping cum from their dicks getting groped on their tits
I need to escape manmoding and go andro doing but I’m incredibly cursed fat ugly and lazy
It’s over
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Ill be going on a date with a literal chad soon and im literally a neanderthal, what do i do to prevent him running away and ghosting me once he sees me irl?
this won't end well
I know i have no hopes for it :(
how fucked does someone have to be in order for them to consider a relationship with a manmoder
if you are atleast somewhat bisexual then dating a feminized man isnt that crazy
maybe I'm not that fucked, I don't even know anymore
Twinkhons are hot especially ones who don’t honmode
lol enjoy the last days of your life before you get hate crimed
we could have been passoids
i hope i can at least "pass" enough that people see me as a woman even if they clock me and no trouble is made of it
I havent enjoyed a day in my life, if he kills me ill die happy
Have you sent face pics yet
that was never an option for me
if we were born in accepting families in progressive countries we would havebeen passoids
Are u dumb i didn’t even know hrt existed when i wad twelve
no? I was born in 1989 in the us, the culture was just not there for me or anyone around me to have really known better

bitch you don't know me
i knew hrt existed but it was illegal to transition under 18 where i lived :( i transitioned at 19 but i'm fucked
I never wanted to be a passoid
if I'd been born cisf I'd have probably pooned out or at least been andro and definitely had dick envy
shut the fuck up you whiny little retard I didn't start until 30
i am 6'1 and more masculine than you
Yes, obviously cherry picked ones
I'm 6'0 and I really doubt you are, anyway stop pretending you know me or anything about me and including me in your self-pitying whining - I'm nothing like you
send a side profile
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I still have a more masculine side profile
don't care, begone youngshit
i am 6'1
are you a fucking bot? you already said that and it changes nothing, you are nothing like me and could never possibly understand what I've been through or my perspective
how are we different, the difference between me and a 12 year old youngshit is greater than the difference between you and me
>could never have been a youngshit or a passoid
>don't make stupid statements including others to doom on their behalf while also insulting them and trying to get them to pity me or jerk me off for humblebragging
i'm not trying to insult you, i'm saying that you are literally me
you are insulting me by saying that
I am not like you
stop pretending
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can I manmode?
are waist trainers worth?
so when i won't pass after 2 years of hrt inevitably will i get to say that we live basically the same lives and we are both equally hopeless? you perhaps less so, because you're shorter than me
no, because you are STILL discounting the difference in going through 10 extra years as a fully developed adult male trying to establish and live a life as one

you literally can't understand
sure that's true but i am fundamentally not the same as a 12 year old youngshit and i will NEVEr ever pass, that's what makes a manmoder a manmoder
no, it's not, and that has nothing to do with any of the things I've been saying or that you started this completely fucking asinine "exchange" with
so in what ways am i not a manmoder?
oh and besides, i'm not going to afford ffs or srs for at least 10 more years, by that time i will have been socially male for as long as you now
why are b*ymoders, y*ungshits, p*ssoids, and r*pressors and so aggressively low-IQ? like actively-trying-to-make-it-your-problem levels of fucking stupid, just completely not worth even trying to interact with - is it a lack of ever having had to develop insight or empathy?
i am not a boymoder nor am i a youngshit but sure
>is it a lack of ever having had to develop insight or empathy?
yes for all the demonic youngshits, not necessarily for the others
just try it
or search for results from existing users
reminder that if your ‘problems’ are a big nose and brow ridge you need to kill yourself. Every single surgeon fixes those with ease. You have no real problems.
my problem is that i don't have 30 000 lying around and i save 200 euros per month
looks just like my dad wtfff
I like my big nose and brow ridge it's the overall facial length and weak/ugly lower third that kill me, and pretending FFS is accessible or worthwhile for everyone is insane (not to mention the things holding people back might not be considered FFS and thus be even more out of reach for people who could otherwise get it covered by insurance
lmao even
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cringe (based) tattoo idea just need to keep googling until I find out it's actually a hate symbol for stomping ethnic babies or something
not many braincells left
where we're going we won't need braincells to pee
unironically want a tattoo where some variants are used by nazis
just got to get that idea out of my braincells
when are people going to stop pretending like manmoding is a thing lol
these people are literally not seen as women ever its so sad to watch idk why we even entertain them instead of just helping them accept their lot and grow into strong laborers and fathers
bro really said that :skull: :skull:
>le trying to dunk on manmoders without understanding them meme again
i feel like im making some progress over time. i hope i can achieve it
but, if i cant. i wont be able to actually live as a man. this is just temporary until i can stop manmoding, or realize its over and exit
i am a bit more hopeful i might be able to make it though, esp recently
I don't think I'd ever actually not use or adopt or even get a tattoo of a symbol just because someone I didn't agree with or couldn't condone had done so in the past, but sometimes you dig a little and it's kind of shocking how directly the line goes back to oldschool racism and authoritarian religious shit (not even the cool older religious shit that tends to be more animistic and metal that got rolled up into the shitty ones)
idk it just doesnt logically make sense because youre probably pretty old right? so by the time you finish all of this hard work youll end up looking like a hon anyway and still be visibly trans and clocked as a man? its not like youll be accepted into cis girl spaces or activities or be able to date and marry straight guys or anything so its just like all of this work for what? clear skin? why not just take tretinoin and keep living as a normal man if youre going to just wear mens clothes and talk and move like a man all this time?
idk it just seems so weird to me that someone would go through all of this suffering and post their misery here every day just to end up looking and living like a man (in drag) anyway, which you can do without hrt or transitioning or calling yourself a woman

like when you go outside IRL and stand next to passing young trans girls that started at a normal time in their teens how do you not just immediately suicide in the bathroom?
I don't think you know what a manmoder is if you're insisting every one of us is "growing up to be hons" or whatever
can you give any examples of manmoders with positive outcomes in terms of gender transition?
well i do feel bad. but i am putting in the work & trying.
though, people say i look like im 20. some have said i have a chance... idk
im giving it a chance because otherwise, i will be dead. living as a man isnt a possibility
im manmoding right now because i realize i dont pass rn, i need more laser (had 6 sessions so far), ffs, and a few other stuff. i also dont want to make others uncomfortable rn
but again, im giving it a chance because otherwise, its not living as a man. its death
why? you've already decided that your definition of a positive outcome precludes anyone who isn't young and passable, and also decided that everyone itt will never pass or present as women as well as that they will try anyway, meaning you have no understanding of what a manmoder is or any interest in anything but derailing this thread and demoralizing its users
i'm manmoding for safety until i can afford ffs and srs and crossdress at gay bars
do not post ITT if you started before 25. don't pretend to have grug-tier genetics either. you're well aware that you're a twink with an ugly face and not a trve cvlt manmoder.
i'm not a manmoder, but also not a boymoder
so no??????
i started at 26
i am a true manmoder, but i really am hoping ill have an ok outcome

>>36582547 >>36582583
for positive outcomes do you mean like having to be stealth? or is being a twinkhon or something positive to you? like the type that while able to be clocked, doesnt make others uncomfortable, is called she/her without needing to ask, etc
like the type that possibly could get with a straight guy
no such thing
>is being a twinkhon
look very simply there is nothing wrong with being gay or bi or gender non-conforming, but society will clock those as MEN and the entire point of transition is to become a WOMAN
so no why would i consider that a positive outcome
don't entertain it, it's either a repper/tourist or a youngshit and knows what it's doing and will not accept any kind of positive answer
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>retard or pretending
because i think a lot of people would see them as women
like, they may get clocked some times, but most of the time, able to live as women

either way, im manmoding now because i havent reached it yet, but im hoping to reach like twinkhon status. because thats (i hope) better than death
Manmoding isn’t a stage in transition
I am not “manmoding until i pass” I am choosing to present as a man instead of a hon regardless of how hot or pretty i am
it is for some
right so again whats the point
everyone in my family gets a boyfriend or a girlfriend except for me
every one of my friends
getting hit on by women or men
except for me
and then leaving me
ignoring me
discarding me like some toy
i can be walking and talking with a woman
and thr minute some other girl comes up and all of a sudden all the attention is on her
i can have two friends and think we're all one big friend group
and then they go on a trip together without me
a girl finally kisses me and i spend hours, even days with her
then she's late to a date literally busy sucking off some other guy by her own eventual admission
i am worthless to you people
im hanging out drinking with some lesbian and a girl comes up and hits on her
why do women never hit on me? she complains about many different creepy men who seem too interested in talking to her
why aren't any men interested in me?
one girl i know has a girlfriend and cuddles with femboy on the side
i never get that
you get everything i get nothing
skill issue, it is a stage and nothing more
bro don't so this to him. I've gone on a pity date with a gigahon dressed as a princess and it was disgusting she talked over me about socialism the entire time and refused to jaywalk even if the road was empty and one of my friends saw me standing with her and she started trying to talk to him it was humiliation for me. you faggot. just send him a picture so he knows what he's in for and isn't caught standing next to yoy against his will with immense pressure not to walk away when you came all this way and put aside time for a date. you'll end up having a guy trapped with you in a bad mood until things just break down further and he will call you an ugly faggot and leave
I am on HRT for the mental and physical effects, I function better with low t levels. Can’t speak for everyone though
What is the skill issue ? If you can manmode you will probably never look female, if that is your goal you should give up now lol
lol wtf is this bizarre projection
how fucked do i have to be to beg for a relationship with a manmoder for three years straight and all i get is a literal balding literal military literally sexist literal crossdresser literally not even on HRT complain about journalism and women in videogames in a fake girl voice and saying "I'll get on HRT" soon and splitting the bill instead of insisting on paying because I AM WORTHLESS IN THE SEXUAL MARKETPLACE I AM NOTHING
i want to go back in time and start puberty blockers at 9 and HRT at 11
well you answered your own question, you should work on that

personally my sex-having and relationship-having and even friendship-having days are behind me, I'm done with human interaction that isn't sanitized through a pseudo-anonymous imageboard or online video game matchmaking
real woman alert
this freak is actually a woman on the inside unlike me (im a permssoulhon)
why are you a soulhon?
if only you knew how bad things really are.
nothing makes me more suicidal than seeing friends who transitioned at the same age as me gigamogging me twenty times over
enby or AGAMP?
don't transition
you can but you shouldn't start after 25
you'll just go insane trying to fix what's unfixable
you kill yourself i don't have a job or a degree or a car or a bike. what do you want me to do? ride my little kid's scooter to a minimalist wage job and slowly save up gor FFS? and, no, brow ridge and big nose aren't my only problems. i have an Adam's apple, deep voice, and haven't even finished laser yet due to lack of funding
im not a strong laborer or father im a 5'5.8" unemployed skinny male masturbator
what abt my height and brick torso and decade of bad posture
Sex with loonix moder
Did he die
at least i look younger and paler and have a fatter ass and tits right now 1,000 days on hrt than if i were never on HRT. im even a little less hairy, but noticably so. you think i would give that up for you? no. but i would beat you to death while saying OOOHH!! OOHH!! AHHA AHHH!!! like an fucking monkey if i see you in the streets you ugly tranny
lari punctured loonix moder's jugular with his fucked up buck teeth like some sort of gay vampire
>twink with an ugly face
im not white. my nose is huge. i don't get to be a twink. i never got to be a twinkmoder. go fuck yourself
based and same
curbstomp gatekeepers and anti-trannies
it's a relatively positive outcome when you compare it to repressing . or do you not know what dysphoria is? i guess you're w gender fascist where everyone has to be perfect manly men doing hard daddy labor or pretty pink princess gigapassoid submissive bimbos barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen and ugly twinks and fat dykes and hairy trannies and freakish men with tits should all just go to the ovens
the message from my heart isn't sanitized as it resches you. it's polluted. you will be isolated from love and foresaken by god if you continue down that road. i've been down that road before
god is not real
>i didn't know i was trans or show any signs until after starting college, after the pandemic started, and after turning 18. im also attracted to women in a way i think only men are i literally watch porn in a creepy male freak women cross the street to avoid
>ugly fat people that are a drain on taxes shouldn’t be something people aim to become
how do you watch porn then?
i knew i was trans or something like that from 12 or so, maybe younger, i knew that there was nothing i could do so i just coped, tried not to be gay (attracted to men) and it failed, i masculinised quite a lot
i knew somewhat of how hrt worked after sex ed lessons, but i knew it wasn't socially acceptable to transition and indeed illegal, so whatever
crazy how drastically things can change in 6 years or so
>m-muh taxes
kys your ideology is cringe and based on nothing but feefees
ew, a cultist
i am NOT a fat bald manlet i am a cute sad anime girl like lain a show i have never watched the cuts on my arms and legs were from bumping into things around the house i am not self harming i am not please don't look at my hentai folder on my thinkpad running arch
I use Linux Mint
are a what on taxes?
sometimes I wish I had gone the thinkpad *nix transbian route but I'd have had to start thinking of myself as a girl very early in life to develop that kind of complex and I think I like my own brand of cringe better
i sent him 10 face pics some ok some meh just no horror ones, hes not s retard and wont stay with me if he doesn't like me, at best he will leave at worst he will mock me for a while and then leave, it is what it is the life of an eldritch horror
>tfw sportshon
computerhons and arthons brainmog me
I am not a weeb or programmer 100000 points to me
i have no idea what my face looks like anymore. i haven't seen my face in months
gigapassoid ......... : gigaboymoder
youngshit passoid : youngshit boymoder
passoid ................ : boymoder
twinkhon : guymoder?
hon......... : manmoder
gigahon.. : ogremoder, monstermoder
me ………: super based af
you sent him face pics and he's still talking to you? you're probably fine and the anxiety is just an overreaction you'll be okay
so im prob a guymoder then
but idk...
i wish i could call myself a boymoder :(
i want to pass some day
that both literally isn't true and also makes you a fascist you should be shot by firing squad or hung and beaten like a piñata. the choice is yours but the smart money is on firing squad
sorry but im not gay in a horny straight man with boobs you weird little faggot fuck off to /bmg/
what does this imply or suggest? why did you add all those periods only to make it inconsistent? none of those terms are relatively oriented or equivalent
can i suck you? you sound like such a cute lesbian that pussy must be tiiight
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who IS this man
i wanna touch a cute boy's pee pee
i wanna watch a cute boy peeing
i wanna lick a cute boys penis just right
i wanna watch a cute boy jerk it til he pees white
grab 'em by the bussy
Kys pedofag
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oh is it that time again? I remember that episode
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>grabs your tight little bussy with one big yaoi hand
>shits on your hand
can a boymoding twink and an ogremoding FUB ever be friends or perhaps even more than that
which are you?
when the opps finally catches me
>bought one of those little magnifying vanity mirrors that stand on their own
shaving bussy and putting on eyeliner far easier, quality of life improved
Buffalo bill moder (same)
i really hope i can somewhat pass...
i dont want to have to live as a man anymore
it feels like certain parts of my life are on pause right now
which am i? and how do i fix my eyebags hrt made them worse? https://unseecc/album#WP5dGT6j7JWp
say, are you about a size 14?
My dick is size 14
I will rape your shirt poking boytits
aw that's very kind of you !
I didn’t say they shouldn’t exist you illiterate retard
I said they shouldn’t be something people willingly aim to become, which you non-passing hopeless moids are doing by transitioning and failing at it.

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