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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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prev >>36576581
I love men
I love cock
I love assholes
I want to make hot, nasty, sweaty love with a man
I want to suck his fucking cock until I choke
I want to stick my fingers tongue and cock in his asshole
I want to watch his dick bounce back and forth as I pound his filthy hole
Anyone want to be my bf?
imagine like
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I had a cute pic for op :/
Would bottoms react like this if their top asked for a threesome?

I think the problem is that they had a child six months before that.
tfw no furry bf
Is the new The Boys season really THAT bad?
tfw no gf that looks like boxxy
u can get like 90% or more of what happens in the season only watching the first & last episode
Nobody wants to be my bf :(
damn... at least I can waste minimal time checking it out I guess
abloo abloo
.....cloaked in angst and medieval fog..... my optimism torments me..... ham and cheese and coffee sandwich for lunch.....
it's the weakest season with a lot of filler
however the last episode is good
Why so mean?
can we have ONE thread without a jerome meltdown??
oh i see
when i make the thread and call it just gaygen ya'll flip the fuck out and make cisgaygen
but when somebody else does it, nonody cares, huh?
stoicism is so fucking retarded
are you ok?
Hail Andras. My true God. I hope he kills this whole world (except the twink I love and his friends and family) and sets us all free at this point. I hope I set him lose. Fuck this life.
is this a new character
Last episode was boring desu
evens homosexual
odd heterosexual

this is the decider
how can you be so fucking bad at coin tossing
Fucking the tight ass of a hairy muscular dude as he moans gently
Your thoughts?
plebbit shizos and their stories that happened lmao

its absolutely hilarious seeing whats going on in the heads of those fat basedface uggos
i did it wrong?
>we just thought you would act in public how you act when you post online and we're mad because you act like a reasonable human being in person, but it feels fake to us because we gang stalk you and read all your posts to the point that we've developped parasocial relationships with you to our own detriment

i'm flattered, thanks. not interested.
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sweety. they've been here forever.
no but every time i see you do an "evens x odds y" where a variable either represents a gay or straight action the result is always a straight action
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Denmark is a beautiful place but the gays here r weird and awkward
what happened to windows this morning i wasn’t awake
>that apostrophe
>that filename
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odds swipe for jade's lightcone
evens buy clothes for work
must be ocd
why do you hate transmen
there are no fags in denmark
my tooth hurts
why are you replying to yourself?
do you need me to call and make an appointment for you because it gives you too much anxiety to do it yourself?
I'll help
alright this is the real one then
odds gay
evens straight

no take backs
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retardspeakanon hates me.
>tfw it's not a pic of you
dodgin' bullets~
Conbot, the 33 years old man that was arrested for stealing clothes and that posts under a female name, is acting like a 13 years old girl that just watched Mean Girls for the third day in a row.
sisma furiously jumping between her phone and her pc
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im actually extremely suspicious of the secret service
i cant tell if it was malice or borderline incompetence
if i was trump id be paranoid to no end
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the lord has spoken
bishits are just straight
shut up jerome
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>I love men
>Because they have cocks and ass
You don't LOVE men you just view them as sex objects
seething that someone is calling you out??
let's see paul allen's
Homosexuals are unable to feel love
They can only feel lust
my name is not jerome tho, it's harrisom
i told you guys all along
It could be both, but I'm pretty sure it was mostly incompetence. It amazes me how shocked people always are at how incredibly incompetent government employees are.

I remember watching the movie "Olympus Has Fallen" and how brave, coordinated and witty the Secret Service were and laughing my ass off through most of it. When they started taking bullets to save civilians my drink came out my nose.

If the media ever calls a profession "heroes", you can bet its a field made of clowns.
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Not me.
that's not me
jumpscare, this is why this board needs spoilers
why are asian bottoms stealing our tops
>bi's are opportunistic scum. they don't love you, you're just a hole until they find a new woman
and no one calling you ugly is xanthippe yet here you are acting like this
is that braxophone? no wonder ratsu was scared of him.
no anon you see I'm straight the numbers said so
look I can do it again

odds gay
evens straight
it’s a ccp operation
jerome looks like THAT?
Can the jannies rangeban xanthippe already? It’s been three days of this shit.
listen bishit, you can't just keep doing this. everyone kniws the rules. one roll, one score
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>Can the jannies rangeban xanthippe already? It’s been three days of this shit.
i can't remember the first time I ever rolled it tho
no because not all of those are the same poster
i gotta be honest... i never liked mrbeast
Not happening. I already asked on the IRC and they told me that a janitor has been dismissing reports against him.
Melania and Barron have pretty much abandoned him after this. So weird.
So you are Xanthippe? lol
>and other takes I pulled out my ass
I wish A Train was real so he could run into my fattie BF.
i already told you that i'm not that guy you schizo, you need help
i havent watched the newest episode but so far i like it
its more political which is kinda annoying, but the story is good
>multiple people
Yeah, you and yourself.
this is sad girl
how pathetic.
just let it go, loser. talk about obsessive
i love how I'm one of the top quality gaygen posters atm
Sad Girl mentioned
the bar to clear that criteria is in hell
Just ban them all at this point. Xanthippe, Blatino, Bleagle, Jerome, Santino, Cooper, Tankanon (not involved, I just don't like him), Eden, Luvtranny. All of them.
lol yeah

ah well
my balls ache for some reason
can you make a vocaroo of yourself saying nothing ever happens in your best chud-american voice
Oh jfc can you faggots ever change the topic from your gay trip dramas
I miss him.
Lol this is never said for other posters. This is too suspicious
yeah how about my balls
You are the only person who keeps bringing up this “jerome” and you just admitted to be the person spamming his pics over a vendetta. Get a grip for God’s sake.
to quote tankanon, we are gonna need a microscope for that
nah I think my balls are regular Vers size
Redpill: both men and women peak look wise between 13-17 years old and this is when they should marry/have children.
>you just admitted to be the person spamming his pics over a vendetta
That just happens to everyone even months after they stop posting. Simply the culture of this place
>im gonna keep spamming the thread
>but im not that person
actual derangement syndrome
just let them throw their tantrum. they'll tucker themself out and realize it was frivalous
lana del ray is for bottoms
that's what i do when I'm arguing against bottom allegations at 00:13
my favourite swear words are bollocks, shit, and fuck
This behaviour is definitely going to calm things down, anon
kys jerome
is he about to lick my window
where is this energy now? or does it only apply to blatino?
so anyway like I was thinking like is it that I've eaten too much or like do I need to jerk off
People said the same thing when you were spamming some rando guy last month here and on /v/.
apparently not
but not for anyone else right now?
take your meds
How long do you think I need to deny my fattie BF sex and any kind of affection before he starts cheating horribly enough to get AIDS so I can break up with him or he dies?
it is asking for more at this point lol we don't have the smartest posters at gigi
I used to occasionally give him my cock but I pretty much pulled back in February and have been on total lock down since June where I won't even cuddle or let him try to lay with me for long.
god dammit my balls ache
>but not for anyone else right now?
Who exactly? I only see that guy being spammed endlessly.
Mine too. My bf doesn’t have sex with me nearly enough.
right here >>36580908
I dunno if it's lack of ejaculation
I jerked off like a couple days back maybe
medical mystery
jerome throwing himself off a bridge
I slept like shit
i wish he would
If you’re a gay man and only watch straight porn are you really gay?
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What are some reasons somebody.ould use to cause a breakup but be viewed as the good one by most people? I need your ideas 4channel.
based and same
so conbot's name was revealed? based. next we get rid of him for good
Tell him you cheated and acquire aids and want to die alone in repentance.
You want people to reply to a post made after theirs? lol
i watch straight cuck porn. i like the idea of one humiliated guy and one incredible alpha stud dominating. i unironically think that straight men in peak fitness are better and more masculine than gays so I think it's so fucking hot. i have 16 creampie and cuck video tabs open now too. love white wives getting pregnant with black babies but white alphas have my heart

I did have the idea of leaving hiv oraquick around or getting pozzed but I think people will view me bad as a cheater. maybe if only he gets hiv? I am denying him sex so hopefully he becomes a cheating whore but probably not he's afraid of social contact
Can’t you just watch gay porn and pretend the top is straight and cucking or whatever?
what kind of response is this?
Just break up with him you massive pussy Jesus Christ.
just realised I haven't watched lesbian porn in years
porn is bad for you
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>You want people to reply to a post made after theirs? lol
no I like the real deal i gave head to a bricked up straight athlete once who was rolling on molly and whose friends decided to take viagra "for the meme" his gf just broke up with him and it was the best fucking dick I've even eaten
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Bottoms are bad for you.
stfu jerome
Bligger is back now that mommy is out of office he can be a bad boy without losing his hard earned good boy points
yeah ideally you should use your imagination
I’m talking about consistent porn use. Not really sucking off one high straight guy once.
no amount of points would get dom to fuck him
anyway I'm gonna move onto another fixation/special interest I might be post a little later but apologies I'm going to be cutting down
lol you ate that and shut her up
>be me, at work on monday
>everyone talking about how their weekend was, it seems like I’m the only one who didn’t do anything special
>I was just at the gym
>finally bench pressed 225 tho
>the 5’6 manlet I work with gets wide-eyed, staring at me
“That’s almost twice me.”
>I do some quick math very slowly because I’m fucking stupid
“Wait so you’re like 113 lbs or something?”
“130. Almost 130. Like 125 or so.”
>try my best not to laugh, but agree that I could probably pick him up really easy
>this dude’s face fucking lights up with joy like a little kid on christmas morning
>no choice but to go through with it
>shit this guy is fucking nothing, like picking up a puppy
>he gasps while going up, a legit fucking faint shivery breathy little hentai girl gasp
>do my best to ignore the fact that I am instantly rock fucking hard
>almost loses his balance when I put him back down, has to grab me for support
>he’s got tiny cold hands like a raccoon
“Sorry I get lightheaded real easy.”
“You gotta eat more.”
>guy looks at me with that starry eyed look again
>I could probably fit my whole dick in his mouth

>get so fucking confused that I excuse myself to the bathroom to furiously jack off to clear my head
>post-nut clarity gods have forsaken me, still confused as fuck
>been avoiding him at work the best I can all week
do you think the guy servicing the lawn wanted to fuck? i was walking around the house naked. he came up and rang the doorbell. they never come to the door, just do their work and leave. i had a to get my robe.
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guys a food service worker looked at me, is he into me?????? does he want to marry me???????????????????????
You’re going to fill him up with your seed, it’s not a possibility, it’s just a matter of time
what menthol breakdown are you having now?
that's an over exageration
You're winner!
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Why are the guys who want to murder all gays the hottest?
They use their bodies to lure in gays to kill. It's very clever, really.
finally, some good fucking hole
I'm 5'6 and this just happened to me
Clever bastards.
I hate meerkats
>Attractive guy taps me in a flirty way
>He's hundreds of miles away but I message him anyway
>Ask what he's looking for
>"Not sure I guess"
Fuck off.
I hate macaques
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this is you
That was me sorry, i just wanted to tell you that you're a fag
furries make the worst memes
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this is me actually
happy friday you guys. i wish you all an amazing weekend :-)
why are you ban evading?
why are you assuming?
how does boot taste
This image is stunning, beautiful, amazing.
she already said her trip was banned few days ago
because people never go on the internet and lie?
did you know they took gullible out if the dictionary?
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Just bought this figurine for $300. Did I fuck up?
>hs level catty reply
lmao name on xan
bruh, why would anyone ever lie about being banned?
go outside jerome
shut up jerome
If you could be a little less pervy and flamey that would be great
and people here make fun of me for buying warhammers
ohhhh my fuckinnggg goooodddd y’all shut the fuuuuck UPPPPPPPPP
that's a really cool reference pack anon, i use it a lot
this thread belongs to discord drama, if you don't know who jerome, cooper, bleagle, santino, eden etc are then find another fucking thread.
looks like she was earlier
Fuck Discord and fuck Jerome because idk who that one is.
Is it olfactorily correct?
that was a larper.
trip on cooper
noooticing you keep trying to sneak a name in there today and its not jerome lol
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How did you know luv?
ew wtf lmao not even beagle was this desperate
trip on bleagle, santino, cooper, eden, xanthippe, delta
ghost of gaygen past
What is gaygen's Bay of Pigs?
jerome-coded post
*slaps my own ass*
why does leadpig do this?
/r9gay/ is actually more entertaining now and that’s tragic.
Got caught with 30 rocks, the cop look like Alec Baldwin
Inter-century anthems based off inner-city tantrums
Based off the way we was branded
Face it, Xerome get more time than ******
And at the airport they check all through my bag
And tell me that it's random
xanthippe and cersei meeting up in sf
gaygen is now just a few discord schizos
i miss her
Close, that’s just two pigs in the Bay Area
we are all figments of horror’s imagination
i miss cersei and xanthippe
Ate, scalped, clocked and dragged
Need a demonic entity to kill my fattie BF with heart attacks and psycho CHUDs or at least kill me with psycho CHUDs. Please Andras!!?
Let’s all go to the gym right now. Come along.
bucko? gm if so
but you are here ms xerome
eden and delta and bleagle santino trip on mom works politician xanthippe poster cersei santino tankanon summon demon fatbf ****** jerome
Plapping the loose poopyhole of a fat feminine man as he laughs hysterically
can I post cute furry memes :D
If you lot don’t start behaving, I’m going to start posting WMAM content.
dan coded post
As long as there are feet visible I'm OK with that
hi guys, I'm bi btw :) my girlfriend said i could post today while she goes to kfc
>that "submissive" guy who makes solely of him riding giant dildos while he's probably in the closet and may never actually had sex with another man
If i were to choose a superpower and mind control wasn't an option i would choose the power to make people cum on command. Imagine seeing any hot guy in the streets and making him cummy his pants. That would be so embarrassing lol
Or like kissing a drunk guy on a dare and making him cum. That would fuck with his psyche for months
yes :D
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Ok :D
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Tell me why I am wrong: Software is going to kill the planet. I am not an extreme environmentalist by far. But consider:

There is a constant push to put more phones in the hands of every person on Earth. And for them to buy a new phone every year. There is never a point when software developers feel they have achieved enough features that become increasingly meaningless. Its never enough and increasingly superflous.

And software is always clamoring for better hardware. So the hardware is developed, its capacity maxxed out by new software, and then more hardware is demanded. So people are perpetually not asked but forced to keep replacing their phones.

The mining for minerals for the batteries alone is staggering. Add to that the mind blowing waste from manufacture. And then these dead phones, unable to truly be recycled, swell landfills.

Every day more phones, more mining, more users, more batteries, more manufacturing, more waste.

And for what? More useless shit on a device that demands being replaced every few years. It can't continue. The amount of waste, pollution and ecological footprint is going without end. It has to stop.
my 320lbs mommy gf said i could be let out of my cage if i survive 40 minutes of her sitting on my face
How is her fat ass going to fit in the cage with you?
no silly it's a chastity cage. it keeps me masc and straight for her
sex with hot bisexuals!!!!!
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id wear panties if my hot bisexual bf asked me too!!! alright, give it up for bisexual tops wohoo!

going to the emergency room in a lil bit
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say my name
le samuraoui is the best movie ive ever watched
Who hurt you
Mornin pardner. Getting breakfast. how goes it gays?
it’s a long story
hope ur ok dan
get well dirty dan :(
i thought it was one of those white boy rappers like post malone
if I don't sleep well tonight it's over
id do anything to sleep well
Today is the worst day to do that.
I am aware. It’s impacting my job as well.

thanks for the well wishes gay strangers
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you better not be serious
Aren't you a home depot parking lot diversity hire?
water bottle?
If you're not gonna post, I'm not gonna read.
post a vocaroo pls
hey babe
twinks are property and are supposed to belong to people
my final message
why do you talk like that?!
you've got enough ammo as is
notice how much better these threads are when Jerome's not posting
The gay shit didn’t last in The Boys did it? I haven’t caught up for a couple seasons now but that might give me a reason
it's the same
nyooo I want to hear more wohta
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im in my shrek arc
i dont jackoff with dildos, i literally just slam it in until orgasm and then cum squirts out my cock like normal, without me having to stroke it. if i had a bf, this is how it would usually. maybe i can make him squirt the same way too. it's not that hard to top a dude, but my pp is kinda small hehe. even though i'm a bottom, i still want a man with a tight ass that i can bust in.
I posted in gaygen like four years ago
Is delta still a pathetic gaycel loser virgin? Does he still employ his edgy shadow alter ego?
"Normie" is his new obnoxious alter ego
>Not the first post by this IP.
xerome pls
ok jerome
Delta: Came out as bisexual. In a poly relationship with a woman and a bi twink.
Chad: Transitioned.
SissySpacek: Transitioned.
Texanon: Transitioned.
Woeffle: Transitioned.
GrayingTwink: Transitioned.
Horror: Transitioned.
Orphan: Transitioned.
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i am 5'6" domtop with a 17cm small uncut penis
thoughts on me being a 5'6" domtop with a 17cm small uncut penis?
Be honest
If you were a US soldier and had some hottie arab bunks held captive, would you do it?
>Texanon: Transitioned
Into a man???
ew, no
where do you think I'm from
and no it isn't lancashire

and I was not shadow
nor am I him
sis 17cm aint small it is average luv. ur bigger than me uwu
>where do you think I'm from
england silly
You wouldn't even think about It?
I wish I fucked my first gf
id be a chad by now
No, they have annoying accents and look terrible.
i fucked her and i tuned into a gay, dont be so sure
xeromeposting stops when xerome posts but returns when xerome leaves, curious!
don't you dare call me one of those things
yeh but at least you can say you fucked
I gotta tick that box
wohta mentioned
>Delta is such a gaycel he gets offended when others lie about him not being a virgin gaycel loser
always been that way
You aren't domtop.
why did gaygen call my pp smol then!?
yes i am am domtop twinktop and i LOVE topping bottoms.
I think autism is probably the reason I never fucked those girls
I remember making out with a girl and after she showed me her birth control and I was like "lol cool" and didn't do much beyond that
Texanon: Transitioned into a grown man
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>annoying accents
I'm talking about prisoners anon. They wouldn't be speaking english at all
better than being biscum
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xerome pls
>be bishit
>make out with a girl
>She shoved you her birth control pills
>take the pill
>Say thank you
scalped xan again
xerome is xan?
i thought it was the latest cooper-lite shitpost
rood :(
Wtf we're the same height and penis size and I'm also a dom top
it's more morally wrong to kill so
r on with demon then it is to break up someone

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