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malevolent treacherous femcel general
last >>36577168
qott: what's the worst you've ever been injured?
broke my pinky
who keeps letting manya make such shitty threads
I saw Anya at a grocery store in Boston yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.
She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in her hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Miss, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
>what's the worst you've ever been injured?
I have a few zingers
I fell down into a stony pit and shredded my back
I got a compound fracture in my arm and broke it 2 more times
I got electrocuted and fell unconscious
I fell 40 feet on my neck and almost drowned
I cut off a piece of my finger whittling
i stayed up last night playing cyberpunk 2077
i like what they've done w that game the perks system is p cool now
if u don't like it maybe stop posting here and fuck off to gaygen where u belong etc etf

are you scared of heights
you fell 40 feet???
Not really
Jumped off a cliff and over rotated on my flips was stupid but yea
paige you cant just call everyone you dislike a man. so rude!
666 may Satan bless you
what did they do?
i hate eating so much :(
>qott: what's the worst you've ever been injured?
broke my leg
been kicked/hit in the nuts quite a few number of times
fell off my bicycle a number of times and one time had a large piece of gravel embedded in my leg that i had to dig out myself
one time i shattered a glass i was holding and it cut open my hand and a flap of skin was just hanging there until i got stitches
some SH cuts have gone deep, or the time i punched myself into a wheelchair for a week
maybe the long effects of malnutrition
alcohol poisoning from a suicide attempt
alcohol poisoning from overdrinking (i think they said the level was a .35)

im not calling everyone i dislike a man, i call people i like men too
but i will desist, am trying to be nicer and apparently transwomen don't like it when you point out that we're men

>I got electrocuted and fell unconscious
oh me too

go to bigen or something
the funniest thing is manya is an actual female name lmfao
does this mean
"(i hate) (eating so much)" or "(i hate)(eating)(so much)"?
i.e. do you hate "eating so much", like excessive eating? or is the degree to which you hate eating excessive?
trans women are women who happen to be trans, BIGOT
when you kill yourself is there any chance you would consider doing it on livestream
ouch fix it
it's extremely uncommon

no ur thinking of transmen

>transwomen are men
ur just a crossdresser who identifies as male don't group urself in with actual trannies
i don't "identify" as male, i AM male just like you. I identify as a transwoman, i.e. a male bodied person with dysphoria over my sex who takes hormones to alleviate that dysphoria.
i want you dead.
the degree to which i dislike eating is great
it's stressful thinking what to eat, having to get rid of calories, eating with others and being too slow or too fast
it's way too stressful
sure whatever just know the only people u make a modicum of sense to when u say this shit are terfs, have fun being tranny uncle tom
i want you dad.

it's absolutely horrible, i agree. have you ever sought help with an eating disorder before? from a therapist or a dietician?
Im a professional yapper
>tranny uncle tom
you could've said uncle tim...
can't stop won't stop
Uncle TiM pooge
Does that anon transbian girl that wants to bleed still here? :)
i have never told anyone, no. i have joked about it to my boyfriend, but i don't think he believes it
perhaps, if you can prove ur worth
Larping faggots larping faggots larping faggots larping faggots larping faggots larping faggots larping faggots larping faggots larping faggots larping faggots larping faggots larping faggots larping faggots larping faggots larping faggots larping faggots larping faggots larping faggots larping faggots larping faggots larping faggots larping faggots larping faggots larping faggots larping faggots
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almost done with swarm but can't get into lobbies that play the last map because matchmaking is pure rng between missions for some ungodly reason. guess i'm supposed to play this with friends but it's not my fault i just had to move continents and my entire friends list is on a different server now :{

uhh idk guess i broke a toe once.
i usually just watched ppl do reckless stuff that got them injured.
I mean I'm just being casual on the 4chan :)
you should try getting some help, it's really hard to beat it on your own. i wouldn't say impossible, im sure somebody has done it, but it helps to have someone else supporting you through it
you lack passion and conviction i fear.
i mean you don't know me :)
starting to get the feeling that maybe i do
I've never broken a bone and most my scars aren't so bad
so I guess it would have to be one of my many head traumas but idk which
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We need a mtfg renissance fair
why are you screaming
american renfaires are so bad, it's just commercialism with no respect for history
they have passion and conviction
I want this shit GONE
Because all of you are laaaaaaaaaaaaaaarping
Commercialism with no respect for history sounds like the quintessential venetian
that's not the point of a renfaire, it's to learn about history and how people used to live, not to emulate the worst aspects bc americans can't understand anything that isn't cartoonish
ur like so edgy n such yeh
my feelings for you aren't a larp and you know that, or at least you should.
And also objectively correct.
marina what do u expect me to do, instantaneously acquire my passport and a thousand dollars? everything takes time
It was a joke
why doesn't lasagna the rich kid fly to visit tranya instead of making the low income one scrounge up money for it
i've used a loom as a kid i could probably pick it up pretty quick and make terrible cloth with that authentic medieval you get what you pay for feel.
sounds like a personal problem
niggas call her the drink
can you explain this "joke" or is it just a forced meme
niggas call her the beverage
niggas call her the manya
niggas call u tim
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They do indeed nigga!
do u love me again yet btw
that wasn't me
niggers call you male bodied
lasagna flies to the us and meets with anya, what happens next?
marina can u make a vocaroo of u saying niggas call me the drink
i lock her in my basement and she never leaves
broken femur
intense. did you recover fully?
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I've never had any huge moment of physical pain that I remember. Never broke a bone, never sprained an ankle, never nothing.
anya i don't think that's a good idea
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and why not
because mariner is either going to kill you or cheat on you
it happened when I was a kid, car accident. one of my legs is slightly longer and I have some scars. I can run so I guess I recovered.
if she's locked in the basement she can't cheat
and if anyone were to end up dead it wouldn't be me
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Change topic faggots
how about my fist against your face
im gonna drink u.
Scary pixel punch oh no
im going to drink you.
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Next topic: butts and booze
next topic: blood
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Ya can't
I prefer tits me personally
sorry im autistic
your the drink lol
im the best at managing really . inappropriate thoughts
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I'm the desert.
fuck you dark plagueis i hope you die again
im the oasis
I'd like to eat a butt and more booze
My dick doesn't work most times tho so I'd only use my tongue
Playing anime at max vol to counter my neighbors having a party (I can still fucking hear them)
damn palpatine
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Maybe I need better speakers
Can I be uh your water? Who the fuck are you even
Oh wait I forgot what an oasis was oh that was stupid
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u can be my wonderwall
>Who the fuck are you even
same as always
Fuck you
In like a nice way or smth that sounded worse than usual
I like white russians , mud slides, mojitos, strawberry daiquiris, and margaritas. wine if I'm not getting drunk. whiskey and sake are good too.
I wonder what its like to mtfg edate. Someone should make a detailed podcast on it
Your mother
Gave birth to a wonderful woman.
wouldn't you be considered a leading expert in the field of mtfg e dating
I hope to never know of it again
oh that's crazy cus ur mom gave birth to my favorite victim
you literally edate trannies from mtfg...
learning martial arts is fun :)
I don't understand ldr. when I was dating I'd just pop on Craigslist and respond to someone interesting and the first date usually involved hallucinogens.
some people here struggle to ask for ketchup at mcdonald, do you understand
You again!
that's cool. kids can pull back from a lot i guess.
>one of my legs is slightly longer
same, a physiotherapist worked it out as i had never noticed. apparently my hipbone is ever so slightly at an angle to correct it while i'm standing up so it has no real impact. except sitting normal is uncomfortable.
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Ja that'd be me
so it's like a desire to be in a relationship but setting up the conditions where they'll never meet so they don't have to experience the anxiety of human interaction? that's tragic
it's ok i can get the ketchup for u i don't mind
yeah i live here
Only one actually and we broke up in 2019
Jokes on you, I met my gf in a server made by an mtfg trip. I've found a loop around so it technically wasn't on mtfg
I dated one person I met on mtfg!
yes life can be very hard/tragic sometimes
no u
yes, and?
I love u 2
And the fuck did you ping me for
Faggot 2
dude i am going to fucking kill myself over the elden ring lockon system on pc
if there's more than one enemy and you move the mouse at all, it will switch frantically between the two or more enemies, throwing off all your attacks and disorienting you it's so fucking bad holy shit
kiss me about it
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anyone have any experience going from electrolysis to laser? made the mistake of starting with electro and its taking to long...want to switch over to laser then go back to electro after. but i dont know if i already crossed the line on if i should stick with it. i still have full shadow...
it's fine in all the other soulslike, literally just elden pring has this issue
i would eat you for $18 billion
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As someone who plays mouse and keyboard on literally fucking everything mnk is unusable on fromsoft games
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extreme skill issue
Yes it’s worth getting laser on facial hair for 3-4 sessions if you have the right hair type, but it only permanently destroys 20% of hairs
i could do this. i'd be good at it too
launching a drone strike on your house rn
I literally had to unplug every single usb device except my controller when trying to play elden ring. Their pc ports are just dogshit and you're only making it worse by using mnk on them
idk like i've said i've never had any issue aside from the target lock in elden ring, and i've played ds1,2,3 and lies of p on pc with mouse and keyboard w no issue
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What the fuck does lies of p have to do with fromsoft. And all buggy products have RNG to see who gets the bugs
Ya can't
>What the fuck does lies of p have to do with fromsoft.
it's a soulslike, the general gameplay is pretty similar/comparable, and if you think mkbd impedes gameplay in soulslikes then it would follow that it would do so in lies of p
also sekiro had no issue either
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I'm not talking about gameplay ya damb cunt I'm saying it don't work properly
I play DMC on mouse and keyboard and fighting games aswell I know very well you can just get used to it
i want your flesh
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have you tried ds2 on mouse n kb? unplayable on default keybinds if you ever wanna say guard break or r1/l1 without half a second delay.
elden ring is their best port so far, the only stuff that sucks is ui not letting u use mouse for like the map n stuff. don't b a spastic and make inputs without any reason and the lockon is fine.
>don't b a spastic
asking a lot
Solo leveling is fucking peak I fear
should i watch it
> qott: what's the worst you've ever been injured?
probably running a circle drill bit through my finger, not anything that serious, though

how much can a psychiatrist help you with finding trans resources?

i've been seeing a psychiatrist recently, and after getting on antidepressants and having the trans thoughts not go away even after a massive improvement in mental health, i told her i want to transition to girl, and she responded positively saying she'd help me find some local resources.

are there any resources you all would suggest i look into for transitioning anons? any help is appreciated. thank you!
Fucking hell if you should
attacks you
what state?
Summons igrid
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So if trump does win and does make porn and abortions illigal, wouldn't that make rape go up absolutely dramatically???

Would it increase tranny sexual market value since guys couldn't fap to tranny porn anymore they would have to seek us out in person. Wouldn't it also make stds go through the roof. Banning porn is the dumbest fucking thing, im republican but I thought we were for free speech
What are you playing
what the fuck is wrong with you gayla how are you such an incel you fucking retard
how do you make AI images?
i wanna make an AI image of the ideal version of myself
When you do post it and tell me what you used to make it.
Because I'm going to make the ideal version of myself having sex with the ideal version of yourself
I'm not an incel, if you DNA tested my panties I'd have the DNA of like a ton of dudes, really amazing chads who are usually out of my league but since I'm a sexual oddity, aka a dick girl, I can get them in bed.
No anon I mean the anime anon the solo leveling anime
are u a girl?
You know an anime is good if makes you actually wanna read what it's based on goddam that igris fight was something else
you have the attitude of an incel
talking about sexual market value
wanting to not ban, or restrict access, to porn which is an entire industry built off of the suffering of women and children
if child porn is banned because it harms children, shouldn't adult porn be banned because making it harms adults?
Why can you smoke or drink? Why can you drink soda? Why are you even allowed to eat fast food?
do illnesses count as injuries? if so i caught a bacterial infection as a child that spread thru my body and made me go into sepsis and i almost died.

i remember waking up one night screaming because i thought someone was stabbing me in the stomach. turns out blood infections hurt really bad
there's a difference between literal industrial rape and a soda
yeah you'd like that
I'm bored again
Post a pic and I'll AI it
I fell for the transphobia meme while I was a teenager (denial teehee) and just recently managed to come out of the closet - problem is that I'm about to turn 22
I'm too old to transition and pass right? I'm 5'9", slim, and don't really have any particularly masculine features, but I'm still, you know, someone who went through puberty
Take the pills and be quiet Clarissa
>I'm 5'9", slim, and don't really have any particularly masculine features, but I'm still, you know, someone who went through puberty
Everything you describe yourself with seems like you can. But we can't see you so it's impossible to say anything.
sorry but i think uve fallen for propaganda. ur pretty much perfect for transing with those starting stats. i think u should get meds asap because as they say: the best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago. the second best time to plant a tree is today.

i believe in u anon :))
I mistyped and meant 23 fuck sorry
no transwomen end up looking like women, don't give anon false hope
Then why are you even here?
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haha that doesnt really matter. ur at one std deviation from peak incidence of female height and ur slim which means if i start e and do some weight cycling ur gonna look great.
ignore the negativity and focus on your future. <3 this place is full of crabs that will drag u back in the bucket so dont let them!
ur gonna make it!!
they stole my sn while i was at work
probably found my diapers too
next time i will be wiser and have it sent to the post office
I just want human touch
Not as much as me.
>no weeay MOOM...u can't just take my suicide potions out of my room like that!
grow up
prove it
Last time I had physical contact with someone was when I got rejected at 14 and got a hug out of pity. I'm almost 20.
can we hug each other out of pity?
sn: suicide nomnom
well she didn’t know it was sn i didn’t tell her and it’s still in the package she committed mail fraud
but i can get more
don't get more. it's a ridiculous way to kys even if you were serious.
you're funny and attractive mef, realize you have worth too please
>Last time I had physical contact with someone
so you weren't beat up daily?
it wasn’t that bad when i first tried it
it’s not about my worth
In a normal context you fucking cunt are you going to bring it up every time?
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lol look at me im an albinauric

what's a less ridiculous way to do it
i jumped off a swing after a gummy worm and broke my arm.. so fucking worth it
it doesn't work though
i think fent and gunshot are the only viable ways to go, and for fent you need to make sure what you're buying is pure enough to kill you
i tried hanging and that's not good, 2 painful, 2 much can go wrong
that’s incorrect
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Did you know that lamost all drugs are laced with fent ? This is because drug dealers are evil and drugs are bad, keep youer self safe anyon
how much of it do you have to ingest for it to work?
i told her not to khs
it's not in most drugs, that's a plebbit tier understanding of the drug scene, and it's only the dumbest laziest dealers that sub fent as a cut, or get their shit mixed up
doesnt matter desu
if u want srs in the long run, it's better to do it the younger you are because you heal better when you're younger
even if ur not taking hrt yet, figure out ur wardrobe and practice makeup right now desu
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Bnope I saw the stats 70%+ are laced with fent on some tests that means drugs are bad and evil plus have extra evil on them to keep you addicted thank you
depends on your weight. for me 25g should be enough
touches you
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REAL one you fucking bitch
oh my god i need you
ill try my best to make it happen
i was so looking forward to killing myself this weekend but now i have to wait at least another month so upsetting i feel so defeated at least now i’ll get the anti vomit meds as well
Preferably do so fast.
it's a timeline of months sadly
ur pure and i need 2 defile u
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/tp marina
did that work
it didn't work :(
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im too socially inept to source weed let alone fent lol
nope too paniful
i tried poisoning and it fucking sucked

>toilet paper
diapershitter not thinking about diapshit challenge: impossible
horny and lonely wanna control a transbian with my spit
paige don't sneed at my existence challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
gunshot to the head isn't painful btw
hang in there.
im kinda like this
also I need 2 watch this
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spain is schengen zone u retard i don't even need a visa to go there xddd
>gunshot to the head isn't painful btw
yeah it is

not very grooby desu
What does it mean if someone genders me M first then corrects themselves and genders me F? They heard me talk, they saw me standing at 6ft tall, I'm wearing a unisex work uniform. I am the only tranny in this rural deep south town.
im not suicidal but if i was that would probably work on me :/ idk if id be able to be an hero after that
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i hate u niggas
they were on autopilot then remembered its polite to hugbox the tranny
kek it was the funniest stonetoss has been in decades

based desu, is that the image you're eternally seething over?
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Not me
I feel like I'm the only mtf here who doesn't cut
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I don't do it either
don't start
ill cut you
u should start
also don't call urself an mtf ur a transitioning chaser pls and ty
>says the chaser
I'm just trying to ear some melkn
i now understand that paige calling all mtfs "male bodied" is pure projection
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You people are just waiting for a chance to jump at each others necks are you
im not a chaser im just a girl >_<
yes look it up retard i can spend 90 days there within 180 days without a visa lmfao
i wanna jump at ur neck
when i say "male bodied" i mean of the male sex
even the most feminine looking transwoman is still male bodied, like laf
you can go through folx probably
cut the bullshit pedantic autism man, thanks.
it's not pedantry
i don't mean male bodied as an insult, it's just a statement of fact.
ok i will
>yes look it up retard i can spend 90 days there within 180 days without a visa lmfao
you still need a passport
It'd be so sad to attack others. To be so low as to project your insecurity onto them. So miserable and sad. I'm glad I'm pure perfection and cannot feel anything but pride. It's great to be me
days, weeks, months of flirting and sexual tension, just to find out neither one can get a bon•ah anymore
yeah i was planning on getting that this year anyways
nice digits little angel
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I manifested quads on this purely to prove my power is beyond just mere looks. Perfection doesn't stop in the physical realm
stop coming into thread to attack trans women
you are literally worse than blobby because ur here all the time
sell me your essence
you're using the toilet wrong :(
Mine works like brand new it's kinda weird
A body as poor as yours couldn't even handle a fraction of my power.
>stop coming into thread to attack trans women
im not, im here because im a transwoman.
>you are literally worse than blobby because ur here all the time
im not here all the time, there's long periods when im not posting and busy doing other stuff
today is just a slow day
sell me your blood
There is no way they thought to hugbox a tranny. I am not visibly trans. Unisex uniform. There aren't trans people in my town. Not even at the hs afaik.
I hesitate to correct you madame but it’s a relative matter

I don't do it either
pedantic faggot fuck off and die you negative soul
>google “mefmoder”
>first result is crowbar bitching about me
Give me something cool for it
would my soul suffice or would you prefer my eternal love

controllers are for kids
i only get cut by accident
lol deserved
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Whatever option leads to her
I am a trans woman but okay. If I were a transitioning chaser, I would still go after other trans women, I wouldn't have gotten laser, I wouldn't voice train, I wouldn't have gotten an orchi for Christ sake's.
search "bread"
Close the browser
Walk away
Smell the flowers
You'll say YAY
all that came up was pete buttigieg fixing bread prices in canada
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I wanna I wanna I wanna
Come along with me
I know the way
We'll sing and be free
This thread is really gay
How anon bhow
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I just had some leftover tomato soup for dinner, with a bread roll, and a smoothie to wash it all down. Was delicious c:
you have to be 18+ to post here lil buddy
climb on my back
I'm 19
Yes anon
ok i guess u can have both
youve been 19 for like 5 years now bro
Yes yes I will use your soul to manifest her into reality you're already close enough just need that push from the rituals and shell be with me like god kntended
doompost as a cope is no good. being transsexual is by definition changing ur sex. its never over if u have determination to change yourself. yes it takes money and time and effort but the possibility is there. you have to keep hoping and move forward in the world. if your will is strong youll make it. <3 be strong anon and ily
im her
You cannot be mother because she is not real
ill make her real and also me
at best you can be somewhat intersex, but we will never be women and i think it's healthy to accept that
False prophet
I hate you
im sorry anon but i just dont think thats true. you can be a woman but u need to know that its a long and arduous journey. but how many times have you heard stories of people overcoming such odds? that is the beauty of living: to carry the burdens of adversity to the well of life and draw from it your own meaning.
you can transcend your mentality if you accept that you can. <3
I had it and you ruined ir why did you have to do tbis
happy viernes sneed sum ain n a strain desu ftw
i dont lie
That's a lie itself
wouldn't things be better if you chose to believe me
woman means adult human female
female means being of the sex that produces large gametes
even if cut my testicles, which produce small gametes, off, i won't be a woman. Even if socially people see me as a woman, and if they think I'm an infertile woman, the difference is that an infertile woman is infertile because her sex organs do not function; whereas for me, a transwoman, i am "infertile" because i never possessed such organs in the first place. That is to say, my infertility is not anomalous but rather an expected aspect of being. To become a woman would require transmutation, in the same way turning lead into gold would. Fundamentally, I am not a woman. I am not female, and no matter how close I may be able to approximate the appearance and manner of the kind of person others would think is a woman, appearing to be a thing and actually being the thing are two different states of being.
>but how many times have you heard stories of people overcoming such odds?
literally never
no man has become a woman
no person has fully died and been resurrected
humans can fly not because we became birds, but because we created machines to fly for us
I do what I can to alleviate the dysphoria I experience, but doing so does not make me a woman any more than a pilot at the controls of an airplane is him or herself a bird.
It's ok to not be a woman, transwomen are transwomen and we cannot be anything else.
Why do your mistakes have to hurt only me? I'm left with less than I had and nothing changed for you
I eat gametes for breakfast
im not so scary if you give it a chance

goes hard
i just lost all my incognito tabs. now i really have to kms
what was it, you can tell us
probably her mef captions
>come out of my room
>mum asks why i make a squeaking noise every time i open the door
>ask her what she's talking about
>she says every time i open my door, it sounds like i'm making a squeaking noise
>stare dumbfounded at her
>explain the door creaks
>she doesn't believe me
>show her
>she breathes a sigh of relief
>says she was worried that it was a compulsion or something that i had to make a squeak noise every time i opened my door
tfw ur so mentally ill the person you're living with jumps to assuming you make squeaking noises when you open a door instead of the door being creaky
holy fuck
is it bad for me to feel like upset over that
Ahahahahaha lmfao, hard to believe
i wish it were a joke, makes me feel like shit
she must think im an absolute loony bin case or something
the worst part is it's been like this since i moved in, she's thought that. for months.
dead transbian cope thread
it was like 500 tabs
and it was all porn
repeating numbers of malebrainness
is mef rly this much of a degen
i always thought pretty ppl were naturally more.. noble ..
weird question but how normal is it to fantasize about being a slut for hung black guys
idk i only fantasize abt being a slut for hung empyrean guys
I just ordered 16g worth of shrooms for my friends (5) and I, what am I in for?
am not pretty
free speech is when i get to day whatever i want and everyone I don't like shuts the fuck up. why? because im rich!
just don't say it
so ur fetish is being a basic bitch
and u jerk off to that?
kinda weird but not as bad as diaperfags
sometimes i like to lie in bed and squirm around imagining a big strong angry guy coming and killing everyone around me except me and taking me as his princess and him killing more people and fucking me and killing more people, esp family members that i don't like sometimes i like to imagine it's at a big family reunion and he just kills like everyone except me and then fucks me while we're surrounded by all their maimed bodies
i find it relaxing somehow, i guess to imagine everyone who might hurt me or know who i am was dead and i had a nice strong guy to protect me who would take my side in everything no matter what and murder ppl who made me scared
>so ur fetish is being a basic bitch
you so don’t get it
>kinda weird but not as bad as diaperfags
do u enjoy masturbating then?
i like to do my bed squirm but anything beyond that just isn't rly enjoyable imo
and u always seem so sour abt everything, i kinda struggle to imagine u enjoying anything
i like yerkin’ it and that’s about it
do u ever try not yerkin

>being transsexual is by definition changing ur sex

mef... why...
mef is a diaperfag sissy boomer caption enjoying menace. none of it is ironic
>andrew anglin
fed and also pedo ladyboy chaser
>nick fuentes
I mean you bitch about her constantly. Kinda deserved desu

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