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malicious terrorist femcel girls
last >>36611799
qott: isn't life wonderful
Can we like stop letting this faggot be the one to make threads they're all shit
aw you're mad at me.... </3
if u don't like them make it urself etc etc
life is really NOT wonderful
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Nigga you make them 10 hours before anyone needs to they don't have time to make them themselves
i think it is
and it can be for you too
i make them when they hit page 8 u stupid newfag
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literally why bitch about the op it's one post at the top of the thread who cares ur just sneeding cus im the one who made it
>washing pants
>need to go to the hardware store to look at pipe fittings
>go to hardware store in a red dress carrying a purse into the store

I love being me.
i don’t want it
Nobody likes it brah
r u ever gonna do anything more substantial than post gacha reaction images
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You're literally a neet working for 5 cents a week selling food for 2 hrs a month
You spend your free time larping as a cnc lesbian while rapehonning your way onto anyone that gives you attention and self harming if they go away
Stop talking before I get worse
I wish i was blowing a girl rn.
Fuck 'em up, niqqa.
lmfao pls "get worse" i wanna see what you can do
i didn't "rapehon my way onto you"
i refer you to your own words from literally 3 days ago
ur literally just being bpd and idek why because you've known this trip was happening for a while now ive always been open about my situation
another way to feel what you didn't want yourself to know
and let yourself go
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>Lovebombs someone after dealing with massive trauma
>You fell for me dude! You can't critizise me!
you know you didnt lose your self control
You know you didn't lose your self-control
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Frick dude its over
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its all a bit embarrassing innit luvs
i didn't lovebomb u i flirted with u cus ur cute and i developed feelings
give it a few days you'll feel better
I don't know what this means.
I know it's lyrics.
I know the song.
I don't get this line.
let’s start at the rainbow
We live in a post shame society
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I feel pretty good actually
No we don't but the losers let shame control them and the shameless wield control.
tell my brain that pls
glad to hear it ^-^
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Ngl paige is right about larpbians and the such
explain boymoders too ashamed to transition then
go ahead and fuck a man im sure that'll go well
im laughing my ass off rn because im thinking how you could use that in darmok speak.
>jesse pinkman, drinking water
>concerned knowing nod from alien
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Not what I'm implying but going for anyone else than you would be a better use of my time
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if Paige or Naz is around: I beat Namaah despite not being able to find the Apsaras essence to make the Nahobino immune to charm but I used Apsara in the battle and the Nahobino managed yo block Namaah’s charm attack just enough times
It was a pretty decent fight
it's flattering that u ever wanted me in the first place
i wasn't lying when ive said u deserve to be happy honestly yeah just pursue whatever u think that is
if lang hoovers u back up im gonna lmao tho
paige is never right.
agreeing with paige is a symptom of selfhatred and should be treated with touching grass
this tbdesu
funniest possible response from u
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Even a broken clock is right twice a day
>gf is fixated in the Mr. Beast chick drama
>I'm not really up to date on who's famous nowadays outside of my niche, dont even know what Mr. Beast or Ava do on youtube
>she's worrying about this "setting us back decades" as if we haven't been one of the most targeted minorities on earth for eons
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nein mevrouw
>Even a broken clock is right twice a day
This quote kinda annoys me for some reason
If only grendel explained
passgen says it’s over
>a marathon
>people giving you 4 donuts every 1km
oh god that sounds horrible
>If you're not having fun already, just quit before the sunk cost starts hitting
alrightsounds good

ohh that makes sense
i think i played it a little bit in elementary school, but didn't stick with it

only one quest point, i've just been mining/crafting/smithing/clicking on rats and frogs


hard to do when you're eagerly waiting to pounce on making a new thread

what happened w mr beast? i know he was like a famous youtuber or something and he had like signed shadman artwork which is creepy

b-but i touch grass :(
mfw im evil person for flirting with a girl while being entirely transparent about the fact that im in an open relationship and had a trip planned to go see my gf
joycat emoji desu
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Wait paige you're on linux?
yea, debian
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Nigga think she a server
debian isn't just for servers, it's nice and stable even for personal computers
>what happened w mr beast? i know he was like a famous youtuber
I dunno I dont think I'm their target audience, I skipped around the video and heard the word "allegedly" every single time I clicked so I realized the video was just bloated, clock-watching, ad farming clickbait drama that feed off larger names for views. It's like TMZ but for Gen Z.

My point was that I just don't get what makes e-celeb drama so impactful to some people since it really does seem to blow over in like a week every single time. The only e-celeb drama I remember was when PewDiePie said the N word and everyone forgot. My ex gf (no, not that one. The other one) was obsessed with f1nnster and wouldn't stop theorizing if they were trans or not
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Me personally I like to drop a little stability to be on the cutting edge
Life policy of mine
>wouldn't stop theorizing if they were trans or not
lol i kinda feel bad for the poor kid though, he was clearly groomed into it by rich guys

i got enough of reading the arch wiki, im alright having a slightly outdated system if it works all the time and i don't have to fiddle with it every week
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I fiddled with it each day not week
If it wasn't doing something about the os itself then it was about game modding, privacy, customization or getting scuffed games to run
If there is one thing I know well is how to get anything I want and you can on linux at the cost of your lifespan
Might go back to garuda soon idk I need to mod the games I'm playing and that tends to be a little iffy with live services on linux
>he was clearly groomed into it by rich guys
and this is the other part that's equally as weird as obsessive. One side of the coin theorizes if they're trans or not, then the other is theorizing if it's grooming or not.

Fuck, like do people not have hobbies? They seem happy enough in screenshots and clips. Living vicariously through e-celebs is just sad
idk im not theorizing, he literally was groomed into it by men paying him to do it so they could get off on it
idk it was never on the same scale for me and i never got money, but having adult men giving me positive attention for crossdressing as a boy definitely led me down the path of transgenderism, even if i did have dysphoria aside from it. it's hard to not think that finny probably is just a gooner getting off on it too
there's something really gross about the whole "grown ass men paying a kid to do softcore porn" thing
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I should get fit and start using dating apps once I get my drivers license
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Why'd you even start with it?
This is actually a stellar idea, yes. Dating someone who doesn't have transportation is a pain in the ass. Being fit also helps, obviously.
dog’s getting put down tonight woot woot
fucking finally, i’m tired of him
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>mum has a friend over
>feel like im stuck in a prison cell and cannot leave my room or even make noise
mentlal illness
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Yeah I think it's actually about time to mature a little and start taking action in my life to get the things I want
>having adult men giving me positive attention for crossdressing as a boy definitely led me down the path of transgenderism
is this why I'm a worthless agp freak
That's the spirit, right there. You're gonna make it, anon.
that's kinda fucked up homie
should have been you instead
I better do
Go to an event with cosplayers and find that
I more meant reaching for a cops gun but that sounds fun too
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is it weird that i rly enjoy getting hatemail in video games? like an opp telling me to hang myself after a game or whatever.
just a glimpse into my twisted world
working on it
god i wish i was eating some pussy right now but instead im stuck here talking to losers
Means ur so good they want u ded
just the act if someone getting mad at me is enough to ruin my day usually
but I think that is odd in itself too
Maybe don't do that
I love people hating me out of jealousy why would you be surprised that you like it everyone does
you just like the attention
they have guns at the airport...
There's a little bit of spiteful satisfaction when you beat someone in a game like Tekken that I miss about my console gaming days.

Nowadays if you beat someone in Tekken, they just leave. No hatemail nowadays, at least when playing on PC/Crossplay.

I recently got Tekken 8. I forgot how much I enjoy fighting games. I'm kinda bad right now, very rusty but getting better and better as time goes on is very rewarding. Progression in fighting games is leagues above any other genre.
thread do you ever forget
there’s not enough things worth remembering
At least nicotine does have some positive effects here and there
dunno if continual panicky emptyheadedness is a great look for me
nope i got all the way to agp without the men's attention part
43" shoulders, 38" waist, 47" hips lets goooooo
New drip just dropped
thread how do you get a manifesto seen without killing anyone
property damage?
extremely dramatic suicide?
asking for a prank of course would never break da law
manifestos don't work like they used to.
make a scientific/social politics paper or some shit
fuck that nicotine crap get yourself some cigs fuck sake
jades so pretty bros....
The better idea is quitting it either way so yeah it's better to just do that
Maybe pick up something new to fidget with like uh a flip knife or something
I've always wanted to have a cool looking weapon of sorts but considering my hand has now 3 permanent scars from trying to cut bread I think I'm better off trying to stay away from anything sharp
i think my boywife is also a girl how can i best help him? im a transgirl btw.
like he's very drawn to feminine things and likes being called good girl and such. and has previously expressed interest in hrt for no reason, just that he wanted to take it. is the closet glass or am i projecting thethings i went through onto him and thinking along a path that can hurt him?
I have really early recollections of both dyphoria and agp tendencies
we all never even stood a chance
you should help him repress
i hate the concept of repressing though
if hes trans i want him to live his best life and i would love to have a girlfriend. repressing never ends well for anyone why would you even suggest that :( so mean of you realofficialpunishedmefmodervevohehim
>don't blow anything up don't die to the feds in a blaze of melodrama just publish a whitepaper and network with think tanks
siiiiigh it's not that you're wrong it's just not as entertaining
same, literally one of my earliest memories is a dysphoric one and yet I still repped til 30 like a retard (:
>qott: isn't life wonderful
or be based and ignore me desuu
i wanna hear more about your plan
best life is not the trans life
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>i wanna hear more about your plan
nice try bureau fren :^)
unironically, was just a joke about how uphill it is to get anything heard or done. i wouldn't throw my life away or hurt anyone on some drastic shit the plan that's in the manifesto is what matters
this.. isnt what i really invisioned getting as a reply, why do you feel this way?
i know that i personally probably would have offed myself if i didnt troon. shrug.
Serrated knife and tism strenght
Tbf that was only a small cut the big ones were from other harder to cut stuff
And also I have really easy to scar skin so it's just how things go for me
I literally have scars everywhere
trans bad
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i glew too hard mb
i feel that. My country be going hard on their own government mandated manifestos against trans people. Might be time to make one back at them
>enter thread
>aggressively newfag
>post constantly 24/7 with screenshots of gatchashit and larpbianism
Her blindfold would fit better if it was white with a fire pattern wouldn't it
what's your with your obsession with "mother" gfs
does your mother not love you?
i dont think so lol
i definitely feel a tiny bit of satisfaction when i find a salty comment on my steam prof after i beat someones ass in tekken
Where's this coming from exactly?
tfw never get hatemail from playing games
just ggs and compliments
>that filename
>my country be going hard on their own government mandated manifestos against trans people
many such cases. though it's not just trannies either. everywhere corruption grows, democracies crumble, civil rifghts recede. so far the 21st century "end of history" has been an end where everyone suffers*. please do write your thoughts and publish them somewhere for an audience, we need more voices. the course needs righting.
*except the singaporeans and taiwanese they have kinda figured things out. swiss do okay too
its strange and im trying to understand the mindset behind it
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i guess some ppl take that mean stuff to heart that's why it's against the rules.

i'm playing LoL i haven't played much recently so i'm pretty rusty too. also weird playing on a laptop this monitor is so smol.

i wonder if these people know they're delighting us with their salty comments?
I would like to have a supportive partner that protects me while I let go of defense mechanisms I got from trauma
In a way it's a cope over how unsafe the world is and how comfortable it feels to have someone protect you from that
Is that a good enough explanation?
>human rights
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idk that doesn't explain the mommy part of the equation
Strong comforting mature partner = more safe to do this with
but you can find mature partners who aren't le mommy porn meme, it's just bizarre that you're not seeing how the incestuousness is strange
too much gatcha brainrot?
I can convey this entire explanation onto 1 word and have no reason to avoid doing it
I'm not her, but being called "mommy" by my gf gives me insane gender euphoria.
The cat has been stuck here for 2 minutes I think it's going to drown
chik fil a iced tea need I say more
I kinda have the view that most things are getting better over time but rn we're in kind of a shit place where some things are being unjustly neglected.
I do hope something like AI governance can do some type of co-operating of ideas or something though because at the moment it feels like nobody can agree on anything or even have reasonable conversations where they don't take the other party's opinion as being some kind of psyop..
singapore doesn't have a very free civil society, which is a lingering problem, but it's not declining, and long term the trajectory seems like it'll be towards more openness as the government continues to see everyone loving them with their carrots not sticks approach. and their state is way more responsive to the needs of the citizenry than most western democracies (whose whole thing is supposed to be good at that). as long as the malaysians don't start shit with them again (or the ccp muscle in with some kind of colonial intentions) singapore has a bright future
life is so boring
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oh sangwoo...
what do i do about the fact that ill never get into a relationship
That's because you're afraid to live
Mario smoking oversized blunt
We may have to go stealth for a while. Like maybe a generation or two.
yeah, well, what can ya do?
or just boymode
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another day nearly done.
life is slightly worse than it was yesterday but at least it's slightly better now than it'll be tomorrow.
this is literally how i feel and its so fucked
Doesn't that mean the same thing?
based. life peaks at 22 and there’s no reason to continue after that point
not how i interpreted it at least
drinking ain't good buddies, i am deeply mentally ill and not in a good way desu, i got drubk now and i feel so fuking weird but not like good weitd, scary like weird, i din t even suffer or anything i just feel weird and fuked up and idk
You're very pretty. I know you don't believe it but it's true.
I don’t think that’s how it works based on how I hear people at work talking about trans stuff
Do you like hurting people?
you can tell the difference as easily as observing if you get treated differently by conservative weirdos you pass by or interact with than by other strangers. if you don't, then you've at the very least passed "palatable to tolerators" into "can't tell won't make a scene"
as for full full passing don't obsess over that, it is impossible to tell, at least not without doing psychotic laf tests. once no one including weirdos makes a fuss you've won
think mine peaked at around that time yeah but it was mostly fine after that until like the past year or so. 30 really is when it's over apparently.
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My life never was good if I'm being honest
So stealth means not transitioning at all?
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ebin depression i love it

>insane gender euphoria
you mean an erection don't you
gender euphoria is just a euphemism for sexual gratification for agps
stealth means transing, passing, and never revealing you’re trans
>most things are getting better over time but rn we're in kind of a shit place where some things are being unjustly neglected
i agree with this actually. the long arc of the moral universe and all that. and i'd be happy to live in our era with incremental improvements to civil society while the international standing of the free world declined temporarily and just, do my part patiently, live my little life.
but, things no longer move fast enough to ward off climate change or ocean collapse etc, and WMD disarmament stalled and now seems to be reversing. so, no choice but to involve myself, able souls are called to action unfortunately
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i wish more places besides like, fast food joints and bbq places had sweet tea up here
i know you can always make your own but still
the way you described your dad always made him sound tough to deal with
it would be kind of funny but also unfortunate if your uncle was just exactly him but with a different color scheme and clothes like an alt costume in a fighting game
any updates on bus stop crows
that's called repression
no updates i haven’t even seen any crows period
Oh ok, I see
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idk i'm slightly older, further from my goals, lonelier, more depressed and less functional by the day.
dunno how to see it any differenty.
dunno how to unfuck my life.

stealth means passing as cis and no one knowing ur trans.
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being a mommy gf is kinda validating in a way ngl but yeah u kinda need to have ur shit together or it's a bit of a larp
and tranners are not exactly known for having their shit together...
>and tranners are not exactly known for having their shit together...
at least they're well versed in
>it's a bit of a larp
They do seem to have their issues. If I'm being fully honest I expect getting that kinda relationship dynamic to be hard to get irl
I swear the whole internet has been trying to gaslight me into thinking "trap" always meant femboy. It used to mean someone who didn't reveal they were trans. It comes from the old admiral ackbar "It's a trap!" meme from star wars. It doesn't even make sense for it to mean femboy. How is a femboy trapping you? They aren't. Fucking idiots.
no, i have been angry all day and wanted revenge on fate and god but that is dumb and i have enough self control and impulse control and anxiety and fear to not do dumb stupid shit,i just got dru k to not be angry anymore but i feel weird, like real fuking weird, nit like i feel better usually but yea, i am not a bad person just not well and i can't function work or go to therapy, i honestly have no idea tf is going to happen to me but desu i don't give a shit either, it is what it is
put your trip on nominal
oh I don’t even like sweet tea despite being from and in the South
I really loved it as a kid but was kind of done w sugary stuff around early 20s
good unsweetened tea can be pretty difficult to find but chik fil a makes really really good tea and I guess it is because it is so fresh since they constantly go through it
gotta pursue some smaller goals like stepping stones to the big ones
idk who that is
femboy is much later than trap at least in mainstream culture
trap didn’t even mean trans back in the mid 2000s it just meant a boy who could be mistaken for a girl the most famous being linetrap
bless your heart
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Just hit the exercise bike to blow off some steam
Burned 500 calories but dont wanna eat more food. So annoying
good tea was also hard to find in SE MI when I lived up there but at least it was not sweetened by default like down here
you guys don’t really have chik fil a’s do ya
it didn't not mean trans, trannies just don't bother defending the term because while "looks like a girl secretly isn't" does kinda apply most don't really wanna be associated with that lol
no we do not
you don't dump loads of sugar in tea, it has to be carefully measured
t. diabetic
>tfw MtFtMtF
I wish I was a youngshit with a small frame and a steady supply of HRT
I really wish I didn't wreck myself
i understand that dividing larger goals into smaller intermediate and short term goals is how you make them achievable.
sadly there are no short or intermediate term goals i can work towards here that lead to those bigger goals hence the despair and depression.
we all wish that
i love mywife !!!
I think somebody could make a fortune opening a franchise up there
whenever Michifrenz visit they insist on going
so your depression is the logical outcome of and rational reaction to your situation rather than being a mental health problem you would need to deal w regardless of your circumstances (e.g., being loved by your family etc)
thats too bad :(
life wouldn't be so boring if the crows were still there maybe
sadly you failed to check yourself
just window dressing
stole form my family again
girl gotta eat
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Have you ever been a young, Christian boy, praying to God every night that you'd wake up as a girl?
Then, when it didn't happen, threw your faith away and repressed until you were 27?
i hope heaven or karma or whatever is real so that my choice not to steal means anything besides starving
idk like 9 times out of 10 weirdo conservatives are normal with me and the others are just rude ppl in general towards my other coworkers
i havent been misgendered in a v long time but it just feels like ppl are normal abt me, especially bc i live in california. i def get more clocky through extended interactions with ppl esp bc my voice becomes super inconsistent the more i talk
i dno brain fucked i guess. being trans sucks
Say less about eating shit food that pays to lobby against us
Mormon, and yeah
Including trying a bunch of different forms of hypnosis things and binaural audio shit meant to make me a girl or grow huge boobs
And 18 years later it worked
to an extent
I lost it by like age 20 for more reasons
yeah I remember when the family research council got attacked because of stochastic terrorism and the terrorist was going to plant chik fil a sandwiches everywhere
Anyone else like Lily Simpson video essays?
I guess so...
anything breadtubey is pretty up my alley
does she do tranny stuff? i can’t watch tranny stuff anymore
She does stuff about trans representation in TV and movies, yes
would i die if i took like 40 cypro pills or would i just end up disabled with a fucked liver in incredible pain
the latter
are you truly alive and sentient?
After 100s of hours in I just realized I ignored a basic mechanic of gear because they changed it after beta and I never realized. I've been playing with way worse stats than everyone else all along and only realized now. I feel retarded
oh no i've pretty much always been depressed. i got diagnosed with treatment resistant depression in my late teens.
was able to scrape together a relatively happy life with the care and support of my gf. now i'm stuck alone again so the depression is back.
i hate the term stochastic terrorism
tbdesu I don’t even know what that would mean in this context
are you guys still together or did you break up bc of the move
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i genuinely never ever watch tranny stuff
like at all
idk why anyone would especially if it's some gay twang botoxfaced tranny on youtube with too much bronzer and highlighter on their nose
you're not a kaweewee animu girl bro and neither is your bf
same here what a dumb fad
The fuck are you on about?
>"this company does shit to make laws against us"
>"no but some lunatic wanted to put sandwiches on people he planned to kill because gay people"
That's the second time you've pissed and moaned about gay twang today
Is your speech therapy going that poorly?
the "fuck I am on about" has to do with the person was literally encouraged in stochastic terrorism by people who hated the chicken sandwich
what, is that supposed to be the left's word for things they don't like?
Wrong tree doggy
How do you stop caring about other people
Why? This thread's favorite trips engage in it on the reg
People doxxing one another and going "gosh it would suck if their address and name and workplace got out there and there were consequences for that"
no we we didn't break up but what difference does that make? physically we're no longer together and i don't know if i'll ever see her again.
hi paige jade says hello
shut the fuck up radiochan
shut the fuck up radiochan
shut the fuck up radiochan
shut the fuck up radiochan
shut the fuck up radiochan
shut the fuck up radiochan
prove me wrong then
you can do that, right?
I advice this path in life
shut the fuck up radiochan
shut the fuck up radiochan
shut the fuck up radiochan
shut the fuck up radiochan
shut the fuck up radiochan
shut the fuck up radiochan
it's pretty epic ngl
>He also stated that he intended to kill as many people as possible and smother the Chick-fil-A sandwiches into their faces.
what a plan
checked well I wondered if you guys planned to move on or find a way to see each other again or what dunno what
God damn maiq keep typing
the whole new kris situation is so funny haha
you could dissociate your empathy away, kinda works for me in a way but i still feel some left, it is just reduced, i am trying to lower it fully cause it also gets rid of me feeling bad and anxiety stuff
>having empathy in the first place
skill issue
nobody seems to actually have any chatlogs regarding kris it's weird
even the person the video is supposedly about said the person who made the video is a liar
I don’t understand why it is only coming up now
If only the tumor was never there in the first place
But it's bound to come back every time I remove it
Over and over again and it'll repeat everything over and over again
Until something whatever it may be happens
I just want a strawberry milkshake desu
The fuck is kris?
have you tried peach milkshake
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is my recent Steven Universe obsession malebrained or fembrained?
i'm too dumb dumb to do more than i do so i just do what i do to make do.
you sound cool though, i used to think i could make a difference but now i just dream of having my own eco-home in the middle of nowhere growing my own food, still working, but from home, and living self sustainably like a hermit. preferably with another hermit.
take internet shit less seriously and you'll do well for urself
pov: you're radiochan and """somehow""" become a victim of arsonism and your crt collection gets caught up in flames
No. Mostly because it reminds me that georgia is a state
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That's a first step I'm doing somewhat well with taking
is malebrained?
glad to hear it
inshallah u will find the happiness u deserve
I've only had peach tea boba before, but a milkshake sounds peak. now i need to figure out where i can get one
pov: you’re anya and ”””somehow””” become a victim of laser and your mustache keeps growing back
eceleb that kf doesn't like because trans
Why tf is that a state
No one likes living there
dunno what indeed. i hope she moves on for her sake.
chik fil a has them rn but imo they are way too sweet
peach boba sounds hood but around here boba is so expensive like 8USD for a medium
is there any discussion of why this is coming up rn
Follow up
Who the fuck is kf?

yah and if i was to go to some doxxed trips house and blow it up that would be out of my own accord if somebody said i was "called to action" by the doxxer that would quite obviously be bs


we transition gender, not sex. gender is partially a social construct. when we transition we are expressing to the world that we want to be identified as a woman, anyone can see that. if you make an honest attempt to be seen as the gender you feel most comfortable with only people who are trying to make you feel less then will misgender you. i've hung out with conservative dudes, guys that will call a mexican a "beaner monkey" but when they see the 6'4 lanky hon who has never voice trained he'll call her she/her even behind her back because it's obvious to him that's what she wants to be identified as
I hope you can figure out a way to go back and be happy again
Except the doxxer dropping information and going "gosh I sure hope none of you people I riled up does anything" is complicit too
yeah it's joever for me i have full beard and mustache </3
idk, i watch a video on it, it seems to be the same old pedo tweets shit, i wonder how mr beast would react now since this is getting traction, i would have dropped kris long ago desu
because there's a new video about her alleging she had inappropriate conversations with a teenager... while she was a teenager and like 10 years before she transitioned
also probably the sharty
I assume you're being sarcastic since I started with thick coarse black hair and now have perky smooth tits and am almost there oh my face too
ahhh I'm EU so no chik fil a :<
I looked for it and it's not in my city, and then checked the whole country, and it's not something done in my country at all by the looks of things.
it's so over...
Oh, i forgor kiwifarms was a thing

>is complicit too

maybe under your ethical framework. not in any court of law.
My email on most places is based on peridot btw. I saw her sometimes when it aired on tv and absolutely loved her which is why I've wanted to watch the show properly many times
kris is def some sort of a pedo, stop defending them just bc they are trans
God we update legal framework in an age of new technologies and weaponry
based on what
Hey a peridot poster. Tfw no lapisgf
uncanny how you always defend pedos rapioman
need trans gf that wants to kill me
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Good evening chat I hope you all have had a terrific day so far
cool picrel & you too
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Girls does getting big legs(muscular) improves/d your figure?
Im obsessed with chun li legs right now
Violence really is the answer
idk i had an appointment that was challenging
then mum's friend visited and i was anxious the entire time and felt paralyzed
then talked w mum for a bit and the topic of my father came up which isn't great
uhh i played a bit of runespace osrs and it's kinda lame so i played some elden ring and it was like drained of enjoyment so i looked through my steam library and realized i'd rather just go to sleep and not wake up so i took a nap but ended up waking up so i've just been doing some gunpla to cope with still being alive


groob to the max

I'm still working on gaining back the muscle I lost during my recent weight loss arc. It's tougher than it was pre-hrt :/
i watched this video:
seems like a pretty reasonable and objective video, anyway, a person that probably knew that they were trans but still got a wife and a kid and then still chose to keep staying in mr beast videos even though it was obviously affecting mr beast channel and didn't have the decency to politely retire from youtube and still kept being a fricking attention whore like a dumb teenager can't be too nice of a person imo, i assume that they have severe narcissism and autism and also very pedo like..
>realized i'd rather just go to sleep and not wake up so i took a nap but ended up waking up
lol it really be like that sometimes.
damn a whole country with no peach milkshake
same arc
i also promise not to stop til i get chun li legs
Laguna i declare my love for you

except by your logic stochastic terrorism has taken place since antiquity. when thomas jefferson wrote,

"the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure."

was he engaging in stochastic terrorism against the colonists? can you see how this might have a chilling effect?
500 what nigga
guess it's time to call it quits.
there's a gap in the market???
Eurs rn mommy needs gambling money
good point time to open a milkshake shop and bring all the boys to the yard
Aww hell nah, you a gold digger? Nvm
I want to get those meaty legs before starting hrt, do you girls have a good routine to follow?
right now im doing legs 3/5 days a week
I need to mine more for her you wouldn't understand
but that's basically my goal for my legs rn
my weight naturally just distrubutes there so doing alot of exercise targeted towards my legs and lower body
you could just answer the question
except it's not, the person who was the subject of the video stated on the X that it was a lie and it was deceptively edited
are there any actual receipts in the video? chatlogs?
also it happened when ava was still a teen lol
> trans but still got a wife and a ki
it happens, it's called repressing
>still chose to keep staying in mr beast videos
so what? mr beast apparently still wanted ava in them
>still kept being a fricking attention whore
so what?
to an extent yes
also jefferson was part and parcel of the Revolution and took part in colonial interests during the period, to the extent of recruiting militia to fight against the British
it wasn't just "stochastic," it was "actively engaging in terrorism against the British"
how can i get my shit together?
i start my cybersecurity master in autumn, luckily is free and i don't have to pay a dime for it, i have not worked in more than a year and a half and also haven't coded at all in months but i need to somehow make it, what should i start educating myself on or build? ethical hacking?
start gambling
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the supposed victim said this isnt true. how much more do you want?
sorry it doesn't matter ava is trans so she deserves all the hate she gets
trannies aren't human and are therefore valid for hate directed at them, you see
gambling is pretty boring desu and a scam
it wasn't even about that, that video had no victim lmao, just twitter screenshots and old stuff
sup custers
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any other big ribcage sisters in thread today
how the fuck do i cope
u cry and pray that u get boobs
i love having a barrel chest :)
You are cute
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I WILL NEVER BE THIS WOMAN (that i just cummed it to)
Most transcoded character I've ever seen on a gacha
do u think the unattainability of chicks like her for most males is what creates faggotry?
I WILL NEVER BE THIS HORSE (that i just cummed it to)
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I will be this and I did not cum to it
no that's dumb
it's the unattainability of chicks like her that make me boymode and never interact with females tho
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eyes matching hair? think cud
That looks fucking disgusting
wait my hair is already turning white.
so you're not prison gay, you're a prison manmoder ?
no bc i dont want to fuck her i just want her whr uwu
i wish i wasn't italian
I think it has something to do with the tastebuds and like some tactile factor. Like women is rly hot but dudes is yummy and feel better to touch. That is wut create the faggotry.
i hate gay men


ok so you admit stochastic terrorism has taken place for well over 200 years now. yet there's no legal precedent for the criminalization of disguised calls to violence. nor should there be.
Why are you so agp
Laguna stop playing gacha or i will personally head to your place and make you
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Making her design visually change to indicate how many stacks of her passive you have is not only great for gameplay but it also makes sense since she's supposed to represent a phoenix so she's burning off her surroundings as she gets stronger. Her hair having extensions hanging by an accessory makes a lot of sense too since long hair would also get burnt off. Me personally I'm impressed with the amount of care that goes into the designs because of how many characters they are and how many little animations and models they have to make to add these things
>can't do makeup bc expensive
>can't get laser bc insurance wont cover
>can't change wardrobe bc expensive
>can't voice train bc cant afford to be outed
>doctor wont increase dosage

how am i supposed to survive? i dont know how much longer i can take this
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I was typing out a rant about a cool design after finishing playing them. I think I will sleep soon
>drug store makeup
>get different insurance
>thrift store clothing/clothes swaps
>voice train anyways
>groob to the max
wrong jade sobbing
I feel like this isn't accurate to their original design.
im permanently exhausted
i dont know if its the heat or my mental state
probably both
i need two weeks to just do nothing besides rot
>can't do makeup bc expensive
drugstore makeup
>can't change wardrobe bc expensive
be cringe and buy shitty shein clothing uwu
>can't voice train bc cant afford to be outed
>doctor wont increase dosage
ask for a new doctor or ask if you can switch to injections and play with ur own dose
ohh ok that makes more sense, i didn't know there were other jades
terrifying 2 think
transbian sexo !!
Wait, what are you gonna do now?
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marika coomoids are the worst

>be cringe and buy shitty shein clothing uwu
never do this btw, it makes mustard gas
my jade is the one that kinda looks like navy
brunette curly hair jew phenotype idk if you've ever seen her she posts pretty rarely
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All coomers are bad
I like appreciating a good character design but when people quadruplicate the tit size and divide the whr by the size of their ween it makes it kinda lame
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>brunette curly hair jew phenotype
im familiar with the look

>All coomers are bad
I hate you, go fuck yourself
just had final goodbyes with the dog and i did NOT cry :P now family will believe i am strong tough male
i have no idea what to think of this
i don't know is it nature is it nurture? was trauma or was god? i just think women like here are the most womanest so it's only obvious to yearn for that
stealing makeup is easy
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You talk about fucking men in detail often and are allegedly not a coomer while I just post women I find attractive mostly because of personality (There's around 193903 billion anime women that look pretty I only care about the ones with something compelling to them)
there actually is and it's been historically covered under US law
and Jefferson would have been hanged if he had lost.
Drug stores and secondhand shops exist. As do tweezers.
If you "can't afford to be outed" I don't know why, are you living with your parents?
whats the best youtube voice training video? my gf sounds like a bf
Why would I do that

cite the case
same sobbing

need to dye it red already but I'm too sussed out by the color bleh
>fucking men
getting fucked by men*
>I just post women I find attractive
i.e. pornified women with massive breasts
>I only care about the ones with something compelling to them
yeah more like two compelling things front and center on their chest lol

voice training is a meme

>i hate gay men
self hatred is no joke desu
what's wrong with them
it's covered under incitement to violence
Because i hate you and i want you gone, out of my life
rot girl summer
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I wanna dye mine black again but I feel like it doesn't fit
No, it's the story that makes the characters interesting
That or their personal personality
You know gachas try to show off that as well as possible because that's actually the interesting bit right? Anyone can put big boobs on anything you need to do more than that
Ok anon
>is with her gf
>still comes here to sneed at people
Wait nevermind im sorry, please, i just i don't know what got in me, i love you.. please don't leave
I don't have a gf, mind your business manya
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Not her
Are you roleplaying the narc cycle image
it’s a tru post…I went to work barely shaved. Literally just missed like three whole hairs.these ppl must think I’m such a doofus. Which I am
hello anya here just wanted to clarify that none of these posts were me
Fuck you too nick, piece of shit
>/hm/ or /y/ thread of guys with small cocks
>look inside
>it's just guys with average cocks
when will small penis'd twinks get fair representation
this isn't kat this is anya
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i want to do absolutely nothing today
not even going 2 shower b4 work yolo
Laguna listen to me, you have 2 yil left
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You only care about men for their pingis vro
I cud draw one for u.
but I rly don’t wanna.
Who r u
i will never see my dog again
I will remain anonymous, it's more fun that way
Imma stop wiping
Tax evader
no ty that's ok

no like men aside from their dick
dick isn't even the sexiest part of a guy's body, tho it is pretty splendid
Yes i do evade taxes but that's not who i am
I love you more than anya ever will
wife has abandoned me to go to work...
she gave me some kratom before she left tho ^-^
can u leave her alone lol she does not need anyone doing this shit rn
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Random unidentified chaser
How about you stay quiet
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i need a boyfriend who likes me as a person and also thinks im cute and who wants to be intimate with me and is tall and muscular but not hyper-muscular and solid and comforting like sun-warmed rock
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toilet paper is now illegal.
Post bowel movement hygiene will be performed by ex bf tongues only.
-madam presidindo
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Me personally I'd settle for decent sized abungas to lay on
Listen to your mistress ans stay quiet
I am here to be a positive influence on your life
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Don't even try sardine
Damn, why is cooking so expensive? I was looking into possible making fried chicken tacos, but to get all the ingredients I need, it's like $50.
ur so mean
cooking is less expensive than buying meals from restaurants.
if toilet paper is illegal then I am a stochastic terrorist
I will advocate freepooping
the bus?
a gay wedding?
persecute me at your own peril
Oh but i will, and while you're asleep I'll be tormenting little anya
laguna whats that game youre playing it looks cute
and how exactly do u think ur going to do that
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Knock yourself out Buddy
Wuthering waves is the 3d one I post limbus company is the 2d one
I'll just flirt with you and win your heart
i like the creatures
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From which game. And do you mean the enemy characters I sometimes post from wuwa.
i have 38 dollars in my bank account because of so many stupid fucking financial decisions i made years ago that i fucking hate myself for every day
these ones r cool
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Am I a bitch for getting irritated when someone sends 20+ messages with multiple subjects in the span of like 3 minutes expecting me to respond to every point made despite none of them being related
seattle is such a cool city but also it is kind of like a dystopian drug zombie wasteland it's kinda crazy like the zone with so the homeless ppl is right in the middle of downtown and then u go a street over and it's normal again
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Oh that's from Wuthering waves. Yeah you spend all your time there either farming them since they work like equipment (You catch them like pokemon after defeating them and can play as them for short bits of time) or trying to beat them in the harder endgame challenges the game has
There's also shinnies which you either get from endgame grinds like the one on that screenshot or just luck (I have a cool red shiny tiger from rng that I got in the same patch it released on)
she poops where she wants dude. stop oppressing her.
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No. They're the bitch
ily2 janny :3
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god you are such a fucking retard it's unbelievable

idno I'm used to that I just respond at my own pace
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I have a parasocial relationship with the janitor
ayy i can post again lets
oh cool, what are you gonna post?
i have a parasocial relationship with god
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I just need to find another autist that rots in her house playing shitty games all day and go rot together with them
i sneed a man
um umm
hiii :3c
that dog slept in my bed as a child. why don't i care more? i wish to feel more human
:(( that's so sad I'm sorry
when my last doggie passed away i was numb for a while, just totally numb
rip dogfren
you should play armored core 6
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need him bouncing and moaning on it
shock is a human reaction
omg hai! : D
i just feel over it already. maybe he was here too long. perhaps if he was put down earlier it would be different
i think it's normal to have made your peace with him going if he's been with you for a long time and u could already see the end coming
The motherly gf can wait I think a tomoko type bff would work way better right now
This being said my ass isn't getting that either
I'm wanting to leave Utah. How is it overall for trannies? I'm kinda caught between Vegas, Portland Oregon, or Seattle.
the Queen is expanding
Why are you so mad Paige? :(
you can live for free in the tunnels beneath vegas
in another world we could've been friends i like to think
i just feel weird and ambivalent
more poon for the poon godess.
all softbois will be made subjects of our queen
The narrator as he looks at me eat another donut
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aint she a beaut?
New hotd god damn
looks nice, i would like to see how shooting a gun feels, but i feel like it doesn't feel that wow, though that thing probably would feel good
Goddam if I need some bitches
dis nigga finna set it off
I really wish i could just go on with life killing anybody I don't like
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cats are howling outside I can't stop laughing

>prong thinks I'm pooge
h o l y IQ degradation
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The cats are in pain and want compassion and company. This is no laughing matter.
it’s so dark. looks brutal
it hurt my gay lil hands and it’s too loud. :( I need a gun man to protec me
thinking about Halo 3
no it's in heat I can tell the noises
it's that deep "mrrreeeeooowwwww" kinda sound
we should all get one free murder
This is a laughing matter. That cat should be castrated before it goes from funny to annoying, and trust me that takes little to happen
got the PS4 set up
i think kratom is making me better at ac6
send me back
time to watch an old school mlg montage for nostalgia's sake
im a cat in heat
throwback to when i missed an entire week of school freshman year to play halo 3 all day
since dog is gone maybe they'll let me have sn back cuz they're primary concern seemed to be "what if the dog got into it?"
what happened to your sn
iwn be cassie from skins ;~;
eating tuna straight from the can moder (crippling depression not a cute cat)
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I am a cat at room temperature.
u ever smoke dust outta a bowl?
I must be getting old. I'm still sore from that rave I went to the other night. How can I possibly expect to survive the festivals I wanna go to...
well this time it was taken from me by parents because it was labeled as concrete accelerate from ukraine so they just took it from my room while i wasn't home. last time tho police caught the guy that sold it so they sent people to my house and dad told me to hand it over because he didn't want the dog getting into it
life's prolly gonna get worse now cuz that dog was the only thing that brought him joy
Sorry. You type like her.
sorry, that sounds like hell, well, you will sadly need to find another method..
i will just try again but this time have it sent to post office
all else fails there's the train tracks a block away
will u slo dance with me.
if ur a girl i wont tell any1 cuz of how gay its gonna look but if ur a dude ill marry u holy shit i am so close to going and buying a pack of dustoff and huffing myself to death jesus fucking crhist dude
sorry anon
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Edging out the misery because I need to do better

no, it's protected under the constitution

for instance a popular example of stochastic terrorism is when a republican state representative stated “we must destroy the fbi" following this statement a man attacked an fbi field office and died in a shootout.

this is analogous to hess v indiana, in which an anti war demonstrator was arrested for stating "we'll take the fucking street later" the supreme court ruled that the statement is not a clear and present danger to society (the test for whether a statement is an incitement to violence or free speech) because there was no evidence that the statement posed an imminent danger to the society. if the streets were taken it wouldn't have had an effect on the decision. the representative had the right to say that we should abolish the fbi. there's no evidence that it was a call to violence.


because they turn their sexuality into their identity
I have to remind myself I can't go outside and touch myself 'cuz "that's bad" and the cops'll prolly come get me

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