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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all lesbian and bisexual women, cis or trans, to discuss lesbian relationships and topics.

>QOTT: What first brought you to 4chan? How long have you been here? What keeps you here?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
discord: https://discord.gg/4SSuWbr9Dd
old thread: >>36628293
comedian gamedev gf...
I agree but she showed interest in me which I reciprocated and she still seems interested.
not quite
the next step will be to stop posting the discord link in every thread because that attracts trolls... and then its just another discord server. Basically is already.
so can you stop with the off topic posting about some random unrelated discord server now
very good
i was a tumbleweed just passing through your great landscaappeee
and you're the airplane over me....
>QOTT: What first brought you to 4chan? How long have you been here?
I first started browsing /mu/ and getting into /mu/core and music collecting in 2016 and I discovered transitioning through /lgbt/ around that time but I didn’t regularly stop browsing /mu/ and browsing lgbt until 2018
>What keeps you here?
Not having a social life
You're at the transbian bar, the dimly lit and sparse silhouettes fading in and out of your peripheral vision dont concern you; you're on your third glass of alcohol.
As you face the bar, you ask the bartender "another~ plz".
She does as commanded.
You gulp it down in one go.
Then something insane happens.
A beautiful woman sits down not even 4 seats away from you, you quickly take a half second glance. Her skin seems to be sparkling like diamonds at an auction, she smells of roses bathed in perfume, her hair looks to be almost silken.
You nervously look forward again, as your body stiffens you eye the labels of alcohol in front of you, christ, you've never seen such a beautiful lass, you can make out just from your peripheral vision that her legs are long and elegantly crossed, you feel your heartbeat increase. Then "she" orders a drink but oh NO her voice is... that of a man's...?
You're confused and stare down the bottom of your drink, another fucking femboy you think to yourself. Then, you barely notice from the side, an elegant flick of the wrist and immediately a drink comes slides all the way down from where she's sitting towards you, it seems to slide for ages, so smoothly, leaving a moist glistening trail.
You look up at her in confusion and she gives you a wink "its on me".

What do you do?
tell him “I’m not into men” and turn away
>"she" orders a drink but oh NO her voice is... that of a man's...?
i leave
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excited to visit her soon and hear her yap for hours about her plants or her baking in person
why is lago even posts here, doesn't 'she' has a boyfriend?
I want to have sex with a lesbian (I am a cis male), do I have any takers?
I don't even remember. 15 years :(
>What keeps you here?
I get to be mean to people :3
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Bruh she has the rapehon stare wtf
>You're at the transbian bar
no, i am not?
holy shit ur right lol
autistic trannies learn facial expressions challenge - impossible mode
>warn her about pig butchering scams
>then ask her if she’d invest in my crypto
>immediately asks how much
stupid girl
I have a dilemma, I have a lovely cis f gf just like I’ve always wanted but I don’t really want to touch her vagina because I think it’s kinda icky
What do I do anons?
t.trans lesbian
>trans lesbian

You're a transbian actually. But this is not a bad thing. You were blessed with a MIGHTY gift, agamp... enjoy it sister... you are one of the chosen ones
Why r u here
Break up with her so she can date someone who values her (me).
she'd rather get banned from the server than talk to me ever again...
such is life...
lol who is pining for dadcrusher
Being on my knees and pressing my face up against a sweaty girldick.....
Never thought id want that but iv really changed..
Thr thought of giving a bj used to be so boring to me..
honestly valid
the more you post the more I am sure you've never had sex in your entire life
Because I’m attracted to women I just don’t know how to interact with vaginas
Iv gotten a bj before... twas really good.... that counts as sex..

At the time i didnt want to reprisocate because i didn't think it would give me any dopamins... maybe its the summer heat that makes me think lewd things.. i dunno...
sounds like you are asexual desu, unless you dont have the same problem with dicks
>What keeps you here?
What keeps a fish in water? I just do my thing live my life, been here since I was a schoolboy now I'm a grown woman still posting strong.
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>What first brought you to 4chan? How long have you been here? What keeps you here?
A scent, armpit, sweaty tomboy, moist red face, images flashing, smells, noises like thousands of bells tingling my skin, my breath, labored, where am i, smoke everywhere, sunset, arousal, confusion, fear, drowning in an orchestra of women..

>What first brought you to 4chan?
epic chanology memes
>How long have you been here?
since 2009 so 15 years
>What keeps you here?
nothing lol, I barely come here anymore except to drop a shitpost here and there
she also hates all of lesgen, trannies, lesbians, and anyone who doesn't agree with whatever she says
interesting shitpost
I'm not here to entertain you
I'm here to not entertain you
based cancer poster
Are you not entertained
need gf who requires a waterproof mattress cover because she soaks the bed when she cums
I don't know anymore. 99% of this site is pure garbage but that 1% of raw honest truth keeps me coming back. Also that 1 in a million chance of finding a cis Asian gf who is just as fucked up as I am is very enticing.
need gf who requires a waterproof mattress cover because she has an all consuming piss kink
yep, it's insufferably cringe in here as usual
did you honestly expect it to be anything different
buddy from school sent me beautiful dismembered anime girls that made me go giwtwm and being the kind of kid I was while repressing wanting to be a girl I wanted more so I stuck around for another 20 years (coming up on 21), mostly still here for the archaic yet charming format and pseudo-anonymous mostly-unfiltered discussion and also because I grew up on 4chan

also I'm a fake lesbian invading your space sorry not sorry
She lays down beside the river. Her tan skin in contrast to the evergreen grass, the sun bounces of the water, strange patters flow over the ground and over the women's body. Flies, mosquitos and dragonflies periodically inspect her laying body, she is full of life, full of love, the smell of the river beckons you to her, but she is far down on the other side.

What do you do?
go home im allergic to sunlight
is it transphobic to consider theyfabs lesbians
She is in the forest, shrouded by darkness, her home. Like smoke, she fades in and out of the darkness, from tree to plant. You feel eyes looking at you unsure of where, the forest stares at you. You take a step onto one of the roots, the trees moan. You fall back and break a twig, she can hear you.
>What first brought you to 4chan?
I remember hearing horror stories about /b/ being the asshole of the internet when I was 12 years old and I was curious enough to look at the board.
>How long have you been here?
13 years.
>What keeps you here?
Nothing can replace the anonymous imageboard format. The tranny hate brainrot and /pol/shit is so fucking insufferable but I find other social media websites like twitter to be addictive corporate cesspools of toxicity and outrage. At least here I can call a faceless poster a faggot to their face and be on equal footing with them.
>1 in a million chance
already happened wrap it up granny
whats cringe?
To be fair cisasianchaser specified "as fucked up as I am"
Vietnamanon wasn't that fucked up
trip on lago
>What first brought you to 4chan?
I was active in Ylilauta's /mu/ and /fa/ but they were always pretty slow, so I supplemented it by occasionally lurking their counterparts here.
>How long have you been here?
On this board? lurking for like three months, actively posting for a month and a half. On this site? On and off since around 2017
>What keeps you here?
I like the social game that posting anonymously creates. Plus my general cynicism works better here than on other websites and platforms.
it's not pining we were friends but i fucked that up
well if she doesnt give you another chance thats her loss, and yours I guess, but its not much of a loss either way right?
>What first brought you to 4chan?
idfk, pedobear maybe? or seven footballs? it was before project chanology at least, i know that much
might also have been le epic this here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMDBIpkwkUE maybe?
>How long have you been here?
19ish years apparently
>What keeps you here?
there's nowhere else to go, wdym
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tfw no gf to watch Crimes Of The Future and geek out over the worldbuilding for hours with
my gf and I watched it together (it's really good and a return 2 form for cronenburg)
Genuine question. Not trying to be nasty, but I’m very serious.

Why can’t cis lesbians want a space with other cis lesbians without being labeled transphobic?

But t4t is totally fine and acceptable?
because inclusion in a sociocultural space is not the same as having a sexual preference
>t4t is totally fine and acceptable
Blah blah blah.

I love autistic women.
Homosexuality is attracted to the same sex.
my autism is too powerful for you
I don't care what dumb bitches do or say
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holy samefag
And many trans women look like the female sex.
Being two-faced narcissistic assholes is just how cisbians in lgbt circles are.
i really like how it touches on so many themes and issues all at once with such a gentle touch
racism, the artist-medium-audience continuum, epigenetics and its feedback loops with the environments and conditions we create, honesty and pretense in art and relationships, the nature of intercourse and sex, climate change and pollution, population decline and infrastructure convolution and its effects on culture, the drug trade and its relationships with people and art, humanity as a phenomenon within a context we can't control...
it's so fucking COOL
No, Most of them don’t.
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Just a reminder that this gen and the server are for both cis and trans lesbians. Please feel free to report any trolls who try infiltrating our space to divide us. :3
wagowoaf.. .
cis women aren't an oppressed social class in need of protections, trans women are
it is okay to seek protection from someone above you, it's ridiculous to seek protection from someone below you
its tacky to compare suffering like being a victim of abuse is something to be proud of
anyanymeows.. .. ..
are you saying cis women are more of an oppressed group than trans women?
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wonder if my birthday will go unnoticed again later this year
feels like the more birthdays i remember, the more people i have in my life that just never bother to remember mine
people wonder why i stopped celebrating it as a kid
tell us what your birthday is and I'll make a note to post happy bday here when it comes
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>What first brought you to 4chan?
I first started visiting /b/ back during 06/07. But it was all the drama around Chanology that made me get invested enough to actually frequent 4chan.
>How long have you been here?
Getting close to 20 years. Kill me.
>What keeps you here?
I ask myself that alot. Basically just /tttt/ being one of the last bastions of real honesty when it comes to trans issues and a few specialist threads scattered across the site.
As it is, 99% of the culture of this site has died. /pol/ being mostly responsible for that. I can see myself just giving up and moving on all together within the next year or so.
Piss is lots of fun. But for me it is a kink that very much stays in the shower.
Just the idea of exploring it while in a bed turns my stomach. I already fucking hate cleaning up my bed just after vanilla sex stuff.
Are you on the spectrum Lago?
I don't even mean that in a derogatory way. I have just never met anyone who was into rope that was not also neurodivergent to some degree.
I stopped celebrating it after my fifth birthday ended up being really upsetting.
Around that time of year, I just keep my fingers crossed that people will let the date pass without comment. Thankfully they almost always do.
Is this line of thinking really productive?
i appreciate the sentiment but i think i'm just going to hurt in my loneliness instead like every other year
call it tradition
is this non-answer supposed to make your bigotry any less obvious?
it's okay anon, my birthday is cursed too, i'm happy when it's just forgotten though because that means something bad hasn't happened on it
Jannies wont do anything about you lago ;_;
bigotry against whomst? im trans I just don't spend any time seething about people who have it better than me
>I don't spend any time seething about people who have it better than me
>Im trans
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I have ADHD but not autistic. Lots of overlap. Last therapist I asked insisted I’m definitely not on the spectrum.
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> I already fucking hate cleaning up my bed just after vanilla sex stuff.
People do this?
>she doesn't sleep in the eternal wet spot every night
Sister im in my 30s I've been on hrt since I was 19 I am so completely over being jealous of others and crying about the hand ive been dealt im literally just concentrating on bettering myself and my own life
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Lesbians are not real.
political lesbianism claims yet another victim
I strip and clean everything after sex. Including steaming the mattress. I just cannot stand the idea of staying somewhere that is dirty, wet and sticky.
Probably also another reason why I much prefer shower sex over sex in a bed. If it has to be in a bed, putting down a towel first would be my preference.
>Get a gf that hates kids/never wants to be a mother
>Never have to worry about this
Also, not to stereotype, but this seems very much like a problem that only women who date femmes -for whatever reason- would really need to worry about.
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>lesbians aren’t real because bisexuals lie
ok retard
trans women solve the lesbian baby crazy problem, just saying
look just because my big dick works doesn't mean i'm fertile
>Get a gf that hates kids/never wants to be a mother
Why is this so hard to find? All the cute women I meet want kids desperately...especially the trans women.
same, but if I really met the right woman and was in the right life circumstances and all that I would consider clomidmaxing and even reducing or stopping E temporarily to make it happen
if i ever in my life feel like i want and could properly raise kids i'm open to that, but until then i'm happy to aggressively and repeatedly falsely assert that i will get my gf pregnant
I'm a rapehon that prefers babying my gf to an actual baby
I used to date men and it's really silly how back then I never wanted kids. Like less than a year into dating a woman and getting kids started being something I want, sad it's now hard mode
>Why is this so hard to find?
Don't date femmes? I have only met one butch woman that expressed any interest in being a mother.
Butch women wishing I could be the mother to their child (as in, them being able to knock me up) is pretty common, but that obviously something that I realistically do not have to worry about. As much as I wish that is something we could do.
>especially the trans women
I hate kids. But I personally see the idea of my partner impregnating me as almost a supreme expression of love.
It kinda bums me out at times that it is something I will never get to experience.
adopt or turkey baster
trannies make some of the most devout lesbians because we give up our fertility and fear of not having children to exist
we're the antithesis of the political lesbian that leaves a chick to get knocked up by a 35 year old republican because of fomo
I honestly did not even think there were all that many political lesbians under 50 remaining. They seem like fossils from the second wave that have been almost totally left behind.
I mean, it is not like they even interact with the wider community. Both due to the political nature of their lesbianism (rather then it being innate) and due to them being almost exclusively terfs.
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gamer tattoos
based and kek
>we give up our fertility and fear of not having children to exist
that means nothing if you still want to have children/be impregnated instead of being the one doing the impregnating
owl house glyph magic tattoos
common transhumanism W
im thinking of the dragon cult incantation symbol from er
i like dragons :3
>I honestly did not even think there were all that many political lesbians under 50 remaining
have you seen the man vs bear discourse? public facing straight women practically don't exist anymore, they have to go somewhere and date someone
plenty of women chose to get murdered by a man instead of petting the bear
I would love if I could have a gf who could impregnate me. But that is a biological non-starter for both sides of the equation.
I do not see how wanting something impossible makes me any less of a lesbian.
I do not see how cis women feeling unsafe around men has any connection to political lesbianism.
I'm trans and I would take the bear every time, that does not mean I'm a political lesbian.
it represents a shrinking distance from outright political lesbianism
It does not. You need to go outside.
I do not think you know what political lesbianism is anon.
Have you actually read any second wave or separatist stuff?
>I do not see how cis women feeling unsafe around men has any connection to political lesbianism.
this is like not seeing how white people feeling unsafe around people of color leads to exclusionary behavior towards them
the heart of political lesbianism is that the "other" is dangerous so you must stick with your kin to insulate yourself from the others dangers
women hating men as a default, valid or not, is going to lead to a lot of women not dating men
a lot of those women will still want to date someone, which will end up being other women, and most women are straight at the end of the day
ergo, straight women will hate men so much they date women until they can't live in the closet anymore about wanting a man to impregnate them as their biological clock sounds an alarm, they leave the actually gay women for the now deeply conservative gen z 30 something chud boys, everybody loses
i have
if you can't entertain the idea of "choosing the bear" representing a movement of the cultural needle one degree away from unexamined heteronormativity and one degree toward what political lesbianism actually is, then you need to touch platonic grass and stop treating theory like a dogma dictionary
i relate heavily. no one remembered my birthday this year but i remembered everyone else's
but woman is the "other" and it is men's fear of women that leads to men abusing women leading women to mistrust men
men don't fear women, they fear losing access to sex and status by way of women freely choosing not to participate in the power exchange of patriarchal control
>men dont fear women they fear women
okay man
just read lacan
the gender divide is vast and broad yes, it doesn't change what the results will be; cishet people treating gender and sexuality as a phase because it keeps them away from the "other" and then "turning" or "fixing" themselves into cishets with traditional family structures
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So happy I’m a lesbian and my whole life revolves around women.
>squares aren't rectangles they're squares
I wish less of my life revolved around specific women
Just finished The Acolyte, it was fine in a ~ common star wars slop ~ sort of way. Why are chuds seething about it?
>Why are chuds seething
take two seconds to think about it and I'm sure you'll figure it out
>women and men... are like cubes
i dont get it
chuds seethe because abigail thorn and black protag
i seethe because it's genuinely and often shockingly bad
I mean, I am happy I'm a lesbian.
But it does kinda suck that my sexuality is a minority, ya know? Just imagine how great things would be if lesbianism were the social norm and being bi or het were the minority. A utopia.
My life revolves around butch tops (especially stones), I would not have it any other way.
I really liked it up until they killed the two characters I was most interested/invested in during episode 5. I could not get into the leads and honestly was honestly much more interested in seeing the darker take on the jedi then I was the actual story.
>Why are chuds seething about it?
Non-whites being main characters, at-least one lesbian couple within a witch coven, the idea of women having kids without the involvement of a man and an unnamed background character that had like five lines was trans.
Typical gross chud shit.
sex with seattle troons pls
I have always wanted to live in the PNW.
If the dems win. I would love to marry someone in Seattle or even Portland, scoring a greencard along with it.
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PIV lesbian sex!
giving head (dominant)
sometimes I wish I had abs
wydag who went to an elca church every sunday
no but maybe if she went to the church of ellaphae every monday
fucking her raw (submissively)
choking her while i fingerbang her and lick her clit (aggressive)
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How does that even work, logistically speaking?
looking down at the floor and sobbing while she gently rubs your back and neck (alpha dominant chad rapehon)
strong arms and good leverage
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since i don't have millions of dollars to build one irl so i built this :)

its open every day!

me and Raya have spent alot of time there, it helped us to get closer and closer in those 18 days before we met irl

i highly recommend to any ldr couple to get into pso2ngs
giwtwm (mommy 4 mommy dynamic)
I would love to explore this someday
>Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis
what does the last S in the acronym stand for?
You enjoy being cold, attempting to navigate endless suburban sprawl and have random weirdos get very angry at you for not speaking perfect french without an accent?
I don't want to kink shame Lago, but that is an odd one.
We went in the summer, and we stayed at a cozy bed & breakfast where some gay dads fed us delicious homecooked meals. Plenty of things in English, but very simple French is relatively easy to understand. :p Lots of nice museums and gardens and restaurants.
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Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis

NGS abbreviates not acronyms

its huge, much more than just the grounds there, Ship 1: 6477 3984 8348

little (variously outdated, significant additions since last year) video clip: x com/sailorvenova/status/1716772478540972488?s=46

new video coming soon because new showcase campaign... need to record it asap
i need to taste straight pussy...
can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars
ive always thought that the chance that you look out the window at one is like, significant in some tiny way (usually you can just hear them here), but thats just nonsense im sure

its all ups planes here
they're song lyrics. you ruined the bit by being such a schizo.
my brilliant wife made your lyrics into something funny for me, idiot
didn't ask, but lol @ the hons getting married to protect themselves from reality
yeah I'm sure you are just dying with laughter, decompossing and rotting away
wow you have a wife but i cant keep a single friend
I have ONE friend too, so, beat that
yes, I am taking pleasure from your suffering. stay ugly bitch
Im basically that except im burdening my rural family and im alone. Yay
my friends... i love you
loveless faithless posts from loveless faithless people...
who is suffering?
Not that silly. You just found a partner you can see yourself with long-term and some plans look more exciting.
I had that happen to me once i met my gf
Why would you ever accept an open relationship
Im faithful only to my wife
me :')
you people are adorable

*Kassie says literally anything*


grow up sorry little unhappy brainworm farms

all it takes is being kind and interesting, i have lots of friends
the ugly one is you
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The huns are getting married.
reality show us what u got
>all it takes is being kind and interesting, i have lots of friends
this isn't a kind thing to say you fucking bitch
go talk to your friends then. no one replies to your posts because no one ever knows wtf you're talking about. no one even wants you here. this board would be better without you. just go away
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i slept on my right ear and now its tender and a little swollen because of the kinda fresh cartilage piercings youch
I knew what she was talking about all along.
she was posting here all sad and lonely, bitter anons just called her names but she persisted so I could hear her message, I really love that.
everyone else is being a fucking bitch, pardon me

your an angel <3

i am marrying an angel

cry more hateful lesgen
I just wish I had what the nuns have, holy shit
Would you date a girl who did a domestic terrorism
*dies of cringe
What's domestic terrorism?
Personally I wouldn't care about my gfs criminal history no matter what they did desu
its pretty sad that nice things make you cringe, make so many people cringe here

thats fine, not a one if you will ever in your entire lives reach a shred of the happiness we have found through pureness and passion and love, precisely because you cringe at everything beautiful, at everything true and feeling

im happy to make you cringe, maybe if you die you'll cringe less in your next life, if you have learned anything at all from this one (im not holding my breath on that one)

I appreciate you
same piercestie
if i had met my literal soul mate that makes me feel like im a divine union with god i definitely would talk about it on 4chan and not just live my life happily as well, there's nothing better than feeling like the only who understands it all and getting upset at how blind and faithless everyone else is, especially if there was someone who indulges all my delusions
>1 in a million chance
Sometimes lightning strikes twice! (and actually results in a gf that looks asian)
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>she doesn’t relish the sticky stain and smell before bed every night
I dont know why you are so busy picking apart my level of commitment/sincerity etc. I really dont
At the end of the day, the last thing I want is for my actions to make more people doubt the existence of love so I try to post less and less visibly to make people cringe and brainworms themselves less
and I do still get some pleasure from posting so even if I'm annoying and cant communicate why love is so important I still want to post here just out of some latent affection for the activity itself
lesbian flirting
hand stuff in the movie theatre
holding hands while watching the movie and hands getting uncomfortably sweaty and you both want to hold on and not make the other feel like you don't want to hold their hand...
this is what the world needs
I had the kind of relationship with a girl once where when we went out together people would say things just like that and that we were a cute couple or old fashioned or whatever because we'd always be holding hands and physically close/affectionate without being obnoxious (most of the time)
hand holding is my favorite thing. need it so bad
thankyou <3

tell that to >>36645561
do people not want to be in love
I am in love but I would very much like for it to be mutual
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what is special about July 24??
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oh it might just be the 4000 followers mentioned in the art
good morning lesgen I drank too little water yesterday and now after waking up I have all of the grooves and folds of my bedsheets imprinted on my skin in the form of small itchy red grooves. also im really eepy.
when you have the red grooves thats how u know it was an out of body experience
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many of the people here want some shallow version of what their petty broken minds *think* is love, conditional and controlled, explainable, limited, lewd-focused

they are only getting one face of the infinite fractal origami of what love is

i guess they get sensory overload from being exposed to more and so they "cringe"

imagine cringing at love

how sad and sickening
ive had those grooves every morning for like months lol
it's not from dehydration, it's the sickness from rejecting the delusional cripple religion
yeah means it was either an absolutely horrible nap where you don't know what day it is or the best eight-hour sleep ever where you wake up to your alarm and your first reaction is to spring up and stretch your arms like a cat.

also a lot of ppl here are really conformist lol, they see anyone have an unorthodox view on something and their immediate reaction is to look away instead of even trying to understand
sometimes when my gf was doing mentally worse, she'd in the middle of spiraling sometimes tell me that she wasn't deserving of my love. and, like, it made me think about that, and at the end I came to the conclusion that yeah, she isn't, nobody is, because unconditional love is such that nobody could ever fit enough good in their life to "deserve" it in a straight up exchange of power. it's something more, and somethign more inexplainble. I think it's one of the more profound things I've ever said, somehow it even helped with her crisis lol
>holier than thou the post
>I came to the conclusion that yeah, she isn't, nobody is
fun fact, this not only extends to """"unconditional"""" (lol. if you think your love is unconditional you simply dont have any imagination) love, but to literally anything ever, because "deserving things" is exactly as real as """"unconditional"""" love
captcha W2HG0D
no one cares about me
i have no friends
everyone hates me
no you see you are objectively and provably sick if you dont believe in magical internet cripple love, it's why it's so important that the cripple priestesses keep telling us that we are sick because we didnt get raised in a way that makes us believe in love which is clearly our own fault and why we won't get to internet cripple religion heaven
yeah i mean of course things in a material world are material but sometimes it's just really boring to think of them as material. you try to to convince someone to love themself by telling them that love isn't real, it's just a human construct
that's when you gotta start an internet cripple religion!! it will save you if you believe hard enough in magic and love and if it doesnt save you it's your fault anyway because the world needs more people who look down on others with compassion and also cerebral palsy or whatever
bitch the only useful implementation of
>love yourself
in this reality is to reliably and consistently take care of your material conditions
""""feeling"""" """"love"""" for yourself is approximately as useful as pissing yourself in winter to stay warm
i like stretching like a cat nya
right maybe that was the wrong word. would "not hate themself" be better? like no matter what the word you use to frame it, cold raw materialism isn't gonna help someone who's currently overburdened with emotion, that's my point.
i see the world as being at least a little more mystical than all the science wants you to believe. things do exist beyond our material world
>cold raw materialism isn't gonna help someone who's currently overburdened with emotion, that's my point.
yeah your point is wrong
did you know that the most reliable way to stop a bpd episode is getting doused in cold water to introduce a startle reaction which makes the bpd recalibrate from the episode to baseline because fuck it's cold and the cold is a lot more important than made up emotions
similarly, the most reliable way to deal with depression is to stop sitting around and "feeling" and to take reliable and consistent care of your material needs
you just cant speak coherently about love and I am a fool for trying but I only ever try because love compells me to attempt the impossible and make an idiot of myself because it feels imperative that I do not let that stop me
I've heard both of those things, but I don't think the first one being the "best" one is that definitive and the second one I'm even more suspicious of.
But nevermind that, I don't even see what we disagree on here. Like, my point is, yeah sure things like love and deserving and such are just hazy constructs and not real but that doesn't mean we should discard them entirely lol.
ig people do want to be in love but feel the need to have ways to define it
you are the one being holier than thou youre preaching that a crippled woman in love should humble herself before 4chan
i mean, in practical terms it absolutely is the best way
it's easy, cheap, and fairly reliable, and also healthy
the second one probably has you suspicious because you dont consider stuff like hugs and creative expression to be material needs
>nevermind that
yeah! im bored now anyway
pee urslef Xdd
I need her so bad I need her light
i like making girls squirm
I like making girls squirt
stretch into lagoloafs face so she can be dick repulsed and rape you
top 1 worst poster itt

please go away
Making girls squirt is second only to making girls laugh
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it’s finally progressing ;___;
but I ran out of yarn lol
I have decided my purpose in life is going to be teaching horrible lessons about the real world to idealistic self-identified anarcho-communist punk lesbians who don't see any issue with running a small business selling precious metal jewelry
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Looks nice! I'm stuck on a last sleeve of a cardigan and probably also gonna run out of yarn soon
should i msg her
good news everypony
i didnt roll over onto my cartilage piercing in my sleep last night and the swelling is now
total victory has been achieved
is it bad to be really scared of men and always try to keep my distance from them when possible
How lovely!!! I can’t wait to get into cardigans/sweaters someday. Looks like the same or very similar yarn! I’m using Berroco Pima 100 in dianthus.
I'm using a viscose yarn! It's Novita Woolly Wood in blueberry milk, it's such a nice color and a cute name. Cardigans are surprisingly easy, just a lot of work, been knitting this for half a year already at least. It's also my first bigger piece of clothing
Can ugly tgirls stop liking my dating profiles please? It's a blow to my self esteem every time some hon does so. Like seriously the amount of you that still have facial hair and think you're in any position to date is mind boggling.
gonna make fake profiles with cis asian girl photos and like cisasiangf's profile then ghost her
cis chaser gf who catfishes transbians by pretending to be t4t
>gf props her bare feet up
>immediately get horny
how do i stop this
You're at the transbian bar, a pretty transbian sits next to you. She buys you a drink, you feel weird and wake up at her place. Your hands are tied tightly to the bed post with enough slack for you to move your arms comfortably but not break free.
You see your captor, the transbian, what is going on.. and then you shudder, you notice all the plushies littered around the room, oh god, its a rapey bottom transbian, the rarest breed.

What do you do?
Scream at the top of my lungs that I'm being raped.
Yes, fear is the mind killer. You should instead train non-meme self-defense and learn that 99 out of 100 people aren't ready for, and can't recover from, sudden explosive violence. While you, sensing danger in advance, can prepare yourself to absolutely unload on a motherfucker with zero warning: ending a fight before it ever becomes a fight.

This is the reason cops and soldiers are full aggro the moment they sense danger, its a fundamental concept, and its extremely effective at keeping yourself safe.
i'm not in any physical danger it's just that i get scared when guys are like, anywhere in a 20 metre radius from me
ask her to fetch me a strap so i can plow her
there IS no stopping it
there is only the sating of the hunger
Its a fuckimg curse
Being into feet is a curse i wouldn't wish on my enemies..
as a complete footfag i disagree
i have zero shame in liking feet
they're pretty and its a really erotic experience to partake in the fetish when someone else enjoys it
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Met my gfs parents today
They are very nice
having a foot fetish is a gift, you should be proud of it
i finally got my cis gf to call me a tranny during sex after begging her for like 2 years... so proud of her :3
When (if) I get a cis gf I really really want her to call me a faggot during sex
Hello, fellow transbians. How do you all cope with feeling inferior to cis lesbians?
also, any suggestions as to how to lesbian-pill my straight cis wife?
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>How do you all cope with feeling inferior to cis lesbians?
i have zero sense of inferiority to cis people so i have no need to cope whatsoever
Go away
no u
>tfw no halimedemoder gf
>she looks over her shoulder and looks you in the eyes and calls you a fucking faggot right before she cums
By browsing dating sites and realizing how hella ugly the average cisbian is (to be fair most transbians are worse). Seriously lose weight, stop dyeing your hair blue or cutting it all off, and stop trying to be edgy/'alternative' while parroting every opinion put forward by the MSM.

>>tfw no halimedemoder gf
I approve this post.
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wydag with an abandonment complex
she's me
yes and I would abandon her
no, too afraid she'd abandon me first to protect herself (or that I might do the same thing)
>I approve this post.
in that you hope i find a halimedemoder gf or that you're glad i don't have what i want?
>Seriously lose weight, stop dyeing your hair blue or cutting it all off, and stop trying to be edgy/'alternative' while parroting every opinion put forward by the MSM.
this is a MSM perspective from 20-30 years ago
you are literally posting reddit tier le wrong generation you fetishistic neocon, just buy an asian wife already instead
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Already dating her.
I approve of halimede posts in general.
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>tfw Im not my favorite persons favorite person anymore

Stupid bitch I miss u
thank you for your support and encouragement anon
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>sent her a feet pic and she ignored
it’s over
sleeping on the floor is so comfy idk why everyone keeps trying to convince me that i need a bed...
by eating their pussies
post it here and i'll masturbate to it if ur feet are cute
no, it’s not the same
gf who rarely cooks and eats almost all her mushrooms and broccoli and tomato and kale raw
Someone from /mtfg/ ate raw onions
that's fucked
spoken a true incel
tony abbot...

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