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Middle and right need to go to the surgeon already. MOST of that is fixable.
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why is it always the worst pics in the op :|
I think you mean best. Do you really look better than these ladies? I doubt it.
Why are there so many transbians on fucking chasergen
Was there a chasergen meetup and I missed it?
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Do wear boots or converse
probably boots, but black hightop converse might look good
hi jade :) I wear doc martens
Left isn't noble, You get no points
Woah spicebag leggings
What kind of boots?
the jeff bezos special
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do I really look underage here ??
boots w that top! but if u wanna go more casual converse w a short sleeve would also be a rly cool fit :)
i didnt make this memes, i just thought it's funny in a "self-loathing community division" kind of way
you have such a small pathetic dick (if it can even be called that) that it looks like its not even there with those shorts on
I'd say probably a black ankle boot like doc martens if you have them
you look sleep deprived lil blud
hi azelf<3
Yeah she's great.
putting a baby inside jade
I’ve had pretty good sleep
Hi autumn ily<3
bouncing jade on my cock until her mind goes blank
I have to buy a pair. They have been missing from my arsenal of shoes
Which also I have to put make up on fug
these >>36671857
You look like a 14 y/o
you pass if you wear makeup
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Jaw clenching
The doc marten menace spreads further.
Reported you for being underage
You're going to make me cum
jade, did you do porn for groobygirls?
Do you want me to step on you with my boots anon
Yes please.
holding jade close and telling her everything is going to be OK
bro your knot is so prominent in that pic.
I LOVE the left boots, those go really well with the rest of the outfit.

have fun and stay safe!! should probably bring pepper spray if you have it
Jade is mogging everyone
Im 21
i have dyslexia so im going to pretend you're 12 on our date
underaged raccoon but in a cute sleep deprived way way
i dont know why you cut your hair so short honrstly, youre passoid

kinda gross
don't kink shame, age regression is valid
This has to be some kind of disorder
Like you don't just look young you have undeveloped toddler features
Collagen hyper production or something
Hopefully that means you look 20 when you're 30 but it's weird now
facefucking jade first thing in the morning, flipping her over and prone boning her until I cum balls deep inside her
I hope to look 20 in my 30s
Yeah, grow your hair out and learn some make up skills. People age differently and surely HRT does something on it. It's better to look like a kid than a man if you're MtF.
no more drag queen threads pls
mogs tf outta me for sure
she's very cute

new Deadpool movie in pretty good btw
she mogs the fuck out of me
i need pio now!!
I can't remember how much coffee I've drank today. If it was only 1 pot I'll need to make another to not get a headache, if it was 2 pots and I make a third I'll get a headache.
i need jade's hole now!!
YESSSS >~< me tooooooo
lonely and bored as hell. what did you do today
She looks nice but you're a solid 10.
More coffee more coffee more coffee
i did a lot of really good work and cleared my plate then was filled with insatiable sadness
today I sat around and drew, had a migraine, then I went to Walmart to buy a new charger and a Pokémon plush which I found to be sold out sadly
im not gonna be able to get it until i get a job sadly ;-;
Me on the right fr
I did drugs
It’s my weekend so I played Elden ring for most of the day
Do I have any chance with the chasers or is it over???
>inb4 men
https://unsee cc/album#SXA1fMf5pWd3
Well you're not Nikocado's spread asshole so that's a good start.
Do something with your hair and you're a cutie.
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I went to the arcade to try and play Wangan Midnight Racing and a guy got off the bus with me, said he'd seen me around town, offered his number, a hug, and to go cuddle at my place later

im still a little flustered about it
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need to see your ass to be sure
I have no idea what this means.
that's you after your third pot
yeah you look very cute! im sure many boys would like to date you :)
it's the episode where he drinks a hundred cups of coffee and becomes quicksilver
More coffee it is.
measuring coffee in pots is diabolical
just updated it for ya <3
it's flat atm but soon I'll start moving again and get my gluts moving again
You say so to everyone
Hot ,Id take you to dinner and facefuck you
>just updated it for ya <3
also I posted it already so I can also ask how old do I look? because random people said completely different things about that
who would win the Roman legion or space aliens
you look 19
space Stalin
but i always mean it!
i wouldn't lie to a truhon, they just aren't the ones posting their faces.
besides, all you asked about was chasers, and chasers have hit on ME
so if you mog me - and you do - then just objectively you'll do well with chasers
the human will is indomitable, anon
deus vult
Drink half of one
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>the human will is indomitable, anon
>deus vult
I would like to bone you.
see what i mean?
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Aliens would die because they'd have terrible logistics due to the distance, and Roman roads would keep them supplied.
1 pot = 4 tbsp grain + 6 fl cups.
the aliens are in orbit with a large spaceship
probably 100 of them
a few scouting craft
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if you use anyone more feminine than picrel as a base line than yeah I have a chance and people wanting to bone you doesn't changes things a tiny bit for me
Calm down you look fine.
>people wanting to bone you doesn't changes things a tiny bit for me
you literally asked if you had a chance with chasers! it proves that everyone has a chance with chasers!
The 19 year old transgirl finally got the hint and we both decided to strictly stay friends. Thank FUCK. I hope she finds someone her age range. She's still loads of fun to spend time with.
she’s probably still into you so please be cautious
My hands on her
a ha ha now I can tell you're off tripping! >>36672544, Shiet!
I just don't believe that I don't look just like a dude with longer hair and I want to shoot myself because of that. Can people from outside of US buy guns there? I'm not concerned about taking it back though
I don't doubt that one bit.
Also would you kindly say how old do I look like?
I'm a bi chaser and I want to suck the hog of a guy who looks like this with my trans gf
I don't know how you could possibly think I'm her. You look 20 at most.
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top picture is androgenous, bottom picture is girl. that's simply the truth
>Can people from outside of US buy guns there?
supposedly no
but you're seriously overreacting. you do, in fact look fine.
and anyway it's extremely rude for someone who mogs me to kill themselves before i do
what kinda message is that sending me?
you're not allowed to die before me, nonnie!
i would guess about 20 as well
i hope you get to do that anon
all of those posts are me by the way
good luck I guess
you see, it was a joke where she posted right after you and it's like I discovered a conspiracy just to be proven wrong even before I send this message [spoiler]please read it in Joker voice[/spoiler]
as above and by bottom you mean one without white light or those bears?
>supposedly no
Do they check something or do you can buy one without registering it immediately? Dying to cops on a next rightoid rally would be nice. Does Ben Shapiro and rest of those fuckers often show up in public?
im talking about the unsee. the top photo is the one with the harsh lighting, the bottom one is the dimmer one.
protip: soft light directly on the face is best. the bottom one looks better because it's still diffuse, but you could do better with a ring light
it was 4am and I only had stron lights available to make those pics look like something. I don't own a ring light and had no way to hang up water or smth in front of the light to diffuse it and it was too weak to just be covered with paper instead
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hope hes here
Comfy :)
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jade got banned for a week lol (picture of jade included in case you forgot what she looks like)
nature is healing
she didn't deserve this
for what?
hey, you don't have anything to explain to some random internet hon - im just justifying my decision
for the record, you're still mogging me in the top picture
show drawings?
I came here just for this. What an explorer you are. You're amazing. Are you still this curious? Do you still just look into things like this?
You shouldn't feel silly. Your passion is inspiring.

So the Vostok island. It's impressive you pulled out the country, surrounding islands, and even the vegetation.

I could listen to you forever, I love you getting excited about things like this. You know apparently there are some cruise ships that go near it and you can see it.
idk how to flirt i done called this bitch retarded
forgot about her until now
Enjoy walk.
hiiii I'm really glad you liked it,,,,, :>

I tend to get really, really excited about silly random stuff like this. Its been something I've thought occasionally about for almost 8 years now so I'd definitely love to see it, even if its just on a cruise.

I'm really happy you liked it anon
I want to plap you with my fat chaser cock
I want to play Zelda's lullaby while I explore a woman's body in a dark room
Thanks homie
we can play it at .5 speed so you have more time
sure sure everyone is mogging [insert person writing here]
You're the most interesting person I've ever met (kind of).
You got me to look into it a little bit. It's kind of sad it's so hard to get to. Very interesting story.

I hope you're not stuck in your car.
I don't really think I'm all that interesting, but I appreciate it.

I'm at home now, don't worry! I'm recording at my desk :>
watching this free on YouTube right now
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now THIS is how you talk to a girl
sorry to interrupt
hey being a gigahon is what im known for (well that and being a transbian invading chasergen :P). Ask anyone.
i am the tranny skill floor, only i can determine who is truhon and who is not!
tigerstar vs smudge at the battle of That Never Actually Happened
2004, colorized
I think you're objectively interesting. You're smart, curious, cute, beautiful. Last night you said something like you had a lot to say. I love listening to you.
I feel like you went to art school or something. I kind of get those vibes from you.
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Chasers is 27 too old for you?
no, i'm 28 so
Chasers and I guess transbians too, would you sexo Sarah on the looks basis alone or not?
I did spend most of time drawing and painting during my childhood up until high school but funny enough, it's almost the opposite! I actually went to school for computer science. I felt like it'd give me the best chance to deal with trans stuff, but its my dream to eventually go back to school and study physics, botany or marine biology. I think it'd be really fun to do research on topics I like studying on my own :>
that's hot and horny
Good age, I’m 30.
i get gangbanged by hons like this almost every weekend.
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how come someone impersonating me got more attention than the real me got the last few times i posted here? that’s no fair.
Why are you asking us you're transbian
you represent how im perceived in my worst nightmares
absolutely, she's extremely pretty im very jealous
Pls stop impersonating others anon, go to /b/ for that
You fell off.
maybe you should trip
Because they aren't afraid to put you out there but you are
she's bi
this was me btw :P
how nigga my last album was the chronic
We’re working on replacing you with ai
Hey gummy i hope you're doing well
They've been impersonating you in other threads too a shooping pics
AK nigga
Please use a trip mousey mama
Yeah you definitely like studying and researching. Do you still do that? Are you still curious a lot?
Are you working? Do you have the weekend off? Do you have any plans?
I think you're a lot of fun
.. whose your favorite Zelda? Mine's a tossup between Wind Waker and Link Between Worlds, but I'm open.
omg true bestie
i wish this thread had a qott
if you trip im highlighting your posts, no ifs ands or buts about it
I'd like to think I'm still pretty curious. I really like learning new things.

I do have the weekend off, I have plans for Saturday at 5:30pm, but besides that I'm free :>
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have to be on to fall off
will the real mousefag please stand up?
ok turning trip on just bc i dont like ppl thinking that’s really me
i look gross and fat but here’s a pic of me from today to establish this trip (ive used this trip before as well)
if any kind chaser would call out the impersonator when he does this id appreciate that too but i dont expect anyone to do that ofc
i rarely post here anymore cuz whenever i come here i see AGPs attention whoring and i realize im basically looking into my own reflection and it makes me want to die to be like that so i avoid it
it’s why i must detransition too
>if you trip im highlighting your posts, no ifs ands or buts about it
I think the impersonator wants us to get compliments. They've been me quite a bit recently and they only post things to make me look good/bait kind replies. I don't entirely understand but they don't seem malicious.
because youre cool and i look up to you
It's repper behavior, they want to be you and use you as a skin puppet to get compliments and soothe the repper ego
Unfortunately it's a 13h drive. Which is doable it's not the worst. But I work all weekend and probably every weekend until the end of summer.
That's fine too I guess, if they need it. Whatever helps them out I'm okay with.
why would you look up to me? i’m the definition of a failed tranny.
i transitioned for 3 years and got nowhere. im abominably ugly and look even more like a freak because of the estrogen. im balding. i have no skills or even positive traits. i am incapable of being social. im literally just a fat gaycel with disgusting conetits there’s nothing here to look up to.
oh unless you just mean literally look up to. i am tall af
I think you're just acting like this because you think it's funny to dab on the other trannies
Shut up babytrans lol learn makeup
3 years
and im detransitioning now so
How tall
It's 6am and I think I'll be going to sleep now but is waking up, trying if lower recreational dose of my med will do anything, walking the dog and shopping into neeting and cooking a good idea for today?
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laurence olivier’s so hot i wish he were real
no answers is a big ol' "no"
toldja :P
you look neither gross nor fat
>whenever i come here i see AGPs attention whoring
sorry :/
3 years is babytrans sorry
Youre not detransing youre just being complacent and complaining youre not more femme. It takes effort, stop whining and do it.
my schedule in general is pretty free. I work remote at the moment and it's project based so if I needed to I could just work on the weekend if I somehow ended up busy on a weekday.

a 13 hour is rough though ;~;
>im balding
You're sure your e, t and dht lvls are ok?
6 foot flat afaik
i dont want to be more femme i want to be normal
yea my E level is high and both my T and DHT are very low. im even taking finasteride now just in case. still balding
If you wanted to be normal why did you take estrogen lol you take estrogen to change your gender
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breath of the wild was the last one I played and it was great. it was very historical to me that princess Zelda went barefoot the first time. Also it felt like a combination of Zelda and fallout both games I love. all of the games are great though. you should play through them all once.
if you mean which princess is the best, breath of the wild, due to the earlier mentioned reason also this
shorty :smirking_face_emoji:
sorry I was cooking and couldn't reply til now
it was a mistake
nothing can change gender after socialization
that’s why im detransitioning now
Tell me about the Camo Maid
Been with it to a dermatologist? Ifit's not a woman patern than it may be a sign something important
Does your idea of detransitioning include still being on hrt?
you look like a girl thou
Thats why i called you babytrans
You dont develop a female personality until youve lived as a woman for awhile. Estrogen does most of the work really.
Yeah it's not good. I'm like kind of obsessed with you though. Not in a creepy way. You're just incredible. I genuinely would like to get to know you.
I'm kind of passing out. I hope you have a good night and a good time tomorrow. I appreciate you sharing these stories with me. Goodnight my beautiful sunflower queen.
evidently no
>You dont develop a female personality until youve lived as a woman for awhile
transitioning without already having a female personality is disgusting misogynistic behavior. i hate myself for participating in it. stop with your AGP logic.
I'd like to get to know you too. Good night anon :> I hope you have a good night's sleep
haha that's alright. i was a little disappointed not to get a bunch of resounding "no"s, as strange as that may sound.
and thank you <3 i can't quite believe you but i do appreciate it
Fuck you bitch you hate yourself and you take it out on other trannies stay ugly
Youre right you are agp if you think that kind of behavior is acceptable
Damn you suck
We're not here to help people digitally self harm.
it's not really an ideology, but if it's not for you i totally get that
im not agp but im disgusting nevertheless
Going to dream of exploring vostok island together.
Now kiss me. Kiss this old hag.

I stopped prog and am now desperate for men for some reason latley actually.

Hello anon how are you? You should add me on discord I like it when you say hello to me.
which pokemon was it gonna be
What the hell, that's so strange.
Youre a self hating agp thats the most common and annoying type
Sounds like a decent plan to me!
It's not a new thing, they've done it for a long time. They've just been more active lately.
I know the impersonating, but the going for compliments thing is not something I ever noticed. Mind if I ask who you are exactly?
I'm anon.
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definitionally im not agp
im just a self hating gay man
>stopped prog
>now desperate for men
not even if im literally begging you??
Hussies dont hate ourselves we think so much of ourselves that we can bag straight men youre not one of us. We dont care if our personality is feminine or whatever the fuck we just want to be attractive.
Not our job.
like i said im not hsts either. im just a gay guy
the classic 4chan gender thing where you become so bitter you're just intolerable. most of your problems are based on your own psychotic misapprehensions about how gender and transition should be, when that idea in and of itself is flawed. You need to relax, probably leave this board, and definitely stop being a mess in this thread, cause you're just going to start lashing out at random people like you're doing a little bit already.
It's hard when you're burning everyone to self harm
you are cute and look like a girl, try to calm down. take some deep breathes, make some tea if you got some.
I wouldve been nice had you not been transphobic, seek empathy elsewhere bpdemon
I mean you look really cute
it's okay, you don't have to force yourself to keep going if it makes you miserable. you could make it, but you can be happy either way, i promise.
i only lash out at other people internally, i dont do it externally because i know all it does is show how horrible and repulsive of a person i am
dont see why leaving the board would help, this board is basically reddit at this point, all the edges have been sanded off
clearly not sanded down enough because you're talking about stupid shit like agp and htst. blanchard is literally a hack who nobody would fucking know about if this board wasn't a hellraiser dimension
why are the prettiest ones always the craziest
True but i like to think im the fun kind of crazy (im not)
Uh oh.
thats why you should date me, I'm kinda average
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im only a little bit off. If you can look past that you're set.
does anyone want to make an aeternalae with me?
I think it might have to do with the pressure they feel to comparing themselves to others.
Like maybe it becomes part of their identity to be attractive, and so when they have experiences which challenge that it hits way harder because its challenging a part of their core identity?

idk I genuinely don't know and that's just a guess
We're sane and hideous!
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dang i guess i need to play breath of the wild then
Trannies, would you introduce your bf to your parents?
so you're saying i need to get crazier
I am eepy but I dont wanna sleep yet I need cuddles.
Huh? Oh, yeah, sure sure. That's it.
tbdesu i think they'd be more accepting if i was into men, so, absolutely
uwu *glomps u*
eww a transbian. get the fuck out, cunt.
probably, I've done it before
*puts my weanus in ur bumbum*

found these in my sons room. Is this estrogen?
I think your filename will help you anon.
What was their reaction like?
why would i not
we can make ovalisks together it'll be cute
they don't really have problems with me dating guys as long as the guy is nice, more me being trans. it was pretty pleasant though
imagine having a son that turns out to be your daughter and then that daughter brings home another man that pounds the ass of what used to be your son

hot as fuck ngl
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lmao are you new here?
never change, chasers
it's an evil world we live in
Bravo, kudos.
I'm gonna miss jade and I hope she uses this time away to practice twerking
imagine Jordan Peterson going on a rant about trans women and using all the biggest words he knows and then crying
something about Jung and chaos dragons
Jordan, 60
very nice
sometimes I forget that my gf is trans. She talks and acts like a woman so I just don't think about it
booring m8
Pretty sure he's already done that
I hope you kissin some ladies Sarah, stay safe out there shits wild these days princess
Im happy that you're doing okay, have a goodnight.
i secretly wish a guy felt that way about me idk if that's fucked up
I see mildly depressed woman in a niche 2000s film living in the city where it constantly rains and is spring time with a slight chill

You don't read as male
i wish i lived in a rainy place
it’s so dry here
im trying to stop being a chaser but then I see all the hot and nice women here. it fucks with my head too much. these are the only women god wanted me to see and be with
that's not fucked up. i wasn't joking: chasers, never change
that's kinda sweet actually
gf has a cold sore :( no kisses for a while
but thank you for the well-wishes <3
rain bad, snow good tho
Good boy
yea,,, its really hot but its embarrassing
Getting railed by a woman and railing the same woman after to an autistic discography sounds hella kino i say this with all honesty in my heart

You've got my chasers word which honestly isn't much and smell faintly of a smell you'd probably not enjoy
>rain bad
How dare you.
why would you want to stop, then? marry a beautiful tranner, anon, live your best life
but the embarrassment is part of why it's hot, am i right? :P
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whats an autistic discography lol
rain best

rain best snow good

spring rain with slight chill best
porter robinson
I love the rain :)
i like the sound on my roof at night, but the smell is god-awful
yyeah it rly makes my brain melt
You can't trick me into being mean to you by having terrible opinions.
oh lol
i need a bf who’s into alice in chains
the only person ive met irl who was into alice in chains was a tranny
but tbf i havent met many ppl
what a unique opinion
ive only ever heard ppl refer to the smell of rain positively
Walkies :)
guy if I turn stu into a mouse, should I take pictures to show how much of a mouse she is?
Do you live in a garbage dump?
You're right i don't change im a broken womanizing piece of shit, im bitter at my self and i should be.
petrichor is the greatest smell ever invented don't say that...
Dude what.
Whats your least favorite smell that isn't something related to waste or BO?
probably vagina
good girl ;)
hahaha damn
i don't get bullied enough :((
sorry, i hope that doesn't make you feel like i don't appreciate you being nice to me. i do, anon, i promise, im just a little fucked in the head :/
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ smells like dead worms and iron to me
no! im a transbian, so obviously i make bank as a software engineer lmao
my house isn't super nice, but i do own a house. not a dump :P
don't make me learrrnnnnnnn
35 years old
135lb And 5'6" chaser here
I make 80k a year

Is it over?
>135lb And 5'6" chaser here
itty bitty
>not tall
>also 5'7"
are you funny or confident?
that was an instruction, not a condemnation. i love chasers
but if you don't like who you are, take some small steps today to change that. Be someone you can be proud of being, anon
nah, but i hope you're not insecure about your height. trannies like confidence in a man
i mean, i should clarify: it's okay to experience insecurity. but a lot of guys can get utterly consumed by an obsession over their height, and that's very unattractive
Neither. I think my best trait is i'm caring and dependable. I'm definitely not the life of a party

I dont mind at all and i dont notice it until a woman tells me she thought i was taller in real life [i put 5'6" on my profile]. Happened three times crazy enough
Yes, I’m sorry, all pink pills are estrogen. He’s one of us now.
idk you sound nice to me, anon. i mean, just based on two posts on 4channel dot org, but still. i wouldn't think it's over
Take 50 of them before he can get to them, it's the only way.
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Thanks Sarah, i'll keep trying
Smooching girls
yea you’ll make it
alright, im gonna dip out before the next thread. got to wake up early so i can go to the Renaissance Faire tomorrow morning! gonna be way too hot but im still excited
goodnight chasergen! <3 ~
Thats BO related
good night !!!
what if it stinks regardless of whether it's clean or not?
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i love men
A collection of songs belongings to specific niche genre, not to be confused with adhd infused autistic discographies which are far more random and disconnected except they aren't they're connected but your lacking a certain context for it that only the maker of the discography fully understands
bros i haven’t seen naoto in a while. what do you think shes doing?
Its an smell produced by the body ergo BO in my opinion

I meant what if you don't like the smell of caramel or pine because some people don't apparently
I thought this was a nym selfie from the thumbnail
is my face reminiscent of a handsome man's chest, what do i do with this revelation
>but your lacking a certain context for it that only the maker of the discography fully understands
You get it.
im sorry you feel those ways, but i really do look up to you
i also thought you were more than 3 years on hrt
why tf wud u look up to me
who wouldn't? aside from the worming, i wish i was half as successful as you
successful how lol
because you're mad hot and boys want to pregnate you
make new thread
factually untrue
every word i said was true and that you'll seeee
and, scene.
do it yourself lazy ass

that is so rude


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