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one day we'll be happy

prev >>37183984
im a retired sr-71 pilot
i also served in nam
you are afraid of the truth cause the truth means death, just accept death whatever, you have never lived anyway
no, we won't, this shithole has at least 90% fatality rate
my gf keeps calling me her gf even though i don't pass at all and i feel really nice when she does it but also like im skinwalking being trans
my bf keeps calling me my bf
what is your girl name?
i assume is not soph, unless you like it i guess
I would pop a boner
i don't know if i should say it on this board, larry would probably find some way to use it against me
I don't think he has any way of doing that.
I am just curious what your name is since you are from northen europe iirc.
probably some hon name like älice
I'm not going by it right now since only my parents and sister know about this stuff, but in 4 years I'll hopefully start going by Anna
hej my name's ælice
kinda lol
wdym that's normal though? mine is way worse it's a flower name
then why did you choose it?
flowers are incredibly sentimental to me for a variety of reasons, also my given name is gender neutral and i kinda like it so i picked something that could be realistically shortened to it. i can always fall back on that instead of my eventually legal hon name
>flowers are incredibly sentimental to me
wow that's fembrained lmao congrats
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you are dumb Anna, very dumb. you will never go by Anna publicly, you will never be yourself, you will never exist, you parents and sister think that you are a weird abomination and will bury you with disgust like some mutated rat after you finally spare them and commit sui, you have bad case of terminal man face Anna, you will never be a lesbian and have a girl love you as a you as a girl, she will always see a man face staring back at here when you have 'lesbian' PIV sex, you are a literal rapehon kys, you have never lived, you do not live rn and you will never ever live Anna. you will only ever live archived here as some nasty AGP manmoder name Anna. your pillow will never be replaced by a real girlfriend so you can keep having fun imagining it as not being a pillow forever.
>one day we'll be happy
maybe you will be.
everyone thinks I'm gay, I have no idea why, I'm pretty sure I'm just meta-attracted
my sister is actually an annoying ally and says i have internalized transphobia when i talk about neo-blanchardism and this board. and her best friend is a bi twinkhon.

my parents might secretly be disgusted by me, but i'll still get the last laugh because in that case they have some weird guilt complex making them give me huge amounts of money to change my appearance.

and i'll never have piv sex lol. i'm functionally asexual. i hate my penis more than anything. when i first started getting erections at the start of puberty it made me freeze up and gave me anxiety bordering on panic attacks. when i was 14 i used to self- harm using a sideways razer as a cheese shredder on my legs because i hated my rapestick so fucking much. it was the only way i could sleep.

if you want to be accurate in your hatred larry then talk about my future axewound instead lol.
eh, i would never even cut my balls let alone the ax wound, i have seen some horror pics on this board, you should have it with the mad psycho surgeron from outlast first game
i can't have sex with this body and it pisses me off, dypshoria is reduced but still kinda debilitating, oof
yeah, srs in free in sweden but i'll probably have to pay a mardirossian-tier surgeon to avoid getting botched. some people have great experiences with it so I don't think srs is completely terrible even if it's scary and unpredictable.
you mug is literally like a manmoder/repper meme,you could turn it into a meme, why do you even think that you stand a chance?
i don't think, i just hope i do. the reason i'm getting mardirossian ffs despite it being insanely expensive for foreigners is because i want to maximize my chances. maybe i have like a 50/50 chance of becoming a twinkhon post-ffs. marie said she looked like me pre-ffs and i'll absolutely be okay with looking like her.

if it fails at least i'll know i tried.
i'm going to kill myself, you queers want anything?
>i'll absolutely be okay with looking like her.
you won't, she is not ok with looking like that and has the same tranny brain, you are just coping bc you know that you cannot possibly look cis
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going to use my sledgehammr on a pile of dirt today because im primitive
imagine being a 5'3 post-op twinkhon with a bi aspie girlfriend who fully accepts you and you both help each other become better people. that's such an amazing second prize holy shit.
i have less than a hundred dollars to my name but if you sell my books and comics and DVDs at a flea market you might get another $10. if you sell my furniture you might even get another $100.
that is not going to ever happen mister
stop harassing lesbians
i know cisbians wont ever be attracted to me, duh. but bi women like androgynous twinkhons.
it's not that kind of nice feeling im not agp sorry
>verification not required
you are just prolonging your suffering by coping, i am sorry for you, i feel great amounts of empathy for you and pains me seeing you like this, rope rope rope
99% of all trannies are agp
i highly doubt you have the ability to predict ffs results with any bit of accuracy. 50/50 is the most reasonable prediction.
whatever, how can i have sex with my body?
i hate it
i don't think it's possible. i'd puke and sob hysterically if i ever did it
I'll never be happy
I'll never let myself
i need to find a way, maybe if my dysphoria gets reduced more? but again, it is not really dysphoria related, more sexual arousal related..
same bestie
are manmoders hsts, agp or ase?

fuck off, tiny blancher
who cares?
i do unironically believe in neo-blanchardism. i mean the bottom dysphoria i got at the start of puberty was basically a sexual disorder. i could also only get aroused while imagining myself as a lesbian woman in the "receiving" position.

there's nothing wrong with being hsts or agp though, they're romantic and sexual orientations just like hetero and homosexuality.
im primal primitiv manmoder i swing club backyard
>i do unironically believe in neo-blanchardism
and I unironically look down on you for this and see you as constantly trying to uphold, spread, and enforce against others a restrictive ideology around classifying all trannies into one box or another over some misguided guilt complex or need to put yourself down or make yourself less dangerous to others' perception or because you have no spine or will of your own and instead need to subsume your own to that of someone else's whose words carry more authority in the eyes of yourself and others

also I ironically look down at you, literally, because you are half my size and I could fucking eat you
anyway I'm both "AGP" and "ASE" if you want to try and frame any of those concepts in relation to each other instead of exclusively to each other, good luck with that, retard
i'm just a tranny who likes guys these ancient letters are so dumb leave them to the terfs
he's not even using them "right" lmao, he should do that poll in /agpg/
Bro why do you care
People transition for a multitude of reasons some people are feminine growing up and want to fit in better, some people try to man up but can’t and develop gender dysphoria; for some people this develops into a fetish, for some people it doesn’t
Then the decision to manmode is also personal and depends on the person, for some it is a stage until they get surged up and for others it is a choice to feel less dysphoric, etc
So many different reasons
Blanchy was just trying to categorize transexuals to fit his brainwormed worldview- while his theories do have basis they aren’t relevant in the context of the 21st century as society has changed so much
Fuck you rkun ywnbaw
idk i thought this board mutually believed that everyone was either hsts or agp, it seemed like that.

i didn't mean to be mean or disrespectful, maybe i'm just dumb?
The idea that transition is motivated by sexual gratification (chasing straight guys for HSTS, crossdressing for AGP) and no other reasons is stupid
that's not what neo-blanchardites believe
>i thought this board mutually believed that everyone was either hsts or agp
I'd say a majority of legbutts or at least /tttt/rannies do, and that's fucking gay and dumb especially because most of them only know it as the Good Ones vs Bad Ones dichotomy as it's taught to them by TERFs, /pol/tourists, and other self-hating tranners (and that's exactly why you see the same fucking thing reinvented and re-labeled over and over again because it's an easy color-by-numbers formula to box yourself and others into whichever of Good or Bad based on whatever observed traits you want or need at the moment

it's complete bullshit and you should stop falling for, or worse propagating, it and related ideas and I will ree at you every time over it just like I do at frenchie

and it's still more of a materially self-consistent basis for using those phrases than whatever the fuck you think "neo-blanchardism" is you fucking retard
you don't understand what AGP or HSTS really are
they are a set of assumptions spun as something somehow corroborated by evidence and predictive capability (despite having neither)
gonna get a haircut again since i'm being pressured into it
i feel so bad though because i loved having long hair until i shaved it off and i want to grow it out again
least self-destructive ttttranner
there goes my hero
watch him as he goes
>i'm being pressured into it
then don't, FUCK whoever is trying to pressure you into it, and then kill them and eat them (or don't wait do it during)
least annoying ttttranner
i'm not even doomposting anymore???
how can i have sex with this body?
come on, i need help, i am sexually frustrated
go on grindr those guys will fuck anything
you are very stupid, just like Shahonn
stupid people are annoying but you must have like 75 iq to even believe you have a chance so whatever
get on cypro and you wont even think about sex anymore
lol don't let yourself get l*rried
yh i should just ignore them shouldn't i?
it is not abt that, i have dysphoria, i cannot use it
even dumber than i thought, that ship sailed a long time ago, only first people that invested in crypto really made bank, once something becomes mainstream it is already too late
yes, and?
aha, lol, i pay so little attention to what is wrote that i confused it
again, i cannot have sex with this body and feel my sexuality properly so i am sexually frustrated
if you're very insistent that you don't like it touched then they won't (usually)
go fuck a goat about it
Babe make a vocaroo dragging shahhon
yes, please do. i wanna hear larry's cute voice :3
it could all be so skrimple
but you'd rather make it hard
one does not simply
it aint workin
I look like this and say this
same beksinski
my mic is shitty, this is the best qulaity you are getting
i actually don't really get agp people. like ooohhh i can't believe it im cumming so hard thinking im a woman im gonna transition!!! idk. seems strange
Love this painter sm
Thanks baby
carbon monoxide poisoned goatfucker
maybe because that's literally not how it works and is just what some washed-up "sexologist" diagnosing criminals and psych patients with sexual diseases assumed based on his own narrow-minded dick-sucking "theories" about how women and the world function
after ten months, i believe i can finally say it's over
i wish bro, i hate my life from the bottom of my heart, i want to die already but i cannot, fuck this shit
you are like little baby
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you expect anyone here to feel any sympathy for you? you've spent the past year here telling us to kill ourselves or give up and detransition
you can't seriously tell me that i look like a woman
all the lhr places here are for darkies, i'm fucked
are you fuckin stupid? did I say that? I don't know or care what you look like, how could I possibly? you're 10 months HRT and bitching that it's over, hence >>37201239
i did it bc i loved you and i will never ever do it againm i swear to god and beyond and back
even so it doesn't change my daily reality of just looking like a guy
mogs me
My enviroment is 100% male
Crusty old clothes and shitty underwear
A few anime posters
Some garbage game cds
a shitty stereo that barely works, dust upon dust, old things I should prolly throw our like my old computer, humidifier and boxes filled with things form my childhood and adolescence
Too afraid to paint my nails, or get a nice haircut or anything. Too afraid to live a bit better. Numb to everything until it hits me and I try choking my self because I will never be a she/her haha
still not trans btw
that is the worst thing
if he trooned out he would eventually pass
you are crazy my friend
literally me. how do i escape
going to lift weights
Honestly I have started believing I might not even be dysphoric and it is all just resulting in intense pain
I really wish I did
I am going backwards
Or maybe This really isnt my authentic self, and being a real man is what I needed. testosterone and RAAUGHH MALE
wouldnt that be funny?
i look lik muscular man n dress since used to bodybuild
tranny retard
do adoption agencies care abt personality disorders
I can't adopt children as a tranny in my country
i am scared that i will end up in prison one day
Why am i one?
it hurts to be called one when I cant even figure out what I am by myself.
But I am just
Male on estrogen
Taking estrogen
Without even thinking about it beyond
"lol its effects are ok I guess and I guess I wanted this since i found out about hrt and trans shit and i guess it kinda would help with my fantastic fetishes which include me being a woman/feminization"
See that?Yep
Just so fuckign raped in the brain
hello, men!
>Why am i one?
welcome to the club, buddy, shit sucks but you're a tranny and you need to accept it (you don't actually need to lol but you will make things worse for yourself if you don't)
im true manmoder can i blogpost cavetran thoughts?

control ursef
Trooning is so gay guys it isnt 2015 anymore
Just take hrt and be a femmaxxing chad
Hey baby boy post tattoos
sorry wrong thread
Kys baby boy i need to see your body
>the guy who keeps attacking me is one of the ugliest posters on /lgbt/ and sounds like he actually suffers from retardation

that's genuinely evil
fuck my abhorrent faggot life
Dysphoria is fake memories looped back into me from my fetishistic desire for this farce to be "real" and not just a sissy fetish
I never corssdressed
I was a nomral boy until puberty when depression started and never left. I knew nothing about trans shit until iw as already an adult and I was doing my isolation shtick just fine. Porn ruined my brain while I was avoiding friends and girls to play games on my internet.
I cant even do laser haha
Cause I am male and they will know it and I will know it. I am BULLSHIT
shut up and keep taking your tranny meds, tranny, and go schedule your first laser appointment right now
fuck you fuck you you dont know me
i wont stop my fucking hrt fuck you
you dont know what I am
I am a monster
Ill eat all the people i love for my own ego until I die in 2.5 years
Laser will only permenantly change my body in ways I cannot comprehend. There is no visual future unless I am dead, burned to ass.
>i wont stop my fucking hrt
>Laser will only permenantly change my body in ways I cannot comprehend
you are incomprehensible
hon or twinkhon post mardirossian ffs?

https://unsee cc/album#F8tdXleJsRJ2

please be honest
i'm so sorry
post ffs twinkhon at absolute worst, your lower face is obvious masculine but in ways that are probably the most effective to change with surgery
god i hope you're right
it is the wrongest thing I have ever done, believing I was ever anything but my disgusting self. But I cant stop. Idk. i dont hate it and it is not making me anything more than a man. I am fat, the tits wont show
But a beard shadow will always carry me towards manhood
I cant do it
I cant be female. Its not possible and at this point, the only think on my mind is if even still want sucha thing. A feminine body, and to "be a girl" and to appear as one. Do i? I dont know.
I just catch glimpses of myself longing for laser and getting piercing and doing my nails but...those dont make you a woman.
nobody is asking you to (except maybe a goatfucker but you're supposed to ignore him)
>I just catch glimpses of myself longing for laser and getting piercing and doing my nails but...those dont make you a woman.
so then fucking do those things and still be a man, I mean what are you, slow? who cares about the label or identity?
literally just be a fem man, there is no excuse not to
>who cares about the label or identity?
Somehow I do
Idk why I am so caught up on it
idk whats wrong with me
It is cause I met real trannies and I was just
viscerally different
It was defeating to see such people.
I will never be like them
It was never a choice.
I am just
a man on hrt
A deadend
>I am just
>a man on hrt
>A deadend
well, shit, same worstie but this was kind of what I accepted and expected going in (and doing so was the only way I could "allow" myself to start HRT)
idk I mean this seems to be actively your choice
if that bothers you this much, manmoding is not for you longterm and you should be open to using it as a stepping stone to making meaningful steps toward feeling or acting or appearing more as you want
>to making meaningful steps toward feeling or acting or appearing more as you want
yes ok but the issue is
What the fuck do i even want anymore right?
what is my real authentic desire here
Therapy in a few days.....hopefully I figure shit out
until then I will be posting ahahhahahahahahahah
you people actually waste money on that?
laser? it's not quite as insanely cost effective as the free/dirt-cheap HRT and its life-altering relief from symptoms of dysphoria, but it's the second best thing I've done for myself and spent any money on without any contest in terms of my personal comfort level

also nail polish is really cheap and piercings and tattoos and cosmetic stuff like that are not really a part of transition in my view at all so much as general investments in self-expression
I don't feel nothin anymore
Why are you so hung up on mardi please link a good result, i have never seen one
no, therapy
gonna start electrolysis
it's so expensive (thoughever)
oh... lol... no I'm too avoidant to find and commit to a therapist...
i've read everywhere that mardi is the best ffs surgeon in the world. keojampa is also good and xavier lachiver in france looks promising, but i need the best ffs in the world to stand a chance.

there are also mardirossian before and after pictures on reddit that serve as very powerful hopefuel.
Opinion discarded holy kek
i haven't done enough research to have a detailed opinion, lachiver might be bad idk
Mardi actually isnt too bad i just checked srry
I was thinking of the guy who did the trip sparky
what if a balding middle-aged man had fat cowtits
would he be able to find love in this f-cked up world
can't you just get hair transplants?
literally me
i wish i could eat enough to have tits
i am very poor, fakemoderkun
drink milk
what does that even mean?
not a trvemoder confirmed
gatekeeping helps no one
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I will never be a real tranny
I will always be malebrianed
I will always be too afraid to move forwards because I am not really a woman
It is over before it ever begun
gatekeeping is sometimes necessary to weed out the boymoders
huh, hmm
I don't know why but I think there is a problem here, can anybody help me?
i am 0% a boymoder. i might not even be a boymoder post-ffs. i wish i was, i really do, but nothing about my appearance is cute or feminine. maybe if you're extremely kind you could say i'm a "guymoder"?
His theory on short men having a compact and wide skeleton is mostly true unless they had super weak puberty
So i dont think 5’5 means he’s not a manmoder desu
t. 178cm
you are delusional
who? can't you just click the numbers?
at worst a poonermoder
>implying pooners have gigachad skulls
i'd have to be a true luckshit for that jfc
methschizo looks like a pooner lol it's kind of funny
>short men having a compact and wide skeleton
this is litruhlly me as a 5'6 dwarfmoder who even had a hormonal imbalance going into puberty
the poonrages are hilarious
nsfw reddit juwune94 ^-^
why that nigga constantly moist
You are the sole reason why I cut my wrists
god I wish
bpd teen in the body of a 40 year old man
post gigachad skull

hey baby boy post cuts
larry x rkun hatesex smut
Are you retarded or typed it wrong
https://unsee cc/album#F8tdXleJsRJ2
damn this nigga ugly as fuck lmao
unfortunate jaw and nose, but you'll look okay after ffs
shut the fuck up that isn't even funny
on crip how do you continue living i would HANG MYSELF if i woke up looking like that
nah you're too much of a coward :3
ffs will fix you
smol man with fem leaning body? idk
i'm pretty i'm allowed to be a coward
everything gets handed to me
Post nsfw reddit bro you know you love the attention
stfu june post pits and thighs
>be me, larry
>manmoding, obviously
>most masculine guy in the room (and by that i mean i act like a bpd bitch)
>rkun and i are forced to work together on a class project
>rkun is 5'5 but claims to be a manmoder
>i hate her
>except i like her because she’s way too cute for her own good
>she doesn’t see it, though
>rkun insists she’s "ugly and disgusting" while looking like a goddamn anime girl
>tfw dysmorphia is a hell of a drug

>we’re hanging out at the local mcdonald's because we’re classy like that
>i order 20 nuggets to assert dominance
>rkun orders a small salad
>"you know you don’t have to eat like that, right? you’re not even fat."
>"l-larry, you’re just saying that to be nice…"
>bro i am the meanest person you know, i don’t do "nice"
>"no, seriously, if you were any more twinkish, you’d collapse into a singularity of boymode energy."
>rkun blushes furiously
>stupid, cute, oblivious idiot

>we sit down, me with my glorious nuggets, rkun with her sad lettuce
>she’s picking at it, looking all melancholic like some tragic figure from a victorian novel
>decide to cheer her up, but in my signature style, which is basically roasting her until she smiles
>"you’re really going to sit there and pretend like you don’t have the face of a cherub? the mirror didn’t crack when you looked at it this morning, did it?"
>rkun turns bright red
>mission accomplished

>halfway through my nuggets, i get that sudden hit of existential dread
>why am i like this
>why can’t i just say something nice like a normal person
>god, i’m so emotionally unstable, i’m surprised i haven’t thrown my nuggets on the floor in a rage yet
>"larry… are you okay?"
>rkun looking at me with those big, concerned eyes
>no, rkun, i am NOT okay
>but instead i just say, "yeah, i’m fine. just thinking about how much of a mess you are."
>rkun frowns, clearly about to cry
>wait, that’s not what i meant to say
I have a boyfriend now I don't post lewds
>"i… i know i’m a mess," rkun mumbles, pushing her salad away
>oh no
>oh no no no
>damage control time
>"no, you’re not a mess, you’re just—"
>brain shuts down
>mouth decides to keep going
>"—an adorable, perfect, anxiety-ridden nightmare and i wouldn’t trade you for anything."
>rkun blinks, taken aback
>realize what i just said
>"i-i mean, you suck, but i tolerate you."
>good save, larry, good save

>rkun suddenly smiles
>that genuine, heart-melting smile that makes her look like she just stepped out of a damn shoujo manga
>"thanks, larry… i think you’re pretty great too."
>feel my soul leave my body for a moment
>shit, emotions are happening

>awkward silence for like a full minute
>both of us just staring at each other, blushing like idiots
>we look like two disaster lesbians trying to figure out if they should hold hands or throw punches
>finally, i shove the last nugget in my mouth and stand up
>"alright, enough of this gay shit, let’s go watch bad anime and complain about everything."
>rkun nods, still blushing but smiling
>we head out, both of us a complete wreck but somehow making it work

>at end of the day, we’re still manmoding
>we’re still brainwormed
>but at least we’re brainwormed together
not enough weird racism to be larry
not gonna read that
He can’t fuck like me guaranteed
I have done a lot of things in life but i have never disappointed in the bedroom
Even when i threw up water on a guys dick he was into it
you sound like a faggot, might wanna end urself eh?
I am a fag that’s why i want your nudes baby
God i love men
i should stop trip posting
Add a few more for me <3
he is probably like Lari Tranniescu or something like that
i go up to 8mg a day this week.
nah he's got some peasant lineage goatfucker name
who here transitioned the latest? i'll start:

kys midshit
why did the thread die?
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i did from 8 to 20 so there must genuinely be something wrong with my head
There is no point to any of this, and everyone in this thread will either go insane and become a true rapehon hedonist sociopath or suicide once the honeymoon period of transition ends.
There is no possible way to live as a woman if you have the body/skull to force you to manmode to begin with, and the standards for what is required only gets worse each day with each new youngshit gigapassoid brought into this world by parents and adults that love and care about them.
It's like watching people with confirmed terminal cancer go through chemotherapy for no reason, just to experience the unique pain and suffering that brings. No actual light at the end of the tunnel for all of that pain and struggle, and no one on this planet can offer any actual advice that isn't, "Well, just get over it".

This is one of the last generations of reppers/manmoders in human history, and this shift within the next 10-20 years is going to cause the majority of millennial and Z trannies to take their own lives once they see more and more of what an actual transition can do.
i disagree
You're 5'5.
The fact that you could even rep in this era, with your height, until AFTER puberty, just makes me think you're a typical AGP faketrans that wouldn't ever have made it anyway. Absolutely batshit insane repping or pretending to be male at all with genes like that at any point in your life for any reason.
>born in 2004
>in an unaccepting country
If only I was born a few years later and in a country like America...
true :|
last generation of reppers is crazy, there will always be people repping for bizarre internal reasons even when young transitioners enter the wider cultural zeitgeist and parental support is super common. and it goes without saying the barely dysphoric boomerhons who "realize" late in life aren't going anywhere either.
if we keep realistic expectations of transitioning from male to trans woman, i don't rly see where these raised standards are coming from if acceptance will only spread with time? i just wanna make my bf happy and confident with me in public, and get miss'd consistently in dark grocery stores, is that too much? idk this heat is frying my brain sorry it's 107
hey you know of any older swedish manmoder?
i don't know if you've noticed, but i very much am batshit insane. my sister is a cisbian, so when i hated erections and the only sexual thoughts i liked at the start of puberty were thoughts of being a lesbian, my mind just broke. i thought there was something wrong with me and i immidietely drank up the agp koolaid as soon as i found out about it. i was browsing r/itsafetish and thought "yes that's me, that's what these feelings are pulling me towards". i used increasingly twisted logic to keep myself from accepting myself and when i was 14 i started using a sideways razer as a cheese shredder on my legs to punish myself.

it wasn't until i had made up a suicide plan at 19 but realized i was too scared of death to go through with it that i decided to manmode. that quickly spiraled into telling my parents and doing everything i can to hopefully become a twinkhon in the future.
no, there aren't a lot of swedes on this board from what i've seen
nah, I accomplished the goals I set out to when I started this
yeah :/
there must be swedish manmoders but not itt
>This is one of the last generations of reppers/manmoders in human history
The next 20 years will be full of detransitions and suicides once people realize that social transition does not work if you don’t cis pass
By 2035 it will be more normal for twinks to just take hrt into adulthood to stay pretty and not have to call ourselves women to justify taking hrt
no one can hurt me more than i hurt myself but not transitioning at 13-16. larry's words are all pathetic compared to the irreperable trauma and damage i did all by myself. IWNBAW IWNBAW IWNBAW IWNBAW IWNBAW
You probably still wouldnt have passed
if i were lucky and fortunate i could have put the pieces together at 8. i literally could have been a gigayoungshit right now with a loving supportive girlfriend but now i'm an ugly rotting ase rapehon. I WILL NEVER FORGIVE MYSELF I WANT TO FUCKING DIE
Learn to be a man on hrt or stop taking it, you will never pass as a woman in everyday life
agp euthenasia should unironically be a thing. i'm just deluding myself by thinking things will ever be okay. trenders make psychologists think dysphoria is a lot less severe than it actually is. this warrants a peaceful death. i will never be happy and my entire life was just broken at its core.
take your meds neanderthal-kun
they don't help, cyproterone just makes me want to die while also making me euphoric since it kills my rapestick. i can't stop taking it and i can't afford gnrh.
Sis what is a woman? we are born with male brains but some of us are just low t or socialized around women is why we want to be women
Accepting my brain isn’t female was a process but you have to get over it eventually i think
i feel like someone took my neanderthal posting and just started saying weird stuff with it wtf
follow jesus or something instead of freaking out idk
i know i'll always be malebrained. my problem is my hideous extremely masculine appearance. i'm a gross ase so i want women to find me attractive in a way similar to how they find women attractive. i want to be pretty and if i can't be then i have no reason to keep going. i literally slowly murdered myself and i wont got this blood of my hands until the day i die.
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Real fancy term for a dyke fetish
Its not bad. people like what they like
But dont see how that relates to you transitioning at all
10,000 points for you i like this song
my romantic and sexual orientation requires me to look feminine, otherwise i'm functionally aro ace. i'm also extremely dysphoric in general and can barely look at myself in the mirror. this is a constant body horror nightmare that i'll never wake up from. and this can't be treated by educated professionals like cptsd or other complex disorders can. i will literally never ever be happy or at peace unless i'm somehow lucky enough to not still look like a rapehon post-ffs. and i'll have to survive 4 more years without 41%ing before i get ffs.
you need to log off motherfucker
even methschizo is less annoying
weird nostalgia feeling
i'm volcel now
getting pussy is cringe actually
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hell ye


a lot off that album has that feel desu been really deep diving his music lately

i'm just waiting to die just like larry, but unlike her i don't take it out on others. i know only i'm to blame for my life being ruined.
>parents and gubmint gibmes are paying for this neanderthal lookin ahh nigga's surgeries
>he continues to bitch and moan about it on a romanian sissy fetishism image board
is it bpd? autism, perhaps?
and there's the problem. surgeries can't save me.
get mentoplasty dumb snowroach
Rkun went from being a slightly sought after cutie twinkhon to an annoying doomer in a matter of months. Lol.
i'm getting everything ffs-related mardirossian offers, even if they say it's not necessary
told you it was an annoying child back then
*annoying adult gigahon
larry mindbroke him lmao based
what a spoiled cunt
you can be spoiled and an ugly neverpasser anon
i say this with the utmost sincerity: please get nerve damage during ffs and suffer for once in your life
>implying i'd be any less hopeless if i just didn't think about it
see why I called it soph 2.0 lol I know I'm an asshole but I'm not wrong
i suffer horribly every single day.

all of you know i'm ngmi. you always point out my height and supportive parents but you can't say anything about my face because you know it proves me right. you know it's over for me and i'll always be ugly.
I told you its over you just choose to only listen to advice that you like
Anon is right you are like big soph. money can’t fix your problems
Also you dont suffer any more than anyone else: if anything way less because of your cushy situation
Also you even said it yourself your personality isn’t feminine so its not like you are a feminine person suffering in a masculine body or anything
ALSO you are 5’5 so everyone treats you like a manlet anyways so its not like you are a huge ogre that women sexualize for your masculine features
Anybody a fan of survivor? New season in 10 days, can't wait.
>supportive parents
>in a very accepting country
lolololol I see the suffering
neverpassing overrides all of that. money can't buy you happiness dummy.
you make me seethe with rage
am i wrong though???? am I????????????
Imagine you were dysphoric AND had material / financial insecurities
Why do you even come here? Literally all you fucking do is complain about what we say.
am i wrong about how i'll never be a twinkhon? i'm not. and gender dysphoria overrides EVERYTHING else.
>full head of hair
>decent skin
>support system
i fail to see what the actual problem here is.
stop cringeposting, retard, and live your life!
you might as well call rich cancer patients with no chance of survival privileged because they're able to spend the rest of their days however they want. none of the things you guys are bringing up bring me any sense of comfort because i'll always be a man. we're all dysphoric so shouldn't this stuff be obvious?
*Woosh* right over ur head
speak english
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This bitch just compared herself to terminal cancer patients. What an absolute cunt.
i have no reason to live if i can't be a twinkhon. i'm basically dead already. i can't get out of bed, i can't go to school i can't in any way function as a human being. that's spiritual death.
I just look like a twink, not a hon or a trans woman, just a twink
a very young ethereal twink
i still have facial hair, just not a ton and i shave often, wonder what people will think once i get it removed
go to /bmg/ future passoid
10 months already, zero malefails, no rich parents to fund transition
that's because you have short hair and don't voice train
it's also because i'm 6'1 and have a bigger browbone than you
6'1 twinkhons > 5'5 rapehons
even i'm not claiming to be one of the really doomed manmoders because i recognise that i have some privilege that others don't have
just think about that for yourself
your priviliges will allow you to eventually girlmode while i'm here for life. i don't think we're very similar tbhon
how are you still here
you don't deserve to hear this but you need to get away from this website girl. you're extremely delusional. i wont say how because you'd just argue against me but please for the love of god just go away!
can't sleep
i don't have rich parents like you do, i live in eastern europe with zero (0) coverage for transitioning, i DIY and avoid going to doctors for this reason
but which one of us will eventually be able to girlmode?
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Babe i dont care about privilege anything. i mean that yeah being a man sucks a lot but its a lot easier if you don’t have to hold down a job in manmode to provide for yourself and can just take hrt for fun despite not being feminine until it became apart of your fetish when puberty hit
you, because you have money, you are literally 5'5 are you even listening to yourself
i'm doing this because i have to, not because of some fetish
ffs can't save my skull that's obvious
i cut myself for the first time in years and it felt way better than i remember wtf? it's like my emotions are being validated and the physical pain gives me a weird calming, consoling feeling. this is bad, i could get addicted to this.
go talk to some real people and get therapy
whatever not gonna bother with you, go on bmg you'll see countless like you
i somehow got by during my teens so maybe i could just permamanmode if i go to therapy and stick to a calm and manageable routine? i should probably leave this website, i don't want to relapse anymore.
i asked my dad to block 4chan on our network and i used the iphone screen time settings to block it on my phone. the only workaround is to share internet from my phone to my laptop and browse tttt on there.

if i'm able to block the ability to share internet behind a password i'll be gone for a long time.
practice self control
zoomers are so netcucked vro just turn the screen off and do something else
i'm going to sleep now. hopefully we'll never see each other again. i wish you all the best.
see you tomorrow!
cu :3
no, YOU hang up teehee
it's gonna be so cool when i finally die
if i return i'll have a different tripcode since i posted everything today in a private browser window

anyway bye
hell yeah dude that rocks
dawg no one cares about ur shitty larp go play dress to impress or something
omg same i can't believe i missed the survivor post. i'm locked in i just rewatched survivor china for like the 3rd time
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>i will NEVER ever EVER be as cute as her
first step is to stop posting frogs
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that one's okay
what makes pepe evil doe? who gave him to da devil?
new: >>37207628
I knew u were my favorite:) this just solidifies it more. I'm more of a newer fan, but thus year I've watched several seasons with my brother and mom including last season live every week. Kenzie was actually one of my 3 picks in the first couple episodes we do.
you are all the worst scum
you too evil doe. we gon' give u 2 da devil
you are all the worst cum
that's amazing, if the thread gets annoying in a couple weeks i'm posting thoughts and predictions on the new season so there's at least some good in this world. i love the new era of seasons too but if you're ever bored take your pick from seasons 9-20 they seriously never get old for me. contestants had that dash of 2000s craziness you don't quite get in reality tv anymore

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