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I like the color purple. Post purples.

QOTT1: What do you want to be?

GOTT2: Who are you?

QOTT3: What is your regular exercise/workout routine? (Qott3 for gloves: What is the allure of feeding fetish?)

Prev: >>37213890
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Terj's new bf
qott1 rich
qott2 pret poon
qott3 walk/hiking, might get mountain bike soon
>Qott3 for gloves: What is the allure of feeding fetish?
kek first good timur thread
Ain’t that his brother?
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Attractive AFAB bois are getting picked up extremely fast
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Also, I called this bild girl today and dhe agreed to go out. idk it feels weird
File deleted.
I wish I could be happy for you, but I just feel worried for her.
Thanks for the advice. I'm just not in a place where I feel like dealing with doctors currently. They've been useless through all kinds of shit so hard to have any faith in the medical system.
what did you post
why are you a nazi
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I'm not. I'm Russian.
qott1: happy
qott2: i am you
qott3: i dont work out but i definitely should
i wanna be happy with myself and my choices. a lot of things that i do are clouded with doubt. im working on building that confidence

im an ftm that recently got put on a waitlist for hrt. i like drawing and playing games. im studying game design and i think im doing pretty well for myself so far

ive started doing squats every day recently. nothing crazy though. its just 2x20 with a 10lb kettlebell
timur has to be the worst poster on this board
What country you are from? If you said it, I forgot.
No, that’s me.
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not an ftm but ourple is my fav colour and that pic looks cool ty for your time goobye
You cam stay.
i was joking about giving my leftober adhd meds to my manager (he's chill but been to prison) and he thought i was serious and is expecting me to bring them today but my paranoia says this could be a trap. should i own up to being autistic or bring them?
What do you think?
i think i'm retarded, i was raised by cops and i'm a massive pussy. i think i'm being dramatic but i wish i never even said anything i'm scared
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Always be honest and clear.
It's not likely to be a trap but just say you forgot and gauge his reaction.
He just wants free drugs
Terje looks like Butters lol
i usually am, but i'm also a master at crafting lies to the point of detriment
that's a good idea. he's a really calm guy and professional, he'd probably just crack a joke and call me a retard
If you tell the truth from start you don't have to find excuse.
You sound like a narc and a pansy.
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oh hey I've seen you around before
you're cool :3
ah bad joke gone wrong
just tell him you were joking and if he laughs it off then you're good, if he insists then it might be a good idea to capitulate
buuuut I'm an idiot so it might not be a good idea to listen to me
Thank you, where you have seen me?
hey some people are pushovers ok damn

in mtfg once or twice I think, maybe some other stray threads
if it's not you then sorry for the misunderstanding
Don’t dig holes you can’t get yourself out of dumbfuck, if you knew they were a pill popper why the fuck would you say that? And then cry and whine like a bitch because you don’t have the balls to tell someone “Hey man I was just joking about that adderall I already disposed of it”
You're not eloquent but you're 100% right.

I think I post there twice before. But hello.
I think I'll dip thx

1. nta
2. idk people tend to put me into awkward positions for their own gain, but yeah I really shouldn't do that, I'm too much of a people pleaser

I don't think I'll be sticking around
Yeah it'll give you time to feel more comfortable and get an idea of what he's like. Chances are it's cool though especially if you work in a restaurant or some shit.
You’re not a people pleaser, you’re fucking ignorant and an idiot.
They're definitely a people pleaser, they said that to make him happy without thinking about how they'd feel actually doing it.
Why are you sperging on me? Chill. Thoughtlessly agreeing and not thinking about yourself to make someone else happy is people pleasing. That's not ignorance or equivalent. Go burn some of that aggression out some other way instead of lashing out at me though, I was nothing but civil to you.
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Another day, another waffle consumed.
QOTT1: Paid artist
QOTT2: Schizophrenic loser
QOTT3: I don't have one
I want you to do better, if you don’t get it normally I have to be aggressive to get my point across.
I don't have a routine I have weights and shit at home I use periodically and go for long walks + yoga.
In this pic he looks vaguely like an ex of mine, similar features. She went crazy and got really into uppers and shit trying to deal with the upheaval a ritual she did caused and that ended up not working out.
No you don't have to be aggressive to get your point across, you have to have a point and state it clearly and if someone still has a different view you either elaborate or move on. Talking to me like that isn't going to make me think you're right, I'm just going to think you're an asshole in addition to being wrong. So what good does that do for getting a point across? None at all. If you want to be ineffectual and look like a retard in the process by all means carry on, but I said something to you to give you the opportunity to "do better" yourself.
Whatever man, all this shit is boring and you’re continuing to be an idiot. Go back to your pig farm, pansy.
Oh wow you called me a "pansy" and told me to "go back to your pig farm" (whatever the fuck that means) you sure showed me. I definitely think you're right and not retarded now. All this because you're unclear of what the word ignorance means, and a complete lack of self awareness to see how stupid you're being.
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I would love waffles or pancakes. I don't let myself anymore. I only eat dirt and rocks. Sometimes as treat I get Polish sausage.
Oooohhhh my fucking goooooood shut the fuck up, if you’re not the anon who talked about doing that why are you so adamant on responding to me? You’re being really fucking annoying and expressing peak female behavior.
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it's cool dw about it
best thing you can do with guys like that is disengage, you can't reason with them
and dw I'm used to it, thanks tho

anomalous bread
I'm a woman so... yeah. I'm not that anon but you're posting on a messageboard and I saw you being retarded and insulting towards someone who clearly has some issues standing their ground and I said something. You don't like it? Too bad, you're free to stop responding, but don't think I'm going to just shut up because some sperging retard told me to. You're actively inviting responses at this point if you're so bored and don't want to continue the conversation then just stop talking and move on, or are you one of those people who needs the last word to feel like you've "won" and have control when you can't actually defend your position in any sort of intelligent way?
> family is making me get tested and treated for BPD
Is this why I’m terminally fembrained
I will eat attachable bread. How are you today?
Oh I'm not worried about it, I can't take and don't take buggy's weird rage and stupidity issues personally. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Neither of us is the first person he's gone off on over absolutely nothing here. At this point I'm just mildly invested in seeing how stupid he'll get. Very mildly, I'm about to go play Space Marines 2 in a bit.
are you still gonna be homeless core or not anymore
It's just me and this shithole, or it's also extremely hard to score some office/warehouse/any job that isn't a production plant in the west?

I see people sending 300 CVs here to work on three shifts in fucking warehouse for a minimal wage, not to mention office jobs. Even for some simple min wage pushing papers there are >500 applicants.

I'm fucking cooked. Second eng degree on way, speaking two foreign languages fluently, and I'm forced to push buttons on CNC.
Nope, my moms done blaming me for everything that happened, but we both recognize I need serious mental health treatment.
Still in Florida tho till Thursday or Friday. I hate it here so fucking much.
Piercer fucked up that vertical labret.
You’re fucking hot btw
woman (afab) or a "woman"?
I’m reading all your fucking drivel, either right something concise or don’t talk at all.
I don’t have stupidity issues, you’re fucking stupid to think that.
Lol "right." When you're sperging and calling someone else stupid it helps to pay attention to what you WRITE to avoid looking even dumber than you already do.
thats good hope it all works out
It's not me my how jewish vagina bro, just some random afab boi from lebbit
Afab woman, I'm Brooklyn.
1. Are you fat?
2. Are you old?
3. Are you mutilated?
4. Are you black?
Knew it was too good to be true
Yeah, I was getting pretty whacked out for a bit over everything, but things have gotten substantially better in the last 12 hrs.
I'm not young but I'm not old.
what about bf where he been during this
At his dads house
His dad thinks I need to figure this out myself so I couldn’t go and stay with him
stfu whore

over 30?
Let me see your cat.
am goooooood
not letting myself doomspiral despite the horrors and my upcoming grim fate, planning on selling my old consoles since I dont use them and all my games are tied to my accounds so I wont lose them
need to bupgrade to the next gen someday, but for now I need cash

yeah dw I have alot of experience with guys like that, they get to me but I just leave the thread for a bit and do something else, best to just ignore them and stuff
I don’t think I know that you’re talking about, you’re not intelligent. I’m the stupid one
wow rude
What is this grim fate?
desu I don't think I'll say given present company, but dw I have everything under control, one way or another :3
hi fags
a tall-ish skinny lanky loser type of guy
short mildly chubby pooner, but i got the loser part nailed down
im gonna sound like a fatass but all i do is walk the dog on weekdays and run up n down the stairs, trying to fix my diet though
might sperg out and become an anamoder
OK, good.

Someone I talk to shit talks russians all the time, not just war related, but everything. He talks like genocide russians. I get sick of hearing him so I tell him to shut the fuck up. He asks "you don't care what they're doing to your people? Do you have family there?"

I tell him I'm Russian, (I have told him this before a long time ago), you fucking idiot. Other guy and his gf are quiet too. He said to me "I thought you're ukrainian because you're so nice. Do they let Russians in here even during war? That's crazy"

Now it's Russian shit talk continues a little, but always "no offense" to me between.
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Post breedable mentally ill AFABs
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forgot to post purple
Why is he ourple?
gotta post purple so i made him ourple
Wizardry of the most divine! How do you achieve this purple hue on said pictogram?!
It took many long grueling years of studying the arcane, slaving over my grimoire, trying and failing again and again to make him purple. But alas, one day I flipped through my sacred texts, desperate for something, ANYTHING, and I found it. There, on a page I was so foolish to neglect, was the one thing I was missing all these years: PHOTOPEA.
pls rate 5 stars on my epic creative writing skillz thx
Jolly good show chaps, you’re a wordsmith of the most astute!
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I forgot purple.
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I woke up and deal with dumbfuck today. My brain is occupied by it.
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Please don't yell at me, I'm scared.
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You look like a cunt
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You're insulting someone is not posting, idiot. But the poster is a cunt.
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oh that sounds horrible, I had an experience similar ish recently, like are they talking bad about russian people or just the government?
either way extremely rude to just continue like that after you said that you were russian, also to assume that russian people couldn't be nice
pleanty of russian nazis tho :|
fact checked by true republicants

idk who this is is hot and seems cool
why are you reposting their pics?
ps giwtiw young hot and cool enough to hit
ok threads mid rn im gonna go walk dog do something cool while im gone
sorry Ill try to post something burple

Russians are inherently nazi adjacent, I mean look at their fucking government.
He is talking /pol/ type shit. Kill russians, men, women, kids. Jokes about the gore he finds. He is dedicated friend to me in actions, yet he forget I'm russian and he hates everything russian because of the war. What was your experience?

He is posting pics of ftms he wants to sexually abuse.
picrel has me in stitches
i don't know?
honestly i don't know how to describe it. i like the softness, sure, and when it comes to bursting buttons and ill-fitting clothes it's essentially an advanced wardrobe malfunction fetish. i don't know why gaining weight and eating until i can't anymore makes me horny, though.
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oh damn yeah pol shit is always too far, extremists are nutjobs
I was approached by some guy a couple of days ago and he seemed chill at first, but he kept talking about fags and women being evil and that they shouldnt have rights and stuff and it was incredibly uncomfortable
sorry about your friend being like that tho, I'm sure they don't think that way about you but stuff like killing kids is just too far
I want to breed his womb
>fags and women being evil and that they shouldnt have rights

he's right. Afabs rights were a worst mistake in history of whole humanity.
Shit thread
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im back from the walk it was only 20 min baka
these are cool
also found a cool looking mushroom type anomaly i think ive seen on here before, thoughts?
How tight is your vagina?
Nearly always is.
4chan censors are something else
Neat, get any closer pics?
There is always a way
When do you masturbate exactly? After eating? Do you look at yourself in the mirror/record yourself to watch later? Do you watch feederism "porn" and self insert?
You never responded to me in femboygen pookster, that really hurt my fweelings~ UwU
Put the rebar away faggot
I’m sorry daddy uwu I’m a bad e kitten
no, but i can right now its not too far from the house, any requests?
Just more zoomed in, I'd like a good look at them. They seem interesting. Thank you btw
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i look at feederism porn to self insert, not 3d though because it feels weird to get off to real people
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Let's make a list of breedable ftm trips, I'll start:
1. G
np ill see what i can do
I don't know if he's here but I know I'm here to tell Purplestreaksanon he's cute.
>Draw me some furry inflation porn: Okay!
>3d model me some feederism porn: Bad!
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Sorry to you too.

I try my best, maus.

It's a yellow coral mushroom. Very cool looking. I have pic of rare purple one I found somewhere.
when i say 3d i mean real people. it feels like i'm getting cucked
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chasers are gross no matter which way they swing ig

cool shroom but it slightly sets off my tychophobia a bit, heres one I saw a while ago

is ok dw, thank you
You’re such a nerd lol
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Ftms make the best tomboys
*tricophobia fml
you have to pack on mass to be a man. what are you doing to achieve this?
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If I saw the underside of those mushies I can tell you what they are. If they are chicken of the woods they are delicious.

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gn girls (and amabs)
pooners aren't complete until their pecs are bigger than their tits ever were
mass is what you desire. inject that t boy. get big and hairy. let the ground shake when you walk. get yolked
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I don't like muscle girls
godhood is achievable on earth. let yourself bear fruit
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i have returned
i thought thats where i saw it
i got two pictures of it but ill send the horizontal one cause i think it looks better
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omg lil pink squishies!!!! they look so cute
I didnt take a pic of the underside shamefully, I wouldnt risk eating forest mushrooms either way caus knowing me id get poisoned or have some obscure allergy or something
you're literally 5'3
That is a really beautiful one. Post any more you find, please.
unfortunately thats the only one i saw today, but for you next time i go on a walk ill keep an eye out for them, maybe go the long way around
are they typically deeper in woods areas or on trails? or is that not how mushrooms work?
You don't have to get fat to do that
Thanks this great.
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pooners need better idols to worship
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Those are chicken of the woods. Bro I'm so jealous. If you feel interested go back this month or next, and (from your filename) mid May. They taste similar to chicken. They are not mushy when cooked like most others. I'm really excited I'm using my most uwu pic.
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ok, Ill try but Ill use gloves just incase and will get pics after I pick them, they look great for a stew or soup and chimken is my fav
theres quite alot growing out there, this could be an unexpected windfall in my favour :3
ty for the advice
Thank you.
There are loose rules to mushrooms. They will be deep in the woods as well as on the trail. They will grow in yards. Fall is perfect time to look for them, everywhere.
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>The Woker be like: “Why so Queerious?!”
well considering its almost fall and i essentially live in the woods hopefully ill have plenty of pictures for you, maybe itll help keep the gens alive
If you find them, be sure they are firm and not full of flies and maggots (old and too wet). Cut them off the base so you leave some behind to grow back. Most bread and fry, I can't say how they will be in soup but very curious. Fry a small piece in butter (or oil) and eat first, wait 30 mins. They are not poisonous but some people get mild stomachache from COW.

May I ask about your Pic? Who the memorial is for?
They are growing now too. Please share any time. I am excited to see.
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ok good idea, and yeah reminds me of the time I almost did shrooms with a friends but it literally had a maggot crawling on it so I let him have it lol
I don't know who the memorial is for shamefully, I just saw it while I was out for a walk
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Please share if you find other mushroom and fungus too please.
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ofc, I like taking pics of things and very soon I might be getting very well aquianted with nature
Are you going to live in tent?
well i also need to get fat to take pictures of myself to jack off later. i physically can't stand up while masturbating and i can't masturbate normally
i also really hated being thin
are there any online spaces for FTMs that don't suck ass or is larping as a cismoid in hobby forums the way to go?
Insanity, Virtual.
I don't understand how one can enjoy being fat. I don't have any hate towards you. The thinking, and fetish, I don't understand.

Please pet kitty for me.
Fetishes like that are like a balancing act, shit like feeding, smoking, blood, cutting fetishes can get way out of hand and could lead to serious health problems.
very few people can, don't worry
like I said I don't want to talk about it here...
Not a fetish for me but I crave the fuck out of cigarettes still.
I understand. Good luck.
Gross, smoking anything is actually fucking foul.
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I still miss the smell of cigarettes. When I smell it I get chills. I have dreams of it too.
Whats with all of you guys having such degenerate interests?! Like what happened to just wanting to dominate or be dominated.
Everyone has bad habits. You like trolling and being a cunt. What else?
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im just expressing my natural desires
Okay but mines enjoyable and could lead me to things, smoking and consuming copious amounts of food will literally kill you.
giwtwm i need to get my routine in order
i dont own zazu, but i have a different cat and i can pet him for you
he's very sweet and never hisses, scratches or bites, except for at the dog which i walked today
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Please show me yours.
you're entitled to your opinion, but you don't need to be a cunt about it. not my fault it's the only thing that turns me on
i don't understand how this is attractive, but you do you
>larping as a cismoid
…Would you otherwise be mentioning your vag or something?
I’d kill for a fresh pack of cigs or a vape rn. Been stealing half smoked cigs from my friends neighbors ash tray cause im broke and have nothing else down in Florida.
This bitch also barely smokes her newports before putting em out. What a fucken waste.
I stopped over 1 years ago but craving never goes away. I miss the feel on my lips and fingers too.
I wanna quit really bad cause I know it’s bad for me, but I always fly into a psychotic episode on the first day or two and end up cracking.
weird, i quit nicotine a few years ago and pretty much never looked back. aside from the occasional pipe or cigar i only ever vaped though
I hoped craving would leave. But I smoked heavily in the past. Only cigarettes. Weed fucks me.
when i was quitting i drank a lot of herbal tea, sort of helped satisfy the oral fixation. now i drink like 5 cups of herbal tea a day, maybe that has replaced the craving. but i don't get cravings if I don't drink tea
>weed fucks me
what does that mean
I didn’t even drag you or try to drag you about it, I literally just said “Hey guys I think that’s weird and degenerate” never once did I aim anything at you directly. If you want me to be a cunt to you I can
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I stopped many bad habits all at once. Sugar, alcohol, cigarettes, laziness. But cigarettes I crave so bad. I haven't found any way to dismiss it. Yesterday I got haircut and barber cut my hair right after his smoke break. The smell was making the craving so intense. My husband was so worried. I'm glad you're able to use the tea.

Weed makes me anxious, uncontrollably.
im in the us. i just cant go through normal means to get hrt cause im not fully independent from my family financially
my apologies i just saw this now, he looks very similar to zazu but hes a little fatter, let me take a picture of him
Hi there.
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Hello dog and puppy. How is your day?

OK thank you. I will be leaving soon so maybe not reply quickly.
haiii :3

my day has been alright. had to get up early to do a group project so that was a drag but oh well. im home now at least. had panda express for a late lunch and now im gonna do my virtual environments modeling
No worries, Finka is very cute, currently waiting for my phone to send the image to myself so i can actually post the damn thing
I want cabbage soup and a grilled cheese
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he wouldn't sit still so here he is a little wrapped up on the gfs bed. its an older photo from about a year ago, i think he was asleep before i went to take the pic. as you can tell by filename his name is douglas.
stupid rotation ruining my epic photo of grey tabby #142338
oh well
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Thank you. I baby her most because she has neurological damage.
He is very handsome. He has simba face.
Very cute kitter
thats sweet but also very unfortunate, glad she has someone to care for her
thank you, he knows hes handsome, im giving him a bit of a diet though because im worried hes eating too much, he also has a habit of grazing his food instead of eating all at once, thankfully hes decently active
Even if I were younger I'm not your type, I look like a woman not a twink.

Reread that and maybe type it again so it makes sense.
I hope you know to not take that shit personally when people like that direct it at you.
I’m glad you get it.
Yeah I do, I've been there. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Grew out of it though by like 23-ish. Though as a kid adults were generally my targets for that shit. I look back and I have no clue how the ADHD wasnt caught then other than good grades. Gotta go put my birds to bed and dig around in my fish tank.

Space Marines 2 is like Gears of War with worse combat btw, the campaign at least.
maynard james keenan

underweight 5'7" nerd ftm "ultimate twink"

I was doing bouldering but now I just do push ups, pull ups, chin ups, and little dumbbell exercises to hopefully prevent my back & shoulder muscles from evaporating since I'm off T
What made ya come off T?
Also based Maynard pooner
>weed makes me anxious, uncontrollably
Same, I have to be in exactly the right setting, I can't do anything, and it has to be the right kind (indica) and even then sometimes I get in anxiety loops
Had a panic about my hair thinning. My hair is not that bad though, was not worth it but it's been 3 months already so whatever
I’ve been telling niggas that I have untreated ADHD and no one will fucking listen to me about it. I hope Gears E-Day is good I really want to fuck shit up in a gears game
Have you tried Finasteride or Minoxidil? Seems like coming off of T would be more counterintuitive than anything, but to each their own hakuna matata
Yeah probably gonna go back on with a lower dose and/or dht blocker
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big booby man
You probably do honestly (I've only half started the stuff I need to do) because what you're doing here is seeking stimulation. I didn't know there was another Gears coming out, I haven't played one since the 3rd. There was a while where I stopped really playing games, experienced severe depression and then had no interest or ability to concentrate on them or much of anything. When's the release date?
Idk I think it was just announced at gamescom, it takes place on the day all the monsters showed up so we’re going back to Marcus.
>Whats with all of you guys having such degenerate interests?!
i have good taste

>just wanting to dominate or be dominated
dom/sub is fake. mutual ego death
Based, hope everything goes well for you poonbro
Gonna go fishing with the guy I'm dating next week! I'm bringing him some weed too, it'll be nice
how do i get a bf.....
eh I just kinda tune it out until I can leave and stuff
works for me
3 days is all you need to make it to quit, starting back up is the issue. I've quit nicotine for years at a time then gone back to it when stressed and have to get into a quitting headspace all over again. Hardest drug to quit honestly.
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big booby man
Thank you very much. We have 4 special needs. But one grew out of his deformity thankfully.

Nice to hear, because everyone doesn't believe me that weed makes me feel like shit.

>tfw can't delete a post
>everyone doesn't believe me
Small brains, everyone is different

Also nobody believed me when I said I think when I first started smoking I didn't feel anything, and that I gradually got sensitized to it over time. They said I was just inhaling wrong, which is probably part of it, but I had someone instructing me and the same stuff now has such a strong effect but I felt absolutely nothing the first 1/2 dozen times I tried it, or I had a kind of calming effect but absolutely no actual high
Same, indica included. Realized high cbd is what causes me to avoid the spiralling. Edibles are always bad.
Oh good I left off with him anyway so it'll be familiar.

Fair enough.
I've heard people say that about weed before, hasn't been my experience, but it's not unheard of.
I wonder if I am too sensitive to it then?
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For purple theme, here's the reason my trip is purple
A lawyer. Barring that, financially stable.
A stoner barista who spends all of his money watching drunk trans kids playing hardcore music in basements.
Bouldering until I can't anymore, then benching/machines focused on arms (swap between push/pull) and core bodyweight stuff. I hate counting so I just go to failure. Then like an hour of cardio. I avoid doing legs too much, I squat enough at work so my thighs and calves are huge, but I'm biased.
Bro on the right kinda looks like my millenial cousin
I'd ask for at least $6 a pop, $8 if they're xrs
Cold turkey is crazy man wishing you luck
God I wish I lived near fishing

who else watching the debate rn
I remember my old iPhone used to have the same problem with the back camera. Never had that issue on any other phone except the XR, is that what you have too?
Nah 12 I think. Came like this I bought it used for work reasons. I miss my pixel 4, I blew like $500 repairing it but the fingerprint sensor was so sweet
Nah idk it makes me anxious too
Like it slows my brain down but it just dampens my ability to rationalize whatever I'm feeling so I get stuck in like ocd loops of worrying about things
I love weed and I use it frequently, but when I first started I would get anxious unless it was indica. Anxiety is a very common negative effect of weed, and a big reason why not everyone can enjoy it.
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Hello purple.

What is your favorite coffee?

Thank you for luck.

I'm watching. Kamala is irritating.
I'm a big fan of single origin sumatran coffee, semi-washed. It has this almost savory flavor that's smooth and great with breakfast. I drink it black when I have it but it's kind of expensive and espresso is free for me.
I think she's hot as fuck so I'm too horny to process any of it really. Trump sounds like my father since my father has easily watched 5000 hours of the man talking and I have a thing for lawyers and politicians so I black out whenever she starts talking lol.
>black coffee
You're braver than me.
I've never seen anyone call her hot before.
I've tried weed a handful of times and it had no effect. glad i didn't try it more and potentially gain some sensitivity, probably picking up another addiction at that time
>debate talk
i havent been watching debate since cat is on me and i dont wanna kick him off, anything interesting or is it the same old 2 old coots argue for an hour or so
Hahaha most of what I drink is straight up diabetes inducing so don't worry too much about that. This one coffee just tastes really good black.
I'm def not the only one. I straight up could not control myself if I were in that building I'd go full retard.
They're both evading questions, Trump giving qanon flavor of the week, Kamala sounds maybe too rehearsed for my taste but decent answers.
so the usual slop, i tuned in on laptop for 2 seconds and im already irritated at both, but i agree harris seems to have decent answers
i usually dont watch these things because ive never cared enough about politicians
One is arrogant and one is stupid. The woman irritates me so much. But I am more focus on my home country politics to care enough. I stop watching after they talk about Ukraine/Russia war.
What is the coffee?
I find her completely repulsive desu.

It's all pointless anyway voting is just something that exists to pacify people and give them a sense of control, it's all the same in the end.
Yeah me either anymore tbfh. I check in on what's relevant to me but I'm pretty exhausted of it atp. Purely academic curiosity. It's like a sport but with political strategist teams. VP's on now, it's worse.
Valid. It's better for your health to focus on what is relavant to you.
That sumatran I mentioned. They prepare the coffee beans differently in sumatra.
It is not a brand? I can buy any beans sourced from Sumatra? What is semi-washed?
personally i find trump more irritating since he has such a fucking punchable face, but still based
youre so based for that take, should be more common
i personally feel a little bad for not caring about it because this is the first year i can vote, and everyone around me is just
>anon why dont you care this is the future of america!?!??!???!??1/?
its all gonna go to shit and it pisses me off

anyways thats not fun to talk about so imma try not to think about it or keep it going
What you want to talk about? Do you like to shoot guns?
What’re your alls opinions on Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss?
I like it, I don’t get why the shows get so much hate tbhon
They can be a lil corny, yeah, but I think that’s part of the charm. Though I guess im more attached to the shows than most ppl cause I’ve been following vivziepop since 2015
i really like guns, BUT i know little to nothing about them and have only shot a gun once at a firing range
however it was very enjoyable, almost exactly what i expected it to be
i couldnt tell you the exact specifics but it was an 9mm pistol
i assume you know a lot about firearms
They are OK for cartoons. I like Stolas.
Yes, preparation is important but every good roastery will merely amplify the qualities of the coffee based on where its from and how it's processed. Coffee from africa is spicier, coffee from south america is generally sweeter, and coffees from indonesia/asia have more complex herbal profiles. Processing has to do with how the bean is removed from the cherry (it's in the middle like a pit). In Sumatra this is done by leaving the cherries in the sun to dry off, leaving more of their flavor in the bean. I feel like its if coffee were a tea. Basically you can buy any kind as long as the roaster is good, not sure how sourcing that would go in your country. I'd be very interested in learning Russia's history with coffee though, every country has one. It's coffee.
i never really got into hazbin, i kinda like helluva and i find it more interesting but i lost interest after a while
they're alright overall, i suppose
you would like stolas wouldnt you
That's interesting. I don't know anything special in russia of coffee. I have some at friends house a lot but don't know what it was, and much sugar and cream. We put sugar cube in teeth when drinking.

Why you say like that?
take your meds you're being so loud
you just seem like the type to like him
i also like being passive aggressive every once in a while
is it in a relatable way or is he hot to you or you just like him?
Not really, I just enjoy shooting and being armed.

I'm not passive aggressive? I am blunt. I think he is cool. Handsome, classic, neat design. Nice voice.
I like them, I think they’re entertaining. Anyone who thinks Valentino and Angel should go together fucking disgust me and I hope they get mauled by rabies infested mongrels.
oh no i wasnt implying YOU are passive aggressive, im saying I was lol
Oh I see. What character you like?
i feel like i should start tripfagging with how often i talk here but at the same time i dont want to be a tripfag
present tripfags what are your thoughts?
If you can take hit, why not?
What’s your gimmick?
This reminded me to hit the gym today. Thanks, anon
good question, id say im insanely autistic but thats the entirety of the sight so id need to give it thought, maybe ill just namefag instead
the way i see it, tripfagging and namefagging would be for talking to people without them thinking theyre talking to numerous people because i talk a lot nowadays
i mean i can, thats not an issue and shouldnt be for any 4channer in my opinion
good idea, based even
maybe im just really bored idk
You can drop trip/name if you don't like.
again true, only other thing to ponder would be what id use as a name
i kinda want it to be cat related but not spergy
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I just choose name from r6s. You are ftm or?
i mean yeah, this is the ftm thread 80% chance im ftm
too weeby, no offense, i was thinking something like NeetCat but feels to similar to moot
Can ftms join the Freemasons?
>smallest felid species native to americas
stereotypically accurate, ill try something similar
also im the anon with the mushroom and cat pics, if for whatever reason you were curious
Manul was 2nd idea.
I actually looked this up once, the answer is no, unless you’re highly stealth and ready to never tell a soul, you can’t be a Freemason. Plus idk why any pooner would wanna be one, it’s a bunch of conservative old men sitting around thinking they’re hot shit for having a secret little club or whatever
So what’s your gimmick? Cat pics and mushrooms lol
cmon man ive got better things about me to have made fun of
like the ywnbam type shit
although palas cats are cool
so far unfortunately, i do like ror2, and you called me a rookie a while ago about my shitty weed storage which i still havent fixed because ive started papercraft stuff
i could be an artfag but my shitty wacom tablet died and i cant find a pencil, drawing with pen just isnt the same
You remind me there is jelly tooth, called cat's tongue, is a fungus it can be made into candy.
Anyone want to join me and katze's farm on stardew tonight? Open to fishing sluts
Can I carry the sunflower seeds in my pockets?
We're gonna call and play this game are you in or out
>farming sim with anime characters
Thank you but pass.
theyre not anime you nerd
>Hazbin hotel
The pilot is the most badly paced, convulted shit I’ve ever watched and I have no intention of watching the show on amazon prime
>Helluva boss
Started out ok, got old after a while when the jokes never went beyond “haha sex! bad words!” and got plain bad when Vivziepop couldn’t help but turn her show into a shitty yaoi fanfiction
Amazing digital circus, though it’s not a masterpiece, is the better show in the category of cringe indie animations for kids. Maybe trannies are just better at creating media
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I hope who makes new thread makes it cooler than all of mine.
Whaaat no way! Small world.
I totally would so I could fish for you guys but I have to go to sleep for work :p
That's interesting, I'll try it tomorrow. Never thought to have the cube in your mouth, it sounds good.
I wish I could buy coffee you like from you. Does decaf change flavor?

I can't sleep.
I wish I could send you a latte, properly textured milk with quality coffee can't be matched. Decaf doesn't change flavor particularly, the caffeine is extracted from the bean with some reaction that involves dilution. It's pretty cool.
Please make it happen. Good night. I will sleep on the floor of thread.
Please wake me up when new thread. Wake me with coffee. Good night.
we cant both be fishing whores, i fished for 4 hours straight last night
really fuckin broke my spirit
What do i draw before bed
can't go wrong with a cat
cuntboy porn
I'll do something close i guess
catcuntboy porn?
Go here new thread
i'd only do it for one of three reasons
1. in order to let anons who find you annoying to filter you
2. to keep a consistent archive of posts that mean something to you, and possibly others-- the original purpose of tripfagging
3. you have a gimmick or are otherwise notable and entertaining. terje's gimmick was larping and methed-out mental breakdowns, flux's gimmick was anime and hamsters, g and joe's gimmicks are thirst traps albeit their personalities are very different, and boris used 4chan as a journal of his life, which i hope he's slowly doing better
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I made like 4 different drawings and i forgot to make this one cats because i just got mad about the posing.

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