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Qott: who's the best trip on ftmg and why is it G?

cute girl
i would fuck you in your pussy so fucking hard you little weakass bitch
where is wolfgang I haven't seen him in weeks
He's a femboy not a girl
Settle down , you're not fucking anything with your microscopic dick
holy shit
Why? Because she's slim, breedable and ready to get pregnant
not digging the jeffery dahmer glasses

however i still seek answers
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Good he is fucking annoying
Most ftmg trips are fine, I think G is the coolest
Get anywhere with finding a way to get your prescription?
No, I'm worse.
Yeah, but you still get off to having a tdick and a pussy. It doesn't really matter if you'd prefer to be a cis man.
Terje had some juicy drama, I guess.
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Also a blogpost, but today my gulag was celebrating it's anniversary and they gave us some german tools. Pretty cool.
I might just need to take the L and come off T for a bit. I emailed a clinic, just waiting for a response back. I’m just lucky that that my voice has dropped significantly so I have plausible deniability even as I start to re-feminize.
Gonna shit myself tho when my tits come back and my brain goes back to its regularly scheduled fembrained neuroticism.
/ftmg/ feels like an L today
i refuse to play favorites while namefagging (you can probably tell by who i talk to anyway) but i dont have any problems with any of them
that is pretty cool, do you mind elaborating about your gulag? im curious
It's a normal poolish gulag, I work there on CNC
Paralympics are a joke, but some of these girls are are really breedable
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Good night breedable cuties. I need to pour myself a drink and go to sleep.
How the hell did testosterone make your brainworms go away?
first of all, femboys are male, and "G" is female. second off, i am a cisgender male rapist and i will eagerly rape you with my six inch penis in a heartbeat. and i will not use a condom or lube
>my brain goes back to its regularly scheduled fembrained neuroticism.
It never went away
Good morning saar, how many people did you scam from the call center today saar?
Meh, wasn’t really T that did it, but it helped
I kinda just accepted the cards I was given in life and stopped giving as much of a shit. I’m just me, and that’s okay.
Fair, but it got significantly better than before
Good night trannyhater
Based. FtMs deserve (and want) to be raped
Real talk tho I went out in a full face of makeup today and still got called sir when I went down to the pizza shop
>I’m just me, and that’s okay.
......Is it really?
>firmly grips my throbbing cock
oh, sissy boy all grown up?? you make daddy so proud!
I think so, yeah. Gender kinda lost all meaning to me once I got on hormones. I kinda just exist and don’t really care what people think I am atp.
Don’t really like how I look, but that’s unrelated to being a tranny. My brainworms make me think I look all weird and wrinkly and old and gross.
I don't know who you are, but you got really big hands and you're really sexy
Unfortunately the person in that pic doesn’t post here
If they did I would be diving into that poon like an Olympic synchronized diver
I guess
Why makeup?
because he's a bitchboy faggot begging for cissie cummies
Very sexy, but I don't think we're thinking about the same thing
ive jacked off 6 times today, yesterday, and the full week before that. im just so horny 24/7. im really transforming into something new. something bold. im getting ready to breed
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It’s fun and I like being pretty sometimes
Not wrong tbhon
Oh, oof
Good night thread. Remember: visualize, focus, execute.
post pooners, doods.
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>Qott: who's the best trip
this is already the worst thread we've had in a while kek
right now G or timur, G is my friend but timur is a nice change of pace, never seen a trip like him before.
Anyone else here have a muscle growth fetish?
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yes of course i do
Post more pls
Why does my face look like that
Congrats I guess, I couldn't really fathom living like that when I'm nowhere near being naturally masculine or passing lmao
Yes, doesn't motivate me at all though.
What does it look like on testosterone?
I dunno, being androgynous is more my vibe. I still hang around here cause I like vibing with the pooners and relate on a lot of things, but honestly I’m closer to being non binary than anything.
Gender shit is wild, I hope you get to a point of your transition where you start to feel comfortable. Stay strong man o7
id like to see that annoying little elf get gang raped by orangutans
not in a sexy way
How does losing an arm affect running? Why can't she compete in the normal event?
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>ftm general
so, do you guys do guy things or just talk shit all day on 4chinz? pic rel.
No one here knows any practical skills that men should know
we do your mom
Ironically only the MTFs know how to fix cars
Funny, one time I was at work (cooking) and a freaky hon came in to repair some equipment kek
i hope that little poonlet appears in this thread and posts face
hey G~ got any new OC on the latest trap thread, you twig shaped foid? youre over there posting your skinny little heiney fairly often lately
i need more hateful fap material
Still pretty bad.
Can relate to that, I'm probably nonbinary but I have no desire to (digitally) hang out with anyone other than pooners or create some kind of seperate nonbinary general.
I don't know if I'll ever totally be comfortable without some kind of conversion therapy that makes me hsts.
> D series engine
What kind of civi you got?
Nope, yaint catching me in there again.
I try making enbygen every once in awhile, but it never works out and usually just ends up being derailed
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the one in that pic is an 89 hatch (people keep calling it an EF but it's actually ED in north america). it was $500 and sitting for years and water got in the engine so we pulled it and put a spare engine in and now it's a friend's daily. runs like a top, but the exterior is so ugly it scares boomers that drive near it.
pic rel is my DA integra tho.
>yaint catching me in there again.
repsect XD
It was one time on unsee baka
Go jerk it over in the trap thread in my honor anon
Oh based, engine swapping is always a good time
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>engine swapping is always a good time
you know what's not a good time? doing a head gasket job on an engine where someone already recently did a head gasket (and it failed) and seeing that they scratched the head up with some shitty sandpaper instead of getting it machined.
omg G is a car girl???
I'm gonna puke
I wonder why people seem to be convinced that the average 4chan user doesn't spend at most likely 30 minutes on this site a day. I imagine it's projection.
I have too many hobbies to list, I've got an addiction to skill building
Her boyfriend taugbt her everything
Fuuuuuuck, I’d actually cry
My boyfriend’s whole exhaust and manifold system fell off his ford ranger the other day. He’s driving a ghetto straight pipe now. We literally zip-tied the bitch back onto the car cause we couldn’t finagle it off. EPA be damned.
You’re not wrong
Daddy taught me well uwu
back in my rusty car days i drove around with an exhaust held together with exhaust clamps, random lengths of pipes and whatever adapters made it work, and a big red glasspack resonator hanging out the back.
i drove across the country a couple times with it like that and it held together, so I guess I did pretty good.
and yes fuck the EPA my integra has no catalytic converter. if pricks can drive around and roll coal all day i'm sure as hell not putting a cat on my tiny engine.
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When was this? Asking for a friend.
why do you keep getting banned?
also whats another just about half of ftmg isnt actually ftm
wild, i dont follow mtfg lore so i dont entirely know who that is, guess im doomscrolling the archives tonight
lol youre welcome i guess, makin me feel like the poonerlord
GTFO honlord
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Aw hell naw
we're the only gen that doesn't flip out at outsiders posting afaik, it's nice and adds life.
sad! sorry you're dealing with that
if thats true thats funny as fuck now im really gonna search this out
aint NO WAY
thanks krissu!
Hey I saw a webm of mariemoder(I dunno you're going by krissu now or just happen to be posting a pic of Marie) sucking cock yesterday that was pretty fun
It's hot though I dig it
what does it take for me to be a good trip on ftmg?
>Mom: 5'9"
>Dad: 6'6"
>Younger Sister: 6'0"
>Older Brother: 6'3"
>Me: 5'7"
Pooners must be shorter than the average cis woman, unironically
Why does this keep happening
r u hawt tho
>friend returns bunch of clothes i left at her place by mistake
>all is well, everything is there
>get home, go thru pile to put them in the laundry
>she mixed in a whole set of boxer briefs, my size
I asked her about them and she said she bought them for me, it was intentional. I had been talking to her about my frustrations being trans recently and how hopeless I felt.

I think I'm happy about it, idk. I like them, anyways. I already have many pairs (I don't wear panties) but the gesture was nice.
people like G because they have a hateboner for him and hes on all the time
but i think youre a good trip puppynon keep doing what you do :D
My mom is 4’10. If I didn’t make it past that, I still think I would’ve transitioned because things were looking bleak for me, but I think I’d have to move to SEA or dwarfismoded or something.
awww yay!! im glad :3
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Why does she look more and more Mexican with each passing day?
Isn't she a kike jew? How did she transition to spic?
so let me preface this by saying im mtftm sorta ? like i started hrt rly young but i wanna be a man yknow
so like this gloves nigga
he's poor as shit unironically like he talks abt it and it pisses me off so much that he's like.. smug? like he literally posts his face and shit yet you're a fat prick who has admitted he can barely afford his T and is on food stamps or some shit and relies on like his insurance constantly and he's literally scraping by
gloves actually makes me seethe im sorry i know im a clown but its like ur calling urself a man? and ur poor? bro im more of a man than you and i have D cups like.
and its this corny cringe fedora kid who's POOR BRO i could literally pay for his testosterone for the rest of his life and it wouldn't even be a big deal yet supposedly he's treated more as a man than me? how is this fair. sorry im seething im upset
I fucking hate G so much, why do we allow attention seeking foids to ruin ftmg
i actually like G they (idk ur preferred pronouns sry) seem very nice and based and make ppl seethe + they are cute :3
thats crazy can you pay for my testosterone
he's ftm
but you very apparently hate all ftms so your opinion is bound to change when you hear this >>37303432
wanted to share this outfit i had the other day that i enjoyed a lot :3 i feel like my new binder has really helped a lot cause my last one barely did anything. not much but progress nonetheless!
thank you! took a few tries but i finally got a binder that works well on me. its almpst as bad as bra shopping but id choose this any day
that's so sweet i'm happy for you
ive been meaning to get a binder forever now but i'm too lazy and it's all overwhelming + posting boobs get me attention online >_<
its a lot of trial and error. i like the one i got from phluid. my first one was from tomboyx and then gc2b.. so much money spent but at least i have a good one now
i never heard of this brand i'll check them out
its hard because some sites don't even ship to russia so like 99% of the time i dont bother.
tripfaggotry is fembrained
i've been monitoring your progress, "men"
and i hate to inform you that you don't think like real men. you all think like trannies. you post like trans women. you're all FtMtFreaks
95% of the mtfs on this board are malebrained including some of the trips
Let me breeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed you cutie
just say you detrooned retard
and good job being such a man with fat fucking bitchtits
you type like a bitch, you were never a woman and youll never be a true man, just some useless lump of meat with flabby pointy estrogen moobs
>sorry im seething im upset
seethe more faggot kill yourself
>ship to russia
i hope they skin your candy ass
>i hope they skin your candy ass
i pass since a child you fucking retard
>seethe more faggot kill yourself
ur adorable
ok i'm back in the gym
ur fine
why do u not have arm hair?
idk genetics i guess. i've gotten more arm hair but it's light and blonde
does monaxdiil work?
put it on ur arm or eat it maybe
i don't have minoxidil, but it only really works for your scalp. i don't really care though. if i grow it i grow it, if i don't i don't. all i care about is passing
you'd be hot with lots of arm hair
all kids look and sound the same zigger it takes zero effort until puberty, bet your voice dropped real hard and they all knew. did you use the women's bathroom too or did all the girls run away crying and screaming after elementary school?
my voice never dropped, i was on leuprolide since young, you fucking weirdo
thats actually not bad, especially if you're asian or hispanic
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G is a boss
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thanks, i think i'd look pretty good too
i was gonna say, i'm 5'3 buddy, count your blessings
fuckin smartest move to whoever scribbled out his boyfriends face and then neglected the reflection lmao
G if that was you come on now you should know better
so since your voice didnt drop, presumably your balls didnt drop, your dick stayed shriveled, and you have "D cups" you decided now was the time to detransition? you troons are all so retarded i bet youre gonna sound like a nasally pooner if you ever get trt. you get to be the first cis pooner congratulations dood!
i was born a boy and am 5'4 but yea
It's annoying that they play hard-to-get but their demise is the sperming of their mancunt and several children
I want to rape you and make you pregnant
is this a seething pooner? i don't care i'm at least masculine in how i act and talk + T will fix it and i can malemaxx
my ONLY bad side is height but otherwise T can work shit out, cope seethe mald
>you decided now was the time to detransition
being a woman is shit, 0 respect for anything you do
you're a second class citizen
ironic i have to say this to someone in /ftmg/ of all places, you should know.
i figured G for being more into girls
>If they did I would be diving into that poon like an Olympic synchronized dive
I'm not sure if your imaginary boyfriend would be upset with your perfectly normal AFAB bisexuality
being short is uncommon but not unheard of, and i pass so i try not to let my height get to me
i don't care
i'm gonna be so sad when i run out of oxy
i see the irony, and i raise you the point that im not a tranny like these mentally ill retards, maybe think outside the box instead of focusing on yourself? tranny hater posts in this thread, a decent amount of rejects from other generals post here, and im here because your bitchy whining piqued my interest.
>my ONLY bad side is height
man now people are REALLY going to only see you as a pooner, maybe a manlet at best. you should know by now short amabs like you are all cucks, since you clearly understand social respect so well. also i see you with your gay little ":3" and ">_<" faces, is that how real men talk, or are you also a furfag? a majority of the afabs here dont even use those. are you sure youre even as masculine as you claim you are when you act so fembrained?
>cope seethe mald
have fun being the one coping for life you degenerate sexless slob
i misclicked my way into this thread but now I'm curious: which mtf trips do you think are malebrained?
whoopsie accidental double quote sorry about that
soph, rex (she's gone though), jennie for example. most of the trips are fembrained, but these ones are varying levels of malebrained
i don't even hate them (except jennie), i just haven't seen cis women act like them
woman moment
Cavetownoid looks like a disney channel character
Thanks gloves.
Kind gift.
Don't say zigger it offends me, faggot.
What is up?
Typical boring NPC corporatefagging. Just got out of my weekly meeting with my boss. Probably going to spend my lunch vacation planning.

What you are planning?

Spending some time online before I go back to sleep, hopefully. I want to sleep in today. Thank you for asking.
Hope you can get some more sleep, always nice to sleep in.

Probably just a tourist trap down south. Winter gets pretty brutal where I live.
i am playing the witcher 3
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G you are the cutest <3 always loved your pics and a big fan of you <3 wish I was your friend somehow </3

please take care!!
hehe no :3
You are nice trip.
Thank you, I'm struggling.
Cannot believe I would rather have Terje back than the current trips. This general is beyond saving
Become the tripfag you want to see.
Total tripfag death
He has some male nose. Did he grow that nose on testosterone?
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Only in case of "involuntary surrender "
Just a kike
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Fishing was a bust because the river was dried up. So we got Chik-Fil-A, went to the bookstore and watched the new Beetlejuice movie. It was a really lovely day, can't wait to see him again. Just wish he didn't live so far.
ooo how was the movie? ive been thinking about going with some friends to see it but idk if its worth it :>
It was fun. Lots of light body horror. Wasn't disappointed, but it was more of a carnival ride than a film, if you catch my drift.
oooo i love body horror! ill def look into it then. thank you!
>see a pretty person
>spend the day thinking about sex
>come home
>the urge to fuck SOMETHING, ANYTHING grows unbearable
>hump the pillow like a retard
>brain short-circuits and for a moment i forget i don't have a dick
>oh god i'm in heaven
>instantly depressed
how do i fix this
am mtf but i dress like a tomboy & recently started looking like a tomboy or lite ftm, dunno what to even call myself anymore desu
Boymoder if you’re not girlmoding, butch/futch if transbian, just have a tomboy/boyish style otherwise.
Doing my shot is so intense for me my feet leave sweat marks on the floor
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can you be a boymoder at ~4 years hrt? mostly get gendered female now. i guess im bi but id only rly wanna be in a longterm relationship with a dude, & was only really into dressing more fem early in my transition and when i had a boyfriend to go out with. otherwise im chill wearing all black tank tops/sports bras, oversized tees and baggy sweatpants. i hadnt really considered going outside the binary before but maybe id be more comfortable calling myself a demigirl atp
Congrats, you are a normal woman.
what the fuck is a demigirl
I love being off testosterone I love being off testosterone I live being off testosterone
Got accepted for a job offer today.
Not looking forward to the job interview guys. Wtf do you even say when you're a loser who has no work experience yet and you were an underachiever who did no extracurriculars in HS?
It's also a job where I'll have to carry some things (which I didn't want to do but it was the only current open position with my hours etc. and I didn't want to wait, plus my parents really wanted me to take it so I did) and I'm going to embarrass myself by how weak I am. I don't want to be the worthless femoid on the job who shouldn't have even gotten the position because she's so weak. She needs the male slaves do everything for her.
Killing myself
Start lifting, get the newbie gains
good morning fags, getting a few more immigrants from other generals i see
risk srs or figure out different ways to cope mentally? i just jack off through the 'pain' personally
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Hi kodkod. How are you small kot?

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