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Trans Man General
Family Guy Edition
>QOTT: What’s your relationship like with your family? (Did/do they support your transition?)

Last: >>37314289
hi :)))
it feels good to rip the plastic packaging off a new bottle of T. like ripping the clothes off a long-lost lover.
Shot day? Mine too.
It's very gay and that's the best part
Omg flux you finally started t congrats
>t. crazy tboy mtf repper who you used to post first in my threads
And now you’re going to tell me that you’re a bisexual switch, and then I’m going to call you a goober.
I am bi but I;m definitely not a switch, power bottom, no desire to top
my mom thinks im brainwashed. pretty distant with my dad and he doesnt know about me being trans. my brother doesnt know either cause hes outrageously transphobic. my sister doesnt know either cause idk where she stands and im scared of ruining things between us

i love my family but its rough
mine is tomorrow but i wanted to get the packaging off beforehand, since it's fiddly.
i've been on T for 6 months but i'll take the compliment :]
That’s so boring, I really don’t understand how people can enjoy being with women as romantic partners. Even having sexual interactions with them is insane to me.
Well I say bisexual because I have dated women very briefly, but desu I don't really have any want to sleep/be in a relationship with them
Hmmmm, I’ll give you a C- for that.
Women are pretty, I like how they smell and they’re soft
I'll take it, shitty grade, but it's still passing.
My gf is really quiet and awkward and giggles whenever I call her an ftm. We also watch family guy like 4 times a week. How do i get her to do a G kind of thing where she just stays as a girl but does vaguely tomboyish shit and calls herself a ftm
More for your wayward ass, I’ll never go back.
Deduction for language about said grade.
At least they outlawed corporal punishment
>my gf
Bait used to be believable
Two power bottoms punishing each other is soooo hot.
Bottomxbottom is stupid.
Put your trip back on and answer me G
Does sound pretty enticing
You don't know game
start sending her gender memes or whatever. some quirked up white girl shit, maybe a catboy picture, ftfemboy content, idfk
It’s like two dogs fighting for their territory.
Ikr? That shit would be so fun, add whips and latex and we have quite a party.
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Post poonstick
That wasn’t me, but I do in fact think you’re cringe
why is everyone here a bottom. i can't be the only top.
I've never gone that deep before, but I don't back down from a challenge
Being a top is boring.
You sound really vanilla, very very boring.
Confining AFABs to their appropriate, biologically predetermined role as mothers and homemakers and chaperoning them through life via fathers and husbands is a prerequisite for civilization itself. Men have always been the inventors, innovators, creators, builders, and sustainers of civilization. Women (along with children and the elderly) are net consumers of other’s life energy. 100 years of women’s “equality” has been an unmitigated disaster for the western world. Women support buffoonish, totalitarian, collectivist, and socially catastrophic political causes. The total fertility rate of ALL developed nations are well below replacement levels and plummeting exponentially as more and more men learn that placing themselves legally and financially at the mercy of a women is suicidal. Almost all 1st world governments are fiscally insolvent as they labor to sustain dysgenic social support programs largely voted in by women. You simply cannot place men and children and society at the mercy of women’s decision making and expect that society to function. Everyone from Confucius to Socrates to John Adams considered this to be common sense. Women are inherently irrational and duplicitous and malcontented and solipsistic. Like children, women are ruled by their emotions. Like children, they must be protected from both others and (more importantly) themselves. Women’s “equality” is shaping up to be infinitely more destructive than all the wars and plagues and famines mankind has suffered since the dawn of civilization. It is nothing less than an extinction machine.
Historically I have been
Hello, how's life in Russia?
Push your limits anon, doing missionary and other things are soooo lame.
I'm a late bloomer sex wise so still trying to get there, but I will eventually
Peace and happiness.
I thought so, AFABs have it easy
I was always hyper sexual so I don’t understand low libido or Asexualism lmao
And I never really had a traditional puberty so I don't understand high libido lmao
Neither have I, but I mean I had different circumstances.
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Should I shave my shoulder & back hair
True, interesting how that stuff works out sometimes
you must be a very young afab if you like a cringe shit like that

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I wanna be a little kid again
I wanna be the cute little boy that I never was
I don't want to work
I don't want responsibilities
I just wanna play with my toy cars and pokemon cards
I miss playing with my friends
immediate family? amazing. distant family? a mixed bag. my paternal grandparents disowned me before i even took testosterone, but i planned to cut them off anyways
he's saying we should be force detransed and raped full of children until we die because he's seeking attention and the other gens aren't giving it to him kek
When did you crawl out of your hole?
i've been here? buggy why do you start shit with everyone? kek
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Do you guys feel accepted by your male friends in traditionally male spaces after transitioning? (e.g. Videogames, D&D, Nerd Shit ect. ect.)
Or do you still get the feeling that they treat you differently because they secretly still see you as female and "one of the boys".
and not*
That’s such a lie, I don’t start anything I have no idea what you’re talking about.
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I sing this to husband a lot:
You can guys keep letting the thread get staaaallleeee so lame, someone say a spicy take or something.
I'm actually Polish but hide it under a Russian mask because TH makes me feel ashamed.
I want Gloves to try and drag me, I want to see how far they can get lmfaoooo
Gender is dumb, I wish to be a ball of gas with no perceivable form floating through space and time
Having a body only leads to suffering
I like this actually, I feel like sex should be noted but shouldn’t dictate how you want to perceive yourself. I feel like the stigmas of people who want to be feminine as amab and vice versa should be ended.
Post hole then filthy whore
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Let's just admire G and her boyfriend
I will for pay, I’m not giving anything to anyone for free. I’m a whore with a pay requirement
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Honestly I think society would be better if gender wasn’t a thing and we were all neutral. I feel like someone’s sex is only relevant when it comes to fucking and medical necessities. Besides that, it’s obsolete. With the advent of hormones and the progression of surgical intervention, the lines are becoming extremely blurred. It’s a good thing.
Mirin my sexy boyf
Shouldn’t have bothered censoring tbhon, he’s been on my socials many times.
I appreciate the strides you've made towards admitting that you're not an FTM
i wish all jews would be turned into balls of gas.. maybe one day
I’m just sorta existing, idk
Non binary seems to be the best fit for me, but I don’t really like labels at this point. I’m just G~.
Actually trannies have made it obvious that no matter how hard we try, we're animals and cannot escape gender. Male and female are incredibly different. Almost different species.
You especially, the most feminine woman "transguy" on earth.
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Abhorrent to my eyes.
That’s what I’m saying, we’re always evolving.
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Unrelated, has there ever been an enbygen? Many people are too faketrans to be in ftmg or mtfg.
Where does the word “Enby” come from? It sounds really fucking dumb tbhfam
You’re acting as if calling me a woman is going to offend me, I genuinely don’t care
In a few hundred years society is going to look back on gender roles and the amount of thought we put into it and laugh.
There’s been an enbygen, I make it every once and awhile, but it just get filled with binary tranners saying we’re all fakers or misogynistic.
I don't know really. The first time I saw it was from black people on Twitter saying non-binary should stay enby because nb already means non-black
>You’re acting as if calling me a woman is going to offend me, I genuinely don’t care
Of course you don’t, women don’t care about being called women.
Non-Black? What the fuck is that dude. I get that Twitter is a known cesspit but like who the fuck comes up with that shit?
Real as fuck, in 100 years I want people to look at what I did and accomplished and laugh or have nostalgia for it lol
Though I will say you’re objectively wrong, I’ve gone under hormone therapy and my body functions are objectively different than that of a cisgender woman. Still wanna get top surgery and all that done as well.
Are you going to get srs?
I don’t like the current srs options, but the day that lab grown dicks or cybernetic cocks become available I’m getting on the waitlist
I don’t want to get the flesh tube only to have a breakthrough in medical advancements and I’m stuck with the shit tier options.
I believe it was conceived before this but pushed during the SJW cringe era for those reasons. Saw it first just from nonbinary people using it in the same contexts you would use “man”, “woman”, “boy”, “girl”, etc., probably so they could have a word to describe themselves that’s less of a mouthful than “nonbinary people”. Some people genuinely adopted it, some people found it infantilizing and rejected it fully. I don’t remember when it was adopted here or why, but I’ve always taken it as teasing.
>I really don’t understand how people can enjoy being with women as romantic partners
Women have obviously very visually and physically pleasing features but I also agree I don't understand romantic interest in them. Women are so god damn boring.

They truely cannot form an opinion without following the herd and have no inherent inquisitive nature. They view relationships as transational first and appreciating another human second. It feels like there's nothing there beyond the fact they're hot. I've never had a fun first date with a girl before but I have plenty of times with a boy or even a FtM twink.
I just think it’s kind of lame? Many of the people who use those terms are quirked up girlies who want to be queer for the fashion.
Are you shrug Anon? Or are you that one incel that’s a laughing stock. This distinction is critical
i need a balaclava
I'm neither? I have sex quite often
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I like this one. Not as hot.
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post favorite past tripfag
hello again fags, i have nothing witty to say this time
my dad made it seem like he was but i know he never was, and despite our issues my mom is very supportive but anxious, like im assuming most supportive moms are
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How are you, kodkod?
tired but otherwise same as usual. i got to plan how to get my suit from my grandma before october but it shouldnt be hard at all.
how about you? i read up on the thread with the dogpills and whatnot, assuming youll be headed to the doctor soon?
Huh, okay. Yeah I agree with your points.
You can’t call me that Klod.
Will you show us pic in the suit?

I'm feeling horrible. Mentally. I see my mother soon.
The infection is no better or worse. I confirmed with my Dr I have infection needed antibiotics that I'm using. I was not blindly using them. She laughed when I tell her about dog pills but said was too short term to help. I have prescription now.
welcome back bug, how was your ban
oh god no, maybe the suit itself but id rather die before i post myself on 4chan, save for that one time i posted my tiny ass hands
even then its very obvious i had to build it with clothes from the womens section, like i may have mentioned its from high school prom
im glad you got a prescription, but im sorry about your mom. im assuming you dont have a good relationship?
what's your most malebrained hobby? mine is making alternate history maps and making homemade beer. admittedly neither are useful hobbies, but still proud of them becaue they're malebrained
by the way i just wanted to share i felt very giddy that i got to make the last ftmg and use a car picrel for it so i was vry happy ty ftmg for that opportunity
Thank you. Yes very bad. I have to go. See you later.
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>>QOTT: What’s your relationship like with your family?
on my mother's side, in front of me they “respected” me but eventually I learned that behind my back they always treated me in a disgusting way, they already didn't like me very much, and I think my transition was just the thing they needed to spit me out. I haven't spoken to a relative of mine for a few years and i don't intend to
my adoptive father is nice, he paid for my post-surgery materials but i don't see him as a father
Probably PC building or astronomy. Unfortunately all my malebrained hobbies are also autismbrained.
…does playing visual novels and thinking about greece/rome count as malebrained?
any poon here heckin love cavetown? :3333
You’re probably one of those Fujoshi’s that played Dramatical Murder.
entirely depends on the visual novels. if you're playing, idk, dramatical murder, then no
alright, ill see you around, good luck with that
i dont know what makes a hobby malebrained but autism i do know, for almost every game i play i research extensively on wikis and form "attack plans", only recently i wrote one out for the battle cats because i wanted a specific unit that only drops after you beat a select group of stages, it has all the units required based on strategies and whether you buy them ingame or have to use the gacha system, all the enemies of each stage, the unit evolutions required, an estimated amount of time itd take to even complete the whole plan (at least 4 months)
i think thats just the autism though
>They truely cannot form an opinion without following the herd and have no inherent inquisitive nature
you're just describing the majority of humans
because you hadnt posted for 3 days lmao, was it the same reason as last time or did someone else decide you were too catty?
God makes the butch tops pretty and the femme bottoms rugged to punish us
i’ve never played dmmd, but i appreciate the completely incorrect judge of character.
i'm playing fate, higurashi, tsukihime, muv-luv, and fata morgana at the moment.
eh, not lecherous enough. play nekopara and i'll give you a pass.
I told an agp mtf incel to fucking kill themselves and that I would love to see their rotting corpse on live television.
I took a pot shot and I missed, happens all the time if your trying to shit on me for it.
i refuse to play loli slop, i like my women to be adults.
LMFAO nice but no wonder you got banned
thats the only vn ive played, and only the first installment because it was free, but i liked it personally, i think id rather watch the anime adaptation of it though since it seems the same
god gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers, it is not a punishment but a challenge
Mtfs are the only group you’re not allowed to insult on /tttt/, don’t make that mistake again
don't shave
Shit happens, it’s not the first time I got banned doing it. Got banned 5 times for calling an mtf repper in gaygen a waste of space and telling them to kill themselves.
Why not? Do women like back hair?
some do
Throwback to when one of my pooner friends irl saved one of my thirst traps and told me “I wish my ex gf moved like that”
Never gonna forget o7
Nigga what?!
I can throw it back quite well
>G throwing it back
I am indeed goated with the sauce
Motherfucker stole my joke and put it in text form, for shame.
>Motherfucker stole my joke and put it in text form, for shame.
oh god is that your vocaroo? christ i didn't check it. thats so embarassing for me

i was so confused but i look up im like shit he posted a vocaroo :( sorry
sorry again here's a car photo i hope u enjoy it
It’s all good lmao
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pidar timar
Hi hohol.
:33 ur adorable dear
зaткниcь, зиггep
тeбe cнитcя мoй пeниc, пeдик?
show me a pic of ur face handsome boy
i dont know i wonder if you're hot
i wonder your measurements
i didn't lie, but you being unnecessarily rude to other posters is starting shit. most fights stem from minor altercations that snowball, especially on 4chins
i don't hate you, but i struggle with understanding the tone your posts are in. thank you for not being a tone indicator newfag, though
I knew you think of me. Dirty fag. I don't show my face.
>thank you for not being a tone indicator newfag, though
whats wrong with tone indicators

nothing inherently, but it is glaringly obvious someone is new if they use them here. also, i like learning how to differentiate tone. i've slowly gotten better but i sometimes confuse "catty" with hateful or rude, still
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I really need to clean my room I'm such a filthy rat
My mask never comes off.
>i like learning how to differentiate tone
this is good.
do you have autism? i know it's very difficult sometimes to differentiate between various tones
hug regardless i think u will get great at understanding normiefags. + on the internet it doesn't matter too much, sometimes even non autists fail.
i turned off my namefagging but gloves its me ur fren transphobic.......
i can't wait to go home and break something then abuse percs i'm so fucking angry
literally me. king.
I think im going to go back on testosterone. 2 years on 3.5 months off

Looking at pictures of myself from the past couple years in a photo album today gave me a mental sadness. I was just starting to feel good about how I looked
Meaning I was just starting to feel good about how I looked before stopping t and I took that for granted. It makes me want to work harder to gain muscle when I go back on though
I’m doing it on purpose goofball, I love to stir the pot and be catty. Its easy when you’re doing it to fucking retards who can’t get in on it, especially mtf’s.
Stopping at two years was unironically cutting yourself off right before the sweet spot.
Why angry?
i usually take it orally but i'm considering snorting it tonight, 5mg IR won't cause respiratory failure via this method right? i've snorted adderall before and it didn't kill me but i know downers can be different.
i wouldn't. i've never snorted drugs. just swallow it, drink some wine bro, and have a good time. don't fuck with that shit
yeah i'm an autist, it does give me a lot of struggle in that regard
i hate my job, i'm dissatisfied with my life, and i missed two buses because of traffic. i'm frustrated with my friends conflict avoidance issues, i'm tired of my arm hurting all the time keeping me from drawing, the one thing i love. i'm sick of BDD making me feel insane. really the bus thing was the final straw, i was keeping it together pretty well all day until i saw the buses fly by. kicked and hit the crosswalk post a bunch and scraped my hand up. i wish i had liquor
If they're not mixed with acetaminophen then I'd snort them, but percs often are. I've snorted oxys in the past among other things.
whats ur special interest
Won't fix it. But get good sleep tonight.
i have a lot but they're mostly vidya. my primary special interests are rimworld and vocaloid.
i don't have alcohol in the house sadly. i promised my roommates i'd do better about drinking alone
i'm unsure if they are, i can check the bottle. if it's the mixed version can that be more dangerous?
+ If they're mixed with acetaminophen you have to be more careful how many you take anyway since that can fuck you up if you overdo it. There's ways to leech it out but meh never bothered to tell you how well that works. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Did you mean me? Couple of other people use it too I've noticed. Also never got around to responding in the last thread: I'm intrigued about the games but honestly unless they come my way I'll probably never play them.
>+ If they're mixed with acetaminophen you have to be more careful how many you take anyway since that can fuck you up if you overdo it. There's ways to leech it out but meh never bothered to tell you how well that works. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ive taken like 2 grams of tylenol mixed with opiates before and i'm fine. i think liver poisoning is unironically a meme. oh and drank vodka right after.
If it's mixed they're more dangerous yeah, people fuck themselves up with acetaminophen because they think "Oh it's just Tylenol it's harmless" but that's not true especially if you're going with big doses. That shit can wreck your kidneys and kill you in high doses.
Our people might have evolutionary advantage to tolerate drugs and alcohol.
It's not a meme, people kill themselves with Tylenol ODs. I've mixed oxys with muscle relaxers and alcohol and xanax and heroin and coke etc all at once and I'm still alive (somehow I was under 100 lbs doing that shit idk how I'm alive but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ here I am), but that doesn't make it safe or smart and that shit definitely does kill people.
its cuz im a real man im a real nigga
You're fag, calm down hohol.
im a straight ass mf i fuck women
thankfully so. as a kid i was also a space autist so rimworld is a special kind of fun with the sci fi "space western" stuff
It's fine to do idiotic shit that could kill you if it only affects you, another to suggest someone else does it you know?

I'm definitely not a "real man" or a man in any sense I fixed my dysphoria with the occult. I've done plenty of stupid shit with drugs including taking heroin I found outside by an ATM, but that's another thing I wouldn't tell someone "Yeah solid idea."
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I'm not a woman.
Why so retarded
if it's not mixed i'm snorting 2.5mg and ill report back. it's this or something worse
I'm having some kind of insane fembrained AAP attack

Longingly watching old movies lost in fantasy and bitter that it's not real. Frank sinatra is good aap fuel because he's the same size as me

Don't stop your t girlies
>another to suggest someone else does it you know?
nigga i told him to not snort it?
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I was referring to your acetaminophen being a meme because you've mixed shit and drank statement.

Why not just do a line and see how you feel? You can always take more you can't go back in time and take less. I've had plenty of nights where I've forced myself to stay awake and breathe while my body was pins and needles numb wanting to nod off because I could tell the effect of sleep on my breathing would be too dangerous, so I know a thing or two about taking too much shit.
+ Snorting it is just quicker than taking it orally, not great for your nose but... yeah.
>later that day after laughing the hungry soldier off, Pergody Petrovich's bathrooms were all hit by tactical russian airstrikes, leaving all his water pipes destroyed beyond repair, causing him to die of diarrhea from the suspiciously aged rye bread he had eaten 7 hours prior
if i start breathing too slow i'll take an adderall surely that will work
That's terrible for your heart. I've done speedballs (heroin+ coke) so like... I get it, but that shit's dangerous and kills people.
I tried to tell ya poonbro
I remember when you made the post asking for our advice, should’ve just taken fin
Is 2+ years really the sweet spot? I'm almost 2 years in and I feel like there's no more changes for me happening soon unless I bust my ass exercising. I feel stagnant in my transition and its pissing me off tbdesu
+ I used to be a really bad drug addict. I'm still a drug addict ultimately I've just moved on to lesser drugs (mostly weed rarely psychs) and have sober days-months now. You might be alright now and for a while even, but I can assure you that's not a place you want to be, and you definitely don't want to deal with withdrawal etc. People get all kinds of fucked mixing shit, I was lucky, but I've also had someone I was very close to die from this shit.
What was that? Ive been complaining about this but I don't remember if I posted at all before stopping. Also I'm not retarded I know about fin/dut
> I’m not a retard
You kinda are, but that’s okay, we all make mistakes
It may have been another person, but are you the mf that stopped T to avoid hair loss or something? I vividly remember a post by someone in a similar situation asking if they should come off T to avoid it.
I’m quitting SF6 until Terry and Mai come out, the game plays too fucking hurry up and wait for me to get any good at it. Gonna play KOF and MvC2 on fightcade and shit.
he looks cute i'd cook food for him and maybe have sex

>Snorting it is just quicker than taking it orally
snorting is also way more potent lol
I’m ngl if I was a Ukrainian and this happened to me I’d piss, shit, and cry before inevitably letting the mf in cause I have no other options atp.
Dude I’m gonna be real, I don’t even know what the fuck you’re talking about with games and shit.
Maybe me
All the worst things are things i didn't predict or have the frame of reference to understand. Intense depressive mood swings as someone who has never had mood swings. Tits swelling up when I hadn't really realized they had shrunk on t to begin with
thanks timur
id let you hit too you zigger
enough time off of t and the right media will help a lot. my mother went through phases of dysphoria in her youth, surrounding yourself with other beautiful and strong women will help you a lot. whenever you are hit by an aap 'attack', instead of imagining yourself as the man, imagine what kind of kids he could give you, what they'd look like, what they'd sound like. after that, you will be relieved
is buying 2-3 bottles of wine and maybe some beer a week from the same liquor store a red flag? should i walk 20 minutes across town to go to the other one? the guy doesn't seem to care, but he's secretly judging me for being fembrained (wino)
nobody cares. buy it dude. if by chance he cares he'll forget within 25 seconds tops, he doesn't give a fuck about you
it's way more fembrained to be worried about it than to actually do it no offense little poonbro. hugs
I wonder how the Russians act in these situations, especially young like him. Do they feel like burden? Do they feel like Ukrainians owe them support? What if Ukrainians are nice to him. Does it make him second guess his purpose in war?
Hence why I said "Do a line and see how you feel because you can't go back and take less but you can take more."
imagine caring about this shit.
if you're gonna be a loser alchoholic, at least be smug about it
any wine suggestions? i've just been buying chilean wine under $15. any varieties that poons here enjoy? i like dry wine myself
Last thread, it's cool, I can't remember the titles. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm not a repressor
>instead of imagining yourself as the man, imagine what kind of kids he could give you
These are not mutually exclusive. I'm doing both right now
im a cis guy sorry
i just get cheap red wine. vodka if im feeling it
im probably close to an alcohol addiction and its not a big deal but my skin gets fucked up and gray sort of? but i do skin care and stuff
Idk I made red wine it's ok
Desert wine and Merlot are always great choices.
Yep. Welcome (back) to estrogen brain. Female neuroticism is real and terrifying. Hope you can rectify your sitch and get on fin, poonbro o7
He probably hates his life cause he got conscripted against his will to go kill innocents with rusted out weapons. When he could be going to school and becoming a doctor that cures cancer or some shit.
That’s just my guess tho
Sure but they see people who drink bottles of vodka daily so... you're not going to be the worst at least. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I’m 200 mph I forget shit like that lol
Jam Jar Sweet Red
I wasn't sure if you would or not and I felt bad not responding if you did remember.
>Welcome (back)
Thats why I didn't expect it, I never had mood issues pre-t, at least nothing like this. I think it's the weird hormonal imbalances from quitting t. My libido didnt drop & became insanely female though but that's literally the best part since it's part of my religious delusions of grandeur cope
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i love trans guys!
It’s all good
That image is like sandpaper to my eyeballs
Show us your tits if you like trans guys that much
It's good guess, but many are heavily brain washed too.
Yeah when you're young and under pressure you're very likely to just go along with what's expected of you & not question even if part of you knows better
my identtity flips from agp to aap on the daily depending on external stimuli and i dont know which one i should pick and lean into
i want to be a rich russian businessman who makes millions and has multiple girlfriends that i cheat on while high on drugs
How does that even happen? What is your definition of AAP and AGP?
Think about cock.
but sometimes when guys call me pretty i want to drop it all and be their girlfriend
> tfw no agprincess who tops me with her girldick
Why even live?
>external stimuli
Lay off the porn and see which one sticks with you
lol don't worry, i was joking. i'm retarded but not THAT retarded. i only have 5 tablets left so i'm gonna try to savor them. i can't believe i got 40 tablets for top surgery recovery, i should have saved them for later. withdrawing will suck but its nothing i havent done before
aap : i want to be a chad a very emotional guy who fucks women (even though i know this isn't possible but it's sort of a fantasy)
agp: i be a girl and just accept my role i guess (sort of cringe, it feels like the easypath)

its two nchres

i didnt mean sitmuli like that
Rare G~ L
i dont mind it
i would be unhappy probably doing that to a girl but i think its masculine its like imagine im an angry guy who fucks some girl who doesnt care abt him and he doesnt vare abt her its all just shitty andf i end up killing myself high on xanax going the wrong way on the highway or something
That’s fine by me o7
Vaginal atrophy basically destroyed my pussy
I only take W’s
Someday the tranner of my dreams will come around
>Someday the tranner of my dreams will come around
iirc you commented on some troon bitch's picture that shes hot or something and she was hgonrst to god ugly as fuck compared to me so like prably
but ur a fuvking polyfag loll soi cant iwn
Become zigger tamer.
I mostly drink whites. Been into Pinot Grigio/Gris lately, I find they’re just reliably good. Pinot Grigio (from Italy) is usually the driest. Pinot Gris is a bit sweeter but still far enough from dessert wine territory.
Is this amateur hour? Come on G~ I know you can do better.
I’m not picky with trans girls, most are cute in their own ways unless they’re honest to god boomerhons like Caitlyn Jenner
Though I can’t lie, I’m curious about what you look like now
>Though I can’t lie, I’m curious about what you look like now
probably if we spoke on discord you'd see me maybe.
im very paranoid nowadays, when i was younger i'd send pictures of myself. even post on 4chan ~2019,20
not anymore, i grew out of this

plus u will just be some quick fuck or something anyway, not wife/hsband material
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I have a fantasy of getting trapped in a state of pseudo enlightenment, kind of like a purgatory or bad end, where I experience being two people, a man and a woman, at the same time, and they have sex desperately trying to merge together and become one again, and I feel both at once, but the two halves can never become whole, I will never experience being one person again. The woman half has giant boobs and I experience having those
>The woman half has giant boobs and I experience having those
oddly real
Text with pic made me smile, too upset to lol still but good stuff.
>too upset
why, my dearest zigga?
kill yourself with this fucktard ai image, go back to your shithole
Visited mother.
>a man and woman trying to make you
In what way does this differ from a weird extended fantasy of your parents attempting to conceive you?
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I forgot how fun Ultra Street Fighter 4 is. Just chillaxing playing Dr. Diddles in arcade mode wiggity washing these bad mamajamas.
aw, sorry
is she homophobic or doing bad or?
I can't discuss here.
Thank you for asking about though.
Different. Is only the same in the way that your "soul" contains the act of 2 people having sex because all of your ancestors have done it since sex was invented. It's like an ego death thing.

Also in this scenario what you're saying would mean they are trying to get pregnant but never do
no worries
i hope u feel better soon
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im watching the sopranos and tony soprano is really attractive? im not one to be gay but he's like big and hairy and i kind of like this
i'dlike to have a husband like that a big one to maek me feel even smaller that'dbe nice
Thanks. Hope you are good.
>pregnant but never do
Thanks for elaborating! I feel like no pregnancy, or even humanity, is required should they be representative of the individual sperm and the individual egg attempting to become you, rather than your father and your mother. I just think it’s interesting to think of those two sets of DNA joining together and both fearing and longing for individualism enough for someone to fantasize about it.

Honestly would also be an interesting fantasy to try and interpret through a jungian lens.
update: i snorted 2.5mg and it did nothing
i was strictly aap until i started gooning to the thought of my childhood best friend who had a crush on me for years fucking and breeding my tight hole and impregnating me. i don't know what happened after that, but i started to regret everything.
2.5mg of what?
>childhood best friend who had a crush on me for years fucking and breeding my tight hole and impregnating me
>what happened after that, but i started to regret everything.
i don't understand.
aap = bad?
oxycodone. i'm disappointed so i ended up hitting my dresser until it hurt too much
You sound like you’d be a woman beater
>woman beater
literally me
Serious question, I upped my dose recently so how do I fight the urge to jerk 3x a day? I don’t think I can go a single day without cooming and I’m starting to get death grip syndrome
if i had of just repressed better during highschool, he might have been able to fuck me. maybe he could have fixed me with his god cock. maybe all my suffering has been for nothing.
>how do I fight the urge to jerk 3x a day
>I don’t think I can go a single day without cooming
>I’m starting to get death grip syndrome
>death grip syndrome

oh please. are you happy now? don't think about hypotheticals. no he can't fix you. if you want we can try but you should stay on T
I grab my tdick too hard and it’s starting to get numb, what are you confused about
Do you get euphoric effects from oxycodone? I’ve taken it, percs, and xans, but didn’t get it from any of them. I always wondered what it’s supposed to feel like.
is it that big >_<
i saw a video on /gif/ it weas a t dick but it was so big? and it like .. jerked up? it was so freaky
and i also saw a tdick fuck a pussy i think or an ass. thats so hot
>from any of them
the fuck?
do you take any other medications? i heard ssri's or some shit fuck with it
the death grip syndrome kept me from beating off cause if i couldnt feel it there was no point lol. i wish i had gf to take advantage of my libido tho
I’d say it’s somewhat above average, about 2 inches. It’s not porn sized though.
would you be into sph
it makes me feel less, which is nice. i don't feel high though. i just feel less. though i ended up self harming anyway so i guess it doesnt do shit
Not into that, I’d put your clitty in a cage though.
ftms r freaky man wtf im not sure im onboard
im a man of class not degeneracy
just fucked up putting my gel on and a bunch dripped onto my dick now my dick burns but I don't want to wash any off obviously so I'm just sitting here with my dick burning
just wash it off wtf
where do u put gel, thighs?
Yeah thighs and stomach its going away im getting my dose
No way you're topping the alcoholic parents buying packs of 99 shooters right at open they see worse shit guaranteed
I'm four and a half months on testosterone and my period hasn't stopped. Do I wait more or should I up my dose or something? I'm on 50mg/week just coz that's what the DIY guide recommended
My mother thinks I ruined her life and disowned me. My father is cool with it as long as I keep studying
People always get mad at me when I say I want some to die, it’s always “You shouldn’t wish death on people, that’s fucked up” I don’t care man. Some of these people do not deserve to breathe .
truth nuke
Not at the time. They just made me tired in the way I normally feel tired. I take prescription stimulants now so could be related to fucked dopamine regulation or something since those calm me down. I also have the schizophrenic gene, not sure if that changes anything. Alcohol and weed work normally and I have fun on stimulants recreationally as well.
Gee Willikers it’s getting late gang, I think I might hit the hay.
i like spiders. good night spider
Based, spiders love me too.
for the most part my family acts as if i never came out. they only bring it up to force me to shave my face or tell me that being on T is giving me mental issues. I really wish they supported me, or at the very least would leave me the fuck alone about it. I already knew transitioning makes you risk losing your entire family but its never easy to deal with
it's strange. oxy is supposed to be for pain management, but i still feel the physical pain, like my aching arm and legs still hurt as much as before taking it, but the floatiness in the head keeps me from thinking about it i think. very strange stuff. if my mother knew about this she'd shit bricks
Do you two get fucked in the pussy often?
What dick? Pretty sure that's a cute clit, anon.
i think i made a mistake
12mg over the course of 4 hours is not a huge dose on the slightest i'm being crazy
Do any of you guys have luck with women and in that case where? I want to fuck one but i don’t want to get into a long term relationship with one under any circumstance. I don’t care if i have to get into polycule or a fwb kind of situation I just want no strings attached sex.
i've have a number of women show their attraction to me, but ihave fumbled it every time due to dysphoria. i am afraid of outting myself./my lack of COCK and so never do anything except kissing (which was forced on me teeheee :)) )
I’m ftm in case you didn’t catch that. Looking mainly for bisexuals for that reason
>(which was forced on me teeheee :)) )
God i wish i was you.
I'm short, but i'm skinny and broad shouldered, so im like catnip to black women
Why black women specifically?
they don't care that im 5'4
Why don’t they care?
because i'm fucking hot as shit. white girls don't seem to care either. you'd be surprised by how much a high t poon can pull if he tries to be social and not fembrained. literally just workout every week or so and take a normal amount of testosterone and you will pull, at least if you're me
>i'm fucking hot as shit
Pics or it's larp
Lol Well the thing with that is you said that to someone who not only has been that retarded but wasn't alone in being that way at the time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Glad you're ok.
I don't think he's ugly, but calling him very attractive would be pushing it.
Rip. Opiate/opioid tolerance goes up rapidly, you've been using too many days in a row.
Truth is if you hate someone and want them to suffer wishing a long life on them is the better route. I've worked in a nursing home, a dementia ward and homecare which all seem infinitely worse to me than just dying before getting extremely old. At a certain point everyone becomes helpless that way and it's not an easy thing not to mention all the shit along the way. Death is a sort of peace in many ways. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It does help pain, was the only thing that helped pain when I was using heroin at my worst point with pain/my health. Doesn't mean you can't feel it if you hurt yourself during though especially if you managed to do it pretty bad, also how much would matter there.
I have, prefer men but I'm bi. Irl situations mainly though with women, just kind of would turn up that way I was more androgynous at the time which was part of it. I look very feminine at this point and women won't generally approach me now. I've never asked anyone out people just come my way. Anywhere you can get to know people really online or off and even like social media that's not meant for dating I'll have people who want to date or fuck hitting me up. Haven't ever seriously tried actively looking for sex or relationships ever so I have no advice there.

I have a male part of me and a female part of me and I don't want to hate the female part. It's like I am two people who have a weird relationship. I've never thought of them as parents because they are both me.

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