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last >>37318024
qott what are you thinking of doing for halloween
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Can anyone translate please please?
halloween is my favorite holiday but the last two years i've been too depressed to make a costume. this year i'm probably gonna go with the lazy option and just go as a clown (i clown sometimes already so it's just putting on a normal outfit basically but i'll go with spooky goth clown)
no parties to go to but i can hand out candy i guess
cock penis dick ass fuck suck cum knob shlammalammadingdongshlong.
fuk u.
post dudes.
>I was having a gay orgy and another participant had a larger penis than me, so I made their medicine look like diphenhydramine, a drug known to cause hallucinations at high doses, in order to get revenge for my emasculation during an episode of frottage
yeah so do I, I got a load of stuff that all mutually reinforced and exacerbates each other, and yet
visiting my sluttranny fuckbuddies and last time i was there the weird girl dommed me by slamming her giant dick against my little one so to get her back i tricked her into stopping hrt and taking drugs that are giving her hallucinations
Mono Won
Mono Hon
did anyone really win though
mtfg lost
emo you are the most obvious faggiest faggot here you should really just detroone already and admit it was a big mistake and gayfag it up as god intended you to do
hopefully some time with my family
otherwise besides watching scary movies during october I'm not going to care much about halloween
used to be my favorite holiday tbdesu
thats straight up poggers
I want to dress up in a fem costume
For once
done doing uber eats for the day now i can cooooode :3
my dad told me he thinks what I'm coding is useless and it's kinda making me sad desu
i shouldn't care about anything he says at this point but it still hurts to be told my interests are not worth pursuing
fax bruh W
what are you making
[very 1800s voice]
>I happened to be at a quaint little gathering for some of my close friends of a "good time" nature, now these friends, and I as it happens, are of the transsexualism variety, now what happened was that my friend, she's called luna, like the moon you now? well luna she presented her rather large... credentials, now this was rather much larger than me you see, and I did feel a sort of way about it, so, I'm afraid I did hatch quite a naughty little scheme out of I do admit absolute spite. I sneaked away some of her medications, terrible I know, but much worse I replaced them with a selection of opium lozenges of a similar size, recoloured in the baby blue hue so as they looked the very image of the previously seconded medications. Well, as you can imagine, luna could only be described as being absolutely out of her gourd.
what exactly does your dad think is time well spent?
getting his dick sucked
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as of now jack squat
i dont usually do anything anyways, i like seeing all the people and the decorations though
would be cool to do something maybe
that kind of reads like a dracula flow line for some reason
by who..
hon got big pp
this make me grr so angry
so i grow it more
id say ur right if i hadnt be trying it your way/every other way already 4 a bazillion years.
straight female* for straight* male was the right move.
i'd never known such peace.
beyond a doubt this is who i am and what i was supposed to be doing the whole time.
>i shouldn't care about anything he says at this point but it still hurts to be told my interests are not worth pursuing
damn I'm sorry
Arknights writing
You do understand how much I love this
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is this you
watch spooky movies play spooky games
raping and murdering transgender girls
play spooky games, win spooky prizes
>straight female*
how do you even feel female looking like that??
You seem cute at times, Nully-chan
I might try and pick something like cry of fear again r something
I don't understand either of these references
give me a spooky prize
chews on your penis
Zoomer shit I know of but didn't care enough to learn about
>cry of fear
what’s that one
Cringe but good
ay bruh maiq like boys and mono won amirite my fellow ebic postar :)
Mono lost
real hsts poster
Laguna won
this is a wonderful prize
but unfortunately I'm not
one of those halflife mods that wound up becoming a standalone game
I'm over here stroking my dick I got lotion on my dick right now. I'm just stroking my shit I'm horny as fuck man I'm a freak man like for real
AGP are the ones doomposting all day and slicing themselves gushing blood and poop and generally being stupid and gay.
does anyone else chew on their fingers
this is so sad and pathetic is almost cute in a way
filthy habit
How do i trick a straight boy to stick his PP in my mouth? No chasers, no gays like REAL straight boys
swing and a miss, troon out John 50
I wish I had like actual shit for my skin
been having like a massive acne breakout
and that always makes me want to touch my face when I get new bumps all over
and it just makes it worse...
oh ok fuck you
nice digits btw
how do I trigger your ocd
Look like a girl. Sound like a girl.
im a rapehon and i need to rape !!!!
thank you for checking
r u john 50 and trooning out rn? no wonder ur so bitter all the time
checked again ..
abusing vulnerable transgirls
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trans dare
mostly the boobs the hip to waist and long hair and laser. but most of it has to do with getting intimate attention from a guy who does not have gayvoice and doesnt use words like yass or qween and he does not like sucking dick or taking dicks in the ass.
beyond that i see what you mean and so do most people as i am the eternal "sir"
project yourself onto me, off trip ofc ofc we simply MUST not let others know
do you want to know how to make me sneed?
ocd has nothing to do with it
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Real Woman
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>but unfortunately I'm not
I could find you cute, but I'd prefer if you didnt spiral downward today. You're definitely a good girl who bumps this thread all the time
what triggers you larry
what flops your cock
Are you cute? Guys are usually pretty easy. T. wandering straight dude
Okay but like can I get real advice something that is obtainable?
Minecraft clone demo
not gonna make a whole game i just wanna make smth that looks like Minecraft with smaller blocks and better physics
i don't expect it to make me successful but i think having a flashy graphics demo written in c++ to show recruiters and stuff would be good for me since I'm trying to get a coding job
on and off over the past year he has been making me help him develop these business ideas he has had centered around chatgpt
none of them went anywhere, he took the lions share of the credit for all of them even though he made me write a large majority of the code, and he expected me to work on them 8 hours a day while sat right next to him
mind you this is all while im supposed to be applying to jobs and working on my portfolio
he even made me go to a wework office with him a few times to idk add to the larp i guess, he didn't pay me for any of that shit and he even made me code for him the day i got back from the hospital after ffs, while my face was purple and covered in bandages and i couldn't eat solid food
i just.. i hate this, i hate it i hate it i hate it
this doesn't seem right, but everyone around me acts like it is
my mom also tells me to work on these things for him, and then when the projects don't go anywhere she starts telling me behind his back to focus more on applying to jobs and it's just... i feel like i have been mistreated by both of them desu.. idk maybe i don't have a right to feel like that while I'm living in their house
i feel like I'm going crazy sometimes
anyways, that's why I'm doing uber eats- to get them to hopefully leave me alone a bit so i can use what time i have left to work on stuff for myself
thank u fren, I'm sorry for u too :<
you wanna kno how i got these sneeds?
ive never tripped but ok schizo
i hope you can find a nice job soon
>writers so coombrained the best in universe historical explanation they could think of for hot dogs was "they're called that because sexy puppygirls sold them, hot dogs you might say"
humanity is done for
average pooner day wear
Straight guys don't want to fuck trans girls. That's the real advice.
thank u fren, me too ;~;
i should apply to more jobs now that I'm home but i wanna coooode i haven't worked on my project in a couple days
it’s rude to say but after reading about him for a while now your dad seems like quite a piece of work hopefully you can avoid following in his footsteps
nice dubs nice dubs
Raping maiqs boyhole
You've never tripped yet you take a keen interest in maiq being a closet gay we must uphold as the thread straight chad, and mono being whatever mono thinks she is.
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what project are u working on?
Maiq why don't you post in /chasergen/ ? Talk to your people stop prowling here
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Game has less fanservice than elder ping honestly that's just meant as a gag
It's literally one of the biggest wordcounts on any game too.
it's impossible for a tranny to rape maiq because he wants all trannies to top him
he's asking for it
im goin bed pls wish me sweet dreems pls pls
why does everything go to C: drive..? (demoralized)
need little sister gf
ok sweet dreams
meds bro
thx thx thx
So, I work in a convenience store. A fairly popular Utah chain… I have some rather mentally deficient customers. Of the trump gear sporting variety. One in particular, a regular. This sack-less cunt. Usually sporting a red, white, blue trump bucket hat.

His last transaction: He walks up to the register. Refusing to look at me as usual.

me with smile “What’s in the bag?” (referring to the pastry bag)

him “cranberry.”

me “Ah, berry blast.”

him (still looking down) “Whatever they call it now…”

he glances at my name tag (assuming, could have been my tits) “You can call anything whatever you want to call them these days…” now with that smirking tone “won’t be that way for much longer. not much longer at all.”

This just resulted in me audibly laughing at him. The fact that this cunt cannot look me in the face while attempting to insult me. Just comes across as comically pitiful… This is the same guy. That when other MAGA Cunts. Very offendedly refuse to let me cash them out. He will jump right on that train. But, if they’re not around he will go through my line… This is the same person that tells other employees I should go work someplace else…

I pretty sure they lack the ability to comprehend. That their ignorant behavior just entertains me… When it’s directed at me… Outside of work, directed towards another. And you get to see my crazy…


Anyone else reach that point with these cunts. That their comments are more entertaining than insulting? The comments feel more half hearted and desperate these days…
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If you wern't molested or raped as a child, you'll NEVER be trutrans
>I'd prefer if you didnt spiral downward today
I can always try
need to shake the somber so I can get my weekly exercise anyhow
ok paige
i just don't get why there doesn't seem to be any standards of decency with him
i feel like he sees me as a resource to be exploited, rather than a person with feelings
maybe it's the autism
also mad at him for giving me his pozzed autist genes
minecraft clone graphics demo
also new website
using threejs?
i thot u were pharmacy tech?
7 trannies popped out from the energy drink aisle and clapped
for fucks sake SHEEN
a and b were requisitioned for floppy drives
Rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape
idk i was molested and i am pretty sure i'm faketrans and was psyopped by molestation into trooning
digit ratios don't lie
vulkan for graphics demo, threejs for website :>
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ok failed male
ok incel
ok virginot
ok oldie
ok no gf
ok no kids
ok trans woman
ok unsuccessful person
oh yeah it's raping time
i'm glad you have trouble having sex with men. you shouldn't be having sex. it's morally wrong to do that to people
That's my good girl :)
Quite the opposite my tru and real pilled tranner. The trutrans are ones who trooned out to CSA, this is known, this is trutrutrans.
larry must be going INSANE right now
killing myself
on the way you speak about him, he comes off as having very little empathy (not just in the sense of being aware of others’ emotions but the wider sense of accepting that other people are real)
Raping time, open all the doors
And let a stranger into your room
Raping time, turn all of the lights on
It's time you grew life in your womb

I know who I want to rape my hole
I know who I want to rape my hole
I know who I want to rape my hole
Take my hole
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yeah. if before was bad, and after is more gooder than it prolly a gud idea 4 u b troon etc. life aint perf, but solve some issues where u can is all u can rly do.
100% THIS. "Dysphoria" is just faggot fantasy, it's not a thing. Trauma trooning is the only trutrans
if i can't afford meds and i'm not out sucking cock for diy money am i really even trans (serious question)
yeah ur not tru trans unless you become a part of the streets
okay but wouldn't this suggest my dysphoria is just dissociative escapist fantasy into an alternate persona separated from the dead raped male child in me, and that the only way to be mentally healthy would be to reconcile this breach of my self and detrans?
because, i don't like that? i like being on estrogen?
Yes, precisely
ya that's what i think too
i think he's a severely emotionally stunted person with no interest in doing better
me next please
do you tend to think of who you are in terms of who he is (both in terms of similarities or dissimilarities) ?
https://youtu.be/okvk5qQEAhI like this one?
but, what do i do with that information if i don't want to detrans? i don't know how to be a man i've never done that ;~;
cis female friend told me she had sex with man and it made me feel stuff becoz i am evil possessive straight male EVIL
Lift some weights and slay some puss on the reg my dude you got this is Ibelieve in you chad
eat chicken n brocoli everyday and jog n do situps n squats everyday take ze pillz und get ze laser und hope for feel better. no feel better? hit undo button and stop everything and drink idk lmao
she thinks you're gay and wanted you to share similar stories of sex with guys, but oh oh
As we know, girls don't lift
don't detrans but do lift weights anyways
fitness is important
and having leg n glute muscles is nice
real girls make sure their PP's are well hydrated, lotion them up girls!!!!!
maybe when i was younger i would compare myself to him more often, but not so much anymore
we are quite different people and i have always struggled to relate to him
i feel like a weird robot alien that doesn't rly gel with anyone
if I had a barbell
I'd use it for hip thrusts
my progress is like kinda wild
I've never had legs this firm
so used to just being a skinnyfat squishy skele
i don’t know if she thinks i’m gay i don’t know if i’m attracted to her i don’t think she or females actually like hearing about gay sex because it’s gross and also i present myself as a big strong man towards her i told her i’ll try getting laid so i have something interesting to talk about and she seemed excited and insistent but think it is all just a ploy to bully me
Some chick asked me for a light and when I held my lighter up for her cigarette, I saw it was sherm because the cig paper was all brownish and discolored. She was like early 20s smoking wet at noon on a Wednesday. Jeez
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Just preformed transgender surgery on an illegal alien in prison
No, bad girl
post nut clarity larry be like
they did surgery on an illegal grape alien
so there isn’t anyone in particular who, through by comparison and contrast, you try to understand yourself ?
Did those with lmao3plaet today and now my caboose is fried
mostly other trannies i guess
in terms of passing or like deeper personality stuff
Maiq and responding and trying to "help" trannys who post their vulnerabilities is a 100% guarantee. He's SO creepy and predictable
oh god what if i am faketrans from it that means there's some alternate timeline where i didn't get CSA'd where i actually am powerlifter chadboy .-.
wait okay but if this were true what are other trannies even doing here
yeah it's so creepy when people act like nice friends ugh
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i was lurking in chasergen a while ago and i saw this. i reverse image searched picrel and THERES NOTHING. how the heck do i get a lil brown person to worship me like jade? do i have to join grooby girls?
I've made it
anal sex with men....

good saltpost

he's praying to allah to be cleansed of the memories of seeing jadorito
did anyone else grind on mall santas' laps just to fuck w them
damn based
sup poojeet
maiq got a taste of ths frott with his twinktoy and now his cock lusts even harder for the trannys he needs that larp cock now gay cock is not enough it's larp girl cock only that can satisfy him hide your PPs ladies
my parents didn't bring me to any mall santas
or even keep up the santa charade
but I do have a scar on my head from my first christmas
unironically isn't hard, most men are spiritually weak creatures. you can demand 50 dollars for feet pics and they will pay it
wow this hurts so bad
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You'll never ribsmax like Jade. Give it up loser, you don't have what it takes.
i want to be a grooby girl so bad
i was too scared of stranger danger i was always a little bit afraid mall santas were somehow gonna ferry me off for a plowing
gockar al groobdadi
if she can look like that and make money off porn i really have no excuse
wait, I recognize her, she used to post here and on twitter about her spirals and weird shit years ago.

oof, that's fucked. I hope she isn't having to rely on sw to make ends meet.
the leader of daesh?? (dong addicted eboys simping hons)
if you ever feel like the adult industry is beyond your grasp
just look at any amateur cam site
and look at the cammers who have small but consistant view counts
you'll notice people have the hots for alot of things we think is just undesirable
her parents are rich rich, remember? she was just doing it for the ego
I wonder what the environment is like working at a club honestly
I've never even been in a nudie bar before but my cousin I live with has photos of himself at a strip club
he has photos of his dad(my uncle) at a stripclub surrounded by bare breasts
I know someone who did amateur stripping but I never asked questions
given that back in 2021 or so she was posting nazi tier race rants on twitter it's possible they disowned her, or her mental state got worse
they force her to live in the basement lol
she's a richshit and all the surgery in the world cant even save her
How do we stop maiq

Hes like Ted Bundy. But, instead of being a serial killer, he’s a serial frotter
no you dont
what happened did you get your wisdom teeth out already ?
probably pretty bad considering how I hear men talk about people like they aren't even that
i have to

yeah this is misery
imma make a visual novel about this universe u just created
wow I hope you feel better soon
remember — no straws or smoking
dry socket is very bad pain
okay, very important lore detail, this world's daesh is still a jihadist group controlling parts of iraq and syria with aims of subjugating the wider muslim world
but it's femboy idol worshipping anti-wahhabism, after gockar al groobdadi's simp army took bagdhad (now known as bag-dads)
>my Ritalin has stopped working
Why do I have to struggle so much just to be happy
Why can't I just be normal and have a normal working brain and a normal working body that I'm happy with
im laying down and watching U-571 movie and no where neer a pencil but im totally down theoretically.
cause u were traumatized. sorry that happened.
I don't think trauma gives you ADHD
but it does make things worse
that's why mental illness is so comorbid
ummm some for the former, others for the latter
the closest thing i think I've ever had to a role model was my ex (not wren)... she was so cool, like everything i wanted to be but better
i still think abt her a lot, i try to be more like her because she was successful and also she had a more effed up home situation than me but still was able to become someone strong and independent
i can't rly think of anyone besides her who ever made enough of an impression for me to want to be more like them
some day i will be strong and beautiful like she was
did lobotanon finally end up killing herself?

i just hit a grav bong. no negative pressure. works fine no pain
My name is Jennifer, and I'm DTF
Hit it very very gently, you really do not want dry socket. Or get edibles for a bit
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being forced to go to a prussian indoctrination center for 12 years is traumatic, that's typically where ADHD develops.
DTF? Down To Frot?

you should get some sleep
Hey everyone.
A shot in the dark as I can't find her anywhere - does anyone have Dria's contact information? I'm a (probably former) friend and I would like to talk to her.
If anyone has it I'd be very grateful. I've been thinking about messaging her for years and already tried here several times so I'm not very convinced it'll work.
If you're reading, Dria, I'm the huge asshole from years ago that you made meet the woman I'm still with to this day. You're free to not wanna talk to me, but I'd be extremely happy to know if you're okay.
Ooh drama?
I am preparing for the upcoming battles I must face.
i am too evil to sleep
the frenchwoman?
dad said to me at dinner "hey you applied to target right if you still wanna work at target they're hiring a bunch of seasonal workers now" like yes dad i want to work at target thank you so fucking much
y'know what his last piece of career advice was for me? i should go door to door to LGBT owned businesses offering to make online stores for them in exchange for a cut of the profits like a) they have that it's called shopify b) THAT'S YOUR FUCKING ADVICE FOR ME?? MAKE GAY AMAZON????
istfg if every bit of "advice" he gives me is going to be like that i wish he would just keep his fucking mouth shut and spare me having to pretend to be interested in what he has to say
What the hell are you talking about
Yeah the French woman. Idk what they're on about, we used to be very close friends and I'm just super sad I left it how I did (it was all my fault, and one of my deepest shames in my life.)
Your dad sounds almost as dumb as mine is.
never been in contact with her outside here
but do miss them being around
dria seemed a p cool person
what kind of work do you want to do?
arrrrgh etc
coding or math
literally the same thing he does but the only advice he's given me on that subject is "well when i apply to jobs i get called back right away so IDK what ur problem is" (he has a phd)
which frenchwoman? there have been several weird rapey ones lol
do people really mean it when they say “if you’re having thoughts of suicide, call 911”?
She was kinda an oddball but desu she was my best friend for a long time.
With how it is with us trans people I'm always afraid of the worse.
he just wants his degenrate faggot son out of his fucking house so just get a job, ANY job retard
>qott for Halloween
Last year I was hella into Halloween, I took 2 months to grow out my beard (cis bi chaser btw) and I had this super masculine outfit with fanciful flairs, it was the real shit. I worked on it for several weeks leading up to Halloween. I wore it to like 4 different venues on different nights and I swear to god I bombed at each one, maybe getting like 1 compliment at a place. It was total shit, very demoralizing.
i am male + unemployed for so long
i am deeply afraid and scared for my future and i want to kms
literally like those autists that are only extremely smart and good at coding and math but literally completely braindead retarded when it comes to anything else, they are so fucking annoying, the perfect slave for the corporations, very smart when it comes to coding, very dumb when it comes to common sense and getting scammed..
you should still apply so they can ignore your application
fuck him, he doesn't even bring any money into the household and hasn't in years. my mom is the bread winner
part of the reason why he keeps dragging me into his stupid schemes is because he doesn't have a job and is trying to cope by saying he's working on a business idea
and i don't want a damn thing from him except to be left alone to work on getting a job that would actually pay me enough to move out
i have absolutely no intention of staying in this place one second longer than i have to but until i find something I'm just stuck here, with this fucking baboon who thinks he's entitled to as much free coding work as he wants because i don't have a job
god i fucking hate my life
I'll admit to being sheltered and kinda dumb and not knowing how to do a lot of things but i am trying my hardest to gtfo of here and what's so frustrating to me is that he has repeatedly gotten in the way of that goal
it is extremely distressing
i have to do whatever he wants because I'm a jobless piece of shit but as long as i keep doing what he wants i will remain a jobless piece of shit
I'm sorry, I hope things get better for you. That sounds like hell
yeah, my parents give horrible advice too. probably why im retarded like them
honestly, pretty much this but it’s not krissu fault. if krissu parents set her up for success, she wouldn’t be here
i hope things get better for you. keep spamming applications around even for random shit.
jobs aren’t real they don’t exist
chat have you ever thought you paid a bill and you actually only paid the previous past due bill and you already spent the rest of your money by the time you found out by suddenly having a utility cut off
chat am i a retard
wait nevermind nobody here pays bills
it's called autopay, and it's not hard to setup
Did you ever go to college or anything? Need help getting a job?
ngl you sound like a crybaby faggot loser. get a job faggot and get out of his house so mom and dad and live their lives without their source of dissapointment leeching around
ya i went to college, majored in math, finished undergrad, was in a master's program for computer science for a year and then i dropped out
i thought I'd be able to find *something* because i at least finished college and i have coding skills and coursework done in that and math skills too, but it's been more than a year and nothing. i haven't even gotten one. single. technical interview
which annoys tf out of me because call me boisterous but I'm p sure i would do well in a technical interview. ive done lots of practice problems and they are usually p easy for me, plus one of my most used languages is Python which is great for those interview questions
but not even one lousy place has even bothered to take that much of a chance on me, it's rly freaking me out
this show makes me happi
think I'm gonna rewatch it
as much of a loser as i am, i could never disappoint my father more than he has disappointed me, my mother and the rest of our family. maybe i should feel bad or ashamed but i kind of just don't. i would really, really have to make an effort in order to outdo the shittiness of some of the things he has done . i just want to gtfo of here and away from him forever
I used to back in 2020
but no
that's never happened to me just not being able to afford the bill and having my utilities cut
very familiar with that whether it's me paying the bills or not
>majored in math
Okay okay. This is something to work with. But, have you ever had a job before?
ruled by shame
i had autopay set up on my bank account, which has been past the overdraft limit for several months. the last money i had come in i received over paypal, so i paid the balance i had visible somewhere last month when i needed to pay double that for a bill that was about to post. i thought i had it paid, went about my life, then woke up this morning with no internet
>but no that's never happened to me
okay cool, so yes i am retarded
seduce ur dad maybe he wants a blowjob from his hot new daughter he didn't know he had
yeh idk i've never been a retard who can't manage finances. autopay is for the nonretards only who won't ever come close to overdrafting (lmao so poor, imagine!)
What city do you live in?
I dropped mef some okay jobs. I can do the same for you. They were decent jobs that mef qualified for but I doubt she applied because she’d rather stare at women & bathe in her misery.
But, I’m assuming you’re willing to put in work right?
i want to make a catty remark about how i'm disabled and you should feel bad for this, but i had the option of signing up for long term disability insurance that would've given me 60% of my paycheck for life and i went "nah i won't need that" so it's actually completely my fault i'm poor even though i can't work
i should find a nice bridge
imma get a tattoo of morris code around my butthole that says "i am u-571 destroy me"
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fat man flares at orb
Paul do you know of that dude named glove
Yeh I like that fedora a nice touch, but alas it just never works for people. Like eh either way I don't know why I'm talking about this
How are you?
bro wut
Nick lost
>extremely comfy remote job requiring 20 mins of work a week
>cant girlmode because losing this job would suck
Killing fleas at 4 am really living the life out here ngl
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managed to fumble the chaser
bored and alone

>parents having kids in their 20s
dumb idea

>im leaving mtfg forever
>lasts zero days
anybody else who used to be a baby?
I watched u brush ur penis man I really cannot take you seriously
we can trust you since your mom had you in her 40s and you turned out great
why did you follow that link LMAO

she was late 30s
What's everyone's favorite Radiohead song? I've been really jamming to No Surprises for like 2 weeks.
hotel california
still am in fact
why are some people so stupid and useless can't they just be better
Well, I’m guessing you prefer job searching by yourself.
are you still a teenager or something? v cringe taste if not
pring is 30
yeh that's a big ol yikers from me then. grow up already jesus
i am literally mr creep from the creep song
postyou toes for me bb gurl i wish tosuckle them very much yum bb
the rich native canadian?
no you don't
no thank you
no a different one that i was kind of pursuing as well for a number of reasons but i managed to successfully convince them i am not worth it
God I always get suicidal when I drink. I'm drinking rn and like how do ppl have fun drinking?
pring may have the body of a 30 year old but spiritually she's 14, and also 67
but looks 40
the best way to have fun drinking is to drink soda and get high and babysit your drunk idiot friends
if friends are absent drink soda and get high and vidya is universally more fun than alcohol
if weed makes you anxious sobriety and exercise
did they find out about the booger bowl?
did he find the piss drawer and diap stash?
unfortunately I don't drink soda or smoke weed. I'm just alone and drinking rn tho. not sure why I do it though it's kinda stupid on my part. it's not like I enjoy it or anything
bb gurl i want 2 tuch ur stinky and ur dinky make feel so good 4 u bb
well soda's nasty when you're not on it but you can just buy some weed?
i'm just saying if you want an altered state of mind and are a depressed person or just a person who likes feeling physically alright, alcohol is shit. the fact humanity has picked it as our intoxicant of choice is a testament to our infinite ability to always choose shitty convenient things over much better slightly more difficult things
>tfw no pajeet chaser wants to touch your stinky nor your dinky
:*( why live....
hello sar pls open bob sar
getting weed isn't really a problem it's just not really my thing. I don't care for it. for some reason I'd rather just drink even though it makes me feel like shit all the time
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Been on HRT for 3 years and still get sir’d him’d everywhere I go. Despite dressing femme and makeup. Advice?
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i want to be friends with a trans woman!
>if friends are absent drink soda and get high and vidya is universally more fun than alcohol
lmao true
I wouldn't have survived living alone if not for getting stoned and getting lost in fantasy, while binging comfort drink
I do love to get so drunk I literally can't stand
and just become a puddle of self loathing too tho
crack queen
creepy. why?
Don't remind me
>And also 67
What does this even mean?
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How much did kat pay the jannies to auto-filter "N1ck L4ng"? Can't even type his name now lol
let's be friends
you're just like me fr
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doggy likes to have a sip of water before bed time :33

i always feel especially lonely in the evenings
wish there was someone to hold me
morgan if youre reading this all i gotta say is get a fucking clue. you really think moving in with some guy you just met and who is forcing you to be financially dependent on him AGAIN is a good idea? seriously. learn from your own mistakes. you can say whatever you want about my moral character but at least ill never be as retarded and self destructive as you or hel
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Hello thread
I got stood up for my date so that rocks. pic is outfit for the date in question

Also anyone in SF whos chill? (no chasers allowed) I'm still struggling to find local transfem friends.

I got this diet coke swimsuit at the thrift store, so I wanna do a vending machine box, and like Im inside it with the diet coke swimsuit on, with my arms n legs sticking out. Its even silver like a diet coke can!
Long nose boy.
total hon headpiece
AND I'D BE ALLLLLLL RIGHTTTTTTTRR booboobeeeeeeeeeeepbooboobeeeeeeeeeeeepbeeeeeeeeepbooboobooboobeeeeep
>for some reason
acute mental health care deficiency
Just noticed the qott so
Thinkin of being a Witch
Nobody out here serving cunt
Nick is short for Nicholas. Try that.
ok rapist
does big pp or small pp help u pass better? also uncut or cut? idk waht's fem
mogs me
that's not what the boys tell me but go off hun
You're too pure for this place. You may wanna leave.
Go to Tommaso's on kerny near Broadway and order the meatball pizza. It's so good
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be my friend
sup rapeman
real desu
Oh yeah if you're so hot prove it
I feel unsafe without a knife near me at all times, even in my apartment. am I stupid?
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how's this for sex appeal
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what's his deal chat? why does he still come here?
depends. do you live in a dangerous area?
if you live in like a safe gated community and you’re doing this, we call that paranoia
the same reason navy comes here, to find future rape victims
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i love transbians!
for fresh meat newfags
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i just want to date amab lesbians who like men
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Its actually a beret, but I pulled it down over my ears cause it was chilly c:

date still stood me up....

Maybe I don't need friends if I have a meatball pizza.
It does sound good, I'll go some time.

holy moly, if this is tgirl tummy I just creamed my pants! :)
if this is cism chaser tummy I just threw up :(
I mean I do but I don't go outside that much. I'm not really scared about getting mugged or caught up in a shooting. I just kinda get scared without a knife no matter where I am
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it's so good but I've changed my mind. you should go to Tony's on Stockton and get a square and a ny slice, do the sausage, pepperoni ricotta slice for the regular. You will do backflips home and won't need the muni
can you keep the knife from being used against you in a fight?
probably not I'm weak and pathetic
>can you keep the knife from being used against you in a fight?
this is one of my fears I used to have
I swear if I tried to defend myself with a knife bro would just grab it from me and cut me
hello ma’am. im in SF lookin for bobs & gock

I am from sunnydale. good neighborhood
you show me good gock okay? meet you at castro yeah?
nononono she should go to Patxi's on Hayes and get the deep dish
anybody remember the hatchet?
mace or cc maybe?
why would i feel a need to do that on this mongolian basket weaving forum, let alone for someone who demands photos of random women
who is that
tell me that's not naz
maybe but I don't think it would feel right. I don't think mace would make me feel safe for some reason
how new can you get good lord. legit just lurk for like a year, minimum
take it from the loon that let parnoia control them so hard they started sleeping with a hatchet in fear violent people would force tbeir way into my home
not stupid but not worth it either
I come to this thread like twice a year chill
>can you keep the knife from being used against you in a fight
most retarded shit I heard. you dont know how to fight. it doesnt work like that in a fight. its like saying “can you stop someone from punching you in a fight?”
doesnt work like that maam. im from sunnydale. ask maeve about me. i know wut im talking about.
when you pullout a knife, only a retard would try to stop you. most ppl would turn around unless they had a weapon themselves

ur kungfu shit isn’t going to work against someone lunging a knife in your stomach. try dodging or stopping a body punch. oh wait most people can’t really do that
combination knife and mace
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I look worse tho thon
This is cute
oh woah
I live in edmonton
don't tbink I've ever been to that side of alberta tho
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If anyone was wondering, the pics I include with my posts sometimes are my own photography. I dont think anyone was wondering tho.

Guh... men with foreign accents are so hot.

Holy moly a pizza turf war has started in my name. I'm like Helena of Pizza
I'm not worried about anyone breaking into my apartment either tho. I'm not afraid or worried about dying at all. idk what it is but I'm just not scared of getting attacked or anything, I'm just scared of something and idk what
sometimes i wish i'd get a break in at a moment when i'm ready so that just once in my life i can bash someone's head in with a baseball bat and have been allowed to do that
posting this is not looking good for your defence lil retard
I don't even know what the fuck was running thru my mind when I picked that up
some of the things I do baffle even me
I can kinda relate to that feeling
not the weapon tho
but maybe it's a control thing
I find I obsess over little things when I'm getting stressed out regularly over nothing
for me it tends to be routines and where I put things
if my little bit of control is compromised I find thats when I have the bigger internal freakouts
pls maeve gib me chance yeah?

ur date stood u up. i never stood any1 up

i treat u to himalayan cuisine sf on polk street yeh?

but u must take my khhv status???? okay maam????
That other anon has u going to the Civic center area for deep dish pssh what a newb. Ur not a dweeb obv
i played 100 days of /mtfg/
my condolences
ngl I immediately thought about sunnyvale
trailer park is comfy
I forgot elliot page was in the show until rewatching some recently
sunnyvale is a real city like 30 mins away from sf just fyi
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I just walked past this street mural clearly I'm cooler than u r
HERE'S what happened .
no no no not sunnyvale


neighborhood in sf. good neighborhood. such talented young ppl here

yes saars
it was a joke retard who would actually think that
i actively avoid owning a gun just to make sure i wouldn't accidentally kill a burglar. if i ever got one i'd train for kneecapping
the more you know
I like geography tho so p cool
nova scotia is cool to tho
have family from there and still down there I think
I know what you're talking about
it's near calgary
I could probably walk over if I wanted to die that badly
oh wait
no I get what your saying now
you are a mongoloid
don't mind me
I only have a couple braincells left to rub together
I'm a lil slow sometimes
So people jerk off to you why else do people post pics?
sometimes i wish all the tripfags from this thread would break into my home so i could whip out an AK and paint the walls with the water filling their empty skulls and have been allowed to do that
>train for kneecapping
most retarded shit ever. its like trying to use a flamethrower non-lethally. absolutely retarded. people are trained to shoot center mass for reason: don’t miss & accidentally hit others, limbs are small body is big if you accidentally shoot someone bcuz u trained to shoot kneecaps like a retard ur in big trouble. also guns are meant for killing, shotguns have bean bag rounds for a reason

good morning saars
she wants a pizza and a deep dish from patxis will put her into a coma.
I stopped jerking off to tripfags two months ago, and since then I've gotten laid much more often. Burn your folders chaserbros
yes saars
u r retards. maeve wants indian food & indian cock

she needs to eat at himalayan cuisine sf. i treat her gooddddddd

both her bob & gock
will be mine
deep dish is for ozempic takers, im trying to keep maeve from becoming a bbw
eating indian food and eating ass smells the exact same
u dont respond to me cuz cowards with small white clitties

u never be able to beat me in a fight irl

dont worry. u can watch maeve take Indian cock soon
but after you eat one you don't crave pizza for like a year
if she eats a whole deep dish she'll probably die you've really exposed yourself as the dark pizza poster haven't u
I did it once, I survived
room temp iq rajeet
remember to poo in loo and wash your hands
Mono Won
Damn I wish I was like Jennifer Connelly
you guys still jerk your dicks? or naw? shit still feels good yo
I have more sensation in my nipples honestly. Handsfree is the shit
nice trapper keeper. faggot.
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gm gayboys
tell me your sins
i take female hormones while being a male while roleplaying i am a female even though i'm still a male and will always be a male
You need some neuron activation
why is blobby so in love with mono?
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wtf is this shit bro
I'm fucking disgusting
Have you tried not being fat and gross? Skill issue clearly
desu no, that's what I'm trying now
doing uber eats is helping me stick to one meal a day and also be for active
i'll never understand dumb idiot faggots like you. you can't even transition to salads, but you think you can transition your gender? the actual audacity. kneel and face the wall already
she should bend over and face the wall and let me fuck her
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do u think being skinny could fix my face :0 this was me when skinny
don't do that babe. that's what they want
You look like the dude from ozark
tbqHON - fat hons """pass""" better then skinny hons and you are def a hon sooooooooo idk be fat and ugly and look more like a fat ugly girl or be a slightly less ugly hon? idk senpai gl tho
i wanna be skinny and lose the lovehandles and burgeoning double chin
Why do so many repressors stop losing the will to repress in their 30s?
You're goin through it literally rn so why don't you elaborate on your feefee's there mr rapey
but listen, every trans girl here is too thin and starving themselves and they don't look good like that. They only neg you because you have an actual girl butt and your not starving yourself. But you're not fat either, you're proportioned how women are. My advice is don't lose a bunch of weight, it'll make you irritable too.
I'm 25 :<
idk i have some hips, maybe they would look good if i was skinny
I simply want to be an early 90s Jennifer Connelly nothin else to it
Yeah but you're not repressing
I love having a womans restroom all to myself. Just straight piss blastin all over the place. All over the toilet, seat, bowl, floor, flusher handle, even somtimes the walls or a 180 door handle as well. Just knowing some cis whore is going to come in after me being forced to touch my pee feels amazin
i will never ever ever ever never use the women's room
what kinda sucks is i quite often get stared at in the men's
but i just, the idea of a woman seeing me in there
the second hand disgust makes me want to ugh
public bathrooms in general give me extreme anxiety
typically I hold it unless there are single stall lockable ones
You're so interesting tell me more about your dislikes
Good, i hope to see you in a men's room soon.
just do what piss floor anon does and piss all ove that floor. show those cissies who's the boss
Just woke up
From a dream. We were trying to find a person in hell but this hell was weird. There was no fire and brimstone or demons. Instead giant bodies of rocky giants were used as anchor points for the soul. Me and ???? Assumed everyone had their own giant. But the giant of ????’s friend’s mother had a wall splitting its head away from the rest.
We searched and searched reset many times back to my sisters rocky head.(she is fine irl) but eventually we realized we haven’t searched the head. Why was everyone at head but not in ????’s friend case? So we smashed the wall and found that girl and she was lonely but also firstly cause she died young and we were old.
I woke up thinking about it some more and I can’t remember if I saw myself as a girl or a man in the dream. What happens in hell when a tranny dies huh? Obviously nothing but it was def an experience.
Anyway back to feeling dysphoric over being born male and being unable to be trutrans.
you guys ever feel like you're being starred at when ur in public and you hear the faint sound of snickering and laughter in a lot spots where u didn't before u trooned?
My dream is meeting Marie inside the men's room at Denny's and sharing a stall with her.
I always felt this way as a kid and now after trooning
>in a lot spots where u didn't before u trooned?
it's always been like this for me
Just had a vision of my male self in the future.
Balding beyond belief, shouting angrily at passerby folk, driving and smoking, the skin wrinkly and red from overworking, my eyes no longer anything but black spots with graying hair
I seemed unhappy. I wonder if that’s my fate or a fate nearly avoided.



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