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please be a bi bottom” edition
Hello gaygen, what's up?
hi tank
what I ate last now they've posted that orange wanker
is it me or are those suits poorly tailored
trump's suits have always been shit. any possible "flattering" cut would reveal the disgusting proportions underneath.
have any gaygen anons met up like that?
this. you can’t really tailor clothes for a fat person. even though he has lost a little. barron’s looks fine to me.
valid but is the child malformed too? his suit looks terrible. i thought young people cared about how they look
eat mushrooms :3 :3 :3
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not that bad
he has a different problem in that he’s I believe almost 7 feet tall.
Only not magic for me.
i prefer psilocybes myself!
i think these men are just shaped badly
hmm ok
i am going to ignore you
you seem misanthropic
>skunk calling people misanthropic
i am not misanthropic
i care deeply about my relationships and environment
I don't know if they met on 4chan but lalo and marea used to date. Also, arabianilliad and his bf used to post and even got into public arguments on threads.
Or having opinions at all, really.
don't care
i'm going to take the sacred natural medicine and you can't stop me hahah
bottom on bottom
im a bi bottom and a skim past last threads children discussion reminded me of my recent baby fever
it just feels right to have a kid
sadly im not anywhere near financially stable enough
You are unable to maintain the presence of mind to care about anything. You only have fascinations and you cant tell the difference. Just like your present fixation on mushrooms.
fraud doctors and basedentists hate mushrooms because they are free and threaten their livelihoods
trumps suit looks fine except the sleeves might be overly baggy. he usually wears baggy pants too. barrons jacket is clearly too wide in the chest, the excess fabric is bunching up. but hes still a growing lad, they probably made it for him to grow into.
you don't know me and you never will
u really don't deserve to :3
Want to see my baby?
arabianilliad was so sexy didnt he troon though
thinking about sucking dick
i dont know what that means but it sounds scary
Once again, the autist leftist has discovered something new and thinks they are the first to defy common sense and evangelizes it like a recent religious convert spreading their cult gospel.
trumps shoulder's look overly wide too. i thought the boy had finished growing. in any case, they're both rich as fuck and constantly in the media. i can't imagine any tailor attaching their name to such shitty clothes for someone in the public eye.
i am not a cultist or a leftist or anything like that
just an average mushroom enjoyer :3
You do not leave much to know. And I certainly deserve better. Most anyone does.
just a normal day then
don't care lol
stop replying to me or mentioning me :)
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>brown guys can’t be beautiful
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I think he did initially and then reversed course and started working out but then he nuked his socials. This was his bf.
i think trump is just still stuck in 80s era wide shoulders, same thing with the bold cherry red tie
if that is brown then i'm albino
i love mushrooms so fucking much bros
The saudi arabia twink looks better than arabianilliad
>bf wants to try some shit with toys
how mad should i be?
Who is that?
True crime recommendations?
Never pity the deliberately miserable and willfully stupid.
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that shit is bad
studying killings and stuff like that is a MAJOR red flag
Youre the one butting into everyone elses conversations as if you are qualified to voice a "thought".

Its a comfort knowing you are getting and will continue to get exactly everything you deserve.
Into the Fire: Lost Daughter was pretty good

Don’t Fuck With Cats on Netflix was really “good” but it kinda gave me a panic attack because even the heroes of the story were unhinged as hell
i am doing very well
i have a loving boyfriend and family
and good friends who i see regularly

i get to go to the woods where i like to immerse myself in nature

couldn't be much more chuffed with my situation
don't remind me about the tie. his son is following in his footsteps and it's sad
but thank you for recognising my deservedness of all of the gifts in my life :3
in fact i have been so content that i have started drawing, writing and producing music again :3
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croat and brit are cute the others are too feminine and the filipino looks like a straight up 12 year old
filipino sis? that’s an arab
I think nikolai lukashenko (son of belarus dictator) is more handsome and hotter than barron trump, sorry not sorry
sasha>lalo>frenchie>croat>saudi>the rest
You have a mothers pity, a fwb that will disappear before years end and some druggies to waste life with while you stumble in wilderness to avoid arrest. No one envies you.
I want a guy like this to hug me to death
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Why didn' Haribo ever become an /int/ twink? He would have fit in.
you certainly have a vivid imagination lmao
i am living my life to the full and you are a bitter old codger lol
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>croat and brit are cute the others are too feminine and the filipino looks like a straight up 12 year old

Lies, Spain is the best of all.
he doesn't post his face
i no longer smoke pot often
nor drink
i am actually happy and some people hate to see it
presumably out of envy ;P
tell us about the bf
I have heard your taste in music. Growling is not music. So I cant imagine what you consider art and your writing here is bad enough.
post happy hole
i am not the person i used to be lol
am listening to ozric tentacles right now
he is handsome and i love him very much
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If he would have posted his feet /int/ would forgive him and welcome him with open arms.
you were a whore last thread. is he your sugar daddy?
everybody has the innate potential to change, grow and better themselves.
i saw that within myself and am seizing the opportunity to! :3
i was only larping lol
i am in a happy exclusive relationship with the man i love
what a slut
he's never had sex
No one needs to imagine what you whine about here constantly. Youre the one whining muh depression and all the rest. You literally spent years bawling about autism, homelessness (which you still would be if not for your mother) and getting routinely beaten. You are too mentally defective to even realize how absurd you sound rambling about mushrooms.
no he looks kinda young but the guy with the spanish flag i vaguely remember someone posting that they were filipino (would make sense)
are you 12
why are you so cringe
are you still friends with the fat dude?
Haribo posted on /int/ once and it was hornyposting
Actually no one asked.
i just like mushrooms!
and i am certainly not depressed. anything but.
not sure why that bothers you so much :^o
did i ask if you asked? no :3
still don't care
anyone wants to watch tokyo revengers with me :3
>i am not the person i used to be
You werent even the person you claimed to be then. You have always been a poser.
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Actually Haribo seduced and had a one night stand with another UK gaygenner. I forget who.

And when he is horny he will sometime thirstpost on /fit/ in order to make the horny straight guys going through a nofap cycle lust after him until the mods ban him temporarily.
getting on for 30
and being positive is not cringe it is based
u are wasting my time now lol
u don't know me, you never will have the privilege of knowing me
you don't deserve my time or energy; vampire!
Who the hell would care enough to cap this nonsense?
is there a reason why the brits are all like that
probably because we live on a beautiful enchanted island!
how lucky we are
I dunno but I'm glad someone did.
>I forget who.
who though?
On a miserable island, there is a lot of inbreeding. Thus the teeth.
i feel pretty down rn, can you say smth nice wholesome and lovely
these islands are rich with tradition, folklore and breathtaking scenery
it is truly an inspiring place to be
Skunk is a washed out, broke down druggie.
he's posted his cock too
but I thought he was the french twink?
and the mental illnesses?
You should post his nude in /fit/ and seduce them
Thats mostly just guilt and rightful shame.
>a one night stand with another UK gaygenner.
he also made fun of him for having a small dick
why is it easier to find 40x30 pants than 32x34 i need to quantum suicide my way back to hyperborea
the troll does not realise it harms itself disproportionately more so than its perceived victim while attempting ineffectively to dampen the mood of others
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makes sense
thank you friend, that made me feel better
I miss /fit/. They have normal men who are always horny and will take any ass too slow to outrun their perpetual boners.
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i am flying
i am on top of the world
i deserve all of this heavenly glory
but for it i am also deeply grateful
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say his name
>You should post his nude in /fit/ and seduce them
If someone does be sure to share the link. Twinks are the Achilles heel of /fit/ and the twink threads there are usually good for a laugh.
why does this person have blue hair friend?
yeah you can ridicule a past, inferior version of myself
but i am a changed and vastly improved man now
not comparable at all to the way i was at arguably my lowest point
it's skunk
thats poetry
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Half of them fell for the nofap meme as well so they're desperate to have sex with nearly anything.
ah, that explains it, thank you Delta, you are always helpful here <3
i don't even care to think about who i was before
or to remember the crippling disease i was suffering from

i am reborn
better, stronger and happier
pent up /fit/ guys....
can i suck your dick while you tell me how great you are? that is hot, you are very humble
sorry sis but I remember seeing a map showing levels of inbreeding in europe and turns out that brits are very genetically diverse while the most inbreed where the balkans with albania at the top, also western europeans have like 2x the amount of ancestors compared to eastern europeans that explain why slavic girls are attractive to straight men becuase they are more genetically homogenous
brits are just... special looking
>pent up /fit/ guys....

Choose your CBT bf:
why did you lick the brush ffs
it's so gross
>special looking
especially handsome perhaps
in an enchanting sort of way
i was suffering from severe mental illness
but i can assure you i am doing much better these days :3
Are white men just vessels for black cock pleasure??
It allows him to think thats why people avoid him instead of his personality.
Is it really this pic that led the french and the croat to meet?
ok yea there is this brittish dude and omg he cute
still manifesting his downfall because reasons :>
even when everything seems hopeless there is often a way out
epic lmao saved
meanwhile. what I'm actually up to is re-watching the Anna Nichole Smith documentary on GayFlix. I imagine there's one gay man out there who's spent time watching the same documentary, for the 3rd time.
FTM shemale.
i don't want to know about your ill intentions
keep your poison to yourself. it's pathetic
This man is my husband now
now, don't be like that delta
i want my dick sucked, i am dizzy and horny rn
frickin massive right?
odds i hate him
evens he hates me
dubs its mutual
lmao when?
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I enjoy watching you sink deeper and deeper into your drug induced delirium.
i don't think you do
i think you're probably bored and miserable
i don't know what else might elicit such pitiful behaviour
you are truly pathetic lol
He's like one of those goats that's always eating everything lol
what triggered your jerome reflex?
I am handsome, happy, and feel so unbelievably lucky :3
i am no longer horny
it's so strange
need intimate connection before bussy battering.
Wait im new is that Skunk?
i wish i could share with you all the harmony i have cultivated within myself
but for as long as you remain ignorant to your own potential to change yourself for the better. you will remain a spiritually lesser form of life
can you stop doing this 'thing'
it is very pathetic and does not make you look happy or confident at all
im doing it for a good cause, this dude lies about his ethnicity (pretends to be romani and even use the slur gypsy) and name (his real name is jack but now says to be len) and about other stuff (such as liking to sing when in the past when I asked him to sing on his lives he refused saying he didnt like it), Im not gonna let him lie to people while pretending to be a humble guy.
I was there to support him when he was in a difficult position giving him him moral and emotional support when he was having a mental breakdown and we were friends for so long, and then he just blocked me and after seeing him featured on other tiktoks he literally started to change his whole identity and erasing everyithing he shared with his first followers that we where always for him

im gonna give a lesson to this lying ungrateful cunt
I used to flirt on /fit/ and dozens of lifters were demanding my ass. Nice ego boost. Maybe 10% complained about derailing. I had to stop because some were getting stalky.
it's a choice we all have
to elevate oneself to a higher level of consciousness
and eradicate our own spiritual imperfections through the recognition and understanding of them
Would you stick your dick in ftm pussy if he was super hot?
On the cbt?
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It's actually sad how deranged xanthippe is.
some people, i expect will flounder endlessly
floundering, lost, like the ouroboros devouring its own tail eternally, until they inevitably expire
I must admit, this sounds worth supporting. I too hate fakes.
i don't care if they do or they do not
i have become awakened to possibilities previously unknown to me
and what matters to me is maintaining my own momentum and upwards trajectory
No, just popped up in threads where hot guys were posting
never touched one
never will
you can touch mine delta :3
Pan is alive! :3
Is trump pro gay?
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CBTs are always good for that. the best poster had to be Voidchan.
And all that while living with mumsy at 30 without earning a single cent and babbling on 4chan about mushrooms. What a joke.
personally he dont seem to have a problem with gays but because if his fanatical evangelical fanbase he will pander to them (the evangelicals)
you could word that better you know
I don't know where you are getting your information but it continues to be inaccurate
Nor do I truly understand your obsession with me. It's decidedly odd.
Regardless I am doing exceedingly well.
I have overcome my mental illness and am on a trajectory for greatness.
vagina is gross
i meant my pp :s
why are you posting some rando from twitter :s
>he doesnt have a problem with homosexuals
>but he has a huge christian conservative base of supporters so he will pander to them
pp is great
I am proud of what I have accomplished
I am so grateful for everything
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He only larped as him for one month a year ago and you are still malding.
>:3chan calls xanpostle mentol
>now xanpostle thinks :3chan is his fictional enemy
why would i ask someone else about your mental state that’s silly
are u ok
this is a fact and it’s hilarious every time she does it. she really convinced herself this person is really here
I am doing great!
Life is awesome!

I have a big woodland adventure planned with friends tomorrow which I am very excited for so I shall finish my cider, have a cigarette and put myself to bed :3
>yes because i dont live here like you
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shalloid looks beautiful here :3
here is another good track
positive vibes :3
i would like to try and extract muscamol from fly agaric mushrooms
apparently it is hallucinogenic and kind of dream-like
what triggers the seething and spamming of jefeaugustins pics serious question? not why it started bc ik it was a quick larp that made xanthippe feel stupid but why does she randomly start reposting like it hurts anyone here? then deletes them herself moments later
idgi and what it does
more than likely OCD
nta but that’s why i always ask it’s completely baffling behavior that i need to understand
people suffering with OCD often have bizarre habits and rituals that they cannot control
or she thinks its le epic trolling that gets on everyones nerves and lets her rule the thread? when really everyone just wonders wtf is wrong with her and why she keeps doing it when it affects no one
i used to live with a woman who suffered from OCD and believed she had to switch off every switch on every electrical socket throughout the house before going to bed or going out (which ultimately began to get on my nerves)
she claimed that it was due to a fear of a housefire, but even so it seemed irrational to me
so i am assuming there is some reasoning involved
>In instances where pure muscimol is not required, such as recreational or spiritual use, a crude extract is often prepared by simmering dried Amanita muscaria in water for thirty minutes
will have to try this
Kamala will be the first bottom as president. This is history <3
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Mukhomor will give you good high before it making you violently sick and wish to die
This isn't Mario
It supposedly causes dreamy hallucinations in high enough doses
i am interested in trying it in the name of science
Yes, as i said, but after the good feeling you get very miserable feeling. I'm not going to stop you ,have fun
i will have a look tomorrow on my woodland adventure to see if i can find any
who is haribo?
I mean, he legit thinks that jefeagustin or whatever is a person that posts here, going as far as paying for pictures in tineye and threatening to dox him. Either that or he was so butthurt he wants to stop people from posting in the thread.
You are free to try what you want. Update when your done
a malevolent spirit that drains tops of their vital essence and leaves them as dry lifeless husks which he grinds into pigment that he uses to paint his warhammer dudes
i haven't actually seen any so far this year
but i am sure they will show up soon
a real man eater huh?
Do you eat edible wild mushrooms?
i'm not really interested in edible shrooms
i prefer psilocybes
>roy orbison
I had some psilocybe fimetaria today but they aren't that potent so I just felt a little euphoric. Still good but I prefer to trip out.
I find it more profound.
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>everything about you tells me I’m your MAN
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that post is from three hours ago
good thing this isn’t discord or that might be a real faux pas
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sorry i was tick manipulating on osrs so i updated the thread once i took a break and saw roy orbison so i had to say based.
nah fr though I appreciate you the most
Would twinkerbell be a sexy costume? I got invited to a party and I couldn't think of an excuse...
I miss u i cry
Funny that youtube starts their adblock fuckery, unless you're on lefty tube.
i am very mentally ill
can you help me good sir?
yet you didn't post in the last thread, curious!
You're right, it's doing its fuckery on simmnet nutrition. I hate youtube.
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Sorry for venting but I just gotta get it out
The only gay bar in my city closed recently and I'm so fucking upset.
I missed their last event too. And now there's literally no other place around where I can go and drink while dancing to pop shit from the 2000s.
I'm so fucking sad and upset and angry. Ugh.
Should all white men be forced to ride raw black cock? Gay or straight.
Wish you lived near me. Plenty of homos to keep the night life alive.
we do it voluntarily
I stink of piss :3
yes I'll do anything for a repper bro
kiss om the check*
You reek of personal victory. I admire that about you.
>I stink of piss :3
skunk what, that doesnt sound very spiritual sis
>I missed their last event too
u fucking deserve it scum
siberian shamans feed reindeer amanita mushrooms and drink the piss
Night life is still pretty active around here. Even for homos.
Thing is though, that gay bar was the only place that played the kind of music I actually enjoy.
Now it's... gone.

No I don't! I just wanted to dance to Ariana and Katy Perry and Rihanna and Beyonce again. It's literally not fair.
thank you, you are nice :)
Thanks king :3 <3
it's all we know growing up...hetero people doing hetero things making hetero decisions to screw over everyone who isn't like that
and we base our entire gay life on our interpretation and perception of straight couples which leads to retarded ass dialogs on here of top vs bottom, masc vs feminine, etc.
its all because of the hetero brainwashing
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i lurk a lot since i don't always have anything to say.
>Night life is still pretty active around here. Even for homos.
Thing is though, that gay bar was the only place that played the kind of music I actually enjoy.
Now it's... gone.
Where I live, the early 2000's is king. Like I said, I wish you lived near me.
tops will never see bottoms as equals
No, thank you. You inspire me to live me as myself. I love you boy, forever and always.
how about post cock<!

>No I don't!
mosdef do, miss big last even of a struggling bar
complain it closes.... rofl, u should be flogged

>hetero brainwashing
h hawt?
how is a eunuch that takes dick in the booty my equal
verse4verse master race
that skunk vid of him getting pinned down and fucked by an older man is a personal favorite of mine
need repper4cis gay (me as the cis gay)
It's his willingness to share and be him that does it for me.
where is it?
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>Where I live, the early 2000's is king.
That sounds so fun, man... I'm so fucking jelly.

I didn't know it was struggling! I didn't even know they had a last event cause I only go to these places whenever my friends invite me....
i don't know about sex videos and stuff but i need money for reasons...
>That sounds so fun, man... I'm so fucking jelly.
i wish i was attractive, id post a pic and tell you. to show up.
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acshually bottoms are superiour
cause in a onlybottom world tehre is still sex
while topsonly are just gonna die out

>whenever my friends invite me....
so never...
i just dunno bro, sounds like have no right to complain
u get what u deserve
I like the feeling of security I get from being embraced by my boyfriend
I'm glad you have a bf. I'm glad you have a protector.
do you still poop in public parks and rub your butt on the grass to clean yourself off
or have you started using toilets again?
stop wasting my time with your degenerated nonsense
Why did neanderthals go extinct?
>so never...
Not never!
Just because I wasn't a frequent visitor doesn't mean I'm not bummed out about it closing wtf

That's fine anon. I just wanted to vent for a bit.
Where do u get all the cat pics
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i had to look in the archive but yeah that did happen lmao
I killed them
>That's fine anon. I just wanted to vent for a bit.
I get it. It's all good.
you're not as clever or funny as you clearly seem to think you are
I get archived all the time. It doesn't detract from how awesome I think you are.
i don't have to be when you're the entertainment
tbf that was pretty funny
where do i buy a dress from QQ
i asked earlier and you guys just called me fat :[
Met a with my guy yesterday and he messaged me that "there's something you need to work on if we're gonna be seeing each other"

I was dreading the worst but jt simply turns out that his nosey as shit neighbors told his brother that he left the place with another guy with dyed hair so he wants me to be more discreet.

I really don't know what's gonna happen now. I'm afraid his shitty neighbor's gonna ruin everything by not minding thier own damn business
i want to touch it and feel how firm it is
watching that gives me a charlie horse :x
If you need to use me as apparatus for joke telling, or to make yourself feel greater by comparison or whatever your perverse motive is, it is fucking weird, deranged and uncreative.
I am funny. My stories are funny. I know.
I don't need reminding every five fucking minutes. Get your own material.
I love that gif so much.
Did the captchas get way harder for everyone else my iq is too low for this sht
I can't imagine putting this much effort just to be gay. Like, just accept me pp and bhole for what it is. Why do I have to do all this?
they bread themselves out of existence
did richard round’s hole ever heal
They got easier for me do this mensa.dk/iqtest/
ate 2 slider burgers and fries today, day was good because of that
And yes. I am sure your life is dull in comparison. I am an experimentalist. I live a fast and bombastic lifestyle and get to enjoy it firsthand.
What the fuck do you ever do? Boring cunts.
i got 75iq at the iq test, is that bad or good, how is it guys?
75/100? Do this one mensa.dk/iqtest/
Okay, cool bro. I get it, I'm shit. I just admired how brave you are to be you, and I thought I'd try to do the same. My bad bro, won't bother you again.
why do his neighbors have personal contact with his brother and why would he even care what his brother thinks about his relationships lol guy needs to act like an adult
i can't click i am scared of virus
they told me at my cybersecurity master to not click on links, they seemed smarter than me so i trust them
I just don't need old news dredged up every five minutes, I'm already doing new stuff. Different stuff. New attitudes and motives.
New sights and sounds,
Old news isn't novel. It isn't relevant. It isn't interesting,
Its official mensa site, dont make me cross border and beat you
clear your cookies and do the verification again
history is fascinating
tell me more...

>Just because I wasn't a frequent visitor doesn't mean I'm not bummed out about it closing wtf
yes it does actually mean that, actions have consequences and ur not allowed to cry afterwards and display fake emotions

A> u like the bar, go drink there more than twice a year, it closes down, u can complain, big sad

B> u didnt like the bar, miss the fucking closing event, stfu, stoic silent at someone else funeral

has this been a good life lesson, fem sub bottom?
be a man
Perhaps my past is more interesting to you than your own present.
But my present is far more interesting to me than my past.
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are you still into scat?
Cool man. Glad you're a new you. Glad life is working out. I'll try to adjust to the new you. I'm a bit of old news, so I'll try not to hinder your style. Cheers lad.
Obvious joke, are you autistical?
i did it at some point, not the denmark link though, you are from denmark and that is why you get that link on google, also go to sleep, it is late papi
Im from serbia babe
My life is fucking awesome right now
some letters have outlines now, seems eaiser
then why are you begging for one of the biboomer to give you money?
Genuinely happy to hear.
Ayo rich did u sing the song o.o
stop stealing danish valor then
it wasn't...he would lick toilet brushes, put toilet paper in public bathrooms in his mouth, his fetish for shit eating was real
Id never, ever wamt to be danish
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>I am funny
So I can purchase exotic chemicals
No clue

I'm pretty sure his brother knows he's gay too. I think he's just embarrassed about people knowing what hes up to
Eating toilet paper and licking a new toilet brush is tiers below eating shit
Nah, it's on the backburner. They're thinking of changing the theme. Tbh, i dont think they're gonna need me, which is kinda fucked
I liked the bar. But I'm not the type who goes out alone and my friends didn't like the place as much as me which why I didn't visit as many times as I would've liked.
I already regret it a lot now. So I'm not sure why you're being like that anon.
why, being serbian or romanian is way worse, serbia is even worse somehow than romanka lol
just total normal gay behavior
new >>37615966
skunk is a bug chaser
Not normal but he was playing into the meme
Here's what they're going with. This the halloween special i grew up with. They are trying to make a play of this. Don't get me wrong, this is literally my childhood, but I wanted to sing!
Dont compare serbia to romania, yall got nothing
Sadge, their loss
this thread was shit make a new one

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