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The red one edition.

Previous: >>23538038
Leading an active lifestyle is the first step at breaking the big chains big corpo and the jidfs imposed upon you. Anyways, see you once I'm back from my 10 hour walk, plebs.
I don't know what reason I continue . I have money a nice safety net, enough for a year or two, but idc about money.
I could be a billionaire and it wouldnt make any difference. I want to feel a real connection to someone but there is no one in my life I really care about
I guess I'm to blame for that but it doesn't matter one way or another.
An old coworker I knew back in college had a stroke. I donated to his GoFundMe but idk if he remembers me or not.
I constantly burn bridges. I've drifted through so many different places and jobs. I have made a fool of myself on more than one occasion purposely alienating peoppe
I get tired of people's default attitude to me which is usually suspicion, but I Will acknowledge i am a paranoid person but if you had the experiences I had you would too
Sometimes I can stop thinking even about strangers i briefly met who left a lasting impression
People come and go and nothing ever lasts
If it helps, I'm the same way, so know you aren't alone in your experiences.
Being treated with suspicion on first meeting has worn me down quite a bit. I want to say I have love to give to people but I rarely get a chance to prove it since no one I meet wants to get to know me.
dubs you have to kiss me on the lips
I hate dating apps
I fall in love with every cutie that matches with me and then they just ghost me
Maybe I just need to start doing hard drugs but then I would need to socialize with other people.
People are superficial and judge based on appearances. That's universally true, but i guess there's nothing else to go off.
After awhile extreme indifference and detachment becomes a default defense mechanism as a way to preemptively lessen the blow of other's judgement
True. I've had people who know me say I look permantly angry or "like a serial killer" so maybe I'm just fucked in this regard.
I hope you manage to meet people who get along well with you, at least.
Nothing to say. Nothing do.
pucker up anon
Isn't that a little gay
dubs again anon, so it's not a little gay
it's big gay time
Ok but I will be the top
>. I've had people who know me say I look permantly angry or "like a serial killer"
I've overheard people say the exact same thing about myself.
I have kind of accepted that I just look that way.
There's probably some truth to the idea that face reveals character, but it becomes a self reinforcing thing I'm convinced as people judge certain faces certain ways which reinforces certain kinds of behavior
So someone who looks shifty gets treated shifty and so acts that way. And vice versa for someone who looks friendly
what is be the top mean?
It means he will fuck your ass
okay then nah that's too too gay
let's stick to smooching and jerking
I have an idea for a novel or short story, about a pimp who likes to write poetry when he is alone, and keeps this private because it would harm his macho credibility on the street. Then he finds out one of his whores also writes poems, and they bond over this, but eventually she gossips about it to someone and it makes its way back to him, and he lashes out on her. The goal would be to explore the harshness of imposed gender roles.
sounds pretty cool, do it
You guys needs to learn to fake it till you make it. Just start acting confident and like a chad. People say I always look angry and I take it as compliment. You need to force yourself to be confident even if its fake. You'll get a girl with the bravado and she'll stay when she gets to know the real you.
Those gender roles are good tranny. Look what happens when nobody wants to keep anything private? They turn into a bunch of sappy effeminate troons suck as yourself that have no solemnity or true depth.
also pimps are universally pieces of shit with no emotional depth. Even dosto to this day cops shit for his cliche "noble prostitue" trope. Which everybody knows is rubbish. It'll feel like some leftist trite attempting to humanize the struggles of quite literal subhumans
I will never forgive the way you treated me, and there's no doubt in my mind that you have permanently ruined my capacity for loving another person, but you were correct in some of your criticisms of me. I am not and will never be perfect, but I have tried to improve. This doesn't justify the abuse I suffered at your hands, and I'll never be able to trust a woman again, but there were moments, rare but real moments, where you were right about me.
you guys ever be around someone and get this horny-ish feeling near your kidneys as if a vacuum of desire has been formed in the very core of your body? like every fiber of your being is in this excruciating want of another person? no idea how to explain it. it's like that feeling of falling in a roller coaster except it's the whole of your abdomen and torso and it lasts for as long as you're around them?

it's happened maybe twice or thrice in my entire life
I read a memoir once and in one of the chapters the author talks about her father having extreme opinions on certain topics but in actuality he never really believed in them which made me realize that people will have knee jerk reactions on certain topics but in reality most of the time their views are more mundane. A good example of this is that meme about Americans becoming super patriotic whenever a European criticizes America.
I think I need some hobbies.
Same here but the problem is that I don't know what to do. Also I'm just bad at interacting with people so I end up appearing really awkward to people
Believe what you want. My ex took me for 20k. Fuck women
Take the good with the bad. You're right not to be permissive toward abuse or blame yourself for it. But you're also right that even a torturer can provide insight into our flaws. Take that in, to better yourself.
Thanks anon. For all the problems we had during our time together she knew me better than anybody, so she could see my worst flaws clearer than anybody else.
I wish I could tell her to her face that she was right, but I don't forgive her. But why return to our cruel relationship? We're probably both happier now.
Just found some leaks of a really shitty onlyfans, gave her a few pity strokes.
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I wonder if i were abused as a child. My dad never hit me physically, but he did have random attacks of extreme anger, threatening to abandon me in the worst case. He couldn't tolerate it if i cried or was angry myself, as it would just make him more and more angry.
Worst was the unpredictability, as he could be nice and all one moment and then i would do something innocent and he would just flip 180 degrees without any warning, chewing me out on how ashamed he was of me and how disappointed he was because i was watching TV while he got home.

I feel a bit like a little bitch writing this because many people who face actual abuse have it much worse, but i do feel like this had a very significant negative impact on me.
ngl that cracked me up. what made them shitty? never used of before
How do I end up not being like Waldun?
Are you me? That's literally how my dad was to me growing up

Now i don't talk to him at all. I never know when he'll flip a switch and lose it so i try not to engage with him at all. Funniest thing is he is so self-centred he thinks it's because I'm a quiet or rude person, not that his behavior over these many decades has done harm to us having a positive relationship
He sounds like a normal dad desu. Being a child is inherently traumatic, being a father is too. You're not a bitch but I don't think that's particularly abnormal. He could have been a better father, you could have been a better son too I'm sure, but that's not true abuse. Abuse is like throwing your kid down a flight of stairs.
Sorry i don't want to make this about me but I just wanted to share a small incident with my dad that i think was a massive omen in my life.

When i was 10 or so, i said something innocent around him and he got so incredibly rude and angry. Started insulting me and my mum and telling her that "her son" has ruined his life (they're my only parents, no step family stuff). He then doesn't speak to be for a week. Doesn't respond to me or look at me for a week. That's a long time for a kid. Felt like my dad abandoned me, like he didn't want me for reasons i didn't understand but i felt i caused. Then later when he started talking to me again, i told him that his behavior made me very sad. His response was "so?" in a very dismissive way. No softness in his eyes. It felt like a stranger just telling me to fuck off. It hurts a lot when the person who's supposed to have your back just doesn't anymore.
That's abuse my friend. You can look up studies about how children act differently when they don't feel like they're in a safe environment. It hurts their ability to take risks and make bold decisions, among other things. Sure, some people had worse parents or childhoods - that doesn't negate the fact that you were also abused. Accepting that and working to heal your inner child is the only thing you can do now.
I feel for you. My initial thought was picking up guitar again after quitting it years ago but I realized that I'm not really into guitar-centered music like rock these days, so probably I won't do that. What is your interest other than reading books? What did you do for fun in the past? Maybe you can start from there.
I would suspect you were also abused, to some degree.
>what made them shitty
It just wasn't good quality. Shitty pics taken of her ass in her bathroom, low-quality dark pictures of her tits. Everything was just low quality.
Eating healthy is only possible if you’re well off, which I’m not.
That’s mostly how women are. Men on the other hand try to get to know you first.
i havent written anything in years, and i really mean it. i kept a journal but that journal was just some kind of preteen vomit about how sad i am all the time, blahblahblah. well i'm tired of it. i want to break the cycle. took my hand at doing some poetry and i'm drawing blanks. themes aren't coming to me the way they used to when i was younger, had maybe some more virility in my body (i'm not that old mind you, i turned 30 recently). i was in a relationship with a girl for a long time, she was all kinds of fucked up. in the end, i neglected so much of my creative side i let it just simmer on for years. well that relationship broke off and i find myself in the aftermath of it. i tried to pick a pen up again and i'm having a tough go at it.
Thats very common. It is abuse, just because it didn't devolve into physical or S.A. doesn't mean it's not still abusive.
But these things are complex and dynamic. Within family contexts, people think that "abuse" means you have to write off the person who did it to you entirely. Family hardly ever works that way, and that's a dumb approach. People who love one another often abuse one another. Past a point, it shouldn't be tolerated, but it should be kept in perspective. I don't like the hardline set by today's well-intentioned culture, where people demarcate people rigidly and lose sight of multiple dimensions. As in, I'm sure you still love your father and he loves you, which is what makes it painful and confusing. You don't have to hate or resent your dad to recognize that that behavior wasn't acceptable and had an impact on you. You can recognize that he's a flawed man and forgive him if things are different today, if only for your own well being and to maintain a sense of realism in your approach to healing. It takes a strong person to empathize with flawed people who've done them harm, and the world needs that.

The type of dynamic you're describing, I've endured too. Almost to the letter. There's a lot of bad baggage that goes with it, self esteem issues, learned maladaptive traits, potential masculinity issues, etc, but I think the worst one in most of these cases is instability. The fact that he could flip a switch on you probably developed a theme of instability that characterizes many aspects of how you now feel. Unstable identity, hypervigilance, an outsized fear of changes in routines, etc. Or maybe not, but that's my experience.
If that resonates, you can reflect on the theme of instability to channel it and overcome it.
kowloon walled city
I meditated on pregnant women and i realized God is real and that Chaos is a myth.
and who tells you exercise is healthy? the mainstream
i cant take a man seriously if he is flabby. i just cant. its like looking at some childrens playdough trying to tell me something important. well if it were so important you would probably have a bit more muscle then wouldnt you
Wish it still existed.
Why not respect everyone by default and not judge them so harshly regardless of how they look
its about art though isnt it. and a man who has no interest in the presentation of his form, even in an abstract kind of way, well what kind of person is he relaly? just floating along? i can empathize on some level but on another, its hard for me to find some common ground with such a person. i spent yeras of my life in apathy wrapped up in it like a straight jacket which kept me from ever doing anything. when i first started lifting weights i felt a release and i mean it in a sexual kind of way. i get physically sexually aroused when i do squats. thats a little irrelevant, but my point is how can i share a experience with a man who just prefers to be a pile of dough and want to tell me about what is "important" in life? we share no values.
NTA but why should I respect anyone by default? That's retarded.
There's nothing worse than being honest about your thoughts and feelings with a girl. Every single time I decide to do so, I feel vulnerable and pathetic. I get the sense they feel disgusted by it. Men really should be silent and to themselves, we shouldn't express ourselves in anyway.
The right girl with the right level of maturity and connection will accept you exactly for being honest about your thoughts and feelings. I understand why you feel you must harden your heart but be sure to keep it open at the right times.
The problem with No Pussy No Work is that you are still just essentially another group of people in the mass of people that exist. In other words, despite getting no pussy whatsoever, that does not enable you therefore to become a group that influences reality in any appreciable way towards yourselves. There is almost fundamentally no purpose through going through that ritual.

If there IS something going on in society right now, it is either extremely righteous or extremely evil. On the one hand, it could feasibly be that women are choosing not to sleep around. They are waiting for someone who will appreciate who they are. I just met three women the other day, closer to my age, two of them had single digit body counts, the other was a virgin. That is an extreme benefit of the belief on God on the masses.

Meanwhile, there could be something evil going on alongside of this, or perhaps instead of this. Perhaps there are a select few men trying to accrete larger amounts of women just for their groups, or themselves. This leads into the movement, but if No Pussy No Work brands itself as CHOOSING this direction, they are largely missing the overall point of the entire movement they are involved in. It is likely a reaction to a much greater problem.

My answer? It is likely a bit of each. Since, on the one hand if Good exists, then there necessarily exists Evil, and vice versa...
i would put your god damn head into vice grip and squeeze the fucking thing until your head popped like a fucking balloon at a childs summer brithday party.
It's hard to find someone with that level of maturity. Every single time I go on a few dates, I always get excited about the prospect of meeting. So I eagerly say things like, "I'd really like to see you again this week." and then I'm told that is apparently "too much".
Maybe, but those are personal insights for the type of person you want to be. To project them on to others is unavoidable to an extent, but it needn't devolve to the level of losing basic respect and empathy. You don't know what anyone's been through, and even if they haven't been through much, they're a fellow person. It's better to lead a life of humility and respect for others. It makes for a better world, and is indicative of your higher self. I say it without judgement and in full acknowledgement that I haven't always lived it out myself.
You're right. It's quite tough. I think that is a them problem and you are probably better off not being with them. See, if they're not excited to see you as much as you are to see them, then there's no point being with them. I appreciate you being communicative and open with your potential partners. It's a lovely and important trait that you should not change. Keep meeting people and wait till you find a person that meets you on your level.
>Unstable identity, hypervigilance, an outsized fear of changes in routines, etc. Or maybe not, but that's my experience.
Yeah it does, i have all of that. I developed an avoidant personality disorder, because avoiding and running away was really the only feasible thing to do (and even then it wasn't enough).
Have you ever considered, and I'm not saying this to be condescending or mean towards you, but have you ever considered that women deeply resent the notion that there are sexual guidelines they have to follow, in part set by men, in order to be respected or accepted as a woman, or a person?
Or that maybe they sleep around specifically just to spite these expectations which they find insulting and oppressive?
Can you imagine how maddening it must be to be a woman, and be defined by whatever the people around you think a woman "ought" to be?
If you dig deep in your experience, you probably can. These same things are done to men in other ways and most of us resent it when we're honest with ourselves, I find. I'm a little faggot in the eyes of many because I like to write and enjoy emotional concepts. I'm supposed to be big and strong and ready to fight at all times, or else I'm a pussy, or a bitch.
Being human shouldn't be contingent this way.
I understand what it's like very well. Avoidance, definitely. That's part of it.
There are other things too. Maybe your experience doesn't mirror this, but as I've aged and reflected I've had to face an element of narcissism. Having your identity devalued as a child and your self esteem damaged in unstable ways, especially if it oscillated between praise and condemnation with no rhyme or reason, can produce some narcissism as a response. Your childhood ego is not being steered in a healthy way during that process, and some children react by developing an unrealistic, overly sensitive, and hyperbolic ego as a response. Not just good at things, but "the best" at things. Not just smart, but "smarter than most people." Anger when criticized, even fairly or lightly. That might not be you, but it's common, and one of the more damaging elements of this type of abuse, especially because it can make us prone to becoming abusive in these same ways ourselves. Out of all the learned characteristics, if that resonates, that's the one I'd recognize confronting the hardest and asap. It causes the most damage, tends to be overlooked by us, and perpetuates the cycle, the sooner the better. albeit, it might not be relevant to you.
> vegetables are so expensive bro, I can only afford meat and goyslop!
Waste of oxygen, urban bugfilth.
Someone post the meme about the fat shamer bowing to Samuel Johnson, Thomas Aquinas, David Hume.
Ahh, another one of those wonderful days where I'm out in the wild, far from civilization, without water, without internet connection, without money, under terrible weather conditions, heat, ice, rain, desperate, feeling like I'm almost dying.
And now the feeling is over, sat next to a flowing water body from wich I drank, in the shadows, enjoying, knowing that I still have about 4 hours in the burning sun to walk back home, but currently, I couldn't care less.
I'm not trying to debate your points but I will say this: how does me talking to these three chaste women invalidate your point?

If you do find an attractive woman that does good, what does it do good for you, maybe even a moderately attractive woman, for just sleeping around and thinking that's empowering?

Lets face it, religion is important, to argue otherwise is exactly what you're doing. Tradition is important. Collectively, society is trending more for religion these days, especially since war and conservatism are on the rise.

Women are part of that, they too are influenced by conservative ideals. How is this not good for men as well? As a woman, the more you are chaste, the more you are protected against a lot of the ills of mankind, especially seeing as they are exceedingly sinful these days. Arguing otherwise is actually being a whore, which ironically, is what the people at the top want you to be, so you are filtered into some contemporary highly sexualized hellscape. :3
But this reaction is exactly why I made this post. Because I am targeting the reason why you are thinking the way you are. God exists, but he doesn't work that way. You must accept chasteness well, regardless of whether or not you are offered sex. Otherwise, you are spiritually the same as the man whores you despise. This is a prison of your own creation.
isn't that just a symptom of being brainwashed?
It doesn't, I was responding to your framing of the dichotomous framing of good and evil, I don't necessarily think other people's sexual choices are good or evil. Of course, as long as they're not abusive or involving people who can't consent.
>I don't necessarily think other people's sexual choices are good or evil.
If they are profligate this is against every religious book that exists. Being a whore is abhorred in the Bible and Quran, for instance, not to mention the Dhammapada.
Yeah but who cares about any of that? Those are books written by humans.
With directions from God, or handed down by God or his angels, all of them. I only listed holy books there.

Might as well include The Republic, Laws, and the Tao te Ching in that as well. I mean, honestly.

Specifically, Laws directly, like the Old Testament, declares Homosexuality completely immoral as well. Defining yourself by who you have sex with is behavior of whores anyway.
You're the one defining people by who they have sex with. Explicitly. I'm arguing for not doing that.
And, I have a belief in something like God, but you think these books were written with literal instructions from God? I find that, questionable.
>she knew me better than anybody, so she could see my worst flaws clearer than anybody else.
Nice trips. I'm glad my abusive ex's were always too self obsessed to get to know anyone well, because a lot of the time they'd be trying to grind me down as a person and I'd be thinking
>I don't think you know anyone like the person you're describing, and it definitely couldn't be me
Must suck worse if they bother to get to know you instead of just treating you like an NPC
>society is trending more for religion these days
Is this really true?
no. religion is growing globally in the sense that religious thirdies are outbreeding westerners, but those westerners are only getting more secularized, not less. he's presumably judging "social trends" by what the algorithm feeds him on social media, which is obviously misleading.
Like the other guy said, accept her insight when she had it. I recently got out of an atrociously abusive relationship. There was a recent case about a woman who drove her boyfriend to suicide with her abusive texts, I read the messages and they were tame compared to the words that passed between me and her. I have been involved with women who have been jailed for assault who had kinder spirits. I don't know why I attract female predators. I am sure she is happier now and has forgotten all about me. The pain the relationship caused permanently destroyed my ability to love or trust another human being. I am engulfed in bitterness every day. I ask God to give me peace morning noon and night. Thanks for reading my blog.
I'm real
the sky is blue and bright
commit a feckless crime
First slightly cold day after a month of niggerpleb s*mmer h*t s*nny days FUCK the sun FUCK HEAT FUCK SHORTS FUCK SANDALS PUT MEN WHO WEAR SHORTS AND SANDALS IN DEATH CAMPS FUCK THE S*N FUCK S*MMER
Im so damn thirsty. The fire needs to quelched.
Quenched or squelched no quelched
Told a bitch I wasn't comfortable talking about money over fucking tinder after she explicitly said I didn't have to answer if i wasn't comfortable and she started insulting me. And to think my naive lonely ass thought she was a classy person who I could connect with. Fuck this shit.
Thirst made me do it.
I'm so insipid.
Think about how women interact with men on these apps, probably 90% of them are insane or retarded right out of the gate, saying obviously inappropriate or weird things. Women don't notice this or complain about it except occasionally when it's egregious, because it's so common that if they did complain, they'd never stop. Now flip the roles and realize that women are even more retarded and insane than men, you just aren't having as many interactions with them.

The situation is effectively the same, except for one difference: a woman matches and talks with 500 men, 90% of whom are retards, while you match with and talk to women only occasionally. Your dataset is smaller so you are more likely to focus on a specific retard and the ways in which she was retarded, because unconsciously your mind had less of a screening process for her, you were already interested in her and speculating about her character and wondering what she might be like on a date and so on. A woman doesn't do this, a woman has a dozen subtle screening processes before she lets herself start being genuinely interested in a guy, because unconsciously she just knows from experience that most guys don't make it through all twelve, most guys say "Haha dope :P hey u ever pooped on a guy?" smack in the middle of the initial banter. Again, if women even noticed and got upset about how often men make it to screening stage #10 or #11 and THEN ruined it, they'd be as angry as you are in your post all the time, because there are so many men, and statistically a good number of them are going to make it all the way up to the threshold of seeming like a normal person and then say "lollll nice nice sooo don't be mad but, would u be down to let me n my bro fuck u together?" I mean before even meeting, or on the first date.

You should make like a woman and treat retards like retards. Just see it as someone who made it to stage #7 and then did something unaccountably weird. Don't ever try to analyze the weirdness. You could spend a lifetime doing that. Just because the genders are reversed doesn't mean that most of the women on these apps aren't cracked too, they are just cracked in different ways. Any woman asking about money is already fucking weird. Do you really want to know the entire 400 page life story that led her to this point, that she thinks it's cool to ask that? I don't, any more than I want to know why the cute chick I matched with, with the funny joke in her profile, leads with "Just letting you know I'm tired of having my fucking time wasted by losers," leaving me going ???? why are you even telling me this you psycho, let alone as the opening message??
Everyone says how you have to buy a house to not get screwed on rent but you could just sign a long-term lease.
>don't, any more than I want to know why the cute chick I matched with, with the funny joke in her profile, leads with "Just letting you know I'm tired of having my fucking time wasted by losers," leaving me going ???? why are you even telling me this you psycho, let alone as the opening message??
It's hilarious when guys spend all their time telling girls they're talking to online how they always know it's a man and they are being pursued by all these gay men trying to trap them because all that sounds like is laying the ground work for when she finds out you've been sucking 100 dicks a weekend through a gloryhole...
She loves me.
Do normies just love drama? It seems all they want is to spread false things about me and have a "nuh uh!" Fight. It sadder cause these 50 year old dudes are doing it and one throws temper tantrums.
Yeah they do. Life is incredibly boring and existentially painful so they turn to gossip and drama and degenerate behavior to shake things up.
>12 screening levels
what are they? is it some legit thing women think about?
yeah yeah yeah
I love Robert Redford so much
When I shook her hand she looked me in the eye and smiled. They always have a look of disgust, but not her.
>I could be a billionaire and it wouldnt make any difference.
Retard. I wish I were a billionaire so I wouldn't have to wage slave.
>I want to feel a real connection to someone but there is no one in my life I really care about
Dumb humanist. Feel a connection with something else then.
Perhaps I simply lack the constitution for conviction these days, but I find it hard to get my head around how quickly people are willing to become fervent and vocal ambassadors for any number of worldviews upon encountering some basic talking points.
Holy fuck, men are delusional.
Shut up.
>most guys say "Haha dope :P hey u ever pooped on a guy?" smack in the middle of the initial banter
There's no fuckin way lol

You think a woman loves you because she shook your hand bro
i need to have sex. that's really all it comes down to.
She’s probably just a kind and friendly person. Making eye contact and smiling is not an indicator that a woman is madly in love. You are quite literally delusional.
Have sex with each other, problem solved
Fuck each other, problem solved
Had to move files to my laptop and delete from the phone so now since it's almost a new month I'll be torrenting again.
Low functioning autistic people should be put out of their misery
nah, my plan is to make a tinder account and post a picture of my abs and go from there. I dont know why Ive waited so long. But im ready now.
Is poetry completely dead? I actually had a girl tell me it’s childish that I’m trying to publish my poetry. Am I wasting my time? I love poetry but I don’t even care if I publish it successfully. I just want to publish first and then get a point where I’m living off writing, any writing.
Don't trust apoetic bitches
In the same way you think about it if you've ever worked retail or fast food, and you assume every customer is a fucking retard until proven otherwise

For women, dealing with men is generally a case of "the odds are good, but the goods are odd"
>post a picture of my abs
Pretty sure most women find this sort of thing to be crass and tasteless these days. You will probably get some matches but they will be hookups from hell
I'm 27 now. Damn, people weren't kidding when they said the later half of your 20s goes by really fast. It felt like just yesterday I was 23.
pretty sure those women are lying, there is empiral evidence. plus, I have a very sexy body. idc if it attracts easy women, that is the point.
why would you ever take some random bitch philistine opinion on art seriously
I had a dream that I spanked a girl, then I massaged her stinging ass.
it's really other men that are interested in muscles
Because it can reflect the sentiments of the social body at large and they’re the ones who buy stuff. It seems legit to be honest. The only writers are see making any money at all are content creators, journalists (who are also usually content creators), female authors of YA fantasy, male feminist authors of Reddit science fiction.
Man that is my literal exact feel. Someone else gets it. I'm 27 too but it still feels like I'm 23/24. If you asked me to recollect a memory from a decade back, I automatically think to 2010. Fuck man.
Hate to break it to you guys, but after 30, 35 goes by in 1/4 the time that 23-27 felt like. You should see how fast 40 and 45 happen after that.

This is normal and only a bad thing if you try to live like a teenager as an adult, mostly unconsciously, hopping from fun thing to fun thing with one week bleeding into the next until the whole year is gone. If you start living deliberately and start thinking of a year new kind of like you thought of a summer vacation as a kid, as a bounded time in which to get things done that you actually want to do, you can avoid the nightmare of waking up 40 and feeling like 25 was yesterday.
there's never been any money in poetry. why should there be? there's no poetry in money.
I love my daughter like a son. We play catch and go fishing.
I walked outside today. Still depressed.
I'm 32. Having a kid has made the past year feel quite long actually. Whereas the previous few years (covid etc) were kind of an incoherent blur
You have to walk back inside.
>The pain the relationship caused permanently destroyed my ability to love or trust another human being.
I relate to this way too much
>Must suck worse if they bother to get to know you instead of just treating you like an NPC
Who knows, it hurt because there was clearly SOMETHING between us. Friends and family said we're perfect for each other, but they had no idea what she was like behind closed doors.
At least we're out and alive now, anons. God knows what we'd be if we stayed with these women.
What if I want to become a cowboy when I grow up?
Yeah. Im posting from home.
I met an Italian girl at a two-week summer school for PhD students in America. There was sexual tension between us. I was into her, and she was into me. I have her contact information from a WhatsApp group chat. Should I message her and ask to keep in contact? I fucked up the goodbye and forgot to mention that we should keep in touch because we said our goodbyes in a group setting. The rub is she is Italian, meaning she lives in Italy, while I'm in the United States. I really felt a connection, and the last time I had a feeling like this, I fucked up and didn't get the girl's number/ask to remain in contact, and I've regretted that moment ever since (last time was me moving to a different state). I don't want to fuck it up when I've been given a second chance. But again, she's in Italy.
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I fucking hate stem shit so much, i've been meaning to learn to code since 2010 and haven't even been able to write a single program of worth and I have no skills at all and I'm nearly 30. got fucking fired from my last job (software consultant) and now i can't find a new one. I always liked music and movies but ignored it because it didn't have any viable career paths for me and I couldn't really do what I wanted to do (which I don't even really know desu because all I've done is lie to myself) If I liked doing something, I would do it, I guess. But then again, no one always likes their job, and there's new ways to learn, so I just force myself to keep doing it. I have nothing to show for the last decade of my life. All I wanna do is sit around watching movies
just message her man, even if it doesn't work out, who cares
>software consultant
>can't code
I doubt I will ever be able to get a job that doesn't make me want to kill myself, but it's sadly not an option anymore.
The last few times I tried to work I became intensely suicidal. I don't wanna work doing some useless shit I hate. The world is unbearable, it's like everything out there is designed to make me suffer personally. I don't know how to escape and the walls are closing in on me.
I think the only way out is suicide or getting myself completely zombified with jew pills so I can enjoy the wagie life and consume sports, rick & reddit and pornography or date a boring whore when I come back home like every other braindead shitter on this planet. Honestly I'd rather be dead, it's the same as being dead. People who want me to be alive want me to also suffer like this. It's fucking sadistic.
I don't like any of this. I don't wanna live if living means waking up at 6 and spending the next 10 hours doing mindless shit that I abhor then come back home too tired to do anything but passively watch slop until I fall asleep. I don't like talking to other people, I don't wanna have sex or have children, I don't wanna do any of the hedonistic shit other people do with the money they earn but somehow I'm supposed to want that shit enough that I am willing to sacrifice my whole waking time do have it.
The shit people do to entertain themselves feel to me like something I wouldn't do if I were paid to do it. And I'm supposed to work to earn money that I will then pay to have that shit. It's just hellish. How do people live in this world is beyond me. If I were to kill myself I'd surely drag my mother with me, she'd go at least insane. I don't want that because my mother is the only person who gives a shit about me, but it's getting too difficult.
got accepted into a consultant training program where they train you for a while and send you out, and I coasted by in that after screwing up the first time (and after I had given up smoking marijuana and stuff) even though I was actually putting in effort, and I just got pushed through, found a project where I couldn't really contribute (they would say analyze this and I would just stare at the codebase all day without understanding shit) or they would say fix this defect and I would stare at the codebase without understanding shit. This also happened after I couldn't even set up my workspace correctly, so the thing didn't even run correctly.
Was talking to a friend over the telephone who is at a bar at some neighbouring city and a young woman that idk says she saw me one day and finds me cute, wants to come over to my house and 'spend the night'. I said no that's not possible, we should meet each other at some bar instead. Now she refuses to talk to me. For data I'm a 22 year old virgin. How should I proceed?
You did good my boy, she wanted to steal your wizard powers.
>who cares
My ego, unfortunately.
>How should I proceed?
Forget her and proceed with the next one.
Presently looking for my door into summer, somehow. I guess that much like Pete, I'll obstinately check every possible door to see if it's summer outside of that one. Hope you anons stay cool and find the right door soon.
Is there anything you like doing or is it all just "slop" to you?
I keep thinking about it.
Nothing I can realistically turn into a job. The rest is unbearable.
if I had a sugar mommy id write sweet letters to her
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I'm completely demoralized, and feel utter despair..
I'm on my mid-20s and I've failed yet again to complete my bachelor's degree. I feel as if I'm continuously punching stone and increasingly tiring myself, without results. And what aches me the most (and is the main reason for my failure) is the feeling of not belonging in the class (even when I once did) as well as borderline paranoia of being judged and sneered by both the college members (teachers & students) and people from my local area (who enjoy yapping about other people's lives).
I've wasted my youth, and feel like I can never recover, and achieve my potential. Fuck...
I'm a man of simple pleasure. Sexy dommy mommy loli chuuni bunnygirl bully smelly gay ugly baby waifus.
Just finished infinite jest and it feels like I got pranked. I actually said "wait, what the fuck?" out loud when I turned at the end of a chapter to find it was the end of the book.
I hate David Foster Wallace on a personal level and I'm glad he chose to kill himself.
Oh I'm sorry, eRaSe HiS oWn mAp
>he fell for the meme
Been a while since we got one
No but poetry it's something only can appreciate and make so don't expect to much
What in the Japanese slogan t-shirt?
Yeah i had the same. I got a fairly high IQ tested when i was a kid (135-140) and my dad was really happy with that, because it gave him something to feel proud of and brag about to others. And i made it part of my identity, so when i ended up failing, i took that very personally.
But what's worse was that my dad just saw me as brains, and he didnt care about my emotions. In fact, he couldn't tolerate me having or showing emotions, which fucked me up really bad.
What's your major, anon? And what's causing you to struggle?
I watch these videos sometimes https://www.youtube.com/@ParisCityWalk/videos and made me realized that ugliness won the battle
>What's your major, anon?
International Relations
>And what's causing you to struggle?
One of my struggling subjects is Economy, and without a proper method of studying after classes I'm seemingly strifing to achieve decent grades (per example). But perhaps as bad (if not worse) than a subpar learning rhythm, is having very low confidence; of feeling like an unfit old geezer among younger students, afraid (perhaps irrationally) of going to class and being looked down by the students and professors.
(Spanish* per example).
that last drink could very easily have been the last nail in the coffin and i won't even know for sure for several months.
David was not beloved by the LORD because of his abstinence from sin so much as 1) his extreme reverence for God's anointed, to his own detriment and 2) his reticence to harm his own enemy, again to his own detriment.
God loved David because David loved God through his creation, through his fellow man. God loved David because David alone wept when those who hated him were killed.
Just start writing mundane shit about how you rode the bus, walked in the rain, ate at a cafe. Write about how lame the main character is in the book you're reading is and what you would do different. Do this every day. Eventually you'll get tired of writing such boring crap and start being creative.
My neighbors saw my asshole because I was doing yardwork with loose shorts.
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I got randomly messaged by some girl and every now and then she writes a paragraph of some philosophical bullshit to sound smart and I get the impression I'm talking to chatGPT. For example:
>did you go to the gym today?
>I wanted to, but I was too busy. I'll go tomorrow.
>It's important we find a work life balance to stay mentally healthy. It's easy to get caught up in life and lose sight of what's important, blah blah blah.
Bitch did you seriously write all that naval gazing bullshit?
I love that this isn't actually worse or anything, it's just full of brown people and the fashion is different, so it gives rightoid SJWs fits.
Why were women from the past so ugly?
Women are like incels in that they're all miserable and spiralling into various forms of self-help, but they're women and not men, so none of the self-help they peruse is funny or promotes self-awareness, it's all feelgood pap and an ersatz religion

Women can't really thrive in suffering, suffering is meaningless to them, so they can't find joy or humor in it, so their escapes from it are never self-aware. It's why they produce no comedians and female comedians/comic writers are always just pale imitations of male ones. Women weren't meant to be unhappy, unhappiness isn't a challenge and thus an opportunity to them, it's just a straight negative.
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women are suffering machines
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>mommy loli
AAAAAAAAAAAAAA people who don't look like me! help me niggerman I'm going insane!
>The female body is a chthonian machine, indifferent to the spirit who inhabits it.
Camille Paglia
No you aren’t.
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you really have to consider what a girl looks like re what she says
life is a game... and God is the referee
Some men want only material things, they think the right thing to do is to try and accumulate as much wealth as possible for their own comfort and worldly empowerment. This is, of course, vain and selfish, meaningless and unsatisfying.

What these men can't understand is that for some reason or another, from some unimaginable loss or unbreakable faith, there are things in life that are far more worthy. That all of mammon's flimsy trinkets are dust and empty, that there is only One who is truly worthy at all.

Life, electric vibrancy, shining light that pours from within when a life is committed to what is truly higher and truer than only one can be alone. Not a man hellbent, but steady bound for paradise without a single shudder or falter, without hesitation, in unbroken marching steps. Radiant, unbending peace.

A man can survive, day by day, but he is not yet truly alive until he has found something worthy to die for. He can eat, he can sleep, he can breathe, but he lives for that alone. What great comfort, what great ease is found in the soul of a man who knows his enemy and his fate and his cause righteous in the eyes of God.
Does anyone else get completely naked to take a shit
I take off my pants
George Costanza
amen brother. it is said that the world is salt water: the more you drink from materialism, the thirstier you get. it is only through the Lord our God can one ever find everlasting satisfaction

It is this simple comfort, beyond all material greed and vanity, for one to know these three things at once:

To know the fragility of mortal life. Like a blade of grass, a flash of mist, as it is written.

To know faith and confidence in eternal life through the Lord Almighty.

To know your enemy and where to meet them.
Fuck you *spits*
The writing workspace group in my area is filled with people 20 years older than me. Recently I was advised to consider moving to LA but that seems like overkill. I think I might look for writing groups online
You are a disgusting person.
The Sikhs who worked at my local 711 are gone and have been replaced with this hot white trash girl with a nose ring.

sikhbros... we have been replaced...
say literally one thing the Egyptians didn't think of first.
Higgs boson
and that is that
You should kill yourself and that is that.
primordial matter has been described in almost every tradition for thousands of years.
Red rubber ball gags
Think about it.
might fookin smoke meself
Hey I saw him first
No but I have gotten that ball dropping feeling before where unexpectedly getting horny in public but that’s pretty much it
All the musicians I like turn out to be homosexuals.
Junkies for me
I'm a heterosexual musician ;)
Sometimes, I feel a little blue. Then I remind myself of several things. I remind myself that I'm not short, I'm not fat, and I'm not disfigured or exceptionally ugly. In general, when I do everyday things, I do them without difficulty, and without physical pain. I remind myself that I am not divorced, I am not trapped in a bad marriage or a bad relationship of any kind, and that I am not saddled for life with a retarded kid, or more broadly speaking, any kid at all that I never wanted, and would secretly resent. I recall that I had a happy and peaceful childhood, and that I have a good relationship with my parents. I also remind myself that I am a healthy, gainfully employed, college educated debt free white male American citizen, with a little money.

Remembering all these things, all at once, never fails to cheer me up.
Why does 4chan /v/ seem so soft and low effort now?
It's all phoneposting beaners 98% of whose consciousness is made up of shit they saw in youtube videos commenting on social media posts since they were born
Fucked up and ended up gooning for 4 hours today. Every time this happens I'm shocked by the lengths Horny Me is willing to go to get off.
The people who were calling each other niggers because their opinion on Persona 3 was wrong a decade ago hopefully grew up or killed themselves.
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someone a few houses down left some bookshelves on the side of the road so I snatched one up. I should be able to stack in on one of my other shelves if I trim it down a little bit. Kind of salty its going to be raining for the next few days so I might not be able to bust the saw out till Tuesday
No, I'm a medical doctor now.
>Turn on a movie on Prime Video.
>The quality is set to "best".
>It's the most dogshit 144p thing you've ever seen.
I'm gonna lose my shit.
I have no excitement in my life and no one to long for. I feel like I’m past the point of loneliness into a state of indifference. I’ve been focusing on myself, started going to the gym regularly, eating good, taking walks and filling my time with tv shows and books. But I feel like I’m walking around with a gaping wound in my chest. Focusing on yourself and taking care of yourself is tiring and gets boring easily. I could fix myself up and look pretty, but for whom? It’s pointless and time wasting. I’m coming up on my twenty fifth year of being alone and I can’t help but wonder if it won’t ever happen at all.
Rubinstein's interpretations of Mozart's piano concertos are the only ones I can listen to. He's amazing. I fell in love with him and with Mozart's concertos in general after taking a girl to the symphony when they were being played. Nos. 21 and 23 are both some of the most beautiful things created by human beings. I whistle the allegros at least once every few days.

I also love his flute/harp concerto:

A woman recognized me whistling the Surprise Symphony once and I thought that was neat, but a few months later a guy recognized the fucking intro to Rimsky-Korsakov's Scheherazade. He stopped me and asked "is that Brahms or, no, that's Rimsky-Korsakov?" just from hearing maybe 10 seconds of it. I said yes and he laughed in this high-pitched genuinely delighted way, almost exactly like Mozart in the movie Amadeus, said nothing else, and walked away.

Another time I was whistling the theme to the Great Escape (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdQC33r0zP8) and a woman who seemed overwhelmed by emotion stopped me and told me that the last time she had heard it was watching the movie with her dad, it was his favorite and it was a tradition of theirs. I think she thanked me.
damn these vitamins i paid $15.99 for at target are like $9 on amazon.
also the toothpaste which costs $2 is locked behind glass but the $15 vitamins are in the wide open. hopefully target will just go out of business. they suck.
rubinstein was a pretty interesting character. he went through life like it was one big party.
think he left his wife after forty-five years when he was ninety to run off with a thirty-year-old woman
I have no reason to get out of bed.
don't buy vitamins, they don't work
you don't work
> Oh no, I have to ask someone to help me.
>Also, rampant theft is Target's problem.
Oh, brother...
I have yet to see anyone who actually likes democracy except for the libertinage that comes with it, most of us would kill liberal democracy if it means our ideal government takes over, deep inside every single one of us has a fascist waiting to come out
my shit schedule got all messed up this weekend. no way in hell i'm gonna be able to force out a turd tomorrow morning. it'll probably hit me around 11. some coworker will bring me a coffee. i'll take a few sips, and then be holding on a mega log for the rest of the day. miserable. i had a roommate who would shit at night, so he could get up and go work without having to worry about. that sounds like a good idea, but what happens when you go out on the weekend and suddenly have to take a massive shit at some bar or whatever at 10pm?
>completely misses the point
learn to think man but then again apparently target execs can't think too good either
but libertinism is a movement of decadent aristocracy that predates modern democracy?
>burning sensation in throat

I hear loud bangs and sizzling outside. It might be the end for me.
Taedium vitae...
You're right, they should lock up things that people aren't stealing, you're very smart, congratulations.
but vitamins more expensive tho???
ya when i went in the vitamin aisle a lady zipped up her purse and left i was like wow sus much but hey not my prob. personally i buy my toothpaste at the grocery next door that doesn't let people steal and so doesn't need to lock two dollars items behind glass.
In 30 minutes I can go to the store and buy some food, I'm so hungry.
I mute all of the vidya that I play, am I autistic?
What's stopping me from using AI to write proses for me?
I am closed minded I always be closed minded, to be open means being conscious of everything, acknowledged every single tiny detail, how can my tiny mind comprehend the totality?

I went to a Zakir Hussain performance once for cheap, sat in the nosebleeds. Nice room, and he was playing the tabla, the Indian drum thing. He was accompanied by some guy using some sort of piano-looking thing which was like a string thing, I forget exactly how he was playing it. Anyway they were doing nice India music for an hour or so, I was clearly into it and this nice Indian lady sitting next to me whispered to me "Isn't that beautiful?" I replied y-you too or y-yeah or similar, as I was actually enjoying the music.
Kind of like how a lot of people of Euro descent are disgusted by curved noses, I am more disgusted by occipital buns, which is a Neanderthal feature. Occipital buns are very common among Scandinavians. Not even the cro-magnon skull had an occipital bun meaning my skull is closer to the earliest Europeans than theirs.
Well I sent the message. Hope this doesn't backfire. Not sure how it could but...at least I won't have that "what if...?" regret.
You lose 100% of the shots you don't take. One day doing something like this will get you an unforgettable experience, and then every time you have a chance like this in the future you'll just know in your gut it's always worth taking the shot.
Why are some girls all over me and some others not. Chad theory says all girls should be. Is it the effects of birth control?
are there any medieval and/or fantasy novels that have a section where the protagonist joins the army?
doesnt need to be realistic
/lit/ probably has an average IQ of 90 but every /lit/boy has an ego and superiority complex that makes him believe he is 130+
>Chad theory
Because some of them can tell you're retarded and some can't.
I'll have you know my IQ is very slightly above average.
Ovulation bro
What do you mean just a section? There's a bunch that are about knights or mercenaries.
After seeing this cute girl antagonized I have now come to realize that the Nazis were the bad guys.
Over the last 2 weeks, I have been thinking about death and dying a lot. Over the last 2 weeks, I have thought about suicide every day or nearly every day. Over the last 2 weeks I have had little interest or pleasure in doing things. Over the last 2 weeks I have had trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. Over the last 2 weeks I have noticed unexplained weight loss. Over the last 2 weeks I have had difficulty concentrating at work. Over the last 2 weeks I have felt numb or detached from my surroundings. Over the last 2 weeks I have had detailed fantasies about killing myself. Over the last 2 weeks I
Black Company sorta
I’m sure doomposting on the literature section of 4chinz is therapeutic. Your parents would be proud if they saw all your posts
Been filling out forms, have we?
Think about the current 2 weeks, not the last 2 weeks. Think about the current 2 weeks, not the future 2 weeks. What will you do now as a dead man, the living dead?
I just got chills.
its fine if that becomes the main story but im specifically looking for a fantasy story where a character, preferably lowborn, joins the army after having already done something else, in novels about knights theyre usually focused on it from the start and theyre usually nobles
but if you can think of a knight or mercenary novel thats relevant to this im interested

ty, ill give it a shot
Sir Nigel, The White Company, Berserk
Me but since my uncle killed himself when I was 8, I knew to early about death
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>The White Company
seems very promising, but is it expecting me to have read sir nigel first?
I have this fantasy where I withdraw my savings in cash, get in my car, and keep driving north. Eventually I end up in northern Canada. Nunavut or the Northwest Territories somewhere, maybe the shore of the Great Bear Lake if I could offroad that far (I know the farthest I could realistically get is Wrigley, if the weather cooperated). I'd leave my wallet on the dash with my driver's license on top and go for a long walk, as far around the rim of the lake as I can go before I get tired. Then I'd find a sturdy tree, tie a rope to it, remove and neatly fold my clothes, and hang myself. Maybe the animals could eat my body.
There's also another fantasy, one where I don't go anywhere but I manage to understand the principles of Eastern enlightenment to the point where I can use it for my own purposes, where instead of reaching nirvana I can dissolve myself, make it so I never existed, remove the very possibility for me to exist or ever have existed from the world. The way they talk about the self being an illusion makes me wish I could realize such a thing, because I want myself to be an illusion, one that does not even require waking up from because there was no one to wake up in the first place. They speak about joy and infinite bliss and so on, but all I want is emptiness, a nothing that is unspeakable because to even conceptualize it in an apophatic sense is to fail to grasp it.
It's the only real outlet I have. Sorry for shitting up the board.
You can read it standalone. I know people have had The White Company as assigned reading in the past.
My dad is so retarded. I've been basically bedridden for a couple weeks because of a slipped disc, and everyday when he sees me, the first thing he does is bombard me with retarded questions that remind me of my pain and say the most demoralizing shit. Always examples like "oh this uncle had similar issues and he never got it fixed" and "oh I had an issue like this 10 years ago and the doctors were telling me surgery surgery surgery or I'll never walk again" et cetera.

At some point, I stopped responding and just close my eyes when he comes into my room to speak because I legit couldn't take this negativity especially in this weakened physical and mental state. I can't tell him to stop because he's extremely sensitive (read: insecure low EQ austimo) and he take it unnecessarily personally and he'll go into a ego-driven rant about how "no one ever listens to him" and how "everyone wants him to shut up" and how "it's so unfair he has to be quiet all the time" and yada yada and then victim blame and insult me and my future children (his own grandkids lmao) and my mother. Unfortunate for us, he has no self-awareness so he will never reflect on his own actions or behavior and will always find a way to blame me or my mother for his "suffering". He never looks at our actions in good faith either.

And he has just now found out that me closing my eyes is my way of just dealing with the stress of him saying negative stuff -- and I'm sure he has interpreted it as me "telling him to shut up". He is a very combative person, so I fully expect in a few days he will aggressively ask me, while I am stuck in bed in pain and full of medication and in a weakened overall state, what problem I have with him and why I am "shutting him up by just closing my eyes".

Man, how do you deal with such people? Just let me recover in peace please. I don't want to have to deal with your retarded ego. I just want to be able to walk properly and think straight again.
If you commit suicide, I suggest trying to drown yourself or something that you can stop killing yourself if you change your mind.
>took a massive solid shit
>brewed an excellent cup of coffee
literally the best way to start my day
First thing I do when I wake up is piss in the sink, because it's easier with my boner, and wash my face at the same time.
>washing your face with piss water
truly based
Not that you dont (most likely) dont know this already but you have some external issue(s) thats driving your need for an escape by which you cope with suicide, the ultimate escape. Even if you feel like you dont want to live, dont focus on it, if you catch yourself fantasizing do all you can to redirect yourself immediately, over time you can form a habit, its like a low level cognitive therapy technique of sorts. I suppose there is the question of what to fill that space with, and although that is for you to answer Id say, personally, that even negative (barring outright harmful) outlets are better than submerging yourself in these fantasies.
These words wont heal you but they can give yourself the time and space to form a new frame of mind where you can exist in amore unburdened state, if youre willing to give them the chance (which on some level you seem to desire given your posts).
It's also more eco-friendly than if you were to piss in and subsequently flush the toilet.
You're probably right. Thanks for reading my rant and actually giving a shit.
There are some deranged weirdos roaming lit who’ve fried their brains
I shit in my sink and shout it down the drain
men and women are equal in value, different in nature, and complimentary in fuction
This is WAY the fuck too much nuance for the vast majority of people, I've found.
Even when I do become horny and masturbate to release, I don't have a true feeling of sexual desire. I lack the want for the warmth and and smell of a women, things that I thirsted for.
Now I feel hollow, like I'm missing the taste of a good drink during period of sobriety. I'm but an acolyte to the wizards, but I fear my course to wizardry is being set now.
take the winepill anon
Just started a job at a pizza place a couple weeks back.
It's an awful job. I hate it and every time I come home I feel like getting drunk.
Despite this I'm one of the best workers there I don't know why I bother. I constantly restock everything and am super fast on the line.
Tonight however the manager pulls me aside to have "a chat". And tells me that my training has not been good
The manager is super demanding and freaks out over the tiniest mistakes. Her voice is shrill and she's about the most annoying human I've ever met.
She says this can't continue or I am fired.
I am really confused though cause I'm better than every other trainee. All of which make constant mistakes but she doesn't chew them out as hard as me when I make one tiny mistake.
In reality it's cause I fail to make friends no one there likes me and I've zero charisma.
She asks me if everything is alright outside of work. Even though I kind of hate her, I kind of wanted to open up, but who knows maybe that would've worsened my position. I just said everything is okay-ish.
To every question I replied "seems ok" in a deadpan voice.
>How do you like working here?
Shrug "it's ok I guess"
It's always in those pathetic crappy jobs that are hard and shittily paid that the managers make the biggest pretentions about 'oppressing' you. I have worked a year in fast food and it was the worst decision I have met in my life. Not only do all workgivers not give a fuck about people who worked in fast food (I tell everyone I worked in a restaurant as a waiter), the managers are stupid assholes like how retarded does someone have to be to work full time in fast food and be so invested to become a manager. What a bunch of losers those managers are and yet they make everything to keep you down, those fat, lazy, pathetic fast food managers. After three months of working full time, I was fucking done and sent an e-mail I quit. The manager was like: 'you don't have anywhere else to get a job, I'll give you another chance unless you write another letter' pieces of shit, so I stayed another three months (shouldn't have but I was in debt). What followed was months of neeting on my own expense, a few jobs here and there until I got a trade.
My advice? Quit your fucking fast food job unless you really need the money because NO ONE ON EARTH cares about fast food work experience except pathetic fast food managers and it's better to be unemployed than tell your future employer you worked at fast food.
Man, just go. Holding it in is doing damage
Probably. Why tho?
Weird flex but ok. Why even give a shit?
>What a bunch of losers those managers are and yet they make everything to keep you down, those fat, lazy, pathetic fast food managers
She's a total cunt. Like the most unbelievable cunt on the planet.
She bitches out even the good workers over tiny inconsequential shit.
Thing is I've worked in plenty of kitchens and I have never met a manager as big of a cunt as this bitch. She doesn't do shit. All she does ever is complain while everyone else does the actual work.
I worked at another pizza place and while, like any restaurant, it was stressful, the manager genuinely didn't give a shit and was a pretty chill dude.
This manager she watches over my shoulder every single thing I do criticizing. I want to stab this bitch she's so incredibly retarded and annoying
188 and yes, I was tested. For three days
>match with someone I think is really cute
>quite fun and positive vibes
>seem to have similar values interests and life goals
>chat and get to know each other over a few days
>ask if she wants to chit chat over the phone or irl date
>ghosts me completely
what's the protocol? I normally don't give dating apps much credence but when you hit it off with somebody (has happened maybe 3 or 4 times in my maybe 100 matches over the last few years), it's just confusing and idk how to proceed

Like i don't want to lose a genuine connection if i feel like I can do something about it
Be an adult and just talk to him about it. Explain that you know he's sensitive but you don't feel like being bombarded with a bunch of shit while you're in pain and bedridden
Forgot to say there's this supervisor, and he's a giga faggot, and hates me I don't know why. And I strongly suspect he's been feeding the manager lies about my performance cause he dislikes me.
But I've seen how he works and he's actually slower than me.
This. I have suicidal ideation really bad but it's defeatable. Easily defeatable
This, too. Excellent advice from lit, who woulda thought
Get a load of this sape
Keep chatting, don't suggest a date. You have to lean into her limerence and let her suggest the date. I don't know if you know this, but women control the mating process, either consciously or subconsciously. Don't be an eager beaver because that's where 99% off you guys fuck up.
~T. had 100s of girlfriends
Words can't describe how much I want to stab this stupid cunt. Samantha is her name.
>Keep chatting, don't suggest a date
Man, that's confusing. The two major relationships (2y and 4y long respectively) I've had all began with me opening the chat with a irl museum and art gallery date. So in my personal experience, that has been what's worked.

>lean into her limerence
what does that even mean bro? i keep hearing it everywhere. do you mean i keep chatting until she gets so into me that she wants to hangout irl? if so, that puts me at a disadvantage because im way more charming in person once I can feel out the vibe.

>Don't be an eager beaver
Doesn't it make sense to straight up ask if they're into an irl date rather than wait like a bitch until they're ready? Like I don't really want a woman who is into these cringe dating games.
I have anon, trust me. Many many times over many many years, and it has always ended up with him losing his shit and getting verbally abusive and nearly violent. My decision to not engage comes from an entire lifetime of a variety of good-faith attempts of interaction with him that's always result in a negative experience for me.

How do you talk to someone that doesn't want to listen and has no capacity to accept any sort of constructive criticism, no matter how kindly or gently it is delivered? He simply has never developed the EQ and intellectual capacity to calmly listen, reflect, and attempt to improve.

Just a few months ago, I got food poisoning on a short family vacation. Bedridden, sweating, shitting dozens of times a day. The food was something my dad bought. He rudely asks me what happened. Whilst in terrible pain, I feebly tell him it's the food he bought yesterday. He gets mad says "so what?" and then starts yelling that "everyone blames him" and that "oh I put poison in the food or what?" and that "I'm ruining his holiday" and that my children will curse me for my behavior (what behavior lol I'm dying on the shitter). I can't respond properly obviously because I'm in insane pain. He eventually leaves to go on his day trip, leaving me alone in this new city in terrible food poisoning. Forces my mum to go with him and not stay and help me because he then claims "oh everyone in this family thinks only about themselves and not me" and that "she has stopped caring for him completely". Now you tell me anon. Is this a reasonable reaction to a sick person sharing reasonable information? Is this a reasonable man?
No, he isn't. Not at all. I would suggest cutting off contact with him if you're able. Otherwise your just feeding into his passive-aggressive bullshit. I'm sorry, anon. I dealt with someone like that for a long time and there just was never an answer that fully stopped the bullshit. Cutting them off helped my mentality
Always the pretty or obscenely fat chicks that show the most attitude
Wherever I fall to my lowest and most isolating points in my life, I listen to caramelldansen. I unironically love it. It fills me with such life. I can't explain it. Caramelldansen is salvation.
>google it expecting some mopey indie shit
>its creepy anime shit for perverts
I feel bad for that one anon who tried to start a /law/ general and every time the thread got archived
They make the best punching bags. Especially the fat ones, just enough cushion to absorb the hits.
I just need to have sex with a girl I genuinely find attractive. That's all it really comes down to.
absolute newfag, not even to 4chan, but the internet in general. How young are?
big sweeping statement about the state of the west or humanity or capitalism that I am too retarded to articulate properly and is mostly just based on me feeling like shit cause I am lonely but I am too autistic to fucking talk to anyone and try to make a connection, been burned too many times anyway, so just dropping my half-baked polsciphilotheoanthro takes on the anime websites hoping someone replies even if it is just to call me a retarded nigger faggot or whatever so I don't feel completely isolated aah type beat fr
wonder what based quints post said
Kill yourself.
It appears I got ghosted. Well it's only been 8-9 hours since I sent the message, and I know she's travelling back to Italy now, so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt. But I think after 72 hours it will be an official ghosting. At least I tried, but now I feel retarded.
Don’t listen to him. Girls don’t do that shit for guys who aren’t at least 8/10 attractive. He clearly is good looking and that’s why girls try to date him. They’re thinking “omg when is this good looking guy going to ask me out”. As a man who isn’t strikingly good looking, you have to suggest the date. In fact, the only thing that chatting will be good for is arranging dates. Chatting is a complete waste of your time for the most part and will only make her lose interest. This is the danger of chads giving normal guys advice. They don’t even know what they’re talking about because they never had to learn shit. Everything works for them. What you do is after you meet or match, you do some light chatting and then cut to the chase. Are you free this weekend? Let’s get dinner/a drink/whatever. There you go. It’s that easy.
Here’s the thing, dude. Female attraction is partly physical and partly psychological. Most of all, they want what’s in high demand. When a guy is good looking, the fact that other girls want him is self-evident. They’ll compete for the attention of a guy like that right out of the gate because it’s obvious that he’s a catch. For the rest of us who aren’t male model good looking or near it, the trick is get her not to see that you’re a guy in high demand but to get the sense that you’re in high demand. When a guy is like a 7 or below he doesn’t trigger her physical “oh this guy is a catch” but when that same guy seems to be in high demand, it does trigger that response. So if you’re not good looking, the main play is to be in high demand. It’s a numbers game, basically. In an ideal scenario, you don’t have even the time to be replying and chatting to her all the time. Why? Other things are demanding your attention. Your business, your interests, your friends, your other girls, whatever. You want it to be legit but even if it’s not you can fake it and build up that female attention. Once you get a few bites on the hooks it becomes automatic. That’s how guys who aren’t very good looking score.
>keep chatting, don't suggest a date
Bad advice, most people recommend you get them off the dating app messenger as fast as possible by requesting a FaceTime call or at least getting their instagram.
>terminal tab hoarder
>return to this one
>read a few posts on the bottom to remember what thread it is
>when did i go on...pol/r9k? No those are orange...wtf is this, /tv/? Did I leave /trek/ open?
>check OP
This is your father. I'm disappointed in all of you.
Turnover on these threads is too fast for your story to be plausible
t. 82 tabs
>reads the write what's on your mind thread
>the one allowed off-topic thread on /lit/
>is expecting high-level literary discussion
Are you a retard?
Nice dubs. He's just a liar, so yes
You guys are so fucking cringe. Do not fall for the tinder bumble hinge whatever shit. Do not play that game. It’s not healthy. It fucks with both your mind and the mind of your potential dates. It isn’t designed to be fair or helpful to people like us. The likelihood of you finding a meaningful relationship in platforms with such skewed relationships dynamics is essentially 0.

Skip the apps. Improve your body and mind. Go to public places or clubs where you can connect over time with people of similar interests and values. Go to a book club, knitting, climbing, running, gym, pottery, poetry readings, whatever the fuck. You want a normal woman? Find her the normal way.
Happy Canada Day to my fellow leafs
Nice rant but back in reality the girls are on apps and meeting guys on apps. Besides, are you fucking retarded? Do you think you don’t text with a girl after you meet her in person? Of course you do.

The only one who is cringe here is you for being so fucking stupid.
The extent in which you misunderstood my entire point is frankly inspiring, anon.
Death to Canada
so this is the power of esl... wow
2 Natty Daddy tallboys- $2.50, 1400 calories.
a dozen eggs, cheapest carton at the discount store- $2.59, 1080 calories.
it is now ACTUALLY cheaper to live off of high gravity malt liquor than food, with the obvious exception of rice.
The repudiation of God or angels are not really that valid, since those beings are essentially the creator and maintainer of life on Earth, whoever they may be.

Some of the technology that the angels use to glass the Earth in Revelation is similar to the technology we are developing now. Although it should be noted, they being angels is only valid so long as their faith in God is steadfast.
nutrition is something you're missing anon. eggs are goated for nutrition
I'm not saying I recommend replacing food with malt liquor, only that it's cheaper calorie for calorie, and that's sad.
Death to America.
God I hate mentally ill fuckers with a gigantic victim complex.
You don’t have a point. You said something that was entirely besides the point actually.
Man i just love interacting with genuinely smooth brain anons like yourself lmao. Every word in your comment just further proves how little you've understood from anything at all. Kudos, anon, very impressive.
You are goddamn right
>have short, professional conversation with cute coworker
>imagine an entire life with her
>girl bumps into my shoulder on the street, apologizes, and keeps walking
>think about how it felt for the next week
>see kids playing with their dad while walking past the local park
>spend the next hour thinking about what I would name my kids if I ever had any
Maybe I should try entering a monastery or something.
>wants a wife and kids
>daydreams about it
>"hmm maybe I should become a lifelong celibate"


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