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>Recommended reading charts. (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous Thread: >>23554488
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Any recommendations about the futuristic entertainment industry, preferably in a cyberpunk setting?
second for zyzz
Third for Bakker
post the best haremshit
Since you all read LN/Wuxia trash can the anon who is probably subbed to the beware of chicken patreon send the 5 chapters in text form desu
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Any recommendations for Conan but in space? I've read Edgar Rice Burroughs and a few C. L. Moore and Poul Anderson stories, but they're not doing it for me.
Book of Skaith
I only read like 10 pages of way of kings but the voice gives away everything I need to know about what kind of a writer he is
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Are there any fantasy that has wood elves that are depicted as a bit creepy or spooky rather than just "they're like humans but taller, wiser, stronger, live longer and sometimes also do magic better? Where not just their culture but also physiology is alien enough to be offputting if not outright creepy to humans

The major franchises like D&D and Warhammer seem to be very inconsistent with their descriptions. I'm looking for something in the top right of this compass.
Sisters and old gen x bros, what's your top 10 best Stephen King bros???

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i like singular pov non-filler power fantasy progression and i'm tired of pretending any different.
I strongly like IT and Pet Sematary.
Not possible!
give an example of this that is good.

I read solo levelling and while the concept was cool it was pretty bad. All the other characters just existed to suck the MCs dick figuratively
I DNF "It" when I was 20 years old.
I never touched it again, because my sixth sense told me "If you keep reading this book, your mom will die".
get tested for OCD
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Get your booster.
Maybe I should start Dark Tower. It seems interesting unlike most contemporary fantasy.
Read Revival
Hey guys I wanna buy a Jack Williamson book because I'm autistically in love with collecting old hardcovers with dust jackets. Do I grab The Humanoids or Darker Than You Think as a read first?
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>It’s bad enough waking up in a half-destroyed evil wizard’s workshop with no eyebrows, no memories, and no idea how long you have before the Dread Lord Whomever shows up to murder you horribly and then turn your skull into a goblet or something.

>It’s a lot worse when you realize that Dread Lord Whomever is… you.

>Gav isn’t really sure how he ended up with a castle full of goblins, or why he has a princess locked in a cell. All he can do is play along with his own evil plan in hopes of getting his memories back before he gets himself killed.

>But as he realizes that nothing – from the incredibly tasteless cloak adorned with flames to the aforementioned princess – is quite what it seems, Gav must face up to all the things the Dread Lord Gavrax has done. And he’ll have to answer the hardest question of all – who does he want to be?

>A sharp-witted, high fantasy farce featuring killer moat squid, toxic masculinity, evil wizards and a garlic festival - all at once. Perfect for fans of T. Kingfisher, K. J. Parker and Travis Baldree.
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Aside from Fellowship of the Ring, what are the essential books about an adventuring party?
Isn't this just Overlord?
The book is very expensive where I live. I'm just disappointed with SK in recent times, I finally read Needful Things and Four Past Midnight and they both disappointed me, I already had a lot of his slops.
The Long Walk was the last time I really liked one of his novels.

Revival seems to be a bit divided, I've heard it's great and how many others hate it. From what I know, it's a generational thing involving evangelicals and some cosmic horror, correct?

Know that the first book is very different from the rest and his fans who don't like pulp hate him. The second to fourth books are the best in the series. The fifth and sixth are the definition of slop. The last is a mixed bag.
Does Overlord have a garlic festival and killer moat squid? Because that's the kind of genius plot element only a sharp-witted woman could think of writing.
Witcher Baptism of Fire
Kings of the Wyld I haven't read yet.
The Black Company

If you want to give a try to space opera, go for "Nova"
I am halfway through Rendevous with Rama and wow. It really fills the mind with awe and wonder, the changes Rama goes through. Can you imagine if Oumuamua was Rama, even more so if Humanity can actuallt visit it?
Not necessarily cyberpunk but check out “The Acts of Caine” series. Kind of hard to explain but it’s a sci-fi/fantasy where actors in a dystopian future star in a reality tv show that takes place in a real fantasy world they teleport to. The denizens of this world are unaware of what these actors are really up to. It’s very graphic.
Snow Crash
Hmm, memory sorrow and thorn series? They have I believe 4 or 5 lines of elves and they come off as really weird to me. They seem to adapt to the environment they are in. So there are these underground elves, hella weird and spooky. All thin and deranged looking with big bulbous eyes. The wood elves are very Indian like, but also strangely eccentric and have odd practices. There are elves that seem to be like dark elves, they dont come off as the typical drizzt cliche though. All these elves come from the same place but are at odds with each other. His last king of osten ard sequel trilogy is even better because the elves begin to have POVs in the story.
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Maybe a hot take since this isn’t fantasy but lonesome dove. It’s about a group of cattle drivers lead by two retired Texas rangers driving cattle across America in the old west. Sounds boring but the characters are so very richly crafted, the adventure is huge and the stakes are high.
The Artificial Kid
The Belgariad
Azure Bonds
Based Macross poster
any good xianxia romance
Not quite as good as the first book, but still pretty good. The author took a slow and steady pace setting up the wacky mechanics of the world in the first book, and this one just plays with them. Showing how layered things can get.

Half of the book's plot relies on a misunderstanding. Which is a plot device that I'm not a fan of. But it was wrapped in a bunch of cool shit, so I was able to forgive it. There was also more romantic text in this one, which I'm not a big fan of. But that may just be my bias speaking, because I don't like submissive male characters. But I think some of you freaks will like it, because it's the human male and monster girl dynamic. I see you guys posting that on /v/ all the time.

Somehow the author manages to touch on really dark themes, without making it feel edgy. I don't know how he does it. But some fucked up stuff can happen in one scene, and then some goofy stuff can happen in another. I like that. It kind of reminds me of Full Metal Alchemist that way. With it's bipolar tonal shifts.

The PoVs are spread out among different characters, so you get a wider scope of events. Which I liked. Getting a fresh perspective on the world.
And the story managed to misdirect me again. Which I blame on my on inattentiveness this time. I should have seen it coming a mile away. When it was finally spelled out, I felt silly. But also pleased that I was able to experience the little surprise.
I really really liked Salem's Lot when I read it, but that was years ago and I haven't reread it yet. Also The Long Walk.
>you have to trust me or I'm turning you all in
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Dragon lance. At least the first trilogy. It's pure old school DnD goodness.
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Healer of Monsters.
I don't think I've ever read the whole series either. I know I read the first, I want to say three, but then the next one looked too long and honestly I don't like Steven King in large amounts.
Don't fall for that joke. Dragonlanceb is trash compared to any Forgotten Realms novel

Supposedly his masterpiece. I DFT The Prince of Thorns years ago and after that I never read anything else by him.
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praise paladine
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Man I love that era of art.
I keep giving Lawrence a shot, but he's never impressed me. I tried the first books in his first two series and the first two in that nun one and they just aren't good. Maybe he's gotten better, but I feel like if anything his contributions seem larger from hosting that indie book contest.

I think the closest thing to a good series he's had are his lesser known sci-fi trilogy, Impossible Times.

Macross is great
I'm listening to German audiobooks now (not my native language), and I want something simple, but gripping.
What should I choose: "All Systems Red" by Martha Wells or "Red Rising" by Pierce Brown?
explain, bACKker fag, why do you like him so much?
Gimme some litrpg/progression slop lads, quality optional.
Beautiful prose, well fleshed out world building complete with governing philosophy, compelling characters, epic story. Also reddit hates it because the way he treats women
Reborn: Apocalypse
Defiance of the Fall
Mother of Learning
Dungeon Crawler Carl
Randidly Ghosthound
The Primal Hunter
The Wandering Inn
Beneath the Dragoneye Moons
Beware of Chicken
Azarinth Healer
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I have finished Way of Kings. Enjoyed it a lot more than I expected (not big on fantasy) one thing I didn't get though How did Jasnah deduced that the bread was poisoned and how did she change the jam by soulcasting? Wouldn't Kasbal and Shallan have noticed if she did that in front of them or am I misremembering how that scene went?
What's the issue?
It's a difficult book and, based on the thumbnail, he admits it's beyond him.
What a moron. Unsubscribed.
kino is back on the menu boys
David Eddings' Belgariad/Malloreon series and Elenium/Tamuli series are pretty much the best written "adventuring party" books out there, considering 90% of their appeal comes from the superbly written character interactions within them, with the remaining 10% dedicated to the actual plot (which is good however).
>Dragonlanceb is trash compared to any Forgotten Realms novel
I would sooner kill myself than read another book written by R.A. Salvatore, or else read the entire 40+ book dragonlance series, which is equivalent to killing myself.
Ah yes, David "Lock My Own Children in a Cage" Eddings. Kind of hard to read his stuff now after all the news broke about him and his wife.
Any of you guys know any entertaining sci-fi on the order of Rogue Squadron where it focuses mostly on spacefighter pilots?
Goldmoon, my beloved...
Filtered by peak old fantasy
Shadow Slave
>the news broke
like 25 years ago lmao
I'm sorry but R.A. Salvatore is an actual sub-90 IQ subhuman, literally mentally retarded. You can actually lose brain cells reading about Drizzt.
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If Brando Sando is in love with FromSoftware games, why can't he write any poetic dark fantasy novel?
Maybe he's not a very creative writer?
Everyone with his experience could make one.
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Salem's Lot is the best "classic" vampire nove bar none

Otherwise, 11/22/63 is his finest work overall
11/22/63 is pure cope and boomer
Nothing wrong with that, it's well-written and he didn't fuck up the ending bc his son made him rewrite it

Anyways does anyone have any "unknown gems" that they really love? Reddit's trash, they just keep rec'ing peter watts and omg have you read book of the new sun?? It's so obscure!

Something pulpy and fun like Deathstalker, Crown of Stars, or the Coldfire trilogy.
I'm still convinced RA Salvatore is a collective amalgamation of work for hire writers and not an actual individual.
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>Something pulpy and fun like Deathstalker
nta, but I've met him in person and talked with him at a convention.
Is Lovecraft (generally) urban fantasy?
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Yeah and I met Santa Clause when I was 5 years old.
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The only good book Durst ever wrote is The Bonemaker and that's only because the two main characters are hags
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That seems unlikely because "Santa Clause" is a the title of a movie. I have signed copies of his books, though I doubt you'd accept that as evidence.
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Read Tenebroum
>doesn't do drizzt cosplay at cons
That's a paid actor
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What does this board think of C. J. Cherryh?
That's clearly Margaret Weis
Drizzt was a last minute addition that became everything. Why would be with a character that defined him? Same with Sherlock Holmes.
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The Nicole Shea series by Chris Claremont, the same Claremont who wrote the X-Men for 18 years
Cyberstealth and Dancing Vac by S.N. Lewitt.
Heavytime and Hellburner by CJ Cherryh
The Queen's Squadron and Warbirds by R.M. Meluch
White Wing, by Gordon Kendall (pseudonym of S.N. Lewitt and Susan Shwartz)
Wingman Series by Mack Maloney, pure 80's pulp
I just choose to believe RA Salvatore does blackface
We were all RA Salvatore.
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Is this good or is it shite? It's free on audible (with audible plus) and has 4.7 stars and 31,371+ reviews
Reddit is that way >>
>rent free
I've never read a Brando Sando book. Am I missing out?
The nature of Fromsoft's writing is in ambiguity, obscurity, and mystery. The things that Sanderson cannot tolerate. Sanderson seeks understanding, cohesion, and solutions. There's nothing Sanderson loves more than expounding over the intricacies of his little magic system. He's a magician that shows you his tricks. He could never write a narrative like Fromsoft, because he wouldn't be able to help himself from over explaining everything.

That, and he just has the sensibilities of a comic book writer. He's more suited for Marvel.
This has always been a shit take. The nature of Fromsoft's writing is grimdark fantasy. The nature of their GAME EXPERIENCE is ambiguity, obscurity, and mystey.
Valid. It's too bad He Who Fights With Monsters seems (to me) to have gone off the rails (I'm an audiobook only reader)
Is it really good or is it spam? How long until it gets good? Audiobook when?
I'm re-reading Skulduggery Pleasant
God I loved these books as a kid
Some of the dialogue seems a bit awkward but otherwise it's still good
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Is his next Stormlight MC after book 5 gonna be a great swords dual wielder?
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I think with Eddings, he wasn't a fantasy author at the time. He kept his kinks to his writings after that. Kind of like "Anne Perry" of "Heavenly Creatures" fame; after her dabbling in lesbianism and murder she just wrote mystery novels.
it will be Milf Shallan
Didn't seem like it. Most things I hear about him are just meta discourse about things like how he writes magic systems rather than any characters or themes or stories. Though I do like a cool magic system I don't think it's that interesting outside of non-interactive media.
Nope. Most of the most important questions in all of their stories remain unanswered to this day.
Who was the furtive pygmy?
What exactly was the catalyst for the undead curse?
What is Velka's role exactly?
How is Marika Radagon, and how did she keep it a secret? To what end?
Who is the Gloam-eyed queen?
Why are so many important people in The Lands Between missing an eye?

Meanwhile, all the game mechanics are answerable by simply reading. When Dark Souls came out, half of the mechanics people were unsure of, were explained in the game's manual.(back when it shipped with a manual) And the other half of the mechanics are explained by reading item descriptions, or pressing select in the status menu to get a description of all your stats. They didn't hide these things from you, they just didn't force a tutorial on you, so you had to actually bother to read what was available.

Also, I should point out, that while some of the lesser mysteries did get answers, they were still told in way that left them a mystery for some time. Giving the player only fragments of information here and there, and you wouldn't get the whole picture until you found enough items with all the relevant flavor test to finally form a picture. And even then, forming that picture can be difficult, if your first piece of information was obtained in hour 5 of your playthrough, and your last piece of info was obtained in hour 50.
Don't you mean xianxia certainly to be married except for death???
he's baby's first epic fantasy writer, nothing wrong with that but if you pay attention all of his fans are people who are either very young and just starting to read or adults that don't read much. he's a mormon that should be telling about all the themes he will put in his stories.
None of the things you just mentioned are important to 90% of the story.
>meanwhile the game mechanics
dumb motherfucker

shit take
shit reply
I want to get into Jules Verne after all these decades, I never came across any of his book in my elementary school years nor any of my teachers bothered with it. Which version of Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea should I get is Penguin version is the safe bet? The Penguin cover looks awfully like an AI art for some reason.
Even the Sandersonite CRETINS thought Warbreaker was boring and bloated
He's right and you're wrong plus retarded
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How do you read this passage and not immediately think kino?
I really love journey to the center of the earth, one of the most fun books ever, it's got Thor in it
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But one can raise against what has been forgotten. Bakker REFUTED.
How would they know to raise walls if they forgot?
no argument
Let's say you forgot about illegal aliens for a moment but you just watched attack on titan and decided to build walls to keep out bigfoot. Would these walls also not block illegal aliens?
by using your eyes?
>sir the triple nipple army is gathering, should we build fortifications?
>no, son. we forget about the war a thousand years ago. theres nothing we can do.
I'm constantly annoyed when I go to second-hand shops because there's always a shitton of her books taking up a ton of room. I've only ever read her Thieve's Worlds stories and they are pretty good. The only other thing I know about her is that she wrote a book about a sexy anthromorphic cat.
>dump made up names of made up lore that will never be expanded upon
fucking yawn
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I've developed a very bad habit of buying used books of sci-fi from the 80's to early 90's simply because the covers are cool, and more times than not they're really good but completely forgotten by time
>and more times than not they're really good
Cherryh is fantastic. I'm not a big fan of her Foreigner series (white man dropped into alien Japan) but her Alliance-Union series won multiple Hugos/Nebulas for a reason. Start out with Pride of Chanur, Downbelow Station, or Heavy Time
Kill yourself
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Bakkerfags are the most pathetic fanboys in all of literature and that's saying a lot considering Terry Goodkind existed.
no argument
fromsoft dickriders blocks your path
I posted this when you asked the same question last thread:
>I really want to like her but she always lets me down. She has impeccable prose and voice and characterization, but she always just lets her plots peter out into nothing; Cherryh novels don't end, they stop. Right when you think you're about to have a satisfying conclusion and the fulfilment of a character arc...there's just no more text. That was the last sentence. There is no finale, just an endless denoument that cuts off before
I'm tempted to give her one last shot because I think the Foreigner series sounds up my alley but I don't think I'm willing to spend time and money reading 15 doorstopper novels if they're just going to end on a wet fart
not really, no.
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That image in that post was referring to Fromdrones, and I don't think anybody here is quite so tasteless and braindead enough as to ever seriously consider Souls-games as "literary"
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>Hack Miyazaki steals The Borrowers wholesale
>Chad Miyazaki borrows visual motifs whilst crafting his own unique story and setting
I don't know what you guys consider "literary" anyway. Every story is inspired by a story that preceded it. Nothing is truly original. It's all iterative.
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Tolkienbros silent on this one.
All this does is show he doesn't remember the books. Sex and love is regularly mentioned. Fucking elf orgasms man.
Fromsoft "writing" is the equivalent of a bunch of random tiktoks or twitter posts stitched together, it barely qualifies as a story except to the most ADHD autists without a sense of internal continuity. Goldfish have longer attention spans than these people.
Incidentally, they're the the inheritors of, if not the exact same, midwits who 20 years ago thought the "deep" sounding names of proper nouns in bungie games like Pillar of Autumn and Truth and Reconciliation are the coolest shit ever.
Am I going to have to post Tolkien's writings on Elf orgasms? Don't make me post it.
What does an attention span have to do with this? Wouldn't it take a greater level of attention to retain smaller fragments of information over a large span of time?
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Can anyone rec a book based on this pic?
Why would there be a book based on a midjourney generated piece of AI trash?
Is that a large complex structure off in the distance?! Oh fuck, that's so IMAGINATIVE! I have to know more about big thing over there!
Cause I said so
That's what I'm sayin
this guy pink masts
Slaves of the Klau
GRR always strikes me as a very immature person trying very hard to be seen as mature.

I'd also like to know which popular fantasy female gooner books are good. So long as they aren't reverse harem.
You want a female gooner book without a reverse harem? Huh? Does such a thing even exist?
yeah plenty of them are monogamous
But you just said "this" to the post asking for harems.
>I'd also like to know
yes, it's always elektra stuff
The truth shines through
>thought the "deep" sounding names of proper nouns in bungie games like Pillar of Autumn and Truth and Reconciliation are the coolest shit ever.
it is the coolest shit ever
nta but only in certain contexts
Oh, so you mean unrelated to the previous statement. Not in addition to the previous statement. I see.

Elektra is a female gooner book with a harem of women after a single man?
"elektra stuff" refers to the elektra complex
eugh... I feel dirty even googling that.
women have three main fetishes: rape, reverse harem, and dad
Why did he feel the need to include a pedo in the prologue
"write what you know"
>The nature of Fromsoft's writing is in ambiguity, obscurity, and mystery.
Ok, but I talked about aestethics/atmosphere, general feeling. Let it be written in Sanderson's explicit style, but with such vibes.
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An appropriate compliment to the main male festishes: rape, harem and mommy
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Glad I saved my money and did not buy this she-garbage.
Have you read Elantris? In theory, that world would be just like grimy world like one of Miyazaki's swamps. And yet, Sanderson can't quite sell it the way Fromsoft does. Why? I don't entirely know. But, if you wanted to hear what it sounds like when Sanderson attempts to write all grimdark, there you go.
From software releases computer games and this is a literature board. The two have nothing in common
The atmosphere and the 'vibes' in games have nothing to with literature, one cannot be translated into the other because the two are completely different mediums.
If you want to talk about games go to >>>/v/
Whoa dude, you hate women? Totally fresh new take. I haven't heard such a sentiment since... >>23531919 last Thursday. I'm glad you shared that with me, and that you're remaining resolute.
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Still not sure what to read after finishing Coiling Dragon
That wasn't me, I would never read books with female MC!
Also why is the other anon living rent free in your head?
What??? There are two anons who hate women? That can't be. Because your have such a unique take. Nobody every expressed an aversion to female characters before you. And nobody else has the balls to say it but you. You are an innovator and a visionary.
lit being full of normalfags sucks
These are advanced concepts that a coombrained idiot like yourself will never understand.
>Wimmin suck, amirite boys?
Wow. So new and so fresh. Nobody has ever expressed such a sentiment before, and now I bare witness to two genius minds. Truly the intellect of our ages.
Maybe there is hope for you after all. Just don't post books about women, written by women or books that have female main characters and maybe your defective coombrain will heal and change into a something resembling a brain of an actual man.
Amazing. I never thought of it that way. It's so simple. Great advice. I'm going to be healed. I can feel the effects already.
I feel that great things are coming to /sffg/ . This general may finally be healed of it's coom posting and female posting illness. Things are about to change and it's all thanks to you, anon!
>three women want a man to do something for them
>their immediate course of action is to make MULTIPLE ATTEMPTS at manipulating him to do it instead of just talking to him
What book? Sounds like Wheel of Time.
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Well anon did say quality was optional I guess.
He did, so I took it as a challenge. But is there such a thing as quality litrpg?
Eternal Sacred King
Start with the movies and pick anything from volume 4 onward.
DO you guys every feel ridiculous when you say things that amount to "He copied *checks notes*...an animal having antlers [from my favorite].

It's almost like all creativity is indistinguishable from all other creativity. It's almost like this is one world owned by no one or everyone and no some in between.
if you cant see the obvious copying then youre retarded. i dont think its a bad thing but its fuckibg obvious.
Hayao's movies are the anime equivalent to Disney slop.
He's the inferior Miyazaki by default.
Some people do not have the ability to come up with their own original concepts and ideas but they are good at manipulating, combining and often improving existing ideas in ways that others can't. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, it can also be argued that even creators of original ideas use existing influences and concepts, so it really is a range of originality and no idea is 100% original.
That aside this is literature board, why are people posting about video games is beyond me.
>That aside this is literature board, why are people posting about video games is beyond me.
Someone wanted a book that can give them a similar feeling as Dark Souls in terms of atmosphere and tone. Given Miyazaki's literary influences, it's not an invalid question to ask.
No, I wanted to know, why Sanderson (being a fan of their games) can't write something similar. There is/was a trend on dark fantasy, so he could expand his audience.
Reading books cannot give one a feeling of video games (or just the feeling of atmosphere and tone of some game). These are two totally different mediums.
Write what exactly? A dialogue script for a video game?
>>23566558 -> >>23564162 >>23565912
Nah. There are plenty of times where I got the same feeling I got from playing a videogame from reading a book and vice versa. Hell, a lot of old-school Sword & Sorcery are essentially video game quests in prose form, which isn't surprising at all since early S&S is what inspired tabletop RPGs, and by extension, videogames.
>Brando Sando is in love with FromSoftware games, why can't he write any poetic dark fantasy novel?
Not sure how a video games can be compared to a poetic dark fantasy novel. Maybe if it's some text based video game then it could have a certain vibe that written books also have

>aeathetics, atmosphere
Is that like world building info dumps in fantasy novels?
The thing about Sanderson is that he's a bit of a basedboy. He might be a fan of FromSoft games, but that doesn't mean he has it in him to write something that matches their grim, bleak tone.
You're being too simplistic. Just because games and books are different mediums doesn't mean they can't give you the same feelings. A well-written action scene in a book can give you the same feeling of catharsis as getting an SSS-rank combo in Devil May Cry, or the same intensity as a close match in a fighting game. A scene in a horror story can give you that same tension and fear as in a survival horror game, and so on.
Maybe something by Leigh Brackett?
I seem to recall an atricle by some PhD in litterature where she claimed there was a lot of sensuality in Tolkien, if you bothered to look at it from a proper angle.
She made a large point about how Tolkien went on about the hair of particularly gorgeous women.
No idea if it's true.
Also, GRRM is wrong. I can imagine hobbits having sex, I can imagine orcs fucking and I can imagine Eöl raping the shit out of Aredhel.
>womans opinion
into the trash
>Eöl raping the shit out of Aredhel.
is he wrong tho?
Coomer brain can never be right.
total anti coomer death
kill all coomers, remove coomers, exterminate all coomers with fire
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The Worm Ouroboros by E.R. Eddison.
Eöl did nothing wrong
I'd call you a faggot, but then I remember GRRM is a coomer and realize that you might actually have a point.
Do you remember the article? I mean, yeah, it's easy to look between the lines for things like The Silmarillion, Unfinished Tales etc. but less so with TLOTR/The Hobbit. Why would you think about hobbits having sex anyway? Unless you think Sam was motivated by Rosie's sexy hobbit feet.
Why would I call extermination of all coomers if I were a faggot?
*call for
Unfortunately I don't. It was several years ago and I only recall the general gist of it.
>Why would you think about hobbits having sex anyway?
I merely oppose GRRM's claim that I cannot. It certainly is possible for anyone with a modest amount of imagination.
As for half-orcs (and maybe half-trolls, if they wree actually a thing in Tolkien's writings), it is also something I can imagine, if not enjoy particularly much.
Then we have more esoteric fucking like noldor banging. I assume that needs physical forms so that'd just be regular smut.
>maiar and noldor banging
Mea culpa

Oh, not you you, you as in a general you. I can think anyone can conceive of the idea of hobbits or whatever having sex, but not everyone is interested in it and in the case of half-orcs or regular orcs, most people would rather not. Imagine thinking about the sex lives of random people in real life because according to GRRM sex is very important. It's such a weird train of thought.
Sex is of overriding importance to people like GRRM because they aren't having any.
All of this will be answered in like first or second shallan chapter in the 2nd book
Not really
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It's gonna be chudladin
none of those questions matter
Plenty of those are a big fucking stretch. Floating Islands? I thought those up when I was 5 and I never watched anime.
Elden beast is far similar to a sea slug than whatever jap creature you have there.
Torrent is a horse with horns. The anime animal is an antelope or something. They're clearly different
Burried giant? Aside from them being big and Burried there are no other similarities
Person with prosthetic limbs? Super common trope. The creator of that image probably went through 100 examples to find one with 3 limbs and a sword
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Behold: the delusion of Fromdrones. Every time I begin to think Nintendo is the most obnoxious fanbase on 4chan, these weeaboo cocksuckers pop-up to boldly proclaim their midwittery. I would sooner enter a Disney Star Wars thread than converse with these eunuchoid freaks.
I wish D's English translation was better. Or rather, less DRY.
Death's Head by David Gunn. It's an unfinished series, but the first book is great. The MC is very much in the same mold as Conan.
Dire Planet series
Compared to today's mainstream wokeslop they probably read like masterpieces.
Soul Cycle series by Brian Niemeier
He's a typical leftshit boomer who thinks stories filled with sex, violence, and subversion are the best stories.
The Revelations of Zang by John Fultz
How much desert is there in Sanderson's Oathbringer?
I want some very hot summer fantasy (maybe like Dark Sun)
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>tfw you saw Dark Sun described as D&D meets Mad Max so you got excited and decided to read the Dark Sun novels only to be told they're almost nothing like the game and are actually kinda shit
Feels bad, man.
Not only that but they actively FUCK UP Dark Sun as a setting.
Orcs by Stan Nichols
Based or Cringe?
Read A Gathering of Ravens by Scott Oden instead.
It has an orc MC and is infinitely better.
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The Prince of Nothing trilogy was fine, nothing special. The sequel quadrilogy was so bad I genuinely believe it to be unreadable.
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I enjoyed the first Red Rising trilogy. I started "Iron Gold" but dropped it about 30% in. I can't stand the multiple points of view and Pierce Brown's moronic writing. For example, in a chapter on Darrow, Brown insists on beating us into submission the fact Mustang/Virginia is Darrow's wife:

"...then I saw my wife."
"He stood between me and my wife..."
"My wife gazed down at me..."
"...and my wife said nothing."
"My wife, the Sovereign..."
"My wife..."
"...my wife..."
"...my wife."

He does this -- over exposition? -- for "my son" and "my friends" repeatedly. I couldn't unsee it and dropped the book. I can't stand YA slop.

I started picrel, which is *allegedly* more mature, darker, and better written.
Only a dead orc is a good orc.
I was in the same boat for the red rising series. Wasn't a fan of the switch to multiple POVs and dropped it.
For what it's worth I've enjoyed every sun eater book I've read
I accept your concession
The main villain is a BDSM dark queen who wears a strap-on made of an unicorn's horn. Pretty based i believe
I'm glad to read someone, who also enjoyed red rising, dropped the series in favor of Sun Eater.

What were some of your favorite things about Sun Eater? I'm not a fan of first-person books, but the premise is interesting, and I'm willing to give it a shot.
Where did you get filtered?
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just spend the last 15 minutes pacing around in my apartment muttering, "the coffers" or "truth shines" or my personal favorite "the slog of slogs" while laughing to myself

am i losing it? i dont know but what i do know is BAKKER IS KING
And where did this happen if I might ask?
It happened at the
>I hate women but love gay rape
part of Bakkerfag circlejerking, effectively saving me from reading your 10,000 page pedo poopdick erotica.
Yeah, you never read the books.
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Congratulations on your reading comprehension, yes that is what I said.
>Bakkerfag circlejerking,
Can't be circlejerk if it's literally just one anon spamming about bakker, he's been doing it for years now, you get used to it.
Ah, a simp, how quaint.
I got that. Just take this as a lesson next time to actually read the books you're criticizing on here before you end up having to embarrassingly admit you never actually read them. Okay anon?
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>read books about gay buttsex
No, I don't think I will.
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holy based
Serious question, please respond.

Suppose a novel has exactly three POVs, with roughly equal page counts. Two POVs are in a high fantasy setting. The third POV is on modern day Earth, but with some magic, very rare and well-hidden from the general population.

Would the third POV a be turn-off, because it introduces urban fantasy into an otherwise high fantasy work?
I think the more cogent point here is how the two high fantasy POVs and the modern-day earth POV are connected. Care to explain?
Is that edgy thorns series by Mark Lawrence good?
>Robert E. Howard was only 30 when he killed himself
Just imagine how much Conankino he could've continued writing...
Not really, I've read most of his work and think it's the weakest.
The edginess is at least explained a bit in the story but it's still boring to read.
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Will Erikson finish The Kharkanas Trilogy?
Just finished The Tainted Cup. It's good. Would recommend.
It's a nice self contained book.
Sherlock Homes style mystery. With the "Watson" character being the main character.
Fantasy style futuristic setting, where they have advanced kinds of bio technology that allows them to edit human biology to super human levels. While everything else is still swords and horses.
The bulk of the story takes place in a massively scaled wall city, that has to defend themselves from titanic creatures. Which for the most part, remain a mystery for the reader. But you still get a sense of their insane scale.
The story is very concerned about various "contagions". But one contagion seems to have been used as a weapon to spout from a human body, killing the victim. This is the catalyst for the entire mystery of the book.

So it's like this blend of Sherlock Homes, Attack on Titan and Elden Ring.
The author could probably milk this world for a few more mysteries.
Man Elantris was so fucking boring. Probably the first and only Sanderson thing I will ever read.
Japanese is really dry.
1. Their ultimate goals are mutually exclusive, and this is made clear early on.
2. They share a metaplot in a sense that each of the three arcs contributes to the reader's general understanding of WTF is giong on in the grand scheme of things.
Is Conan to Crom what Jesus is to God?
No, not really, it depends on the writer. I've read Demon City Shinjuku by the same writer and he's just not that compelling.
You didn't answer my question. Let me try to make myself more clear: what possible relationship can a high fantasy setting have with a modern day real world setting? How do these characters interact with each other if at all? Is there some portal fantasy shenanigans going on? Time travel? Astral projection/reincarnation? Capeshit multiverse? What's the deal? I have absolutely zero interest whatsoever in indulging in POVs that don't intersect. Reading about a couple of gay hobbits in Faerun trying to save the world from the Aldmeri Dominion's plot to destroy Azeroth and then switching to a twenty-something CIA spook cataloguing the Ark of the Covenant at Area 51, is not my idea of a good premise.
There's no real historical comparison to be made because there was never a barbarian conqueror of empires that appealed to an ambiguously malevolent local minor deity (which indeed is exactly why REH had to invent him); the closest equivalent you could make is an appeal of a character from Germanic folklore appealing to Odin, or else Genghis Khan, but neither of those really correspond to the same situation.
I was just talking out my ass
Actually on second thought, there was the case of the Amorite/Hyksos kings who invaded and temporarily ruled Egypt for a century or two, and whose preeminent tutelary divinity was - in Egyptian perspective - the arch-villain Set/Seth, but whose counterpart and role in the Semite pantheon is indeterminate.
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>what possible relationship can a high fantasy setting have with a modern day real world setting?
Magical space dudes colonized a bunch of planets and connected them with portals, then all went to shit because magical space reasons, each colony left to evolve on its own, one of them becoming Earth, and the other one becoming Fantasyland. Both planets have the same magic, but Earth has less of it. There is some important magical space stuff left on Earth and in Fantasyland, and there are several actors who want to get their hands on it because magical space motives.

>How do these characters interact with each other if at all?
They don't until the endgame when Earth POV gets back to Fantasyland.

>Is there some portal fantasy shenanigans going on?
Yes, people will necessarily prefer the high fantasy setting if the book is advertised as high fantasy. I for one don't want urban fantasy intruding into a high fantasy work, even if there's a reason for it. I don't want to read about urban fantasy in the first place, no matter how compelling the narrative.
>Unless you think Sam was motivated by Rosie's sexy hobbit feet.
he was
holy based
Thanks. Pretty much what I've been thinking, but I needed to hear it from someone else.
He would have most likely switched to Westerns. Just imagine the timeline where John Wayne stars in movies where REH wrote the screenplay.
>John Wayne
then most of his adaptations would be shit, Wayne was famous for altering things to make them more sanitized and casual friendly, literally the only good adaptations attached to Wayne are The Searchers and The Shootist.
It's actually really astounding when you look out how much he put out outside of Conan as well. I don't remember when he started, I remember reading he came up with El Borak when he was like 12 though I don't imagine he had quite the same prose then. But dude just sat down and worked. Though I suppose that'ss one of the major differences of those, for want of a term. blue collar writers.
How are the Sword of Truth books?
Starts out mid, then becomes bad, and then just when you think the next book can't be worse than the one before, it proves you wrong. The fantasy genre and the world as a whole became a better place when the author finally died, his body was no longer able to support his massive ego.
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Great, and underrated due to goodkinds politics.

Read the first chapter of wizards first rule. Its representatice of the whole book. Its written in a immersive and descriptive style. Ideal for people looking for escapism in the fantasy world. It's not liked by people who enjoy excercising theor lexicon or dialogue heavy stories. Its more akin to beowulf. A tale told over a campfire
Wasn't there a shitty TV show?
Not bad but you tried far too hard. I'll rate your shitpost as a 3/10 just because you managed to work in a comparison to beowulf.
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Wrong. Pretty onions hivemind opinion
The show is like zena and hercules the legendary journey. It hardly follows the story. The first episode is decent. And if you watch it as something unrelated to sword of truth then its ok. Watch it if you want xena
Go back to enjoying *insert popular opinion / pretentious book here*
t. Midnight Cowboy enjoyer

Atlas Shrugged set in a high fantasy world except 7 times as long as Ayn Rand's thousand page doorstopper.
>t. Midnight Cowboy enjoyer
The only time something similar has worked for me was in the Acts of Caine books, where the scifi Earth setting POV character would regularly pop over to the fantasy setting and spend much of the book there. Anything with less intersection would probably be irritating.
There's a reason the blurbs compare him to Stephen King and all.
No, if you're going to read anything by him just read the trilogy starting with Prince of Fools. Nothing earthshattering, just 'Flashman, but as a fantasy buddycop road trip', but at least that's a fun idea and not a massively oversaturated niche.
>I would sooner enter a Disney Star Wars
Congratulations on coming out of the closet
Are his books less autistic than his blog posts?
I don't think accusing others of homosexuality in the wake of the gay pedo DLC for Elden Ring is a particularly effective tactic.
Amd that's still less faggy than Disney Star Wars
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Objectivist fantasy should be like xianxia, I don't get what lesbian sex dungeons has to do with anything
I will be like a new Santa Claus
, bringing rape to all the good boys and girls, uniting the world.
Hyksos kings were named after Apep as well, who was even worse than Set in Egyptian religion
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Once again shamefully asking for the new TWI chapter
Yeah but being named after a god wasn't the same as worshiping the god because Pharaoh was considered effectively the king of the gods, a man who had the right to exercise power over subject deities, so being named, say, Seti (a branch of kings who were not Hyksos), indicated less a matter of worship than a matter of dominion.
Shouldn't there be some site that releases such stuff to have it?
Someone used to post on Kemono pretty quickly/regularly but lately it's been pretty unreliable
Western fantasy authors (and scifi) are degenerates, their life revolves around cooming and it reflects in their novels. They only add fantasy elements (or scifi, horror, mustery, crime, thriller etc) to their storiesto attract more readers but the very core of their novels (and their own thinking) is sex.
Eastern are just as much.
>Western fantasy authors (and scifi) are degenerates, their life revolves around cooming and it reflects in their novels.
BASED coomer authors
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I don't like Heinlein but I've wanked to Boris Vallejo and Frank Frazetta art a lot more than moeblob anime girls.
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It has takes and points of view that you don't usually see. The main character starts as a naive optimist who wants peace between humanity and the aliens.
Rather than achieving this outcome as you might expect, his experiences instead push him into enacting a genocide of the species.
The empire and emperor arent evil and the emperor isn't a drooling retard.
The relationship between him and his romantic interest actuality works well and doesn't have the drama you usually expect.
my brothers... i got a box of hand-me-down conan (and elfquest) as a kid and that was the beginning of the end
I like Heinlein and Frazetta and Valejo babes.
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>Be Boris Vallejo
>Draw sexy painted chicks
>Get buff bod hot wife
>She also paints sexy painted chicks
It's not fair....
Im about 3/4 done reading "Everybody Loves large Chests" and as soon as the author got the amazon deal the explicit sex scenes stopped. This is bullshit what a goddamn shill.
I'm not sure why you would read something like that in the first place.
What can I say I like power fantasies. I also like Cradle, Iron Prince and Mother of learning.
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>What can I say I like power fantasies.
So don't a lot of people, it's not a new concept, but you should still be able to spot crap a mile away.
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Face looks too mannish for me.
I'm more of a Royo guy.
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True true its crappy but the main character is what drew me to the book. You dont often see a main character like that. Even if you can call it low tier entertainment I still enjoy it.
I mean your honest at least. I'm not sure how much respect I can still give you but still that's something.
>as soon as the author got the amazon deal
When was that again
I stopped reading that series ages ago, I remember some parts kinda fondly but overall it was kinda garbage kek
Its about half way through the entire series. I downloaded the original story from RoyalRoad because the Amazon release has both cut plot and explicit content.
It will be a resurrected, amnesic Elhokar

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