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If Only You Knew edition

Previous >>23601957
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Why was the actual reason for Kennedy's assassination? Show of power, creating a vacuum, chaos? Would much have really changed if he didn't die?
quads you let me fuck your mom
phew thank god, didn't really want to fuck everyone's mom's saggy beef roast curtains
Girls, girls, girls... it all revolves around girls
He wanted to scale back maybe even dismantle the CIA because of the fuck up the Bay of Pigs was.

>Would much have really changed if he didn't die?
He was trying to withdraw the American advisors from Vietnam. Impossible to say what would have happened, but there is a future there where LBJ does not escalate American involvement and the entire Vietnam War as we know it doesn't happen.
Downloaded a mod for one of my favourite games, I'm having so much fun.
Happy for ya anon
Cheers, man.
He was advocating for personal responsibility, and, as we can see from the sitting government now, that is considered a sin by overlords that want us dependent upon the government.
I have an idea in my head to write a scene about some guy who has an alien coworker. And during work, the coworker suddenly scoots over to the guy and says
"We're missing two people."
The guy, weirded out by the alien just says "yeah" and the alien nods.
During break, the alien will tell the guy out of the blue: "you see, one is sick, but the other is on vacation."
Then late during the evening as the protag is about to go to bed, the alien will call him to tell him that "the other guy went to Ha-wa-ii and eill be gone for a week."
And the alien will say all this with sincerity expecting the human protag to keep the conversation going but the guy just keeps responding with "ok" and "yeah"
I have only really received the things I wanted when I genuinely didn't expect them to happen. Every single thing I so badly, deeply, achingly wanted and expected to happen has never happened.

It's almost as if the universe can sense desperation and withholds it for reasons I have not yet understood.

The universe is inimical to human wants and needs
That was a terrible MC album
Actively inimical or coincidentally inimical?
Coincidentally, but I'm not exactly sure. Actively would imply some direction behind it all and there might not be any. Probably not but who knows for sure? No one I think
Fair enough. So how must one live in a universe that punishes, through some mechanism or another, those who dare to expect and want for something better than what they are given? Action is key in any attempt of personal change. But what must action be paired with? Expectations? Hopes? Negativity? Or must it simply be action for actions sake?
I would say action for action's sake but don't listen to me because I'm a terrible nihilist. None of this matters. Nothing good that you do will matter, nothing evil that you do will matter. In fact, there really is no good and evil. It's just our stupid, heedless perspective
I had a dream about you
And you were laughing, laughing, laughing
How you used to do
I wanted to touch your face
Put myself in your place
So I could be laughing, laughing, laughing, too
Sounds like you just asked an AI to write a "Jim Croce-esque song".
I mistook the shore for the ocean
And I was never the same
Nope, that was me. It's just doggerel
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that that's what you did, I'm just saying it sounded very Jim Croce-ish. And I consider that to be a compliment, I fucking love Jim Croce's music.
you descended from mount stupid and now you are climbing from pit of despair towards slope of enlightenment.
I realized how I'm suffering because of my fixations on a girl. I've held an image of her being a humble, homely girl and that I could expect a commitment from her but in hindsight, it looks like we were in a pretty uncommitted relationship to begin with and she's just that kind of person. I'm content with moving on from that but I don't know what to do from here on out.
I'm a pretty committed person and I like doing good for the people I love, especially my partner but my love language seems to be care instead of romance, unlike most girls I've met or at least the very least, her. I'm kind of a dunce for romance and I just like being gentle and caring but I don't think that works out for most people.
I'm not blaming girls for being like that, I'm not trying to be Elliott Rodgers here, and I'd like to hear input from other girls on the subject. But what I'm thinking is that I essentially have two options now - either be extremely selective on what kind of girls I'd be up for and look for some who values commitment and at the same time thinks I'm valueable or seek out more girls but have less of an attachment to them, lest I get hurt. I think this girl is up for #2 and that's why she doesn't think much of it.
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I don't understand why there is so much AI porn. How can people jerk off to this slop? Its often too uncanny or too perfect.
Well thank you. I will absolutely that that as a compliment then. Those are few and far between here on the 4chins
Uh, thanks, ig
Check out his music if you like folk music. I recommend the album You Don't Mess Around with Jim.
Socializing at cigar lounges is so fucking weird man.
That sounds like the gayest fucking thing ever, and philosophy exists.
The two people who I talk to the most are a 30-year-old Japanese woman and a 41-year-old Japanese woman, I talk to these women more than my friends, I'm a 21-year-old Australian guy.
Why do you talk to them?
I love his music, was raised on it. My mom had an album by him
They're nice and I enjoy talking to them. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't trying to shit on them or make my situation seem bad, they're lovely people, I just thought it to be a little odd so I brought it up.
Do you know which album?
Life and times. I had to look it up. I could remember the cover just not the name
Great album, my second favourite.
Proust is insane.
It’s amazing, but his ability to write a hundred+ pages where the plot summary would be
>the main character wakes up and goes for a walk
Is mind boggling
It’s like being edged
Singer/songwriters are my jam
I play all my vidya with all the sound off.
Same but with porn.
I can only justify the time by doing this while listening to music or lectures.

Have since I was 17 and if still being stuck on these games is just a way in which information age society kinda screwed me up at least I have the solace that I‘m not one of these people who actually listens to boops and beeps for the full experience of a toy.
The only thing binding me to this existence is my mother and her unending, entirely egoless love for me. My father loves me too but he is burdened by his ego and variety of emotion and anger regulation issues.

I cannot bear to think of a world without my mother. I pray that God grants you eternal love and happiness.
A lot of that stuff is boring aside from 60s psych folk, freak folk and neofolk.
this video makes me want the 2000s back
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Seeing men who are less attractive and fatter than me with girlfriends is such a blackpill. There must be something really messed up with me.
I am awake and alive
It’s hilarious how tried and true Marxists turn into instant Social Darwinists any time the male sex crisis is brought up
Same with immigration, they turn into the biggest Chicago boys with Austrian school capitalists as soon as you mention that illegal immigrants harm lower classes more than anyone else
I grew up acutely sensitive to everything and now that I've made it to middle age I'm somewhat numb to the horrors of modernity and I can feel myself becoming more of a bastard the longer I pay attention to current events. I'm broke and spent my youth working shit jobs to try and understand what people are like and it turns out they're awful. I don't know if I can constitutionally tolerate grifting or selling out without having a massive psychotic episode. don't know if leaning into my language skills and studying Mandarin or getting into computers and picking up shit like SQL would make me less of a neurotic wreck down the line. but I do feel as though "only the good die young" because they're stuck here with the rest of us and the stress and grief kill them
Your overthinking it
I love it regardless
No, women are just idiotic children that want someone to handle reality for them and if they can find another idiot to do that, that's exactly what they'll do. It doesn't matter what you look like, unless you are a 10/10 clothes model. Then it doesn't matter what you do. You could have 24 girlfriends at once and they will convince themselves they are the only ones that matter, the rest are hos. No, you stupid, insecure cunt. You're the ho. Get over yourself, cunt
I cannot stand Curtis Yarvin and it bothers me that he’s taken so seriously in the contemporary online right. He is so obviously a sophist and rhetorician. In everything he says, the subtext suggests his whole thing is an exercise in ego. And when you zoom out and analyze his theses from the high level viewpoint, they’re not only ridiculous but obviously undesirable.
The bottom line is they just hate poor white people. It’s so blatant is not even funny anymore.
The idea of a hillbilly just makes them physically sick.
That’s fine I just prefer anything acoustic to have a bit of an edge or is just plain weird or trippy maaan! That’s why I like Changes and groups like them.
One day I'll read enough material to cultivate the critical mass to change me.
There are no tried and true Marxists
The right-wing intellectual tradition post-Heidegger is an all around embarrassment, really. And I say that as someone on the right.
No, anon is arguing with important and powerful political demons of mythic proportions, not some guy in Indiana who went to community college for 2 years and works at doordash with an internet connection and opinions
Learn punctuation, retard
Does anyone else feel like all the white people in this country are white trash now?
>this country
gonna have to ask you to specify anon
United States
>United States
Like of what? Mexico?
Once god felt lonely,
So he created atom.
He gave it mind,
And he made it suffer,
So it would through pain learn.
For every creature searches
For its suffering clone.
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Don’t be stupid

Anyways I wonder if I’m gonna get a bunch of hateful comments for picrel. I hope so.
What website is that?
>"Don't be stupid"
>still using cuckbook
Just answer my question anon. I wouldn't have to ask if you answered in the question. United States of what?
anon wtf just tell me PLEASE
I loath people using ai gfs, prostitutes, blow up dolls, spending obscene amount of money on fetish porn
>”noooo you must conform to my totally arbitrary etiquette for l33t h@k0rz!
You are under 30

Nope. Figure it out yourself

All you sexless guys should just have sex with each other. Crisis averted.
I just want to be a rapist without suffering the consequences
anon PLEASE why did you delet your earliest post
just tell me so I can finally sleep, United States of what?
Male on male sex doesn’t produce children. But somehow you born in some way, so I dunno.
I had a better response

Just go to bed
No. Clarify your initial point.
Do you think you are human?
I’m not going to. Good night.

In as much as anyone else is on this site but I’m sure this is all bots by now.
God I hate hipsters so fucking god damn much.
not playing the pussy game.
you could just jerk off, its the nuance of going further just meet ones primal and carnal desires regardless of your humanity and dignity that makes me pity people who do use those methods.
2011 called lol

You just said "sex crisis." And honestly man, not everyone should have kids. That probably includes (You).
I thought those folks went the way of the dinosaur. Don’t tell me they’re still around. I think the idea of the hipster is a symptom of a dying culture but I’d rather not give doomers more fuel.
Did the jews who bought their aristocratic titles from the crown of the austro-hungarian monarchy really believe that they would be seen as aristocrats if they bought their way into nobility? Jews are only ever rich, never aristocratic.
I should. You’re correct. But am I? Not at all. I’ve had countless girlfriends. Seems like asking for a woman who doesn’t cheat like it’s akin to breathing I must be asking for some kind of unicorn I guess?
United States of WHAT
Most pathetic thing you will ever read:
The most amount of effort I put into something and which received the most attention was an Epic Rap Battle shitpost I made and posted here but since that video series is a performative thing and what I was trying to do was so hyper specific the rhythm when you try to read it is completely fucked but spoken out loud it's not nearly as bad.

The reason I still think about it, extremely and unbelievably absurd and pathetic as it is, is because of the major disconnect between my intentions and the actual end product as it was presented in written shitpost form, and I got into an argument with someone over it.
your mom
Read it again, dummy. I'm saying you shouldn't have kids
Why? Because you’re trying to justify some argument for social Darwinism when you post here and hang out with other losers? If you were truly successful you wouldn’t be here. And if you’re here to mock us, you need a new hobby. Do you get kicks out of beating up the homeless too and punching babies in strollers?
Anon please i genuinely do not know please just tell me
my discord is collectorzani
I have realized that in order to become a virtuous man is to be evil and honest about it. Say to yourself: I am evil. In admitting to yourself that you are evil, you admit that you are weak, because evil is weak, and admitting weakness is strong. He who says: I am good, he's just lying to yourself, and lying is a great evil. So in saying with endorsement, out loud: I AM EVIL, you change a small evil for the greater evil, and you are far ahead of all those people who believe they are good, they're just lying to themselves. Start being honest to yourself, admit that you are evil, PURE EVIL, and you have started your journey into becoming a virtuous man, for truly, only a man who knows he is evil can ever become a truly virtuous man. All other ones are eternal amateurs.
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>As today his surroundings do not so force him, the eternal mass-man, true to his character, ceases to appeal to any authority other than himself, and feels himself lord of his own existence. Conversely the select man, the excellent man is urged by interior necessity to appeal to some standard beyond himself, superior to himself, into whose service he freely enters. ... Contrary to what is usually thought, it is the man of excellence, not the common man who lives in essential servitude. Life has no savour for him unless he makes it consist in service to something transcendent. Hence he does not look upon the necessity of serving as an oppression. When, by chance, such necessity is lacking, he grows restless and invents some new standard, more difficult, more exigent, with which to coerce himself. This is life lived as a discipline — the noble life.

>Nobility is defined by the demands it makes on us — by obligations, not by rights. Noblesse oblige. "To live as one likes is plebeian; the noble man aspires to order and law" (Goethe). The privileges of nobility are not in their origin concessions or favours; on the contrary, they are conquests. And their maintenance supposes, in principle, that the privileged individual is capable of reconquering them, at any moment, if it were necessary, and if anyone were to dispute them. ... It is annoying to see the degeneration suffered in today's speech by a word so inspiring as "nobility." For, by coming to mean for many people hereditary "noble blood," it is changed into something similar to common rights, into a static, passive quality which is received and transmitted, something inert. But the strict sense, the etymon of the word nobility, is essentially dynamic. Noble means the "well known," that is, known by everyone, famous, he who has made himself known by excelling the anonymous mass.

>As one advances in life, one realises more and more that the majority of men — and of women — are incapable of any other effort than that strictly imposed on them as a reaction to external compulsion. And for that reason, those few individuals we come across who are capable of spontaneous and joyous effort stand out isolated, monumentalised, so to speak, in our experience. These are the select men, the nobles, the only ones who are active and not merely reactive, for whom life is a perpetual striving, an incessant course of training. Training = askesis. These are the ascetics.
I know this is disgusting but does anyone have an analysis for why high power people in executive positions would be attracted to weird sexual shit like having shit in their mouths? obviously it has some relation to power but seriously what the fuck?
i think it's being completely dominant in their work vs submissive in the free time.
One of the greatest dangers in greatness is to gain consciousness on it, and thus, awaken greed, or some other deathly sin, become extremely selfish as a result of it. Of course, this doesn't apply to men who are truly great. Goethe was a great writer with no regards to how selfish or virtuous he was in other matters. His right to talk about greatness is derived from his greatness, not from some sort of moral merit. Do you want to be a truly great man? Stop talking about greatness. However, to tell oneself, to lie to oneself that one is virtuous, because of some imaginary moral merit, is a colossal, deadly fallacy. The great man, the virtuous man embraces his own evil, for he is selfless enough not to lie to himself that he is good. And it is the lack of egoism paired with truly great merits what makes the character of the great man. But the most important lesson is that there is no possible moral merit that can make a man great.
When my life is shit and I’m a kicked dog, my fantasies are all sexually sadistic
When I’m on top of the world with lots of power (responsibilities), my fantasies are all sexually masochistic
Just is that way, idk
No human is trash
There are different kinds of "loser," some more benign than others. "State-mandated gf" guys are deranged creeps who will not be good parents under any circumstances. I'm here because I've been coming here forever. It's something I do when I get bored. That probably says something about me but ultimately I'm fairly well-adjusted and successful despite that
State mandated unions between femcels and incels
Tablets ruined reading for me. Before I had one I would just read since I had no other options, now I will watch movies and that instead
that wouldnt change a thing
State mandated sex between femcels and incels
okay now thats getting us somewhere
Turning 30 tomorrow.
Today is the last day of my twenties
Don’t try and weasel your way out of this, just turn around and leave.
You ever notice how car enthusiasts are often the Andrew Tate image obsessed wannabe rich types or else the actually rich but still a loser types?
Happy birthday anon. Hope you had a lovely time in your 20s and hope you have an even more lovely time in your 30s. Godspeed
I'll be in your position in almost exactly 2 years. My 28th birthday is the day after.
Early 20s were goofing off but late twenties were productive. Hit some milestones and 30s will be very different because of family reasons. Thank you anon.
A premature congratulations from me. Hope you have fun with family, friends and eat a lot of cake
Have you picked out your robe and wizard hat yet?
There was a moment between 20-22 where I thought I might reach wizard status.
Alas someone sapped my power.
Happy birthday. I turned 42 last month.
Happy belated birthday anon. Hope you enjoyed cake and a blowie
You guys wanna see my cat?
yes, post the cutie
Show us the kitty
Damn succubi
same. I always thought I will be one of those 30+ wizards but I got lucky
I wish I had a blowie right now
I am at the very very end of my rope bros. I can feel it. This really does feel like I've done my part. Things will wind down.
Went on Instagram and, do libtards truly not see irony in their posts towards repulicans? They're talking about free speech and how tge right hates it but every chance they got they cancel someone for wrong speech.
Show the kitty
Happy birthday fren.
Sorry he doesn't want to, too shy
Poor kitty
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cock tease.
Here's a foto of some dogs I saved a year ago
Understandable, he knows his rights, he's a private feline
The quote, "the world is a comedy for those who thinks and a tragedy for those who feel" seems applied while watching the news.
Have mercy upon me, a great sinner, O Lord! For in this life you have given me a magnificent banquet in your generosity, and I have only spit upon what was given! Worse, when I did indulge, I gave back table scraps instead of the finest foods! O Lord, I can only ask for undue and undeserved forgiveness!
"If you wish to be good, first believe you are bad." t. epictetus
Not all who seek redemption shall find it.
damn fucking dogs why are they so cute. this is mind manipulation of the highest order
I don’t like how everyone likes to take a film like Idiocracy and use it as a political talking point. It’s lowbrow on purpose, that’s the point. Sure, we live in crazy times but it’s not like in history there’s been crazier times than this, more ridiculous than it is now. It just seems quaint as those times are only visible from reading documents of the time period but no one alive now has actually “lived” them.
Cute puppies. Are they yours?
Thanks. Better late than never.
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Since were posting pets then I guess I’ll post my parents female shi tzu
The problem is that modern political talking points are made up by the lowest common denominator.
'Journalists' once had to be investigators. They had to be daring, resolute, and unafraid of having a gun put in their face by someone who would tell them that their story wasn't worth dying for.
Now they lap at corporate and one world government slop, eager for their place at the table.
Watergate and the 24 hour news cycle killed journalism
I enjoyed early Headline News back in the day but good point, I guess.
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>Turns out a trusted friend who helped me develop partly in life actually lied about a significant thing which had a huge impact on my life
>Only just finding out now
Why does everything have to be so fucking awful all the time? Can't anything just be sacred? What is the fucking point of anything when it's all lies?
I apologize, I'm either too young or too ignorant. What was headline news, and when was it published or broadcasted?
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For me, it's when Elijah asks to die.
at this point, i miss the old-timer hentai mangakas who've left the scene much more than how much i look forward to any new work.
I got toxic sludge on my balls from work.
Ugh. I swear to God…

It’s still on

What year is this?
Possibly late 90s early 2000s
Makes sense. I sold my eighteenth year in 2008, so I would barely have any knowledge of media in late 90s or early 2000's.
My parents were enthusiasts of court tv, back when media covered court cases, albeit with sensationalism as a big ideal, with some dispassion (such that hours could be spent on watching a jury be out)
It's gonna be a little difficult but only eating dinner every day is what I'm gonna have to do until I drop to a respectable weight.
I used to love Court TV.
I was a bigger fan of the Weather Channel though
I’m 42. The 90s were decent but it wasn’t the paradise everyone thinks it was. college campuses were chock full of what the kids call “woke” these days, it was just more contained than it is now. I like Nirvanas music but Kurt was kind of a social justice prick if heard that quote of his. Lorena Bobbit cuff off her husband’s penis in 1993 and it was called “The Year Of The Woman”. Give me a break. But, the music and culture were leagues above what we have now.
i dont know what a hipster is and how it is a symptom of a dying culture, can you elaborate ? i am genuinely asking.
Fahrenheit 451 sucks.
Can it suck on my penis?
it gets easier. after awhile you will forget you haven’t eaten yet and begrudgingly go find calories
No. It’s too small like a thimble, left untouched through the years, hiding in its dark cavern of an elderly woman’s long forgotten drawer. It’s home. Where it slumbers away as if it were a sad, lonely bear hibernating for eternity.
(I really started to hate his writing style)
I let every friend and opportunity I get slip away
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Imagine if Hulk Hogan picked for vice president instead. Imagine Trump-Hogan Trumpamania 2024.

The meme potential here is impressive.
You don't know what you're talking about, alright? Like I tried with you. I'm still trying. But you just aren't. You're barely even here. I get that you want to be closer to [NVOPABVW8] but that doesn't mean you get to put me on the back burner. If you don't understand by now that going to [OIUHPIOHGA83] is as important to me as [BV98V7298] is to you, then you just don't get it. And you know what? why am I surprised? I don't know why I think you would. If it's not about you it's like you don't even think it exists. If a tree falls in a forest is your ENTIRE brain, and honestly it's like it's only getting worse
>Blood memory
Dude, stfu about shit you have no idea about, you knuckle dragging mong
I felt this
question: where the fuck can i stream the pitchfork festival this weekend the shits not coming up on youtube and pitchfork dotcom doesn't have a link either wth
Take heart because nothing has any meaning. None at all. Time to party like it's 1999, bitch
Maybe I’m the main character of a great story and this is just the first chapter where the protag is a suicidally depressed lonely loser who eventually gets called to a great adventure. Or maybe I will go to sleep for 14 hours and then wake up at 3am and lift weights in my basement and then get cross-faded as fuck and not apply for jobs.
Any beautiful, carefree, sultry and financially endowed woman want to go on a road trip with me and pay for expenses I still have a lot of points to earn on my Amex before I can go throw down on lodging.
Every Uber driver I've had in recent memory has just started being openly racist within 4 minutes, with no prompting from me. I must radiate that I'm cool with racism somehow. It's fucking based. I always give them a 5 and tip them big.
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>want to export my read books from goodreads to excel
>not looking forward to skimming through and having to curate over 700 entries
woe is me
I bet some fat Linux man would be able to turn that process into an automated script in 5 minutes
every uber driver i get is some arab dude with club music blasting. one time i did get a white dad with a mustache in a beat up jeep listening to a mets game. it was kind of awkward. that was a long ride too.
>white dad with a mustache in a beat up jeep listening to a mets game.
That sounds uber based.
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The guy I had today said whenever he takes an Uber, the asshole driver always has his music blasting, and it's very rude. He then bitched about retarded black drivers and we hated on litterers together and he said "a certain demographic" is the one doing it. I could tell this nigga had had enough. He was a good friend.
I'm no stranger to pirating movies, but pirating games, I'm finding, is much more difficult.
>Just torrent it.
The game I want doesn't seem to have many seeders, <10, so I want to find a download site that'll allow me to get it quickly.
what game?
Grim Fandango.
it's only $15 full price. wish list it and it will go on sale eventually. it's a good game.
Of awnly yuu knew haw bahd things rilly aahh
oh theres only the remastered version on goggames
try something like scnlog.me or ovagames
all else fails, you should find it on rutracker or cs.rin.ru
That's the website I've been using but the only link that works is the 1fichier and 1fichier sucks major dick, balls, and ass.
Yeah, I'm cool with the remastered version, but like I said here >>23607891 1fichier sucks major dick, balls, and ass.
How so? It should be a short download - so you won't hit the 5gb cap - and it's fast.
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I guess I fucked up by trying to download it once and then cancelling it because it said it would take 13 hours.
No I found them while hiking.
Had to go up the hill multiple times to save them.
Gave them to a shelter
Just spilt a fuck ton of water on my carpet, I'm not even upset or anything, I'm completely emotionless about this, I'm just gonna clean it up and go about my day. Am I meant to be upset at this? I feel like Non in this family guy clip.

Oh that's shitty. Yeah it can happen, honest mistake.
What I need is a robust woman. Like an eastern european proto-babushka or a big-boned irish girl. Such a woman will nag me into becoming the best version of myself.
this board really is dead isn't it. i'm sitting here hitting refresh and there's like one new post every three refreshes and it's probably in a thread i don't care about
Lit had always been slow
Isn’t romance and care kinda the same thing? Women aren’t a singularity. Unlike your girlfriend, commitment is a must for me in a relationship. There’s a ton of women looking to *be* with someone and then there’s women who just want to experience something, I guess. Idk, it seems like you want an intimate esoteric type of love with a lady who wants it back as deeply, you have to find her but that would require breaking up with your current one if you truly feel that you and her are incompatible. Or, like the second option you mentioned, keep her at arms length and continue subconsciously suppres your true desire for a secure relationship.
It feels extremely drastic these past few months, which doesn't make much sense for it to be so sudden when there were all time highs in activity just two years ago. Is it really as simple as them turning the bots off? Instancing users so they don't see or interact with each other?
Bro, I don't know if it's because I have shitty Australian internet and because I've been too lazy to connect my ethernet cable, but all these game downloads say they're gonna take 10+ hours for a 7gb zip file, this is fucked.
>Can't play Grim Fandango cause 1fichier can suck my nuts.
>Can't play Kane and Lynch because it'll take forever to download.
>Could buy both of them but don't want to.
Just BEE urself
Actually this. Being yourself will attract the girls that you want to date.
Slow wouldn’t matter if it was worthwhile. It’s just like a lame twitter and completely blasé.
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No, turn into a bee
I don't understand why people ask my opinion on things.
>Hey, anon, how do you feel about this for dinner tonight?
I don't know, man, my opinion doesn't matter, you've already made up your mind about what you want to eat.
>Hey, anon, how does this look on me?
Again, my opinion does not matter, and if it holds any weight with you, I think that's fucked, why the fuck do you care about what I think?
>Hey, anon, do you think this looks good?
Seriously, my opinion does not matter, I don't know why you're asking me.

A good example would be when I was younger, my mum came up to me and asked if I would mind her boyfriend moving in. At the end of the day, even if I did mind, he would've moved in anyway, I literally had no say over the matter, I don't know why she asked me.
Australians don't read much
Zased, will attempt.
I want to get into Esoteric books but having a hard time.
I think I’ve accidentally destroyed my career by working where I work.
I'm so fucking horny. I wanna jack off or write something about a woman with huge tits, just like offensively huge milkers beyond reason. But I have a date tomorrow and I feel like that'll bring bad luck.
>Story Rich
>Point & Click
Ok, one good thing, I guess

I’ll wishlist it anyways but I’m probably not going to get much playtime out of it.
Oh ok. Be safe.
it sounds like shit but it's actually good. i played it when it came out. the only other point and click game that could compare to it is maybe day of the tentacle.
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I want to be a Byzantine cataphract
Thinking of starting a lawyer thread just so I can get a bunch of lawfags in and get free legal advice about good loopholes to fuck hookers.
Nearing the end of my Tabacco bag and tubes so I've been thinking of getting tobacco/papers from someone who thinks he knows it all I know. I don't think it would be morally wrong to use him to cushin the struggle until payday.
Butterfly <3
I gave up, I gave in, I married the childless divorced cougar, and I couldn't be happier with my mommy gf.
I finally learned what it feels like to be a defeated man.
Nice man, I still have a relationship with a woman, but it's an open relationship where the women on their side all love me individually but don't mind being around other women still, even naked.

In this way, I have made a relationship ready for Butterfly :3
I am a thing, not a person. Subhuman. I lack value and burden others. I am alive because I am searching for a way to give up my life in a way that can be useful for other people.
I spend about $1500 a month on lot lizards and always ask if I can call them Butterfly. They usually say yes. except some indian girls. Who always want to be Princess.
Man I've been so busy that I haven't had time to post all my sad and whiney thoughts here in over a week.
You drive a call hauler or something?
What period of the Middle Ages did they exist? I’m more of an early modern period guy, they dressed like knights but also used gunpowder and marched in pike formations.
I was molested by someone half my age.
My teacher told me the other day that when she was backpacking in Australia over 20 years ago, she worked at a restaurant and the cook there was a Danish guy who would cook in shorts, a T-shirt, and thongs. Apparently, he would smoke while cooking and he wouldn't flick his cigarette, he would just let the ash build up until it was just about to fall off and then he would toss it and light a new one. The fact that people like that exist makes me so happy.
You know that you shouldn't hope for persons to smoke on ciggies. I know thou more than likely gets paid bucks by the the tobacco industry, right? Doesn't make it right to support something causing cancer amongst the human population.
I bet any amount of money, regardless if he still living or not, he lived a much less stressful life than most people who post here.
I have zero care for what strangers do with their lives as long as it doesn't affect me.
I shall bet $1 that his life was more stressful than mine own. Keep in mind that I'm a NEET gamer who does no inebriating activities to her body and goes to Church on Sunday's mornings.
I wish I were that busy. Maybe I'd drink less.
Just drink less water.
I love a good story when it comes to a book, movie, or TV show, but I just can't seem to care when it comes to video games. I used to be obsessed with video games when I was younger but I can only play a select few now.
Good for you I guess.
Brapridi titi tii teudo toe. Dapi ki utlii prubli akape upo? Gudu iieple kriioeti tapi doti pi. Gii iu i bii klutuki tiga! Puklia oabuo bi treu i kibli beae akloplibrie! Kro bidlekiupe oe tlepapi prebri! Drepi dikriada pe ita. Ea ku plapoko idlo bi tatipli. Ki biae bubebli oti adipu patle. Ebiu tradue tai itooo kotipripae tliiplape! Tipeo ekudei die klibute io. Bi iuka iapikuki ge? Pipiti diti upriputro kate o ke eba? Pu tipiglipekle pagipa gri. Tatli prito adebi taapibrau to be. Bloa tebroi beklablutepi tutegli ui poeu? Brepli teprebi te gee pu oteketepra tu te. Tloiu ai i bipeo u tratatie. Uke tlotle tipri apigribabi dlueae preti. Gipi ii gitogukle kipii tapi. Ta ii ie oai pai pruklai. Papli? Kipatupe babiedo bua pidloe kapi beta! Bugobai kutete topi pi agepri pepo. Pipa titadeka atikitai piipiplui bu krotrioaa bi drebibipi? Peipoa keta o bibeti piti. Teka briepi gripi ki pi. Tekitrutue kee doea giegroko kedle pia tedi. Gia briupriplepi iklaeie ibra. Bokre tako piba ai tlee etekikla
>What period of the Middle Ages did they exist?
You can trace their lineage back to the 5th century AD. But to answer your question, the Byzantines used them heavily between the 8th to 12th century AD. Someone can correct me but they were used less towards the fall of Constantinople.
I’m of half a mind to completely skip applying for this short story competition. They literally officially announced it just a month before the actual deadline. I just don’t think I have the energy either physical or mental to put my heart and soul into a short story.

In these last two years, I have worked immensely hard to write and prepare my stories for 6 separate occasions (2 short story comps, 3 magazine submissions, 1 novel prize). And I have not achieved any positive response or feedback. It’s extremely demotivating. I’ve put my heart and soul for months and months for each and every single story I put out into the world, and to receive literally nothing in terms of response of recognition is just painful.

As such, I just don’t know if I can make this latest short story deadline. The spirit in me has taken quite a beaten. I feel like I’m at the end of my writing rope.

What do you guys think? How have dealt with similar situations?
I would apply to short story competitions if they didn't cost money to enter.
I think I'm gonna get an external hard drive and just fill it to the brim with movies and maybe some TV shows.
Does anyone have any good social media accounts/websites/groups that post or discuss literature in Spanish?
For now I'm just looking up writers I like on twitter and following the Spanish speakers I see discussing them.
Peak hours are somewhere around 2pm-6pm EST I think which I'm usually sleeping during. It's nice when I'm not though. If I'm fast refreshing there's like ~2 posts per refresh. If I'm reading a reply there's going to be at least 5 by the next refresh.
Fuck the regular college experience, I want the ivy league experience.

Too bad I'll never have it.
Was the change between medieval and late Roman regalia extremely sudden or was it gradual, like the fall?
Not him but afaik the standard narrative is that the 3rd Century Crisis severely fucked up the military and caused it to reorganize along more sustainable lines, meaning more ad hoc organization of more of whatever barbarians were available, but this by no means mean it was a disorganized blob either. The main thing was the nature of training I think, at some point it becomes easier to recruit from barbarians en masse and keep them as professional soldiers for decades than to recruit and train provincial civilians.

Schwerpunkt on youtube is by far the most autistic human being I've ever seen and he has probably 600 to 700 videos on this exact topic. Good luck finding them on his mess of a channel though. Or tolerating his 1.5 hour freeform rant about it.
>I think, at some point it becomes easier to recruit from barbarians en masse and keep them as professional soldiers for decades than to recruit and train provincial civilians
Oh yeah I think I read that at the beginning of Chris Wickhams “Medieval Europe”
>Have one torrent that's constantly pinging me for an I/O error.
>It's the only one that does it.
>I don't want to delete it because it has 7 seeders and it's not a bad movie.
I guess I'll just have to put up with it, I really am a hero.
I get angry when people are retarded. I've seen two Letterboxd reviews that have made my jaw drop in embarrassment and have made me get all red like a cartoon character. One of them was complaining that Mississippi Burning didn't have any strong black characters, YEAH NO FUCKING SHIT, IT'S A MOVIE SET IN BUTTFUCK NOWHERE MISSISSIPPI IN THE '50s, and another saying that they liked Raising Arizona but they thought some scenes were a little too cheesy, YEAH, NO SHIT THEY WERE CHEESY, IT'S A NIC CAGE MOVIE FROM 1987.
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What will benefit me more? A deep dive into epistemology or metaphysics?
Neither, they're both really gay.
>I get angry when people are retarded
Do you watch reruns of Life Goes On and shake your fist at the tv when Corky appears onscreen?
I bet you’re familiar with that! Can you educate me on the way of the cock, perchance?
My wife went to an Ivy League school, as did her brother, her cousin, and several of her friends. The "college experience" aspect of it is pretty much the same as any other college, as far as I can tell
Well, that's good to know at least.
No, but that would be funny.
Folks I have girl problems. Everyone I speak to in real life gives me conflicting advice. 4chan can only give me the wrong advice. I suppose I have to resolve this myself.
What girl problems?
Been seeing this girl and she's nice, we get along in person, but I just don't think we have anything in common. That's OK, you can have different interests and tastes, you don't need to date your clone, exactly. And yet, I feel like there should be *some* overlap right? We can talk and get along but I can talk and get along with anyone. I don't think there's attraction there, but I've been single so long I don't want to throw it away when someone *is* interested in me. But I don't want to string someone along when I'm not interested in them. Half the people I speak to say to stick it out, the other half say abandon. But look, if I'm typing all this out about a girl... it's probably not meant to be right? If she was the one I wouldn't be even thinking this...
I know it's a dick thing to say, but I wish I could respond to people with "Why do you care?".
>Drive safe, anon.
Why do you care if I drive safe?
You have terminally low self esteem. I know because I do too.
It's better than it used to be, but yeah, I guess I do. Still, I wish I could pick anybody's brain at any moment.
>Drive safe, anon.
Why do you care if I drive safe?
>Uh, because I don't want you to get hurt.
Why don't you want me to get hurt?
>Because I care about you, anon.
Why do you care about me?

I guess that sort of thing stems from my terrible trust issues.
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All revved up with no place to go.
>I don't think there's attraction there
Move on
>but I've been single so long I don't want to throw it away when someone *is* interested in me
Dude, this is the worst possible attitude to have. This is a perfect way to set yourself up for failure in the future. Your apathy will eventually turn into resentment. Even as it stands you have no affection for this person but are instead considering to be with them because *you* do want to feel lonely - you've rendered them as a means to an end whom, again, you will eventually resent. It's selfish. It's selfish for the same reason casual sex etc. is selfish and morally repugnant. In a few months I will be attending the wedding of a couple where the man has let himself become head over heels for the girl and convince himself that she's something that she's not, out of fear of being alone. Everyone sees it as a disaster waiting to happen but he's adamant. This differs from your mentality here, but the fruits of the desperation to not be lonely will eventually be the same.

I can't be bothered proof-reading, I'm tired.
>terminally low self esteem
They're asking to you not commit vehicular manslaughter/murder of someone else. If you stopped thinking about yourself for a second, you might think about the answers that your self esteem cannot handle
Just had an absolutely incredible shit. I mean WOW.
I've been saving the last bit of whiskey in my cabinet for when one of my stories gets published or wins some competition. Haven't drunk it in 6 months. Hope to God I can drink it this year at least.
>Your apathy will eventually turn into resentment. Even as it stands you have no affection for this person but are instead considering to be with them because *you* do want to feel lonely - you've rendered them as a means to an end whom, again, you will eventually resent. It's selfish.

I completely agree with you. What whigs me out are the amount of people in my life who disagree. The amount of people telling me to stick with the girl I am not interested in because it is better than being alone. In a way I really care more about what those people think than I care about what I think about the girl. Which is wrong, but in some ways I am weak willed. But I need a stronger will.
Wert thou just
Wert thou beauty
Wert thou ernest in form
I would give up my terrible resolve
To destroy myself
And everything I love
And sing your love paeans, forever
Love, Patrick
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Alcohol again. Food and drinks are always on my mind. I wish I could become anorexic.
This was my thought too
Metaphysics is the king of pseudosciences
Nah that's chiropractors
What I want for my life and what I’ve done with it so far are so disjointed that I think my dreams are impossible and I may as well kill myself.
What are your dreams?
Kids love my name. They'll ask me DO YOU KNOW SPONGEBOB?! and I always say I do, he's my best friend. Lol, then I get them to do their chores, homework, etc. I can be the parent's best friend
Okay Gary
Dreams change
When the tongue has burned
Singing a love song
All sciences are based on mathematics and mathematics are based on axioms that cannot be proven therefore every science is also a pseudoscience
Being busy doesn't preclude drinking
I wumbo, you wumbo, he/she/we wumbo, the study of wumbology
Man, a good video game is dangerous, I was meant to be asleep 34 minutes ago. I feel like I'm in high school again.
It kinda does in my case. I drink because Im not busy therefore this activity counts as business.
I can't hate women, bros. I get frustrated by them, I sometimes avoid them, I get annoyed by them... but I don't hate them and I can't possibly imagine hating them...
Because human beings care about eachother. It may be a platitude and formality that has lost all meaning but that's what happens in a civil society. You sound depressed.
Ivy's have been dead since the 50's. Sure they're still going to attract the top talent due to their reputation, but most of them drop out once they realize the education is worthless.
>Because human beings care about each other.
But why? Like I said here >>23608870 I think my wanting to ask all these questions stems from my trust issues, I want to make absolutely sure that people are telling the truth when they say nice things to me or want nice things for me. And if that sounds annoying, I know, blame my parents.
Of course it is. /lit/ is filled to the brim with manic depressive shut-in/cels/. What man of sense and an adult-like mind would come here?
>the education is worthless.
Depends on what you value, I guess.

If you were about to leave a group of people and go to drive to the store, or drive home, wherever, another person saying 'drive safe anon' is like saying 'goodbye'. You're overthinking it. You sound depressed.
You know as well as I do that you can’t articulate these things because there’s no better way to make sure they don’t happen
Metaphysics is not a science and science itself is totally incoherent nonsense without sound metaphysical basis.
Why do I keep coming back to Skyrim and Lord of the Rings? They’re like ex-girlfriends that I can’t get over. There’s a Northern-ness like the kind that C.S. Lewis that I love.
If you want an entry level job into the 'system' sure, a bachelors degree will have some value. And I'm not denying that Ivy league's will give you incredible connections. In fact I'd go as far as to say that attending an Ivy league school is more about getting your ticket punched to the socio-economic elite club than it is about learning anything. But most truly remarkable men and women who attended Harvard, at least, either dropped out, or did not enjoy their time there.

In my opinion, Ivy's went downhill once they stopped being religiously based, and began implementing racial quota's.
It's an idle activity. Drinking is not an activity.
Its activity - you drink till its empty.
College has absolutely nothing to do with entering any economic club. People need to finally understand this once and for all. A college degree is merely a ticket of admission to compete for professional and social opportunities within a certain stratum of society. In so far as it confers an economic class, it does so as a consequence of professional and social class it actually confers.

It is actually so simple. Went to Harvard? Congratulations. All strata of American professions are possible, but none guaranteed, income and wealth not guaranteed.

This is basically how it works. The reason Harvard graduates can enter a higher income and wealth bracket and more easily become senators and have access to certain social circles is not because they went to Harvard but rather because they entered some professional circle which their Harvard degree made possible for them.

Boomers delusionally believed college degrees made money and jobs appear out of thin air and pushed their kids into programs at State U assuming it would just work out magically.
>College has absolutely nothing to do with entering any economic club
At Ivy league schools, it certainly is.
I’m telling you it’s not. That’s just not what college does. The reason Harvard graduates tend to earn a lot more money is NOT because they went to Harvard. It’s because Harvard graduates are more likely to become investment bankers and work at big law firms and it’s because they work in those jobs that they earn more money. It’s a professional and social ticket, not a financial one.
Thinking of getting into philosophy again. I'm probably going to take it to YouTube at the moment in small bursts than if it sounds interesting get into the SEP.
No one would believe me if I told them.
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How can people talk of regime change, socialism or even a future, when humanity has taken in the devil's deal with a bow and a smile? How can anyone blame capitalism or faceless corporations, or some sorf ot plutocratic elite when they themselves pushed away their sheppards and fathers? When they in their own conceit and hubris tried to put themselves above nature and providence? We have played the role of Faustus to our topmost. Not our land or blood was enough, not our family and churches, not even our soul was a price big enough for what Mephistopheles had to offer. There will be no redemption.
Does math even really exist? I mean it’s so arbitrary. Like there’s no beginning or end.
It’s almost a must she and I have something in common or some kind of interesting story or activity she likes. Otherwise it’s just awkward staring in between sex sessions. Been there done that.
Okay. Cool. Whatever you say.
Someone is watching that in my living room right now.
I got a job at one of those poor reputation online colleges. It’s a major university and I need the money but I don’t know if I should do it. It could hurt my academic career.
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