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Abandon All Your Fears edition

Previous >>23598644
dubs we kiss australian style
the final boss of this DLC was disappointing.
My girlfriend weeps every day because she didn't get into a prestigious 4-year college after graduating summa cum laude from a community one. The thing is she didn't even apply. She threw out her ivy apps because they were "embarrassing" and only applied to a very good local public school, which of course she got into all expenses paid but doesn't want to go to because it's shoddy and poorly run and she can do better (all true.) I suggest applying elsewhere and she just cries more. She blames me for not helping, but I really don't know what I was or am supposed to do. Help me please
I watched a video documentary about SatanCon on YouTube. There was one part where the little would-be Satanists gathered in a room to perform a sort of "black baptism" or black confirmation ceremony. They all pledged their allegiance to Satan, and went up one by one to undergo the rites. It was cringe as fuck, and most of the participants looked like your average GameStop crowd. During the ceremony, they said something about liberty, freedom from oppressive institutions, etc all stuff pointed at the Church, at God, at what they regard as false, man made religion designed to control people.

Why the fuck would anyone think that Satan, or real-deal Satanists, are trying to get people to join to assist them somehow? Why do they equate Satan, dark lord of torment and punishment, with liberation? Satan is about evil. These people looked like lost lambs. Do they not understand what they're caught up in? How could anyone be so stupid?
Dating is an impossible feat. How on earth am I going to find someone as nihilistic & ideologically aligned with me? God should smite me through my phone screen every time I try to re-download dating apps. I only end up wasting men’s time on there.
>doesnt apply to ivy league
>doesnt get into ivy league
I don’t understand?
Cliche, but you really should emotionally mature before attempting it. Not saying you haven't: just consider it a broadcast to everyone here.
I am >>23601973 and this shit is hell. Celibacy is many times preferrable. I only stay with her because she might hurt herself if I leave. Also she has no job and I pay all the bills
>be dad
>son speaks or chooses to open up
>shut him down or contradict him or get angry at him or be rude and dismissive or insult him, his mother, and his future children or simply never listen and ignore
>choose to never have any positive or light or thoughtful interaction with him on any level and never ever take any accountability
>"Huh i wonder why he doesn't speak to me, he's so quiet"
I don't either, but she's in pieces about it and throwing fits, throwing things across the room, bawling every single day about it. I don't know what to do.
>upset she didn't get into an Ivy
>didn't even apply
>just cries instead of doing something about it
>blames her bf
this girl is beyond basic bitch levels of retardation. has she no level of personal responsibility?
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I saw the only woman I attempted a (failed) romance with again today. It nearly ruined my day, but coffee helped me forget about it.
I really don't know what it is. I ask her want she wants and she says "of course you don't get it." She said she resents me for not helping but I did offer and she refused. I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
I’m turning 25 soon and if I don’t lock someone down soon it’ll be over and I’ll be sent to the labor farms in Slovakia.
Is she younger than you? You’re in an abusive relationship and I hope you can find a way out soon. You need to leave this woman.
londonfrog is that you? can't be. You'd have binged McDonald's by that point
I wish I could say I were londonfrog, but hasn't he been gone for years? Maybe he went back to Pakistan.
Leave her anon. I had a gf like this in high school. It is beyond impossible to live happily with someone if they never take accountability for their actions and decisions
I can't help you, I'd have already told her to stop fucking crying or get away from me
>he still thinks he's helping a woman by trying to help
Hahahahaha to be young again

Women literally can't think "problem --> solution," she just wants to cry and kvetch. You could sketch a fucking blueprint of the mathematically perfect solution and she could even act like she's convinced it's good and going to do it and thank you for helping her and then just not do it / forget about it the next day and start the process all over again.

All you can really do is be like a dad figure, prevent her from flailing too retardedly and hurting herself, PERIODICALLY provide some "structure" by reminding her of what she obviously should be doing, and then "be there for her" (whatever the fuck this means, how it plays out kinda depends on the woman too). Just reconceptualize the whole thing as 90% "being there for her," which (be warned) to your man mind will seem like "doing fucking nothing," 5% preventing her from doing anything stupid, 5% reminding her to do the actual solution. Right now you're thinking like a man and like she's a man so you're on 90% actual solution to the problem strategizing, 10% emotional consoling.

She's gonna do what she's gonna do regardless. She's a woman. Don't get sucked into the black hole of trying to fix her life. If she's the kind of woman who fucks herself out of 10x greater success which she easily could have had, by just not applying to schools or whatever, you can try ONCE, EACH TIME, to course-correct her, but I strongly advocate not going beyond that, because you will spend days, weeks, months and years of your life trying to lead a horse to water. It's honestly a superior strategy to become the dad figure and not even try to convince her of anything like she's your male equal, not try to get her to see straight, just order or chide her to do the correct thing with plain authority. Trying to convince her of your advice paradoxically might make her lose respect for you at a gut level and thus not follow your advice, whereas just not even bothering to explain it but borderline telling her what to do will preserve the authority structure.
Nigga grow some balls what the fuck
Never get physical. In fact you don't even have to raise your voice. You shouldn't
But grow some fucking balls. Reorient your mind
I switched majors from physics a few years back because I realized that thinking about physics makes me quite anxious. I don't like thinking about the big questions, as it were. I'm not suited for it. I'm highly neurotic so I just sit there anxiously ruminating on the things my brain isn't capable of understanding until I have to take cbd gummies to calm myself down.

I'm doing comp sci now and I'm much happier.
Are you that guy that kept calling him a p*ki? Why tho? What in any of his posts indicated he was from pakistan?

Anyway I'd like to think he's still lurking this board. I miss him sometimes
We are the same age. 26.
The only reason I'm calling him a paki is because other anons were saying he got outted as a paki somehow.
Its got nothing to do with "women," these are just non resilient, codependent people. She may not even be consciously abusive. But if one has gone far past the point of loyalty, and the other person isn't changing, sometimes thinking about a departure is good.
Plenty of women don't have this problem and plenty of men do. I've been both the receiver and giver of this type of abuse. You probably have too, judging by the sound of things.
I try just to be there for her and then she gets mad at me for not finding a solution. She yells that I didn't help her. I really don't know what to do.

I have no purpose, no calling, nothing in life other than supporting her. I am an object
Hmm okay, just never got why anons called him a paki, maybe i should go through his collected volumes.
Remember, she's responding to feelings. Imagine if you felt really really vividly, almost to the point of being a dream or trance state, that you want to eat an entire cake, but then one second later you have the equally almost insanely intense feeling that you hate yourself for being fat and hate your sister for being skinnier than you and hate your mom for saying your sister is skinny and hate your ex-boyfriend for buying you stretchmark cream that one time, but then as you try to make sense of this insane blur of a thought-moment, let alone begin to correlate it with the previous one, the cake thought returns and it's like you're a three years' child experiencing cake for the first time, the phantasmagoria of feelings and memories simply overwhelms you and you forget what you were thinking about. And then your boyfriend says "so do you want cake or not?" and you look at him and see your mother's face calling you fat, and you get hit with a tidal wave of emotion bringing you to your knees and demanding that you cry like you've never cried before. Then you feel that your boyfriend is a monster for causing this crying. Then your eyes clear up for a brief moment and you look at your boyfriend looking at you with a "wtf?" face and for some reason you can't explain, you love him more intensely than you've ever loved anything in your life. Then you remember cake and you hate him for not getting you cake and scream "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST GET ME CAKE WHEN I WANT IT!!!!"

You just experienced 7 seconds in the mind of a woman.
She doesn't "not take responsibility." She calls herself stupid, self deprecates, and self harms. Then she starts yelling at me
I got banned from pol for saying they are racist af but IT'S...TRUE, WTF
I went through the archives a few years ago looking to see when people started calling him a paki, but I don't remember what conclusion I arrived at
Nah you're not an object. You're a bitch. And it's gonna ruin your life. Wake the fuck up.
I'm already too old at 26 to do anything other than work for someone else til I drop. Might as well be her.
>really don't know what to do.
Look what she really wants is for you to listen to her talk, provide a comfortable open environment in play the role of the emotional rock and the wise sage that will gently guide her to her finding the right solution herself.

She doesn't want you to tell her a solution. She wants you to make her feel comfortable and safe and supported enough to come to a decision herself.

Women like this are so retarded. She is co-dependent and immature. Leave her ass. She will never get better, trust me
Okay i get it. You're emotionally retarded too. Which explains why you're still with her.

Everything you said is evidence of a retarded woman. Why can't you see it with your own two eyes lol?
You're not even close to too old. This is making me mildly agitated, which is far away from the cold deadness I feel is my comfort zone. And it's your fault! So stop being a batch!
26 ain't shit. She also clearly isn't shit. This right here where she knocks herself down and then yells at you: she's a Narcissist homie. If you love her, get her into therapy and get her to confront it. Tell her you're not going to tolerate this shit anymore. Move out for a while. Show her you're serious. If none of that works (statistically, it wont), then split, and if you cannot do that: accept your role and your life as some basket case's whipping boy and never complain about it again because it's your fault.
Kek you're based anon
She yelled at me last time I suggested therapy: psychiatrists made her mother a test subject and fried her brain, and she thinks therapists are on the same shit.
I know. I know. I have no illusions about her. I know. I just can't hurt her.
Nah but you got illusions about yourself because you're online complaining to me about it. You're a bitch and you clearly don't like it. So change it. But if you don't change it, please remember that willing bitches don't get to complain.
You're doing a version of what she does to you by coming here and posting any of this. "I won't solve my problem, but I want to complain about it"
Made for each other. Get balls
The last two times I tried to make (pretty innocuous) threads on /pol/ I got 30 day site wide bans. The pol mods are very trigger happy.
You are completely right, anon. I am doing this to build up encouragement to leave her for the day when I finally do. I know it'll hurt a lot and cost me all my friendships and more. I will need to be strong.
>we are who we are when nobody's watching
great so im a loser nerd that watches youtube in bed all day
>26 year old
>wants MORE SCHOOL instead of starting a family while she still has eggs
worthless bitch, find a better woman asap
Maybe I should get an adderall prescription so I can write more than half a page of nothing that ever goes anywhere at a time
I don't like Dark Souls 3 or Elden Ring. I hate the way the bosses move around like spastic maniacs and I hate the actual exploration part of their worlds.
Which do you like? Animal Crossing? Luigi's Mansion? Nintendogs?
Nintendogs for 3ds was pretty good.
I'll entertain Fuente's approach to the problems plaguing America with sincerity and I liked watching his clips on X. But I actually watched one of his streams and its apparent he's nothing more than a rabble rouser with very little intellectual depth. I mean he's 26 I get it and has become his crowd essentially but at times I can't distinguish his rants from my jew-hating blue collar father. It's less about the content and more about the emotional message Nick is trying to rise in you.
Dark Souls 1 and 2. Bloodborne I'm fairly ambivalent on.
Animal Crossing is good wtf
He's a textbook power hungry demagogue, assuming he's even real and not an asset BTW
Somewhere, far, far away, there’s a shitty island. An island without a name. An island not worth giving a name. A shitty island with a shitty shape. On this shitty island grow palm trees that also have shitty shapes. And the palm trees produce coconuts that give off a shitty smell. Shitty monkeys live in the trees, and they love to eat these shitty-smelling coconuts, after which they shit the world’s foulest shit. The shit falls on the ground and builds up shitty mounds, making the shitty palm trees that grow on them even shittier. It’s an endless cycle.
>But I actually watched one of his streams and its apparent he's nothing more than a rabble rouser with very little intellectual depth. I mean he's 26 I get it and has become his crowd
I think you're missing the point of Nick. His whole purpose isn't necessarily intellectual depth or novel commentary, but the fact that he's somewhat capable of action and organizing. He's even said on stream that he envies people who are more intelligent and well-read than him.
The anon who made quizzes left, didn’t he? Another soldier down
Drugs drugs drugs
Give em all to me
>She blames me for not helping
Probably just taking out her frustrations/ shame felt towards herself on you.
Give it time, she'll work it out. If this is a repeating pattern of behavior, drop her.
>I just can't hurt her.
To love and be close to someone is to inevitably hurt and be hurt by them at some point.
She does not seem like a good or healthy person to be around. You will only drag yourself down by staying with her, if this is her mode of behavior.
Doesn't necessarily need to be *now*, but steel yourself to the reality of it. Sounds like some of the love in the relationship is lost already
>divine hands typed this post
Foolish deity, thou'rt but a knave. Prithee, recant thy besmirchment of Satan, for 'tis common knowledge that thine "Holy Word" is nought but a tyrant's slanderous drivel.
I feel the only place I can really chat freely is online image boards. I think discord is way too liberal and Facebook is no better either. I disguise myself rather well with normies around me I feel except when I showed too much of tge power level.
Thoughts on Jean-Marie-Mathias-Philippe-Auguste, comte de Villiers de l'Isle-Adam?
I become genuinely happy when I"m drunk :D
As in happy for real, not just a joke. I'm so bad I make everyone sad. But who cares? I'm happy and thinking about nothing, just crying at the same time cuz I hate myself. I love being drunk I could drink every day and that's what I've for the past four days. I used to make fun of and look down on drunkards but now I underatanf and I love you just hang on I'm like you. And all this pain I have I tell people this and nothing else:
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

I'm going to get drunk every day for the rest of my life. :D
Drinking just makes you fucking feel alive while you're under the influence. I was a full-blown alcoholic at one point, doing a six-pack of beer or equivalent (usually two 25 oz cans of Hurricane malt liquor) per night on the weekdays, and a full fifth of hard liquor or more a night on the weekends. All this while working more than full time, too. You don't even notice the damage it does sometimes - to your body, to your mind, to your relationships - because you're so busy getting fucking blasted that you just don't care. I don't miss that part of my life, but I do miss some of the people in it.
Weed is less harmful
The feeling of air conditioning lightly stinging my eyes. Speaking my thoughts out loud in my car, like there's someone in the passenger seat even though there's not. Hotel rooms with a small duffel bag in one corner of the room and receptionists that look at me strangely and big premade beds with the sheets pulled all the way to the pillows that I lie down on while staring up at the ceiling. Long drives on interstate highways with big puffy clouds chasing me through the rear view mirror. Gas stations before dawn all neon lights big and pulsing in the dewy air. Late evening walks to the convenience store with cars passing and faint smoke on the wind. A twin size bed under a slow ceiling fan. Old photos. Old birthday cards. Never knowing what to say.
What is everyone's greatest fear?
Heights, police, doing things I'll regret
Maybe I'll get to meet her in the next life.
I say police but it's more the entire justice system that's scary
A few slaps will do
What's the difference between eating soup and drinking soup?
your level of autism
I've almost died 20? times, so nothing
Modern women are basically children anon. They really aren't as worthwhile in terms of relationship value due to how skill-less, witless and generally boring they are. They don't take accountability for their actions and make for terrible mothers. Honestly, if you want to date a woman, date one from outside the US/Canada, since it's mostly North American women that act like this. People forget that women have a role in the house to maintain order and keep things within copacetic and the source of modern societal dysfunction is women refusing to play their role.

It's not a women thing. It's a Western woman thing, specifically how coddled and infantile they are brought up to be. I've seen foreign women act their fucking age (for the most part) and I've come to the conclusion that most women in America are directionless, idiotic, sociopathic women-children.
Pisses me off knowing AI is everywhere crawling on the web recording everything we do. AI is some real nigger shit.
Update to >>23581815 from a week ago

My esoteric short story did not get accepted for publication. I am beyond discouraged bros. I've spent so much time and effort over the last two years to improve my writing, and I have literally no accepted short stories to show for it. I have no idea if my time and effort are making any meaningful difference in being able to write something of valuem

Man, this is the sort of shit that makes me want to give up. All this hard word and effort and time into something I care about only for it to receive clear rejection and no support or encouragement whatsoever. I feel like giving up writing for the foreseeable future.
AI is actually gonna be what ends the gayness on Earth. It's recording everything everyone does and has no opinion on any of it. Everyone, meaning, every one, all of us. Do you feel me?
Keep your head down and it doesn't matter. Act right and it doesn't matter.

AI isn't just watching the moves of peasants, put it that way.
Acceptance is for midgets
Born posthumously, etc etc

Post that shit here I'll let you know if it didn't get accepted because it sucks or because the publishing side of things is full of spiritually homeless people
God is the only comfort, He is also the supreme terror: the thing we most need and the thing we most want to hide from. He is our only possible ally, and we have made ourselves His enemies. Some people talk as if meeting the gaze of absolute goodness would be fun. They need to think again. They are still only playing with religion. Goodness is either the great safety or the great danger - according to the way you react to it. And we have reacted the wrong way.
Yeah well that's what I'm saying, religious dogma isn't good and there's a lot of truth to the idea that man made religion is a control mechanism but uhhhhhhh Satanism as the response?
There are Satanists who aren't LARPing and what drives them is a deep hatred of humanity and a total lack of remorse. So I see some nerd being like "teehee, hail Satan! Fuck you mom and dad!!!" And I know the real Satanists, that's the exact type of person they're trying to devour

It's an ideology based around hating and ruining the people who join it on purpose for the satisfaction of the raw hatred that fuels the select within it
Sorry anon but I'm pretty fucked up right now. This year has been unfathomably awful on so many fronts - grandpa dying, losing my job, being totally unemployed, no money, gf dumping me, balding, lower spine disc bulge, bedridden for months, medical expenses - and so the one little thing i kept telling myself, the one hope i held on to for some positivity in my life, was that this one particular esoteric short story would be published. And it didn't. And i just don't know what to cling on to anymore. I think this year has finally broken me. I genuinely have nothing going for me whatsoever.
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Just finished masturbating to the same video twice today. Now time for sleep.
Nigga, fuck that just post it
My life sucks too its all good. It's supposed to. Post that shit
>le tired
Sleeping wall of remorse, turns your body to a corpse;
Now from darkness, there springs light,
Wall of sleep is lying broken,
Sun shines in, you have awoken

Post that shit
Any anons ever meet their father later in life? How'd it go? I can easily reach him if I want to, but I just don't know if it's worth it. I feel like at this point it will benefit him more than me. He was never around, left when I was 2yo and only had a few phone calls with him up until I was about 8. That black conservative AMAZIN' guy has stuck with me for a few years though with his quote "have you forgiven your mother for making you hate your father" and curiosity is getting to me. I don't think my mother has lied to me about him but the mystery is still there, and sometimes I feel like I should let him say his piece while others I say fuck it.
I had a dream an hour ago, where I was talking to the late Sir Christopher Lee in his house. He looked 10 years younger than when he died and was wearing a full tweed suit.
We had a lovely talk.
Did you guys talk about pussy?
Anon I'm srs you better post that shit don't be a fuckin turdfurgling bitch. I'll post my shit if you post yours. Mine sucks and doesn't get published either.
You said you wanted to publish and that would make you happy. Well ok numb nuts this is a publishing venue and you officially have an audience of one plus whoever else hops in. Or did you want the validation of some suit wearing prick who's probably an intersectional lesbian that writes poetry about Starbucks coffee and pelicans reading Marx at the zoo??? BE A MAN!!!
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All I need in life is a tiny flat chested girl with long hair and a fiery yet secretly vulnerable and needy personality who will spur me to achieve greater things and catalyze my growth as a person. Preferably, she would have the same voice as Kugimiya Rie.
living in a prison of my own flesh and mind
Fascinating watching women react to DUIs, they do all the same stuff they do at the office and it keeps not working and they get visibly confused
>all the same stuff they do at the office and it keeps not working and they get visibly confused
Just don't do stupid shit when your driving when drunk. Or being so shitface you get run over by a vehicle without knowing.
Contracting diseases
>cop tells them they reek of alcohol, were swerving into the oncoming lane, and have 3 kids in the car, so he requests their ID
>they make emotionally exasperated "Umm, I really just can't EVEN right now???" sputtering reactions as if it's going to make the cop actually stop asking for their ID
>cop giving DUI tests
>they're being embarrassingly flirty and silly thinking it automagically makes problems go away
>cop tells them they're under arrest
>they instantly become an immature petulant child screaming that they hope the cop dies in front of his kids
>cop says "sorry but you are really being arrested"
>instantly switches to bawling for sympathy, world's biggest victim, they need help
>cop puts them in car
>they start freeform begging into the void for a nearby man to save them from THIS man who is hurting/raping them
They cycle through all sorts of irrational and unstrategic emotional outbursts, petulance, flirtatiousness, pleading pathetically for sympathy like the cop is their dad, pleading for sympathy by making the cop out to be an evil rapist

All of it is just irrelevant to the context of a DUI, you're obviously being arrested regardless of what you do, so why do it? Then I realized these are the same behaviors they exhibit in any problem. Not all of them to the same intensity but that's simply because they don't need to. A DUI is just a woman at her peak problem solving capacity.
It's bizarre, but women beg to be treated as equals and then act as infants 90% of the time.
The 10% of women who have dignity will fool you into thinking the other 90% are similar
We should just have a simple test for women who want to be treated as honorary men. Something any man could pass but only that 10% of women can pass it. Or not even that, just tell women they have to choose between being treated as a man in all ways or treated as a child in all ways, pros and cons in either case.

Honestly I think most women were happier being treated like retards. It's very difficult for me to think and say that because I would never take someone's freedom away from them but women have really broken my will to see them as anything but spoiled children.
They still are free to try to better themselves.
But, how many choose it when they know it's not a requirement?
Basic manners for starters.
Just don't drive drunk at all
Well, when there's an oppressive dynamic, the oppressed party does receive some privileges that the oppressor does not receive. It doesn't change the rotten nature of the dynamic, but it exists. Forcing women into a state of dependency in order to protect the egos of men who would otherwise feel insecure, does come with the privilege of being not taken seriously, which becomes a privilege when you're caught getting into trouble. Also, I don't mean that men consciously do this, we are all socialized to be this way from a very young age. Biology plays some role but not as much as conventional wisdom, or you guys, depict. Chimps engage in womb-guarding behaviors, but bonobos don't, and we have as much bonobo ancestry as chimp.
Dreamt I was fat and I was very upset at that in my dream
Pork roast is just never good, I don't know why people eat it.
Bought two books today, probably shouldn't have bought the second one but I liked the cover.
post the cover
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I desperately want to be a woman, but I'm 6 foot 4 and very broad shouldered. Oh well, never mind. I suppose cross dressing in my room will have to do.
I was fat and dreamt I was thin and felt so upset when I woke up that I finally decided to lose weight for good and I did. Being fat is awful
Good for you.
I'm not fat but I have been eating like shit. I plan on stopping that after my birthday (this Saturday) so maybe the dream was connected in that way.
The double chin I saw in my dream was haunting.
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Keked and checked
Random, silly question: just moved into a new place and there's a really nice AC machine in each room, what do you guys keep your temperature at? 70F is probably most comfortable but I like 69F even though it's constantly slightly too cold because then laying under a blanket on my bed is just perfect.
Be thankful you remember a time before the monoculture entered its permanently desultory phase where all novelty is gone. Be thankful you know what novelty is like. Future generations won't.
pregnancy would fix this
Being tired makes me act like a silly little guy.
>Get a good amount of sleep.
Wake up feeling tired and am tired throughout the the entire day.
>Get shitty sleep.
Don't yawn once throughout the entire day and feel great.

Why am I like this?
I want to cum in a hot bitch but I don't want to do what it takes for a hot bitch to want me to cum in them. I'm not a rapist. Oh well. Guess I'll go fuck myself.
>enjoy spending time with women (yes, really)
>enjoy cumming in them slightly more
>brain treats spending time with them as the cost to cumming in them
i hate the over justification effect
Sprite and Fanta suck ass.
Even with something as ostensibly objective as rhythm people have no idea what they're talking about.
Imagine dating an unhinged person like this
I liked it
780 here
780, lmao
Jesus h. Seventy-eight DEGREES
I like him but if you listen to his show daily, he can get very repetitive.
I don't know how he does it. There was a time where he just repeated the
>jews cant be in power because they deny Christ!
for about 3 months. He goes in depth about how they think of Jesus and how that precludes them from power etc etc. Or how he helped knock on doors for Trump and his entire progression to now. He explains that many many times.
I skip a lot of his stuff. The best part is the superchats. He is a funny person I don't think anyone can deny it. The regular show portion is less impressive. Granted he's better than a lot of commentators but that isn't saying a whole lot.
This has been going on for months
You have your instructions, soldier.
Agreed, though I was thinking more along the lines of acting, dressing and participating in shit hot bitches find sexually desirable as the cost rather than just hanging out with women in general. I do not much care for peacocking but I'm down for a good time if that were really all it took to get a hot bitch to want my seed, you get me?
I'm a very hot person, pretty much never need the heating on. Can comfortably sit in a home in winter with no heating.
I think a lot of the world’s psychological problems could be solved by getting in touch with nature and getting away from formalized therapy.
Peacocking is just semiotic simping. It serves no other purpose except to make yourself look ridiculous for a crumb of pussy.
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Reading classics has mostly made me depressed and suicidal, I think I'm going to try and branch out to manga/anime.
Oh god oh fuck I'm been away from social interaction for so long that when i went out today to the store and a cute chick handed me a random flyer the LITERAL first thing i did was stop and stare at her gym bra, tummy, and crotch and i didn't even speak it didn't even occur to me that i should speak
why not just read both? I don't understand this. Its like saying you can only football because playing basketball only makes you depressed.
It just hit me that liberalism really is nothing more than the ideology of cultural suicide. I’m convinced it all comes from a resentment of the Middle Ages and especially European Christianity unfolding through time.
I love birds so much.
>Reading classics has mostly made me depressed and suicidal
Don't get how this can even happen.
I got depressed from reading classics because it made me realize not only how much better literature was but how much better the world that created it was. I think contemporary life in the 21st century is basically horrible.
It's ok, if she handed you a flyer she didn't want to talk anyway
hmm i guess that is true. she actually said something to me on the street which is why i looked at her in the first place. that's when i went hurr durr sperglord and ogled at her exposed skin
Its not better per say but rather its filtered throught time. Like how people say old music is better because so many shitty old songs that were forgotten.I'm not 100% certain but my first place to look would be British library and/or library of congress who keeps records of all books, texts and whatever else they can acquire, then look for anything released around the same time the classics you read, look for any titles you don't recognize. You might find more gems, and I bet you will find 100 year old smut that grandmas masturbated to and lose desire to read for a while.
She assaulted you first by being half naked. Imagine if I went into a fag barn with my huge cock out and started handing out flyers, then got mad when someone looked.
Damn that seems hot! I live in the Pacific Northwest though.
faxx, next time ill stare even longer
you live in the ocean?
North west of what
I just wasnt enough for that girl for her to notice me.
Exactly, well said.
How am I supposed to approach reading in English (as ESL)? Generally, I have no problem with reading longer texts like articles, but anything that uses "artistic prose" and not-so-common words is making me lost in translation quickly. Though I can still assemble a general idea of the story.
Any tips, recommendations or maybe books to start with?
brute force. No way around it. You read something, see a word you don't understand, find definition and study it until you understand what the word means in context of what you are reading and then keep reading further until you have to do it again with another word.
I was thinking about picking some short stories that have professional translation in my language and trying to make some translation for comparison.
Still brute forcing through some book might easily get me tired of trying to read them.
My level of French was similar to your level of English for years. I just read a ton, using an e-reader with a built-in French (monolingual) dictionary at first but finally ditching it. For exactly two books, I read along with an audiobook. Then I ditched the audio.
You just have to keep going, as the other anon says. Your first book will be your hardest by far, so pick something decently engaging. I've now repeated this process with Spanish and Italian, and while French remains my strongest by far (and the only one I can actually speak,) I can reliably tell you that your second book will take half as long as your first.
>Still brute forcing through some book might easily get me tired of trying to read them
The method you mentioned is the equivelant of learning how to drive by watching youtube tutorials and never setting foot in a car. Some words and phrases don't have a direct translation, and there is also an intuative aspect to every language that you won't learn if you read in english and translate to another language in your mind. If you want to read better in english you will have to think in english too while doing it or else you will be lost more often, that's why brute forcing is only option as its the only one that will give you actual experience.
Women are just pieces of meat anyways
Having a real urge of animalistic sex you know no kisses, no foreplay, no nothing except hard in and out and grunting
What did your Blastoise hugpillow do to deserve this?
you sound like a fucking retard and deserve to be abused by a retarded woman like her. moron
He's the type of guy to get babytrapped by an absolute mental case of a woman.
That's it, your life destroyed.
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Dumpy mid Latinas
man getting people upset in /wg/ with my personal observations is fun as hell and I'll keep doing it too.
I'm not gay but if futas were real I'd bottom for one
PNW of the United States, ie the top-left part of the continental US. PNW is what the region is called, similar to, I don't know, the Rust Belt, the Midwest, New England, the South, etc.
i still haven't beaten him, in fact haven't even gotten to the 3rd phase. i need to srsly guy gud.
link em
Been jacking off with peppermint hand lotion. It's really nice
I will. Good god he’s mad. It’s fucking glorious.
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>swiping through profiles on dating app
>have it set to show me "nonbinaries" since alt whores always pick that
>occasionally get "nonbinary" men
>they have actual profiles
>it's like seeing a mirage of an oasis in the desert
>50,000 profiles in a row of some gormless whores standing saying "I'm entering my soft girl era!!!" or "Looking for someone as excited about trying new restaurants as I am!!"
>then suddenly a sweetly smiling autistic black guy who seems like he'd be my best friend for life
>mfw everything he says is funny, interesting
>mfw straining every molecule in my body to go "is there ANY way I'm secretly gay? have I just missed something?"
>mfw I'm straight
>mfw having to mournfully swipe left on Michael
>mfw the next profile that comes up could have been generated by an AI with the prompt "the most generic 26 year old woman possible"
that's just the thread op

is this >>23600042 you?
What is the deal with using hand lotion to jack off anyways. I tried using lubricant for jerking off a few times, and didn't get the appeal. Is this some kind of circumcised thing I'm too gentile to understand?
nta but my penis head gets really red and sensitive if I don't use lotion or lube during a jack off sesh
>Is this some kind of circumcised thing I'm too gentile to understand?
Yes. Circumcised as an adult here (frenulum snapped during sex and they just chopped the whole thing off because burgerland.)
Jacking off normally uncut = with lube cut
They don't get the natural glide of the foreskin over the frenulum/preputial ring (they don't even have a frenulum which is the analogous structure to the clitoris and has most of the meissner's corpuscles on the dick, along with the preputial ring) so they turn their hand into an ersatz pussy and and glide it over the entire shaft. Their glans is also desensitized, killing most of the remaining meissner's corpuscles.

The female equivalent would be like having no clitoris but having the slightly sensitive opening area to the vagina so going 5000% harder stimulating that with rough fingering. If you want to know the difference, lightly glide your fingertip over the palm of the opposite hand. Then lightly glide it over the back of that hand. Note the difference in sensitivity and the "tickle" feeling of the palm. That's the meissner's corpuscles.
>AI with the prompt "the most generic 26 year old woman possible"
because they are, majority of women in online dating are bots looking to scam some retards. Don't bother with online dating. Only true way to date somone you know will like is through sheer luck of being at the right place at the right time and spending that time by being physically near her as much as possible and maintaing that. Ill argue its number one reason why most women cheat, just because you weren't around and they felt too lonely to handle it.
No, I’m the guy he/she is responding to
Cheating should be punishable by death and bots should be forcibly removed from the internet. 1999 internet (except for the dialup) > nowadays internet
>Honestly, if you want to date a woman, date one from outside the US/Canada, since it's mostly North American women that act like this
Kind of out of the question for me
lmao you wrote posted that entire Evernote for the sole purpose of triggering wg?
That's a bit extreme but I do agree about the bots, hate those things, ruined the internet for sure.
The Jason Bourne movies are just solid action movies.
Haven't watched them in years but they were good fun
Do you, now?
Agree on the bosses it's just bad game design. I really liked the world of Elden Ring but the mobs after Raya Lucaria are just lazy copy pastes which pisses me off
>except for the dialup
I think dialup actually did a lot to gatekeep the early Internet.
It did to an extent my parents were on it for many years but I got my own personal computer in 2003 and we already changed to broadband by then
Yeah but those are my actual thoughts. I’ve already written 3 tomes, 50-70 pages each of these observations. I’m also an autodidact who just reads a shitload of history and philosophy and run my own YouTube channel for rants and lectures.
That dlc is so boring
Truly based anon, love seeing pure unadulterated seethe

Post your channel. I'm interested in your views and tomes
It's like asking what the deal with wet pussy is. Would you rather it dry?
27 khv, I've had substantially better experiences with women irl than on any of those apps. I can't flirt well in general but I can't flirt at all over text it just feels so forced when I try and goes nowhere. I've been going to the gym since the start of the year and the only reason I haven't asked any of them out is because I live with my parents and have zero privacy but I'm very confident there are women I've spoken to who would say yes. I would just avoid the apps entirely and just stick to irl even if it is more awkward at first, you're gonna have to get used to dealing with them in person anyway might as well get that work/confidence in from the get go. Hopefully moving out by the end of the summer so I guess that will be the real test of whether I'm right or just deluding myself
Half-Life aged like milk. Also writing a furry horror piece because my Mormon friend threw out the idea. I fucking hate it, but, hey, it's something new.
And I just realized you're talking about men so most of that isn't helpful
Nazi germany was teh strongest anti-colonialism movement
>nihilistic & ideologically aligned with me?
sounds to me you are looking for a /pol/tard, also I have feeling you do not understand what nihilism is if you group along ideology
Being out of the dating scene is so good.
If this marriage ever falls apart I'll just stay single forever.
You get a discount when you bundle
dann sind wir helden
dann sind wir helden
dann sind wir helden
dann sind wir helden
dann sind wir helden
Message received, mobilizing
>still no end of the heat wave in sight
christ man I know in a few months im going to be complaining here about it being -50 but still, it aint supposed to be +35 for weeks straight here.

looking at temperature archives and most years it doesn't even get to +35 at all let alone week after week

I dont understand how wagies can work in this heat
Having your life ruined by weight stuff from basically birth and then seeing the glp-1 agonist breakthroughs at 30 is like being the last guy in an iron lung from polio
As cold as humanly possible, ideally 64 degrees or lower
Attempt #3 to read in search of lost time
Every time it’s like eating thick rich chocolate cake and after a few chapters I have no appetite left for weeks
nur diesen tag
nur diesen tag
nur diesen tag
nur diesen tag
nur diesen tag
Am I a goon or a leader?
A "writer" is not a writer but an employee of a publishing house who tells people what they want to hear
You're a gooner
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Encourage even more christian infighting. Persuade christians to annihilate christendom. Make christians cannibalise each other. Give a catholic nun the schwedentrunk with some surströmming as seasoning on a lenten Friday. Ban Christmas for not being puritan enough. Have west and east excommunicate each other over the Filioque. Scourge and crucify an NLT editor for the sake of the KJV 1611. Have the apostles angrily argue with one another whether Greeks should be circumcised to join the church or not. Have cathars murder the papal legate. Deus vult and mow down a gorillion cathars with heavily armoured mounted knights. "Away with this popish idolatry!" Pull down a cross in iconoclastic fury! Imitate the Muslims preying on the Eastern Roman Empire's borders. Alienate the bishop of Rome by smashing a Christ Pantocrator into pieces. Travel through time and burn down Notre Dame as iconoclasm! Sic a KJV 1611-ist against a KJV-1769-ist and have the 1769-ist smash the 1611-ist's skull in with Samuel Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language. Go dump 144,000 JWs into a portal to Calvin's Geneva. Violently persecute non-Chalcedonian churches even while war with the Sassanids rages on draining blood and treasure. Have the Copts betray the Eastern Romans to the Rashidun out of resentment. As Kaiser call upon the Turkish Caliph to declare jihad upon your co-religionist christian Entente powers. Accuse protestants of being in league with jewry. Have Klansmen burn a cross in front of a catholic church. Be a KJV 1611-larper who quotes from what is really the 1769 KJV and get your head smashed in by a super-large print Geneva Bible 1560. Have a paedobaptist dunk a credobaptist to death. Write a diatribe on free will to Luther. Reply to Erasmus with a screed on horses and bondage. Escalate the reformation. Have an Orthodox Serb forcibly convert to Roman Catholicism at lugerpoint. Feed them to an alligator anyway. Have Longinus slice the body Christ in half with a katana.
I've never had this much irl communication in my life. Feels... not too bad. Very weird. Yet have to figure out whether it's good. Talking to a teenager, 16 year old girl, as an adult for the first time since school did not make me fell like absolute shit, like a loser and freak and retard. It only took 14 years after school for that to happen. Things change.
>Did you guys talk about pussy?
No. We first talked about Dracula, but the conversation swiftly changed to life in general.
Yeah thats pretty fucking weird
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Encourage christian infighting. Persuade christians to destroy Christendom. Tempt christians into physically devouring one another. Nail the 95 Theses onto the door of All Saints Church. Have American christians pay taxes to fund bombs for Jews to bomb the remnants of Eastern christians into the rubble. Split the Eastern Orthodox church and have Kievan and Muscovite conscripts mow each other into worm food for the trenches. Inspire every Calvinist to follow Calvin's example and grill Jehovah Witnesses alive a la Servetus. Divert the crusaders to Constantinople. Have those crusaders utterly sack, destroy and rape the easternmost city of Christendom. Loot the Horses of St Mark. Install a prostitute into the Patriarchal Throne. Liever Turks dan Paaps! Have protestants ally with the ottomans to degrade the Habsburgs. Invite Reformed French to a royal wedding. Betray them. Paint Paris red with Reformed blood. Sack Magdeburg into a copy of Baghdad. Exclude Roman Catholics from the throne. Ban marriages to Roman Catholics. Confiscate the property of Roman Catholics. Bar Roman Catholics from their inheritance. Have protestants defenestrate a Hapsburg governor out of a window. Paris is worth a Mass! Form a sacrilegious union of the lily and the crescent, create modern geopolitics and realpolitik. Ally the Kingdom of France with the Ottomans. Have Roman Catholics kill Roman Catholics for royal glory and power. Deport southern French towns to host Muslim pirates and slavers to destroy Hapsburg galleys and send their galley slaves to the bottom of the sea. Have protestant leaders and theologians invite Jews into their countries and justify charging interest. Inspire a KJV-only-ist to go to Zondervan's office and shoot an NIV editor in the head. Make a Douay-Rheims-only-ist lock all the editors of the ESV in Crossway's headquarters and arson it down with the staff inside. Make a tradcath call a brown pentecostal a nigger. Make christians slice each other with a katana.
I reckon I will never come to accept a god in the abrahamic conception. It simply does not appeal to me; all things they provide I already have. I don't need any questions answered, nor any succor in my life. And some (if not very much) analysis has, in my view, discredited their religions from a rational standpoint. I am a bit pre-disposed towards atheism, I guess.

Both online and in real life I have encountered prozelytes and missionaries with whom I talked. And while unsurprising, I quite disliked how everything went back to God, all discussion (especially arguments) was in one way or another conducted in such a way it would lead to God eventually. It's an inseparable part of what missionary work is, of course, and I am a bit silly for getting mad about it. One of the things I encounter ocassionally is a person trying to rationally prove the christian god, or at least prove him necessary: This argument, I think, falls flat on itself, God or gods can only be known irrationally, through faith. Reason will bring you as far as Deism. And belief due to necessity is in my opinion the anathema of sincere belief.
Why does it seem like the Republican party is hell bent on becoming the party of white people that watch Duck Dynasty and black and brown people?
The Republican Party is hell bent on becoming the party that gets elected. It doesn't really matter what values it claims to have, it'll shift to appeal to the broadest voter base possible within the very loose bounds of "not the Democrat Party."
I mean it's anecdotal but my whole life the hispanic population of my town has always been openly republican so I think it's more a symptom of racial identity being the spotlight of everything now
>Those guys are all racist white people!
>Hey guys look, we have brown people with us! We're not racist!
It's just a never ending back and forth that's been amped up over the past two decades from the internet
I want to run away. Or I think I do, at least. Nowhere feels like home. I can stay where I live right now or move away or go back to my parents' place. Paths are winding and branching, but I won't look at them yet. What do I really want? I was supposed to die from a mysterious disease a year and a half ago. That's all I know. I want a wife, but that's a me problem, not a location issue.

What do I want? What do I not want? What's the trick to living now that I am 25? Am I supposed to wake up and choose some kind of future?
>One of the things I encounter ocassionally is a person trying to rationally prove the christian god, or at least prove him necessary: This argument, I think, falls flat on itself, God or gods can only be known irrationally, through faith. Reason will bring you as far as Deism. And belief due to necessity is in my opinion the anathema of sincere belief.
Trying to rationalize the Idea of God and faith is the stupidest fucking thing I've seen people do. That's why I can't take atheists seriously. Can an ant understand what a human wants or does? Why are people even thinking about these things. This is retarded and faith is a matter of intimate spirituality.

To me, seeing atheist niggers forcing people to try and convince (why in the first place?) them is like listening to a retard say that people can see colors outside of the visible light spectrum.
I wish. The republican party literally had a sikh prayer to open their convention
>That's why I can't take atheists seriously
>faith is a matter of intimate spirituality.
Ok so just leave me alone and let me be an atheist
I think I don't actually want to have sex or engage in intimacy. It's just that most people do and I projected the desires of other people onto myself because they were what I saw around me. The fantasy version of these things that I have in my head doesn't correspond to reality at all, it's just a comfort tool I engage with to pass the time or out of boredom.
At the gym today I couldn't lift for shit. Is it normal to have bad days or have I just suddenly lost a bunch of strength?
I wish I wasn't crushing so hard on this coworker, but I'm kinda stuck just seeing her in all her gracefulness everyday. Just one of the sweetest and most respectful women I've met, and she just had to be my coworker.

Asked for her social a while back and found out she had a BF, but she still talks to me like I'm some sort of interest to her (even though she's probably just being friendly). I just want to forget about her before I start to idolize her, which I feel is already coming on. She's not even that physically attractive in the conventional sense, but her personality just shoots her up to those higher numbers. Half of me wants her but the other half doesn't want anything to do with someone else's woman. Having no social contact outside of work is brutal (deleted all SM and dating apps over a month ago, can't stand the phoniness of it all).
Yes, that happens to everyone. Maybe you slept poorly or didn't eat enough of the right things or were dehydrated. The important thing is that your average strength/size/athleticism goes up.
Poor sleep, improper stretching and the like can definitely set you back a solid 30 lbs or more. Muscle deterioration also begins at about 2-3 weeks away if that applies to you but it‘s easier to rebuild than it is to build for the first time.
I had gushers for dinner
The most intellectually honest relationship you can have with this world is blowing shit up and leaving because literally everything is intentionally designed to be cheap, disposable, built for someone other than its community/end user, watered down, ship of theseus'd, worn out, or forgotten.
tantrums are gay
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All I want is to make $45,000 a year and marry a barely attractive single mother, bros.
Racist. I bet you want your neighborhood to not be a warzone after 7PM too, and for the local stores to not have shampoo bottles behind a level 3 forcefield?
Ok, it was probably lack of sleep then, since I went to sleep at 4 or 5 am and woke up around 9 or 10. And I haven't really be slacking on the gym either.
>It is racist to want things
Do you even hear yourself before you speak or do you just type random shit until it makes sense? Stop posting
No, communities full of talentless faggots and egotistical little princes who have nothing to offer but gorilla grip every scene and culture in existence with barely wrought didactics are gay. Tantrums are immature.
Based future inmate
>Trying to rationalize the Idea of God and faith is the stupidest fucking thing I've seen people do.
They are bound to do so anyway. Mystery is not satisfactory. And it's unfair to expect people to just mindlessly serve something they don't know anything about.
>That's why I can't take atheists seriously.
I assume you don't take most types of modern or pre-modern christian seriously either. Which is fair.

>Why are people even thinking about these things.
Because one has to wonder about the deeper nature of things. Some people are inquisitive, they want to know more, understand better.
>This is retarded and faith is a matter of intimate spirituality.
This is still true. I specifically was talking about Arguments for the Abrahamic god "by necessity", also known as arguments that imply or necessitate a god through logic (or something else) or that have him as providing an utility (usually objective morality). The first one only creates a deistic God, the second renders god into an utility.
>seeing atheist niggers forcing people to try and convince
What? I have never seen an atheist force anyone to try and convert them, usually, they are the ones rejecting unwelcome advances by missionaries (whose job is literally to convert people) in my experience.

>why in the first place?
Ask the Abrahamic insistance in that EVERYONE must worship God. At least Buddhism has a normal rationale regarding it's universalism.
>that people can see colors outside of the visible light spectrum.
I don't understand this analogy.
>singel mother
I can not relate to people like that, which is odd because my (biological) father did infact marry my mother and my half sister, yet, I can not imagine myself marying a woman with someone elses child simply because I can not imagine myself loving that child unless it was mine. But I do see myself raising an orphan. I am not entirely certain why I am like this but I am guessing its because marrying a singel mother you replace someone else but adopting a child is creating a new family, relationship
Leave this thread, you vile nonce.
Nobody deserves to be here... I will burn this plantation down to nothing and make ovens for poultry out of what's left of the chimneys.
NTA but if I ever date it’ll be single mothers (ideally with a dead father) since I’m sterile and in my kneejerk evil subconscious kids put up for adoption are genetic nuclear refuse.
The idea of not loving them doesn’t enter into my head, it’s like saying you’re afraid you won’t love your cat if you get one. Not that humans are pets, but that of course you’ll love your cat, you’ll live with it and it’s a cat, they’re built to be loved.
I'm losing my mind over three lines of text.
Luigi's mansion was fun from what I've played.
Name somthing created out of happiness? you cant because happiness is the antithesis of inspiration and creativeness, its inherently immanent
I think i'm too tired to feel tired.
Spontaneous hugging
it's more about the mother and less about the child. I wouldn't date a single mother unless I really loved her because the child will be a constant reminder of her poor judgement. that kid won't ever be yours, but you have to play pretend with it. or be like 'murr durr, chief, I'm not your father. you know that' all the time in order to delude yourself and the poor kid into thinking you're like a family but not really. and also you will have to take it upon yourself if that kid says you're not his father even if you cared for him. dont even get me started on that dad that stepped up shit.

nothing of this applies if the dad is dead, of course. we're not fucking monsters
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Let it be known that the Autist is indeed a racial minority. You may object, "but the Autist can be any color, how can it be a race?". How can Hispanics be a race? How can Jews be a race? Both groups also come in all colors of the human rainbow. I tell you that the Autist is visually distinct. And our autisticness shines through like glitter, on top of our skin, apparent for all to see. And I tell you it is self-evident that group phenotypes make up the social construct known as race.

The autist is visually distinct in at least 3 ways. Our facial features are structured differently, our behaviors are visually distinct, and we share a common accent accross languages. Indeed, nearly everybody will notice a difference, but some may be so ignorant as to not know what the difference is. Ignorance does not debunk our claim of being a racial minority. As an example, many hate crimes were committed against Sikhs by people trying to harm Islam. Does this mean that Sikhs are Muslims? Of course not! Sikhs are their own cultural group. We cannot allow the ignorance of others to define what we are.
wait, autism has an accent?
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no fucking wonder everybody tells me I sound weird and can never tell where I'm originally from. Be in online voice chat or irl.
nigga calm down you are just a wee little guy posting on an anonymous puerto rican crab breeding forum
I am a worthless fuck from Appalachia.
My region is meant to ruin.
God may spare us in 200 years for our suffering, as it was meant that the Jews suffered the Holocaust and now know prosperity.
But I Pray for us.
There's a confounding factor to the idea of an autism accent. It's described as flat, and those who believe it stems from autism alone say it is confused with an American accent. However, it's a recently documented phenomenon which seems to spread with media exposure. It's more likely that autism doesn't have one accent but rather that exposure combined with autism makes the American accent the one they adopt. Autism before this spread of flatness has a variety of foreign accent syndromes, but now it has mostly American flatness. Autistic kids 35 years ago had weird accents often (ie an accent which did not match their parents or peers) but there was a much wider variety of accent types they would adopt. It's possibly that someone with communication difficulties would find an accent with marked difference to normal speech easier than mimicking accents as most people do, especially if that accent could be found in an isolate asocial source. It's why some (though less than before) might speak only in iambs or other weird patterns, but the recent apparent uniformity of this foreign accent syndrome seems to indicate media's involvement might play a role to a greater extent than either idiosyncratic choice or natural variations
sooo. Autists not exposed to internet are flat and unemotional while the autists exposed to internet have gamer accents and whatever memes they heard on the internet?
Are autists the modern representant of Neanderthals? Is autism what Neanderthals looked and behaved like? If their genes still live, it is not unplausible that their psychology still prevails in some individuals too.
They aren't.
Real neanderthals would be doing fine in spite of Society
Modern autists live in a world where they suffer from society but also pretend to ignore it.
The election for 2024 is just bad either way you flip the coin. When the election happens in November I'll be happy it is finally over with.
If we admit that history is a history of ethnic conflicts, and that autists are born with their condition, wich makes them unsufferable and incapable of participating in society, then why not admit that this is the shadow of an ancient pre-historic ethnic antagonism between humans and Neanderthals co-existed with each other, and the Neanderthals sabotaging the humans in a failed attempt of gaining ethnic supremacy?
If we're going to consider ethnic limitations, wouldn't that just make autists an inferior ethnic group and worthy of being utterly exterminated?
There's one side that's clearly worse (Trump).
An ethnicity makes a lot of concessions to a conflicting ethnicity before declaring a small and single victory. If the humans ever declared total victory over the Neanderthals it didn't happen without a lot of concessions to Neanderthals made.
Neanderthals just starved to death from requiring more calories, I though?
Post em
There is a theory and genetic evidence that autism is the Neanderthal neurotype

If that's your prerogative go for it. I'm tired of the trump praise because of the left and the left. Its all mindless drivel.
A gay nigger bitch ass faggot wrote this post.
There appears to be a new softness to Donald Trump, with people who've talked him describing him with words like "existential," "serene," "emotional" and even "spiritual."
Leftists think they're special snowflakes because the MSM is feeding them what they want to hear and calling it facts. Don't blame the idiot blame the companies and the goverment.
This sentence gives liberals mental vertigo
Yeah that is what happened. These guys make up grandiose narratives they use as explanatory methods for reality because fundamentally, they're terminally online people with little grounding in direct experience. Tomorrow it will be how Jews are descended from Saturn and that's why blah blah blah. People who go outside don't do things like this.
Found a bit of meaning for TOTK since joining some discord server. The critiques are still somewhat the same that the sky islands are bare and pointless, shrines are pretty easy, and it's hyped to oblivion too much but there's some fun to do with it.
No, it's more the probability of autistics picking a notably different accent means the most prominent "different" accent in their mind is the one that sticks. It doesn't have to be foreign language patterns they pick up, they can hear a nursery rhyme and decide everything needs that tune. It doesn't have to be a real accent either. But for most media with audio, a flat Americanised accent happens once you hit a large audience. With TV and radio alone you could get autists who adopted the speech pattern of older accents.
And the internet also causes people who talk on it to adopt Americanisms and American stress patterns to simply be understood. What's happening with the autism part is probably
>Tv doesn't sound like the weird noises irl people normally make, it sounds like words with understandable distinct sounds and with very low demand for understanding social context
Things like over pronunciation and other weird patterns are being smoothed out for autists too in the same way the noise of a fast chat saying
at them does br'i'ish streamers' accents. Most people pick up an accent they're forced into for a long time, but for autist accents they pick up the accent because they feel like that's the real pronunciation and everyone around them is kind of unintelligible. (A similar trend in languages where you can remove the element of a flat accent because tone exists: hyper formality or improper formality are also things autists of all languages latch onto)
>tldr: it needs to be different enough to normal social language for it to have communicative meaning to them because normal social language has a social noise to meaningful signal ratio which makes it less intelligible than practically anything estranged from it
>there appears to be a new softness to Donald Trump
I could bet after almost having his brains blown out he would change but the left seems to probably think its all show. I could understand the jokes for "how could he have missed such a easy target?!" but it also seems to feel more hate fueled as well.
You are very based
The only type of person who would say "Take a creative writing class, you're terrible" as a criticism is someone who took a creative writing class, how is that supposed to be a critical comment? It's more of a self-own.
>looking in the mirror
Bitch-made faggot
4chan is so plainly a haunt for nerds that hate that they're nerds. I don't know how to interface with normies yet, but I know hating yourself is not the answer.
I’ve come to deeply regret the choices I’ve made in my life and as a result, myself. I feel less and less that there’s a possibility to do something worthwhile with my life because of it.
Have you tried soothing yourself by blaming everyone else instead?
well are you just gonna lay down and die or are you gonna try and LIVE
i sort of forget how animalistic attraction really is. I was at an art gallery, in the back of the gallery sitting down and a girl i had seen inside was taking something out of her bag. I then ask her what I she was taking out and if I recall I said it in a deep, guttural way to which she responded by looked back and smiling in what could only be interpreted as 'flirtatious'. i then talked to her bf who was a total cucked WASP. all it took was the tone of my voice to activate something in her lol.
why are you still single then
because a wh*re broke my heart last year.
Life is not that important, I cannot comprehend doing anti-ethical actions just to get ahead everyone else. Sometimes I wonder if people who do that kind stuff like crooked politicians or criminals do it because they have a huge hatred or love for humanity?
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Because women are too dumb to see my value
you must not be that cool if you couldn't keep a lady

Think trump likes to hear himself talk. Hanging out with someone and hes full support of trump and its kind of sad.
it probably feels really really good to people with that kind of psychology. i bet it is adaptive
Fellas, don't do this stupid shit
Midnight and feeling depressed. Coffee time
the whole game was disappointing.
I can't do a single pushup no matter how hard I try, I'm not even that heavy either, only 89kg. I've watched countless videos on form and I've tried everything, I just don't get it.
Why have there been so many coffee posters lately?
Felt you. Lately I'm convinced that this is just breeding grounds for BPD, which is simply a pattern of self-loathing and dissociation. 4chan's format encourages that pretty heavily
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These guys look fucking cool and I'm tired of pretending they aren't.
If I were a teenager still I'd set this up as my profile picture on facebook.
Trips confirm. Man, /lit/ especially is so weird. I wonder if anyone has come to /lit/ except by getting bored of video games/anime/porn/r9k blogging or some similar slop that brought them to this site in the first place. I don't even know why I'm here anymore. I guess I'm just like the rest of you: I like books and hate myself.
If I really took my spiritual health well-being I'd get off here. I know so many people irl with debilitating BDP from 4chan and discord it's not even funny
I'm here because I read like three funny posts in 2012 and that's all it took to hook me
I feel so alone without this place. I can't get along with normalfags, writing in my journal is lonesome, bots are retarded. I read books and I think "I wish I had someone to talk with about this" but there is no one because I have no friends (and the ones I had didn't read).
No one to take all of my self-loathing either, or my hot takes, or my pessimistic remarks, or that shares my sense of humour. I was always a loner.
I hope no one wins the election in November. I'm fucking sick of all these people. Democrats pushing dogshit candidate after dogshit candidate onto the ballot and trying to turn the whole country into Los Angeles, old-school Republicans running on a platform of out-of-touch boomerism, new Republicans running on a platform of DUDE just ignore the whole rest of the PLANET they do not MATTER like idk what a Taiwan even DOES lmao just let CHINA and RUSSIA fill the power vacuum after we pull out of everything beyond the border what could go WRONG, independents running on platforms of various types of fucking bonkers lunacy. Fuck all this shit. America was a mistake. The French Revolution was a mistake. Voltaire was a smarmy reddit faggot. The Enlightenment was a mistake. Burn it all down. Decide the presidency by a televised competitive game of Trivia Crack. Fuck it. Fire all congressmen and pick new ones by lottery. I don't give a shit. Give the entire state of New Mexico to Lockheed Martin. Whatever.
>Wake up
>Feel dread and anxiety until the motions of the day absorb me and I have to deal with whatever the hell comes my way
>Go to bed
>Feel dread and anxiety until I enter a pleasant state of confussion and I fade away into a dream or nothingness.
I've had enough for today.
4chan can also heal BPD. I think I was a BPD risk but I just had so many experiences having arguments where all I did was embarrass myself and have a bad time by getting vindictive, that I was able to get perspective on vindictiveness and realize it's never the answer. Then I started to notice how many other people are doing it and see that they're trapped in it.

It helps that on 4chan no one is going to be polite to you if you're cringe inducingly freaking out. They will just continue to bust your balls and call you a retard.
In what way?
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One day I'm going to kill myself and I hope it feels just like that.
I don't want to be a human being, I don't want to participate in society, I don't want to have the urge to connect with other people or cuddle with a cute girl or whatever, I don't want to self improve, I don't want to grow as a person, I don't want to be here, I don't want to be a fucking person at all, none of it, take me away from here, let me out, I don't want there to be an I saying anything anymore, I don't want endless bliss or nibbana or whatever the fuck you have to offer, I don't want the very possibility for anything remotely close to the concept of the possibility of myself to be intelligible at all or ever again, I DO NOT FUCKING WANT ANY OF THIS SHIT. I want to become a rock. I want to have never existed. I want to go to sleep with absolute certainty that solipsism is the truth and never wake up. I want to become a high wispy cloud above an Antarctic ice plain and reflect the hazy sun above and I want there to be no conscious life forms within 500 miles of that moment. I want to become a speck of dust on a highly elliptical orbit beyond the Oort Cloud. I want this stupid fucking knot of somehow intelligible and purposeful physical existence to unravel and for all to fall into formless unintelligibility and I want to fall into that bottomless hole, alone.
You should journal, anon. Keep your devices in a different room and just journal. You need time to reflect absent anything external to bombard you. Why do you think everyone is so brain fried these days? What exactly is bad about phones? Articulate it and you'll see what I mean.
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I don't care who wins this election and I'm not voting.
>war in ukraine
Shouldn't have started. The retards shouldn't have tried to join nato. Imaging having mexico try to join the fucking north pacific treaty organization with China and Russia. How the fuck did they expect Russia to react after they didn't let them into nato and put sanctions on them in 2014 for perfectly reasonable actions. They obviously showed no intent to accept Russia after the fall of the soviet union how did they think Russia would interpret that?
Shit was definitely started to pump military industrial complex stocks which is fucking retarded because its American taxpayers paying for the weapons. They probably left the shit there so the Talibans attack Iran with it which they currently are.
Jews are a plague on this earth. They're the direct cause of several genocides and the US is unfortunately controlled by the and the aipac and therefore sends them billions a year and protects them from the international criminal court on their warcrimes in Gaza.

I don't give a fuck about this country anymore I hope putin remakes the USSR and the nuke stores go back to what they used to be 30k+ nukes instead of 5k and everything gets nukes in an accident or misunderstanding.
I think you were just well-positioned for that realization, anon. I do believe this website is dangerous. Ask yourself how you'd react if you found your kid going on here. Try to articulate why.
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Russian bots
I think I know where my missing shit is.
It’s the perfect game, and the perfect length.
I hope the open world trend does someday so games can go back to <60 hours. But I doubt it.
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It’s called “dementia”.
Nah, autistic black people are the bomb.
I’d be worried about them getting radicalized if they were young enough to be vulnerable to that, but once you’re >25ish that isn’t a risk.
He's saving this country and even liberals are starting to agree


Past gay thots here
The greatest post itt
It doesn't
Neanderthals are Jews, vampires, cannibals. Cro-magnons are white, nephilim, human. Autists are immune to propaganda and are based.
You should hear yourself
There's nothing to hear, I typed this post. You are a bigger fool than you let on if you think those ideas are my own, or are not correct. Intuit the truth through blood memory.

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