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previous edition >>23605519
Lord of the Rings is an important work of ethical philosophy.
I'm getting a full body surgery to replace each and every part of my body with penis
We must prepare the necessary conditions for Thinking.
Big dicks will rule the world
-- .
. '
. .
The Task of Thinking (Denkenaufgaben) is that which sets the Ground (Grund) (pre-parates) the co-rrect (mit recht) Attitude-towards-Being as Aktion. It is co-mmended to the Us or the Sub-ject (Unter-Jekt) (1st person plural) as the Act-ants of the Act insofar as "subjectively subject" to the necessary con-ditions of Be-ing.
I hate my phone for the same reason that a slave must hate his shackles.
Fuck you
You know how some people are born with a tail? I was born with a tentacle.
Conceptual history:
In the past, people would print out 4chan threads and gather them in booklets. This process was applied to posts regarded as particularly humorous, and it was often the case that a poster would do so with his own threads. This practice has been forgotten
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How can people talk of regime change, socialism or even a future, when humanity has taken in the devil's deal with a bow and a smile? How can anyone blame capitalism or faceless corporations, or some sorf ot plutocratic elite when they themselves pushed away their sheppards and fathers? When they in their own conceit and hubris tried to put themselves above nature and providence? We have played the role of Faustus to our topmost. Not our land or blood was enough, not our family and churches, not even our soul was a price big enough for what Mephistopheles had to offer. There will be no redemption.
Is it weird to want to talk to someone just to get a profile on her? I've been talking to this girl and my friend keeps telling me that's she toxic and weird and awkward and that I should avoid her. I said I only keep talking to her and about her because I'm trying to understand why she's weird and get a profile on her psychology, and that I have absolutely 0 romantix and physical interest in her. He told me that's creepy and psychotix. Is it?
>I can fix her
kind of attraction. Its the same reason why bitches are attracted to psychopaths on tv but screech the moment a random guy smiles at them when passing by.
I am no longer good at shelling eggs :(
I am so afraid to fall asleep. My dreams are so vivid and always filled with horrific nightmares.

Last night I dreamt my sister fell on to train tracks and it sliced her entire lower half apart. The worst part is that she actually survived and the rest of the dream, in unbearable detail, went through the immense pain and mental anguish she went through in the immediate aftermath of losing both her legs.

I wonder what living nightmare awaits me tonight.
The more I talk to women talking the more I like them and want to interact with tem, but the less I feel the need of a lifelong companion.
For decades I've been the embodiment of caveman only to regret now my own ineptitude which still impairs my social skills
There used to be a lesbian that would post on here with a 10/10 ass. But I would fuck with her constantly and eventually her sexuality changed. It is extremely important to remember I'm religious. I fully believe myself to have cured her.

She fundamentally wanted me so much and eventually she was posting on here doing oral in front of everyone with me. I mean wtf.

Anyway, if you are there, you can post again and I will chase you down a little but if you wanted you could come to my address and talk to me I have small gatherings. ;3
I don't even want to fix her. I just understand her brain.
I think I’m finally going to read Marx and Engels
St. Augustine: The angels are spirits. When they are simply spirits, they are not angels, but when they are sent, they become angels; for “angel” is the name of a function, not of a nature. If you inquire about the nature of such beings, you find that they are spirits; if you ask what their office is, the answer is that they are angels. . . . Make a comparison with human affairs. The name of someone’s nature is “human being,” the name of his job is “soldier.” . . . Similarly some beings existed who were created by God as spirits, but he makes them angels by sending them to announce what he has ordered them (Expositions of the Psalms 103:1:15).
Black Market Music is still a prophetic work of medicalized millennial religious genius
I love looking at pictures of cats looking out of windows
Wtf are they even looking at? Nosey little fuckers
It doesn't concern you.
I'm not real and I deny, I won't heal unless I cry
>ethical philosophy
I disagree.
It's an important work of personal philosophy.
Death is not to be feared.
It does when I'm the one wiping my cats butthole every day
That's just you lot in life. We can't all be cats
You don't speak for us. I indeed am a cat.
Then you know not to let the humans know
Then you should know the answer and tell us, fucker.
>the spider posters have gone deep cover
>they know i'm on to them
When I graduated, I had a job at an investment bank in New York and now I’m working at some shitty school.
At least they have feces.
Why the shift?
The animals were imperfect,
unfortunate in their heads.
Little by little they
put themselves together,
making themselves a landscape,
acquiring spots, grace, flight.
The cat,
only the cat
appeared complete and proud:
he was born completely finished,
walking alone and knowing what he wanted.

Man wants to be fish or fowl,
the snake would like to have wings
the dog is a disoriented lion,
the engineer would like to be a poet,
the fly studies to be a swift,
the poet tries to imitate the fly,
but the cat
only wants to be a cat
and any cat is a cat
from his whiskers to his tail,
from his hopeful vision of a rat
to the real thing,
from the night to his golden eyes.
I haven't visited this board in 4 years
it has turned into a fucking cesspit
exceptional. very good. a delight to read.
Are you making enough to live?
Because making less but living in peace is worth more than being rich and living in pain.
The mere existence of Jeff Bezos makes me a failure because I don't make as much money as him.
My life started to really suck despite the money and I just caved. That wasn’t even the worst part though. I tried a series of blue collar jobs after I quit and got fired from all of them. Around that time my girlfriend left me and I realized I had a nasty drug habit. So it just was a low point for me in life despite the income, which was great.

I am but I’m still not really in peace. I’m pretty unhappy with what I do now even though my lifestyle is happier and healthier.
I wish you were in peace.
But life is struggle.
Soldier on.
I am at a point in my life where I feel I could be at peace, but I won't be until I make a risky move.
Universal dialectic is an ontological idea which is closely related to the Taoist and Neo-Confucian concept of taiji or "supreme ultimate." In the West, dialecticians including Hegel explored themes that some see as remarkably similar, laying the groundwork for unification.
The pokemon theme song ruined a generation of men

What drug? What made you realize?
>thinking Jeff Bezos is something to aspire to
He's globalist. Even if you are poor as hell, if you support National Sovereignty, you are more successful than Comrade Bezos.
Anyone remember those wrestler ice cream bars? Do they still make them? It was vanilla ice cream on a stick with a chocolate backing and a soft vanilla cookie front, with a WWF wrestler’s image on the cookie. Those things were amazing. Perhaps I should stop an ice cream truck sometimes and see but maybe the driver would frown upon being flagged down by a man in his 40’s regaling him about nostalgic ice cream bars of this youth
I want to be the very best,
the best there ever was;
to catch them is my real test,
to train them is my cause.

I will travel across the land...
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And die when a war veteran who has PTSD uses his Raichu to kill you on the spot
I should’ve awhile ago
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>What whigs me out are the amount of people in my life who disagree
The number one fear of the normie is to be alone. This is because they are insecure, self-centred and require constant approval from others. What is selfish is conflated with love because being next to someone gives them the warm and fuzzies. Again, how *they* feel and not the life of service to the other that they should be dedicating themselves to. Their constant obsession with romantic relationships for their own sake, rather than viewing it as what has just been described is the most immediate indictment against them for this. It's either they obsessing with it on a personal level or they're playing matchmaker for someone else. Therefore, it's no surprise that they're telling you to stick with her notwithstanding how you truly feel about her. Then you look at the state of their miserable domestic lives and wonder whether if they had a modicum of self-awareness they'd be giving such advice. Perhaps misery does indeed love company.
>Which is wrong, but in some ways I am weak willed. But I need a stronger will.
You and me both. Ironically, with a stronger will and self-assuredness you will be more attractive and will have more women to choose from.
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>take a dump
>clean break
>2 hours later
>take another dump
>have to wipe for 30 minutes because everything I ate turned into fucking crude oil
MILES: It's funny sometimes.
ELLEN: What is?
MILES: All of this. I've seen so much.

Miles chuckles.

MILES: It's never going to matter. I would kiss you if I could, but what would be the point?
ELLEN: ...
MILES: Would I rather have a thousand friends, or a girlfriend?
ELLEN: You're not even asking if I want to kiss you, are you? Will you never stop talking about yourself?
MILES: Do you want to?
ELLEN: No, not like this.
MILES: I don't think anyone in our generation will end up happy in love.
ELLEN: Have you met everyone in our generation?
MILES: No, but surely enough to know marriage is a dead man errand.
ELLEN: Love exists.
MILES: It does, that's why I don't believe in it.
MILES: I can raise a dog for two years, and it will never forget me in his short life. I can be at a woman's side for twenty years, and she will consider me dead the moment divorce is pronounced.
ELLEN: Women are not all the same.
MILES: Might as well be. I've done it before, seen it. It's enough.
ELLEN: One injury, and you are out of the game. A hero that you are.
MILES: I'm not playing. I will never play with someone's life.
is BPD a chemical imbalance or just low intelligence + narcissism?
Both. And above all else, it's a sickness of the soul.
it’s one of the most tragic ‘diseases’ because it’s subtle enough that they never get help before they ruin their lives, and many around them
28c right at the moment and doesn't seem to be that bad but still hot. I think this week it'll be in the 70's after today so it'll be more bearable.
Uhhh test
My friend Died.
Diseases of the soul are especially pernicious in that way. We carry them around for so long that are unnoticeable. This is reinforced by the fact that many of those around us carry the same diseases. As such, all of our interactions are informed by these diseases and, in an unnoticeable way, are reinforced - certain phrasings of dialogue, certain mannerisms, interests and so forth. We all have similar diseases, it's merely the symptoms that differ. Should someone be rightly accused of these diseases, the most typical response is incredulity. "Me? Me? No no you have the wrong person. I'm good." And the cycle continues. Such proclivities are passed down as learned behaviour from generation to generation without the conscious intent of the teacher. Despite having said all of this, the modern will desire to merely treat the symptoms of these diseases but fail to even identify the source. Modern methods of treatment only reinforce the narcissism that gave rise to them in the first place. Rather than surgical rebuke and correction, we get the platitudes of a therapist who is under the same sentence as you.
May they rest in peace.
No my friend Died is on my mind.
I'm neither English nor a believer in physiognomy but it's really wild to compare and contrast victorian englishmen of the world of letters with the modern anglo in the same sphere. The latter almost always look like they are badly sunburnt and melting, like ice cream left out in the sun. Just look at Ruskin or Carlyle and put them next to Stephen Fry.
>nor a believer in physiognomy
Best start believing
Really, what I'm thinking of goes deeper than mere looks. Even that mutant Mill looks more dignified than Stephen Fry and his lookalikes.
Think the person I've been writing (imaginary) letters to somehow saw them and also hates me.
Just because they're not part of the alphabet doesn't mean they're invisible
Libs like to think that people dislike cultural cosmopolitans because they are not tied to any one culture, but what people dislike about such people is the show they make about being cosmopolitan rather than the fact of their multiculturalism. Eliot or Pound were very cosmopolitan and universalist in their works but nobody would think to lump them together with the former bourgeois cosmopolitan types because it's not a flag they ever waved around for its own sake, just to metaphorically "own da chuds".
Consider the following. You are a therapist or doctor. You love your patient. You are not allowed to tell her. It might lose you your job, your reputation, your future. You didn't see them in 2 years, then you met them at the café. Privately, randomly. You ask them for a coffee. They agree. You talk for a bit. You sense your love never faded, never was gone, you love her. But now you have a house and a gf. You can't just be with that person. That's what happened now. I want to write her so much, that I left her not because I was ordered to do so. That I left her because I knew it was trouble. I knew it would fuck my life up. When I tell her, that I love her. Not even knowing whether its reciprocal.
is being neurotic a form of narcissism
Of course it is.
why do you think that is
I'll be blunt I have no idea what you mean by "part of the alphabet" but true. Guess I'll be more mindful.
I've gone through a "glow up," as us thick-skulled zoomers say, and have utilized this occurance to become something of a fuckboy. However, I have crippling autism, largely due to hours spent on this very board, and as such I can't attract a conventionally attractive mate. Because of this, I have become the literal embodiment of the Plapjak meme. If you are a heavy set woman between the ages of 18-25 along the shore of Connecticut State, odds are my penis has been inside of you (in more ways than one!) Yet, despite overcoming my virginity, at the ripe of age 22, I still feel empty. Why, brothers? Why?
unfulfilled desires is a part of life
honestly a lot of the time it's substance abuse lol. a night of heavy drinking can seriously fuck up your mood.
Losing weight isn't hard because of the cravings, it's hard because it's boring
I was being literal (that you were creating new imaginary letters, and hoping ng nobody saw those doodles). It was a joke. I take full credit for any enlightenment you suffered though
BPD is a relational disorder. People who have it usually had attachment issues to a rejective parent
Physiognomy is a decent heuristic but not more than that. As for Mills vs Fry, modern life probably has much to do with that. Both Mills and Fry's worldviews are repugnant which is why, memes aside, physiognomy is not the be all. However, it should not be totally dismissed either - what's on the inside often shows on the outside.
Interesting thought anon
>Yet, despite overcoming my virginity, at the ripe of age 22, I still feel empty
Maybe because fornication is disgusting and a grave moral crime
Sometimes it's worth it to give people closure. Although, if you were a therapist I would not advise telling your paitent you loved her
pure mental fallacy. not a great habit to lean in to
Oh, I'll donate some money to the church. Damn you. Don't tell me you aren't driven to seek out pussy.
I can live with unfulfilled desires all day. But unfulfilled love? That you can't even ask for? This sucks. I mean after years this feeling just came back immediately. And it feels so right. How can I just ignore this and live with it silently? I don't know. I feel like I will make mistakes here. I am only 31. I could be reasonable, I am not an impulsive person. I know I could just do nothing and live this life. But this love will never fade.
love (as you imagine it) isn’t real
I once followed my heart and face-planted, hard. I began seeing "this person" in everyone, my friends, my family. Almost ruined my life
but don't you have a gf? i don't think you should throw that away for a relationship that was already going to be jeopardized from the start
Maybe he just wants closure with this girl? I dunno, I need more context but he framed the situation as a hypothetical so I don't think he wants to get too specific.
When something seems so natural and serendipitous to you, but forced and cringe to them... that's a recipe for heartbreak
you cant marry the escorts, no
kek, and no sex in the champagne room
It's real. I don't have to imagine it. It's there. Not in the heart, mind or body. Just a feeling that it's the right thing. That's what love is.
How did it ruin your life?
I don't know whether I want closure. I sense love for this woman that I met in the café. But I know it would probably be dumb to lose what I have right now when there is so much uncertainty.
Really dumb. The person was someone I met online(thus faceless) and I began thinking they were secretly this person, or that person. I'd text people telling them I liked them regardless of context and was manic for a bit. I was basically a huge idiot reading into signs that weren't there.
I’m still giddy about pissing someone off in /wg/ the other day
How'd you do it? Don't tell me AI that's low hanging fruit
Maybe I really am the problem.
I think I got flagged for this but whatever

Here's a song inspired by Cannibal Corpse, but
written in Pidgin English:
Title: "Chop Da Flesh"
Verse 1
Guvment no dey see,
Blood dey flow like river,
Pangolins and rats, dem all dey shiver,
Di body parts dey scatter, no deliver.
Chop da flesh,
Di blood dey splash,
Wahala dey, we no fit hide,
Chop da flesh,
Guts dey crash,
Nightmare dey, no place to run.
Verse 2
Dem dey hunt for life,
Sharp knife ready,
Bones dey break, flesh dey carry,
Ritual of pain, no mercy, no pity.
Chop da flesh,
Di blood dey splash,
Wahala dey, we no fit hide,
Chop da flesh,
Guts dey crash,
Nightmare dey, no place to run.
In di dark, we dey wander,
Souls dey cry, body dey wander,
Shadows dey follow, nobody dey ponder,
Chop dem all, make di
'd yonder.
The pidgin adds a simplistic brutality to the (already) visceral lyrics, I like it. Also I hear it as reggae
I should write lyrics like this for my next band even though I’m a pasty-ass Scots-Irish whiteboi
>I need muh gf
why men are such faggots
Uh, shared a fragment of my writings that showed some of my worldview and some Marxist asshole just lost a grip and started throwing a tantrum.
I’ve had seven. Sex is awesome but then you gotta sit there and talk to them in a room that smells like dirty gym socks and cuddle. I’ll pass.
As like a character or expressing views or you were just writing your political convictions? If the latter, that’s not what the thread is for an you were rightly called out
Filename/link to what you shared? That sounds archive diving worthy lol
Then why is it called /wg/ and not /fwg/?

I don’t write fiction. Next time they should be more specific.
Lemme grab it real quick

I suppose you are one of those people who consider tweets literature because there are words in them. There are enough political spergs on this board, keep it out of places where people want to practice writing. Just lol at u
Due to society’s rejection of the institution of monasticism
Aww, it's just another round of Chud vs Tranny. I was hoping you had written a story where those themes pissed them off, like, one time I had someone go off on me about racial appropriation because I gave a character a hick dialect. Prose isn't bad though
I do not, actually and am a very avid reader. But you wouldn’t know that. I spend a lot of my time reading history books for the most part and do not use “twitter” or anything of that capacity. Good day.
>I think all of current society's problem just boil down to hating lower class middle Americans, in a word. It always goes back to that. Almost every bit of negative criticism on things ranging from big trucks, auto racing, wrestling, simple food, Donald Trump, organized religion. Even things like voluntary capital exchange; the soothsayers of popular culture, the critics holed up in high rise apartments, the purveyors of so-called “good taste” from Christgau to Albini to Bourdain can be deduced to this very thing

Yeah they do seem to hold them in disdain, don't they? God knows how many reddit posts are laments about "uncultured rednecks" and stories about the oh-so-clever redditor one-upping an ignorant savage with their rapier wit and refined taste
It’s so blatant yet no one wants to speak up for fear of getting lumped in with them, it’s classic Le Bonian crowd psychology.
Step 1: Invent standards about shit no one cares about

Step 2: Mock others for not following those standards, which you made up, about shit no one cares about

Step 3: If others do acclimate to your made up standards, mock them for being "late" with it, and shift your focus to some other shit no one cares about

Step 4: Repeat until you die of a ketamine overdose you probably could have avoided if you were more accepting of people
What are you referring to?
No one likes the poor, doesn’t matter the race of the poor
Eh, dipshits like Anthony Bourdain and all the city kids that OD
My mom's gonna die one day and that makes me sad
Ferdinand Lassalle was based
It was worthwhile living a laughable life
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Oh they used to throw parades for the holidays
But it’s different nowadays
When there’s nothing worth that stays
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i just saw this referenced in the latest hades 2 patch notes.
it literally has a citation?

Ok well you proved it I guess...
A lady just tried to clip me with her car because she caught me peeping at some other ladies' asses. She was waiting to pull out of a parking lot and these other two broads were talking into the parking lot, and I waited politely until they could not possibly have seen me taking a look at them from behind, then I looked at their asses. Barely a side glance. The lady driving the car did not like this and hammered the accelerator before I was fully past her car, then glared at me as she drove off.

This has not made me consider changing my ways. I will continue to peep at asses.
Leave the children alone
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They were kind of MILFy honestly
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>attempted murder because a man did something that 90% of men do every day
I forgot to wash my clothes for church
You should have raped her
The representation of fate by the gods as distinct from human action in the Iliad is more profound than is given credit. Many people lately have adopted a self improvement lifestyle where they work hard to overcome life's challenges. While this is well and good, there are also, of course, many challenges that are insurmountable. A naive self improvement outlook doesn't acknowledge these insurmountable challenges or only gives them lip service, however we see from the Iliad that those who follow the gods are most often well rewarded and those who resist do so at their own peril. I think a more nuanced understanding of self improvement can be inherited from the ancient Greeks, where we strive within the small domain over which we have power, while forever acknowledging the unsteady foundation on which our lives rest.

Also most self improvement fags are really into Marvel or shounen which show heroes changing the universe with their hard work. It's telling that more serious media is forever scaling back the relative power of individuals.
So what defines spirit?
Finished the first book of in search of lost time.
I thought the entire book was going to be about his childhood, but it turned out that that was basically a framing device for an unrelated middle aged guy getting mentally ruined by good pussy
I can now bury Half-life 1 and never look at it again. Onwards to an actually good game, Half-Life 2! Oh, and wrote furries fucking in the Sugar Shack at Moundsville Pen. That happened.
I'm sorry for being racist to that one anon a few days ago. My ban has just been lifted and I'm happy to have returned to my beloved 4chan.
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If you are American, consider pic related for a moment. Do whatever you like with this information.
A few days ago I got a scam call with my healthcare provider as the ID, and they knew my full name and address.
I mean yeah if you’ve had any extended interactions with the medical system it’s clear all the information is shared.
Who’s your favorite figures from The French Revolution?
Do you understand this chart comprehensively? Have you worked in healthcare?
Some of the things in this chart seem to be intentionally misleading.
Just because "other healthcare providers" CAN access your data doesn't mean they will.
HIPAA violations come with very steep fines.
Enlighten us, then.
I can't speak on what happens pharmacy side or insurance side but I've worked with Epic, Cerner and Athena and saying that your information is shared with "other healthcare providers" is misleading. Other people have access to it, yes. But if they as much as accidentally open your information they are liable to hefty fines. Just look up a HIPAA tl;dr
>But if they as much as accidentally open your information they are liable to hefty fines.
Hopefully obviously excluding the people treating you.
Just found out I'm White, not Hispanic.
They're cut from the same cloth as LinkedIn bros who read Meditations and thought "yeah you just gotta control your emotions bro" whilst completely neglecting the theology and cosmology of the Stoics.
There are white Hispanics, black Hispanics, mulatto Hispanics, mestizo Hispanics, etc. Hispanic refers only to ethnicity whereas the other adjectives refer to race.
boring how? no more thoughts about food?
Places, people
I hate eating, but sometimes I get hungry. To be more specific, it's not that I hate the act of eating, I hate that act of sustaining myself, and growing. I want to shrink. I want to be less, but I get hungry.
I like writing by hand and I like writing on my computer. I think I am a better writer on my computer, because I can edit more easily (and use spellcheck), but I like the physical act of writing. I think I'll keep writing a diary by hand and writing stories on a keyboard.
commentary channels and their community on youtube and reddit are the most pathetic group of people i have ever seen online. imagine adults being so falsely moral, talking for hours on end sucking their own cocks and sniffing theirs own assholes, on speculation of things happening in others private lives. its so retarded. who gives a fuck? its just schoolyard gossip but with virtue-signalling adults
Do you think as technology advances, people will be able to perform bodily functions like pissing and sleeping for others? As in, you can call me at work and I'll take a nap but you'll be the one who gets less tired? In the future will the gig economy be surrogates who spend all day shitting on the toilet so biz execs don't have to leave meetings?
Holy fuck, I cracked the case, the guy who kidnapped Margaret Fox is Wesley Willis, just listen to the speaking cadence.


When honor is lost, everything is lost.
When honor is regained, everything is regained.
I'm starting to hate most meat. I can only stomach extremely high quality meat or I have to burry it in spices to mask the flavour, I might be turning into a vegan.
tell me, did you had to eat cheap processed meat in the past, especially during childhood? I can't blame you, i like meat but the taste of the cheap soup I once had to eat due lack of money makes me gag to this day. Imagine chicken soup except no vegetables, not seasonings or herbs and no chicken but spam meat instead. Nowdays I can't stomach unseasoned and mediocre quality meat; and especially processed meat.
Would be wild. I would like to outsource my depression. Letting someone else experience my depression for me and pay them for that. Would be therapy 2.0.
I used to eat when I was bored. Now I just listlessly stare into space. Sometimes I do use the free time to play my banjo, though
Organizer of the writing group meet up cancelled the day of. I'm never gonna find a good networking group am I
Gen Z boss and a mini
Gen Z boss and a mini
>Now I just listlessly stare into space
I wish I could do the same. Free from food and especially drinks.
Itty bitty titties and a bob
Itty bitty titties and a bob
the only group of people in the entire world i cannot stand and have absolutely zero empathy for are australians and even moreso their women
unbearable shithole of a nation
Your private health information being lab results, MRI results, etc... who fucking cares? It's not like they're going leak them to insurance companies.
The virality of that tiktok was a watershed moment for me in recognizing that the woman hating shit has jumped the shark. Is it an annoying video? Kind of. But in all reality it's a few women having fun at work and the world was like "this is why they can't have jobs!!!" Why, because they are having a few minutes of camaraderie and making a fun video? Legitimate social critiques have given way to pure hysteria and pettiness. I'm done with that stuff.
This is gonna sound obvious but I'm gonna say it anyway. I just listened to the full Jonestown massacre tape and man, Jim Jones sounded like a huge dick, that guy sounded like the biggest asshole.
>Legitimate social critiques have given way to pure hysteria and pettiness
As is the case with all domains of discussion and critique. Their eventual democratisation leads to a race to the bottom and muddying what were otherwise good insights. It happened with covid discourse, it happened with antisemitism. That being said, would I consider going out with any of the women in that video? Absolutely not.
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I lost 2 million trying to flip items in OSRS
I have been mediating, thinking about my life as a whole, who I am, my life in relation to the world... I think I'm closer to "getting it", but it's hard to reach a satisfactory conclusion.
bro tell me ur jkn please
my brain being tickled
Y'know how some people think that after you die you'll see a "replay" of your entire life? What if that's just what we're doing now? What if none of us are actually alive? I'm not tryna sound all "I'm14andthisisdeep", just a thought I had.
What do people mean when they differentiate between capital and lowercase for an ideology or term? For example if someone says lowercase or small-l liberalism?
Interesting contrast that in western europe there was a semi-official consensus that aristocracy creates culture and the bourgeoisie destroys culture, while in eastern europe the predominantly foreign bourgeois elements tried to sell the exact opposite narrative, that the aristocracy doesn't have a culture and that the bourgeoisie alone can create and sustain culture, which coincidentally always happens to be the social class of the kind of people to popularize this line of thinking in the wild east.
Is it recursive? Like, does the replay contain the replay? Is this Nietzsche's eternal return? The block universe? Parmenides vindicated?

The answer is yes.
What if you've been everything here before and after?
Setting is more important than character because someday you might become the character in the setting.
I bought Blood Moon tassets but they dropped in value
bro no WHY
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I thought it would go up
I was so wrong. Disco Elysium is great. The made up history that annoyed me at first is a clever way to make people think without triggering thought-blocking conditioned associations.
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I poured it on and I poured it out
I tried to show you just how much I care
I'm tired of words and I'm too hoarse to shout
But you've been cold to me so long
I'm crying icicles instead of tears
Based little meatloaf froggy
its okay bro, 2mil gp isnt too bad. may saradomin bless you
Finally, someone notices. I'll keep posting one every thread, it's a fun little thing to do.
Heard a lot about it. What's the main appeal of it for you you think?
I noticed yesterday I was just too high to make a vegetarian frog joke and wound up researching frogs listening to 80s music
I also noticed anon. you're truly based
What do you mean by culture here? The arts? Something else?
It's communist propaganda.
Eastern Europeans are the medieval European mob/serfstock in thought and in behaviour. They are dumb, stupid, easily offended and every single one of them has a pitchfork at home.
And that is appealing to you?
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Thanks, fellas.
The sum of those things. Literature, music, painting, etc.

The ideal type of aristocratic culture would probably be something like pre-socratic greek literature, the france of Louis XIV, the catholic church in the renaissance, etc. while the archetypical image of bourgeois culture would probably be, I don't know, 20th century New York.
Did you know there's only one true frog that has a full set of teeth? The whole species keeps evolving them and then deciding they don't really need them to chew bugs and they might as well get rid of them entirely or at most keep the top set.
I think the ones that keep the top set are worried about smiling for pictures
Yes. You will also be able to press a button on your phone, and within 5 seconds, a nanodrone delivers a fresh hot McDonalds cheeseburger to your location.
And the best thing about all that, is that the economy will still be growing, and it will keep growing for as long as there's unexplored, untaken, unmarketed chunks of matter in our huge space!
Burgeoise culture has turned the means of society into the goal of society. Technology is a means to satisfy needs, yet in burgeois culture it becomes a goal. Markets are a means to satisfy needs, yet in burgeois society they become the center around wich all of society must revolve. It is true that past societies has serfs and slaves, but they generally weren't expected to be nearly as productive as modern burgeois workers.
That's really interesting, anon, thank you for telling me.
>I think the ones that keep the top set are worried about smiling for pictures
I think you're probably right. It also helps that they have those cool pointy eyes.

This is a cool animal that I really like, I think you'll like it to, I hope you do.

The other guy is a retard. The story constantly shits on commies.
I like the exploration of the psychological effects of living under US/allied occupation and the shadow of the war. The main character is an agent of the occupation and disco, drunk on the resulting moralfaggotry and liberalism which he actively confuses with the girl he's obsessed about.
That's really cool, i didn't know bugs could produce quinones but now I also found out German cockroaches use them (in a different chemical composition that doesn't burn) as a sex pheromone, and there's some beetle (Metrius contractus) who only lives in Idaho who makes another burning one but he made it like a foam he can lather himself up with to protect himself which sounds cute af.
And they all do it without touching quinine tree bark. Burroughs was right, bugs know their drug chemistry

I didn't care for that movie but y'know, they're basically names the same thing so I kinda had to.

>and there's some beetle (Metrius contractus) who only lives in Idaho who makes another burning one but he made it like a foam he can lather himself up with to protect himself which sounds cute af.
That does sound cute, I kinda wanna get their burning foam on me.
>Burroughs was right, bugs know their drug chemistry
Burroughs like Naked Lunch Burroughs? I didn't care for that movie either, but I don't care for most Cronenberg movies so it tracks.
Well one thing I would say, and I think it encompasses most of the time periods you mentioned, with the cut-off potentially being the post-modern era where things get muddled, is that the plebs always have their low culture, regardless of what is going on at the top of the pyramid. Low culture is incredibly resilient to regime change and the rise and fall of dynasty, even to the point of total ethnic replacement of the ruling class like Britain after Norman conquest, or post-Indus India.

Regarding Aristocrats themselves, what comes to mind is patronage networks. The commissioning of the bourgeoises artist and craftsman (intellectuals too) to serve their own ends. While their abundance of leisure time affords them the ability to engage in all manner of artistic pursuits, I think their real power comes from curation and taste-making, this allows them to define the contours of culture in a way that no other social class can.
>trips getting bug bomb anon doesn't want to be my Cronenberg buddy
:( it's okay we can still be gay b52 buddies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DjuHSknPMk
And yeah that Burroughs, with the bug powder dust and mugwump jism
Pls to not be scaring bugs for cute defensive displays anons but do take pictures if you see one
I can still be your Croney buddy, I don't dislike all of his movies, I quite enjoyed Existenz, The Fly, and A History of Violence. I didn't mind Scanners and Eastern Promises, I know I would definitely like them more if I gave them a rewatch.
>Pls to not be scaring bugs for cute defensive displays anons
I wouldn't, I'm just saying it's something that I'd like to do. Just like how I'd like to experience the pain and feeling of being bitten by a shark but I'm never gonna go out of my way to get bitten by a shark.
>but do take pictures if you see one
You know it, brother. If only my phone camera wasn't so shitty, I still have an Android S8.
I like the early ones, because perverted and demented shit happening to 1970s sales catalogue normies in normieville Canada make me feel like if it's reached them there, we're all fucked. I get why the combination or either half of that mood would turn people off though
>. If only my phone camera wasn't so shitty, I still have an Android S8.
I don't have one so I rely on anons showing me pictures of the bug they just found and are scared of
I have to go pretend I'm a real adult now though so bye, thanks for telling me about cool bugs
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I want Al Green's jacket from this album cover, unfortunately, it's definitely not made anymore and it's definitely impossible to identify.
>I have to go pretend I'm a real adult now though so bye, thanks for telling me about cool bugs
Cya, man, and no problem, anytime.
The prince electors carry the thoughts across the river to make castles in our skulls.
>Stephen Fry
>modern anglo
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I tried to be above post-ironic bullshit and hold contempt for it, but truth be told I feel quite at home with that stuff. It's not a problem so along as your whole existence doesn't revolve around it, turning your life into a joke.
>The universe misheard me saying "princess selector" again
[deep sigh] at some point this has to be intentional cockbocking
it's NOT about ME or YOU, this has never been about any of us. we aren't the true players in this story. we are extras at best
I just got back from church. So many girls with booty shorts and tight yoga pants. What's going on?
They want to plap badly.
Unfortunately I'm an incel.
Incels don't go to church, so you're either lying, or you're a volcel in denial.
in church? Must be a protestant church
It's summer dummy
My social anxiety makes me an incel. I've been approached by girls, but I denied them because I'm mentally ill.
It was Catholic. I do live in a liberal area, maybe that's why.
Listen, I used to be catholic too and even girls with colored hair did wear proper attire when going to church. Either you are lying or those women are some serious sluts.
They could wear summer dress instead of something that shows off their voluptuous booty.
I'm not lying. The girls who volunteered for church services were all wearing tight yoga pants.
Oh my god who cares you fucking pussy. Can you really not see a pair of legs without getting horny and depressed? Get a fucking grip, man
>be me
>nonmeme tradcath
>Isn't that fine so long as they have a hat?
I think this is a take the log out of your own eye situation because I think you'd be melting for them in full length summer dresses AND a head covering with veil
They want to plap and you should talk to them accordingly. But given you are a weirdcel you probably don't like the idea of unmarital sex. So you won't be able to plap them no strings attached. Sad!
Well not that guy who went to church but it is quite disrespectul to wear suggestive clothing at church of all places regardless if they arouse some or not as purposefuly inciting lust; one of the 7 deadly sins; in house of god seems inapropriate. I'm a nihlist now so I do not care really but I wouldn't trust bitches like that, I can only imagine the rash you will get from going to bed with such promiscuous women.
>The other humans made me sin
Your deceitful heart made you sin and lie about it to yourself and others
Princess Selekta is betrothed to king Mike Cheka.
>universal telephone problems
Many such cases
>be me
>go downstairs
>"oh look who decided to come out of their cave!"
leave me alone!
Move out
Hit 150 followers on my story today.
I just ate 2 sweet potatoes.
Oh ok
Reading relaxes me, a bit too much if I'm honest. Lying in bed for reading is so comfy that it consistently puts me to sleep. Today I experimented keeping myself awake.
>lay on the floor with a spiked mattress under my back and a pillow under my head
3/5, I'm limited to being on my back which quickly tires my noodle arms. The spikes are not painful enough even while shirtless, using it for 10+ years probably dulled them down.
>lay on my stomach on the floor, left ear on the pillow and ereader on the floor
1/5 I can fall asleep like this, it's comfy despite the cold floor. My eyes started losing focus
>the previous but an object under my stomach
3/5 it's mildly annoying to have something unusual against my stomach. An ice cream tub lid was the most noticeable, might have to experiment with harsher and thicker objects. Some potential, would not fall asleep with something under me
>sitting down against a wall with a pillow under my bottom
4/5 the pillow kept creeping but I can figure out how to make it stick. Most potential here, if I can balance comfort and avoiding fatigue. Neighbour started moaning and screaming in pain, it took my attention so I stopped reading to jerk off. Need motorcycle ear plugs for silence, had them before but lost one of the two. Hitting up the hardware store when I can be bothered to charge my bus card.
Is Vance really "radically anti-immigrant" or is this the typical lefty hyperventilation?
"Middle Americans" are the whiniest babies in the world
Vance isn't really anything. He is whatever gets him more power. Simple as.
Dude I know kisses some pastor ass so hard his nose is brown and is apparently mad at me because I have critiques of him.
I think from what I've seen of commercials that the left are putting out there that it's all propaganda. The left seems to be trying their hardest but for me they look like fools.
The left has gone insane.
From my point of view, the Right are evil!
It's the way of mentally ill normies who gobble up anything the MSM says. I'm tired of fox news also regardless of some of their critiques that do hit hard once in a awhile in a sea of rehash news weeks on end.
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Today we are all feeling Indian
Biden is your president though
Who the fuck wants to vote for Kamala Harris? Are the Dems throwing the election on purpose?
I'm voting for her. I love women.
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Federalists... they really love to sing and dance.
US politics are a joke anymore and Americans should be embarrassed
US politics is a bit heartbreaking. all these old-timers, it's their last go. "what's next for joe biden?" ... death. compared to UK elections anyway it's different. our candidates could basically care less.
I mean not for much longer
I'll vote for her. Kamala means Lotus in Tamil (her mum being Tamil Indian), and the lotus is my favorite flower.
Shut up latrino
Funnily enough, this Biden going out of his way to prove he's not going to give up to then give up within a few days thing reminded me of Teresa May. Ghastly woman
Nah I love women but I'd never eat a womans lotus
i was actually thinking of mother theresa as i made that comment. she was fucking awful but when she got the push i remember thinking no one ever really went in to bat for her did they.
>who the fuck wants to vote for kamala Harris?
I mean, I will honestly. It will be a change in the monotonous election we have now.
same eating the box is gay
getting drunk still takes me back to the first time I ever was drunk at the beach with my friends when I was 16 when we finished secondary school.
finally an anon who gets it. why would i lick something that's ive put my dick in? gross

same reason why i love penis and sucking it. aesthetic, masculine, and has only been in vaginas. truly based
every dick looks like a hideous hairless mole except my own
post it hottie
>why would i lick something that's ive put my dick in? gross
I agree completely this is why I lick the hole a woman shits from like I'm tunneling to China but I have no interest in anal sex. Imagine cooming where you eat, gross
i'd get banned!
anon you are truly based. brothers are you and i
close your eyes
good point anon. then take a pic of it and post it as ascii art
youve done this a few times before
i am the ascii penis man
Politics have always been a circus show. This has nothing to do with America or the “current year”. Read a history book.
Normal reaction to a minor complaint
This anon gets it.
I would've voted for biden this year but it was close with voting for trump also. I mean it's humorous the cope from the left about how well biden is doing or the same from the right.
not really wanting to vote for trump i can understand, but voting for biden i can't wrap my head around
Vote now, American /lit/bros: Kamala or Trump?
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Nixon/Hitler 2024
exceptionally based
There were definitely times in the past when things were more hopeful or optimistic, or at the very least entertaining in a positive or dangerous way
>Verify you are human
I don't want to vote for either one. I'm thinking of writing in Pope Francis on my ballot.
If Americans had any spine they wouldn’t be voting this election. Maybe if no turns out some change could be started
Based, I'd rather vote for a pedo than a rapist or a woman
For sure anon I'm sure 300 million people will all just choose not to vote
we need secrets
Of course they will because people are robots and drawn like flies to shit but it would send a clear message if only a fraction of Americans turned out to vote and a major issue would be put front and center to possibly start fixing it. Ultimately the people have power if they truly band together
The first female world leader
I'm writing in Jesse Ventura, personally.
male Shimakaze
I see your reasoning and the good nature behind your words. Maybe the US political system will see an overhaul in our lifetimes (unlikely)
don't you dare forget queenie liz
she might be dead (pbuh) but she lives forever in our hearts
being extremely social seems to be a very good thing and i view it as an ideal i want to achieve in my own life. the main thing slowing me down is anxiety, though i hope i am able to get to a point where it gets much more muted
i'll be right back
being lonely creates circumstances for very special relationships
that may indeed be so but as is the case for all people, my unique set of circumstances has led me to find some unique set of traits that i believe to be ideals i want to live my life by. one of these is the ability to be social with anyone and everyone. if solitude is a virtue in your mind, i respect this too.
Kamala for president. I'd love to see the nation burn faster.
it's not that. i mean, two lonely people can connect through the fact they're lonely, overcoming any and all obstacles between them, and it's really nice. have you ever seen lost in translation?
i hate to say it but it does come down to 'being yourself'. if you're a bit of a loner you'll have a different life to very social people, but all different lifestyles bear fruit.
It actually doesn't matter who I vote for. People who say it does doesn't know how representatives work. My state historically always votes blue. If it's blue my extra vote means nothing, if it's red my vote won't beat the blue votes and means nothing.
this old argument
i have not seen lost in translation. perhaps i ought to.
your sentiment seems true but i don't think it applies to me: i am at least as social as your average normie and do truly enjoy social situations and existing within group dynamics. i do, however, have some level of anxiety when it comes to chatting up random strangers, which is some arbitrary goal i want to achieve because i feel like it will bring me one step closer to achieving the aforementioned ideal.
new >>23613249
That is quantum immortality, is it not?
There is a website that identifies old clothes and will also point you to a store that sells as bags as possible a copy of it
Life is a joke. Better laugh while you can
That is SO good, thank you for sharing!
if you have netflix put it on and skip to 32 mins
Put that energy into understanding your own mind. anything else is a waste
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What's the problem jannie? Someone's shizo shitpost suddenly came to mind, but WOE IS YOU for some fucking reason. I typed all that shit out by fucking hand god damnnit. And then you went so far as to fucking belete the dude replying to me just so no one could ever fucking notice my post.
Write a story describing your dream

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