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ASOIAF wiki: https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Main_Page
Blog: https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/
Old blog: https://grrm.livejournal.com/
So Spake Martin (interviews): https://westeros.org/citadel/ssm/
Book search: https://asearchoficeandfire.com/
SSM search: https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006888510641072775866:vm4n1jrzsdy
General search: http://searcherr.work/
TWOW samples: https://archive.org/details/411440566-the-winds-of-winter-released-chapters
Last thread: >>23807715
First for the King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men. Stannis
Just stop creating this shitty thread about a abandoned series, it makes more sense create a Stormlight Archive General than a fucking song of ice and fire dead series. Move on, let it go, let it rest, it won't be finished.
Oh, you think we’re not going to bring back /sand/? Because we totally are
Just bring back /sando/ because he actually writing stuff instead of creating this shitty circlejerk thread about a abondoned series.
>potential /slg/
Would make sense just to make it a cosmere thread instead. Make the thread, anon. Be the change you want to see in the world
We should wait until book five is out this winter
For now it’s enough to invade other threads
Do they have potatoes and tomatoes in the books?
I am asking because I don't remember any of the books mentioning potatoes. And I know it is heavily inspired in medieval europe, and they didn't have potatoes, tomatoes or chocolate.
checked asearchoficeandfire

no potatoes
no tomatoes

wtf I HATE westeros now
they also don't have anything to smoke. no one is ever mentioned smoking a pipe or herbs or anything in the entire series.
It's weird because Marwyn chews weirwood leaves and clearly gets something psychedelic/supernatural out of it, but no one has ever thought to smoke weirwood leaves.
No tomato, to tabacco, no potato, no chocolate, no peanuts, no marihuana.
But they have greyscale and zombies. Fucking hell of a life.
I wonder what madness their equivalent of the Americas have in their life.
In a alternate life, I want to see the Tarbecks und Reyne in action in Riverlands during the War of the Five Kings.
Anons! We you read asoiaf, do you imagine the characters in first person mode or third person mode? Or the same way you watch a movie?
third person with a voice over i think about it as a cartoon in the old disney style with painted backgrounds and shit
if i have infinite money id commission a series of it going chapter by chapter
if you burn someone with grayscale, active or dormant, it makes the grayscale more virulent and enables it to spread through the ashes, while also increasing the intensity of the fire
this is what destroyed hardhome, and what will happen when stannis burns shireen. it will likely also happen when dany burns king's landing with joncon inside of it.
think about it. grayscale was created by the curse of a rhoynish prince who wanted vengeance on valyria. what do valyrians do with their dead? burn them.
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I hope Petyr reunites with Edmure so he can gloat over becoming Lord of the Riverlands. None of this would have happened if Edmure had been a bit nicer
I look forward to Petyrs death in Winds. I hope he chokes on that mint he loves so much. Should have stayed on the Fingers where he belonged.
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I think those are supposed to be like Betal leaves. Its this narcotic you chew that stains your mouth and saliva red, from southeast Asia.
>third person with a voice over i think about it as a cartoon in the old disney style with painted backgrounds and shit
>if i have infinite money id commission a series of it going chapter by chapter
Are you me? I also incorporate show voice actors as their voices and have to fill in the rest. If I had a bunch of money I'd throw it at this guy for 5 seasons with 30 episodes each.
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Chances of George telling HBO to fuck off and go back entirely to writing books? Seems likely to me imo
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Ah fuck I replied wrong fuck me and this website
>will never be able to use a bow again
>will never be able to have sex again
>will never be able to have a family
>no woman will want to marry his crippled, deformed ass
Why doesn't he just kill himself?
His redemption arc is coming. Just like in the show he'll have a role to play in helping Bran.
How do you redeem not having a penis? Is Bran gonna warg into his dick and make it grow back?
He doesn't need to commit suicide. He's about to be executed by Stannis
You know how Moqorro saves Victarions hand and it's all burnt and crispy? Yeah Bran does something like that.
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Isn't the castration a show only thing? The only hint of it in the books is "he's/I'm not even a man", but I took that as him being completely beat down and subservient. He fantasizes about having sex with a woman in Winterfell, and while he constantly thinks about his missing fingers and broken teeth he never mentions his missing dick.
>He has only taken toes and fingers and that other thing, when he might have had my tongue, or peeled the skin off my legs from heel to thigh.

>Reek, get over here. Get her ready for me."
>For a moment he did not understand. "I … do you mean … m'lord, I have no …"
damn....that last line completely flew over my head during my read
Zero. Blood and Fire is being worked on right now when he said he wouldn't until Winds came out so HBO can have more material for more Targ shows.
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God I hate George for not finishing, Theon in Dance is so good.
>Theon led the way up the stairs. I have climbed these steps a thousand times before. As a boy he would run up; descending, he would take the steps three at a time, leaping. Once he leapt right into Old Nan and knocked her to the floor. That earned him the worst thrashing he ever had at Winterfell, though it was almost tender compared to the beatings his brothers used to give him back on Pyke.
>He and Robb had fought many a heroic battle on these steps, slashing at one another with wooden swords. Good training, that; it brought home how hard it was to fight your way up a spiral stair against determined opposition. Ser Rodrik liked to say that one good man could hold a hundred, fighting down.
>That was long ago, though. They were all dead now. Jory, old Ser Rodrik, Lord Eddard, Harwin and Hullen, Cayn and Desmond and Fat Tom, Alyn with his dreams of knighthood, Mikken who had given him his first real sword. Even Old Nan, like as not.
>And Robb. Robb who had been more a brother to Theon than any son born of Balon Greyjoy's loins. Murdered at the Red Wedding, butchered by the Freys. I should have been with him. Where was I? I should have died with him.
they have turkey
and blueberries
and maize
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You hate to see it, you really do.
Would you rather have the skin on your legs peeled off from heel to thigh, or have your dick/balls removed?
Both options are awful
it's either long and painful death or joyless and pointless life
>the only source of joy in your life is masturbation
Well not in the real world, but Planetos doesn't have cocaine.
also sex and becoming a father
also not being laughed at for my lack of penis
also having my hormones in check
also not having psychological trauma
also not...an the list goes on
Theon is not Varys, his situation is like Jaime's, but unlike him - he doesn't have his family to back him up, everyone hates him
and he's COCKLESS
that's awful, might as well die
But if you die, you'll never see Ramsay burned on a pyre for rebelling against his rightful king, Stannis Baratheon
does ramsay have kingsblood? the boltons used to be kings in their own right
I have no idea how it works. How does magic know whose relative has their ass on the biggest chair? It just does.
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>It was said at court that Anonymous from /grrm/ spent ten nights with Visenya for every night he spent with Rhaenys.
Eyup. Did that.
>No tomato, to tabacco, no potato, no chocolate, no peanuts, no marihuana.
Curious how all of these are the basic pillars of goyslop globohomo culture
>give her all your love and affection
>still cheats on you and gets pregnant with a weak bastard
>survives off the crumbs of attention you give her
>never cheats on you, gives you a trueborn chad of a son who only turned bad after his inheritance was stolen by bastard
Maegor only turned bad after Visenya healed him with blood magic.
Before that he was just based. He was based afterwards too, he just went too far in some places.
I find it funny that Aenys' descendants were so butthurt that only a stillborn daughter was ever named after Visenya in 300 years.
Both of his sisters slept with other men anon, Aegon fathered no children
There were no men involved in Maegor's conception. Only sorcery.
We don't know if Rhaenys was a whore, only rumours. Likewise rumours that Maegor was conceived through blood magic and not from Aegon.
"Rumour" is GRRM code for "this is what actually happened.
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I finished The World of Ice and Fire last night.

It's finally over. Read all eight books and watched both shows thus far.
this desu, like why would you say rhaenys hangs around a lot of singers and then have aenys be good at singing?
how long does George have left to finish the last two books considering his age and weight?
> If Serra was a blackfyre, their son could hope to a much, much higher station.
>Being a Prince of Pentos tends to end in assassination.
As opposed to how being a Blackfyre pretended tends to end.
If this general didn't exist you'd die from not being able to post a comlain about it existing.
So there's this idea that the Great Dawn Empire had settlements in all the way on the west coast of Westeros, including Oldtown, Starfall and the Iron Islands.
Near Oldtown there's House Vyrwell, which's sigil is a silver Wyvern.....
So you believe Aegon had no children?
Visenya used blood magic to impregnate herself with Aegon's child, low sperm count be damned.
Now that's a wife
what a woman
I agree.
Scince fiction and Fantasy have been dead as genres for decades now. Do you complain about /sffg/ in a similar fashion?
Does anyone else think Jeyne Poole is gonna be the catalyst for his demise?
Isn't that sourleaf?
I think yoren and the owner of the crossroads inn chew it
also that stinky Brownknight in Dunk&Egg
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Aegon is real and will become King with his brother as his strong right Hand. Together they will reign over Westeros in a period of unparalleled peace and prosperity that singers will sing of for thousands of years.
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>the king who has a good at governance and had a tax policy is a weak nerd whose realm rebelled against him
What did he mean by this?
The bloodline went nowhere.
>I understand your position, but I disagree. Here's why...
>Blow it out of your arse, Targey!
I'm looking forward to his storyline, definitely in my top 3. But I know in my heart it will be heavily anchored by the Dornish storyline.
He bore the sword, need I say more?
Then Daenerys will invade and burn Kingslanding thinking she's doing the right thing
Yeah...they won't like her
This fat fuck's gonna survive having his neck sliced open, isn't he? That good ol' Stark plot armour.
Took me ten minutes that left is supposed to be Lyanna “rapist” Stark / Elia Martell
The idea of Manderly having this whole plan and then fucking it up because he can't not shit on Frey's is very funny.
Rhaegar was raped
men can't be raped
>Stark plot armour
Robb really could have used this
Rhaegar was raped by his own prophecy
He's a prophecy chud
>Brandon and Rickard die
>Ned rebels
>Ned dies
>Robb rebels
>Robb dies
>Almost whole North rebels

Individual Starks don't have plot armour but their group as a whole do. Knock one down, another crops up. Like cockroaches. As I say, they're superhero inserts.
Tully rat.
Branderson's stories can't support a general. Gorge Fartin's stories have supported entire forums for decades.
Dick and balls. The leg thing wouldn't be survivable without our medicine AND it could be a very painful, lingering death.

Only problem besides not having sex with the dick thing is that (irl) you had to dilate your pee hole.
>Knock one down, another crops up
You could say this about almost any house. And the further back you go, the less heroic they are.
Would Lyanna have raped her nephews? Is that why she was being exiled to the south?
He did it on purpose to drive up the tension in Winterfell and get people at each other's throats. He might even have predicted that a quarrel with the Freys would cause Roose to send out the Frey and Manderly forces together, allowing his men to backstab the Freys.
Man doesn't care about his own life anymore, he's all out on revenge.
Lyanna raped Aerys. Aerys didn't expected to find himself on the short end of this stick, he became depressed and had a suicidal thought. Just one. To deal with such trauma he burned Ricard alive, in self defence, as he feared that all Starks will rape him from now onwards
Favourite Kettleblack?
>David Sourwine
Is this artist a GRRM character?
>what will happen when stannis burns shireen
Why the fuck do people believe thus? Burn his only living heir but he has the Greyjoy's kingsblood? Theon is am abomination at this point, even his sister doesn't recognize him anymore and it's implied he was castrated. No one will miss him.
Literally a puppet for an angry fat cuck tho.
>Why the fuck do people believe thus?
so spake martin
I think the artist took inspiration from GRRM's work in coming up with his pen name.
So who is your favourite Kettleblack?
Filler characters, one of Gurm's weakest ideas.
Weiwood dildo.
They blend together in my head desu.
They're not any more or less filler than anyone else. Them all being brothers makes them more notable.
Who is your favourite Kettleblack?
The one who fucks Cersei and makes Jaime seethe I guess, Osmodias Kettleblack.
Who is that next to Faegon, Jon?
>Arya, Elia Martell, Faegon and Jon
What a random disconnected bunch of characters
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Thoren Smallwood.

He would browse 4chan.
It’s the mothers and sons, you derp.
You nasty moron.
Braindead moron you are.
anybody got a 3x3 grid of their favs?
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>Stannis ground his teeth again. "I never asked for this crown. Gold is cold and heavy on the head, but so long as I am the king, I have a duty... If I must sacrifice one child to the flames to save a million from the dark... Sacrifice... is never easy, Davos. Or it is no true sacrifice. Tell him, my lady."
>Melisandre said, "Azor Ahai tempered Lightbringer with the heart's blood of his own beloved wife. If a man with a thousand cows gives one to god, that is nothing. But a man who offers the only cow he owns..."(A Storm of Swords - Davos VI)
was listening to PJ's most recent livestream and someone theorized that Victarion ended up with Ned's bones when they were intercepted at Moat Cailin. Periodically throughout the stream he'd ponder 'what use would Ned's bones be to the plot in Meereen?' The two answers he reached were Victarion using them as an offering of peace/loyalty to Dany (offering the remains of one of the leading usurpers of Robert's Rebellion), or Ned's son-in-law using his bones to make peace with the North when Dany invades Westeros. I actually liked the latter.
Could the Night's King have been a Blackwood and that's why they were chased out of the north?
Was sweet of Jaime to lie about how he died.
>Make me your man
>The gods did not make you a man. How can I?

This Stannis Asha interaction always sends my sides into orbit.
>obsessed with maintaining the stability of the realm through proper order of succession.
>deliberately ends his family line by killing his only potential heir, ensuring that he will be the last baratheon and evaporating his entire claim to the throne.

smooth brain problem solving skills more easily attributed to someone like like Robert.
If this plotline develops anything like the tripe D&D presented then I hope the fatman keels over before finishing it, anyone with two brain cells knows that a claim to the throne is based entirely on progeny and the ability to produce an heir. If anyone burns Selyse it'll be her mother and Val, burning her without Stannis's consent on a pyre of constructed from the ancient Nightfort weirwood whose roots empower the wall. Afterwards a crack will appear in the ice, and wights will pour through.

That night she dreamed that she was Rhaegar, riding to the Trident. But she was mounted on a dragon, not a horse. When she saw the Usurper's rebel host across the river they were armored all in ice, but she bathed them in dragonfire and they melted away like dew and turned the Trident into a torrent. Some small part of her knew that she was dreaming, but another part exulted. This is how it was meant to be. The other was a nightmare, and I have only now awakened.
Maybe but I hope the fuck not. Sorry for cursing goddamn it.
Aegon is being propped onto the throne by an overseas conspiracy of Essosi child tongue-cutters. Even if he was the real thing he wouldn't deserve to win
I'm thinking of writing a slice of life book of Ned and the Stark children in an alternate future where he refuses to become hand of the king. Just the family chilling up North. Would you read it?
Totally unrelated but I hate how so many of the characters have this hideous tumblr art instead of actual decent portraits.
nope, but go ahead and write it who cares what others think. if for nothing else, then it's good for practice at least
Why don't they just kill each other? Do they need one another for their own schemes?
>dark haired Bran and Rickon
as it happens, Varys profits greatly of chaos made by Littlefinger, but after Aegon makes it to the Kingslanding - he has to deal with him
It's the opposite, it's Littlefinger who benefits from the instability caused by Varys's schemes.
i wish lyanna would rape me
So wich one is it?
Pycelle won.
>Lyanna rode "like a northman"
>Lady Barbrey Dustin describes her as a centaur
>Lord Roose Bolton states that Lyanna was "half a horse herself".
Anon, are you sure? You're not going to make it in one piece after that
>so we'll go through the following question Oh so Alejandra velor again wants to know how would you describe Littlefinger and varys
>adversarial both of them know a lot about the other one including some very damaging things so they're in a essentially a stalemate um because each one knows that he revealed what he knew about the other one then the other one would reciprocate then they could both be destroyed so they're kind of locked in a certain stalemate um I think Littlefinger has a better idea of Varys wants than Varys as an idea what Littlefinger wants Littlefinger is an agent of chaos who likes to be unpredictable and succeeds in men
Ironwoods burn blue. The warlocks' trees have blue leaves. The House of Black and White's door is weirwood and "ebony". The drink made from the blue leaves seems to have an effect like that of the weirwood paste.

What do you guys think is the connection?

There a lots of Robert's bastards Stannis could legitimize, though.
Worth it
>Ironwoods burn blue
Sorry, that bit was from a game; shouldn't be canon.
If you’re a king, either in Westerosi history or in our medieval era, and your nobility is revolting against you, then you’re probably doing something right.
Stannis seems to be a good contender for that. He would have put have the lords paramount in their place and bypassed them, ruling through lower nobility like Davos or favoring the interests of the urban elite. He would’ve kept centralizing power and undermining the great lords of the realm, in the style of a Louis XI or Philip the Fair.

The Lannisters and Starks would have probably revolted against him and he’d have put everyone of them to the sword. He would be remembered as a great king who truly made Westeros a true united kingdom rather than some squabbling provinces constantly embroiled in local wars.
Littlefinger forced Varys into moving his timeline up, and Varys was even trying to calm things down by prodding Ned into taking the black and returning home.
The good ending is the lords win and impose constitutional limits on the state, as in the Glorious and the American Revolution.
Landowning barons are useless. First, Stannis and his successors will utterly the nobility of any political power and they’ll become mere land tenants. This will then culminate in a French Revolution-type upheaval where the artisans, notaries, tradesmen and other men of industry expunge this useless caste of landowners and establish themselves as the new political elite, with the king potentially remaining as a figurehead.
Me, King Barbossa of Westeros.
There is a culmination in a French Revolution IF the centralized state is shit. It's like hoping for a plague to raise wages. The Glorious Revolution followed a similar path a century before, but produced a much more stable de facto republic in part because the rebel barons had already put it on track in the 13th century.

"Squabbling provinces" can be great. Classical Greece, Renaissance Italy, Hanseatic League, dynamic independent-minded loose networks.
It sucks to be a Rivermen. I feel sorry for some characters that hail from the Riverlands. Perhaps it’s my fault for focusing to much on ethnicity. That said, I’m glad that I am not a Russian. I would never forgive the Germans for what they did to Russia.
True, but at least when Westeros isn't at war with itself, you get to live in the comfiest kingdom. GRRM's descriptions of the Riverlands are beautiful.
>GRRM's descriptions of the Riverlands are beautiful.
I agree. The countryside in the Riverlands are cozy.
It brings me great satisfaction seeing HBO torch GRRM's universe. I can't wait to see what they do to Dunk and Egg now that George mouthed off on his notablog website
Dunk is a secret Bracken.
Daemon II hatches a four-legged dragon at Whitewalls.
Bloodraven seduces Rohanne Webber and taunts Dunk with “a finger in the bum”
I think this general is dying. I see a lot of overt leftism sprouting up.
Given her horrible taste in men, is she more likely to fall for Victarion or for Euron?
Victarion is dumb enough to call a genocidal tyrant a genocidal tyrant, so Euron.
The taking of Deepwood Motte is a Macbeth reference.
Clever, clever, clever GRRM.
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Who wins in this scenario?
Theon's last chapters in ADWD are some of the saddest and most compelling moments in the whole series. I forgot that Theon was one of my favorite characters, along with Jaime. There's something about broken characters feeling deep remorse that touches my heart, man.
Aegon because Dorne is the only place with fresh troops.
Dany/Euron. They'd have plenty of troops and ships, and dragons are simply too strong. Otherwise it would be Aegon, unless the rest align against him
The Vale is completely untouched and more populated than Dorne.
The ice elves obviously.
Daenarys has dragons. I don't even like her but GRRM made dragons an instant win button.
>an instant win button
Against the others? No way. Ice and fire are counterbalancing forces in this world. Silverwing was an adult dragon and he refused to go beyond the wall. Daenerys' adolescent ones are worth even less. Rhaegal burrowed into the ground to avoid a little rain. Whatever Bran saw beyond the curtain of light that made him cry out in fear isn't something some overgrown lizards will vanquish.
>her horrible taste in men
It's pretty average.
Yeah I don't believe everything in the show will be in the books. It could be the execution on the part of the showrunners, but it just screams shark jump to me. Other stuff, like "hold the door", is definitely odd, but I can imagine it happening in the books.
What if Ned took Theon south with him?
>It’s the mothers and sons, you derp.
Im so deep into Faegon being FAegon and a Blackfyre I never made the connection tha the offcial story is hes Elia Martells son.
Theon would still be a turncloak somehow
nigga look like a psychonauts character

the art style is beyond ugly but as far as i know, he is the only guy that went out of his way to make pictures for so many of these minor characters. so if you don't like it, commission a competent artist to make portraits of marq piper, orson stone, the red goat, and all the other characters that are either artless or drawn by him.
Become a prisoner of the crown the moment things went south, both as a hostage and to prevent a North-Iron Islands alliance. Being a trained warrior would actually work against him in this case because the people looking for him would be well-trained and on guard, and Theon was too young to have much actual combat experience. Then execution upon Balon's rebellion.
Happy Nameday you fat fuck. May you have many more so we can get an end to this song.
Cersei seduces him and depending on if ahe realises how little he's worth to Balon, she'll either
1.: keep him as a hostage (if she thinks Balon cares)
2.: send theon back home to become heir in exchange for swaying Balon to the crown. (if she knows Balon doesn't care)

if its option 1 i can see him sticking around for a while, maybe even bonding with Joffrey with some shared cruel interests. In this case he might get killed vefore or at the wedding or Joffrey could send him to Robb as a spy (which then could end up as Theon's inner conflict. Supoort his best friend Robb in a rebellion thats likely to fail or seek his own interests by alligning with the crown. Or perhaps Joff and him don't bond and he kills him along with Ned, in which case Theon would be viewed as a tragic hero by the northerners. Sticking by Ned until the end (even if he didn't really have a choice)

if its option 2, then the outcome will be the same as the main story. Theon tries to prove himself by attacking the North amd gets captured by Ramsey
Well, I guess it's better than getting your dick cut off.
I'm not sure if he'd get along with Joffrey. It's an interesting idea though.
So, how much of book 6 is actually finished?
well, how much pages George allocated from ADWD to Winds?
I think the last update was still at 1100 pages. He say's thats ~3/4s done, though some say its only a little over halfway.
Reminder that GRRM and Andrej Sapkowski are friends irl.
is it true what they say about the meaning of shaggydog implying rickon's story will go nowhere?
>is it true
>is it likely
If you ask me, it sounds like nonsense from people getting overly fixated on details.
(You) are Polish
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If I wasn't so invested I would laugh but all I can do is cry
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Words are wind.
>...but Wild Cards
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Obvious photoshop made by coping anons
This is original post
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Marq Piper baby
George’s birthday today. I think he turns 77 or something.
Never been more over.
my granddad turned very senile when he was 74, George won't write anything substantial, he'll die or turn retard and then die
Where can I find some REALLY good criticism of all the writing flaws of this story?
No, I'm white.
Poles are white.
Slavs are white

Russians are white too, you know?
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My hero...
>No one wants to hear a dead man's yabber.
Based anti-philosophyChad.
not opening whatever the fucking shit that camelcunt link is, better luck next time

In my arrogant opinion
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*shits on the song of ice and fire*
Kek Edd's pretty cool
literally what by who? no one knows this but you
what's it about? art makes me think it's some mage-shit slop
>No one knows the hottest fantasy series around

Ok, bro, keeping telling yourself that George still cares and has not abandoned the series, meanwhile Sando keep pumping books after books, respect his fans and care for his works. Keep sucking cock of a fatso grifter.
That one autistic anon who keeps claiming that magic is alive probably isn’t wrong. There’s no fucking way the fucked up seasons could work otherwise. It’s an unseen occult infrastructure of some kind that is indistinguishable from nature. It’s all invisible.
>the hottest fantasy series around
On reddit maybe. Normies only know Tolkien, Rowling and GRRM.
The way weirwoods work means there’s some higher dimensional fuckery going on too, but because it’s “magic” we’re not allowed to know what that is, otherwise it would not be magic.

Magic is also pedophilic in nature, and it is no coincidence, the CHILDREN of the forest, lmfao. Leaf even says greenseers are born to short lives of suck unless they bond to a tree.

Nature irl does not give one fuck if sickos decide to go and sacrifice people. That’s just a form of sick fucking art. Something has to entertain that bullshit. There is an actual outcome to it.

It’d be like arguing that a perfectly carved statue of Jesus, or Buddha, etc, could be naturally formed by nature alone, without human intelligence, which is responsible for the very concept of Buddha or Jesus.
> Magic is also pedophilic in nature, and it is no coincidence, the CHILDREN of the forest, lmfao. Leaf even says greenseers are born to short lives of suck unless they bond to a tree.
“Yes, YES, chop that orphan’s dick and balls off! YES! Toss it into my flame! YES, just like that! Keep going! Hnnnng”

I feel so fucking bad for Varys.
The idea that magic has a temperament is cool since it follows animism and other real life attempts at working magic, which was more like having a relationship with inhuman beings and forces.

Shamanism has many mirroring parallels with mediumship, high ceremonial magic, henosis, gnosis, mysticism, speaking in tongues, etc. Christianity makes attempts at becoming closer to God, or will attempt to understand Him better, which is a thing in all Abrahamic religions, not at all much different from high ceremonial magic(k).

All religion has mysticism, which is really just figuring out the mysteries of your own religion, and connecting to its art / ‘higher consciousness’ / attaining secret wisdom.
Valyria upset the balance of magic/nature in a way no one else did. The Doom had shaken it to its core. Magic just stopped working, and in places it died completely.
I’m going to defend the Riverlands. Leave the defense of Riverlands to me!
I really wonder what the whole purpose of that ritual was. Was the sorcerer trying to talk to someone far, far away?
t. Edmure
Why do people think that whoever predated the Valyrians were human and not inhuman fishy rapists like the world book strongly implies?
Cause it's only in your head
Why does George consider Mel his most misunderstood character?
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his friend died back in january you jerks stop asking about winds he wrote 3 pages this year that he is planning on deleting next month isn't that enough
I thought he was trying to summon something like how Melisandre summons Shadow babies. But it probably wouldn't of been a very powerful demon if all he gave it was an mummer kids dick and balls.
>and GRRM
only because his books got a shitty TV adaptation for soccer moms
it should be just over halfway if Winds is indeed several hundred pages longer than either Storm or Dance, like George himself is expecting it to be
>noooo how dare people have different political opinions from me

Gods I miss when this site was just about shitposting and fun without everything needing to revolve around a political agenda.
He said he had 400-500 pages left to write.
you didn't answer my question. what's it about? If it sounds interesting then I'll check it out. maybe it's as you say that it truly shits on asoiaf, but i have no idea since i've never even heard of this once, nor the author. tell me about it

you're in a gurm general shitting on asoiaf, so if you want to shill your favourite author you got to sell him a little it anon.
Littlefinger will hire the Faceless Men to kill Tyrion. Tyrion's days are numbered
Heh, Tyrion will just say; “hey faceless men, you got the wrong dwarf. I’m Hugor Hill.”

Tyrion Lannister will be fine.
Politics. Life is politics.
ok, I ask why he wrote 3 pages in 2023 then
Varys is a Blackfyre which means he has Kingsblood, ergo you could use his dick and balls for some fairly powerful magic.
well, problem is - magic started to return only recently, so his cock and balls burned for nothing
Yeah, that's why it didn't do much of anything.
i read the first two of these
do the 3rd onward have more characters, larger scope? recall the 2nd book randomly introducing a bunch of characters toward the middle or end but hardly doing anything with them
okay /grrm/, time for a serious question
which ASoIaF characters do you think would
1) have the cutest looking feet
2) have the best smelling feet
3) give the best footjobs
1) Tyrion
2) Craster
3) The Mountain (if you don't mind a crushed pelvis, sort of a once in a lifetime opportunity)
>magic started to return only recently
Greenseers and skinchangers seemed to be doing just fine thoughever
"Maekar" is such a cool name. If Jon Snow is somehow legitimate I hope his real name is Maekar II Targaryen
You only get the II if you sit the throne, no?
Yeah probably or else there would be a billion Aegons
I think Jon will sit on the throne briefly otherwise I don't see how Bran ends up there
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but asoiaf is good and stormlight is not
he'll end up Lord of the Iron Islands so that's something
have you read The Ice Dragon? it's not asoiaf, but I like to think it's the same ice dragon story Old Nan tells Bran
he says it's already longer than Dance and he maybe has a quarter left
Based list. Though I imagine Arianne would be pretty skilled at footjobs, I can't imagine her feet being particularly hot. Brown women tend to have ugly feet.
Shut up Renly
they look good to me
alright those ones are good
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I'm going to post my favorite moment
>Lightning cracked to the south as the riders swung down off their horses. For half a heartbeat darkness turned to day. An axe gleamed silvery blue, light shimmered off mail and plate, and beneath the dark hood of the lead rider Brienne glimpsed an iron snout and rows of steel teeth, snarling.
>Gendry saw it too. "Him."
>"Not him. His helm." Brienne tried to keep the fear from her voice, but her mouth was dry as dust. She had a pretty good notion who wore the Hound's helm.
>The children, she thought.
>The door to the inn banged open. Willow stepped out into the rain, a crossbow in her hands. The girl was shouting at the riders, but a clap of thunder rolled across the yard, drowning out her words. As it faded, Brienne heard the man in the Hound's helm say, "Loose a quarrel at me and I'll shove that crossbow up your cunt and fuck you with it. Then I'll pop your fucking eyes out and make you eat them." The fury in the man's voice drove Willow back a step, trembling.
>Seven, Brienne thought again, despairing. She had no chance against seven, she knew.
>No chance, and no choice.
>She stepped out into the rain, Oathkeeper in hand. "Leave her be. If you want to rape someone, try me."
>The oulaws turned as one. One laughed, and another said something in a tongue Brienne did not know. The huge one with the broad white face gave a malevolent hissssssssssssssss. The man in the Hound's helm began to laugh. "You're even uglier than I remembered. I'd sooner rape your horse."
>"Horses, that's what we want," one of the wounded men said. "Fresh horses, and some food. There are outlaws after us. Give us your horses and we'll be gone. We won't do you harm."
>"Fuck that." The outlaw in the Hound's helm yanked a battle axe off his saddle. "I want to cut her bloody legs off. I'll set her on her stumps so she can watch me fuck the crossbow girl."
>"With what?" taunted Brienne. "Shagwell said they cut your manhood off when they took your nose."
>She meant it to provoke him, and it did. Bellowing curses, he came at her, his feet sending up splashes of black water as he charged. The others stood back to watch the show, as she had prayed they might. Brienne stayed as still as stone, waiting. The yard was dark, the mud slippery underfoot. Better to let him come to me. If the gods are good, he'll slip and fall.
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>The gods were not that good, but her sword was. Five steps, four steps, now, Brienne counted, and Oathkeeper swept up to meet his rush. Steel crashed against steel as her blade bit through his rags and opened a gash in his chain mail, even as his axe came crashing down at her. She twisted aside, slashing at his chest again as she retreated.
>He followed, staggering and bleeding, roaring rage. "Whore!" he boomed. "Freak! Bitch! I'll give you to my dog to fuck, you bloody bitch!"
>His axe whirled in murderous arcs, a brutal black shadow that turned silver every time the lightning flashed. Brienne had no shield to catch the blows. All she could do was slide back away from him, darting this way and that as the axehead flew at her. Once the mud gave way under her heel and she almost fell, but somehow she recovered herself, though the axe grazed her left shoulder that time and left a blaze of pain in its wake. "You got the bitch!" one of the others called, and another said, "Let's see her dance away from that one."
>Dance she did, relieved that they were watching. Better that than have them interfere. She could not fight seven, not alone, even if one or two were wounded. Old Ser Goodwin was long in his grave, yet she could hear him whispering in her ear. Men will always underestimate you, he said, and their pride will make them want to vanquish you quickly, lest it be said that a woman tried them sorely. Let them spend their strength in furious attacks, whilst you conserve your own. Wait and watch, girl, wait and watch. She waited, watching, moving sideways, then backwards, then sideways again, slashing now at his face, now at his legs, now at his arm. His blows came more slowly as his axe grew heavier.
>Brienne turned him so the rain was in his eyes, and stepped back two quick steps. He wrenched his axe up once more, cursing, and lurched after her, one foot sliding in the mud . . .
>. . . and she leapt to meet his rush, both hands on her sword hilt. His headlong charge brought him right onto her point, and Oathkeeper punched through cloth and mail and leather and more cloth, deep into his bowels and out his back, rasping as it scraped along his spine. His axe fell from limp fingers, and the two of them slammed together, Brienne's face mashed up against the dog's head helm. She felt the cold wet metal against her cheek. Rain ran down the steel in rivers, and when the lightning flashed again she saw pain and fear and rank disbelief through the eye slits. "Sapphires," she whispered at him, as she gave her blade a hard twist that made him shudder. His weight sagged heavily against her, and all at once it was a corpse that she embraced, there in the black rain. She stepped back and let him fall . . .
>. . . and Biter crashed into her, shrieking.
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>He fell on her like an avalanche of wet wool and milk-white flesh, lifting her off her feet and slamming her down into the ground. She landed in a puddle with a splash that sent water up her nose and into her eyes. All the air was driven out of her, and her head snapped down against some half-buried stone with a crack. "No," was all that she had time to say before he fell on top of her, his weight driving her deeper into the mud. One of his hands was in her hair, pulling her head back. The other groped for her throat. Oathkeeper was gone, torn from her grasp. She had only her hands to fight him off, but when she slammed a fist into his face it was like punching a ball of wet white dough. He hissed at her.
>She hit him again, again, again, smashing the heel of her hand into his eye, but he did not seem to feel her blows. She clawed at his wrists, but his grip just grew tighter, though blood ran from the gouges where she scratched him. He was crushing her, smothering her. She pushed at his shoulders to get him off her, but he was heavy as a horse, impossible to move. When she tried to knee him in the groin, all she did was drive her knee into his belly. Grunting, Biter tore out a handful of her hair.
>My dagger. Brienne clutched at the thought, desperate. She worked her hand down between them, fingers squirming under his sour, suffocating flesh, searching until they finally found the hilt. Biter locked both his hands about her neck and began to slam her head against the ground. The lightning flashed again, this time inside her skull, yet somehow her fingers tightened, pulled the dagger from its sheath. With him on top of her, she could not raise the blade to stab, so she drew it hard across his belly. Something warm and wet gushed between her fingers. Biter hissed again, louder than before, and let go of her throat just long enough to smash her in the face. She heard bones crack, and the pain blinded her for an instant. When she tried to slash at him again, he wrenched the dagger from her fingers and slammed a knee down onto her forearm, breaking it. Then he seized her head again and resumed trying to tear it off her shoulders.
>Brienne could hear Dog barking, and men were shouting all about her, and between the claps of thunder she heard the clash of steel on steel. Ser Hyle, she thought, Ser Hyle has joined the fight, but all that seemed far away and unimportant. Her world was no larger than the hands at her throat and the face that loomed above her. The rain ran off his hood as he leaned closer. His breath stank like cheese gone rotten.
>Brienne's chest was burning, and the storm was behind her eyes, blinding her. Bones ground against each other inside of her. Biter's mouth gaped open, impossibly wide. She saw his teeth, yellow and crooked, filed into points. When they closed on the soft meat of her cheek, she hardly felt it. She could feel herself spiraling down into the dark.
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>I cannot die yet, she told herself, there is something I still need to do.
>Biter's mouth tore free, full of blood and flesh. He spat, grinned, and sank his pointed teeth into her flesh again. This time he chewed and swallowed. He is eating me, she realized, but she had no strength left to fight him any longer.
>She felt as if she were floating above herself, watching the horror as if it were happening to some other woman, to some stupid girl who thought she was a knight. It will be finished soon, she told herself. Then it will not matter if he eats me. Biter threw back his head and opened his mouth again, howling, and stuck his tongue out at her.
>It was sharply pointed, dripping blood, longer than any tongue should be. Sliding from his mouth, out and out and out, red and wet and glistening, it made a hideous sight, obscene. His tongue is a foot long, Brienne thought, just before the darkness took her. Why, it looks almost like a sword.
I find it hard to believe there wasn't at least one alpha male chad (me) who'd marry her solely to create a knightly bloodline of physical beasts, not to mention becoming Lord of Tarth. YOU CANNOT LOSE with this marriage.
So did Targaryens with their dragon dreams. And yet their eggs were not hatching and R'hllor have not responded to his followers prayers
he'll end up dead. Question is - will he ever restore his reputation or will he die a cockless turncloak
Feetfags are so fucking cringe.

That's a good point
The canon explanation for that is that, 1. She's rough to look at and 2. She decided to be part of Renly's Kingsguard, although she was in love with him so she might've been willing to marry him.
So only fire related magic seemed to be absent/muted. Because prophetic dreams came to Targs and non-Targs alike.
As long as he dies after his sister I'll be happy.
fuck Asha, long live Victarion
Asha's gonna get pussy pass'd out of her (deserved) execution I just know it.
I will marry the Mad Maid
He has like 10 chapters done. (The sample chapters)
Just read the books anon. There is some pretty retarded stuff in there.
In the last AGoT Arya chapter, she says the city gates are closed then describes going down to the pier (???).
If you believe him, it's cut content from ADWD so like... 250-350 pages + what he wrote during COVID which is about 600-800 pages. Since then he probably wrote 20 pages tops.
I think the dry leaf arts are weaker than the star fists and iron balls
Any chance 2025 is finally the year? I am getting worried. The fatso is not inmortal, even if he somehow lives 20 more years he will get even lazier over time
0%, if we ever get the book it'll a 3/4ths of the way finished release after his death with a bunch of notes and other shit included. Lard ass is too obsessed with pedowood and watching them destroy his work before his eyes
The only chance we'll get Winds of Winter in 2025 is if he swallows his pride and splits it up, giving us a still huge but standard for ASOIAF-size novel that doesn't progress the story as much as people hoped but still gives another big, satisfying chunk full of POVs that get to do very little. He'd then need to write another full novel between Winds and Dream, but would at least have a sizable chunk of it already finished.
no, but on April 3'rd, 2035 Martin is going to release Wild Cards
Huh? Her and her uncle (Rodrik) are the only Ironborn with an IQ above 100. She’s the only candidate to the Iron Throne that proposed a peaceful settlement with the North and was even trying to trade back the Glover hostages back to them.
The Asha slander will not stand.
Man, wouldn't it be amazing if instead of her chapters we got Rodrik back on Iron islands?
I honestly contend that every year could be the year. If GRRM isn’t lying (and I think he always is to an extent, or at least twisting the truth) then he’s only 400 pages away. He only needs to sit down for 4 months without any distractions to get through it. I’m guessing he’s still grappling with the set-up for Dream and this is why he’s stuck.

Ironically, if he’d realized in 2011 that he needed 3-4 more books to wrap up the series, he might already have been done by now and we’d have even more material. Instead he’s stuck trying to make 3 books worth of content fit into just 1.
But I like Asha. Good female character and I can’t wait to see her maneuvering Northern politics in Winds.
Has Preston reacted to GRRM’s notablog about not writing at all in 2024 so far? I don’t bother with the 3-hour stream so he might have made an offhand comment there but I thought he’d have made a dedicated video by now.
He continues to be proven right about GRRM having 3-4 year stretches where GRRM doesn’t write anything, since it’s clear GRRM has completely abandoned writing once again since 2021 and is just going to repeat his “I’m 3/4ths of the way” comment until 2026 or something.
Um did you forget that the world was succumbing to fascism and he was depressed, you stupid fuck?
I'm gonna be serious, from all female characters she's the most boring one. Every female character has something going on for them, but Asha is just your typical girlboss. Some anon said Theon is going to become king of Iron islands for all his suffering, well, like I said - he's going to die, what I haven't said - Asha is going to become the Queen of said islands. Not that I cared though, Ironborn deserve that
Because everyone thinks she’s sinister and is the “demon” on Stannis’ shoulder to Davos’ “angel”, but she actually fervently believes in what she professes. She’s actually convinced that she is working with Azor Ahai in Stannis and needs to help him overcome the Long Night.
The absolute state of this man.
I'm so tired bros
I think both Theon and Asha will die. Theon will probably die in the Battle of Ice and Asha will be killed by Euron eventually. The Greyjoys have the worst luck of any of the houses and may be fully extinct by the conclusion of the series
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I'm goingnto be honest: I'd rather have a whole new book of Tuf Voyaging stories even if it means no more Song of Cum and Farts
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Is it too late to lock him in a cabin?
It's all so tiresome.
Reducing her to “girlboss” seems insane to me, when she gets her shit rocked at the Kingsmoot and has to scamper off to the North. Most of her other exploits happen off-screen and mostly just paint her as the dutiful daughter who knows the limitations of her forces (staying put in Deepwood Motte, close enough to her ships). I also find her relationship with Theon interesting - on the one hand, he is the non-Ironborn brother who will nonetheless usurp her by merit of his gender alone and at times, he’s nothing more than a prop for her to undo the Kingsmoot. But on the other hand, she never actually tried to sabotage him and pleaded with him to abandon Winterfell, and she was obviously distressed and sad to see Theon in his pitiable, post-torture state at the end of Dance.
Maybe I just have a strong liking for her too because the North and Iron Islands are some of my favorite storylines.
What will King Bran's small council be?
Schizo post
Quaithe, Melisandre, and R'hllor are all aspects of the same Trinitarian god
R'hllor is the Father, Melisandre is the Daughter, and Quaithe is similar to the Holy Ghost
Melisandre isn't even good at being a red priest, Moqorro mogs the shit out of her.
She's not a real priest, she's a shadowbinder. The priests work magic through channelling R'hllor while the two shadowbinders have their own magic
Varys isn't a Blackfyre, that's something the fandom made up without any evidence. At most Aegon is part Blackfyre but he's probably just a random Lyseni kid with Valyrian genetics
At this point it wouldn't surprise me if he has a cyanide capsule implanted in his teeth in case anyone tries to Misery him, with a transmitter hooked up to his heart that will blow up his computer and incinerate his notes if it ever stops beating.
He really doesn't want to finish Winds.
>neck sliced open
it's only one of his many chins. in other words, a flesh wound.
Beneath the cope, the bitter seethe.
>Victarion or for Euron?
this isn't even a fair comparison
Euron is in his own league.
>*daario puts on an eyepatch*
>*points at barristan, jorah, and the rest of the court*
>*points back at victarion*
Jaime should be Hand because
>Pun on him having no hand
>Him becoming Bran's loyal second-in-command at the very end of the series after trying to kill Bran at the start would mark his character development
Muscle girls aren't even an uncommon fetish, she would
The issue is the TV shit. If he abandoned it entirely he'd just write.
Same. And she led us to a line of pure gold:
> Her cunt became the world.
Asha the Conqueror confirmed?
I could see Asha becoming queen via a 2nd Kingsmoot (Euron insane/dead, Victarion dead, Theon a shell of a man), giving birth to a bastard (it has been speculated that she may already be pregnant due to not getting the chance to drink moon tea before her capture by Stannis), then dying in a battle. Theon would then become regent, a sort of successor to Rodrik the Reader. It would be a fitting and bittersweet ending, with Theon not getting the death he yearned for, Asha's hope for a better future for her people unfulfilled, but Theon has learned enough to try in her stead, as a wise, old guardian striving to raise the last of House Greyjoy into a proper ruler, the way Ned once tried and failed to do with Theon.
That's so awful, but I can see it happening to
Theon the gray man, a ghost of House Greyjoy
>coudn't die
>have to return the sunless rocky islands, the place where weather has only two states:gray and gloomy or rain.
>There's nothing to look at, nowhere to ride
>Only thing Theon will ever hear from his subjects are remarks about his appearance, rude jokes, etc
>Theon can't become a father
>No woman will love Theon(chances are very low)
>Theon will remember sometimes how it was when Robb was still there and he was riding with him.
>Comparing those memories to where he is now will give him immesurable pain
Sometimes hope is all that one has and all that one needs. A dream of spring.
you think Theon can comeback from all of this and become a wise guy?
I like the theory that he's got a bastard from the ship captain's daughter.
My headcanon ending for Theon is once winter is over and peace returns, for his redemption he will be given the old Bolton lands as his own, where he'll settle with the captain's daughter, simultaneously going against his Greyjoy heritage of not sowing (he'll contribute to the rebuilding of Westeros as a good benevolent lord, instead of taking from it like the Ironborn do) and also as a fuck you to the Boltons for his torture by Ramsay
Theon was never that stupid, just too arrogant to learn. For one thing, he has already learned compassion. So long as he lives, he could learn more. In fact, as a lord raised with the benefits of a formal education, he is likely already more knowledgeable than the average Ironborn nobles. He just needs to learn to use his brains. And with his body the state it is, there may not be much wlse for him to do, in any case.
Will he stay Greyjoy or he'll take another name for his house?
you know, I kind of like the possibility of alive Theon more and more
He could continue to redeem himself by raising his son, but treat him like a succesor, trying to make up for the absence of his own father.
I doubt people will ever forget him, but his son, if he makes it right, people might remember as a notable lord, if the crown will ever legitimize him
Either is fine for me. He could found house Sower or something. But staying Greyjoy is fine too. It'd give it a lore similar to the Blackwoods and Manderlys (both being originally from elsewhere).
Especially if Greyjoy were to disappear from the Iron Isles at the same time. If Asha becomes the queen/lady of the Isles, maybe she takes on her husband's name (whoever that ends up being) or accepts the Reader's offer and becomes a Harlaw instead
"Grey joy" ruling a place called "Dread fort" would sound nicely poetic actually
Glad GRRM isn't going to finish writing so I can HC this instead of whatever torture-porn he has in mind.
>“Aeron, my good and faithful servant, you must tell the Ironborn that the Crow’s Eye is no true king. That the Seastone Chair by rights belongs to... to... to . to... ”
>Not Victarion. Victarion had offered himself to the captains and kings but they had spurned him. Not Asha. In his heart, Aeron had always loved Asha best of all his brother Balon’s children. The Drowned God had blessed her with a warrior’s spirit and the wisdom of a king, but he had cursed her with a woman’s body, too. No woman had ever ruled the Iron Islands.

Reminder that the story of Torgon the Latecomer ends with him taking the throne and ruling for forty years.
Reminder that "no godless man may seat the Seastone Chair" and Theon literally means "godly" in ancient Greek.
Reminder that Theon is the rightful King of the Iron Islands.
Fuck you.
It's over buddy. Game, set, match, pal.
and who are you the proud anon said
that i must suffer these bans
only a janny who does it for free
that's all the mods are; trans
Same honestly. Reading Dance right now and I noticed a stark drop in quality from Feast. If this is how the unfinished books are going to be then it's better he never finishes them. Then there's also the fact of us knowing some key elements of the end, like Bran becoming king in the end. Ofc gurm would lead up to those points differently than the show did, but that doesn't change the point itself and I don't like that point in itself, I don't want Bran to be king, no matter what the leadup is like.
So i'm having more fun with just my headcanon than if we had an official ending
>Black Walder Frey kills Lady Stoneheart to avenge Merrett

Nah. Stoneheart should live till the end
who should be king then?
>Stoneheart should live
Anon, I...
By right of birth and blood, Stannis.
>a half-dead girl for an heir
Oh no.
Fuck you too.
>By right of birth and blood,
Only Daenerys fits that so far. Sorry Stannisfags, Targ bloodline overrides Baraturds.
Targaryens lost the throne through conquest and they'll never win it back because they're insane and retarded
>Targaryens lost the throne through conquest
Targaryens were usurped*, that would be the correct way to word the sentence.
It's all theirs, the throne, the red keep, KL, the united version of seven kingdoms, all founded by none other than Targaryens.
The only reason Baraturds were allowed near the throne is because they are related to Targs by bloodline, otherwise GRRM wouldn't just shit out the fact that their claim was legitimized by Targaryen blood.
>they're insane and retarded
Ad hominem, weak-minded post.
He's going to burn her, too.
No more burnings, pray harder
>Pray harder? No, more burnings!
I’m going to burn you if you don’t start praying like right now!
Jon with parentage revealed as king with Sansa being the queen (yeah i'm a jonsa shipper, sue me), founding a new house together.

Bran dies as part of the final battle between the living and the dead, he'd be the key to some plot device that destroys the others for good. In the process, maybe all weirwoods die too.

Rickon would rule the North with advisors until he comes of age, people like redeemed Theon who'd be the lord of the Dreadfort

Arya would never reunite with her siblings, her fate forever a mystery for all. In reality she would discover that all the people on her kill list were already dead and her whole pursuit of strength and nearly losing her identity in the process was all for nothing, which urges her to abandon Westeros and go exploring. Everyone assumes she must have died way back during the KL riots

Edmure would rule the Riverlands
Edric Storm is legitimized and rules the Stormlands
Asha would rule the Iron Isles, preferably under the name of Harlaw (I just like their coat of arms and name)
Tyrion reunites with Tysha who is the Sailor's wife and together rule the Westerlands
The Wall is disbanded due to lack of purpose

Cersei gets killed by Loras after she gets Margery killed. It turns out Loras has been the valonqar. (Her prophecy never specified that it will be HER little brother that kills her. It said that THE little brother will kill her. This also fits Loras, bot from the view of him being the youngest brother of the Tyrells and also as the youngest brother of the King's Guard. It creates an other mirror for Jamie's story by becoming a ruler-slayer)
Jamie and Brienne get married. Their kids continue the house of Tarth

Freefolk settle across Westeros, with the Thenns becoming the new lords of Karhold through marriage, sworn to Rickon.
King's Landing gets destroyed by Daenerys, killing the ruling monarch (f)Aegon and his wife Arianne in the process

Shireen gets burned by Melisandre and transforms into a stony dragon from her latent Targ blood, influenced by her grayscale. (It is revealed that it was her transformation into a dragon that Aerion saw and thus think he could turn into one by drinking wildfire.)
She however does not retain her memories and is wild and dangerous. She burns down the wall as she escapes, never to be seen again. Her soul is gone in a way. This isn't really Shireen, just a wild dragon. Her soul is what pays for Jon's return to life. (This process of turning into a dragon is likely how the Valyrians first created the dragons too)

Stannis dies sometime during his northern campaigns
Daenerys is killed during the final battle by Jon, awakening lightbringer
The dragons (how many remain of the three) fly away, their fate remaining a mystery. Perhaps they meet up with Dragon "Shireen" and repopulate the world with dragons

Harrenhall is torn down by Jon and Sansa after the war and gets rebuilt to be a functioning (and maintainable) new capital of the realm. it gets renamed to something Spring related (Springtown, Springfield, Springstone, something like that) as a way to represent the start of the time of peace (spring) but also as a reference to the Winter part of Winterfell.

Euron will rip a new one for everyone after becoming some eldrich monster, but will die to one of his own cruel and twisted magics, like being eaten by his own kraken/sea dragon/bewitched Viserion

That's all the plot points that come to mind on the spot. These are (some of) my headcanon endings

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Lady Stoneheart is the Arya plot point. Arya returning to Westeros for her revenge only to either be scooped up (unlikely) by the Brotherhood/Brienne or she discovers Stoneheart on her own, and meeting Stoneheart and seeing her own mother turned into this twisted shade of pure vengeance is what makes Arya give up her revenge and list.
could be, or maybe not. I didn't say what I think gurm will write the story to be, I wrote what my personal headcanon is based on what I'd enjoy reading to be the ending
I guess we have a new thread but OP kind of forgot about linking it
"[Condal] assured me that we were not losing Prince Maelor, simply postponing him. Queen Helaena could still give birth to him in season three, presumably after getting with child late in season two. That made sense to me, so I withdrew my objections and acquiesced to the change," Martin wrote.

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