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cersei being a bitch edition

ASOIAF wiki: https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Main_Page
Blog: https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/
Old blog: https://grrm.livejournal.com/
So Spake Martin (interviews): https://westeros.org/citadel/ssm/
Book search: https://asearchoficeandfire.com/
SSM search: https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006888510641072775866:vm4n1jrzsdy
General search: http://searcherr.work/
TWOW samples: https://archive.org/details/411440566-the-winds-of-winter-released-chapters

old: >>24059547
You have to admit, Asha would look absolutely exquisite with Jalabhar Xho's bbc deep down her throat
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Picrel reminded me for some reason. Was it just me, or did other people get the impression that the Jaime and Cersei chapters implied that the Kettleblacks were hung?
His death or the book?
Well. I don't know what I expected. That's it for me.
Has Theon even seen a black person in his whole life? Sansa and Jeyne hadn't before they got to KL.
/tv/ is the way nigger
I'm sure Ramsay introduced him to a couple of bucks
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Looking forward to GRRM's next blog post where he complains about 2024 being the worst year of his life, Trump being bad and another update on how somebody he knew died
>another update on how somebody he knew died
I feel bad for thinking this but it’s always Glep M. McDougal, author of 3 sci-fi short stories that only appeared in Analog and GRRM is now putting his life on hold to honor their memory.
>It's a Dorne chapter
This book is so fucking boring
love Dornish women me
It's actually crazy how whitewashed Cersei has been in the show. Reading through the books, just about all of her intrigues are predicated on delusions and end up alienating anyone who'd want to be her ally. I guess the change in mediums does demand change and desu I don't mind show Marge, but Cersei is way too competent.
>when your enemy is on his knees, help him up. Otherwise no man will bow to you
>when your enemy is on his knees, cut his head off. Wow, I'm literay Tywin with teets
Why does everyone take Illyrio saying
>Red Dragon, Black Dragon it really doesn't make much difference
So out of context? The way people potray it, it's like he's outright saying Aegon is fake. No, he's explaining why the Golden Company backs him. They want to go home.
And I'm not even that against Aegon being fake either. I think it'd be cool if he was both a Blackfyre and a descendant of Maegor Brightflame. That being said, Illyrio being his dad would be lame.
I guess the brightflame connection could be tenous since
>literal who character who might well have died at summerhall
>if he did live, the Aegon larp wouldn't really be needed as his claim would be better than Dany's
I'm nearing the end of AFFC and I like Cersei the most as a POV despite her being far from my favourite character. People who say the court intrigue side of the story should ultimatey be sidelined by the fucking others (present for like 5 chapters total) are fucking nuts. I hope George ressurects Jon and he just ranges beyond the wall, kills the Night King equivalent and all the wights shut down like the droid army just to spite these faggots.

read the part about draft Tyrion chapters, there are extended hints about Aegon's origins
Others are marketing ploy for manchildren and other autists
He can't even write that
George is THE autistic man child
draft is not canon althoughbeit
yes, but it's further indication that Aegon is a Blackfyre descendant
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>Aegon, wait, I must tell you the prophecy of ice and fi-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
sunset found her
Cool man keep me updated
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So the others are crystalline beings right? It would explain why it looked like their armor was changing color.
Prince Matarys Targaryen...
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...is probably named after the city of Mantarys.
>Varys had all of us believing he was irreplaceable. What fools we were.
T h r e e pages later:
>Varys would have known
the info presented is not canon though, so no
>when your enemy is on his knees, help him up. Otherwise no man will bow to you
I don't remember a single time Tywin did this
Don't forget the chapter where everyone gets woken up in the middle of the night by Euron's invasion of the Shields and Cersei thinks to herself that of all the Small Council only Qyburn is contributing anything useful while Aurane Waters doesn't give a shit and everyone else is half asleep.
Reminder: it's HER council that SHE picked.
Everyone from team Stannis/Robb who surrenders immediately after the Blackwater/the Red Wedding pretty much gets off with a slap on the wrist.
Aurane Waters as a pick is so funny. He's an adolescent bastard with no experience who gets one of the highest positions in the court because he's a Valyrian chad and therefore reminds Cersei of Rhaegar. At this point, Balon Greyjoy might've been more strategically gifted than Cersei.
A slap on the wrist, plus their family members held hostage while they have to host hostile Frey forces in their homes. At least in the North, don't remember the River lords.
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fate has already determined that he will die of heart disease in 2027.
cersei is such a bitch.
A lot of the Northern houses didn't surrender. Manderly said he would only open his gates after he got his son back, not before Half of the Umbers are still in open rebellion + I doubt the Greatjon submitted even as a prisoner. Arnolf Karstark pretended to side with Stannis just so the Lannisters might kill his nephew and leave him as heir to Karhold.
The Freys are just there as muscle for Roose to restore order.
>In early AGOT drafts Cersei was behind the murder of Jon Arryn, the change to Littlefinger being the culprit appears to be a late revision
>Robb and Jon were originall 12 rather than 14
>Ned originally ordered Cat to seize Tyrion rather than her doing it on her own intiative
>Steffon Baratheon was also murdered by Aerys like Brandon and Richard Stark
>Brienne was originally raped multiple times by the Brave Companions
>Arys Oakheart was originally going to surrender and survive his encounter with Areo Hotah, instead Boros Blount was to die of heart failure in AFFC
>Euron and Victarion were originally supposed to go to Slaver's Bay to meet Daenerys together, George appeared to become interested in Euron's character and expanded his role (also, Victarion was supposed to die)
>In early drafts of AFFC Kevan Lannister was captured by the Brotherhood Without Banners and it was Hildy the camp follower who baits Jaime into going to confront them, not Brienne
Interesting looking at the changes GRRM made from looking at his early drafts
>plus their family members held hostage
That's totally normal though. It's why Theon lives with the Starks and Jon does it with the Wildlings he lets come through the Wall too.
>Ned originally ordered Cat to seize Tyrion rather than her doing it on her own intiative
Imagine how differently people would view Cat if George had kept it like this.
it may be normal, but it's still more than a slap on the wrist, which is the point
Hot Pie
>"Where are the rest of you?" Bran asked Leaf, once.

>"Gone down into the earth," she answered. "Into the stones, into the trees. Before the First Men came all this land that you call Westeros was home to us, yet even in those days we were few. The gods gave us long lives but not great numbers, lest we overrun the world as deer will overrun a wood where there are no wolves to hunt them. That was in the dawn of days, when our sun was rising. Now it sinks, and this is our long dwindling. The giants are almost gone as well, they who were our bane and our brothers. The great lions of the western hills have been slain, the unicorns are all but gone, the mammoths down to a few hundred. The direwolves will outlast us all, but their time will come as well. In the world that men have made, there is no room for them, or us."

How come there's no mention of dragons?
Either because they are not native to Westeros or they aren't a natural creature would be my guesses.
Did Brandon or Eddard get Ashara Dayne pregnant?
Dornish bussy & pussy belongs to the BAD(BIG ANDAL DICK)
barristan is butthurt about the 'stark' who dishonored his crush but has a very favorable opinion of ned, even defending him in front of dany, that and ned not really thinking too often about ashara makes me think it was brandon
Dornish pussy belongs solely to me myself and I. You can keep the bussy though, batty boy
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women always prefer the chad brother...
Why is Selyse such a giant cuckquean? I don't think George even gives us a hint, religious fanaticism isn't a good enough reason to openly let your husband sleep with another woman every night and completely take your place besides him. She's only queen in name at this point.
true believers are crazy mang
>religious fanaticism isn't a good enough reason to-
Why not?
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I know religion isn't grrrm's strong suit, but does the Faith recognize saints or equivalents?
Like the high septon is the avatar of the God(s) but could other people also be avatars?
People are definitely recognized for their devotion. Baelor for example.
I think the boy he chose to be the high septon was some sort of messiah in his imagination.
Good point on the religion though. People really don't have a medieval approach to faith in the overwhelming majority of cases. At least it's a lot better than the show, which changed Davos from a sincere adherent of the seven into an atheist (really dumb considering his opposition to the Mel and the fact he's supposed to represent the average westerosi's reaction to this weird foreign cult etc)
There's also the guy who's the show's Meribald equivalent who spouts some spiritual-but-not-religious tripe despite still being a literal septon.
D&D made me appreciate George's very basic approach more
Because even the most devote and power hungry people typically still have self respect.
There's no back story on exactly what Mel has said or done to convince her to follow R'hllor. It's a giant gap in the story, and even runs counter to what we know about Stannis's character.
Even a cursory glance into religious cults will show you how common cuckoldry is. Waco compound being an example.
>named drogon
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What is George's peak in terms of prose in your opinion? For me the Tower of Joy dream is up there if not #1.

idk how she kept getting away with it until the sparrows tried her
Preston's chapters are canon
Why do you hate /tv/?
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nta but I am a /tv/ oldfag and modern /tv/ is basically just /v/.
Ah okay, /tv/ oldfag.
All female characters were made IMMENSELY more likeable and/or justifiable in their actions on the show, Cersei being no exception.
Tywin was one of the good guys
Eddard did
Bran waking up from his coma.
>All female characters were made IMMENSELY more likeable and/or justifiable in their actions on the show
The next book is never coming, to not even touch on the further ones.

Give it up, the shitty TV ending was all we will ever get.
Watch the show? It should immediately stand out to you how they differ from their books counterparts. I'll even tell you that Cersei is far from the worst offender that would be Shae
>The next book is never coming
it's coming after the fat man dies
>She's only queen in name at this point.

but that name is potentially worth a kingdom.
all dornish women are sluts
Those shoes look uncomfy as fuck
i thought targs initially married the dornish to integrate them into the realm but then they just kept doing it AGAIN and AGAIN so dornish pussy really must be the most primo in the land
>All female characters were made IMMENSELY more likeable and/or justifiable in their actions on the show, Cersei being no exception.
I found book Dany a lot more bearable. Every time she's a hardass, her thoughts show she's got a softer side she doesn't want to show to avoid appearing weak. No such thing in the show. I guess it works in reverse for Cersei, where we only see her polite responses not her unhinged thoughs.
I fucking hate show Shae and her dumb fucking accent so much. The fact they made her unironically love Tyrion (to the point of saying no to a bag of diamonds) but then have her sleep with Tywin anyway... She's got to be some kind of bipolar. Oh and she attacks Tyrion first so it's all self defence anyway. She's way better off as a naive girl, I can't feel bad for show Shae.
Littlefinger carried Cersei in AGOT, Tyrion did it in ACOK and Tywin in ASOS. As soon as she was on her own, she fell flat on her face.
>She fell flat on her busty chest.
Gotta love GURM genetics. The targs should be super swarthy after all that, and barely Valyrian at all. Isn't one of the reasons that many people sided with Blackfyre the fact he's not a dornish halfbreed?
This makes her being the final villain (sans Dany) in the show even more retarded. She makes a lot of the same mistakes (though I guess Marge being an actual schemer makes it a bit more understandable) but never has her comeuppance.
Aegon VI coming to town will be so satisfying if WoW ever comes out.
It's the spicy food.
Arbor Gold is white wine, right?
Is Mace playing the fool?
it's described as a deep red in the books
Gay. It would have made a nice comparison with Dornish Reds.
I'm not sure if white wine exists in asoiaf, I don't remember it ever being described
Yes, it's white wine. They also have red wine on the Arbor, but nobody ever called red wine "golden" the way Arbor gold is described.
Exactly, they play Dany completely straight which greatly hurts her character, all because she doesn't quite have the same woman moments the others do.
Shae was infuriating in the show and D&D pull these "anime shenanigans" where they insert alot of filler and at times straight change character's motivations while keeping the outcomes the same as the books, which only makes it more problematic. Utter nonsense really.
Is there any reason to believe he is?
If we assume Aegon the Conqueror was 100% Valyrian that'd mean:
Aenys remained 100% Valyrian
Jaehaerys I remained 100% Valyrian
Baleon remained 100% Valyrian
Daemon remained 100% Valyrian
Viserys II remained 100% Valyrian
Aegon and Aemon both were 50% Valyrian, 50% Lyseni
Daeron II remained 50% Valyrian, 50% Lyseni
Maekar was 25% Valyrian, 25% Lyseni, 50% Dornish
Aegon V was 12.5% Valyrian, 12.5% Lyseni, 75% Dornish
Jaehaerys II was 6.25% Valyrian, 6.25% Lyseni, 37.5% Dornish, 50% Riverman
Aerys II remained 6.25% Valyrian, 6.25% Lyseni, 37.5% Dornish, 50% Riverman
Rhaegar remained 6.25% Valyrian, 6.25% Lyseni, 37.5% Dornish, 50% Riverman (Dany as well)
Jon is 3.125% Valyrian, 3.125% Lyseni, 18.75% Dornish, 25% Riverman, 50% Northman

The actual %s are likely even lower than these though, because this assumes the mothers were also 100%s of their respective ethnicities, which wasn't actually the case.
Good enough for an approximate point of reference though
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>written by Brian Sanderson
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>Jon is 3.125% Valyrian, 50% Northman
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This is the first time I've been on this board in years and jews are really this aggressive at subverting Euro-ethnic (which means closest to being angelic of all the races) readers? I'm hamming it up to be funny, but literally everything I just said is an honest to God truth.
t. yes, /pol/ Chad pic related is me going to slay the (((high elves))) with my Aryan auroch bro.
Aren't most Lyseni Valyrian though? Varys has purple eyes and would in all likelyhood have purple eyes. Salador Saan also looks the part.
Even still, modern day Targs wouldn't look the part. I don't think we have a good genealogy + physical descriptions of the Blackfyres but they'd definitely look more like dragonlords.
Kind of funny that for all their purity talk and incest, they'd be better off finding wives in Lys.
Also, suprisingly enough, despite being Aegon's bastard brother (in all likelyhood) Orys didn't have Valyrian features. Black of hair like every other Baratheon. Which is odd because that was supposed to be a Durrandon feature and super genetically-dominant. I guess it could mean Aegon wasn't 100% Valyrian himself, but that'd be lame imo.
big riverland titties

The Lyseni here are each and everyone Valyrian.
Blank statements of "Dornish" or "Riverman" also have little meaning as these pertain to cultural and territorial differences. Rivermen are all andals aside from perhaps Blackwood and Bracken; There are three types of currently recognized dornishmen who each greatly differ from the other, even in the laws they follow; As such it is remiss to treat these groups as single blocks specially when discussing unknown genetic percentages. The Dayne counted amongst the dornish here, still present Valyrian traits as far as 300 AC.

It also needs to be noted that the Valyrian genes appear to be fairly dominant regardless of any inbreeding. In cases of race mixing, it is rare for the offspring not to display visible traits traditionally associated with Valyrian descend, such as pale blonde hair or purple eyes and its variations. This appear to hold special truth in the event of a male Valyrian producing children, with very few known cases of no apparent Valyrian ancestry.
Pelinal was a bigger fag than OP
like your dick, your lines be pale and droopy
go back to pol, fool and take a dookie
this troll ghoul think he snoopin'
blamin "da jewz!" for his losin'
while they cruisin' in pou-sie
and he lives with his mama
with his love life a caca
I don’t want be a Riverman nor a Ironborn for that matter.
What about being Frey?
the ironborn are spiritually black
Cat and Lysa were last generation's Arya and Sansa. People just don't make the Cat=Arya connection because of her Tully hair.
>Cat is a based tomboy turned hot milf, 20 kids with her chad husband, rides halfway across westeros and back during a war, lynched more niggers than the KKK, etc
>Lysa is useless, fat, ugly, stupid, a simp whose love is unrequited, married to a guy 80 years older than her for 15 years, didn't fly so good

From this we can infer that Sansa's marriage to Tyrion Lannister will only result in one epileptic, probably bastard child.
The riddle of the sphinx is my fat mast in Alleras's cute boy (female) pussy
Adding further context, the "riverman" here is from Egg's wife Betha Blackwood, so first men/andal mix weighted towards first men.
"Dornish" (Maekar's mother) is Martell, rhoynar/andal mix weighted towards rhoynar.
"Dornish" (Egg's mother) is Dayne, another first men/andal mix weighted towards first men (but with Valyrian looks).

So practically, they were already majority first man DNA by Egg's kids, hard carried by that scrap of Valyrian ancestry
Just finished A Feast for Crows.
A bit slow at times, but a short read to compensate. Cersei was hands down the best POV in the book.
Going into ADwD now. It'll be weird to read about past events that have already been alluded to, but I guess there's also some novelty in that.
What do you guys think about the combined reading order? Were Feast and Dance split just because of the publisher getting on GRRM's case about lenght/writing time or is it better to read them as published? Either way, I'm looking forward to the timelines converging. Heard Dany's plot is shit, inclined to belive it.
I'll become another WoW schizo theorist once I'm done with it.
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Why are Westerosi so obsessed with rural living? Why do they hate making cities?

Why are the Yi-Tish so obsessed with cities for that matter? To the point where nothing outside of them matters. They're like an ironic parallel.

Why do the Free Cities seemingly not care about having actual borders?

This world is all sorts of weird decision making.
Uh... Visenya?
Westerosi are a blend of pride and enlightenment and as such they hate cities on principle;
Yi-Ti doesn't exist;
The Free Cities are constantly warring, they have borders but these are malleable, it is just dificult to care about something you might not have tomorrow.
at first I didn't understand what are talking about, but then I thought about it and realised that apart from Kingslanding and maybe White Harbor, there's no cities, just castles and villages, interesting
I think ASOIAF would've been better without any fantasy, no dragons, no white walkers, no Melisandre type bs; just medieval court intrigues, wars and tax policies explained in painstaking detail
I remember seeing it said that westeros only has 5 true cities: King's Landing, Oldtown, Lannisport, Gulltown and White Harbour
Who else?
Might be that GRRM doesn't take much into subtext, but for me I've always seen the slow seeping of magic back into the world to show that everything is going to shit and getting corrupted
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Just read histories and biographies about monarchs. That's where George gets all of the court intrigues from. There's also a lot of historical fiction you could read. The carefully placed, un-obnoxious fantasy elements of this story is what pushes it over the top.
Maybe but ASOIAF is a response to LOTR not a subversion of it. And GRRM loves his ice elves.
nah, I kind of like the way magic is presented in ASOIAF, it's there to make things interesting, not to be an asspull tool
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Forgive me for the autism but all this talk of multiple gods and avatars makes me think of 40k Eldar.
So I figure the Faith of the Seven be something like: Everyone is supposed to follow a "seven-fold path" where on each path you come to embody a different aspects of God(s) as to be more holy.
>tfw no Roslin Frey wife
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this is some weird shit
Just saw that on Reddit myself.
what is this? some deeply autistic deviantart post?
Yi-Ti is like China, and thus has incredibly fertile river valleys that feed a lot more people than it takes to work the land. Westeros isn't, so they've developed to have a small social class of enforcers as opposed to the mercenaries and soldiery of the east. Yunkai (Or was it Astapor?) had 8 000 Unsullied, I don't think Westeros has that many men at arms across the whole continent. This is also why winter in Westeros is a big deal, while in Essos it's not mentioned at all.
god that whole plotline is just dumb

I was honestly surprised they wanted to have any kind of connection to the original series.

"Rhaenyra it's of utmost importance that we do what must be done, because in the future the dark lord of death is going to get trick stabbed by a little girl."
Theon's chapters when he returns to Winterfell in ADWD are the peak of the series
Why would I read him when I can just read history from antiquity, the Middle Ages and the renaissance?
It's more like the various Saints in christianity to represent aspects of god because otherwise God is just this all encompassing OOOOOOOH. You can represent one thing if you're everything, you need to narrow it down.
>lute, snowflake, flame
God you KNOW he thought he was being so clever with that.
it's hard to find well researched books on Medieval Europe outside of Britain (most of them are in foreign languages and haven't been translated)
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>Elia of Dorne. I killed her screaming whelp. Then I raped her. Then I smashed her fucking head in. Like this.
What grinds my gears is GURM trying to be so precious about magic like does it work or doesn’t it, hints about prior civilizations being strewn about, possible high technology, but then the ambiguity is completely undercut by having multiple characters that are reanimated from death, giant dragons flying around, magical illusions and holding spells, a boatload of unambiguous crap. But then we’re back to people being skeptical about magic, if magic even works, if the legends of skinchangers and grumpkins could be true. Could the white walkers and long winter be more than a myth?
There’s such a dissonance for me between how readily available and undeniable magic is and the paired down skepticism he wants to imbue in this world when he’s in his other mood.
I mean consider how superstitious people are in this world where elves don’t walk among us and nobody uses resurrection spells. You’re telling me people wouldn’t be worse ooga booga magic superstitious than people in current day Africa are with undeniable proof dragons fly around? Where are the bald people getting murdered because someone said they hide gold in their heads?
Gregor was 15 or 16. Elia was something like 26.
It was actually Gregor who was statutorily raped.
Gregor was 17 during the sack
>anon STILL thinks he's getting Winds
Only the most devout, the High Septon, is a proper saint. So while people of great faith maybe be exalted there does not appear to be sainthood in the Faith.
I don't know if waco is a good example though. As far as i can recall it was only David who had several children and the Davidians themselves didn't exactly condone cuckoldry.
Incorrect, only man can be raped. You assalted Lady Elia but you did not rape her Sir Gregor. No no good sir, you are still getting the rope, i just felt like being pedantic.
When asked how it felt to take human life Gregor responded “I wouldn’t know I only killed a dornish whore and her Targaryen whelp”
I think he killed a number more people, to be fair
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Hoping GRRM's next blog post is a really snarky one about how winter has truly come when the snow gets really bad in America.
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If George has even a shred of integrity he’ll keep Jon dead. Hypocritical fat fuck
>Jon comes back as a deterioriated copy of himself
>Jon the Black becomes Jon the Grey
It's like pottery, it rhymes.
Who would you personally like to become king in the end? Realism nonwithstanding. No joke answers.
>jon snow dies
>comes back evil and a tyrant
>he is azor ahai (fallen last hero turned night king of the dawn age) reborn
>kills dany
>has to be stopped by bran and his weirwood powers
Only way it will be acceptable
one of the writers for A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms committed suicide over Christmas, so I'm sure he'll mention that
Just reread the books a second time plus the Winds chapters that got released, I genuinely think Melisandre might be right and Stannis ends up on the throne by the end. He definitely beats the Freys at winterfell
bro... it's already confirmed Bran becomes king at the end...
How is he gonna sit a throne when the weirwood roots are already binding him to the tree. It’s more likely he’ll warg into someone to control the people through more conventional means, and stannis is the best candidate for that
Oh yeah I forgot that's coming out this year, he'll keep yapping about that to avoid discussing TWOW
Arya "Burn Them All" Stark.
Male writer or female writer?
lol where
It's all some D&D apocrypha. It's a bit copey, I suppose, but just because George told them who ends up as king in the end, does not mean they went with his choice.
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man these new covers are ghastly, soulless trash
Female, she also wrote on a few other shows, George is close to all of his series writers so I'm sure he's pretty distraught

I'm sure that the priority was getting rid of the TV tie-in covers, pronto.
That being said, GoT and ASoS are the least shitty covers.
I like it, I wish Martin wouldn sit his fat ass on Iron throne and left it empty

I don't even think the Iron Throne will be a thing by the time A Dream of Spring finishes and they'll move onto a completely new power structure shifting away from feudalism .

My bet is on Sansa and Aegon ruling with a trusted small council and Bran being the true mastermind running operations behind the scenes from his Weirwood throne on the God's Eye.
ADWD looks alright
who is the dragon looking at?
Young Griff?
AFFC should've been a crow pecking a hanged Frey
>a woman with a sword walking into some woods
Brienne? Arya? "No one" in particular, it's just a cool visual.
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>george releases new blogpost
>it’s a hbo spinoff advertising episode
>it’s a new edition to an old book episode
>it’s a grieving over a lost friend episode
>it’s a travelogue episode
>it’s a political doomposting/virtue signaling episode
>it’s a grey alys advertising episode
>it’s a promoting a friends new book episode
>it’s a promoting a local film festival episode
>it’s a reminiscing about childhood episode
>it’s an advertising a GOT actors new project episode
>its a new interview with nothing new discussed episode
So now that Wind[ & Truth] is out, and knowing that George is a gardener, which character is he going to rewrite into becoming a therapist in the Winds of Winter?


Show some fucking respect. Glep M. McDougal was immortalized forever in Star Wars when he created Glup Shitto in Season 5 of the Clone Wars.
They should have gone literal with the titles.
>a chessboard but every piece is a throne
>five kings running into each other
>swords falling down from a dark cloud
>two crows at a dinner table
>three dragons dancing
Winds of Winter would be more abstract, but it's not like they had to design the covers with it in mind.
so in 2022 GRRM claimed TWOW was around 75% done with 1100 finished manuscipt pages, he must be in the final stretch by now?
Hasn't he been saying he's 75% done for ages now? He didn't even make any notable progress during the lockdown.
A lot of those percentages are chapters he ended up cutting from ADWD anyway. I wonder if he would've left some of them in had he an opportunity to revise it and AFfC. Kind of sucks to have every plotline end on a cliffhanger.
What he really should do is release another sample chapter to show he hasn't completely forgotten about his series.
Checked, but he's too busy doing Ozempic and enjoying being "the modern Tolkien" to bother doing any writing.
>Hasn't he been saying he's 75% done for ages now?
He said it once in 2022 and then again 2023 I think.
So basically no progress in those years. And I doubt he stopped giving estimates because he's so sure he'll suprise us with an ""early"" release.
he said hes finished most characters plots for the books, and theres only a couple POVs left, I'm almost positive it has to do with the north given some interviews he's done. Theres also some leaks that have said he has enough pages to bind a book.

He said he got some chapters done this year, I think he's close, he probably wouldn't have done this much travel otherwise. He mentioned going to Oxford and seeing Tolkiens legacy really kicked him into high gear of wanting to get these done.

People keep saying that but hes actually still just as fat as always, he just wears clothes that fit him now instead of of those seam busters and suspenders.
>I'm almost positive it has to do with the north given some interviews he's done. Theres also some leaks that have said he has enough pages to bind a book.
Links to this info?
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>He said he got some chapters done this year
>“Unfortunately, I am 13 years late. Every time I say that, I’m like “How could I be 13 years late?’ I don’t know, it happens a day at a time. But that’s still a priority. A lot of people are already writing obituaries for me. “Oh, he’ll never be finished.’ Maybe they’re right. I don’t know. I’m alive right now! I seem pretty vital!”

If he really only had a few hundred pages to go and he would be confident that he would finish it. The man is a liar, he doesn’t have shit and just gave out a bullshit percentage of progress to get fans off his back
this is just doomposting, calm down
What happened to writing a little bit every single day...
>writes a literal sentence
>it’s shit
>deletes it and checks email
>repeat for 13 years
Someone did the math and if he wrote literally half a page a day he would have finished years ago
Yeah but George doesn't write like that, he's not a Sanderson
>which character is he going to rewrite into becoming a therapist in the Winds of Winter?
Unironically Jamie "Raped by Sister Since Adolescence" Lannister.
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Who are your "literally me" characters? For me it's Tyrion Lannister and Samwell Tarly because I'm short, fat, like books and was never loved by my father
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I’m literally vaegon the dragonless
>the Stark are grey
>the Dayne are white
Sneaky Georgie boy, sneaky
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>Martin is 76
>Tolkien died at 81
Built for Big Aegon III cock
murican laws are amazing
better to die than doing nothing. Tolkien was more fit and even participated world war to reach the age of 80. I would be pissed if George gets older than him.
alternating between Jamie and Davos depending on context
Shireen, a disfigured, traumatized child inheriting the throne of a broken kingdom seems like a poetic ending, similar to how the Dance ends.
Imagine if, by some miracle, George actually lives to like 90+ but he STILL hasn’t finished
He'll die around 2030 shortly after TWOW is published and Daniel Abraham will be finish the series
Well the fatso is pretty clear that people don't come back as better versions.
Jumpscare warning
it doesn't matter, people get dumb as they get older, in some it doesn't show that much. Chances are low, it's over in all likelyhood
The japanese covers are the best
Pass the bucket, I need to puke!
That's a woman? Fucking hell no wonder she topped herself
Have you ever heard of mormons?
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Nah the Brazilian covers kick ass
Tolkien was a smoker
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I have these.
imagine buying the books lmao
you are actively contributing to winds and dream never releasing since the fatman gets a fat check every month from the book sales
As I get older, I hate realizing that fiction is no longer treated sincerely or with any integrity, and will never not be raped by media goblins who think they know better than the author—or, even worse, authors who go “fuck it, do whatever you want with it, I don’t care anymore”, like George Lucas, or just George Martin when he lets people make half asses adaptions of his work. Or that Jap Miyazaki when he rushes everything into oblivion then lets other Japs continue his work for him, as though he never cared. Authors who had actual integrity and were actual soulful perfectionists, like Tolkien, are DEAD.

I fucking hate the future. Everything is so over saturated and nothing fun remains fun in this goblin world.
With people like Condal and Weiss and other hacks like Hissrich, you have to take into account that they never could have made anything of their own that's worth a damn. Just look at their filmogralhies, just piles of trash.
So the best they can do is rape a popular IP. D&D to their credit, or whoever was tardwrangling them prior to S5, didn't shit the bed untill much later than these usually do.
The retards see a servicable show like HoTD S1 and immediately call it a masterpiece because it's better than average for streaming services. Then, some time passes and all the retarded changes the narcisist showrunners made bite them in the ass. Retarded lesbo Weiss wants it to be about good women vs evil men, so fuck the source material. Knight of the Seven Kingdoms looks alright, but I'll be damned if I let myself be fooled thrice. They'll find a way to fuck it up.
How the fuck was Tolkien a soulful perfectionist? He sold the rights when he needed cash, which is exactly the shit you're complaining about.
Frankly adaptions don't mean a thing and George should realise that.
>How the fuck was Tolkien a soulful perfectionist?
The man was an Oxford professor who made like a dozen fictional languages for fun. He also would have hated Jackson’s films, beyond appearances (he probably would have appreciated what went into places like the Shire or Rivendell). He’d always be writing/sending letters after.

>He sold the rights
It was a different time. He obviously didn’t foresee shit like black elves.

I also don’t think he ever thought that any given individual could adapt his work, so he probably pitied our attempts.
if you don't like that content, don't consume it. Read from those who align with what you want. If no one writes the way you specifically want people to write, then either expand your horizons or become the change you want to see and start writing yourself for that untapped market that people may share with you.

People really are pissy about anything for no reason nowadays
NTA, but Tolkien finished his work unlike the two Georges discussed here. Yeah, the Silmarilion had to be finished by his son, but he got his main book series done in due time.
>if you don't like that content, don't consume it
Imagine being this naive.

Listen, precedent is *everything*, and if a thing—even a bad thing—is the first thing a given generation experiences, it will be treated as good—even if it’s dog shit.

It ruins perceptions. “Just ignore it” is just ignoring cancer all around you. Sure, you go live your life, while everyone else is a tainted wreck.

It’s the same shit with MacDonald’s toys. No dumb shit child today knows what the old toys were like—or what they lost.

Why do you think retarded parents show their kids The Hobbit before Lord of the Rings? Or just the Rings of Power. “Well, it’s newer, right? And takes place earlier in time, right?”. Fucking retards.

Newer is not better. Not necessarily.

But, I will concede that people also just shouldn’t give too much of a fuck, as the world burns. There’s too much.
Never read a GRRM book in my life, I just wanted you all to know that whenever I scroll by this thread I think the brunette is sniffing the blondes ass.
>"Listen, precedent is *everything*, and if a thing—even a bad thing—is the first thing a given generation experiences, it will be treated as good—even if it’s dog shit."
Yeah the nostalgia factor. I enjoy lots of objectively shit music just because they get me nostalgic. I don't see how that's relevant though.
>"It ruins perceptions."
maybe for some people. who cares about them though
>" “Just ignore it” is just ignoring cancer all around you. Sure, you go live your life, while everyone else is a tainted wreck."
who gives a shit about people around you. If you don't want to watch the newest shows and movies or listen to the newest songs, just don't. You won't get stood to the wall and shot by firing squad.
>"It’s the same shit with MacDonald’s toys. No dumb shit child today knows what the old toys were like—or what they lost."
who cares, irrelevant
>"Why do you think retarded parents show their kids The Hobbit before Lord of the Rings? Or just the Rings of Power. “Well, it’s newer, right? And takes place earlier in time, right?”."
I don't care, irrelevant
>"Newer is not better. Not necessarily."
I agree, but irrelevant

>"Imagine being this naive."
imagine getting demoralized because "le current thing is not le hecking what i friggin want!"
if doing things i enjoy and not doing things i don't makes me naive, then i'd rather be naive than whatever the fuck you are
>He also would have hated Jackson’s films
Probably, but then he had no taste. Jackson improved LOTR by an order of magnitude. Making fictional languages is autism, not soul.
Not just the Silmarillion but many other books, including the best Tolkien book Children of Hurin
Not to mention his fictional languages aren't even that good. People are spinning on his dead cock around it CONSTANTLY, but that's actually one of his weaker points when you get down to the details
>Probably, but then he had no taste
He’d allowed to dissect adaptations of his work you fat piglet.

Ever see the movie 13 Ghosts? It’s truly horrible. But I enjoy the art that went into it. That’s a different matter.
True, it was functionally a massive distraction because it was just his nerd hobby and not a good storytelling device. He should've used that time on learning about characterisation.
It’s not that he made a fictional language, or what you think of said fictional languages, it’s that he kept making them. He constructed the grammar and vocabulary of at least fifteen languages and dialects in roughly three periods: Early, 1910 – c. 1930: most of the proto-language Primitive Quendian, Common Eldarin, Quenya, and Goldogrin.

You’re just being a bitter slime ball.
And here we have a contrarian (not the good kind) samefagging like a dishonest ass trying to rouse arguments.
Tolkien was peak Reddit
He thought that le heckin s0iance was magic
those actually look great, but reading translations...
This. His elves are literally just sufficiently advanced aliens. It’s not magic.
all fantasy is sci-fi, it's just some writers are more ambiguous about it
nerd stuff like lore faggotry shouldn't take away from good story and characters, you absolutely should not do that...although modern audience gobbles that stuff like fastfood, you can write an equivalent of:
>MoJo top 10 facts you didn't know
into a book and majority of your readers will be happy and think it's the best thing in the world
>His elves are literally just sufficiently advanced aliens
Yes. More or less. Their ways are alien and beautiful. Much like how the black machines of Mordor are considered black magic due to their sheer horror.

>It’s not magic.
It’s not magic to THEM—the elves—is the point Tolkien was making. They’re much too used to what they do. Their bar for magic is higher than it is for men and hobbits. The elves look to the wizards the way men look to the elves.

Magic can’t even exist in fiction, since it’s just the chemistry in the brain leading up to “wow! it’s like magic!”, and at the end of the day, that’s all that magic is, a point or sleight of view; a mind’s eye; “magic”.

The people who screech over there being “no magic” in LotR only screech because they don’t actually know what magic is. It is also apparent that they don’t see all of the parallels between magic and science, which are two sides of the same coin.
If we're having this discussion
1) technically he wrote it as a single book, not a series
2) it was pretty much the only major thing he finished, other than that he left a vast amount of unfinished material that he was constantly revising
3) the Silmarillion WAS the main story, at least as he originally envisioned it. LOTR was him getting derailed because his publisher wanted a sequel to The Hobbit
But anyway it's all moot because being a fiction writer wasn't even Tolkien's main job. The comparison doesn't really hold.
People can’t handle the fact that magic is a one-sided affair and always has been. A magician may not see what they do as magic, only their patient. It may just be a matter of “Can anyone else here do what I can do? No? I’m the Wizard.”, which is basically what Gandalf does, except he doesn’t abuse his powers/knowledge like Sauron. He enchants to inspire, to guide, while Sauron enchants to deceive and to control. The elves don’t mean to enchant others, and they definitely don’t enchant themselves, the same way modern man doesn’t doesn’t enchant itself into seeing the modern world as magical (even when it totally is, and cellphones are basically wands, and apps are basically spells). It’s a personal matter by such a point, and a chemist is entirely in the right to see their field as wondrous, or magical. It’s all the same thing at the end of the day. Magic is everywhere people are just blind to it.
I know you like Tolkien, anon, I like him too, but you shouldn't be so blind to his faults.
The modern wizard is the mad scientist poking/hanging at the edges of the unknown, and I’ve always said this. The image of the wizard is literally just the old version of the mad scientist; a weird old man in a weird ass building poking at weird ass shit and throwing around weird ass ideas (but who are you to question the genius???) and working weird ass equipment. “DON’T TOUCH THAT”.

There is also nothing more occult than the deep black abyss that is space. No bigger black box, literally. The more alien the magic, the better.
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>but you shouldn't be so blind to his faults
What faults are those? That you don’t like his fictional languages? That’s not a fault that’s an opinion.

If you want an actual fault, you should try reading pic related. Religion doesn’t exist in middle earth.
Religion doesn’t exist because in his mind the one true God (Eru) already exists and every other religion is a variant of Melkor/Morgoth cults.
Tolkien considered Silmarillion the main book. In fact he’d fought against releasing the others because he couldn’t get them to commit to releasing Silmarillion (wasn’t finished but he wanted the agreement first).
Please go through the better developed fictional languages predating Tolkien.
> Knight of the Seven Kingdoms looks alright, but I'll be damned if I let myself be fooled thrice. They'll find a way to fuck it up.
Nah bro it’ll be the return to form. People will flock to it. It’ll have an even better second season and then as the third is released people will start to realize this is an unfinished series as well. Georgie will promise to get right on finishing it because he won’t let it end like GoT. This will upend his other commitments. He’ll release an additional story that just spins its wheels. He needs three to end the story. The TV show catches up again. He starts rambling about knowing the ending this time, it’ll be done right this time. He dies.
The show falls apart.

Life has the same comedic pacing as George. You gotta let people get invested again so you can rugpull them. It’s no fun if they’re expecting it.
Knight of the Seven Kingdom SHOULD be better because it has less budget demands (no dragons or big wars) and the scripts are also simpler but Hollywood is imcompetent these days I could still see them fucking it up.

Also I think it might just be a 6 episode miniseries, at most it will get 3 seasons because there is nothing else to adapt and GRRM will be crucified if he dares work on anything else before TWOW is published.
Shagga son of Dolf
>Knight of the Seven Kingdom SHOULD be better because it has less budget demands (no dragons or big wars)
That's hardly the reason for their fuckups. GoT S1 had the lowest budget of all the seasons, and had to omit a battle due to that, though it otherwise was quite faithful. It all depends on whether the people steering the ship are narcisists who think making an adaptation means they get to make their own OC fantasy show while loaning some character names from the books.
>GRRM will be crucified if he dares work on anything else before TWOW is published.
Hasn't he talked about Blood & Fire a bunch recently?
>That's hardly the reason for their fuckups.
budget cuts are partially why HOTD seasons 2 sucks so much, it's not the only reason but it's one of them
Yeah, he's writing blood and fire while overseeing the shows and writing elden ring 2 and also dunk and egg.
WB is imploding, but it's besides the point. HotD was poorly received because higher ups basically nade them cut the finale out, but the changes they did end up going with already wrecked the story. Would a show watcher even know it's supposed to be about Rhaenyra VS Aegon II? It's all a big misunderstanding between two besties who'd rather just kill their bloodthirsty sons.
Sidenote, WB should just keel over and die at this point. Especially the gaming department, holy fuck. Zaslav deserved the Reek/Theon treatment.
So who killed Little Walder?
Bigger Walder
Is she making the prisoner eat her ass?
Elves aren’t magic? Does this mean that the children of the forest aren’t magic?
He has no motive and besides, he was smaller and weaker than Little Walder
I despise female asoiaf fans.
Very unfortunate take when all your examples, including Tolkien, sold their intellectual properties for heaps of cash and lived to see the dung that it was produced of them. Imagine thinking Tolkien or Lucas or George didn't knew what would happen, very naive. I would even go as far as say they knew exactly how it would go with them being initially consulted on only to be forgotten later down the line.
Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is a spinoff to the television series, like HOTD it will follow the same canon. Makes it kinda pointless to even discuss this shit.
The children of the forest actually had a religion, so, they are quite magical, or they have a magical view of things. Elves in Tolkien don’t really worship anything, although they revere.
Tolkien legit didn’t think it would be this bad, is the difference. Different era.

But if you think he wasn’t a perfectionist, or that he would have enjoyed any given adaptation of his work, YOU are naive.
Tolkien famously had spats with his publishers, and he found it hilarious how Americans couldn’t read runes, and was offended that the Silmarillion wouldn’t be published because it was “too Celtic”. It's also to be noted that the only reason Tolkien sold the rights to adapt his books in the first place was because he had to pay a tax bill. He himself was known to not really be fond of adaptations of his work either.
why tho
>Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is a spinoff to the television series, like HOTD it will follow the same canon. Makes it kinda pointless to even discuss this shit.
Not really. These shows all take place around a century apart, and they're not as self-referential as the books.
Unless they double down on the horrible white walker / valyrian steel dagger garbage.
>D&D decide to make R+L=J pointless by letting Arya kill the Night King
>Condall and Hess keep refrencing le prophecy even though the person who ends the long night is 0% targ
They should unironically just take what notes George had for the 5 year timeskip and redo GoT from s4 onwards. They wouldn't have to look for increasingly obscure side stories to adapt, and the viewership would be way better.
>Dunk.. The prophecy... Ice and Fire...
>Americans couldn’t read runes
Can British people read runes? What a dumb thing to say.
>Dunk... Aegon's dream... Arya Stark has to become noone then use a trick to kill the Night King... only that way can the Knight save the Seven Kingdoms(tm)
It just shows how much more informed he was about basic things, retard.

How many Americans can even write in cursive? Like barely any now.

Stop being stupid. Stop accepting more and more ignorance.
>"he found it hilarious how Americans couldn’t read runes"
Can the Brits read runes? Where did this even come from for him lmao is it just the autism?
Oh I see this was asked already, my bad (>>24089972)

>"It just shows how much more informed he was about basic things"
Clearly he wasn't informed that no British person apart from him and like a handful of linguists knew how to read runes either lol
>"How many Americans can even write in cursive? Like barely any now."
Irrelevant to the topic
>"Stop accepting more and more ignorance."
You accept ignorance when it comes from Tolkien's mouth
>He has no motive
big walder is the one that said he would be the head of house frey one day, and little walder (who says such an idea is stupid) is ahead of him in the line of succession, so he was moving himself up the ladder
why else is he covered in blood after the murder?
the major hole in this theory is that, at least from theon's perspective, little walder was the cruel one who was aping ramsay's psycho behavior, but big walder was not especially mad, mean or cruel so a cold blooded murder of his cousin doesn't really fit him.
yanks malding lol
Don’t forget his misery arc where he started ranting about how shit the tv experience was, promised more to come, had to backtrack and remove his initial salvo post.
Seems like he was genuinely pissed at the tv adaptations turning to shit, clearly not just speaking of HotD (I doubt he’s missed people telling him GoT was shit).
Ideally this would put him off trying to juggle tv projects but it might just make him double down.
Tolkien was literally too smart for people to handle and this makes me laugh
>big walder is the one that said he would be the head of house frey one day
Yeah but that's just childish banter, it's hard to believe a 9 year old boy butchered his cousin over a succession dispute. Also Big Walder was small and weak, he always lost fights with Little Walder.
How is it possible to distinguish autism from the person who thinks sufficiently divergently? It’s indistinguishable.
I wish he really ripped into HoTD. I remember how overhyped that shit was during S1, people were saying it's as good as early GoT and I felt like I was in some lunatic asylum after watching it for myself. He's also said the things he pointed out thus far were minor grievances and that he's going to share more problems he has with the show (he also spoiled S3) but he didn't follow through, obviously.
I honestly wish more authors had this attitude nowadays. Time and time again you see horrible adaptations and they're either silent or going along with it.
>Also Big Walder was small and weak, he always lost fights with Little Walder.
big walder is coated with blood after the body is found. clearly he used more than just their fists or toy swords here. it doesn't matter if he's smaller and weaker if he had some sort of instrument to kill him with.
He thinks (approvingly) that Lord Manderley killed his relatives because "that's what he would have done" and he disliked the other Frey boy for being a Ramsay simp
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>the fourth dunk and egg story would have been about a Stark succession crisis
Knowing George and how elements in his stories rhyme, this could have given alot of hints as to the coming possible Stark succession crisis in Winds... should one come before the other if ever.
That is a (You) problem, autism is merely a persistent incapacity in socializing, normally paired with repeated pattern behavior and interests. It has nothing to do with thinking differently or perceived intelligence.
>It has nothing to do with thinking differently or perceived intelligence.
Lmao even
Many geniuses had profound autistic traits
Autism and obsession go hand in hand, and simply being an obsessive weirdo will label you an autist on the internet
Autism is a fucking meme
I think he's skipping the Winterfell story and wants to write "The Village Hero" next
sounds to me you are autistically obsessed with some mediocre dead guy's image like the low IQ ape you are
Pleb noob.
Did anyone survive the sack of Winterfell except Theon and the Walder boys? There were still some people left like Beth Cassel and Old Nan...
Ramsay had no reason to keep them alive
You are wise, logical and cute.
Apes have low IQ?
Jon would only accept Winterfell as a transient affair, Robb's will notwithstanding. I don't see him going against one of his trueborn brothers.
No need to move the goalpost.
Autism is a spectrum and you can be on it without being called an autist per se, most individuals will even present comorbidities intertwined with other disorders. If you want you could see these as nothing more than simple human traits.
Obsession is simply an interest you are aware of and not quite an autistic trait either, as with a person on the spectrum these would be more akin to a compulsive drive you have no control of, forming part of who the individual is.
Neither of these however, imply intelligence in any way.
It was obviously Ramsay, who wants the Freys and Manderlys to fight each other, as both are a threat to him succeeding Roose.
I genuinely don't understand what Roose is doing with Ramsay. The bastard is clearly a liability that needs to go but he just doesn't seem to care.
>"And won't my bastard love that? Lady Walda is a Frey, and she has a fertile feel to her. I have become oddly fond of my fat little wife. The two before her never made a sound in bed, but this one squeals and shudders. I find that quite endearing. If she pops out sons the way she pops in tarts, the Dreadfort will soon be overrun with Boltons. Ramsay will kill them all, of course. That's for the best. I will not live long enough to see new sons to manhood, and boy lords are the bane of any House. Walda will grieve to see them die, though."

Everyone reads the first half of the Roose quote about Walda, but never the second. Apparently, Roose fully expects to die long before he can raise Walda Frey's children, so he's basically fucked. Ramsay is the only realistic heir he has a chance of putting a lasting influence on.
That quote shouldn't be taken too seriously, Roose knows that Theon is going to tell Ramsay everything he says and is feeding him suspect information
Lack of characterisation is an unambiguous fault
True, I didn't think of that. He's going to try to kill Ramsay at the Battle of Ice. There's no logical reason for Ramsay to outlive or outmaneuver Roose I was so fucking mad when that happened in the show and I wasn't even a bookfag yet at that time
D&D wanted another Joffrey so they turned him into a total Gary Stu
>perfect archer
>fights off ironborn with no shirt on
>kills his dad, takes over everything without any issue
>has the loyalty of almost all northern lords because they're all scared of him
It's so silly
Completely disagree. I think we can actually take Roose at his word, meaning that he and Ramsay actually have a much closer understanding than we are sometimes led to believe. Ramsay is already a Bolton, he doesn't have any need to kill brothers he is likely to end up raising anyway. While Roose here merely feels he's unlikely to see the end of the war alive given their precarious situation and all the machinations he undoubtedly knows are occurring behind his back.

tldr They can't kill eachother without gimping their position
>Ramsay is already a Bolton, he doesn't have any need to kill brothers he is likely to end up raising anyway.
Ramsay considers himself the heir to the Dreadfort. Fat Walda is pregnant and the Freys will 100% want her child to inherit it. There's a clear conflict of interests that will end with someone dying.
Sure but there's precious little either side can do. Ramsay is no doubt keeping any brothers he has alive as both heirs and hostages, raised by himself no less. The Freys can do nothing but remain as dubious allies. So while both Ramsay and the Frey would jump at the first opportunity, neither can plot against the other.
>Sure but there's precious little either side can do. Ramsay is no doubt keeping any brothers he has alive as both heirs and hostages, raised by himself no less.
It depends who secures control of the Dreadfort first after Roose dies really. If Fat Walda has a brain she should start making sure the men there are loyal to her and not Ramsay
she's got tarts for brains most likely
Forget the Dreadfort, Ramsay's brother would already inherent that. In this scenario we are obviously talking about Winterfell and more broadly the North. I wouldn't bet on Fat Walda but in the long run... sure, she could get some support from people who dislike the bastard, it probably wouldn't even be that difficult. However it would involve the Frey of all houses building influence in the north and that i just don't see it.
Maybe it's irrelevant because Roose is planning on bolt-oning Ramsay and claiming his body. But either way, with TWO castles (Winterfell and the Dreadfort) he now needs two heirs.
3 heirs even because the Boltons own Hornwood too
going through ADWD right now and it's kino, why do people hate it again?
The Quentyn chapters are perhaps the worst in the series but otherwise it's excellent, people are just frustrated by the long wait
why so? spoilerless explanation if possible, since i've only read one of his chapters for now (i'm currently at the third davos chapter) and it was great, really enjoyed the volantis lore
Only my opinion of course but I found him a very dull character with a story that doesn't really go anywhere.
The hate is meta, because George introduces more characters, plotlines are expanded and Dany is still in Essos by the end of it. So ADWD and to a lesser extent AFFC, are seen as the straw that broke the camel's back and the "reason" why we might never get TWOW. Of course, people are not completely wrong on this.
Same here. Just finished Reek I, great stuff.
Yeah, I zoned out a bit there. Dorne in general isn't that great in terms of POVs. Besides, we already have Tyrion and hus troupe travelling through Essos.
WTF was George thinking leaving the battle of fire for winds? The start of that book is going to be the most battle heavy part of the books as a whole. I guess he just thought he'd get winds done at a reasonable pace back then
Publisher pressure, they wanted a book release to coincide with the release of the HBO series. They want to do the same now and release a book now with what George has written but he's currently refusing until he reaches a certain point in the plot where he's satisfied.
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I mostly liked it, but I can see the issues. The Reek chapters are arguably some of the best he's ever written.

Dany has just been a terrible PoV character since AGoT, with a handful of good chapters sprinkled in a desert of awful ones. Her Dance chapters are just a further continuation of "oh God please take me back to King's Landing where the good plot and pronounceable character names are"
Tyrion starts great but after he gets separated from the crew of the Shy Maid his plot meanders for a while before ending strong.

But ultimately I think the problem with ADWD is that it's a massive cocktease that ends with a series of wild cliffhangers and all of the major battles were cut due to page length constraints, resulting in them being pushed from the end of Dance to the beginning of Winds. So a lot of hate Dance gets is because Winds still isn't out moreso than the actual content of Dance. Like the other anon said, it's meta hate.

Gif fucking related though.

He published Dance after going some 500 pages over the page limit. I think the point is he wants to be satisfied knowing he hasn't written himself into a corner and has a way out of anything he's committed to by publishing. All of his recent interviews, including the infamous Bubonicon talk (I was there), he's ranted about how jealous he is of Gene Wolfe being able to write the entirety of BotNS before publishing because he clearly has regrets about some elements that were published. There's something he really wants to retcon, but I'm not sure what it is. The author of Outlander mentioned him complaining about "accidentally" killing a character off in Feast/Dance that he thinks he really needs to be alive.

I'm probably more optimistic than most and think Winds will be out in 2026.
Which battle is supposed to be the fire one? Astapor? Burning Volantis maybe? There really were quite a few ready by the end of that book is fucking true lol
Idk man i think GRRM shot himself in the foot a little with the whole "i'm doing 7 books no more no less" autismo
based ADWD enjoyer
>Dorne in general isn't that great in terms of POVs
i liked most of the dorne chapters in AFFC, although i do think they're the weakest of the bunch
oakheart's death felt very stupid, though

>with a handful of good chapters sprinkled in a desert of awful ones
i immensely enjoyed all of her chapters in ASOS and almost all of her chapters in ACOK
>I'm probably more optimistic than most and think Winds will be out in 2026
i hope you're right, anon
>The author of Outlander mentioned him complaining about "accidentally" killing a character off in Feast/Dance that he thinks he really needs to be alive.
I think that was mostly a joke, there's nobody dead that stops the plot moving
just TWOF...I just need one book, just one
Man, the publishers really were George's anchor to reality before the show, huh? I'm usually against such interference, but man. It's even worse that more plotlines than not are on cliffhangers.
Preston Jacobs talks about it a lot lol, arguing that Gurm only gets shit done with little distractions or a forced deadline. Dance wasn't getting finished until the publishers told him he needed it done to coincide with the release of the show, and lo and behold, ti came out in time.
Since we're on the topic of ADWD being cut short before many of it's climaxes are resolved, how do you think each of Winds' major battles will go? Of those cut from Dance of course.
>Battle of Ice
The Nightlamp theory, in all likelyhood, will hold true imo
>Battle of Fire
Dany burns down the slavers, realizes she's wasted most of her pages on a retarded sidequest that doesn't matter
>Euron at Oldtown (dunno if this one has a special name lol)
Genuinely no idea
>battle of Iron (Tyrells vs Golden company)
I think the Tyrells will switch sides, or enough of their forces that it makes no difference. Friends in the reach and all that.
Sounds about right. He's being overly perfectionist, a deadline would do him a lot of good. I don't buy that the story is overly convoluted, if it was it'd be harder ti follow. Not every single named character needs to appear in winds anyhow. Maybe splitting the book again would work? Halfway instead of splitting POVs. I know he wants it to be 7 books because of the number's importance, but didn't splitting Feast and Dance already kind of throw a wrench into that?
>Battle of Ice
>Battle of Fire
Volantis burns in its entirety, the rest of the Free Cities kneel and Dany does a victory lap around them basically.
A more pressing question wouldn't been how tf do you guys think she is gonna deal with the Dothraki? I doubt she kills them all but if she doesn't i have no clue what she could even do (in fact i believe neither does Martin)
>Euron at Oldtown
I'm not even sure a battle ensues right then and there, if it does it will be all of it at sea most likely. He will win 100%, either the Krakens just sink a bunch of ships or full on Hammer of the Waters and Oldtown is gone. If the latter it would be later in the book of course.
>Battle of Iron
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They need to get Jeff Brown to do some ASOIAF covers
There is no choice in here. It's Stannis' throne by rights.
I'm with the other who said Shireen. I think it's the most fitting end. Stannis dying to put Shireen on the throne is a beautiful story and I can't believe Stannis burning Shireen could ever be canon. It makes my blood boil to think about. It also ties well with GRRM's feminism to put a girl on the throne.
Yeah and even more geniuses didn't. This is massive cope from dysfunctional autists. The same way people say artists are all degenerate drug addicts even though plenty aren't.

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