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Welcome friends, ITT:
We make and share pony art, with absolutely no pressure to deliver anything that's technically good (besides having ponies in it, which makes it good by default)

Make something, share what you've done, and give feedback and motivation to help us all keep improving and creating!

This thread's focus is art, but beginner or low effort content of any kind is welcome here. If you do want to post about something else like music, gamedev, or crafts, though, just note that you may find better help and feedback posting it in the /create/ thread

Are you an experienced artist? Leave some tips, feedback, guides, or tutorials, they're well appreciated here!

Guides, tutorials and resources! Start here!

Draw with other /bale/ anons!

/bale/ videos:

/create/ thread (for bigger art projects and all other types of content):>>41119740

Previous /bale/ thread:>>41143137
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hi thread!
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Best I can do
You forgot the cutiemark
doodlin' the maarress
Drawing mares while watching somebody else draw mares in mlpcon.

Shitposting aside, it's time for yet another assorted horse. Favorites from this one is probably no eyes mare in the corner which was inspired by an anon's art from last thread and kind of/sort of filly Rainbowshine
>inspired by my crap art

Anon, I love you.
This is so adorable bro
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hi linky!
>wobble wobble
fresh mare for fresh thread
Those are great, your style is so nice. Really like the two on the left
Adorable Luna. Good stuff dude
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a version with just anon
banished to space for stealing sunrump's oats
YAY bread, thanks OP
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what the FUCK how??? is this real?????
I made a promise and I carry through on my promises!
Moar Brook!
She wanted to make (you) lunch, but procrastinated until the very last minute and whipped this up in a panic... Poor mare tried her best.
one might be able to tell I like this hooves up pose. it's uber cute

You make very cute pones!
blind bangs mare-riage is one of my favorites. I love her oversized tail and how she uses it as a pillow/blanket.

Whatever could this pony's cutiemark mean?

I wish to boop the royal snootle.

>This is ground control to Major Shid...
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Draw a pony feeling drained / Draw a pony in need of a recharge

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Nice anon filly
How is this achieved? I want to make these too. Is this AI?
It's AI. There was a thread about it a couple of days ago, but I forget what it was called. Try to reverse search the bread and see what it's all about.
It's called Luma Dream Machine. It takes a long time to queue for free users and usually generates nonsense abominations, but sometimes they turn out kinda cool.
YES! Drink all the T while the Zipper shoutout
Posted it in /create/ since it's music, but I made the picture myself so I may as well put in here as well https://files.catbox.moe/8n0qme.mp4
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I'm a little drunk and realized I could of just posted the image
not really a drawing request, more of a Photoshop request.
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Stupid sexy Lyra
the song is pretty good and the pic is very cute too
Thank ya kindly. Was trying out Suno.ai, so I made the song. I've never written lyrics before so that was a bitch. I don't draw often, but I like the way she turned out.
Super cute leera
Draw a pony rising to the occasion / Draw a pony taking the bull by the horns

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Started Fallout Equestria after putting it off for about 12 years, having fun! Inspired me to pick up my pencil again after about 2 and a half years. With no color it could be any mare with this haircut but have some littlepip.
Ultra based
Cute, give her some colors
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Ask and you shall receive, friend. Apologies for not coloring her coat, I think I'd make the gray too dark with my pencil
I'm not sure why it posted sideways when the picture was not taken sideways
Daww cute!

because phones are garbage
Ain't that the truth. 'Preciate it though, man. Cute mares giving me life again.
Con got me all kinds of fucked up so I'm gonna use this that I drew last night since it kinda fits the prompt, added floorb to it.
god that is amazing.
SO CUTE! I love them!
Adorable, I wonder what trixie's chemistry with them would be
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>and then her face scrunches up because the electricity is sour
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>she watched you eat her oats
I fucked the colors on this lol, I don't have the right colored pencils
I'm gonna fucking destroy the orientation exif tag that keeps rotating my shit on this site
you have to put your image through a free image resizer website
'Preciate it
I'll have to do that next time
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Yes you are, Octavia.
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hmmmm hmmmm... fine, I accept it
Pretty pointy point mare.
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>Least homosexual stallion enthusiast
I joke partially but continue drawing brother.
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I'm so sleepy bros, all the mare doodles from /mlp/con have me in such a way. I'll doodle even more from now on.
You don't need any websites, just don't be a phoneposter (properties - details - remove - the following - select all), or edit the image into correct orientation in the phone editor itself first.
4chan is not so important that I need to boot up my pc and sit at my station just to post what I had drawn. If I sent the picture to my pc anyways, wouldn't I still have to fuck with the properties or resoze it? I only started drawing a couple of years ago so I wouldn't really know. Testing to see if this worked.
You already answered my question and I just ignored that, my bad. I'm still going to find a simple workaround.

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