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Janitorial Edition

Previous thread: >>41171940

Fauster's Story Archive: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XiJRe1NWl_kIoWsHssZ27BMV7bZAe1jgX59-dWggYkA/
Uh-hmmm's Prompt Archives:
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not to save anything of value on Pastebin
ignore all attempts at early new threads
ignore new threads by the cheerimac poster
keep your thick, colty mare (or mares) perpetually pregnant and give 'em the licc
Spanking a mare and have her eyes turn into hearts
It's not Rape when a colt does it
Go get that big mare Anon
rip this thread
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>Twilight shows you what she'd do to your balls if you let her
No shit, idiot. RGRE's been dead for years. Did you only just start paying attention, newfag?
/MLP/ is slowly dying as we go. It's only natural.
. . . This looks like it would mostly just hurt.
come on bro, just let her box your ballbag a bit with her face
A mare is never dead, so long as her name is still spoken.
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>Last Unicorn
Turns out it was just the one unicorn with a dirty beard and a hunger for virgin girls. Princess Celestia would appreciate it if humans stopped judging her entire species based on one exile.
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Twilight once again proving mares can't cook but you'll eat that cake as hard as you eat her pussy anyway
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>mares can't cook
But it produces some entertaining results.
If you had to perform a human work in Equestria, would you adapt it's gender roles to RGRE, or keep them as they are on Earth and provide an explanation?
Well if the goal is to make ponies go 'woah!' (which it always is) at our super special human media (superior in every way to pony media by merit of being human, obviously) then keep it as it is.
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>Princess Celestia wasn't prepared for the 'muh human stamina' meme
>Anon wasn't prepared for the 'muh horse pussy' meme
>Sun horse had to take 5 after her hips started to hurt from bouncing on top of him without him finishing
>Green man had to secretly drink lots of water between sessions to keep up with how thirsty her insides were during orgasms
>Neither wants to admit they are tired in fear of disappointing the other
That wasn't my intent, rather I was wanting to see pony perspectives on human media. Like, this piece I read, about an explorer telling Sheakspeare to African tribals. https://www.naturalhistorymag.com/picks-from-the-past/12476/shakespeare-in-the-bush

They interpret it through their own lens. The intersection of human experience and pony is very interesting to me.
Lies and slander. Cooking has been historically a mare's job. All the top notch chefs and bakers? Mares (except some incredible stallion chefs, but they're the minority). Glided Ram-onions? A mare. Bauble Flavor? A mare. Jammed Olives? A mare.
The exceptional stallion chefs all come from prance, you don't mess with the prance chefs, they'll make you a 5 star dish with garbage ingredients just to mock you.
>ywn be surprised kiss by a mare.
>ywn genuinely enjoy it only to watch the mare be tried and chemically castrated for bewitching a stallion's mind
why even
>Rarity had attempted to contain herself, but the word she uttered sounded crude to her ears. Husky, drawn out, filled with honest desire for the unsavory. It was a tone one should not use, but here she was, in front of a stallion no less.
>She sauntered into the room as if she owned it. She did not. This was not her home. The stallion in question had no guardian watching him and protecting his well-being. They were alone.
>He was alone. Undefended and just ripe for plunder.
>Anonymous. The alien stallion. Called a human.
>He was admittedly large, and strange. There was no delicate nature in him as was so common in stallions. He would face aggressive with aggressive of his own, he'd laugh at lewd jokes, dirt and filth held no terrors for him. If not for his obviously masculine features, his full jaw, board frame, his... scent, one have been excused in thinking he was a mare.
>Anonymous was just so different from a normal colt. His culture, his mind, the way that he carried himself. He had no knowledge of Equestrian faux pas and taboos; of what a stallion should and should not do. This meant that some degenerate mare could very well trot in and take advantage of the situation.
>That wouldn't be her of course. She'd never do anything so untoward.
>Anon, sitting on his couch, perked up as she made her way over to him. He smiled, making room for her. It was hard not to rush forward, but Rarity was able to rein herself in. There was something about inflaming the moment that made it just that little bit better when she let herself go just a little.
>Her movements were slow and purposeful. She made sure to put a sway in her hips, her head held high. She stopped just a few feet from him. Slowly, she lifted a foreleg, staring at him with a raised eyebrow.
>His smile made her heart skip a beat. Him getting off his own couch and kneeling in front of her made her stomach twist. He reached down, grabbing her hoof. Without a moment's hesitation, he brought it to his lips.
>A shiver ran up Rarity's spine. Truly it was an arrogant mare to make a poor, defenseless stallion kiss her hoof as if she were an alicorn. How demeaning such a thing was; to flaunt such power of the lesser sex!
>With a normal stallion, she could be very well ruined. At the very least his sisters would have attempted to assault her, and rightfully so.
>But Anon?
>Anon didn't know any better. He saw nothing demeaning about it. In fact, he seemed glad to do it. Innocent. Unsuspecting. Trusting.
>Rarity let out a shaky breath, her eyes slipping shut. Feeling those lips against her hoof yet again made her flick her tail and stomp her back leg. She counted backwards from ten in her mind, and through a herculean effort was able to pull herself back to sanity.
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>She smiled at him. He smiled back. He looked so happy to see her. All of her friends made sure to keep an eye out for the alien colt, but she knew he enjoyed her the most, though he never said it.
>Rarity stepped forward, and without a second thought buried her muzzle into the nape of his neck. His scent hit her lips a bolt of lightning, strong and alien but or so masculine. Despite herself, her hips jerked, and she had to forcibly clamp her tail down.
>Leaning back, she tilted her head down, pressing the tip of her horn against his throat. It was another taboo; a pre-unification show of ownership. This would horrify a stallion beyond words. Anon just chuckled before she pressed her snout into his collarbone and inhaled deeply. She could feel his hands on her back, fingertips running through her fur.
>His scent, and the stimulation quickly began to drive her up the wall. She let out a knicker--terribly unladylike--reaching up and grabbing the back of his head. Her lips were drawn back into an animalistic snarl and she buried his face into her furry chest.
>Scent marking. Something only done to someone you had married, and even then such a thing had gone out of fashion decades ago. Stallions insisted it claimed ownership of their bodies.
>She could hear Anon taking a deep breath. Her heartbeat was pounding in her ears now. Her scent would be on him for days now, even if he showered. Everypony would know to stay away. That he was taken. That he was HERS.
>The thought came, as it always did when she came to Anon's house and used him like this. Why not let go? Stop the playing and the teasing and levitate him to his bedroom and just RUIN him.
>She knew she could do it. She knew she could leave him in such a state that no female, no matter the species would ever satisfy him again. After she were done with him a simple smile would leave him hard and wanting.
>Rarity savored the though, and far more devious ones besides as she held Anon against her. The unicorn pressed her muzzle into the top of his head, nuzzling him aggressively.
>Not today, she decided. It would be someday, but not today.
>As lovely as the idea was, she wasn't going to defile a stallion. Well, anymore than she already had. She might have been a degenerate, but the very least she could do was make an honest stallion out of him
>A mare needed to provide the proper ring for marriage at the very least. She had looked for months and hadn't found any worth of the human, so she had decided to make one herself. Ringcraft was similar enough to dressing making; a month more of practice and she'd be able to create something absolutely breathtaking.
>She felt those hands slide down her sides, those fingers lightly brushing against her plump backside. It made her smile.
>Just a few weeks more.
I ask you this, RGRE. What is the color of a hug? A cuddle? Even, dare I say, a snuggle?
I wonder what ponies consider valuable enough to put in rings? Gemstones are common enough you can just crack open a rock or dig in some random field and you're bound to find a few dozen.
Rarity involuntarily making horsey noises when aroused is muh fetish
A hug is the color of a foal's love. A cuddle is the color of a pure heart. A snuggle is the color of sexo.
NTA but I think ponies would prize objects that either put the giver at the receiver's mercy, or have a deep personal meaning be it symbolic or literal. More materialistic ponies might place value on the price tag of the craftsmanship, but even they would provide something of personal value to go in it.
Lesser wives wear a small nose or earring, with a single gem each from their husband, alpha mare and their previous family. Lately, with the advent of "health" and "safety" regulations, those in more industrial fields tend to have a series of ear studs instead.
The stallion and the alpha mare also follow this tradition, either with just two gems or a larger centerpiece from an important date. The other wives' gems go onto a torc or circlet, which is treated as semi-formalwear and expected to be worn openly at weddings, funerals, and while in any polite company during a holiday.

They value selfmade objects and family history. Jewelry would be relatively plain and crude. In all but the most fancy-pants and wealthy herds, the only gems will be small, crude, and magically produced from the ashes of something important to the families (apple seeds, a twig from the tree you met under, the handle of an axe that's served well past repair, etc). Full jewelry is often incorporated into hatbands, baldrics or belts rather than simple neckwear.
Given their huge family sizes, there's often Game of Pones level maneuvering over who gets to inherit maw and paw's center-gems. Torcs/circlets are buried with the deceased or donated to their preferred church/temple/orphanage, otherwise there'd be Hooffield/McColt level feuds everywhere all the time.
The rules on whether you should commission it or make it yourself vary from place to place, but usually you're just a little bit of a weenie if you're not even strong enough to gemify your own ashes. As for the ringcrafting, larger families can often call upon relatives with experience, especially rock farmers who have a well-earned reputation for being tinkers and jewelers on the side.

Basic bitch, acceptable-but-not-breathtaking gems would be made from one's own pinion feathers, either burnt and pressurized or shaped and petrified. Other common devotionals include a cool rock taken from where you first learned to fly, or the patch of grass the weather captain threw you into when you first pissed her off.
Given Pegasi form the backbone of Equestria's search and rescue, weather, and rapid response defense services, a sadly common practice is for mares to bequeath pieces of their bones for gemcrafting, in the event of their early death.
All of the aforementioned services provide this through their insurance package, and private employers in similar fields tend to do the same.
>A cuddle is the color of a pure heart.
Pink then, I suppose.
Depends heavily on the social status of the betrothed, and whether the incoming mare is considered the alpha/matriarch or just a new member of the herd.
Most often, a mare's baby toys are preserved, and the newlyweds make a ritual of burning away their youth to build their lives together. Due to this, the gemcrafting is typically treated as a wedding rehearsal, and a friend or direct relative not being invited to watch is a grave insult.
Wedding venues in primarily-Unicorn towns will have a specialized furnace and press, and the officiator is trained in how to help the couple operate the press. The act of commingling your telekinetic fields is as crucial to the wedding procedures as the dance or the cake; two unicorns outsourcing the entire process is a sure sign of a political, trophy, or just plain doomed marriage.
Reminder that in Equestria not only will you have to deal with sexism, but you'd also be forced into a vegetarian diet in pony society as well. This is why it's paramount to get yourself a dragon waifu, being the apex predator she is she'd have no issue providing you a healthy diet of meat. Not only that, but you'd also be treated as an equal in dragon society, provided you show yourself capable of pulling your own weight when the time calls for it.
How many mares that support stallionism just do it because they have sexual fantasies of being dominated by a male.

Like does twilight want to empower males because she believes in their cause or because she wants Anon to grab her by the horn and fuck her holding her down as her wings flap helplessly,

Is it a mix of both, how many stallions know this.
>Ponies are vegetarian
Cope. Fluttershy has no problem feeding fish to otters. Ponies have no problem raising chickens for eggs. Ponies have no problem keeping cows as second class citizens for their milk. Therefore, ponies generally see no moral fault in exploiting lesser species for nutrition.
>Dragons eat mmmmmeat!
Also cope. Judging purely by what we see onscreen, dragons eat gems. Just gems. Spike ate those worm-filled muffins once, due to being desperate for dragon nutrition after a lifetime of hayburgers.

You're overcomplicating it. If a mare is at a rally looking for sex, she's there hoping to score on white knight points. Think of real life, how many male feminists do you think explicitly want to be dominated (and don't just try to get in with a BDSM club) vs how many just think they have a better chance of scoring if they claim to be an ally and spout a few slogans?
Fluttershy is alone nigger Anon, and if memory severs right in later seasons she pulls 180 and refuses to feed her carnivorous pet's fish. Yes, ponies raise chickens for there eggs in order to cook their pastries along with milk, although this doesn't mean they cannibalize cows for meat. I'll also add the writers even specified that ponies also raised pigs to sniff out truffles and not for their meat.
Spike was raised in a pony society separate from other dragons, and as such would be fed on a diet based on what ponies know of what dragons can eat, separate from meat that is. So if anyones coping here it's you Anon.
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I may not be like the drawfags of threads gone by, able to churn out masterpieces in 3 hours, but it has been 9 years since her name was uttered for the first time and I am no longer content with not having a face to put it to.
Originally I was going to make her mane long and flowy like the ponicemare oc that usually gets posted when talking about Cuddle Wings, but either BNW or APA mentioned Canterlot's culture was stuck in the Victorian era in Cuddle Wings' timeline, so I attempted a vaguely Victorian-styled mane instead. Attempt being the keyword here.
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Just go live in the forrest and get the meat yourself. You could capture that hydra and get unlimited meat.
>ponice chief Cuddle Wings, embarased by her departments failure as Jane the Cuddler strikes again!

>hide yo keeds, hide yo waifu, they cuddling ereybody
You mean griffons
Did I stutter?
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Cute pic.
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I would definitely go for dragonnesses. Pones are cute and all, but I do love me some dragonesses.
How do I explain to my herd that I'm a stone cold truecel and can't have sex because I'm too blackpilled to looksmaxx?
I got curious and looked up what you can replace meat proteins with and it's stuff a pony in Equestria would eat. Eggs, dairy, quinoa, and onions
Would dragons see non-dragon mates as part of their horde and become fiercely protective of them?
Would dragons swoop potential mates (similar to pegasi) or do they have a different courting ritual?
What would female dragons expect from their mates? For example: Cooking, cleaning the home and the horde (including themselves), breeding the dragon whenever possible, taking care of the eggs and kids (maybe they age fast), and stuff like that.

Overall we just need more world building and lore about dragons.
>Also something something smolder best girl, would cuddle with.
>you'd also be treated as an equal
No deal, also off-topic.
Off to >>>/trash/ , you cloaca-worshipping hmofag.
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>get swooped by a dragon
>actually get carried off
There are essential acids you CANNOT get from a purely vegetarian diet.
>guys come by asking you to come to a boys night out
"Sorry bros, my girlfriend is picking me up."
>dragoness swoops from out of nowhere, grabs him and flies off
Yell back to the dude that "Pulling out is for pansies!" as he gets dragged away.

If Shrek has taught me anything, it's that dragon can breed with anything.
donkey was the big winner of that movie
never pull out of a dragon girl
I love that everyone agrees, donkey was the real winner.
You don't. You have no choice but to receive the healing power of horsepussy.
daily reminder that there are no human men on the horsenet
all men are actually mares
all foals are undercover horse!FBI agents
Anyone remember a super wholesome fic told from Applebloom's perspective? She was developing feelings for Anon, and I specifically remember the last installment of it being set during a Nightmare Night party.
Spaghetti and Fillies on Fimfiction?
Of course not, they don't have magic. You have to find the monkeynet, it's a bunch of computers throwing lightning at each other and somehow that creates pornography and basketweaving forums. Wait why do we believe these things exist again?
Not to fear, with every stallion cuddled in the night she draws ever closer to her dastardly quarry.
>be the ponice
>be the crime
That's some next-level job security.
>You could capture that hydra and get unlimited meat.
I suppose my writing style isn't that hard to pick up on from last thread, but even then if one did put in the effort to capture one. In which I don't believe is impossible the issue now becomes that of your reputation amongst the herbivorous ponies and how they view and judge you for your dietary habits.

Call it off topic all you want, but if you watch the show Anon you'd know dragon society is an autocracy (I believe that's the right term here) in where only the strongest and maybe the smartest have the right to rule regardless of gender. We see a bit of this when Spike first meets other dragons and Garble views Spike as weak for being raised in a pony society, only after Spike proves himself in some to their games/challenges does Garble and the other dragons open up to him. And in the Gauntlet of Fire all drgons competed for a chance to become the new Dragon Lord, although the Dragon Lord did try excluding these he saw as weak both genders sill participate in the event. So in conclusion as long you prove your strength and are competent in your abilities most dragon should atleast treat you with reapect.
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I want to bridal carry and embarrass a stronk dragon girl.

I feel like you'd get halfway into your explanation and then end up getting dragged to the ground and fucked stupid.

Good stuff, LaP, even if Rara isn't my jam.
>Dragons will treat me as equal once I prove my-
Don't flatter yourself, you cannot compete with other humans, let alone dragons. You have no competency nor abilities to speak of.
>I will live with Drago-
In dragonlands, a fucking desolate wasteland. Dragons canonically don't even have the most basic of amenities, so have fun with the designated shitting cave, having no access to soap, disinfectants and medical supplies, fucking up your back trying to sleep on your waifu's hoard (or, more likely, the cold cave floor), getting burns by just being remotely NEAR lava pools, trying to figure out which meat is edible and trying to cook it (or getting worms and runs trying to eat it raw).

That's some industrial-strength copium you're huffing right there, scaliefag.
Let me guess, your next cope is going to be that you'll go to Equestria as a dragon.
It's a well-known fact a male's sanity will decline if his balls aren't drained regularly. They were merely preventing any permanent damage from being done.
That explains post-nut clarity.
> lava pools
I don't think those "lava pools" are actually lava. Lava is practically a solid so would be completly usuitable for using as a hot tub. Whatever the dragons like to bathe in, its not lava as we understand it.
dragons eat gems, enjoy shitting rocks fag
I'm gonna get me a griffon wife
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no wonder some anons go full mareschizo sometimes
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>"Look around Anon"
>"Your friends are caged and hanging above my pit of lava"
>"The princesses bound by my anti-magic, leaving them nothing more than useless meat puppets."
>She looks down at you with satisfaction and trots towards you with sexual hunger
>"You'll never get away with this Queen Umbra! The Crystal Heart will be yours!", Twilight hollered from the rope holding her and her friends together
>The dark queen laughs
>You turn your head to the Mane Six, all of them giving you a look of sadness at their failure to protect the Crystal Empire and letting this go out of hand
>"Alright you made your point meanie! But leave Nonny outta this! He doesn't have any involvement in this! He's just a colt."
>"A fine colt at that."
>Her eyes lowered and rubs a hoof on to your legs
>Queen Umbra chuckles
>"How about this then. I'm willing to let these intruders go and send them on their merry way if you agree to let me take your hoof in marriage?"
>The Mane Six was shocked at her bargain and gestured to you to deny it
>Celestia and Luna agreed with them
>However Cadence seemed to be looking at Queen Umbra, as if scrutinizing her
>"Well what's it going to be colt?"
>>The Crystal Heart will never be yours!"*
It's late
"I will never cheat on Twilight! I love her!"
>Pull out .45
>Put a hole in Umbras skull

(Edgy, I know, but I'd never cuck my waifu.)
Seems like Umbra doesn't know how to talk to colts and has instead done all of this to show how strong and capable she is to the alien colt she's got the hots for. I bet she'd be caught flat-hoofed if you tried asking her why or attempted to flirt back. Or she just keeps going due to massive self confidence. Either way, gives Candyass more time to figure out if she's genuine.
>In RGRE villains steal rare and exotic males (as opposed to dragons stealing maidens/princesses)
Me likey
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>"Sounds fair, alright, now let's consummate !"
>all this because her cunt was feeling empty
She could've just asked.
There are absolutely low viscosity lavas here on earth. It's carbon instead of silicon though, so it just looks like mud. Still hot enough to kill anyone who gets in it tho.

Objectively the safer, saber option. But I choose the path of risking oblivion.

I wonder how hard it would be to convince a dragon girl to move in or near Equestria, Griffins time, or seaquestria.

Actually, sea ponies. Good or nah?
>Waited until everypony was tied up to use the instant win wand
>Being THIS whimsical
You just set stallionism back by 3 centuries, brosef.
safer, saner* option
This is why I hate being a phone fag.

Well. Since I don't feel like shitting up the board for corrections alone.
Rather fun and exciting she's asking for full marriage instead of just a fuck. Pretty much any anon could stick his dick into some hot mare, no matter how crazy, at least once.
But a full legal marriage, now we've got some real skin in the game. Especially if the RGRE rules are especially harsh to males.
Moar papi. Moar.
>Put a hole in Umbras skull
You remember too late that she's not actually a pony, but a crystal-based revenant.
She's delivering another villainous monologue with a hole in her face leaking purple smoke, before offing your friends.
Wut do?
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>Start dancing
>Rapid cycle through all the fortnite dances I know
>Umbra is distracted for long enough for Twilight to think of a plan
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use more gun
Begin vibrating my penis at her resonance frequency, then give her the mushroom stamp and watch her instantly disintegrate. Before we can celebrate the victory, bee ponies that thought I was buzzing seductively at them carry me away. If questioned about it, they state matter-of-factly that they were out looking for a honey.
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I already have a marefriend
Do beeponies work like normal bees, with all the workers being sisters? If so, that's pretty hot.
if Littlepip is your marefriend, why the fuck isn't she dropping a train car on Umbra?
>You have no competency nor abilities to speak of.
I'm speaking in general terms that apply to all Anons, since everyone has at least some skills and abilities that make them useful to others and society, myself included. And in my personal defense working as a laborer most my life I could easily build my future house with my own two hands with the skills I have, but I digress. Now if I landed in Equestria tomorrow I'd know not all my skills or abilities would be transferable there, but that doesn't mean I still can't learn or that I'm not useful in other ways when it comes to proving myself and impressing a qt dragoness.
We know from the show the dragonlands is where they gather from time to time, that doesn't mean they all live there Anon. We also know dragons live in the Everfree Forest and it's safe to assume all over Equestria as well so getting burned by lava seem like a non-issue for the most part.
>amenities and what not
Just because we haven't seen it doesn't mean they don't have any amenities to speak of Anon, and in the off chance you do get hurt I'm sure you'd get flown to the nearest horsepital or dragon equivalent there of. Now sleeping on your waifu's hoard doesn't sound like the best, you can cuddle your waifu to make it easier to sleep at night or better yet talk to her about getting proper bedding since dragons aren't beyond reason Anon. Although that said it might be difficult transitioning her to sleeping on one, pic releated.
>Eating raw meat
Now I ain't that stupid as to not properly cook my food and purposely give myself food poisoning, you'd have to be on a whole other level of stupid to do that. I know Equestria has a lot of magical creatures, but it shoudn't be that hard identifying whats poisonous and what is not and if I'm unsure it's not that hard to ask around about it.
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Umbra having the competency of modern Darkseid, but have the motivation of Super Friends Darkseid. Think Bowser but as a hot evil mare is funny
>Bullet barely dents her forehead
>She smiles wide and licks her lips several times like a washing machine
>"I like it when they're feisty and in denial."|

>You could only stare at the evil queen as she grows impatient
>"I said, what it's going to be-"
"I accept."
>"Very well, then let us see if you can handle- Wait pardon?"
>Twilight screeched
>You clear your throat
"I said I accept your terms as long as you let them go."
>Queen Umbra blinked several times before shaking her head
>"YES!- I mean- Very well then. Follow me to your chambers as I prepare for the ceremony."
>You follow her out of the room, noticing a bit more pep in her step
>The remaining prisoners still in their bindings are silent
>Rainbow Dash was the first to speak up
>"Hey! What about freeing us?!"
>They could only stare at the door from where the two left
>"Great, forgot she was evil."
>"I'm not gonna let that ugly hag marry Anon!"
>Twilight suddenly shouted
>Her body glowed of pure magic and burst through the rope
>She then levitated herself and her friends out of the lava pit and into safe ground
>The princess of friendship's nostrils were flaring out like a bull
>"Saddle up girls! We got a wedding to crash."
What would mares drink?

Someone headcanoned that Octavia has a thing for Jura Scotch, and that makes me want to introduce her to Laphroaig.
I don't think ponies give as much of a shit about mare/dyke drinks as humans do man/gay drinks.
Mares drink what they want. Ponies need sugar. Except the Mojito. That's a gay drink in every universe.
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Your dragon wife sleeps on the hoard, you sleep on top of your dragon wife.
Sounds fair to me, but if my dragon wife wants to sleep on top of me we're moving it to the bedroom.
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>dragon lingerie
>I'm speaking in general terms that apply to all Anons
>working as a laborer most my life
Double cope
>I could easily build my future house with my own two hands
Triple cope and delusional. You can't build shit without proper tools. But do go on, regale us with a tale how you'd build a simple log cabin only with your two hands. Let's assume a small forest materialized in dragonlands nearby.
>that doesn't mean they all live there
M-M-M-Monster cope, and backpedaling hard. Dragon society you mentioned exists in the dragonlands. Also dragons living in everfree (and on top of that one mountain) both live in fucking bare-ass caves.
>Just because we haven't seen it
MEGA COPE. Just because we haven't seen it doesn't mean that ponies don't eat meat.
>Now I ain't that stupid
>it shoudn't be that hard identifying whats poisonous and what is not
You ARE stupid, retarded even. There's no real way to tell what is dangerous or not without literal tribal knowledge or trial and error, see poison joke.
>ask around about it
Why you sure that the things that are safe for dragons are safe for you?
Scaliefags truly are the most retarded furries.
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Show us on the doll where your waifu didn't touch you anon.
It's OK this is a safe space, we have emergency waifus to touch you on standby.
Cloacafag shouldn't have went full "ponies le bad, dragons le master race".
Had he put in at least a tiny crumb of effort, he'd happen upon a very surface-level idea of dragoness having to look after her boisterous but rather fragile (by dragon standards) husbando. That would be RGRE, funny and naturally offer itself to many shenanigans as Anon tries to prove himself.
But no, he went "haha ponies say bye-bye meat therefore dragons best".
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>tfw never ever
Life's not worth living.
That happens literally every day of my life
>Someone loves you enough to forge a custom ring when there are no rings in your size
Actually I wonder if males still just have a plain wedding band, or if Anon is likely to come across a male unicorn with a horn ring showing the gaudy gemstone-covered rose-gold ring off to his friends. But I doubt Rarity would let him get away with a plain band, even if that WAS tradition for males.
God, I love it when ponies do horsey things subconsciously/unconsciously. Like, you hold out a piece of food for one of them to take, and they sniff it before they take it from you. Or if a mare can't rotate a few times and stomp down the cushion she's about to sit on, she gets grumpy and doesn't know why.
Anon, just because YOU'RE an irredeemable piece of shit, that doesn't mean that everyone is.
>No arguments
I accept your concession.
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I don't give a fuck about any of this autism, I just like dragons.
If you don't give a fuck about RGRE, then why the fuck are you in the RGRE thread?
Go back to your dragonfucking thread.
If you want to post about the wonders of cloaca here, make it RGRE or fuck off. Also don't tell other anons that their choice of waifu is somehow bad if you don't want to get shat on.
>fuck you
>no fuck you
>you're wrong
>no YOU'RE wrong
That autism, you fucking retard.
This is why colts shouldn't be allowed to use the horsenet.
Who asked?
Now post RGRE or gtfo, you worthless cloacanigger.
Verification not required.
Do dragons have "gender roles"? They don't have much of a society.
You sure get unreasonably angry and defensive over a zombie general on a dead board. Get a life.
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Their gender roles are whoever can overpower the other is the leader. So if you get with a dragoness you're probably still going to be the precious damsel in need of protecting, unless you get with a particularly smol dragon girl.
>Having a life
Where the fuck do you think you are?
Also keep seething lizzerfag, you can't even win your waifu's respect by your own rules.

>Their gender roles are whoever can overpower the other is the leader.
See? Not RGRE. Fuck outta here!
NTA but
>Dragons in the show have a different society from ponies
>Dragons in RGRE continuing to be different somehow makes it not RGRE
Fine, I'll add the RGRE: The ancient myth of dragons stealing princes is just that. Usually, the princes wanted to be kidnapped knowing dragons would take them more seriously. The princes never found out their dragon waifu took them as a backup option after failing to beat up any dragon males. Something something that's where Kirin come from.
>Dragons in RGRE continuing to be different somehow makes it not RGRE
What's the point in writing (focusing on) non-RGRE roles but calling it RGRE because maybe some mares are being sexist on the other side of a planet?
What you're suggesting is essentially RGRE male in non-RGRE dragonlands, which could be interesting but sure as fuck looks like 'pls consider this relevant and write greens about this' to me. Note that scaliefag isn't in a real hurry to actually write any of his own greens for some reason.
RGRE is at its strongest when RGRE is a societal norm, i.e. it permeates everything, from casually sexist mares to colts having rape-whistles, from males having trouble obtaining power-tools to herd-oriented dinner planning.
I outlined a possible spin here >>41230148 which uses RGRE society rather than trying to do "something something RGRE" bare minimum.
More pls
>Dry 'skin'
>No hair/mane/fur to run your fingers through
>No breasts or teats
>No vagina; just the same hole that urine and feces also go through
>Probably licks her own eyeball with her long tongue when she thinks you aren't looking
Gonna have to give that a nope, famalamadingdong. Sounds like something only a loser would like.
>What's the point in focusing on non-RGRE?

So you can have Anon and his dragon waifu both confused about pony customs, but confused about different parts of pony customs.
>fanart for the thread OC
You're doing god's work, Anon.
>Dry 'skin'
Compared to? Are ponies actually moist and tacky? Have I been watching a show about some kind of slug-creatures all this time?
Girls, please, you're both pretty.
You know that's not true.
Yeah that sounds like a cope of the highest caliber.
None of scaliefag's posts mentioned anything like that. He just wanted to be relevant (and get sweet sweet greens) without actually being relevant.
you sound like a cunt trying to kill thread activity and discussion
Look this is going to be my last post acknowledging you, but it's obvious just from reading your posts your clearly projecting your flaws on to me and others since you're ignoring or don't know that contributes to making a person valuable to others and to a society. And yes you can clearly tell which animals are poisonous just by looking at them, animals that are poisonous and by extension venomous for the most part have bright colorations on their body as a warning to other animal to not eat them. If anyone's coping here Anon it's you and if you don't like what's being posted, post the content you want to see and stop making shit up to bitch about stuff you don't like. Now whether you like it or not I'm going back to posting about qt dragonesses.

Dragons in RGRE don't have RGR
Yeah that's basically the point I was trying to get at, it's world building in the fact that all species/races in Equestria have the same degrees of RGR to not at all. To get down to the premise I was trying to get across is you'd have a culture clash of not just Anon but with the other races that exist in Equestria as well with their interactions with said ponies. In no way did I say Anon wouldn't interact with the ponies and their reversed gender roles society, just that a dragon waifu is better in terms of what she can provide for you, that is all.
>unless you get with a particularly smol dragon girl.
You think Smolder would become a custom to her role in her relationship with Anon and forgo challenging her partner of leadership later on? More so if it doesn't benefit her as much as the role she is in now since her relationship is different enough from that of most dragon relationships, allowing Anon to be the leader especially when she gets older and stronger or would her dragon pride kick in and go through with it anyway?
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Imagine the all the crimes you'd be able to get away with as the fairer sex. Not only would no one believe a colt/man could do such things, but if caught the worst you'd face is a slap and the wrists.
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>every year attempts to usurp your role as protective caretaker and head of the relationship
>every year gets more and more difficult to defeat her as she gets bigger
I shall be the Boopist of Canterhorn. All will fear me, yet none will have the teats to stop me.
"You can't break a man the way you break a dog or a horse. The harder you beat a man, the taller he stands. To break a man's will, to break his spirit, you have to break his mind. Men have this idea that we can fight with dignity, that there is a proper way to kill someone. It's absurd. It's anaesthetic. We need it to endure the bloody horror of murder. You must destroy that idea. Show them what a messy, terrible thing it is to kill a man, and then show them that you relish in it. Shoot to wound, then execute the wounded. Burn them. Take them in close combat. Destroy their preconceptions of what a man is, and you become their personal monster. When they fear you, you become stronger, you become better. But let's never forget: It's a display. It's a posture, like a lion's roar or a gorilla thumping at his chest. If you lose yourself in the display, if you succumb to the horror, then you become the monster. You become reduced. Not more than a man, but less, and it can be fatal."
>"What the buck anon?! I just asked if you wanted to go get a hayburger" Twilight said as anon just continue to drink his coffee.
>Look this is going to be my last post acknowledging you
Glad to see you're coming to terms with your own impotence. Funnily enough, you didn't even attempt to dispute any of my points, further cementing you as the weak-willed faggot that wouldn't actually win the respect of his waifu.
>bright colorations on their body as a warning to other animal to not eat them
Aposematism, but it only makes up a sub-set of things potentially dangerous to eat, retard. Try checking out a list of poisonous mushrooms.
Now consider that there are many more ways to fuck yourself up by just eating something with no danger signs, for example, you can eat too much liver and get hypervitaminosis A and fucking die.
>if you don't like what's being posted
Try being on topic rather than baiting for writefags to write shit you'd like to see?
>More cope
Bitch, nowhere have you mentioned the culture clash until you were called out on it. You just wanted a scalie creatura x anon fic with no RGRE strings attached.
>just that a dragon waifu is better in terms of what she can provide for you
Ah, the classic dragons-are-just-better cope.
Shouldn't you, by your own logic, prove yourself capable and provide for her? Why is your view purely transactional and based on how much of a provider your waifu is?

I could continue shitting on you, but I have something more constructive in mind. How about you put your money where your mouth is and write your scalie fantasies green yourself? The thread can then decide whether it is RGRE enough or not.
Put some skin in the game.
you did it
you got the last post

Good job autist. You tell 'em!
But, you're expecting the scalie fag to be a worthwhile writer.
Boys, Please, you're both rugged
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oh my god shut the fuck up already, it's been an entire day and nobody but you cares. go start your own thread so that you can bitch at each other, you autistic fucking fags. Unironically fucking kill yourselves. Pic related, it's both of you. Dumb niggers.
You know that's not true too. These boys are big and round and soft and possibly covered in their own feces.
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And what the fuck have you contributed to the thread?
>Be Anon
>Currently arms out stretched as the (evil) pony tailor is taking your measurements
"So Jeeves, is there anything else I need to do before the wedding?"
>The crystal pony snorted
>"Sire, if I may be permitted to speak so boldly,
you must keep still in order for me to get this right."
>You stiffened your limbs while rolling your eyes
>Who knew preparations could be so boring
>Might as well skip the ceremony
>Speaking of, what is your fiance doing right now?
>You're genuinely curious on what an evil queen like her is doing right now

>Let the world know that you are Queen Umbra
>And you are currently having a headache as you are surrounded by the Crystal Empire's worst traitors and turncoats
>"I say we go take position here, at the peak of Mt. Stratus! The height advantage will surely strike the heart!"
>"No no no! This beachside by Mane's Coast is vulnerable and isolated at this time! No one will be there interrupt her majesty's plan!"
>"Bah! As if that will be enough. What would really turn the tide will be-"
>All your top generals straightened up in fear as you walk on top of the table with strength and dignity
>"I expected more interesting ideas my ladies. But none of them aren't up to the task for my plans after the ceremony."
>One of your generals, Silver Dagger, tinted by her namesake spoke up nervously
>"B-But mistress! These hotspots are what's popular by Colt's Vogue-"
>You turned to her in anger and stomped your hoof to crack her side of the table
>"Popular?! I asked for Gravitas! Extraordinary! Something for me and him to remember as I conquer the world! Who cares of some dullard wrote what's best the honeymoon spots after weddings! If it isn't good enough for me then it's not good enough for Anon!"
>Out of breath and angry, you walked off the table and out of the room
>This needs to be perfect!
>After the weding, you two would go on honeymoon
>Enjoy each other's company, celebrate, maybe even terrorize a village or two for being an newly evil couple
>But for something as out of this world like Anonymous, then you need an equally out of this world plan!
I, for one, support this Anon's desire for RGRE to be about RGRE
This tbqh
And how are you going to ascertain that those are my greens, exactly?
I assumed you wouldn't lie, Anon.
How come she doesn't just say 'Crystal' all the time like Sombra did? Horse ladies just be chatty, I guess.
I wonder what it sounds like when Umbra says crystal. I bet it's hot.
>Like her brother, she is a unicorn of terrifying power
>She was one of Princess Luna's first students
>The two learned, and eventually mastered, many dark arts together
>For Luna, these acts turned her into Nightmare Moon
>For Umbra, they gave her a lust for blood and a dislike for sunlight
>The unicorn was there as a trusted general during the Celestial wars
>After Night's defeat, she fled to Hollow Shades with legions of Thestrals
>She ruled there, in her impregnable castle made of black stone, while her little brother attempted to take over the Crystal Empire by whoring himself to the local nobility there
>She was never driven out, never conquered by Celestia or her forces
>Many armies were sent
>All faced horrible luck and tragedies that would force them to flee
>Food rotting unnaturally quickly, sickness running through the camps, generals and ladies found dead in their beds drained completely of blood
>Umbra herself attempted to strike out at her foe as well, but the might of Equestria could not be overcome
>It settled into an uneasy stalemate between the two factions for centuries, which only ended once Luna returned
>Umbra had appeared at Castle Canterlot the day after with a pair of knights in blood red armor to once again swear loyalty to her
>It caused one hell of a fuss at court
>There were a lot of political monkey wrenches thrown into the machine that ran Equestria
>Even with the relative peace, Hollow Shades had an evil reputation
>As did their ruler
>Umbra the Blood Drinker
>Umbra the Impaler
>Umbra the Dark Sorceress
>There were many tales of her that parents told to their foals to scare them, and some were even true
>Celestia, exasperated sent you to the batlands
>For some fucking stupid reason
>She wanted you to do something, being extremely vague, just sort of saying not to "make things worse"
>You arrived at the Hollow Court
>Umbra had taken one look at you, teleported to your side, and bit down onto your arm, proceeding to try to drain you of your blood
>Without thinking, you proceeded to lift her up and bite her shoulder as hard as you could
>You didn't have fangs, but you bit down hard enough to break the skin
>The bite festered in two days, and nearly killed the crazy horse
>Human mouth bacteria was no joke
>Though dark magic, and unnatural constitution, Umbra eventually pulled through
>She warmed up to you noticeably as well, believing you were some warrior stallion
>Jokes on her, you were just autistic
>Now though, you found yourself a favored guest at her court
>In a castle full of ghosts, demons, undead abominations, and screeching bat ponies
>Honestly, you wished Celestia would have just told you what she wanted out of this
>Big-ass silly sun horse...
>>She warmed up to you noticeably as well, believing you were some warrior stallion
>>Jokes on her, you were just autistic
Greens like veggies? Orphan filly steals a gentlestallions vegetables. That could make a nice story
Umbra sure is something.
>>Umbra had taken one look at you, teleported to your side, and bit down onto your arm, proceeding to try to drain you of your blood
>>Without thinking, you proceeded to lift her up and bite her shoulder as hard as you could
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>You return home triumphant.
>Over the next few days everypony begins acting strangely.
>Getting more possessive and angry, they eventually corner you, purple smoke flowing out of their eyes.
>It seems they all were coated with Queen Unbra dust and have become possessed.
Now what?
Umbra is on a different spectrum compared to her male counterpart
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Use magic
Yeah, but drama is entertaining. If it wasn't, the Jerry Springer show would never exist.
Oi. Do not throw stones in a glass house, timmy. Unless you're a writefag. If you're a writefag, throw a bigger stone. Your house is made of stones.
This has some fun promise. Wonder if there's gonna be any ill effects from being bitten by an immortal "definitely not a vampire" vampire pony.
well I guess I'm in rgre because I get bricked up at danger anyway
not even starswirl was immune
wizard power come at a heavy price it would seem
Ever watched G1? The Moochick wasn't exactly all there, either.
Does having that much power make you a wackaloon, or does being a wackaloon allow you to get that kind of power?
Both. You need to be at least a little crazy to take the kind of risks inherent to this path, but once you have the power it goes to your head.
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>Why do most of the unicorns from Celestia's and Twilight's school socially inept? Especially when it comes to romance?
>May I introduce you to Cadence's school for gifted lovers!
>We have lessons pertaining on how too woo the opposite sex, cooking lessons to capture a mare's heart and stomach, fighting lessons to make those stallions swoon!
>Why am I in your bedroom at 3 in the morning? Good question
>I'd like to invite you because you've been alone these past few months and never even accepted a single mare's declaration of love for you!
>With my school's education, you'll be able to take the part of a lost alien colt who seeks to their special somepony to and crash into their legs while- hey hey HEY! Anon what are you doing?!
>No don't kick me out! Please don't slam the door-
Shining Armor is impressed with Anon's wife throwing skills, but asks that he doesn't throw his wife. Go get your own.
>Shining actually gets kind of jealous.
>You beat his record! With HIS wife!
>Sadly, the second he went to go complain...
>...Anon beat the record for Husband Throwing not soon after.
>Twilight goes to confront Anon the next day, absolute miffed that the big ape would throw not only her BBBFF, but her sister in law too.
>Purple smart barges her way into Anon's door, and begins to lecture him how inappropriate that a stallion throw a mare that's not his own wife, and much WORSE that he also threw a stallion too.
>Anon gives her an annoyed look, but shrugs.
"You see Twilight, where I come from, there's this thing called dwarf tossing. And since ponies are just dwarf horses . . ."
>Twiggles seethes silently at being called a whorse, but lets him continue, gritting her teeth just a bit
"It falls under my own culture more than yours. Which is to say, I'm trying to get the record for dwarf tossin'. Thanks for volunteering."
>With speed and grace that a little pony would not quite expect to see out of a sitting ape, Anon quickly closes the distance between them, and in one smooth motion of turn picks her up, and yeets her out of his front door.
>Twilight finds herself in a crater, just a second later, between one slightly large crater, and one significantly larger. She frowns, she didn't even get first place in this nonsense.
>flutter's distances after she tries guessing anon's fetish don't count as punting is completely different from throwing
>Throwing TwiggyPiggy
Damn, Anon is Hercules
>Trying to figure out which meat is edible and trying to cook it
To be fair, Cooking meat in a place that's mostly heat and fire is fairly easy, anon. Just get a nice big flat stone and place it near enough to one of your many available fire sources that you have access to.
>Didn't figure out he wanted his throwing partner to dress like Evel Knievel
She was THIS close, y'all
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>"Look girls be honest with me."
>Twilight addressed her friends
>"What do you think of the... new arrivals here?"
>Applejack is the first to speak
>"Can't say much other than they tend be slow on the thinkin' side."
>The princess gasped
>"Applejack! How could you! Intelligence or no that's no way to think of our species relative."
>Rainbow Dash cut in the conversation
>"But Twilight! Look at them! Their faces are weird and long and... weird."
>"Yeah? So is our good friend Anon and we treat him well."
>Dash rolled her eyes
>"Sure but he's a dude. I'd put up with anything as long as I get laid."
>"She's right Twilight."
>"Same here darling."
>"I mean I'd do anything if it means Anon gets to sit on my face."
>Twilight will deal with that last comment later but right now, she feels indignant at her friends for being a bit speceist
>"Pinkie what are you thoughts on our new neighbors?"
>Pinkie smiled wide
>"I think we should deport them from where they belong."
>Everyone is taken aback at her response
>The baker's expression never wavered
>"I think they're freaks of nature that should've never crawled out of face of this earth."
>"Pinkie! How could you say that?!"
>The mare looked Twilight in the eye
>"Because there is only room for one mare in this world who gets to tickle Anon's sugary pickle."

Never watched the new show but a prompt emerged when I saw this
After that weird princess sombrero general with the using sombra like a toilet stuff
I could never really read romantic fics with sombra ever again
God, I miss the hay-day of that game. Left 4 Dead was my fucking jam, and I can still remember spending my summers jumping between L4D/2 and TF2.
>wizard power come at a heavy price it would seem

>In order to unlock true mystic power, you must voluntarily sacrifice a physical portion of your brain in an equivalent-exchange sort of deal
>It's meant to be an ironic punishment
>You gain all the magical ability you could ever want, but you lose the ability to do anything with it that would be considered meaningful to your former self
>You are lost in pure Id, and are now a being of impulse and reaction
>Morals are a foreign concept to you and do not mesh with your worldview, and so they are disregarded
>You are now a danger to yourself and others, but not in the way your former-self wanted to be
>>May I introduce you to Cadence's school for gifted lovers!
>for skilled lovers
>skilled lovers
>tfw you keep waiting for the invitation letter, but it never arrives
Better not look at the current state of tf2 then.
Hey, there's a new idea for a story.

>There's a really catty stallion that has it in for Anon
>Complains about him to the HOA constantly over trivial bullshit
>Raises a fit when Anon tries to do anything to his own property
>Won the blue ribbon for most delicious homemade pie (that bitch has berry bushes all up in his own backyard) and Anon only got second place
>Anon wants to get back at this catty fuck
>Realizes that there's a new trend in town, coming all the way from up in Canterlot
>Anon's Newman-esque nemesis has a herd, and Anon is single
>Anon's only hope to finally one-up this horse is to find a mare who is willing to pretend to be his wife, and then throw her REALLY hard.
Bam, romantic comedy. Anon can get her an old faux-leather aviation helmet and goggles for the competition. And it doesn't HAVE to be Caramel, it can be an actual canon male character with a nuanced personality, who is also a catty bitch.
Nope, last time I played was nearly a decade ago. My only regret is that I got into crafting right before I left, and broke down all my items into scrap. That was a lot of vintage weapons.
Where is the filly rgre
Why would there be a hoa in equestia they are all evil.
remnants of the aristocracy as equestria transitions into an industrial power would be my guess
Home Oats Association, Anon. They ensure that a neighborhood has adequate access to the communal feeding troughs that are filled with (cheap store-brand, bought in bulk by HOA) oats. It's reduced oat-related crimes by 18%.
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nothing will stop her
Well, Lyra represents 82% of all oat-related crime nation-wide, so she's an outlier.
I think Zephyr would be the appropriate catty bastard. Last we seen him he was working for the guard yeah?

Maybe bitch boy finally gets a glow up post failure, but is jealous of mighty Anon because his sister Fluttershy is into him?
Mix in a bit of flutter rape.back story, and we might have something.
I don't know if he would care if Fluttershy was interested, Dash has always been his goal. Much to her disgust.
The jealousy wouldn't lie in Fluttershy's interest in of itself, (although, having dash be the faux wife might be more fun) but rather having the issue be that mares (including his own sister) are throwing themselves at some monkey when he had to really climb his way up from rock bottom, and here now he can see this ape, who's not much better than he was when shunned, is getting all this attention. Remember, it was fluttershy that *pushed* him to "be better" and now she fawns over this thing?
laxative laced oats
>Giving Lyra the power to rapidly expel oats
>Now she can eat more oats
What have you done?
>ywn marry a notorious oat thief
>ywn deal with the glowdyke she keeps around to deflect suspicion
>ywn have to correct her misplaced beliefs about your species (it's the other skin color that's good at stealing)
>ywn retire to Prance on a fortune of ill-gotten cereal grains
why even live?
Dash could work, and she'd probably be into the whole "Wife Throwing" idea, I could see her going along with it for shits and giggles that eventually turns into feels and cuddles
If I sang Def Leppards "Pour some sugar on me" to Pinkie Pie, would she become so horny she'd jump me then and there?
>Lyra discovers the power of flight
>>ywn deal with the glowdyke she keeps around to deflect suspicion
>Bon Bon was the thief the entire time
"glowdyke" is a derogatory term for a unicorn mare, right?
>Gotta give Rainbow Dash body-massages to keep her limber and aerodynamic
>Rainbow Dash keeps coming back after the competition because you got that kink out of her back that's been there forever
I don't really subscribe to the "human = masseuse god" meme, but I don't think it's unreasonable to think that fingers can get into places that hooves can't reach.
And also we have a bunch of nerve endings in our finger tips, and the same is not true for pony hooves.
It means she (Bon Bon) is a fed. You know, a glow-in-the-dark.
Hooves have plenty of nerve endings. Think about how sensitive your nail beds are. The main difference is that a pony is using one large "finger" and a human isn't. Imagine working with a balled-up fist. You can do a lot like that, but it's much less versatile.
>He doesn't know the TempleOS scripture
Why is her hair cut short like a colt's? Is she such a dyke that she can't stand the thought of a little dirt and grease?
I always preferred the Gender imbalance that still follows actual dimorphism.
"What's a colt like you doing in an office? Shouldn't a big stud like you be working the fields, or plowing in the bedroom right now?"
Afterall, the stallions do tend to be bigger than the mares in the show.
Rather than think the stallions are prissy, it's that they're just too stupid to be trusted with anything important. That's why it's been Princesses in control, not princes.

It's more demeaning to them, methinks.
Yeah I prefer that in general, but I'll have fun with any RGRE that isn't blatantly written by a guy who hates his mother/stepmother.
It's the long game. She'll get dehydrated, causing her to go to the hospital to receive fluids and go under observation for a couple days. That's a couple days of no oat theft.
>ywn impress a white knight ponice mare with your stupidly brilliant (brilliantly stupid?) plan.
>ywn deal with her insisting she walk you home.
>"Jane the Cuddler is still at large- wouldn't put it past her to target a ponice contractor. Think she's bucking with us at this point."
>ywn set stallionism back 40 years by tapping that authoritative horse ass on the first date
>ywn have to deal with Bon Bon yelling at you about the state of her toilet
why even live?
She used it to knit Anon a ball bra.
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pictured: why mares die younger
>ywn have to deal with Bon Bon yelling at you about the state of her toilet
A couple of posts earlier, they were talking about poisoning Lyra with laxative-laced oats.
fucking kek
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Would you autistic alicorn?
>Arranged courtship with best princess
>Free cheese
>I can always just wash my hands
>Realize she might even hide cheese cubes in her pussy
What's the catch?

Mares could not possibly be as bad as my mother...or the mothers of several childhood friends of mine, one of whom was even worse than her.

It's why I like RGRE. The idea of females who aren't self-centered lunatics that wreck the lives of their alleged loved ones is appealing to me, because I can count the number of times I've seen it in real life on the fingers of one hand.

That might be a little too autistic even for my autistic ass.
My mom was a self-centered control freak who turned full karen after she crippled her leg. My cousins are career criminals with like 10 kids each from idk how many dads.
I get it, dude. I just prefer to focus on the positive aspects of pony instead of the negative aspects of women.
This is not merely autism. Anons.
This is just full retard.
Celestia tis a cruel beast this day.
That being said, I think I could force myself to fuck something that doesn't pass the harness test if my life depends on it.

Who knows, maybe hard sex will fix her? (It won't).

. . .
I may need to watch the drawn together episode where Captain hero fucks the retarded girl again.
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"Look I really can't do this Sunbutt."
>"What's not to like?! She's bigger than most mares, more beautiful, can control the moon, can control dreams."
"I mean the fact she acts less of an autist and more of a genuine retard. I can't date someone like that!"
>"Yes you can!"
"No I can't! That's literally taking advantage of someone less smarter than me. I doubt she even knows what consent means."
>"But you're a colt! Aren't colts supposed to be nurturing and sensitive to a mare's problems."
"...Wow really?"
>High potential of dying in a retard mare's bearhug
A true warrior's death. Valhalla awaits.
>Anon dies from Luna bearhug.
>Ancestors ask how you died.
>Can't... quite look them in the eye as you are compelled to tell the truth
"I... I was hugged by a retarded pony that wanted to fuck me, and it crushed my ribcage with its tardstrength."
>None of your ancestors can look you in the eye either. . .
If she's retarded enough to accidentally kill you, she's retarded enough to accidentally rip your soul from the afterlife and back into your body. Retards and magic are highly reactive when exposed to each other.
>Luna is crying that Anon is dead
>How could she fix this?
>Wait she knows!
>Her horn glows a magnificent blue and asks the primordial force of magic to bring back Anon
>"Bring back Anon!"
>But the primordial force said 'fuck no, that's illegal'
>Luna's brow furrows
>Underbite is prominent
>Nostrils are flared
>Her voice shook the castle
>Tard strength and love for the human translates into her magic
>Gives life and death the middle finger
>Anon suddenly comes to
"Gaagh Eehhh What the fuck?!"
>Luna is happy that her coltfriend is back
"No no no! No more hugs! GaaAARGH!"
>sudden surge of "what if [pony] was a drooling retard? would you fuck her?" posts
There is an anon on this board building up the courage to fuck his special-needs sister.
Or it's Chris Chan trying to justify banging his demented mom. In that case, where the fuck is that "dimensional merge"? We're waiting.
That's what Derpy fics are for.
Derpy can handle her job and take care of a kid. She's actually smarter than TardLuna
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Sure she can.
>"There is no wrong way to fantasize, stud...~"
>tfw you make your bug wife go out to get the groceries
>Tfw all she gets is honey and cookies
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Today I will remind them.
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Damn. That feels like a lifetime ago.
>tfw you have to explain to your bugwife how humans can develop diabetes with this diet
>tfw she thinks you're just being sensitive about your weight
>tfw there's a very real risk of dying of sugar leg in this pastel pink hellworld
Worth it, though
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Welp, there's the explanation for the ol' cheeselegs.
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There is nothing stopping you from booping a Herdsister of the Sun. You can just walk into a convent and poke their little snootles. I have booped 458 nuns.
Such profanity! You kiss your father with that mouth, sonny boy?
>kiss your father
Mares only want one thing and its disgusting.
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>Flutterrape imminent
Does anyone have a link to some of those greens where Anon is ugly to ponies due to differences in beauty standards? I vaguely remember them being good and worldbuildy.
Is this the one you are looking for anon ?
No, but it's similar. The one I'm thinking of, Pinkie was giving him pity cuddles and she got sad that no one loved him.
That story sounds neat I might read it but
I don't know about that one haven't read it maybe the other anons have a link to that
Dude I’ve been looking for that one but haven’t been able to find it.so I wish you the best of luck and pls if you do find it link it I beg of you
Herdsisters of the Sun use self-boopellation as a hybrid penance and 100 Hail Marys when they have impure thoughts.
Wouldn't that be Hail Martys?
Or Hail Molestia?

Don't say that I never did anything good for you:

Original prompt: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/30287592/#30297291

Expanded into an actual green: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/30860445/#30871996

One of Pinkie's lines stuck.
Just send Uglynon to TGRE and watch him be surprised that the mares there think him as handsome and wait for him to court them
Oh I thought it was the one we’re she pity fucks anon and he blows her mind.that’s the one I’ve been wanting but can’t find
tranny gender roles equestria?
I meant Traditional GRE or just AiE but goddam that'd be a wild universe
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>it's all just changelings constantly changing identities
Tranny not schizoid equestria
>everyone is all kinds of crazy
>except Ponk, who doesn't seem to be any different
>Be Anon
>Make Pies
>Be good at making pies
>Like to leave them on window seals to cool
>Mares like your pies
>Especially your cream pies
>A certain Pie really, really likes your pies
>A lot of the time, she can't control herself when a cream pie is ready and waiting for her
>You haven't been able to eat one of your own pies in months
>tfw its hard being green
Like bizzaro world, the only world where the joker is normal and sad.
Bizzaro equstria
>take notecard
>write "if u eat this ur a dyke" on it
>hang it above the pie
>Mare walks up to eat the pie.
>Reads sign.
>Stands there sadly staring at a pie they can't eat.
>Another mare sees the first mare and comes over to see what's going on.
>Mare walks up to eat the pie.
>Reads sign.
>Stands there sadly staring at a pie they can't eat.
>when your waifu reassures her and your son Anon Jr that she supports his decision to work in a typically mare-dominated field
I know which ones you're talking about. I'll try to search for them, but the keywords are going to be tricky. I remember Pinkie telling her friends about fucking Anon the morning after. Anybody remember any particular words or phrases?
>Anon turns the entire town gay and can finally enjoy eating his pie
what a menace
it's all pinkie's fault
And now Anon cannot get laid. Does he take a vow of celibacy, or move to another town knowing his pies will be under threat once more?
>Be Baker-Anon, one of the finest chefs in Equestria, and resident worker of the Ponyville establishment known as 'the Sugar Cube Corner.'
>So, every morning you wake up and go to work at the Sugar Cube Corner; baking cupcakes, donuts, muffins- anything that could be considered a baked confection was your godly domain of expertise.
>-and that was no exaggeration.
>Ever since you landed here, you've found that your baked goods have been highly sought after due to how ponies can apparently taste things like 'love' when cooked into food or felt when made into objects.
>Yours was very tasty, it seemed as over the months of your employment at the Sugar Cube Corner you've seen ponies lie, cheat, steal, and fight for your baked goods-
>Most valued of your work however were your pies.
>Any pie of any flavor was coveted in the town of Ponyville, and you couldn't understand why.
>Perhaps it was something that you should have payed closer attention to as now you find yourself being dragged through the night by Pinkie Pie in a burlap sack.
>Flabbergasted, you poke your head out of the neck of the sack to see the little mare dragging you like it was nothing at all; the sight of her families rock farm off in the distance.
"Pinkie, what are you doing?"
>Pinkie was sweating, but it was clear that it was not due to her current physical activities.
>Christ, it was too early for this.
"Pinkie, how much sugar have you had tonight?"
"Then pray tell, what do you intend to do about my relationship status. Marry me?"
>For only a moment, Pinkie stopped dragging you across the wares, staring at you with a sense of empathy.
>"What? No. Nonny, you're like a brother to me. I'm just really worried about you."
>Oh, well shoot.
"Darn it, Pinkie. . . Alright. If you're really so worried about this that'd you'd drag me out into the wastes in the dead of night then I guess I'm willing to hear you out. What do you have planned?"
>"You're going to marry my sister Limestone. She lives out here with my family."
>Your expression soured toward Pinkie- the memory of Limestone breaking your nose for beating her in a staring competition still clear in your minds.
>"Nonny, I know it doesn't sound ideal, but think about it like this: I wasn't kidding when I said Celestia would kill for your cakes. Luna tried stopping her from buying from the bakery, and now a quarter of the canterlot castle is under repairs. Like it or not, in a world completely reliant on sugar and friendship you're dangerous if left unattended."
>This was. . . A surprisingly good point that you never quite took into consideration.
"Huh, that does sound pretty scary."
>Pinkie nodded to punctuate your realization.
>"See? It has to be done."
>"Yeah, Limestone is probably the best for this decision too. Not like I'd be able to keep living in Ponyville, so I'd have to quit my job at the bakery. . ."
>Pinkie's gaze sharpened toward you as her eyes went wide.
"She'd probably have me out in the rock fields so much that I wouldn't even have time for baking."
>You were so busy coming to this conclusion that you didn't even notice Pinkie beginning to sweat for a second reason.
>She tried to play things off calmly.
>"Oh, she wouldn't be THAT much of a fuddy-duddy, Nonny. . . I think? She's not so old fashioned that she's put you out in the field. . . Though she does take after mom in a lot of ways. . . At least you'll still be able to bake on holidays, right?"
"Nope, after I explain everything I may have to give up baking all together. Your sister wouldn't so much as let me LOOK at a spoon, much less use one."
>Suddenly, you felt yourself being pulled away from the rock farm.
"Pinkie, where are you going?"
>"Brother or not, it's not by blood, Nonny."
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I bet he'd be a hit with the changelings.
He's got nipples. That makes him mare enough to engage in dykery.
Poor Marble. Not even considered an option by her own family. Though I suppose a mare like her wouldn't be able to rein in world-ending coltish whimsy.
Sweet and innocent bughorse, just give her a little love please? Her 100,000 children are starving!
Thank you you are a hero of the people
>Fast forward to ten years in the future, Anon and Ponk married with kids.
>Anon is seen as a dilf with the power to end the world while Pinkie is the mare that keeps that from happening.
>Ponies everywhere rejoice that Pinkie allows Anon to keep baking, but only allowing so much per day.
>Agreements are brokered with political parties through Ponk who gives Celestia a stern 'one cake a month' limitation.
>Queen Chrysalis is permitted a steady flow of cookies in exchange for cooperation with the Equestrian government.
>Even wars have been stopped with enough bribery.
>The pies that Anon made belonged to Pinkie and the Pie Family however- the mare taking direct charge of the enforcement of said ruling.
>You'd think that such a change would change Pinkie, but she's still the same big goofball.
Did the Long and Short of it/Everyday life with Guardsmares author die or did the manchildren in this thread finally repulse him enough?
He hasn't uploaded in a while
what a sweetheart
>cucking Limestone out of marriage
pinkie wins again
>>"You're going to marry my sister Limestone. She lives out here with my family."
>your choice of the Pie family is "lol randum", a generic tsundere anime girl, store-brand Fluttershy, and non-verbal autism
I'm being 100% serious, I have no fucking clue why anybody likes Pinkie's family. They are objectively bad characters with 2-dimensional zero-effort personalities. The one named Limestone has a cutie mark that is a slice of lime and a stone.
Who wouldn't?
>Be Ponk
>It was hard out there for a gal
>You just wanted a cute boy to grab and squeeze all over, but boys didn't like that
>They said you were always too "rough" and "clingy" and "overeager"
>They didn't want you slapping their buts or smooshing their heads between your boobies for a surprise motorboat session
>It wasn't your fault that you had a whole lotta love that you wanted to get out!
>Word got around, and boys sort of stayed away from you
>They'd have you plan their parties sometimes, and might even give you a quick hug, but that was pretty much it
>The only male in your life that you could really hug was Gummy
>And you couldn't date Gummy
>He was an alligator for crying out loud!
>It was... hard
>Especially in high school when puberty was hitting you like a truck
>But then you met Nonners
>He wasn't a really big party fella
>Didn't have a lot of friends either
>Not because he was shy, like Flutters, but you were pretty sure it was because he didn't like folks all that much
>He wasn't much of a talker either
>But, for some reason, he seemed to like you
>He didn't think you were annoying
>He even helped you sometimes with your parties
>One day, you actually spun around and gave him a hug pretty hard
>You tried breaking it as quickly as you could but to your surprise Anon hugged you back
>Most boys would have yelled at you, but he seemed to excited that he picked you up and spun you around
>He apologized about it after; even blushed too
>You made sure to give him a lot of hugs after that
>He liked each one
>You both could just hold each other for an hour, with his head on your shoulder
>Then one day, when it was summer and you were wearing a thin undershirt that was sorta wet, you felt something poke your leg when you hugged Anon tight
>And honey, it wasn't his phone
>So now you had a boy all to yourself
>One you could hug and kiss and do all sorts of stuff with
>The other girls didn't understand why you'd pick someone like Anon
>That's because they were silly dykes though, so it really didn't bother you
>You think you lucked the heck out!
Spelled et tu wrong ruined
>tfw no wholesome ponk to cuddle with you
I want to die. Also, on a completely unrelated topic, I'm upset that I don't have a wholesome ponk to cuddle with
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but flutterbutter
Those are two separate authors, anon.
I guess I got confused because their stories were posted on the same Fimfic account.
Well whatever, so did they both die or finally have enough of our "community."
Fluttershy wouldn't be planning parties. Or hugging people in public.
You need to write your own green where she falls for (You).
>Be Anon
>You had decided to move out into the Whitetail Forest a few months ago
>There was no good jobs in Ponyville for fellas, and some of the gals were... pushy
>Like forced marriage pushy
>So, you decided to use some land that you had won from Big Mac in a game of Uno and just live with nature
>Be a strong, independent man and all that
>You were still close enough to town that you weren't ISOLATED
>You could still go and get groceries and see friends and stuff
>There was a bit of breathing room though
>So, you got some supplies, read some books and went on out to become a mountain man
>Things didn't go horribly wrong immediately
>It happened the second day when you woke up to a bear eating all of your food
>You tried to shoo it away, but it was a bear, and you weren't allowed to own a gun for... reasons, so it didn't work
>A few days later, the bear ripped a hole in your tent looking for more food
>A day or so after THAT you tried looking for edible mushrooms and somehow managed to get your hands on hallucinogens
>You didn't know that until you had eaten a handful though, thinking they were something entirely different
>The bear came around yet again and helped itself to some of the same mushrooms
>You didn't know how long you both just laid there, tripping balls, when a pair of boobs appears
>Big one
>Huge honkers even
>Weirdly enough, they were attached to someone too
>That weird girl you'd see every once in awhile in town
>Seeing the state you and the bear were in, she carried you both back to her cottage
>You, a full grown man, and the bear
>A fucking bear
>She just carried both of you like two miles without issue then was your drug Sherpa for the next ten hours
>When you were eventually sober, you explained what happened
>Fluttershy was horrified
>She personally knew this bear, called him Bearie and eventually
>She apologized profusely about everything he did
>She then, very shyly, offered you a room in her cottage
>It was the least she could do after all
>She appreciated the fact that you wanted to live in nature, and was even willing to help you learn a thing or two
>She had lived in the forest most of her life after all
>You took her up on her offer, what with having no food or shelter
>Maybe she could teach you how to build your own log cabin or something
>Weeks went by
>Fluttershy while, well, SHY, was a wealth of knowledge
>You learned where to fish, what berries and mushrooms you could eat, how to build a fire, how to clean a wound
>She seemed excited to show and teach actually
>Maybe have someone around as well
>The only other person out where was that weird shaman, and from what Fluttershy told you she didn't leave her hut a whole lot
>You learned as much as you could, but it was a lot
>Little by little though, you were becoming a proper mountain man
>Issues began when you gave the woman a tight hug
>Fluttershy, not really having any male physical interaction in her entire life, had reacted strangely
>She stiffened, eyes widening, and she sharply inhaled while she just stared at you
>Thinking you did something wrong, you had apologized of course
>Fluttershy had said nothing, just staring at you
>The hug had made her feel a certain type of way
>So, when you had went to the local stream to take a bath, she spoke to her animal friends about it
>The animals, being animals, gave animal advice
>Mainly, you were a male, she was a female
>A male under her care
>Her protection if you will
>A male under a female's protection had certain responsibilities to the female they insisted
>Responsibilities she would actually very much like you to fulfill
>She just had to make sure you were aware of it
>When you got back, you realized Fluttershy wasn't wearing a bra
>She never wore another one around you either
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if regular gender roles equestria girls scitwi is a turboslut, what is RGREG Scitwi?
Mountain man Anon with forest woman Fluttershy would breed very powerful wild children. Children of the woods.
a turbostacy
based animal advice
man, she never even tried to date gummy
Spine of steel.
Thers two things i want in this life, to shoot a big gun into a soft target, and to motorboat flutters or Celestias tits
>Never wore a bra around Anon again
>Just let her floppy chest fat hurt like fuck
Actually, suffering from your huge tits sounds like an RGRE maresculinity thing. Subconsciously signaling to nearby males that you can feed a lotta babies and put up with the back pain of having them? Idunno.
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Sneaking into (You)r house to steal your dirty gym clothes
But I use those to feed the washing machine.
That sounds like the equivalent of a man deliberately sitting on his balls every time he sits down and thinking it makes him more attractive to women.
>Twilight makes a joke about this to her friends not knowing that Anon is behind her.
>They stare at her deadpan, twilight is confused and brings up all the things they said earlier all the ponies are horrified since twilight just said all their secrets to Anon
>Anon laughs and tells twilight sure.

>Does twilight take him up on the offer or chicken out
I was expecting the twist to be fluttershy sent Mr Bear to eat your food so she could rescue you.
This was better, but was still expecting snu snu.
>Grab Twilight's horn tightly
>Shove my balls up against her face
"Oya oya, what happened to that bravado?"
>Watch her squirm and panic
>All her friends are shocked
>Let go after a full minute
>Give her a wink and tell her my house later in one hour
>She starts stuttering and tries to say yes but spaghettifies her vocabulary
>Walk away
>As soon as I am out of sight, I run to my house and land on my bed, kicking my legs in glee in that I confessed to Twilight
what's he gonna do about the monster under the bed though
Yeah, the fimfic guy is just a third person that converts the greens into prose for them.
TMFAT (the guardsmare guy) is busy with family, AFAIK, though supposedly his own wife wants him to finish it. He's not a RGRE local though, he used to post in guardmare threads.
SQAnon is the Long And Short Of It writer, and yes, the last few times he's been here he said that he has little interest in writing RGRE any more.
We used to get a surprising amount of fimfic authors in this thread. SomekindofBrony used to chill here back when he was writing Floored.
>TMFAT (the guardsmare guy)
So I'm confused about the story. I remember reading it a while ago, and I think they established both that A) the mares outnumbered the stallions 4:1-ish, and B) somehow stallions were in charge and the mares still felt oppressed? or something? It was like the guy primed it to be RGRE but then went "nah".
He said once or twice it's more equal gender roles than reversed gender roles. The story flirts with rgre here and there, but at the end of the day it's a /rgm/ green, not an /rgre/ one.
Hmm, no, I can't say that I remember either the 4-1 ratio (maybe you're misremembering because Anon got assigned 4 guardsmares to him?), or the mares feeling oppressed Like >>41253868
said, it seems to be a pretty much equal gender roles world.
I might be misremembering in all honesty.
Has anyone done a green with the idea that mares are really bad at stallion anatomy?
>obligatory rainbow dash thinks pee is stored in the balls
>RD is going down on Sorin. "He dude, is this the pee hole or the cum hole?"
Soarin' now has the moral dilemma of having sex with a mentally-challenged mare
>Fluttershy and Rarity in the spa, having a heated discussion, wondering how stallions hide their penises so well. Fluttershy's dad told her when she was little, that stallions leave them in their sock drawer where their safe and out of the way. She's insistent that this is true, because her daddy would never lie to her. She also knows this is true because she got in trouble once when she found a penis in her mom's sock drawer and was grounded for a week for snooping.
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Dash is a big mare for you! If there's a challenge, mental or otherwise, she'll eagerly accept and beat everypony at it!
That sounds like something Rainbow Dash would do.
Kinderquestria is >>41253049 this way.
>The bed they you had been using was suddenly broken
>One of Flutters critters had fallen on it or something
>So, Fluttershy suggested that you two just share her bed
>You offered to just sleep on the sofa, but she was weirdly insistent
>She started initiating hugs
>Hug she wouldn't break for a good long while, where she'd bury her face inch the nape of your neck and just nuzzle you like a dog
>You don't know why, but your clothes started smelling like her
>A few times, when you were getting close to the Everfree, she'd insist you hold her hand
>For "protection"
>You didn't really have an issue with any of this
>Fluttershy HAD been a model for crying out loud
>She was a real nice girl to boot
>So, one night, you decided to work on your courage and snuggle up with her in her bed
>Arms around her, pressed close
>You even gave her a smooch on the cheek
>A bad idea
>The next morning, you found a crazed, naked Fluttershy straddling you
>She asked if you liked her
>You, confused and groggy, said yes
>She then proceeded to unleash years of pent up sexual frustration and loneliness on you
>She broke her bedframe
>You were also pretty sure she dislocated your hip
>You were just sort of along for the ride, doing your best not to die
>Two straight days of animalistic sex saw her calm down though
>The boys in town told you she seemed much more confident and happier
>They'd also ask about the bitemarks all over you
>So there you were
>A proper mountain man with a proper mountain gal
>And if Flutters kept it up, you'd have around fifteen mountain children
>She seemed really excited about it
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>>A bad idea
>>The next morning, you found a crazed, naked Fluttershy straddling you
I'm failing to see where the bad idea is?
That's kind of overselling it. I still have every intention of eventually finishing the long and short of it, I just don't write or read pony as much as I used to. I've admittedly also been pretty writers blocked until recently but I'm getting back into it.
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good to hear, er read.
Would you let your son date a zebra?
I'd just rev my engine really loud, spooking her so she'd run full tilt into a wall and break her neck (real thing that can happen btw)
You know, maybe reduced threadposting is why I'm having such a hard time coming up with rgre ideas. So I ask you thread: what fucked up things do YOU think Pike should encounter in the market?
a stinky sky-zigger
>Be alpha mare
>Be mare-ied
>Your husband knows knows his place
>Keep your stomach and your pussy full
>You, in turn, supply food money and babies to soothe his whimsical heart
>As was written, so it shall be
>One night, as many times before, you go upstairs with one pony and end up with two in the morning
>No big deal, you're just growing a fucking pony inside you
>Not your first rodeo, nothing to worry about
>Real mare hours here
>Show off your rock hard belly to the gals at the work site
>"Yep." "Yep." "Yep." "Mmmmhm."
>Buck, it's good to be in charge.

>Give birth to son
>Spend years feeding him
>Countless bedtime stories at night
>Take many potshots at many fillies with your Burnt Umber Elizabeth pattern crossbow
>They run like hell, fucking foals these days don't get how the game is played
>You reminisce about your own courtship, and how you took the bolt that grazed you and made the bolthead into a wedding ring
>Your mother in law never said a word to you, but you knew from the way she sniffed dismissively that you'd earned her respect.
>She still hasn't said a word to you, she might be mute come to think of it.
>Finally one is brave enough to face you
>Your son's been seeing her behind your plot
>Whatever, friends start dating all the time. You start to ask if you know her senpai-
>It's a zebra, he says
>Grit your teeth
>Give the cunt a fair chance, love and tolerance and all that dyke shit.
>Your better half insists on throwing a dinner party to introduce everyone.
>The thought of his best pasta calms your nerves, at least.

>Fast forward to dinner, The Night Of
>Whole family is dressed nice
>Took all morning to get the twins into sunday dresses, but no expense spared for your little colt!
>The fuck is that noise?
>Oh, fuck.
>You hear the bitch well before she arrives
>Or rather, you hear her fucking bongo-boosted wagon blasting cutthroat sonnets out of an up-horned phonograph
>Why is she even bringing that thing? She's eating HERE. She's not taking your boy out on the first not-technically-even-a-date!
>Your son is setting up extra high chairs
>She's not only bringing more zebras, she brought her other-
>Other what?
>Oh god she'd better not have.
>If that click-clucking sand palfrey deflowered your boy-
>You look out the window, yep! There's a younger zebra filly right there!
>That's it!
>Out comes Loose Lizzie!
>A shot out your window silences the zigger chanting forevermore! Hallelujah!
>Wait, there's a filly crying now.
>You made your granddaughter cry-
>Your son is like, 10?
>So the filly is the zebra in question.
>The older zebra is her mother...
>And the high chairs are because the new herdsister had triplets last year...
>And your son just opened the door before you could think of an excuse.
>"Don't worry about it! I have a son, I know how it is!"
That'll do, zig. That'll do.
Goddammit I was trying to indicate a train of thought being cut off in the middle of "family" and now it looks like I spontaneously weebed the fuck out.
>Colts lining up to get their own magi-dynamic spatuler with port and starboard attachments. Don't forget the turbodrive.
>Some creepmare trying to take candid shots of colts' underbits
>Really fucked up food stalls that state fairs have, like pickle pizza, but equestrians like it because they're weird
>A clown
>"Alright class, today's lesson is on the male anatomy." The fillies stare in rapt attention as Cheerilee points at the board with a stick. "This is the thingamajig, these are the doohickeys. Any questions?"
What? No, that's stupid. She literally holds all the cards in this situation. She could easily take out the princesses and the Elements and then mind control me into accepting her anyway. Of course, if she was smart, she'd first mind control Celestia to both get as much information on unknown threats, artifacts, and plans; AND to make her "willingly" give Equestria over to Umbra. Of course, the really smart thing to do is not kill any of them, or at least to keep it secret from the populace, considering her entire kingdom hinges on the functioning of an artifact that only functions when there's love in the people; the fact that she probably hasn't realized that is kind of concerning. Did she even stop to think about how she's going to delegate all her work? She does know that ruling an empire takes a lot of effort; she does, right!? And what about outside threats! There's literally an entire species of fire-breathing, gem eating lizards with tenuous relations with ponykind. Is she just going to ignore them? Please tell me, she's not just going to ignore them. Oh my god, why does everyone in Equestria suck at being evil!? I almost want to marry her just because I'm worried she'll blow herself up by accident without someone there to look after her.
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>>You reminisce about your own courtship, and how you took the bolt that grazed you and made the bolthead into a wedding ring
>>Your mother in law never said a word to you, but you knew from the way she sniffed dismissively that you'd earned her respect.
Stop, I can only get so hard. Pic related, this was her breakfast, lunch, and dinner most days before she got married.
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>All this nohooves and nobody has posted this masterpiece yet
You disapointruu your famiry.
Protein-blasted you say?
They don't mention that you need a stallion to prepare the Orb if you want that protein injection. I mean, it must feel kind of good.
They DO say good mac and cheese sounds like pussy. Maybe it feels like pussy too...
>You, confused and groggy, said yes
I was not confused
>>"Don't worry about it! I have a son, I know how it is!"
Zebramom definitely earned some respect with that one. They're going to start having cookouts and fishing trips together now, aren't they?
Stop being so dramatic. This is clearly an elaborate proposal scheme. The elements and the princesses may be her hated enemies, but a mare who isn't willing to play wingmare is no mare at all.
Obviously such a thing exists in the Equestrian utopia. How did it ever reach our reality?
They'll end up having to take both their sons one weekend due to their herds all catching mono. Doting ensues only for Little Zulu (with his mop of curls for a mane) to save both of them from idk a fuckin wild boar cause he's a janegirl lil shid.
Liquid bagels
>Little Zulu
I am now imagining that instead of firing crossbow bolts Zebramom chucks spears.
Oh, Zulu!
Little Zulu, Little Zulu, with stripeys on your skin,
Always in and out of trouble, but mostly always in.
Using Mom's hair-ties for the tail on your kite,
Using Dad's spices for the letters you write!

Little Zulu, Little Zulu, there's no one quite as smart
doesn't matter what you're doing,
You're doing it with your heart!
Shining colts are dancing there's a sparkle in your eye,
When can we look forward to your next surprise?

Oh, the clock says 7:30, it's really after 10
Look's like Zulu's been repairing it again.
Though you're wild as any Lulu and you're just as hard to tame!
Little Zulu, We love you
Just the same-the-same!
Little Zulu, we love you-zu... just... the... same!

Yes I did just have the Little Lulu Show song stuck in my head for hours
Honestly, that could make for a very interesting green.
As a bit of backstory, Equestria finds out Anon is a really good logistician, if not tactician.
Cute as a button and unique too.
Evil Umbra wants to marry him so he can deal with all the pencil pushing bullshit as her king while she does the heavy hammer hitting ala Alexander the great on his perpetual conquering spree.
What is the RGRE of this?
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I was imagining something more like:
>>41226853 happens
>Umbra proposes to Anon
>What she was expecting to happen was for him to take the deal like a good obedient colt
>What she -wasn't- expecting was for him to go into a 2 hour-long lecture critiquing her schemes and telling her how she ought to run a nation as effectively as possible.
>He even got a blackboard midway through, she does not know where from.
>This bucking colt comes to HER empire!
>Inside HER palace!
>Rejects HER deals!
>Calls HER stupid to her face!
>Gives HER a lecture as if she were a foal!
>Thinks he's better at being evil than SHE is!
>He was an absolute fool, an arrogant colt with a bloated ego, a moronic stallion with no sense of caution or self-preservation.
>He was...
>He was...!!
>...everything she'd ever wanted.
"And that finishes my lecture on why you suck at being evil. Thanks, everypony, you've been a terrific audience, all be here all week."
>Umbra's prisoners, forced to listen to this colt basically telling a villain how to best conquer Equestria, couldn't really share in the enthusiasm.
"Alright, now you'll do as I said before. First you mind control me so I can't reject your wedding proposal, then you'll mind control Celestia and everypony else for them to give you all the info you could need and to further use them as political puppets. Alright, take two, let's do it!"
>Umbra, The Dread Queen, bearing heart pupils by this point and panting heavily, could only think to say one thing.
>"Please marry me."
>Anon's roar of frustration and disbelief reverberated throughout all of the Crystal Empire.
A Karen stallion with a bunch of aggressive hooligan brats giving shit to a salesmare for stopping them from vandalizing her stall.
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Hey, can you watch my drink for me?
Don't want any unsavory mares getting their hooves into it.
Nah. Whether the mint one drops in a questionable additive, the drunkard slams the whole thing, or anything in between, consider whatever happens to be a learning experience about leaving your drink unattended.
>lyra roofies it, berry slams it, and then I order another
the circle of life
>I take Berry home
>"Nopony will ever fucking believe you"
>Proceed to sexo
Just imagined a scenario where Cheerilee and Anon meet and are kind of clicking.
Maybe Anon came to Equestria with a younger sibling and was having a parent teacher conference.
Cheerilee, realizing that Anon is single and ready to mingle, decides she's going to ask him out on a date.
Before she does, she's in the bathroom, pep talking her reflection.

>"Okay, Cheery, you can do this. Anon is tall, cute, caring, intelligent, and most importantly, Available. Don't mess this up. Your thirty and not getting any younger. This could be your last chance to be a married mare."
>One of her students in on of the stalls overhears.
>After the weekend DT asks right in class, well Ms cheeriee? did it work? or should I say Mrs cheerilee now?
>Cheerilee, limping heavily and still mildly disheveled, merely grins.
>Anon hears about this inappropriate banter
>Decides to have some fun I mean revenge
>Cue special presentation on human society, with special emphasis whenever anything is HARD or LONG.
>Also makes a huge point of looking at Cheerilee when this happens
>Entire class is on the verge of one big 'ooOOOOooo.'
Jokes on you, now you'll smell like Berry for at least a week. Everyone with a working snoofa knows.
>Twist is hunched over her desk, trying to hide the Cheerilee X Anon porn that she's drawing from the eyes of Celestia
>She knows that they're always watching her, the princesses
>jew pone drawing porn
ok this is getting too realistic
Fuck, man. I completely forgot about that show.
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What sort of unsavory mares? I think I might see a couple, but they're distracted by some colts.
I want to read a comedy green of Berry slipping roofies to a stallion, then being upset that his dick doesn't work while he's drugged
That's what cock pumps are for.
I thought they were for moving large volumes of cock, like when your basement gets flooded with cock.
>A mare whose job is breeding chickens explains her job to a complete stranger
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>Berry is an explosive squirter and her wine-flavored cum is especially pungent.

Gotta say, I'd be tempted.
I'd be tempted just to listen to her autistic rambling over wine. Then again, that goes for any mare. Flower Sisters rambling over flowers, Silver Spanner rambling over random machinery, Bombshell rambling over fireworks, Spa Sisters rambling over... something. I don't know enough about spas to know what they could possibly get autistic over.
The merits and cons of different massage types? The intracacies of different types of pony and working their kinks out?
Perhaps how relevant setting the mood is for a pony like rarity, yet even a scented candle is wasted on a pony like Dash. We seem they have other staff? Perhaps good ol' can't find good help issues of running a business.
>POV: You wake up the next day with no memories of what happened
>We seem they have other staff?
They have Vera and Lavender Essence, though I believe both were only shown once in the show, Vera a 2 second S1 gag in at that.
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All mares are powered by autism in their own unique way.
This fatass demands you worship her and make her spaghetti
Villainous mares are very touch-starved and require constant pampering.
With enough pampering they won't have any time to do any actual villainy
>Spearchucker Pones
Something something RGRE M.A.S.H.
Something something "best-equipped dentist in the guard" Painless.
Something something mares and reluctantly-accepted shower peeking.
That is all.
Number one reason for getting absolutely shredded: picking up and carrying around beeg mares.
>"Gee, it turns out if you give the poor gal some good old tender love and care she won't feel like wreaking havoc anymore, who knew."
"Cadence dear, would you please stop gloating for a moment and help us get a few more villains hitched?"
>"Sister! We need no outside help, we merely need to peer into the dr-"
>"Luna you are NOT giving another stallion a wet dream… especially about yourself!"
>"Auntie, that's just sad."
>*royal canterlot grumbling*
>3'11" mare vs 6'0" man
lol marelets
Cartoon physics, using a cock pump can literally suck the balls through the cock, and then it's a hassle to stuff them back in.
i would gladly let her
>That's what a cock ring is for!
>I'm surrounded by amateurs.
>Two Days.
>It had been two days since Shining Armor had managed to get a good night's rest. Flurry, his sweet, darling little angel, had taken it upon herself to try and never sleep again for more than ten minutes. The baby wanted to be constantly moving, playing, being paid attention to as well. If these demands weren't met, she would begin to cry.
>Normally, Cadence would be there to switch off with him, but she had been busy with the Yak delegation. From what she had said in the brief moments in the day that they were able to speak, she was getting just as much sleep as him. He was alone, outgunned, and very, very tired.
>"Come on Honey. Please don't pull daddy's mane..."
>Flurry happily babbled from her position on the back of his neck. She was poking his cheek while she chewed on his hair. He tried pawing at her to stop, but found that he couldn't lift his hoof the whole way.
>He had been walking around the castle's halls for the past five hours because, at this moment, this was keeping Flurry happy. Now, Shining was a soldier. A stallion that had more than his share of sleepless nights and marching for unending miles. He liked to think himself as tough. Powerful. Sturdy.
>That belief in himself was beginning to crumble
>His body ached. He could barely keep his head up. His eyes couldn't stay more than half open, and if he closed them for more than a second or two he would drift off to sleep. He'd at least manage to sleep standing up for a minute or so before Flurry would get fussy and he'd wake up and keep walking.
>His stamina was at it's complete end he knew. The tank had gone empty around lunch time, and the only thing that was keeping him standing was sheer bloody mindedness. Even that though wasn't going to be enough soon.
>"Are you feeling tired, sweetie?" he asked, his chin drooping to the floor. "Why don't we go to bed for a little bit, hum? Just... lay our heads down and sleep for a few hours? Doesn't... Doesn't that sound swell?"
>Flurry said something in her baby-speak. With a giggle, she yanked on his mane. Shining was too tired to even sigh.
>Out of the corner of his eye, the unicorn saw something as he walked through the hallway. One of the doors was open a crack. He frowned, seeing it.
>"Where in the hay am--Oh, we're in the royal wing, honey," he said with a yawn. "Where I am talking about sleeping and we're right here. Isn't that nice?"
>It must be his own room. Cadence no doubt had accidently not closed it the entire way when she walked in. She was probably in their bed asleep, just waiting for the two of them.
>Bed. A wonderful, warm bed. A place to close one's eyes and just rest.
>With a small smile, Shining made his way into the room. The stallion was so exhausted that he simply butted the door open with his head and didn't bother closing it. Eyes already closing, he found his way to the bed and climbed into it.
>It felt like Elysium. Better even.
>Plucking Flurry from his neck, he gave the filly a peck on her cheek before laying her down on a pillow and grabbing one himself. He could feel a warm body in the bed already. His Cadence. He pressed himself against her, letting out a contented sigh.
>"He a good girl and let daddy rest his eyes, sweetie," he murmured. "Just a few minutes..."
>He was asleep before his head hit the pillow.


>Princess Mi Amore Cadenza walked through the halls of her castle like a mare that had carried a mountain on her back for the past week. Heck, a week doing that might have been preferable to dealing with the yaks. Cadence liked to think she was welcoming to all critters, but their entire species took the phrase abrasive personality to a whole other level.
>Threats of war, breaking nice furniture, no table manners, no level of personal hygiene as far as she could tell, a stubbornness that would make a donkey blush, and an unhelpful level of stupidity was what she had been forced to deal with for the past few days.
>They made even the simplest tasks a trial. They were just supposed to have a simple trade talk reaffirming a treaty that was literally hundreds of years old, but the yaks were treating this like they were at war. It was just headache after headache, from sun up to sunset and well into the night. It made what could have been completed with a few letters into this multi-day march through broken glass.
>Cadence had no idea how her aunts had been able to deal with the yaks for so long without just dropping a celestial body or two on top of their heads. Knowing the yaks, she kind of doubted that such an attack would even slow them down.
>Still, despite all that, all the yelling, and screaming, and threats of war, she had been able to get a deal finished with them. She had just finished her goodbyes with the diplomats at the train station. The train itself would no doubt be destroyed once it returned from Yakyakistan, but Cadence had been so happy to see them go she didn't mind that much.
>The nightmare was over. She was a free mare. She could finally relax and see her husband and foal for more than two minutes. She could finally sleep.
>The thought put a dopey smile on her face. Her pace, though still sluggish, become just that little bit faster as she made her way into the royal wing of the castle.
>Thoughts of her nice, beautiful bed with her nice, beautiful pillow and her nice, beautiful husband danced in her sleep-deprived head. They took away what little focus that alicorn was able to muster up, so she didn't think when she saw a wide open door. Instead, she made her way through it and into what she assumed was her bedroom.
>Her eyes were already closing as she crawled into the bed, grabbing the closest warm body she could. With a sigh, she found herself drifting off into Luna's realm.


>Anon found himself waking to something lightly batting the side of his head. This wasn't an unusual occurrence since he had found himself in this horse-based world. Unfortunately.
>The human cracked open an eye to see a multi-colored mane invading his vision. There were a pair of wet muzzles pressed against the nape of his neck as well as the top of his head. He could hear snoring, and feel hooves digging into his soft, fleshy body.
>Someone let out a giggle. Anon looked up to see Flurry perched on top of one of his pillows, staring down at him. The foal babbled before lightly hitting him with the tip of her wing.
>He let out a sigh, getting a whiff of Cadence's bubblegum shampoo. Looking down, he saw the princess snoozing away in his arms. A glance over his shoulder revealed Shining was glued to his back, sawing logs.
>Anon scowled.
>He had figured moving up to the Crystal Empire would have been less weird than Canterlot. Down there he had to deal with ponies bothering him because he wore clothes and had opposable thumbs. There were also the mornings when some random monster would fly out of the waterfall and try to eat everyone. Or better yet, Twilight Sparkle would appear and just ruin his entire day with some of her friendship nonsense
>It was isolated here. Chilly too, which made for nice sleeping weather. There had been an evil doer trying to take everything over, but he got blown up as far as he knew, and it was way too cold outside the barrier for any evil monsters. The crystal ponies also didn't break out into song every time ten minutes. It was nice. For the most part.
>Unfortunately for him, Cadence and Shining were absolutely Canterlot ponies.
>They had taken an interest in him the moment he had gotten off the train. Both had no doubt heard stories from their relatives about him. The crystal ponies had been leery with him, but those two were all questions and nuzzles and horsey sniffs. When Cadence found out that he could make a mean pizza pie that had been the final nail in the coffin. Without his permission, he had been made a minister of peetzer and given a room in the castle.
>Anon carefully wiggled himself from from the two and sat up.
>"What in the world are you three doing here?" he grumbled, rubbing an eye. "I thought we fucking talked about breaking into people's rooms and sleeping with them goddammit..."
>He was about to start shaking both violently when he saw the dark rings under Shining's eyes. Looking over at Cadence, he saw that the alicorn might have been in worse shape.
>It made sense he supposed. There was some shithead diplomats running amok in the castle for the last few days. The staff had done nothing but complain about it. If Cadence had been busy dealing with them at all hours of the day that meant Shining had to watch Flurry all by himself, meaning both probably hadn't gotten a wink of sleep for days.
>The human made a face, looking down at the clearly exhausted ponies. Scratching his chin, he looked at Flurry. The foals was looking all around, making her baby noises, without a care in the world.
>Anon crawled out of his bed, throwing the blanket over the sleeping couple. Flurry laughed in delight as he reached down and scooped her up.
>"Come on. We'll let your parents sleep for a little bit," he said.
>So as not to freak out the horses, he figured he'd leave a note of some sort. Even after all the time he had been in Equestria, he still couldn't make heads or tails of the script they used, so a crude picture of him and Flurry drawn on a piece of paper would have to do. Setting his masterpiece down on his nightstand, Anon made his way out of his room in his pajamas with Flurry slung under his arm.
>He had made it a few steps when a smell made his nose scrunch up. Stopping, he lifted the foal up toward her face and gave her a sniff.
>"You shit," he said.
>Flurry replied with a coo, batting at his face with her forelegs.
>"I'm going to need to get my goddamn pillow washed," Anon said, poking her belly. "I should throw you out a window, you little turd."
>He saw something out of the corner of his eye. It was a colorful and expensive looking baby bag. Anon walked over, picking it up.
>"Your dad must have dropped this," he said, opening up the bag and checking its contents. "Well, I guess I can't let you sit in your own crap. Lets get you all cleaned up."
>Seeing as his room was currently occupied, Anon decided to make his way to the royal chambers. They were locked, but he knew about the key hidden under the potted plant next to the door.
>The personal chambers of the Princess and Prince-Consort was nothing short of a work of art, filled with paintings and gems and cloth-of-gold drapes. The human paid none of it any mind, walking over to the nearest table-- a piece of furniture made of a now extinct wood and carved by dozens of master wood workers--and proceeded to clean up Flurry and change her diaper.
>"Hey, you keep squirming like that I'm doing to swing you around by your tail. Now quit it."
>He eventually managed to get the diaper on the foal. Picking her back up, he walked over to the play center that Cadence and Shining had set up for the filly. There was a mat of soft foam, a corral pen, and an entire Toys R Us worth of toys and stuffed animals. Kicking away some dolls and a beach ball, Anon sat down and grabbed one of those block shape toys. Sitting it in front of Flurry.
>The baby smiled. Her horn glowed, and she picked up all of the little colorful shapes. She handed a few to the human, then turned her attention back to the toy, beginning to match up the shapes to where they needed to go. For a few minutes, there was no issue. Flurry looked happy as she pushed the shapes into the block. Then, she tried putting a star shape into the wrong slot.
>The baby frowned, using her magic to apply more force when she noticed that it didn't fit. When that didn't work she tried twisting the shape to see if that would wiggle it in. Her happy babbling turned into a whine as her face scrunched up. She tried slamming it through the hole, knocking the toy away.
>Her ears pinned against the sides of her skull, Flurry grabbed the block with her magic, slamming it down onto the ground. Frustrated tears formed in her eyes. Her horn glowed brighter, and every single toy and stuffed animal in the room was picked up. Flurry took in a deep breath, ready to being crying.
>Anon licked his pointer finger and thumb, reaching over and touching the tip of the alicorn's horn. Her magic fizzled and died, dropping everything in the room. Flurry was so confused that she paused her tantrum, looking up at her horn. As she did this, Anon reached over and grabbed the shape block, lifting it back over. He then handed Flurry the star block.
>"You're putting it in the wrong hole, dummy," he said, pointing out the correct slot. "Put it in there, and quit your fussing."
>Flurry sniffled.
>"No crying," Anon told her. "If you start I'll really give you something to cry about. Now put it in the hole."
>He booped her on the nose lightly with a fist. Still sniffling, Flurry pressed the star to the indent that the human had pointed out. Sure enough, it slotted right through without issue.
>Flurry blinked, then let out a giggle.


>Cadence and Shining weren't quite running through the hallways, but they were certainly power walking through them. They had woken up, groggy but more well rested than they had been in days. There had been a rush of panic when they noticed their little girl was nowhere to be seen, though it had abated somewhat when they had seen Anon's note.
>Both were grateful that the human had take Flurry off their hooves for a few hours, as well as embarrassed that they had broken into his room. Once they found him they'd be sure to apologize. After speaking with some of the staff to see if the two had recently been seen, they decided to check and see if they were in their personal chambers.
>"So, how grumpy do you think Anon's gonna be?" Cadence asked.
>"Oh, I'm sure he's fine," Shining replied, though without much conviction. "Even if he's not, I'm sure if we offer to get him something nice to eat he'll perk right up."
>Cadence opened the door to their chambers, ushering Shining inside. There, in the playroom was Anon. He had Flurry tucked in the crook of his arm, feeding her a bottle. Flurry's eyes were closed, and the filly seemed perfectly content. Anon's usual frown saw gone as he looked down at the filly. If they didn't know any better, they'd have said he appeared content.
>Both parents released breaths they hadn't realized they had been holding.
>"No matter the species, a colt is still a colt," Cadence said with a smile.
You did good, LaP. You did real good. Best horses.
Anon has amazing chill holding it together against that demon spawn.
>demon spawn.
Well Cadence is part succubus afterall. Fun fact, she was the emissary of Tartarus until her auntie Celestia landed her a sick gig at the Crystal Empire.
He's saving it for her angsty teenage years.
>teenage years
>Flurry Heart asks her mom if its okay to have a crush on her 35+ year old baby sitter
does this mean Anon is a christmas cake or a silver fox?
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Don't call Anon a christmas cake unless you want the cake goblin to snatch him up like the dirty Canterlot that she is
>Don't call Anon a christmas cake
>Celestia can hear Anon's cheeks clapping all the way from the crystal palace
>Candy is in tears because she's just into DILFs instead of the weird shit Luna tells her she's seen in the dreams of fillies Flurry's age
>"I don't understand auntie, where did her interest in old colts come from?"
>"Looking back, now I understand why Flurry Heart kept giving me aged cheese in her dreams"
>Putting her horn out like a candle
>"You're putting it in the wrong hole, dummy."
>Aged cheese
To fascinate the fairer sex?
>your newly acquired marefriend asks you to moan like a hentai character in your next sex session
I'll give her the full ahegeo
Best I can do is screaming expletives and calling her by her mother's name.
I mean, I'd try.
Don't you mean, neigh like a hentai character? I can only imagine the sort of ahegeo faces a horse can pull off.

>"Anon, babe, if you could just curl your lips back as far as you can and really expose that gum-line, it would put me over the moon."

In fact, a horse's prehensile lips are something that not enough people talk about. You can't tell me that a mare wouldn't try to impress a stallion by doing something complicated and dexterous with her lips. Like, Spitfire will try to impress you by tying a knot into a cherry stem using only her disgusting worm-lips.
this is why other species are better
clearly sparkledogs are the true ultimate lifeform
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Mares are genuinely threatened by the double decker disney adult smile
RGRE!hentai doesn't have succ-face, but it sure as fuck has licc-face.
>derpy makes you cum your brains out
>she freaks out when your eyes cross at the pleasure
No they aren't. You'll get a cock full of blood, but limp af. Noodle, a big noodle, but still wet and not working.
I'll study those weird neighponeeze words if needed to. And saliva everywhere and all that shit if she wants to.
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>You call them Moon Runes once in public
>Horny mares politely chuckle, a few sun simps guffaw patriotically
>You don't think anything of it, just a little slip of your old culture
>Might want to apologize to the couple bat ponies in the back, they weren't laughing
>A mango and a dicking usually does the trick
>You don't get the chance, however, seeing as you've just been woken up in the dead of night by fucking bat ninjas
>"OUR PLAN! It was brilliant! We use an ancient dialect of Neighongo to weave a spell of sexual frustration and unwarranted self-importance right under the noses of Equestria's next generation of soldiers! Then we give The Moon Vessel her secret potion of Applejack Danny Black whiskey to bring forth Nightmare Moon forever!"
"I don't- What?? It was a slip of the tongue- there's weird linguistic similarities here with my old world, we called Japanese moon runes because it looked weird!"
"So I didn't discover SHIT and you dumbasses just revealed your plan for nothing."
>"Huh. Well, this is awkward, we have to do someth-"
"I have a crate of mangos and morning- er, slightly-after-midnight wood. It's yours if you agree to one thing."
>"Bold of you to assume you're in a position to bargain, but I admire a blade that knows its sheath. Proceed."
"Luna is autistic as fuck and this is never going to work. She needs some Adderall or a little movie playing in her peripheral vision, or she's just going to get bored and wander off while Celestia sneak attacks her. AGAIN."
>but I admire a blade that knows its sheath
that line's fucking brilliant and hilarious
I like to imagine that Luna cares greatly about her public image and approval of the masses because of low self-esteem, so she acts like a marely mare in public and Anon is always demure and coltish with her as they're together.
This is because they know each other very well from spending both waking and dreaming time together.
Anon doesn't like acting like a twink in public, but it makes his mare happy so he does.
He also knows what Luna really likes, but that's reserved for their dreams.

>"You ready, dear?" Luna calls from inside the changing stall of the dream mall she created in their sleep.
He chuckles and says, "Yeah babe! Lemme see!"
>Luna comes out where a frilly white dress and sun hat with a big, light blue ribbon on it, blushing demurely.
>"So, what do you think?" she asks, giving a little twirl.
"You're cute as a button and beautiful, bade."
>She squees a little and trots over to hug him.
>As she does, the scenery changes to a lush flower garden as the two continue their date, Luna leaning against Anon's side as they go.
>He leans down and plucks a flower before placing it behind her ear.
>Later, the two would conjure a cozy cottage where Luna would enter the kitchen and cook them a dream dinner.
>The end of their day (night) would be in the bat that she drew for them and Anon shampooing her mane and tail with flowery soaps and her scrubbing his back.
>She awakens with a happy sigh and goes to breakfast/dinner with Celestia.
>Her sister sees the dreamy smile and smirks.
>"Hm, that's the look of a mare who just had a very fun night. Visited Anon's dreams again, did you."
>"Verily, sister. And it was wonderful."
>Celestia chuckles.
>"Well, I suppose if it's reserved for dreams, I won't be expecting a niece or nephew anytime soon. Really, Luna, you should give Anon a rest, though. I'm sure he's tired of having to clean himself up every morning because of you seducing him in his dreams."
>Luna blushes and stammers, "R-right. Of course I rode Anon all night in our dreams. Lucky for him I didn't visi for real or else he wouldn't be able to walk."
>"Luna, you dog."
>Anon gives legit advices to Umbra on how to make her rule the world but it makes her so wet she forgors about everything else but Anon's confident speech to her every time
>"Hey girls."
>Rainbow Dash slumped on to the table with a heavy sigh
>"Jeez Dash looks like you got run over by a train, what happened?" Fleetfoot asked
>"Nothing, just tired from the misters y'know?" the multi-colored pegasus gave a wry smile
>Lighting Dust snorted
>"Pfft! You're telling me that your coltfriend is running you ragged?"
>Dash didn't bother to respond to her jab and just nodded
>"It's like I'm a thirsty mare watching another one drown" Fleetfoot muttered
>"You don't understand, Anon is a good fuck, heck I even caught up to his stamina a bunch of times until..."
>"Until what?" Fleetfoot coerced her to continue
>"What's going on here ladies?"
>The group turned to their captain trotting towards them with a raised brow
>"I was wondering where all of you are, didn't think I'd overhear The Dash complaining about some colt."
>"Dash is having troubles keeping it tight Captain." Lightning Dust said
>"AM NOT!" >Rainbow barked back, having her fatigue disappear
>"Really?" Spitfire raised her brow at the prodigy
>"It's not that Captain Spitfire! It's just... I can't explain it! It's like he has magic!"
>"I thought hyoomans can't do magic? A-According to the human book Princess Twilight wrote." Fleetfoot said
>"Yeah, but I swear this isn't that type of magic! It's like sex magic."
>Lightning Dust guffawed at what she said while Spitfire put a wing to her mouth to giggle
>"Are you serious?! And you're complaining about that?!" Lightning hollered
>Rainbow Dash looked at her with a neutral, dead look which caught the mare off guard
>"You don't understand. You weren't there. You weren't there when I rode Anon like a true mare."
>She sidled up to Lightning Dust which made her uncomfortable
>"You weren't there when his eyes turned into hearts. You weren't there when he started speaking neighponese in a tone that would make your wings adamantine, you weren't there when he made a slutty face that would imbed itself into your mind in nights to come."
>She was now snout to snout with Lightning Dust, the mare in question was starting to sweat bullets
>"You weren't there when he used his arms to pull you down for the finish, having your body follow every single impregnation request he made when he declared his love for me, as my brain warned itself that my body would give out if I didn't stop."
>Rainbow Dash finally returned to her seat, still staring at Lightning Dust
>"And you especially weren't there when he asked for another round."
>All the mares were silent at what they had heard
>Rainbow Dash wordlessly sat up and walked out the front door, limping while her wings were shaking, trying to stand up straight
poor rainbow dash, getting fucked silly all the time like that
must be rough
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>Wouldn't know...
Hopefully Luna can one day be comfortable enough with herself and not care what ponies think about her wanting to be the colty one in the relationship.

I wonder if, when she retires from princessing, she'll be the house wife and Anon will be the bread winner, ignoring all the jokes at her expense.

"Oh no! I'm contagious!"
>"Twilight help! Me and Anon were having sex and he suddenly went cross-eyed!"
>The librarian looked at the pegasus and let out a knowing look
>"Right, and I'm the future ruler of Equestria."
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I choose to believe RGRE only applies to ponies, not to the rest of the animal kingdom, so they wouldn't offer RGRE ideas, but more strictly "he's a male, you're a female, you gotta breed girl, how else will you get a family going?" or "just sniff his ass a couple times, let him smell yours then get a good family going, you know what I mean?" or "just bend over, shake ass and let instinct do the rest"
It is flutters who takes the very animalistic suggestions and converts them to RGRE.
>Anon got the worst isekai cheat skill: CoD
>To be fair, regenerating health was a top tier IRL ability
>If only it didn't come with the CoD HUD
>Hitmarkers with every plap
>Constant wireframe of his dick with ammo count on the bottom right
>Every time he thinks of reloading he's forced to watch himself eat pineapple
>Still, sex is sex
>All was well until the first estrus since his arrival
>Mares constantly backing it up into him
>Flesh becoming weak and spongy
>Right as he finishes in Rainbow Dash, KILLSTREAK flashed in the top of his vision
>Care Package of magical zebra potions
>Counter UAV fucks with the pheromone receptors of every stallion within 10 miles
>Chopper Gunner he rises into the sky and rotates around town launching globs of cum at unsuspecting mares
Twilight, I hear voices...
>Anon! Get to sugarcube Corner!
>Remember anon, its faster to switch to your fingers than to reload your balls.
>Remember, no Griffons.
>Sheathes are optional for this mistress.
>Press her f button to pay respect.
>Eris laughing her ass off.
Top post, love to read actual RGRE in the thread
what's twilight's problem
>Final Mission: Infiltrate Celestia's Uterus
>Stealth-impregnate every female guard
>Chopper Gunner conveniently plops him down on the palace balcony
>Skipped a few mares, but also skipped a fuckton of male "guards" on the lower levels
>Just gotta get through the receiving room and a few hallways
>Tight quarters make Celestia's honor guard the perfect target for his rifle
>One magdump later and all the gold-plated himbos fall with their white fur stained red
>Stallions, man
>Having left the literal control system for the heavens completely unguarded, Anon decides to not dick around just in case there's an assassin who wants more than pussy
>With Celestia's harem I mean praetorian guards down, the few stragglers are easy pickings
>A stinkbomb here, an ai voice clip to ruin a marriage there, one odd mare requiring a throwing dildo.
>All routine and trivial, so much that Anon loses track of his killstreak
>No matter, HVT (Hot Vagina of Target) In Sight
>Celestia's orgasm noises perfectly mimic the nuke klaxon
>Hail Mary, mother of God, hallowed be thy name.
>All goes white, sticky and moist for a moment
>Next thing Anon knows, he's limping through a ruined Canterlot
>The only thing his dry throat can say is to beg for multivitamins
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>Then suddenly:
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>You shouldn't have stood against me, Twilight,
>Because this virgin shota is mine now.
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>tfw Applejack gets told that Apple Bloom was molested by the human stallion
>Seethes she wasn’t that lucky when she was younger
>filly gets fiddled
>all the mares around her going "nice"
a bunch of mares are about to get their ass beat if they say that about what happened to my sister
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Bastard, leave the fillies alone.
The best part of RGRE
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>This is what you have to do to get sent to Equestria
"They were ponies, and I pet them like ponies! And not just the mares, but the stallions and foals, too! I pet all of them! I love them!"
>"Cool motive. Still fiddlin'."
>>Every time he thinks of reloading he's forced to watch himself eat pineapple
>It wouldn't be so bad if the 'reload animation' had the courtesy to skin the pineapple and cut the flesh into slices for him to eat
>No, Anon gets to just take a big ol CHOMP out of (skin and all) it like he's a caveman and the pineapple is a juicy leg of vaguely-avian origin.
>Anon realizes that platonically molesting the local sapient population (no matter the age or gender) is just as socially-acceptable here in Equestria as it would be back on Earth
>Anon cries himself to sleep every night from then on
>last vidiya you played before going to RGREquestria somehow gave you some sort of power or mechanic from it
Okay gang, what is it and how's it gonna do innaquestria?
Uh... watch dogs... so... maybe hacking magic?
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very based
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The ability to put literally metric tons of stuff in your pocket
I don't remember if the last one I played was zomboid or war thunder, so either the ability to severely injure myself on literally anything or the ability to have my chest blown out by large metal objects and suffer no adverse effects other than moving slower.
>Just finished some raids in Arena Breakout
Oh hell yea boy! Tactical Gear, m9 pistol, and a modded SCAR-L, also first aid kit and a soda with some canned meat and a big backpack, now the only thing i need is some guard mare to sweep me of my feet and i will be a happy man
it may not be much but i could act as a high functioning noble quite well mods or no mods
>Sons of the Forest
>Become the kind of survivorman chadnon everyone imagines they'll be in these greens
>I suddenly gain knowledge of how to cook a variety of stews over a fire
>And basic herb lore, apothecary and field medicine
>Plus instant expert in bushcraft and log cabin shit
>And the ability to make looney tunes-esque hyperpowered rake traps
>(Seriously you can line your base with glorified rakes that gib enemies it's fucking hilarious)
>Become the big-pecs-janegirl-BF of any sane mare's dreams
>Mares lure me to the "amateur" wife-throwing league
>Do exceptionally well because for some rarted reason you get a trajectory/crosshair for throwing weapons and nothing else in SotF
>Become a small-time celebrity, am autistic as fuck so would avoid big circuits like the plague
>Have a respectable mid-tier athletic career, collect a few mares, buy some cheap land innaforest
>Retire to a homestead we'll build together
>Proceed to fill mares with fish stew, sperm
>Occasionally fight a mutant uprising from the Deep Dark Core Of The Forest or some shit
>Better teach the kids how to survivorman
We're all gonna make it, bros.
>Workers and resources soviet republic
I guess I assume control of Stalliongrad and lead it to prosperity via "true communism," and Starlight confuses me for a fellow commie and falls madly in love with me.
ummm ummmm can't die of old age?
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I'm not going to find anyone to play with in Equestria.
Deam im into the same situation, eh i guess having a ilimited acces to militar grade equipment is our power, like infinite ammo, grandes and healing kits, also having the knowledge of a military specialist on tactics and such, not good against big things or magic, but good to eliminate bandits or small armys
I'm sure there are weebs in Equestria, like Cut n. Paste.
>You end up innaquestria with your flagship
>Let's be nice and say you had a big fancy one like an Apogee
>The engines are dead and the ship was never built for atmospheric flight
>You do have a funny-looking and kickass palace, though
>And several hundred crew, mostly male with a few genuinely competent women and a few bimbos you hired for morale.
>And a fusion/antimatter/something reactor, which due to a funny contrivance of magical laws, is pissing Celestia off with its mere presence
>That means you're now technically a bandit kingdom that plopped itself down inside a sovereign nation

>Holding out is even easier than you assumed
>The mares don't actually want to use much force since there's so many males
>Your sensors give you ample time to set up pranks
>The mighty metal hull blocks even the sturdiest buck attempt
>The upgunned shield array keeps even Celestia from being able to do more than strut around like a swan
>The airlocks and pipes and shit are great for spraying water in the rare event a mare gets anywhere, typically because you got bored and 'forgot' to seal one lock
>This cannot last, however
>You're going to run out of rations eventually, and the ration packs suck anyway
>You can't let them turn off the reactor, though
>More than your pride, that reactor powers the med bay
>Any competent vet can stop bleeding and stich a cut, you need a real-ass doctor if you want to preserve life expectancy and quality for an alien species.
>Right. Feudal societies. Marriage pacts. They think you're a tiny little kingdom of turboslutty clothes-wearing pagans.
>You call for a parlay
>Turns out, they don't care about your pimp mansion being covered in city-killing guns and having hypersonic fighters and all that shit
>They're pissed because your ship's reactor is apparently a little bitch who's offending all the older stellar bodies
>Oh, right, you got high and plugged in all those AI cores just to see if you could make a ship capable of consenting to sex
>They've probably been bragging about all the planets and data they've done weird shit with
>The ponies know about all the drugs, organs and what not you've run
>Before you can take your suicide capsule, they assure you they understand
>They'd never dream of blaming the poor, mistreated males of this cult
>Even the female officers will be fine, as long as one of them marries this Blueblood guy and takes him anywhere but the pony capital, please
>Your ship? She's technically an angry teenage girl by divine standards, and her being technically some kind of minor deity helps too
>Not to worry- all you, as the 'chief attendant' of this goddess has to do, is marry into the Equestrian royal family
>It'll legitimize your claim to this land you've been squatting on, and it will give a proper mare ample time to teach your young stellar body how she should behave around the fairer sex
>Which high society mare will you give the honor of yelling at your dick and your powerplant?
>Forestnon starts a dynasty of forest guardians
>generations of ponies, and the occasional satyr
>all protecting Equestria from the horrors that emerge from the dark evil forest of evil and death™
>like Belmonts with their vampire bend, but with more bushcraft and fewer whips, keyword is fewer
>forest is where they're safe, forest is where the enemy is
>becoming a city-slicker is like Samson getting a haircut
>not stripped of power, but weaker, and lost in that "concrete jungle"
>also no birds, wild animals, or grass to touch and munch on
>my hooves hurt from walking on pavement, I wish I was at home, throwing sisters at cryptids
At least you'll have something to attract the kirin with.
Do pay attention to horn stripe patterns… unless you're bi
>Somepony to Watch Over Me begins as normal
>Apple Bloom has to prove her marehood with a pie delivery
>The chimera attack goes extremely different
>Rather than backing into a corner and getting saved by Applejack, Apple Bloom finds herself thrown clear through the chimera's ribcage
>When she finally shakes off the daze, an extremely toned colt is sawing the heads off an extremely dead chimera
>"S'bounty on 'em." is all he says
>Well, naturally, she needs to get this colt away from this nasty work and show him how it's done
>Preferably before her constant soup production kills her in this hot-ass lava swamp
>The shrew refuses to be tamed, but allows her to assist
>Apple Bloom's arousal is upgraded to full-on infatuation when he denounces the government for letting this road be so dangerous.
"Yeah- my... my parents died on this road, probably right here to these things..."
>The colt gets a look in his eye
>A primal fury Apple Bloom had only ever witnessed once, when her granny heard her imply chores were anything other than the pinnacle of activity
>"S'actly what I mean. Gubmint robbed yer plot, betrayed yer kinfolk. Y'aint getting what y'paid for, so why are y'payin'?"
>Apple Bloom had to stop herself from squealing like a schoolcolt
>"That's why we live innnawoods. Forest's a mean sumbitch but at least you always know where you stand with her. Plus, she provides ingredients for Gregory."
>The fuck is a gregory?
>"Ol' family recipe, handed down to every feller what has our blood."
>Oh buck, he can cook too
>Their work finished, the colt starts moving.... away from Ponyville
"What the hay? You said there's a bounty on them!"
>"Yes'm. And bounties is taxable income. Usually the guild or the office just cuts it outta yer pay without askin."
"Uh- not that future ponies won't appreciate the cleared road, cause y'know I coulda taken that thing but uh-"
>"Don't we need the money?"
"Heh. Yeah."
>"What, and pay the government for the privilege of doing their got-dang job for 'em? Buck no! We leave the carcass out, it stinks bad so ponies will avoid it and raise a huge fuss over what shoulda been bucked in the britches years ago, and Celestia doesn't see a single bit from it!"
>It was all Apple Bloom could do to not drop spaghetti
>She had to make a move, NOW
"I know you're, uh, capable an' all, but it wouldn't be proper to let you haul this back all on your lonesome, y'know."
>The colt got bashful, just for a moment, swaying and leaning like all colts do when they're trying to look cute
>"Why, miss Apple, are you seeking to be my suitor?"
>Play it cool, filly!
"Heh, that depends on if yer available?"
>The few seconds of silence were the most agonizing wait of her young life
>"Y'know, daddy says I should get out and form a herd. And I must admit, I get the vapors when I see a mare with a head as aerodynamic as it is thick."
>Apple Bloom looked skyward and offered the first genuine prayer she'd ever given
>Thank you, sweet merciful queen of heaven, judge of judges and all that
>"HEY! I love a mare who's willing to stare down that GOT-DAMN firey orb, but you don't bring them heads with ya, there won't be no greg tonight!"
>Apple Bloom now wrestled with the distinct possibility of being murdered and eaten by hillwhilheminas
>Worth it
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>>Which high society mare will you give the honor of yelling at your dick and your powerplant?
Swan Song, easily. Cute mare, cute dress, cute hat. Primrose is a close second.
Isekaid into ELWG, I guess
Baldur's gate.
Boy oh boy, I hope ya'll like some DIVINE SMITE! HOORAH!
>Anon's mauled body was found two days later, outside a manticore den in the everfree.
I guess its time to start building up.

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