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Come one and all to the meta-writefag and help raise the quality of MLP fanfiction! Featuring: Entering the workforce!

ITT: Keyboard shortcuts and awesome dragons, A zesty party of mewing looksmaxxing sigmas, ChatGPT writing for Buzzfeed, We're definitely finishing our fics, Celestia cooking ponies alive, Perfectly uninspired Oscar-bait, We all have shit taste, 1000 stories to read later!, Getting jumpscared by horny, 75/25 profit splits and a fucking horrendous opinion, Fluttershy takes over a cock-fighting ring, Starscribe the creator of Men in Black, Applejack talks to herself, Sexlessness with a side of no self-control, 5k words of boring bloat, Are good fics even real?, Hailey makes her return, Your fic too shall leave the Sandbox, The Will of the Bookclub, "If it's hostile to ponykind, you kill it.", Detoxing procedures, A batch of reviews, Pasture management, and obvious euphemisms for semen!

>/fimfic/ Secret Book Club
The seventy-first book is 'Princess Celestia: The Changeling Queen':
If (You) want to participate, read up to (and also) Chapter 12, 'The Drawing of the Lines' by the 14th.
On Sunday we'll discuss what we've read.

>Recommended stories:
Tired of authors forgetting that brevity is key? Fed up with 10k inner monologue chapters? Well, we've compiled the best of the worst in order to bring you our absolute average!

New Starter Kit - http://mlpficreviews.org.uk/starter/
Old Starter Kit - http://i.imgur.com/vuTA7EN.png

>Common fic abbreviations used by the thread:

>A list of reviews made by the Anons in this thread:
Use the commands ">review <story link>" and ">discuss <story link>" to add reviews to a story.
Userscript for extra features: https://ponepaste.org/8619

>An in-depth writing guide for beginners:

>Can you pre-read my story?
Post it on Google Docs or HackMD with comments enabled and give us a link.

>Additional material for authors:
Rhorse's Horse Behavioral Notes - https://ponepaste.org/932
Politics and the English Language - https://www.orwell.ru/library/essays/politics/english/e_polit/
Vhatug's tips for anatomically correct clop - https://poneb.in/g4VpEg4f
Setting a story in motion - https://youtu.be/ufO8LbwTdu0
Taking criticism - https://youtu.be/-v4R2ZcxPlA

>Various reviews and riffs:
Fillyanon's Bookshelf - https://ponepaste.org/5555
Notkickass222urmom's Reviews - https://pastebin.com/u/notkickass222urmom
IHeartShinzakura's Reviews - https://ponepaste.org/user/IHeartShinzakura
Appleanon reads fics - https://poneb.in/wmGX7FPm
Deluxe Big Master Review List - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1z9Bz7UnEbxo-svlXa2tV49PJkP-yFuR7pRXiBUn-IeU
A Guide to Rational Fics - https://files.catbox.moe/3jzrfm.png
The Royal Canterlot Library's Top 16 Fanfics - https://royalcanterlotlibrary.net/top16/

Previous Thread: >>41200928
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First for best duo!
horses are the best
Being one of the first before I get lost in the whole discussion.
puter horse
On the internet, nopony knows you're a horse.
I hate that Ezn's guide uses Carrot Top's name as the first word in its examples on dash usage, leaving me perpetually wondering if I'm supposed to capitalise the first letter in the action or not. I assume not, but it would be nice to have a clear answer. Every time I wonder about this I look it up and then am reminded that the guide has this terrible ambiguity.
You don't.
Ezn's guide is for middle school dropouts.
You should not capitalize it, just like you're not supposed to end it with any punctuation marks* (other than the dash, of course). The dashes function almost like commas there.
*In real-world published books, I've seen a few examples of ending with a comma when the original sentence had a comma at the point of the action split. It looks wrong to me, though, and I can't easily find any rules online that would back it up, so you should probably just omit it:
"I don't really think mudponies are strictly inferior—" Rarity hurriedly took another step away from Applejack's corner of the room "—but it's just that they're usually not as good as the other, more capable races when it comes to the more sophisticated tasks."

Did you read any fics on the site? Those are basics, yet, but people get them wrong in more than 80% of featured stories. That's why even fimfic links to the guide when you go to publish a fic.
>did you read
That penis is unusually large
Pretty normal for a pone.
Nigga it's twice as thick as her leg.
Yeah, pretty normal for pone.
Anyway, talking of writing; I've been drafting that far-in-the-future and also future-set story for after Project Sparkle and weighing the idea of swapping race names.
Because of the regime in place, they're all rather old-blood nobility types and have changed their lingua franca to separate themselves from others, their language primarily represented by latin/greek.
Now, this would probably throw readers off for a moment if they read unicorn, pegasus, earth pony, gryphon, as something else, though it's pretty obvious after the first time it's mentioned who is what, and as each new race name is introduced they're tied to the character so you know this new race name is obviously, say, a gryphon.
However, that in mind, when reading stories that swap words do you find it unnecessary and annoying or do you like it as flavour to the setting? I like it because it sets that we're not in the past of Equestria and I like personally like figuring out such terms, but that's me and I'm curious as to other's thoughts.
>when reading stories that swap words do you find it unnecessary and annoying or do you like it as flavour to the setting?
I will hate the characters, and maybe hate you personally a bit.
If they speak a different language, have them speak the different language. If they have to communicate with ponies, have them speak in mangled English, like an ESL would, maybe breaking down and going back to their native language halfway through.
But please. PLEASE. Don't do picrel. Ever.
All I can think of is one mediocre fic which used "earthens" or some shit like that instead of earth ponies. It was mildly annoying, but most readers got over it soon. You have a better justification for the name change, but it'll still be at least somewhat annoying, especially at first.
You mean the ESL shit where they cut in their own language with English?
Everyone speaks English because that's representative of the common tongue, and it's mostly terms, places, racial names, sayings that are represented by latin.
Also who the fuck decided to make Tempest a mexican? I want to shoot them.
You're a cheeky cunt, I'll give you that.
No new Hailey yet.

They're not Harry Potter crossovers. That's probably the start and end of it. Go up the reply chain and read what I said about regular HP fics. It's quite easy to break Harry Potter when you try to write fics that run concurrently with Harry's plot.
Why is Luna depicted as drinking coffee? What does it have to do with the night?
Drinking coffee to stay awake at night is a common trope, and it's seen as the 'opposite' of tea which Celestia is associated with.
But tea does the same.
Who associates tea with trying to stay up at night?
The British.
I switched back to a Windows machine. It's a laptop with no numeric keypad. How the fuck do you guys write en-dahses? The best solution I found on Google was the fucking emoji keyboard.
I keep it in a notepad doc with all other annoying to remember bits of punctuation or ascii until I remember it.
Alt + 0151 is the — and I have also memorised the ™ which is Alt + 0153.
You need the numeric keypad for that to work.
I know, I was just flexing.
But seriously, make a notepad doc for such occasions where you lack a keypad.
I just do -- and let GDocs decide my fate.
GDocs is a little retarded about this, with -- being an en-dash and --- turning into an em-dash (technically it's –- ), when most word editors do both dashes with just two hyphens, using spacing to determine the correct length (spaced for en-dashes).
Did any of you encounter bot accounts following you and offering you "affordable 2D and 3D artwork" for your stories in a DM? I've got two in the last two days.
Me three, as of just a couple hours ago.
Damn. Not even the bots want me...
I didn't post that.
Prove it.
RGRE is a pestilence upon this earth
How many of you fanfic writers use AI? It’s anonymous so tell the truth.
Not even once.
I'd like to, but so far I've spent more time fucking around with the AI setup than actually writing
I've used it for critiquing what I've written. Often using a demeaning voice.
No thanks, I prefer using my mind. It will never write what I write better than I can.
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Oneshot's up. It's a little melancholy thing about the lost "Golden Age" Equestria could have had that Celestia talks about with one of her government officials. I expect it to do worse than the poem from last year since at least that was something different. But the opportunity cost was virtually non-existent since this was already written for the archmage fic, so I figured why not?

I'm pissed Microsoft's botnet can spit out images so much better than Stable Diffusion can.

>They're not Harry Potter crossover
Neither are most of his other fics, but they're all canceled or on hiatus too. That's what makes the completed ones stand out all the more to me.

>as something else
Why is the narrator not translating those words into the correct English but is for everything else? Either you go full COPE or the narrator follows the universal translator rules.

>primarily represented by latin/greek
So, you'd be calling them unicorns, pegasi, and terra pullus, then? Doesn't seem like a big enough difference to bother with.

I use it for cover art when Depribooru fails to give me anything but tentacle hentai rune circles.
I liked the story, Anon. I look forward to your full Archmage fic.
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At least four of the hours I could've spent this week on the club fic went to Stable Diffusion, and the outputs I got from it were totally outclassed by that stupid notebook page. I had fun, though.
Awesome, can't wait for that fic. This oneshot was great.
Question for those who have already read all of Changeling Queen: Can I skip the Q&A chapter?
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I've used it for editing feedback about my first draft. I would explain the story and the characters in a new chat with a simple "editor card" (picrel), and then start posting fragments of text to criticize. It's pretty good for that, but you have to give it smaller batches of text to get meaningful suggestions. Also good for getting a second opinion about title/tags.
I wouldn't trust that Editor Twilight Sparkle bitch, Anon. It is simply using you to steal your mind cum so that it can gestate and publish it to various women's health magazines.
>narrator saying it
Nah it's the MC's perspective.
There are also other bits in there, sometimes dependant on the species which is also changed by the words used to represent them.
The Chocodex Nougastartes does nut snackport this nougaction.
I like it if it's good fluff and there's at least some moderation with how it's applied. Different genres and styles lend themselves to different levels of fluff tolerance, too.
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A heavy, atmospheric vignette that reads straight out of a larger story which, considering the author, might not exactly be far from the truth.
It's a fic that asks questions and implies the answers, done so cleanly that it was a joy to read.
This fic is a comedy in the trappings of a tragedy in the trappings of a comedy. It's easy to laugh at Blueblood being... well, himself, but for every laugh and clever chess-terminology, the author tugs on the reader's heart by mentioning that under all the idyll Celestia works to uphold, she dances on the knife's edge. He could save Blueblood, with all the apparent innocent misfortune that brings, but Luna's situation remains only forgiven, not forgotten.
I thought the story was sweet but forgettable when I first started reading, but the second half made me not only love it, but consider it one of the best I've read in this contest so far.
Morbid and well written. It presents a much more gruesome, yet still grounded version of Starlight. Presenting the inside of the egg and pre-born Spike's thoughts are artistically muddy. I found the previous story more compelling with its depth, but for a simple (but not simplistic!) horror story this works well.
A fic where the 1k limit hurt more than it helped. I dug the concept even if it's late season and the Discord presented here is reasonably menacing, but the story ends before anything interesting really happens.
Body(?) horror caused by an ancient curse. I feel similarly as with the previous story. The core concept is really solid and the author tries hard to make it work in the constraints, but a curse like this works best if it's dragged out, not dealt with in like 300 words. The ending was regardless neat.
A fic similar to Statistics. Cellie can only send a single word to Luna every year, these are her thoughts. I found it one of the best uses of the contest. One thousand years, one thousand words. I'm ambivalent towards "sehnsucht", because I feel "longing" would work similarly well without needing to contrive German into the fic, but it wasn't a dealbreaker. Really liked this one.
As beloved as it ended up by Fimfic, I didn't really like it. It doesn't really do anything wrong per se and the concept of Twiggles fading away is neat, I just wasn't into this fic. I felt like I've seen this exact concept too many times and this one didn't add anything that personally interested me (the typographic trickery was neat but not neat enough.)
I write better than AI can, so no.
A confusing timeloop. A little eerie, but the concept would work much better in a longer fic. I liked the way Twilight tries to figure things out, but the fic sadly remained unremarkable.
As mentioned before, it's a small tragedy in and of itself that the story never even managed to get into the boxes. Luna's fall has been written and rewritten thousands of times, but for such a short story this one sets itself apart with its allegorical nature. It's not a new story, but it's a familiar story presented very nicely.
Post-S9 Twiggles is sad because Flutters died. Discord is also there, but (seemingly) less sad. They discuss this.
I like the way the author portrayed Discord's grief. I wish he trusted the reader just a tiny bit more and called less attention to it, but regardless it was a much more impactful and tactful way than just saying "I'M SAD, TWILIGHT". Twiggles, however, really doesn't work for me. She apparently didn't really grieve when two friends died, but suddenly broke down when three did, because of denial??
I can buy a lot of things when it comes to grief, but we're talking years of difference between the deaths of very different ponies. I think Twilight would either grieve each and every or none until all of them died.
Spike goes on the dragon migration and Twilight throws a fit, because she doesn't want him to go. Neat concept, that ends up reading like a bad teen drama with plenty of over the top crying and loud proclamations of love. Didn't win my heart.
Angsty angst. For what it's worth I liked most of what this fic does. Except for the last three lines. I'm really conflicted what to think about them, because I'm both not against a twist, but also feel like the story has no room to set up/execute such a thing. As it stands it just makes Cellie look evil for no reason, except that she's maybe mad, maybe just super manipulative.
I think played straight, the fic would have worked much better.
This story implies a lot, but while that was a compliment in the previous post, here I didn't really feel like there is substance behind these implications. Not that it's a bad fic, but I felt like it doesn't really make a point and so my entire reaction was a "huh, neat".
Your vacation
Fluff like actual pronounced extra pony hair? Always felt like a bit of a weird, almost fetishy obsession, but I guess it's harmless.
Or fluff like content that's not directly related to the plot just for flavour? I think it's nice, but you definitely have to strive for a good balance so it doesn't feel like things aren't going anywhere.
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Reminds me of Snake Eater.
I tried that, but unfortunately, filly fooling is mostly incompatible with Claude.
Were you using the web chat or SillyTavern + API? From what I've heard, Claude will write pretty much anything with a little prefill
What is it with the amount of porn being posted lately?
Jewish tricks.
Jew- >>41230874
Beat me to it.
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This fic really cavitated my air.
I am so bothered by this fic. Let's focus on the technical side first so I can get that out of the way. The writing is good, but it lacks polish. Aside from a typo here and there, the main issue is a problem with repetition in the prose that could have been fixed with one more round of proofreading, or maybe a second pair of eyes on the story. That aside, the prose is engaging during the actions scenes and largely clear enough during descriptions, and overall I'd say it's a well written story. It's dreadfully undertagged though, clearly missing Death, OC, Dark, and whether or not the writer agrees with it the AU tag as well. We'll get to that in a moment. I do appreciate the chapter titles.
Right, onto the meat of the discussion. I'm going to work backwards here, because I want my point out asap. The fic bolting itself to canon the way it does ruins it for me. There is no way to reconcile what the story is about with the part of the show it places as its skipped-over middle portion. I think that's tied to another problem, one which instead becomes clear from the get go. This doesn't feel like a pony fanfic. It feels like an original work of fiction that someone shoved into a pony skin. The broader world feels nothing like Equestria, from advanced buildings to churches to demons, and Cozy feels and acts nothing like the canon one, never mind how her canon schemes also make no sense in the context of the fic. The fic justifies this with the sudden twist that everything was outside Equestria, but that also doesn't really work with the show.
What's annoying is that the story underneath the pony skin isn't bad at all. It's got a lot of neat worldbuilding, and more importantly characters I enjoy reading about. It's a nice piece of fantasy fiction. It's just wearing Cozy's body in a way that doesn't fit at all. But if you ignore the canon setting and characters, some bits are truly great. The church city's whole deal is great, and so is seeing how Cozy is constantly seen as a good pony and thought of as dead by those she meets and inevitably betrays. I particularly liked the wellspring demon, and the way Cozy actually has consequences for her fights and takes a long time to recover.
I do have some gripes with the ending. Not the epilogue, mind you, I really liked seeing those characters come back together. But something about the way things go down doesn't sit right with me. I don't dislike Cozy eating her own heart and blowing up. It's a classical story of senseless lust for power and its consequences. But maybe because it's a classic, I dislike the attitude the fic itself takes towards it. It (and the author as a result) feel almost smug about something that's really very by the book and even mediocre.
Next week we're reading:
You should decide what we'll read after, too:
>what we'll read after
Important announcement regarding that: The week after the next one will have its club day land in the middle of Galacon. It's likely, though not certain, that we may have another live edition. People certainly seem to want to do it. As a result, it would be best if the selected fic was something worthy of the occasion. Feel free to suggest what you think would fit, we still have a week to figure it out.
skip the club, stream your orgy.
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The chapter titles weren't lying.
The first thing that's very interesting about the story is that it takes the common trope of "character tries to attain godlike powers out of pure ambition", which is almost always a role given to the antagonists (because the protags with this trope will, invariably, subvert it and course-correct in the story), and makes this THE story of the protagonist. And yes, she's a villain. Very obviously a villain, and I can't help but sympathize with her somewhat. Not for the control that she seeks, but just pushing the boundaries and seeing what happens. Having those kinds of villains' plans come together is fascinating and almost never explored enough.

In this case, Cozy dies. Yes, there's some intentional ambiguity about her fate, but I feel like the story's themes are clear enough that trying to see any other ending wouldn't work well here. Speaking of themes, I think chapter 2 is the strongest here by a good margin. The epilogue is nice, too, but honestly? Chapter two could work as a standalone story, and 90% of the story's impact would be kept. It—the whole fic, but especially it—feels like it draws extremely heavily from Shadow of the Colossus, intentionally stripping it from the philosophical themes and the tragedy to highlight Cozy's character instead. Or maybe I'm wrong about that last part, but it's certainly extremely Shadow-of-the-Collossus-like in its depictions of the enemies, the aftermath of the fights, and even some very specific creative choices, like the deliberate repetition of the "caviate the air" scene on every kill mirroring SotC.

But I've rambled for an impressive amount of words without saying much about the fic itself. I liked it. I liked how it progressed towards the end, and the resolution was as good as it could've been. The story knows what it wants to do and is very focused on that. This is good, especially since the fights are cinematic enough to prevent them from getting repetitive or boring. I haven't read (m?)any Gollyfics, but she feels pretty good here. Er, rather she feels rightfully evil.
It's also kind of underrated. 25-3 after the club? Terrible updoot ratio, too. I know the average fimfic reader doesn't appreciate the finer details, but this is just such a tidy and stylish package that it's a shame it got overlooked. Probably because of the gore tag. But even the gore, or 'gore' is... fine here. I'm not a fan of gore in pony stories usually because 9 times out of 10 it's done for edginess's sake, like in [warfic_you_dislike], but the gore here serves a purpose. Both the finality of these monumental demons being rent apart and Cozy's own mounting wounds capture her determination super well. I don't get the [Random] tag on this and the lack of [Dark] and/or [Death].
I wouldn't put it close to the best fics I ever read, not even if the plentiful and annoying proofreading errors got fixed, but it's memorable, and that's probably a story's most important quality.
What is "backstory"? Can I eat its heart?
I appreciate the way the story is structured. Each chapter deals with Cozy finding, fighting, and taking down a... demon. Not much is told about how she found out about the existence of these demons, of how to kill them, or how she expected to kill them when she's just a lil' filly. Not that she lets any of that stop her.
I want to say that this reminds me of bad 80s action flicks that focused on the fights and chase sequences with only the barest of plot threads tying it together. Except that I feel there's a bit more substance to this story. Even if only barely so.
First and foremost, the aim of this story was Cozy taking down these demons. We get a minimal of exposition to establish the setting and we dive into the craziness of each encounter. Rinse and repeat a couple of times until she has a final showdown and we reach the end.
Before I say anything else, I think I should make something really clear. I fucking loved this story. After the first heart ingestion, I was in for the ride and loved all the places it took me. Like I said, even though it only has the flimsiest of plots, and a whole lot is left unexplained, I liked what the fic did. I also liked how the ending pulled all the story threads together, tying them in a curious but satisfying manner.
Ultimately, what I get from this fic is how Cozy's deranged lust for power ended up consuming her in the most literal way. A fitting end for the crazy girl, I'd say.
I had a great time with this fic. Reading is so fun.
>it would be best if the selected fic was something worthy of the occasion.
120 Days of Blueblood.
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>the main issue is a problem with repetition in the prose
I'm 99% it's intentional. It runs so closely to SotC's "Colossus's soul absorbed" scenes that I'm choosing to interpret it as deliberate. If you somehow haven't played it (Which you should; one of the most atmospheric games of all time. One of the most "art" games, too. The previous game made by its director was THE game that made Myiazaki quit his job and start doing gamedev, and no other title has more influence on Soulsborne), here's how it looks. See 0:27, 1:24, and 2:25 for the first three: https://youtu.be/yCLznmqaLK4
This is what "cavitate the air" riffs off of, I'm pretty sure. The video skips the second half of the cutscene, where the hero recovers from the consequences of absorbing each Colossus. Also the ending, the minimalist backstory for the demons other than the singular "Kill them" objective, and the... presentation (I guess?) of the fic—with its focus on one demon per chapter and the way the fights against these primeval, huge, and so much more powerful titans go—are very SotC, imo. Maybe I convinced myself and I'm trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, but it feels so unbelievably close I cannot unsee it. I know I've spent so many words on that, but to me that's a central part of reading this fic.
>It's dreadfully undertagged though
No questions there. I mean, you could be cheeky and avoid AU if you really wanted.
>This doesn't feel like a pony fanfic.
I kind of agree. Only kind of, because this Golly read like Golly to me, although I don't have the most experience with the character. If she's as bad as you make her seem, then yes, this is not much of a pony story. The church to some local deity is borderline acceptable, but the tech later (computers?) are immersion-breaking at least a bit.
>The church city's whole deal is great,
100% agreed. I know I said that, but that chapter is easily the best thing about the fic.
>smug ending
Yeah, fair. I did want to see what would happen were she to succeed, and this ending was mostly underwhelming the way it was shown.

>I had a great time with this fic. Reading is so fun.
I don't have much more to add here (since I already said most of what I wanted to say above), but I'm with you on that. Reading it was super fun.
I only check the tags to see if they say "Human", "Anthro", or "Crossover".
So you can add it to your RiL?
No, to discard them while I look for the EqG ones.
I'm not sure a purely audio feed of that will be good enough.
>I think chapter 2 is the strongest here by a good margin
>feels like it draws extremely heavily from Shadow of the Colossus
I can see that, I suppose.
>I haven't read (m?)any Gollyfics
We should definitely read more of them.
>120 Days
I'm afraid that may be too long for a single week.
>I'm 99% it's intentional
On some of it I could agree, but other parts are just bad imo. I can't find any examples right now, but there are definitely passages where a word is needlessly repeated over two subsequent sentences.
>Reading it was super fun.
I can agree on that, although again I was very bothered when the show was brought in. I don't dislike Cozy's episodes, but I don't think they make a fitting middle portion for this story and this Cozy. It bothers me more than something like ToD, possibly because that fic doesn't try to make its own stuff fit in with canon. Here I was on board with the Cozy we were getting until that part. Her own demon slaying quest feels underwhelming when compared to her existing canon arc, and it would have honestly been better if the story just did its own thing for me.
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If you couldn't jack off to audio alone, the blind would have a much higher suicide rate.
>People certainly seem to want to do it.
Oh really? And where was this decided? In your secret /fimfic/ discord circlejerk?
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>>An in-depth writing guide for beginners:
Well, I'm convinced.
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You know, if you weren't such a schizo, you'd fit right in with the club.
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Thanks! Even though Mana and his rune's role is pretty small overall in the fic, they're actually probably the most important elements of the story, since they serve as the lynchpin of the archmage's obsession. He wants to create a Golden Age of his own.
I still need to write an entry for the Thousand Words contest. I'm inspired to write a story in which Princess Celestia is hit in the side of the head by a pie. I'm also going to write a story about a gravid Spitfire dealing with her condition while working for the Wonderbolts, but I'm drawing a blank on how to fill it out.
It's more of a GalaCon dicksword circlejerk, but yeah.
>how to fill it out.
I dunno, just stick a child in her?
Yes, that's the plan, but I wanted to, say, emphasize her need to avoid her usual duties. I was thinking about setting the story during the giant Spike attack, but where she can't leave with the others. There's got to be some decent angle I can take with this. The Applejack story I wrote last year turned out pretty good.
Fetish stories and pornography aren't allowed by the rules.
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I'm tempted to submit borderline foalcon, just because the queerbaby running the contest would be obligated to read it.
I did it:
>writing an E-rated comedy referencing an assassination attempt attempted literally yesterday.
Impressive, but that's still putting real world >politics on the horsewords site, so fuck you.
>human genitals
You'd fuck Fluffle Puff if it had a horsepussy?
>You'd fuck... horsepussy?
The art isn't great but yeah I'd still fuck that.
Lyra Heartstrings final words before being pie-mobbed herself were reportedly: "Remember lads, subscribe to PewDiePie!"
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"Wait, you're asking for my opinion? You never ask for my opinion!"

Note: I wrote all but the last paragraph of this after reading chapter 9, as I wasn't sure I'd finish it in time. My opinion has changed quite a bit.
This might be the odd story where I'm much lower on the fic than most of the club, but I swear it is for a good reason. Please sell me on this fic. To put it bluntly, I think the way this is written is actually terrible. Most bookclub anons ragged on the last fic we read for its errors, and while this starts with (barely) better writing on a technical level, the opening 40k are horrendously amateurish. It was painful to get through, and I don't say that often about pony stories. "Alright," I thought, "Off The Edge is also written pretty poorly at first; perhaps this one will also have astounding redeeming qualities."
To say that a plan could not be seen is to say nothing at all. Other than that, we're running into tense errors, sentence fragment repetitions ("Granny Smith told you this story told you this story when"), overuse of ellipses instead of proper pacing, wildly inconsistent/missing paragraph spacing, etc. I will not mention the plethora of grammar and style issues in this fic further—hard as it may be to ignore them—because I think it's unnecessary when the fic's writing suffers in so many other, even more important points. This fic has no structure and absolutely no idea what it wants to do. It's one of the strongest examples of how writing a longfic using the longstanding people's favorite "make shit up as you go" strategy can fail. In the first 50k, we go from Celestia's tense introspection to an extended fight+jail interrogation scene, a failed dramatic tension moment, a huge pile of completely unnecessary—for the moment—backstory and worldbuilding scenes, and finally some very poorly written character drama. There's so much infodumping going on that it's clear that there was no thought put into the way these elements should be arranged, other than, presumably, the author deciding he should tackle topic X next. The worst are the [Drama] parts, though. The author has a subpar grasp on the characters' personalities and struggles to communicate them effectively.

It's also very much a "tell, never show" fic. You thought DB was bad; well, you should think again. Dear Princesses. In the first nine chapters, we're told over and over again how the characters are feeling, but the fic almost never shows it. The most it does is briefly switching narration into 1st person to tell some of the pony's thoughts (which is done with zero grace). And to top it off, I think the author was maybe... too inexperienced to write it? There are several moments when we're supposed to feel for the characters, but they oscillate between soap-opera-melodrama and tone deafness so much that it's pretty impossible to really feel anything from the scenes for me.
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The scenes where Celestia is alone with Twilight or Luna fall flat really badly; there's no sugarcoating that. There are some terrible cliches, too. Tia/Chryssi mom's death is almost amusingly bad. Also surprising is the focus on sex (brought up like five times in chapter 1 alone), which does the opposite of the, I presume, intended goal of making it feel more mature.

Yet ripping it apart is not very fun at all, because there's clearly passion in this story. After being rejected from EQD, twice, he got a bunch of editors who read Ezn's guide and fixed some of the basic mistakes, though leaving every kind not mentioned by the guide. It's almost charming, in a way. And despite its flaws, the fic is complete. Maybe it gets better later—I hope it does—but finishing a longfic that starts with such a terrible opening must have been a challenge. Oh, and the sudden scene changes being just an italicized "[Location/Time]..." is such a cute newbie writing thing that it made me smile despite it being obviously not great. It even pauses the story for a moment to launch into an obligatory ACW fixfic rant (twice) and includes Faust as Celestia and Luna's mother!
The idea behind the fic is cool. Maybe not original, but I kinda want to see where it goes. Prince Chadblood was also neat. The 'Spike was also there' jokes made me laugh. More importantly, when the fic doesn't try to be "emotionally impactful", it does pretty alright with being a light fantasy reading. Not everything needs to be a super serious drama, and this story would be better off not trying to be one. I hope it gets better, but so far it's probably among the most overrated fics I've read in this club; 4500 likes on an almost-okay story. The last bugfic we've read was far from perfect (probably a 7/10 all told, though I might push for an 8), but the quality difference between the two is night and day.

Ok, but after actually finishing this week's reading, I am feeling cautiously optimistic about the story. After 10 chapters of drudging through (bad) flashbacks and (worse) drama, Chapter 11 greets us with something that's actually good. The characters acted more in character, didn't have any completely out of place moments, the story finally decided to pick a direction to follow, and the writing is far more smooth than it ever was in the flashback hell that we seem to have finally escaped. There are fewer errors, too. I'd be wary of calling it a turning point quite yet, but if it's not a fluke, then the fic could easily end up being good for the remaining 100k of it. Fingers crossed, it delivers.

Next week, we're reading up to (and including) Chapter 21: Mother and Daughter.
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Well I really like this fic so it was a pleasant surprise to find out we were reading it. It's also not often I get to read physical for the 'book' club but I love it and I read it all in one go pretty much. I think one of my favorite parts of this fic are that the ancient beings actually feel ancient and powerful at least before the sequel. Which adds some interest for me at least onto what is pretty much a political drama. I also just like the general idea of the fic, that not only is Celestia a changeling, but she might as well have always been one. And I like that Luna is almost easier to convince than everypony else since she pretty much regrew up with Alternia post banishment and upon finding out was just guilt tripped even harder about NMM. However much I like the fic though, the transitions are complete fucking trash.
>ch2 and Rarity is already getting tied up
Get Faust dropped nerd
The Dawn of a New Celestia is pure ancient alicorn kino
>"Tell us, or would thou like thy story to remain untold? Lost to the sands of time?"
>"Why did fate decree two sisters to fight sisters on the same day?"
>Shadow Empire
Edgy name but they're kino hiding amongst ponies and killing other changlings
>General Caesar Salad
>Meringue Le Fay

>To put it bluntly, I think the way this is written is actually terrible. Most bookclub anons ragged on the last fic we read for its errors, and while this starts with (barely) better writing on a technical level, the opening 40k are horrendously amateurish.
>To put it bluntly, I think the way this is written is actually terrible.
>It was painful to get through
Wew wtf did this story do to you?
>To say that a plan could not be seen is to say nothing at all. Other than that, we're running into tense errors, sentence fragment repetitions ("Granny Smith told you this story told you this story when"),
Wait what?
>goes to look this up
L M F A O imagine reading the unedited version of the story, couldn't be me Why the fuck would somebody do this lmao
>It's one of the strongest examples of how writing a longfic using the longstanding people's favorite "make shit up as you go" strategy can fail.
Huh? I'm just not seeing it. We get the wedding, which reveals Alternia and so she explains herself and then since she is Celestia she tries to actually resolve the threat to Equestria. Most stories that make it up as they go are far far worse than this when it's noticeable. Going as far as to have rigidly defined arcs and maybe even completely self contained chapters.
>hate all the [Drama]
that doesn't bode well for you

>Also surprising is the focus on sex (brought up like five times in chapter 1 alone)
Wait what? I have no notes of that at all and the only one I can remember is the maid who was an exiled ling and I guess Alternia mentioning having never been in love or something
I only made it a couple of chapters in, is the whole thing as horribly written as those? Also
>Shining being shorter than the other guards
What was the author smoking?
there are no good fics, only shit taste.
>Also surprising is the focus on sex (brought up like five times in chapter 1 alone)
alright well I skimmed ch1 and that's crazy lmao. Celestia mentions having never had a lover while talking about marriage, then later says Luna is good at getting ponies to consummate so she should do the honeymoon and Blueblood mentions a secret romance. To think I got called a schizo for saying the witness was horny when it was talking about the throbbing virility of an apple tree.
>After being rejected from EQD, twice
lmao, where did you find this info?
>ACW fixfic rant (twice)
kek, classic 2013 move
>The 'Spike was also there' jokes made me laugh.
And he even had the courtesy to vanish again afterwards
> I hope it gets better, but so far it's probably among the most overrated fics I've read in this club; 4500 likes on an almost-okay story.
wtf another wild take. 4500 isn't even good for the time and I'd personally say some of the stories with 3x as much are worse.
>but if it's not a fluke, then the fic could easily end up being good for the remaining 100k of it.
Well that's good I guess

maybe mud blunts with his earth pony guard homies

wtf jokes on me for rotating an image file and expecting it to actually rotate I guess
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There's no "edited version" on fimfic. It's pretty weird that they fixed this fic's terrible writing in printed versions and never notified the author, but the on-site version is really bad in the first chapters. You're reading a different story that what was picked for the book club, kind of.
>the transitions are complete fucking trash.
At least they kept that, I see.
>Wew wtf did this story do to you?
I think I explained in way too many words already. The sense of direction in the first 35k (not 50k as I thought, at least) is nonexistent, and the story is a mash of scenes which don't always work, usually by failing to convey the emotions of characters in a believable way. The fact that it's littered with errors is a major issue, too.
>that doesn't bode well for you
Not necessarily. The last two chapters (silly historical references aside) were looking much better than the first ten. I don't know if he git gud overnight, or if he got really good editors, but it's a significant enough difference to be pointed out. Don't tell me you liked the, say, Alternia with Twilight scene. They go from reserved to 100% mad to basically crying and laughing over jokes in seconds.

It gets better. I'm not entirely sure how much better. I agree that it's really bad early on. Apparently there's an edited version but it's physical-only?

>To think I got called a schizo for saying the witness was horny
I think it's hornier than witless. At least the first chapter one.
>lmao, where did you find this info?
From the A/Ns, see picrel. The author loves to ramble about the fic, the school, the readers... in the A/Ns. Does your book not have A/Ns at the end of each chapter? You're missing out on some major non-story-related kino. Also, is the HUGE and irrelevant 10k of Q&A filler in your book? Those are kind of important questions.
>4500 isn't even good for the time
Have you checked this, like, at all? There's less than 25 non-M fics with >5k updoots. 4500 is firmly among "highest rated on site".
>some of the stories with 3x as much are worse
There are only 3 stories which have >10k likes: MLD, Fo:E, and BP. While I would rather withhold judgement on Fo:E until I reread it some day, the other two are better than this fic's opening.
>physical, edited book
Going back to fixes, how much did they edit? For a random example, take this bit from the beginning of the third scene in chapter 2:
>Where the Princess Celestia was once suspended in a cocoon, was a Changeling not just any Changeling.
physical fics are such a fucking meme. same as CDs in the age of FLAC.
They're collectibles. Plus, some people enjoy the feeling of holding a physical book and turning the pages, and there's nothing wrong with that.
Or rather, they're usually collectibles, because the physical copy of PC:tCQ fixes one of the fic's biggest flaws.
>Don't tell me you liked the, say, Alternia with Twilight scene. They go from reserved to 100% mad to basically crying and laughing over jokes in seconds.
I never said I liked any interactions in particular aside from actual celestia in her chapter. And I just skimmed back again and Twilight certainly is a schizo in ch10 while Alternia throws some words at her, but it didn't offend me. Sure the scene could've been written 10x better, but I mean so could everything else from the 2013 era and while obviously that's not an excuse I'm just perplexed as to why this fic in particular tried to kill you.
>From the A/Ns, see picrel. The author loves to ramble about the fic, the school, the readers... in the A/Ns. Does your book not have A/Ns at the end of each chapter? You're missing out on some major non-story-related kino.
Wew wtf, maybe not worth it. A/Ns are the best parts of some of the fics we read
>Also, is the HUGE and irrelevant 10k of Q&A filler in your book? Those are kind of important questions.
Wait lmao it actually isn't. Blessed be the physical book for skipping the completely retarded blog post tier 4th wall ooc chapter. Amazing. Do I dare go and read it?
>Have you checked this, like, at all?
Nope, I thought there were way more around 8-10 but I suppose it's just the big ones everyone has at least heard about so fair enough. I did double check piano man though, glad to see it's at least lower.
>Going back to fixes, how much did they edit? For a random example
lmao all they did was add an en dash after Changling

post your bookshelf
also imagine not having at least a couple of CDs for when you randomly have to drive some old ass car somewhere far away
Fimfics aren't good enough; they don't deserve to be printed on something physical.
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>lmao all they did was add an en dash after Changling
That's a pretty decent approach, imo. It fixes the biggest error with that sentence's pacing. I picked a medium-wrong sentence to see how much they'd be willing to change it. Extrapolating from fact that they kept "the" before Celestia (or didn't lowercase 'Changeling') shows they wanted to preserve it as much as possible while correcting the worst mistakes.
>I'm just perplexed as to why this fic in particular tried to kill you.
It's a mix of not good writing and a lot of mistakes. While I tried to not focus on the storm or errors present in the fic, they are very distracting. It's very possible—even likely—that if I were reading your version, I'd like the fic more as a whole. It's as simple as: Fewer errors -> better immersion -> greater tolerance for poorly written scenes.
So yeah, I think a huge part of the difference in opinion comes from reading the fimfic version vs the edited book.
>Do I dare go and read it?
It's not really worth it. Here's a sample that comes from the end of chapter end (and yes, the bolded "read the A/Ns" message really is a part of the chapter's main text.
>I did double check piano man though,
Kek, the fic that mindbroke the bookclub is still living rent-free.
>chapter end
chapter eight, I mean
>It's a mix of not good writing and a lot of mistakes. While I tried to not focus on the storm or errors present in the fic, they are very distracting. It's very possible—even likely—that if I were reading your version, I'd like the fic more as a whole. It's as simple as: Fewer errors -> better immersion -> greater tolerance for poorly written scenes.
True and fair enough. It's crazy that they didn't just update the fimfic version considering picrel they say they just proofread it. Just a better version. I'm curious if there's any comments about this lol
Zervziel: Yall just doing the original or are there any plans to do 2 and 3?
vren55 They only offered me original :twilightblush:

fucking wew, at least there was a warning to skip the chapter lmao
As far as this fic goes, I agree mostly with OP that it didn't nearly live up to the other stories we've read. It's inexplicably popular, though, so maybe we'll see chapters 13-21 settle on a central idea and story. As far as the whole beginning plays out, there weren't any parts that stood out as being particularly narratively well-written. To be honest, I'm not the best judge of character accuracy, and >>41233273 probably goes into any issues better than I could.

>However much I like the fic though, the transitions are complete fucking trash.
This is definitely true, the same with the pretentious quotes at the beginning of every chapter. The author makes a lot of questionable decisions in writing, like the weird switches between third and first person. I'm not talking about referring to characters in the third person when they aren't in Alternia's presence, but referring to Alternia herself in the third person when she was previously in the first person, like in chapter 9.
>Prince Chadblood was also neat.
I agree it was very interesting to see a rare positive portrayal of this guy. Especially given that he wasn't entirely different from his canon appearance and his prissiness still shone through during the interrogation scene. I liked how the author took a Rarity-esque approach with him, being pretentious and perhaps quick to judge, but of strong moral fiber and loyal to his ideals.

>$50 for a printed copy of this shit
I don't even hate the fic, but this author has their head up their own ass. Honestly, it's more interesting to talk about the author and the way they interact with the fic. There are the long author's notes >>41233436 mentioned, where vren's obnoxious personality rears its head in all caps and repeated exclamation marks. I don't know why he feels the need to detail to his audience the plans he has for the plot and minor interactions with fans for every single chapter. Not to mention promoting other fics in what seems to be some sort of mutual bargain with other authors. The whole thing comes across as really unprofessional, as much as fimfiction isn't the place to expect professionalism. The Q/A sessions were wholly unnecessary, and I skipped the 9k "chapter" of in-person Q/A. It felt like one of those tumblr blogs where a creator's OC "speaks" with the audience. Some of the quotes are also just ridiculous. Many of them are just pop culture references, other quotes from famous historical figures feel out of place in My Little Pony fanfiction, and one is even just the author himself.

I can't even say that this is due to some cynical desire to drive engagement and attract attention, though, as it's clear the author is passionate about his fic. I find that when a creator is passionate about their work, it shows through in the small details that aren't strictly necessary. For example, I though the referential names of the generals were cute (especially Ermane Rommel and Hanna Belle). The reaction of the ponies at the end of the first fight scene, when they realized they were still on the ceiling, was also cute in a way. It's hard to argue that an author has "sold out", so to speak, when they are clearly very passionate.

No, the answer here is that the author simply has an inflated ego and gets high off of the attention and praise in the comment section. Something you often see is that authors who are constantly praised settle into a niche and don't improve their work, and I'm a little pessimistic going into the rest of this fic.
I remember a year or maybe a little more ago I tried giving this fic a shot. The weird thing was that, despite the obvious issues, I enjoyed reading it until for some reason I stopped and never ever felt the inclination to continue. There was just something about it that made it feel not worth it even though the plot was engaging and I was still very deep in my "will read any 'ling fic" era.
>The weird thing was that, despite the obvious issues, I enjoyed reading it
Yeah, This is my thoughts. I just really like the premise and the things that happen. To clarify my defense against Rara I'm just defending this in the sense that I think we've read worse than this, but there is issues absolutely and they do hold the story back a bit. But I can look over that with a fun plot, and somehow this political drama is a fun plot.
About where did you stop? I kind of sympathise, the fic's premise is interesting and the character drama isn't too bad, but there's something about it that doesn't grab me. I think it might be the lack of direction, although it seems like it's picking up a little at this point.
Apparently I've read it up to Chapter 11, based on the tickmarks on Fimfic. It's possible that the story will get good from here, but I think 50k words or so is more than a fair shake to give a story and if it still doesn't pull you in, it'd have to make some kind of miracle to change that.

>I just really like the premise
>somehow this political drama is a fun plot.
See those are both what I really liked as well. Hell, I'm pretty sure I've prattled on about how I'd like to see more le serious political trickery fics. But I just couldn't really get back into the story.
>le serious political trickery fics
I'd tell you to read ___, but you don't have time to get to the good part.
I thought she was surrounded by minions at first.
I think it’s good fun
Fuckin’ love the minions, man. Stuart? Kevin? Bob? I’d demolish their yellow holes.
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>I'm not the best judge of character accuracy,
It's subjective, isn't it? You can have two people who are very familiar with the show and still disagree on X being OOC or not in any given fic. But it's good that you pointed it out; Celestia/Alternia is fine considering the story—at least for me—but most of the supporting cast has moments that don't feel very in-character. We haven't seen them much, but Twilight is a notable example, imo.
>The author makes a lot of questionable decisions in writing
That just about sums it up. A lot of the time you can tell that what he's doing is intentional, but that doesn't always make it, well, good.

>a rare positive portrayal of this guy
Is it rare? From my admittedly small sample size, it's 50-50 if the fic will have him in a somewhat positive role or not. He's the star of Synthetic Bottled Sunlight, and the hero in TBNE and This Platinum Crown. Meanwhile he's only a minor (corrupted) villain in Machina Cor Armageddon, and a stuck-up but-not-strictly-wrong antagonist in Exit Through Canterlot. I'm not complaining, though. Ponies with personalities that are not entirely typical for ponies are fun to read about more often than not, see also: Trixie.
>but this author has their head up their own ass
>The whole thing comes across as really unprofessional
I usually avoid bringing the author's personas into this, but yeah, definitely the impression I got from it. It's tough to criticize a piece of pony fanfiction for being unprofessional without coming off very pretentious, but few give that feeling as strongly as this fic's A/Ns. Besides The Will of Evil is notorious for doing a similar thing, but even that is arguably not nearly as egregious with its A/Ns. At least WoE doesn't have a fucking tumblr Q/A shoved into the fic.
>the author simply has an inflated ego and gets high off of the attention and praise in the comment section
Aren't all authors vain little creatures at heart? Some just avoid giving into those whispers for longer.

I'm at the point where you dropped it, and while I do want to finish it (not that I'd drop a bookclub fic), it was definitely testing my resolve. After hitting that Q&A "chapter" I stopped reading and proceeded to find a lot of other things to be doing instead.
>will read any 'ling fic
The previous one the bookclub did, Changeling Heart and the New Moon, is a very good 'ling fic if you don't mind 25% of it being spent of (largely self-inflicted) borderline Lunabuse. She gets better, though. It has a very impressive understated/artsy writing style, too—one that's unfortunately slightly marred by a lack of proofreading.

>I think we've read worse than this
We definitely have. I'd put it in the bottom 25% for now, but it's definitely not Piano Man tier. I may have set my expectations too high after seeing its staggering like count. I quite like DB, for example, and that fic is definitely not great, either.
>will read any 'ling fic
>Changeling Heart and the New Moon, is a very good 'ling fic if
I wholeheartedly agree with Raranon that CH&NM is worth reading if you're a 'ling fan. Many grammatical and spelling mistakes, but there's a solid and fairly well-planned story underneath. The real strength is the vivid prose and amusing characterization of the changeling characters. Moonfags beware though, she is not treated kindly for the first half of the fic.

>I quite like DB, for example, and that fic is definitely not great, either.
I think it's totally valid to like a fic despite it being technically poor. Looking at my own library could remind me of that any day. What baffles me, though, is how popular Changeling Queen is. It doesn't seem to stand out all that much from comparable longfics. The premise, while interesting and handled mostly well, is far from the most unique or creative I've seen. I wonder what caused it to garner so much attention.
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>I wonder what caused it to garner so much attention.
From the club comments and story page, it sounds like the answer to this is one of the dark arts of marketing: community engagement.
One of the things I resent about COYAs is the way they have no substance after you strip away the back and forth between the author and participants, and yet, their popularity can easily eclipse stories that are otherwise identical at their core. This author is clearly motivated to push the story into the fandom, not just with submitting it to EqD multiple times, but also engaging with the FiMFiction community extensively.
The fic is present in almost 50 groups, has an audiobook, the author had pulled in half a dozen editors and more, several cover artists, and apparently dedicated large sections of the text on FiMfiction, plus apparently an entire chapter of the story text itself to interacting with the community. And, of course, the comment section.

The updoot count is mostly there due to the story's age, but it really looks like that otherwise inexplicable extra boost is due to the author making sure the community knows it's there, and for the ones who find it, keeping them engaged with the story.
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>Changeling magic is the only thing powerful enough to negate a pastry addiction.
So I read your pie story, and it didn't click for me. I could see your thinking, and I guess I could see some humor, but I didn't even crack a smile. Sorry. It was a nice try. I liked it better than your usual fetish stuff, at least.
Hey, I’m glad you read it anyway. I just wanted to be the first guy to do it.

>I liked it better than your usual fetish stuff, at least.
On that note, I just finished a second entry for the contest:
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Yeah, those.
Hey, here's a story for you:
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Oh, hey. Thank you for the read/review, Filly.

>I didn't really feel like there is substance behind these implications
Yeah, damn. The idea for the story itself is actually something I've been kicking around for a bit and I used the 1k contest to finally put it to words rather than keep sitting on it. I thought it would be a fun challenge to try and work as much as I could into it but that obviously just didn't do much because nothing had the space to lead anywhere, as you said. I think it was a total misstep to try and condense it like this, and I should've just sucked it up and tried to make an actual longer story. Or maybe I just couldn't cut things down in the right way? Live and learn.
>Not that it's a bad fic/"huh, neat"
I'll take it!
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I'm all for FLAC, but it feels nice when you've got a good sound system and put on a vinyl record; especially in those peaceful, summery afternoons when you're dry fire practicing your suicide.

>Those fic and cocksucker comment downvotes.
It hasn't even been a full day and this is your already your second most downvoted fic (That's still up, at least). Impressive, very nice.
Has the once-per-month sort-of-okay ACTUAL fic been written yet or should I check back later?
Try decade.
Actually true. What was I thinking? I'll return in 10 years or so. See you, anons.
I mentioned it earlier in the thread.
Now write one about Messi getting injured.
If I didn't already know about your fetish, I wouldn't realize it was a fetish from this story. And, to be clear, I mean that as a compliment. It means you're almost respectable.
I'll elaborate. I realized I was writing too many stories without the husband, like I'm Japanese or something, and decided I should really try to write more stories where the father has an active role beyond being somewhere else, or vague when present. Someone in the pregnancy general recommended Spitfire, which made this easy to do.

>I wouldn't realize it was a fetish from this story
Yeah, not everything has to be fetishistic. My submission last year was the same way, which is how it ended up getting a surprise Mother's Day reading:
>blank on how to fill it out
If it were a normal fic, it would probably be a SoL affair about her grumbling about being put on desk duty, have some Wonderbolt lore while she does paperwork, ship tease who the dad is but never actually say, then have some kind of exciting training crash accident as the climax where she has to help, thus showing she's not so useless on the ground.

But given the flag, I'm assuming the narrator will instead focus on her struggling to zip up her uniform while she stares in the locker room mirror at her swollen belly.

Why's the ratio so bad? It's just a comedy onesh--
>merely grazed the princess' ear
Ah, I see. Attempting a bait feature. Let's see if it pays off.

>physical fics are such a fucking meme.
It's more cringe than a meme for me. I don't know why anyone would want physical proof they read and have such shit taste in horsewords.
Unironically ___.
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What did Anon mean by this? I put this into a Morse code translator and it returned 'Ø', which is apparently some gay Danish shit. Are the Danes coming back? How can we stop them?
You're joking, right?
There's no way anyone itt doesn't know that. If you scroll up, >>41233790 already recommended the same fic in this very thread.
It's very nice to see that we constantly get new blood itt, but lurking is still recommended.
So, nothing to do with the Danish? Good, apologies, please carry on.
It's https://www.fimfiction.net/story/196256/the-moons-apprentice
A really bad fic.
It's this thread's retarded in-joke of calling the fic "The Moon's Apprentice" or "TMA" simply "___" as if it was censored or something. No need to think too hard about it. Considering all the pretentious jockels in this general, you should actually be glad you didn't know what it means.
Now that the Thousand Word contest is over, here's hoping the New and Featured sections will be usable once again.
>For those of you who don't already know, I'm Forthwith. I'm now a professor in computer science who writes fiction for fun.
We are all going to make it.
I am surprised to see Twilight Sparkle of the Royal Guard on the recommended list. Strange ship AND a retelling of the pilot episodes? Not really something I would expect to be popular with people in general.

>Friendship is Optimal
>continued relevance on the FiMFic site
I've never seen anything reference Friendship is Optimal. Have I just missed references or was there something big that I missed?

Also, who the fuck put Crisis on Two Equestrias on there? An alt-fic stuck right in the middle of its story arc?
People are STILL writing FiO stories to this day.
>Journey with a Batpony
>over 1 million words and unfinished
I know a Polish guy who checks up on it now and then and he's said that most of the fic nothing of substance happens other than Twilight being coerced into sex.
>Twilight Sparkle of the Royal Guard
There's a good argument to be made for it being the best adventure fic on the site.
Personally, I value the more whimsical/mysterious fantasy and/or even more "pony" (not that TwiGuard is bad on that front) stories very highly, so, for me, Daetrin's fics slightly beat TwiGuard, but you really cannot go wrong with either. Despite the silly-sounding premise, it's almost certainly the best AU on the site. It really delves into the consequences of having the world be (very slightly) non-optimal due to the Twi-Shiny swap.
The story is very compelling, the characters (and their interactions) super fun, and the writing is good, too. I was surprised when it ended up being "only" seventh on my personal "top fics of all time" list, but there are definitely people in this thread who would rank it as *the* best fic ever written. And that's very fair; it's very close to being a perfect story, imo, especially if your preferred brand of adventure is that distinctly T-rated one. Then there's the sequel, which is also fantastic and easily recommendable, but unfortunately, the sequel left some teasers for the third and final part of the saga that was never written. No cliffhangers, but the clear feeling that something else was supposed to go after it.

For what it's worth, the guy who suggested it itt did that about two years ago, when those nominations were being first collected. Someone, presumably the same anon, posted a few updates in the coming months that the story has been going in circles with not much happening.
Eh, I don't remember all the details in Royal Guard so perhaps I missed something. It ended up on my favorites and I do remember liking it, but don't really remember the reasons. Having the focus on Twilight/Cadence rather than the actual main 6 was a nice change of pace.

I eventually liked Trinary's writing (even if the first one, Rainbooms and Royalty, wasn't as good) and was enjoying Luna's Protégé by MrAlterad, even if all the followup stories are dead, so there's not going to be a conclusion there. Then again, over 90% of fics for this are going to be dead at this point anyway.

Maybe I'll go re-read Royal Guard to see what I didn't pick up on the first reading.
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>Have I just missed references or was there something big that I missed?
There's a difference between FiO in /fimfic/ and FiO on FiMFic. Here's the FiO fics published in the last year or so on FiMFic
In /fimfic/, there's a collection of trolls who can't go very long without connecting it to their IRL frustrations to it and getting upset, see >>40881829 for an example. It actually hasn't consumed a thread in a while...
I guess the best way to get it pulled from the SK was to somehow go a year without desperately trying to convince everyone that uploading=death. Who knew?
>desperately trying to convince everyone that uploading=death
There's no point in trying to convince anyone of that. It's a self evident fact, and anyone who thinks otherwise is too dumb to be reasoned with.
Word of God is that's not the case though. FiO has other huge, glaring issues of course.
>other huge, glaring issues
Starting with the fact that it's barely a story. Much less a pony story, since no ponies show up in the entire fic. The author didn't put a single genre tag on it, either.
It doesn't matter what delusional fantasies the author has. Uploading is death until he fixes the text so that celestAI doesn't dodge the question and the method used is unambiguously one that transfers instead of copies.
Just wait until the 1001 word contest gets started ^:)
Word of God says the M6 are teenagers. We ignore that because anyone with a brain can tell they're older than that.
If they're not teens, then why is my dick hard?
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She didn't really say that. Rather, she said something that the fandom had already figured out by the time the show aired.
"Teenagers" stops having a negative, childlike connotation when it's clearly established that they are old enough to live on their own. Most people correctly put them all in the 18-22 range, with Pinkie the youngest and Rarity the oldest. So yes, it is almost reasonable to call at least Pinkie a teenager and leave it at that, but it's as disingenuous as the FiO posters above to extend that to the rest of them.
Just 20 minutes ago, I discovered that I was reading the works of a rationalfag.
>AND a retelling of the pilot episodes?
I mean that it's one of those fics which work at retelling the first two episodes, the return of Nightmare Moon. Which is true, it's just that Twilight wasn't involved in that and so we don't go thru the events with Royal Guard.
You still see the results of Shining and the girls having done so.
Good to know.
FiO makes me think too much of euthanasia. I have dreams where my mother has just taken the lethal jab and I wonder if I will lie to her dying face and tell her I love her.
Not entirely true.
Call my schizo but I fully believe we have a cure for cancer. Except, big pharma can't make bank off chemo and shit if there's an easy way to get rid of the cancer that doesn't have a long treatment plan, so it's been suppressed.
The motor industry and big oil had Stanley Meyer killed for making a working water-powered engine prototype that would have destroyed fossil-fuels and the accompanying engine designs overnight.
Never forget that lobbying and governments are evil, as an aside.
Now I believe a lot of red pill shit, but you are not going to get me to believe that water-powered cars are real.
It's bunk because Meyer was sued by investors for fraud and during the civil trial he refused to let them actually test his fuel cell out, and that trial was two years before his death. His patents had long since ran out too so if it did work anyone could make them.
You can read about a water powered rocket that Twilight and her friends made in TWOLOT to go see Luna, if you want.
That's why it was a prototype.
He was killed because he was trying to innovate in such a way that scared them.
Prove it. Provide either the prototype that will function with the only input being water (if battery is required, while spending more energy than the battery can physically contain) when assembled by someone else, or the math required to remake the engine.

If you can't, then you are just a gullible idiot who got tricked by basic electrolysis (not any more sustainable than trying to run a normal internal combustion car on its own exhaust).
If it can exist, it can be replicated independently. You can't catch everyone, there WILL be a guy who'll be not-retarded enough to upload everything in triplicate.
Fics for people who like the smell of their own farts?
Background Pony
I meant literally
Please don't insult Applejack like that.
Chromatic carpet chewer
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I reject later season 'canon' and substitute my own.
>Appleflag making a non-retarded post
What the fuck is happening to this thread?!
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She regrets to inform you (not really) that her barn door does not swing that way.
This conversation really jacks my apples.
Live long and dash apples
Read this, now. This is good.
It's right there. Just guess the password.
>will be usable once again
Don't worry. The HiE and pornfics will return to their rightful spot in a day or two.

>a retelling of the pilot episodes
It's a what if AU, so it's not surprising it'll start to run through canon stuff before hopping off the rails.

>seen anything reference Friendship is Optimal
It's not a fic that can really be referenced given it's almost entirely about humans and has a sci-fi plot. FiO was big because it spun up a bunch of recursive fics, much like its autist siblings TCB and FO:E did. There's 203 fics in the group so far.

I disagree with the "cultural relevance" thing the starter kit did. Fics should only be on it based on how good they are, not based on some bizarre fanfic meta lore.

I just don't buy any of the "Big X is suppressing their competition" theories. Why didn't Big Whale Oil assassinate Rockefeller before he drove them out of business? Why didn't Big Kerosene drive Edison away before he could make a profitable lightbulb? Why didn't Big Horse fuck up Ford and Durant? It's because once a real innovation actually happens, you can't put the genie back in the bottle.
I guess you need an account to even have the option to enter a password?
Yes, that's right. But if you really don't want to make an account, don't worry; you're not missing much.
What's the point of leaving it unpublished like this? Sounds like it's nothing special, neither in a good way nor a bad one
It violates the site rules. If it were actually published, the mods would take it down.
>I just don't buy any of the "Big X is suppressing their competition"
It does happen, but not how appulfag describes it. Rather than kill the competition, you'll see a big corporation either acquire the smaller entrepreneur developing the new technology and shelf it, or find a way to inundate them with lawsuits until the small company goes bankrupt.
We could've had digital cameras in the 80s. They would've been super primitive, but the technology existed in the late 70s. However, Kodak bought up the patents and just sat on them while they coasted on the revenue from film and developing materials.
Something similar happened with MP3s. We've had the technology since the time of the walkman, but on that case there were heavier technological limitations that didn't make the product feasible until decades later.
The original Walkman was 1979. That predates the personal computer revolution. Even by the late 80s, I think MP3 player–like technology was unrealistic. MP3 (and also JPG) wasn't standardized until the early 90s. There were compressed audio formats around, but computational limitations mean you could only do minimal compression. (This is also the era when trying to watch MPEG (i.e., MP1) compressed video in real-time required either very low resolution or special hardware.) Either your files would have been very large, or you would have had to use a restrictive file format, like the MOD files used by electronic music trackers. (In particular, you wouldn't have been able to listen to a recording of an actual human performance.) And you would have had trouble storing such large files. Flash-based storage was only introduced in the early 90s; your options are ROM cartridges, floppies, or hard drives. If you store your song using uncompressed 16-bit samples at 44.1 kHz like a CD, then a 64 K ROM cartridge fits less than 0.75 seconds of audio, and the maximum you can store on a 3 1/2" floppy is 16.71 seconds of audio. (Remember, CDs first became available in the early 80s.) Plus, you couldn't even read the floppy fast enough to play it back in real time. Hard drives were large enough and fast enough, but they were too fragile. If you tried to walk while they were in motion, the heads would crash and the drive would be destroyed. So while it's technically true that the 80s had all the pieces necessary for an MP3 player, it would have been essentially a lab experiment. You couldn't have made a commercial device; it would have cost tens of thousands of dollars, would play nothing you wanted to hear, and would break almost immediately.
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Yeah. I just looked it up again. It was called the IXI system from 1979, and it was super experimental. It appears to only have been made as a proof of concept.
And yeah, hilariously limited. Even for the time. You could essentially only hold one song in there.
Still, imagine people had looked into this and had spent the 80s refining it and building upon it instead of ignoring the idea until the 90's.
>tunafag getting uppity again
Pic related.
>Word of God is that's not the case though.
What >>41236430 said. If it were the case that the fic had uploading guaranteed not being death as a suspension of disbelief thing I would've been fine with it. But as it is that isn't the case. The fic treats it as though it may or may not be. The author states that it isn't death because he believes it isn't death in real life.
Good G-d, early season faces have so much SOVL.
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Be nice, don't post her pre-lipo pics.
she's just like me fr
>The author states that it isn't death because he believes it isn't death in real life.
Which is hilarious because there's 1 (one, uno) process of brain digitization that maintains the original consciousness, and even that can be made to copy and kill the original.
Unless you're a rationalfag (read: objectively retarded) and think that a copy of a transient state is the original (not even "identical to the original in all practical regards", but THE original), a.k.a. that qualia does not exist.
Say God right now you dirty fucking kike.
Not until I get my comm, you limey bastard.
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...Yeah alright.
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I don't know if I'm too tired to read or I'm having a fucking stroke.
>Changing fontsize
>Changing fontcolor, purple on darkmode
Intentional or not, this is public restroom graffiti but someone halfway through crudely drawing another penis attempts to be artistic instead.
Author, if you wanna shill your stuff, just be open about it, 'kay?
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It's a little light on plot, sure, but hasn't that always been one of her more beloved attributes?
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>the only writing I've done in months is erotic roleplay with increasingly degenerate fetishes
The bots? They've been impacting my writing, too, even without resorting to anything too degenerate. I was terrified to find out I keep defaulting to the present tense.
>even without resorting to anything too degenerate
>present tense
Well, which is it?
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But did the é consent?
That dirty European whore got what she was asking for.
Do you ever have fond memories of a shit fic because the few scenes you remember were awesome?

I still love The Longest Day. The scene where Fluttershy unknowingly convinces Draco that she's a perfect Slytherine is amazing. And it's completely in Fluttershy's character! Talking to snakes is nothing for Fluttershy, but the Draco it's DEFCON 1. The author manages to push this even further with little details like The Stare and her having no reason to give a fuck about ancestry. I have a comparable love for the scene where Harry realises that the ponies are Atlantian and the onlookers think that Harry has seduced Rainbow Dash when the reality is that she's just as touchy-feely as the rest of the Mane Six. The really funny thing is that the chapter following all of this features Marsellus Wallace. I could not make that shit up.
I'm not the author
>If only you knew how FUN things really are
On average how long does a fanfic take to write from brainstorming to final posting on Fimfiction?

I'm a newbie writer so it might take longer for me but I'm just wondering since I never really see anyone talk about how long writing a fic actually takes.
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This is exactly what the author would say.

Pinky teeth-ussy got me curious.
Everything is Fine is a shitfic that has lived rent free in my brain for over a decade. There is dream sequence after Fluttershy drinks a potion meant to bring out superpony feats that shows her going up through the food chain in the Everfree. The PoV keeps changing as she moves from predator to predator until she's a dragon towering over the burning forest as the supposed top of the food chain. Then the dream ends as the sun rises and an alicorn sweeps away the world with its blinding light. It sits in mind as the perfect encapsulation of early show alicorn fanon as actual gods and I fucking love it.
Unfortunately, the fic got deleted sometime in the last few years and was removed from fimfetch as well. A real shame even if it was a poorly planned incomplete mess.
Stop using self-appointed hall monitor's shitsite that is most definitely not an archive.
Imagine rubbing your cock against Pinkie's exposed dental pulp.
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No one's giving you estimates because that's not very comparable. I'll give my personal example later, but if you want hard numbers, then consider that active, professional novelists (who make writing their daily job) usually get to ~750-1500 words per day, five days in a week. If they're very prolific, they might creep closer to 2k/day like Stephen King did during his most productive years (but back then he was also doing drugs a lot). However, note that this includes the time spent editing, publishing, etc., which are things that fanfic writers either don't have to do (publishers) or often skip (editing).
But even this varies. Joyce took seventeen years to write Finnegans Wake (averaging 30 words per day), while Stevenson got the first draft of his most famous novel, Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, in a drug-fueled, unbroken three-day delirious writing session (8000 words per day). He did spend over a month and a half turning it into a publishable book, however.

The first stage of writing is mulling over the idea, and everyone does it completely differently. After that, it's generally recommended to plan out your entire story. Then it's good to prepare short descriptions of the characters in your story (and their journey in the fic). After you start actually writing, you can probably expect to write at ~250-1000 WPH. Huge variance from author to author. This assumes that you have the will to write it; writing a fanfic can get painfully difficult to find the time for if you're otherwise busy, at least it sometimes does for me. Once you finish a draft, you should spend quite a bit of time editing it, coming up with a good description, finding the right cover image, pre-reading it at least 2-3 times to catch errors and plot holes, etc. For me, when writing oneshots, all of that usually takes about as long as writing the draft.
why do I keep seeing this coco ripoff everywhere?
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She's a major—and majorly cute—character in case 2 of Elements of Justice. Which, seeing as you haven't watched it, is definitely worth recommending despite being a crossover. The "series" starts with Turnabout Storm, which is now one of my favorite pony creations in the fandom. Most people prefer the newer cases (and, seeing the thread we're in, you will probably do so, too), but the "early season" feeling of Turnabout Storm is a 10/10. I know that selling a crossover with [thing-you-don't-know] sounds dubious, but I have never played a second of any Phoenix Wright games and I liked it a lot. It's a really fucking good crossover, one that doesn't assume or require knowledge of the crossed-over franchise. Just note that there's a quality dip after TS and EoJ, because the new team and new VAs had to figure out things from scratch. EoJ gets much better in case 2, especially in its second half. They're currently releasing case 3, which iirc will be the last case.
Turnabout Storm: https://youtu.be/yUDfoZGhLjE

But to actually answer your question regarding her recent popularity spike on the board, a couple months ago rewatch OP decided to try queuing the first episode of TS on the rewatch stream. Pretty much no one, including myself, watched it before that (because "lmao crossover"), but 80%+ of rewatch anons instantly fell in love with it. Then OP continued queuing Elements of Justice, and when that cutie showed up, the rewatch fags took her to the rest of the board.
>quality dip after TS and EoJ,
*and before EoJ
>Elements of Justice
Didn't the guy behind that get cancelled for lewding Scoot-Ayy-Loo and consequently unpersoned himself?
I haven't watched the series until a few months ago, and I definitely don't know about any drama, but EoJ is still going strong with 1 episode per month. The epsides are ~1h on average.
The EoJ team will even have a panel at this year's Galacon.
Thanks anon, now I can reread it in all its disconnected glory. I didn't even think to check foalfetch since its not porn. I thought I was gonna have to download an actual archive if I wanted to read about Fluttershy's schizo breakdown and alternate personality again.
There will be a pony writing event this week over at the WriteOff.
You can submit prompts now and writing will start on the 18th.
It's both >nuMLP and >nuAA, so regardless of the fact that everyone involved in its creation deserves a fire ant enema, it's
Not entirely. While it sadly has Twilicorn and the trashfire castle, the CMCs are without their marks so we're in S5 at worst. No Glim, either.
And yeah, I do prefer Turnabout Storm for getting the early season feel exactly right, but dismissing EoJ is wrong. It really is a lot better than you'd think it is.
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Glim was the only good part of mlp 2.0 albeit
>bully original creator because muh underage pixels
>opt to make the CMCs underaged
Really activates my almonds.
Still working on Project Sparkle's next chapter.
However in the meantime, I've put out a new chapter of Flash.
flash those femboy tits why doncha
I stopped being a femboy once I hit 30, it's like a legal requirement that's government enforced I think.
Also I lack tits, not being a tranny on HRT or obese.
>not being ... on HRT
Your loss.
Nice try, health industry.
In commercial fiction, generally the slowest an author can write is one book per year; otherwise, they're not releasing often enough to build a steady audience. A complete novel is going to be in the 100,000 word range (though it varies between genre); let's just say it's 100,000 for simplicity. If the author works only on weekdays and takes a two-week vacation, then they have 250 working days per year, so they need to produce 400 finished words per day. First drafts aren't finished (at least, not in professional publishing), and revising and editing generally takes as long as the initial writing. So realistically, a professional author needs to write about 800 words per day, and at that rate, the writing takes a full year.

The upper end of productivity for a professional author is around a million words per year, i.e., 2,739 words per day with no days off. There are hacks who manage this, but they write garbage.

Fanfiction is a different world. Most fanfiction writers have limited time, and they don't rely on their hobby for living expenses, so they can write at whatever pace suits them. One of my slowest-written stories took four months, and I averaged 110 words per day; but there was an interruption of a little more than a week when I wrote one of my fastest, which went at 650 words per day. Part of the reason for the discrepancy is the level of care I put into them. The slowly written story went through many drafts because I took it very seriously. The quickly written story was basically an extended shitpost, and while I did scan each chapter to catch typos and grammatical mistakes, I didn't work too hard.

Experience has made me faster. I wrote some 1,000 words contest entries that took me only three or four days each (always mostly over a weekend). For another story I wrote recently, I averaged a little over 300 words a day for almost exactly a month (including time for editing, which took about as long as the initial writing). Maintaining that rate made me feel like I was writing really fast.

But now I've slowed back down. Some of that has been family obligations. Some of that is because I'm planning a fic. I don't yet know what pace I'll manage because I've only just finished planning it.
>There are hacks who manage this, but they write garbage.
*cough* David Silver *cough*
Just finished watching “Tinker, Tailor Soldier, Spy” (movie) and it was great. Going to watch the series later, heard it’s good.
Are there any good fics with complicated intrigues, political stuff, alterior motives, conspiracies e.t.c?
If not maybe I should try writing one, a serious pony spy thriller would be cool
Platinum Crown, I think.
Thank you for posting this. My personal writing speed is very similar to yours, with 1000 word stories taking three days on a good week and getting an 8.5k story done in a month feeling fairly fast. Seeing some of the numbers people post either itt or in the descriptions of their fics has always been a little disheartening, and it's good to know it's not how everyone does it.

A word of warning: that fic has been abandoned two chapters before completion, though with the comments saying that he'd probably need more than two to close out all the plot threads.
It's what kept me from starting it; I don't want to get Asylum'd again.
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The story discussed above as "___" focuses on complicated intrigues, politics, ulterior motives, and conspiracies, to a more extreme degree than any other fic on the site, almost certainly. It's not very approachable, though.
Two more such fics are https://www.fimfiction.net/story/344288/in-the-company-of-night and https://www.fimfiction.net/story/6515/days-of-wasp-and-spider
The former is told at a macro level with a mercenary company interacting with the state of conflict between several countries. The latter is more of a "wolf in sheep's clothing" style of spy thriller, and the politics are better described as "war" as it goes on, although it keeps up the intrigue without issue.
Two more examples are https://www.fimfiction.net/story/39157/the-best-of-all-possible-worlds and https://www.fimfiction.net/story/332008/in-sheeps-clothing and their strengths should be obvious from the story description.
Thanks, will definitely check out all of them!

It took me about 2 years to write a 70,000 word crackship of Big Mac and Celestia. It started as a retarded idea I wanted to take seriously and I thought it turned out pretty well honestly. Ultimately it takes as long as you want it to take.
Memeing aside, is he really THAT bad?
If yes, in what aspects is he bad? Bad prose, bad plots, not enough proofreading, or what? Seriously asking, because I've been thinking about commissioning him, as my own writing isn't very good
You can do much better than Silver, he's rubbish and pumps out endless shlock.
I'm open to writing commissions if they're not absolutely shit ideas. :^)
I can't give you my fic ideas, writer. They are too strong for you
>If yes, in what aspects is he bad?
My impression is that he does very little planning for most of his commissions. He's constantly flying by the seat of his pants, 2000 words at a time. The result is characters that are only vaguely defined and a plot that goes nowhere in particular.

I've also read some of his older Ponyfinder fics, which are better in these respects but are still pretty mediocre overall. But one of those fics is also the one where he brings in a patreon insert at the 3/4 mark who shits on all the prior characters, including Twilight - that may well be the most mind-bogglingly stupid story decision I've seen from any author, ever.
On Dicksword, he seems quite proud of the fact that he does not revise or edit his stories before publication. His advice to people who are considering revisions is almost always "smash the publish button." Every day, he proudly announces when he's reached his daily quota of 2,000 words; sometimes, he feels productive and writes even more, and when he's done with that, he crows about it. For a long time, he didn't have a prereader (though he seems to have gotten one recently) because, he said, he wrote so fast that it was unreasonable for anyone to keep up. Putting this together, you start to realize that David Silver's product is not stories; it's words. If you hire him, he will produce words to your specification, but he will not produce characters or plot or story. If you want that, you will have to provide detailed directions and make it an explicit part of the commission (and nobody ever does that, so I don't even know if he could fulfill a commission that specific). Otherwise, all you will get is a pile of words.
His most obvious issue is his prose is fucking awful. It's dry and robotic. He'll, as awful as AI is they still have better prose than Silver does.
Its a matter of personal taste, but isnt most of his dreck about forced trannyism?

On hearing the name, all I can conjure up is memories of HiE forced genderbending ponification
I thought that was Starscribe.
youre right. I had to go back and double check.

I've never looked at any of silvers commissioned stuff, but his original series is all self insert, t rated fetish bait

from memory theres:
forced tf ponification
forced age regression
forced mind regression
mind control
forced homo (not gay rape, but having a colt added to his herd then being mindfucked into accepting it)

I'm positive theres probably more, but its been years since i read the garbage and I dropped it pretty early in the series
>On average
I'd say the overall average is quite low--maybe a week--given how many oneshots there are. Those don't usually take long from conception to final publishing compared to the months or years the longfics take.

>I'm just wondering
It all depends on the scope and scale of the fic and how much you write. Longfics will usually take a really long time (year+) to write, since life will almost always impede the time you have for your hobby. I'm 72k into the archmage fic and it's nearing the two year mark. Still have at least 30k to go.

Of course, this was a fic that had a very weak "spur of the moment" start that's undergone several shifts over time as the concept and idea's matured. Generally, the clearer the initial vision, the faster things are going to go.

Don't forget about the 600k warfic prequel series that for some inexplicable reason is set in the Turnabout Storm-verse.

Alcoholics Anonymous?
American Airlines?
Applefag Anon?

>No Glim
That would be the S4/5 hiatus, then, since her first appearance is the Jonestown two-parter.

It's technically more of a noir fic, but it still fits the bill.

Rites also features a complicated conspiracy with unknown motives, but it shows no signs of finishing any time soon.

>I should try writing one
Definitely. There's a serious lack of conspiracy thrillers.
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Probably meant Ace Attorney. They're all cringe weirdos unlike me and you, we're still sane.

Imagine that an adjacent couple of Pinkie's bottom teeth have rotted and fallen out, leaving a gap for the tip of your small cock to squeeze in when her teeth are clenched. Whenever she grinds her teeth your member is scrunched, twisted, and rolled along with them — squishing your frenulum against her hot, bumpy, toothless gums. After the apex of every roll, she nibbles and pinches whatever glans or skin that dares bulge out from her ivory gloryhole. Any breath that manages to escape her mouth makes a toothy whistle, like that of a muffled clown horn ( https://youtu.be/Z0mrOFZuNJo ). You don't know if the blood is yours or hers, and Gummy watches vacantly, knowing subconsciously that he is the next target.
>That would be the S4/5 hiatus, then,
I think it's actually during S5. 'No Glim' doesn't mean she doesn't exist, just that the topic is never brought up and she isn't with M6. And IIRC they put her in one of the backgrounds as a joke (referencing Amending Fences and/or What About Discord), but I haven't mentioned that since I'm not completely sure that's what happened.
Read a couple of his fics to decide if you'd be satisfied with that, but the other anons are all correct: he's optimizing for words-per-day and ignoring everything else, in addition to having really terrible prose. Clearly some people like what he's doing, else he wouldn't get commissioned, but imo he's easily the worst out of the "big" writers on the site. This thread loved to occasionally complain about RunicTreetops when that guy was shitting out AiE snippets twice+ a week, and while the criticism wasn't wrong, I'd take RT's "story concept pretending to be a story" or "same story again" over DS's bland 'fics' any day, despite RT writing mostly AiEslop.
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There's a book, you know...
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>he thinks books are real
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What the FUCK was his problem?
gee I wonder.
Yeah this story really sucked.
Is good femdom so much to ask?
>is good [oxymoron] so much to ask (for)?
Yes, retard.
What about evil femdom?
Comedy dies in repetition, y'know.
You didn't click that and now I get to mock you for your assumption.
Equestria is a perfectly good setting to imagine feminine primacy having the mandate of heaven. All we need is a single author to dare to write a story about it, instead of "what if I had infinity social leverage and used it to be a potty mouth at authority?" for the thousandth time.
how do groups work?
can a group be hidden yet show up as a recommendation or is it a bug?
eg https://www.fimfiction.net/group/200768/equestrias-pet-play-society gives me 404 yet I see its icon, name and brief in the recommendations
It's probably a bug, but I've had it for a long time, too. One of the suggested groups for my personal Favorites shelf gives a 404.
Just another of those things Knighty never bothered to fix.
Was it good?
Math, do you play any dles of your own?
I don't understand this post
>It had been over a week since [Spike]’d broken up with Rarity
Secreter Club is off to a great start.
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>cucking Rarity
Uh, based?
what does it take to become a fimfic janny? I want to see peoples' unfiltered, dogshit first drafts that would never make it past the approval process.
You would have to ask Perfectly Insane, since I think he's the most recent person to become a moderator. It sounds like he did it by getting to know Knighty. I don't know how, though. Knighty isn't communicative and is said to have long-term real-life issues.

However, I think the job isn't as sexy as you're imagining. Mostly, it seems to be cleaning up bot spam.
>I want to see peoples' unfiltered, dogshit first drafts
That site reminds me how lucky we are to have Knighty and Fimfiction. Imagine if we had to use fanfiction dot net/AO3/google docs to this day
Fimfic still hasn't reached feature parity with AO3 after all these years.
tag filtering? Nonexistent. RSS feeds? Laughably limited. Loli lewds? Still banned.
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So you're saying that if AO3 bans pedos, they'll be 50% of the way to extinguishing their dumpster fire of a site and it might start competing with FiMFiction? Big if true.
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A fate worse than death.
Dialogue only contest results are out: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/217629/dialogue-only-contest-d/thread/542995/contest-results

Many here complained about "I Know You're There" (>>41059032 and replies), but it didn't even get an honorable mention.
Did the group get deleted or something? Is private groups a thing?
Unsent Letters, Unsung Failures is good, glad that got a place. I wanna say it should've gotten higher than five, but I haven't read any of those other stories so what do I know
The results are pretty decent from what I've read. The one that won was definitely good; I remember hoping that it'd do well. The entry that got second didn't impress me much [at all], but if that's the worst on the list, then that's not bad at all.
I have no idea, but I don't hearing about recall private groups, so I would guess it got deleted . Neither google nor desu return any meaningful results about it: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/210585/probable-enlightenment
I know that fimfic will 404 you if try to you click on a link to an unpublished, pass-only story without being logged in. It could be something similar.
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Who's the best romantic pairing for Twilight?
I like some of his work, but this is atrocious.
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>but I don't hearing about recall private groups
I feel this pain, anon. Whenever I reorder a sentence but my mind doesn't register the errors until the next day.

Finally, the cycle of posting smut, degenerates taking the bait, then puritans attacking begins again.
Today it's OG Twixie, in honor of >>41241913 kino. What's the least shit Twixie fic?
>least shit Twixie fic
Eyes on You
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What are the tell-tale signs of someone using AI? Is it even possible to tell anymore?
For ChatGPT, it's trivial to tell and even the most casual users will recognize its style.
For Claude (Opus), it's still fairly easy to tell from the prose, but only if you have some experience using the LLM to generate stories (or, as is far more common, ERP). There are certain iconic phrases, character behavioral tics, and scene progressions that will set off alarm bells for any /chag/ anon, though they will slip unnoticed through everyone who's not used to them. LLMs also heavily associate some behaviors with specific character archetypes, which is something that can be a sure tell, too. Yet another dead giveaway is when the fic's writing style changes and is suddenly free of spelling mistakes for a couple paragraphs, when it wasn't written well previously.
There are also many other models (locals, NAI, Gemini), but they're bad and/or very unpopular, so it's exceedingly unlikely that someone would use them.

All of the above assumes that someone is just getting straight-up generated prose. If they're only asking the AI for feedback and suggestions, there's obviously no way to catch that.
here was my workflow for the 1k contest:
>ask chatgpt for story prompts
>get claude to write a few thousand words based on one
>summarize it using copilot
>salt and pepper to taste
Honorable mention goes to Of Mares and Magic, sans epilogue.
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>sans epilogue
How many fics could be improved by shoving a silly skelly into their ending?
>There are certain iconic phrases, character behavioral tics, and scene progressions that will set off alarm bells
Is the AI averaging out the writing styles like it does with images?
Thanks, I'll dig in.

Pretty elusive, only found it on AO3. I think this fic was mentioned in a previous thread, but I've just found out my archiver hasn't been working for god knows how long, so, fuck.
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No one really understands what the LLM is doing behind the scenes, but it's still sloppy with the process. Its writing quirks remain the same no matter the style or genre. It's hard to describe.

All LMMs love patterns. The paragraphs will usually be similar in length, and they'll struggle to break the expectations they established for themselves unless you juggle a couple presets. Picrel is a completely random non-pony example I picked. Intentionally non-pony, because AI fimfics are even more off than Claude's normal prose. Yet there's still a repetition in the structure of the first two paragraphs, it highlights the characters' appearance in a way that feels exaggerated, overuses italics, keeps constructing similar sentences, and finally ends on a barely disguised call for (You) to continue the prompt.
Someone not used to Claude could possibly be fooled if he didn't pay attention, but any LMM user will spot it instantly. Likewise, any AI-checker online will report this as 100% AI-written.
AI checkers are pure snake oil.
To be fair, I find the example very sloppy for Claude.
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>make Claude generate a scene very similar to the one in one of my fics
>Claude's is better
Bros, suddenly I'm not feeling too good...
Ask Claude to teach you to write better.
I feel you. I'm intimidated by >>41243876 and they say it's a bad example.
Yesterday i jacked off to this clopfic and holy fuck, i forgot how much i love the "haters to lovers" trope. Do you know of any stories that utilize it? I don't necessarily ask for clopfics, i'd be glad to see any recommendations - normal teen rated romance/clop/hie/ etc.

>Linking HIE
>In the month after it was every week... then after that, once a week.
Do you ever wonder how stuff like this makes it through five proofreaders?
Maybe it's an artistic choice and this passage actually conveys a very deep thought.
Proofreaders didn't want to alter author's vision
I suppose it was meant to be 'every other week'?
Your resolve to ask for an HiE regardless of the autists in this thread is truly remarkable.


This fic sucks. I hate it. Worse yet, it’s anthro, so you really gotta want to read it. However, it is enemies to lovers. Trixie and the humie are written in a way that tells me the author doesn’t have much romantic experience, but I liked it a lot when I was a dipshit teen so you might enjoy it.
Nigga did you just post the soon to be jannied fluttershy thread?

I love Jannies!
Someone needs to say something positive about BP so I can get my daily “FAG!” in.
It had Lyra in it and she's a nice pony.
I won't insult someone who probably gets off on it.
Anything for you, anon. BP is THE best pony fic ever written.
Pain isn't my thing, happy to say.
Thx, anon.
A random background stallion.
>"Kill me."
Pretty in line considering most view Flutters as the Medic class.
The desperate struggle not to post anything cringe on /fimfic/ while i'm drunk... Never again.
Didn't see that one coming.
Never lose faith, eh?
I honestly forgot most of the details already, but I remember enjoying it back in the day.
Princess Luna is the ideal romantic pairing for Twilight Sparkle.
Also, they are the best duo!
and yet you're a writer. curious.
You are very intelligent.
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Now that the yurofags are all asleep, I can finally ask: what is the most Freedommaxxing Americapilled fic out there?
All American Girl
>Now that the yurofags are all asleep
You severely underestimate us.
>is the whole thing as horribly written as those?
No. It's most definitely not.
I don't believe you, post sandworm
Why grow a conscience now? All the best posts and writings are done under the heavy influence of drugs. At worst, you'll just become a good example of the dangers of excessive drinking; which everyone can have a good, friendly laugh about. What do you like to drink? I bet it's so nice and refreshing, wouldn't you just like to start drinking it now? Imagine how warm and comfortable you would be in your chair, just letting your fingers glide over the keyboard without a care in the world — that's true freedom. In fact, /fimfic/ NEEDS you to drink; have you seen how dead and desolate this place is? You'd have to be crazy to be sober! Don't worry, go for it! We've got your back.
Kind to your liver, cruel to your battered cock.
Her eyes look like they lead to an empty void.
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Anon, I'm already a Jew___.
Is it possible to combine both your cooming and Anon's drinking habits together? What would be the most efficient method to deliver the best quality posts?
Stick to beer to stay hydrated and avoid whiskey dick.
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My condolences.
And sympathies.
>/fimfic/ tries to avoid thinking of dicks for one second challenge (impossible)
Oh, I was thinking of some sort of anon sixty-nine with scheduled alcoholic saline injections. Your idea is much more rational.
Can we blame it on the americans?
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>not thinking about fat marecocks every single second
I WANT to, but I physically can't fit it in my mouth. I should've bought more funkos and drunk some onions so I'd have a more impressive mouthgape.
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Would you say her eyes are intoxicating?
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>I physically can't fit it in my mouth.
Yes you can.
Look man, it's hard not to.
>Feeling slightly guilty (and acting upon a faint sense of attraction)
Literary kino
>what does it take to become a fimfic janny?
I'd assume you have to join the Discord, then slowly work your way up the circlejerk.

Dash always brings a good "opposites attract" angle to the mix, but Twilight always struck me as someone who was too lost in their job and perhaps too autistic to bother with romance.

>It's hard to describe
I'd say it's the singular focus on the characters that makes it feel weird, which I'd assume is due to the prompt. You get the feeling the narrator doesn't have a "mental image" of what the scene looks like he's trying to write, which is why everything is related to the characters. Every paragraph has dialogue and every description is relating to action tags. There's no break where the narrator tries to actually talk about what the room looks like--most stories would have at least one dialogue-free paragraph near the start to establish where the characters are in the room before you start doing action tags, so the reader knows what the blocking looks like initially. Instead, the white void only gets filled by the brief mention of a couch in the last paragraph.

I think it's supposed to be
>In the month after it was every day... then after that, once a week
Sounds like it was an attempt to be artistic that's fumbled due to the ambiguity of whether "every week" meant every week (of the month) or every (day of the) week.
>Company security software just put my work computer into an infinite BSOD loop and windows update is preventing booting into safemode >>101464980
Lovely, I suddenly feel like I have time to write. What a time to be alive.
Fuck, meant >>>/g/101464980
Feel free to wait for >>101464980, I'll make sure to provide context then.
>not having LiveUSB
>having windows update on
You deserve this.
LOL, this just happened to me too.
>Not dragging out this disaster for as long as possible
Literally not my problem. Only pony fic now.
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>been a while since ive taken the time to really read something
>dig through my read later for a good one
>make a cup of tea
>put on some music
>finish the story and my tea when that feel hits me
>hard to describe but i guess it was a feeling of peace
>it was like a full body feel
>i have not had the time to just read something in so long that i forgot how it felt
>reminded me of reading fics in highschool
yall ever got that feel?
>it's a fucking global outage
Oh good, that means it's not my fault.
Yeah, back during lockdowns I remember spending several days just laying in bed, reading.
Felt good.
Very rarely. It's similar to how I feel when I really get into writing, but that's even rarer.
I waste so much time it's frankly unbelievable, but one of the things I make sure to do is keep up my reading. It's very high on the list of my priorities.
I think that comes down to how most presets and cards are designed to have the model play a character rather than a narrator.
Indians are good hires, we swear, saar!
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>He’d been born a square peg, and Rarity had been his round hole. He’d spent years shaving off his rough edges, reshaping himself to fit that round hole, but all it did in the end was make him a weird peg
Save it.
>Spike frowned at his own weirdly sexual analogy for his predicament, but convinced himself that it was both apropos and all in his head where nopony else could hear what he was thinking anyway.
It's less funny when the fic does this on purpose.
I'm not sure the circumcision joke was intentional.
Oh no, the jewish roommate has struck again.
Perfect analogy
I liked this better when it didn't have some mouthbreathing whore commentating on it.
I'd like it better if it was a mouth breathing mare
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The top comment summarises why the whore being added makes it funnier, though.
Everything goes in Rarity's hole?
I don't get it.
Why the uvula ring?
It's quite amazing that someone can get off to this
It's so your prey can make out every inch of your maw without resorting to luminescent flesh.
At this point, vore is basically normie-tier.
Just learned a new insult - "word-guzzling book slut". I wonder how Twilight would feel if you called her that
She'd probably like it.
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Fics about making a huge mistake?
Past Sins?
the only mistake there would be reading it.
>tfw your company's too cheap to have antivirus software that can brick your computer

No, I usually get really sweaty and excited when I read a good fic, like i just found a gold nugget after months of nothing but dirt. There's no soothing comfiness.
>I usually get really sweaty and excited when I read a good fic
Anon, that's called "arousal."
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Just read "Gift" by Skirts for the first time. FUCK, i didn't expect to be hit by a goddamn train of FEELS. You can't do this to me. How am i supposed to fall asleep now?

If you for some reason haven't read it already, do it, it's a great fanfic. It's also pretty short, just under 20k words.
>Last seen October 10th, 2023
Holy shit, is he finally off the ride?
All of my fics are a huge mistake
How did the bastard do it? I need to know, so I can be free as well
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>How did the bastard do it?
Maybe if we put our heads together the solution will pop into them.
>still up
I guess we found janny's fetish.
Club will be early today because I have to leave after.
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Ah, to be in love with a cute green unicorn who plays the lyre.
This was neat. Only neat, I'd say, but I liked it. I think I liked it better than the author's previous Spike romance, too. I do find it interesting to see a fic written so relatively early that predicted some elements of the show's future, and here it's regardless a nice little window into a plausible future for the show at the time. If I have a gripe with the story it's the characterisation of Twilight Velvet, but for when this was written I don't think that was a particularly OOC interpretation of her. Heck, it probably still isn't all that far fetched, I'm just used to different takes on her in fanworks. She's not a bad character in this and my issues with her are minor and purely personal.
The story itself mostly plays out how you would expect it to, but it's done well. You can see the fake lovers to real lovers plot coming from scene one, but the story doesn't overstep its resolution by going too far with their relationship, and it also does a good job at building up their relationship over the various scenes. I liked the alternating structure of the twin dates at each others' places, it allowed for some good moments between Velvet and Lyra and between Spike and Bon-Bon. The interactions purely between Spike and Lyra are good too. The comedy is pretty solid all throughout, nothing hysterical but it's rather well done.
The twist is kind of weird, though, for a couple of different reasons. For one, I'm not sure I like the meta angle. Whether deliberately or not it's impossible not to see Lyra's explanation as a metaphor for the fandom as a whole. I don't particularly like that, and more than that I don't think this is the right fic to bring that in to. It just feels like an out of place kind of thing in what is otherwise a pretty standard romcom, and it may fit better into a more overall meta story, or maybe a more primarily comedy fic. For two, it's just kind of an odd narrative choice. Doubly odd because we get a significant scene with Lyra as the POV character. Now I haven't checked, but I don't think anything of her inner thoughts directly contradicts the twist itself. You could even argue it's foreshadowed when the toys are introduced, but it really isn't, and that would be overly generous. Really, it feels like something that comes out of nowhere, and in a bit of an unfair way to the reader. It's not the end of the world, and the resolution works out, but it is still a weird way to choose to approach the whole thing, at least imo. I guess they needed something to break them up.
Next week we're reading:
If all goes according to plan this will get a live discussion on the club's cytube (r/FSSBC) at some point next Saturday, likely a few hours later than when the usual club is held.
You should decide what we'll read after, too:
As if I needed any more reason to skip this one.
What did my waifu ever do to you?
KoB, you sunnuva' bitch. You did it again.
This is a very solid romance. The author's notes mention how the intent was to structure this as a romcom, and I can see how this fic follows that structure. With all the pitfalls included.
'k, so. First of all. Aged up Spike. I don't feel the one from the show is nowhere near that age, but fuck it. It's easier to tell this story with a more mature Spike, and not just to account for the age difference.
Anyway, despite the somewhat large length for a one-shot, this felt quite easy to read. KoB is pretty good with his prose. Nothing is flowery, and there are hardly any convoluted sentence structure, but it's still effective. I don't feel there were wasted words. It all felt written with a purpose.
Going back to that structure I mentioned, Nearly two thirds of the way through the story we're hit with a twist. It turns out Lyra has a Spike fetish. You know, I wonder how the fandom would've played out if Spike had been older in the show and had become a solid support character instead of the weird limbo they kept him in where he was an afterthought most of the time while getting feature episodes sometimes that varied wildly in quality. Maybe that's the case in this universe.
I like this Spike, is what I'm saying, and I understand why he has a good reputation in this Equestria. And why Lyra would like him. I think they had chemistry.
A missed opportunity was to make a bigger parallels between Spike's relationship with Lyra and his failed relationship with Rarity. Velvet brings it up when she talks to Lyra, but there are never scenes where Spike thinks about his time with Rara, draws a lesson from it, and thinks of ways to apply it to his situation with Lyra.
I don't think that would've added much length to the story, but I still think it's odd we didn't get that. In fact, the Sparity is treated as an afterthought. I understand that the focus is on Lyra and Spike, but with how central Spike's love for Rarity is to his character, I think it's weird that wasn't explored.
Those gripes aside, I still enjoyed the story, and will be checking out the sequel later.
Would recommend if you want Spike romance. It's probably one of the best I've read.
Spike's your waifu?
I didn't really like this story, and i don't really have anything to say about it. It's not bad, but i just didn't find the characters and plot compelling. The prose is also pretty average.
One of the main things i judge fanfics by is the strength and amount of emotion they are able to arouse in me, and i didn't really feel anything while reading it. For me "Lies and Lyres" is the kind of story i'll forget after a month.
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I like it. This will probably be a shorter post than most, but that's my #1 observation. The second is that the writing is nice, particularly for a story starring the SOVL tree (seriously, it was an awesome thing to be surprised by), though that makes a lot more sense after checking the author. I mean, it's still a rom-com, so maybe there's a ceiling to how good it can be, but he's trying to reach that ceiling. Well... aside from the stupid "Most ponies don't understand that an adult can be really into something made for kids" plot point, which was fucking dumb. It's the only negative thing I noted about the story. The implication that Rarity got kinda fucked in all of this (well, by not getting fucked) is there, I suppose, but I can forgive it because this wasn't her story.
Oh, and I guess it's a Spikefic, but aging him up made him okay while still having him be Spike. Is it the first Spikefic I enjoyed? I think it might be. And with that, I suppose that's it for me. It was a nice story with pretty good writing, and I enjoyed reading it quite a bit without having much to complain about. The words flow smoothly, and they do what they're supposed to do. It wasn't flashy, but I liked the writing style used for this, too.

To find something else to put into this post, I think the two duo scenes (Lyra+Velvet and Spike+Bon) were both good. Which isn't maybe saying the most when the fic was overall good throughout, but they feel impactful and read nicely.
I struggle to put ___ and DoWaS in the same bags.
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I went through my read fics and picked out the ones that had the most of those significant aspects and that's what stood out. It's just that after ___ stood out as the clear winner, I had to come up with some alternatives. DoWaS was a "wait a minute, actually..." addition, but it fits unexpectedly well, and not even just at the beginning.
Still, I would have recommended ITCON as a start, because of its unusually good "first chapter informs how the rest of the story will be perfectly" so there's no downside to starting a fic with half a million words.
Probably whenever the next thread would start but is asking which of a couple potential cover arts for a future smut fic seem okay? I doubt any of them will be good enough as looking at what is popular, custom/ commissioned are always seems to be at the top, ill probably go that route to be honest. As much as I use AI on my own I just don't like the idea of using it for the cover art.

If only just to have something on the cover while it's sits unpublished as I work on it
Before you seek a cover, seek a better understanding of the English language.
Nah, time spent triple checking grammer on 4chan is time better spent Pre-Reading and editing my own work. With the ability to edit after posting something my shit always looks like garbage.

Way to immediately prove my own point.
The most worrying thing about this is not the fact that you're considering AI cover art and not the fact that you're barely coherent. It's that you seem to be writing on Fimfic itself. Don't ever do that. You're just setting yourself up for disappointment when you close the window without remembering to save.
Oh, I'm not writing on Fimfic. If I get something I'm proud enough to share I'm putting it there, I like the presentation when asking for Pre-Readers. This way I don't have to juggle different links as well as I might work on it more while someone else is looking at it. And trust me, I know when what I type isn't coherent, I immediately catch it as soon as I click send. I just don't bother to re-read everything on post on social media. Just unlike other places I can't immediately edit out my mistakes.
>Just unlike other places I can't immediately edit out my mistakes.
If you're reading them immediately after posting, wouldn't it be better to hold off for a few seconds before sending?
Also, no editing is a good thing -- it means that the posts' contents are final, and ideally that should make the posters think a little before clicking submit.
>closing windows
I put more effort into asking the question, typing it elsewhere to make sure. I honestly didn't believe 4chan would be that picky but then again it is hard to even understand myself. It should be blatantly obvious at this point, I'm not an experienced writer. I spend a second re-reading the comments I make. I'm going to be spending weeks re-reading whatever I write, that may not even be enough. I'm expecting it could take up to a year before I even post anything.

Probably posted in the next thread (this one seems to be nearing its end) anyone cool with me posting 5 potential cover arts, asking for which you'd click on first? If nothing else, it would steer the direction of a commission. It's highly likely I'll go the commission route as all the best performing fic's usually seem to do. I’m not considering AI at all because I don't like the idea and Fimfic would look down on it anyways.

If it's not cool, my lack of care before posting on 4chan is too amateurish, then fine. I'll just ask the authors I've been getting great advice from in a month or two. They've been bombarded enough by my questions; I didn't want to bother them so soon as they have their own work to focus on.
Just relax and post your covers
The bump limit is 500 posts, and we're not close to that yet. Post the art right now if it's ready.
>my lack of care before posting on 4chan is too amateurish
It's because you're in the pretentious writing thread.
no, it's because he's acting like a spastic offboarder.
>Also, no editing is a good thing -- it means that the posts' contents are final, and ideally that should make the posters think a little before clicking submit.

It does the opposite for me. Why? I don't know. Like I don't want to be that guy, the one who completely re-writes their entire comment. But I hate, even taking a second before posting sometimes, and STILL not catching I said "too" not "to". I hate it. I cringe inside. I don't want to post again.
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What a coincidence, I don't want you to post either.
>I honestly didn't believe 4chan would be that picky
Well duh, you're in the anonymous pretentious fanfiction writing thread, and happened to (unintentionally?) gotten across as a bit of "no time to write, must reply NOW" kind of poster. But the nice thing is that /fimfic/ usually responds anyway.
I've never gotten a commissioned cover, but yes, those appear to be doing better. I think a nice and attention-grabbing picture (ideally with the title added in gimp) already does most of what a custom art would do, but sometimes it's very hard, or even impossible, to find an appropriate image matching those criteria. Nice art != good cover.
>no, it's because he's acting like a spastic offboarder.

I mean, your not wrong here. I was on 4chan consistently in 2014 to 2018 but slowed down for a myriad of reasons, primarily because I liked the show past season 6 and no else agreed.
You keep this up and the tunigger will have a worthy adversary.
80% to the bump limit is way too close man, I've made the mistake before, plus I need to eat my dinner before it gets cold.
What is your opinion of the golly loli?
When one posts on the esteemed intellectual bastion that is 4chan with flawless spelling and impeccable grammar, it reveals the cold, mechanical nature of their soul. Each pristine sentance is but a facade, a mask concealing the emptiness within.
The true patrician, on the other hand, casts off the shackles of so-called "proper English" and lets their raw, unfiltered essence pour onto the screen in a glorious deluge of misspelled words and grammatical chaos. Each mangled phrase and erroneous apostrophe tells a story - a story of a life lived to the fullest, unfetered by societal expectations.
Like a majestic baboon flinging its feces with wild abandon, the ESL shitposter paints a masterpeice that transcends language itself. Those who cannot appreciate such avant-garde brilliance are but plebeians, forever doomed to a monochrome existence devoid of true soul and passion.
>lets their raw, unfiltered essence pour
The last time I tried that, I got put on a list.
2nd best villain, maybe third. Wasn't bothered by her ending but NO attempts at explaining why a child was imprisoned was certainly a choice the writer's made. A single sentence could've fixed it "she isn't actually a child" or something like that. Gorgar being Discord is the actual most offensive thing about the last season. So much so, my smut has a head canon explanation to make it make since.

Also needs more smut. Like way more.
When you're finally used to Emacs, you may stop using FimFic's editor.
is there a single golly fan who doesn't want to fuck her?
I want to be fucked by her.
I think the group of people who want to fuck her is larger than that of her fans.
Noooo, think of the advertisers!
Thinking of their money leaving Hiro's pockets only makes me harder ;/\)
I never watched past season 5. Golly means nothing to me.
>It should be blatantly obvious at this point, I'm not an experienced writer.
And when did that ever stop a fanfiction writer? Just post now, the fandom won't become any younger. And never care what any of these pretentious schmucks say, they don't write anyway.
Almost word for word what a fellow author told me. He PMed me for feedback on his story and over time it's morphed into me wishing I could write as well as he did, as I have tons of ideas in my head I wish I could put out, only for him to say fuck that, he wasn't a writer either when he stated. Pretty motivating stuff.
Writing more is good for making you a more capable writer, but writing better is... better. There's already an endless amount of words on fimfic so to help the ride in any way, you need to contribute in quality and not quantity.
>they don't write anyway
Nah, no readers approach the fic's writing this way. The main reason one becomes "pretentious" (a very overused word, might I add) about writing is a direct result of wanting to improve. Poor writing is the number one thing that can be quickly fixed, therefore it's easy to focus on that.
I seemed to have misjudged the speed of the thread.

But because I'm bored, and see a bunch of pretentious folks judging me as a good thing for some reason, I'll share what I have envisioned for the “why” of the story.

I hate the “Gorgar was Discord twist” not just because it's dumb and Grogar being real was so much cooler, but because Grogar up to the twist hasn't been written as if he was Discord the entire time.

I see it as Discord, the fourth wall breaker he is, seeing glimpses of a potential season where Grogar was the actual villain, where he actually succeeded, and taking his place in the season we got. Explaining away the weird feeling of Groger feeling like Groger but not actually being Grogar as Discord is just acting the part, directly saying the things in this hypothetical alternate season 9, so the season finale has a happy ending. But between the timeskip in the final episodes, the real Groger actually shows up, breaking out the villain trio, before playing out the alternative season 9 events that lead to all of the villains winning. Sombra is there too as the villain trio advise what he did last time to Grogar, utilizing the fact that he will successfully take over the Crystal Empire if left to his own devices. Enter my smut with Sombra who ducks Cadance and then Flurry Heart, who is just of age and not quite the mare who is yet to be crowned as the new Crystal Princess as the stain glass window teased.

Too much detail to what at its core is a rapey smut born of my desire for the Cadance x Sombra I've always envisioned in my head? Possibly but I've been blueballes by a variety of reasons, just to make a few: left unfinished, mind control, too short, anthro, mind break that has Cadance end up ENTIRELY out of character. What's a guy gotta do to jack off to what seems like such an EASY thing to write. I guess a lot. Because people are so prone to taking the easy way out, and make it anthro or brainwash Cadance or break her mind where your not even writing the same character anymore (or all mind control smut with Cadance is poorly done if I'm to be fair to the fetish) or there focused on cuckinf the shit out of Shining Armor.

Not to say Anthro or Mind Control makes bad smut. Just have grown tired that 80% of all rape smut is mind control and prefer going to furry or just porn if I acking for some boobs. I like the uniqueness that Pony smut is able to give.
Pick one, kek.
>Too much detail to what at its core is a rapey smut born of my desire for the Cadance x Sombra I've always envisioned in my head?
Definitely. I wish you'd put that effort into a proper story instead of porn, but hey, wanting to write something specific that doesn't exist yet is how many writers started out. Rape-fixfic is not the most respectable of genres, but if it gets you to write then it's infinitely better than not writing.
>prefer going to furry
Never mind, you can kindly commit die now.
I hear you, bro. I too have very refined tastes in pornography. I find it inconceivable that there are men who are satisfied with just a pony. Why, I can't even get hard from just a plain pony anymore. No, at a minimum, I need a four pony lesbian orgy where one pony is in half of a maid costume, the second is in leather and is whipping the first one, the third is dining on the second's right buttock, and the fourth is fucking the third with a strap-on and has thick glasses and buck teeth. That gets me hard, so it's a start. And it's not too specific a fetish, so there's plenty of that kind of porn available. But even with that, I'm still leagues away from an actual orgasm. The only solution is for me to make my kind of porn myself. That means that I have to go out and hire actual real-life ponies who are willing to help me. The first time you reveal your fetishes like that can be overwhelming, but once you do it, you'll realize most ponies want what's best for you. Really, they do. That's why they keep telling me to get help.
I'm sure at one point I'll do Cadence instead of Cadance. It's the small things that go unnoticed. This is the primary book of getting a second pair of eyes. You can dead something out load and recheck and still something gets missed.
>I wish you'd put that effort into a proper story instead of porn
To what audience? I mean, let's be honest, if you sort by the last year and then views, all you get is porn.
I don't know what you mean by that. Fixing the issues I had with season 9 is all just an excuse to get to the smut, and have the smut make since. I've consumed enough smut to not only feel, but read others say, what doesn't work. Rape or not I've seen similar issues in smut for a good while now. Part of the vision I have isn't just writing dark for dark’s sake. By the end of the smut (and after a Sequel with Flurry) Sombra is killed off for good, with the other villains eventually getting defeated, having the finale mostly unchanged. A Bastard kid and two PTSD mare's who with enough care given would recover, being Sombra's legacy. I'm writing a vile rape smut because that's what I enjoy but I’d still like to say something. A big centerpiece of the fic is how much Shining and Cadance are a loving couple. Shining is sissified way too damn much; he deserves more respect than I've seen him given. I also really want to really answer what being a Princess of Love means, partly to spice up the smut but also answer a genuine question I've always had. I would hope, by the end, I achieve all that while also blatantly writing about Cadance getting raped. I don't want to write some 100k novel when my primary drive is to create something I’d enjoy and feel has been lacking. I would hate for my fic to be seen as unrespectful. I don't like certain aspects seen in most rape smut because it doesn't equate to what real rape victims go through. Rape is a serious, horrible, vile thing to go through and I find mind break and “eventually consensual rape” harmful, giving of the impression if you rape “good” enough it's ceases to be rape. No such thing exists as consensual rape. Even though I plan to put Cadance (eventually Flurry as well) through the ringer I want to show a strong and tough character underneath. Because I find inevitably crumbling that down especially hot but also, it makes a more compelling narrative by treating rape like the serious, horrible, vile and real thing it is.
>prefer going to furry
"I would prefer going to furry" more like. Percentage of time jacking it to flurry adjacent stuff is less than 1%, and it's the boring normie stuff like Krystal. Every time I dig any deeper into furry content I immediately bounce off it. I wouldn't say I'm a furry the same way I'm a fan of pony smut.
>This is the primary *book of getting a second pair of eyes

I can't make this shit up. Writing about needing a second pair of eyes to see unnoticed mistakes and I then literally make a mistake.
>*dead something out *load
>*flurry adjacent stuff
Actually do kill me, 1% is too much
>primary book
>dead something out load
>make since
>read others say, what doesn't work
>two PTSD mare's
>it's ceases
>through the ringer
Changed my mind. Don't ever write anything.
Yes, rape is a genre of smut that people enjoy. Why so mad? Just glossing over all the shit I said about treating it as the serious thing it is, the same way good BDSM porn has the participants having a good time.

I didn't expect 4chan to be pretentious as fuck, but I certainly didn't expect them to be prude as fuck.
No wait, I should've expected it. It comes with the territory of being anonymous all the time.
You appear to be under the impression that we're making a broad judgement about genres and writing in general.
We're just mocking you in particular for your shit taste and subpar cognitive abilities.
It's not because I'm prudish. What I'm seeing is: One, you're obsessed; and two, you're illiterate. My conclusion is that anything you write is going to be trash, so you shouldn't bother.
People call if shit taste all you want, it doesn't bother me, just as much you shouldn't be bothered if I called futa shit tier level porn. I blame that shit quality rape fic's more than anything. Not enough have treated it as the serious thing it is that it's associated with garbage authors to be blunt.

I'm obsessed for wanting to create a singular rape fic? I'm discussing rape because it's a focal point of the story. I'm not some dip shit that pulls my cock out at the mere mention of rape. I've gone 20+ years not wanting to create a rape thing. I wanted to create a more simple "vanilla" smut as a test but was advised not to an author. The pony fandom has a smut writer named "rape train express". For crying out loud, /sim/ has existed for as long as I've been here. I'm not creating something that hasn't been done before and also I like to be respectful and have tact while doing it.

Are all the authors of the greens in /sim/ obsessed with rape?


Yeah no shit, once again glossing over something I've said. I know what makes something come across as poor. I'm going to improve over time. That's how anyone gets better at anything. You saying this is great as it does tell me I'm not properly expressing myself to a good degree.

>My conclusion is that anything you write is going to be trash, so you shouldn't bother.

I feel you're being unnecessarily harsh (through to 4chan standards you’re actual being reasonable) I feel I've gained valuable information, regardless of your expectations of me. I like to make a compelling narrative, that happens to be about rape, it is what it is. Maybe it's a form of obsession, but obsessions don't have to be seen as a bad thing.

But I'm willing to be dealt harsh criticisms. To you, how can I seem less obsessed? I ask what's the difference with all other dark associated smut authors but I feel the answer is “there just as bad”. Is it because I'm even discussing it in the first place? Is it trying to even treat it with tact and respect instead of just admitting “yeah I like rape, what about it?” I'm genuinely curious how I should shift my focus, but saying “I'm genuinely curious how I should shift my focus,” just more evidence of my sick obsession.

Hell just by responding; I'm probably making myself look even worse to you. Am I wrong?. In that case, I feel I shouldn't even bother asking for cover art advice if “this” is the response I get mentioning the themes of the story. I'm better off asking elsewhere if that's the case. “But if it gets you to write then it's infinitely better than not writing.” My ass you think that.

I should no not to care what 4chan thinks.
Based and encouragement pilled.

>I've gone 20+ years not wanting to create a rape thing.
Top kek, your posts are the most engaging things I've read in weeks. It's like a fucking dyslexic Rubik's cube where I have to check which line I'm on and each re-read produces a different meaning. It's amazing, I want to read more: do you have anything published? If not, good luck and god speed, you crazy rape-fueled retard.
Go ahead and post your covers, but personally I would rather create my own instead of commissioning anything. I will always give a fic a chance if the author has created the cover themselves, pure soul.
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>I should no not to care what 4chan thinks.
the esl quote of all time
>I'm not some dip shit that pulls my cock out at the mere mention of rape
Maybe not, but so far, that's how you sound.
>how can I seem less obsessed
If you hang out here long enough, you'll become familiar with Rariflag. He has a pregnancy fetish. A lot of what he writes is pregnancy fetish slop—but not all of what he writes. He can carry on a normal conversation (normal for this place at least) and write more normal fics when he chooses. If you can do that, too, then I'm not going to complain about your rape fetish.
>Hell just by responding; I'm probably making myself look even worse to you.
Nnnnope. Actually, in my eyes, the fact that you're engaging me rationally raises my opinion of you. As does the fact that you're making fewer grammatical mistakes. But you still have a ways to go:
>I should no not to care what 4chan thinks.
We're likely to be the most honest advice you get.
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your spacing makes me want to blow my brains out
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>Sunset or Twilight angst story that relies on having Celestia be an amoral sociopath that lies to everyone and plays them like chess pieces
>Story gets to the part where people confront Celestia or at least call her out
>Story immediately backpedals and has the character apologize to Celestia for all their misdeeds and they beg her to forgive them for ever getting upset at her for *checks notes* uprooting their entire lives and gaslighting them for eight years
Why the fuck would you even write Celestia as such an evil bitch if you aren't going to use her being an evil bitch for anything? You know you don't have to have an "uhm achtually Celestia is kind of fucked up" realization in your story if it closely follows the canon timeline, right? This shit is based on a trope heavy cartoon, nobody is really going to give you in particular shit for just playing Celestia as she is and not having her be Mega-Hitler on the side. Yeah how she behaves and probably thinks would be fucked in real life. But this is a cartoon where your neighbor filling your house with termites and causing it to collapse would be something you bicker with them over at the monthly neighborhood potluck, not y'know, something you fucking blow their brains out over (like you would in real life). People are going to accept that the characters are just naturally fucked in the head if you treat them with real logic and just mentally shuffle around it.
>It's like a fucking dyslexic Rubik's cube where I have to check which line I'm on and each re-read produces a different meaning
It's filtered with an ungodly amount of condescending, pretentious and smugness that oozes from someone who posts on 4chan long enough as you probably have; makes me fucking sick to my stomach, but is genuinely helping in this sick twisted way.

This experience alone has shifted from almost tarnishing and erasing all the motivation and push I was given by this other author, but it was so raw, making my blood boil that I managed to be a worthwhile endeavor.

>I want to read more: do you have anything published?
No, I don't. Has that NOT been obviously by this point man? I got exactly 1000 words of extremely rough and absolutely unfiltered garbage. No proof reading, no triple checking, nothing. I just let my brain go on it. If you wait long enough, and I keep going through with it, it will be obvious if it's ever published. Until then? I ain't got jack shit. Sorry.

>Go ahead and post your covers, but personally I would rather create my own instead of commissioning anything. I will always give a fic a chance if the author has created the cover themselves, pure soul.
Yeah, probably not. The claims of being obsessed would sky rocket if I was not only improving my writing to make a compelling rapey smut, but also trying to be a better artist on top of it as well. Or maybe it wouldn't, who could tell? To me, it definitely would. Got a image in my head now anyways thanks to /sim/. Just need to find a commismer. That's a 7+ months thing to worry about now.

I'm cringing harder at the fucking no instead of know, trust me.
For what it's worth, some serious advice: Everyone's first story sucks. This will be as true of you as it was of us as it has been of all writers of all times. Your second story will suck, too, but not as much. You might feel competent by your third story, but that's just the Dunning–Kruger effect, and if you keep writing, you'll realize that it still sucked. Despite sucking, you will be steadily improving, at least if you ask for and pay attention to feedback.

Your rape story seems important to you. If that's what motivates you, then you should write it, and if it motivates you to do a good job, then that's good. But if you think you're going to elevate rape fics to Shakespearean tragedy, then you're going to disappoint yourself. You're not skilled enough—yet. If you want to do a really good job on this fic, then you need to write several others first, and they need to be short enough that you can finish them and re-read and edit them several times before publication. Otherwise, you're going to realize midway through writing your masterpiece that it sucks, and when you go to rewrite it, you'll realize it still sucks, and on and on. You'll never be satisfied, and you'll never finish it, and the whole experience will be a disappointment. If you write some one-shots first, you will have the thrill of publishing something, and you'll be able to get feedback which will help you improve.
>He can carry on a normal conversation (normal for this place at least) and write more normal fics when he chooses. If you can do that, too, then I'm not going to complain about your rape fetish.
My biggest drive to create, is what I find lacking, which unfortunately is rape. I guess I'll admit it. I'm probably obsessed to some degree, not enough that I feel it's unhealthy, but a noticable amount. It's mostly on the pony smut side of things, insert the dark nature contrasting with the pastel horses speech here. Other avenues of porn I seek out are not nearly as dominated by it. Though it's good to keep this in mind, I'm sure if I sit down long enough, I'd notice something lacking that isn't dark related. That's a seriously lack of pony Sunset Shimmer porn... anything, on Fimfic at least. There's also a lack of... well, you get the point. Obsessed. You pegged me right. I should just be honest with myself about it. I'll put in the work, striving to not be seen as obsessed, to the same degree this Rarifag does. It certainly wouldn't do me any favors if I'm trying to critique the usage of rape in smut, and how it can be harmful, only to then produce it exclusively. A counterpoint that I can't help but point out; is a horror movie director that produces exclusively horror movies, born of a simalr desire to me; frustration at the sloppy, bargain bin horror movies spreading across cinema, not be considered obsessed? How many movies do they need to make that aren't horror flicks, to be respected by his peers and seen as a valid director? I mean the answer is just don't exclusively create a singular, never diverting idea and branch out when needed. With a fandom this far in, I just don't see myself sticking around long enough to have a good balance of smut and fetishes. I'm in it for myself, which is an entirely self absorbed thing to say, I get that, but it's the honest truth. The other large idea I've kept around is a Fallout: Equestria fic. Talk about striking why the iron is rusted as fuck.
>As does the fact that you're making fewer grammatical mistakes. But you still have a ways to go:
I don't think I am. I let know come out as no. How illiterate do you have to be to let that slip. I'm my own harshest critic. Honestly, I blame all the time spent on social media where I haven't needed to care as much. I'd love to understand how to write, if only to help better articulate my thoughts going forward. It be a godsend. Never again getting misinterpreted. To have words put into my mouth

I'm sure there's STILL something I didn't see in this comment.
I guess I would put it to you this way: A lot of different things go into any competent fic. Setting, pacing, characterization; those matter for every fic, from the basest smut to the most elite literature. Something similar is true of your horror movie example because there are aspects of cinema that apply to virtually every movie. Someone truly obsessed can't carry on a meaningful dialogue about anything but their obsession. If you can talk competently about stories and storytelling, then I expect you'll be tolerated at least as well as Rariflag. If we start comparing you to Lunaflag, then you're on the wrong track.
>which of a couple potential cover arts
Cropped porn of the protag is usually the way to go, but if it's an especially niche fetish, it won't matter since the readers will read anything with the fetish and the fetish will turn off casual readers who may have been drawn in by the cover art. And if the fetish happens to be rape, don't bother commissioning unless your doing it as an excuse to have fap art. That fic will be auto downvoted to oblivion no matter what art it has on it.

>she isn't actually a child
Ah, the midget cope. One of the classic golly loli apologias.

>Gorgar being Discord is the actual most offensive thing
What are you talking about? That's probably the best thing. Grogar acted like a retard the whole season. It was such a waste of a classic G1 villain. What a relief it was actually Discord instead--a character who'd already been screwed over by the writing.

>Enter my smut
The concept of Grogar entering the show, breaking out the trio and reconstituting Sombra for his big evil take over the world adventure fic plan, only to then have to sit and watch mind control "bad ending" rape porn instead as the author's dick overwhelms the story and his careful planning is a very bold idea for a satirical comedy fic, anon.

>Not enough have treated it as the serious thing it is
You'll never find that. Fics that take it seriously are written by people who don't have the fetish, so they'll skip over the rape scene and focus on the aftermath and emotional recovery of the victim.

Fetish authors want to "normalize" their fetish. They want to make it seem no different from regular sex. They can't have the characters vomit in abject disgust in their scat fic like would actually happen because it would show how revolting their fetish actually is, both to them and their readers, so instead the characters have to take pleasure in it to give the disassociation the fetish folks need to fap to it. Same holds true for you rapefags.
I guess there needs to be a discrepancy between slop and filthy smut. I don't want to write Shakespeare or a Masterpiece, let's be clear here, I'm writing filthy vile smut, only slightly above slightly more filthy vile smut. I want something to jack off sure, and if others find they can jack off too then great, but any themes or background lore tidbits I try to shove in are only there because I think it enhances the dynamic enough for the smut. I'm putting 50% of my brain power into it instead of the 30% or less that is usually used. It really isn't that complicated. But I may have been putting more than 50% into it, I'm coming to realize.

Curious on the posting other stuff first. The advice I was given was NOT to focus on One-shots. I don't want to share more of what was a private pms but all things considered this was my plan at first. If I was such a perfectionist, wanting to create some masterpiece, I would totally get feedback from a bunch of smaller projects before trying to create the magnum opus.

That ain't me.

I'm motivated enough that I have a desire to create and then share a smut fic to the world, but I want to play video games, jack off and live my life at the end of the day. It's really that simple. "Your rape story seems important to you" makes me want to barf. Maybe I'm too deep into this and should step away because it feels weird, icky and entirely unpleasant when broken down like that. That feeling when after a really good nut, where all those nagging thoughts punch you in the face. All you can think about is diving head first into a trash heap, because you belong there you sicko. Swim around with the other degenerates, they'll welcome you with open arms.

But I know my limits, I've felt I haven't quite gotten lost in the trash heap.

4chan isn't for me. Only occasionally do I ever open it up and even rarer that I manage to post something; its common for folks here to push all the wrong buttons to make my temper flare. I'm fully expecting to never post here again. I came in hoping to gauge what folks on 4chan would click on if seeking out a Cadance x Sombra smut fic and instead came away getting advice, taken to heart, but it was given by the jocks in school that still think poop and fart jokes are the funniest shit you've ever heard man. It's a rewarding enough experience but it's so mentally draining.

On one hand; I regret spending 30 seconds on my comment, expecting an answer I probably answer myself eventually (just commission something, the obvious answer) and was extremely lame to even ask; but at least something was learned.

If anyone is curious.
>3158260 cropped on the first frame
All the IDs are Depri (I know).
I was curious if the second to last was spicy enough to excuse the use of anthro art on a non anthro fic (I guessed no) and I'd find it extremely hilarious if anyone suggested what obviously clashes with the tone of the fic in the last image.
>Ah, the midget cope. One of the classic golly loli apologias
It was a suggestion the writers could've went with but didn't for whatever reason when first implementing the character. Her age should have been closer to the rest of the school, as then you could point to all teenagers who've killed and been locked up. I don't cope and consider her anything but a child.

>The concept of Grogar entering the show, breaking out the trio and reconstituting Sombra for his big evil take over the world adventure fic plan, only to then have to sit and watch mind control "bad ending"
One, I'm not doing mind control and two it's not a bad ending forever. Obviously the differences between mind control and not mind control, and a happy ending and bitter sweet ending, are all meaningless so it really doesn't matter. Sombra is doing is own thing while the others doing... whatever, it doesn't matter. Twilight and the gang are occupied long enough for the fic to happen but eventually "friendship is magic" blah, blah, blah, combined with villain infighting foils everything. With Sombra just being defeated separately by Shining that's it's entirely out of scope of what is at its core, a filthy smut.

I put enough effort so it's not "Sombra is back again, don't think about it" but not enough that I'm even imagining what's happening off screen. If you dislike the idea of Grogar willingly allowing Sombra's participation so much, do your own fic. Grogar is an excuse, could care less if he's disrespectful to his original incarnation. Anything before G4 doesn't matter to me.

>You'll never find that. Fics that take it seriously are written by people who don't have the fetish, so they'll skip over the rape scene and focus on the aftermath and emotional recovery of the victim.
Okay then "seriousness" is the wrong term to use them but whatever.

I forget how fucking /pol/ pilled this place can be with a bunch of dumb asses that somehow watched an entirely different show in their head. "There is no wrong to fantasize" yet you're clutching your pearls at anything that isn't missionary sex for the sole purpose of procreation. Thanks for the laugh. Much more level headed responses that I love to see come from a place as wild as 4chan, but a joke like you ? It's priceless.
Haha this thread is golden. I was on your side until the fixation with rape. Never change, 4chin
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>I forget how fucking /pol/ pilled this place can be
>yet you're clutching your pearls at anything that isn't missionary sex
Anon. Anon. You're posting in a thread that's about 50% gay (I'm being conservative with the estimate), more if you count the futafags, which you should. There are lolifags and even anthrofags itt. >rape is like the tier 1 meem on /mlp/, and I can guarantee you that not a single person itt complains about your fetish in this conversation. People are just laughing at your... great interest in your rape fantasies because of how you talk about it.
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his posts are very entertaining to read yea
This was wrong 20 years ago and it's wrong now
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You're adding, and usually focusing the image on, a dick that's stapled to a female. There could never be any argument about it not being gay. The dick is the point.
Attraction is primarily due to secondary sexual characteristics. You don't look at a vagina and go 'that's hot' because they're gross looking. It's the hips, the soft skin, breasts, etc that matter.
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"All this unnecessary drama has woken me from my beauty sleep,"

I'm just joking. Did he git gud overnight, or were the proofreaders that much of a difference?
Seriously, while I don't think that I can in good conscience recommend this fic due to how immensely bad the first 25% of it is, it gets so much better after that. I thought I'd struggle to finish it, but no; I got this week's reading done in one afternoon. But before I get ahead of myself, I must mention that a decent bit of the subpar writing remains. Apparently even five proofreaders can't help with basic spelling or comma placement. With that out of the way, I will not say other bad things about this fic this post.

Literally every single aspect of the fic is so much better that it's almost hard to recognize it. And by now you're probably thinking that I'm overreacting, but I'm really not. To go over my main criticisms from last week:
Not only did the plot gain some good direction, we also got rid of the constant flashback scenes that ruined any sense of progression in the first quarter.
The writing isn't good, but it's very readable for a 2013/2014 fic and doesn't heavily disrupt the story any more.
The scenes actually work! Probably one of the biggest improvements overall. Just try to compare the soap opera OOC mess that was any of the drama scenes in week one (let's pick the TwiLestia one) with the "heavy" scenes this week, for example, the scene with Lamia and Cyndra. The characters are no less emotative, but their behavior is believable and appropriate in the situation. I struggle to grasp how one guy could write those two scenes in the space of <40k words. Not that it's "best of fimfic"-tier drama, but it's just very solid and above the site's average. Even the first, and worst, drama scene in this week—the Cadance-Celestia confrontation—is better than last week's best. Speaking of which, having an emotion-sensing protag has been used as a crutch to avoid showing emotions. I would say he's been trying to incorporate it in a much more pleasing way towards this week's ending (all the royal ling talks make great use of it), but it's still noticeable in the first few, especially that Hive scene, where the language starts getting repetitive and very telly.
>"fic is good when it doesn't try to be emotional"
Now it's actually pretty great in those bits. Seriously, the Camp Draco part of the story that started with heavy SoL and went into Action was really good, several grades better than anything the fic presented in the first 25%. Whether it was Lamia's not!chess with Shiny or the fencing with Celly, the SoL scenes show a lot about the characters and the setting while also being simply fun to read. I am not sure if you want to declare the bedroom scene as SoL or Drama, but it's been quite good, too. Essentially, the deeper you're into the fic, the better it gets, and the improvement is extremely quick, but it starts from a very weak spot.
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And look, the fic isn't perfect. Some might be disappointed that it's the more straightforward kind of drama—problems are generally resolved in the chapter they show up, and we don't have a misunderstanding-based 50k word plot. That's completely fine, imo, especially since the fic is finally fun to read. It's also very pony. Last week I called it immature, I think, but I was too hasty about it. Evidently, the proofreaders did bring the story back on track, and it handles the problems in simple, but usually "pony" ways. It's definitely a little amateurish and clumsy in the handling of some plot points (the super convenient dinner scene comes to mind) or the writing of a few more demanding scenes, but the quality is sufficiently high to make me find it more cute and charming than annoying. Shame that it took that hellish opening to get there. And, as I mentioned, there's a bit of repetition. No Lavender Unicorns, but a full legion of "Changeling in disguise". Also typos. Some of them are pretty bad, still. One missed comma completely changes the meaning of a sentence in the scene, prompting me to reread it twice to see what I was missing.
But those are all "eh, have to complain about these"-tier issues, not "Celestia, I beg you, end me before I sit down to read the next 60k"-tier. We went from a 3/10 fic to a 6/10 one (or better). That's a HUGE improvement!

Next week we're finishing this fic, so of course we need to decide what to read after that. As usual, if there's something (~30-150k) you'd like to read during the bookclub, suggest away.
Some possibilities for the next week include:
>You'll never find that. Fics that take it seriously are written by people who don't have the fetish, so they'll skip over the rape scene and focus on the aftermath and emotional recovery of the victim.
This is a fair point, though I'd be interested in what our rapebro produces except I can't stand hardcore rapefics. But generally people don't want port that turns them off, and deep emotional trauma is usually a turnoff.

>Fetish authors want to "normalize" their fetish. They want to make it seem no different from regular sex.
This however is nonsense. Fetish authors literally do not care if their fetish is normalized, they just want to see material they enjoy, and will produce it themselves if they can't find it. You being grossed out just shows you don't "get" the fetish. Nor should you feel obliged to; no one is asking you to embrace scat or whatever. But the fetishists obviously get it, and what you find disgusting they've latched on to as the appeal. Acting like there's some sort of conspiratorial angle just underscores your cluelessness.
If the dick is the point, why are there tits?
What all you "futa is gay" retards miss is that the dick is the point of identification between the viewer and the image-- "I have that, I know how good that feels." In straight porn, you're looking at some guy fuck the woman. In futa porn, you're looking at a woman (with a dick) fuck a woman. If you like women, you get better value out of futa porn.
In most kinds of [male-oriented] straight porn, the guy is barely there. He's not the focus, more like an instrument. If he is made more prominent (like in porn games or stories), you're supposed to self-insert as him. Sometimes he doesn't exist at all, which is what makes regular non-futa /u/ is a high-quality fantasy.
Compare that to futa, where The Dick is the thing that commands your attention. It's often times absurdly-sized, always in focus. You're seeing a dick, with a woman somewhere in the background.
Fair, I deserve that one.

>Staring at some guys hairy buttocks and insisting I don't even see the man as I furiously masturbate.
>I thought I'd struggle to finish it, but no; I got this week's reading done in one afternoon.
I actually struggled keeping interest in this week's reading, and only read through chapter 19. I agree that the story improved technically a good deal, and the story's direction was much stronger. My issue is that it loses most of the appeal of the admittedly strong premise. The big reveal to about 90% of the main canon characters and the drama that accompanies it is exhausted in the first few chapters. Luna, Cadance, Twilight, &c accept Alternia remarkably quickly considering their immortal god-queen has turned out to be an impostor for the last thousand years. After that, the fic creates very little tension between Alternia and any other ponies, in favor of changeling-pony relations and especially surrounding the changeling royal family. It's not a bad choice to make, but there's a lot of missed potential it seems like.

>Camp Draco part of the story that started with heavy SoL and went into Action was really good
It's nice that the fic settled on a direction it wanted to go in, and there were certain scenes which were executed well in my opinion. Shining and Lamia's stratego scene gave them both some much needed characterization, but also reinforced the theme that ponies and changelings aren't necessarily antagonistic. Rather, the main conflict is fundamentally driven by Chrysalis and Alternia as a continuation of their struggle a thousand years prior to the story. Lamia herself I also think is a really cute character. Her injuries were handled a little too bluntly as a plot device to act as a casus belli for the changelings, never mind the fact that they were already starving and until Lamia was introduced this already seemed like sufficient reasoning for most of the characters. However, outside of that she acts as a nice foil to Chrysalis's rashness and "humanises" the changeling side.
As compared to futa?

Desu I found that distasteful in most of the mainstream porn too, but the point stands.
Yeah, we totally saw in all the futa images posted here. The focus is not on the dick at all.
>I am not sure if you want to declare the bedroom scene as SoL or Drama, but it's been quite good, too
I have to disagree with you here; I don't think the author writes emotional scenes very well and they usually tend towards melodrama. The audience is usually given lengthy descriptions of the mental state of characters and their deep anguish or shock or whatever, but these emotions aren't consistently reflected in their actions. Alternia and Chrysalis are the biggest two examples of this. Even though they can read each other's minds, their grief and rage are "barely suppressed" and "hidden beneath a veil of polite etiquette" or whatever, and because of that they can always continue on with whatever cordiality the story demands. To take some examples from the bedroom scene, the author writes Chrysalis's despair at killing her mother as an "eternal rain of tears", and Celestia's response as "waves of indignant anger and shame". What actually happens here, though, is just both of them laying in bed, and then continuing negotiations the next day, having actually grown closer in the night. I'm not trying to say that them becoming more understanding of each other is a bad thing, but I have a hard time believing it would happen that quickly if these emotions are really present to the degree that the author describes them.

>problems are generally resolved in the chapter they show up
This kind of leads me into the biggest problem I had with the fic. Building off of the previous complaints, the author has a hard time showing character flaws in really any of the main characters, they all act morally or at least have reasonable justifications for all of their actions; even Chrysalis is "misunderstood" and trying to avenge her daughter. The worst she really does (during the modern time period of the story) is threaten some ponies and snarl at some guards. Likewise, we're constantly told Alternia is furious at her sister and always contemplating acting irrationally in the pursuit of revenge, but she always takes the high road and is kind, understanding, &c. Character conflict is a lot of bluster and threats, very surface-level animosity, but the characters always manage to make amends and look past their differences. No one is really seriously hurt and nothing is lost, at least within the strict confines of what happens during the course of events the fic directly addresses.
Kicking myself for not just guessing what the fetishes are, as I be 100% correct if I did.

Glad to have had my splurging be entertaining.

>This is a fair point, though I'd be interested in what our rapebro produces except I can't stand hardcore rapefics. But generally people don't want port that turns them off, and deep emotional trauma is usually a turnoff.
Curious about where the balance should be. As in my eyes "hardcore" entails broken bones, blood, snuff, scat, diaper, just any of the lesser liked fetishes. That shit is a huge turn off for me. A while back I was just going to commission my ideas out, I said they should go only as hard as they like, but they had ass-to-mouth and mentioned dislocating their jaw. I was nice about it but I was getting more than I wanted. It was a commission, so I shouldn't be nice but it's whatever. I guess I saw others would enjoy those aspects and try my best to ignore them.

The deep emotional aspect being a huge turn off is understandable. If I can share something, whenever I consume JAV porn if it's a rape scene and an actress acts "too" well, feeling like she's legit being abused, it ripes me right the fuck out. If they aren't even enjoying the sex, or unable to stop smiling during the shoots, it's the same effect. There's a happy balance where I'm able to be lost in the fantasy but I need a door ajar, 5% of my brain that is glad the actress isn't actually being harmed. She is clearly enjoying it by how naturally wet she is, she fails to hide her smile for a couple seconds, etc.

How do you write in that 5% I want to keep open in live action but in a written formant. Where, unless your going for a role play fic, it can't be directly translated 1-1.


Is the type of tone and how "hardcore" my smut would be. Sombra characterized the same way as the first, and the whole "married mare" of the second. Twisting that smut around enough until it's focus is Cadance x Sombra.

And to show I have tastes outside of my fetish, I'm in agreement that this is one of better smut fics on Fimfic. Tons of commenters complained about it being "too rapey" but the consent was clearly established and was incredibly hot. If it was muddy it was because the author was going for a "no-romance" smut fic, I say they nailed it out of the park on that.
I'm laughing my ass off. One of the responses I got was a cozy glow image where her entire body was obscured by a giant, fat ass cock. Whatever futa fuckeres tell themselves to justify their shit ass fetish "I'm totally not gay bro, I swear".
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I could be overselling the fic's improvement. It definitely went a lot smoother for me, but it's true that some of the decisions the story took were surprising (being generous to it). I would even go a little further than you and say that it's a bad thing. I mean, pivoting really hard in order to salvage a story out of this is correct (because I don't believe this author was capable of writing the story the first chapters were hinting at), but it's done with zero respect to that first part of the story. Not only that, the story also sharply changes the direction of its "main" plot, with Celestia going out and canceling the tour thing with her hive teleportation stunt. It's especially odd considering that the whole idea of the tour was only brought up in the same chapter in the first place. Why?
>certain scenes which were executed well in my opinion
Yeah, I like a lot of what the fic does with Lamia. Not all of it (the two very unsubtle points stick out), but what she does in the fic, as a 100% loyal changeling that has a more open and reasonable mind, works pretty well, imo. The fencing scene with Tia, her distrust at the emergency command, the attempt to understand Cyndra, etc.

>I don't think the author writes emotional scenes very well and they usually tend towards melodrama.
Right. "Quite good" was going too far. I don't think the fic is very good at all. This second half has been enjoyable, but it's not like I love it. It's definitely more melodramatic in its descriptions than it should be (the emotion-sensing of bugs is perhaps partially to blame). But, at least for me, it's no longer "characters taking actions at random", like the emotional scenes in the first 25% felt. Leaving that TwiLestia scene aside, Luna's reaction to the Alternia reveal was also extremely poor. It's no longer as bad, at least to me. The most over-the-top exaggerated scene in terms of character actions is probably the ending of Cyndra and Lamia's reunion, and it's not too egregious considering the situation.
>The worst she really does
...is ignoring Celestia's offer, then almost discarding the diplomatic solution at the first sight of problems, then almost banishing her daughter to permanent exile. Like, yeah, she has her reasons, but she's not justified in what she does.
>Character conflict is a lot of bluster and threats, very surface-level animosity, but the characters always manage to make amends and look past their differences.
That's definitely true, and why I said some wouldn't like this stretch of the fic. It's incredibly Slice of Life for a "drama" story, so much so that, at this point in time, I'd say the story's strongest point is the scene-to-scene interactions between the characters. I don't think the drama is particularly good, but the characters are nice, and I am kind of looking forward to the chapter where Celestia is inevitably forced to reveal herself to Chryssi. But that's all with the "it's not a very good fic" warning.
What does futa add to these images? The entire (poor) argument was built around replacing the male in porn with it, but here, you're just adding an extra dick for the viewing pleasure alone. That can't be anything less than 100% gay.
Voting for A Ballad of Eeyup and Nope because I like Big Mac
>any themes or background lore tidbits I try to shove in are only there because I think it enhances the dynamic
In that case, you're fooling yourself. You have way too elaborate a setup for that. Normally, the setup for porn, even good porn, is dumb. It's "Hello, pizza delivery!" "I hope you brought extra sausage~~!" Or it's, "Ma'am, you called for a plumber?" "Yes, I need you to clean out my pipes!" Here's your setup if your fic were really nothing more than porn:
>gorgar was with tireck and golly and crysallis then there weree 2 gorgars and the first was like "hey who are you" and the second was all "bitch your dicsord im gorgar" and blasted him the fuck away
>the second gorgra sed "your all pussies if im gonna take over i need sum 1 tuffer" then he summoned somba
>somba was all "fuck you imma get laid" and he went to the crystal empire "cadence omg your so hot im gonna fuck you"
>cadence said "im married to shinny"
>somba said "you dont get to say no bitch" then he raped her
If you aspire to something beyond that, then you're not writing porn. You're writing a story with a sex scene. And if you do a really good job with that story, you'll find that in nearly every circumstance, explicit sex scenes make the story worse. For comparison, Nabokov's Lolita is a great novel; it's about a pedophile (actually hebephile, if that distinction matters to you) but it doesn't have explicit sex scenes.
I don't know who gave you that advice or why, but I think it's terrible. The story you've described sounds like it's 50k minimum and more likely 100k. And if you're motivated, sure, you can write something that long as your first story. But I think you'll develop more quickly if you write some one-shots first.
>"Your rape story seems important to you" makes me want to barf.
I have a fetish, too, but I've found that I can't write fetish porn, or in fact any kind of porn. If you have your dick out, then porn is hot. But once you put it away, you realize that as a story, it's always trash. Even the most wholesome vanilla stuff is awful as a story.
>if seeking out a Cadance x Sombra smut fic
No, it's really like >>41250778 said. If I see a fic tagged "non-con," I don't open it, ever. It doesn't matter what other tags it has or how many views or upvotes it has. I have no interest. I've opened non-con by accident before, but when I reach the non-con portion, I go soft. At my most primitive, animal level, I'm repulsed by it. I can't get off to it. I never have. I don't mind that other people enjoy non-con, but it's not for me.
Not him, but a more elaborate setup can enhance the porn sections. It's an entirely subjective matter of taste. When I look for porn, I'll pick what you call a story with a sex scene over basic porn every time, because I find that the context of the scene and the characters matter to me. Explicit sex scenes will make a story worse in terms of it being a compelling story, but those same scenes will be far better porn than porn that's not in a story.
>You have way too elaborate a setup for that
I don't really agree. I went on to rewatch parts of the show with Cadance on screen as its been a while that I consumed anything from MLP sense the show ended. This is just a random less than a couple of hours thought I found was justifiable enough. I just wanted some consistently to get started. It worked. More and more of sex was getting established as the timeframe of the story came together. I guess it was more of a idea exercise then then a legitimate attempt to make a story sans porn. A 3500-4500 word intro will have some of the tidbits sprinkled in, with the intro to the sequel, or intermission that will ease the transition into the second half.

>If you aspire to something beyond that, then you're not writing porn. You're writing a story with a sex scene
Is there no such thing as a halfway, in-between those two? I see smut as more than porn but lesser than erotica. I think you feel I'm trying to go for a long epic erotica when that's not the case. 90% of it is smut, outside of half of the first chapter, it's all just smut. If I can share an example, porn is most of what the western porn market pumps out, erotica is any movie that has tastefully done sex scene (or not, plenty of garbage movies just insert a sex scene whenever they want). I'm not wanting to make a 20 minute porno, or a 2 hour long epic, I'm going for a 1 hour smut as seen in the Japanese porn market, henrjal thongors for 3 episodes or a 1 hour "movie" whee the sex to story is flipped when compared to erotica. Where there is "some" care that goes into the porn, more than anything in the west gets, but it's just an excuse to have the actress get fucked in a variety of ways for hours to sell a DvD, capitalizing on the featured actress to make as much money off the time they have with her before she's whisked away by some other company, repeated before she inevitably quits.

There's a balance, one that I find an author has accomplished to a great extent, and that I value their input "much" more than some random anon on 4chan. Because I've seen how they're approach is incredibly hot to me. I have no delusions of grandeur that I'll come close to the same output, but knowing they started in the place as I am, no real writing experience, first smut being a 50k word smut, a desire to create something that doesn't exist, leaves me with enough hope and passion that I've made it past an idea phase into a full outline.

>Your rape story seems important to you
Is just that something that will haunt me for a good while until I eventually get a kick out of it, and laugh at the absurdity of it.
Well I barely took any notes but I'd say it's a lot more of what we got in the first week but with different stuff happening. Cadence and Shining have almost the exact backstory of Cadence and Twilight in Twiguard which is amusing (except shining needed Alternia to come save them so I guess they're a worse couple)
>Anybody who threatens the existence of a pure pony Equestria

>due to how immensely bad the first 25% of it is, it gets so much better after that
I still think this is a wild take lol, I don't think the first part was that crazy bad and I don't think this part drastically improved. This week we have 2-3 spots where Alternia says something and a changeling just thinks 'Well Celestia's logic makes sense.' Almost verbatim and it just keeps happening. I think it's in response to her saying 'I could've just killed you' each time too.
>I thought I'd struggle to finish it, but no; I got this week's reading done in one afternoon
Of course all that said I'm glad the story got good for you. I also finished each week in one session (pretty much)
>The writing isn't good, but it's very readable for a 2013/2014 fic and doesn't heavily disrupt the story any more.
lmao, I'd agree. It's pretty much what you got at the time. Just someone with a passionate idea trying to put it on the page
>Lamia and Cyndra
Cyndra is Tragikino, I like when she pretty much begs Lamia to order her to kill herself for her 2nd betrayal.
>Speaking of which, having an emotion-sensing protag has been used as a crutch to avoid showing emotions
Absolutely. And I feel like the character Celestia is a lesser version of this but for 'logic' if she says something, any other characters have a much easier time of accepting it, even Chrysalis.
>especially since the fic is finally fun to read. It's also very pony... but the quality is sufficiently high to make me find it more cute and charming than annoying

>I actually struggled keeping interest in this week's reading, and only read through chapter 19
>My issue is that it loses most of the appeal of the admittedly strong premise. The big reveal to about 90% of the main canon characters and the drama that accompanies it is exhausted in the first few chapters
This is completely understandable. (Especially if you stopped on the Twilight chapter even though it's short) There isn't really much of a way to prepare the reader going in what the fic is about, because while it IS about Celestia having actually been Alternia for 1k+ years, it's about Alternia and not necessarily the reveal of that information. So now it's just political drama. That said I think the strong plot points are the beginning and the end of the fic so I'd say it's definitely a disservice to get as far as you have just to not finish it by our last week
>but there's a lot of missed potential it seems like.
Agreed for the most part. A bit more could've been done with the reveal and 1-2 ponies could've had lingering issues
>Lamia herself I also think is a really cute character. Her injuries were handled a little too bluntly as a plot device to act as a casus belli for the changelings
Yeah, I like her but 'Equestria First' was a bit much, although I'm glad it's an actual plot point instead of just a funny racism cameo
>The audience is usually given lengthy descriptions of the mental state of characters and their deep anguish or shock or whatever, but these emotions aren't consistently reflected in their actions
This is definitely one of the biggest weaknesses of the fic
>the author writes Chrysalis's despair at killing her mother as an "eternal rain of tears", and Celestia's response as "waves of indignant anger and shame"
Yeah in draco in particular we get full paragraphs of emotions and what people are feeling, instead of just seeing them do or act any different at all. With maybe the only exception being Cyndra actually falling into a blubbering mess at points

>but it's done with zero respect to that first part of the story. Not only that, the story also sharply changes the direction of its "main" plot, with Celestia going out and canceling the tour thing with her hive teleportation stunt.
Yeah the arcs are almost completely separate, which is unfortunate

Meanwhile, wtf is wrong with this thread lmao, I checked last night and thought /fssbc/ had finally gone back to its roots or something but it's just chaos in here
Yeah, this makes me understand what I'm going for. I've noticed that anything below 3k in my favorites, I no longer can jack off to it. Now that I'm no longer around 16-20 at the height of the show, I've lost whatever made me enjoy it before. If the time from the start of penetration to the climax is 3 paragraphs long, I rather have just imagined a sex scene while looking at a hot image instead. Bare minimum I want something to be 6-10k, and if it has more chapters of similar length and quality then all the better.

I think understand why I was given the advice to steer away from one shots or other such tests to "prove" I can do it. I'm writing 3-4 one shots that are mashed together to make a coherent whole. If you say your smut is 50k long is it because your flashing over to some other entirely separate plot? 3-6 characters with over arching character arcs? Just trying to have a large chunk that entirely exists outside of the porn to further the themes? Then that's erotica. But if it what's there exists solely to set up the next 40-45k words, I consider that smut. Outside of the males and females of the sex scenes, no one else exists. I was thinking of a single scene with shining, to establish the end a bit, to help break up the switch between the halves of the story/sequel, but I may just cut it if takes too much time and doesn't accomplish what I want it to do when a guard mentioning Shining escaped at one point instead, or Sombra senses someone is nearby to the source of his power or whatever can accomplish without leaving the scene.

What thought provoking content.

You should start a thread with such posts instead of frittering them away at the end
>I still think this is a wild take lol, I don't think the first part was that crazy bad
The big thing you're forgetting is that you're reading a different story than the rest of us. Yours was actually edited (at least on the technical level) into readability; we didn't have this luxury.
The first part is really crazy bad. It almost makes me want to read some reviews, because a 4500+ likes must mean it got some. I wonder what they said about it. I'll wait until I finish the story and write the next week's post to avoid copying their opinions. Having the story use English language rather than whatever demi-human cypher it followed in week 1 is already a big help, but I also think that it can't be overstated how much *things happening* helps the medium writing. In week 1 the fic fumbled from one failed emotional scene to another, with 2 more flashbacks thrown in before we get more of the same. The idea was nice, but there was little more to it. Here, we have a Narrative. Or, as some would say, a Story. It's not a great story (I stand by my 6/10 grade for this week's 50k, which is barely better than average), but it gave me something to latch onto. I'm willing to overlook a lot if the story actually tries doing something, and in week 1, I don't think it did that.
>lmao, I'd agree.
Again, your version is probably still better. For example, we still get semi-common errors where a similar-sounding word replaces the word that the author probably meant. It's a little distracting, but A LOT better than week 1.
>Celestia is a lesser version of this but for 'logic' if she says something, any other characters have a much easier time of accepting it
I think it's just a mediocre characterization. She's supposed to be smart and intelligent, so the author lets you know of that by having other characters treat her as if she was that good. Probably also the reason why no one has any issues with her being a bug.
>Twilight chapter
It's hilarious that he wrote thousands words of filler, then tried convincing the readers in an A/N that it's not filler but he can't say more without spoilers... mr. author, my guy, foreshadowing doesn't work if you call it out like this.

>'Equestria First' was a bit much
Right, the pony nazis were really fucking out there when it comes to ideas. What the hell. I'm very afraid of the final act of the story. Inb4 it's some more SoL until the fic goes "Everything changed when the Shadow Nation attacked." I don't trust the author to pull it off well, and there's a really high chance he goes for it nonetheless. Maybe it's stuff for book 2? Please?
>With maybe the only exception being Cyndra
Lamia also acts quite a bit in several of her scenes. I've already mentioned it, but I think they're the best characters in the fic, with kino Blueblood being third.
>Yeah the arcs are almost completely separate
See above about Shadow Nation.
Won't be able to bake the next thread.
>The big thing you're forgetting is that you're reading a different story than the rest of us. Yours was actually edited (at least on the technical level) into readability; we didn't have this luxury.
That's true, I did forget kek
>It's hilarious that he wrote thousands words of filler, then tried convincing the readers in an A/N that it's not filler but he can't say more without spoilers...
fuck more A/N kino I'm missing out on...
>What the hell. I'm very afraid of the final act of the story.
>Maybe it's stuff for book 2? Please?
I don't think anything in this story is for book 2, and dear god book 2...
We're only on page 3; I'll get to it in an hour if no one else does.
Filly, I'm sorry. Emacs macros have rotten by brain. I can't live without them now.
Post screenshot of config. Also congrats on actually learning it, instead of just mucking around like I have. Sometimes I wish I had a little more tenacity about it, but VSCode and (n)vim are just too convenient.
Plus, I'll be honest, Scheme is one of those languages whose theoretical beauty I can easily appreciate, but when I actually have to write it my brain starts screaming.
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>32k words dropped in one package
>comments/ratings disabled
>from an account that has nothing else on it
Strong Bones vibe.
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Nobody voted, and while I still don't think non-participants should vote, I think you should at least get one to pick a fic.
Voting for Anemoia!
Rolled 5 (1d20)

The next fic will be Ballad of Eeyup and Nope if odds or Anemoia if evens.
>Drops 32k words of a fic in a single day
>declares it cancelled
>refuses to elaborate
What a chad
It fucking baffles me that no one from the book club has voted for these past couple stories.
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