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Come one and all to the meta-writefag and help raise the quality of MLP fanfiction! Featuring: Debating Distinguished Dickmare Dilemma!

ITT: Capitalization, Realistic sizing of cartoon horsecock, Racial nameswapps, AI for writing – yay or nay?, Teasing the Archmage, Thirteen thousand words, Fluffy fics, Eating the story's heart, Shooting Celestia for Changeling crimes, Reading Ø, Optimal [non-]stories, Smelling Lyra's farts, Pinky teeth-ussy, Writing speeds, Bootlegging Coco, Commissioning piles of words, Actually thinking books are real, Recommending 404's, Twiships, Analyzing sloppy LLMs // Despairing in the LLM future, Artistic typos, FAG!, NOT thinking of dicks (lmao), Productive outages, Fitting Rarity's hole, The disastrous cover, A good time with >rape was had by all, Dyslexic Rubik's cube, and a flare of old disputes!

>/fimfic/ Secret Book Club
The seventy-first book is 'Princess Celestia: The Changeling Queen':
If (You) want to participate, finish the story by the 28th.
On Sunday we'll discuss what we've read.

>Recommended stories:
Tired of authors forgetting that brevity is key? Fed up with 10k inner monologue chapters? Well, we've compiled the best of the worst in order to bring you our absolute average!

New Starter Kit - http://mlpficreviews.org.uk/starter/
Old Starter Kit - http://i.imgur.com/vuTA7EN.png

>Common fic abbreviations used by the thread:

>A list of reviews made by the Anons in this thread:
Use the commands ">review <story link>" and ">discuss <story link>" to add reviews to a story.
Userscript for extra features: https://ponepaste.org/8619

>An in-depth writing guide for beginners:

>Can you pre-read my story?
Post it on Google Docs or HackMD with comments enabled and give us a link.

>Additional material for authors:
Rhorse's Horse Behavioral Notes - https://ponepaste.org/932
Politics and the English Language - https://www.orwell.ru/library/essays/politics/english/e_polit/
Vhatug's tips for anatomically correct clop - https://poneb.in/g4VpEg4f
Setting a story in motion - https://youtu.be/ufO8LbwTdu0
Taking criticism - https://youtu.be/-v4R2ZcxPlA

>Various reviews and riffs:
Fillyanon's Bookshelf - https://ponepaste.org/5555
Notkickass222urmom's Reviews - https://pastebin.com/u/notkickass222urmom
IHeartShinzakura's Reviews - https://ponepaste.org/user/IHeartShinzakura
Appleanon reads fics - https://poneb.in/wmGX7FPm
Deluxe Big Master Review List - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1z9Bz7UnEbxo-svlXa2tV49PJkP-yFuR7pRXiBUn-IeU
A Guide to Rational Fics - https://files.catbox.moe/3jzrfm.png
The Royal Canterlot Library's Top 16 Fanfics - https://royalcanterlotlibrary.net/top16/

Previous Thread: >>41227369
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First for best duo!
And this, rapebro, is one of the reasons why everyone hates Tunafag.
There is certainly stuff that's between porn and completely non-sexual. It depends on the length and purpose of the sex scenes. My point is that porn, at least in the narrow sense that I'm using here, is scenes of fucking for the purpose of the reader (or viewer) getting off. When you start adding other things to it, you get a better story, but also a less pornographic one. The overall effect may be hotter, but these added scenes are not porn; in my experience, the non-sex-scenes of most sexually themed stories are T-rated.

The story you described in >>41250185 sounded like a drama or adventure story until it got to the rape scene. At the time, it sounded to me like you were envisaging a real story. I think it sounded like that to >>41250232, too. Certainly if you want to really flesh out the idea, then it's 50 to 100k on its own like I was estimating. But >>41251505 makes it clear that you're planning a much shorter setup. So maybe it's not unreasonable. A 5k setup for 45k of smut seems like a reasonable balance. But that 5k is going to be fast.

I still believe in the value of writing one-shots to improve your skills. But if your story really is 3–4 one-shots with a common premise, then it makes sense to put them all together. It also makes sense to publish them as you finish them (by which I mean finish editing them) instead of pre-writing the whole fic. Maybe that's why you're getting the advice to steer away from one-shots? Because I think that writing an engaging 50k story is a stretch for most beginners.
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sex with /fimfic/
>>Twilight chapter
>It's hilarious that he wrote thousands words of filler
Unironically I enjoyed the Twilight chapter; I thought it was a nice break from political drama for some interesting historiography

Also voting for https://www.fimfiction.net/story/53269/a-ballad-of-eeyup-and-nope

>This is completely understandable. (Especially if you stopped on the Twilight chapter even though it's short)
After going back and finishing the last two chapters for this week's reading this afternoon, I can't really say my opinion has significantly changed. It was more of the same betrayal drama between Chrysalis and Cyndra. I would go so far as to say Chrysalis was justified in exiling Cyndra, and the concerted effort between every other party to put Chrysalis's family above the law would only hurt the changelings' position in a real situation. It felt like another case of the author making things happen for the sake of being necessary to the story or for cheap drama, and not really what would realistically play out. It is fiction in the first place, though, so you can't hold a lack of realism against it too far.
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I dislike it when their proportions are drawn so catlike, they're horses and should be depicted as horses.
It creeps toward furry territory in the same way that chest fluff does.
Don't bother complaining. Just report him as an automated spambot (he's admitted before that this is automated) and move on.
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MagnaLuna is a specific taste and you're not wrong to dislike the style, but I'll argue that they're actually cartoon ponies and don't look very much like any irl animal. Though on-model drawings are ideal, cartoonish pony-cats get a reluctant pass for me unless they have paws or some shit like that. For a more controversial take by /mlp/ horsefucker standards, I find it way worse when the 'horse' is overdone in art. With how much emphasis some artists put on horse features—features which aren't in the show—it starts looking very zoo, and that is when it starts to smell of furry to me.

Or, you know, just can just not do any of that shit and draw them as FiM ponies.
>Unironically I enjoyed the Twilight chapter; I thought it was a nice break from political drama for some interesting historiography
I also liked it, but it's a good stopping point when you read the firsst few paragraphs. The story of the changelings living with the zebras was kino
>I would go so far as to say Chrysalis was justified in exiling Cyndra, and the concerted effort between every other party to put Chrysalis's family above the law would only hurt the changelings' position in a real situation.
It's weird because I think it's fine if she doesn't, because of how changelings work. The Queen can literally do whatever she wants. Drones won't rebel or anything. The only people who care about the Queen's image are probably the princesses, so Lamia (probably not gonna rebel) and the exile herself (also probably won't). The real question is why in this world the changelings have such brutal laws in the first place although I guess the answer is most lings breaking the tenants aren't gonna be princesses. But if it was actually as brutal of a society as they act like it is, then yeah the Queen showing weakness and preference for her own bloodline is grounds for usurping her.
>just not do any of that shit and draw them as FiM ponies.
This is the best answer of course, and I don't have much knowledge of furry subcultures, but I guess I associate the more cutesy, "aesthetically pleasing" style with furries more. I'd guess that there are different groups of furries, some more "ironic" and some who tend more towards genuine zoophilia.
Yeah you're probably right. I also have very limited knowledge of furry, but for me it's the opposite: the two main things my brain labels furry are anthro and the very zoo stuff ("feral"), while all of the cutesy stuff activates the "moe weebshit" neurons, which is more acceptable.
Best furry fics?
no way, fag
>>>/trash/ might know
Peak ESL moment
A lot of very horse-looking art isn't erotic, though, and I don't think you can count it as zoo. If you go to Derpibooru, set filter to "everything," and search for horse,-"wild manes" then you get 4631 results. If you add safe then you get 2664 results, so at least half of all horse content isn't erotic. If you look at the explicit results, you see that a lot of them have a male horse and a human or anthro female, and while that's definitely zoo, it's a less degenerate kind of zoo from sex with a female horse. It's only when an artist draws an erotic female horse that I start to wonder if they're actually interested in sex with a real-life horse.
>why in this world the changelings have such brutal laws in the first place
I think there are plenty of parallels of laws against treason in our world that make sense. Even in America, espionage and treason are two of the most well known offenses which can be punishable by death. Regarding Chrysalis and the hive, it's less of a moral issue and more of an issue of security. Cyndra quite literally admitted her disloyalty to Chrysalis while being in a compromising situation (Celestia's bedroom) was what led her to divulge state secrets. It's frankly ridiculous that instead of even imprisoning Cyndra, Chrysalis puts her in the same exact position for a period of ten years. The author could have shown Chrysalis forgiving Cyndra without immediately giving her an undue amount of trust. It seems like the author is trying to set up Cyndra to have a pivotal role in the future of the story, but he's doing it very clumsily.

I'm doing a lot of hating on this fic by the way, but I don't think it's awful. The dialogue between the characters is fine and the plot direction has improved. In fact, the Twilight chapter was really interesting, especially seeing the changelings from the perspective of different cultures' folk mythology. It's just issues like these which stand out to me.
I do not count that as an issue at all, really. I marked it with a note when I was reading, but the degree of realism you choose to include in your story is just that—a choice. I, for one, enjoy this idealized and heavily unrealistic treatment of Cyndra's situation. Some would call it more "pony", and other would call them fags for that crutch, but the explanation for her new "job" is very simple: she didn't mean to do anything bad, she knows she fucked up (and apologized for it), and nothing bad happened because of it. Therefore, the fic decides it's absolutely fine for her to go unpunished.
I can definitely see why it would be unsatisfying to some readers (and I know my stance is not the most common one, having defended similar decisions in the past a lot more than the average poster), but I personally see the handling of those elements as a good thing rather than an issue. It's definitely highly subjective, but calling it clunky isn't fair, imo. I think the author both knew exactly the kind of seriousness/realism he was going for, and managed to achieve it.
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I keep buying pony fanfic books at conventions so that I convince myself to finally read some of them. and man, I keep coming back to this thought:

fanfiction really is what the show never gave us

really, I am so enamored and invested in these things. I'm devouring this book right now and I don't know how to make myself stop so that I still have some book to read later. it's so great.
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I haven’t lurked here in like 4 months, has anything interesting happened?
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Reading is fucking awesome. I'm so grateful for MLPs fanfiction scene. I love these characters and this world and, like you said, all the stories go to places past the show that make it that much more interesting.
Keep up the devouring, Anon
>When you start adding other things to it, you get a better story, but also a less pornographic one.
I got three parts of so imagined, split across two halves. Parts with Cadance making up the first half entirely, a Part with Flurry, and then a bunch of porn where all pretense of telling a story are gone and it's raw porn (Sombra replaced by a bunch of guards).

The following is just a guessed estimate, so don't confuse it for the final cut: the first scene of Cadance would be 2/3 narrative to smut, with character and dynamics between the her and Sombra. The other third is just porn, the characters established enough by this point. This would be followed by a small reset for Flurry's part that is 1/3 narrative to smut, shortened because Sombra is established enough and overall it's achieving a simpler goal (just sex, compared to creating an heir). Ending with guard focused gangbanging that just like any other porn, the intent is it's enhanced because of what preceded it.

To give an example. A Jav porn might start with a daughter and her old father and how she will be what pays for his medical bills or whatever, for 5-10 minutes before it goes into the expected tropes seen in Japanese porn (fondling, pulling of clothes, oral scenes) before becoming pure porn for remainder of the run time, usually after one of the actors climaxes, where it continues with the same male talent and/or others join in for a different scene all together.

When I rewatch Japanese porn, I'm not letting it play out in full. I'm for sure skipping the into bits, possibly most of the foreplay as well, as I want the meats and potatoes. Everything else was an appetizer. Sometimes I'm in the mood for it, sometimes I'm not, sometimes I'm hungry enough for seconds. I get all of that in a single JAV release as there is a focus on making something that is a worthwhile price for the single Jap buying it.

If it sounds like I'm saying Japanese porn is superior to all other porn markets, it's because I am. I could have quelled a lot of confusion by saying I'm doing what the Japanese do because I think it's better.

I have issues issues with this fic (too much ooc mind breaking for me personally, why is it always futa?) but it did the bare minimum (Zebra population bad? Breed ponies obviously) to justify its now 90k word count.

>planning a much shorter setup
Basically I'm using a single "Cadance escorted thorough her conquered empire to her dungeon/bedroom" sequence to establish the setting followed by some foreplay stuff to establish character beats that ends with a climax (and climax) where it becomes just porn.

Grogar and the other villains would never be mentioned by name, only offhand remakes like Sombra saying "Hmm, yes they think they're using me! But I'm actually using them! Once I'm done here, I'll set my sights on the them and not just be the ruler of Crystal Empire, but of all of Equestria!"
>Even in America, espionage and treason are two of the most well known offenses which can be punishable by death
Yeah but half of America wants the entire gov't dead at any given time. A hive is all in favor of the Queen and then I guess they choose favorite in princesses and will go off with them in small groups to form new hives
>being in a compromising situation (Celestia's bedroom) was what led her to divulge state secrets.
I think anyone would divulge state secrets if they were in Celestia's bedroom.
But I agree the punishments are weird. If a changeling is a threat to the hive but you don't wanna kill them then realistically you have to keep them IN the hive. Not fucking exile them with a bunch of secrets kek.
>Live in the badlands by yourself till you die, but we'll feed you
just put her in a fucking cell then lmao

>I, for one, enjoy this idealized and heavily unrealistic treatment of Cyndra's situation. Some would call it more "pony"
nice, and especially considering BB shows up and says, "I sure wish I even had to chance to be with my family." meanwhile Chryssi has a maimed child and then another one who she is personally wanting to banish

Very bookpilled
>I, for one, enjoy this idealized and heavily unrealistic treatment of Cyndra's situation. Some would call it more "pony"
>BB shows up and says, "I sure wish I even had to chance to be with my family."
You both make a good point that this is something to be expected from a pony story, and I can see how it works in that context. I feel like at a certain point, you almost forget that you're reading mlp fanfiction and that there's a strong influence from the source material to portray idealized moral lessons.
>I personally see the handling of those elements as a good thing rather than an issue
>I think the author both knew exactly the kind of seriousness/realism he was going for
That's also true, I think the beginning of the story and the premise primed me to expect a darker and more serious tone. While there's certainly no shortage of drama and emotional turmoil, I can also sort of see how the author is going for a more romantic approach and trying to resolve things in a prettier way.
I hope the corpse is a success and we get to try something similar in the future.
I dislike it when people write off an entire artist's portfolio when some of their art is drawn in a way they don't like. Unlike Rariflag, I will call you out on this claim because the proportions in that picture aren't catlike, they are the same as the show (except the ears are more detailed). MagnaLuna does predominantly draw cats, though, and I like them.
What that picture does depict is catlike fur, which is great because cats are much more pettable snuggleable than horses. Both properties that FiM ponies share with cats and not actual horses.
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Now, that is a pretty Rarity, but it does not seem like a good example of slight horselike proportions. The only thing in that picture that I see horselike is her ear, and maybe the way her neck leans backward. She has a much longer and thinner barrel than the ponies in the show, but that is also a commonality with catlike proportions. Even more importantly, her legs are thick (in proportion to the rest of her, compared to horses) and svelte with no visible musculature or knobblyness. The only thing she's missing to get from mostly cat to fully cat something to indicate a short, fine coat instead of flat plastic skin.
I'm still waiting in the queue.
Is this the right thread to seek critique?
I mean can say I got plenty of good critique hidden behind tons of the usually 4chan jargon.
Depends on the kind of feedback you want, but yeah, this is usually the best thread for that.
I published an oneshot not long ago part of an event held in fimfic and it was my first time publishing there, which is understandable why I got 0 feedback. Knowing it is fetish-y and somewhat a 'request' since I wrote for another user. Still, I want to know what I have to improve in my writing, because it's my very first time publishing a story in english, and I really wanted some help for the upcoming stories that I'm still writing and are based off my own tastes.
Be harsh as much you want, I'd just like to ask to critique the writing than only what the story is about. I know it's not the cup of tea for most people.
What was the exact prompt given to you? If it's okay to share. It be hard for me to give any proper critique also not liking... well anything about the fetish content. Hell I was asking people to be as harsh as well when asking to give feedback on my outline on my own first fic, I reiterate what I was told to you. Your first stuff is always going to be garage. Probably had a deadline with the contest and all but on a skim, certainly feels something that wasn't triple checked all that much. It doesn't feel like something you have passion in, and it shows. It's robotic and such as if "yes this is how the scene plays out" as if your only focused on describing it. I don't feel the character or emotion between Shining and Cadance. No glances of them looking longly into each other's eyes to show they love one another while going down on each other.

The goal I have when writing my fic is too jack off to it eventually. I don't know what goes into writing a fetish you don't particularly enjoy yourself, hopefully someone else does.
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>Check out referrals to my fic
>find this
The chinese could be reading YOUR fic right now, Anon.
Thank you for pointing these out. I had to get off my comfort zone to write this one and yes, it's not something I'm very into or passionate about. I even thought it would be best to publish other stories beforehand because, honestly, I didn't wanted my username tied to that one specific story and later on be recognized only by it, when I like to write different things. The prompt was very vague, the guy basically gave me "a genderbend fetish with Cadance and Shining, anthro if possible", and I got all my way to search and learn about genderbend, and how different it is from rule 63. Everything else came from me.
I don't feel the character or emotion between Shining and Cadance. No glances of them looking longly into each other's eyes to show they love one another while going down on each other.
Yeah. I had troubles coming with both characters personalities. It's not like I don't understand them enough, but the theme surrounding it messed up my view. I have to agree it was kinda lazy. Even more for Cadance which was supposedly to be a male presence.
I tried my best in this one, though. I didn't wanted to dissapoint the user, but also didn't wanted to write something that don't spoke for me, if you know what I mean.
I had enough time to write something decent, or even longer. But I had to be cautious too. Again it was not a theme I was familiar with, I did a lot of researches while writing it and it was the first time I ever wrote detailing female genitalia. It was too risk to mess everything up despite basically already messing it, that's why I didn't chose to have a full sex scene.
I didn't get feedback from the guy either. Which can mean they didn't liked it.
>It's robotic and such as if "yes this is how the scene plays out" as if your only focused on describing it.
Besides this one, I wrote only one clopfic before where the descriptions ain't that different and that's something that annoys me a lot. I have read other works trying to get how people write the characters interactions and the scenes, however it seems my readings didn't gave me any effect than learning two or three new things. I still have a lot to learn about smut/erotica writing.
I did polish once more before publishing, with a lot of edits, and believe me, it was way worse back then.
"Ratings Disabled" is a red flag that says, "You will not like this story."
>first sentence
This is a confused mess. I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't write like this in your native language. You shouldn't write like it in English, either.

I have trouble reading this story because it's so far from anything I like. Until halfway through, the story seems to be M/M, which I've never been interested in. Then, suddenly, it's something I don't even have words for. But I don't know what a genderbend fetish is. Or I didn't. Maybe I learned something today?

Sorry, I can't help with this one.
I "think" genderbend Is rule 63 without the change in name and such.

Honestly while the language barrier and being a first for writing are issues, dude got a fuckin garbage prompt. If the prompter gave no feedback because he didn't like it that's on him for not explaining what he even wanted in the first place.
FtM would be if Caddy is a tranny, she isn't and you've just done some 'what if Caddy but male', so it's just Genderbender.
Thank you anyway. Should I activate the ratings? It doesn't seem to give much difference for me, since even if I receive upvotes and downvotes, I doubt anyone is willing to comment a critique now.
About the first sentence, I translated word by word from what I wrote firstly in my language, then polished it to sound better in english. Looks like it didn't work. I believe one of my issues is lack of english literacy. I may be close to fluent, but I'm aware that literature is different for many languages, and maybe I should read way more english works before translating and publishing my upcoming works so sentences like this one won't happen again.
>I have trouble reading this story because it's so far from anything I like. Until halfway through, the story seems to be M/M, which I've never been interested in. Then, suddenly, it's something I don't even have words for.
I gave all the warnings in the story's description to warn (obviously) previously about the story contents because I understand very well many won't like to be surprised while reading it. You were brave to read it despite the warnings. From what I searched, genderbend is, basically in rough words, someone that dress and acts the opposite gender but does not mean this person indentifies themselves with that gender. I really searched everything I could, even for examples in literature, or if someone had already written any ponyfic with that before. It's pretty close to rule 63, though.
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>open chinese ponyfiction website
>first thing I see is a fucking Hoi4 TNO Great Trial crossover
Damn, since when do chinks have good taste? I know they don't actually write this stuff and rip it from fimfiction instead, but it's got more views than the original.
It is supposed to be genderbend anyway. I just get confused, you know? It was something very new to me, and I was willing to do so and I did it. But even I didn't understand what I did, that's why the (?) after the FtM. I wasn't sure how to label Cadance as a male figure but oh my he haves a pussy! Which is why I didn't tagged R63 to begin with.
I'm going to sleep now, so not going to reply for the next, I don't know, 7 hours? Anyway good night, anons.
Don’t know if you can ask this or if jannies even know about it anymore. Did anyone ever make fluffy pony stories that weren’t abuse/hugbox, but seriously tried to imagine a world with a slightly sentient genetically engineered invasive species? The story seems interesting but a lot of it is a bit too fucked up for me now, just more sensitive now
I don't think activating ratings would matter now.
>first sentence
I see. I'm guessing that in your native language, something about the grammar makes this kind of sentence easy to understand. When I read the sentence closely enough, I can see that the flow of thoughts makes sense. It is the way the sentence is put together that is unnatural in English. Reading good English literature will certainly help you. And it's possible to go far even if you are ESL. An extreme case is Joseph Conrad, who learned English as an adult but is considered one of the greatest English writers of all time.
Good night, ESLanon!
How do you even look something up in that site? Can you search your FiMFic username and see if your stories pop up?
I tried reading a fic through Google Translate. The title is, "It’s so exciting. Ma Guo Palace" and the tags seem to translate as: [Complete] [Other themes] [Alternate universe] [Random] [Princess Celestia] [Shining Armor] [Princess Luna] [Out of character] [Slight sexual innuendo]. It seems to be a crackfic:

Equestria's alicorns are overworked and would really like more alicorns to shoulder the responsibilities of running the world. Celestia tried to breed more alicorns during Luna's 1,000 year absence, but all her attempts failed until Cadance. But Celestia didn't understand why Cadence was born an alicorn until Shining and Cadance had "Flirting Heart." Then Celestia figured out that being born an alicorn requires alicorn blood on both sides. It turns out that Shining Armor is her great-great-grandson. Shining's great-grandfather was a good-for-nothing, and "Because he illegally purchased a zebra slave and drove a sky carriage at a high speed while on bail for the 911th time, the Supreme Court of Central City couldn't bear it and sentenced him to life imprisonment without parole. He died in prison." It also means that Cadance is Shining Armor's aunt. And then, in a bizarre and only barely intelligible ending, it seems that the princesses are trying to force Prince Blueblood to mate with Twilight, but he's refusing, and they want Shining Armor to talk him into it. And if Shining Armor doesn't succeed, Celestia warns, "We may have to take some tough measures. And because you are pure Alicorn blood, you can also create the next generation of Alicorns for us."


I don't know how to do a full-text search, but the pink search bar at the top lets you search story titles. I think you'd have to guess the translation of the title of one of your story titles.
I nominate any random story from this site ran through Google Translate for the schizo club.
It's been done before.
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> I only remember that your and Twilight’s great-grandfather was called 7Z2Z - because I liked 36- digit system at the time...
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Sleepy Monday reading and refractory period.
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Hey Applefuck, I've read your new chapter. It takes some guts releasing a chapter after 2 years since the last, especially when it's about making a fucking yurt, crafting, and massive strawberry milkers. Hope you've got something good planned, and I look forward to more autistic hoof–string manipulation.
On that note, maybe I should opt out while I still can. Can't judge the others, but many things happened since I signed up, so I'm sure my shoddy writting isn't the thing that's needed for success. I know how much /fimfic/ cares about quality writing, and I don't want to disappoint
>I know how much /fimfic/ cares about quality writing
If that was really the case, we'd be making a more carefully planned story.
And we all know how the Superstorm played out.
If you don't want to participate, nobody will force you, but the idea is to have fun and see how messy things will turn out.
This is 100% for fun project. The more the merrier, imo. I wouldn't expect "quality writing" from it; that's really not the point.
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>cats are much more pettable snuggleable than horses.
A cat wrote this.
Can't be any worse than the chapter I already wrote.
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How bizarre. I thought I knew what genderbending was, but then I tried to look it up, and it is an absolute mess.
To start with, gender bending and genderbending aren't distinct from each other, but the meaning changes immensely with context.
IRL, gender bending is what you said it was - basically another term for drag.
However, in fiction (and, almost by definition, in the context of a fandom), genderbending is R63. The only difference between them is that R63 is more terse and cryptic. If you asked an artist who had not heard of R63 for fanart of a genderbent character, they would draw R63.
Search results only show these two possible definitions, and basically nothing else.

But then in smut, I think it changes again. If you assume from the start, possibly incorrectly, that genderbending and R63 are different, then R63 is the AU form like On a Cross and Arrow, where the character was always the opposite sex. The thing that would distinguish the two, and what I would have called genderbending, is another term for TFTG. For example, in the setup, Cadance and Shining are their canon selves, and then Cadance would transform herself into a stallion and they would apply the sex. There is another subset of genderbending that usually gets its own term: body swapping.
Regardless, the one thing that is clear is that you got an absolutely terrible, garbage, no-good, worthless request, and it also sucks that the contest rules made it hard to clarify. It's so bad I thought it must be against the rules of the contest, but then I looked at it, and it's right in line with the example. That seems like a really hard contest to write for, you get such weak direction that it's all on you to turn trash into something worth reading.
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Yep, IRL horses are not soft creatures. Almost every single surface is bone or muscle. Most of the rest, like the belly, is under high tension because they are so big. That pretty much leaves the tip of their nose their ears, and under their chin. Excepting the ears, that's all covered in coarse, even wiry hair.
Cats are just better all over, and if you scale them up to the size of a pony, they're actually the best.
>if you scale them up to the size of a pony
So, like a puma?
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Yes, or a panther, they are even prettier. And several other similar cats.
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As I thought, it is something confusing after all, and maybe I messed with the request because the guy could have meant a male Cadance and a female Shining instead.
>It's so bad I thought it must be against the rules of the contest, but then I looked at it, and it's right in line with the example.
The prompt I gave was also vague too, because I didn't know it was possible to give more details. The context: I was following how the rules described and I only discovered it was possible to give a detailed prompt as soon the event started and everyone already got their partners. I don't really blame the user I got since they followed how the rules described just like me, and now I wished the rules clarified it was possible to give more detailed prompts.
I swear I read every single word over and over again of the rules before it started. I made sure I read it well so things like that won't happen, but it did anyway in the end.
The thing that sticks out to me is in being just a clop version of a Secret Santa, no "budget" has been set. It's totally unfair to be given a 1k word garage while you went be above and beyond on a 5k word masterpiece. This is in the RULES as being okay.
>8. Remember, this is a story exchange. You are writing a story as a gift in exchange for a story in return. You may write a 5k clop masterpiece and in return only get a rushed, 1k sex scene by someone for whom English is a second language. Upon participating in this event, you must be okay with this possibility. We, as the event staff, will do our best to try to see to the satisfaction of all our participants. So please DO NOT make it a personal issue between participants.
This also tells me, the requester remaining silent, is a complete ass hat move. Just say "thanks for trying" or something if they really found it subpar as the rules made it clear as day this is entirely possible outcome. Hell. It even accounted for a language barrier issue. Saying nothing at all is so much worse, worse than saying "that was garbage" cause that at least let's the author know they need to improve. That way they don't need to ask folks on 4chan for feedback that they'll really need to hear.
Hey, good morning!
>When I read the sentence closely enough, I can see that the flow of thoughts makes sense. It is the way the sentence is put together that is unnatural in English.
What is funnier is before publishing it, I was planning to remove that description completely and make the story shorter than it already is. It was supposed to start at:
>"Shining Armor stomped his pure white back hooves on the soft and gritty, scorching sand."
Then I thought the story would be 'too dead' and straightforward, and just rewrote the firsts paragraphs.
English as a second language and just starting out is one thing but I put a lot more blame on the contest restrictions and the specific prompt overall. They really need to let the prompt be expanded on, at least a paragraph.
Last thread was fun but idk what you consider “happening”
Not really. Tunafag is still a retard, Filly moved on to greener pastures, and Jimmy is now a convicted murderer.
Off the top of my head, that is all.
Filly is still here
>Jimmy is now a convicted murderer
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I sadly don't have nearly the same time to spend here due to finally becoming a super cereal employed adult, but I am still here and I lurk every thread even when I'm not actively commenting.
I wouldn't just leave, it's far too fun.
Is everything said about the author's note in Ezn's guide gospel? I feel like I wanna give a forward about the dangers that come with the reality and fantasy of my particular stories' focus. Just a 300 word blurb with maybe some links (in the ending notes) I find interesting and that share my views on the subject. Are readers really that impatient and fickle? I was told by someone they wouldn't click on my story based on its tags no matter the cover art. For those who don't have those qualms, meaning a high likelihood they searched for it as they enjoy it; would it make them annoyed? Idk, I would feel weird not mentioning anywhere that I don't condone the real thing, keeping it entirely locked away as a fantasy. I've seen plenty of other similarly tagged stories in the past that have had similar warnings but maybe that was only because the fandom was still developing and people hadn't figured out their kinks they'd enjoy and were willing to click on anything regardless of warning tags.

I almost feel I already know the answer but just in case.
>Is everything said about [writing thing] gospel?
The answer is almost always no. But saying stuff like "btw don't rape people please" in an A/Ns of a rapefic is definitely very silly.
Personally, I've never made any A/Ns because they always strike me as very unprofessional and I like to believe there's no reason to have fanfics treated as second rate stories, but maybe appearing unprofessional is fine when you're writing fanfiction and are aware of that fact.
>Is everything said about the author's note in Ezn's guide gospel?
No, but as with every rule, only break it once you've mastered it.
>I feel like I wanna give a forward about [...]
Content warnings are for niggers. That being said, you're free to cram whatever you want in the author's notes.
Perhaps it would be better to put it in the story description after a line break, similar to how clopfics will list the fetishes the story has after the description.
>content warning in story desc
Generally the most polite way to do it, that way you're not cramming in shit in the AN and bogging down the reader.
>Content warnings are for niggers
There it is lol, if you really believe just labeling the story is lame I have to laugh but also I feel https://www.fimfiction.net/story/452664/blackened-heart-twisted-mind#comment/10352623 is potentially onto something and any specific flavor of smut found in the story will be put in the description just because I search for "blank" the same way. I could be craving size difference and anyone who's put it into the deception is going is going to get a click from me.

But no A/N is the answer I expected. If anything maybe I'll put the Celestia quote somewhere in the description in this one or in all of my stuff and if anyone wants to start shit I'll just ignore the fuck out of them. You think people clicking on a story tagged Non-con would understand what their going into but no, so many ignore it, read until rape shows up and then go complain in the comments. They have to be seeking attention at that point.
And here I thought my Spike smut story had a lot of tags.
I'm not going to be "that" specific (mostly because I don't think I'll have as many) but I certainly will but what I feel is often searched just based on my own experience.
You are naïve.
I remember that one being longer...
Thata the exact type of author that sees rape as a gimmick and a joke. Maybe it's because I don't enjoy snuff but I've never ONCE gotten any since of arousal reading anything that's come from them.
It was moved to the first "chapter", it seems.
>Thata the exact type of author that sees rape as a gimmick and a joke
I get that. I have some respect for them for the shear amount of content they pumped out and for doing it for so long. It's entertaining on that front even if it failed to be anything resembling porn to me.
Afaik HR does actually have a kink for all that stuff.
Darn. I could've used this a two weeks ago.
>be me
>decide to browse 2014 /fimfic/ archives
>one thread has unironic lengthy scatfic reviews
Yeah... Some changes are for the good.
Is 10k words enough to tell a story that feels like a 20 minute episode?
I'm looking for someone who's good at comedy, parody, heists, undercover missions and detective stories like Disney's Fillmore met South Park met Bad Guys.
Anyone know someone who's a good ideafag? Your prose doesn't have to be the greatest, you just need good jokes, events, pacing, etc.

Also how much would you guys like to be paid per word?
I did it in less than half of that. Wouldn't recommend it, though. 10k sounds about right.
Personally, I don't think so.
Then again, I always run about 10k for a single chapter because I'm verbose.
I already have one commission in my backlog, but I can do it. Hell, I even have quite a few episode ideas I'd write if I owned the show. How may we contact you?
Has anyone read this? Looks interesting but the 600k word count is pretty intimidating
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It's awful. >>34075043
No story that gets to that length can be good.
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>All the really high up grapes are sour.
Only if you never try to check.
In all seriousness, are there any good fanfics bigger than 500k words? I struggle to think of a story that would need that much. I'll admit to the crime of kind of liking purple prose, but most of the fics that would put even Twilight to shame by the sheer depth of their purplesneess and which i like fall far behind the half a million words mark.

Anons ITT used to praise Harmony theory a long time ago and it's slightly above 500k words and unfinished (probably forever), but i have never read it.
Buddy, you act as if I've never pet a horse. Horses are highly pettable. And huggable.

The warning (300 words seems awfully verbose, tho) is there to reassure readers you are just writing kink and not actually a psychopath.
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Of course there are.
DoWaS and ITCON are two examples that have been discussed a lot in the thread. The former is much longer than that "Stories in Stone" fic and the latter is only shy of half a million by some ~25k. To Perytonia is another, the worldbuilding and everything else is good enough to carry the poor shipping.
Two more with are Fallout: Equestria - The Chrysalis and the same story by the same author split across two titles (Without A Hive + A New Way). The former is much better written, but to a narrower audience. The latter has a wider audience, but after reading the FoE one, it's clear that it was practice and the author's skill improved further.
And what do ya know? They're all [Complete].
Christ, anon.

As the other anon said, "Ratings Disabled" murders the fic in cold blood. Even those few inclined to want to read it would probably be hesitant. Pornfags understand autodownvotes. That's baked into the equation of whether to read or not, so even if you had a negative ratio, they still would have probably popped in to check it. You clearly know the premise is a downvote magnet, so why not just accept the lumps?

There's no cover art, which also dampens engagement. I'm sure there's tons of cropped anthro beach porn you could have used.

>comfy Russian fanfic site
>comfy Chinese fanfic site
The Persians need to step up to complete the set.

>I thought I knew what genderbending was
I always figured genderbending meant "the character starts as one sex, then due to magical BS transforms into the other" and is usually on the TF fetish spectrum whereas R63 is "it's an AU where the character is the opposite sex of canon".

If that's not the case, it's the genre authors fault for using an A:TLA term incorrectly.

The author's note should really only relate to the chapter as a sort of "behind the scenes" kind of thing or as a way of responding to the comments from the previous chapter. Ideally, it's contextual information that enhances the reading experience that just occurred.

What you're talking about seems more fitting for a blog post, honestly. "Here's a detailed look at the inspiration for my fic" is a common blog topic for the tagged story feature.

That's assuming "the dangers that come with the reality and fantasy of my particular stories' focus" is relating to some kind of plot thing involving the characters you want to explore more clinically. If it is just a long "I wouldn't actually rape, murder, and have sex with a corpse" disclaimer, than don't bother. If people are so mentally ill they cannot separate horsewords from reality, a 300 word note won't change that.

>small council meetings (more horrifying than it sounds)
I swear every time I look at one of his trigger warnings, I find something new to laugh at.
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>Fenris found a way to embrace a curse of his own design, and now enacts his plan to conquer Equestria bit by bit.
Woah, this guy seems pretty cool.
>that one latex furry design on the pony in the back
>Daemonic OC Lilith involved
>Overpowered edgy villain OC
Oh boy.
So cool.
Damn. I wish I was him.
I just read the first chapter, and to me it seems like a reasonable start. I don't agree with >>34075043. It's not confusing at all, and it's definitely not random scenes and character notes. It leans a little heavy on the exposition, so I wouldn't call it strong, and there's a failed attempt at humor ("Pelt grant" is a pun on "Pell grant"). Still, the setup has potential, and there's nothing in the first chapter that setting off alarms in my head.
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We hit >p9 almost every day around this hour, but not earlier or later. It's surprisingly consistent.
>You clearly know the premise is a downvote magnet, so why not just accept the lumps?
Well, it's too late now, isn't it? Though I know there are people who read it and liked it. I received a few notifications where people added this story to their favorites. Which, despite its many flaws, some people liked it for some reason.
>There's no cover art, which also dampens engagement. I'm sure there's tons of cropped anthro beach porn you could have used.
I searched for before publishing, but honestly, it was my first time publishing in fimfic and I wasn't confident using others images, even more that I haven't found a single anthro R63 Cadance that fits with the story's descriptions. Yes, there is plenty of anthro Shining there, but again, I don't know well the policy of using others arts without permission. That's why I thought I'd draw myself, any time later.
>That's why I thought I'd draw myself, any time later.
Later is too late, you need cover art to catch people's attention when you publish.
I haven't had artists complain about art being nicked for cover art, as long as you credit them. If doing nsfw, I do try to make sure they've put nsfw art out there, though.
lurking here at work seems risky, what with the porn spam.
I remember when i was at university browsing /mlp/ during a break, i put my phone down to do something without locking the screen and when i picked it up i realized that there was some stupid porn ad with Fluttershy jumping up and down sprawled across the screen and the guy sitting beside me 100% saw it.
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I liked the entire series, but there are a few things that you personally may or may not be a fan of

The first book is a warfic set 1020 years ago, so you eventually get the lunar republic and a plausible reason for some of the nonsensical shit in the show

It does drag in early parts, since its mostly OCs and their backstories, but once it gets moving its has a decent pace to it

I'd say give it a shot. if you make it 10 chapters in, you'll probably burn through all 5 books
>Think of the advertisers!
Meanwhile the advertisers are trying to get us promoted
Fair, but that's why I'm using my own net instead of company wifi and I only really >mobilefag when I'm not home. And if someone can snipe 96x96 pixel pony puss from several meters, they really just deserve to catch me at that point.

When I was still going to uni I resorted to install a MITM proxy on my laptop so I can block images before I learned that's just a built in option. Ah the things we do to (not) look at horses.
Oi lads, after several months of nothing, I just managed to write 1000+ words. Feels good
I'm proud of you, man.
I hop you can keep that going.
Niggas need to learn ponies and horses are different equines.
Man that gives me inspiration. My "test" was 1000 words and was the first ever attempt at writing... fucking anything since school I guess, its been so long
The idea of writing something that was 10k long seemed impossible but 10% of 10k is 1000!
>different equines
Ponies are dwarf obese horses. It's like saying an obese human is not the same type of human as a skinny one, while they all have the same dick proportions.
and so we return to dicks.
>an obese human is not the same type of human as a skinny one
There are people who genuinely believe this, though.
Fat 'people' are subhuman, much like blacks or the jewish.
And rightly so, one of those two is a subhuman.
Way to out yourself, moshe.
Funnily enough, I did legally change my name to sound less Jewish and more pony.
So you're a subhuman, Anony? You're in /mlp/ after all.
I'm not obese, black, or jewish.
Or indian, I should add that to the list of subhumans.
>tfw 10kg overweight
Is there still hope for me, bros?
good filename
If only I could be that pithy in the rest of my writing.
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10 over is bordering on acceptable unless you're a 160cm manlet.
what's that in human measurements?
Why is this thread extra gay? Pride month is over, as far as I know
But you are fat
It already was in human units. But I know math is a problematic subject in the land of the free, so just for your convenience: 1 kg is ~2.2 pounds, therefore 10 kg would be ~22 pounds (and 160cm is 5'2").
You have to be mentally ill to write.
Sometimes, that mental illness manifests in faggotry.
I like this fic.
Nigger, german shepherds and schnauzers are both dogs too but they have different qualities and therefore different names
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>dash meets a hellen keller filly
My dog would beat a pony in a fight.
I like it.
ill read later it, it dosent sound that bad
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HiE won.
It's quite good. Very sappy.
Finally a fic I could enjoy. This one is one of the older ones. I'm new to the Conversion Bureau-type fics and I really like this author's take on it.
To be honest, I'm new to FiMfics in general. Over the years I have made a couple attempts at getting into them. First it was some anon's lengthy greentext story which was apparently Factorio-inspired, called "Steel Sanctuary" or something like that. Then it was Background Pony. I started to skim the former when pony drama was introduced to the story, and I outright dropped the latter after slogging through a few chapters. Invariably, I would be repulsed by the dark mood or adding of adult themes. Actually, this is more of an issue I've had with the fandom as a whole. The seemingly ironic origins, the mixing of pony with grimdark, and sexualisation of ponies.
That's why this fic is my jam. It is pure pony escapism. It has admiration of the pony form, that yearning for a better world that cannot exist on Earth, and the ponies are goodness incarnate. I like the way the author summarised their symbolic meaning elsewhere:
>the better angels of our nature
I devoured that little fic in a single sitting. I was so happy I've finally found someone who approached FiM the same way I did: with reckless, self-destructive reverence for the original, reveling in sincerity of expression. It feels like there is no place for that attitude on this website. It helps that the author is a somewhat controversial figure due to their outsized online presence spanning multiple decades, and the troll fics their works have attracted, which keeps me interested. And the author is a very good writer, too.
I need more fics like this.
I had some serious doubts about your mental stability when I read your post because I thought that this fic was:
While 'Do It For Her' was inspired by 'Unseen, Unheard', I'm going to go ahead and guess that it doesn't come close to earning a recommendation. Seriously, all I remember about this fic is that I left a rare dislike, and that I was laughing at its expense multiple times.
i quite chatoyance's stuff a lot too even if it's pretty /ptfg/-y. i remember reading one where it's about some dude going through a pony transformation as if it's a long-process soul-repatriating tranny thing and it was one of the most disturbing things i had ever read.
Do It For Her is kinda weird, but I like a good scootaloo adoption fic, and Unseen Unheard is probably one of the better fics I've read there.
That one was weird less so because of the fluttershy adopting scootaloo stuff and more because of the weird ass genderbent twilight stuff for no reason.

Like pick a fucking lane.
> "Steel Sanctuary"
Or year, i remember that. Or at least i remember the fact that i begun reading it and practically nothing from the story itself.
> I would be repulsed by the dark mood or adding of adult themes
>It is pure pony escapism. It has admiration of the pony form, that yearning for a better world that cannot exist on Earth, and the ponies are goodness incarnate.
So, you want Slice of life recommendations or perhaps some show-like adventure without anything particularly violent or sad happening?
>incomplete longfic
Nah, i'm not falling for that for the forth time.
>forth time
: fimfic dup incomplete? if read else drop then ;
It's good
why are compsifags always the ones with the horrible fetishes?
What are some good futa rape fics?
Friendship is Mind Control, I imagine.
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That's not futa.
I know because I recommended it to an anon in an /mcg/ thread on /trash/ with the caveat that I hadn't read it. I was then corrected by another anon that it wasn't actually a futa story.
>/mcg/ is still dead
I've been considering putting one up. Any ideas for a theme? Was thinking about doing evil mares. Not sure if I should even bother though when it would be almost entirely an image dump that would probably die when I went to sleep.
It's probably the autism.
How well do you imagine the things you read? Like, how detailed are the scenes in your head?
If you're not translating the book into a live-action film, are you reading it correctly? For pony stories, translation into an episode suffices.
In case you're not willing to take the word of someone who unironically recommends FO:E shit, I can confirm that DOWAS and ITCON are both actually good
https://www.fimfiction.net/story/6515/days-of-wasp-and-spider + sequel
"Evil" is decently broad. Anything from demigod dick, to flaremares whose estrus gets the best of them will fit rather snugly.
It'd be nice if /trash/ had at least one clop thread that didn't involve SHITTED/diapers.
Not just the autism, though. It also takes the willingness to take it that far. I'm super vanilla, but that's partially because I pick that content over heavily fetishized shit. You don't get to the point of liking 3-foot-long marecocks without a severe lack of self-restraint.
I watched a fuckton of videos about cinematography in my youth, so I make very cinematic shots in my head.
Huh. I would normally shit on Chatoyance due to
>Celestia + Luna + Bill Gates can't solve the puzzle
>suboptimal FIO
>zombie changeling Steve Jobs
and probably others I'm forgetting, but it sounds like her interpretation of the show and the world are right up your alley (maybe excluding the raging misanthropy that occasionally shines through).

As a major pioneer of this version of TCB, Chatoyance has a good number of fics along the same lines IIRC. She's got at least one FIO fic as well. Also, not a fic, but she has an infamous blog post about the canonicity of S1 and S2 episodes that you might appreciate.

Have you read FIO? I'd be curious what you think of its version of Equestria-as-utopia compared to Chatoyance/TCB's.

Finally, here's a comfy romance fic that came to mind from your talk of ponies being all-around good:
Depends on the story and the scene. Some naturally lend themselves to those sweeping kino shots, but others emphasize the mood or emotions over scenography, and with those I don't visualize too heavily (if at all) because that's not their point.
I visualize pretty much everything like a movie. It's probably actually a bad thing.
Just about zero. I tend to think in words. When I read, I absorb the words without making pictures in my head.
>Well, it's too late now, isn't it?
Not really. There's always a slow trickle of potential readers after the initial posting period--whether people looking up fap material or from scouring the relevant fetish groups you've added it to.

>the policy of using others arts without permission
I've never heard of drama over a fic using fanart as cover art. The whole point of the fandom is it's a collaborative, free passion project. You write and post your fics for others to read, and artists draw their art for others to look at. The musicians are supposed to do this as well, but they can be huge faggots sometimes and try to charge for it.

The synopsis seems to imply time travel and it's currently 160k. If true, that is not a good combination.

>I need more fics like this.

I'm usually able to paint pretty strong mental images.
Hope pic related at least puts a smile on that huge cute faggot's dial.
>When an author's dark horror fic is actually Mongolian heaven.
Hurry up and permanently or temporarily blind one, so asymmetry and unreciprocal dependence is built, leading to more creepy horrible shit. Or go balls to the wall and recreate a 1:1 (Potemkin) Ponyville literally out of Twilights, where they can schizo role-play and make pseudo elements of harmony.
Same as >>41258808
I also write in a way as if the ideas were a movie/episode, which might be a good/bad thing.
>The synopsis seems to imply time travel
Nope, it just takes place over several years.
This you, Appleflaggot?
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HA, bloody hell no, I look half as faggy and twice as pretty.
Pic rel is me and Filly at Eponafest.
>Why is fimfic so gay?
You even have a sausage in your mouth.
And yet, STILL less gay than the faggy non-AJ looking '''cosplayer'''
The thing that's the most gay about this pic is that the game has a male protagonist alongside 2B, but you just had to make sure to go for the highest possible faggotry.
>Most masculine /fimfic/ posters.
2B catches more attention.
TRUUUEEE. Manliest men around.
I'll try enabling the ratings then. I'm going to update the story soon or later anyway. As for the cover image, I'm trying to search one once again.
9S would also be more height-appropriate.
9S is actually only slightly shorter than 2B iirc.
He's also male, so a little is a lot.
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>get recommended a "psychological" fic with "great characterization"
>give it a shot
>every character talks like the same psych textbook
>no real emotions, just mouthpieces all repeating the same shit about "trauma" and "gaslighting" and "toxic relationships" over and over again like NPCs
Psychology and its consequences...
Was it Pony Psychology?
Basically every fanfic that deals with psychology and mental illness.
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Dunno if you're still here, anon, but having caught up on this and the previous thread, it still sounds like you're trying to jam together two halves of a story that don't really fit. I'm not sure whether the problem is with your ideas or just with the way you're describing things.

I'm sure there's a decent number of people who would love to read a gratuitously detailed depiction of Cadance and Flurry Heart being brutally raped. And I'm sure there are also people who'd like to read a serious drama about Cadance trying to recover from the horrifying trauma of being raped. But trying to target both with the same fic seems like a mistake. My guess would be that the overlap between these two audiences is very small, and furthermore, anyone who opens the fic looking for one of those two things will likely be put off if half the fic's running time is spent on the other.

>the first scene of Cadance would be 2/3 narrative to smut, with character and dynamics between the her and Sombra. The other third is just porn, the characters established enough by this point
>Basically I'm using a single "Cadance escorted thorough her conquered empire to her dungeon/bedroom" sequence to establish the setting followed by some foreplay stuff
Which is it? Is Cadance's section of the story spending 2/3 of its time on setup before it gets to the actual porn? Or is it only the walk to the bedroom (which I assume would be fairly short)?

>for 5-10 minutes before it goes into the expected tropes seen in Japanese porn
Can't say I'm familiar with JAV, but 5-10 minutes of setup in a 1 hour video would correspond to <1k of setup for a 6k fic. Which seems like a better idea than 4k of setup.

>Grogar and the other villains would never be mentioned by name, only offhand remakes like Sombra
Your rape porn does not need this elaborate headcanon about parallel-universe Grogar. IMO you should ditch the late-season fixficcery and have it just be an S3 AU where Sombra wins at first, instead of being held off by Cadance and Shining Armor for several days.
does anyone have a link to the my little fetish: friendship is kinky archive? i know theres one out there but i lost the link, and i don't want to make a writing.com account
What are the best WEIRD pony fanfictions you've read? Just the stuff that for some reason weirded you out.
A good chunk of fiddlebottom's stuff.
Schizo Club's OG "Enabling".
Those Finnegan Wake homages.
>Dunno if you're still here, anon
>tfw he never posted his rape cover art picks for the thread to choose from

I wouldn't necessarily call it "good" since all the comedy is derived from the crackfic premise and that's it, but it was certainly weird. Even weirder, though, was that Blueshift wrote like three or four of these fics that were exactly the same, just with the bizarre twixie premise changed to something else. I don't know if it was a mod circlejerk (like the pea oneshots that happened around the same time) or he was having a meltdown over comedy oneshots or what.

This one's "best weird." Probably the best crackfic on the site, due to the absurdist premise's clash with the sadness of the plot. Made all the better by the author seemingly doing it all by accident.

Is also endearing to me. It genuinely made me laugh with how badly written it is. I'm assuming it's a trollfic, but with the amount of effort the guy put into his account, it might instead be the hallmark of the schizo club instead. That's a level of dedication and passion I doubt most trolls would put into their art.
>>tfw he never posted his rape cover art picks for the thread to choose from
He did: >>41250807
I think 1494564 is probably the best suited option. However, cropped 3158260 might be possible if you erase his nips and give that bitch some hooves (Use those MS Paint skills).
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I feel the sequels to TSLoR did the subject justice.
Also, that lemon fic probably qualifies.
Any good mindfucky stories?
This thread is dying fast.
I'm busy.
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No, it isn't.
There is stuff happening.
Also, we've had this discussion two threads ago—we're at >150% of the speed we were 5 years ago, when the board was much faster.
That's because everyone is reading or writing instead of shitposting here, nonny :^)
>I'm sure there's a decent number of people who would love to read a gratuitously detailed depiction of Cadance and Flurry Heart being brutally raped. And I'm sure there are also people who'd like to read a serious drama about Cadance trying to recover from the horrifying trauma of being raped.
I'm not writing that second part. I mean if I got what I wanted out of this one fic alone and didn't feel like writing porn anymore but even then I'm not nearly researched in the topic enough to feel confident I'd do it justice, I got my work cut out on the trauma in moment.

>Which is it? Is Cadance's section of the story spending 2/3 of its time on setup before it gets to the actual porn? Or is it only the walk to the bedroom (which I assume would be fairly short)?
Defiance could have worded it a bit different. When I say narrative to smut 2/3 of Cadanc's scenes I mean banter between the two, internal monologues and the like. Cadance struggles to be loyal to Shining and her Pilgrim like attitude towards sex. Ever since she became a Princess of Love she warped her views on sex, putting a large strain on her marriage, etc that's all exploited by Sombra.
>https://www.fimfiction.net/story/428749/a-knights-undoing I don't like to point fingers but the first chapter here has a lot of of my biggest pet peeves. Anthro, overtly edgy dialog, sissy Shining and the the "mind break" of Cadance where she becomes a total bitch who apparently always wanted to cheat on her lousy excuse of a husband. Not only does it tune me off, it also takes me out of the story. I could tolerate anthro, the focus on cuckolding Shining but the characters is where I draw the line. I'm trying to make story that doesn't fall in the pitfalls I've seen so common in any Cadance smut, of course the character herself is open to interpretation with how little screen time she got but it's always felt extra fanficry or they were written by a bangbros writer if that makes since.

>Can't say I'm familiar with JAV, but 5-10 minutes of setup in a 1 hour video would correspond to <1k of setup for a 6k fic.
Words to minutes isn't a directe translation. It's the same type of set up mostly, but not a 1-1. Because it's written and not filmed there just a bit more to focus on. You can't just have 10% of your porn be setup and call it good. My favorite porn fica are ones that are 10k+ in length where half a quarter is used for establishing the setting and characters, the second is on the character dynamics, third is where most of the time foreplay scenes are placed with the "Arcs" reaching their zenith, followed by porn.

"Arcs" as in Cadance coming to realize where her marriage went wrong, lamenting the fact the she only understood though her rape. A "dynamic" is a more fitting then saying arc. I want the sex but I want the sex to be earned if that makes since. I'm stretching a character just enough that it still works in the context of smut but is more than just a porno.
I'd much rather read a story where Sombra threatens Cadance, but she braves it, until Sombra reveals he's trapped Shining Armor, and he proceeds to rape him in front of Cadance until she breaks down.
Gay rapist Sombra is unironically the best characterization of Sombra.
Post examples.
Man I hope though this writing endeavor I'll become more aware of my mistakes. "Defiantly" god damn autocorrect.
>Your rape porn does not need this elaborate headcanon about parallel-universe Grogar. IMO you should ditch the late-season fixficcery and have it just be an S3 AU where Sombra wins at first, instead of being held off by Cadance and Shining Armor for several days.
I understand it be much easier but I myself haven't liked those much more simpler approaches. Similar stories have been done in that same vain and I like to be at least a little more unique than that. With how much smut I feel I want to tackle, I feel it's only right to have an equal balance of setup for it all.

There's too many factors that an AU just can't accomplish. I want Flurry Heart to be at least of age, you can't convince me otherwise. Lowest I'm going is 16 only because I see ponies aging faster then humans so functionally she be 18. A more degenerate (more than Ialready am) would set it during season 9 where she's still a foal. I'm crossing a bunch of lines actually writing my fetish but I ain't crossing that line. Shining and Cadance having a struggling relationship, in part because of a older Flurry, just flows betters for me. All of this doesn't matter, just slap on AU and call it got but that's just as lazy to me, as having Cadance brain washed. It immediately takes me out of the story if it doesn't make logical since.

Not to say I'm not already having issues "because" of the set up I've envisioned. I keep having to say "I'll come back to later".

Why is shining willing to bone his wife while apparently some of Equestria's biggest villains are roaming free? All without making him a scumbag as that's too far of a overcorrecting the sissy Shining I see often.

Why is Cadance and shining separated and and why are the deciding to to fuck anywhere but their castle? All because I like the idea of her feeling embarrassed being escorted in her anniversary dress.

How is it possible that in the time it takes for Cadance to make her way to this "fuck hotel" or whatever Sombra has shown up in the background and has already taken over? While it happened extremely fast in the show I didn't want all of the guards to be helmeted. To explain that a few guards willingly joined Sombra because of the last few years spent listening to the couple fighting, an excuse of why some guards would be evil enough to rape their princess.

How can an alicorn be overtaken by a bunch of guards? While I'm playing with the face she's weaker than the others I don't want to depower her that much where it's unreasonable.

I understand this is all entirely my fault. Just slapping Cadance in a room with Sombra is the easy way out. I'm entirely well aware that no one gives a shit about any of this once the porn starts.
>Post examples

All you have to do is search Sombra and Non-con. It's that's easy. I should know, with how much I've been disappointed whenever it happens.
Got the errors I see after posting. I don't promise they'll be entirely absent in my writing but I'll try my damn best to scrub as much of them as a I can.
Basic plot for sombrafags. I've seen that before.
>#king-sombra #shining-armor #non-consensual -#anthro -#human
>6 results
>half look like shit, only one fits the bill
Well, let's see if it's any good.
When I last searched for sombra pics with no filters, I was surprised by the amount of faggotry there.
>surprised by the amount of faggotry there.
I always wondered why Sombra is the favorite for gay shit, as a gay brony. I don't even see him as a pony, more like a creature with some pony features.
Okay, and?
Go search your non-con shit, sombrafag?
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why? he's hot as fuck
Yeah he's hot but he is basically Braeburn faggotry now.
Good. Much better than the other shit he's used for.
>Sombra for gay shit
It doesn't explain anything before but his voice actor for S9 spawned a bunch of gay Sombra stuff. I wasn't disgusted in the same way losers online would be, even felt the VA did a good job, but such an effeminate voice just didn't fit. He was pony Sauron, not the pony equivalent of this trope. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SissyVillain
>MS Paint
I wonder. How many hoops would I have to go though if I just decided to find similar non anthro models (that even with my dislike of hands, manage to be hot enough for it to not matter) and then redo the first frame's pose. No drawing or animation skills required of me.
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>a multi chapter story
>the final chapter is just all previous chapters condensed into a single-chapter story
WHY do some authors do this? It irks me to no end because it messes up with the word count of my finished stories
Okay this is actually really good. But not really pony heavy. Can't say a slow burn adoption fic that goes into realistic detail about disability would tug at my heartstrings this much but fuck it.
This was recommended in another thread:
The religious theme is interesting, but I don't care for any inter-Main 7 romances. What are some other similar stories? I'd be surprised if there were more than just a few.
I haven't read that story, but if you're looking for something with religious themes i really enjoyed this fanfic
Sounds like part of the issue here is indeed miscommunication. I think you're saying "the porn section starts" to mean "the characters start actually fucking". But I would expect that to mean "this is the part where the reader is supposed to start getting turned on", and/or "the start of explicit depictions of sexual activity (including foreplay)". If he's touching her inappropriately, the porn has already started.

But also, I think the reason you're rubbing people the wrong way (and getting compared to Rariflag) is that you're really overselling how much serious story you're going to weave into your fetish porn. It's like you're saying you're making mac and chees and it's going to be the best thing you've ever tasted, just absolutely life-changing, made with the finest imported macaroni hand-crafted by Italian monks, and cheese from the mountains of - who cares, it's still just mac and cheese. If the main purpose of the story is for the reader to jack off to it, there's only so much real character development you can fit in there without undermining its purpose. And furthermore, with this being fetish porn in particular, whatever story you do have will likely be hard to take seriously at all due to the magical-realminess.
Would be interesting but I don't wanna sift through the shit to find some corn
Going off the Mac and cheese analogy I look at it like this: others makes Mac and cheese with cheddar, I'm making mine with mozzarella. I found some have undercooked their Mac and cheese even with mozzarella and hope to not under or over cook it. The narrative parts were then the seasonings that most don't go past some salt when I feel onion power would be nice to add to the mix I feel like in trying to explain my very loose cobbled together prelude I got too invested in explaining it. In my mind it was much simpler but it came across as this grand over aching plot that would require 100k to give it justice, entirely the opposite of what I was trying to avoid.

That's my best attempt at explaining it and if I'm still not... I'll just let my mediocre attempt at writing speak for itself at this point when an if I ever post anything. Time spent trying to explain myself is time spent honeing my writing skills to be passable.
>food analogies
this is what happens when all the good posters are busy playing naked twister with each other.
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>message an author about a few typos I found
>"thanks for the tip-off!"
>doesn't edit the fic to correct them
Probably busy and made a note.
Which is a little odd because I always immediately fix that shit within seconds on pain of death.
I think I'm starting to understand you. You're going to whip your dick out well before Sombra penetrates Cadance. You're going to start jacking it as soon as Sombra is in control, even during what we think of as the setup, because you're turned on by Sombra being in control. You're really really really turned on by it, in fact, and that's why you keep talking about the setup. It's why you talk about the setup like it's 100k all on its own. If your fic were just about the sex, then you'd talk about the sex. But you almost never talk about the sex. No, for you, it's not about the sex. It's about Cadance not being able to say no.

This makes you less fucked up than I took you for. My mental picture of a rape fetishist is a person who enjoys the violence and torture aspects, but it seems that's not where your heart lies. Despite that, though, your rape fic still seems important to you.

You need to start writing. If you don't write it, then you're going to fantasize endlessly about how awesome this story is going to be, and it's going to nag you that you haven't written it yet. If you do write it, you'll feel better.
I know that this topic has already been brought up multiple times but man, i feel really uncomfortable looking at those "new users" numbers. Half a thousand per day? Shit is ridiculous. I understand that knighty doesn't really care but this potentially endangers the entire site, is it really that difficult to implement some sort of captcha for registration
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>This makes you less fucked up than I took you for.
Anon, are you really making an argument that premeditated, thoroughly executed, and inescapable rape is less fucked up than violent torture rape? It may make a different flavor of fic, but that's not what you were saying in this post. God damn, /fimfic/.
preasu undastandu, knighty has le sad brain, so the only way anything can be done is by gently prodding him for years on end.
Knighty has given up on Fimfic, he will never do anything again involving it
It's his livelihood. If the site goes down he'll probably fix it, but yeah, probably nothing more than that
Yes, that's exactly the argument I'm making. Any kind of rape is fundamentally about control: The rapist expresses control over the victim by sexually violating the victim. A premeditated, thoroughly executed, and inescapable rape merely takes that fundamental to an extreme. But a violent torture rape has an additional sadistic aspect. It is not only about controlling the victim but also about injuring the victim. The rapist both sexually and physically violates the victim, and to me, that seems obviously more evil.
Ah, didn't notice since they weren't full links.

Either 1746256 (which would still likely need to be cropped to get the panties out) or 1494564. 1494564 works particularly well if you're going for more of a straight up bondage rape thing. It's not as effective if you're going for more of a slavery/mindbreak thing, though. The others are pretty trash.

I just don't understand the need for AU Grogar shit. All of the Cadance rape stuff can be perfectly satisfied in a purely post-canon fic where you make up some lore bullshit to explain Sombra popping back up. He comes back, fucks up the Crystal Empire, and in the time it takes Twi & Co. to organize a response, you have your rapefic. Then the rescue can happen and you have your "bittersweet" ending.

It's fetish fic, so you want the whole story to facilitate that. Unless Grogar's bursting in with his goat dick, he just doesn't do it and is needless down time to the arousal. The second the plot starts fighting with the fetish for screen time is when the whole thing turns into a clusterfuck. I know from experience. My fetish fic suffered from the plot eating up way too much of the word count.
I keep telling myself I'll respond to other posts (and I have occasionally, despite my better judgement to only stay on 4chan longer than a day or two) and I promise I don't want to just keep talking about my fetish. I at least hope it's entertaining enough.
>If your fic were just about the sex, then you'd talk about the sex
I mean it is about sex in a way, I could start mentioning the various positions I have planned but your point here is pretty spot on. With the research I've done the vast majority of folks who hold a rape or rapist fantasy are entirely enjoying the domination aspect. In the safe environment of role play, the role of the person being "raped" loves that their so hot, so desirable, that the "rapist" can't control themselves. Mind control and brainwashing can still have these aspects but vastly undermine what I'm looking for, hence my frustrations boiling to the point that I'm writing my own smut "with blackjack and hookers!"
>My mental picture of a rape fetishist is a person who enjoys the violence and torture aspects
That's an actual rapist. Or at least what I imagine they're getting out of it. Honestly discussing this leads me to understand I'm extremely turned off by anything that can't be replicated in a role play session between two consenting adults. Spanking, choking? Hot. Fractured bones, irreparable damage? Fucking no please.

Yet I don't enjoy actual legit rape role play fics. Odd. There's something meaningful to be said here. Where the fantasy is able to be more "realistic" without becoming too unhealthy in relation to not enjoying written rape role play. A safe word is the hottest thing to me, while it showing up in a fic somehow takes me out of it. Maybe I'll understand this one day.

>Anon, are you really making an argument that premeditated, thoroughly executed, and inescapable rape is less fucked up than violent torture rape?
While a large part of what I was saying wasn't being explained well, this type of misunderstanding of the fetish did skew my goals a little which probably is the reason for all the confusion. I now know it's something I don't need anywhere in the fic itself but my questions about the author's note and having a disclaimer felt important enough to address. The way I carry myself in the real world is so out of tune with my desires in sex people joke about me being gay or expect I take it up the ass. I guess the guilt and fear of people judging me if they knew was flowing into my words here. Oops.

>You need to start writing
I am, or trying at least. 1700ish words of the roughest scuffed, embarrassing, amateur writing as I iron out the kinks of never being a writer. The set up, even just getting around 3k words, was much more daunting then I imagined (entirely of my own doing but still). As soon as I get it done, where I'll still need to basically spend a week per paragraph, meticulously fine tuning it until I'm satisfied, the rest is much more clear in my head.
Grogar is an entirely a "one word blink and you miss it" thing. For me it feels nice to now the exact "why" the story has happened, even if it's entirely in my head. If I do it right, there should be no difference with your suggestion. I couldn't think of a single thing to put into the intro other than "Sombra's back, back again" but finding the why helped me imagine: the failed marriage aspect, a reason for Cadance to be dressed up, guards being frustrated at the Royal couple, among other things. All because I was theorycrafting a "why" to be answered. If anything it was just a thought experiment, getting that hamster to run a few laps. It's entirely fair to say if I was a more experienced author I wouldn't have needed to do any backstory lore shit but alas, I'm not and I needed it.

>My fetish fic suffered from the plot eating up way too much of the word count.
I'll keep this in mind as I'm certainly not going to go this hard on the "why" if I ever get to any other fic. It helped shaped this fic but I'll be much easier to just get to it. I having something that's just a sentence even! "Spa employee finds spa twins are big lesbian for each other, blackmails them for rape" which is much shorter, that I still like to lengthen a little, and is much more in line with the general expectation I've seen smut prompts are expected to be.
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I see your point, but it seems naïve, looking at "violent torture" as extra additives that contaminate but "premeditation" as genre purity is ridiculous. In any case, as long as the victim is aware of the action, it still constitutes as "torture"; the only issue you seem to have is the "violence" aspect. Remember, these types of rape aren't exclusive to each other.
You're making a distinction between sexual and physical violation as if you can do one without the other. You're also excluding both the mental aspects and the other party entirely — the rapist. The rapist's mind, motives, and methods are all multiplicands to how fucked up a scenario can be. What long-standing depravity, obsession, and cunning is needed to do such an act to an equal individual non-violently? In my opinion, using such underhanded and roundabout tactics is just as fucked up proportionally, if not more, to the amount of violence that could have be used and afflicted in its stead.

A lot of this is subjective as well, and I imagine we could come up with endless examples and analogies to prove which is more or less fucked up than the other. But I'm just finding it absolutely ludicrous that you're morally grading rape on /mlp/. kek.
Dead thread. Dead general. Dead board.
Dubs confirm.
I was right then.
88% of posts here are by me
I agree that you can't fully separate sexual violence from physical violence in rape. But there are degrees of physical violence, and some types of physical violence are more extreme than others. Consider what >>41264575 said:
>Spanking, choking? Hot. Fractured bones, irreparable damage? Fucking no please.
He has limits to the amount of physical violence that he finds appealing. But there are people with different limits; people who do enjoy fractured bones and irreparable damage. It's not hard to find news reports of rapists who physically damaged their victims beyond what was necessary to commit rape. I think that's clearly worse.

You are right that the rapist's mental state matters. I think their mental state and how it influences the fucked-up-ness depends enough on the situation that it's hard to make sweeping judgments. Still, my gut reaction is that extra physical violence is generally worse than premeditation.

>I'm just finding it absolutely ludicrous that you're morally grading rape on /mlp/.
I'm grading rape, not >rape. Totally different. Everyone knows that mares want >rape.
>Grogar is an entirely a "one word blink and you miss it" thing
The problem with that is if the reader does catch it, they're likely to be confused. You can establish in the description and opening that it's many years in the future and Sombra is back, and readers will accept that without question as the premise of this fic. But if you then namedrop Grogar partway in, that raises a bunch of questions as readers try to fit the new detail into what they already know.
>Is this Discord-as-Grogar, or is it somehow the real Grogar?
>What exactly is the connection between Sombra and Grogar?
>If both Sombra and Grogar/Discord are back, what other villains might be back?
>Since Grogar is somehow relevant (otherwise he wouldn't have been mentioned), when is he going to show up in the story?
All of these are distractions from the story you're trying to tell and are things you almost certainly don't want the reader thinking about.
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>gut reaction
Only for the victim. In criminal justice, premeditation is one of the few things that instantly multiplies the punishment by an order of magnitude. It's a strong signal that the perpetrator is fucked up beyond the minimum necessary to even be a rapist in the first place, and likely to do it again, simply because the process of premeditation didn't cause the perpetrator to not do it.
Also, no, that sounds like some HiE BS trope.
>namedrop Grogar
I feel like I'm beating a dead horse at this point, I'm not naming him. He's not relevant. He basically doesn't exist. A lot of the issues you're pointing out I'm not letting become a problem because it's just something for my mind to understand and accept it.

His existence entirely starts and ends with "the villain trio are gone, I wonder how?"

If both Sombra and Grogar/Discord are back, what other villains might be back?
I mean this is an exact question I want people to be questioning. If the villain trio are back then is Sombra back? It's an answer needed for part of the stories set up, that the rest of Equestria is dealing with other villains and so then the Crystal Empire is on their own and blindsided by Sombra being back (the timeframe of the story is also 3 months, it used to be 9 for the reason you think but "magic" can be used to the close that gap). The fact that Sombra is basically a wild animal the others let loose is part of the dynamic. Sombra taunts Cadance for once again not putting up a fight against him but she's able to clap back that he's seen as so pathetic and one note, other villains are using him. Something Sombra will deny because he's so egotistical and self absorbed, somehow believing that he isn't being used. I like my evil rapist to be pathetic because I think rapists are pathetic. His fight for control isn't just done in a singular sex scene.

I feel I lose a lot of interesting character dynamics if I just hand waved everything in the set up. You have to remember, while I'm working with canon characters, they're pretty basic and are moldable. The way the set up explanations are being used is also shaping Sombra as a character. They aren't distractions when they shape that actual smut dynamic this much. While Cadance will ultimately become a crying and sobbing mess, I want her to be able to properly piss off Sombra, spice up the control aspect I like so much. Going back to my "2/3" ratio, Sombra would be failing to get the upper hand for 2/3 of his scenes with Cadance. I feel dumb explaining that a dynamic in a sex scene is hot and makes it engaging. Not having them is what gets you the 3k nothing burgers that don't do it for me anymore.

I think your more hung up on the "why" of the story more than I am at this point. If I do it right this won't be an issue for the readers. I'm acutely aware when and how the readers can be taken out of the story. I'm a reader. I know. This is all subject to change of course. I'm willing to let go some parts if they don't end up wrapping into character properly at some point. I only shared it initially before as I was bored. If I hadn't it's entirely possible that 6+ months later it would exist just as a comment explaining an initial idea I had envisioned or whatever and cut it.
>I'm not naming him. He's not relevant. He basically doesn't exist.
>His existence entirely starts and ends with "the villain trio are gone, I wonder how?"
That's not "blink and you'll miss it" then, that's "not appearing in this film".

It increasingly sounds like you have a decent plan for the story but are spectacularly failing to communicate it with your posts.
>It increasingly sounds like you have a decent plan for the story but are spectacularly failing to communicate it with your posts.
All the better that I stop responding and just get to work. Why explain the story when I could just work on the story itself (but it does help to understand a flaw in communication that could show its ugly head in the story if I'm not careful)
Nonsense. 80% of my brain is always plotting rape.
>that goes into realistic detail about disability
The author works with child services or something, or has a consultant that does, I think.
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I love the little slippers.
It's a shame that they had her wear her regalia to bed.
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Yeah, for both of them. It would have been such a wonderful and extremely entertaining time if those season 4 and 5 bedroom scenes had the princesses without their regalia.
Comfy Princess fics?
They're waiting in your RIL.
Why haven't you read A Wake of Mist and Flame yet?
How dare you fool this woman in to nakedness!
If you spend a specified amount of time on a fic, does that guarantee anything? Like, say you wanted to write a 3000~ word max short story. If you said, "I'm gonna force myself to spend 4 hours a day on this for the next 2 weeks" does that guarantee a certain baseline level of quality?
That'd be an interesting writing comp. Instead of delineating a prompt or characters to use, you set a specified amount of 'work time' on the fic. Would we be more likely to have 10/15 fics worth reading? There'd be no way to make sure people adhered other than out of good faith I suppose. It'd be interesting, though.
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Take a look at all the hundreds of x minute art drawing challenges and you will have your answer.
Spoiler: all it does is highlight those who have a workflow optimized for whatever you've chosen for x.
Aren't those like for 30 minutes to an hour at most? I don't know, but I have seen videos like that and they don't break the 2 hour mark at most, from what I can remember. I was thinking much much more extended periods of time, where you don't necessarily need to optimize for time because you have so much of it, preferably more than you would need even.
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Like I said, whatever you've chosen for x.
Whenever I write python for fun, forcing myself to do it for 4 hours a day would be miserable and I would just stop. When I'm having fun, 4 hours in a day is not enough.
There are some writers who, by contrast, do the Skirts-like "Write 1000 words every day," and they might even like it.
If you assume that people follow the rules, all the result does is highlight those for whom the rules work. In this case, someone for whom a "structured creativity period" would be beneficial.
That's fair enough. I think I'm always too eager to find the proverbial magic bean that will turn all art palatable.
>magic bean
Any bean is magic if you flick it enough.
>Fingerblast Fluttershy
>Entire Everfree forest grows out of her snatch
Well, what do you know. It was actually in my shelf.
I'll get to it this weekend.
>not catching the kiss on the mouth like a true sister
Should I give you the very generic answer of "talent matters, not how much you toil on [a work of art]"? Because like it or not, that's mostly the truth.
Can confirm. I was writing SQL for hours last night.

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