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I love the drunken mare. Post more of her.
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berry punch must rape me
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She is lovely and her grapepity is bright
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>seeing her makes me want to go buy liquor right now
god fucking damn it
I want to get drinks with the three of them.
she makes me want to drink a full-bodied wine.
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mayor mare story that turned into a berry story
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haha funny foam
and that's why you don't open champagne bottles with your mouth
guys i think this might be cum
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nah no wayyyyyyyyy
coomer has never had a drink lmAOOAAOOAO
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Worse edit I saw in a while.
I can say because of a few pixels, and because I have seen some in the past.
What's she looking at?
My bulging pants, she thinks I have bottle in my pocket. (I have, and it's not for sharing.)
wtf share with her!!
How do I gain a taste for real alcohol? I can only drink sugary drinks like ciders and lemonades.
i dont know man, i keep trying to get into wine but it tastes terrible and makes me wanna puke.
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No! This is special stuff they make in that little town north of Canterlot. If she wants some she can import her own!
i am going to help her mug you fucking meanie
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Just try to catch me! I've hidden my stash into my mansion so good luck with that.
What kind of wines you've been trying? If it tastes 'too heavy' I would suggest to try less tannic variety.
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>Don't weep for me I'm already dead
You don't drink alcohol for the taste. Keep drinking sodas or juices. Like I do.
I like liqueur. It tastes good.
Most people drink alcohol only to get drunk rather than to appreciate the taste. You don't have to force yourself to enjoy its taste if it's not something you genuinely like.
Cum isn't alcoholic therefore Berry wouldn't drink it.
>he doesnt ferment his cum
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how do i explain to my family that a cartoon horse made me an alcoholic?
If your entire family aren't horsefuckers yet then there is a problem.
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yeah, nah im fucked
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Not a Berryfag, but I've been considering telling my family that I am in love with a cartoon pony and have been for years. They aren't aware of my American Meat or any of my plushies of her. This is especially awkward because I have a sister who grew up watching FiM, so it's not like they wouldn't know what she is. Why would I consider this retarded choice, you may ask? Because I don't want to lead them on with false hope that I'll ever bear any offspring.
She just dipped her horsepussy in the punch what the fuck
Just tell them that due to cancel culture and #metoo that that's the reason you don't wanna have a wife and family
They'll be a bit more understanding. At least that option won't get you written out of the will
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God damn son, pass me a cup.
She's adding some extra flavor to it
I told my mom that I just don't feel the compulsion to date, and I like being alone. I could tell she was sad about it but could probably see it coming since I've always been a recluse. it would probably be best to leave out the pony part. Not out of shame but because it might damage your relationship with your family. That's your call to make. Best of luck.
That would be a safer option. My only concern is what if they waltz into my room one day and see my LS? I don't really have anywhere good to hide it. Do you think it would be better to just rip the band aid off or try and keep hiding it for as long as I can?
If they ask then just tell them you find her cute
They won't so ashamed by that
They'll just think you're weird
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it was so hard to resist the urge to be a massive piece of shit and tell you to make an ass of yourself by admitting something that your family more than likely could care less about
sometimes secrets are better left as such,
also you should have moved out before you even considered buying some shit like that nigga lmao
You don't drink alcohol for the taste of it. Alcohol is a means to get drunk.

Also, i'd advise you not to get down this road. You can enjoy your life and all the little things you already enjoy without getting wasted. Don't get hooked on this shit, it will only bring you health problems and regret.
I don't want to be an alcoholic, I just want to be a social drinker. I think my self-control is good enough that I won't become addicted.
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>I don't want to be an alcoholic, I just want to be a social drinker. I think my self-control is good enough that I won't become addicted.
whos gonna tell him?
sauce please
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theres another version thats better
Ciders are fine if that's what you enjoy. I like the taste of beer and whiskey, but it's because I enjoy the bitter/burning. And you only develop a palate by experimenting. I don't get drunk that often either.
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>My only concern is what if they waltz into my room
Lmao you've already lost the game. Why the fuck are you even staying home if you're so afraid they find out your degeneracy?
>I think my self-control is good enough that I won't become addicted
I kept telling myself that until one day I drank myself into the ER. When you're just feeling tipsy your body may have already consumed more alcohol than it can handle and so as that "self-control" day by day. Addiction creeps up on people without them even realizing it. That's the problem
good image as long as it's a human cock behind that censor
Well I guess that depends on how open minded your parents are. I would keep the shit out in the open, but don't act weird about it. Act like it's just a show you like. If they ask how much the LS cost I would fucking lie though and say you got it cheap.
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I know its bad to drink as much as I do but what i wouldn't give to share a drink with berry
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i would give it all to share some drinks with her
I wanna eat her drunk vomit
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what (you) drinking today?
i got screwdrivers
think i need another pretty soon
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beer, miiiight go for a mojito since I don't have to get up tomorrow.
I'll never drink ever again.
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ssshhhh, she's sleeping
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all i have left is gatorade mix and vodka
its not half bad
You don't. It's not worth it.
Berry's gonna drink all that beer!
such peacefulness and cuteness
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berry bump

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