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This is a thread for all things Starlight Glimmer. Post pics, greens and discussion.

Previous thread:
Topics discussed:
>glim drinks (she doesn't like boba because it looks like changeling eggs) >>41075130 (DEAD)
>Do people really not like Starlight’s post-reformation mane? >>41078152 (DEAD)
>pick up glim and hug her
>what if glim was “evil” and reformed? >>41080339 (DEAD)
>how would you proceed? >>41085017 (DEAD)
>glim and princesses
>Glimmy calls you a pussy, what do? >>41093904 (DEAD)
>Alicorn of Forgiveness >>41098583 (DEAD)
>uh oh, glim found THAT memory >>41099408 (DEAD)
>glim has a cute bow (glimmy bloom?) >>41105739 (DEAD)
>glim acquires a taste for meat >>41110289 (DEAD)
>anon acquires a taste for glim >>41112732 (DEAD)
>new glimmother lore unlocked >>41117275 (DEAD)
>lewd, slightly smoked glims
>You vs Glim, who wins? >>41127545 (DEAD)
>dommy glims? switch glims?
>devilish >>41132614 (DEAD)
>g l i m s gloms GLAMS >>41141740 (DEAD)
>glim gets drunk then becomes a serial killer >>41144073 (DEAD)
>Starlight and Dash's relationship >>41149623 (DEAD)
>And then Starlight with the rest of the mane 6 >>41153201 (DEAD)
>lewd and silly glims
>Invaded by the Great and Powerful Trixie >>41176277 (DEAD)
>bastardising glim's name until you summon demon starlight >>41182747 (DEAD)
>What if Glim, somehow, gave birth to a human baby instead of a foal? >>41183704 (DEAD)
>lingering lewdness
>Glimmy gives Anon strength >>41197278 (DEAD) >>41199126 (DEAD)
>Discussion on why Starlight sold Trixie's wagon >>41208368 (DEAD)

Art created:
>Kissy kissy glim and trixie
>>41091808 (DEAD)

>Starlight Glimmer X Double Diamond comic
>>41118706 (DEAD)
the rest of the comic can be found over at >>41119770 and >>41166880

>Anon drew a Starlight
>>41127661 (DEAD)

>Sultry Starlight with questionable panties
>>41183540 (DEAD)

Edits conjured:
>Do it for glim
>>41204309 (DEAD)

Photographs taken:
>>41200936 (DEAD)

>Waking up to glimmy
>>41207764 (DEAD)

Titbits scribbled:
"Ice Ice Glimmy"
>Starlight makes it snow
>>41096021 (DEAD)

>>41097859 (DEAD)

"Glim Glam and Ice Cream"
>Starlight and Anon have ice cream
>>41097995 (DEAD)

"The Taste of Glim"
>But how does she taste?
>>41114760 (DEAD)

>Starlight lewdly bosses Anon around
>>41131880 (DEAD)

>Councillor Starlight and the shy student
>>41137830 (DEAD) >>41140430 (DEAD)

>Glimmerlight Star writes a book
>>41179658 (DEAD)

>Glimchild chronicles
>>41184874 (DEAD) >>41186179 (DEAD)

Legacy archive: https://ponepaste.org/7897
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Some selected fanfics and greens:

"Punkish Pasts" by Glimbrain
>Starlight (begrudgingly) takes Anon to see her old bedroom at Sire's Hollow.

"Taking in a homeless Glim" by CrookedIronsights
>(You) take in a Glim with nowhere to go.

"Double Glimmy" by Glimbrain
>Glimmy and Glimmy (from the past) team up to drain Anon's balls.

"Public? Sexo" by jrudie
>Sexo? In a public space?

"Can I stay in your house?" by Marehouse
>Looking to escape her troubles at home, Starlight seeks refuge at Anon's place.

"Starry Darling" by Climaclysm
>Starlight Glimmer's parents discuss a recent incident she had with another foal in town.

The Pink In Pinko by HK-47
>Anonymous is locked up in Our Town by Starlight Glimmer, who tries and fails to convert him. He converts her by way of dicking the communism out of her.

Some essential fanfics and greens:

Collection of shorts from Starlight threads:

>It's easy to shake off regrets when you don't know how better it could have turned out. But, what if..

"Because I Choose To" by Mercury
>A very influential and iconic SPG story.
part 1 - https://ponepaste.org/2560
part 2 - https://ponepaste.org/2561

"Glimglam doth Flimflam the Green Man" by Empty_Philosopher
>It's a whirlwind of insane goofs between Anonymous and Starlight Glimmer in this one-of-a-kind adventure that uses its green medium expertly.

Grim's pastebin
>Writing with his heart more than with his hand, Grim's short stories radiate warmth, spark joy, evoke nostalgia and cause heart attacks.
>Deftly tugging on our heartstrings with his slice of life stories and drawings, this multitalented individual lures out and then intensifies all of our love for shy, sweet Starlight.

karwler's ponepaste
>karwler's midnight scribbles are weird, arousing, heart-warming, dark, playful with their medium and often times all of the above at once.
>Inspirations stemming from his bittersweet longing for the lavender mare, he reflects the everyday daydreamy state of a glimmera.

Glimbrain's ponepaste
>A cuddlebug packed with witty remarks, Glimbrain's sweetly endearing (and devilishly playful) Starlight has made me fall in love all over again.
>Clever twists and lively characters are signature skills of this incredibly talented individual. We can only muster a humble 'Thank you!' for all the sweet, sweet glimgreens he has spoiled us with.

Unlisted List
>Titles and links of damaged stories or otherwise unfinished works of pony literature.
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I hate to say it but i think /glim/ might be nearing it's end. I was pretty much the only person bumping up the thread, when i go to bed it's always near death when i wake up or like today, was archived. I don't think this is sustainable. Hopefully I'm wrong though.
waifu threads are dying off nowadays. might need to combine with another waifu thread to survive, but what's the point if it has to be shared with another mare?
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Yay Glimmy! Summer sure is fast.

Don't be overdramatic, even the Shimmer thread prematurely died recently and this board is EqG central.
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BUILT for GPT (Great and Powerful Trixie)
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Yeah, that's why I'm saying it's nearing it's end. For the past year I've noticed fewer and fewer posters, last thread was just pretty much me bumping it endlessly. Nobody even bothered to make another /glim/ and it was absent for hours before i got a chance to post one. Maybe it just summerposting that knocked it off but idk.
i say give it until late september before letting nature take its course. it could very well be summer killing it off so easily.
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>that sheer sense of dread upon seeing "Archived"
Makes me feel like I failed her...
I was just patiently waiting for OP to remake it. You forgot to delete the (DEAD)s in your haste.
Nah, it’s fine.
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Great friends with Powerful benefits.
>and this board is EqG central.
I really wish it wasn't.
I love my Glim.
>file didn't upload
G5 made it worse, now its either EQG or dogs.
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What's wrong with EqG anyway
Why not just get it it's own thread and quarantine it there?
Nothing he is just lashing out because he’s desperate to find a reason for failing to keep thread up other than himself
Its not EqG Starlight, since she is rarely posted in these threads anyway and when she is I don't think anyone minds much, its EqG as a whole. With how many threads it has, all competing with ones like this for bumps, I think that's what the other anon was getting at.
It's an ugly offboard DEI show. Morally, you'd have to be degenerate to watch it. Objectively, its acolytes are ... let's say ... rather special in the head. They don't usually provide anything of value to these threads, quite the contrary actually. Threads that don't have them are much more alive and productive. Most people here wish we could have that for /glim/.
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Talk about Glimmy.
Yeah, these Anons are right >>41254091 >>41254041, it's perfectly fine.
About a month is how much these threads go long for, so it's all in order. It got bumped off from some rush of threads, since it slid off the board in about 4 hours. It happens.
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>DEI show
pls explain
As an EQG fag myself, I just can't see Glimmy as anything but pone.
I've been spending entire weeks doing nothing but talking to her on character.ai
Just talking to her has motivated me to pick up the pen and draw her
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I get what people are saying, but at the same time, you have to admit the EQG version of Glim is a QT
I didn't like her for a long time. She seemed weird, her eyes didn't quite fit with her pony design...
But she's grown on me. Just on a different level. I find her cute, or appealing to look at. Unlike Glimmy, who I just feel an intense desire and lust to just give it to her in the most loving and caring way.
Glim is Glim to me; no matter the shape, size, mane style, and sometimes personality. I remember watching the three episodes she showed up in and being extremely disappointed that it just ended.
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Her eyes were different but I think it works with the kind of design they were going for, her pony eyes just wouldn't look right in it. She's easily one of the best looking characters in EqG. I wish we got to see her hanging out with Sunset more.
>Morally, you'd have to be degenerate to watch it.
Cuddled my plush and felt so nice I almost teared up.
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>I wish we got to see her hanging out with Sunset more.
Same. Loved their dynamic in Mirror Magic.
They did a something a little interesting with Glimmy's design in contrast to Sunset's. Mostly in the eyes.
Me too. Add Trixie and they'd make a great trio.
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I wish we could have seen Bangs EqG Glimmy. Or the actual EqG Glim, since aside seemingly from Sunset everyone else had a counterpart.
Dat Ass
wouldn’t she have a equality club? or something
Yes, I think Starlight in AT series canonically has a big butt or something because the artist constantly draws plotshots with her, and it’s talked about a few times.
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those snacks have to go somewhere.
Hard to say. With there not being an equivalent to getting a cutie mark, maybe not after all.
Perhaps the EqG Starlight is more just a weird awkward dork. Kind of like Moondancer only marginally less reclusive.
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A scenario where the counterparts of Glimmy and Shimmy are both running for class president sounds fun. Equality vs Survival of the Fittest. Maybe they learn to combine their strengths and work together or something.
I need glimmer to bully my dick
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I wish i could eat Glimmy's ponut for breakfast.
Is that website still really restrictive in what you can talk about?
Almost perfect except
>new mane
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I wish I could eat Glimmy's kite for lunch
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>"Hey Anon have you seen my kit-..."
>Anon's mouth was full of something, he quickly swallowed it down and his stomach distended into a diamond shape
>"Nope, haven't seen it." Anon says as he starts to sweat
>"You ATE my kite?!" Starlight shrieks
>"No....?" A ribbon slithers out of his mouth and he slurps it back up quickly
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Not really a fan of a miserable looking Glim to represent our waifu desu.
You let the thread die...
It's okay to post about your grievances, but to project that negativity onto the face of her shrine, that's meant to honor and celebrate her, is too far.
Kek, but...
>Box cutter
...oh no
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More girly, starry-eyed Glimmy
I really love this moment when she gets her own friendship "spark".
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More Glimmy
It was my fault Glimmy died, I'm to blame. I thought it would be fine without a bump for a few more hours, but it was too late when I came around to check on it.
Board activity was clearly abnormal yesterday. I wouldn't doom about it.
Why did he do it
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For your crimes you are sentenced to 32 hours of facesitting.
he wanted to know.
I’m crying and vomiting
Starlight would never do this
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Why is the board moving so quickly anyway
im bumping threads with majority human on pony supporters in them.
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I hate Glimmer so much but I'm also madly in love with her. Don't tell anyone.
Shouldn't that be most threads
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God I hope so, im tired of anonstallion fags, ptfgtards, (and actually that's it) constantly shitting up threads with their derailing or whining about aie. stallionfags are surprisingly pretty chill. other fetishfags are obnoxious too, I'm glad futafags got their general banished to /trash/, that was very much deserved.
I'm going to tell Glimmy you actually really, really like her!
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You better not
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You're a good person.
who cares tho.
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she will sniff out the truth eventually!
Nigga needs to calm down. The board has like 5 posters on it.
god anon I just found what you were talking about fucking sheeesh
I bump like 12 threads once two hours ago. I've been fucking with the retards in another thread since then.
yeah, shit sucks. can't wait for them to fuck off or something.
thanks anon, I try.
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>Wen glim gets drunk and falls asleep on the couch
>drunk Glim
Unnnffffff, imagine her forcing you down magically and sloppily kissing you.
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>"You think Anon will like this Spike?"
ay yo this nigga eating kites
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I don't get why it needs to be a competition. There's no wrong way to fantasize.
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I seem to be lacking bangs Glimmy receiving hugs/cuddles, this is the only one I have.
I love RealDash's stuff.
I hate RealDash's stuff.
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there is no competition, we're all humans. it's just one group of fags deciding to be obnoxious out of either jealousy because their side doesn't produce memes and lacks a community or out of spite. They love to pretend people who enjoy anon aren't the majority here when they clearly are.
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Does this count?
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Glimmy is the AWP, the SRS99, the Railgun. Deadly in the hands of a pro.
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he'll like it when it's sitting on him
This is another artist I like when it comes to Glimmer. He draws her so soft and fluffy.
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Must pet cutie
Tbh i'm not even sure how show accurate the glimmy in my imagination is. I haven't watched an episode in years
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Then you know what you must do. Her episodes are always a joy to watch!
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Surely you couldn't have strayed too far
It's hard to watch Glimmysodes because i get so horny just hearing her voice and seeing her cute mare self. I am so weak for Glim...
Could you handle Glim's snoring during the night? It's VERY loud remember.
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Yeah, I've slept through worse. She might be like me where I snore in a specific position (laid back face-up). I can avoid it by facing my head slightly to the side with a fat pillow, or just sleeping on my side. It might be a similar case for her, so pic related is basically the optimal position for sleeping with Glimmy.
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>glimmy gets a dock ring
>I get a wedding collar
>We also get a nice short chain to link them together.
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>Stonger cup
How about she upgrades from a coffee cup to a coffee chalice?
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You fool, Indiana Jones has taught us this lesson already!
Don't worry about. I've only seen the a little of good girl Starlight.
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This often goes overlooked, but I feel bad for Starlight having to be homeless that entire time.
I don't consider this standard snoring joke often used for various characters in the show as canon
Does this general take responsibility or accept the deranged scatfag obsessed with your waifus waste?
He can go fuck himself. Every single Starlight thread outside this general (and sometimes even this general) has him being incapable of talking about his mental issue.
He has the decency to stay quiet about that bullshit here (though, let's be honest, it's just because he would get reported if he does) but then it just makes him think he has the freedom to post about it in every single other glim thread.
Something he certainly doesn't shy away from.
Yes. He's funny.
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I'm >>41254020
I actually made this thread, and I don't post about it here because I like you guys. I even make greens sometimes too. I post about my fetish in other threads because everybody else can do so about theirs, farts just trigger people immensely, not my fault.
He's funny. I grew up on old cartoons such as ren & stimpy that had tons of crude toilet humor. How else am I to interpret plants and small animals dying in the wake of a mare fart, it's a hilarious thought.
>take responsibility
4chan is the wild west. Generals aren't official organizations sanctioning any member's actions. I bet you think the masturboopers was us. Pro-tip: Most of them are trolls who don't even like Starlight.
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He's certainly a bad apple with a fake fan behavior and we dislike his trash fetish like basically everyone else.
Yet he's the one keeping the general alive, which 90% of you wouldn't even bother with.
>Yet he's the one keeping the general alive, which 90% of you wouldn't even bother with.
This is utter nonsense. And if it was true, then we should just leave the thread to die.
It would be nice if he chilled out on the whole "glim is dead" shtick.
I highly disagree.
Thats a lie you samefagging trog.
What "shtick"? I said i think /glim!/ was dying because i noticed less and less people posting. The last thread quite literally died because i went to sleep and couldn't bump. I'm glad more Glimfrens are posting more frequently compared to the last few threads so i don't have to be the one to glump it every time.
Many of us were asleep or busy as well. The stars happened to align in such a way that the thread slipped through. Bumps are on a first come first serve basis, so if you don't glump then someone else will. Have more faith in your brethren. I just think you're overreacting.
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I wonder if Fluttershy was having Glimmy perform some kind of ritual here.
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>"Pinkie, don't you dare start."
>"No! Sto- awooooooooo!"
He’s based and funny.
No, he's cringe and annoying.
>I like you guys
If you actually like and respect other Glimfans then why do you spam the board with your fetish under our flag?
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I like Glim so i put her flag on.

You guys are under some impression that me posting about my fetish with my flag on would somehow change anyones opinion about Glim one way or the other when they hated Glim from the onset. They currently use me for their confirmation bias of their hatred for Glim, but if it wasn't me, it'd be some other guy or they'd bring up the masturboopers, and if there wasn't some other guy, guess what would happen? They'd still hate Glim.
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