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/mlp/ - Pony

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Welcome friends, ITT:
We make and share pony art, with absolutely no pressure to deliver anything that's technically good (besides having ponies in it, which makes it good by default)

Make something, share what you've done, and give feedback and motivation to help us all keep improving and creating!

This thread's focus is art, but beginner or low effort content of any kind is welcome here. If you do want to post about something else like music, gamedev, or crafts, though, just note that you may find better help and feedback posting it in the /create/ thread

Are you an experienced artist? Leave some tips, feedback, guides, or tutorials, they're well appreciated here!

Guides, tutorials and resources! Start here!

Draw with other /bale/ anons!

/bale/ videos:

/create/ thread (for bigger art projects and all other types of content):>>41294734

Previous /bale/ thread:>>41253956
just reused the old image, really fucking weird everything got nuked
I didn't even get a chance to read the last thread.
https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41337792 here
Old bread.
Also what the FUCK mods.
Guess I'll repost my shit in a bit.
From the top! ...I guess? Just copypasting from muh last post after the '~ ~ ~'. No clue if the (you)s will go through, but they're there up on desu.
Sorry for the first pic being a satyr.
~ ~ ~
Here's a fix of a Ceily pic I didn't share back when I made it a bit ago.
Her face was bugging me for the longest time and I finally went ahead and made it a little more presentable. flipping between the old pic and this one one causes me psychic damage.
A bit of bonus side stuff as well since I got bored. She's modelling for her friend's art club(class?), I suppose. Didn't really think that far ahead, but I thought it was kind of a cute idea.

That's one fuzzy Tavi. I wanna pet her!

Very cute appulhorse. Good luck on finishing it!

Plot armor filler
She could boop Chrysalis right on her grumpy black snoot without ANY consequences.
i's all good brother
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might as well re post this
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gonna post a few previous draws so the thread isn't a total bumpfest at least until I go to bed.
would boop
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Where were you when /mlp/ was kill?
was watching youtube then remembered I haven't checked /bale/ or kinder for a while, went to refresh and discovered everything was nuked.
i was preparing to break my nofap streaking but this situation killed my libido
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I was out getting quints. I'm back now and I missed the quints.
Seems cool. Roblox is really different from when I played back in the day; in good and bad ways.
A very good range of expressions. The bottom left is great.
The mane and tail details are excellent.
Cute Übermare.
You did well with the fishing rod.
The white outline here makes me think your stuff would be great for stickers.
Really nice Dash. I have no idea what the, “one eye cocked” facial expression is called, but I love seeing it.
I woke up to see if I got any (you)'s only to see this thread with only 15 replies.
Consider this as a (you) for all the posts that were mercilessly struck down by retard jannies. I love all of your draws, balefrens.
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Posting my wip again with some more work done on it.
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I think the flowers are pretty. Their leaves too. But the pony doesn't match the scene value wise. She glows. You could make her a lot darker, so that it feels like she is actually there.
Thanks for the crit! Yeah saw that too with my values checking layer in CSP. Going to darken AJ a fair bit more and see if I can't make it better.
Filler on an average Friday night
Literally me
Also drew an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object
Buckfast gets u fucked fast
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idk what to draw, i havent drawn pointy ponies in months
Interesting. What's the plan to get this picture to a finish?
A whole lot of rendering and adding details. For example I gotta refine AJ and her values and anatomy. Gotta finish all the background elements like the bish and some more of the Grass. The whole foreground isn’t even been worked on a whole lot. I got a general idea for How I want it to look like and I’m quite far from it as of now. I enjoy the process though and try to learn something with every step.
Timing practice

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I made some 3D animations today and put them into the game I'm making.
OH SHIT that is cool as fuck anon
dope as fuck
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trying to learn to draw pons frens
>inb4 satyr
I've been faltering in my motivation to draw just pony lately, I feel need to switch shit up and do something different in order to continue on. I wanted to take a crack at satyrs for shits and giggles, as you can clearly see I let the coom flow through me with her outfit. I'm not going to stop drawing pony or pony related things or anything like that I just need respite from doing essentially the same thing all the time and I'm going to use that time to do shit I think I need to work on, like drawing people/human bodies I'd like to do more things with humans and ponies interacting, both outdoor and indoor backgrounds, and perspective shit.

Tl:DR taking a little break from doing nothing but mares, will still do them but it will be at a slower pace.
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Thx for advice, anon. Hope I did well.
ye looks better anon!
>feels the need to have a break from drawing mares
>instead of drawing stallions, foals, Equestria decides to draw nonpony
the ork bug!
yeah basically. I don't really care for drawing stallions because I'm not gay and I simply don't like them as much as mares, fillies, or women. I have drawn plenty fillers which would mean drawing colts which I simply don't do because of similar reasons to stallions. call me Mr.Sexism please. as for drawing equestria, fair point I'll concede that. Counter point, I draw whatever I feel like whenever it strikes my fancy, simpul as.
Nice ponktyr! She's got a very animu face. Reminds me of Fiddle/Faddle inna way. Satyrs are fun because you can practice bits of human and pone at the same time. Also, I just think they're neat. And cute. I'm biased.
Nothing wrong with taking a detour to draw other shit. I admire the dedication to keep drawing instead of just taking a full on break. Just don't go and burn yourself out and good luck, man!
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I see degradation into formerly-shitposter, formerly-good artist drawing EqG porn in your future.
Thanks brother! yeh her face is straight animu I chose animu because its essentially a retvrn to tradition for me cause I used to draw that a decade and a half ago, and never super consistently either. agreed they are interesting.
I'm not into scat anon, as a wise Aussie once said "professionals have standards".
You know, there was a point where I admired that guy. Dude was one of the reasons I started drawing. At least he serves as a testament of what happens when someone goes full horny and never recovers.
Not even a drawing but I don't want to make a G5 thread even by technically so POW take this low effort thread
Im not a satyr fan, but this ponk is really cute
Damn, how do you know all that anatomical detail? Its all there!
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Did a redline if ya want it since ya helped me w my Celestia (hopefully it's ok to post just general anatomy, plz jannies). I really like the energy in the pose, very Pinkie! I think you could benefit from studying how to more smoothly connect the joints of the arm as lines that go into the form can look really good but for me the (our) right arm, specifically the upper arm, goes a little too much into the lower arm.

The torso and hips are actually closer to eachother than many think, only a couple of centimetres. This can ofcourse be changed to fit specific characteristics. I think my redline highlights other aspects I didn't mention now but good work and it's fine to change up subject matters in art, gotta keep it fun and interesting.

Speed drawing if that interests you: https://streamable.com/sty4oa
Noted, btw excellent hands dude you mogged the fuck out of me with them that's for sure, I've always struggled with hands to be honest. I used a posable model as a ref for the position. I made her on the thicc and busty, side partially cause horny and partially because I think it suits her. I really like how you did the waist. Sorry for not having a lot to say I just randomly woke up after sleeping 3hours and decided to check the thread cause I couldn't immediately get back to sleep.
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The redline is actively worse than the original.
>the body is too small for the legs
>it's too long and narrow for itself
>the waist is also too narrow (unless you're drawing specifically cripples produced by Victorian corsetting)
>>there is a lot of organs and muscle in the way between the ribcage and the pelvis, if you ever draw like this YOU URGENTLY NEED TO GO BACK TO STUDYING FROM REAL LIFE REFERENCES
>no it doesn't look attractive to anyone but chronically online
>the head's position is more boring and incorrectly offset
>skull protrudes from the neck sideways, it can only be inline if looking directly from the side
>again, go back to studying from photography, or better, hire a model
>the hands are too detailed and too large for a woman
>the muscles are too defined for "generic woman" and definitely far too defined for Pinkie (try RD or AJ if you want to have this much muscle definition)
>the legs are fucked lmao the raised one has noticeably shorter thigh and longer shin and MASSIVELY shorter foot
kek I didn't want to say anything but yeah
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Yeah, not saying what I did was perfect or anything. Just trying to help where I can and the redline is self is just a suggestion of what I think could be improved not something I said was required to do. Of course one should always seek reference and real life examples especially on something as vital as anatomy and I do that too but I rushed a bit in this case.

Went back and did some adjustments as I did notice some of the things you mentioned in your post. The hands, muscle definition (I admit I do to much definition usually). If you don't mind could you demonstrate how you would do the raised leg? Gotta work more on that.

You can no worries, I take it as I need to study and learn more about art and anatomy in this case. Simply draw more with focus.
You have whole /trash/ and /ic/, you know?
I love them!
First, pick whether you want to do show-like proportions, or real-life-like ones. Trying to do both results in exactly this giant thigh plus tiny shin plus giant foot kind of leg that is less appealing. Since you're drawing satyr, I recommend show-like, or you end up drawing half->b&nthro.
Second, there's two tricks to having proper body:leg proportion (and consequently raised legs) for a real body a.k.a. a solid foundation for changing it, making legs nonhuman, et cetera: First is the general headcount proportion. The bottom of the pelvis is at midpoint of the figure for men, and roughly 1/3 of a head lower than midpoint for women. Or in other words, for this Ponk to have human body:leg proportions her maregina should be a full head lower.
The second, and MUCH more helpful when drawing something like this, is the rule of three lengths: the distance from jugular notch to middle of the pelvis, from top of the pelvis to the knee (and in horizontal position, from the butt surface to the knee), and from the knee to bottom of the foot are roughly the same. Once you know it, foreshortening the leg can be done with trigonometry (sine of the angle between it and the plane of image) rather than guessing.
For show-like anatomy just swap proportions: instead of leg being separated into thigh and shin+foot, have it be separated into thigh+shin and vertical foot, i.e. have the distance be to the ankle, rather than knee.
Yeah I know. But right now We are in this thread.
Yeah, I know, but would be much better other way around
Thanks for the write up! Really helpful for future practice/study!
Gtfo. We draw ponies here, not horrific barbie abominations. Fae anon gets a pass on it barely because his stuff is otherwise amazingly soul, but this pinkie just makes me recoil in disgust.
let the man draw!
beep, draw mare sunburst!
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Another attempt
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What's up /bale/? I haven't drawn for a while but today I drew Izzy. I don't know how to draw hair so apologies if it looks bad.
Good attempts, anon! I think Dash turned out better
Thank you, anon. I agree!
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here you go
Thank you anon, shes really cute.
lil pony big horny
Don't worry about good or bad here, anon. It's cute.
So I just post my shitty art, and you guys tell me how to improve it?
Post it
I am torn between my desire for more interaction with what I draw and not really caring about the sites with the most "reach." The boorus are fine, but le funny number go up feels meaningless.
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>bale op love eqg
Its wonderful to see more open mindedness on here! makes me hopeful for the future of the community!
but let us not stop here there are so many possibilities to explore
consider this one friends, would this body type not just be the cutest thing for pinkie pie?
Here you go.
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>lets not forget the stallions
this design always screamed hard working farmer to me! Big mac anyone? lol
Just get humanized shit out of here. Nobody cares if it's ironic or unironic. Just fuck off. You have thousands of places to post this garbage on the internet. You don't need to encroach on ours.
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how is alternative eqg designs not mlp related? don't be closed minded now fren
just look at the possibilities
And the slope keeps getting more slippery.
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I hate human trash as much as the next guy, but the solution is called hide+filter.
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maybe the sheets look a little stale but once you put them in action? its pure kino frens

I hope you find the help you need fren,
its a little to zoo-ish for me personally (I don't judge) xoxo
I can suggest the draw thread. Some of the requests there are quite fun and creative. People are also generally appreciative of those who draw the requests.
>thread utterly derailed with barbies and b&nthro
Last week of summer is truly the worst time of the year
these looks real cute fren
>removed drawing
can't believe the mod removed your picture sigh. its so typical of them to be puritans
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wow yours looks so good, my stuff cant really measure up but I will share anywys
some old drawing I made
At least they insist on proving exactly why that rule is there.
And why it should be expanded to barbies.
Wouldn't change a thing.
Here's your (You).
>And why it should be expanded to barbies.
The jannies and probably even the mods themselves are literally EQG fags, they've proven it multiple times. They even hard filtered the word barbie<word> where <word> is either nigger or faggot (I forget which) so you get instabanned if you say it.
>even the creative threads are going to shit
wow that purge really fucked /mlp/ up
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I got a thing for straitjackets hehe
oh phew, I am glad to hear that.
I don't like intolerant forums
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You poor soul, you must be absolutely starving to be THIS desperate for (You)s.
What's the matter? Your reddit post didn't get upvoted? Not enough reblogs on your tumblr meme? Someone made a color edit of your super duper original non-binary alicorn OC?
Which is a shame, but doesn't prevent having a "humanizations are offtopic" in the OP.
I need some advice with clothing styles, I really like these ones, you guys got any advice?
I don't know why it affected things so much but yeah it really did. I'd leave and come back in a month or two when it's hopefully settled down again but honestly I don't know where I'd even go at this point. Everywhere I've looked is even worse. Reddit, twitter, tumblr, hell I've even tried derpibooru forums, and every single one of them are fucking disgusting to interact with. They're just constant echo chambers full of hypocrites with their head so far up their own ass it integer overflows into being back on their neck again. And god, the staff... every interaction just leaves me with a lingering taste of vomit and eyeballs sore from rolling too hard.
>a pointless request for "advice" that doesn't actually have any substance and couldn't really get a reply even if someone cared to try
>followed by samefagging so obvious even a retard like you could have figured it out
>followed by a response that screams "I'm an ingenuous offboard tourist"
No (You) for you. Bad troll. Surely you can do better than that.
have you tried reaching out to discord groups? you are not alone in feeling this way
STOP FEEDING you fucking moron
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are you guys always this toxic? bro just want to know how to draw his mlp better
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>are you guys always this toxic?
Yes. This helpful diagram should help you understand what we think of niggers like you.
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anon, I think your retarded
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never stop drawing guys, don't listen to the haters
Is this raid? What's going on here?
just one autist having a melty
I'd like to play it anoun
>everyone I don't agree with is just one person
applejack smells bad
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you just made me think about applejack's smell and now I'm horny
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delusional, like that of a filthy jannie
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remember drawing your first pony is the road to making your first cute EQ girl!
here some simple shapes to get you guys started on that journey. just ask me if you have questions kay? xoxo
Holy kino, do a golden apple edit anon.
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>page 3
/bale/ is like a shark, if it stops moving it will DIE!!
Cute filler.
cute filler
Good job filly. Now triforce.
>filly successfully triforces
>board is wiped again
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flutters i drew last night
nice belly
Damn good flutters! The hind legs look a bit small but that’s just something to think about on the next drawing!
thank you anon!
Cute filler
A strong start there anon
guys i've been drawing fillies for a while and all but what if i were to like, start drawing KEMONO fillies haha, wouldn't that be so funny!? hahah
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>yeah baby they'll pick it soon enough i'm sure of it
saved also nice digits
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life sux
Kraut poner a cute would enforce ordnung with her
Alright, sheets is really bad about losing some of the images when exporting the mare list to a .pdf, so instead I'll just copy it over to a new account and share the sheets link later today. Changes from the last version being adding a couple mares that were missed, removing one or two duplicates, and re-adding the episode they first appeared in because it turns out that is useful information at times. I plan to do the same with the comic characters later. I may look at adding the unique mares gameloft made up too later on, but I'm not sure yet.
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teatas too high
Based anonstallion shipper
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Had this idea in my head and made this
Thank you for the kind words.
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how 2 balance getting better at drawing pone with drawing everything around the pone
Alright, I'm sick of this fucking IP range ban. I've been meaning to upload some sketches to /bale/ but I can't post pics because retarded admins seem to have banned all beanerland IPs. Any suggestions for 3rd party image sites to share my shit here?
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the expressions here are great in my opinion, the bodies read well too
in my sleep deprived state i thought the ursa was spurdo sipping an energy drink
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I got a little 8 page comic drafted out in a notebook I'm attempting to drawfag out
Thank you for the tasty (You)'s and the complement!
This comic will be based off Acts: 8 and I'm reimagining Simon the Sorcerer as The Great and Powerful Trixi
The moral will be that the magic of friendship can't be bought by bits, it is made with the 6 Elements of Harmony together inside pony's snowpittys, and the magic of friendship is more powerful then anything.
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the door is always open /) just so you know
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Some request WIP.
I really gotta put some more work on this one too.
Bro it looks fucking great already
Thank you so much!
I agree with anon that does look pretty good
When your marefriend borrows your clothes in the morning.
qt appl (\
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I have a funny idea for an comic/short animation, featuring Dash being her usual feather-head.
holy kek
this is amazing
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40 y/o alcoholic mare that went back to college
I LOVE milf mares FUCK
Lol love this one
me too
She's definitely in a hunting ground, but I'm not sure if she's the predator or the prey.
She’s the prey, but somehow the hunters always end up running away
please make more, what's her name?
fkn lmaooo
the dream.
Thank you too!
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I drew a horsie
A cute sleepy horsie
very nice
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do u wan sum ice cream
Horrifying yet beautiful
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shit i thought this was kinder lmao
Rude. Every mare has the right to a weekly snuggle.
Compushka :D
Practice to draw some donuts and bagels
unusual proportions but i Love your line art
based and horny coomer pilled
>10+ hours
Idk what you mean anon? It's just donuts what's the matter?
There is a small artpack being organized on nhnb, anyone wants to participate?
Theme is
>A regular day of Princess Celestia
All skill levels are welcome.
Due in October.
4chan doesn't let to post the link.
1 million years in MS Paint

What's the first thing for me to fix, /bale/?
fuck, didn't attach the image
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Good day fellow /bale/ frens, I would like to make a call to the drawfag to join in a charity tshirt collaboration,its just like in the "create OC" threads were each person adds one piece of art to an blank formless pony shape to create a cute mare, here each folk will add a small piece of their art onto the mspaint pattern, save it and post it further down the thread for other to add onto the upcoming masterpiece.
The deadline is either until exactly 7 days from now on (9th of September), after that I will trace the mspaint drawing with the permanent markers onto the XXL sized tshirt and pass it along for the Mare Fair 2 charity auction staff to be auction off, maybe it will sell for 1$ maybe for 100$, who can predict that?
btw while I dont think this was stated anywhere, but Im pretty sure MF2 charity auction do no allow for lewd images to to sold, so the end result will need to look sfw)
slurs aren't lewd, right?
Filled out the rest of this page.
Cute idea anon. I'll give it a go, but I've only drawn on actual paper, so it'll probably come out shittier than usual.
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I colored the horsie
Personally _I_ would say it's fine but following an general safety umbrella of spirit of the rules I'm going to say no, unless it's like the old school comic book "skull, dynamite, exclamation mark" symbols.
Neato burrito, any medium is fine, as long as long as there is a indication for a specific area you wish to apply the drawing.
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Lately couldn't make myself draw something more complex than a simple portrait, so take this amre, /bale/.
Amazing bro
Sorry you're feeling down brother. She's very cute.
is all good, cute amre
Water colouring is so neat. I love how how the blues here get really dark in some areas.
That’s Celestia is huge.
Nice use of squash and stretch.
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I suck at this shit.
No u dont
Cute horsey
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Still working on it, why I over-complicate art requests I'll never know.
Other than just keep drawing/practicing I'd have to say her main mane colour is a too neon-y. Too much saturation. Play around with the hue and saturation to see if you can't get a more cohesive colour palette (I suck at colour too but it's always good to practice).
Great stuff!
Somtimes the energy is just not there, We accept your amre anyway!
That's what we all tell ourselves (and tbf others tell me that too lol). But there is no improvement without failure. I'd say the body is a bit too long between the shoulders and hindlegs, just keep that in mind for next time!
>why I over-complicate art requests I'll never know.
You gotta learn when less is more my dude.
100% agree. Think I’m just gonna scrap Atleast the mane shading and make it more simple. Overall work with less brushstrokes and make em more meaningful ig.
I meant the "base" fur shading, but hell maybe just start from Fluttershy from scratch and make it less cluttered.
Guys, has anyone tried to adapt Loomis method to construct a horse head?
In general, how do you approach construction?
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Slap the best mare fair pone Morning Mimosa on the right arm my dude.
You drew her in the armpit lmao
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Fug you are right, ok, so when drawing her on the shirt , do NOT drew her into into the armpit but on front of the arm like were the purple line is (google tells me its on the deltoid muscle). Also I forgot to mention to use the silver pen for the glasses and the braces.
Nice man, some great stuff there. Really like the berry
Love how you did the colors, looks real good
Alright, so after some thought, I've finally decided to mess around with some things and I'd like to ask... How bungled are these marebits? The pic is small so I know it's kind of hard to make things out. Probably should have made things a bit bigger. And probably learned how to draw it closed before attempting it open, but whatever, another time Still have stuff I need to fix/want to change about it (like the shitty half-assed blush on glasses over there and Fan's tum), but I've gotten far enough along that I thought I'd ask just in case things are a little too fucked before finishing it up.
also it's >la abominacion, fair warning
some curious exploration between friends: https://files.catbox.moe/xlt03q.png
Id eat it
i second this
I don't think any artists should draw pony exclusively. As long as you still love pony and draw it when you feel like you want to then you're all good as far as I'm concerned.
If you only draw pony you gonna suck ass. draw backgrounds, humans, interactions etc. its fine to have a major subject of interest but if you limit yourself only to that you gonna miss many oportunities to be a better artist
It's adequate, the booty hole is very close to her spine and the inside of the canal should be darker and a different shade of pink, more like the inside of your cheek for example. The butthole being too close to the spine is a very common mistake even really good well known artists make that mistake don't feel bad about that. I could sperg further but that would have practically nothing do with any wrong doing on your part and be more about my strong opinions on the matter. It also depends on if you want to go truly anatomically correct, something the majority of artists don't actually seem to know or care about is the fact that horse pussy is actually angled down towards the ground. I have a link at home about real mare anatomy, made for aspiring vets and is a quick read probably less than 5mins if you'd like.
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haven't touched drawpad in like 2 years (not that I ever used it much) but something someone said made me pull mine out and try to draw a bit, didnt hate it.
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What can I grind to get better at traditional if I've only ever done digital seriously?
>trying to get good enough for mare fair sketchbook swaps
based lets hope to more!
a fair amount of the skills you build with tablet should be transferable at least theoretically i think. the only thing is that you don't have any of the tools you'd have with digital like copy pasting shit or perspective grids or layers ect. Id say grind symmetry, practice basic shapes, and do perspective work, the rest should be fairly comparable.
Thanks for the reply, man. Did a couple edits, so hopefully the inner coloration problem is a little better: https://files.catbox.moe/58skxw.png
Flipping between the two... I can definitely see the problem. The old one looked weird.
I kind of forgot that there's a gap between the two as I was drawing. Not sure if this made it any better, but at least it's not 'connected' now. In all honesty, I was focusing on the marebiterinos more than anything else. Speaking of which, it's pretty obvious I didn't use much in the ways of reference while drawing this shit. You know, like a dumbass.
Also I noticed the angle thing in some of the art I saw as I was rummaging around just now. Since I don't want to dwell on this draw for longer than I already have, I'll save experimenting with the proper angle and such for next time around, when I'm not so tired.
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i thought that was marepussy for a second
ye is all good those things happen when you "tunnel" vision forgive the pun.
https://www.ansci.wisc.edu/jjp1/equine/mare_anat/vulva2.html the link I was talking about, do check out the rest of the stuff there it will help a lot. good luck on your other runs
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Alright so I worked on reducing my values to 2-3 and focus more on form and implying texture instead of outright painting each god damn detail. I think the general composition is better off with more focused and less rendering.
Nice, I say keep going if you enjoy it!
qt dashie
very nice
That's a lot better, actually.
Oh this is an amazing improvement.
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cant decide if its creepy looking or not
What happened to the /bale/ fridge idea?
It's still happening, I don't think many people (or even anyone) sent Lunar anything in advance, but afaik there will be art supplies and a fridge to hang drawings up on
Okay cool, I'll probably add to the t-shirt when I have some time.
lel, this text going on the back? seems like a bit long sentence.
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filly filler
>Your actions are being judged by The Concerned Filly.
cute filler
Doesn't looks creepy to me. Very unique, though I'm not sure I like it yet (that might just be because it's new and unfamiliar though!)
Glad that I managed to improve somewhat on the original pass, also thanks!!
Agree with the other anon, it's not creepy, just that I can't really make out the pose. Is she jumping or just standing? The back part of her is in level with the head but her hind legs seem to be in a normal standing position.
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Linky over the drinky.
This picture almost made me forget she's evil.
Linky is cute!
bridge horse
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Something I did for the Redheart thread. I don't usually try adding shadows, but it's something I probably need to figure out.
Yea I'm the same way. I think what you got turned out good
Blue black and beautiful.
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Sorry it took so long, hope this is alright
two mares, neato. now we are cooking with gas.
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am a linux fag is it ok that I did mine in my usual program since I don't have mspaint? I'm sure as shit not drawing it in gimp i'd rather saw my own dick off with a rusty butter knife.
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damn flutternigga you are good
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I'm trying to break away from just using a hard shadow + airbrush and a bit of soft edge eraser for shading, but it's rough to get shading right in Clip Paint Studio and try to tweak my brush to get it how I like it.

I want it to both put down color and blend so I turned on coloring mixing in subtool setting and playe with stretch + the different options but it's just not quite there yet.
Thats quite an interesting style you got there, not what I would typically like, but after trying and failing to do what you do i appreciate the effort. I really like your foliage you have good color selection but some part could be a little more subdued in my opinion. the composition is really good too in my opinion, the image is'nt to hard to read, I think you have good potential.
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this allowed? if not ill try and do something tomorrow
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yes, the tree was not originally intended to be part of the comp so i selected nice bright colors, normally for background elements, you pick stuff more desaturated/blue tint or just some other major color in the background and then using that tint on top of it. So I messed with that and tried doing Fluttershy. I ended up going through like 100 brushes but none of there were good and I just ended up sticking with the "Scratchy Ink" free brush I was already using. I did find out you can enable "color mixing" on an eraser in CPS, for example on a kneaded eraser and its a more effective blender than the actual blender brush. Well, sort of, I'm still trying to figure out how to do decent blending. It doesn't help that I really like textures so I often don't have perfectly smooth blending like someone like Loish or Korean CG art does, for example.
That ponk is really cute!
I have no good info to pass along, so i'll nod and agree yes sorry formy shit take
Regarding the specifics of your artwork, I think the biggest roadblocks in your way to finishing it is the lack of clearly defined simple form and consistent light source. The way you're presenting it tells me that less would be more.
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In pic related, the painter does something very similar, but restricts themselves to only extremely basic balls and cylinders for the head and body, and the light is clearly coming from one specific direction. The artist made the choice to have the viewer looking directly at the half shadows, and only truly rendered the brightly lit parts (the shadow parts are barely rendered). This gives a very clear sense of form and directionality, and it its a much simpler and more minimalist approach than what you described.
That style reminds me of rhorse, but I don't see it under their tag on twibooru.
Neat, thats a Lyra with Fence Sitter cutiemarl?
cute, im feeling this is ok to add brother.
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Decided to add my mare to this shirt.
Just realized I forgot to include the reply. God I'm tired.
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is muh oh see donut steel finnmare https://derpibooru.org/tags/oc-colon-finnmare
she is country horse of finland her cm is finlands flag
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got the urge to draw a cartoon horse but not in mlp style
very pretty!
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i regret trying to figure out how to do mix in colors now. maybe I should have jumped merged down to 1 layer after all...
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is her name banana?
it's mirror eclipse, banana is her enemy
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older mare detected
Are we supposed to just make it colored outlines?
I've worked printing t-shirts, believe me when I tell you that it is better to do something simple with few colors, otherwise you end up with a "chewy" print on your t-shirt, my best advice is to use 2 different colors and "textures" If you want to do complicated things.
I understand, I was just asking if it's considered a breach of etiquette to submit a mare made of solid colors
nta, do keep in mind this is going to be redraw with markers, so it's going to be limited to what a person can do with by hand and how it will end up looking once transferred on the shirt.
Oh, good to know, thanks.
Supposed to be two of my OCs sitting in a ditch, one of them drinking cider. Any thoughts on the line work or anatomy?
looks fine
Go to the draw thread for genuine critique
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>holy fugggggg there's one! Twiggles get the camera!
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*SNAP* Yep.
Drew this >>41382292
What's the consensus on nicking ideas/requests from the draw thread?
I'm nowhere near good enough to post there that fucking hand so I doubt this is what they had in mind,but I still feel bad about drawing it and not telling the anon who requested it. Maybe I'm just being retarded.
nothing wrong with finding inspo from the draw thread, im sure the anon would appreciate it btw. but if you don't want to post it you don't have to.
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I think it's a perfectly serviceable piece, anon. The hand might look a little alien-esque but it's not bad. God knows there's plenty of good pony artists that still can't grasp (heh) fingers.
At worst I think you might get a >/bale/ from the resident party-pooper, but I doubt the requester will be displeased getting his /r/ fulfilled.
There is only a finite supply of drawfags and an innumerable amount of /r/equesters. More likely than not there's going to be hundred of unfulfilled requests to the maybe tens of /d/s that get made every thread. Adding onto the meager (draw)pile of /d/ will never be a bad thing, regardless of what some random sperg might think. In the end, you can do really whatever you want, be it snagging ideas for draws, or /d/rawing them specifically for the drawthread. Just remember to have fun with it, and don't sweat the small stuff.
Just looking at what you drew, show that anon what you made, it would definitely make their day better.
As long as what you're making isn't half assed show them.
>i'm nowhere near good enough to post there
there is no minimum skill level to post there. there's some shitheads who piss and moan about anything that's below a professional artists skill level. just ignore them. your draw is perfectly ok to post there and is cute.
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fuck, that pic reminded me that I haven't drawn this particular mare in forever. Moar Habby, but a little less pointy point.
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Trying to learn the mlp artstyle. any tips for better colors/line colors?
Thicker and cleaner outlines. Take note of how/when lines for different body parts overlap and stay consistent with it. It already looks very good though, well done
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Couple a NEETs having a good thyme
Don't be fooled by the gal in the middle, it's just a cheap costume. She likes playing dress-up.
Sorry brother but I can hardly tell what's going on in this pic.
Fair, it's lazy as fuck. Doesn't help that it's mostly gray on a white background.
It's just a couple mares sitting around. The middle one is behind the other two and she's somewhat obscured by the left mare's fluffy tail. Looking at it again, I can see some of leftmare's tail being mistaken for the middlemare's leg.
Cheers lads, thought fuck it and posted it. Though I can't look at that hand anymore without seeing a bloody alien kek. Maybe one of these days I'll actually try and learn how to draw anon properly so I can have him pissing about with mares.
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Flutters new haul (slanted af though)
Saw that in the thread, honestly lovely mare and it’s always good to want to learn new things in art.
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I uh designed a shirt.

I cant freehand so this was all done with the pen/curve tool.
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for a second I thought you mistyped the subject and put Baie at the start.
...but it was just a spot on my screen over the L
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why horny
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neato, thank for the addition Anon. The shirt design is coming very nicely, just a reminder there is less than 24h if anyone else wants to put something on it.
oh shit I guess I'll put something on the other sleeve
Cute guard pone
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There ya go. The yellow in her hair and the little stripe of lighter pink in her iris are the neon colors.
Any tips for better colors ? It's hard to get good line colors
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Shirt is lookin good. We pretty much just need a few more on the back.
>that twi shirt
ruh row, I will try my best, but Anon please do not be disappointed if that small shirt drawing end up looking like stick mares.
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linky uses silver for the mane&tail, and gold+silver for the cutie mark
Just look at a bunch of the outlines that ponies have compared to their body color and see how those colors shift relative to each other, and from their try and apply those relations to the colors you choose, and from their experiment until you find something you're pleased with.
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lego amre
I mean basically just take the interior color of that part of the body and make it darker and more saturated to get the lineart color.
Oh shit, thanks dude.
yeah np brother she's a cute.
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Learning how to draw, decided to take a crack at my backup character for my Fallout: Equestria campaign tonight thanks to a poster in the zebra thread. Technically learning to draw over again but I haven't seriously picked up a pencil in like ten years.

My first go around I tried to draw him from the front profile but something about pony noses and eye proportions messes me up. Need to practice forms more I guess.
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Are my bodies too hotdog shaped to ever recover?
Not at all. Just make them a little shorter, overlap the two circles for their shoulders and hips a bit. You should be aiming for a sort of jelly bean or kidney bean ish shape, not a hotdog.
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Fae spotted! Hope using the silver as the 'gray' is okay.
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learning how to draw, proud of this one
not bad anon, only nitpick is her neck is a little thick.
thanks, I have no clue how to do bodies yet so for now its just floating heads with weird necks.
That's fine. I did floating heads for a little bit before moving on to decapitated bodies briefly, then merging them together with the techniques i learned from both for the full poner. just relax and go at the pace that's comfortable for you.
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I'm broke as fuck right now but where are you selling it?
>"I'm sorry Mr. Anon, but I'm afraid I can't let you in..."
>Two small equines equipped with comically large red forks and plastic devil horns flank you, one of them rudely sticks her tongue out at you as she does.
"Oh c'mon, I only said it *once*!"
>"But you uhm... You thought it quite a uh..." The angel mare unfurls a small scroll containing a singular unsavory word, which then proceeds to roll past you and into the perpetual sunset of the pearly gates.
>"Quite a lot."
"O-oh... Is there any way I can make things right? Like is there a rehabilitation program or...?"
>She shakes her head, her halo wobbling a little as she does. "No, no I'm afraid this is the end of the line... You'll just have to spend eternity in horsey heck."
"Horsey- wait, I'm not going to hell?"
>The angel mare's eyes widen. "H-heaven's no! You might be a sinner with dubious intent in his eyes, but you still had a valid ticket!"
>You let out a sigh.
"So I guess the only solace I'll have is that my eternal damnation is pony-flavored?"
>The taller of the horned mares bumps you lightly with her flank. "Don't say 'pony-flavored' in front of the goody-four-shoes, dumdum."
"That's not what I- Ow!"
>You feel one of their dull forks jab you roughly in the rump, making you lurch forward a little.
"Jesus, could you at least wait until we get back to your place?!"
>The little angel mare gives the devils a stern look, the creepy human-esque eyes that dot her otherwise adorable wings immediately focusing on the culprit.
>"No roughhousing at the gates! I won't have my guests harassed, even if they wind up in your dirty hooves anyways!"
>The shorter of the two devils giggles a bit. "My apologies, dear sister! Won't happen again~"
>Taking a step towards the angel once more, you clear your throat.
"So let me get this straight... despite being fashioned after a horse cartoon that promotes friendship and forgiveness... I still have to go to 'horsey heck'?"
>The angel nods glumly. "That is correct, Mr. Anon... Your name simply doesn't appear in the [Heavenly Credits]."
>The shorty devil pipes up. "Yeah, so stop whining and lets get a move on! It's spaghetti night and I'm starving!"
>The tall one rolls her eyes. "You're always starving..."
>The angel lets out a sigh. "I suppose she's right... It's about time you take your leave, Mr. Anon."
>As if on cue, you hear a 'ding' ring out behind you.
>What looks like a dingy service elevator now sits at the entrance of [Equestria].
>As it opens, another devilish mare wearing a conductor's cap pokes her head out and adjusts her rose tinted glasses. "Lets get a move on! Those lonely losers are dropping like flies and we'll need this thing back up here ASAP!"
>You can hear the angel mare mutter something about 'disdaining this part'.
"Wait- Can I at least ask you one thing before I go?"
>The angel gives you a sympathetic look. "Anything, Mr. Anon."
"What the heck's a snowpity?"
>She simply smiles in response as the devil mares begin to drag you away.
all looking good my dudes!
kek bump
I'm not. At least not yet? I just did it as a goofy concept for keks. I guess I can get it printed on Zazzle if anons want it.
More guardmare since the draw thread seemed to like her.
Love these expressions.
>bean mouth
cal-arts is a fucking plague
Alright, the /bale/ collab shirt design is good to go, now I just need to slave next week+ to get it all transfer. Good job ponybros!
We had the easy part, thanks for handling all the logistics and putting this project together my dude.
Excited to see the finished shirt and I hope it isn't too much work for ya!
Was fun! I'm glad I got to participate before it was said and done. Hope everything turns out okay!
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Apple bros we are making some progress, still got a long way to go (specially with the values, lighting and some anatomical parts I'm still figuring out) but damn if it ain't a fun ride.
I thought the DRaw thread was just for taking requests
I am not sold on the boots. Especially with how the soles seem to wrap around what would normally be considered the ankle. The way you've drawn the rear hooves here also has them pointed down like they're at full ankle extension/trying to stand on their tippy toes. We should probably be looking at the soles on their shoes.

Torso on the big guy is weird. Small guy too but not as much. I think you kinda drew human midsections and shoulders but didn't really size them up, so big guy goes from
>large head
>yoked neck
>skinny midsection with his jacket pulled in to exaggerate it
>med legs
>big hooves
Horses are round around their barrels and this extends to ponies; your torsos should never be smaller/as wide as the neck.

It sorta looks like you drew human torsos and put everything else on afterward. I think the two of them are also on the short side for horse torsos which exaggerates the proportion changes on the big guy by a lot.

>good stuff
Legs on the smaller horse look really good outside of the hoof angles. Pants are maybe a little tight. I think the line work overall is pretty good. The jackets are realistically baggy and I can tell what everything is.
just another crab in the bucket
That would be a pretty dope handle honestly
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I know this will come off as a shitpost probably, but I couldn't resist not to edit the OP image. Although who knows, if /mlp/ will ever have a snuff general, this can be their very first OP image.
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does anyone know how to get a "painting effect" like this? i've been trying multiple different blending techniques and guides to varying results but not anything close to similar

looking for how an artist like vondsketch or yidwags does it
Don't know about YIDWAGS but Vond has posted a speedpaint about this image and it just looks like it's all in the blending, start with a simple flat color then consider a light source for shadows and the shape of the pony for where the darker colors and lighter colors should go. From there find a good blend brush and afterwards you can add some extra lighting.
I'm gonna be real with you man, this sort of painterly blending takes a lot more skill and technical knowledge than most people realize. That's the sort of stuff they teach you in art schools. This isn't something you just figure out as you go from internet tutorials, it takes most artists a lot of serious color studies and fundies practice before they reach this point.
Use paint
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eepy amres
https://yidwags.com/#resources here
also she uses a mouse only
source: i know her as an acquaintance
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A nervous little apprentice filler.
What daring magics will she conjure up first?
the magic of cuteness no doubt
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here ya go op just as promised
That's super cute man, thought of making one too for the thread, gonna try and fix one for next thread when I get the time
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The Antianonfilly.
based cute derpo
cute anon fillers
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damn she's apple jacked
I thought that pencil+hand was a little penis at first glance.
Last time i asked vond said he only uses basic brushs like an airbrush and the lasso tool.
from what i can see he often picks some paintings that he wants to "convey the feeling", so use tons of refs of how you would want the result to look like.
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Inside me are two fillies. One is lazy, indulgent, and impulsive. The other is too, but also draws sometimes.
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Alright, bros, it's going slow but I feel like it should be done before next Monday rolls out.
Looking good brother
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>The other is too, but also draws sometimes.
I do not relate to this filly
>Tries to draw but i don't like how shitty looks
>It's shitty because I don't practice
How can I break this vicious circle?
Understand and accept that you're just going to have to suck for a while before you can get better. You can't draw good stuff without drawing a bunch of shit first. Just tell yourself "alright I'm going to draw some garbage just to practice" and keep doing that a couple times a week for a year. Then a year from now look back on whatever shit you drew today when you're starting and compare it to your most recent drawing. You'll be amazed at the progress.
Also remember, you've got a LOT more practice looking at and critically judging whether art is good than you do drawing and creating art that is good.
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I love floofy mares with hair covering their eyes... One of my favorite subgenres of amre.
The monster is unbelievably based, drinking one right now. Anonfilly will get through these lazy times.
Great work so far! It's gonna be fun to see how Twi's shirt will look like.
Pones stealing!
She's a turbo cute
no u
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Been painting for several days so I had to do some sketching, which then turned into this after some work.
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Cute cheeselegs

passin around the bluntmare
based nice chrissy
guess you can say she's a blunt pony
Happy ending for the guardmare.
Looks like it's coming along great. You did a good job on the tracing.
Amazing trilogy with peak ending.
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made a demon pony
based I love it bro
it looks like a screencap but I don't remember any ponies with anonfilly coloring in the show. Subtle edit?? Or just AI (doorknob handle is poking past door edge?)
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It's a real screencap
Oh, I think it's cause I didn't watch later seasons. This is so cool. But seeing Luna injured makes me sad. Did she get stung by bees?

I was rewatching Season 1 and there are like 2 or 3 random bee sting attacks. I wonder if it's the writer's fetish.
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>Did she get stung by bees?
It's sunburn
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>sunborn on her horn
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Second update to the bale charity shirt .
I'm very sorry Trixiebro, I had a brain fart moment of "of course that line goes there...wait a minute, no it fucking doesn't"
Gonna have to work on my proportions with the backside mares but good progres so far.
i like her mane high lights
How desperately I want Chryssy to lure me into a false sense of security only to steal all my love, crush my balls, and call me a retard.(It turns me on more)
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Thinking about practice some eclairs
qt deserves the sammich
This could be bad advice. You generally want the main focus point of a scene to stand out and draw the eye to it. One way of doing that is to create contrast with the values. The eye is usually drawn to things of lighter value.
The painting style inside and outside clash a bit too much in my opinion, but it may just be unfinished, and I find Applejack’s contour is too sharp when compared to her surroundings. Also perhaps add some subtle highlights on the face.
Thanks for the input! I've reworked a lot which I posted earlier >>41400359
I'll look into the values between the background and AJ as I do see it is a bit too clashing. My plan is to give focus to the eyes and face but still figuring out the shadows there as of now. The background is still largely undone as I tend to focus one one subject at a time for productivity.
Are you freehanding these by eye? You're not tracing from a printout or something?
I'm gonna be real honest with you bro.
>>41400359 This is way overdone and looks like shit. The shadows have no consistency--where is the light coming from? Where is it hitting her body? Not only are the shadows nonsensical, they aren't even consistent (both front legs have totally different shadows.
>>41356781 This was already a little overdone but looks way better.
The "cleaning up" that you did with that recent Fluttershy drawing would be really nice here.
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100% free hand. I keep lurking back and forth on my monitor but due to lack of proper table to lay it down I kind of hold it with a carbon sandwich between to not have cross over the colours
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Thanks for the honesty! I know the shadows are shit I'm just trying to really salvage what I got right now. I get what you are saying and honestly with the fluttershy drawing I really had to clean that up. But honestly I feel like I'll need to cut my losses where I can with this piece (which I don't think is too bad but as always can be improved) so I can start on something else and take what I learned with this and my other drawing into account for my next work. For example anatomy, simplified values, clear shapes for shadows and form and really hammering down the lighting before blending the values.

This is where I am now with it.
>where is the light coming from
>why is her bottom lip the only one that exists and why is it more lit than the rest of the snout
>why is the snout in general more lit that the cheeks
>the fuck is happening to her hindleg
>where is the other hindleg
It's not just "clear shapes for shadows" it's having the shadows make sense in the first place. You need to make a mental 3D model of the shape you're drawing, place a light source somewhere around that model, and draw the shadows across the entire form based on where that light source is placed. Like >>41409008 said:
>where is the light coming from
demon mare was begging to get lewded. I put a twist on this one though.
struggled with the fuckin bat wings and the shading on her ass but I think it turned out ok
kek and very nice
Kek, this is like a best case scenario for most anons in the afterlife.
KEK based horny bastard
kek Now do one where hes free
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Yeah the lighting I was going for wasn't just wokring (tried like a back lit thing but will study this further), decided fuck it and try and remake it to something more sensible. Idk too tired to keep working on it today. Gotta figure out how the light would be in this position instead.
Im going to be entirely honest I need some help learning how to draw wings better I feel like i cant get feathers down at all

(Best of examples Ive made compared to the many Ive thrown out)
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All three of these look great, man. Don't overthink it, just draw the general shape of the wing and then fill it in with feathers. If you want to make it a little more complex/realistic, picrel is a good guide.
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Slowing down to just two a day so I can recover from the work burnout, but we are still pretty much on track.
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gave her a friend
I had a few ideas already. Was thinking of having him break out and rape her. Not sure if that'd be taking things too far, normally drawing mares getting raped wouldn't be my thing. Don't like seeing ponies get hurt or anything like that. But if any pony deserves it it's this bitch, she's pure evil. Was also considering having her grow a horse cock when he caught her since it's supposed to he hell and all, but then it just turns anon on more. Idk just some ideas not sure I'll actually continue with this. Also holy shit that may be the most degenerate thing I've ever typed out.
Look up how actual wings are structured. Then simplify.
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No need for rape anon, i also don't like this sort of stuff
Yea I think I'll just leave it be. The way I see it, since she's a demon, she just wants to torture anon and would never actually give it up consensually but I don't really want to draw the alternative
>Draw Summer Breeze thread died before I could finish my drawing
There is no mare screaming at bread distorted enough to convey my anger.
Post it here!
Cleared the canvas at https://magma.com/invite/DXPPI_ZG
png: https://files.catbox.moe/y240la.png
psd: https://files.catbox.moe/4ix0hg.psd

Previous canvas: >>41331776
Summer Breeze has FALLen
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Don't be afraid to really push your values and separate light from dark. I am not a pro artist so take my words with a grain of salt but if you have an AJ toy or plushie try to replicate the lighting you're looking for and copy that. this looks good though. you're clearly looking for where light would reflect and paying attention to form and detail with the fur. i get caught up in the same mistakes- don't give up
While I was on the Summer Breeze thread, I traced this because I was and still unable to draw worth a damn. Guess I should put it here and bump the thread.
Someone encouraged me to try my hand at drawing, this was the result.
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The problem isn't contrast or value depth. The problem is that his shadows are terrible.
Like the nonsense shadow mid-flank. There's three ways to have it like that: something casting the shadow, the object being concave, or FUCKING UP.
The last one is the case here.
Drop colors, work in greyscale until you stop fucking the shapes up.
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Gonna be redoing the shading, yes I admit and I've agreed befire that they are in fact fucked lmao. Just gotta redo it and as you say learn values better in greyscale first (and fucking study lighting and how shadows are cast). But I do think I know where to go from here with the piece but probably gonna put it on semi-hold or until I feel like I can actually make something good with it.

Thanks for the advice, appreciate it! All luck to you on your artistic journey too man.
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Back of shirt is done, now just need to fill out the Dashie hair and get started on finishing Twily
yo she standing on the wall. Whys the perspective silly? Other than that, looks 8/10, high tier fandom art.
Great to see it almost complete, nice work brother
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she's really cute
Supposed to be standing by a open window, kind of a POV from the viewer. Not really finished with the ground so looks silly (and perspective is objectivly janked here). Thanks for your rating!
I like drawing mares
And I encourage you keep going. There's always room for more Anons here.
Check out those guides on op to learn the basics. And remember, improving takes time., one little step at a time. But (You) can do it.
Peak, you did my amre justice (the flower cutie mark).
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Since you asked...
I would've done it anyway
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Breathtaking cute Anon!
I was trying to do "as seen from above" angle
what would be a cute thing a mare could do...im out of ideas
a cute mare thinking a cute thing a cute mare could do
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And the bale collaboration shirt is done.
Thank you all Anons for providing the drawings, it was pretty fun project, I hope whomever ends up with it will too appreciate the whimsical nature of it.
>grocery shopping in the market
>setting up camp
>packing up camp
>raking leaves
>raking Canadians
>patricipating in Running of the Leaves with other mares
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Berry punch smiling in her sleep, dreaming of standing under a berry wine waterfall
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hell yeah brother np, I really like her she's very cute!
Cute pegasus
Although who knows, if /mlp/ will ever have a snuff general
I sincerely doubt this would ever happen, but I'd be totally down for it.
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saw a cute fille in the anonfilly thread
this is a cute mane style
I absolutely hate drawing tablets. I should have never bought one. my hands are too shaky and unstable. stabilization? No matter what I do it's still fucked and shaky. I start to draw a pony and I cannot even begin. I truly wish I never even tried this shit and never attempted to draw pony. I feel only rage. I can't DO anything I just sit and stare. I draw a line and it's not what I want. I delete and redo over and over and over and over and over and over. I can't even get a head shape for a pony but with PAPER AND PENCIL it takes less then a minute. i've been at this for an hour and a half and I cannot even begin. I hate this shit so fucking much it's unreal. I am not happy drawing. I am not happy with this and every single step I take into learning or getting better tools it's less fun. I hate this and I wish I never even tried. Don't try if you haven't started. if you want to learn? don't. just go for a walk or something. Something you always hear but never understand is that you will never be happy with your artwork. you will never be satisfied and you will never feel any joy from finishing something even if you can. This is the single least rewarding hobby i have ever attempted
>drawing tablets
when i just started out i would put tape a paper on top of the tablet because i was too used to the friction of paper and pencil
it definitely takes some practice
if you dont like it and dont have a goal then dont do it
I just fucking want to be happy and I just fucking want to share the ideas in my head. but no.. FUCKL YOU I guess strugfgle struggle styruggle pain pain paiun pain pain and I only feel anger. every hobby every task it all makes me furious beyond imagine. I go to work I feel only anger and hatred. I come home and feel only anger and hatred. I try to play games and it's just the same. I try to engage in this passion for creation and I feel just the same. none is fulfilling it all just makes me fucking mad
Do you have amblyopia by any chance? My fren used to be like that, somewhat, but it was due to his lazy eye messing up with his depth perception thus making his lines go everywhere specially when he was just starting.
A bit of dress-up fun with a pinch of overprotective mum.
Was trying to avoid throwing satyr at /bale/ but the relevant bread decided to retire to a nice farm upstate late in the night. Tried to be a bit more 'sketchy' with this one. Also I could have did some kind of background as it seems a bit bare, but I've too tired to keep going right now.

Glad to have helped! Made me miss all those /bale/ collabs from back in the day.

I like this floofy mare. She deserves a nice crunchy carrot.

Cute distinguished filler! The nonfilly variants you do are always nice to see.
I’ll tell you the same thing I tell everyone else who feels like they’ll never get better: Stop trying to be Michelangelo right off the bat. Just give yourself some time to learn and adapt, and more importantly, have fun being bad. It’s gonna look like ass until it doesn’t, and by then you’ll miss your scribbly doodles. Chances are your digital style won’t even look like your pencil style anyway.

That said, I do understand. Fine motor control in particular is a bitch to train, especially on a new medium, and even the best artists struggle with drawing perfect circles unless they’re one of those maniacs you see doing fancy tricks with chalk or whatever. Just like in real life though, the trick isn’t to shoot for perfection, but instead to acknowledge imperfection and build off of it to create something you can be proud of. A wonky circle could be the best thing to ever happen to you, if you let it happen.

If you’re up to it, I’d like you to draw a mare without using undo or the eraser tool and post her here, even if you think she’s the worst thing you’ve ever made. I wanna see what you can do.
Even when using references, I find myself making muzzles too long and only realizing it days later. How stop?
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A little experiment in mare's behind

Pic unrelated, just another thing I made.
Daww that is so cute.
Cute homofilly
Pre bed boop
A digital ponkwife sticker for all your digital ponkwife purposes. Remember to give her lots of cupcakes and headpats!
Probably could have did the eye differently but I kind of dig the whiteless look on this one.
christ when was the last time I did one of the mane six? feels like forever. might do more of these, not sure yet.
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A work doodle
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some vaguely spooky twiggle
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Cute Lion King fanart! Regrettably this is a MLP board, not a Lion King one. Mare muzzles are ROUNDED, never "block" them off. Absolute best case you end up looking like a furfag who grew up on LK and has never learnt to draw a different face shape.
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brushes and blending, big to small
I envy the anon who will own this shirt
God I'm retarded I thought she was sitting in front of a mushroom cloud




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