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Previous thread: >>41359600

"Not Again..." Edition

Choose Your Own Adventure. AKA Quest.

>Discuss Current, Finished and Upcoming CYOAs
>Give advice on CYOAs
>Pitch ideas
>Get critique
>Trade art

List of stories: WIP (formerly anonpone). Your best bet is to search via desuarchive.
List of related content: https://poneb.in/JfNFvCxZ

>How do I run a CYOA?
>I can't into art, but I'm a competent writer. Should I still run a CYOA?

>What day is best?
>What time is best?
>What race would you play?
>What genre are you interested in?

>Can I run a CYOA in this General Thread?
Yes, just take care to differentiate yourself if there's another ongoing CYOA here.

>Active CYOAs as this thread was posted
Moonlit >>Here
Caravan Guard >>41358999
No More Heroes >>41407099
New Pony In Town >>41442605
Disco Equestria https://fiction.live/stories/Disco-Equestria/vCCPdKzCrE3euDosT/home
>Killed by a sewer rat
Total fucking jobber
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Disco Equestria is going live.

“I say we keep going. We’re here to find a lens and that’s what we’ll do.”
>Tempest’s lips twisted into a grin as she strode to you and slapped your rear.
>”That’s a good lad! On we go!”
>You stared at her, holding a rear hoof in the air, as she pushed the door open and beckoned you to follow.
>”Now come on. No time to waste.”
>She was something, all right.
>You rolled your eyes and trotted through the door into the fresh snow.

>At first, it was just hoof-shaped holes in the snow.
>But the higher you got, the deeper the snow became.
>Now you were plowing a trail in belly deep snow.
>It was extremely light and airy snow, but deep snow nevertheless.
“I think I need…”
>You stopped to wipe the sweat off your brow.
”...a short break.”
>Tempest paused as well, looked to the side, and swiveled her ears all around.
>It was totally quiet, apart your heavy breathing.
>”Fine. Take a couple of minutes. I’ll take point from here.”
>She stuck a hoof into her saddlebag, pulled out a bottle of water, and tossed it to you.
>As you caught it, you saw it had icy slush on top of it, but wasn’t fully frozen.
>Unscrewing the cork, you took a sip – and shuddered at how icy cold it was.
>It made your tongue go numb.
>Still, better than nothing.

>The wind started picking up as you got even higher.
>It was just a light breeze, but the effect was bone chilling.
>You shuddered and zipped your coat all the way to your chin as another gust blew by.
>Following Tempest in the trail she plowed was a lot lighter than going first, but even she was now breathing heavy and couldn’t keep the same pace as at the base of the mountain.
>The trees around you were short and stunted, but still numerous.

>”What’s that over there?”
>The unicorn stopped to point at something up ahead.
>It was a small wooden hut or shack of some sort.
“A run down hut I think.”
>The silence was as deep as ever as you waded through the snow towards the thing ahead.

>It was indeed a hut.
>It looked long abandoned, with peeling paint and rusted hinges, but the window was still intact.
>And there was no snow inside when you pulled the creaky door open.
>There was a small bed, an equally small table, a fireplace, and a wide staircase leading down inside.
>How deep down, you couldn’t tell.
>It went on into the darkness – but, if a rope and pulley system along with narrow tracks was of any suggestion, it went on very deep.
“It’s a mine of some sort.”
>You pulled your head back out and pushed the door back closed.
>”Huh. I wonder what they were after all the way up here.”
>Tempest, standing on the path that ended at the hut, glanced up at the peak still looming above.
“There was nothing in there so we’d have to go down to find out.”
>Glancing up at the peak as well, you stared at the whiteness of snow interrupted by streaks of dark rock.
>It wouldn’t be easy to get up there, but you thought you saw a way that wasn’t too steep.
>There was also a glacier beside the peak that ran down the other side of the mountain.
>”Do you think what’s down there is something worth looking at?”

[] Mine (High)
[] Peak (High)
[] Glacier (High)


It'll be a little bit before the next one since I'll be gone 2 mare fair 2 for the next 2 or so weeks.
Come say hi if you see me. I'm the one who looks like a huge faggot.
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And of course I forgor.
Keep heading towards the peak! Stay focus at the task at hoof.
I concur. I bet the view is spectacular up there.
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Also, have fun at the mare fair!
>I'm the one who looks like a huge faggot

>[] Peak (High)
No distractions! We can do some exploring after we find a lens, but not before that.
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Death Saving Throw
Welp, thread died. I’m going to hold off on starting the next thread until after next week.
Ok see you soon trail leader until next time.
F, I forgot to bump. Expect drunken and sleep deprived inputs if thread goes up during anni week!
Did anyone ever do one of those custom Hunger Games things that were popular back in 2018~ with characters from CYOAs?
Good luck and rest well.
Not to my knowledge. I miss those threads but unfortunately jannies hate fun.
With the mare fair and the anni going on, I suspect this thread is going to even deader than usual.
I don't see a point in filling it with bumps for all of next week, so what do you guys say we let it fall off naturally and I'll remake the next one on the 6th?
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This. Will. Happen.
I'm guessing she's from that quest where the QM failed in rolling to kill off anon to end the story. Their name slip from my mind, and I don't know why.
Yeah, you could say that our fate was locked from the start.
You little fucking shit. But thanks to you, now I remember the name of the quest and somehow Aftercase's name just by mention of the quest. Any word on what they plan to do with Fatelocked? Point was to kill us off in a short quest. Unless they just plan to raise the difficulty even higher to make a bad end happen sooner, not sure what they'd do with it next to end it.
Well, that was the original premise. But the anons loved Willow so much that the quest continued. But we're talking about Aftercase, so i can only hope that he gets to continues with his quests. I want my happy ending
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I miss them...
We never went asked on a date...
Wasn't the last major investigation a whole trap arranged for Aftercase to kill us for good and make us meet our fate? In other words, the extra life is up and it's time to kill us off. Anons just got lucky they rolled well and circumvented several traps.
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Look, I'm much more concerned about that degenerate self booping.
She smells like a communist!
If i remember correctly there were a cultist trap to steal amulet. But they lured us in Blackhoof where
death prophecy from the start not works. It was just very very dangerous. And i think it that was in first act before our "first death".
I'm really CONCERNED for what is hiding under Willow's bed that QM darkly alluded to changing our perception of Willow. That even Tome is hiding her disillusion with Willow.
I don't remember this bit, when was this mentioned in the quest?
>Willow had secrets under her bed.
Looking at it back again, likely just misinterpreted Aftercase's words here. Then again, they absolutely refused any clarification when asked if they were the kinky kind of secrets as well. Either way, Willow "had" secrets under her bed so we'll need to just go off of that and get an answer when the quest is over for certain.
She definatly has a cockroach farm under her bed so she could snack from it.
Pre 2010 Anon lives under Willow's bed.
Willow hiding the fact that she's romancing another anon from another era from us... which anon will screech more in the end?
Peak, Anon
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I miss this thread with that little foal shame it got cancelled I was enjoying seeing that pony getting that cow pony and that mare merchant as their marefriend's.
Gee Willow, how come Bright Eyes lets you have two Legions?
Does it make her a double legate?
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Why was it cancelled out of curiosity? Mainly recall the funny reaction behind the foal being raped by that thief, but not sure it f that in any way contributed to it.
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Aerospace pones when?
I don't think it's coming back, anon.
We'll never see Selene again... Put her on the list of comfy CYOA mares lost to the sea of time.
"There's a staaaaarmare waiting in the sky..."
I’m going to be out of town all of next week into the week after. As such, I’m going to delay the next thread until near the end of the month. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Thanks for the headups trail leader its okay enjoy your vacation with your family and relatives.
No worries, thanks for the heads up.
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One for spook month.
Oh I recognize some of the references:
WW - Westworld
FL - Fatelocked
HS - Hearts of Speed
AF - Anomalous Files
NH - Nobody's Hero

What are the others?
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[x] Peak (High, 80%, d10, roll over 2, result: 4, success)

“Nah. It’s probably gems or gold or something equally pretty but worthless.”
>You stared up at the path to the peak.
>Yeah, there definitely was a way.
“We can get up to the peak. See there-”
>Pointing a hoof up at the path you saw, you nudged Tempest.
“-we’ll follow that ridge. It’s the least steep path.”
The mare’s eyes narrowed as she glared at your suggested path.
>”Mmh. That might work, but we’ll have to be careful since it’ll be treacherous with loose rocks buried in snow.”
>She shook her head.
>”But, I don’t have any better ideas.”
>Pulling the zipper of her coat all the way up, she waved a hoof to motion you to follow before heading off.

>The first thing you noticed up on the ridge was the wind.
>It wasn’t a chilly breeze, but a frigid gale that blew right through the tiniest gaps in your clothing and threatened to freeze you solid.
>You pulled your coat’s collar as high as it would go before glancing back at Tempest.
>She’d stuffed her steel shoes into her saddlebags and sunk one bare hoof into the snow to feel around and make sure the ground was solid before taking a step.
>Your cloven hooves were much better at finding a solid hold on the steep and rocky terrain.
>”How do you- oop!”
>She slid backwards for half a step before sticking all four hooves back down.
>Staring at her legs, she remained quiet – and still, thankfully – for a second before looking back up at you.
>”How do you keep doing that? You part mountain goat or something?”
>You lifted a hoof out of the snow and wiggled its two toes.
>Tempest rolled her eyes.
>”Of course you are.”
>She stuck a hoof in her bag and rummaged around.
>”I suppose I must admit your superiority in this particular matter.”
>And dug out a coil of rope, then tossed one end to you.
>”And have you take point. Well?”
>Levitating the end to yourself, you stared at it for a second.
>”What are you waiting for? Tie it around yourself.”
>She was already tightening a knot around her waist.
“Oh. Sure.”
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>You felt the rope pull taut.
>Tempest had stopped for breath once again.
>The higher you got, the thinner the air and the slower your progress got.
>You only needed a breather every few minutes, no doubt thanks to growing up in the Peaks of Peril.
>In a valley, maybe, but still quite high up compared to the lowlands of Equestria.
“You all right?”
>You had to yell to be heard over the howling wind all around you as you took the few steps back needed to reach her.
>”Yeah. I just didn’t…”
>She gasped for air.
>”...think it was quite this high up.”
>Reaching out, you gave her a pat on the withers and pointed ahead.
“We’re almost there. See, that’s the summit. Won’t be more than five minutes until we’re there.”
>Her eyes lit up as she saw the small flat area up ahead where the three ridges forming the mountain met.
>Drawing a deep breath, she took a shaky step towards it.

>Tempest took the final step and pulled herself onto the tiny level area of the summit.
>She took a staggering, shaky step towards you.
>You zipped to her side, wrapped a hoof around her withers, and pinned her to you to hold her upright.
“There! We made it!”
>You were freezing, exhausted, and on a mission, but you still wheeled you and her around to look at the view.
>Far beneath, surrounded by lush green fields and a moat, was a tiny castle.
>Closer, there was a path leading up and through a quaint little village.
>And a forested valley with a frozen river snaking along the bottom of it.
>There was a lone hut with a plume of smoke rising out of its chimney near the river.
>You thought you saw a faint glimmer of light from the hut, but that could've been just your imagination.
“All worth it, right?”
>You nudged Tempest.
>She kept looking the other way, at the undefined nothingness of dreamscape beyond the mountain.
>”What’s that over there?”
>Stretching out a hoof, she pointed at something much closer.
>On a rather deep slope a bit below you was something dark and too regularly shaped.
>You lit up your chevron and floated it to you.
>It was a tetrahedron with rounded corners and edges, made of black glass.
>Holding it in your magical grip made your head spin and filled your ears with almost understood whispers.
>You set it on top of the snow next to Tempest and shook your head.
“That has to be what we’re looking for. I feel weird just holding it.”
>Tempest flipped open one side of her saddlebag and showed it was full of supplies and two shoes, then flipped open the other side to show it equally full of supplies and shoes.
>She then leaned towards you and pulled open one of yours – which had room to spare.
>”...tell me if it gets too bad and we’ll figure something out.”
>She stuffed the dark tetrahedron into your bag and redid the buckle.
>...felt OK.
>It wasn’t heavy and didn’t seem to affect you through the bag and the thick coat you wore.

>It was then when you felt the first rumble.
>Which was followed by another.
>Despite the howling wind and the thick layer of snow between your hooves and the actual ground, you felt and heard a set of enormous bipedal footsteps approaching.
>”I was wondering where it went.”
>Tempest looked down the ridge you’d come up – the easiest way back down.
>A giant shadow was moving towards you.
>A quick look left you with four possible ways down.
>One was the way you’d come: the least steep of the three ridges.
>Easiest to climb, but you were guaranteed to run into whatever it was coming at you.
>The second was the second steepest ridge: not that much harder to climb down, but it led into the undefined dreamscape and whatever awaited there.
>The steepest of the three ridges led relatively close to the village at one point, but looked quite a bit more difficult to climb than the other two.
>Finally, there was the slope itself.
>Much steeper and rougher than the ridges, but it was the shortest way.

[] Down the way you came (Low)
[] Into the unknown (High)
[] Steepest ridge (Medium)
[] Slope (Medium)

The con and the bit of tourisming after it was awesome and I'll definitely be going again, if possible.
However, I could've done without getting sick. On one hand, fever dreams are a good source of material. Have you ever drifted to and from sleep when your mind is split in three characters who are trying to hold a conversation with each other? 'cause I now have.
On the other, writing when you have a high fever sucks ass. Apologies for any mistakes and errors I may have left in in that state.
After 2 months, I'll be resuming Genequest next time a /mmp/ thread pops up
Do you think the undefined dreamscape will coalesce into something more concrete as we approach, or is it a one wrong step and we tumble off into the boundless aether kind of deal? Let's find out!
There is a giant mares thread right now here >>41511842
Not the usual labeled massive pony thread, but not sure if one will be created with that thread up as is.
Eeyyy welcome back!
Happy to hear you had fun during your trip, sorry to hear about the fever, hope you're feeling better now (and if you see a certain dark blue moon themed Princess in your fever dreams could you please thank her for me and tell her that her advice worked? thx)..

As for our choices:
We fought a monster and became one while returning from our last trip. Let's not repeat that.
I'm not trusting the path into the unknown - there's no guarantee we won't find a second monster there, or that we'll reach a dead end and then we'll be stuck between whatever is in there and the monster that's currently chasing after us.
If I'm imagining this right, then going down the slope, off the path is gonna be slow, risky due to rockslides and also we don't know if the shadow isn't faster than us on such terrain.
Taking all the above into consideration, I'm voting for:
>[] Steepest ridge (Medium)
It's still gonna be slow, but if we reach the village we should have much more options to hide and loose our pursuer(s), even if there's more nasties there.
btw that's the village we came through on our way here, right? And the "tiny castle" further back is where Luna and Fleur are? Because I can't discern if we were looking back or in a new direction.
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I will wait.

I don't feel like dumping the continuation of a story that's several years old into a thread that came up with at least some fresh spontaneity in it.

In fact, since the /mmp/ general dropped, there's been two spontaneous big mare threads with this one >>41448333, which leaves me a bit like picrel
Hey guys. The last PQX thread didn't get very far. There still seemed to be some interest in it, but I don't think I can really consistently update anymore without completely discarding any pretense of effort.

So, here's my last couple of ideas on how to get PQX finished:

>1. the comic route
This would slam the pics and the text into a single format so I'd no longer have to come up with art AND decent writing, and each new entry would cover more ground. The next one, for instance, would likely bring the fight with Plejj to its conclusion. The downsides to this would be that it wouldn't really solve the biggest issue of me QMing anymore, which is mostly just boredom having to illustrate and outline pretty much every last step of the story, as well as that it'd likely eliminate a decent portion of player input. That's not to say I'd be ignoring all your responses, but it'd probably be less '4chan plays Tiny Idiot Superhero Pony Adventures' and more me seeing something that looks like it'd help the story and yoinking it for an upcoming installment/installments.

>2. the 'Guidebook' route
This option would entail an indeterminate but probably smaller total number of PQX uploads of what I call 'highlight' and 'background' pics, i.e. a few noteworthy moments in the plot that I either would've implemented or would've liked to implement from the onset of the CYOA, and some content pertaining to the >lore of the game, respectively.

This option wouldn't lead to the story being completed in its entirely, but it could lead to it being completed via inference. It could also mean a slightly higher quality and/or more frequent uploads than the present 'fuck-all at a rate of 0.02 fuck-alls per quarter.'

Whatever option we decide on, the results will be posted here in this thread and maybe 1 or 2 other places. In the unlikely event that an appreciable amount of content builds up, maybe I'll make a thread here and there for that, so if any of the 5 or so fans of PQX are still on /mlp/, they'll have a chance to see it. This is, of course, all assuming any of my ideas make it past the 'make myself do 1 thing and then give up again' phase of production.

What do you guys think?
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I say go for the steepest ridge.
Why not run it in this general?
If your set on going either of these routes. I'd say comic would probably be best.
If I'm understanding what your intent for it is then I'd say there's already a couple of artists on some (non-pony) quests that do that format.
>consistently update
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Hello page 10 my old friend
Been wanting to read some older CYOA's like nasapone but couldn't find a comprehensive archive, is there one or is it just go through the depths of desuarchive?
There used to be one, but it got nuked. So it's just desu now unless you find somebody that archived a cyoa themself.
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Cute capybara plushie
>7 posts of worthless bumps
What a pathetic general
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Does anyone have a preferred CYOA genre or setting?
Fetch quests. Dread is fun.
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Something that allows for comedic moments
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Isn't that all of them?
Some get WAY too serious
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Like what?
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I promise I'm working on it. Do not 404 just yet.
On what?
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[x] Steepest ridge (Medium, d20, 65%, roll over 6, result: 18, success)

“This ridge leads close to the village.”
>You pointed at the steepest ridge.
>”Good enough for me!”
>Tempest waded through the snow towards is.
>You first took a few quick steps to get ahead of her, but then paused to let her pass until the rope was pulled taut.
>That way, she wouldn’t fall as far before you could stop her.

>Tempest sunk her hoof into the snow and felt around for a proper hold.
>You wanted to yell at her to get moving and remind her of the tremors approaching from behind.
>But, you saw he struggle to just stay still on the steepest part of the steepest slope.
>She slid downwards ever so slightly every time she stuck her hoof to the ground.
>Until she found somewhere that held and she came to a stop.
>She drew a sharp breath before lifting one of her other hooves and-
>Stone hit rock as she slipped and fell.
>And slid down.
“Hold on!”
>You leaned backwards and braced for the sudden yank of the rope pulling tight.
>Not daring to move a hoof, you watched her tumble down until-
>You winced in pain as the rope dug deep into your waist.
>Your hooves slipped on whatever rocks or stones they were on and you, too, slid downwards.
“Oh, no, no, no-!”
>Until your hooves hit something solid.
>Your joints and waist screamed in agony as you forced yourself into a stop.
>But stop you did.
>Despite the long grooves in the snow behind you.

>You drew a shaky breath before looking down at Tempest.
>She was on her back, flailing her hooves about and trying to get herself upright, held in place only by the rope.
>There was a wide skid mark on the snow above her where she’d slid down.
“You okay?”
>She managed to flip onto her belly and got onto her hooves, but she kept slipping as soon as she shifted a bit of weight off the rope.
>”Can you pull me back up?”
>You tugged on the rope.
>Whatever you stood on didn’t budge.
“Sure. I think.”
>Lighting up your chevron, you started pulling.
>”You thiii-?”
>Enough of her weight was on the slope that the first proper yank got her moving.
“Nope. I definitely can.”
>She shot you an angry glance as you dragged her to you, rear first.

>Armored, toned rear first.
>Very nice to look at.
>But, you had more pressing issues at hoof.
>Like pulling her onto the mostly flat bit of rock you stood on.
“There. How do you feel?”
>You wanted to say she could take a moment, but a rumble from behind reminded that she really couldn’t.
>”I’ve been better, but…”
>She scrambled onto her hooves and stretched out one limb at a time to test them out.
>”...I don’t think I broke anything. Let’s keep going.”

>Your lungs screamed for air.
>Acid burned in your legs.
>”Come on, FASTER!”
>Tempest galloped ahead of you.
>Deep, rumbling thumps followed behind you.
>You wanted to tell her it wasn’t catching up.
>But couldn’t speak while gasping for air.
>That mare was made of something else.
>She was plowing a path in the snow towards the village, now just ahead.
>You couldn’t even keep up with her despite staying in her trail.
>All you wanted was let your legs give and collapse so you could get a few breaths of delicious, fresh, oxygen rich air.
>”We’re almost there! Just a little bit to go!”
>She wasn’t wrong.
>You sped past the first house of the village.

>”Well, we made it. What’s the plan now?”
>Tempest slowed down to a trot and craned her neck to look around the main square of the village.
>You finally caught up to her.
>You felt like suffocating and gasped for breath.
>What was your plan, anyways?
>You were right next to the largest buildings in town – which wasn’t saying much in such a tiny town.
>There was the town hall, the store you spent the night the previous time, and a couple of houses that looked like they belonged to some rich families.
>You could go into one of those, or keep running.
>The rumbling thumps were still behind you and now catching up, but you figured you had a bit more than a minute.

What would you like to do?
Certain actions may be subject to a roll.

The AI really can't do what I wanted it to since to it, rope = bondage.
Also, the end of the year pattern is repeating at work. Customers are realizing they have some leftover budget they have to blow or it'll get cut so they order stuff that I make. So, it's busy. I don't do overtime so I have just as much time as before, but less energy. I'll do my best.
I started this a week ago.
Go into one of the rich families house's so you can have better cover and bigger hiding spots to avoid being spotted by whatever is chasing you plus being in a somepony's abandoned rich house will allow us and tempest to recuperate and possibly bond closer to each other more.
Wow, I didn't think Tempest would struggle so much on that ridge and damn, how fast the roles switched when we reached more level ground - back to being a dead weight I guess lol.

As for the choice, I'd go for the place that has the biggest amount of possible hiding spots and exits, so the town hall I guess. I certainly would not keep on running as our character is already exhausted.

>The AI really can't do what I wanted it to since to it, rope = bondage.
I see no problem here.

Work - wise I'm in a similar situation so I feel your pain.
Go for a rich house, probably many places to hide.
Another vote for the houses. We know from previous experience that hiding under the bed works so that's what we'll do again.
We're spent, lay low. See if we can do anything about our hoofprints in the snow betraying our choice of the house. If nothing else, go there backwards from one of our old trails.
There is this stupid thing I can't stop thinking about. Every location that we visit feels abandoned. In the castle, the implication seems to be that everypony turned into shadows, but there's no shadows here in the village. The closest we were to meeting a character who wasn't a boogieman or a dreamer was in the depths of Fleur's nightmare. From a certain standpoint it was just more of Fleur, split between the filly and the voices of her parents, but I can't help but wonder if this is where everybody went. What if there's a hidden global rule, like, the deeper into nightmares you descent, the more crowded dreams get? And we can meet the people of this village if we just let the monster kill us a few times? Tempest was in this world longer than we have, maybe she has some stories about falling into nightmares and meeting somebody other than herself down there.
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>Until your hooves hit something solid.
I was about to write "byee~"

>She shot you an angry glance as you dragged her to you, rear first.

>Armored, toned rear first.
>Very nice to look at.
Zoomed eyes

>Your lungs screamed for air.
Uh oh

>What was your plan, anyways?
Plan? What plan?!

I want to say the town hall, but everyone else voted the houses
It's over
So it happened again.
Irl stuff is really kicking QMs asses these days

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