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Secret Santa is back in action!
Come celebrate Horsemas with your fellow anons; spill your horrid desires to an internet stranger, and spend a few months being a little less awful than we usually are.

>How’s this thing work?
Read the FAQ!
The short form:
Gifts are given Round Robin style (A gives to B gives to C who gives to A) while cards are exchanged traditionally (whomever you give a card to should send one back to you). You will be randomly assigned anons by email after the signups are over so please keep an eye out!

Sign up at: https://horsemas.anonfilly.com/

Schedule of events and deadlines:
Oct Now: Signup doc goes live.
Oct 31st at 11:59pm CST: Signups close. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Nov 1st onwards: Gift assignments will be given out. After gift assignments are finalised card assignments will be given out, please be patient.
Dec 1st - 10th is the latest suggested mailing period. Consider mailing on the early side if you’re shipping internationally.
Latecomers: Coming Soon

FAQ here : https://fag.anonfilly.com/
Have thoughts/suggestions? The suggestion box is here: https://reeeeeee.anonfilly.com/

Coordinator email for comments/concerns/general inquiries: ponyclausmlp@gmail.com
Card Ambassador and assistant dragon supreme: thecardslut@gmail.com

And yet every year someone will break my heart and come late. For now you have a whole month to sign up, go enjoy the anni streams, shitpost with your soon to be holiday friends and figure out your Spoopmas outfits.
In the meantime, now is the time to get hype! Share stories from years gone by; say hello to your fellow horsefuckers; talk about your plans for the year; maybe write a song or poem to pass the time while we wait for signups together.

Previous Thread: >>41560126
if they pair me up with someone I can drive to can I just give them their present in person at 3 am like a weirdo
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Oh.....most people took a more comedic spin to spooky...
Mine is Anonfilly cupcakes in colourful crayon....
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I would probably shoot you if you came knocking on my door at 3am
Luna what are you doing on Mars? Yes I am autistic enough to know that photo is from the Curiosity Rover
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v-very nice drawing, anon
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I have man-eating horses on my ranch. You wouldn't reach the front door alive.
shes having fun okay
oh yeah what if I'm wearing a pony hat so you know its me
you fool i will have a vehicle to keep me safe until i get to your house
I didn't remember if you had an oc for your /ss/ id so I imagined you one, all ready with her nightmare night costume!
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I also wanted to color it but didn't have the necessary crayons so I traced it in paint, hope you like my /bale/ level drawings
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I checked the archives and she does that costume is adorable though and keep on creating Obtuse! Can't wait to see more
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She's ok!
that's a real cutie
> keep on creating Obtuse! Can't wait to see more
thanks! it's really fun drawing ponies, I should have started sooner, I might start doing the 1 pony a day thing in november since I'll have more free time then
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you have redeemed yourself
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Gonna do another round of requests! Want an ss oc? Art of your oc? Art of canon or board pony? Ask away!

NSFW is fine. If I missed you the first time feel free to request again. I will try to do as many as I can.

Let’s keep up those sign ups!
i'd be up for a /d/ of my id, I already had one here >>41534997 so feel free to take your time and make other people go first if you end up drawing it
Could we see a Flawless in your style Maplecakes?
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>NSFW is fine
let's see some of the green faggot all gift wrapped and ready for some christmas filling then, whether its the fluffy fuck you made >>41539937 here or not is up to you
lily blossom reading a copy of tihkal by alexander shulgin
I wanna see Chuckles slapping the fuck out of someone with her cock arms
Thinking would be a colt with a tiny train conductor hat on and a CM with a tiny train with a generic outline of a pony riding it. Coat and mane/tail colour is up to you entirely.
(You) wearing a lewd outfit made of just tinsel and torn wrapping paper with a SPOILER themed bauble covering your mare bits
can you do a nsfw of my ss name oc?
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Looks like you're already violating OSHA rules with lack of sleep ^:)
>...Pasture Bedtime
Speaking of which it's way past mine goodnight thread
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Listen here you little shit
its fuckin true im exhausted and want to stay awake wayyy too long
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Reposting giveaway at the top of this thread:
Hello, everypony! Halloween is just around the corner, and in light of that fact, I'd like to hold a giveaway: TWO (2) Pinkie Pie pumpkin decorating kits!
Thanks for asking! Simply (you) me with spooky Horsemas draws -- skill not required, MS Paint encouraged. Two winners will be chosen randomly from those who participate; winners will be picked on Wednesday when I'm done with work, approximately 15 hours from the time of this post.
why single me out what did i do? i already shown you the art i did for the give way.
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you could be the first to draw my given name, idk, still working on their description but so far i cant shake it feeling like cringe (Tinker in pic since I obviously don't have a ref for someone who's only a few days old)

>Cookie Kiln is the second dragonpony to move to Ponyville, after Tinker. She's similar to Tinker in the sense that she has horns, dragonish teeth and eyes, and a dragonish tail, however there are some differences. For one, Cookie is the size of a normal mare, and her wings are the size of a normal batpony's wings. She also has hooves, rather than the "paws" that Tinker has.

>Since one of Cookie's parents was a batpony, she inherited batpony magic, allowing her to fly like a pony would, where Tinker inherited Unicorn magic and is only able to fly because his wings are as large as they are. The two dragonponies obviously know each other, and are friends most of the time, even if she refuses to set hoof on his back porch because he will make that stupid joke about how she doesn't look anything like the kilns he uses for ceramics.

>The circumstances by which she got her name were strange, indeed. Something to do with her dragon father taking an interest in pony kiln technology, impressed by how ponies could produce so much heat in such a small space, combined with her batpony mother's enjoyment of cookies....

>And, well, cookie just LOOKS like one. Thanks to her dragon's white scales and her mother's brownish fur, being from the brownish breed of batpony, Cookie looks exactly like an iced cookie, having a bright white mane that shoots all the way from her head to the tip of her tail- another similarity with Tinker. Her body, to go along with the cookie look, is a light brown with darker brown specks scattered across various spots of her body, like a full-body case of adorable freckles.

>Pony names tend to shape the lives they live, and Cookie is no different. She runs a cookie shop in ponyville, but her little gimmick is that every cookie is made-to-order. She has a kiln in the back of her store that she fires up every day, and cookies are prepared as they're ordered, briefly fired in the kiln, and then hoofed off to the customer.
Hahaha, oh my lord that's horrifying! Pinkie looks positively deranged, while the poor filly's guts are really disgusting (as they should be!). The background being colored in all directions adds a lovely tinge of crazy, too. And the followup >>41569407 helps cleanse the palate with some cute -- thanks for the draws!

Cute strawberry mare! The little tail looking like a stem is such a nice touch. I really like the costume, thank you.

Whoops, my bad! I clicked to get the quick reply open and forgot to remove the (you). Apologies for any anxiety.
>Admittedly, it did take some magic help from a unicorn or two to really perfect the technique. But it worked! Not even sugarcube corner can make an order for a dozen cookies in under 10 minutes, so Cookie does pretty well at her little shop. Her and Tinker also advertise each other just a little bit; Tinker provides her the ceramic decorations for her shop, and she provides him a dangerously-close-to-unhealthy amount of cookies.

>Cookie is rather "gifted" in certain aspects, and anyone who tries cracking a joke about whether her cookies are "made with her own milk" are kindly asked to leave, and not come back until they learn to keep their gaze out from under somepony else's tail. Sure, she's tried it before, but those cookies are not for the public!!

I just now wrote this, so it might go through a few edits before I'm happy with it.

Also, thanks character limit. Shid. Fuck.
lol its fine
I wonder if I should add this to the google form thing or not
Why do you change your flair? Are you THAT much of a schizo?
it was the only thing that got the OPG nerds off my case
You're safe here, you filthy, filthy glimmernigga
I do enjoy a good glim but I don't think it's by that much, lol

and I don't think I can make it on a by-thread basis... hence, the name, in here
>caring about what the Poppeniggas think
What if instead of the nword we just used "zebra" instead
A drawling of my ss id would be nice I'd imagine they be soft and fluffy looking but also a little spiky with a white and brown color scheme really leaning into the cotton bit
Oh I could be AWFUL right now
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sorry, you're a bleached flufflepuff
I'd like an ss oc please
Please no massa
could you do one in my /ss/ OC too?
ill snag an oc off the name if you could be so kind
I could be even worse than what you're thinking but I won't
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Hey you. I know not every day can be a good day. Not every year can be a good year. There are times in life when things can get pretty tough, and it can be hard to remember that things even can get better. I hope you’re in a good patch right now, but if you aren’t I just want to remind you that you’re strong and you’re loved and you are capable of coming out the other side of this.
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>listening to neighborhood on my way to work
>immediately assaulted by French Chuckles
God damn it, have some consideration for the people that gotta live here, kek made me laugh. Hard
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I fucking love you, my 2023 Santa! You made my horsemas!! I'm still drinking from that mug and wearing that hoodie every day. I really hope to pay your generosity forward this year.
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Game Giveaway Time!
A new thread, a new drop! Please be courteous to the other Anons and note which game you claimed so they're not trying redeemed codes. Also note that further drops will unfortunately be scaled down in size due to a miscalculation on my part, though I'll see about spicing it up with extra codes on some days. I just don't know what went wrong.

Endzone - A World Apart
Beyond The Wire
Partisans 1941
The Survivalists
Lacuna - A Sci-Fi Noir Adventure
8 Doors
Greak: Memories of Azur
Fling to the Finish

P for $
I when you see *
T in place of &
Y from @
8 for #
thanks for the game drops. redeemed Endzone
Thanks for Partisans
thanks for beyond the wire been wanting that for a while
I tried Lacuna, but someone had grabbed it already. Just posting to let others know.
thanks for endzone
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>mfw I reedeemed tohu thinking it was touhou
still looks like fun, thanks for the game, I'll try it
Cirnofan detected
>11/11 codes redeemed
>3 redeemed posts
I fucking hate you faggots. You get a free game and can't be bothered to post a thanks? I bet most are you aren't even participating in /ss/. Kindly rope yourselves.
Just one game? ^:)
there are 5 posts anon
One of them was an anon saying that somebody else already redeemed the game.
thank you for endzone
don't take bait so easily
you should absolutely take the bait
I don’t actually remember what I did that was French, but I’m glad that my quite probably offensive and ignorant portrayal of your proud and storied nation was worth a giggle.
Not a gamer, but bless you generous anon. Rarara would be proud.
thank's for th endzone frem
Thank you for endzone
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This one is for Cotton Clump. Pretty sure this was the last of my requests from a few threads ago unless I've forgotten someone. I'm down to do more if anyone has got some for me, anything christmas/secret santa related. Once I get my assignments in about a week I'm gonna be devoting most of my energy to making cards and gifts so these will probably be the last ones I do for a while until I have that shit in order
She's adorable.
I'd request something for my holiday poner, but I haven't the slightest idea what he would look like
probably a filthy earth pony
I figured that much was a given
Could you give your take on a design sketch for my ID OC?
Here's my feedback on Brown Box's design >>41527557
JellyNelly x BananaBomb foursome lewds pls
commission this shit bruh these OCs haven't been relevant in years
I keep forgetting to post more often. I promise I exist future Santa and Gifter.

I would love to see you give this name a shot if you'd like! I've been a little busy to think about a design myself.
with autism this strong he surely would've done so years ago if he had the budget to commission it
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My lovely girl here hard at work cleaning up, please!
Jesus Christ at this point you're annoying me with your constant begging. You got your design deal with it
Can I request you draw something of the organizers characters? Just to say thanks?
Thank for endzone i love it
Iron Ties is a real John Henry of a stallion, like an mlp version of a Dutch Draft. He’s a lovely silver, the kind of color like a starling wing where the light hitting him bounces off in a whole range of colors. Dappled flanks and speckly socks. Blonde mane and tail. If he were a human he’d be shaped like a triangle, but as a stallion I guess that’s more of a trapezoid, hugely massive across the chest, tapering down to a smaller flank. I imagine he has a neck like a tree trunk from all the hammer swinging, maybe even that sexy thing where they have the hump of muscle across the withers. You’d think he’s the gentle giant who doesn’t talk much Big Mac archetype, but if you get him started on the Wonderbolts he’ll talk your ear off discussing rosters, routines, history, he knows it all. Wears a wonderbolt pin on his coveralls or a wonderbolt cap when he’s nekkid.
Cool guy, 10/10, fuckable. Need him to break me.
Brown Box specifically told him to let someone else tackle the design, so you're the one shitting up the thread with your constant bitching over something not even the drawfag in question has a problem with.
>Captcha: GAAA8
She spooked silly
Don't know if you saw in last thread but >>41568468
A bone pone! Excellent!
Well, he could catch and molest a duck. That would be pretty awful of him.
I hate how hateful and vile and racist this website is I came here from Equestria Daily and thought you guys could be more civil than this but I was wrong
he should put that autism towards his drawing skills so he can create the best foursome art he could ever dream of
It’s decent bait, but not super convincing.
On the one hand, I've wanted to draw a Skelleonore myself. On the other hand, this is funny and made me smile, so I'm grateful for your contribution. I don't know if I can contribute in time anyways, I'm feeling really fucking bad today.
Literally me if I wasn't a dwarf
Well damn, anon, u wan sum fuk?
Kidding, I’m afraid I can’t get jiggy with non-ponies, but still good for you staying cut, and excellent taste in fast pegapones.
I woke up today and I wish hadn't
How long is your book, stunty
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What’s on your mind, darlin?
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I've already got one, but if you lads have the time, I'd love to see her drawn in your styles. Feel free to change/give her accessories if you want.
Sorry you're having a bad day mate. Happy my shite could make you smile at least. If you can squeeze a draw out, don't let mine stop you.
Fuck up knifeear
Tanks 4 endzun
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Awww, sorry to hear that friend. Here, have a noodle.
For me it's BOK BOK
*Visible disgust*
Not porn
Its the damn ratfags that kept posting it anyway
Glory to Great-Horny Rat King yes-agree
My ex died a month ago and I blame myself for not doing more
If it didn't work last year then why did you think you would get more Fluttershy plushes by giving us a sob story this year, Road?
Fuck. Yeah, that’ll do it. I’m so sorry to hear that, brother. I’m sure you did what you could, but even if you didn’t, that’s ok, anon. We’re just folk out here, living the life in front of us and not always perfectly, because we can’t. You can’t hold yourself up against the standard of “every possible thing I could do.” It’s just not how people are, and that’s ok.
MIDI Hearths Warming carols would be fun!
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You've just made an enemy.
Sloot never gets enough love. Organizing cards seems really hard.
That goes against story-lessons in the fable-show
I wanna see Chuckles hoofing her pussy with one of her cock arms and cumming inside herself while squirting on her cock arm
I searched for ponyclausmlp@gmail.com and the only emails that came up is pic related. It says it is from google.no-reply though. So I know this isn't the response email. I think I will directly email you so that you have the right email because perhaps google forms screwed something up.
Reply emails sent out within 48 hours because it's being done by hand
We’re gonna figure this out! Please any new friends use Blue Jay as your example for good communication. This is how we sort things out!
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I just want a hula hoop.
and for everycreature involved to submit their lines for the Hearths Warming orgy green, whose name I forget.
There's a Hearth's Warming orgy green?
The Girthiest Giveaway
It’s a very silly one. We were going to voice act it at one point, but a few folks didn’t have a recording setup and it’s in limbo. Still a giggle to read though.

Ah that's brilliant stuff right there. Great work, friend!
I'm gonna pay Tara Strong on Cameo to voice this (if anyone else wants to chip in to hire the rest of the Mane 6 actresses be my guest)
I could try imitating a canon voice if there is one
WHERE the FUCK is the Clerical Task green?
As someone pointed out to me, she's so good at her job she even binned her cutie mark.
What a hard worker! Someone get that mare a raise!
I’ll get back to you when we collectively remember who actually needs to put in lines. /)
Accurate that an OC of a person here has no cutie mark since having a cutie mark means you've found your purpose for living and earned a place in society where you can meaningfully contribute to the world
I'll put in you if nothing else
Read that as “I’ll put it in you if nothing else.” and was excited to see what happened next, but then I reread it.
That's how its meant to be read
I emailed you back, and yes, google is being weird. But hey, at the least I was able to email you and get the response from there. So I will star that email and keep it at top so that I know where it is always as this thing kicks into gear. Hopefully we will get that all squared away.

I don't know why google forms has an issue with periods in the email, some.something@something seems to always have these problems. But eh, perhaps next year instead of waiting for a confirmation I just email you instead, lol.It's crazy how things are but eh, that is life.
It might be more a domain issue
My email has a period in it as a gmail with no issues I've seen
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Open at your own risk. This tegaki :numghost: was drawn on my laptop touchpad with my index finger to somewhat emulate the "MS Paint encouraged" feel.

Thank you for doing this glorious raffle. If you're not comfortable possibly sending a prize to Europe, exclude me from the raffle.
Putting periods in your email is never recommended because it fucks up database systems. It's like putting your name as "null." You've probably lost a shitton of other mail the same way. You need to change it ASAP

t. Systems admin and attended defcon once
I have one (gmail) email like this, and it's the one I've been using for /ss/ for years and next to nothing else. Luckily, things have always worked so far. But I'll heed your words, wise anon.
Awe yeah! she's adorable thank you so much
If you're looking to just protect your identity you can just use your normal Gmail but add this so you still receive it in the same inbox which is convenient
if a system cant sanitize its inputs like professionals, I'm going to assume its a spam database so fuck em
Anon, most internet hardware on the backend is woefully obsolete with a veneer of modernity. That's just the world we live in
I actually didn't know about this. Thanks, I'll give it a try.
Grrr I need a filly wrapped up and under my tree!
If you have a gmail just stop using the periods when giving out your address, there's no difference between twatmonger.shitfuck@gmail and twatmongershitfuck@gmail
Become the filly under your tree
What the fuck, do you have any public sources or articles on this to read up on? I'm genuinely curious, haven't heard of this being an issue before.

t. security researcher with a double-digit number of CVEs
I love her
Forgive the dumbass question but what is a CVE? I don't know much about tech
Simplified, an official number assigned to a security vulnerability in a piece of software. Having a CVE in this context means having discovered a security vulnerability.
Oh it's like a bug bounty then?
Cock-to-Vagina Entries.
It’s a weird flex, not sure why he’s bringing it up.
Yes. There are important differences between the two, but in this context they don't matter.
Well hold on don't dismiss his question just what are these differences?
Going to have to explain some backstuff first.
CV is (was) shorthand for the hull designation for aircraft carriers
US has no more "regular" CVs, as they're all Nuclear powered, which is major enough to warrant its own letter for hull classification
This extends to all other manner of vehicles, including aircraft and smaller boats
E, in common usage for hull classification, stands for Electronics (warfare), like the E-2 Hawkeye, and so its easy to understand that CVEs are the smaller "carriers" (glorified helicopter pads) with electronic warfare suites. Anon is saying he has experience with military-grade digital warfare and security vulnerabilities (which is to say, take his statement with as much belief as him saying he's a Navy SEAL with 300 confirmed kills).
No such thing as an IT worker with any C.V.E.'s
I wish I could have this much military autism. I envy whoever your Santee is cuz they're in for a treat
bug bounty for hackers.
basically corporate hacker man
A bug bounty is a program where if you find and report a vulnerability a a company will pay you. The vulnerability can be in any kind of software.
CVEs on the other hand are numbers assigned to vulnerabilities - you might get one from a bug bounty, but not every bug bounty can get you one and you do not need a bug bounty to get one. CVEs are generally only assigned to software other people run due to them functioning as advisories. For example, a vulnerability in a website such as Google or 4channel would not get assigned a CVE. However, something like Wordpress, Windows, or your web browser would.
This is accurate.
They rewrote CVE standards in 2009 to include receiving so women could get them, and then again 2015 to define the anus as a "toilet vagina" so ever since you can give or take it up the ass for a CVE.
Are you going to sign the petition being circulated right now against expanding the definition to male vaginas?
>Putting periods in your email is never recommended
Lol wut. Literally never heard of this being an issue. In fact, from googling around a bit, I see a lot of places specifically recommending "firstname.lastname@example.com" as the "standard" format for corporate/professional email addresses
Cock Value Editor
They're the guys on wall st. who change the average cock size to make you feel more insecure
I think this is where the issues are coming from. When I made the email years ago, it was with a firstname.lastname sort of basis. But google forms doesn't read the . and instead takes it out, leaving santa going (lets try this email) and google is like "Derp" so it doesn't go though.

I had issues like this before and mostly one google forms. Not sure why. Somehow though, spam always finds my email hah.
If it were mare vaginas we would be advocating for it
Acting as if companies giving out bad technical advice is new
Ah that'd make sense, does your e-mail provider not give you dot aliases?
If I recall correctly, I used the "." to as you put it, look professional and better readability for the name of my email. Google doesn't like the "_" so hence why I used the "."

Yahoo and Outlook though allow an "_" but not google. I wonder though if a lot has to do with the back end. Like discord taken out the whole #0000 at the end of the username, allowed for generic usernames to be used, but despite having capital letters, will default them all to lowercase, perhaps google is purposely removing the "." but referencing as if it is still there? All speculation, I don't work for google, wouldn't want to, but eh. It is what it is and well, hopefully got it all worked out.

Can't wait till next month, that's when the egg nog goes on sale!
gmail does period aliases, eg santa.pone@ is the same as santapone@ is the same as san.tap.one@
An alias to an email? It is a gmail account. But I am a bit confused, I never heard of an alias. I heard of email forwarding though, though I am certain that isn't what you are talking about.
gmail does >>41571652 if you put periods in the address
Ok, that is weird. I mean even so, why is the emails failing to then be received? How baffling. I knew though off the bat that confirmation emails are sent out immediately, instead of when the actual sign ups close, so I knew after a few days to come on and ask about it.
>super confused normie getting half a dozen pony emails because an anon misspelled his email in the part where he has to actually type it
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>I missed an 'a' when I had to backspace after accidentally hitting capslock when doing job-related shit
What a fun adventure that was
Please tell
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Honk honk it’s Yippi Yahoo

Fun fact: I gave Chuckles this name. I call the Israel leader this because I can’t be fucked to pronounce it right.

So I find a clown fitting for this name
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Thank You.

Anon, don't leave us hanging. What the fuck did you get yourself into?
Also, I'm reminded of recent radio news mentioning some secret service accidentally having sent a mass mail with top secret info to a little girl in another country. I think it was New Zealand's glowies failing this badly.
I have a ton of games from the last year of so-so monthly humble bundles. I may do the same thing once we get closer to December.
Also checking in per thread just to show I'm not dead. yet. Outside of listing it on the initial fill-out form, I don't think I have too much to contribute for topics and I don't feel right bringing up what I'd like.
sir this is beautiful bait and I wish I'd been here earlier when you first posted it.
>Can't wait till next month, that's when the egg nog goes on sale!
See, now we are talking about the real issues.
southern comfort makes the best eggnog
I may be avoiding alcohol, but eggnog is love, eggnog is life. I'll grab myself a small bottle.
thAnks yOU mUch fOr EndzOnE
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Anon, you should check Walmart tomorrow
Dude has put out some top tier games though and he hasn't really lied when he said he had a huge backlog of games he never cashed in. I think you're upset someone else sniped a game you wanted.
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Sounds about right to me. Even the trash on her cutie mark got taken out.

Big fella, this isn't the place for giving folks an existential crisis.
>>41571970 (You)
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I was originally going to do something cursed but then I thought about animals with humps. Made a babe from saddle Arabia.

Hope you like it habibi
Imagine having Haber sign one of the Peanuts, haha.
>three humps
with Chuckles' foal
Rolled 3, 1 = 4 (2d11)

Doing two rolls here for winners! Feel free to email me an address at poniponiponi@horsefucker.org; or I'll just ask Pony Claus otherwise.

1. Pasture Bedtime
2. Eighth Notch
3. Chikun of the Sea
4. Midnight Macaroni
5. Pumpkin Pulp the Batpony
6. Pine Needles, M.D.
7. Foggy Night

And from this thread:
8. Cracked Calabash
9. Obtuse Caboose
>>41570748 10. Store Brand Soup
She really do be spooked! Love the hair and how exaggerated Trixie is, really sells it. Cute Skellinor, too!
>>41571375 11. Anonymous
Very spooky mystery mare! I really love the horn poking through the sheet. And, I'm totally fine sending things to Europe, but it likely won't arrive in time for Halloween -- feel free to claim your name, or email me.
im tired, who won? if i won just ask pony claus for my info plz
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im tired and sick, its not making much sense to me
>11 participants
>2 numbers rolled from an 11 sided dice, 3 and 1
>you're listed #1 in the list
Figure the rest out.
thats nice, i wasn't really understanding the =4 thing, i need a nap soon im sick sorry.
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Neato! Ask Pony Claus to dox me.
congrats to you both
Alright, Pasture Bedtime and Chikun of the Sea, I'll get Pony Claus to drop your dox and send the kits out soon as I can. Congrats to you two, and thanks to everyone who sent something in!
gmail doesn't care about periods in the email. You could be niggerfaggot@gmail.com or nigger.faggot@gmail.com or nigg.er.fa.g.g.ot@gmail.com and they'll all work the same.
>inb4 this gets spam filtered
thanks for the give away
Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
>i wasn't really understanding the =4 thing
Dice rolls automatically sum up the total amount of the numbers rolled.
huh neat
>only 11 participants for secret santa this year
im guessing no one is doing it next year than
12, I'm just lazy and haven't signed up yet.
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5 of them are me
i guess you could draw my SS creatura if you feel like it:

also damn thread was busy today
don't know if you're still accepting but i still dont have an OC based on my assignment name. i'd appreciate it massively for someone to make one
im gonna an hero but ill wait until after horsemas. i aint a grinch
Oh a mare with that name would be beautiful....
my name sounds like it would look stupid and dumb! but if someone proved me wrong with an oc id take it.
But anon, then you'd be grinching your santee of next year
just ordered one of the last 4 rolls of G4 wrapping paper from online walmart.
shit I think I've been bamboozled. the 1st image is G4 but the other 2 images are G%.
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i cant believe i never caught this, shes so perfect thank you so much maple!

figured i should also give back for the season, will be taking requests of any canon pony, oc, ponify your name, etc
lewd is ok too
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I made her goth I hope that’s ok
That's a relief, I was about to post my take but realized I accidentally drew something too close to Flawless in trying to not make it Trixie
Would. Very much would.
Whoa! What a unique OC! Have we had a Camel before? It immediately brings to mind magi figurines in a creche. Very Chrimbus!
We need more unique ocs like this. Wasn't there a giraffe one year?
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>unique ocs
I've got just the thing for you then. After figuring out that my name was a reference to a delicious sounding cocktail that I'll now absolutely have to make when I open my presents, I decided to make my own, very original character. Please donut steele.
According to wikipedia, a Skittles Lineup is:
>A group of locomotives of different colors or liveries leading a single train
>A passenger train made up of cars bearing different liveries
Skittle Lineup is the yard liaison between different Equestrian (and international) train companies. Whether that's the Friendship Express borrowing an alternate rail line after a disaster knocks out a bridge, or a Canterlot engine needs to hitch up to give an extra goost to a zebra train not rated for a steep mountain climb, she's on the task.
Diminuitive, but dressed sharp in the finest roaring twenties era navy blue pinstripes and waistcoat, with her hair back in a professional bun, and a fountain pen in her teeth. Unicorn, white coat, two tone mane and tail in violet and indigo. Cutie mark is a train billowing a cloud of rainbow steam. Excellent negotiator and on good terms with all major parties. Speaks fluent zebra, passable buffalo, can make polite greetings and gestures in changeling and breezie. Genuinely wants to be helpful and see ponies cooperating; quietly idolizes the elements of harmony.
Picture Frame, yeah! A qt.
anon immediately comes up with a better backstory than I ever made for my actual oc
I would love an oc of my name as well.
I thought the definition was fun, but I couldn't think of a non-silly way to put a bunch of colors on her that wasn't just another rainbow mane, but it seemed like a fun job for a professional mare, and I do really like that 1920s railroad aesthetic.
That's way less cursed than what went through my mind.
Do yall want to see Peanut again? I can try to get in touch with the anon who's been holding him for the past (nearly) a decade now
If this isn't a bartender mare making a drink in a highball glass I will riot
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I’m really happy you like her! She was so fun to make, you drew her so adorable!

If you are taking requests I always appreciate some Maplecakes and Crabapple art!

No pressure to do it. Take it on if it inspires you!
I want to not see peanut again. Is that close enough?
Maplecakes this is a blue board; you can’t just go posting nose to nose boops like that.
I guess you could take a crack at my name, I feel bad about bringing it up this many times though >>41572554
Just request a santee who likes G5 dogs. It's not about what you like, it's about making your santee happy.
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no it doesn't

>verification not required
I am SEVERELY tempted to draw this sweet mare
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What a cute Mare.
If you'd like to do mine I'd love to see her
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lets see some festive filly cakes then, tis the season for proper insulation after all
All I can see is Lyra and Anon snorting a line of crushed sour skittles and the natural ensuing reaction from a very unamused Bonbon
Dick in orbit
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Fuck da police
Non-con booping? You're a slut AND a rapist
Don't forget arsonist. Kirins are arsonists by default.
I thought that burn was just herpes
Non-con booping? Non-con snoot bumping? Non-con nuzzling? Non-con hoof holding? Didn't know Secret Santa was the patrician fetish thread
That sounds like a great idea! Glad you've been inspired my festive friend

Not requesting but thanking you still for the cute art you did with Nurse Redheart

So many new cuties for the group pic. Love 'em
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Oh gosh she's pretty. if you wanted to do my holiday pone I've been wanting to try to figure out how to draw bows and will be attempting yours prolly tomorrow. Ref for mine be picrel
Stop toying with my dick, maplecakes

Thank you so much! I might fiddle around with the design a little to suit my preferences, but this is GREAT. I say without a hint of irony and because it appeals to me, I REALLY LIKE HER MANE.

I'd still like to see it! Like I said I might fiddle with the design a little, would be fun to incorporate elements from multiple designs.
do i get 9 billion dollars to punch her or do i have to pay 9 billion dollars to punch her. in either case my answer is yes.
We must go further. Unspoiler it all. Let the decadence take hold.
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Choo choo!

I decided to edit her hair a bit. But hey both can be options!

Call the police they can’t unboop you

Face it anon, Secret Santa is nothing but fetishs.
>Earlier today I spent twenty minutes scrolling for a specific request I remembered that matched a santa's gift idea, then found them in different regions
Pony Claus if this was me please send a message so I can edit my form?
7.3/10 needs more ass
Back in 2018 no one asked to edit their Oc you had one drawn non consensual then you got it as a tattoo with no edits
Like this?
Like have him email you because you want to change your form settings to allow you to send it to the anon or because you're on the receiving end and need to swap your request to something else before it's too late
Don't spread misinformation. We had to get it branded on ourselves, not tattooed.
PC should probably just do both since one side is probably willing to be flexible
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Oh shit I recognize that art style! Trixiebro what up! So happy to see you here, you know I had to draw your mare.
I'd love to do this, you got a reference pic?
Cute! I like the changes you made. I especially like the little hat you gave her. It's cool seeing people draw ponies I've designed in their own style

Also what, no lewd requests? Come on guys I want to draw your OC bent over begging to get fucked
Closest thing I have to a reference is the mega to see if I wasn't ghosted: https://mega.nz/folder/Yt9GACbD#noHGc3W-vMsLLLiT5wPFUg
Pony Claus: main /ss/
Cardslut: Cards
Kiwi: Latecomers
I mean I already have an established /ss/ OC. Would it be rude to ask for a lewd?
As a rule of thumb: you're allowed to ask for up to 10 drawings (redraws or redesigns are exempt) of your OC before people start bitching
all good. managed to cancel my order and found a similar priced roll of G4 wrapping paper on ebay
>redesigns are exempt
Back in my day if your OC had dick arms, a prolapsed asshole, or a scat fetish you dealt with the consequences. No redesigns
fuck meant
3am amd phone is being fuckey
Thanks anon! I'd hump that camel.
So this is interesting, after putting a name for my post in this thread, 4chan then added my name to every post I made previously without namefagging. Truly an anonymous board. Must be part of this new 'spam security' bullshit
Are you sure that wasn't you forgetting to clear the name field?
thanks for endzo
if I get a g5 fan can i making a bluey package and card
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Thursdays are nice. Thursdays are far enough into the week to look forward to the weekend and feel accomplished about the week so far. Let’s see if we can’t accomplish a couple tasks today so that we can coast into the weekend on a high point.
(For the life of me I can’t find my picture of Thursday with a Santa hat shooped on so have this pretty pony instead. I gotta start writing these on the night prior.)
Kek. Maybe not for the package but I think that would be pretty funny for the card.
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she's adorable! thanks maplecakes I really like her mane
>posting a reaction image i made
thus my legacy truly lives on
Pony with yes pony and Santa secret pony yes and when horsemas santa gift yes open happy pony okay yes good
none of this is true, there's been an anon bitching the moment Frottage Cottage asked for a redesign
i honestly dont care if he gets a new design or not, but honestly the odds of it happening are low if i had to guess. redesigning stuff is annoying, and theres plenty of other ponies who need love
>I'd still like to see it!
coloring made it worse, now its "sweeble but indigo coat"
That's not according to regulations
Oh i love it! thank you, thats adorable
Thread is 99% about OCs when a week ago it was about the important stuff: secret santa
waaah waaaaaaaah
We're at the creative stage while we wait for assignments to be handed out, please wait warmly
Someone get Cinder Dick on my face then
Uh, I mean... the case!
Get Cinder Dick on the case!
Is this the first complaint about too much OC talk of the season? Five threads is pretty good.
>Also what, no lewd requests? Come on guys I want to draw your OC bent over begging to get fucked
feel free to take up this request >>41570527
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That's an academy record
Throw me and Mop Bucket in for the luls
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Actually now that I think about it I don't think Harmony's ever been lewded. Huh.
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I would love to have some more SFW art of my /ss/ oc.
Thank you for the opportunity, drawfriend.
it isn't a pair of swinger couples, it's an OT4
there's no lovemaking without the love
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Requesting sweet sticky lewd of Pumpkin Pulp and Goodie Goodie Gumdrops the ooey gooeyest of poners.
I hear ya, but I think it’ll switch over to mostly Santa chatter after assignments. People really do seem to have done a good job with that the past couple of years, and there’s not much going on while we wait aside from the occasional giveaway, so I think folks are just having fun passing the time.
Hey though, you wanna write a Horsemas parody song or something to mix up the content I’m 200% in favor.
I've had tough luck with creative pursuits whenever I pursue them. I've been trying to put my autism into green, but so far that's only yielded two short greens and wireframes for two more with the first being a WIP for a couple years now and the second just being a collection of ideas for smut that takes place after.
>ice cream social
>is alone with no friends
All songs are on hold until pc gets the YouTube channel up i thought
would a futa pony be giving itself a constant titty fucking?

>verification not required
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Just like every ice cream social I’ve ever tried to through.
animal teats are typically much less pronounced than the massive mammary mounds humans have, so not unless they have unrealistically large mammary glands
>coomer posts worst bait imaginable
>asked to leave board
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Oh gosh, don’t wait for me. YouTube channel is back burnered at least until assignments go out. Priorities n all. I’ll scoop up any songs post facto. Plus, they can still get added to the radio in the meantime.
In cute news, look what a volunteer at work made for me! She knows about the event and decided it was Horsemas time early!
Once you learn about Horsemas there's no going back. Convert her, PC, bring her into the fold
Pony Claus wears the hat
Pony Claus isn't a pony?
You see it's a Weekend at Bernies situation so they can also help in the human world that's just how kind they are
How does a pony type with hooves? Do they just puppeteer his hands?
You answered your own question there
No i didn'mntjddddddddd
>shit he fell over again, here help me lift him back up
>there we go
No I didn't
/r/ing Pony Claus using a knocked out/dead anon as a puppet/mech to blend into the human world to spread cheer
If Chuckles rubs a stallion's cock with her cock arms, is it a hoofjob or frottage?
Hahaha imagine getting secret santa stuff tattooed hahaha oh god hahaha who'd even do that
A memelord who deserved to be knelt to
The tattoo reference in the signup doc is real
>Southern Comfort
I am not even sure if it is sold anywhere else but in the south, which I am fortunate to live in.

There used to be another brand, many years back, that came in a green and red container paper container (because christmas) I think it was something akin to Breakman's or something but it has been years, and years, many moons and I haven't seen that brand since, but it was the best there was till they were no more. Of all the other eggnogs, Southern Comfort, classic eggnog, is the best. If you however get any "Flavorings" like "Vanilla" it is the worst.

When all the original eggnog was sold out and all there was left was the Vanilla, it tasted worse than that pediasure garbage they used to hand out in elementary decades ago. Nasty stuff.
>I know one person, not personally, who has tattooed my pony art on themself
I don't have to imagine.
I don't know who you are or where you live, but I am going to steal all your eggnog because that isn't fair. I want eggnog!
>Also what, no lewd requests? Come on guys I want to draw your OC bent over begging to get fucked
I just don't like asking for my oc to be drawn when there are others who haven't been drawn.
I only know of me who has secret santa ink. Is there more?
Not specifically /ss/. Interestingly, I can't find it anymore since their da account is deactivated. I wonder if they're still rocking that pony on their arm.
If I post frequently her playing devil's advocate and always giving terrible takes using my actual assignment name will my Santa grinch me?
Which pon was it? I am always excited to see ink.
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This is the best I could find.
It's a faux pas to use your assignment name for posts where it isn't relevant anyway
WHAT? No one told me this!
Anonymous please stop namefagging and samefagging and self-replying
If I get you, I'm grinching you out of principle
not if I grinch you first
Looks like us three are in a 3-way Christmas Grinch-off
Now why dont we put down the empty boxes and just make this a Christmas 3-way instead
that's the gayest thing I've ever heard.

I'm in
Mop Bucket gets there after they're done to clean up the mess while Harmony Hugs tags along for emotional support
slipping on a cum puddle and landing in the cowgirl position optional
unf filly plot, perfect for breeding!
I honestly really like the inclusion of a cape. Also I thought she had slit pupils for a moment so I'm going to pretend that's what it is (idc if it feels too edgy these OCs are meant to be fun).

Thanks for the effort, regardless! You are appreciated.

Might fuse the elements I like into one mare when I get the time to draw it.
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I suppose we’ll probably have to amputate.
You really want to come to a mongolian cave panting forum at the pastel pony wall to ask for medical advice? Best go to the doctor for a second opinion as it seems like your transition is underway, faggot.
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You werent using it for anything anyway
His plush was though.
The plush's cooter was zipping up mid coitus, I'm fairly certain that's a sign about his member.
Hey if you're here can I share the thing that was shared?
Mm, the ol’ Lorena Bobbitt maneuver, classic.
Ah I see you too also listen to true crime podcasts
Yeah sure. I hesitated because it's got my name in there but what the hell, I already share my name plus address with a dozen random participants each year.
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Oh I’d love art of my ss oc, Candlelight Archive please! <3
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Okay so this was just brought to my attention: a very kind regular participant is going through some bullshit. Why not get together to help? I've seen how kind you fuckers can be. So lets help change a life
lonk https://gofund.me/d4e27f5d
>pic related
It's Harmony Hugs
TLDR for the description is they were already struggling pretty bad and now there's a bunch of car repairs and hospital bills they have to deal with on top of an imminent newborn child.

Good luck, fren
Well thanks for beating me to the punch and posting this asking permission was good too you have a gold star and yes that is a very cute mare have one from my archives
Mini blogpost, complaining like a female edition:
Ive been going to cons for years. first one was bronycon 2013.
Ive met and talked to hundreds of people. How come every single time I talk to someone its like they have completely forgotten the entire part of them hanging out with me? You literally stayed in my room at the last harmony. you fucking asshole.
Im going to start ignoring all you fuckers at all the cons now. fuck you. I dont care how fucking boring i am. I dont care how fucking pathetic this sounds. Is it because i dont have friends outside of cons? Is that why I remember every single interaction I have? why do i have to jog memories every fucking time? im fucking done with that. its like some fucker used the rock from the wallflower shit on me. for real fuck you fucking assholes.
fucking ss meets and none of you remember me but all intermingle with eachother. Is it a straight up act of malice? I dont talk much so it cant be that im annoying? i seriously dont know what to do. anyways thats it.
Look it can be hard remembering hundreds of people. Just gently remind folks of a fun time and they'll be oohhhhh shit yeah I remember that my dood.
I'm sorry you feel that way man, I know it's hard to fight those feelings of targeted resentment and stuff. Just remember you should never assume malice when it could be explained by incompetence. I for example have absolutely terrible memory and, despite going to multiple SS meetups, I still can't remember most of these fucktards. And a year is a long time to expect people to remember stuff if there's no reminders along the way.
Yeah, I should be able to chip in something in a few days.
At least for me, I'm so autistic that I already try to avoid looking people directly in the face, lest we make eye contact. Couple that with the sheer number of people I met at Mare Fair, and I've already forgotten what everyone looked like. Hell, I was talking with a guy one night, ran into him the next morning in the hall and had zero clue it was the same guy. I said "oh yea I met this dude last night" and he said "that's me. You met me."
Maybe the other people you've roomed with are just as retarded.
>I said "oh yea I met this dude last night" and he said "that's me. You met me."
fucking kek but also I know that feel
Id think after years of seeing the same people, id be remember at least somewhat. I had to explain an entire day to one guy before he even went oh yeah you were there. Fucker i paid for the whole thing. so yeah. jogging is no longer gonna happen. and no more ss meets. probably no more cons. sorry im not a namefag.
This is some pretty extreme autism my dude. Take your meds.
I think it's an autism thing. Not only did the exact same thing happen to me at mare fair, but I ended up doing it to someone else too. I've stopped caring when specifically I met people. Anyone who appreciates cute mares is my friend.
shit I did the same at the watching paint dry panel, met this guy and then the next day we got food together and didn't even realize it was the same guy.
qt bap
I know I'm not the one you roomed with or whatever, but my memory got very fucked up back in 2021/22 and I occasionally need reminders. Sometimes things just straight up aren't there. Could be bait, but did remind me that sometimes I straight up don't remember someone despite interactions and hope they don't take it personally.
I wanna meet the guy who came up on stage at the end and read us the riot act.
I dunno, it sounds like it's not that people are forgetting what they did with you, it just sounds like they're forgetting what you look like. Sorry it's upset you so much, Anon.
Will donate in a couple a days
based and friendpilled
nah if faggots from /o/ can remember me despite not seeing them but 2 times in my life, you guys can too. i see some of you a few times a year.
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I kinda don't like the design of the real Toffee Truffle so my hearthswarming mare is this. her cutie mark is a heath bar! She even put on her nicest socks and other accessories for (you)r eyes only.
Gonna be real, /o/ is nowhere near as autistic as /mlp/. Social inadequacy and other autistic things like face blindness run rampant here. In case you couldn't already tell
Not even close. They use their autism to fuel knowledge and curiosity. You guys use it as a crutch.
>wtf why do all these autists not remember me specifically?
how well do (You) remember every single person you've ever met? recognition is built by frequent interaction, and autists have more difficulty with social recognition
of course they won't remember someone they saw at a yearly event right away, it's an act of malice itself to assume everyone hates you when you can successfully jog their memory of you
god forbid we enjoy the fun of hanging out while things get ready lol
Awwwww, it looks amazing, they're soooo cute! Happy to see you too since I love seeing your art, so thank you for drawing them. Getting recognised is extremely alien to me, kek, but might have to draw yours now too.
If you wanted lewd I would have requested her doing some overtime in the stock room, if you know what I mean.
>Toffee Truffle is real
I thought it was just random names
No, everyone gets a name assigned to them
>Store Brand Soup isn't used to being recognized
sure fits the name
This is really good bait
i asked like 3 times and now i just dont feel like trying anymore because i feel like a pest, though I also wrote myself into a corner since pony town isn't capable of doing dragonponies very well
Yes. They do.

Also WTF happened to the snowpony thread? :(
She’s very cute!
Turns out its a name from the mobile game
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>wrote myself into a corner
Admittedly that might also be the reason, I already conceptualized her through text so it probably sucks the fun out of imagining what the name would look like

Once I get the new battery for my phone I'll fire up the ole android pony maker and see if I can do it there, it's surprisingly good at creating mares, like this one (the image)
I like blending into the background anyway. It allows me to stack shelves without ponies bugging me constantly and asking where things are.
Can you direct me to where the clothes are?
up your arse and to the left
You talked a lot about other people, what other people may have thought, if other people forgot about you, etc.
But what about (you)? Did (you) have fun handing out? Did (you) have fun at the meetups and at cons? If so, then it doesn't matter what other people think. Being remembered by others shouldn't have an impact on your enjoyment.
I fucking KNEW there was clothes at Soup
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I’m willing to do it. I’m just worried I will fuck up with the execution. You wrote some specific design details and I’m worried I will miss them. I don’t think any of the draw friends are purposely ignoring you.

Also a lot of other people asked before you in my case. Again just keep asking. If you really want art quick in a certain way best to commission someone. Saying this with peace and love,
>with peace and love,
Cookie Kiln fucking murdered Maplecakes before the post could be finished, what the fuck.
Don't suppose I can request Maplecakes and Crabapple done in a monochrome/line art style?
There's a shop just called Soup?
Is there a way to request a Canadian anon be the target of my gift? It would be a lot of work to make it make sense for someone in another country.
you canadians and your pretend culture
Ma'am this is Ponemart. We sell everything here.
fuck it, i signed up again for this year. it was nice fun. cant wait to find a gift for someone.
>be leafanon
>open present
>its a painting of Celestia with a rake, angry, pointing the rake at the viewer
Soup sells everything mang.
Nigga, if I was a leaf and got that I'd be thrilled and laughing my ass off. Luna had better be in the background with a bonfire or a flamethrower as well.
Speak for yourself. If no one remembered you after 10 years youd be fucked up too.
bro I don't even remember the people I worked with at my job a year ago. I've been at my new job for a year and still forget names of the people I work with
>wallflower somehow manages to be such a background character in his own life he isn't remembered by people he sleeps with
Who gives a fuck about coworkers? THis is pony cons. Im sure mine wish i would get canned.
I am a random anon on a My Little Pony board. Do you really think I care about my legacy?
I care about you fuckers and am hurt you dont reciprocate
>stumble across self-indulgent oc sketches
>no recollection of ever doing them
>no clue what the context is
Please tell me I'm not the only one this happens to.
Nah, I remember each picture I draw and why.
I care about you mate ^:)
Shit like that happens man. MF was my first con and on MF2 no one except a few people even recognized me. Even some guys I partied with. Lean even more on the friends youve made at cons. The people that forget you deserve to be forgotten from your mind anyways.
ive done so many requests i can barely remember most of the stuff ive drawn for myself, im a people pleaser at heart
I can't remember half of the greentexts I ever write since they're usually spur of the moment shorts.
ESPECIALLY if it's a shitpost.
I, without being drunk and only tired, went on a shitposting spree one night, woke up the next morning, read the thread, and called some faggot a retard for his takes, only to give myself a (You) and suddenly remember "Oh. That's what I did last night."
the point is I have a hard time remembering the names of people I see on a daily basis let alone anyone I see a few times at a convention
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Talk about a wet dream

I remember people by their butthole prints. Did you forget to show your hole at the meetups nonny?
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Delicious. Gonna have to scoot over in that there bed, missy.
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To be at that sleepover
Local mare's laundry budget: 400 bits per week
Unf indeed!
woah cool thanks!
Unless you stick out like a sore thumb like Wolvan, Tiny, or Floral, I just don't have the mental capacity to remember slightly nerdy regular build cracker with neckbeard #203. It's nothing personal anon.
the mlp secret santa is the only thing that is keeping me from killing myself kek. i wont grinch. i really wish I didn't sign up
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What’s up, vaquero? Sounds like you’re having a rough go of it.
Fair, but I apparently did them between april and june. You'd think I'd remember something that soon.
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i slept for 12 hours until 5pm again, i guess my ss name really matches
That's a lot of sleep. How come?
Look Anon at every /ss/ meetup I try to learn and figure out who everyone is, now sometimes depending on how many people show up it’s a little hard to remember everyone. One time at EFNW there was close to 50 people there, it’s a lot. I don’t know what cons you frequent, but mostly you only get remembered if you go to a lot of cons. If you only attend one or two a year, unless you stand out it’ll be harder for people to know you. Also at these meetups from what I’ve seen it’s all about your attitude and personality. If you’re shy and quiet don’t be surprised when people forget. On the other hand if you are loud autistic and obnoxious, don’t be surprised if people do want to forget you.
does the ownerfag check the threads or no
don't sign me up for the gift exchange or card exchange, thanks.
if i dont sleep that much i feel sick, and i cant sleep until im exhausted by staying up too late, its an issue ive had for a while, im just glad i dont have a job, but its becoming an issue because i want to go to the store soon (its 10 miles away and i don't own a vehicle) so i would have to go at like 7am to go to the store, but thats about the time ive been going to bed.
Just to confirm, you'd like to pull out of the event, friend? Let me email you, just to make sure nobody's being silly with someone elses nametag.
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Anon being useless as always

>proper inverted cutie marks
holy based, what a flaming faggot
good stuff drawfriend
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>tfw work is gearing up to pummel me until Christmas
>don't know if I will have the energy to deal with work, family holidays AND SS, but wanted to try it this year

I don't want to risk grinching because of how time may work against me making/doing something neat for someone.
That sounds rough, I'm sorry. My sleep has been really messed up too for a while, with me suddenly having a hard time getting up before 10am regardless of how much sleep I have had that night. I also tend to stay awake until like 3am these days, though it's not good for me. I'll need to try harder to reset my sleep rhythm, since I don't even feel rested like this.
>10miles to the store and no car
Ganbatte, Anon.

I'm one of those anons who stand out (for more reasons than one), and I feel a bit bad about having a lousy memory for names since I can't return the favor. But I do try to slowly expand my knowledge of fellow Anons, paying more attention to names instead of just calling everyone Anon. It's easier in my region with fewer anons around and seeing mostly the same 20-40 faces, luckily.
Drew Wynter, hope she looks alright.
I have the same problem where I can't sleep unless I'm exhausted. Fucking annoying but thank god for the neet life.
Dumb question: do you drink booze often? Alcohol does disrupt sleep patterns if you drink a fair amount of it pretty regularly.
only when i have the money (im broke) but ive noticed i actually have better sleep patterns when i drink more, im hoping to get some soon to fix my sleep for a little bit before it goes back to being all messed up
I have the opposite problem. If I drink before bedtime I wake up 4 hours later, like clockwork, and can't get back to sleep.
Maybe it's something else then. There have been studies done about lights from computer/mobile phones affecting one's circadian rhythm. Don't suppose you've tried things like "no electronics 1hr before bed", sleep/light blocking eye masks or weighted blankets (surprisingly comfy and relaxing).
yeah ive tried alot of different things, my sleep has always been terrible, i used to just pass out in school, i think its because the lights, years later after i was out of school, i still passed out sitting at table at one (old work related job) i thought it was just because i was a lazy kid back then.
What are your thoughts on Toledo?
whats a toledo?
Somehow a more correct answer than a rant against Ohio
if you ment spain, im american
(i have no clue what a toeldo is)
Can confirm this. Takes time to do multiple requests. Idk how maplecakes handles them all, I didn't get nearly as much as them and it still took me a while to get where I'm at. Honestly I really like drawing monster ponies, I'll try to get to your request cookie kiln if I got time.
I fuckin love it bro! Super cute outfit, the ice skates are perfect, thank you so much!
Same bro. I rarely ever drink because it fucks with my sleep so much
Oh I thought you were doing the aleppo bit
A quick search leads me to believe Winter Wye has an obsession with triangles. Can anyone confirm or deny this?
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>anon is getting his packages via airstrike this year
I think it's an allusion to the politician Gary Johnson (libertarian presidential candidate in 2016 I believe) who was asked about Aleppo, Syria and the refugee crisis around 8 years back. His response when asked about Aleppo was "What is Aleppo?".
i am become gary johnson questioner of aleppo
ANON'S you won't believe what I just found at my local store
I have been waiting for many many moons I absolutely love this stuff and it's Finally back i know I'm probably the only person in the world who likes this stuff unironically and Celestia knows it's my Achilles heel if money wasn't a possibility to exchange for the stuff, then what I would do for it would be not short of morally ambiguous to downright explicit
okay shill over I'm freezing these puppies so they get cold fast then I shall indulge in ambrosia given liquid form
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Pretend i didn’t in my excitement fail to attach the photo to the first post or orient it correctly in the second
Just pretend this was a coherent post thank you
I have recently gotten into making mead and have had horrible inspiration from watching some mead making videos. I now am inspired to make a cranberry-sprite mead, along with a baja blast mead. It'll probably be terrible but I feel compelled to do so.
Hopefully so. I'm relatively new to making mead but had an idea after watching a few videos. Hoping to gift a bottle or two to my santee (assuming they drink, are of age and the mead is good enough). What I'm planning on gifting would be a Luna themed mead made from a tea that's only sold once in a blue moon (literally, the online shop only sells the tea when there's a blue moon, next one is in May 2026). Maybe next year I'll have the cranberry sprite mead ready.
Yea, turns out my name is also train related, I knew there was a reason it was spelled weird. Wye is a triangular piece of railroad. Should have made her snowflake cutiemark more triangular. Oh well
A moonfag would be a lot happier with a belly full of Luna Mead.
>leans backwards impossibly while turning away, keeping eye contact like a fucking owl before sprinting into a wooden post
I can work with this. The train enjoyers in this thread will wish I couldn't.
Another mare for the train train? Will she have a strapon or a marecock?
Luna mead sounds absolutely delightful. Lunalicious, even.
Triangle mare, triangle mare, does whatever a triangle dares.
What’s she like? It’s not important, triangle mare.
i would love mead
Well damn. I dont think I have it in me to do stand out shit more than Ive already done. I havent talked to my family in years because I thought maybe I didnt need to because I had a new family here. Guess not. Its been fun. See you guys in Equestria.
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She's very pretty.
Literally who
For (me)?! Gasp!
I'd love to drink your seed I mean mead anon
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Have a nice gentle colt
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I present upon thee the very cursed triangle wye child of your shitposting and my sleep deprivation, enjoy
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did this for a different thread but gave up part way
been a solid 5-6 years since ive drawn horse content
shite meant for >>41577086
Extremely super cute. I’ve been enjoying the muted colors on some of our OCs this year. A very sharp young Colt.
A very sharp young mare, too, but in quite her own way.
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accurate representation of my bias back then
how many hugs and thank yous do i have to pay to get some mead sent to me?
Yay mareberry
Lmao one of these days I’ll send a photo here that’s not facing incorrectly I swear the folly of phone posting is strong
Nice, I'm digging it. Loving all this art of my mare, wasn't expecting any cubism type shit but it fits her well
Have you seen someone about that? It really doesn't sound normal. Narcolepsy maybe?
its only when im sitting under those lights they have at schools and other office places, they make me tired, its worse if they have like a fan or something making a humming noise.
Blue light filter glasses and ANC earphones? Sounds like you might actually be able to get use out of those.
Anyways, good luck.
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Goodnight thread...
i don't have a job or go to collage so i don't need that

good sleeb
If numbers everybody has a super merry horsemas this year filled with Joy
im gonna grinch
Nice dubs but check these quintuplets out
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pffft, this is how you get numbers kid
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>the ride
It's over
Very cute! He looks like a nice and respectful gentlecolt.
Kill yourself
Digits and everyone has a merry Halloween
Ah fuck well digits over I'm going to bed, goodnight
Cousin is that you?
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Hey Kiwi, it's your cousin. Let's go bowling
Kiwi is delightfully steampunk
In case someone interested, the package from Russia ti USA just made it and it took only 11 days.

During christmas season, it can take a bit more, though, so keep in mind.
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Reminder that we already got the ultimate christmas get so you can stop trying so hard for more
I love this event so much. I think I'm gonna get /ss/ tattooed on my arm I love it so much.
>You wrote some specific design details and I’m worried I will miss them.
See I was worried about that :(
i would never................
thank you so much
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She really likes triangles. Through the power of triangles, any train can reach any track no matter where it is. Quite shocking the railway commission shot down her idea.
As I said, train autists (and probably roadway engineers as well) will definitely wish I had no ideas.
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Hey, you.
I know that sometimes it’s a lot easier to go through life lending a hoof to the folks around you, but not so much yourself. Maybe it’s because you don’t think you deserve the same love and kindness, or maybe it’s because the effort it would take to improve seems like too much. It can be easy to cheer on a friend in a tough time and a lot harder to go through one yourself. Please remember today that you really are worth the effort and energy. You deserve to treat yourself well, whether that means turning off the phone and getting extra sleep, eating right, going for a walk in the fresh air or maybe abandoning that internet argument that is doing nothing but frustrating you. Let’s all go have a great day.
What an absolute good’n.
Thank you for the daily affirmations, but today I will allow myself to just sulk in a corner because of bad news.
might go to town today (havent slept) to get a pumpkin and candy, and whiskey if i have enough money
A walk sounds nice. Maybe I'll draw later, too.
I have signed up 4 times with separate PO boxes and I have the power to grinch anyone that displeases me
jokes on you, this is the year santa has himself as the santee to get all the presents and grinches everyone else
its been a long con
knot if I grinch you first
I love that this is being referenced.
This unlocked a core memory for me
and the thread moves closer to the archive
Oh gosh, MORE beautiful art of my mare? Thanks friend! Your art style is super cute bro, what a nice short and sweet comic. Didn't really think about my oc's personality/ backstory when I made her, loving the triangle obsessed idea.
This is it. The end of /ss/.
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But it wasn't even Nightmare Night yet...
damn, I just bought a life sized plush for my santee. complete with accurate anatomical horse pussy
Uh oh, that’s not fun buddy. But also, sulking in a corner sometimes can be how we treat ourselves right. Sometimes you need to give yourself space to feel. Is it anything you want to talk about?
Goodbye bread
Oh shit they’re onto me.
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>8 threads off from archiving
is /ss/ already over?
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You're sweet, but venting won't help me, it'd only shit up the thread. Thank you.
Fair enough friend.
Sorry to hear you’re in a rough spot; I hope it passes soon.
Thanks again for caring.

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