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Secret Santa is back in action!
Come celebrate Horsemas with your fellow anons; spill your horrid desires to an internet stranger, and spend a few months being a little less awful than we usually are.

>How’s this thing work?
Read the FAQ!
The short form:
Gifts are given Round Robin style (A gives to B gives to C who gives to A) while cards are exchanged traditionally (whomever you give a card to should send one back to you). You will be randomly assigned anons by email after the signups are over so please keep an eye out!

Sign up at: https://horsemas.anonfilly.com/

Schedule of events and deadlines:
Oct Now: Signup doc goes live.
Oct 31st at 11:59pm CST: Signups close. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Nov 1st onwards: Gift assignments will be given out. After gift assignments are finalised card assignments will be given out, please be patient.
Dec 1st - 10th is the latest suggested mailing period. Consider mailing on the early side if you’re shipping internationally.
Latecomers: Coming Soon

FAQ here : https://fag.anonfilly.com/
Have thoughts/suggestions? The suggestion box is here: https://reeeeeee.anonfilly.com/

Coordinator email for comments/concerns/general inquiries: ponyclausmlp@gmail.com
Card Ambassador and assistant dragon supreme: thecardslut@gmail.com

And yet every year someone will break my heart and come late. For now you have a whole month to sign up, go enjoy the anni streams, shitpost with your soon to be holiday friends and figure out your Spoopmas outfits.
In the meantime, now is the time to get hype! Share stories from years gone by; say hello to your fellow horsefuckers; talk about your plans for the year; maybe write a song or poem to pass the time while we wait for signups together.

Previous Thread: >> 41569280
heck yea /ss/ is still on
Hello bread
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Game Giveaway Time!
Time for your threadly drop! Please be courteous and let other Anons know what game you've claimed, call me a faggot if that's what it takes, but just be nice to your fellow santas and santees.
This marks the first of the smaller game drops I previously mentioned.

>Borderlands 3 + Director's Cut
>Just Die Already
>Police Stories
>Red Solstice 2: Survivors

V when you see %
C replaces _
Borderlands 3 got. Thank you anon /)
thanks for endzo
I got killsquad thanks nonny
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Been working on some envelope designs for my cards but I would like to print some of the /ss/ OCs on the front instead of just anon.
>posting my address in the thread
I'll enjoy the spam I'm about to get
Don't worry anon I've already signed you up for a monthly subscription to The Atlantic
thanks for the borderlands director's cut DLC
I hope whoever my santee is, they like homemade shit, because I'm BROKE this year.
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I didn’t come here for soulless store bought crap. I want a huge load of the most autistic homemade stuff you’ve got.
>I didn’t come here for soulless store bought crap.
I did.
All of it sucks though
Spec please we know you're going to just resell your gift again.
God I hope they're banned
The duality of Santees.
I'm bad at art and can't make homemade shit so I'm sending store bought stuff and a few thing I bought at mare fair and I expect the same in return.
>bad at art
>sending art and storebought anyway
i rest easy knowing spec is the most autistic looking faggot ive ever seen, and that he'll be cursed to be that way until death
And I came here to acquire soulful items, but then to trade those souls to eldritch horrors for material wealth and fame.
What the fuck? Did someone really sell their gift?
yes, he was promptly beaten to near death with several horse dildos
Spec is beloved to the point that someone bought an official Sonichu medallion to gift to him at Mare Fair in an attempt to make him suffer its curse
You fool that faggot would have enjoyed that
filly sex!
I've never sold a gift, but there's been a few that I've regifted a part of to someone else in the next SS.
And some I've just thrown a bit of away.
But of course I've never told anyone about any of that. And every gift I've got so far has always had something I love and cherish in it.
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Cookie Kiln! Decided to do yours next, I hope I got it right. Tried my best to follow your detailed description from last thread, hope I got it right

Also just wanted to say it's not even November yet and I'm really feeling the love. I'm so happy I get to share this special event with all of you
>he doesn't keep all of his gifts including the food he got 5 years ag in his /ss/ shrine
Thanks for reminding me I have a package of those Prequel-themed hard candies Kazerad sold in the merch indiegogo all the way back in 2016
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uhhhh about that...
Hello hello everyone,
Glad to see the cheer is going well and thank you OP for making the new thread. As mentioned last thread one of our wonderful friends Harmony Hugs is going through a spot of bother and knowing generosity of anons here through the years I though it would be good to share the crowdfunding link that was posted last thread again. Any cent or event sharing the link around helps.

Jake B is that you?!
I'm glad you enjoy it.
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It is once again time to check in. I sit here in hope that I get some good work shifts in this next month in order to pay for all of the fun things I want to send out both here in to my own family and friends.
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Thank you so much for this handsome fellow Maplecakes
Previous thread: >>41569280
CardSlut been getting busy with the mares I see.
Cute critter, v dergpon. Not my particular bowl of tapioca, but I like what you did with her.
Oh the things she could do with that tongue
Who is Spec?
Nothing different than a normal tongue
tongue sounding
>not delicately using the forked tongue to please two mares at once
>not using the tongue to tease each ball
>not using the tongue to hug the clit and tease
>not using the tongue to french kiss and explore inside her partners mouth more
>not tying a bow in two cherries
I can go on
A complete utter faggot lolcow of /mlp/
are you sure about this anon
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look at her!!!!!!!!!!! creature!!!!!!!!!! i hadnt even thought about the cutie mark but its great!!!!!!
T-The tongue is for taste testing the cookie batter, n-not for... ok well tying a knot in cherry stems is really easy actually
USPS anon, theoretically, if one were to have a whole fuckton of stamps both standard and international, could you pay for a full on package with them?
Spec wouldn't dare show his face round here again.
>that flair
Oh you cheeky shit
Why are you like this, anon?
I'm offended that you'd even insinuate that I'm him.
Very cute mare. Nice art Anon.
post diaper ^:)
Foul, I can't if I don't have one.
sure thing anon!
Why what did he do to deserve being mocked? We're all a little autistic and the only ting stopping us from being Chris chan is a lack of attention
Asked for plush in secret santa, prompty sold the plush he was given. That's what makes him a gigafaggot around here.
bruh fuck that guy.
I'd regift a lot of shit but I'd never get rid of a plush
Is this just the cherry on top
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Yo, that’s totally not bodacious dude.
Will donate when I get my check in a few days.
1. How did you guys even find out? It's not like he bragged about it I assume. We're you just speculating because you saw some plush being sold on eBay? What if it was literally anyone else?
2. Even if he did resell it, it's not like you can turn a profit from secret santa unless you grinch, which I doubt he did.
3. Even if he did resell it, who says he wasn't in a dire financial situation where he had to regretfully sell his most prized possessions to stay afloat?
totally surf's down, man
Who is this semen demon
It takes serious effort to render muscles as accurately as that wtf
it's supposed to look like a stuffed animal (the mold predates mlp entirely and just happens to be a unicorn) but now i cant unsee him as being just really fucking buff
>supposed to look like a stuffed animal
[x] Doubt.
Hey, I hear where you’re coming from, but it’s just not the done thing, anon. You just don’t resell a gift plush, or, if you do, you have to accept that it’s going to upset the big event where the whole purpose is to give meaningful gifts to each other to make a connection. I feel like it’s ok to be disappointed by that, even if I wouldn’t personally say people should be angry or hateful.
Listed it for sale via a dicksword group here's the proofs
They have no money issues either they just didn't like the gift and were a bitch about. I guess they were expecting a free LS or something
Can we ban this faggot? I'm not even a Trixiefag and I'd be happy with her. She looks like she was made with love and PVRE SOVL
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I'll be honest anon I've never ever seen a stuffed animal look like that before. I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be horse muscles
Look in the archive from last year. He was selling it on dicksword, someone posted it, so he came into the thread and had a shitfit while poorly trying to defend himself.
He also wasn't in any financial situation, he said himself he "just didn't like it." If you're not happy with a gift, fine, but at least wait until the event is over before you do anything with it, maybe regift it another year or something. Just came off as a real dick move to his Santa.
anon please dont make me dig through the mold catalog to find the promotional images
wtf how could anyone ever say that about a mare plushie i would be overjoyed to have one like that
He's reselling a plush that's in his profile picture? Also, there's no way that plush goes for anything near that price why is he selling it for so much wtf did he get it autographed by Trixie's voice actor or something?
Why would a stuffed animal have those weird dimples/indent lines?
HI SPEC! Coming to weakly defend your shitty actions again?
Zebra please, how is that defending spec?
fine ill go get the dumb stupid idiot catalog from whatever dusty ass bookshelf its on
To his credit, it is his gift to do what he wants. However what >>41579699 said was right as it was a definite FU to his santa as he couldn't even wait until the event was over. Nigger could have handled it with much more tact and people wouldn't have been upset with him, but he had to go full retard asshole by doing what he did.
He couldn't even be bothered to take 5 minutes to look for who made it. Found it was made by GiftersGifts on Etsy almost instantly last year.
They actually sell them for double that on Etsy, but that just annoys me more knowing how much his Santa spent on it.
It could be possible that person was actually their Santa too
Do you know if his santa only gave him the plush or was it the plush plus other gifts items? Even if he was dissatisfied by the Trixie he probably kept the other items
Please do, anon.
Jesus why do these plushes cost so much? I don't remember any of the Hasbro plushes ever selling for this much
Bailey has been my wife ever since I dumped that uggo Twilight Sparkle.
Because they're handmade anon
>dumping a pony for a cow
Shit taste confirmed.
hand made in small batches and not mass produced. also hype
>archive from last year
He did upload an unboxing video to his YT. Can't exactly remember what he got but the plushie was the main part of the gift.
Just the price of buying handmade stuff.
Just use the desu anon
There's gotta be at least one person in this fandom who waifus Mooriella.
Wait so the tradition of making videos of you unboxing your gifts is already a thing? Well it would still be nice to make a compilation of all of them and put them up on the Pony Claus channel
Here's the main proof >>41579688
Like you're saying it was just a hoax done by the same person to draw sympathy?
I'm lazy to reply to everyone but this nigger only lists plush for his wish list, except for the year he listed a plush, and a 4cc scarf.
That seller was not their Santa. They spent the money on it for Spec to turn around and sell it for half that. I really hope he was banned from future participation. I know if I get assigned him I'm grinching. I'll send my gifts to a cardee instead.
No as in the seller could be their Santa because a lot of sellers/merch people take part
>a lot of sellers/merch people
WHAT? Fuuuuck I need to update my wishlist so that it's not about official merch anymore shit shit shit
>but this nigger only lists plush for his wish list, except for the year he listed a plush, and a 4cc scarf.
Did you have him?
I'm the one who gave him his scarf, yes.
shit I should have put a scarf down on my wish list.
I got a tiny one at mare fair but I still want one to hype myself for the 4cc
You can edit the Form.
It wasn't ever. It was just random guidelines for your Santa about anything giftlike
Nah, he just did that cause he has to be special.
fine here, tis the season after all
>>40673724 hurts reading this one
I want to legit fight him he is such an arrogant prick
>It wasn't ever. It was just random guidelines for your Santa about anything giftlike
I'm sorry I don't understand what this means can you expand on this please?
Is anyone gifting one of the official /mlp/ coins from 2022?
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Farmyard Funk reporting in. It was fun to attempt "art", but if any drawfags want to give my mare a spin, i'd be honored.
I haven't done my draw for today, I'll see about some fridge art for you later.
Freckles always kino
Ho Ho Ho and hello my dear friends! As we start off this new year, I want to do just a little housekeeping. I’ll try to post this every once in a while during signups for people who are still joining up. I know not everypony reads the FAQ (shame on you) so a couple short notes. First of all, the ghost list is coming back again this year. At least one time during the month of November, you need to put on your codename and post in thread. You don’t have to call out your santee with your name on. You don’t have to respond to your santa with your name on. But you need to make a post at least once so your Santa knows that they aren’t sending out into the void. I know that it’s perfectly possible for you to talk with your Santa without the nametag, and you definitely should, whether or not you choose to wear it, but I need to see it at least once just so I can find you in the archives and make sure you’re actually here. I know a lot of people last year wanted the rule to be more than one single post, and I realize that it’s still a compromise position, but sometimes we just have to settle somewhere in the middle. K? Everyone cool? Dope.
Part two: Grinching and tardiness. It was pretty rough last year, not going to mess you about, and I’m not going through it again this year. Before you sign up for that gift exchange you need to be bloody sure that you can follow through on it BY CHRISTMAS. I’m not running another Grinch rescue in April. It’s nonsense. The mercy rules on tardiness are going to be tightened this year, even if your Santee approves an extension, even if you are showing me WIPs. In past years I let those go on more or less indefinitely. This year I’ll be taking it out of your Santee’s hooves at a certain point and declaring it myself. If you need to send a safety net gift while you work on a more ambitious project then do it. See the FAQ for more details. If you really want to be a part of the event but don’t feel like you can commit to following through on a gift or cards, then just reach out to me and I will figure something out, even if that means I’ll just sign you up to receive some extra cheer cards from mass mailers. I’d much rather do that than lateness and grinching. The goal never has been to be the biggest /ss/ ever, just the BEST. Groovy? Groovy.
Third, hey, listen, I know some of you guys aren’t board regulars. You got an invite from your buddy, and it sounds like a good time, or you’ve not been around the board for a decade, or you’ve only come by for Secret Santa in the past. Hi! Thanks so much for being here and part of the season! It’s lovely to see you! Please remember this is an /mlp/ event. It’s a place for our little community to get together, hang out with other posters in a new way, and do something nice for folks we usually yell obscenities at. So if this isn’t your regular haunt please-don’t just show up for Secret Santa, get a gift, then disappear. That’s not very cash money of you. Go explore the board. Visit the drawthread or find a thread about your waifu. Watch the anni streams with other anons (yes the thread is still live as of now, go check it out.) Make some art in /bale/. Giddy up for us in the winter 4cc. If you don’t know what’s going on: lurk moar. We’re all newfags at some point, and I’m really happy that Secret Santa is an event that you want to be a part of, but, again, this is a community event. If you want to be a part of it, then try to be a part of the community, k?
Then just to address what looks like a little confusion: you need to post with your name on, ONE TIME IN NOVEMBER. If you want to post once per thread, great, it’ll probably be a comfort to your Santa and Santee, but you don’t need to.
Fourthly, this is a reminder to everyone here that if you have any specific items you want to gift to update your forms NOW while you still can. Maybe there's another anon that is planning on gifting the same thing but didn't write it down in their form. Don't make me do any guesswork, guys, it'll end up in mis-matched gift loops

Well, that’s all outta me! Have fun, you little rapscallions!
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I finally watched some of tamers12345 videos and he’s a fucking menace I love it
Why does he gush about the trixie plush if he didn't like it
Because he is so fucking fake and disingenuous
Do santas discriminate based on recipient waifu taste? I saw a few threads back that anything involving glimmer would be grinched
Calm down it isn't that serious some people just don't have enough room for large gifts
No it's just (You) harvesting
only happened a few times, rarer than you think
You clearly don't know Spec then
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I dunno if people really do; everyone tries to honor the “Santee comes first” policy, but generally speaking if someone expresses a strong distaste for, say, EqG in their wishlist or notes I’ll try not to pair them with a Santee who waifus Shimmer for instance just to make sure people can be passionate about the gift, because giving is 90% of the fun. It’s pretty low on the priority list compared to like regional preferences or handmade/merch, etc. but I do try. Unless of course someone specifically asks in their notes not to get a Barbiefriend or g%er, in which case I’ll make it a big one.
When santees list their waifus I always assume it's EqG first and FiM second and look for gifts accordingly
>waifu is Discord
What now? This is your chance to post something cursed as fuck.
Do you judge our forms?
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Thanks, I hate it. You get a passing grade, but no A+ due to your restrain with the really cursed stuff out there.
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I do not. I’m here to try to make everyone have the best Horsemas possible. I have my own opinions and biases about a lot of things, of course, but I try very hard to make sure that the biggest bias of all is that I want you to have a nice time and feel loved and cared for. Any kind of grouping or segregation I do in the list is purely because, like I say, I want your Santa to have a blast making your gift, so I try to give them a santee they’ll connect with in some way, or failing that, a santee who won’t push them too far out of their comfort zone.
Random question but do you automatically check the gift loops if someone edits/updates their form? I want to fix some typos on mine but don't want to waste your time
>Pony Claus judging me on my love for my waifu
What is your opinion on a certain blue magical mare?
Her friend is better
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Right now I’m just working through the list with whatever is in front of me to get some preliminary loops down. It’s not super fast going but I’m about 90 assignments in of a current 200 signups. I’m not rechecking preassignments right now regardless of edits, working on the assumption that, by and large, most edits will probably still fall into the same categories. But I will do a sweep for edits after the form closes and make alterations at that point where needed. I’m taking some PTO next Friday to give myself some space to hunker down and grind out any changes due to late signups and edits, and I’ll do my very very best to try to get assignments flowing by the end of the weekend.
As always, I’ll do my best, but I can’t always guarantee that I’ll find the perfect match for everypony. If three people ask for a 4cc scarf and only one Santa tells me they have one to spare I kind of have to choose based on other parts of the list and general Horsemas vibes. Please do feel free to edit away; I will be taking note of them before any final assignments go out.
She’s a liddle gremlin and absolutely top tier. It’s very important that she receives love and attention.
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>"What?! You're Trixie? The world's most inept and least charismatic magician? Wow! Can you introduce me to Starlight?"
I grinch Flutterfags and report them to authorities with doctored evidence.
Like a bad itch, I'm still around. I'm planning on looking around for some shopping stuff next month for whoever I get. My only skill is writing, apologies in advance for whoever gets me since you aren't going to get any handcrafts.
Blimey, I knew you were based but I can feel your aura through the screen it's so strong.
>least charismatic
At least your post was funny.
Unfathomably based
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That’s fine, man. Play to your strengths; you’ll do super!
You don't happen to be in Europe, do you?
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woke up at 5pm again, but I was up till 2pm this time, I went to town at 7am, got whiskey, candy, cola, and a pumpkin, and hitched hiked back home, got 5 rides today, was a good day got home at 12pm
Nope, in the US.
Only time will tell. I at least have around $80 in rare mare items already queued up to send off regardless of what is specifically wanted since I don't think many anons have them. Very limited things.
Oh yeah I don't actually think that, I was just immediately reminded of that Toad from SM64DS lol
I have a bad itch too because I'm literally in the hospital because of an STD I acquired. Feels like I'm on my deathbed at some points
All I know is, my form says I consider a nice little story or a letter from mai waifu's perspective equal to a physical, handcrafted gift. I can't be the only one to think this way, right? So I hope you will have a charming Santee to shower in prose and rare mare goodies.
Pls do not send me /k/ brownies.
/k/ brownies?
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Now THAT is a good gift idea
Welcome to the club. Tamers content is always quality.
Honestly, I can't give a good gift to an anon who waifus a pony I don't like, barbieshit, or g%. I just can't. I won't be passionate about my gift and I can't even pretend to say I liked putting the gift together. Not even trying to be an asshole, I just can't be passionate about something I genuinely dislike.
You can specify that on the form, y'know. "Please don't pair me with someone who likes..."
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Finally got to Ice Cream social. I have seen you request a few times and i fucked up by not saving the ref. Glad to draw this cute mare.


This design is fucking awesome you did amazing
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One bit of self indulgence a year can't hurt.
just signed up. this'll be my first year so i'm gonna make something good
mindless self indulgence?
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Go OG or go home
Fuck ya! I'm so happy your a part of this too now.
Some do but they shouldn't
.....unless it's G5 or EQG
god I hope my santee is an oldfag that will understand when I wrap everything in spiderman paper and leave a note that this is now a spiderman package
I feel like that will only make sense if he likes fillys Anon?
Spiderman bombing could occur anywhere, on any board
.....I geuss that just shows where I spent most of my oldfag years.....
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Are you guys comfortable sending a gift to a possible pedophile
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It's time I let go and use it, isn't it?
I used all the paper I bought back in 2017. All I have left is a rectangle too small to wrap anything in.
Fellow oldfag. I like that no matter how much the world changed, almost nothing has really changed about this place in the last seventeen years.
Every time I see a band that reminds me of my childhood it further reminds me of puddle of mudd.
im not even an old fag. i love re4 and old metal, i just grew up with a bunch of stupid old shit, and i befriended a ton of old fags because i act like gen x. its why i blend in so good. fuck yeah i need another drink
fuckin miss old NU metal like that
People will now check their santee's address in the registry
I'm pretty sure that's a completely binary determination.
Definitely could've fooled me. Old Youtube seems so rare to come across these days. Not just no one remembering the old days but things get deleted and hidden due to modern sensibilities.
i love old youtube, type in "before:2006-12-30 (what ever you want)" to find all the best videos, here's one i like
turns 19 this year in December^
A good reason to always download and archive anything you like. This is why yt-dlp is your friend.
I personally hate how I haven't yet written anything that could be quantified as a Chobits/MLP story mixture. At least some of my greens have those elements involved.
I got all of Freelance Astronauts downloaded, that's enough of a beloved time capsule for me. Maybe PlumpHelmetPunk for good measure.
Brother I'm in my mid 20s and about all I listen to besides horse music is 60s-70s shit
fuckin classic ive seen that before
glad to see someone who loves old shit like this. also pardon my swearing im drunk.
i don't wanna disclose my age publicly unless im drunk enough, but im low 20s.
but i fuckin love blue oyster cult
Fuckin KIDS
>early 30s
oh you bet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgkGE82DsuQ
i know im drunk but i dont want to sound deranged but im just waiting for an older man to walk on my property so i can grab him up and keep im hog tied to a tree all week long having all kinds of fun out here in the mountains we can be as loud we want nobody will hear ye
im sitting here rubbing my big chest, you don't get his big driving car, since i hitch hike to the store 10 miles away. i need a big man i can keep to myself
i will be sending you a pipebomb
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I'm also early 30s. I can only hope that I'll be retired soon.
Cool it, Grandma. Me and your mom are tryin' to watch Jeopardy.
i wanna go wrong turn on some city folk

is there a list of banned names/anons under scrutiny for being late/unintentional grinching?
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Oh shit we talking music? 60s and 70s are great, I'm a big fan of king crimson. My favorite band by far though is kglw. Any gizz fans around?
I actually watch Jeopardy every day
They had a my little pony question a while back I got so excited
Ok! Dinner break! Preassignments in the triple digits. Notes of interest: more people asking to give horse puss/cock than asking for it, lots of great crafters out there, 4cc merch and marecoins seem to have run dry at this point. If any of that makes you feel like editing your form, y'know, go for it!
There is a grinch list, yessir. Every so often I check it against the form to see if any known grinches signed up. Haven't checked for a few days, which would make for an awkward follow up to the confirmation email, but I'm feeling lucky.
If there ARE any grinches of Horsemas past who want to participate again, I urge you to reach out to me. When it comes time for grinch rescue this year, if you sign up and successfully follow through on a rescue gift you'll be welcomed back on the Nice List to participate in 2025, and I always want you to have the chance to enjoy Hearth's Warming with us!
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im so excited for Christmas!! i want to listen to Christmas songs!!
I love work when they stick the Christmas music on, Christmas music is the best
do you check by their real name or by their secret santa id/name?

would you mind posting the grinch list? im asking for a friend who might be on there
People are actually asking to give horse pussy? Damn, might have to put that on my wishlist then.
>more people asking to give horse puss/cock than asking for it
If I pre bought a horsecock for 2025 what size should I buy
this board is 90% gay. if it is big they will like it anon
Quads of truth.
Real name and email is the go-to, referenced against addresses if there’s still confusion. (There’s this one guy every year with the same name as a grinch.)If it’s ok, just pop me an email, I’d rather not post a grinch list in thread, even if it’s just the codenames.
>If any of that makes you feel like editing your form, y'know, go for it!
I feel like a fool editing it for a second time and forcing you to triplecheck things.
Go for it friend. If I haven’t gotten to you yet then it won’t matter; if I already have then I’m not going to check again for edits until after I close the form.
Oh neat, that sounds better. I hope it doesnt fuck up your loops if I was already gotten to.
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I hope it does if it makes them better. /)
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Oh boy! It’s 12 midnight on a Friday, sharktime! That means time to listen in on Santa Pone’s aquarium on the radio!
>santee is asking for $300 bottles of wine, Kyrgyzstani caviar, a new iPhone, and Train Simulator + all DLC
what do?
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A mare for Fiddle yard frost, hope you like tomboys.
I went ahead and edited my stuff. If you've read it the first time, you can probably see why. I'm trying to make sure I don't drag anyone down.
Draw them a nice picture of Berry Punch, Silverstream (seapony form), and Pipp Petals riding the Friendship Express.
obtuse caboose has some competition in the rear end buisness
Basic answer, but my favorite band from the era is probably CCR. Proud Mary just hits real nice. Runner up would either be GFR or the Eagles. I've taken to Doc Watson recently too. The only modern band I really follow is Balsam Range.
Wow that is making me incredibly thirsty
I'd let her play with my model trains, if you know what I mean. (I mean sex with me is mini-sized, delicate, not very powerful, and extremely autistic.)
fvllfill the prophecy...
I don't know this one.
What's the story?
There's just something about freckles and close cropped tails, man. It gets my locomotive chugging.
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They're all such pretty ponies
Wouldn't the rules get them dq'd somehow? Assuming that people who are 'asking/requesting' gifts are keeping the 20 dollar limit in mind. I would think it'd be on the people doing the gifting which is where people can go hog wild with how much they're willing to spend.
it's a minimum limit, anon. There is no upper limit.
Send them a berry punch, a pipp petals, and the train simulator 2004 disc you have in the old CD-ROM binder you haven't opened in 15 years.
kek. fun times.
this is the most obvious bait I've seen in a while, but I guess I'll bite if there's already this many bites
unironically just get them a gift you can actually afford, it only needs to be at least $20 and the wishlist is simply there for helping the santa decide what to get the santee
if a wishlist only includes unreasonable items that's on them for not making a good wishlist
Yes, you looking for any particular filly stuff?
Stuffed toy of their waifu
>shit in box
>put sticker of santee's waifu on it
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im sorry if i disturbed anybody, i just want to celebrate this Christmas, but im drunk as long as i can be.
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I think I might toss a couple books into my Horsemas gift with like fake reviews from Twilight Sparkle on the inside cover.
Who is the cutie?!
exactly, i guess its bad to say ask pony claus for my info to send me money on pay pal LOL
cute idea anon, i might steal it
It's okay I'll watch RSMVs and old Gmod Idiot Box videos with you anon
I wish I was drinking right now.
Please do!
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That there is Happy Heartsong my friend
Must be a structural engineer if she's managed to balance that. What a cute pony. She's going to have a wicked tummyache later.
You have to understand it's for her friends to share. It is a SOCIAL after all
So you're telling me she gets all her friends together so they can all lick off the same long rod of tasty treats? Oh no, I'm not falling for this a fifth time.
>tfw there's that one faggot that doesn't understand gravity or center of mass and just eats one of the lower level scoops
falling for what?
But if you get to do it a sixth time you get a free toy!
holy shit this gives me a great idea
You make a compelling argument.
Nice, eagles are definitely up there for me as well and you can't go wrong with ccr. I've never heard of balsam range, I'll have to look them up. I love finding new music to listen to, recently discovered the sword and orions belte which I have been getting into
I love (You) all, could I ask my friends in the secret Santa thread to like pray
To Christ, to Luna, whatever, that I don't have another night terror tonight.
I have re drafted this like 50 times to not sound venty and sad, I just think there's something real and truely powerful about haveing other people support you and wanting you to succeed. And Im reaching a hoof out to you /)
I love you too, and I may not be able to cherish and hug you physically, but through spirit.

<3 (\
Based King Gizz appreciator
I'd recommend Crowded House, Splitz End, Dave Dobbyn, DD Smash, Ray Columbus and the Invaders, Th' Dudes, Dragon, Hello Sailor, and ... well there is plenty of others but it really depends on your genre taste
They're bluegrass, so not everyone's cup of tea. They do have a notable number of train-referencing songs, though.
Oh wow what a list. Thanks for the recommendations bro! I'll definitely give those a shot, I got a pretty wide range of music that I like. It's one of the reasons I like gizz so much, they do so many different genres.
Bluegrass can go hard. Its not a genre ive thoroughly explored but ive definitely heard bluegrass i really like. I'm even more intrigued now, I wasn't expecting that
>4cc merch and marecoins seem to have run dry at this point. If any of that makes you feel like editing your form, y'know, go for it!
To help your santa if you like the 4cc name other teams you like you might be surprised what teams you get something from.
How has y'all been this week?
Kek, that's actually a really comfy idea as a stocking stuffer.
Then don't put the dark chocolate scoop all the way down there next time. ^;)
May Luna guide and protect your dreams, bro.
Nice weekend with friends followed by one really shitty week. I hope to bounce back a bit today.
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i just woke up, i realize I drank a lot, i feel like crap, now that's what i call a good night lol
Please have some water and an electrolyte drink.
i woke up laying over something in my main room of my trailer, weird because i can tell I'm still drunk
i got potassium pills and salt
merry Christmas in october everybody (sory for ruining Christmas in october)
i woke up so weird, i felt like i woke up to that b17 scene in heavy metal
"even in death my powers continue"
i woke up not knowing where I was as the reality set in. and i guess i can say i took a ride on heavy metal
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i regret nothing
My friend it is time to stop posting
yeah im eating breakfast now
Is there a bingo for delirious drunkposting?
Kidnap Miss Santity Claus
I wanna do it
Let's draw straws
AppleJack said, "We should work together"
Three of a kind
Birds of a feather
Now and forever
(La, la, la
La, la, la)
Kidnap the Santity Claus
Lock her up real tight
Throw away the key and then
Turn off all the lights
First, we're goin' to set some bait
Inside a nasty trap and wait
When she comes a-sniffing we will
Snap the trap and close the gate
Wait, I've got a better plan
To catch this big red generosity mare
Let's pop her in a boiling pot
And when she's done we'll butter her up
Kidnap the Santity Claus
Throw her in a box
Bury her for ninety years
Then see if she talks
Then Mr. Boogie Mare
Can take the whole thing over then
He'II be so pleased, I do declare
That he will cook her rare, wheee
I say that we take a cannon, aim it at her door
And then knock three times
And when she answers
Santity Claus will be no more
Yes you're so stupid, think now
If we blow her up to smithereens
We may lose some pieces
And then AppleJack will beat us black and green
Kidnap the Santity Claus
Tie her in a bag
Throw her in the ocean
Then, see if she is sad
Because Mr. Boogie mare
Is the meanest guy around
If I were on his boogie list
I'd get out of town
He'II be so pleased by our success
That he'll reward us too, I bet
Perhaps he'll make his special brew
Of snake and spider stew
We're his little henchmen and
We take our job with pride
We do our best to please him
And stay on his good side
I wish my cohorts weren't so dumb
I'm not the dumb one
You're no fun
Shut up
Make me
I've got something, listen now
This one is real good, you'll see
We'II send a present to her door
Upon there'll be a note to read
Now, in the box we'll wait and hide
Until' her curiosity
Entices her to look inside
And then we'll have her
One, two, three
Kidnap the Santity Claus
Beat her with a stick
Lock her up for ninety years, see what
Makes her tick
Kidnap the Santity Claus
Chop her into bits
Mr. Boogie Mare
Is sure to get his kicks
Kidnap the Santity Claus
See what we will see
Lock her in a cage
And then throw away the key
Im starting to get annoyed at Pasture Bedtime's endless namefaging
Oh no! Not Santity Claus!
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It’s Saturday! And that’s. Great day for doing!
Whether that’s doing house chores, working on a project, going to a party with friends, or whether the doing in question is some focused and intentional rest, let’s try to use this day to the fullest!
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Prayers said, friend.
I hope you had a better night last night. How ya feeling?
I accepted a job that will pay the most I've ever made, but I can't bring myself to be happy about it.
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I will be selling a shit ton of MLP wrapping paper at Mare Fair 2025. Be there or be square nerds.
Well, well, well, what have we here?
Santity Claus, huh?
Ooh, I'm really scared
So, you're the one everypony's talkin' about?

You're joking, you're joking
I can't believe my eyes
You're joking me, you gotta be
This can't be the right gal

She's pathetic, she's ugly
I don't know which is worse
I might just split a seam now
If I don't die laughing first

When Oogie Boogie says
There's trouble close at hand
You'd better pay attention, now
'Cause I'm the Boogie Mare
And if you aren't shaking
There's something very wrong
'Cause this may be the last time you hear the Boogie song, oh (wow)
Oh (wow)
Oh (oh)
Oh, I'm the Boogie Mare

Well, if I'm feelin' ansty
And I've nothin' much to do
I might just cook a special batch
Of snake and spider stew

And don't ya know the one thing
That would make it work so nice?
A delicious Santity Claus to add a little spice (oh)
Oh (oh)
Oh (oh)
Oh yeah, I'm the Boogie Mare

Release me now
Or you must face the dire consequences
The darlings are expecting me
So please, come to your senses

You're joking, you're joking
I can't believe my ears
Would someone shut this pony up?
I'm drowning in my tears
It's funny, I'm laughing
You really are too much

And now, with your permission
I'm going to do my stuff
Well, what are you going to do?
I'm going to do the best I can

Oh, the sound of rolling dice
To me is music in the air
'Cause I'm a gamblin' Boogie Mare
Although I don't play fair
It's much more fun, I must confess
When lives are on the line
Not mine, of course
But yours, old mare
Now that'd be just fine

Release me fast, or you'll have to answer for this heinous act
Oh mama, you're something
You put me in a spin
You aren't comprehending
The position that you're in
It's hopeless, you're finished
You haven't got prayer
'Cause I'm The Boogie Mare
And you ain't going nowhere
Wish yiu luck in it!
Does the /ss/: The Musical already have a /ss/ parody of art of the dress?
I figure I may as well attempt one of its not been done before, on account of it fitting the mood and theme so well
That is an awesome idea!
PC I updated my forum and added a note in case you already put me in a loop. and you said there are people planning on gifting horse pussy? OcO
>4cc merch and marecoins seem to have run dry at this point.
I'd love to gift some jerseys if that helps.
Sunbeam kit when
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Somebody do something wacky. This thread has been a snooze.
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What kind of stuff you think would be good to stick in with a card if you want to do a little extra? My mind immediately goes to stickers or Keychains, stuff like that. Wondering what else might work.
A used condom
A gift card
A coupon for Pringles
If you're willing to do a bubble mailer and warp the card: pins, keychains, or a challenge coin (there's multiple /mlp/ ones to find, not just the Marecoin)
last year I put handmade magnets in mine
In all seriousness, be careful with things like coins or pins, as the sorting machines are made to move flat objects, and it will probably eject your item from the card if it's not a flat shape.
man, Ive been trying to hunt down XL/L Derpy kit since forever, and Im so jealous of my friend that has 3 different kits (sadly he wears Ms so I can't even try to buy those from him).
Incorrect, I've received a lot of small trinkets over the years (including flag pins, etc.) through USPS envelope mail and it was never damaged. It has a much better survival rate than mormal parcels even
envelopes with that kind of stuff often gets labeled as non machinable
Roger roger
Can confirm. Last year had about four or five envelopes returned as non machinable even though the ornaments were under the maximum thickness threshold, apparently they weren’t flexible enough for the machines if they caught them in just the wrong way.
Also, USPS friend says that it can mess up the machines when that happens so I had to send an apology gift basket to the local sorting facility. Switched a much thinner and bendier acrylic this year, but we’ll have to see if they survive the journey cause they’re way more fragile than the lexan.
>USPS friend says that it can mess up the machines when that happens
You mean the entire US Postal Service is just one insane man and some popsicle sticks away from being destroyed?
/r/ing a version of this with Cardslut and Kiwi
Fuck that sounds amazing.
>orders a pizza for my santee on New Years
But seriously don't do this, that's creepy as fuck to look up your santee and then keep tabs on him to send him shit without invitation throughout the year without discussing it beforehand.
Or you can just ask in thread if it's okay to order them something?
It's not much but I donated
Please no
>chaos go brrrr
Derpy and I will form a team to destroy chaos and save all mail delivery across the multiverse.
If anything she's the one trying to jam the letters through the machine because she wants her friends to get the letters NOW
as long as they tip the pizza guy so I don't have to scramble to find a 5 dollar bill then fuck yeah I want a pizza
i did not forget the thing i just keep forgetting to look for it
Chompy we know that's you
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She’s so thoughtful!
Yeah, it's happy heartsong. Kiwi beat me to the punch. I could probably namefag when posting her, but eh, it seems to work out regardless.
Damn you made her really cute! Thanks dude, i love it!
Your drawing made her cute already you fool
Too much mental noise. Too much to fixate on and wait to have finish. I haven't been able to find and maintain my zen for a while and it has trickled down to everything I used to do to the point it was a habit I didn't have to think about.
Is it possible to take breaks during work to lessen the burden a bit?
>Santee specifically requests that you don't send anything
What do indeed?
Cute envelope!
My wishlist comprises just one request for a Shuxer59 figure. Is this reasonable?
I will send a blind bag repainted to be the mare of your choice along with a drawing of said mare
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sure bro
My printer sucks, would (you) like to get a poorly painted card?
>Verification not required.
I'm starting to realize that "shitpost" is enough effort for a card
I definitely would, bro. How many cards do you need to create this way?
Could always do what I do and host giveaways. I’m just waiting till all the assignments go out and everybody has a name before the giveaways.
Should I add my shirt size to my Santa list?
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I am giving away this image
It is not mine
But you may have it
I am not repa9nsivle if the owner sues you for stealing
Really good for your Santa just mention if it's US, UK, or whatever
Okay, mate, I'll take a shit at the post office!
I'm planning to do around 20 because I made exactly 20 gifts for my cardees. Made one today and realized that I'm awful at colors mixing.
20 is an ambitious amount in my opinion. With your situation in mind, I recommend you paint something more abstract than wanting to draw a whole pony for every cardee. Something like color splatters matching a cardee's waifu's color, and then you glue a paper-cutout silhouette of the pony or cutie mark on top of it.

Myself, I will use cardstock to craft cute cards for my two cardees, then fill those with an illustration each, drawn on separate paper.
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was inspired by other anons itt and tried to design Loopsy Siding
Maybe my idea of a good shitpost is too high effort
I would fuckin' kiss this mare.
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For Cotton Clump

Glad Wynter designed her my first thought was a tampon when I first read her name
She's such a pretty pretty friend.
I already did. Quit my last job for three months due to it piling on. That's what led to the higher pay job.
god i love country mares
She's adorable, even when angery.
Oh my gosh she’s so adorable even when angy her outrage is way more fitting than you know I will cherish this forever
She’s just a little wobbly is all. Adorable.
She's precious.
This is the mare that makes all of those circular train sets grandmas put around their tree.
That's actually super cute lore; I love that.
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Inspired to do a take on my character. I think it turned out pretty good!
Noooo it broke
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Derpy got a little excited and delivered the first card already
This, I saw a cute mare so I drew her and she's still a cute mare.
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Trinket shelf the breezie

I imagine she lives on the shelf her self. Building each section up as she explores.
Eeeeeee. She's like a little borrower!
A qt indeed
>Be Gandy Prancer
>The weather in the mountain pass was a fickle thing, and the light snow of a couple hours previous had transformed into a white wall so thick that you can no longer see more than a car’s length in front of the caboose. Slug had made it back in the nick of time, arriving with a bag of supplies just as the conditions had changed, a cold wind from the north bringing the blizzard with it.
>For now, though, the caboose was a comfortable haven from the storm, if anything the heat of the stove and four pony bodies made it a little too warm. If Snuggle Slug weren’t cold-blooded it might have been downright hot.
>Better warm than cold, though, you think, with ponies just as with boilers, and the caboose had fuel enough to last out at least a couple of days. If you needed to spend any longer than that up here then there would probably be other issues to address.
>Food might be a little tight, but everycreature semed likely to hold out. The main concern was the injured blue mare, really. Nothing seemed to indicate that her injuries were fatal, but you can’t help but notice that her condition has declined a little in the past few hours. The brandy might not have been the most medically advisable prescription, but it did seem to settle her a bit, and with no prospects for a quick rescue you had grudgingly passed a bottle around to Coal Shovel, Snuggle Slug and Wheeltapper as well and sent them off to nap in the bunks while you kept an eye on things.
>Things, though, seem to be in short supply, so with little other recourse you turn to the scruffy hobo.
“Hey Hotbox, how you doin’ down there?”
>The blue mare coughs a little as she scoots into a more favourable position for conversation. It’s a wet cough and she winces a little, but smiles as she faces you.
>”Been worse, partner. One time out Griffonstone way I was riding the rods and caught the attention of some chicken-headed bastard who thought it would be fun to tie a coupling pin to a rope and toss it down under the car while we were cruising. Damn thing would bounce around and jump off the ties, and the bastard kept letting out the line and fishing it from side to side trying to get it to brain me. Came damn close too. Broke one of my legs and banged me about the face a few times before I managed to get clear at the next water stop. Had an eye swell shut for a month.”
“Is that so?”
>”Nah, captain, not really.”
“Oh. Good.”
>”Yeah, I’ve never seen a chicken headed griffon. He was more like a hawk. Rest is true though.”
“That sounds terrible.”
>”Well.” she gave a half shrug with her good foreleg and coughed wetly again, “Train folk don’t exactly look kindly on the blind baggage.”
>”Hobos. Free rides. You know, they think we’re all probably stealing the goods or pinching the coal and all that.”
>You raise an eyebrow, and Hotbox Reefer grins weakly.
>”Well, I didn’t say it wasn’t true, boss. I dunno if it warrants trying to kill some poor mare with a coupling pin, though.”
>You have to concede that.
>”Anyway, most of the time we’re just trying to get around the place. See the world. Grab a quick job here or there. Just folk, Mr. Prancer.”
“Just folk.” you echo.
>”How about you? How are you doing? Awful lot of paperwork over this, I’d imagine.”
>You chuckle without humour.
“They’ll need another train just to carry it all, Ms. Reefer. If I’m back in the cab by summer I’ll be lucky.”
>”Can’t blame you for a tunnel collapsing, surely?”
“Thank Celestia, no, but that’s not going to keep the report from being the size of a damn novel. They do not like it when a train goes down, not one little bit.”
>”Might as well enjoy the reprieve for now then, eh?”
“You might just be right. Anyway, go on, get some shuteye. I’ll keep an eye out just in case something changes.”
>Be Cracked Calabash
>Your back hurts. And your jaws hurt. And your neck hurts. You’ve been shovelling coal for hours now, and every mile down the track you go without spotting the missing Giftwrap Express raises the tension. Eighth Notch has grown noticeably tense as the distance grows, and now, at the foot of the mountains, her eyes have narrowed and her ears are folded back in apprehension.
>It’s exhilarating.
>You abandoned your waxed coat some time ago, but sweat still drips off of you despite the increasing snow in the air.
>Eighth Notch takes a rare glance over her shoulder at you.
>”Holding up, oldtimer?”
>You spit out the shovel for a moment and take a gasp of air.
“Fresh as a daisy, miss. I take it we’re preparing to attempt the climb?”
>”Attempt nothing, we’re about to crank up the speed. I don’t like this one bit. If she’s still up in the mountains we need to get them out. Look up there.”
>You crane your neck out the window and look up towards the pass. The mountains disappear halfway up into a thick white turmoil of clouds and snow. It reminds you of an ill fated attempt at the summit of the Mareterhorn, one you had barely come out of alive.
“Nasty storm. I’d hate to be stuck in it.”
>”I can’t imagine them sitting it out willingly, either,” she confirms, “I hope we find them on the far side. Maybe a rockslide or something. If they’re up there then they’re definitely off the rails.”
“No call for delay then, my dear!”
>The old feeling creeps into your bones: adventure!
>Of course, adventures were generally more fun when being retold around a mouthful of smoke several years later. In the moment they were often painful, tiring, nervewracking things, but, well, what can you say, you still feel called to them. You flash a smile at the engineer and pick the shovel back up in your teeth.
“Tlla h!”
>You spit the shovel out again.
“Tally-ho, dear! I hear the mountain air is good for old bones!”
>Be Gandy Prancer.
>The hobo is getting worse, definitely getting worse. The cough has become a constant over the past ten hours. Wet, and painful sounding. Hotbox Reefer looks tired and worn down, too, gone from simply injured to precariously ill.
>Wheeltapper, awake once again, looks at you with concern.
>”Sounds like pneumonia, chief.”
>Riding exposed in the cold mountain air, insufficient clothing, and a cracked rib to top it off. That would do it, for sure.
>”We’ve got a first aid kit back here,” Snuggle Slug speaks up, “Bandages, burn cream, some ointments, but nothing for pneumonia.”
>You wrinkle up your nose and think. The storm has not abated. The caboose is warm and reasonably safe, but it’s not going anywhere.
“I don’t think we can count on rescue in these conditions. At least not quickly. We’ll need to get to the loco and uncouple her. We’ll need to rig up a stretcher for Ms. Reefer.”
>”Getting there won’t be easy, chief.” It’s Coal Shovel this time. “No way Slug is flying with a stretcher, and that ledge was barely wide enough to cross without carrying one, much less with the wind kicked up. I don’t even know if we’d make it on our own.”
>Your nose wrinkles further.
>”Wheeltapper, come along with me. Slug, Coal Shovel, watch her and do what you can. We’re going to see what we can come up with. Maybe there’s another way.”
>Be Cracked Calabash.
>With your attention fully devoted to the act of summoning enough energy for just one more shovel of coal your first indication that anything has happened is the sudden jolt as Eighth Notch lays on the brakes. Not just lays on them, she practically builds a bed on them. Sparks fly up from the wheels, and you hear the mean hiss as water in the boiler sloshes forward under its own inertia and slaps against superheated metal. Even so, the locomotive skids to a stop only feet in front of the train that suddenly loomed up out of the snow. Frankly you had been taking the pass at a speed entirely inappropriate for the weather. Had your compatriot been only a little slower or less decisive things could have gone much worse.
>There’s a sudden, pregnant pause as the chugging engine and clacking wheels fall silent, leaving only the howling of wind and the creaking of the boiler as the water resettles. The two of you quietly eye the haunting sight of the cold engine stopped dead in the blizzard.
>”Well.” Eighth Notch finally speaks up, “The good news is that we found them.”
“We seem to have found the train, in any case. I suspect if anypony was in the engine they would have made their presence known by now.”
>”I think you’re right.”
“Right then. You take advantage of the moment to retrieve your pipe and fill it with a trembling hoof that does not go unnoticed.
“Tired, my dear. Merely tired. I hate to admit it, but I might not be quite as spry as I was once.”
>She smiles. “To be honest, oldtimer, you put on a good show for a shoveller half your age.”
>You harumph good-naturedly.
“You should have seen me in my prime. I wouldn’t have broken a sweat yet.”
>Eighth Notch gives you an appreciative eye that you could almost believe was flirtatious.
>”Anyway. I’m going to check out the scene. Catch your breath and sit tight.”
“Not bloody likely. I might not be a young buck anymore, but I’m damned well capable of taking a walk in the snow.”
>You light your pipe and smile to take the edge off the words, but the mare catches the determination in your voice and doesn’t belabour the point.
>”Right. Well. Stay close. We don’t know what’s up here.”
>You follow the gray mare down out of the engine and into the icy wind, a blast that still cuts to the bone even on the leeward side of the locomotive. A cliff to one side of the track drops into a white abyss, and you’re thankful for the short walk to the dead train.
>”Boiler’s long since cold,” Eighth Notch notes as you follow her up the ladder and gain the interior of the other engine. As suspected, nopony or creature is there to greet you.
“Bit of a mess. See how everything slid to the front of the cab? She stopped in a hurry. Stopped on the spot even.”
>”She looks operational though. I don’t see anything to indicate that the problem was up here in the engine.”
“Derailed further down the line then?”
>”Must have. Maybe a rockslide?”
“Only one way to find out. Give me a moment to retrieve my coat, would you, dear? Seems we might be in for a walk.”
>You puff thoughtfully on your pipe as you cross back to the live engine and don the garment, the hot sweat of your extended exertion already cooled to near freezing in the snow.
>Rockslide might do it, yes. The good news was that the locomotive seemed to have been abandoned without a fuss. No train robbery or explosions, though you had quietly noted the presence of a small bloodstain on the equipment panel. It had appeared to be at about head height, though, suggesting to you that someone had banged their head in the crash, rather than some other, more sinister, explanation.
>You arrive back at the other locomotive to find Eighth Notch waiting.
>”Someone took the paperwork,” she reports as the two of you begin moving carefully down the length of the train. “Whatever happened, I think the crew must not have been hurt too badly, if that was still on their mind.”
>You skirt around a quickly forming drift and quicken your pace a tad. Caution is a virtue, but you don’t want to be out in this weather longer than needed.
>It doesn’t take long, ten minutes perhaps, to reach the scene of the accident. Eighth Notch whistles under her breath, leaving a cloud in the frigid air.
“Cave in.” You remark, unnecessarily, “It looks like one of the braces gave way. I once collapsed a tunnel like this out in the east.”
>”What? On purpose?!”
“Well, there was a group of about thirty yaks coming after me, you see, and not to give me a pat on the back and a hoofshake.”
>”What? Why?”
“Their chief took it somewhat amiss that I had, er, made an acquaintance with his daughter.”
>”Pffffttt!” despite the circumstances, Eighth Notch had to press a hoof to her face to stifle her snickering.
“A delightful young lady, that, with lovely eyes. Could drink like a fish, too.”
>You sigh in contented reminiscence.
>”What ever happened to her?”
>You take a draw on your pipe and shake your head.
“Never went back. Hopefully doing well, the dear thing.”
>Too many stories like that, frankly, in your life, but adventure rarely stayed still for long.
“As for us!”
>You point a hoof forward into the collapsed tunnel.
“Off we go!”
>”What? In there? It could give at any moment. There’s hardly enough room to wriggle through as it is.”
>You nod gravely and point again.
“There’s a ledge up there that I think we could use to skirt around, but I wouldn’t like to risk it in this wind. We’ll try not to shift anything that looks…weightbearing. Here. Just follow me.”
>”Follow you?”
“Follow me. Reminds me of my old days in Saddle Arabia. There was this certain city that always kicked up trouble for caravans. Known to harbour bandits and outlaws, and Celestia wanted a stop to it. Trade must go on, you know dear.”
>You keep your tone jovial as you pick your entrance and worm your way into the clutter of rock and metal of the collapsed tunnel. The girl needs the assurance, even though the hair on your shoulders is crawling. It really could give at any moment, crushing you like a bit on the railroad tracks.
“But every time we sent a patrol by they’d close up the gates and defy us to come close. They’re very big on walled cities out there, you know. So my company got assigned to sapping duty, tunneling up under the walls. It was tight and cramped and we’d be down there for days. For so long that when you finally came back out into the sun you had to shut your eyes for hours. Watch this piece here, dear, it’s sharp as a razor. Halfway there! Easy does it.”

>You’d forget what Celestia’s blessed sun was like down there, you recalled, internally. And every few days some portion of the tunnel would sag, and you’d be sure that this time was the end, and you’d be buried under feet of rock and sand. It wouldn’t do to say that out loud though.
>”What happened?”
“Oh, you know, just as you’d expect. Tunneled under the walls, set an explosive to blow out the braces of the tunnel. The wall came down and we took the place without any real bother. Locked up a few bandits and gave the rest of the chaps a good talking to. All a day's work for the old empire, back then. Exciting times.”
>”It sounds…scary.”
“Almost there, dear. A few more feet. Scary? I suppose it was. I’m not sorry to see those days behind us, really. I think there’s more than enough adventure to go around without stirring it up. Ah, speaking of which, here we are! Fresh air again, all safe and sound!”
>You pull yourself out of the far side of the tunnel and roll onto your back to look at the sky.
>And, as it turns out, a surprised and slightly bemused pair of pony faces.
Any way for a grinch to rejoin without waiting a year?
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Eighth Notchkin
Literal who
Nothing wrong with a painted card. I hand drew my cards last year, but this time around I'm gonna try designing them in krita and printing them out. Problem is, I don't own a printer so I'll have to stick them on a flash drive and print them out at a staples or something like that. Was thinking of putting lewd shit on the inside for the people that want to see that sort of thing, hopefully that doesn't cause any problems
What would the world do without the determination of old farts?
Better than what I was going to do. I was going to lean into full on cotton picking zigger territory
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I’m afraid not, that’s just part of the consequence for grinching. Sometimes someone can still sign up to do cards, but that’s figured out on more of a case-by-case basis if the person is willing to finish and send the gift they were supposed to from the previous event and there were some majorly extenuating circumstances.
Allright, i have a gift on my hands and i just sent my sign up form.

If youre a SECRET PONY admirer, theres a chance youre getting a soft and lovely plushie this year.
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Sometimes it can be hard to recognize the little victories in life. We have tough patches, and a bad day or month can wide out the way we notice the things we are doing right. Today let’s try extra hard to note the places and times we did well. It’s important to remember those, just like it’s important to grow in our weak spots.
>scalping mlp wrapping paper
Thanks, mr. Goldstein
>open webm
>catgroove plays automatically in my head
I have been here far too long
I had a dream last night where I found a stash of old pony wrapping paper in a closet under the stairs in the basement, and I was very happy about it.
Ech, I’d much rather buy it off WonderWaves than some rando on eBay.
either this fag is a fag or globalist
we’ll never know
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Oof. Late, late start to the day. Let’s hope things go well. I’m worried I won’t sleep well tonight.
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There's still plenty of pony wrapping paper if you think creatively.
Yeah, I grabbed a couple kino life posters for that too.
The dollar store always has pony calenders too
Tip check a party store for MLP table cloths
Loving the story
Hypothetically at least one person has kept their santee's address and sent them more stuff throughout the year
Don't get paid until the 1st but will throw something into the hat then
this is some of the unpainted ones if it helps (using wings from other molds) https://i.imgur.com/PuMJ0y3.jpeg
>fat AND strong
Cookie Kiln, you've just made the allegations worse for your bearmode fetish.
i dont know what a bearmode fetish is but i do NOT have one!!!!!!!
Never thought of that; that’s a good idea
You heard it here, folks, Cookie Kiln would like to receive a care bear plush in leather fetish gear for Horsemas this year.
Hell yeah, another tamers chad. Been watching him for years after finding battle with the boys with my friend
Flawless Sparklemoon plushie in leather bondage gear and we have a deal

i want to taste her
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Hi everypony, Basedmilk Sip is back again for gift giving this year, with a brand new look!
hhnnnghghgghgng goth maressss
My cock can only get so hard anon...
he's still a colt, btw
Gonna put him in a chastity and fuck he senseless I'm telling ya
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goth femcolt????!??????!
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I blame whatever they're putting in the water.
they need to put in MORE
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I love the deep lore of the milk affecting him over the years. Is he a programmer as well?
Colt bussy shall be breed.
God I hope so I wanna see his hoofsies in the programmer socks
Excited for festives
Oh fuck it’s horny posting time.
too lewd my dude
>Captcha ASPKNG
It still looks like muscles rather than plushie seams.
>poster in bg says "Muscle Cars"
Discordflag spotted, though picked by RNG
>shilling artist's xitter
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Yessssss... YES!
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trying to force myself to draw more, post ss ocs for me to sketch, pics or description is fine too
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Oh, wow!! I didn't even think about making her a breezie, it's such an amazing idea!
Thanks a ton, Maple, I love her to bits!
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If you meet me at Mare Fare 2025 with a print out of this (you), I'll give you a roll for free
Editing with html for a free roll of paper
(I will sell outside the room for twice your price)
I'd be totally delighted if I got art of Pumpkin Pulp art that wasn't badly done MS Paint. She's a gooey batpony who specialized in pumpkin. All kinds of pumpkin. Pumpkin carving, pumpkin pie making, pumpkin soups, pumpkin seeds, little pumpkin Hearth's Warming ornaments. Whatever it is, she can't wait to sink her fangs into (and get her hooves in as well, usually). She has a big pumpkin patch just outside of Neighborhood, and takes the fillies and colts out pumpkin picking every year for Nightmare Night. She's usually quite slimy and drippy, but she smells very nice. Cutie mark is...well, you get three guesses, and the first two don't count.

I'd also be happy to reup the lewd request with Gooey Gooey Gumdrops since they're both icky sticky ponies, so that too. They're probably all friends with Benevolent Bedlam, I'd guess. They have gak parties.
>Goodie Goodie Gumdrops
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How's it hanging?
From a rafter!
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Very bueno...
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I know not everyone here is a fan of G3 but you would love minty stickers right?
It's getting hard to find G4 and bellow gen stickers sigh.... All I usually see are G5 lately
Heck yeah I like Minty stickers. Beautiful green autist walked so that Lyra could run. God I love Minty.
Slightly below average and unused. How bout you, Hostler?
Oh god he has the fuck me eyeshadow
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>implying brakes on this train
>I'd also be happy to reup the lewd request with Gooey Gooey Gumdrops since they're both icky sticky ponies, so that too. They're probably all friends with Benevolent Bedlam, I'd guess. They have gak parties.
Oh no, I have been summoned and strangely like the idea. I've got to make up for losing a week to poor health and other setbacks, so I can't get to this right away, but I will remember.
Choo choo!
instructions unclear, pressing you and GGG together til you become the pony version of the Merged Thing
Festive Goobomination sex.
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he just keeps showing up
and i will find the brochure eventually you watch
all of the ceramics media predates the internet so none of it is anywhere online which means physically sorting through files until I find the right one
maybe I will
I have a red velvet cake themed batpony, food mares are always fun
got any smalls?
haven't gotten any art of her yet, if you'd like to be the first
How easily fooled are you by fake mustaches?
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I will also beg for fanart, because I love my mare, and would be delighted to see her drawn better. Her cutie mark is pic-related, it's an oil lamp, literally an analog candle, and she's always covered in ink because it's her job to write in that ye-old christmas font everyone knows about. This puts her in a bad mood, because she's a perfectionist, and little mistakes get to her.
they did such a good job with cookie i dont think there's a point asking for additional arts however the thing i /am/ willing to ask is for someone to draw her massive teats
She's precious! Christmas always makes me think of old books with that big blackfriar font
Just got my name. I'm ready for horsemass!

What kind of pony would Rutabaga Rum be? I'd love to see someone's depiction of this horse.
this horse needs to be red
I reckon she would make a killer hot coco. with lots of alcohol.
Sister or cousin of Berry Punch?
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you got it boss, red coming right up!
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oh honey the things ill do to those flanks
Bloody hell, you crazy horsemasfolk have gone through four threads in the time it took me to go from "hey I better sign up" to "oh good, I finally have time to fill this out".
Wow, rude.
I mean, accurate, but still.
And all without actually starting the event, I know right? Good vibes in the air.
And importantly, does she carve her jack o lanterns into rutabagas instead of pumpkins as per tradition?
I hope it means things will go a little smoother towards the end this year.
Honestly, carving pumpkins for the holiday started as carving turnips, if I remember right.


> Their origin comes from an Irish myth about Stingy Jack, who tricked the Devil for his own monetary gain. When Jack died, God didn’t allow him into heaven, and the Devil didn’t let him into hell, so Jack was sentenced to roam the earth for eternity.

> In Ireland, people started to carve demonic faces out of turnips to frighten away Jack’s wandering soul. When Irish immigrants moved to the U.S., they began carving jack-o’-lanterns from pumpkins, as these were native to the region.
Whew...the things I would do to that colt.
What does it feel like when goo ponies merge?
God the recapta is just getting weirder every week
Like yesterday it was all music bars and now it's in shades of grey
I haven't seen any of those new cursed captchas. Then again, I'm a glorious desktop poster.
how does one post on mobile anyway? my dumbass phone either never loads the captcha, or I enter it and then it just doesn't bother to post

I've tried blueclover or whatever it's called, that didn't help
I've seen them, but then again I'm a laptop poster.
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Like bags of coins and salty milk.
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I'm wondering if any drawfrens would like to draw Toffee Truffle. She would love sharing a hot cocoa with your secret santa OC, this I know.
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Shed Bash Sweater, happy to be aboard the /ss/ train this year /) (I really like how my oc design turned out)
Train lover mare is a CUTE, I would have her help me design a Thomas oc
we should get together and make some sort of combined dessert
Holy cow this art is kino! I wanna see more of her, you did good
I think I got kicked does can someone repost the /ss/ discord invite link?
Remember to put the SPECIFIC gifts you want on your wishlist, don't make it vague at all. If you want a 4cc scarf put that for example. The same goes for the additional notes where you put what gifts you were thinking about possibly getting your Santee as well as anything you can offer potentially as part of your gift like art skills so PC can find the best match for you
Why do you need it? Just post here faggot
Show us your id first, falseflagger.
>Remember to put the SPECIFIC gifts you want on your wishlist
i dont think "lifesize derpy plush" is a reasonable thing to put on my wishlist
but I did make it pretty vague so maybe I should try to make an edit and specify plush related, idk
I would attend any shed bash with this absolute cutie pie.
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It sure looks like it’s another Monday morning. Those can be tough, so I just want to remind you that even if you might not always feel this way, you’re strong enough to handle what’s coming. You’ve made it through every Monday morning so far for your whole life, and you’re going to make it through this one too. You’re tough, smart, and you’re loved. Let’s get out there and show em what we can do.
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I am checking in for my 4th Secret Santa!

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