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It's that time again lads, take two.
Post cute and wholesome pony pictures to expunge impure thoughts.
Or just be a faggot and encourage other anons' impure thoughts about mares (remember, this is a blue board,) your choice.
>having a yet another faggot ERP thread
How about fucking off back to /trash/ or better yet, killing yourself?
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This site is a goldmine.
>Your child may want to discuss their favourite game with other people who also enjoy it.
/trash/ and pisscord still exist, go back there and take your shit thread with (You), LGBTQIAP-kun.
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First glimmy. Stay strong anons. The glimmer patrol is with you.
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Look at her!
Why is the fur in her ear white?
She's getting old. She really should invest in an ear hair trimmer.
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fippy bippy >>41612777 confirmed by trips
She's beautiful!
Site also seems generated. The sections are rather generic, and then there’s this obvious mistake: https://natterhub.com/platform-advice/4Chan/what-are-the-benefits
>Among Us is a collaborative game of communication, tactical play and betrayal. It challenges players to think about their approach to each game. It is a fun way to play and socialise with friends online.
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>You are gonna make it through NNN right Nonny?
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lol faggots
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I'm trying not to, but with the way it's looking I might end up doing it on accident.
Just fap bro it's that easy
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Too busy.
if you like Factorio, try Dyson Sphere Program. Similar gameplay, devs are very Chinese, but I like it just as much
That works.
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>make it through 3 days of edging without nutting
Can you maintain NNN while looking at this hot colt?
Twilight pounds his bussy with her cock btw.
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I lost the first two days, but I really want to try and make an effort to last the rest of the month
I really just have nothing better to do and also edging and denial excite me a lot so it's like a positive feedback loop of horny
>I really just have nothing better to do
this is why I smoke grass, its probably bad for my mental health
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I do the same
it helps my mental health though
also makes me giga horny
I feel like weed brings out one of the seven deadly sins in everyone. For me, its gluttony
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ironically it helped me with that too
after experiencing the munchies normal hungry doesn't feel like anything to me anymore and now I eat less crap and I've lost weight
I can do this if I quit for a few months but then the PTSD dreams creep back in. Its kinda suck but also weed is dirt cheap and WAY cheaper in the long run than a .45 asprin
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Did someone mention plants?
>I really just have nothing better to do
same and horny also makes me forget how much life sucks for a bit
I'm hypersexual so I actually embrace the horny completely
I don't get people who treat something that feels so good like a dirty obligation
That's not how you're supposed to do it Anon, you're not supposed to touch your dick at all.

saving that image for the end of the month
its no nut november not no touching your dick november
I'm horny very often I just do it sometimes because bored or to cope
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Go the fuck back.
uh oh anon, looks like you have to stop breathing, it's reddit
No Nut November, not No Fap November.
the point of the no nut november challenge is to practice abstinence and self-control, not to be Edging: The Month
implying I give a fuck what reddit said their meme was
>No Nut November
>wet dream doesn't count
>Fucking a 3DPD doesn't count
The Reddit definition of NNN is completely retarded.
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>day 3
The urges are getting stronger
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>dashfag got banned for telling us not to edge
I'll be edging to this.
A smart dashfag: the world is ending.
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How about 2 days without edging?
I challenge (You)!
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>/mlp/ users trying not to jack off to cartoon ponies for 4 days straight
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I'm not gonna crack.
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I’m not gay but braeburn doesn’t count. I could impregnate a dozen mares right now holy shit I’ll even stick my dick into Winona. FUCK
>I’ll even stick my dick into Winona.
Dang the day 3 horny hitting hard
I failed. I'm gonna get it all out of my system, then I'm gonna try at it again. I'm gonna add 3 more days at the end.
I can do this. The hyperhorny can't beat me TWICE, can it?
For me it is nut until you can't anymore november
I last coomed on Oct 29. I'm not feeling to bad right now since I usually try to force myself to go over a week without fapping after I fap. The thing is, I tend to get mad horny soon after a week so I'm dreading week two of this.
Remind yourselfs that its just an disgusting animal.
Or think of a male pony instead
Christ, it’s like looking in a mirror.

It’s over. The incentive of not having nutted at all this November is gone for you. It’s completely over and you won’t be able to hold your nut.
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I'm not even horny I'm just edging because I'm bored
I don't know what else to do
Why not spend your time being racist online instead?
I do that all the time by default
Read a big boring book and take notes so you can learn something. Try:
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Stuart J. Russel
The German Ideology, Karl Marx
The Cheese and the Worms, Carlo Ginzburg
The Modern Corporation and Private Property, Adolf Bearle
Godel, Escher, and Bach, Douglas Hofstadter

If you can't focus, imagine you're going to have to explain each chapter to Twilight afterwards, and she'll fuck you if you explain it well. This task should keep you busy for at least a month.
I have ADHD, I can't even get myself to read manga
that isn't happening
Learn to play chess

holy based anon
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why play chess when I can play mahjong
Post cute mares anons, it's day 4 and I don't know if I can handle it.
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Dashie! She's beautiful!
based on the first NNN thread of this years and the same for last year. I've come to the conclusion that the first NNN thread of the year is cancer of the highest degree and later on in the month the threads are much more comfy.

I'm guessing the filly guys all lose on day 2 or something.
Filly guy here, I'm still in~
>commie shit
So fucking horny for ponies right now fuck
I feel it too anon... Look at cute mares, I'm phoneposting else I would post some.
I failed again
multiple times again
in an onahole again
I've failed every single day so far
I just get high and then my mind becomes pudding and I look at all the things around me that feel good and I can't help it
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in my defense I found a video that hits literally my biggest and most mind melting buttons all at once
i was literally helpless
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Sucks to be you.
I'll keep edging.
What are those buttons, pray tell? link the video if it was pony related
unf dashie fap fap
it was basically my biggest fantasy
but as a video
very not pony related and also probably off-putting
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I don't understand how you're supposed to edge and just stop
I can go for very long times if I want but I can never just stop and go to sleep
my urges are too strong
I don't get it either, for me it takes something extreme to stop, like literally having a cold shower afterwards.
This is the number one thing that causes me to jack off too.
I managed to get strep throat right before the start of the month so I don't have any energy to do anything other than sleep, take meds, and want to die. This should be easy.
I get that anon, I'm feeling it strong this morning and very tempted to do it
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Was so horny last night I almost gave myself a hands-free orgasm just thinking about ponies. Back on track this morning though
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Legitimately what keeps me going is weak-willed anons like you who can’t hold their nut. It feels good knowing I’m tougher and stronger than you.

To all the anons still in the fight: carry on carrying on. We’ll make it, brothers.
It doesn't count if I nut inside a female right?
It's called No Nut November.
The nofap redpill is realizing you fap because you are bored and have too much idle time. Then fapping saps motivation leaving more opportunities for boredom.
NNN is about breaking this vicious cycle. Pick up a productive hobby. Volunteer or something. I believe in (You) Anon.
That's not gonna happen so I wouldn't waste time worrying about it
maybe throught a week
I lost last night, cuddled my plushies too hard.
i ordered a penetrable that’s scheduled to arrive the first week of december and i’m determined to save my nut till it comes
the first two weeks is the hardest as i wake up with increasingly stronger boners each morning and find myself inadvertently humping my plushie
What would a femanon think about men if one were to read this thread?
I failed a few times because of feminine males that are adorable and also very sexual. I'm not surprised or that disappointed. Just moderately bothered by profound loneliness.
the femanons already lost
A girl gave me a love letter on Friday, we met up yesterday and made out (my first time literally ever), probably going to lose my virginity today at her house.
Never thought I'd be free of NNN like THIS. My pillow still smells like her.

It literally feels better to ride the wave back down than to cum and immediately become exhausted. Like, it gives you emergy and makes the rest of the day better. If alternatively you cuddle and center yourself on love instead of just sensations of pleasure, you will get a lot of those warm fuzzy feelings that you're ordinarily too exhausted and defocused to feel after cumming. Oh yeah and you can have like orgasmic experience without ejaculating (or refractory period) too, just err on the side of less stimulation. You get far more pleasure if you don't chase pleasure, funny how that works.
Cuddling plushie sucks when you're into plushies like me. I see cute pony I get hard
I will tell your little girlfriend of yours that you watch My Little Pony, a show for little girls
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>implying I care what 3dpd thinks
Clopped on the 2nd. Will likely clop around the 8th. Nofap is stupid. Mares are too sexy.
femanon here, NNN is kinda hard bc i’m hypersexual but avoiding anything remotely sexual and focusing on my new hobby helps
post dick
MTF doesn't count
Look at this cock tease suggestively mlemming. She wants you to fail.
what if i’m born female just ugly, do i still not count
>caring what holes think
Probably nothing. What i've noticed over the years on imageboards is that those few women who do browse this site tend to be more fucked up and degenerate than an average male anon.
wait til midmonth, someone ITT will get desperate enough
uglo, sweaty girlfailure unf
NNN at its core is supposed to be nofap, so actual sex doesn't count.
However if you want to go hard mode and destroy your love life you can feel free to include that. Not that anyone doing nofap has a gf.
nigga she already knows, we made out in my bed next to my lifesize rainbow dash
Zoomers are weird.
if you've gotten them home women don't give a fuck, they've already decided they like you and they start doing mental gymnastics to justify it
Dashie is a happy cuck for you and your gf ^^
Just fuck her before she changes her mind you fucking sperg.
I'm not even the original anon, sperg
fuck I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash plush
You know you could just stop posting if you're not even participating in the challenge.
Plus you already said none of your onaholes are marepussy, and now you say not even the porn you watched is pony related.
Why are you even posting here?
ugly femanon here, i’m gonna be at a family members house for a week this month, ez win bc i can’t get horny at a family members house bc weird

they took some pity on me n is trying to get me outta the house so i’m not “sitting inside watching my show” so now im gonna sit inside her house all day watching my show
Why are you?
Ugly femanons are only ugly if they lack interests and a good personality.
why don't you accept their pity and fondle foliage?
Well, I think it's hot~
this desu. i'm sick and tired of hearing about the same conditioned shit every NPC talks about. world is more than cars, football, modern rap/radio crap, make-ups, mephedrone, whore drama etc
I find it hot too~ if only we got pics
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>Mfw I hear normal people talk about politics
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No jacking off, mister!
>muh 3dpd women
>uwu erp with me boys~
This thread really is just an offboarder normalnigger and faggot colony, huh?
ugly femanon here (on mobile n its being fucked so can’t reply properly) maybe i should fondle foliage there instead of myself, and you’re right, it’s hard to be friends w girls bc it’s all “boys !! make up !! i’m special i like cars !!” but when i say i mlp and i jerk off to it they lose their mind- once an acquaintance saw some of my art n it was soft core porn n she flipped out
Women do not talk like this. This is what a tranny thinks women talk about.

>hurr durr I talked about horsepussy in front of normalfags and they rejected me

What did you think was gonna happen?
It's like you retards never learned to express yourself in text.
>I wanna fuck you
No feeling, pretty boring, probably a shitpost
>I wanna fuck you.
Formal statement, this isn't a business email
Stop yelling at me. Probably a shitpost
>I wanna fuck you!
A bit too much energy.
>I Wanna Fuck You
What the fuck?
So what's left?
>I wanna fuck you~
Playful, seductive, just serious enough that if they seem serious they probably are.
you sound like a 14 year old boy pretending to be a girl for attention
>playful, seductive
More like gay as fuck and should go back to discord
>being playful and seductive with other men is gay
Brilliant observation there, professor, I hadn't considered that. Also, never used Discord a day in my life, try again. You're probably too young to know what IRC is.
>I'm not a disgusting faggot on discord, I've been a disgusting faggot for a long time on IRC
Not something to brag about.
>I sit on canternet with 3 other dudes and jack off with them
not exactly doing yourself any favors
Try again. I don't use public IRC networks.
>haha I ignored your point to criticize a detail
you're jewish, aren't you?
The absolute city of this thread.
My brother go back to /trash/ where you belong
Nigger it is pretty fucking obvious I'm gay, if you think you're making some kind of enlightening point to call me gay over and over again, you really aren't. I know I'm gay.
yep he's jewish
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What model penetrable you buy?
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I lost again
like so many times I lost count
I was hugging a daki really tight and thrusting into you know what and it was just so warm and overwhelming
I wrapped myself in a cocoon of blankets and pillows and just cuddled her while feeling really warm and safe and I've been like that for the past two hours
like not even moving and not even thinking
I am on nightmare difficultly this is impossible I don't care I've never felt that warm and peaceful before omg
It's like listening to a flat earther and a chemtrailer arguing about airplane shadows
>one says they don't have shadows because he's never seen a photo
>the other says it shrinks to the size of a beetle because it's so far from the ground
>Hey guys I lost multiple times every day
>I'm still doing NNN though
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I'm sorry, but this is the saddest shit I've ever read.
where do you think you are
I know where I am, doesn't make it any less sad
so you don't know where you are
I thought it was sweet. >>41616578
Stay comfy Anon. Ditch the challenge and just enjoy the moment
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>the fat ponk thread finally got nuked
Captcha: J8N2NN
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I did the challenge last year, so I've already assured myself I'm capable. I now do the "month of monogamy" challenge where I lay exclusively with my wife in wholesome love. The natural function of sex is to deepen the relationship between a man and his wife in an exclusive relationship, so what I'm doing is more moral than promiscuous normies who pick up someone new to fuck every weekend.
This anon is right. The key to overcoming my fapping addiction was learning to differentiate between when I felt genuinely horny, and when my brain was just bored and wanted a shot of dopamine.
Anon, if you feel yourself slipping, try eating something sweet and sugary. It unironically takes the edge off by releasing quick dopamine to sate that desire. You know how some diets use the phrase "Only eat when you're hungry"? You should try out "Only fap when you're horny".
Yes, that is so cute~ I really love your posts Anon, they genuinely have been making my mornings a bit better.
Reminds me of the times back when I was younger and more horny. At least once a month I would just have a day where I'd get real cozy in bed, balls deep in my horse pussy toy, then fuck it nice and slow for an hour until I finished. Then I'd fall asleep for 30 minutes to an hour, wake up, and do the same thing again... 4 or 5 times in a row. Great way to spend a day~
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>Living to coom
Kinda based if you ask me.
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A-anon this is a blue board!!! unf
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Anon I already lost once today (after making it 4 days,) don't make it happen again...
Unffff, I've especially had a thing for Mare Mare lately, but mares in lingerie are unf to begin with...
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Wonder what kind of favor it is... If it involves my face between her flanks, I'm in.
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Mare <3
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So we just post whatever?
As long as it's a cute mare. That mare is very cute.
Same on the latter count but that's what makes it fun
Normally denial is a self-defeating fetish cause you think about it, get horny, fap, and then it just stays a fantasy. This month is an excuse to actually indulge in it properly
now post the CWC edit
Dear Anonymous,

I want to fuck you.

Best regards,
Office Drone, Boomer Corp Co. LTD

This email is confidential and intended only for
the recipient. If you have received this email in
error you must delete it immediately and notify
the sender. Views and opinions expressed are
those of the author and do not repressend
Boomer Corp Co. LTD and its subsidiaries.

Think green - are you sure you need to print this
email? Not printing office communication can
save up to 10,000 trees per year.
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What would (You) do if a filly put you on a leash and then told you that if you don't do whatever she says, she'll tell her parents what a filthy filly fiddler you are?
I'd do it unless it breaks NNN
Also I wouldn't do it if it was diamond tiara because she is spoiled and ugly. Bratty filly exudes correction energy, can't take her seriously when she's trying to hold a leash. And everypony knows she's a spoiled brat so when she tries to complain ponies will just think she's trying to throw a tantrum for something she didn't get
I'd do it even if it risked breaking NNN Especially if it was Diamond Tiara because she is cute and sexy being dominated by her is too unf~ is she had me on a leash Id never want to be anywhere else she’s very smart and cunning so she could manipulate me out of anything and I wouldn’t be able to do anything about it and that’s exactly how it should be.
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Hide and ignore all tildeposters
I lost...
Ignoring it means not posting about it, tamerslopposter
I'd do it (and her) unf~
Looks good. Is it AI?
I thought I could trust that fart...
I was wrong...
There's now a permanent stain on my ego...
And my tighty whities...
I have to go change my pants...
That pussy looks fucking despondent :(
fucking lmao
I wish they would word filter any and all posts containing a tilde.
I can't even satisfy a filly. It's over...
I knew edging was a bad idea. Fuck.
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I’m about to find that out myself. I can no longer resist.
fuck I wanna do it too
There are two paths through NNN:
>professional gooning
The kind trying to edge all month to build up to the biggest orgasm come December. These are the people doing NNN to nut better.
>the chaste abstinence
The kind where the goal is abstinence from fapping and/or cooming, not as some giant edging goonsesh, but either as dopamine detox or as a challenge to prove a point or whatever it may be. Point being, this is when you do NNN to nut LESS, not to feed your gooning addiction.

If you're in the latter, then edging is the last thing you should be doing. It sounds like it can be a way to "cheat" things because it feels good but you're technically not nutting, but it will invariably lead to failure in 99% of cases. The only exceptions are those whose will is just that much more powerful than their sex drive (i.e. either steel-willed ultrachads, or anemic limp-dicked asexuals), or, again, genuine porn addicts who have turned edging into a hobby in and of itself.
You probably aren't the former, and if you're not the latter then you must not edge, simple as. It's a trap and there is no good outcome for you.

If you ARE a gooner then you don't need my advice on edging but you also probably wouldn't be posting things like this in the thread.
Why did you post that? Why did I open it?
Willpower has nothing to do with it. I just edged and after my cock deflated all my semen dribbled out like a low pressure hose. Fuck my life, I got cheated. No porn for me until December 5th!
It's cause you literally edged too far, retard. That's called a ruined orgasm, you masturbated yourself to orgasm and then are trying to blame the universe for your own skill issue.
>trying to blame the universe for your own skill issue.
Holy kek that’s a good I’m incorporating this into my bag of everyday linguistics
hopefully replacing "bag of everyday linguistics" because that sounds like some shit you came up with while shoved in a locker
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Unfff dashie in panties
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I'm starting late but I'm going to last the rest of the month!
For real this time!
That's called a ruined orgasm. They're fun.
What would you prefer the word verbiage or dialect?
Also I have you know lockers are very comfortable and spacious!
how are they fun?
they're extremely frustrating and ruin all the build up
It's the catharsis of it.
I think I have a fetish for being told I can’t cum. I usually jack off twice a week, but I’ve jacked off every day this month, even though I keep telling myself I won’t.
That's what makes it fun~
ITS NOT A RUINED ORGASM YOU CHUDS. I’ve had those and that’s not what this was. I didn’t even get to the edge but the cum still came out
Stop talking about cum, you’re making me horny
there's a whole range of orgasmic experiences, with or without ejaculation, with or without peak pleasure, etc.
mfers be reductive because they just doggedly seek pleasure
Ruined orgasm is just the name, it doesn't mean it's a bad thing.
it's bad because it undoes all my edging
Did you lose your virginity?
And did she actually give you a physical love letter? What did it say?
>Least gay MF goer
The love letter was physical yeah. She has been taking me out to little things 1 on 1 for a while just as friends, and on the way back from one of these things she tells me she has a letter and hands me a folded piece of paper. I already knew it was going to be a love letter, some part of me obviously read the signs that she was infatuated with me. The letter is very gushy, lots of "I love how you are x" kind of statements, expressed how she felt comfortable and calmed by my presence, seemed really honest and sweet.

We didn't go all the way yet, which was fine by me because after a protracted make-out I fingerfucked her, got a little taste of her period; and later she gave me some great drawn-out head. It's true what they say, sex is kinda gross. That's the only part my decade of tulpafucking didn't accurately capture though, which I'm quite pleased with. She told me I was amazing in bed and did way better than her previous partners, caressed her in ways she'd never experienced before me, that kind of thing - all that from me just going on tulpa experience kek. It wasn't awkward at all, so I count it as an absolute success in basically every way. I could have definitely gone ALL the way if I wanted to push for it, she was totally receptive, but we enjoyed what we did and ran out of time.
lost to this

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She sounds sweet anon. You sound young. No need to rush things. Keep doing what you're doing, it's clearly working for you.
>all that from me just going on tulpa experience kek
Listen, my first time I was just going off of my horny urges and what I'd seen in amateur porn, and that was good enough for her to think I knew what I was doing. You do what you gotta do.
Go get 'em tiger.
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>try to edge inside onahole
I don't know what I was expecting
stopping and going to sleep horny is impossible
Been there, it's near impossible.
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>trying to edge with an onahole
Setting yourself up for failure, onaholes are for plapping nothing else.
>experienced tulpachad
>now on track to save the white race too
I kneel. An example to us all.
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I mean it's impossible to edge at all and go to sleep
but it's extra impossible with an onahole
double impossible with weed
it just feels so good and I get so excited and I can't take it anymore
I've got one that's really gentle feeling, it's like getting milked by a cloud it's so tingly and I can just use it as long as I can stand really
i think I've lost iq points
Stopping and going to sleep horny is the best thing
Just lay down into your pillow and think sexy pony thoughts until you drift off to sleep.
being horny is such an overwhelming feeling
I can't possibly sleep being pent up
honestly I feel like that's the biggest reason I keep losing
Just get a fetish for denial and fantasize about mares keeping you pent up and needy for their own enjoyment.
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but I do have a fetish for denial
which makes me want to edge constantly to be as pent up as possible
which makes me lose
Well you're fucking bad at it then, I don't know what to say except skill issue.
>has a fetish for denial
>can't even edge every evening and fall asleep frustrated only to wake up tomorrow still pent up then repeat it all over again
Get good, retard.

>makes me want to edge constantly to be as pent up as possible
Alright, that being said, maybe this is your problem. Know your limit, don't fucking edge to the point where you can't control yourself and cum. It's a marathon, not a sprint; the point of regular edging is to keep yourself horny, not to literally keep yourself on the edge of orgasm at all times.
In fact, maybe stop thinking of it like edging and start thinking of it like teasing. The goal, again, is simply to get worked up so you know what you're missing and also so that you don't just go monk mode (that's boring). You can maybe get to the edge if you want, but be very careful when you do, and don't try to do it too many times let alone stay there. And dont try to have extremely long edging/gooning sessions either. Spend more time just relishing in the frustration rather than stroking your dick.

You will be much more pent up after several days of regular teasing than after one single edging session that ultimately ruins your streak.
Unf~ Going to keep this in mind, as someone else with a fetish for denial
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>don't try to do it too many times let alone stay there. And dont try to have extremely long edging/gooning sessions either
but that's what I always do...
what else am I supposed to do when horny and being frustrated
There's your problem then.
Like I said, just bask in the frustration. That's the entire point. You say you have a denial fetish, right? Well you must learn to enjoy spending entire days long frustrated.

It honestly sounds like you abstractly have a denial fetish but in reality every time you edge you just cum so you've never even spent any extended period of time pent up. At this point it's not denial, it's just daily fapping with a couple of extra prep steps beforehoof.
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I have a being braindead fetish
I edge because I want to drown myself in the feeling and feel like I'm losing iq points from the desperation
just simple frustration isn't good enough, I want to wholly bask in it and lose myself
but then I get too excited
Ok that's called being a gooner and I'm afraid it's terminal. Can't help you there
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Ok that's called being based and I'm afraid it's terminal. I can help you if you drop your tag~
>welost artstyle
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I actually had a weirdly similar experience losing my virginity to yours, love letter and everything.
Anon, I was a jackass and ended up breaking her heart later. Don't let her get clingy and possessive. Don't feel like you have to stay with her for the rest of your life if you don't want to, but please be careful with her feelings. When you're young it's hard to appreciate the effect you have on someone's feelings, especially if they go out of their way to write you a love letter.
>clingy and possessive gf
uh... unf?
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I just came 3 times today.
Giving us a novemberfetish was just a cruel decision by God.
What broke you?
Day six.
I'm going to fucking explode.
The gigahorny is too fucking powerful.
I don't know how much longer I can last.
You open to other new frens other than him? I'm bored and horny, and you're cute
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>another NNN thread becomes a gay hookup thread
Fuck, bored and horny too and the fags above arent helping it
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I'm >>41621387. More importantly, I'm going to bed, so knock yourself out.
Post tag, others ITT will appreciate it and I'll get to it in the morning.
>"Erm... I really think that you are... erm.. a worthless faggot... *fluttershy noises*"
These threads are like the YMCA, you know what you're getting into.
>basing your worth on what other people think
i shiggy
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Don't worry, just because it's the first time I've gotten intimate doesn't mean it's the first time I've been in a position to break a woman's heart. In middle school I hurt my ex's feelings pretty bad because I just failed to communicate, I never want to make that mistake again. I've already made it clear where I stand, that we're still figuring things out, and in response she's told me that she'll still feel the same love for me even if we remain 'just friends'. When the air is cleared like that, there's no room for anxiety at all, and love can bloom in whatever space it's afforded.
I accidentally started a day late because I lost track of time, If I wait an extra day can I still participate or should I just let loose?
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>questionfag wasted quints
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im sorry...
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whats done is done anon
you fucked up and now you HAVE to go along with the it and participate
dubs confirm you have to go along with "the it"
im not drunk youre drunk shutup
I started a few hours late. I plan to make it halfway as usual.
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Still going. Wouldn't recommend it but being a sleep-deprived zombie this week has been great for keeping my general horniness down
>>41622115 (me)
Made a throwaway anonponkiepink01 on discord
To the individual who added me just to send me a penis picture and then block me, please unblock me, I'm not offended
I havent blocked anyone, probably my filters or something
Fuck it. Send something. I’m unusually horny this month. randomhorsefucker
Huh, I didnt realize how many Anons where gay, I thought the whole ERP and jerkin it to each other was a meme.
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poe's law caught up to them, poor deluded faggots
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theyre just con attendees, pay them no mind
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that's it
considering I've lost every day for nearly a week clearly I cannot be trusted
a cage is necessary
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did you think prison gay was a meme?
I joined really late on day 4 and so far I think im good.
Also to keep the thoughts of fapping away I should do something else to keep my energy into something.
How did you meet her? I want to make irl friends someday but I don't even know what I would do to meet any
You should have seen the first post mare fair thread, it was traumatizing
Dammit if I weren't trying and failing to stop myself from looking at sexual stuff so much I would consider seeing whatever this is
To be honest anon, I met her through a good friend I've known for a decade, she was one of his friends. It's harder without an established social circle, and the social skill that comes from maintaining it.

I've also recently made new friends almost entirely apart from that, though, so to do what I did: join a club of people who you judge to be of good character, that regularly meet (weekly, monthly) for a hobby or class or practice of some sort, and attend every single one for a year. That alone will work, you will naturally learn the ropes as you go.
Thanks anon, I'll keep that in mind. I tried meetups once before but was a total Fluttershy back then. Since then I've grown a bit so I think I might be ready to try something like that again.
No Fart February isn't for several months.
>posting ponies is ERP
Anon you are better off in the tamers threads
yeah it's amazing what a change of attitude can do; just recognizing the actual real desire for human company and wanting it enough to allow yourself to experience discomfort for it
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noo twiggy noooooo (i’m winning NNN)
not everything is fixable with an attitude change
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yeah, only the most fundamental, first problem of not even trying in the first place. Good luck with the rest, genuinely!
>get beaten down with no results or encouragement from anyone
>give up
>hurr have you tried trying
But it is with an altitude change
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need... pony.... pooniti...
Oh no~
Is he pretending to be retarded~
Unf~ That's my fetish.
Scared you’ll lose when you see my cock, anon? That’s pretty gay.
be the best arithmetic player on thatquiz.org
I'd fap to just about anything right now, un
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absolutely. get in, you horny faggot~
The problem for me with a cage is after about a week I get so horny that I end up cumming just from fucking thinking about mares while looking at porn
I lost for the second time today.
1 week in. How we doing, bros?
Been depressed for over a week, so easy peasy so far.
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I lost
I have lost every day
please laugh at me
I swear I'm trying
Give it 10, 20 more years and the days will zip by.
I lost again. I couldn't hold out for more than four days. Am I truely that broken? Can I not stop myself?
Nov. 5 I was suffering from a powerful urge to jack off to ponies. The election here in Burgerland distracted me and gave me enough dopamine that the urge died down mostly. I'm certain the big horny will return.
Fine but yesterday after waking up I was hugging my daki a bit too tightly thinking horny thoughts and ended up leaking what I hope was just some pre. I don't want to have to add the first week of December as well.
Cute ponies get to me every time
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Futatr)0ns keep losing
while marechads still on the game
take turpentine (pine gum spirits) in a proper dose.
what does this do?
kills fungi and parasites that release hormones that make you horny
Didn't fap starting Oct 29, lost on Monday and almost lost today.
Intend to make it till Dec 4 to make it up. Stay strong!
Can confirm I just lost a 3rd time this month while fucking my anonfilly plush on stream with an anon from this very thread.
I don't believe you
I believe you
faggot can confirm~
Sounds hot. I’d love to see you lose a 4th time tomorrow.
Who said you could lose twice, you lost you're out
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>friend request still not accepted
The absolute state of this board
Friendship is Magic, nonny~
Am I the only one who clicked on this thread for its intended purpose of discussing not cumming this november? It seems the majority of anons itt seem to want to discuss cumming instead, which seems odd given the subject of the thread.
Oh cool, I'm glad that since I relapsed once on alcoholism, any future time I drink doesn't count as a relapse - it's that easy!
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Is this true?
giwiw that anonfilly plush
It happened, it was fun, only a little gay.
damn that's hot
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What happened with this board...
Prison gay
I'm also here Anon.
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Glimsbros I fear I may lose in my dreams tonight what do I do?
I'm trying not to edge or cum this entire month but it's very hard. I'm currently suffering from sexy mare withdraw.
Broke my depressive streak so I'm gonna nut in a little while. Fuck it all.
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I let myself go that night with another anon, and I've been trying to be good since. Maybe in a few days... when the temptations become too much to ignore again~
The board has fallen
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Kek. We just shared pics of explicit mares with each other... and a few other things, too
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>"I need a man to get horny"
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>there are faggots in the denial fetish faggot thread
believe me man i was just as surprised when i found out too
>Go for a piss
>Some cum comes out as well
I'm at the point of spontaneous discharges already, it's gonna be a hard rest of the month
unf nonny I wanna see the other things~
Kinda hot ngl
No, it's really not. Just annoying at that point.
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>"only fap when you're horny"
Um what the sigma?
Dude, I'll cum to anything.
I made it another day, anons.
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I command you to cum
A-anon, that's lew-- wait a minute, that's a perfectly SFW mare! I can't cum to this!
Not with that attitude
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You vill cum to the SFW mare. I'm not trying to get another 3 day ban. Jannies gave me a vacation for >>41618041 of all things
That one was so unf I almost couldn't handle it.
Didn't this dumb challange originate on reddit, why would anyone care?
Consistency anon! It’s all about the keeping the streak alive at least that’s what gets me through the month you do it once well you can’t not do it twice and if your do it twice so on so forth
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its a popular enough meme for it to be normalized enough for the denialfags to come out of the woodwork once a year to erp in front of scruff for a couple weeks
main reason these threads are still up because scruffy likes watching, if not participating
and yeah more than likely origin in leddit
What are denialfags?
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Last night was the worst night yet. Still didn't edge though.
Feeling the urge right now anon, but I won't give.
Feel like I might have a wet dream. Do those count?
Only if it doesn't end up in my mouth~
Mine too fag~
fags who are into denial
>clawed vagina throne
Fucking kek.
I have a mighty need
Based and same. Gonna lose to this later just for you.
Maybe you did but I sure didn’t, don’t lump us up with you.
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That mighty need has been met. Good night.
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havent nutted since oct. 27th
the morning wood has become a bit painful in a good way
kinda having fun with it and i think i will succeed this year for the 2nd time in my life
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Had a not wet dream last night I fapped to ponies. That was a relief to wake up from.
i wish it was a wet dream and I wish it was in my mouth nonny~
i only give a fuck about trannies
I don't fuck trannies
fuck trannies
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Stop resisting and put it in here
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my place or yours~?
wait couldn't we report people for roleplaying at some point? what happened?
Talking about doing things in real life is not "roleplaying", otherwise if I said "I wish I could hang out with you, you seem cool" that would be roleplaying.
>if not participating
yeah seems to be the case
Right here in front of everyone Nonny~
The big horny is real.
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Then put it in, already!
>it's november and I'm so motivated
>over a week and a half gone, hardest days mostly passed by and zero issues, first time in months I have a break this long
>glance at porn now and then still
>bored and decide to look some more, it's november and I have a will of steel so surely there's no way I can fail anyway, I've spent the past week+ brushing away any temptations and this will be no different
>an hour later I'm in a rabbit hole of degenerate hentai porn that I'd normally never look at
>found a fetish I'd never properly seen before
>just keep fucking stoking all my buttons that hadn't been pushed that hard in months
>fucking lose

Lesson for my hubris I guess, there's no conviction so strong that it's not possible to find something hot enough to overcome it with enough looking.
It would've been so easy to just stop looking too, if not for my overconfidence. Surely nothing will happen, and this is so hot that I wanna see more, there's no harm as long as I don't do anything, right? Right up until it's wrong, lesson learned.
Second lesson is that limits of horniness bring out limits of degeneracy. I probably fap to non-pony shit like 0.1% of the time and naturally when on a denial streak jumping into some deep fetish rabbit hole I'd normally not even bother with is what's gonna get me.

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so are you gonna share the weird shit or what
I don't know how some of you weirdos can goon for hours nut-free without making your balls fucking explode. I just edged for an hour and a half and I feel like I'm gonna fucking vomit and/or shit myself. It was worth it, though. Fantasizing about my waifu repeatedly denying me from orgasming when I'm so desperately horny is soooo fucking good.
It was hoof holding
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I already failed but I wasn't really participating. pony ass just too good.
Almost took myself out while sleeping just barley managed to keep myself in
unf, I wish I could do that.
I will not do it. fuck ya
I already failed NNN a week ago.
thanks for killing my boner, jerk.
Whoever made the SFX for this video is definitely not the most broadminded, they sound disgusting.
I did say it was nonpony hentai shit. https://x.com/AlterKyon/ this guy's kig stuff
I really don't like the video concept itself. If I was still in, this would probably help me last longer
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The allegations are unbeatable
Anons bitch about perfect mare pussy
but then go out and goon to shit like this
I actually didn't notice any of these (but then I scrolled a lot to find the best pics, so maybe I didn't pay enough attention to some of the less bondage-focused stuff).
But yes I've noticed trannies love identity-related fetishes like masking, suiting, dronification etc. Pretty unsurprisingly I guess. Nothing to be done about it (except not beating off to the fetish, but if this wasn't easier said than done then I wouldn't fucking be here now would I)
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NNN is a Masonic plot to turn good, purehearted horsefuckers into degenerate weebs/furries/trannies.
I don't believe any guy here likes mare pussy anymore. this is just a /LGBT/ adjacent board at this point.
>>41632917 (me)
my right testicle is beginning to ache slightly now and again and the urge to solicit my ex for sex is rising
you guys are villains and i will not be swayed by your temptations
Speak for yourself, I can't even get it up unless it's marepussy.
It's actually become a problem.
If this is true im proud of you anon
I don't understand some of these faggots. NNN is just making me exponentially hornier for my waifu. Why the fuck would I delve into other shit when she is already the sexiest fucking thing imaginable?
you breathe? like some kind of faggot? you know that air has touched men's dicks right?
every single day i think about mare pussy
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Just shut up and fuck my throat already~
Holy fucking unf, you are what all of us aspire to be. I hope to have the same experience too one day~ Got any tips?
>It would've been so easy to just stop looking too, if not for my overconfidence. Surely nothing will happen, and this is so hot that I wanna see more, there's no harm as long as I don't do anything, right?
I lost like this one year, too. Worst of all was that I didn't realise until I came that what I was looking at was anthro, lol.

When I stroke through my underpants I can go for a long time, but when I go direct it's a lot harder, I'll become so sensitive the slightest touch can set me off much more quickly.
Not US here, but even if I was I'd probably risk it. I live near a lot of horse farms, one day I'll go for it...
So, anyone here haven't failed yet?
checking in
Congrats, only half the month or so left.
Can we make erp against the board rules?
words mean things, you clearly don't know what that word means
Up again, November ain't over yet fags
Don't let up Anons, more than a third is over
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Still in it to win it. Kinda funny how much this thread has slowed down as anons have fallen off though.
I'd post some porn to liven things up, but I'm too tired from cooming every day for the last two weeks.
I do
Yes, I was planning to give up in week 3, but right now i feel like I can make it through the full month.
Anons that have made it this far, have you been edging or avoiding porn and all horny?
I lost on day 3, I was avoiding everything too.
Yup this is nothing for me I started doing this when i was 15, 10 something years ago, no edging no fap, way before no nut November became a holiday, just didnt fap for two whole months. What a summer, I came so much I couldn't believe it. Been doing it for years since but edging on and off not every day tends to increase the magnitude of my orgasm last time a couple years ago it came out like a firehose at shot way past the towel I laid out on the floor. Shit was so cash money.
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Yeah I got that dog in me

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