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Secret Santa is back in action!
Come celebrate Horsemas with your fellow anons; spill your horrid desires to an internet stranger, and spend a few months being a little less awful than we usually are.

>How’s this thing work?
Read the FAQ!
The short form:
Gifts are given Round Robin style (A gives to B gives to C who gives to A) while cards are exchanged traditionally (whomever you give a card to should send one back to you). You will be randomly assigned anons by email after the signups are over so please keep an eye out!

Click a link at: https://horsemas.anonfilly.com/

Schedule of events and deadlines:
Oct Past: Signup doc goes live.
Oct 31st at 11:59pm CST: Signups close. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Nov 1st onwards: Gift assignments will be given out. After gift assignments are finalized card assignments will be given out, please be patient.
Dec 1st - 10th is the latest suggested mailing period. Consider mailing on the early side if you’re shipping internationally.
Dec 2nd: Signups for latecomers close

FAQ here : https://fag.anonfilly.com/
Have thoughts/suggestions? The suggestion box is here: https://reeeeeee.anonfilly.com/

Coordinator email for comments/concerns/general inquiries: ponyclausmlp@gmail.com
Card Ambassador and assistant dragon supreme: thecardslut@gmail.com

If you haven't wrapped- SENT your gifts it's time for that, my friends. If you're experiencing unavoidable or unexpected delays be sure to inform your Santees in thread and maybe even Pony Claus too if you can't get a response.


In the meantime, while we wait to open presents, hang out, talk with your fellow anons, write a green, write a song, draw an OC, have some fun! Bake some bread!!!!Previous Thread: >>41746054
Welp. Me making the new thread archived the previous one. Hope y'all traveling have safe journeys. Weather's getting cold and wild around some parts today.
Peppermint Permafrost, your card just got returned to me with "accepted - unknown - unable to forward". I haven't the slightest idea how I wrote the address wrong, I double and triple checked it.
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Literally checked it just as I saw your post. And the fillies noticed something's ahoof too.
You reckon it's gift wrapped on the inside? I don't dare to open it in case it's not.
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Fourth for eggnog.
Happens sometimes. Thanks for baking.
I'm afraid it's most likely not... I didn't see the option during checkout :/
Nth for full package frottage with frottage cottage

Also Santa! my package should be here tomorrow eee
hopefully i get some cards today
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Hey Santa, yes I did receive your package and it's all safe. Sorry this was finals week for me and I didn't have any time to focus on the thread.
Also to my cardees your cards have been sent, expect Dancer Do. I'll see if I can mail your card today.
I've received two cards so far out of eleven. Is the mail that bad or is everyone mailing late?
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Hearths warming in 5 days !! only 5 more days until the big day !! today i ask…

what was the best gift any of you received through ss? and if this is your first year participating what was the best gift you’ve ever received on christmas?
Santa, I've got the package!! Very excited!
I genuinely can't remember if this is a changeling or if I actually made this post on my phone in bed
First time in SS, so maybe I'd say... hmm, perhaps not the best gift ever, but one I'll always remember is frantically begging my mom for a 3 foot RC aircraft carrier in the JC penney catalog, and actually getting the thing for christmas.
It had wheels to move on land, which it was terrible at, and it had props to move in water, which it was equally terrible at, but it led to me finding a baby turtle that I kept as a pet for a few years.
Still have the boat too, somewhere upstairs, but the remote for it is long gone.
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Thank you Designer Doohickey for your lovely Starlight card, and Garden Party, thank you, I’m so excited to read through this book you gifted me!! What a wonderful present!!
>what was the best gift any of you received through ss?
Not sure about "best gift" yet but >>41674809 got me really excited and I'm looking forward to it. ^:)
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More wonderful cards, thank you Happy Heartsong and Illumination! I’m having a wonderfully Glimmy horsemas this year!
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I haven't been around for the past few threads because I was (maybe) too busy to check, and in my busyness, I may have lost the bag.

There may or may not be a drawing that was not meant to be enclosed with one of the cards I sent out. This is a disaster on my part and I apologize if it inconveniences anypony.
I don't like making duplicate gifts, but this is the rare case in which it may occur. However, to compensate, the original drawing will be printed on cardstock.

I apologize once more and it will NOT happen again.
i stopped impersonating you so that was you
As a first-timer, my favorite gift for Christmas so far has to be my Swiss Army Knife and that was almost a decade ago.
ooh that sounds like a pretty cool gift, may i see a pic?
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Pizza Roll Parade, your card arrived!
If I wanted to send a card back, is that return address good to recieve?
>I genuinely can't remember if this is a changeling or if I actually made this post on my phone in bed
Do you have ADHD or something? What drives you to impulsively post every thought you have? It's not even limited to this thread, it's everywhere you show up, you cannot stop talking about yourself
You're doing it with so little thought that you can't even remember whether you did it at all
does it show what posts are mine on the phone?
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>Do you have ADHD or something?
anon I'm so autistic that it makes the rest of you look normal (the ass burgers, it was called at the time)
>can't even remember whether you did it at all
holy fuck the post wasn't me
Now that I'm done with cards and everything I don't know what to do with myself. I have nothing left to do.
Even the captcha is taking the piss.
In Cookie's defense of this one instance, I had gotten drunk one night, shitposted in a couple threads, and woke up the next morning to skim one and begin arguing with the posts I didn't know I had made.
Reeeeeposting the results from the giveaway last night after the thread hit the bump limit. Sandpiper, send me your info at horse.tism@gmail.com so I can mail your ornament.
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Hey Toe Beans the Diamond Dog! Your gift seems to be in limbo and not getting updates, i'm getting kinda worried about it... Can you reach out to your country's customs and ask for info? I haven't been contacted on any missing paperwork, so if there's something I did miss/need to pay please let me know!
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>pull out phone
>check >>41752229
>doesn't say (YOU)
You start pre-planning/pre-making cards/gifts for next year. Like I am.
Or find more Anons to send cards to. Like I am.
Thank you for the great postcard/drawing Strawberry Shortcut.
I see you chose the exotic option of Stellar Flare from my list, pretty based (\.
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Don't confuse certified assburgers for a carte blanche (AKA acting however the fuck you please). There are plenty of spergs in these threads, but nobody behaving like you do. There are plenty of spergs who are good, sweet people who know social etiquette. And then there are spergs who have no friends because they are toxic little shids who refuse to change their ways just enough to become tolerable to others. I know a ca. 70yo sperg who everyone would truly love to chop up with an axe if it weren't a crime. And I'm not referring to Discord here, before you try to pull that joke.

Cookie, I doubt you're to blame for this /ss/ being slower than usual, but your behavior IS genuinely upsetting some anons, so don't act oblivious to it. This is an event made to be enjoyable to ca. 200 anons, not just (You). If you want to ERP with the Trixieflag, take it off-site. If you post every random thought of yours in here, it's like a TV running in the background at full volume while others are trying to make an important phone call.

Please tone it down. Maybe the following motto can help you a bit:
>Holy night, silent night.
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>your behavior IS genuinely upsetting some anons
You're right, I've gotten a bit too far into off-topic posting again, a habit I've kicked once or twice but comes back if I don't pay attention. And it's especially an issue now, where the thread should be left relatively clean of clutter/drama to make room for all the ponies getting their cards. And I really don't want to be clogging things up when we get to horsemas day itself either.
Yeah, just tone it down a bit is all.
Warehouse Scan
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You got excited, so you got carried away. It happens, but we'll pay more attention and do better. Now let's look forward to those cards, gifts and urgent last-minute call outs.

Speaking of which, I have received my fair share of coal mare from Chuckles. Thank you, the ornament has made it over here in one piece.
I admit it's my fault for egging him on. I wasn't trying to RP but got a bit carried away with the whole OC thing so sorry about that. Normally I'm the type of sperg who never opens his mouth so I guess I got too excited.
Best gift ive gotten from ss is Cookie Kiln not posting in the thread for more than 24 hours.
Been here since the first year this started. Allah bless Santa Pone. Hope she is still alive.
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Understandable. Now that you know you enjoy interactions like the ones with Cookie, you can seek them out in places meant for chatting. Over here, OC faggotry is done in smaller doses and relying on art and greens rather than bedroom talk.
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I love all of the various arts that have been posted during this thing, maybe over the next year I'll try to actually manifest some drawing skills so I can do some myself in 2025
Guys! half of my coal foal experienced between 725,000 and 825,000 PSI of force at temperatures at or exceeding 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit. I have a diamond foal!
If your filly is diamond, you've got a problem.
Crossbuck Luck. Your package was delivered this morning. I hope you got to it quick so it didn't sit out in the rain and snow
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Hello Santa! I just wanted to confirm that I have received my gift! It’s under the tree as we speak!
You have to start drawing to get better at it.
You have to do a lot of sucking if you want to be any good at anything.
Then you can has some space up your sleeves.
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It's gotta be this amazing Athena Sparkle figurine, though the hand-bound books I got last year are a very close second. I have been spoiled far more than I deserve in these events.
you're right, I just give up on things so easily if I can't be good at them right from the beginning...
>Then you can has some space up your sleeves.
(I don't get this part)
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I somehow won (well someone else won with my drawing) in a game of teeko2 with a shitty redraw of marestare, so I should probably try it as well, too bad I already gave away the one dollar drawing tablet that I got at goodwill.

But is it really drawing if I'm just staring at an image on the screen and trying to make a copy of it with my hands?
I just got it today when I got home! I love the snowpitty on the box. Do you want me to wait until Christmas to open it or open it tonight?
owari da
>(I don't get this part)
It's an obscure reference only the most cultured would recognize. Just draw.

Yes Kiwi, that's just using a reference, which is different from tracing because you still have to do your own linework. Its no different than making a copy of something in front of you.
Hey Proper Package have you gotten my card yet? I got yours!
Feels like I'm not actually learning anything though. Like memorizing one song instead of actually learning to read the music.
It takes time to figure out what you're learning. From just copying via references you're learning linework, how a character looks, creating a style of your own, subconsciously picking up how colors mix, and developing confidence and speed while getting a general idea of shapes. Its a lot of foundational work you don't notice or appreciate like you would the floors you walk on every day that every building is built on top of. As for the music, you'd still pick up and start to recognize notes with time, and you're learning how to play the instrument, a skill of its own.
Santa, my gift arrived!! I’m waiting until Horsemas eve to open since I’ll be flying out of town on the 25th. I’m so excited!!

Caramel Swing, looks like yours has made it to the UK so dang it might actually arrive in time if customs decides to play nice.

To my carders : cards are in the mail! Sorry they are not more exciting this year but I sent everyone lovely mares to bring them joy.
Definitely wait till Christmas. Nothing in there will spoil. I just didn't want it getting wet since there's a big snow storm around where you are.
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>have dream about one of my cardees posting their card
>wake up
>one of my cardees really did post their card
Huh. Anyway, here's the full size.
Winter Web, I uh, had your card come back today. Something about the format of the address being wrong? Could you contact cardslut or santapone about sending me your address again?
The dirty question…
I’d say the Rarity blaster I got. If you work the blaster in just the right way, it looks like she’s shitting.
Was just thinking about ya! How’s the Crocs working out for ya?
the what
Honestly hard to say. I've received a lot of good gifts throughout the years. Though, the most practical one I've ever received is a Luna minky blanket which I use pretty much every night. The blanket has been keeping me warm, which is especially useful as I'm too cheap to use my heating system (coldest it gets around here is 40F/~4.4C).
Hey Garish Grin, it’s me your Santa. Imma be dead ass honest my man, you’re not going to get your gift by Christmas. I apologize, if you didn’t know I’m shipping from an international country to the US, and I’m currently waiting on two Etsy orders that are making its way to me. I live in the middle of nowhere and it takes awhile for packages to get to me, alongside my post office closes for two weeks during the holidays, not just the federal holidays like the US. Looking at your wishlist I can promise you that you’ll enjoy your gift and as soon as those Etsy items comes it I’ll ship them out immediately, as of right now tracking shows them flying across the pond over to me. Once again I apologize and I know you’re not having the best of time for the holidays but guarantee your gift will be in the mail in Jan.
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Frootloops, I can't wait to open your gift, I saw your reply from the last thread.
Chikun, don't open your gift until Hearth's Warming
sex with cookie kiln
I need a cookie kiln diss track by Chuckles
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Thank you for the card Chuckles! I am going to hang up my little coal pony once my tree is finally up. And the art by Frootloop is beautiful!
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Dreamer Do, looks like your package arrived! I hope there weren't any issues with it and the gift is safely inside. Happy Holidays!
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Thank you for the card Broccoli Time! I love the art and all the stickers! I'm already planning which water bottles I am going to put the different stickers on. (And I'll be sure to tell Widefilly you said hi next time I see her)
> Its no different than making a copy of something in front of you.
It's different in several important ways (can't look at it from a different angle, any mistakes will accumulate) but it's good enough for learning to draw. If you can get an IRL reference (cast, carving, live model, going to nearest horse ranch, etc) it's much better.
Memorize more than one song. Drawing is considerably more "perfect pitch" than it is "knowing how to read sheet music" (that'd be draftwork), purely "by the book" art feels lifeless.
>subconsciously picking up how colors mix
(unless you're too autistic for that)
same here, the what?
icicle slither, i have received your card!
Fucking hell, I haven't post anytgibg in a while!

To Santa: Care package recieved! Also, fucking hell we live at spit distance from each other!!!! WTF!!!!!!

To Sante >>41752310: I am sending your gift later today. It should be arriving by the 24th. Pony Claus should have a tracking number from me no later than 10pm PST. Don't worry, (YOU) WILL RECIEVE A HORSEMAS PRESENT THIS YEAR!!!!!!
aww all those gifts that everyone told me about sound so thoughtful and cool !!
and hearing about those gifts make me all the more excited to receive mine HAPPY HEARTHS WARMING EVERYPONY
>Implying you know WideFilly
Sheesh look at this anon
Done! I added the extra 4 digits to the zip code, hopefully that will help. Just write it in exactly like the email.
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A picture says more than a thousand words, so please share.

>what was the best gift any of you received through ss?
>choosing favorites
ISHYGDDT. One year, my gift was a commissioned artwork which I truly love and printed an even larger poster of than the one sent by my Santa. It's in a large picture frame, used to hang in my student dorm room while I was living there, and is currently in storage until I can move to a better place. The following year, I was too troubled to join /ss/ but did a giveaway, and a generous anon took pity on me and sent me a box of Popmart M6 figurines + some extras. Last year, I got grinched but received a lovely care package with M6 pins and stickers to sweeten the wait for my fantastic Rescue Santa making me a Smooze plush which is now my shoulder buddy when cosplaying, as well as an Oly Discord plush which I'm very attached to and bring everywhere. I'm just as grateful for giveaways I have won, be it my only pony t-shirt or a water bottle, and I smile whenever I see the Benevolent Bedlam woodcut from Chuckles or a Discord x Bedlam friendship medallion based on the one seen in Three's a Crowd, or a particularly impressive card. Privately, an /ss/ anon and I swap gifts which I feel just as spoiled by.

I will note down to take a picture of pretty much everything, though I might wait until after unboxing this year's mystery gift to snap one huge gift-maxxed photo. This should be the first time I get to open a box right on Horsemas. And I'm so glad I dropped off my gift to my santee on time this year after being a month late last year.
(I still struggle with the same old chronic issues, but am getting closer to a turning point and simply couldn't let my problems negatively impact another Santee or PC.)
Your giftee never confirming is its own special hell...the gift i made them, is it still sitting by their door? was it purloined off their porch by zebras? did they open it early and throw it in the trash? I may never know.....
Not yet!

hopefully tomorrow or monday, i'm still awaiting 2 cards I believe!
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>>41752264 2023 was my first, but the Zipp pattern blanket (in pic wrapped around me and the only plushes I brought with me during travels this year) sticks out as a favorite. It also helps that I got to meet the maker and my Santa in person at Harmonycon (and share a slice of Bakes goodies with them too) after recognizing the blanket on display.
Maybe if you put your name on/call out your Santee/check if they posted in the previous thread, they'd know who you're talking about
Liquid Lightning, your two(!) packages arrived safe and sound. The first one arrived yesterday, the second one today. I can only guess what's inside, and will wait until the 24th to open them.
quitting smoking + getting kicked out + losing favorite car + grinched/10 + no one has posted cards that took hours to make + on call over christmas break
looking to be a good one yet.
I've made several callouts for several weeks to no avail, from first assignment to confirmation of delivery, and there have been no posts from them at all. I suspect they're grinching someone else as well. It'll be a horsemas miracle if they show up and prove otherwise, I'm just shouting into the void with this one.
Referencing this for Gossamer Fog in case he missed it
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Sorry I waited till the last second. I've been told it should arrive on Monday. I pray it makes it there in time! Hope you like it!
Checked, also will do! I'll have pics when I open her up.
It's great hearing from you I'm glad I'm not getting grinched and I'm super excited for your gifts
Sorry Moon Cup! I promise I'll post mine when I'm back in town, I'm not being neglectful.
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>dropped off three packages five days ago
>they still haven't left my city
I am going to fucking morb out so help me god
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I wanna tear into these so bad but they’re being guarded fiercely.
The fuck are you keeping them, outside???
You let the green menace inside your house?
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Anon…That’s my fireplace.

Regrettably yes.
Why would you place a fire inside???
Insurance fraud.
Cookie Kiln, check your mailbox.
Everything is in a clear bag or decorative box so you can open it up and inspect it before handing it over to your mother. Just don't inspect it too hard because there's something she's supposed to give to you in there and you shouldn't open it until Horsemas.
what does the kandi on the filly say?
Calico Apron!
I still need a time and location! Pick a place you already visited and know is good, or try something new! I'll bring some peppermint schnapps for extra festive fun if the chosen location doesn't have beer or liquor.
Is the day after Christmas alright for this?
I'm guessing it says "hate crime", in a nod to the Trotcon Anonfilly meme
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I was gonna ask what this was, guess I didn't need to!
Maybe I'll put all of the stuff in a box (or just wrap up this box) and give it to her for a christmas gift...
....now I just gotta think of something for dad.
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It does say “hate crime”. Because she *hates crime*.
That's why she's guarding it from early-openers (which are criminals)
At last, I truly see
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Don't you mean go postal?
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Carlosfilly I'm gonna shove you in the mailbox with the ants
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here’s my mare collection, i took out my mare fair badge though
Are the ants sexy?
Ive been keeping track of it and im real glad it didnt get fucked in customs, especially considering the water bottle I won in a giveaway is presumably being shared around by border force to drink from at the moment

looking forward to it eitherways! thank you again for sending it off with enough time to spare chief
Hunky Hymn, tracking reports your package as delivered, so hopefully it made it to you without any issues!
you're not alone anon
>Still no word from my Santa
All hope is lost
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Alright fist off Illumination your lovely Terri card made it safely to me past all the feds, thank you very much!

Secondly, Liquid Lighting your present was mailed yesterday and looks like it was already delivered to a pick up point near you, make sure to pick it up before horsemas!

Thirdly I got my package my santa, whoever you are. It is quite big, cant wait to open it in the thread on the 24th!

And lastly to my cardees:Cauliflower Custard, Dancer Do, Top Ten and Illumination,I forgot to post about it but your cards were mailed earlier, Idk if they will quite make it in time for Christmas but if not then hopefully soon after. Garden Party I am sorry but seems like the problem goes both ways and can't get your card to you after all. I am sorry, Happy Horsemas to you regardless.
hi im ur santa
hav hoep
i m try 2 maek gud chrimstis 4 yu
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thanks, shimmy
It made it here safe and sound! My dog did want to fight the delivery guy, but I managed to hold her back long enough to acquire the package. Can't wait to open it!
Sweet, glad your gifts made it to you! I hope you like them
quiet in here now
trips confirm thread is dead
Anons are waiting for things to be sent out or received. But I personally wonder what happened to all the cards that were sent out, I've only received three.
I got my card from pony claus but so far that's the only one
Sent out seven, received one - and that one took two weeks to get here going off the postmark.
I almost wish I had sent my cards as packages instead so they would have tracking and arrive quicker.
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I can't read the name all the way (Fuzzy )
But is there anything inside that requires me to immediately open it or will it be fine till Christmas?
I regret not having tracking numbers for my cards but with five of them it would've been an extra $50
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Moustachio The Changeling I recieved the last thing I needed today and I will do my best to ship to you tomorrow!
I'm so glad you loved it! Merry Horsemas!
its sorry, im just being a drama queen.
im in this picture
i pak alot of genralation 3 poney 4 yur presint
Ive received one card so far i can't wait to receive more!
It's the Dutch! They've been destroying our cards! We must destroy them!
The mail must be weird, or I got only foreigners and its slow as all hell.
Oh goodie! Everything in there will be fine for five short days, especially if you make sure the air holes don't get clogged! Happy Horsemas!
Doing great. Wore them all Mare Fair. It's too cold up in the north to wear them now, but they'll be back next year. Thanks again for the high fashion.

Looking forward to them!
Unnamed Boiler Maintenance Staffmare, your gift is officially on the way. I'm extremely sorry about the delay and how it might not make it on time, but when you receive the gift, I hope you realize why it was delayed so much. I went through a lot trying to get this together for you.

To my cardees, I wanted to meet my goal of making unique art for all of you digitally even though I'm not really an artist, and despite how busy I've been I'm done drawing. I hope to send it to you all soon, and I'm sorry they cant be under your tree in time.
Just sent! Sorry about the lateness. I Went to a Dentist's cleaning and took a nap that lasted WAY too long.
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I made this.
Merry Christmas.
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Green Apple Cyser your gift has been shipped! Hooray!!
I was starting to think you were abducted by ayylmareos.
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Funnily enough not me, I've been so busy with the group pic and irl stuff
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>giddyup jinglehorse
>pick up your feet
never understood that
Yea.... sorry for my absense. Anywho, (YOU)'R horsemass gift is on it's way now. And, should be on your door by the 24th!!!!
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>he doesn't know
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yippee !!! did you get a shipping number? i’m super excited !!!
i wanna suck off rainbow dashes dad

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Package came in! Thank you santa, super excited.
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>Blizzard Burlesque
I am very sorry, but there is 99% chance you won't have your gift for Christmas.
I really did my best, but this year is even worst than the previous ones.
I'm sorry for the bad news

>To all my cardees
Unfortunately, same thing.
I manage to work on the "cards" (small box of autism light edition) 2h today again, and I am close to finished, but I really can't pack more, I'm already to thin stretched.

>Fiddle Yard Frost
I didn't forget you, I just didn't had the time I though I have this week. I will deliver, I always do, but it will be after the cards and package.

I will need to post the cards too, I received a new one, and I really can't wait to have a bit of time to open, read and post it!
I will also post to inform the advancement.
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Hey Santa, reposting from last thread- So, these incomprehensible blender-breaking caramelizing treats.
Will I be good to save opening the package until horsemas day, or should I open immediately to keep freshness?
Also, you mentioned planning to ship out Monday. Did you send Pony Claus the tracking number, because I haven't gotten anything yet... He might be busy though.
Anyways, I hope you're doing awesome!
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I think I'm legally obligated to say the Derpant. Or, rather, "Sadie" because that's what my mom insists on calling her (because she never remembers "derp ant").
Meant to reply sooner but 15 minute timer while i was at work, ended up forgetting to post.
Anyways, I have something planned, getting the thing for it tomorrow according to amazon, I should be able to also ship it tomorrow if it arrives early enough for me to do what I'm planning, if not that then it will ship Monday at the latest
(Also, I was the guy with the engraved maps, schizo shirts, etc. right near the entrance)
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Package received! You weren't kidding about it being a big one - the filly is present for scale.

Given the size, and the fact there are multiple wrapped presents inside, this might actually get opened in front of the family on Christmas Day, so if there's anything of non-family friendly nature in here, might be worth mentioning before I spill too much spaghetti.
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Santa I don't know if you saw but I have received your gift! The ponkas are very excited to see whats inside. I am waiting until horsemas to open it unless you say otherwise
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I have gotten some great gifts over the years, but this big 4cc Sergeant Reckless figure has to take the cake for the best gift I've ever gotten.
That cute ant is huge! That is a hell of a ss gift.
oh damn I've known about the derpant for a long time but I never knew it was an SS gift of all things
Ho, that was a SS gift!?
So cool! You lucky Anon!
>best gift you've ever received on christmas
I have no clue. I largely got vidya while growing up. I focus more on giving than getting as is. I've usually made an effort to pay someone back even if they do or get something for me to make sure it isn't held over my head.
Once my grandma died Christmas stopped being a thing. As an adult, I really don't remember any of them because largely all of them were just me being by myself. Or things I bought myself because it wasn't like there was anyone around to ask what I wanted. Sucks to suck.
That's sad Anon.
I guess you don't have any other family to meet?
Maybe do a christmas with some close friends? It's nice too.
I wish you at least got a bit of cheer here, with this event!
A few anons over the years have been graciously gifted life sized pony plushies.
Hey Gandy, good to see that it made it well on time. It's over 16lbs of PONY. A good bit of that probably went in packaging though because there is one very fragile package in there that I hope survived. There's some spicy spaghetti in there but everything is SFW (no bits and bobs) and should fine to open in front of everyone if you want. You might want to read the card after, it spoils some contents and your Santa.
christmas vidya was kino hard to beat getting a gameboy and pokemon blue in '98
but getting an oculus headset in 2018 came close
what was the best christmas vidya?
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To claim a code you'll:
0. Look at this entire post before doing anything. Reading only required if you are literal.
1. Read the replies to the post first to sneed which games have already been maimed.
2a. Post in the thread With Your Game On and state which name you want, so that other Anons are aware that a game is being claimed by a fellow Honsemas participant AND so I know to expect a email from you.
2b. Afterwards, as an engagement ring and anti-bot measure, you must also answer my question, either in-thread (highly encouraged) or in the email if you'd prefer to keep it secret for some raisin. Unless you don't feel like answering the question then it doesn't matter really.
3. Finally, send me an email mentioning your /ss/ name and the game you're claiming. It doesn't matter if you've emailed before, I need both in the body of the email, though if you have a dedicated /ss/ email that works too for the name.
>This space for rent.<

This thread's game drops are:

Five days until Christmas and anons have gotten OVER ONE HUNDRED GAMES. THAT'S A LOTTA SHIT. If you're a part of the /ss/ group, groovy. Grab vidya.


>This space not for rent, I just don't know what to put.<

Every thread you can claim TWO gameS, so to the Anon that claimed a game last thread, you can claim another now! Except it's possible because this is the ELEVENTH one.
Email for claiming (follow the instructions above): spicethegingerbread@gmail.com

And for this thread's question: Santa shows up in your bathroom and is aghast at the state of your toilet. He explains that he was going to give you a mare but some lil shid spiked his milk and nookies. He asks you for some help. What do you do to help?

HARD MODE: Remember that he knows if you're naughty or nice. Which means if you try to steal from Santa, your mare will give you The Glare. Not The Stare.

PSA: Do not use any cock.li (this includes horsefucker) emails. They're autofiltered by google.
It sucks to suck.
Don't know of any.
This year won't be it. Hopefully next year will. Or the next year.
I remember when I first got my DS. Everyone was there that year, both uncles, grandma, mom. Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow and Portrait of Ruin were my go to. Given that came out 19 years ago, I guess that shows when the last time I had a full house for a Christmas. Now it's just me. Which means I always get to do what I want, fix whatever I want, sleep in as much as I want. True freedom, in the form of it being an abyssal void and reminder that you're only as valuable as others think you are. Unless you're loaded. Then you're pretty valuable.
Noted about the card, will save that for last!
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Got the package santa! Opened the box and saw unwrapped goodies inside. including the awesomest of awesome hats.
Ill leave the card and the rest for horsemas day!
No, sorry. I lost it like a fool.
Sounds like good gaming. I do miss those times, though most years blend together. This weekend I'll be visiting family I usually avoid. Used to be I could hunker down and play their N64 until it was time to leave, but these days I have to grit my teeth listening to them parrot shit they read off facebook. I can't even drink nowadays, Doctor's orders. Lord knows that's how most of them get through it.
Ima go for Hiveswap. I’m also gonna send you a lil Christmas jingle lelelelel
The Christmas gift I remember the most was my mom splurging for me with Star Wars legos one year, 04-06 since it was Episode 3 related sets. I moc'd the fuck out of them for the dinosaurs and soldiers and hot wheels and other legos to fight to the death with for a shitty popsicle FOB on a stack of books.
Deadly Days and The Ambassador: Fractured Timelines
I have him use the other toilet, the super clean one.
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Hayy card-receiving people!
>Sibilant Scales the Lamia, Cracked Calabash, Weather Duster, Dancer Do, Bread Crumbs the Griffon, Tinsel Tote, Lamplighter the Moth Pony
I got everything done, and your cards are going in the Canada Post box tomorrow. If you don't want to see the envelopes early, don't clicc the spoilerino.
It honestly is a tough call, either the 4cc scarf I got one of the early years. Or it was a custom engraved zippo lighter that Card Slut got me, still use that to this day.
Group Picture Update
I'm going to do my best to have it ready by Christmas my time but I might have to leave the big train out just due to time/layout constraints. Don't want a repeat of 2021
Also if you think I've missed out on adding (You) to the group pic, reply to this with your name on and better yet with the image you'd like to have used.
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Does this one fit the composition of the shot at all? It's my favorite cookie drawing so far (I love them all) but if it doesn't fit well then I guess just use the original one
Funnily enough you solved a problem I was having of where to put Peanut this year so pic related is already in.
hell yeah, too bad it's only half of me and piping tho
going from previous years pics it's rare its a full picture shown off
heh, I love the dance floor in the background
Hey Fumble Buns, I opened the gifts you sent - they're very cool! I took some pics and will post them when I have some free time. I haven't shipped yet so I'm not sure when that will be, but hopefully no later than Tuesday
I do try to get as much as I can in just a lot of characters to fit in and this picture is just perfect as Peanut is included every year so I don't incur his wrath.

The png is in the archives if you want a better version of that
How much longer do we have til you ABSOLUTELY need them? I have one I can give you, but I’ve got a more sultry version getting made soon.
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here's myself and delta wing I drew
I'd offer to draw more but I didn't get much response the first time lmk if separate is preferred or if it's too messy to use anyway
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I have one of you from the archives.
>pic related

Bless you for making pngs
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I don't think I'm in!
Frothing Pitcher, are you around?
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Awesome! I hope you like it!
god bless, the wait time is lifted. just in time to shit post
I can't wait to see the group picture! I hope you didn't forget me its okay if you did i know your super busy kiwi keep doing your awsome work!
hmmm, shet ill get any of the 2 dark pictures anthologies i didnt look too hard to see what each is so dealer's choice, though if you dont feel you'll be back in time i guess ill be a railroad manager because i will not stand to see that key expire, i will finish all my veggies goddamn it

in any case, i wouldnt think to steal from santa and be vaporized by pure cheer anyways, so i would just gladly offer to get some bread to soak up booze, or activated charcoal in hopes he could toss any of that crap up
plenty of water and fuck, he might not be flying material still but ill offer to be the lil elf faggot and do as much as my dumbass could offer

i mean its fucking santa, i think just even by not helping you're gonna get shafted, so good god id triage and attempt to treat like it was tara strong bleeding out in my arms, or get reindeer shit for the rest of my existence trying i guess

anyway thanks for the giveaway you're great and im high so sorry but thanks for coming to my ted talk
glad it made it to you!
yep, that'll work! I'll have the PO box until march or so
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I realize I forgot to post the filly lighter courtesy of Pulsar Patterns. Thanks man! It's a pretty sick lighter
Still an interesting feeling to have so many anons fawning over her lol, cute expression on her face, and thanks for more art friend!
Idk why you're not getting more requests you're a good artist! Love the idea of Tail Dragger painting with her tail too, it's cute as heck!
What if I don't have an OC?
>INB4 "create one"
I don't have creativity to come up with it OR the talent to draw it.
If you've got a SS id would just come up with one based on that
otherwise you could suggest a color palette and uh whatever you'd have a cutie mark for
or have one government assigned to you?
Anons in thread can help come up with a design/draw your OC out!
>Adorable Aura
hmmm, I'm feeling a snowpone maybe? with Northern Lights colors/mane? maybe that wouldn't work so well with snowpone style, idk
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Not sure if I'm in picture already, but got an OC this year by Maplecakes the Kirin so thought I'd give it a go and join this years group picture.
I think a snowpone would be so cutee
Good to know! I really hope you like the perfect humble gift.

Lightning Punch, your cardee is on the way! Sorry if I took longer than I expected, I asked for the fastest service so don't worry.

Wait!! I need to finish some details of my OC, I hope today could upload D:
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here's a draft in mspaint would refine but i'm goin to bed can leave feedback or ideas or leave it to another to try their own spin on it
Hoping your package arrived all good and well Frottage Cottage, hope you enjoy.
Hang in there, Fluffy. If it helps, finish Bedlam's card last. To me, Horsemas lasts for weeks. I regret being late with my own cards but at least got the timely Santa part right this year. I've been drawing (You) something special, bro, and I hope you will have it around New Year's Eve.
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Adorable! I love her /)^c^(\

Also Crowsfeet the Griffon got your package. Sadly glanced at one of the labels before realizing it was a customs declaration and was able to read "stuffed toy" before looking away. The rest remain a mystery and I covered them up already.
She even looks shy just like me oco
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Work been really rough this week. Been too exhausted to do much other than sleep lately so took a break from drawing requests but ready to get back into it, finally got a day off tomorrow.

Next up was an anonymous request for a festive take on their stallion OC. Reference image had cutie mark hidden so I improvised, tried to go with his detective theme. If OR has another cutie mark in mind just let me know, would take like 5 min to edit.

Also since it looks like time is almost up, if anyone needs an OC for the group pic, don't be afraid to ask. As I said in my original post, anyone who doesn't have art of their OC get prio on their request for the group pic, want to make sure that anyone who wants to be included isn't left out. I got all day to draw tomorrow.
That is a wonderful design, I think you nailed it bro
Thanks for the update. Thats all I needed to hear. Even if I dont get the gift by horsemas, its nbd. Just knowing a gift is being sent my way in the near future puts me at ease.
It's one of my cardees Frozen Lake, I was thinking like a Midwest icefishing stallion dealio?
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Unfortunately I wasn't able to wrap everything since I was that limited in terms of space in the parcel box, so I wouldn't recommend opening it now unless you want like three (small) things spoiled. Still most of them is wrapped though.
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I’d love this pic of me in the group picture pls!
Something I want to put to you folks, what should the logo of the Neighborhood Rail Company be? Feel free to post some designs

I didn't have this version
Got you in
>>41754624 seems like a couple of kind anons have helped out >>41754655 >>41754738 based mspaint user
Love it and love Maplecakes
More than okay hope to see the end results soon.
Egg Snogger? I think that was a name that was floating around
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Kansas City Southern bros, it's our time this kinda sucks kek, idk probably something based off of Norfolk Southern's logo is the way
Yay thank you kiwi!
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Last time I go with USPS during the holidays. I swear it hasn't been this bad the past seven years I've been doing this.
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I cant wait!! honestly had such a giggle from everything plastered on the box, there's so much!
Based g3 hoof heart
Holy FUCK I love your krn
please post more
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Oh, yeah don't think i've forgotten about the lamp this year. I will be raffling it off on Christmas. I would have organized more of a charity thing for it this year, but honestly I just haven't had the mental bandwidth. That being said, I just need to sit down and make the lamp, but pics will be had soon. Stay tuned!
i love her
File deleted.
This is what you wanted isn't it anon
Yes it is what we wanted
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My pretty pegasi OC needs more art.
Did i see this kirin in last weekend? Looks similary...
You may have!
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has a shark cutie mark !!
me too
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fuck yeah brother
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Pretty sure you already have me, but just in case...
i love minty so much
Draw all the mares. All of them.
Yes, good.
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only 4 days till hearths warming every pony !!! are yall excited because i’m excited !! with my gift on the way im going to be checking my mailbox every day !!

now i ask (you).. what’s an unrealistic gift (you) REALLY want for hearths warming/christmas? it could be anything !!

for me it’d either be a life size plush of starlight glimmer or a 1981 green acura NSX

>be me
>drives 81 NSX
>just me and my life size Glimmer buckled in the passenger
>life is good
My gift arrived yesterday, and last thread I asked whether I should go ahead and open it or wait for horsemas day. >>41749625
I heard something rattle around as I carried it - is that anything to worry about or nothing unexpected?

I've thought of something I could do instead to make your gift not feel so empty without having to stretch my budget and without having to wait for anything, but I do still wish I had the budget to get you what I'd found at the start.
If you're being unrealistic, why ask for a life-size when you could ask for the real thing?
They said my card would arrive today, hope you receive it! the second I gave it to USPS and turned around I questioned if I put the right address, even after looking at it four or five times ;_;
that’s a fair point- I want glimmer for christmas
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The giant ass Minty plushie that was only available in Australia that came out in 2004
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A portal to Equestria so I can finally live my life as a hairless ape wanting to talk Twilight Sparkle
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I forgot if I replied to this before, so I'mma just drop this here to be safe
has anyone heard anything from Pony Claus this week?
I amh ere dontoto worky about mmE
is this an invitation to send you a card
There's no such thing as an 81 NSX.
I have received a few cards but haven't had time to open them yet. My bathroom sprung a leak last weekend and fixing it has been more of a challenge than I anticipated. My house has been quite literally a building site for the last week.
Should be finished and tidied up tomrrow though, giving me time (and space) to open them. I will post them when I do.
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The gifts inside are all wrapped, so feel free to open the shipping box and put them under your Horsemas tree! I did get a tracking number and have already given it to Pony Claus. Be sure to open the card first! Cheers!
Cute sarge
misclick 91
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Got a first card! Thank you Ice-Cream Social! And I love the Pinkie drawing on the back, is's so cute! Was in a pretty bad mood today, but this card cheered me up.
yay! Glad it found you well
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Thank you for the card Heavy Halbard the Canterlot Guard! I love the art and the extra goodies you included! I'm planning on wearing my Bootlegger badge at the next Mare Fair.
You'd separate her from Trixie? She would hate you for that.
Glad you got them!
There should also be a third soon!
GLIMMER !! and yippee i’m super super excited tysm <3
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seems legit

>what’s an unrealistic gift (you) REALLY want for hearths warming/christmas? it could be anything !!
Aside from the obvious answer being "mai waifu", I wouldn't know what to wish for. Good health, probably, because feeble health is frustrating, costly, and very much like a trap or prison. But since the question is about "things", it'd be a ton of money to bail out my parents and siblings, seek proper medical attention, then fuck off to build myself a humble home, preferably close to nature as long as internet is available and post being delivered at least bi-weekly.
But money isn't Horsemas gift material either.

There's no holy grail of merch for me, and if I have a vision for a craft, I'll want to achieve it myself one day. Aside from a lifesize Discord daki (over 4 meters long) pandering to my taste, perhaps a high quality coat that flatters me and also subtly references Discord would take the crown. Yes, I think a tasteful one-of-a-kind professional quality coat of the likes that last a lifetime would be the most unrealistic yet amazing gift.

If I'm lucky, I'll be unboxing a blanket which I do believe is almost as good as the aforementioned daki. But whatever my Santa has put together for me, I can sense it's going to be really satisfying. The box has this alluring aura, and sometimes I'd love to jump ahead and open that beauty already, if only to peek inside for a moment. But I'll wait. Possibly until the 26th because the 24th and 25th are going to suck, and I don't want the bad vibes to tarnish my Horsemas experience.
Hi anon! I may be your inactive culprict,
If so i did receive my pack yesterday! I wanna open it now with friends but i’ll wait the 25
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Tracking says your package has arrived!!!
Smh jannies removed my image that had nothing wrong with it
i dont trust you
why not :(
oh shit that was super fast !! roommate said it’s safe and sound in my room tysm !! i’m super excited for hearths warming
Cozy Coils the Lamia, just checking in to verify if you've gotten the gift yet. You may have posted already and I missed it, but the tracking number appears to be messed up. Just going off the predicted date on the receipt, it should have been delivered.
She wouldn't mind. Trixie is with me anyway.
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No idea we did group photos that’s cool! would love this to be added
Was hoping to get a card today so I could do this unashamed but mail didn't want to cooperate.

Anyway, it's my birthday! Thank you guys for helping make this day a bit more special with some holiday cheer!
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happy bday !! here’s glimmer with a card
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Easy question, more of them.
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Not sure if I'm in there, but if I'm not, may I?
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I tried tracing it but I can't into colors and with this color scheme she looks like Deviantart-tier OC.
Adorable Aura should look like a migraine aura (color noise "fracture" surrounded by a blur) shaped like a mare.
>turn most of humanity into ponies
>open portal to equestria
>make an indestructible tv to watch the chaos unfold on Earth
>abandon godhood to earn wife's hoof the right way
>live marefully ever after
Hey! Yes, I can confirm the package safely arrived yesterday, no issues to be seen. I will eagerly await Horsemas for the chance to open it up and see what's inside, thank you very much in advance

Also Lengthy Lanyard, your gift is out and away as of yesterday! Should ideally arrive on Monday just in time for Horsemas.
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it all looks so pretty !! and it’s numbered
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also my cat greatly appreciates the tissue paper and box lol
USPS is shit right now, I just got in one package FINALLY after 16 days in the mail. and it was a domestic package. My gift from my santa has arrived so at least i have that to look forward to opening on christmas
Glad to hear it!
>only gotten 2/10 cards
This better be because USPS is backed up to hell or something.
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Hey all! Just here with an update. There was a kerfuckup with the hosting service of Neighborhood FM, but as of a few minutes ago I was told it was resolved. This evening when I return home from work I will get to working on learning the new system and getting it up! I estimate it will be up by 3 am this evening if I'm smart enough (which I wouldn't count on) or probably 3pm ish tomorrow if I'm not.

Sorry for the prolonged downtime! Longest time it's been off since inception, really! But it WILL BE UP FOR HORSEMAS!!

You are a very sick person, disgusting even. I will report you to the authorities, you are fowl.

I have received a card by the user with the handle Doodlebug who's card they decided to smear feces inside of. This is sick, disgusting and appalling. I will report you to the authorities.
Post pics
The package has been sent and it should be expected to arrive on December 23rd. My envoy may have already told you, but it IS on its way. B)
This is a blue board, I probably will be banned for doing so. I sent an email to Card Slut with pictures.

If anyone else has received anything from Doodlebug, you been warned.
Thank you!
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I’d send a box and tissue paper to that kitty cat anytime! Glad you both enjoyed it so far! Hope you both have a Holly Jolly Pony Christmas!!
Happy Birthday!
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Doodlebug be like
Someone pls ponify
Yeah, that's exactly why my cards are running late haha
Post pics on imgur or catbox and drop a link. You wont get banned.
Hey ritten ruffle.

Sorry for the delay, your gifts are amazing. put rarity there for scale. got everything you sent. thanks so much.
>2 dakis
pls show the class.
You deserve worse.
He opened his gifts before Horsemas. He doesn't have any class.
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You're right.
I sent Card Slut and Pony Claus an email with pictures. They can tell ya what I say is true.

I don't even wish to risk potentially being banned. I apart of the Secret Santa since 2017 or so when this thing first kicked off.
Yay! Glad it managed to arrive!
How did they get it past USPS?
Normally anything with an offensive odor is refused.
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Is it a human shitsmear or a pony shitsmear?
If it's the second you might pass the letter on to somepony else who's into scat. The chance of there being zero scatfags in /ss/ are small.
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Had a few more cards waiting for me when I woke up. First one I'm not sure who it was from, didn't come with a message and the name on the return address isn't on my cardee list. But it came with this amazing drawing of Rarity, I love it! Whoever sent it, thank you friend
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Second one was from pizza roll, this one was really great. Came with a bunch of stickers, and I loved the message you sent bro! It's can be hard to come up with something to write in these cards but yours meant alot to me bro. Thank you so much
Lol fucked that one up oh well
I don't know. The envelope was one of them plastic type with the bubble padding, a bag of confectioneries along with the card in an envelope. I thought that the confectioneries have perhaps leaked and soiled the card but it was clearly not so. It was as if someone had finger painted shit as a doodle on the inside of it as a pony.

It doesn't look nor smell right and it wasn't until it was opened that that I smelt anything for that matter. I have had many cans of pet food that have spoiled before and you honestly can't tell till you open it. As I said, it is fowl.

There is no real telling to what it actually is. I am not some scat specialist with a degree in animal genome sequencing that can trace the DNA of it, or some chemist that can use a spectograph to even see if it is fecal matter, much less what bacteria is in as both shit and rotten foods alike have bacteria giving off oder. SO it beats the heck out of me.

As I say, if it smells like shit and looks like shit, it probably is shit. Even if it isn't shit, who in their right mind would do something so sickening knowing well what it looks like and what the message is they are conveying. I known some autistic people but by God, this person needs help.

I am also getting the police involved, so no, I can't just mail it off to someone else. Again, I have emailed both Pony Claus and Card Slut about Doodlebug and if anyone else receives anything from them, speak up.
Don't forget habitual redditspacing.
>I apart of the Secret Santa since 2017
that has to be chocolate. I think I know who that anon is and if it is they passed around a poo journal as a joke at harmony con a few years ago. They had smeared a page with chocolate for visual effect. I think it was from a buck eye candy or a twix.
Chocolate doesn't smell like shit, anon.

Involve doctors. This kind of thing is involuntary commitment-worthy. Not that it'd WORK, mind you, in today's retardation-enabling environment the guy'd just go back to playing with shit once released, but worth the attempt.
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Matte Finish: your card is SENT!
Make sure you look through the entire bag, as I also included some other goodies. You should have also received a poster tube with wall scrolls in them.
is there a chance it's just brown paint/chocolate and he gave the card a spritz of liquid ass?
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I only know how to make kiss tracks. Sry.
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Only metaphorically. Ok inbox is empty, but i haven’t read threads in like…5 days. Anything interesting happen?
>Couldn't wait 4 days

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Well in the last thread changelings broke into my house disguised as me, and this thread it seems like someone has gotten a stinky poopoo card (but literally)
also I was at the thrift store and LOOK WHO I HAPPEN TO SPOT ON THE DVD RACK
i cant escape this purple bitch im glad we burnt him
I think there's mailpoop allegations
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post the poop card pics to catbox, anon needs the goods
yeah, i got those and the candy(which is mostly gone now) and the little patches. thank so much.
why do so many of you want to see the poop card
We apparently got poop tuah anon, just shit on that thang.

Peanut's roasting was greatly exaggerated
for me it's simply the allegations have been made, I'd like to see the receipts and I might get a laugh out of it
>that has to be chocolate
but american chocolate smells like vomit, not shit
bowel movement with cookie kiln
>and I might get a laugh out of it
you got a point lol
and yeah, innocent until proven-
I propose the name of the company should instead be absurdly long, turned into an acronym, and sound really stupid when expanded. Such as the North Equestria Interducal broad-Gauge Heavy Bulk Overground Rail Cooperative Corporation, or NEIGHBOR Rail.
Do you know how equines poop?
There is nothing more intimate than when the prolapses touch.
The sole fact that the allegation was tossed.

I have a theory that it could've been the mail man butt it would have to be on the outside of the envelope
Interregional Equestrian Delivery Service
>could've been the mail man
why would a mailman do that
Well https://youtu.be/0j6TfaURpRA?si=O_7kOuH6iVrGy-fF

I wouldn't put it past them
>I have a theory that it could've been the mail man butt it would have to be on the outside of the envelope
Doodlebug's shtick is that it's a poop-oriented OC, so whatever's going on, it was thought up by someone in the know
you’re the best tysm
>poop-oriented OC
if it's the cardee, what did you expect? if it's the card sender, wtf?
Because pics or it didn't happen.
Yes. Doodlebug's /ss/ oc has shit smeared all over her tail and Doodlebug nicknamed her Doodoobug.. Look in the archives if you want proof.
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Gonna post my card art here since some people have gotten my cards! I worked really hard on this one lol
I wasn't going to do that but I guess >>41756995
beat me to it
Don't kinkshame.
Be respectful of other cultures.
Broaden your horizons.
Earth ponies and their fans are just like that and you need to accept it.
I'm calling fakesies on the card.
Pony Claus just said that inbox is empty before asking about anything interesting, which means the original poster was lying about sending out emails.
This is a poop thread now
What if poop cards are so common that pony claus doesn't consider them interesting? What if we're the weirdos?
It would explain why so few cards ever get posted.
So is Oak Roasted going to post picks of everything else he got?
I wanna see the wall scrolls
I'm more interested in if he'll publicly retract his grinching claim.
I figure posting a picture of one's gift is about as much of a retraction as you can get
I've got some cards left for Canada that I couldn't post. Might smear one with shit and make it a reality.
Considering Canada, that might not be notable or it might be a hate crime. You should find out for us.
Thank you for your service.
Even if, it still is disgusting. Given too that it is food. Any food exposed in air can rot. It is why I don't trust any food and mark that off as not to send. Hot truck full of food, 3 to 7 days going through mail rooms with the furnace on full blast. Yeah that is asking for food poisoning. Why I don't do it.

So be it as it is shit, or went fowl food, I mean, what the hay. It smells rotten and fowl.

It is reminding me of that one comic of a group of players playing DnD and the GM keeps bringing in their pee fetishes to the game. People like that need a good punch to the face. Golly.

Since I got the card quite late, the local police station is closed, so in the morning for sure I will inquire with them. I don't know what they can do, it is a bit embarrassing for sure as the outside of the card is "lewd" but yeah its not right.

Not paint, 100% certain of it. Paint isn't "gummy" and cakes on. As far as food or shit, again, I don't know. It is fowl no matter which way you look at it, both looks and smell.

Check your email. I sent you one with a description of what is going on with pictures. Check your spam.
Email title: Worse than Grinch
But Coal Shovel, I don't live on either Street or Road. I live on Terrace.
You figured wrong; your spergers is leading you astray. If you accuse someone of something, an apology for that is warranted, and not just "well it's self-evident bro"
Just post pics of the card so we can make a funny pic like the /k/ cum brownies for future years, otherwise I'll assume your story is horse shit.
So there is a know person in this, with a big time scat fetish and I just happened to been the recipient of this sickos card.

Do you have some kind of learning disorder? Why do you type like a nutjob
You keep spelling it fowl instead of foul and it's really pissing me off.
>an apology
Oh right, yeah it makes sense to want an apology
>both looks and smell
I've regrettibly had experience cleaning up doodoo thanks to the boxer we had when I was younger, and I'm pretty sure once it dries out the smell goes away with it, so how in the world are you smelling it unless you're really sticking your nose in that card
Amazing zebra culture

The cat is in the box. And technology sucks, auto correction and completion is very annoying when you aren't at a desk.
Is any of this on the bingo card?
I think its an automatic win in any case.
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>tfw my gift has been stuck in customs for a week
You tried your best santa, but I don't think USPS is going to cooperate. At least I do have the other packages you sent. I'm STILL working through the care package treats. You can go ahead and have Pony Claus pass that letter along. But in the worst case, I already know I have a santa who cares and that is a gift.

On the bright side, at least my santee has gotten their package, so I don't have to worry about that.
I wonder where we are with the bingo card
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"Anon gets a REALLY shitty card"
I think next year, we really need something added to the OP that strongly recommends against using USPS.
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To my Santa, I just wanted to show that the package you sent is safe.
Also I received a couple of letters for cardees that I’ll open soon.
They haven't been nearly this bad the last few years. A bit slow, sure, but not inexcusably so like this year.
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Caaaaaaaaards! Got this lovely from Eiderdown
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And this from kettle corn. Thank you very much, both of you!

And Santa? A package arrived at the PO box today from bongland. I've picked it up and have not opened it, but it shall go under the tree. I know there's one more tracking number out there doing who the fuck knows what for the past 12 days, but I'm sure that'll turn up eventually.
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While we're cardposting, I got my first card today! (besides pony claus, of course)

Thank ya Blue Jay <3
What a coincidence. Informed delivery told me that your card arrived at my PO box today too. I wasn't able to make it to the post office though.
Informed Delivery has been a little unreliable for me this season. Checking my box in person revealed letters when id said there were none.
Even tracking info has been iffy this year. It told me a package had gotten sent to a whole different post office when it actually came straight to mine.
Calico Apron
Ginger Pop
Peppermint Permafrost
Just checked the USPS tracker and your swag should be there within the next day or so.

Frootloop and Chompy the Diamond Dog
The tracker says your swag was delivered!!
Thank you Wonder Waves! I can't wait to open it on Horsemas day!
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love the card, cookie!
listening to the cd now in my car! (im drinking and driving)
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I call shotgun
post pic or you’re definitely spewing horseshit
Also I'm kind of dumb and I signed my letter as anon instead of anon instead of golden spike
You can spell DnD abbreviated correctly but can’t take the literally one second needed to put a “u” in “fowl”?
Someone finally got one!!! Woohoo!!!

Also, I bought two packs of stickers for this event, and both of them had exactly ONE rarity sticker (and one sticker of some random OC?) so that's why they're both the same one, lol
>im drinking and driving
Does it make you feel alive and do you think it is your favorite thing?
>drinking and driving
holy based
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w-wait no 2014 horse music is for drive but is not for drunk drive
>signed my letter as anon instead of anon
>kinda dumb
It's kinda endearing. I want to pat your head and call you a good boy. Maybe feed you some chocolate. But I swear, IF YOU SHIT ON MY CARDS -
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Oh yeah, my hand would have crumbled into dust if I had to write this down seven times in a row so none of the CDs have a track list, but here it is if you want it and for anyone else who gets a card from me*
*(weighted blanket's CD just has a folder with the actual MP3 files since it's a data disc)
We have fun here in Secret Santa.
Ye got it. Thank.
is poo card real
Already did.>>41757122
One day gone and I am made aware of a litteral shitpost. Holyshit.....


For those curious enough
I had to read the post about 40 times before I got it but holy... uh... damn.
lol yeah you figured it out too
>stallion made out of shit smears
This is some top tier Tamers12345 fan art.
Even if this an elaborate shitpost this if fucking hilarious.
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I'm fucking blown away, if this was done with finger paints, it would be an adorable and lovely card. It's a cute tempest, but.... not like this! Not like this!! Even the heart in the corner????
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it says doodoo in the other corner
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That's Tempest.
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tempest didnt deserve this
Ah shit, I'm not looking forward to what Daring DooDoo is sending me....
Please please tell me it doesn’t smell like shit, and it’s just chocolate. If not I would dispose that card immediately. If it’s not shit, he could’ve literally used any other color than Brown?!
This might be even more deranged and psychotic than the cum brownies if real (also hilarious). If elaborate shitpost it's still funny as well.
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oh fuck some poor sucker around here is doodoo's santee
I think I might explicitly write "Do not match me up with Doodlebug in any manner" on next year's signup form.
Jesus christ i hope that's chocolate icing
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If he ain't banned for this I don't know what to say. And I thought the cards I sent out were bad...
I can't stop looking at this. I am in awe
That's actually pretty well drawn, all things considered.
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PLEASE send Doodoo's Sante a fair wairning before the 25th. No one deserves this!!!!!
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put me in the screencap
Put me in the PTS with a COOL VIDEO TRANSITION
Yeah, I'm thinking we need to put this psycho on the shitlist.
This is ridiculous, it's taking shitposting to the next level. What can be done to cut this sort of crap going forward?
I was promised pipe bombs and anthrax, but all you're doing is poopcards and drunk driving. I mean, it could still technically be terrorism, but it's not the same.
I opened some of my cards at a cafe the other day. I thought the only thing I had to worry about was a big horse pussy being on them and just peeking in the envelopes was enough to avoid that. I was not fucking prepared for this. Thank god Doodlebug isn't one of my cardees. I had to double check my email just to be sure
Its bioterrorism, is it not?
Bioterrorism by a chaos cultist of Nurgle.
That is the funniest fucking thing I've seen posted here in a long time. Please be fucking real.
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there there, baby steps
shit just got real
i was gonna make a joke about how the anon who accused doodoo of the poop card might have been lying and had to fake the card in a hurry once people started demanding a picture, but... >>41756995
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What difference do a couple puns make? The thread's already gone to shit!
I received my package, safe and sound
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I'm doodlebugs santee. I spent way way way too much on their gift. wtffff
Don’t let mom find the poop card
Why are you buying a gift for your Santa?
I'm an idiot and am their Santa. Sorry.
Frame it in a hermetic chamber and submit it to the mare gallery as outsider art.
I'll fucking make you sorry if you give me that attitude again, boy. Now get on out and clean the stables 'fore I remind you why I always wear a belt.
So looking through the Archives: Bunny Bakes, Ginger Pop and Merry Moc are definitely getting shit for Horsemas.
Wear a mask and gloves guys!
so did this guy just sit down and take a shit and use it as a sharpie on all of his cards or did he just really hate one of his cardees?

find out soon when bunny, ginger, or merry get their card!
You overestimate the capabilities of the postal service.
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>doodoobug's santee doesnt lurk the thread and obliviously gives thanks for a marblecake
>finally work up the courage to use my blood and cum ink in my Christmas cards
>Some nigger decides to one up me by using liberal poo-poo as his medium
I just can't win, can I?
We need to hear from the man of the hour himself, Doodlebug? What was going through your head (and your bowels) when you decided to pull off your caca creation?
Oh, Banjo Boogie is also their Cardee. That just leaves one assuming they signed up for 5, which is this anon >>41756416 if he's not one of the names I've already said.
The cheeky bastard has also fled the state, according to this >>41748567
blood is better than poo because it's my fetish
batpony hooves typed this post
>mixing blood and cum
Khorne and Slaanesh are opposing forces, pick a side.
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I should take my blacklight to the cards I've gotten, see if any of them have secret messages written with UV pens.
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He's gonna use Bunny Bakes loaf to help produce more "paint".
on one hand i feel really bad for you but why for all that lays under the moon are you using that image on this post
ill put one on my car!
shes old but shes got hested seats and 3 functional speakers :^} bros are always welcome
its true freedom
Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows. A penis is a perfectly valid place to bleed from.
its really a kino mix, thanks frem ^:)
God, imagine reading this thread and just knowing that a card full of shit is on its way to you and there's nothing you can do to stop it. What a horrifying fate
The semen makes it horny. Khorne has no problem castrating horny to stop horny.
Honestly the fact that you know what's coming makes it way better, you can prepare and then be one of the lucky fucks who received the legendary shit card without any of the risk
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you're welcome, I'm so glad you like it <3

also hell yeah old car gang
Sniff. Imagine the smell, if you will. Putrid, like a sewer drain that doesn't vent properly. A 7/11 bathroom where the only thing that's clean is the toilet bowl. Horrified yet? This is to go even further beyond. Rip anons soul.
twin tails do NOT open the letter from me yet. i was terribly inebreated and packed up the dummy card i made for you. the real one is on its way, probably on monday. it was under my desk. made me freak out upon realizing i sent THAT one. dont get butthurt if you do open it it.
The sniff image is meant to be used for horny smellposting, you have grossly misused it.
m8 do you not see the lip bite? that's an unwritten "unf"
are you a brapfag or something?
>Suddenly regretting your decision to send a shit card
It's too late, just let it ride.
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ACTUALLY this isnt poop this is chocolate, look at the solid chunks this definitely isnt poop

It would have been funny though if poOP used his poop though
I want to believe it’s poop…
What if it was a mare sending you a shit stained card?
Anon... I did not know that. Oh god. What the fuck. I just thought it was shitposting on writers poorly hidden fetish like tamers, I didn't realize it was serious.
i made 2 of everyones. one as a joke the other as a real thing.
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this is chocolate and fart spray, the color is too uniform and dried shit is crumbly, while this just looks like someone melted a hershey bar
plus for wet shit to spread it would need to have enough moisture that you'd see water marks and warping
its a prank, a terrible one, but a prank nonetheless
shouldnt really be a thing for what should be wholesome cards, doodlebug is still a dickwad for sending this
Nice! Pony Express handled that card, it should have some cool cancel marks on it.
Please be oil paint or frosting, please just be oil paint or frosting. I think even if it was frosting, wouldn't that be dubious to put through the mail system anyway?
It’s not poop or chocolate…it’s SHIT.
When I find out your fandom name I'll be sure to let everyone know you're into scat.
Absolutely halal. Blessed and based be the maker.
Do you play with wet shit often to know this?
Why the fuck are there ppl who know the consistency of shit smeared? I am genuenly scared!
obviously someone needs to replicate this and see if it looks like doodoo's card
Why don't you know the consistency of shit smears? Do you not wipe your own ass? What's wrong with you?
ive changed a diaper before
speaking of, a diaperfag would be helpful to clear shit up now
Admittedly, yeah, it doesn’t look like poop when you look at it hard enough. I agree with the anon saying it’s chocolate with fart spray
>touching a man's ass
Thats gay, ass wiping is gay
Not even sandpaperr makes it straight
I was going to say this card made quite a splash in the thread, because it certainly didn't make one in the toilet.
I was just about to post " I hope with chocolate" you dirty bastard.
>implying I'm a man in a secret santa ERP thread
nigger you what
I don't wipe, I pinch. Like a real man.
To all potential shit artists: please make sure you include indigestible biological matter like bits of corn in your shit to erase all doubt from shit smear analysts.
the moment I hit submit I panicked lol
>Ahhh chocolate. Sweet sweet chocolate. I remember when they first invented chocolate….AND I HATED IT!
Glad it arrived, and in time!!! Caww!!!! That's a relief~

And thats just a minor spoiler, no worries!
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Mare buttholes are the superior form of butthole.

Def not scat. Scat would contain food remnants. It would not be a pure consistency like this. There would be particles of some kind or another.
I recognize that feces, POST THE IMAGE
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HOLD IT RIGHT THERE, OP did NOT receive a poop card in the mail. He made this today with chocolate. As a frequent bait thread poster myself I commend his effort but I can see through his sham.

Yesterday OP came up with a fake but humerous story about getting a poopcard. He got many (you)s. He replied to many of these. Many asked for a catbox. He didn’t reply to any of these.

A day later he comes back with his catbox picture. Why didn’t he have it on demand? Why didn’t he attatch it to his original post? Answer, he intended to simply make a low effort bait post but decided to make an actual poopcard when annons asked for proof, in order to get more (you)s.

OP is a liar and a faggot.
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Human shit has an absolutely unmistakable scent, yet the recipient is being vague about the smell. If it was actual human shit you would know.
Anyone that's baked a peanut butter blossom or made chocolate molds should recognize that consistency from the molten chocolate
it might not be a shit card, but its still a shitty card and in poor taste
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I draw with my mouse, so I think you'll be fine.
that was obvious right?
Nice quads, I know who you are now.
would someone really do that?
just go on the internet and tell lies?
That's it, hitting that 0,0 on the mood meter. Never been so over. Happy hearthswarming.
/mlp/ Secret Santa - Poop experts
Oh whoops, reread my initial posts, there's supposed to be a not before that into, to clear things up in the event people look at this thread and get the wrong impression of you.
0% poop detected in image. I should know I have a poopdoctorate
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Did you get it at Thomas Crapper University?
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i read the entire thing with this exact expression
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As someone who is into scat, I can indeed confirm that this is not scat. It's too homogenous and uniform. If it was really scat you would see small flecks of material that is undigested food matter. OP is a lying sack of shit.
guys i wanna go back to people breaking into my house to milk me or something this is so much worse
I keep meaning to doodle Hush Puppy. I might try later.
>I don't know. The envelope was one of them plastic type with the bubble padding, a bag of confectioneries along with the card in an envelope. I thought that the confectioneries have perhaps leaked and soiled the card but it was clearly not so. It was as if someone had finger painted shit as a doodle on the inside of it as a pony.
>It doesn't look nor smell right and it wasn't until it was opened that that I smelt anything for that matter. I have had many cans of pet food that have spoiled before and you honestly can't tell till you open it. As I said, it is fowl.

>only a bubble mailer to keep the envelope away from the open air
Those aren't airtight and this "ghastly smell of the apocalypse" would have gotten out with ease. You make no note of any Ziploc bags to contain the card either. Anyone that's had to send stool samples for their pet to a vet knows you need to double, even triple bag it and THEN put it in the mailer and properly mark it as a biohazard. As you present it, this would be rejected as a biohazard the moment you set it on the counter. OP is a fag and made a fake card. Doodlebug is innocent. Case dismissed, bring in the dancing lobsters.
Wew, helluva day cutting, peeling, chopping, etc. and grocery ~~shopping~~ hunting for some stuff sold out in 5 of 6 stores I checked and--
>>41757622 >>41757628 What in the goddamn.
>I'm potentially involved in this shitshow.jpg
I am now scared to pick up my mail on the 26th now.
>>41757672 I did not need this plaguing my thoughts before bed. I'm gonna need the good whisky in the family liquor cabinet tonight. I can't. I'll deal unpack this sh- stuff in the morning.
I want to break into your house and force feed you Taco Bell until nature takes its course and you turn into my fat latina girlfriend.
can you please draw a pony with poop and post it then?
You heard it here, folks. Cookie has now given her consent for green apes to molest her fat fucking teats.
pinning cookie to the wall and breaking her plates
ponies. i want ponies to molest me.
ok well i dont actually want anyone to molest me i just dont want to have to read posts about shit anymore!
unless its a hot mare she can molest me if she wants
no please they're ceramic the shards will go everywhere
This makes me feel like they were just trying to be cute and failed miserably, it is prob chocolate. I know we’re all deranged autists but I don’t truly believe any of you would send me your actual shit in a card.
I've already pitched my cards into a bin and lit them on fire. Glad I was waiting until Christmas to open everything together.
Y’all are dumb as hell getting all up in arms about a joke card, that’s very obviously fucking melted candy bar
Are you guys ok in here
well now I have to send you actual shit in a card
So no objections to turning you into my Taco Belle?
a thousand objections
Fuck, just my luck to get another package stuck in the Black Hole that is ISC Chicago. I'll see what I can do on my end.
I've got my heart set on Taco Belle, but it seems you need a little.. persuasion.
Everyone knows your mare is a lunatic! She was in here raving!
Moon would never do this, but Luna selfishly wanted her own body back and now look what she's using it for
The point is, you'll do anything to keep her from being anything.
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Yeah it's kinda gone into the void.
>there's nothing you can do to stop it
It might be possible to report it to the post as containing a biohazard. Especially if it has tracking.
Calm down, Maurice!
If dubs I'll use my nextpoo to draw something

Probably a bad joke about their doodoo oc but still a terrible thing to send into the mail to a stranger
The OC ref seems fine (it's a cute filly!) but the specific image from 41642288 is pretty suspicious
Doodoobug is even worse than Mud Piddle
we should have Doodlebug be Mud Puddle's filly in the lore
it'd be a waste not to
1. Doodle is an artist, so drawing with chocolate/whatever is entirely in their wheelhouse.
2. The cardee didn't even link the Catbox, rather gave part of the URL and left it up to anons to decipher it, which tells me he doesn't understand you can link Catbox images just fine on this board. So the delay was probably just from being an idiot and hesitating.

Paint can absolutely be gummy. Oil paint in particular takes forever to dry.
Someone needs to try to recreate this with melted chocolate to prove if you'd get the same result or not. For science
Why is the entire thread talking about shit
well to derail the conversation elsewhere...

I just read the last tf2 comic that came out on the 20th which I missed cuz I was busy with an essay. That shit was fantastic, good ending.
Hello Rubber Stamp! Your gift has been sent with expidited shipping. It should be 2 day, but being the holidays, it might come more around Dec 26th. There is much pony!
He really had to watch all those pony TF2 matches
What a day, huh? Squeaky hinge, just to be clear, as much as I joked about it, I promise there is no rancid moldy marinara sauce in your presents. You have my word.
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Next request was from Midnight Macaroni who wanted a lewd. Full Image : https://files.catbox.moe/tjbbvc.png
holy SHIT what the hell is going on today
>Rooms a mess from crafting
>Can't find my fucking diary for like a week now
>Oh Fuck
>Did I accidently fucking mail it ??????
Wait and see I suppose????
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I'll post it if you are too scared. Also, Jesus fucking Christ Doodlebug.
Damn, and I thought I was going to have a shitty day by going to work on a Sunday.
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Winter Web! It took me about 10 hours of testing and I got a result i'm incredibly excited about for this new gift. Though it's inspiring me to take it an extra step further so i'm gonna be up all night making the assets and files to add to it more, should still be able to get it shipped out tomorrow or Monday and you should be getting a tracking number soon!
New shipment of cheer
So its arrive... But so late then i think...
Oh thats a based tracklist i have all of them downloaded on my phone :3
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>no posts for an hour
Horsemas has fallen.

Likely chocolate + some joke perfume (especially after >>41756705) but I wouldn't feel comfortable receiving chocolate-stained cardboard, either. Reminds me of cleaning up after toddlers who leave half-eaten candy bars inbetween a disarray of toys and dust. Doodle's been trying too hard to be edgy with this, but the attention is probably exactly what he wanted. Disgust is bound to produce strong reactions.
>involving police
That seems overkill, though. Calm your tits, bro. It's best to have Cardslut reprimand Doodle discreetly. Would you also call the police for "littering" if someone sent you Peanut? After all, you signed up for ponies, not ponies + cursed artifacts.

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