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You forgot about the fillies!
Previous thread: >>41819627
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>>41896959 (OP)
Wow, it took so much time for the new thread to be made
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>>41896959 (OP)
YES! Lily in the OP!
>stomp stomp
>stomp stomp
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I figured someone else was on top of it, they were not. At least the fillies are here now, welcome back fillies.
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I'm just glad it's back. I for one, vow to fill this edition of the filly thread with fillies and keep my usual sussy nonsense to a minimum.
She's so precious....
stop stomping, people are trying to sleep.
Everypony knows you're not gonna get any sleep at a sleepover, you silly filly.
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small pony
So if there is a filly thread, who's the thread filly?
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Filly hug!
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Posting a classic....
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filly twilight is so cute im gonna commit suicide
holy shit that would be the softest hug imaginable
I bet she jumps into every photo Rara takes.
But that would make her sad
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>>41896959 (OP)
Nyx could beat this freak's ass in a fight, super strength or not.
Nyx could defeat ANY filly.
Nyx wouldn't accept pets as well though, and that's a real downside. The best filly is the one that doesn't mind you idly stroking her mane while you hang out together.
the best filly clings to you at all times and feels lonely and shaky anytime she's not in physical contact
I dunno if I'd go that far, that sounds like a filly who's struggling and I'd want to help them get past their fears!
okay technically that is a correct use of 'they' but it still sounds weird as fuck
i want a clingy filly. i would feed her clingy filly treats.
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>when your clingy LGF's clinging can snap your back right in half
Fuck that's hot
What a darling dear...
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she cant beat dyx and she knows it
she could beat Dyx off with her hooves tied behind her back
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No Sweetie no buy
Rarity can't sell her sister, she need to return to her parent house at night, as much Rarity would just rent her for an hour
Assuming her parents aren't on another vacation.
>rent her for an hour
That's just prostitution
>swn do this cute little trot before laying down on top of you like a cat
I don't remember the later episodes, did they ever actually show up again?
I wish every mention of Sweetie Belle didn't have to include your gay headcanon
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Whoa! That is a cute fillification
is that an anon doll?
Yes. And the smell of Golly's ass will never wash out of it.
God she's just BUILT for /hmd/
Hugging Marelets Daily?
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It’s actually that pointless bell “Grogar” sent them on the fetch quest for
>picunrel I just like it
oh right, that's the clapper
>>41896959 (OP)
I wonder if Lily's strength makes other foals afraid of her?
What's she gonna do with that tank?
why is only the bottom part of that image artifacted as shit
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>Cause we've got farts
>As strong as horses
Anyone else think this was a weird line? They're already horses, after all.. it makes sense their farts would be like that
Horse stuff. Don't worry about it.
Kill yourself
It means that, despite being little fillies, their farts are just as big and smelly as a fully-grown pony. It's perfect because they still find farts funny, so they're perfectly comfortable letting them rip around me not knowing that their smelly gas is my aphrodisiac.
Didn't you sing silly things like that as a kid?
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"FU" stands for Filly Yuri!
een soviet ponion, instead of twist of lime, twist .. is lime.
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>>41896959 (OP)
Fillies always respond so energetically when I’m nearby.
Is she face-humping a stuffed toy?
She's giving her toy a nice hug.
that's hot
good fillies do that
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>>41896959 (OP)
>Green sparkle
Which unicorn is about to the filly? S'not loira or Celestia, they have golden sparkles.
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It's Swebel's
Fillies do love to play such silly pranks on each other
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>that heart eye
Yeah, she isn't breaking that rope
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God damn I thought that show was a fever dream
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The Most Extreme was a blast.
god dammit, this is adorable
i want to see more this artist has done
That's either Jargon Scott or TJPones, I think? I get them mixed up, especially when it's pure line art.
Look more like TJpone
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it is
i love that she's using a film camera for their website. they must have a scanner
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filly clitty
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they're gonna need more cookies, they have way more than they have milk
I want oreos now
you ever have those coke oreos? fuckin good.
I didn't even know they existed, I don't really like soda though.
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>Gonna need more cookies
>They have more cookies than they need
wow i fuckled that one up. sorry Noi
they have far more MILK than cookies.
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>Noi has done more in like 9 years than you have in 30
I love her so much, it hurts. I just want to hold her and kiss her. Fuck...
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sweet li'l pone
kek. implying.
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>Scoots can't even get airborne
>Latina immigrant filler can move like a hummingbird
Why does Celestia allow such injustice?
Scootaloo's perfect just the way she is.
zip isn't british?
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>Bullies you
Nothing personal, Anon!
haiii filliees!!
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She and her dad have thick Mexican accents. Pip is the one who's from Horse Britain.
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Um, those are Spanish accents actually.
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Latina filly is so cute and funny
What an unreasonably arousing image.
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>mexican Zipporwhill
Nice, so can people stop with the "you just know" shit about her cutiemark now? Or can we start making those jewish statements about latinas now too?
She's comin' right for us!
Imagine how vocal she would be as you plap her senseless
*pushes fellow Anons out of the way and takes the full brunt
Hot Monotreme Dick?
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I know how she really got her cutiemark.
At this point I believe the role of a mom in equestria is just to be cucked by her own daughter
cuuute she wants something in her mouth
whoa, microfilly? nanofilly....
huh.. i guess the blonde mane, blue eyes, and tiara threw me off. That is indeed a Spanish accent, though vague enough that it kinda sounds like all over europe.
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i like this filly
poke the filly gently
>Zip doesn't look Spanish
Okay, her dad does look like a white Spaniard but pony genetics be silly. Pinkie Pie looks nothing like her parents, Big Mac is the reddest motherfucker to ever come from two white-ass parents, Diamond Tiara is way too bright compared to her muted mother and earth-colored father, etc.
Big Mac is a work horse so he's just perpetually sunburned.
yeah I realize spanish people are white and all, it's just she's so EXTRMELY british.. the glasses, the hairstyle, the tiara, the ultra pale fur.. i could have sworn i heard her speakin a britishly
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Maybe she's half-britbong on her unseen mother's side. That feels right to me.
we saw her dad?
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this pone is way cute and i want to push on her rump and slide her across the floor
every time you hump her she slides away. it's actually incredibly frustrating.
one of you stand in front of her, push firmly, then the other guy just pull out dick and she will roll right onto it.
Yes he got booped by his own daughter
>Castizo Futurism
It's the idea that hispanics will breed themselves into full fledged whitehood by intermarrying with whites. I can hear you say, "no mexicans are the most proud of their latin heritage". Wrong. A lot more hispanics subscribe to this than you realise. It was Mexican friends who taught me about this, and I've even seen it happen in real time in my own family. My aunt married a Mexican dude and their kids, though only ONE GENERATION mixed, have already mostly abandoned their mexican roots, and even married whites (all of them) and have the blondest, blue-eyes havingest kids you've ever seen. One of my cousins even calls herself straight up white.
I'd guess Zipporwhill is probably like this, but then, I doubt the white canadian liberals who write this shit even know about niche things like this. You kinda have to actually interacts with browns to learn about it, which liberals don't do.
booping should be a happy occasion
I love it when people tell me shit i already knew like it's some kind of amazing revelation. The really funny thing is when brown-ass Brazilians insist they have no native blood and no African either.
This may be shocking to hear, but Latin and South American countries actually have their own racial structure with whites being the ingroup just like in North America. The reason why 'latinos' are willing to merge and just become white people is because they were just white people where they came from too.
yeah they have a bunch of different categories. it makes more sense than our system, but it's still adding digital increments to an objective gradient.
man i love your art
s'got character.
My guy, I just like the idea of her mother being from Trottingham. I didn't think that far into it.
She is so lucky to have someone there for her to handle her heat.
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Make sure to not be loud around the filly, fellas.
wet kisses with apple bloom!
sweaty cuddles with apple bloom! and also fixing her weird AI arm lumps.
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she is good draw
D'awww, so cute! I'm gonna cuddle and kiss her until she cums from overstimulation
she's gonna squeak like a tapdancing clown
That strategy does actually work. Scootaloo's a smart pony.
fuckin cute.
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All fillies are sluts
Yes, all of them
No exceptions
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Filly requires belly rubs.
snaps make her horny? or is she daydreaming and you're trying to get her attention
belly rubs from the inside
Horny Hypnosis
>brought a handgun with you to equestria
>you don't have any reason to keep it but it makes you feel safer
>all is well
>until discord informs sweetie belle that if she points it at you you'll do whatever she wants
>you now regularly get held at gunpoint and told to pet her, cook her tasty treats, help her with homework and let her sleep over at your place
>you're pretty sure discord didn't explain how the safety or trigger works but you really don't wanna risk it so you just go along with it anyways
>plus her demands are very low-stakes
>she always thanks you after and hugs your leg
>and then gallops off, still holding onto that gun
>the little fucker
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Horny hypnotized fillies are best fillies!
hypnosis with swirly lines is for losers with big weird eyebrows. oh wait, I do have those.
All the hypnosis i need is pheromones and voice pattern. gets em every time
Anon, just wait for her first heat
well yeah that's when it works
the rest of the time they just giggle and think i'm silly
It's good, folks.
consider the following: dominating fillies instead
consider the following: cuddling fillies instead
what did you think I meant?
you subdue the filly and cuddle her firmly. especially when she's fitful.
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Very few things make my pp harder.
Consider making a filly squirt only through intense make-out sessions
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>>41896959 (OP)
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Okay I know I'm way late to this but does anyone know what happened to foal party
Definitely happens during a lot of fillies first heats.
They moved to matrix because rocket was shitting itself every single "update". It reached to a point that everything stopped working.
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i thought it already was matrix.
also yeah that thing never fucking worked.
rawket lawnchair is doing a good tjpones impression. i like how they are blank flanks but their cutie mark is on Bellemmar Qasweetie's hat
what's the new url?
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What do you do with a drunken filly,
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what do you do with a drunken filly,
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what do you do with a drunken filly?
Oh, you know exactly what I'd do. I'd get the filly some water, remind her not to do that and then make sure she gets some safe sleep.
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Paint her teacher's ass green
or nurse or whatever. i forget what this pony does
I got combo-breakered anyway
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that is the right way
though you might have to remind her again in the morning, she might forget
Oh almost certainly.
rubbing under a filly's chin!!!
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Cozy Glow
Sweetie Belle
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Wish my head was in the middle of that...
Gosh, to be a filly in a filly world. Why do we even bother continuing to live?
so you can study science and make fillies real
Pony Kanna is adorable
Unlisted pony animation on a girl scouts youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyMtOUtcROE [Embed]
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What's with that music?
dang ol, purty purty ponies
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Gon' raspberry that tumma. Maybe a smooch or three.
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Bratty filly rump sandwich
that is some unintentionally chilling singing. That is going to haunt my nightmares.
found where it was shared facebook com/GirlScoutsWW/posts/pfbid02BrT83h77z5bHGahDYaTYBghUymSVEhiYShWFp9w8ThL6PVHpND1nptVknnyzS4NMl
Where's her crotchteats?
What's something special you'd do for your filly on Hearts and Hooves Day? https://files.catbox.moe/71rhrg.mp3
But that's awful
not make scoots wear a dress.
would probably give her lots of uppies and watch her little wings let her flutter back down slowly each time. This is apparently how you train birds with injured wings too.
Valentine time, time to date your filly gf
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she looks kinda big there compared to the filly in front of her.
I'm the wrong type of STEM major for that, but I do actually plan on contributing to this vision of the future to the greatest extent possible.
>filly in image may be closer than she appears
Noi's actually kissing Piña here
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ohnoes why did she tear up her-
I'm sorry why does she have that picture over her bed?
Look at her at the start of the Hearts and Hooves episode in the schoolhouse
She... dropped her valentine on the ground? You're gonna have to elaborate.
I want to comfort the filly and tell her she'll be okay
I love a good background gag. Poor little filly
>this art stemmed from a background gag
the horsepower on this fandom once upon a time, jesus
She tried to give a valentine to a foal only to see them accept one from another and you can see the exact moment her soul dies.
oh i missed that. and i did look. was it later in the episode? because i watched til the scene left the school
pooor lil pone
why does she have two random mares in a photo with her
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Me on the right
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Lily Longsocks!!! she may be my favorite filly....
She is a very pretty filly. something about her design makes me imagine her sleepily mumbling 'good morning' in the kitchen and immediately start nuzzling your legs so you have to pick her up and have her half doze in your arm as you make breakfast one handed
he's got a carrot for her if you know what I mean
He has three carrots for her three holes.
She could snap you over her knee like you were Batman.
>"Ahh, I was wondering what would break first."
>"Your spirit, or your body!"
Yeah, why do you think I like her? It's not fillyphilia if she can kill you instantly without consequences.
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So cute.
rewatched Friendship is Witchcraft recently and my heart melted when Scootaloo called her Mommy and offered to be her dragon or whatever she wants.
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>>41896959 (OP)
>>41896959 (OP)
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hnngg that is the life.
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>Sweetierika, Spirit Showtuner
>Appeli Blouxm, Warrior
>Jarburg is full of Cum Jar Warriors
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Fillies own my balls
worth waiting 15 to post this
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Is this something that Rarity does with all fillies that go in for fittings?
Just the special ones, silly.
She has to get to know her clients properly, how else is she to tailor the perfect garments.
So who's Miquella? Rumble?
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that was kind of creepy as hell but also heartwarming as fuck
Dont really get how its creepy its just really cute.
Nah. Twilight or Starlight. I'd go with Twilight because Fromsouls is all about ambition fucking your soul in the ass.
>Demigod and Elden Lord candidate
>Incestuous desire for General Shining Armor
>Starts out as the kind and friendly princess, goes insane watching her plans fail over and over
>Built a 'paradise' for creatures out of lies
>Uses charmed Smartypants dolls to infect the minds of her followers
>Would be imprisoned by godhood just like how canon twilight had her character assassinated

I guess if I were to write a full-ass Elden Pone lore document I'd have the land of shadows be wreathed in Windigoes and the hornsent would either be ancient alicorns or humans from g1, idk
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>no filly gf to inhale my crotch
You can't hide your arousal from a filly who gets close enough to sniff you. She'll know.
and if you're not aroused yet, she will glue her filly parts to your face until you've inhaled enough to get the picture.
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She's been eating too many donuts. I can see that tummy.
There's only one donut I'm interested in, and it's hidden between those glorious, squishy cheeks.
Willy those fillies
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That just looks unnatural.
Everyone knows fillies are for sexual, but could they be for war as well?
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I know of one that would relish it
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Thank god I have two hands so I can pat them both on the head at the same time.
*so I can jerk off both their horns at the same time
*so I can boop both their snoots at the same time
dammit, the thing i wanna do i only have one of.
It's okay, you just have to choose which one you like more and the other will hold your choice against you for ever and ever. It's kisses, right? You wanna kiss cute ponies?
I can kiss two of them at once if they shove their snouts together...
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Project Filly 4 Me is great success!
I believe in your convictions.
but.. i can't tongue kiss two of them at once...
Though if we form a triangle, kind of a daisy chain of mouths, one could tongue in through the side of the other's mouth while that one tongues the mouth next to it..
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Why are poorfag hours so gay
There's nothing gay about kissing fillies, silly.
Fly the peachy Golly of war.
I want to smooch a filly.
Filly wants to smooch you more.
Set a timer and have them stand side by side. Every thirty seconds you switch to the other one.
You can't have a timer, that makes it clear that it's a job and that's no fun. Fillies like games.
they dont mind sharing?
Kiss the filly
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I love this pic every time it eventually gets posted in the tread. It's just so comfy. giwtwm
I don't think anyone would expect that given your flag.
give it with to with me?
shit i want some fritter bites
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I'd pat it on the head but only with one of those plastic grabby arms. You can't be too close to it for safety reasons.
Pet the filly
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I love this scene but it needed improving, here is my effort.
>POV: You complement her cute derriere.
good edit, very based
Respect for the effort!
bloomy's flank, smooth and blank. Touch it right and you she'll thank.
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You know what else is smooth? That rhyme
You know what else is what else? You are, you're what else is great.
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I love this angle.
That filly has a plan. You're not getting away until she's thoroughly snuggled.
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Twilight Sparkle as a filly might be my favorite of all of them. Such a nerd...
Bad news, she's not gonna want to be friends with you.
but we are both nerds
Well right now she's the princess, and quite busy with all that entails. A changed mare, and not somepony whose time I would want to take up. I just think she was a cute filly.
Well post her then bro, I need filly twi.
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a lot of my affection is probably because she carries a withered support plushie everywhere. just like me
Cute, but sad. I wanna kiss her forehead.
I want to kiss a filly on the rump
Yeah you and every straight man in existence.
Hidin' under mum until Winona is confirmedly comfirmed as a friendly good girl.
that is how it is done
i remember bein scared of big dogs until my first stepdog was a big dumb guy and he was so sweet. big pitbull boxer lab mix. skull like concrete.
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Shark attack books?
books about shark attacks!
those get her toooo riled up
I want to read filly's life
I want to know all their filly secrets
I fucking love fillies
that filly needs a diet
Playing toys with Apple Bloom >>>
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hngngg that's so cute i don't even care that the anon hand is tiny.
perhaps the filly is big
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So cute.
i'm a little confused.. one wants to buy sweetie, one isn't going to, the other is.. why is rara showing her this to prove a point?
Rarity needs SB to stop photobombing her ads because the listing comments are getting spammed by cunny enthusiasts who aren't interested in the sewing machine unless the filly is included, e.g. the first poster who specifically wants to buy Sweetie Belle, the second poster who isn't going to buy it because it doesn't come with Rarity's little sister, and the third poster who doesn't want it because it ain't come with Sweetie Belle.
got it, got it.
that's adorable. i would rather have sweetie than a sewing machine
it's nightnight time for horses

does anyone have apple bloom in bed? I only have her waking up
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Lewd appul
>skipping school
Now that's just unacceptable. Education's good for fillies!
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Lovely Apple
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Please tell me she's a companion.
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I feel that having a daughter in equestria will cuck the mom instead of the dad
I don't know about Skyrim but there's a whole mod set for New Vegas that adds companion quadruped ponies and inserts random faction ponies into the possible spawn lists for random guards:
>POV: you are a classmate being bullied by the filly
>filly demands smoocha while your peers watch
*assumes the posture of worship*
>filly is being a brat while putting her ass in prime spanking range
I love fucking fillies
Fillies love fucking I
Giving your filly a hoof massage!
does she like if i pokepoke the frogs like I would pawpads
Only if you are gentle, loving, and sincere in touch
>spread her cheeks and dive in
>find out if our peers enjoy the cute noises she makes
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i see we've moved on from 'darker than fur color' to 'just black' for horse genitals
I wish I could find this clopfic I read once between a human and the CMC, but it was like a decade ago and on some other goofy ass website that was not Fimfiction
I just remember that scoots was riding him in the treehouse or something and it was hot
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>between a human and the CMC
>scoots was riding him in the treehouse
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Man half of 4chan feels like:
"Muh gun, muh dick"
It is an American website.
maybe if you didn't make it as naughty as puritans make sex, we wouldn't get as giddily excited as we do for sex.
I know, I know, all the else I can remember is that the website it was hosted on had some sort of white/pink pastel color scheme and the person who posted it had some other pony stories too... it may have been purple, idk, I've looked at archive of our own and fanfic.net but found nothing.
I do have this very old Firefox bookmark but it's dead https://m.fanfiction.net/s/7800781/1/Fun

It ain't even the only long gone piece of clop that haunts me, the worst one is the brother/sister incest fic that started with the sister using one of her bedposts as a dildo of all things, I'm sure that fic is the ONLY one where that ever happens and yet it's still lost to time, lol

Someday I'm gonna find that kindle fire I lost in 2013 with all of my porn bookmarks, I just know it.
oh yeah i remember that
I can imagine diamond tiara thinking this as she uses both her parents as sex toys after drugging them
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If you can remember the name of it you might find it here.
Can you search for words within fics
>the website it was hosted on had some sort of white/pink pastel color scheme
It may be Pony Fiction Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20220318191559/http://www.ponyfictionarchive.net/
There was an explicit section of the site: https://web.archive.org/web/20211212164513/http://explicit.ponyfictionarchive.net/

The archive has since been imported to AO3: https://www.transformativeworks.org/the-pony-fiction-archive-is-moving-to-the-ao3/
But they gave authors the option not to move their works over there, so maybe your fanfic might’ve been one of them.
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me, when my anon isn't giving me attention.
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>>41896959 (OP)
filly water!!
how much would you pay for gamer filly bath water
that's more fun in concept than in reality I imagine
silly baby
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Do yoy think Fillydelphia is full of fillies or it's just the name?
Not a higher percentage of fillies relative to other cities, but they are the most delectable over there.
i want to go to fillydelphia and befriend a filly named Cream Cheese
imagine her talent
emmelpee is slow lately
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no sliders around
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Everyone was busy with /mlp/con I think
Why is she shaking?
whoa! did anything good happen?
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If Nyx has the body of a 9 year old filly at the time when she's magically born, and appears to be a 23 year old mare 14 years later, then would she be a 14 year old filly now or a 23 year old mare?
I need to know for reasons.
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I'd go with 14.
>lanky teen nyx
i am all for lanky fillies.
cutie sweetie
she does not like the smooze
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fillies fucking love headpats
>>41998341 →
Seems like someone agrees with you...
Am I wrong, or is there something to a petty thug lookin' Golly in a leather jacket? That juxtaposition between her prissy look and a punkish leather jacket.
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I also love lanky fillies
honestly it works
and it's kinda funny like, she's 1930s themed, so what if she decided to modernize her look... to the 50s.
the best
lanky fillies
unf. that is knock-down-and-plow-able.
Anon you don't look a sweet horse in the mouth!
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>braces uuoooohhhhh
i love fillies
>>41896959 (OP)
found a random filly thread here 𝟪chan.moe/mlp/res/103.html
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>Evenin', Moes Tavern, Moe Speaking.
>"Hi, I'm looking for a Phil E. Sexual, please."
>Ahh..alright, just a sec I'll ask..
that is a weird fucking icecream but the scoot is cute.
i hope she doesn't poke her eyes on that pocky.
>Moe's Tavern, home of the world's largest salt lick. Moe speaking.
Why are so many authors on fimfiction deleting their foalcon stories lately? Seriously, I've notice a bunch and I can't imagine why. What's changed?
that is a good question. But people are fucking weird these days. self-deleting even WITHOUT being forced to was always the goal of the kooks.
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Because so many newfags are screaming "foalcon is bad", stirring up shit on twiitter and discord, the writers and artists give in to these moralcunts. They fail to realize that foalcon was always a thing in the early fandom.
we need a new society rule. like put it on the list with 'no owning other people'

no fucking catering to a minority at the expense of a majority, unless the majority votes that you can.
>They fail to realize that foalcon was always a thing in the early fandom.
To be fair I don't think anyone arguing against it cares about tradition. If it's bad to them it's bad to them.
au contraire, they totally care about tradition
if it's tradition, it's bad. Even things they like, they'll go "i dunno isn't that a little..." and then bust out their buzzword du jour.
I don't get offended when someone says they don't like foalcon. I get offended when people say nobody else is allowed to like foalcon, either. It's a point of view that only makes sense in a dictatorship.
isnt it funny how we tolerated their views and they immediately locked the gate behind them and kicked us out

isn't it fucking amazing that the only way we're going to dig ourselves out of this is to be 10 times as awful to them as we were reluctant to be in the beginning? or wait for a miracle I guess.
I wish I fucking understood. It's basically a part of our culture to think that we're above normies to begin with, and yet so many still fold to them just because they're somewhat in the same boat as us; they like pone. Could they be shamed out of liking pony in general just as easy? Even if the entirety of the internet all pointed to me and the foalcon I've written, I wouldn't give a shit, because what the fuck can they do to me? And what do I gain from catering to them besides either going back to being ignored, or still hated, just silently? If your real name and face aren't attached to your content in any way, and simply deleting it is all you think it would take to ease your mind, then it's not a fucking problem to begin with, is it? These retards were just waiting for enough people to echo the thoughts they already had running through their mind 24/7, and I say good riddance.
I think things are healing. there was a time when nobody would be agreeing with me in a thread like this (but obviously not this thread), now they're with me.
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>page 10
No place for an empress.
sex with underage fillies
That's what I need
if their sexual organs work, they're not underage
and if they don't, that's mean. that's not sex that's just hurting them
What if you have sex edging between the border of them working?
then stick to oral just to be safe
worst case scenario you're not really having oral sex, you're just licking a body part. and that never hurt anyone.
Thats no fun. Its preferable to have sex and get her right as she becomes capable, pushing her before even her body understands
that's why you lick until she has an orgasm, dummy.
then you know
Impregnated before she's even able to feel what its like to be fertile. Oral isn't capable of pushing her body to these extremes.
ngmi, if she's fertile you're late to the party.
yes yes we all dream of lining up on her very first egg, but that's like the two of you orgasming together. you WANT it, but you have to let go of the fact it may not happen that way.
quiet you
Scout Feather.
Script Write.

Three off the top of my head that have erased all their foalcon.
Wonder who will be next.
No fuckin way, he used to be based.
with a name like that? you don't say!!!
What? When did this happen? Because I was reading some of his shit just a few months ago.
We almost lost the fillies!
>ywn save a filly from >10, earning a hug and a kiss on the cheek
>"Aw, you saved a thread about me? That's so nice of you!"
>the filly hops up onto your desk
>"You don't mind if I read it, do you?"
>a long, long pause
>"...You don't mind if I read it, do you?"
>No don't read it! I'll read it to you.
I want small, cuddly fillies to hop up on my desk and nuzzle me.
I feel like that's a bit of a danger zone since they'd inevitably turn to see what's on your screen. Then again, that might be the point.
hey if they wanna look at other fillies' filly bits, I'm not gonna judge
Would you show your filly her area in a mirror so she can learn the parts?
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sweebs it's okay, it's not scary.
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Who can say what happened? There's too little evidence to know for sure.
swee' li'l pone.
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Man, it must be rough for colts going through puberty in a nudist society like Equestria.
To be fair it's probably understood that somepony dropping is just an embarrassing moment and that they should be excused to the bathroom to cool down with few splashes of water.
Kek, her cutie mark always gets me.
or they give zero fucks because they see it every day
they shit out in the gardens after all
>"Apple Bloom."
>"Yes, Miss Cheerilee?"
>"What did we talk about in class yesterday?"
>"Uh, multiplication?"
>"No, our health education lesson."
>"The one about how growing colts sometimes need a little help?"
>"And what skill did we practice during that lesson?"
>"Exactly. Now you take Rumble outside and use your new skills on him, just like any polite mare would."
>Every other colt in the class gets erect at this instruction
oh dear. recess time.
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Sleepy filly.
awwwww. that is a VERY sleepy fil. she would be extremely cranky if you got her up and made her do something right now. She gets to just rest.
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>showing rule34 to fillies
It's like anonfilly wants to get disciplined by adults or something.
awww she loves her sister's giant hats.
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Get back here!
is she ara-ara-ing us? i'm no good at hiragana
She's waving and saying 'oh! oh!'. Classic Sweeble behavior.
aw she's givin us the ol' Horschack, this time with actual horse.
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Tiny and pretty.
now i need to see Dote Up a Pony and hear entire lyrics
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givin me the beetus. who did this? i see no name.
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Pony Quarantine
>twitter and tumblr only
god dammit
There's also this.
bless you
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hey uh
what happened to the other one
Threads aren't magic! Somebody's gotta bake when you hit 500, go make a new one you silly not-filly.
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Golly, I dunno if I can handle that much Bloom.
All fillies should have bows, but AB should have the biggest one.
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I'll bake when we hit page 10. For now, goodbye fillies!
The fillies are here! >>42017837 →

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