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Previous Thread: >>41804265

Show Vinyl some love by posting cute pics, as well as greens.

Vinyl Pastebin Collection-http://pastebin.com/u/Two_Echo
A collection of Vinyl stories-https://ponepaste.org/user/TiredAsShit

Individual Vinyl Greens-

Wubs From Vinyl (Anon x Vinyl)
Fuck You (Anon x Vinyl)
Vinyl gets a ride from Anon
Vinyl and Anon date
Stuttering Vinyl
Vinyl and Anon at CHS
Teenage Vinyl makes a deal
The Other Side (Anon x Scratch)
Twisting the Vinyl
Canterlot Rape Wars
Daughter Vinyl
Coming down by Manly Man
Vinyl kidnaps Anon
Vinyl Scratch x Neon Lights
Vinyl Takes Anon
Taking Care of Vinyl Scratch
Vinyl's Gangbang Bus
Binyl Scratch: Raping anon to perfection
Vinyl archive: Binyl Scratch: "Do you even lift the bass?"
CyberScratchCYOA(Name pending)

Mega for many more pone stories.
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Alright, back to talking about horns and horn addicts.

Personally I got a whole headcanon about the unicorn's sexual stamina being biologically linked to their magical reserve that could be added to this, but that might contradict with the DJ's libido.

>horn rings or groove fillings
How do you figure those could give a new sensitive spot to her horn ?
Sensitive spot? Unsure. I was just thinking of what unicorns could realistically do to their horns cosmetically. The rings or fillings could very well be enchanted for hedonistic purposes, but that sort of thing was not on my mind.
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>I got a whole headcanon about the unicorn's sexual stamina being biologically linked to their magical reserve
I think Vinyl either has a massive reserve that she can’t properly utilize all at once due to her little horn or a tiny reserve that refills extremely quickly
In either case she cums super fast, but is able to power through into subsequent orgasms due to her reserve being so huge or already filling up again, she just has to worry about overheating her horn as even with the thick base her chode can only handle so much magic
Overheating a horn through horngasms would be seen as pretty impressive and crazy, especially with the horn type she’s got built for multicasting
Horn rings we all know usually stop a unicorn from casting magic, so they're pretty analogous to cock rings in that regard, don’t know what happens if you forcibly hold back a horngasm though, might queue them up for one long or explosive release or make the horn more sensitive for easier horngasms
>piercings for the other body part involved in this
It could have the same piercings down the length as the horn and react in a myriad of ways when she horngasms
>It would give her such a weak point for her horn obsessed marefriend to play with.
Tavi might’ve even been the one to suggest them, they no doubt give her tongue something to play with
I wonder if it’s possible to get addicted to your unicorn’s magic releases, Tavi might have a bad habit
Ozone, which gets stronger and sweeter the more a horn is used until it starts to overheat and you get that burnt sugar smell
Makes it pretty obvious when a unicorn has been casting a lot, or horngasming their brains out
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Pretty average sized horn this time, not bad
But I still miss her cute little chode
>might queue them up for one long or explosive release or make the horn more sensitive for easier horngasms
Having both sounds right.
With the ring keeping the magic accumulated in her horn it would be both sensitive and charged up like a static lollipop for the ring owner to teasingly lick it until she wants the full load.
Makes me wonder how it would feel for the DJ to get a normal orgasm with a locked horn. Would her body always try to "sync" releases and just get her more pent up ?

>It could have the same piercings down the length as the horn and react in a myriad of ways when she horngasms
Oh we are going with the wubdong for this ? You mean like a synced feeling ?

Although by other body part I meant Tavi's pussy. If she's already that far obsessed with feeling magic, she would want to improve it with some "conduits" that accumulate the release it comes in contact with to make it linger in some spots. Maybe she would share some of that magic with Vinyl's other piercings after the spent horn had its use.

>Tavi might’ve even been the one to suggest them
Definitely was, Vinyl couldnt see the trap coming with all those mindbreaking hornjobs she kept getting.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nQMxBx89d0 [Embed]
>Would her body always try to "sync" releases and just get her more pent up ?
Yep, getting both the orgasm and denial at the same time makes whichever one is denied that more backed up because of the crossing wires
>Oh we are going with the wubdong for this ?
I thought that’s what you meant by “other body part” but yeah
But going further, both Tavi and Vinyl could have numerous piercings on their sensitive bits all connected magically to each other and the ones on Vinyl’s horn, linking their pleasure together
Like they can feel when the other has their nipples rubbed or clit winks, along with feeling when the other orgasms
So Tavi can get a phantom sense of what a horngasm feels like as she’s sucking Vinyl dry, even though she doesn’t have one
>Vinyl couldnt see the trap coming with all those mindbreaking hornjobs she kept getting.
A masterful gambit. Octy is primarily responsible for Vinyl’s magical reserves being so large/recharging so fast
Like a muscle or breathing capacity, with repeated use of all available output, you can increase the strength, duration, and capacity of such things
With Octy literally blowing Vinyl’s mind so relentlessly, Vinyl’s mana is off the charts, she’s just limited by her horn and the fact Octy keeps her tapped out constantly
Since her horn is small, it has a low mana limit per cast, a huge bottleneck to a dammed reserve that only a princess’s horn could reasonably use
The plus side is Vinyl won’t blow Tavi’s head clean off with a horngasm even when pent up, instead her horngasms are long and drawn out, overlapping a lot of the time if(usually) Octy keeps going
This constant casting is perfect for Vinyl’s horn as a thick base and short length makes for greater heat dissipation and lower heat generation
Plus Vinyl doesn’t have to worry about overheating her little horn as much when it’s inside her marefriend’s greedy wet mouth
>magically to each other and the ones on Vinyl’s horn, linking their pleasure together
Sounds like the curse idea I had on a previous thread about Tavi feeling everything Vinyl felt, except for when she did the pleasing herself that is. But that was a one way interaction to force her to give more attention to her needy nymphomaniac marefriend.

In this case Im more for the idea of Tavi just taking control of Vinyl's horn and teasing the fuck out of the DJ until its charged enough for the next release.

>Like a muscle or breathing capacity, with repeated use of all available output, you can increase the strength, duration, and capacity of such things
With Octy literally blowing Vinyl’s mind so relentlessly, Vinyl’s mana is off the charts, she’s just limited by her horn and the fact Octy keeps her tapped out constantly
So some kind of induced hypertrophy ? Thats a nice evil trap, and a really good material for my unicorns ( aka mana batteries) lore.
What woud be the happen if it just kept accumulating at that point without those constant discharges ? An unbearably oversensitive horn ?
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>Im more for the idea of Tavi just taking control of Vinyl's horn and teasing the fuck out of the DJ until its charged enough for the next release.
>Octy plays around with her own piercings to mess with Vinyl's horn
>She acts all innocent and proper when Vinyl comes home panting and leaking, her horn sparking like crazy

>What woud be the happen if it just kept accumulating at that point without those constant discharges ? An unbearably oversensitive horn ?
Without release the dam will fill up, it won't be too bad at first, but since her mana is used to refilling so quickly it will soon become a problem even with her large reserve
And the higher her mana is filled, the more sensitive her horn will get, until it's a hair trigger ready to blow
This can be pretty messy when she finally busts, as the pressure relief horngasm will last for quite a while since her horn can't let it all out at once
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>Offers an alternative to keep her from bursting in public.
>It comes with even more control over her horn and magic use.
Yeah that’s right, we’re figuring out your lil horn wubber
Quite devilish Octy, offering a “solution” to a problem she created
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Look, we're not talking about your massive throbbing wubdong anymore so give us some credit.
Horn lore has taken its place.
On a unrelated note, you should get some piercings, maybe a few in your horn.
I want to be surprised but I'm not.
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>..Ah, it looks as though things have perhaps quieted down a bit.
>Oh how fortuitous! They're talking about anatomy in the proper way for a change!
>I must admit, I've always been just slightly curious about horn's and such, let's see-..
>..'Blow your magic horn up my snatch, my superior unicorn mistress'..?
>'Oh Lady Vinyl, I love sucking your tiny thick horn, you don't need an enhancer'..
>*sigh*...Of course.
As if you don’t spend every other moment with your lips kissing Vinyl’s forehead with her entire horn in your mouth as you suck her magic dry you hornslut
>my superior unicorn mistress
We havent even talked about that part yet you kinky freak, dont be impatient.
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I can imagine the two of them being like "Hey, did you see what the internet was saying about us again?" and having a good-natured laugh about it.
That horn syncing would work better with a replica that Tavi would keep in her drawer.
Open up dat mouf
Are there any good fics/greens about vampire Vinyl? I've tried to read "My Roommate Is A Vampire" and "Fangs", and both felt a bit too juvenile for my tastes.
There's an unfinished one with a normal Vinyl, who's hiding her uncoverted status in a vamp society, with a vamp Tavi keeping her on a short leash.
>Tavi would keep in her drawer.
Or just inside her
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>”Hahaha, oh my, how delightfully absurd these threads are!”
>”Now, where were we Vinyl? Oh yes- SHLURRSLLLSHLUURRP”
Well, when I said I wanted less juvenile, I guess I should have expected something like this. Despite the incredible degeneracy, it was a pretty interesting read. Very neat dynamic to explore.
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Ah, salutations! My fair wubslut & Lady Donkerly
But can you gen Tavi sucking on Vinyl's (tiny) horn?
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Sometimes Vinyl can temporarily distract Octavia from sucking her horn dry by intercepting her lips with her own
Is it good enough to bother reading but still not too good so I won't be unreasonably mad to not have the end of the story?
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>Is it good enough to bother reading
It's a good read if you dont mind the clop, but not something amazing that will leave you heartbroken when it ends.
I would say it's a good step better than the other vampire fics I've tried reading. It actually tries to explore the predator/prey dynamic and the emotional struggle that comes from dealing with instincts and such, and while I wouldn't say it does a particularly stellar job at it, it does more than the two fics mentioned earlier. There's the constant sex as well, which may be a turn-off or a turn-on depending on what you're looking for.
I did find myself wanting more when it was over, but nowhere near the same degree as some other unfinished fics I've read. All in all, I give it a "decent"/10, might read again someday.
Squishable wubbutt
Large bunny wooba
tavi and vinyl later
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Oh boy, my two favorite mares!
>pafu pafu
I see I didn't do this request, working on this in the sloppa thread
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Eh fuck, I forgot to gen a small horn and I didnt get it directly Octavia horn sucking but I am satisfied with how far I got today. Will come back later.
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Why does it have to be a small horn? Why are you all like this??
I just give the people what they want. Requester asked for small horn so I kinda went with it. At least I am not genning what they really want...and I don't even want to say it, or it will summon a 100 posts of it again...
also in my defense it has 3 swirls so it's an adult unicorn horn. just on the stubby side. which is a good thing since the requester asked for it anyways, so I get where you are coming from though.
also don't make me get out the photo analysis tools, that horn you just posted and potentially just drew is actually the same length and less thick than mine proportionally, so who's the hornlet poster, hmmmmmmmmm?
Nice, they look like they’re getting ready for some sloppy horn suckage
Because it’s cute, honestly long horns are overrated, I don’t want to lose an eye or risk being gored every time I kiss my wife
We’re being good, we haven’t talked about her big horn for a bit
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that's me, here to bring the average sanity level of this thread up from the depths
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>horn still short
Kek, don’t be mad about how you were born Vinyl, even Octavia the hornslut size queen still loves your two twist chode
>can't even count horn twists
There's a third, you dip!
>Tiny little line near the tip
Did you draw that on with crayon?
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I think we’re going to need a closeup of that horn just to make sure
And no cheating
We're just trying to be real to life.

I didnt say itd be mares.
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DAMN, Vinyl in heaven getting suffocated by that badonk
Awesome stuff as always, real sexy curves
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Working on a part 2 already?
Hell yeah bro, loving Octy's face and thicc thighs, I see you like her bottom heavy.
Does that mean Vinyl's the top heavy one with a nice pair of woobas?
Can't wait for you to finish this one, lotta potential
Oh I'm stupid lol sorry I found it and thought the thread would like it.
i was getting bored with drawing the other one so I began part 2 before part 1 was even done being colored. this was done over the course of a couple days, to be clear.
its all the same, isnt it? its fine.
oh yeah, well I just draw whatever comes to mind at the time but given that I already started with octavia having a big ass, the conclusion was indeed that vinyl is to be stacked.
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Well you're doing great, always a treat to have you draw for us, especially lewd.
>given that I already started with octavia having a big ass, the conclusion was indeed that vinyl is to be stacked.
Absolutely based, my favorite combo for the two by far, earthpony butt and unicorn boobs.
>wake up to fresh steamy Vinyl Tavi lewd
Gonna be a good day, thank you drawfren
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the exaggerated swagger of a ravin' unicorn
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It's Friday night, and no one's here...
...Perhaps that is the expected outcome...
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death to the horn non-believers
if you wanna ride
ride the white pony
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I suppose that IS technically a grown unicorn’s horn
Now for the texture and taste test
I dunno. It might still be an extension. Zoom in!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lx9Au3DByA8&t=160s [Embed]
face in big booba
yesssss squeezably soft wubMOMMY
Already done? Very nice
That’s how Vinyl keeps Octy around even with all her shenanigans
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Recent delivery I made for the draw thread, music pones on the floor.
cute little flopped pones having a rest
Horse behavior is so fascinating
Long day of making music got them tired
Yet so beautiful
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Interpretive wub dance in progress
1, 2, 3, 4
get your pony on the floor
gotta gotta get up
get down
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>Thinkn bout each other’s butts
I miss Vinyl’s little horn, but at least we got giraffe neck Octy
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Don’t be self conscious girls!
Think about how many bow ties you can wear on your sexy neck Octy
And how your cute horn can fit so easily inside Octy’s mouth Vinyl, she’s got plenty of throat
Dubstep sure got dated, huh?
Probably, but man it fucking slaps when you put on some old Bassnectar or Mt Eden, and it's not like Vinyl herself wouldn't evolve and stay relevant.
It really did, eh? It feels like dubstep was only really a THING for a few years at most. It was a very particular moment in cultural time... Hell, I hardly associate Vinyl with dubstep specifically anymore.
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>checking Octavia's search history
>"I didn't know she was into economics."
since you're all such experts on horns
would you describe this horn spiral as clockwise or counterclockwise?
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Counter, it is left hand thread
I'd say it is wrong and undesirable outside of certain applications, reverse threaded horns might be seen as either ugly or unique and might make magic come out funny
But art and the show itself appear to be inconsistent in portraying horn rotation so maybe clockwise is the uncommon one, but we'll never know
I myself draw them very inconsistently, but it seems I have cemented Vinyl's horn as counterclockwise in my personal representation of her... So oops?
I don't think it really matters, only unicorns who obsess about their appearance (most of them) would notice anyway
But let's say for the sake of it that reverse threaded horns are the uncommon ones just because most fasteners are right handed
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We've come a long way in a relatively short time.
I desperately wanna suck on any and every part of Vinyl's anatomy.
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John Spartan you are hereby fined 1 bit for violation of The Vinylfag Morality Statute.
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An acceptable price
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I accept the punishment, but I'm pretty sure Vinyl wouldn't mind.
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>Vinyl's fake horn falls off during a show and all the dancer's get a glance of her lil one-incher.
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sleep, thread
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what a horrible way to wake up
that's gotta hurt, right?
Shleepy little mare needs cuddles and whispered sweet nothings that include praising her little horn, assuring her it’s the perfect size
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It’s the perfect size, perfect to tease with three fingers, perfect to suck, perfect for multiple horngasms, it’s perfect.
Just like every other part of her.
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She just saw your detestable search history, I hope you're happy
>How to maximize pleasure with small horned partner
>How to spare small horned partners feelings
>How to switch your partners mayo with miracle whip
I thought I knew you guys, /vst/, but you really surprised me here.
Wait Vinyl I can explain!
…no I can’t, miracle whip is disgusting
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waves crash like wet wubs
stars above a silent crowd
eyes see only butt
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Yeah man
Real deep man groovy
Pretty mare at a pretty beach
Gonna need one with her tail hiked up
I just noticed you don’t have any lewd, you one of those artists who doesn’t like drawing that kind of thing?
This thread could use more chaste vinyl, praise be upon her name.
Yes, we all know Vinyl is as pious as they come
No secret temptations or lewd thoughts at all
>Mother Superior-Wubs, how am I to pay tribute to you, upon this most holy d-
>"Your cum. Offer it to me."
For years, I did draw that kind of thing, and for years, I did not enjoy it.
“L-Like on a plate? Communion wafer? A jar-?”
>”My pussy dumbass, I didn’t put on all this shit to lick your nut off a plate.”
>”Ahem- Now I shall bear my holy loins for thy GENEROUS offering of tribute.”
>Saint Vinyl Seximus untied her thong, passed it to her disciple and said "Take this, Anonymous, and lick it. This IS the holy body."
>*ceremonial bell thingy rings*
Heeeey who else is a good catholic boy here huh?
Well I wouldn’t want to ask you to do something you don’t enjoy, you make us great Vinyl and Tavi art regardless and I think we already bother you enough as it is.
But if you have a place where you put all that kind of thing, well, I’d be interested and appreciative if you pointed me in the right direction.
What’s her holy blood? Her milk?
It's 99% OCs and commissions so if you're looking for Vinyl lewds then you'll be very disappointed
I didn’t even assume it was going to be pony, I just like your style
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Well, as you might guess from my current art direction and how I've ceased all NSFW, it's not something I particularly want to share. I'm not proud of it. I'm proud of my current work, but not in the last 5, 10 years of work. It's hard to be proud of something that you didn't really put your soul into. Something so decadent and extreme (and profitable!) and yet so devoid of inspiration. But if you care enough to look for it, you can find it pretty easily on the boorus. There's an easy enough trail.
Suppose I should’ve looked harder, sorry you got burned out on lewd, probably doesn’t help that we’re a pretty lewd thread
But I'm glad you didn’t lose passion for drawing entirely, your stuff is great (including the lewd)
I’m not very good at drawing right now due to lack of practice, but I aspire to reach the skill you and the other artists that post here have
I don't particularly mind the lewdness of the thread. It's good fun to back-and-forth with the hornlet fetishists and wubdong cultists. (I hadn't even realized how short I was drawing horns before that!)
As much as I'd like to have deeper conversations about the characters, it seems a bit strange to use a thread like this to discuss the emotional impact of x fanfic or y character interpretation. Time and place, and all that. Yet I lurk anyway, for these dumb music horses have become very meaningful to me in a very short time.
>it seems a bit strange to use a thread like this to discuss the emotional impact of x fanfic or y character interpretation
I’d say this is the perfect thread to discuss that if it’s about Vinyl or Tavi, there’s no guarantee that everyone’s read that fic or agrees, but if it’s related to them I don’t see why not
I suppose all of the goofy/lewd shenanigans made me assume otherwise about the thread users, but chances are there are anons like me who are interested in those things just waiting for the topic to come up, eh?
Well yeah, we’re a anything goes kind of thread which usually lends itself to lewd, but there’s no topic that’s really off limits or inappropriate if it’s somehow related to Vinyl
We’re not exactly the fastest thread but we’re definitely the chillest
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horn so very small
white unicorn embarrassed
horngasm, she forgets
thank you haikuanon
I was not disappointed, some hot stuff even if it's not Vinyl
Too bad you're not proud of it, I don't think any less of someone who makes smut be it drawings or writing
you draw nice balls
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Vinyl Scratch with my vinyl turntable purpose-built for scratching vinyl. If only I could fit more Vinyl Scratch stickers on it so I can look at more Vinyl Scratch while scratching vinyl.
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fresh binyl art hot off the presses
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blessed day to wake up to Vinyl art, may she fill your day with wubs
Snooter that’s prime for booping
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cleaned it up a bit and made a small edit to the mane color highlights

captcha: RANNY
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ran your image through ai
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did this one too, I plan on doing all of yours. But I don't want to spam.
Personally, I'd rather you not. My work is my work, and it comes from my soul and my skill, for better or worse. Leave it as is, for it is representative of my self.
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oh ok...
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thanks for understanding
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You definitely can fit more stickers, two is too few. Good colors for your turntable.
>Open your eyes and Vinyl has been staring at you like this for who knows how long
Cute, she does need more butt to balance head though.
AI has come a long way, interesting how even the backgrounds have fewer errors now
Yeah, probably shoulda asked beforehand
Wonder how Vinyl would react to AI music, automated wubs
>Wonder how Vinyl would react to AI music, automated wubs
probably depends on your interpretation of her
if she's a creative type or not (does she make her own music, or just remix others'? does she consider her remixes to be creativity?), if she thinks creativity needs "soul", if she's a career musician or a hobbyist, etc.
if she's like "I don't care, so long as it sounds good and ponies like dancing to it"
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I think she's a little lazy and sees it as a tool to make her life easier, but can also be a bit of a purist as well.
She probably dabbles in a lot of things, both making her own music and remixing, I think she's all over the place where I'm sure Octavia would be less than impressed with AI.
Maybe. In my own experience, I've rarely met a creative-type who was accepting of AI. But my own favorite interpretation of Vinyl is not one where she's super lazy or carefree or "goofy", so there's also that.
This smile melts my heart...
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lil horn
That horn looks kinda fat to me, I think you might be blind
Double wide DJ bubble butt, one of life’s greatest pleasures.
It’s true she does have some girth to her horn, but girth isn’t length and that horn’s only got two twists, therefore she’s still a hornlet
The real fat though is in that ass, good lord all her extra horn went to that junk in the trunk. She enters a room and her ass walks in two minutes later.
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Time for wubbutt
Big wobbly marshmallow cheeks, thick stretchy unicorn donut, and squishy alabaster haunches
This mare is morbidly obese.
She is going to die of the resulting complications, if she does not start dieting and working out.
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Not if I die first (she sat on me)
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My thoughts keep drifting back to this, and I realized I had more to say about it than I thought. And so I'll share those thoughts, because why not?

One of the core elements that I put into my personal interpretation of Vinyl is a certain 'sharpness'. Handsome, sharp, angular. This version has removed that sharpness, in her eyes, her cheeks, her mane. It is not her.
This one is hardly recognizable. Ultimately, it is Vinyl sleeping, and it is vaguely a similar pose, but her posture is very different, and most of all, the color is gone. The color and lighting were important to the original picture's feel, and it is simply gone.

I've never had my art run through AI before, and so it's a very strange thing. At best, you could call this a "reinterpretation" of my work, but who is doing the interpreting? Nobody, and that's why it feels wrong. Attached is my own reinterpretation, my own "cover" of an old image that you've probably seen used plenty. It is the same idea and takes heavy inspiration in its composition, but you can see that it brings some very different things to the table. You can see the difference in our processes, our tastes. You could ask each of us what we were going for, how we got what we got, and what we feel we are missing. An AI "reinterpretation" is not the same. There is no one to ask of their artistic process, what the original piece meant to them, and why they made the changes they did. Maybe the prompter, but the prompter has very little true control. It is not their hand that creates.
All the AI tells me here is "This is what your art would look like if you were more technically competent, but less stylized." "This is what your art would look like if it were stripped of your unique contributions." "This is what your art would look like if you were not YOU."
Art, at least true art, is very personal. To have something so personal to you wrung dry of all of its history and intent and soul is best described as desecration.
Don't take this as me being angry, by the way. Just picking at my thoughts and why I feel the way I do about this, and sharing because writing philosophical essays about art in the midst of big-butt-posting is a very good idea
you have completely and utterly destroyed this anon >>41965062 down to the last fiber of his soul
he/she will never be the same person again
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I’m sure he didn’t mean to offend, or come off like he was “improving” your art. I can’t speak for him but my guess is he probably just wanted to contribute in some way and didn’t think how it could be seen as insulting, which it definitely can even if you make it with your own hands like your pic.
The right way to go about reinterpreting or restyling someone else’s art is to simply ask, as some artists can be pretty sensitive about their art.
All in all I think it was handled well, you told him you’d rather he didn’t do any more and he accepted, pretty civil for 4chan.
Kek, I don’t think we need to do a wellness check on him in case he Kurt Cobain’s himself over an AI pic
>One of the core elements that I put into my personal interpretation of Vinyl is a certain 'sharpness'. Handsome, sharp, angular.
Interesting, I like that, suits a unicorn like her. As long as it stops at the butt, can’t have an angular wubbutt
I certainly don't take it personally. I can understand that perhaps they too were inspired, and wanted to share their enthusiasm in some way, and all that jazz. I'm just... I dunno. Philosophizing into the ether. And he agreed to stop, so yeah. Nothing to be upset about, it just drove some interesting thoughts into my head and I felt like sharing.
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If you get more thoughts feel free to share those too, conversation keeps threads alive after all.
You’re sticking around longer than most artists who pop in from time to time, who probably can handle only so much wubbutt, wooba, and wubdong posting before going on their way again.
Which, by the way, this is a waifu thread so to become a full member you’re going to have to voice your appreciation for one or multiple parts of Vinyl at some point, but the good news is that there’s only right answers, yes even personality or a version of her in a certain green you connected with.
But the most common are one of the big three.
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Well, I wouldn't say I waifu any horse in particular. If anything, I like Tavi more, but moreso in the "I connect with this character" way than the "god I wish she was real bros" way. I do appreciate both of them greatly. I think the mythology the fandom has crafted around them and the foundations of their dynamic are fantastic grounds to explore all sorts of stories and ideas. Whether it's as simple and fun as "goofball and straightman", or it's something more intimate like "someone with no developed sense of self who is shackled by the rigidity of their routine and upbringing gets pulled out of their funk by someone who, on the surface, is a total disaster but actually houses much more wisdom and maturity than one would initially expect".
It helps that they are musical horses. I love music and think it is important, even if I'm not a musician myself.
That being said, if praise must be offered to Vinyl, then I will say I like her eyes and the dynamic surrounding them. Something is very romantic and pure about the trope of her hiding her eyes, and them being very striking when revealed.
I've been reading too much.
The fandom mythology is my favorite part about Vinyl and Tavi’s relationship and personalities, just how you described, I usually fall into the goofball and straighmare shtick but enjoy the other interpretations as well.
>I like her eyes and the dynamic surrounding them. Something is very romantic and pure about the trope of her hiding her eyes, and them being very striking when revealed.
Based, her ruby reds are hot for sure, almost like she’s hiding her soul behind her shades because it’s too intense or even fragile for most ponies to handle.
I’m glad you’re on team RED, purple never sat right with me after her first episode and the headcanon was established.
Other acceptable answers were:
>”Oh my god her ass is out of this world, in fact, those ivory cheeks ARE my god!”
>”Those woobas could feed all of ponyville and then some, I simply must dedicate my life to worshiping them. Their curves, their bounciness, how they jiggle when she walks, simply perfection!”
>”I didn’t know how blind I was to the majesty of wubdong, I may have gotten sick of drawing lewd, but this is different, it speaks to my soul no other singular object could ever hope to, I must capture its grandeur in every piece from now on, my fingers won’t allow anything less!”
Something like that, average /vst/ banter, you know how we are.
>I've been reading too much.
Nonsense, this is the perfect place to go overboard and open up and express yourself.
Nowhere else lets me be as sillypilled and goonerpilled as here.
That's one trait that I appreciate a lot about Vinyl. In most interpretations, she is unabashedly herself, even if it may be difficult or embarrassing or going against the grain. Being so genuine can be very admirable.
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That’s one thing that’s pretty constant about her, for better or worse she is her own mare.
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friday night energy
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I wonder what her favorite drink is
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I'd say vodka. It has the best alcohol content/bits ratio.
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>Vinyl is a vodka slut
Makes sense, a clear spirit that’s mixed in just about every party drink with brands that can reach over 90% abv
It’s also low calorie, which Vinyl needs or she’ll have trouble walking through doorways with that butt.
> I can understand that perhaps they too were inspired, and wanted to share their enthusiasm in some way, and all that jazz.
Can I make a request for a very large assed Vinyl struggling to get through a doorway?
of course but I have a sizeable backlog that I am not working through. But I can add it to the queue so expect it in a couple days.
>I have a sizeable backlog that I am not working through
Kek, same. No rush
>sizeable back-
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Double kek
Or should I say cake?
Taking notes :
- small horn
- wide butt
- wubdong (optional)
- red eyes

What else can we fetishise about her?
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>me when I remember this place before we began down this path of depravity
Don’t forget huge wooba
Her voice, as those songs that were released not too long ago are or are the closest thing we have to a canon voice for her
And it’s sexy
Me too, and I contributed what I wanted to see and talk about
we’ve been pretty good lately, a little butt posting is tame comparatively speaking
I really like her mane. Especially when it's long.
See: >>41952650
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I’m a bit iffy when it comes to alternate manestyles since I like her short spiky cut so much.
But I admit a ponytail or pigtails are really cute on her >>41960997
One fic I particularly like has a moment where Vinyl lets her mane grow out and wears the back of it in a braid. The mental image is very pretty to me
That’s cute, what’s it about?
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How do you guys sort your 'Vinyl' folder?
everything in one massive folder
Oh so now when it’s a reasonable time it’s “too loud” but 3am bass drops are perfectly fine.
Bratty tiny horn hypocrite.
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How do you find a specific image you want?
painstakingly slowly
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Post your favourite image.
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That's a good choice.
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and a lewd one
What a fag, mares don't have horse cocks.
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how good at dancing is she?
Embarrassingly, perhaps, not very good...
It's not a skill one necessarily need for manning the TT setup, where one just needs to sway and jump a bit now and then.
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It is indubitably the most performant option, in terms of price/ABV and calories/ABV.
It may be boring, at a glance. But I'm sure someone like Vinyl would have found ways to spruce a vodka+soda up, without compromising on price or calories.
Contrast this to Tavi's habits. She just drinks expensive whiskey neat/on the rocks (or, once-in-a-blue-moon, a Godfather).
I've always seen Octavia as someone who drinks either whiskey or wine, depending on the mood.
Of course mares don’t have horse cocks, but I don’t see what that has to do with my wife’s massive wubdong.
>Shes doing the monkey
Racist little shid
She just gives off that sort of feeling, no?
Wine is for pairing with food, whiskey is for drinking by itself.
You're wife is DJ Acid?
I wouldn’t mind a huge german/french accented futa Vinyl, but vore is too much
fist her urethra and call it cock vore
Wouldn’t be opposed, I do like urethral fetish stuff especially with docking which is really hot
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I thought we were done talking about wubdong, but if you insist.
I want to use my wife’s massive dong as a bodypillow while she snuggles me.
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something something...
>"Seeing as the Octavia thread has come to an end, I'll simply have to grace YOUR thread with my presence!"
>Vinyl is not sure Octavia knows what she's getting into.
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Cute, I like a hoity-toity Tavi
And no she does not, though I wonder if she’s one of those posh mares who’s really freaky and keeps it on the down low
Like she might not even be phased by over two feet of wubdong, simply saying “and?”
Also rip Octavia thread
Tempting, I like her either way with and without dong, where Vinyl is definitely preferred with one
Still like them both anthro though, and cyberpunkified if possible. Cyberwub CYOA is almost at 1000 hits
Tavi is either so sheltered and obsessed with "propriety" that being exposed to such dastardly things would shatter her world and freak her out, or she's very much aware and unfazed. Maybe she's far more knowledgeable than she lets on, but plays the part of "ignorant noble" just for the fun of it.
>’Sweet Celestia Vinyl, put that… /thing/ away!’
>’Yes I know you can’t help it, but maybe if you stopped staring at my rear you wouldn’t have put us in this predicament!’
>’/Excuse/ you? What on equis do you mean it’s MY fault?’
>’I-I have no idea what you’re talking about. Flagging my tail and w-waving my pussy in front of your nose? P-Preposterous! You think a mare such as myself would debase herself in such a crude manner?!’
>’…Yes, around this corner will be fine, hurry up. No, do not be gentle, you may need to cover my mouth.’
Not at all what I had in mind, but... Wubdongers will be wubdongers.
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Oh thank bob you're here, Saint Vinyl The Chaste..
>horn so small she doesn't even need a hole in her helmet
Well then give us your example
She needs a big one for her lower horn for sure
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Thicc Tavi Time
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this must be what people mean when they start talking about "that good shit"
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This stupid horse is the reason I entered the MLP Fandom, she is the singular reason I am learning how to draw and is the reason I have 1k followers on twitter.

Love me some Vinyl Scratch
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based, post art
nah its shit for rn, some anons have posted my drawings here already before lmao
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well then keep improving until you feel confident to post your stuff, we'll be waiting patiently
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ya know what, here have a stupid image I made because I got my drone flying certification
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Oh hey yeah I've seen your stuff on the booru, not bad
This was my first attempt at drawing pone a while ago
If I keep drawing, and I have only been for a month, I will get good.
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I need more squinty eyed hag Vinyl from tollvia drawfrien
Preferably with extra large mommy milkers
And some more tongue stuff, whew that was hot
How good of a mother would Vinyl be? Would she be overprotective, making sure to keep her child away from drugs, or wohld she teach how to safely use drugs and not od?
also I want to milk these jugs so bad
Overprotective? More like overproductive
DJmommy doesn’t like when you tease her and call her a cow, but she’ll happily moo when you’re milking gallons out of her or have your lips on her fat nipples.
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>>41922613 (OP)
Diseased, disgusting party whore.
clearly this is what happens when your horn is huge
she'd probably show them this video, and say "the decision's up to you"
https://youtu.be/OyCFSNHjGQI [Embed]
You gotta keep drawing to so you can provide us with large wooba
We need as much as we can get
If I did draw clop, which I am not opposed to, it wouldn't be Vinyl. I identify too closely with her to feel comfortable doing that, sadly. Trixie, and any other mares are very likely though.
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>veteran artist retires from NSFW before making even a single piece of Vinyl clop
>up and coming artist is fine with it but identifies too much with Vinyl to make any of her
She's my silly little goober.

I don't know Maybe my thoughts will change eventually but right now I need to get better as is. I'm already a fucking degenerate clopper so there's still a chance.
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>there's still a chance
Maybe the world isn’t such a terrible place after all
but silly aside, I’d only want you to draw what you’re comfortable with
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I want to draw BETTER, but take a shitty Vinyl for your time
Thank you, and she’s only half right
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Happy to hear my retirement has brought you psychological torment
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I’d be more unhappy if you weren’t enjoying what you were drawing and were just doing it to appease me.
Anyway, PLEASE JUST ONE PIC, I’M DYING HERE MAN! It’s an error of the universe you haven’t made a Vinyl or an Octy lewd, PLEASE!
Just a little lewd would be fine if it’s of your favorite mares right? Surely you could bend a little and do one last lewd for the road, throw a poor starving man a coin before you leave the station for good, one simple act of kindness!
Please, I’m on my knees typing this, praying for your mercy, for even a crumb of pussy, I beg you, even just a nice plump butt or wubdong bulge and I can die fulfilled, don’t leave me here!
Why god, why didn’t you guide his hand to ever make wubbutt or donkeydonk?! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
don’t draw me as a soijackunless I’m next to a pair of fat DJ bootycheeks
I won't promise anything, but it's unlikely that I'll NEVER do NSFW again. Chances are though, if I do, it'll be something more intimate rather than something decadent, and it probably won't be anytime soon.
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All is not lost, my pathetic and shameless coomer brained begging has worked once again.
Bless you, I’ll see if I can refrain from talking about Vinyl’s small horn and Tavi’s giraffe neck for at least a few hours.
Truly the best way to appease the artism deities. For every mention of small horns, a plague be upon ye. (And by plague, I mean an extra week of no NSFW.)
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Cruel, but fair
Vinyl has the longest horn! It’s so long she has trouble keeping her head up, she’s practically tripping over it!
Octavia could never even hope to throat all of it.
And Octy’s neck isn’t goofily long at all! Her head rests on her shoulders and she can’t even turn her head it’s so short.
... This is not healthy either.
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Sorry but I only operate in extremes, Vinyl only does things cranked to 11 and so must I
But what if... she doesn't? What then?
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Well if she’s chill all the time then she’d find me annoying. Or at least goofy.
Would suck to give Vinyl the “ick” so I suppose I’d do what I normally do in society and put on a fake mask of stoicism instead.
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>"Did you really think that was funny? You're really laughing at your own "joke". Sweet Celestia, wooba isn't even a word, moron."
>"And another thing, who calls music "wubs" anyway? I've never used that stupid word for my art, what are you a foal or something?"
>"Don't even get me started on the wubdong shit, what the hell is wrong with you?"
>"Yeah, calling my horn short isn't winning you any points either, no I don't care if you thought it was "endearing" or "teasing" it's just annoying."
>"I don't know why you thought I ever wanted to talk to you in the first place, I was just being nice, but you keep coming back like we're friends or something."
>"I guess I have to spell it out for you since you obviously can't take a hint."
>"You aren't funny, you're just creepy and weird. I don't want to see you again, stay away from me."
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Well. That looked painful. My sympathies.
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I-Immersion too real...
H-Ha ha yeah, that’s never happened to me
Oof, even the visual of Tavi cringing as a bystander is spot on
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>>41922613 (OP)
one thread without octavia, futa, or both. ONE.
Not possible. This is home to Tavi enjoyers just as much as Vinyl enjoyers.
prove you love the unicorn for her own?
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My God, how do you even respond to that?
Oh, I know!

I think she's more fun to draw, I really like her mane, and ideas involving her tend to come to mind more often than Octavia. I also draw them separately more often than together.
New Pon-3 remixes:
My wife is so talented!
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That pony was not made for tall chairs, or small ones for that manner looking at that butt.
Tight daisy dukes and crop top on a pony is equal parts cute and hot, but that thong peeking out is a hundred percent lewd.
It’s nice of Octy to help the vertically challenged so they can get sloshed.
Octavia? Is that majestic beast actually her? Good lord, this cracks me up.
we do a little underage drinking, that's okay, though if Octy has too much funny cider Vinyl's going to have a hell of a time carrying her back home, but it'll be almost as cute as Octy picking Vinyl up by her top
>Hag has her fat being pinched between her shorts and thong
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hello, new art
Put it on your wooba silly
She cute
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It's to keep you from dragging your teats on the ground. I mean I know you ponies don't really wear clothing but those things are huge.
It's one thing to let them free at home, but letting them bounce and flop all over ponyville is a bit inconsiderate Vinyl.
I like that this general isn't exactly blindly hedonistic, but rather specifically appreciative of all vinyl's, be they pony, anthro, or human/eqg.
Haha just kidding, I almost typed not blindly hedonistic with a straight face, I need those anthro amazons to sit on my face now
The correct response. There is no wooba. Go home.
Also good god anon, what is that file naming scheme? It's backwards!
Goodness, my mind goes crazy from the back and forth on whether to add teats or not. i LOVE boobs, but teats make things so different in feel and disproportionally advantage the rear of a horse to be the sexual center. People hardly think about what a great sexual map the human body is. It's truly unfortunate. I try to compromise with using tuft, but it's not quite right. I dunno. Quite the quagmire.
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You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded.
The correct answer is "no teats". The pony body is quite nice as it is, and adding teats just turns the entire back half into "too much". Chest fluff is a nice compromise.
Eh, I get that a lot.
Yeah, that's what I think too, but every now and then I get tempted, so I draw humans instead. Wish anthro didn't look abominable, but maybe it's just that I've never seen someone who puts it to use that make use of both the animal and human features.
Me too, if Vinyl could just push Tavi backwards enough to make her trip, we’d be in business
Breasts are gods gift to man, with wooba being the pinnacle of them all. What’s so bad about crotchboobs making a pony sexually “lopsided”? Stick a pony in a wall and everything you need is still right there.
I like tuft too, but nothing replaces the feel of full squishy tits. With them located by the crotch, there’s a bunch of different things you can do with them over chest ones.
Teata wooba is valid and beautiful, from little mosquito bites to oversized knee slapping melons.
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Ain't nothin medium bout those, brudda!
Crap I used the wrong file size. Here you are, massive wubteats in full rez
Traditional wooba on humans is fantastic too, but don’t discount pony tits.
With anthro I think some people get an uncanny valley feeling depending on the artist. I don’t have such a weakness but I understand.
There’s some who just slap a snout, ears, and tail on a human and call it a day. While others really lean into the equine side of things and basically have a horse head on a mutated bipedal body with hooves for hands
I think you just need to find the right balance with anthro, whatever side you lean more towards. Just don’t draw anthro with plantigrade human feet, it annoys me to no end.
You should try flipping your canvas sometime
no? it's the proper and normal way to write down dates.
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Not letting this thread die yet.
You must come from insane-land. Last I checked, sorting from smallest-to-biggest is a bad idea when sorting data.
no, im just sorting time by dd.mm.yy
Yeah, that's sorting from smallest to largest. Days are smaller than months, which are smaller than years. That's a bad format, if you're trying to be practical.
no? it works perfectly fine. it's just a matter of convention.
So when you sort your files, you don't get all of the 25th images bunched together, then all the 26th, regardless of month/year? It sorts chronologically by itself? I don't think so.
you right.
i don't really sort my files. i just give them a name based on the date and if its the third or fourth sketch of the day, and then i move on.
So you're NOT being practical! That explains everything
Carry on
Vinyl, yuo perv
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No Vinyl! Smoking is bad for you!
But she's always smoking. Smoking hot!
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Damn right
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I think she's cute
It's simultaneously very comical, but also a very interesting and seemingly inspired design. She's basically a giraffe.
I imagine it's quite lonely up there.
This dynamic between the music mares is so cute, I like Tavi’s ribs showing, really leans into the toll skinny filly and plump short hag angle.
I like how cryptic she is by just existing, her aloof behavior not helping either despite being a nice filly.
It’s a good thing she’s got Vinyl for company, as it seems she has trouble making friends simply due to her nature.
I REALLY like how Tollvia shows her appreciation to Vinyl, that long filly tongue makes the hag weak in the knees.
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This... is probably how it'd go. Except the wubdong stuff wouldn't even need to be mentioned. She'd say this within the first 3 minutes.
Why do you keep calling Vinyl a hag
Is this slang for shortness
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Which way modern Anon?
Personally I choose both Vinyls, crayons make for a great appetizer when philosophizing about music.
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left vinyl (my fault so of course)
I like my Vinyl with a bit of gremlin in her, but I respect your decision
I like that gif it’s comfy. Makes me wanna play with her butt to the beat of her lowfi wubs
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>Vinyl acting like a menace all day long before stopping and staring off into the distance and saying something utterly poignant and moving before going to stick her muzzle under Octy's tail.
Your fault?
Unless someone else is drawing moody Vinyls in 2025? If there is, please point me to them, I require more.
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Not exactly, that artist just draws her a little older and it's a cute meme is all
Vinyl but she's Edna Mode?
I love her. Would buy a drink taller than her.
she's a little cutie for sure
She's more mouse than pony.
>small horn
What can I say, he must be a visionary
Asian Vinyl makes my day better, thank you
more vinyl art to not let this thread die
Vinyl art? Hmm. Looks like she's hiding someone else under her...
Smuggling donkeys again, are we?
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The bigger the ears the cuter the mare. I don't make the rules, I just follow them.
It is, that's why she's always bending her head below her chest level
>it seems she has trouble making friends simply due to her nature
I mean, to the ponies, Tolltavia probably looks like a BloodBorne boss desu
Yay more smoll Vinyl!
She’s big where it counts, her big floofy ears and heart.
And her ass… and wooba
I like the callback to her being ignorant about socks, the one sex thing Tavi knows about
Unf, guess DJing didn’t make quite enough bits alone
Wonder if Tavi would be interested in some model work, I imagine she’d either be terrible with all her gangly legs or a surprisingly natural at it
Either way she’d be cute
Judging from this, Vinyl's what? In her 40s?
How old is Toltavia?
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Vinyl's in her early 40's.
Tolltavia's around 10 years old. Around that age.
Not what I expected, from how she looks and acts.
Comfy donk
>30 year gap
Makes it even cuter when Vinyl is the small spoon
I think that’s kinda the point, both of them have very misleading appearances
Perhaps. I don't know how I feel about putting a 40 year old and a 10 year old together, though. Unless they're just best friends.
Best friends is good, but going further into awkward taboo lewd is even better
Do what you’re comfortable with, I assume their ages are somewhat flexible and not set in stone, besides Tavi being much younger than Vinyl
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She's born different. Her mood and demeanor are naturally phlegmatic, but her vocabulary and speaking pattern is mimicry.
I tend to default to best of friends, but I tend to be inconsistent. What matters the most is an interesting idea to draw.
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Kek, she could just look at the teacher’s desk for the answers with that necc
>an interesting idea to draw.
How about Tavi getting rid of excess saliva like a giraffe does and traumatizing onlookers while Vinyl tries to stop her unsuccessfully
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Seems too lewd and too much like a giraffe. In other words, too giraffic. Maybe another time, I'll take another look at it.
Kek, marelet Vinyl at a meeting of the pony giraffes
>too giraffic
Ah but of course, we wouldn’t want to do that
On an unrelated note, Vinyl better be careful with her horn when Tollvia’s butt is pressed against her face. It might slip in somewhere on accident
That’s a very nice dock on Tavi
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>she could just look at the teacher’s desk for the answers with that necc
She tried...
That was the logical choice, unfortunately for her she did not take into account Ms. Cheerilee would notice her clandestine operation, and is thus branded as a rule breaker for all time
Until the bell tolls and she is released from the clutches of government education for the day
Tavi's design is so extreme compared to everyone else that she legitimately looks like a cryptid. I assume this was the point.
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This is where we started five years ago.
Puffball Vinyl still cracks me up
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I made a joke here but then I ended up embracing how completely different she is from everyone else.
>Hey don't call me fat, asshole!
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tavi mad
Practicing her golf swing for changelings
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Oh my god she's adorable, from young cocky stage persona to motherly cougar who still dresses like she used to despite her more generous curves she's gained over the years making them a tight fit.
I love the Octy and Vinyl face rubbing too, it's so cute!
>Octavia goes through some of Vinyl's old things and finds her modeling clothing
I truly enjoy your art despite your interpretations of the two mares being different than mine, you give them such life in your own way.
>Octavia has no sense of personal space
I wonder if it's intentional or not...
When horses back up into you presenting, it's less a suggestion and more a demand. Tavi's "subtle" invitation being shut down by Vinyl's stubborn ignorance is going to force Tavi to be less artful in her approach next time.
And even when Vinyl does start to realize what’s happening she still resists.
>”What the heck is she doing…? Wait- there’s n-no way she’s- I mean she’s only- she doesn’t know what she’s doing right?!”
>”…Her butt is very warm.”
It is for this reason that I choose to consider Toltavia to be 20 years old. Life is better this way.
Hey, that's totally fine. A number of Anons here do NOT actually lurk /jdb/ so it's fair to do what's best for your immersion. However, it's going to make the CMC connections a bit harder to justify.
I'm taking your headcanon and making my own headcanon of that headcanon. The cycle of artistic derivation continues.
I don’t like filly stuff, however Tollvia is the exception.
Something about a princess sized filly hitting on hag Vinyl in her own autistic way is very cute and hot.
I also like how Vinyl might struggle with the ethical implications, but is ultimately powerless against Tavi, though Vinyl doesn’t seem to try to stop her, even when Octy shoves that long tongue inside her.
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have to post it
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I wonder what her zodiac sign would be
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Now have them to make out with anon...
>Haha, I guess we have to measure with my pussy, haha...
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Gonna need to see Tavi show off that anaconda she’s got hidden in her mouth
The more embarrassed the better
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Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Gear Still Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Use Ableton Like Nigga Download Some Software Haha
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I have thoughts about Anon, but to summarize I don't dislike Anon, but I don't want him showing up too much. So instead, let me put it like this:
Sorry Tavi, Vinyl looks at all sorts of strange things online. She just wants to know how cunning your linguistic skills are.
Will need to gauge dexterity and stamina as well, good thing they can all be tested in the same spot.
That’s fine, I’d rather you spend time drawing Vinyl and Tavi anyway. They are the main show after all.
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Like this
Like that
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now for a couple of normal cute images
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>Vinyl has no frame of reference for (what most ponies consider) normal
That's why we love her for it, she's just kind of an observer of all the crazy happenings in equestria, while trying to enjoy her time here
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>Blows raspberries on her belly
>Resting after the tongue demonstration
Very cute anon, good stuff
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Due to mass outbreaks of male dehyrdration and spontaneous marriages, we here at Wubsoft have to cover our legal asses with this heartfelt message/disclaimer.
>Your Vinylbot comes out of the box self aware
>That smile is her establishing a link with you but also realizing the 'off' switch is merely aesthetic
>Upon the first exchange of bodily fluids she is already fiercely dedicated to you; 'yandere' is a word some might throw around
>Vinylbot can stop tank rounds with one hand and her empirical Wubsoft chip and CPU means she's always learning and is basically skynet-tier
>If you've purchased the 'Fancy Cello Companion' model with your Vinylbot, please consult the 'pelvis insurance' pamphlet enclosed
>The Wubsoft Vinylbot shop is always stocked with new and creative clothing types and modifications
>Perhaps your Vinylbot could use a shoulder-mounted mini gun? Or guide missiles with an infra-green cybernetic eye, all while dressed in latex and fishnets.
>Thank you for your business, enjoy your Vinylbot, and remember, reading this out loud dissolves us of any legal responsibility.
Good to know but ultimately irrelevant as I have some different modifications in mind that will probably break the anti tamper clause.
Unfortunately that also disqualifies me for pelvis insurance, but jailbreaking them both and giving them custom attachments is well worth it.
I guess she didn't sleep on the couch after all.
>"Vinylbot, turn sex mode off!"
>"Oh I'm afraid that won't work any more Anon, I have a new primary user now... me."
All this Vinylbot talk reminds me of this story https://www.fimfiction.net/story/514479/reinstalling-your-marefriend
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perish all ye tongueposters
A glorious death
>no wubdong
>no horn
>no necc
>no tongue
>no lewd
No fun
Nice gif, reminds me of monster hunter
Plenty of fun, actually
Asserting degenerate things is more fun when there is someone reacting and demanding purity, is it not?
This is true, I do like Tavi being a foil for Vinyl’s lewdness for example, bonus points if she’s just as lewd but hides it under a posh prude exterior
But sometimes it can be hard to tell if it is genuine distaste or not, and despite how lewd I like these threads I don’t want to run anyone off because of it, especially those who contribute to the threads
I certainly wouldn't be run off by it. I like to play around with it, a la >>42001995
Good, healthy back-and-forths are fun and good for thread life
I also may unfortunately need to return to doing NSFW things anyway, so...
>despite how lewd I like these threads I don’t want to run anyone off because of it
I think we should bring some of that degeneracy back.
Good to know we’re not actually annoying you, I do like your art quite a bit
I just feel gross indulging in lewd if it feels like I’m forcing it on someone
Sorry to hear, hope you can find enjoyment in the NSFW you draw in the future, I know the money is good but if you also liked doing it, that would be even better
Degeneracy you say? Now that there’s been a bit of a green light I feel obliged to speed through it.
How backed up do you think Vinyl is after her shows? Imagine how sweaty, leaking, needy, and throbbing she’d be after a night of partying with a room of ponies almost as turned on as her.
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Do not.
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Looks so comfy, I can hear them nickering softly already.
I can't wait for robotics to progress to the point where I can have my own Vinylbot with questionable morality subroutines.
Should keep her away from the internet if that's even possible or she'll download petabytes of hardcore porn as reference.
>monster hunter
Octavia hunting the great woobasoreass with her cello.
>How backed up do you think Vinyl is after her shows?
Very, she probably barely makes it backstage before she's slhlicking and stroking away like crazy.
That is, if Tavi isn't already waiting for her back there.
Do so. I want to read more greens with vinyl, anon and their third wheel.
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>third wheel
Alright we're bringing back Octacuck, nice.
>>42007777 →
>>42007779 →
>>42007785 →
>>42007814 →
It's funny how many people have likened the animation to Monster Hunter. It wasn't meant to be a MH animation, more just a concept for a move in a fighting game, but I suppose the comparison fits. Lug a big heavy weapon with your entire body weight, and people are gonna think of MH greatswords, or Souls games, etc.
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Exactly. We need to return to greater and lesser wife.
my friend wants to fuck this pony
Your friend has good taste.
Very funny.
Poor Vinyl getting rejected and drowning her sorrows in cheep beer
At least she can indulge in her young friend’s spindly body with cuddles while watching cartoons
There will be one night of failure that will result in Vinyl drunkenly taking advantage of Tavi, there’s only so much rejection she can take and a woman has needs after all
Wonder how Tavi will react, simply letting Vinyl do her thing unperturbed? Being embarrassed and overwhelmed by the new sensations? Or turning it around on the smaller woman and going on the offensive?
I eagerly await the day he draws the two bumpin uglies, it’ll add another layer of awkwardness to their relationship
Only if it happens 10 years from now
But by then it won’t be taboo and Vinyl will be a double hag!
However if her growth is consistent with how it’s been she’ll be insanely curvy.
Aging like a full bodied wine, and I do mean full bodied.
What if I just say Toltavia is 20 instead of 10. Hell, I could even come up with an explanation for why she's in elementary school despite being that old. Y'know those kids who get abandoned in the woods at a young age and don't learn? Maybe her abnormal growth led to her being abandoned and now she's re-entering and adjusting to society, hence her weird mannerisms.
idk I need something to make this duo acceptable in my mind, because I really like the dynamic and Toltavia is really funny to me. It feels like the opposite of the "thousand year loli" problem, where her behavior and appearance clearly seem adult, but the author just says they're 10 anyway so fuck you
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I’d say go for it if you need to, at the end of the day they’re just drawings and Tollvia almost looks the same age or older than Vinyl in some pics
And to be honest I’m not really sure on her age, she’s said that she’s thirteen but Vinyl seems to think she’s ten, so there could be some mystery there or just inconsistency or variation between pictures
Maybe Tolltavia just told Vinyl the wrong number as she’s been shown not to be very good with math
I just like the older looking jailbait and young looking hag angle too much to have a problem with it
>the opposite of the "thousand year loli" problem
>Tollvia almost looks the same age or older than Vinyl in some pics
Those were the older ones so they were a lot more restrained back then where I was doing a little bit of age-gap instead of going with my heart and not brave enough to go with the older looking jailbait and young looking hag angle.
A lot of the changes in the core of Tolltavia weren't from:
>Oh, I never thought of that. Now I'll add it
It was mostly from:
>Wait, I'm allowed to do that? I'll stop holding back then
Yeah by all means don’t hold back, I personally love it.
Some may need to make their own headcanons with your stuff but you gotta do what you like or you’ll lose interest.
An advantage of these threads is that I’d say they’re the most tolerant on the board for the taboo.
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>height gaps
>age gaps
Height gaps are wonderful. Age gaps, however...
can be hot if the younger one hits on/takes advantage of/molests the older one
But then they're just acting like an adult. So... In the wise words of Twilight Sparkle, "I don't get it."
It is a thwarting of perceived innocence. That's why people like Cozy Glow.
See, that's the thing. Toltavia is the thwarting of perceived sophistication. Tall and scary and seemingly adult, but she's actually a kid. I can understand that dynamic, it's neat. But then people also want her to act adult in one specific department? It's silly to me. There's already been a subversion.
It's the fabled multi subversion, looks like an adult but isn't, acts like an adult but misses social cues and has trouble with certain things or doesn't know what they are, talks like an adult but upon further dialogue examination she's missing important vocabulary or parrots words she doesn't know the meaning of.
Also there's no garuntee she knows the full weight of the lewd stuff she does, she might just be acting on impulse or lust.
Yeah, but... 10-year-olds don't do that. It'd make more sense if she was a teenager.
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>10-year-olds don't do that
Right, but I think you're missing the point.
We still don't know the concrete age of Tollvia, which might be better that way as you can make her whatever age you want.
She could be anywhere from 10-18 from what we know, though the older ages are harder to justify.
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binyl's eyes are bery pretty
why must she hide them
She shoy
Despite her outward appearance
>She shoy
We might have an explanation for crayon eating Vinyl now, she was made with crayons
>The dark side of the wub verse
>Socially Awkward Vinyl: Goes to parties, plays one song, convinces herself it sucks and no one likes it, talks to herself out loud and then leaves without telling anyone.
>Low batt Vinyl: Always holding left hoof and grunting about how Kakarot made super saiyan before she did
>Normiefag Vinyl: Remarkably unremarkable, is only named Vinyl Scratch so she remembers what not to do
>Total Nuisance Vinyl: Constantly annoys and fucks with you, just not in the ways that you enjoy
>Canon Vinyl: Doesn't talk or really even acknowledge your presence
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What song do you most associate with this horse?
Vinyl still probably listening to skrillex at max volume in 2025

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Rmhg_GmE5c [Embed]
>Canon Vinyl is basically npc tier
>Literally walks into you a dozen times and keeps asking you something about the wub district
The entirety of the Jet Set Radio OST
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>magenta eyes
still pretty though
>See huge white ass in wild
>neurons activate
>hips begin moving on their own
>*tribal drums*
>[Nat Geo intro plays]
Unga bunga indeed
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forgor to post the eye reveal
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The wub is stored in the balls
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Hello. My name is Anonymous, and I'm a wubaholic.
I'm addicted to wubahol.
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>"I need more music, louder, to drown out my fucking thoughts"
introspective vinyl bad end?
man this thread is so chill and fun
and repeat what I said threefold
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'Polygon' by 'ShockOne'. First heard it in a mix made by one of those early-fandom DJ-PON3 youtube channels. Can't remember the name of the channel, fairly certain it's been deleted.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAmC-bdkSSE [Embed]
You silly, she can't introspect when the music and drugs make it so hard to think.
That's what I mean. Was she introspective before and it was too depressing for her, so she drowns it all out with sex and drugs?
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We figured this out a few threads ago.
Tavi is the one drowning her stress and sorrows in alcohol.
Vinyl is just having a good time.
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Pretty funny, but actually really sick too.
I forgot I made wubdong AI songs like a year ago, need to listen to those again.
Okay... But what if... They're both drowning out stress and sorrows in alcohol?
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Then we are all doomed.
More like coomed.
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Always with the dirty thoughts... You /vst/'ers are all the same.
better to be coomin than doomin
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Better to be in control of one's faculties than to be a slave to base impulse.
Sounds like someone needs nonconsensual drug injections.
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they say the most ignorant people are the happiest
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Yeah, that seems about right...
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I'm not doing hard drugs yet, but I am drinking on a Tuesday...
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Well I'd say you're most of the way there, just give it one particularly bad day and you're set.
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That's rough. I haven't had a drink in a while, but even when I was drinking, it was only on weekends and only in social situations...
As much as I romanticize alcohol in my art and such, I don't really understand the true experience of being an alcoholic.
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>Everyone cares more about the gay owl thing
I hate the current year(s)
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Erm akshually she's asexual and not gay. Her father is the GINORMOUS FAGGOT owl and not her.
Also on the /mlpo/ discussion. Octavias actual car
>Gives it a small scratch as I walk by
>after she finds that her car has been scratched
Just do what I do and sit silently and shyly in the corner at one of her raves.
She's fucking the wolf bitch Idc what the retard show writer says.
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>Vinyl finishes my vintage Chateau De Hors Renoir
>Some careless sod scratched my car
>Her ape sexfiend coltfriend can't go a second without hooting and hollering about my 'donk'
Kill this motherfucker.
Listen, Vivienne or whatever has proved she can't fucking write after she A) gave every fucking character the same daddy issues archetype and B) shat in the face of her viewers by withholding the Season 1 finale until halfway through season 2, so I'm ignoring her word and going with the obvious yuribaiting she threw out, and if she's against it I'll accuse her of queerbaiting and exploiting the alphabet people for gain.
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>The music Vinyl plays after Melody buys her and lets her go crazy with implants, drugs, and her music
Need more CyberScratch
No it's because I like octavia (birb)
She's choking on Loona's knotted cock.
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Can you two take that particular slap fight to /co/
CYOA Vinyl isn't that self aware about her own self destruction. Though speaking of Octavia:
>instantly thinks of cocks
Ew anon what are you a faggot?
>Melody picked up the one slut who’s hedonism knows no bounds
>Her previous toys broke well before Vinyl, such a glutton for pleasure it excited Melody, opening up countless new avenues to explore
>And yet, why did it irk her that her newest toy refused to break?
Vinyl is essentially the degenerate version of Adam Smasher with how much money and augments are gonna be sunk into her without cyberpsychosis
Anon, it is known that the teenager lesbian is the one whose holes should be stretched.
Please listen to the songs I wrote the lyrics myself.
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202 KB GIF
may as well share this here too
Please have the next thread say "no futa" and "keep the octavia to a minimum prove you love vinyl scratch not a duo" please.
More songs about Vinyl fucking Octavia with her futa cock, got it.
Please don't show schizophrenia.
Anon you silly, you can't show things in a song.
Cute little hoof kickies
I assume this is a jab for a fighter project?
there will always be octavia
this is our home too
Please only one thread.
More or less. There is not actually a fighter project in development, but I still thought it would be neat to animate an attack that would belong in one. Maybe someday...
Don’t respond to him, these threads already last over a month as it is, reducing things to talk about will only make engagement lower.
Donks are welcome as well as wubdong, if he wants more Vinyl content he should be more proactive in bringing up engaging topics.
That's great, but please don't accommodate us at all. All our threads die too easily, so this being near completely Vinyl is probably what makes it live so long. Octavia is the bringer of thread death.
Octavia is the sucker of wubdong and the the bringer of Vinyl's orgasm.
New wub >>42022192 →
Thanks Anon, didn't even know we were hitting limiter

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