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jutty gutty gyatt
old >>122755852
faq: rateyourmusic.com
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
The pipe organ is an underutilized instrument in metal.
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From this list only blackened death is respected here


My edition was going to be funnier.
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
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Interesting cover, will listen
first for grindcore and wigger slam
I said black/death not blackened death
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Correct. And that is why Gehenna reign supreme.

First Spell basically mogs any and all non-black metal records ever(as if that weren't a small feat lol)

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Reminder to keep these out of the general:

Prog metal that is more prog than metal
“Slam” “groove” or other similar nonsense
“Technical death metal” this is in quotes because death metal that is technical is fine.
“Shred” metal
Buttmetal like mastodon or gojira
there's been a couple of good albums this year but nothing fresh or pushing boundaries. Any eecs before I make wierd postpunk shit my aoty?
Black metal isn't metal
You have no foreskin and you are seething
rei loves coreshit nigga
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Correct, only death is real.
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Has anyone tried listening to all music associated with this dude (Colin from Krallice)
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We especially hate punk and anything that has to do with gore or porn, I outright disallow it here.
We hate core garbo here.
We strongly prefer neo-classical symphonic metal.
Blackened death is the only generic genre I will tolerate anymore.

Total garbage with 0% black metal. That being said, we love Tyrant's Blood here.

Last year we had Nithing and Torture release two of the best albums of the decade
This year's halfway over with and we haven't even gotten one single memorable release
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Correct. Venom is soft rock. Always was.
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I thought about it, but went with listening to every metal album from Adam Kalmbach instead.
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>symphonic """"metal""""
he collaborates with a lot of based people
however mick barrs discography is superior
Once again I said black/death not war metal
Enjoying TDS

Loved, respected & worshipped here. Everything else we're pretty much indifferent towards.
>I said my made up fantasy genre that only exists in my mind
I assume if you enjoyed nithing you'll like the new brodequin. it's a little more generic but still good. I agree though, weak year
>being this new
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>being so old you become senile and schizophrenic
I enjoy Deep Purple more than 80% of the stuff posted here
>two of the best albums of the decade
Kultur completely mogs both though?
Could've at least mentioned in a "non-black metal" genres
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We only like the third album here.

Is that a nihilism?
No, but I've tried, and succeeded, at listening to none of it.
Nothing wrong about that
I don't think Prozak ever promoted weed.
unfathomably mid
Kind of hard not to when 99% of posts here are made by teenagers who just found out about black metal on tiktok. Of course the classics are going to brutally mog anything these people post
my foreskin is much roomier than yours.
Gay website
>Christian Holocaust Dope Brownies
I'm starting to think that BM is the metal equivalent of really ridiculous porn that has scat and circus clowns.
It is mid anon. Why don't you try some Fanisk posting?
Reefer Madness was right
Another foreskinless
go blow a cock since you think about them so often
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At this point, no one should be posting anything other than Black Metal in this fucking general.
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Just realized that there are too many fukken useless consumers on this planet
If mother nature wanted 9 billion humans, then women would indeed have 6 fat milk filled tits
metal for this realization?
black metal is hated here. try reddit
Absolutely correct.
That would be ideal, yes.
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I've only been posting BM for the past couple of years
only blackened speed is tolerated here
Foreskinless posts.
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didn't know there was a new one, based. will blast today
Anon's demo
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>farvann's album is actually good
Who would've thought
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For me its Absconders.


Apparently it wasn't even written by Lemay either, but by the other guitarist.
Anon's MMO
So Jewish or Muslim basically?
The steve lineup was peak Gorguts
All this talk of foreskins is very gay.
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Almost correct.
varg would hate kultur newfag
Downing & Tipton vs. Denner & Sherman
Varg loves Kultur already
This, but the opposite. CS and PD are the best albums Gorguts ever did by a mile.
>t.foreskinless seething
if by mile, you mean walking backwards a mile towards Obscura then yes
Brush up on your Prozak lore.
Go to /lgbt/ if you want to talk about cocks, you zesty little queer.
>if by mile, you mean walking backwards a mile towards Obscura then yes
Totally incoherent. Obscura is the Popcletus of Gorguts and only attracts midwits who can't even complete a sentence without shitting their pants.
Totally articulate. Obscura and Paracletus are masterpieces here.
He looks Christian.
The great debate.
mick barr haters hate art
I figured out the notes to Mordred's Song.
I can't believe I was able to do it!
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>both bands begin as average generic throwaway bands
>after two albums both begin their ascent to the dissonant world
>many years pass
>both meet up in person and rewrite their current works, leading to both crafting their greatest works to date (pic related)
It was meant to be.
Pure ragebait designed for me, and it worked. Mick Barr is a shitty hack and we hate him here.
Gayest post I've read today, which included posts about penises
Straightest post I've read today, which included posts about vaginas
Guys do you ever listen to stuff like Paracletus and Obscura and think This is it, there's no way this can be topped. metal is finished and it's all downhill from here.


We appreciate Mick's uniqueness, here.
Yeah I thought about this, but then realized it wouldn't even make a good shitpost
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We hate that Alf Svensson crossed with Branca fed to a random tremolo bot hack. Fuck Mick Barr and fuck every shitty meme song hes ever made.
Let's take just the past five years. Is there anything great? Let's be honest, it's a sad state of affairs
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>Let's take just the past five years
Lets just take 2021 and we can mog Popcletus and Obsura with ease, 6 albums in that year alone are better than both.
based art appreciator
wtf I thought that stargazer album was way older
what a year though
This isn't the time for jokes, Hector
>plain, old shit
what a year indeed
Yeah 2021 was unfucking real, its been pretty quiet ever since.

There is literally not a single atmoshit record on that chart, mongrel mind strikes again.
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No one cares Americuck, keep the MIGA where it belongs >>>/lgbt/
Nope, you're not going to bamboozle me again. I gave you a chance with Final Fragment and you blew it
I never told you to listen to First Fragment, what metal do you like Iass?
or whatever that shits called
Artist: Craft
Album: Void
Song: I want to commit murder
very few people have that kind of talent and commit on that level to abstract music. most people with that kind of talent do something "freeform" i.e. lazily improvised. Mick will write some 30 minute piece like this and play it the same way every single time and he's been making music like that for 25+ years. I know you don't like him and won't be convinced but I don't care.

Outsider art genius, maybe one of the only in this day and age. I like his solo stuff significantly more than krallice
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Writing single voice tremolotrite that is completely indistinguishable from every single other piece you have ever made does not take talent. Minimalism is not a genre for the talented, and certainly his barebones take on the already barebones genre requires even less.

Mick Barr is the "metal" equivalent of those 70+ long improvised drone pieces. Complete junk on the level of pic related.
>70+ long
70+ hour* long
Ad Nauseam could be considered kinda atmo i think
just because some people are smarter than you is really not a good reason to get upset
Name anything intellectual about Mick Barr's music. Lets hear it. In fact if you can even explain what makes one piece by him different than another, you can call it a half victory.
Encenathrakh is great fuck you
>free improvised Emnity clone
Its fucking garbage.
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Not even close.

>listening to USBM
rookie mistake
fuck you, dso, and all the dissoshit you spam here

next to pizza thrash (as long as it's not pizza thrash), brutal death and second wave non-norwegian black metal are the best the genre has to offer
based retard
Correct. Nice to see someone else appreciate his solo works. Also digits confirm.
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>pizza thrash
>second wave Brazilian "black" metal.
Explain to me why this is supposedly a contender for the GOAT when it's just run-of-the-mill BM
that anons whole gimmick is pretending absolutely average generic bm is the nectar of the gods, please don't tap the glass
He didn't even bring up Brazilian black metal.
>second wave non-norwegian black metal
what would black metal be like without the whole varg/euro mythology? would most retards even care about it? I feel like it's 95% of the reason normies and pseuds get into it and the main reason muh norway fags still shit up everything
What about Les Legions Noires?
It might actually have been good
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>what would black metal be like without the whole varg/euro mythology?
Without that then Snorre wouldn't have gone to jail and the black metal disney age would never have began. Its likely something such as Averse Sefira would have been the dominate style of black metal during the late 90's instead of the cringe it became.

>snore’s spooky haunted house music
>black metal
We hate pop punk here.
Peak schizobabble.
Jesu Dod
Norsecore still would have existed and Dimmu Borgir still would have been mallcore
True, anyone respecting a bunch of braindamaged junkies playing dress me up barbie is only speaking schizo babble.
>Hector posting about Prozka's pet band
And things come full circle
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core bros assemble
Was just about to point this out kek
>releases the same song 100+ times
>it's still good
That’s what happens when you stare into the abyss for too long.
Probably, but I think their dominance wouldn't have been as overbearing as it was and they would have incorporated much harsher sounds than what we think of them today. Instead of Dark Funeral, imagine Antaeus. Something like FAS could have been born in the late 90's, instead of taking another decade or more. Should that have happened the entire landscape of black metal would have been uprooted and things like the icelandic BM sound would have been thought of as simply THE black metal sound.


I don't like Averse Sefira, they are completely mediocre at the best of times, but they hold a position in conversations as an example of very early third wave ideas creeping in at around 2000-2003 era.
Hector browsing the DLA and getting ideas in his head, kek
Everytime I put on second wave disney slop I regret it.
>throw on Mutilation
>no one can play their instruments
>recorded almost as badly as their playing
>tremolotrite+blast, literally just the same copy pasta as every other band
>twinkle twinkle little star melodies
Fucking disgraceful.
You have your own general, fuck off to it vegan faggot
>>twinkle twinkle little star melodies
I love these. timestamp an example please
Obtained Enslavement don't forget to sip on your Starbucks soilatte while listening
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For me it's this for turn of the century bm
Status of Anon’s demo?
I don't want to listen to a whole song. I will sing a nice twinkle twinkle melody to you instead.
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I don't get the hype for this
What makes them special compared to other brutal death bands?
Ai cover, ai songs.
>scifi theming with pacific rim/transformer looking shit
not listening!
I consume minimum 120g of animal protein a day and outlift you, you stinky little bitch
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metal about political assassinations?
Based, I recommend all core fans eat as much meat as possible, preferably barbequed with butter on the meat.
Listen to Dark Funeral
I'm not an american thoughbeit. generally poached chicken breast and eggs mog
Sucking cock isnt consuming protein
>listen to disney tremolosloppa
I shan't.
Yes, eat lots of eggs, and bacon, lots of bacon. Plus white bread at the same time. All core fans should do that daily.
>mention protein in response to vegan allegations
>bmfag mind goes straight to penis
Atrum Regina my eternal queen
bacon and whitebread are for retards, if I was going to kill myself I'd just guzzle starcucks milkshakes like a mutt. your egg science is outdated though brah
deafheaven and alcest or gatecreeper and tomb mold?
eggs confirmed metal af
>are for retards
So its the core fan's natural intended diet, also my egg science is up to date "brah", its extra healthy for core fans.
>if I was going to kill myself I'd just guzzle starcucks milkshakes like a mutt.
Yes, you should do that, also smoke lots plus drink lots, we love it when core fans smoke and drink while eating lots of meat, chicken with the skin on is a thing we suggest for core fans as well. Tuna and swordfish as well everyday.
/fit/ is two blocks down if you want to talk about diets, ladies.
yes brha brah I'll make sure to give myself high cholesterol and mercury poisoning you are very smart and funny
the latter DESU
we hate post-shit here
post lifts heccy
>inb4 cope
classic vegan
>I'll make sure to give myself high cholesterol and mercury poisoning
We absolutely love it when core fans do that, please make sure you do your best to represent your fellow core fans out there and be extra healthy as I have specified!
Reminder that "coreshit" does not include grindcore. That term is grandfathered into metal since 1985
The average core band member could beat the ever-loving fuck out of the average metal band member, and that's not even up for debate
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Reminder that coreshit includes Grindrcore and that grindrcore is not metal.

You seem to be lost, this is the metal music general, I believe your non-music discussion could be taken to >>>/lgbt/ where core fans belong.
I want people to comment on my singing.
the average normie could beat the shit out of the average metalfag kek
we usually just file grindcore under "terrible music"
>t. normalfag
Only normalfags say normie. You have to go back.
Hardcore hasn’t been hardcore in a long time. I mean, just look at Henry Rollins, he’s emaciated.
Not listening!
Grindcore is literally both punk and metal in the same songs even
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Reminder that Grindrcore is INHERENTLY trans
reddit moment
Forgot about this pic kek, probably killed all repulsion posting singlehandedly
I don't know what that's all about, but i'm right that it's metal. You need to stop arguing about it
new krallice is really good. I love the focus on analog and fm synths. drum production is incredible, super present and detailed but takes up very little room in the mix. calling them a black metal band is a big disservice to them, there's really only a couple of minutes of bm on an hour long release. I'm not sure what else you could call them though. Some really good ambient and drones bits on this one. Probably goes straight into the top 10 for the year just because there are so few contenders.
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True, saying "normie" was a reddit moment because on 4chan we say normalFAG, "normie" is ironically enough the normalfag'd version for cattle too weak and scared to say the FAG part of it.
>I don't know what that's all about
Look at this poser, poor punkbab doesn't even know his own LGBT band members KEK. All grindrcore is LGBT by its very nature.
fag post
that smile
that damned smile
HRT is a "core" component of hardcore.
>against me
bit of a stretch lass
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>thats not us!!!!
All core, all LGBT, all garbage.
>this is who punks say can "beat up" metal fans
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA, maybe by "beat up" they meant "beat off" LMAO
Based punk trans women ensuring no metalchad dies a virgin.
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Yeah i'm not someone who has what they listen to influenced by everything i read. I'll leave the posing to you
Reminder that the word "punk" was from the beginning a meaning for a bottom bitch.

>punk (countable and uncountable, plural punks)
> (countable) A person used for sex, particularly:
> (now historical and rare) Synonym of prostitute: a person paid for sex. [1575]
>1. (LGBT) Synonym of catamite: a boy or younger man used by an older as a (usually passive) homosexual partner.
>2. (chiefly US, LGBT) Synonym of bottom: any passive or effeminate homosexual male.
>3. (US, LGBT, slang) A boy who accompanies a hobo, especially as used for sex.
>4. (US, LGBT, derogatory, chiefly African-American Vernacular) Synonym of faggot: any male homosexual.
>5. (US, LGBT, prison slang) Synonym of bitch: a man forced or coerced into a homosexual relationship, especially in prison.
> Because he was so weak, Trannypopper soon became Hector's punk
the thing at the front would kick your ass kek
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>Synonym of faggot
what do you call this kind of behavior?
they're an alt country band thoughbeit
couldn't care less about your tds
Its either trans or fat obese homosexual, your pick punkLGBT man!
lmao he really can't help himself from having this meltdown on repeat whenever he gets btfo. I thought dissoshit was pro tranner?
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>Synonym of bitch
Snorre Ruch
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All punk musician LGBTrans women are welcome to come join the rest of trans sisters on the >>>/lgbt/ punk collective!
I've seen limp wrist several times, great band desu
could you please conduct your autistic meltdown somewhere else?
Thank you LGBT sister!

This is hector's twinkle twinkle little star melody kek
my pronouns are he/him but thank you for being so welcoming /meal/
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Oh sorry my FtM brother, I didn't realize, are you taking TRT already? We love and respect all LGBTrans variants here.
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Can I get some more of these?
They're in the FAQ but some retarded assfaggot OPs don't post it
I don't care if I suck, I am having fun.
based and completely out of tune pilled
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Is there any reason why they have the most boring white boy name ever?
can you grab me that album on the shelf right there? yeah the one with the 6 titty lady with her head blown off. thanks
have a good night metalheads!
I want to sing a little every day. I shall go all night.
Being trans is metal
based dave mustaine
Karaoke night on /metal/
I remember hosting rapbot threads on r9k, those were the days...
Fucking hell singing is actually hard when keeping up with a song.
Guys what should i have for my midnight snack?
One of the following, if you have them:
-cottage cheese and crackers
-sardines and crackers
-beef jerky
Whats the next track for the karaoke?
cottage cheese and sardines grosses me out
beef jerky is good but expensive
Nothing, do not eat before sleeping
Wasted Time - Heavenly
I am so fucking bad!
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>Look up the lyrics
>hes skipping his own lyrics
Who does this?
It's because I'm paranoid and I don't want my neighbors hearing lyrics.
No I mean the actual band vocalist, hes skipping parts of his own lyrics.
Power metal is always like that. Words meld together and get contracted and skipped.
Which lyrics did he skip, though? I didn't notice and I don't want to look it up again.
I'm such a fucking wreck. I am so paranoid about my neighbors hearing lyrics. I barely even have any neighbors and it's very windy right now so they probably can't hear anything anyways. My demo will never come out. I won't sing with a full voice; I will only whisper.
then get peanuts
>t. bedshitter
I blast Dayglo Abortions and Anal Cunt out my window.
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>look into dissonant bm
>See pic related
>Get mathcore that tries and fails to sound like DSO
Why is this shit so overrated? Its not Black metal, its just mathcore with extra blast beats. Most soi reddit shit i have heard.
Sing with a full voice you faggot. The demo must be made.
>No chovies on buttered toast
Every time I fail at singing my go-to song is The Silence - Gamma Ray. I have sung this many times. I am no longer having fun (it's fun to edit in reaper though). This is a song I can sing with my eyes closed.

Maybe I'll re-record this performance of The Silence.
The hilarious part is thats its weak even for mathcore, I would say most of its influence is actually emo or emoviolence type stuff. Punk beats and rock n roll leads out the wazoo.

For Popcletus tourists though its great, they just want le sad melodies with rock n roll so for them it is basically what they want from DsO. For FAS, Synarchy, and Katechon listeners then you won't find anything of value in that garbage band, because you are looking for classical or progressive influence and structure. Closest anyone got to DsO was early Imperial Triumphant. A few like MIsotheist or Svauti captured some of their melodies too

pork rinds
The completion of Anon's demo seems inevitable, though not near. Metal for this feel?
Reverend Bizarre
July 25th
I think I know your problem. You listen to metal that doesn't have any "bite" to it. It doesn't have any balls. I wonder why you even listen to metal to be honest. Another genre might serve your purposes better. It's very difficult for you to even find bands that you like. You obsess over things that aren't important. Why don't you ever talk about how metal makes you feel? I think it's your autism.
Suffocation - Pierced from Within
Editing this (which is nothing but listening and tweaking volume automation and getting the levels right for the compressor) takes 3 times more time than recording the first-effort take.
is it really that difficult just to listen to whatever you want?
bro stop whisper-singing it sounds like absolute shit. use your diaphragm nigga
try blocking one of your ears so you can hear your own voice better you are so out of tune its crazy
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I do, i love DSO, love burzum, love fanisk, love gorgoroth, love Paysage d'Hiver, hate core shit. Currently listening to pic
you get banned for saying that yet?
no hard r nigga
The two anons that say "nigga" and "brah brah" need to cool it
both me desu
I can sing better while I'm driving, without wearing closed-back headphones and without the song playing.
oh, that's the secret.
never met a black metalhead before
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the production and percussion on this is so tight
latinos love saying nigga like its their word. Ya never know
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Never realized before just how great Goatsnake are.
metal is for white and lantinx
what about the rest of their albums?
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This band is fantastic, saw them live twice. Strongly recommended.
black people listening only to rap music is a stereotype
I don't listen to this type of thing normally, but this is good
Will do,nigga.
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Been a weak year for metal albums but this is top 5 for me
same anon, this is the only one I have listened to I just discovered them. I forgot how I found them but I think it was from a RYM search. I have been looking for groove metal
Not groove metal
it is tagged as such on rym. Do u have groove metal recs though by chance
groove metal isn't accepted here, especially buttgroove.

No one but Bongman and me have tried to sing. I am going to sing every day until I get it.
why not
>it is tagged as such on rym
Rym is full of mentally ill trannies. They love to mislabel shit all the time.

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