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/mu/ - Music

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1. shut the FUCK up and post music.
uh ok
Still laughing at the message anon sent to Adam of Jute Gyte




Can any FAGGOT here post stuff like this?


FUCK Spiritbox
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Why? You do know Adam lists Ildjarn and Burzum as some of his favorite artists right? It would be cool if he came to /metal/ though TBQH.
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
Yeah you'd cream yourself if you boy toy posted here, wouldn't you, faggot?
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Because it's so fucking funny to imagine having someone so obsessed over you that he spends hours daily posting your pictures and writing parahraphs of nonsense to somehow juatify his talentlessness
>It would be cool if he came to /metal/ though
He'd have heart attack granted thay he's some liberal vegan pussy
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Hello everyone. It's me, Adam from Jute Gyte! I've been reading these threads and since y'all are so excited to have me here I made a trip.
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The most insightful comments or recs are in reaction to an absolutely abhorrent post
Natural discussion is impossible here
Anything of use only comes from trying to correct the chaos of retardation
If you ever want a good rec, just pretend to be retarded to piss somebody off and they will put in more effort to satisfy your request
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Only if I could convince him to make a through composed metal piece. I would donate $500 to the adl, JIDF, and NAACP for one.

True actually, poor Adam getting some schizophrenic wall of text essay delivered to him about some loser's obsession with some other 4chan guy who bought some of his records. How do you even response to that LMAO?

I wonder if hes even vegan or not, probably not.
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
i'd imagine adam just not understanding anything said in this general and being as lost as a kid in a grocery store while being creeped out that some autistic is posting his mugshots to justify how 90s death metal is for bald faggots
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Yes, we all realized that years old tranimetard. Why do you think the fans of series are the people who make the threads attack their own hobbies? Its the only way to get replies anymore.
Do you have a boyfriend?
>just pretend to be retarded to piss somebody off and they will put in more effort to satisfy your request
Pretend to be low IQ cuck and post low IQ homosexual slam or grindcore? KEK
that one only gets a reply telling you to go to lgbt
Posting absolutely forgotten collab from forgotten bands
>complains about tranime
>posts tranime
I was wondering why the thread seems so much better now and I realize the german poster is clearly gone. right on time for bed, guess that confirms it.
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Tranime website Iass.
me when somebody blasts -coreshit
Absolute trash.
Ok 3/10. But still...lacks something.
Good. Finally a good fucking rec.

Here is some Japanese stuff -

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muoWDA6zmsY (used in the second opening of Death Note)
>it's another /metal/ argues about sexuality instead of blasting thread
>Absolute trash.
You spelled thrash wrong.
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>I will swallow your sharpest cutter
>Like a colored man's dick
Artist: Metallica
Album: Kill 'Em All
Song: No Remorse

>Only the strong survive
>No one to save the weaker race
>We are ready to kill all comers
>Like a loaded gun right at your face
>the best song on KEA has no Mustaine credit
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I was browsing through the archives of this general and I came to the conclusion of just how terrible the recs. are. Even a fucking korean pop song is more listenable than the stuff you morons have posted. We need to liven up this mess and fast.

that isn't Seek & Destroy
I posted Limp Bizkit yesterday. What more do you want bitch.
I'm a Whiplash man myself
Not metal. >>>/lgbt/

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Drowning Pool. Pantera. Marilyn Manson.

any diabetic metal?
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Let me fix that. Here are the best recs anyone could ever hope to give in a metal general, anywhere on this planet
This would be ideal if it was just.... better. The overall meandering nature of this style of music is my jam, but yeah - execution simply isn't there. I keep coming back to it though, so idk, maybe its better than I'm giving it credit for being.


It needs more polyphony to make it work, and more space in the mix. The new band Malconfort has a better more open production for this style https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6zHWsDiMa0, and I think the bass work in Virus or even DsO is better done for counter melody https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnQnQUnZBHQ or something like the bass lines here https://youtu.be/9HffDLRJxI8?t=641

I guess I just want Virus but darker, less gothic, less jazz feeling, and more outright hatred.
Told you.
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Not metal. >>>/lgbt/
Fat guys are inherently metal, and Falstaff would be a metalhead.
If Marilyn isn't metal then metal shouldn't be metal.
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I wanna rape your faggot ass so bad. I wanna turn you into my sissy concubine piece of fuckmeat. I wanna force you to your knees and just absolutely violate your little bitch face until you can never wash the taste of my cock and balls out of your mouth. I wanna make you a gagging, crying mess of a sissy slut that only exists to extract and ingest my cum. I wanna feed you so much of my cum that it becomes your main source of nutrients. I want so much of my DNA to course through your effeminate body that we have to test your BSC (blood sperm content) when you appear too drunk on my cum. I wanna dick you down so hard you forget your name I want you to feel the fullness of my pulsating erection in the deepest depths of your sissy hole as I repeatedly pound the switch that turns you in to my woman forever. I wanna doll you up like a whore in pretty princess makeup only to ruin it all in a mess of hot cum and your saliva. I want your limp peeny leaking and your body trembling in anticipation at the sight of me. I want your impotent girlcock shriveling up in the hypnotizing presence of my alpha cock. I wanna hear you panting like a bitch in heat as I dump another load in to you and the warmth spreads through your body with a sickening satisfaction. I wanna feel the shattering of your masculinity as I cum inside your innermost sanctum, impregnating your very soul and making you irrevocably mine. I want to pin you down on your back, and make you watch as I paint your worthless boyclit with my cum. I want you defeated and entranced by the sight of your dick drowning in the potent seed of the superior male that owns you. I wanna breed you nonstop until you pass out from exhaustion and I leave you bent and broken, face down in a puddle of cum. I want you in a 24/7 state of cocklust, craving your next hit and suffering withdrawals while I'm away.
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>If Marilyn isn't metal then metal shouldn't be metal.
MM isn’t on Metallum, therefore Brian Warner isn’t metal.
>No mention of Pantera in the last 10 threads
>Shades thrown at Marilyn
What the fuck is wrong with you idiots? I thought I was on 4chan not reddit.

Go back to the Sharty you faggot
Marilyn is a faggot in a gimp suit making buttrock for baldfaggots. Not metal. >>>/lgbt/
Just go back
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I hate Pantera so goddamn much
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Things are really fucking hopeless here. We need drastic changes.
I only hate them because my brother would play the Walk riff over and fucking over again
I think the greatest metal album has to be this -


Dave was the greatest metal vocalist and then comes Marilyn Manson.
Why do humans form tribes? If you want to break away from the rest, and not allow them to assimilate you, you must go your own way and militantly, bigotedly, dogmatically, and aggressively keep the others out, or they will try to draw you back into their dysfunction so they feel better about it.
Much of tribalism involves feeling glad that you are not that other guy and his weird tribe of losers, but when it becomes only that, that tribe loses a sense of what they are in an affirmative sense. They lose their goals, their identity, and their pride.
Under such conditions, they do nothing but scapegoat other groups for their own problems, and then rage at these scapegoats instead of rebuilding themselves. This is where the nasty side of discrimination comes out, when people would rather whip slaves than build empires.
Metal, as a tribe, knew that it would always face the risk of assimilation by rock music, since rock music serves as an aggregate of all popular music. It combined Celtic drinking songs, Scandinavian folk, Scots religious music, waltz rhythms, and the minimal framework of Southern blues — itself probably an old Scythian creation — into a standardized product. Metal wants to avoid becoming that product.
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Stop posting anytime.
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I think I am going to stay here. I will defend the sacred genre of metal. We need to promote good bands, instead we are promoting garbage. Atleast someone did not post slipknot or system of a down...well that's a silver lining.

What message
Post it
Garbage bait.
Nvm I found it
We can safely say that rock died in the 1980s, when it bounced back from the 1960s ranting protest music and the 1970s corporate rock, only to resurrect as a folk-hybrid with indie and then be smashed down by punk, giving way to electronic music, then rap, and later the hybrid of the two that is now international pop.
The record labels peaked in the mid-1990s with grunge since this, incorporating metal and punk as an aesthetic while discarding their musical contributions, brought rock full circle back to its roots, but got taken over by the usual emo whiners and cosmopolitan metrosexuals, so lost its momentum.
>doesn't like Marilyn
>doesn't like Pantera
>doesn't like Drowning Pool
>doesn't even like Rammstein

What do you like then?

this? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qc7_zRjH808
Garbage bait.
Pantera played right into this by making a form of speed metal which was barely harder than grunge, embraced blues rather than prog or hardcore roots, and focused on personal drama instead of the historical and mythological focus of the innovators of the genre.
Metallica made songs about terror and triumph, the winds of history, and the clash of ideas; Pantera gave us faded photocopies of horror movies, personal drama, and party songs. It was as if AC/DC took over Testament, then sniffed too much paint at a rest stop.
By turning speed metal into a flavor of rock music, Pantera inverted speed metal, turning a genre that wanted to be a tribe breaking away from the herd into an ultimate song of triumph for the herd which validates herd navel-gazing personal drama and rejected the impersonal, naturalistic, and historical-mythological view of metal.
Even more, they made metal simplistic like glam and inoffensively accessible like rock. Nothing in Pantera would shock the post-1960s American audience, so you could play it in your bar or club without fearing that someone might start throwing chairs. It was a perfect product.
Some might note the homosexual undertones to this music, which simultaneously champions masculinity and presents a wounded version of it, following the general feminization of the West:

…in a culture where men suppress the feminine elements of a naturally androgynous intelligence and women seek to bolster their masculine traits and appearance to become attractive to the most aggressive males. This is a homosexual under-culture or foundation of Western society that manifests in competitions at every level and glories in conquests. The other side of the coin is, the inherent denial required generates a deep and abiding anger; this is what translates into bigotry and hate. The source of the denial is fear and the fear stems from abhorrence at what any naked self-exam would discover: a hyper-inculcated homosexuality at odds with the one’s own cultural myths.
However, to my mind, what we are seeing is solipsism: Western Culture, having lost its direction, worships the individual instead of appealing to social order, and therefore idealizes an individual without context, meaning having stripped away culture, faith, family, genetics, and past to reveal only the will, a “city on the hill” or paragon of virtue in its self-created worship of free will.
Humans in groups make the same mistake every time. Instead of staying focused on goal, which is boring because it does not change, they become focused on the individual and, through that, achieving unity in the group through compromise so that a consensus can be built. This inverts the civilization.
When metal inverts itself, we get music that reflects the fears of the audience — worries about inadequacy, sexuality, power, mortality, and meaning — instead of music which asserts an affirmative direction in which we can move to find fulfilling versions of our fears.
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Pantera made the perfect product in that it reflected the broadest section of fans and their fears. It then dumbed down the form into something which offends no one. Finally, it brought in elements of rock, so the fans could be rebels without having to step off the reservation.
If that does not deserve hatred for turning metal into anti-metal, then perhaps at least it deserves recognition for what it is: like fast food or soda-pop, it is a utilitarian reduction of metal to cheap lifestyle object sold at high margin.
Pantera riffs resemble up-tempo versions of 1970s heavy metal with a few muted strums here and there to make them “hard.” Their leads, borrowed from mostly British heavy rock of the 1960s and country music, fit entirely in the center of genericism. The vocals come from emo and NYHC.
In short, Pantera made a perfect product out of speed metal, and it appealed to an audience not so much of morons but of conformists and denialists, or those who want to believe that everything is going well in the world so their only concern should be their personal bourgeois status.
Like the navel-gazing novel which borrowed as much from the self-help as the fiction section, the civil rights politics of fearing personal inequality so much that society should be forced to subsidize it, movies about superheroes and other id-drama of the least self-aware population in history, Pantera reflected our self-consciousness in a social context, not a desire to make art that pushed us to improve ourselves.
If we distill Pantera down to its essence, it would be a drunk guy telling you that he feels your pain, bro, and it’s all going to be okay once you knock back a few Natty Lights and show him on the doll where your last girlfriend hurt you. I can’t think of anything less “metal” than that.
Not reading all that shit NIGGA
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>Metallica made songs about terror and triumph, the winds of history, and the clash of ideas;
This is always the problem with Pozzak, you are strung along as if he has any idea what hes talking about, and then he comes out to say some garbage pop metal band is somehow above some other pop metal band. Yeah sure, if you are propping up Univers Zero then yeah, you can shit on pop music all you like, but fucking Metallica? At the end of the day his problem is as I always said it was, he starts from the position of wanting or NEEDING to prove his baldcuck bands are anything more than the diarrhea of some drunken losers, and inevitably the end result is making a fool of yourself.

No amount of elitest thought is going to turn Metallica and Deicide into something intellectual, he should have listened to real classically informed music instead if he wanted to make a grandiose points like he does. At the very least he could also go the antimusic route with things like industrialnoise. Hes just a midwit listening and parading around midwit music.

Ok..so you are a Freudian...
Wait...forget Freudian, you probably listen to Jordan Peterson.
Fuck...you are a jew..I should have known.
>univers zero
Nobody cares about faggy Euro prog rock.
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>(((Freudian))) Jews are attempting to sully Pantera.
This made me like Pantera even more.
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The music was better with both of them
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more like fagtera
jordan peterson?
>Instead of staying focused on goal, which is boring because it does not change, they become focused on the individual and, through that, achieving unity in the group through compromise so that a consensus can be built. This inverts the civilization.
You made a very terrible point. Sounded like Peterson talking about Marxism.
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>>122961210 https://youtu.be/Gqo4d5GsGQo?si=HwchmV8PINdIaieO

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Idk, Strength and Anger seem way better than the Illdjarn Nidhogg stuff, Iass.
Strength and anger is like being put in a trash can and having rocks thrown at you
>go take a shower
>come back
>literal paragraphs about psychology (pseudoscience)
swear to fucking god...
I'm listening to Storm of the Light's Bane.
All shit genres
Yeah I mean isn't that the only point of listening to this? Its not like it has any musical worth or anything.
>filtered by fun
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not really into metal these days unless you count wiggerslam

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>not really into metal these days
>posts irony soaked non-music garbage
Imagine my shock.
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Wait fuck...sorry messed up there. Wanted to post this instead - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkticUGk9ak
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Listening to black death and slam rn
This is just really bad, adding in casiocringe on top of Ildjarns noskill-nomovement-nocare-nostructure-nonothing antimusic just feels wrong. I am almost (almost) convinced his solo work is so shit that it somehow works, but this is just shit without being so shit that it might be good.
Its not ironic. You have no concept of the wiggerslam scene, or it's history
listening to a low quality virus clone rn (right now)
>picture of them beating up rick and morty
>its not ironic
This is the type of brainrot listening to slam gives a mongrel.
This track is filthy
Holy shit he actually doesn't get it LMAO
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Lads, again I am here to beseech you: pls gib me your best recs for slamz.
Based bro
>gib me your best recs for slamz.
First recommendation would be to kill yourself, if that is not good enough then leaving 4chan would be my next suggestion. We have enough low iq bicycle collectors as it is.

Imagine actually giving this irony poisoned slop a single second of your time.
Leftist propaganda but sounds good. I also can't deny the signs anymore.
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Yeah Infectious Jelqing is a bit ironic but wiggerslam is a diverse genre with lots of serious musicians
Their last good album...
>wiggerslam is a diverse genre with lots of serious musicians
You wish, the only "serious" thing about slam is the serious head injury anyone has to have had to listen to such retarded garbage.
Stfu I already gave you my rarest slam
Which one was it? I probably listened to it
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*mogs your favourite album*
Phantom Antichrist was a banger doe.
I'm not a slam fan. I generally don't listen to anything heavier than thrash, but wiggerslam has unique appeal
Hell yeah
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>I generally don't listen to anything heavier than thrash
Lol. Get out.
>I generally don't listen to anything heavier than thrash,
Braindead tourist confirmed, end yourself. >>>/mu/
>Thing Japan
Zoomers discovered Dungeon Synth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xw4ujZPK1NY
Artificial Brian
where the fuck we you, this shits been trending for 2 years bro
He ripped that cover from Old Tower.
Caveman riffs, ÖUGH, and blast beats are the true essence of death metal.
Where else can I talk about wiggerslam tho?
Zoomers think they can throw something on bandcamp and get people to listen without further effort

They have no entrepreneurial spirit. They don’t self release their own cassettes with hand drawn inserts limited to 50 copies, which is what dungeon synth is all about.
I'm sure that effeminate irony soaked garbage is right up their alley just like grindrcore is.
Nvm I'm an idiot. Guess this band is a lot older.
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Anyone got anything as atmospherical as these guys?
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Yeah listen to their better album.

This song is from Tales from the Pitifulness / Last Silence Dream, which was released in 1999 on cassettes.
Based and misunderstood. Superior compositions to its contemporaries
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>Pantera reflected our self-consciousness in a social context, not a desire to make art that pushed us to improve ourselves.
Music should inspire. The first goal of all music should be inspiration. If you want self-help then read books. Metal is dionysian. It is the irrational and primitive impulse of self-destruction. Destruction - that is what metal should be. Destruction of mind, destruction of soul, destruction of body, destruction of your anima.
Sporkcore of the highest order.
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>Music should inspire. The first goal of all music should be inspiration. If you want self-help then read books. Metal is dionysian. It is the irrational and primitive impulse of self-destruction. Destruction - that is what metal should be. Destruction of mind, destruction of soul, destruction of body, destruction of your anima.
Jimmy is based.
How about a spork up your ass
It's literally considered a classic
That's funny, you fucking guy.
>this caused Gen Xers to evacuate their bowels in utter terror
>go the antimusic route with things like industrialnoise
nothing says pretentious midwit more than listening to any music ''''genre'''' that literally calls itself noise
No it isn't and they didn't. No one knew about this shit until Prozak wrote a review and it was still obscure until the youtube algorithm started spitting it out. Look at the reviews on MA if you don't believe me. Only 2 before 2010 then all of a sudden 10 more reviews.
the demo was better
Literal pure white noise is preferable to pop music like Metallica.
you listen to 'industrial noise', who the fuck cares about your opinion lol
Don't let the door slam your ass on the way out faggot
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For me, it's dro)))ne
>true beauty is a black person
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Wow. Such an obscure and underappreciated record.
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And you listen to pop, which is beneath listening to nothing. Your point?

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ok nietzschelord.
drumless metal
I like pop.
fuck off
and die
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For me, it's Earth 2: Special Low Frequency Version.
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BASED. Love that one. You ever look at the back cover?
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You should try this instead
I like catchy songs sung by skinny girls with toned tummies and tight butts
Youtube and reddit hop on the dick of literally everything.
>>>/mu/ >>>/wpop/ >>>/kys/
>complains about anime
>post a pokemon
you are literally retarded
Tranime website.
metal for wanking to this bird?
whatever metal pedos listen to, I guess.
Thot Purge
>I heard this album all the way back in like, 2011.
Ok. Try this then.
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It's mediocre... but it shouldn't be.... - troubling.
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>she is only 17 years 364 days old you sick fuck!
Lol fuck off.
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I'm ready to admit that this is the best song Varg ever wrote

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Post some metal then, nothing but drama Queens shitting our general. Fuck tripfaggots, fuck core posters, and especially fuck jannie faggots that enable this cancer in our board.
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What's wrong with that one? Okay, here, try this.
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lmao even
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what did he mean by this?
That she was a starfish in bed.
are you gonna spoonfeed him every touristcore album in existence?
you can really hear the effigy of the forgotten influence on this one
Nasty fat goth chicks with herpes
Not metal.
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i was better off not thiking about it
She just laid there and took it (thinking about some other guy)
It's good music, though. I got something more obscure for you.
This album was not good.
>black metal anime twink on cover
Yeah, not listening.
I'm afraid you have bad taste. But that's okay. Here.
Too busy listening to slams rn
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this is gayer than getting raped in a dark alley during the sweltering summer of '92
Alright. At least listen to some decent slams. Here you go.
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Workin' the wrong gimmick for this territory, brother
Heard it. It's more bdm than slam btw.
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you've heard of Burzum (NEW) but you're not ready for Thorns (NEW)
Not my fault that most slam sucks ass
>she is only 15 years and 1094 days old you sick fuck!
neither was Snorre from the looks of him
Thorns is unlistenable dogshit and Snorre is a retarded giant fucking hack that you have gladly slurped up because nobody has yet (which is because he sucks and you pretend to like bad music cause you suck and are a massive poser).
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Coming out: never ever.

>getting filtered by thorns of all bands
Disneycore fans fear the industrial machine.

You're such a tool.
So many bands just lost to time
Based /pw/ chads
I love carnival rides
I still love the first two Faceless albums
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He cries out "where are my melodies, my choruses, my dancing princesses?", he knows not where he is.
Its dark, there are walls around him... and it begins - a grinding sound of rusted steel pounding down; this is no drum beat, there is no life to it.
The cold mechanical aura begins to envelop him, he shivers, all warmth has been stripped from his skin, it crawls and creeps knowing he has come to a bad place.
He said before he wanted a black form of metal, but this abyss was too great; its depth beyond his comprehension, no compassion to be found, no light at the end, no harmony to hold onto... only the pounding steel greets him now, the only bits of humanity left here are the throaty spoken words croaked out of the cold nothingness.
Huddling in a corner his last words are merely a silent mouthing: "Help me Ihsahn...."

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This tour is coming to town. Not really familiar with either band but we rarely get metal shows here. Should I go or skip?
>Huddling in a corner his last words are merely a silent mouthing: "Help me Ihsahn...."
fucking kek
If you can imagine yourself actually having a good time then go ahead.
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Any ancientfags in here alive when this released?
Was it really a gamechanger for extreme metal entering the mainstream?
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Why do these Euro musicians always include faggy carousel music?
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I fucking love Impending Doom. They refuse to not be relentlessly Christian and more brutal than most metal bands
Varg is gay and has AIDS.
Since when did metal archives start allowing deathcore bullshit?
Knocked Loose guy genuinely has insane vocals
It's the natural state of the european male, it's a reflection of their society.
I enjoyed their last album.
The last song in that one hit too close to home for me
Not metal. >>>/lgbt/
>Since when did metal archives start allowing metal?
pick one
Give us your metal recs, then.
>since when did /metal/ stop talking about metal
Like 5 years ago
You must learn to coexist. There aren't a lot of people on /mu/ or just in general who enjoy loud music with shouting
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You know I actually decided to listen to this "knocked loose" album and its literally just the Doom Eternal OST made by retards with punk beats and breakdown while some whiny faggot screeches about his mom grounding him over the week. Everytime I think for a splite second "maybe I should give it a chance" I am again reminded of the fact any core is literally the worst and laziest garbage to have ever been shat out under the label of """"music"""".

Why not just listen to the metal version of the vidya game ost you are parading around as "AOTY".

safe edgy
>its literally just the Doom Eternal OST
Bro... they absolutely nothing alike. With the exception of being loud.
the LGBT anon is mentally ill, just ignore them
metal archives is run by a bunch of faggots now. has been for a while actually. just like everywhere else. internet mods are lower than .
20 seconds in the first track is literally straight out of an Eternal track. You are listening to a vidya ost with a feminized teenager whining over top of it. Its fucking garbage.
>>122963252 #
metal archives is run by a bunch of faggots now. has been for a while actually. just like everywhere else. internet mods are lower than dirt.
Bro. You're retarded.
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>have a goth waifu with a pretty singing voice
>record an album together
>then she fucking dies
>parading around as "AOTY"
Actually, this one is the AOTY
Says the guy listening to vidya OST with breakdowns and punk beats and some HRT riddled homosexual on the mic. Get fucked faggot.
The Doom Eternal and Doom 2016 OST's are so fucking good. Only babies who couldn't beat those games hate them
Nu-Doom is gay and its music is even gayer.
I'm not saying that they are bad. It's just that they are not similar to the new KL album.
>The Doom Eternal and Doom 2016 OST's are so fucking good
Its proof that punks can turn literally anything into garbage once they get their soft faggot hands on it. They should listen to real metal instead of their off topic trash for once.


>20 seconds in the first track
actually I kinda hear it kek
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>Industrial metal
>"real metal"
You're comparing Doom to Knocked Loose?

>>then she fucking dies
good, hope she suffered
I'm not doing it. This >>122963373 retard is.
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>t. vidya OST numale screeching out almost as effeminately as the lead vocals of knocked loose does
Oh look, the Europeans are awake to ruin everything for everyone
who hurt you?
is that a Price is Right dollar sign
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Change the band name to Knocked Up because these FAGGOTS sounds like complete pussies, punks doing their best to hold up the lineage of their genre name as synonym of a FAGGOT.
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Okay /metal/, it's time for a lesson on what REAL metal is

This is REAL metal (industrial metal)
This is FAKE metal (metalcore)

Stop sperging, you fucking autist.
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>male-impreg fetish
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You can't name a trad metal album that riffs harder than this.
No, no I fukken can't
but A Sultan's Ransom is close
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And in case you forgot:

>punk (countable and uncountable, plural punks)
>1. (LGBT) Synonym of catamite: a boy or younger man used by an older as a (usually passive) homosexual partner.
>2. (chiefly US, LGBT) Synonym of bottom: any passive or effeminate homosexual male.
>3. (US, LGBT, slang) A boy who accompanies a hobo, especially as used for sex.
>4. (US, LGBT, derogatory, chiefly African-American Vernacular) Synonym of faggot: any male homosexual.
>5. (US, LGBT, prison slang) Synonym of bi

Reminder that ALL punks are INHERENTLY bottom bitches as they named themselves this from the beginning. Knocked Up under the the "beatdown" genre likely to be renamed to the BeatOff genre from all the FAGGOTRY going on there.
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careful posting that
Correct and kek'd
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keep being nice each other guys
good night
What's wrong with metalcore really? Is it the breakdowns? Why can't we get along?
I like this one tbqhwyf
gtfo coreshitter
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I despite your kind
You are fucking filth
-coreshit will never be good
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*mogs your favourite album*
Depends, you need to weigh over 200lbs to attend.
People who hate metalcore don't actually like metal.
So you're more happy derailing threads instead of just ignoring music you don't like?
>This is FAKE metal (metalcore)
sounds good thanks for the rec
my sides
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>he doesn't know
I fucking hate you guys so I'm posting metal
First names the genre "Beatdown Hardcore" for the beating they received from their bullies everyday, then "BeatOff hardcore" for the gay pride orgies they also held with their bullies LMAO.
Knocked Up's first track "Thirst" is right there to let everyone know what they are about, SUCKING SICK.
Second track "Piece by Piece", thats their way of saying "Cock by Cock", they will ensure none are left unsucked.
Third track and heres a more obvious one "Suffocation" from chocking on their favorite snack
"Don't reach for me" thats like when I woman says "don't touch me teehee", its a punk way of egging on another man to annihilate his ass
"Moss covers all" yeah hes referring to the green shit likely to cover you dick when you pull it out
Track 5 says enough with the foreplay just "Take Me Home" and bang KEK.
absolutely obsessed holy fuck
>posting -coreshit in a /metal/ general
>not derailing
the -coreshitter cries out in pain as he strikes you
lmao he's so butthurt
punksister annihilation
this >>122963747
Fuck off and die coreshitter.
Coreshit is metal and you need to fucking get over it because you have no counter argument other than pointing to the gay board and don't post metal either
Your favorite metal bands? They open for coreshit
Narded loose is inherently more metal than jooty gooty
(You will never be metal)
know what, shitty pm?
its so over
what are we chopped liver? >>122961628
>They open for pop bands
hate the game not the player
Why don't corefags just make their own threads? Oh right because they always die unless they leech off metal, just like their entire genre only exists to leech off real metal LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO
We're the dirty, uneducated minorities of this board

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