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>How do I get into classical?
This link has resources including audio courses, textbooks and selections of recordings to help you start to understand and appreciate classical music:

Previous thread: >>123311714
Strauss wrote his best works in a Neoclassical style. Everything Strauss wrote from 1889 to 1909 is garbage.
Which Strauss? Johann or Richard?
no one cares about viennese waltz in these threads
That's because Johann Strauss the first was better than his son but no one knows this.
His best works are for the soprano voice.
no one gives a shit about the strauss family period
I do.

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I'd want this performed at my wedding. Just a fantastic movement with a great festive quality.
>tranime loon thinks anyone will ever marry a troon
Hah, that's a great internal rhyme.
>not getting married to lohengrin
I shiggy diggy
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I'm a straight man, though. Either way, not very /classical/. Maybe try >>>/lgbt/ instead?

do tranime sisters really think they’re fooling anyone with this?
You know that appreciating cute girls means you are interested in women, i.e straight?

Your post implies I am a homosexual man pretending to be a woman, logically speaking, this implies there is an interest in men. One I have not displayed at any point in any thread. You seem to be projecting a lot.
we know you’re an AGP tranny, tranime sister. no need to stay in your egg, /classical/ is a safe space.
ywnbaw, TJ.
you are cancer. Total tranny death can't come soon enough.
wash your dilator.
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Trannies don't live in anybody's head rent free. They kick in the door to your head down and shit on the carpet. These fucking people do not leave you, your space, or your thoughts alone. If you try to have a discussion without them, they insist on making it about them. They put themselves everywhere until there is nowhere left to enjoy. I can't even click a YouTube video anymore without some faggot putting on a fake girl voice and trying to act like a cute anime retard. It's painful. It's dishonest and inauthentic. The entire trans movement is dripping with aggressive dishonesty. When you tell me to refer to you as "she/her" you are telling me to see a woman when I look at you. I don't. I see your imitation based on what porn ridden men like you find attractive, but more than this I see male aggression. I see the demand to dominate. I see acts of assertion and imperialist reeducation. You demand that I tell you 2+2=5 and when I refuse you become angry, aggressive and seek my removal or destruction. You are bullies who want to assert yourselves over others but have no field in which you're competitive except in social manipulation. You demand female spaces, you demand female aesthetics, you even demand the female label. You have entered into thievery and barbarism. You are dishonest, inauthentic and aggressive. You are not, will never and can never be a woman. You are the aggressor in every space. Your insistence on being called a woman is your demand to be given the girlfriend you were denied through your roleplaying as that imaginary woman. You are your father's son and that is how you will die.
All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
I dont think he was being serious, man. But pretending sisterjanny is a tranny is funnny so lets do it
shut your hole, TJ.
Rachmaninoff Symphony No.2

Name a greater symphony, I'll wait.

>pro tip: you can't
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>dont post a duplicate of a thread that already reached the bump limit
Really nigga?
you really don't need to immediately make a new thread just because the bump limit was reached. the old thread was still on page 1. just listen to a Wagner opera before making a new thread. when the thread has reached page 7, you can make a new thread.
Das lied Von Der erde and Scriabin 3, honestly there's many more but those are the last ones I listened to that were greater
I want to have sex with a robot while Wagner plays.

We make threads instantly after the bump limit all the time you pedantic faggot.
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Could Bach's fugues be described as polyphonic ritornellos?
Scriabin is an anime composer?
thank you assblasted schizo sister
how about any symphony not written by a retarded emotionally dishonest slave?
thank you malding schizo sister
stop spamming scholomosister
thank you seething schizo wignat sister
Like what?

I'll admit for the emotions it evokes, it's one of the very best for it.
I saw that recording yesterday when I was on my Glagolitic Mass binge but wasn't sure if Rattle for Janacek was worth listening to.

inb4rattle is never worth listening to
i agree, few works evoke disgust more effectively.
Very cool, thank you.
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What piece would adequately portray the nightmarish hellscape that the autistic sister poster will go through after having to pay back the astronomical amount of karmic debt he's amassed over however many threads he's posted in and is going to continue to post in?
I dunno about the Mass, but I really liked his Sinfonietta. Granted, the other one I know it's the one by Edward Garder on his Orchestral Works Vol. 1 compilation, and that one is a bit stiff.
I'll give it a listen, thanks.
no piece would portray a nightmarish hellscape better than revolting bleeding heart virtuoso slaveslop
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So I finally listened to the Stein Brucker 6 and yeah, that's the best recording, wow. Also found this really enjoyable read of an effusive review talking about it on Skrowaczewski's 6.
Opera arias and songs for soprano, duh.
Oh, I thought you/they meant he has some non-opera vocal music for soprano voice that's worth listening to.
Hmm... is that review written by someone se know?
The Lieder, duh.
Haha it's funny when I first came across it last night I had a similar thought, and considered making the same joke when posting it. It really is that good though.
If he is jewish, I can picture him sacrificing chickens to this.
O derp, right. I love the four orchestral songs especially but for some reason I always forget about their existence, along with the other lieder.
Great listen.
How weird. Youtube has Vol. 1 and Vol. 3, but not 2. Something similar happened with Britten Conducts Britten collection, youtube has Vol. 1 to 5, except for Vol. 3.
Sorry for the late reply but the I linked the playlist on youtube:
Erm, I was talking about this one. It includes the Four Seasons and the eight other pieces.
oh my my bad sorry

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trying out a handful recordings of parings of Schubert's 8th and 9th. Szell and Munch were stellar and will probably end up being the best, but still fun to try out others. Next with be either Bohm / BPO or Bernstein / NYP.

What's everyone else's favorite recording of Schubert's 9th? I remember when I first got into classical loving Furtwangler's but that was years and years ago.
Wand, but with NDR
Furt's is actually not bad at all. I have a lot of favorites. Szell and Munch are both obvious choices, Leibowitz goes fast and blasts, Maderna is extremely autistic and stubborn, both of Mengelberg's are thrilling. Probably Leibowitz for me overall, though.
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This one? Added, thanks.

I've definitely be down to try a faster one after listening to this slower (but still nice) Wand recording. Are you the guy who uploaded your own fixed versions of Mengelberg's Schubert 8 and 9 the other day? I downloaded that, maybe that should be one I listen to next. Just added Leibowitz's with the RPO, thanks.
furtwangler's schubert is so fucking contrived and unmelodic
what a turgid bore
do hisstards seriously
Is any piece of classical music funnier than this?
What hiss?
Thank you, added that recording, as well as a recording of Johann Strauss II's Waltzes by Knappertsbusch.
the hiss that was sloppily low pass filtered out of this shitty mastering of a badly recorded live performance
classical music shouldn't be funny
Why not should it not explore all of human emotion?
So there's no hiss. I accept your concession
technologically illiterate retard moment
No worries, I forgive you. Do you have those often?
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you will never be forgiven for being a technologically illiterate out of touch boomer hisstard. no amount of deflection will change the fact that you don't know how noise reduction works.
Alright, grandpa. Let's get you to bed
boredom is human emotion, i don't need music that bores me to death either. I don't like funny people or people trying to be funny, i don't like music trying to be funny. just a personal preference
why are /classical/ posters so angry? this must be a fermenting circlejerk of at least 5 years
stop referring to yourself in third person, geriatric. i don't give a shit how advanced your alzheimers is.
it's one guy shitting up the general for 3 years and counting
There's many kind, civil, and magnanimous posters here.
so true wagnersister, simply true.
A boring section might be interesting if used as a contrast for a more exciting section or in a program piece.
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Yes. I agree. Shallow and pedantic
a great description for furtwangler's chore of a conducting style
but enough about schlomosister
imagine being this mindbroken by a bunch of desert cultists with gross hair and stupid hats
The music itself encourages anger

“as the carefully prepared cadence is frustrated, damming up energy which finally explodes in the throttling murderous rage of a rapist incapable of attaining release.”
incorrigible drivel written by a musically illiterate feminist
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now playing

start of Tchaikovsky's "Serenade in C Major for Strings, Op. 48, TH 48":

Barber's "Adagio for Strings, Op. 11":

Elgar's "Introduction & Allegro, Op. 47: Introduction - Moderato":

Elgar's "Introduction & Allegro, Op. 47: Allegro":


Can always count on the combination of Munch and the Boston Symphony Orchestra for a first-rate recording!
"appreciating cute girls" means you're gay. Usually, straight man think of girls when they're horny and don't remember they exist the rest of the time.
Any Mozart from 25 on.
Any Beethoven from 3 on.
Half of Haydn.
Any Mahler in general.
Any Bruckner from 4 on.

Hell I can 3 that were just Second Symphonies
Ruth Gipp's number 2
Martinu's Number 2
Vaughn Williams number 2
Not even the original anon but of all the 2's, only Mahler 2 is better. But I respect your opinion.
You know I have gone my entire classical listening career without conciously hearing a single Mahler piece? I should probably rectify that situation.
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start of Bach's "The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080":


One thing I really love about the open instrumentation of the Art of Fugue is I can enjoy it in whatever form I'm most into at the time. When I was listening to mostly piano music, it's there; mostly chamber music and string quartets, it's there; and now symphonies and orchestral music, and it's there!

Hope you try him out and enjoy! I love the first symphony if you're into going chronologically and it's a great way to enjoy and approach Mahler, otherwise the fourth is probably the most conventional and a masterpiece and thus also a great starting point.
all of Xenakis orchestral works
The most mediocre court musician's least important work is still more artistically valuable than all of Xenakis's entire ouvre.
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Didn't know Vaughan Williams' 8th was dedicated to Barbirolli, that's interesting.
Xenakis or Arvo Part?
gonorrhea or syphillis?
A sneak preview:

ah, i see you prefer the AIDS virus

A classic shanty
first thirty seconds is the THQ sound but not nearly as iconic, how do modernistsisters cope?
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Let's post more Xenakis

This is one of his more accessible works
There's actually a strange sensation created here almost like the the drums are chasing you
All of Sorabji's works playing at the same time
The musical scale is a convention which circumscribes the area of potentiality and permits construction within those limits in its own particular symmetry.
sounds kino
Hello guys. Rate my Wagner ripoff

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needs to be slower

very good karajan
vomit inducing
karajan’s beethoven sucks cock
I hear liszt
Yeah, early Karajan is pretty interesting. Generally the same ideas but he hadn't yet turned the orchestras into homogenous string soup just yet.
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stop ban evading, pedophile kraut
go to Hell.
i’m not interested in joining you, chomo germ. you’ll suffer for all those kids you groomed.
slanderous and moronic as always, TJ.
pedophilic and child molesting as always, kiddydiddler kraut
i hate the pedo kraut as much as the next guy, but doxing him seems a bit uncalled for, tranime sister.
no, i'm not the pedo kraut, tranime sister.
Xenakis' "music" is almost as bad as Mahler's.
i know you're not the tripfag but the more you protest about not liking something the more likely you're hiding something...
more like MEHler, lol.
>if you think the pedophile groomer tripfag should stop ban evading you actually want to fuck kids!
tranime faggots never cease to embarrass themselves
wash your dilator, TJ.
put your trip back on, retarded pedophile kraut
Your idea of a straight man is a insecure homosexual, like you
Best Bach organ trio sonata recordings that play them as actual trio sonatas?

Also why are they so much better than Bachs other trio sonatas? Besides the one from the musical offering.
What is the best set of trio sonatas CPE bach wrote?
Speaking of trio sonatas, is there any actually good source that details the history and evolution to the form of trio sonatas and other baroque sonatas?
I'm sure there is. You should look into it.
>Bachs other trio sonatas

You mean the sonatas for flute & bc, violin & bc?
I did, but i couldnt find shit, hence I ask. All i can find is explanations of sonata form with no info on the baroque sonata
No, he also wrote trio sonatas, multiple ones.
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So just the two then...
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>they werent written by him
Well that explains it.
But why the fuck are they still BWV then?
anime sexo

That's all I need.
sounds like you need help, anon.
Why do people like this fucking garbage >"oh it's based off of advan]ced mathematics"
Who gives a shit if it's not beautiful?
it's based off of mathematics used in a context where it doesn't belong.

Music already has its own form of mathematics: harmonic counterpoint and set theory.
The hypocrisy is the worst part

I know right? Imagine listening to Mozart!
>a bunch of gross fat twitter addicts were pedophiles so you are too!
holy fuck, tranime faggots really live in another universe
do RYMteens really
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time to see if this is as incredible a recording as everyone says

>For those who want a quick review, here ya go… buy this CD. Right now. Get overnight shipping so you can get it faster.

M1 is really a hard one to fuck up, there's probably dozens of fine recordings. I really wonder what would make any recording "incredible" at this point.
no one but a pedophile would make this image
no one but a pedophile would come up with a leap of logic as insane as trying to use other pedophiles to justify cartoon child pornography.
This one is definitely a standout so far. I agree it's a hard one to do poorly, as, to me, it's mostly a lyrical symphony, and most do that part well but only a few recordings get the emotional layer on top of that for me. I also enjoy listening to unconventional, distinctive takes on it.
I didn't hear a denial Molester Sister
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These Martinu symphonies are really great, thanks again to whomever recommended this recording to me.
retarded pedophile moment
A tacit admission of guilt
they are not bad, but I have a really hard time keeping them apart, as they all sound kinda similar.
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There's a Paganini but is there a Christianini?
I prefer Vaughan Williams concertos to his symphonies.
delusional pedophile trying to wish things into existence
You're welcom Martinu is super slept on as composer.
added that recording thanks
I prefer HIP tempos for Bach but would rather they play them on modern instruments
Sadly the collision of those two worlds seems to never happen
I liked the first concerto, but the second one is a bit messy
the other works are ok too
Old meme recording but Cortot is quite zippy for a performance in the modern style
Arvo Part Silentium

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start of Bruckner's "Mass No. 3 in F Minor, WAB 28":

you know, I thought the first three works were by Vaughan, but One and the second concert are by MacMillan, the conductor
if anyone is looking for a recording of all concertos, there's this one
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this is decent but Bruckner, I think the approach here is a little too light-handed, thin, and agile, more appropriate perhaps for a choral work from the baroque or classical era. I think it ought to sound more romantic, heavier, and slow, so i'm switching to this recording. I'd be interested to have anyone else listen to both (links I posted are both to the same Kyrie movement) and tell me which they prefer.

now playing

start of Bruckner's "Mass No. 3 in F Minor, WAB 28":


I like most of Colin Davis' recordings anyhow, and especially his ones of choral works have always been great-to-excellent to my ears.

Light and agile Bruckner was very common amongst its earliest conductors. The era of heavier Bruckner didn't really start until after WW2
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now playing, time to begin my Stravinsky obsession?

start of Jeu de Cartes, K. 059:

start of Orpheus, K. 076:

start of The Soldier's Tale Suite:


Interesting, is that closer to how Bruckner intended then? Maybe I should give that Herreweghe Mass 3 recording I also added a listen then, as I assume it's probably also in that vein if that's the case. Are there any available recordings of that style of his symphonies?
The questions of Bruckner intentions insofar as conducting is concerned isn't really certain. He was extremely accepting of all interpretations.
need some depressing recs
petzoldians, rise up

its time for a new petzoldian era
yeah, old /classical/ will rise again
I really like the word 'perverse' as a derogatory adjective to describe an interpretation on a recording, it's a vivid and devastating criticism.
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A regrettable use of time, I can't believe people actually like and even love this recording.
I can't believe people like Mahler.
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I'm finding myself actually really loving Karajan's Haydn symphonies (and his The Creation recording is first-rate too). Gonna check out Harnoncourt / RCO too but this is stellar. Is it weird to prefer like Haydn's symphonies more than Mozart's?
more like MEHler.
This just sounds so wonderful:

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in love with Strauss' Ein Heldenleben currently, and I've read rave reviews about this recording, and have been pleased with all the Honeck I've heard thus far

start of Strauss' Symphonic Poem "Ein Heldenleben" Op.40:

the recording also contains ostensibly the world premiere of one Michael Rusinek's Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra, here's the start of that:


and the recording is opened with Verdi's Overture - Opera "La forza del destino"


Posting the links to the recording in reverse order of the pieces isn't what I meant to do initially lol, I was only gonna listen to the Strauss piece at first but Verdi's overtures are amazing and it feels like an injustice to just skip over the world premiere of a contemporary composer, so I'm gonna listen to the entire recording start to finish instead. Rusinek could be in this very thread so it'd be very rude to skip over his Concerto! Could be very good, let's see.
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poorfag question:

so, I want to begin learning the piano, but of course, I don't have money for an acoustic one, so I'll get a digital one instead. However, I also LOVE harpsichord and organ, and wanted to play some little pieces for these instruments.

How do I get around this? Should I get a 1001 features keyboard? Does someone know a good digital piano that has at least harpsichord "function"? I think the accordion can simulate an organ pretty well, but I don't know.

Money is a problem in this case, but if this can be resolved in less than $5000 I think it can be done. Please help me, anons
extraordinarily perverse
just get an upright piano like a normal person you retard
kill yourself.
Just from briefly looking you can definitely get an acoustic piano for less than 5k. In fact several thousand less, so you can get the piano and spend the rest on heroin
Listening through this, they're quite nice, you really get RVW's beautiful, sentimental trademark sound in a form that tends to have more immediacy in its structure than you get with his symphonies. Really excited to hear what the Bass Tuba Concerto sounds like too!
>extraordinarily perverse

That obvious listening to that recording inspired the post right above it, huh. It is though, especially that godforsaken third movement, what the hell even is that
it's barbirolli being a disgusting old geriatric angloid grunting and shitting all over the music.

I've listened to the Karajan II like five times since your reply and I think I completely agree with you, those two are my favorite I'm come across, with most still being enjoyable.
I've come across*

Fuckin' been making typos in my posts all day.
The more I listen to Stravinsky, the more I think I absolutely love his ideas and themes and overall sound of his works, but his actual compositions and execution fall just a bit flat. Still fine-to-great, I just always find myself feeling "man, I should be enjoying this more than I do," loving his works more in the abstract and only liking them in the details.

Or maybe it just hasn't clicked with me yet, I don't know. I just feel really drawn to his works but actually listening to them never lives up to it, I guess. Yes I'm aware I basically said the same thing three times in different ways. I'll keep trying though. Any recommendations for recordings of the Symphony in C and Symphony in Three Movements? Last one I listened to was MTT / SF and it's quite good, was gonna listen to it before or while going to sleep tonight but if anyone has a recording they'd like to recommend I'm all ears.
Stravinsky couldn't develop a theme to save his life.
I guess that might be where part of the execution falls flat for me. Here and there though, like in Petrushka, there are moments of incredible beauty and genius, but only a glimpse before it fades.
Beethoven would be the opposite of Stravinsky. His motives are bland but out of those motives he develops masterpieces.
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It seems interesting that given how the classical/art music tradition has always functioned, Stravinsky being contemporary enough to have conducted and recorded his own work isn't the final word of it, as it would be in any other music genre or tradition. I partly bring this up because I've always found it fascinating in itself, and also because I'm gonna give this a try and apparently Strav. hated Karajan's conducting of his music, which in this space is completely normal practice.
Stravinsky wasn't the only one. Britten, Josef Suk, John Ireland and Ravel, among others, also have recordings of their own works. There also are conductors from the 19th century that recorded some works, like Thomas Beecham.
Maybe it's because I only got into classical as an adult on my own as a casual listener, so it seems a little odd coming from the perspective of other musical traditions. Yes, yes, I know, 'pop standards' were always a thing, but that comes from the same folk/art music historical practice. I mean I get it, just kinda odd is all.
friendly reminder that haydn has a 70 minute long mass with a THIRTY (30) minute long gloria that no one knows anything about
I guess the question is, did these composers with recordings of their own works feel they were definitive, or enjoy other interpretations, maybe even think they had surpassed their own?
Probably the greatest recording ever
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now playing

start of Mass in C Major - Missa Sancta Caeciliae (Missa cellensis) , Hob. XXV:5 (Jochum):

start of Mass In C Major - Missa in tempore belli ("Paukenmesse") , Hob. XXII:9 (Kubelik):

start of Mass In B Flat Major - Missa brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo ("Kleine Orgelmesse") , Hob.XXII:7 (Schrems):

all orchestrated by Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks, composed by Haydn

>it seems a little odd coming from the perspective of other musical traditions
I always thought it was a curiosity because anything before the 1950s feels so far away and removed from today, so the fact that there are records as old as that amuses me.
I just meant in the sense of in the musical industry today, in non-classical, if you write and record something, your album/recording is the definitive one, as in we would just keep listening to Stravinsky's recording and that'd be that outside of some covers but those are recognized as novelties. This obviously isn't the case within the classical music tradition.
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everyone knows about it you retard.
>retarded pedophile kraut proceeds to post about the wrong work anyways
LOL, put your stupid fucking trip back on, groomer germ
To be clear, I think it's awesome there's recordings of Stravinsky conducting his own work. I just mean, probably how I should have worded it, from the perspective of modern day non-classical musical traditions, it's weird *other conductors* are making their own recordings of it when his exists. But of course within the classical tradition, that's how the practice works.
because he is a retarded pedophile who just likes spamming excerpts from music theory books he doesn’t understand
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start of Bruckner's "Symphony No. 5 in B-Flat Major, WAB 105:" (Sawallisch):

Personally, I don't like how diffuse this 5th is
i really dislike this 5th too, i don’t see why hurwitz creams his pants over it

Man this sounds weird in retrospect. It's not yet a sonata form concerto but it's also losing that ritornello form of a baroque concerto. It's a really interesting inbetween.

Did CPE ever truly start writing in modern sonata form, or was it Haydn that properly made it into what we know it as now?
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Best Mozart opera Soprano?
It's easy to admire Stravinsky, but it's hard to love him.
Mass compositions shouldn't be that long because then they can't be used during actual mass. It's basically senseless. 20 to 25 minutes of music is enough.
mass compositions haven’t been used in actual mass since the 18th century, get over it.

What instrument would be most accurate for his keybiard concertos? I think he did work with fortepianos
i want all mozart classic in a single zip high quality do anyone know where I can find it?
you retarded shit
post your top 5 composers
Most of CPE's works should be played on a foretpiano or a modern piano. Some people play his earliest stuff on a harpsichord though.
He was a huge proponent of the fortepiano and he wrote quite a bit on how to play it
erm umm
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Better than classical. You may not like it but Nancarrow surpasses them all
It's modern classical though
not /classical/, try >>>/mu/ instead, tranime RYMteen
Post a better classical composition with as much complexity, pro tip you cannot
not /classical/, try >>>/mu/ instead, tranime RYMteen
These aren't classical either, they reek of spam to me
not /classical/, try >>>/mu/ instead, whiny faggot
complexity ≠ quality

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Just because it's old, doesn't make it good either.
nothing underage-anime-girl posters enjoy can be classified as classical
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>When I am already lying in bed, I hear him talking volubly and loudly; I get up and go into his room. “I was talking to you,” he says, and embraces me tenderly and long. “Once in 5,000 years it succeeds!” “I was talking about Undine, the being who longed for a soul.” He goes to the piano, plays the mournful theme “Rheingold, Rheingold,” continues with “False and base all those who dwell up above.” “Extraordinary that I saw this so clearly at that time!” — And as he is lying in bed, he says, “I teel loving toward them, these subservient creatures of the deep with all their yearning.”

Under the sea
Under the sea
Darling it's better
Down where it's wetter
Take it from me
Up on the shore they work all day
Out in the sun they slave away
While we devotin'
Full time to floatin'
Under the sea
Better RYM than a p/r/edittor like yourself, Pedophile TrannyJanny
Pretty gay post anon. America is about freedom, freedom and freedom not wanting daddy dictator to come dominate you. You need to be worthy of the freedom true
Grieg recs please?

Also favorite Rach piece(s)? For me it's the 2nd symphony(and concertos obviously...)
>America is about freedom, freedom and freedom not wanting daddy dictator to come dominate you
Yeah because you like having hundreds if not thousands of bureaucrats (or as I call them little dictators) dominating you. A thousands cocks are always better than a single cock, least on paper.
If there is anything to learn from Rhinemaidens is that I am all in for public women nudity. Let their bodies be exposed bare for the perverts to glare at!
>A thousands cocks are always better than a single cock, least on paper.
Kek you said it, fag
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t. alberich
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now playing

start of Khachaturian's "Gayane Suites 1-3" (Anichanov):

Harnoncourt's recording is probably my current favorite.
>Grieg recs please

Holberg suite
Lyric pieces
Now Playing - Strauss: Hornkonzerte No. 1 & 2

C. H. Graun
no one asked, obsessed concern troll
not /classical/, try >>>/pol/ instead
Probably a silly blogpost but upped by medication dose via the doctor and one of the side effects appears to be improving my attention span, so now I'm finally able to listen to music with complete focus and my undivided attention; basically, without having to, say, do some mindless internet browsing while having the music on. So many details and compositional design I was never able to notice before, it's great.
Don't care, I gave you my opinion unprompted and you'll like it sex offender janny.
All those perverts with their degenerate naked lady fetish
no one asked, obsessed concern troll
>listen to symphony
>movement evokes emotions of triumph, happiness, optimism
>read about work online afterward
>movement was satirical/ironic/sardonic

makes me feel like an idiot everytime
You were answered none the less.
What piece(s) did this happen for ?
Any good fortepiano recordings of his concertos? The only good piano anything recording I can find of his works is the Hännsler collection with the laughably horrid covers. I actually like the trevor pinnock recording for the bigger orchestra. Is there any recording that has fortepiano + decent size orchestra?
I think you'll struggle to find one with forty pianos in it
It's happened a few times, like with Shostakovich 5 (I believe) in the past, but for this occurrence:

no one asked, obsessed concern troll
i've never read anything about the second movement of the 10th being sarcastic.
shostakovich is fucking gay anyways
just like Mehler
The exact wording was 'forced happiness,' so I was trying to cover any form of insincerity:

>Cast in five movements the Tenth Symphony, even in the state it was left by Mahler, emerges with an extraordinary sense of structural balance. More so than that of the Ninth. Two Adagios frame two Scherzos, which themselves frame a strange, tiny, achingly descriptive intermezzo marked "Purgatorio" at the very centre. We walk with death-haunted nostalgia in the first movement. Then through rather forced happiness in the second movement. On to Purgatorial unease in the third and tragic bitterness in the Fourth movement. At last we arrive at a series of "death knell" drum strokes ushering in the remarkable last movement. Here the work's darker elements are reviewed and explored until terror from the first movement is recalled before serenity and heart's ease is won at last.


This a great site and resource I've been perusing lately, though I'm sure you're already aware of all this stuff so it's probably not as interesting for you.
>Tony Duggan
I read his Mahler stuff back when I was first starting classical. I did think much of what he had to say was insightful back then, but he's very guilty of projection of pseudo-biographical elements onto Mahler's music.
seems like projection to me. mahler did write very personal comments into the score, but they mostly apply to the 3rd, 4th and 5th movements. nothing he actually wrote about the 2nd implies that it is forced or farcical in any way.
also, musicweb are one of the flagbearers for the boomer hisstard school of conducting; for mahler, they're part of the reason genuine dogshit conductors like horenstein and barbirolli have the reputation among talkclassical boomers that they have today. the only reviews of theirs that i think are worth referencing are ralph moore's opera surveys.
It's funny you guys say that because the paragraphs continues, after a quote from Cooke:

>So the Tenth Symphony gives us a further chapter in the autobiographical "novel" in music that was Mahler' life's work. What is being mapped in this work is Mahler's own state of mind. Especially under the pressure in 1910 from his tempestuous marriage which, at that particular time, was under the greatest strain of its short life. Exclamations of his torments litter the score's pages.


I'm still not the best at emotionally or thematically analyzing classical/art music yet, so admittedly at the present I kinda just take whatever I read from whomever regarding that as a more qualified and therefore accurate reading than whatever thoughts I may have on the matter, if I have any at all besides 'this sounds good' lol.

I'll keep that in mind. Part of the reason I listened to the Barbirolli M5 yesterday was because his page on that work included it and praised it to the high heavens, so figured it was time I finally tried it. About half of the recordings he suggests are legitimately good though, or at least align with my tastes, and again as I said above, similar to that other anon's experience, I'm currently finding his analysis and takes on the works themselves very insightful.
Maybe it's just very, very slow so I should let it sit for a while but I can't get any of those links to load, sadly.
Any of the .pdf ones*
i'm not saying that all the recordings duggan recommends are bad, but he's especially fond of some particular stinkers for who knows what reason. i wouldn't take his word at face value.
Skrowaczewski's Bruckner 5 is just right, so good. I think his cycle might be my favorite.
I like their picks for opera recordings because they give options between old/mono/live/stereo.
yes, that's exactly what i just posted.
Moore is OK. He's a bit too much of a Karajan simp (to the point of recommending him in his laughably awful Missa Solemnis recording), but he at least has a half decent grasp of historical context for opera, which is quite important in that genre.

A lot of these guys were old Amazon reviewers that transitioned to other platforms after Amazon became a pretty hostile place for user reviews.
yeah, i don't think moore is the gold standard of opera recommendations, but he generally gives good recommendations more often than not; certainly more often than duggan and his horenstein worship.
A lot of old British critics have fond memories of Horenstein because he was "the guy" that made Mahler popular in Britain. He had a slew of concerts in the late 50s / early 60s, did interviews with Cooke, etc. Duggan was British, and he was a former Gramophone critic as well.

Horenstein was not a bad conductor, but his approach to music, i.e. a generally rigid, "structural" approach to tempo, was basically the antithesis of good Mahler conducting.

why is it that so much unwarranted reverence of bad conducting stems from the british and gramophone? truly an irredeemable bunch.
an idiot talking about music he doesn’t understand
It's actually a fairly interesting talk for historical context. I especially like his comments on Bartok as a Hungarian Webern personality wise (basically calling him autistic)
Tranny Janny's awful opinons are not needed
i don't see why webern holds the trademark to autism (nevermind an autistic communist pedophile)
no one asked, obsessed angloid concern troll
No reply needed TJ
no one asked, obsessed angloid concern troll
How are you poor if you can splash out 5k on a piano?
>replies anyway
no one asked, obsessed angloid concern troll
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from the heart! np
I've heard others say the same Granny Tranny
more like a fart from bernstein's loose asshole
no one asked, obsessed angloid concern troll
Really? Interesting
no one asked, obsessed angloid concern troll
Give in to the conducting prowess of the Maestro. But in seriousness, I find I like his recordings more often than not, and often times his are among the best if not the best, so about time I gave his Beethoven a try starting with the Missa, the symphonies soon to follow.
Thank you Tranny Janny
when are bernstein’s recordings the best? certainly not in beethoven or mahler.
no one asked, obsessed angloid concern troll
sawallisch is better.
Brahms, Janny tranny
no one believes this, not even you, obsessed angloid concern troll

Didn't ask Trannis Jannis
no one asked, obsessed angloid concern troll
>still responding with nonsense in a dead thread
no one asked, obsessed angloid concern troll
>spamming tranny janitor
no one asked, obsessed angloid concern troll
no one asked, obsessed angloid concern troll
Thank You Tranjan
no one asked, obsessed angloid concern troll
My point exactly TrannyJanny
no one asked, obsessed angloid concern troll
no one asked, obsessed angloid concern troll
Thank u TJ
no one asked, obsessed angloid concern troll
Thank you trannyjanny
no one asked, obsessed angloid concern troll
thank you trannyjanny
no one asked, obsessed angloid concern troll
A welcome response tranjan
no one asked, obsessed angloid concern troll
An intriguing post trannyjanny
no one asked, obsessed angloid concern troll
An important point TJ
no one asked, obsessed angloid concern troll
An excellent response tj
no one asked, obsessed angloid concern troll
Thank you Janny
no one asked, obsessed angloid concern troll

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