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Slam Slugs From Outta Space edition.

Old wigger: >>123400267

Thread theme: https://youtu.be/9hb2cHLejtA?si=VL93oHj4svD8sXZA
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
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Silver Leaves is incredible

the rest is pretty good
Kek this template always makes me laugh. Zoomers have no idea what life in rural areas is like. You can see lush forestry beyond the shopping zone
Odd, there isn't any song called that on Slam Slugs From Outta Space. Having a schizo attack, wigger?
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first for jari
we cultivated this
blackened grindcore reigns supreme
Meh I really tried but it just didn't click with me, most disappointing album of the year so far.
It really feels like they lost what made them special among other prog metal bands when they tried doing art pop and now when they try to be heavy again it just does not work very well, just compare this to anything from Bilateral, Coal or The Congregation and it's not even close. I'm really not sure where the band goes next.
Sum 41 is closer to metal than every core band active atm
Filled with feral homeless and crackheads
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DsO doesn’t deserve to be reviewed
>Sum 41
We cultivate them here
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Do we still post Friday WEEKS here or is that long dead?
not listening to this butt metal
I will not listen to Gojira after L'Enfant. Magma taught me that valuable lesson.
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sure why not
This. I'm a tits man.
we hate technical death metal
except Ulcerate
I liked that The Chasm album, and I actually don't like The Chasm as much as most seem to.
Based post tit metal
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i'll bite too
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the older I get, the more I prefer rock to metal
We know, grandpa. We know.
metal is too same-y now. Every band is a clone of either Gorguts, Behemoth, DsO, or Slayer
listened to the Stone Roses album this year and was amazed how much better it was than every metal album I’ve heard
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American autism mixed with transracialism. Many such cases. Sad!
You win the thread, sir.
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>wigger slam
>Alt metal
All faggot poser shit and not metal. Music for tranny faggots
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We love music for tranny faggots here
This and funk. I was always getting into new subgenres of metal and punk but now I exhausted all the ones I liked.
Lots of shit there I like.
Not checked out that Fortresse release so I really should.
My jungle love...O E O E O
pub rock
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I used to listen exclusively to underground black metal, but these days it's more like >>123405546
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The central riff and vocals on the last half of track 5 combine to create peak metal
Holy shit, I'm just as impressed by the production value on this thing as I am repulsed by it.
tried to do that fucking spider walk exercise and doesn't matter what pose I try to do my wrist hurts, it feels like it's getting twisted and I can't even properly place my fingers
what the fuck
I have huge ass hands btw
Confirmed AOTY
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amazing album and we definitely need more anti islam black metal
why the FUCK does this thread always die the moment I start posting? fucking FAGGOTS
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Based boob metal connoisseur
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Does the lyrical content matter if the music is good sonically? Is this the aoty for the lyrics?
it's chudshit, what do you think?
ain't we all
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>it's chudshit
Remove the band name, and absolutely no one would be talking about it.
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Varg Vikernes about his new potato farm in France(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody here were so-called "farmers", they were anti-employment, they were pro-crops, we cultivated this
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How is it remotely good? It suffers from pretty much everything that makes post-BNW Maiden shit.
Why can't Maiden fans stand criticism of their favorite geezers?
incantation is mid and immolation is shit tier
metal is the most boring genre
>incantation is mid
>immolation is shit tier
Actual low iq tourist take
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Immolation are one of the best DM bands.
Prove it.
We love boredom here
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Post your favorite trilogy lads
Incantation - Scream bloody gore (Death cover)
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There are no bad Iron Maiden albums. Anything else is your problem.
Boring as shit. They managed to make a fucking Death song sleep inducing while trying their hardest to sound great. This is actually praiseworthy.
>They managed to make a fucking Death song sleep inducing
Accurate to the source material then
>pentagram necklace
tryhard fags, into the garbage it goes
Cobalt, War Metal to Gin
The chats - High risk behaviour
The chats - Get fucked
The chats - (their 3rd, hopefully upcoming album)
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why are zoomers so terrible at making metal?
Dance of Death was the last Maiden album I bought and remember when it came out in 2003. After that I never felt the need to check up for "New Maiden"
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Are you 14 years old
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This is a good album. But I don't know whether it was made by zoomers.
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So do you guys own these albums? Or just open YouTube links of these and then make these images for some obscure reason to show for other anons the YouTube links you click this week?
>But I don't know whether it was made by zoomers.
It wasn't, Knocked Loose is entirely made up of millennials.
epicly memed my kekistani comrade!
for me? it's beer, rum and whiskey
I'm 23
I own royal blood, hellbilly Deluxe, steal This Album, and rubberneck. Sometimes I just don't get to use the cd
Do you just post inane questions on the internet all day? Or are you actually an autismo?
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Ah I see, you're more of a Mistress man with "Whiskey Tastes Better".
Christ mate get help
Am I supposed to be impressed by these album charts when its essentially just some guy's YouTube bookmarks? Why include pictures of them to begin with? Why you care about the artwork or cover art if it's some YouTube link in the background for you?
Ignore the "NOOO YOU CANT CLICK YOUTUBE LINKS" schizo. He's genuinely retarded.
is this some dystopia worship band?
It's the project the Anaal Nathrakh members had before AN. It's decent sludgey grind.
Help with what exactly
Why not make this huge picture consisting of every single metal album available on YouTube and make it it into this huge picture you can show off on the Internet to other anons?
how to get a lot of bitches playing extreme metal:
>have some costume but don't overdo it, maybe a mask that covers your face
>sing about death, sex and evil
>have a cool logo that's also simple and legible
>cool, simple name
>no clean singing but no growling either, something like Cronos
>heavy metal is boomer cringe, death metal is incel cringe and thrash is just shit...stick to speed metal and some heavy but with the aforementioned vocals

and this is exactly why Midnight attracts a lot of women
That's a red state so not really.
In my thoughts and in my dreams
They're always in my mind
These songs of hobbits, dwarves and men
And elves
Come close your eyes
You can see them, too
the reddest red states are the south and there are definitely drug addicts down there. tweakers and homeless people are in every state
>extreme metal
ok grandpa
post the biggest metal myths in history. i'll start
>the first two cryptopsy albums are technical
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none of you retards even play slam riffs irl
If they're not technical then you'll have no problem playing them on guitar, bass and drums right now.
People calling Demilich "tech death". Sure, the riffs are a bit weird, unconventional. But there's nothing that warrants "Technical/Avant-garde Death Metal" label on Metal-Archives or Reddit claiming Nespithe is some obscure prog masterpiece when in reality it is just pretty plain and butter death metal and even something like Morbid Angel from that era is miles more "technical".
Ive actually lived in a rural state that has towns that look like the pic and don't base my worldview on memes lol. The reality is that town in the meme is rather small and serves as spot for residents from all the surrounding smaller towns to get affordable groceries. The people who shop there likely go home to a large home with lots of land and several vehicles.
my wrist hurts when I try to play guitar
totally irrelevant
me being a great instrument player/being a shit instrument player doesn't change the fact that those two albums are simply brutal dm
I almost wonder if the avant tag comes literally just from "frog vocals lmao"
maybe you are weak genetically
Let me interject for a moment, what you're referring to as "tech death" is actually just technical death metal. "tech death" is gay stuff like cynic and necrophagist
shitter cope
I do but only in E standard because downtuning a floating bridge is a fucking nightmare.
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Did War Metal really both start and peak here?
let's hear a slam riff. upload to vocaroo
you'll cowards don't even listen to slam muchless wiggerslam
OK Mengele
I get done being a wagie in 3 hours bro gotta deliver these pizzas
you could teach 5 year old how to do palm-muted powerchords anon
damn nigga i didn't know you were chill like that
then why are you in a slam thread? it only makes you seem dumber than the 5 year old...
>started craving a ciggie just after the shops closed
man, fuck this
anyway, someone please buy me a cool ass guitar
>anyway, someone please buy me a cool ass guitar
only if you're a cute femboy who sends
i didn't even hear anything lmao. fix ur mic
If I get good equipment then it isn't slam
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Unfathomably based, grisly aftermath is my top demo of the 3, I still need to grab this vinyl.
He was inherently Metal
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God I love czechschizo-core.
I semi-unironically look like this...
Absolutely FUCKING not. Metal grew out of the hippy movement. It was always accepting and inclusive. Then you fucking nazis started to infiltrate our genre and claim it was always a racist cesspit. Get the fuck out of here.
We hate inclusivity here
everyone is blasting Time 2
Youtube clickers mad af when this topic comes up kek
are you fuckin stupid? take that shit to plebbit. metal is inherently antisocial, misanthropic, and based on pain. if mengele's story is too BRUTAL for you, you should just listen to pop music. take your feelgood vibe shit to a fuckin dead-thread dweeb. fuckin absolute turd-nigger.
>tfw can't play Frantic Disembowelment on guitar after playing guitar for ~7 hours
I think I'll give up. This shit is whack.
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Will the new Blood Incantation album be good? It's 2 20+ minute tracks with, I imagine, more Tangerine Dream influence.
Correct. Although her albums are always too long.
>we wuz kangz in outer space n shit
I don’t have high hopes, ever since that one embarrassing interview they did +their recent output I can’t really take them seriously. Cool they’re playing with Steve roach tho
Are there any metal songs about being chased or pursued by something?
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Drunkposting from the train Station
You're a zoomer who cannot decide his pronouns. You never owned a genre, fag.
They seem like nice guys but the more I learn about them the more I kinda dislike them. They're stereotypical vegan psychonauts. Hidden History is great tho, esp Slave Species of the Gods
The demo and starspawn are both great too imo. Just not a fan of their image now , and how their basically every redditors first and only death metal band
Mindbroken and mentally dominated
Bergtatt by Ulver is about a girl lost in the forest being perused by trolls.
tons and tons
Jack the ripper and Killers come to mind immediately. It's a common metal trope.
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we cultivated this
The fuck is that song really about?
Starts with an angry man telling him to pull over (shithead) and show his cock. Then that line about the speed of light trapped under his hood. That's a slang name for foreskin, which Mustaine won't have. Thoughts?
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Couldn't tell you apart from the other kshitter weekly.
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Best BM of 2024 thus far
Haven't listened to the new Spectral Wound though
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Not metal.
Any good anti dog metal? :) Hate those things that invade personal space and have stupid owners and slobber all over you. Fuck your dog (not literally of course)
Damn, at least your college education was worth it!
What's Kristian upto nowadays? Any good black metal?
Nebula Nox used to post that gay shit because the cover is a rip-off of Sisters of Mercy.
Where did he go?
I don't know, I try to not to follow pathetic board personalities
I follow only one board personality and I want him back dearly.
Most of the e-celebs are retards or people with an agenda who think others are stupid. Best way not to follow them.
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This was AOTY for black metal, so far.
you're literally obsessed with them though
Yeah, Bongman. Fun fact: he was the original /metal/ poster.
A turbo virgin with shit taste that's just tourist shite is the original /metal/ poster?
Checks out.
I can't stand retro ambient music anymore. The outdated synth noises sound too silly
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i fucking love crust-influenced raw black metal
also kate bush
Never limit yourself. You might love it even more in the future. I used to hate nu-metal. Now it's not so bad, depending on the band.
How's the new Deceased?
Im live rn boys https://www.youtube.com/live/z5pQSAegYoc?si=IX-8PJmWNcI_9J37
really good, i recommend. probably in the top 5 of metal releases this year for me. listen to “fed to mother earth” if you want a feel for the album, it’s the best track imo.
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im an evil satanic gangsta wigger
you're mad jelly tbqh
Noice. Will do.
Queensryche exposing MK Ultra here. Look it up all you zoomers. Very interesting reading:
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Metal is for alpha males, not goths faggot. You're a queer who listens to Shitknot.

If you don't have muscles, a bulge showing through tight jeans, and long hair, you're not metal.
You speak for no one but yourself
>You speak for no one but yourself
>Metal is inclusive!

You're not metal, you'll never be metal. We don't accept you in our scene, you're mallcore.
Goth, metal, punk, oi, even some pop if it sings about certain topics are all part of the movement for a based humanity. You seem like a divide and conquer poser. What's your agenda?
It just sounds like you are autistic kek
Get over yourself faggot
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>this thread
>me about to knock out some zoomer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMzyleT2FqY HYSTERIAAAA!
It's always great seeing Brother Geoff getting credit. We belong to the same Lodge.
Interesting. Do tell more.
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Yeah that guy is ALMOST as cool as me
I guess I won't get an answer. Oh well.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0GEdjsQtcQ \\m// WOO!!
Dogs = metal as fuck
Freemasonry = epic, metal musician are often part of it
Serbia = used diaper tier
Did King Diamond teach you nothing?
King Diamond isn't my boss. Is he yours?
Dumb, dog-like noise
Did you not claim to be a fan of his?
I am a fan of King Diamond, but what is your point? He doesn't control my opinions.
I knew some people who adopted a Serbian child. They threw it in the garbage later when they realized that thing smelled. They later got a poodle instead.
Dogs are based and make autists seethe and panic with fear <3
You think what you want.
This, dogs are metal as fuck. If you hate dogs you hate Ozzy and King Diamond.
Ozzy and King Diamond arn't dogs. Dogs are dogs. Do your own research on them. I'm not gonna spoon feed you. Know that I'm right though.
>Get over yourself faggot
Nah, small egos are for small "men"
>what is your point?
Why can't you follow this conversation?
He is Serbian and has an IQ below 59
Kek how insecure are you?
Insecure enough to smack you with my dick, Scott Pilgrim/Soijak looking fag
KEK you really are autistic lmao
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You don't have long hair or muscles, stay out poser
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Rewatching Eva, thinking I should blast Emperor, Rei's favourite.
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for me, it's 70's prog
>nooooo yov can't be a part of mvh secret klvb
Yeah, you can't. So stop trying.
>being associated with autistic black metal spergs
This is pretty underrated.
Obtained Enslavement
Shamed and ridiculed here.
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>Obtained Enslavement, Taake, we love those here!
Ronnie James Dio was a cool wee dude
I wear corpse paint and play nirvana that is punk rock right /metal/?
Buy an ad and stop shilling your shite band here
Get a load o this guy he's not kvlt at all...
I'm a metalhead. That means I only listen to metal exclusively, of every genre. And nothing starting with "nu" ending in "core" or having the prefix "wigger" is metal.

black metal 2024
Infectious Jelqing and Arseny are beloved here.
Furries, cosplayers and gamers.
You sound autistic more than anything kek
Only 1st wave is trve posevr
something like that
You are not kvlt you will never be trve
black metal is boring now
Banger alert

Nirvana was the first trve black metal band
not metal
power metal is to metal what pop punk is to punk
your brain is to being retarded what a normal brain is to not being retarded
Why is the type of metal so important? If you like the music then that's good enough, no?
You've come to the wrong neighborhood
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But this is the wigger slam thread and I'm a real wigga.
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>Hate Forest is an elitist Black Metal band. Posers, goths, fags, emo kids, fans of cradle of filth, dimmu borgir, children of bodom, grindcore, hardcore, power metal, etc. WILL be denied. Every subhuman buying Hate Forest releases buys a weapon against himself.
It's not. We have these autistic little gremlins called black metal elitists. We like to make fun of them here for not being kvlt and obscvre enough
I love this album but hate every other Opeth album. Am I retarded?
>I love Blowpeth's worst album
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kek MetalSucks don’t miss
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I fucked the girls in Escuela Grind
Why would you love this when the next 2 are better in every way
>two fat mexicans, one wearing a burzum shirt, the other playing single notes on a casio

>black vocalist

>two mystery meat lightskin browns, one on guitar, the other doing vocals

>sounds like complete dogshit

zoomer symphonic black metal/hardcore emoshit

who’s gonna tell him
then where was dick
choppy choppy
pics or it didn't happen
>Friday night
>listening to bad music and complaining about it on 4chan
The life of a black metal "elitist"
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His chin has totally disappeared.
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Moonspell - Wolfheart
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I like Squid Pisser a lot. They opened for Fall of Troy a year ago, they were sick as fuck.
idk i just think the lower fi production and higher pitched more BM liked vocals fit them better.
Niggas fat and pushing 50
You're a mexican
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Finna heem pasty white elmers glue lookin niggas head first into the concrete floor
I bet your dad's proud that you spend every Friday getting mad at mexicans and mystery meat online
This solo still hits.
kek based
The autistic black metal guy probably doesn't even have a dad kek if he did then that would not be kvlt but he can sacrifice him then that will be kvlt
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Stop that
>not KVLT
I'm 2KVLT6666U
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>Rocking the Rhodes
Thats a kino guitar
how do i stop capping fr?
stop being sus and start being bussin'
relative of fantano?
t. nu-male
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Getting Steve Roach too open is too try hard for me. They obviously cite him and a lot of ambient artists from the 70s as major influences, so the whole thing getting him to open for a predominantly metal show seems completely contrived.
Rap and metal don't mix. Metal is about Eurocentrism and swords and paganism. Rap is about being a groid or a white cuck who wears childish clothing.
bad vibes, lass
Any metal man in
I download them illegally and then play the files through my $10 walmart earphones
This but soulseek flacs played through cheap bluetooth ear buds
Yes that's what I just said.
Someone make a new thread already, every time I make a new one someone beats me to the bunch by seconds so fuck you
This is so fucking comfy, wtf. I remember being a kid when I first heard this song and now it brings me back to those days, also they're such a solid band.

10/10 play station memories.
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Good morning!

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