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Industrial Edition
Previous: >>123485254
Linkin Park reigns supreme.
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What are you niggers blasting tonight?
Dying Fetus Reign Supreme
nu metal isn't metal, that W*ggerslam thread is your basket buddy.
Good album
Any of you faggots related to chimps? LMAO, imagine being related to CHIMPS.
no they don’t lmao reddit already dug into that bitch’s personal life and found out she’s a rape supporting Scientologist. Bye bye reunion tour
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it’s joever
I see, its the literal feds shilling Gaying Park.
Not metal
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I need the tender embrace of an aryan mans dick in my butthole fr
I've been trying to get into black metal, and I found this new band you guys might not know. It's some really dark evil shit, almost like Mgla but heavier, let me know what you think
Black metal doesn't need anymore weakling faggots "getting into it". I think black lives matter is what you want.
>Black metal doesn't need anymore weakling faggots "getting into it".
Correct, it's already filled to the brim with weakling faggots. No more room!
>erm chinoddie you CANT choose whoever you want you HAVE to chose the one WE REDDIT pick
bunch of faggots
Death Magnetic is good
I've never listened to godflesh
You aren't missing out on anything
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You're missing out on some good chuggin
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Black metal guys who associate with and condone football ultras have always confused me. Isn't that the exact type of mindless excess and debauchery that keeps so many of these guys isolated?
What's a football ultra
soccer hooligans
It's just another outlet for them to start trouble. The activity itself is secondary.
isn't the whole point of black metal to be anti-music?
Correct. Black metal is the ultimate poser genre.
Yo big krvst, what kind of metal are you listening to nowadays
Not much these days lol
I met some skins at a bar awhile back and started hanging out with them. Not much metal being played among em.
I listened to the new Nails record, at least, but I didn't really like it at all. Sounded like a big regression of their sound to me.
Any recs similar to Volumes, After The Burial, Periphery, Meshuggah, etc? Djentish/Metalcore-ish kind of stuff. Please no female singers, soft vocals or cringelord satanist stuff.
did someone read bastardheads review of the latest wintersun album on metal archives? if so, can you please explain to me what the fuck is he talking about? i've only listened to their first album so i feel like i'm missing some context, because the entire thing just reads like random rambling
You might like Journal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBk8jfgaS4s

Sikth was fairly influential on that mathy metalcore stuff, so they might be worth investigating (only have two albums).
Have you heard picrel?
Of course this nigga listens to Woody Guthrie
Man, the grind-traditionalist in me has never let me finish any of these guys' records. The style has always just been too, uh, "nu" for me. But I'm willing to give this one a spin if you say it's good.
>redditors are still faggots
thanks for the update, I guess.
>associate with and condone
maybe kpop is more your speed
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Idk if it's good, I haven't listened yet. Was just curious. Knoll is good, but also not very traditional grind.
I'll assume you know about the constant delays and sauna purchases that got in the way of the album's release. His point after skimming his review seems to be that Time 2 is pointless. It adds nothing to Time 1 and all the effort and time spent making it doesn't make it any better than if Jari just released it back in 2010 or whatever. If you've heard Time 1, you've heard 2 since it's just a continuation of that album.
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
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Is it good?
Dissoshit in grind is another iffy one for me. I'm more open to it these days, but the RYMers definitely put me off of it for awhile.
There's this grind project called Parlamentarisk Sodomi that's just one Norwegian prog guy making grind. Very rooted but plays around with disso. Enjoy his stuff.
I miss the kraut kshitter.
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Deathspell omega - chaining the katechon

the best song in metal's history
EDM may be entry level doom, but holy shit do I love it. Not a single note missing or out of place. Genuinely flawless record.
Definition of mid

For me it's Ashes to Ashes.
I listened to it once and never listened to again. "post-american world" is one of the worst songs in their catalogue.
That garbage was supposed to be so good that not a PC in hte world could produce it. laughing my FUCKING ass off. selftitled was a good album
>hurr durr I need to layer 2000000000 vsts that you can't hear anyway
>this is why I need 900000 GB of ram

Im oging to live review this piece of garbage called "time 2" right here on your fucking screen

>Track 1
Shit synths
literal pop music sounds
overall a waste of my time

>track 2
awful drum sound, holy shit
clickety clack
Super average track
lame guitar solo

>track 3
you know what, never mind. I'm ending this review
how did this retard manage to write selftitled in the first place

This the most uninspired garbage I've ever heard. there's nothing exciting here at all

>Vintersorg - Cosmic genesis
now that's an inspired album
please don't tell me someone paid jari for 15+ years to make this piece of garbage

surely he has been working at mcdonalds in the meantime?
Ape, your primitive subhuman brain is too stupid to process this peak IQ post, but don't worry. You're just a dumb brutish subhuman animal. There's no point in discussing your inferior ways with you.
wow, the first interesting riff
trash album. waste of time. 3/10
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corefags actually listen to a band called The Browning lmaooo
shackles are my fave band from my city and fucking extortion kick ass
new nails sucked though. new brodequin was good
Adam kalmbach
hated here for his music, loved here for his contributions to the lgbtq community
I wanna start playing Baldur’s Gate but I know fuck all about DnD. metal for this feel?
Love coreshit.
Have never even heard of this band.
If I purchase Can I request that the money not go to fags
If you buy black metal albums, your money is always going to fags
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kek gottem
least cringey chud
not metal
chuds are inherently metal
>Parlamentarisk Sodomi
Will cheg it out
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used to be metal
rick& morty plebbit tier cover art. metal is dead
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what? my favourite band? why Moonspell of course!
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Poor Man's Paradise Lost
hell yeah dude my favorite metal band is the mahavishnu orchestra
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Any more shit like this?
That looks stupid
We hate goth metal here
(Except for Type O Negative)
Night Eternal is their best. Everyone will say the debut but it mogs that
Based. My favourite metal album is Bitches Brew by Miles Davis.
Nothing "supreme" about a failed loser ideology like National Socialism
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Meat Loaf is proto-metal.
People are still talking about that? Only person I've seen rep Kultur outside of here is some Turkish guy I know who got kicked out of his Uni for getting drunk and pissing on his downstairs neighbors.
Now that I think about it he actually knew me from here so moot point
its one guy that samefags/reposts it all the time. fucking cringe
It seems to attract posters of the melanized kind
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Which one?
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not proto enough
Not listening!!
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I figure. That last GBK album had multiple shills. Discussion of it slowed down significantly after about 3 or 4 months, then you almost never heard about it after everyone got their AotY picks worked out. This Kultur thing seems very artificial by comparison.
National socialist red and anarchist black metal
>krvsty is having another manic episode and will now be spamming /mu/ for the next three weeks
See you later /meal/
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So hard
bets on when Saunaman drops the next album?
anything where the response can be "haha you dont like it because you are... le jewish!" seems to attract these retards - i couldn't care less about the politics but the artificial spamming is surely more annoying than anything
i guess if there was actually good black metal coming out maybe they'd have something to talk about, but i don't think that exists. 2024 has been a let down for most metalfags
blasting this while i play videogames and pregame for some brewery opening my misso wants to go to tonight
Why do solo metal artists always say they don't listen to metal themselves?
listening to metal is for posers
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this and the sequel are the best Exodus albums. Stfu about Bonded by Bitchboys
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>If you've heard Time 1, you've heard 2
What kind of terminally retarded take is this?
sleep well metalheads
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
Vargfags give zero fucks about his "music." They care about his politics. Music enrages them.
>moves to France
Varg is a genius
We love Varg and his music here.
>moves from one natural habitat to another
Double digit IQ pseud. His fans are even dumber than he is.
Artist: Darktroon
Album: Fingerfist
Song: My Toddler Came Out as Trans

>And destruggdion ubbon da bate-riarkey
>Who hails le rayciiiisms
Incorrect, unless you're referring to the Brazilians.
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>2024 has been a let down for most metalfags
Tell me about it. There's only been like 3 albums I liked more than "it's okay I guess"
Varg wanted to get those sweet Norwegian neetbux and was denied, ridiculed and chased out of the country and now he spends all day preaching to nonwhites on social media. It's pretty funny.
His demographic.
black metal is popular amongst the demisexual community
>His demographic.
Varg is one person, retard.
who is the best entry band? I say children of Bodom
Amon Amarth, Arch Enemy, At The Gates for DM
post your top 3 death metal bands
>death metal
Hated here.
i thought it was peak metal?
It is not. And we hate it here.
What do you love?
I can never pick as all my favourite DM albums are by bands that fell off hard over time.
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What are you blasting anons?
happens to most bands
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Even the fucking Consuming and Malleus remasters sucked.
I haven't checked that "album" out but holy shit is has 0% with 11 reviews on MA.
>peak metal
That's literally black metal though?
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>have never saved more than $1000 for over a week's time in my life
>currently have 6 LPS from an obscure metal distro, a handful of CDs from HH, and 3 non-bootleg Buckethead LPs from a reseller coming in the mail
Im about 1/4 through adding my collecting to Discogs and im realizing more than ever that im a stupid fucking retard with my money
>Captcha - 0WAKK
Just listen to the Consuming Impulse version of Dehydrated and then the Levels of Perception version back to back. It's hilarious.
Yeah I'm gonna have to check out this mess. I love a fascinatingly shit album.
why remaster a masterpiece?
If anything I've started to appreciate remasters that were the meme of "the same but make it louder" as long as it doesn't blow out the sound. Every remaster I've listened to that try more usually botch the fuck out of it.
Exotype sort of did the same thing but better. They were sadly shortlived though.
Holy shit the new version sounds like midi cover at some parts kek
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I take it back, I wish you hadn't told me about this.
Why the fuck does the guitar sound underwater? Why does the snare almost sound like it doesn't have the snares on?
I hate this timeline.
Benton, Glen
He's gonna be playing in my city right away here. Gonna yell at him to stop ducking the dog at the end of their set
Yeah it would be bad enough if they were original songs, but you really have to wonder what the fuck they were thinking butchering their classic songs and releasing them as "re-recordings", as though they aren't a complete downgrade in every single way
His point probably was that Wintersun's singer/sole remaining member released half of an album and then spent over a decade endlessly mixing and remixing the second half, only to release something not that much better than the first half. There was no way it wasn't going to underwhelm everyone.
That being said, I enjoy Time II somewhat; it's a decent album... but Assemble the Chariots got theirs out before it and it sort of fills the same niche in my head, despite being of different genre.
Low double digit IQ moment.
I kinda get it as it "sort of" sounds like their modern production tone. On Exitivm etc the production is similar but nowhere near this terrible, I just mean the kinda muddy guitars and the bass tone specifically. I assume it was "let's record the classics in our new tone" and bothced it hard somehow.
But it's not even fucking recorded or played well, and the vocals seem shot to hell.
Personally what got me into heavy music was some coreshit like HLB and Vildhjarta, the band that truly got me into metal was Acid Bath tho. Also some friends persistently recommended me Gaerea
Unholy Cult
The Luster of Pandemonium
ESL moment
it's the goat, i won't entertain any counter-arguments
Joakim is so fucking hot.
gonna do a nile discography playthrough starting with their demo
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Elon Musk is in some Finnish band I've never heard of
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>acoustic metal
Graf got arrested again, I heard he could be sentenced for life
Consecutive low double IQ moments. Typical Vargfag.
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Eh as long as the new album still comes out.
Another ESL moment.
Don't you think that's ironic considering what made you mald?
Holy ESL
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>autistic metal
Time II sucked. Cant believe I helped Jari pay for a sauna
why the fuck would you ever give that guy money, he was basically blatant with the scam
how retarded are you
>hey would you like to buy this product?
>ok here's your product
Also, Time II is kino.
>completely dismisses all the other shit surrounding it that made it a blatant rip off
Holy cope
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>hey come pre-order our product and help the band out
>here's your product
lmao why r u mad about things you didn't even take part in?
Mad? I'm laughing at everyone who gave money to a guy who just fucked people around and basically released an old album he "lost".
You're the punchline.
You come off as very emotionally attached, and yet uninformed at the same time. The first Indiegoygoy campaign was a pre-order for The Forest Seasons and the second was for Time II. People interested in the product bought and received said products. Where's the scam?
Hell Awaits > Reign in Blood > Haunting the Chapel > Show No Mercy = South of Heaven >>> Seasons in the Abyss

New Opeth song out
Holy fuck I just listened to it and it genuinely seems like a parody. I cannot fathom the disrespect you'd have to have for your legacy to release something like that to the public under the same name...
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De chair et de haine
Holy based
When will the Wintersun poster get bored of posting
post cool intros

>shilling Jari this hard
ei helvetti...
>first he thinks selling a product is a scram
>then he thinks correcting someone posting factually incorrect information is "shilling"
Vargfag moment fr.
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Ayo where da white riffs at
say no more
I really hate black people but i also really want a bbc up my ass
Quite the conundrum indeed
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Let's get this shit started. Deathspell Omega
are we a community?

These prices are expensive aren't they? What shops are good in the US
What a miserable fucking existence even for a janitor, I'm driving to Vancouver this weekend lets get drunk, spg2397j@gmail.com
Who else saw High on Fire in KC last night?
How is that expensive? I'm looking at it in britbong pounds and £10-£12 for new CDs is hardly outrageous. You can get cheaper sure though.
They're a bit above average.


These are my go-to sites
I like paying around $12 per cd including shipping, but depends on the title. Some titles you don't see for less than $14 no matter where you look.
imagine buying music
>timo tolkki has an album coming out in 2 weeks
Does anyone even care? He's written the same song for 20 years, except progressively worse each time. This is the real Finnish scammer. Actual lolcow.
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>youtube clickan
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I would never
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guys will see this and just think "hell yeah"
>hmmm I could listen to this album for free by just clicking once
>nah I'd rather spend money on it and go through the hassle of opening the case putting it in and starting the record, ah yes much better use of my time!
ultimate goy moment
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Lol hell yeah
hell yeah
what happened in your 20s?
>opening a case and shoving a disc into a drive is a huge hassle
truly obese moment
Not much so far
covid, more Six Feet Under albums

You don't want to know.
No, I'm serious
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the first 3 Samael albums are pretty much perfect
So am I
why the fuck would you call your metal band samuel
There have been many penises inside of me
Some say the best and thickest penises were inside me
None of them were black but there is still time
good goy
Why the fuck would you care?
new niggerslam bros https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJMizL0hgi8
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say something nice about the face of metal music
bro go back to 4chan you can't say that word here
Holy fuck that's bad
We don't use that word here.
I touched jalapenos and then I touched my dick. I think slathered it in butter but it didn't help
That's not Stevie T
uhh his slipknot poster is cool
Metalheads buy music. Posers and fakes are digital only.
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That's not Jdawg
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youtube clickers aren't welcome here
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did you guys like the new pyrrhon album?
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Yes. A firmly anti-fascist one. We won't tolerate any bigotry here.
I wanna be a girl so bad
I get fucked like a girl by my aryan brothers
Why are you so obessed with me?
Yet somehow most posters are racist NSBMchads. Imagine living in your own fantasies kek
>Imagine living in your own fantasies kek
most libshits do
you do not fucking belong here
This guy's voice and attitude reminds me of Sam Kinison.
I am your best friend.
I'm appalled by the volume of divisive speech in these threads, it's hateful
shut the fuck up you mongoloid
Incantation > Immolation
Incantation (Pillard era) > Immolation > Suffocation > Incantation (post-Pillard) >>> Malevolent Creation
Eat a dick faggot
True. I very much fear for the younger generation of metalheads in this thread. They don't know that holding onto such hateful ideas is harmful to both them and the scene.
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all of these >>>>>>>> Mortician
Metal is inherently hateful and bigoted. only posers disagree.
Metal is not inherently hateful and bigoted. only black metal posers disagree.
I'm sick of people trying to make metal into a group. If you want to be in a group, you're out of the group. Go fantasize about high school.
gonna blast this daily for a while, I always liked it but I've been underplaying it too much. it's as good as the first two
Metal is about what I, the Smith, shape it into. If you try to make metal be one thing, just know that metallists will melt it and make it into something else. Maybe if you take the metal into your furnace of subjectivity you can get to be Ozymandias for a while, bit you're all gonna fucking die so you might wanna consider the value of temporary worldly attachments.
Linkin Park is a rollercoaster!

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We love Diapershit here
there are no metalheads in this thread
We love mocking diapershit here.
Everything the King has done is as hetero as it gets, brah brah
black metal is inherently trans
True, he makes sure the balls don't touch while he's getting railed in the ass
you're overweight and balding
grunge is a metal subgenre
Nice homoerotic fantasy, dude. Just goes to show how diaper haters are actually in the closet.
all metalcore bands should be on the metal archives
>Non-metal bands should be on the metal archives
is that your type?
Hard not to think of sodomy when you see a gay shrieking clown.
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we love libertarian progressive metal here
>Hard to not think of getting fucked in the ass whenever I see a man
>Metal bands should be on the metal archives
A fine day to dine
Incantation so shitty a caveman can do it
>t. weedly deedly techkwanker
you are disgusting, overweight beer belly and man tits jiggling in your 3xl peste noire shirt as the while when the double bass vader passages it, disgusting animal.
Tech wank is good. Slam bands can't write songs or musique.
>haha *wheeze* Atleast I don't have to *wheeze* SPEND MONEY that I don't even have lol *wheeze**cough*
foo fighters metal album mogged most modern metal bands
Metal sucks
foo fighters never had a metal album
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>I have better things to spend my money on, imagine being a buyfag in 2024
>even admitting to hearing a Fag Fuckers album
>no good tablature for Toquinho & Paulinho Nogueira
I'm moving to Seattle soon as a sign of protest.
where is Shelly Miscavige?
nice i like Rubicon
NEW: >>123502106
Amon Amarth
In Flames
Ex Deo

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