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Donald Trump spent part of his Monday attacking President Joe Biden, Vice President and likely Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, and the media.

The former president fired off a series of messages from shortly before midnight until a little bit after, including one where he attacked Harris for having “absolutely terrible pole numbers against a fine and brilliant young man named DONALD J. TRUMP!”

The “young man” named Trump is 78, making him nearly 19 years older than Harris. With Biden leaving the race before accepting the nomination, Trump is the oldest presidential candidate from a major party in U.S. history.

It’s also likely the former president meant poll numbers rather than “pole numbers.”

Trump has been workshopping attacks on Harris, but seems to be running out of ideas. He has previously called her “Laffin’ Kamala,” but since that hasn’t picked up any traction is now experimenting with “Lyin’” instead.

Just one problem: “Lyin’” ― with the apostrophe instead of the “g” ― was also his nickname for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) during the 2016 primaries. Trump at that time also attacked Cruz’s wife and father. Cruz responded by turning into one of Trump’s most devoted supporters.

Interested to see if there is a double standard in what sources are allowed on /news/, especially with the non article pasting fag's spam.
>Man with dozens of fraud convictions who was found to have multiple sets of books for his business accuses others of lying
Lol. Lmao even.
>Kamalabots scrambling on day 2
The wheels on the bus go round and round ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Huffpost is not a credible news source
It is. Also the NYpost, Fox News and Gateway Pundit threads, which have all been caught lying, are still up.
Why the right wing bias?
You already know why
It's funny to me how Trump is desperately trying to come up with a catchy name for Kamala but all he could come up with is the same name he used for Ted Cruz.
>Donald Trump spent part of his Monday attacking President Joe Biden, Vice President and likely Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, and the media.
A presidential candidate a few months before election day spent his day campaigning against his competition? That should be illegal.
Wow. You've definitely got him this time.
Huffpo is retarded. Imagine thinking this is worthwhile news.
>A presidential candidate a few months before election day spent his day campaigning against his competition?
Well, to be fair, all he does is attack people. The criticism is that he rarely does anything else.
At least they didn't try to hire women to make fake rape accusations against a special prosecutor like gateway pundit
This, he also runs away from his policies, like Project 2025.
>the HuffingPaint
>>>/trash/ !
Nothing wrong with Project 2025.
Then why is he so desperate to distance himself from it?
No idea. It seems pretty cool.
Maybe it's because a vast majority of Americans hate the idea of turning America into a theocratic corperate oligarchy like Project 2025 intends to
HuffPo is one of the few credible sources.
>Project 2025
Is the project in the room with us right now?
ya i hope the writer gets a stroke.
>/pol/ppet stock phrase
How you know they lost the argument and want to avoid the subject
Schizos please leave
>pole numbers
Psh.. What an idiot..
Shills would think that eliminating overtime and raising taxes are great things.
The door is right there for you.
>inb4 hE's a sMarT BiZNuSmAn 4 UsInG tAlK2txt
This post was brought to you by Americans for Prosperity
Watching the catastrophic demolition of the democrat party has been a treat ever since they missed on 1/13. I guess the shills were already paid in advance, so they're going until the money dries up. This is fucking entertainment.
Looks like the GOPtalkingpointsbot is broken again
He’s probably going to beat himself, in the end. He doesn’t have an easy target to pick on relentlessly.
Their main one got banned.

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