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Tip to Gunfags on this board: If someone breaks into your home in the middle of the night, don't shoot back. Police are allowed to do that now.


A federal judge has thrown out major felony charges against two former Louisville officers accused of falsifying a warrant that led police to Breonna Taylor’s door before they fatally shot her.

U.S. District Judge Charles Simpson’s ruling declared that the actions of Taylor’s boyfriend, who fired a shot at police the night of the raid, were the legal cause of her death, not a bad warrant.

Federal charges against former Louisville Police Detective Joshua Jaynes and former Sgt. Kyle Meany were announced by U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland in 2022 during a high-profile visit to Louisville. Garland accused Jaynes and Meany, who were not present at the raid, of knowing they had falsified part of the warrant and put Taylor in a dangerous situation by sending armed officers to her apartment.

But Simpson wrote in the Tuesday ruling that “there is no direct link between the warrantless entry and Taylor’s death.” Simpson’s ruling effectively reduced the civil rights violation charges against Jaynes and Meany, which had carried a maximum sentence of life in prison, to misdemeanors.
When police carrying a drug warrant broke down Taylor’s door in March 2020, her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, fired a shot that struck an officer in the leg. Walker said he believed an intruder was bursting in. Officers returned fire, striking and killing Taylor, a 26-year-old Black woman, in her hallway.

Simpson concluded that Walker’s “conduct became the proximate, or legal, cause of Taylor’s death.”

“While the indictment alleges that Jaynes and Meany set off a series of events that ended in Taylor’s death, it also alleges that (Walker) disrupted those events when he decided to open fire” on the police, Simpson wrote.

Walker was initially arrested and charged with attempted murder of a police officer, but that charge was later dropped after his attorneys argued Walker didn’t know he was firing at police.
>Judge Charles Simpson
>Party: Republican
Not shocking that the Republican judge makes the fascist ruling.
Between Trump saying the cops have the right to grab your guns with zero due process >>1333429
And this ruling that declares the police have the right to enter your property and murder you because the castle doctrine is void against police.
How's that boot tasting Republicans?
The police did knock and did identify themselves, according to the boyfriend. He's the one who shot through the door first. They returned fire and Breonna was caught in the middle.
>b-but she was innocent.
Taylor was mailing drugs for her boyfriend. She also chose to associate with someone that was openly dealing drugs while in possession of a firearm and willing to endanger her own life to avoid prison.
This isn't a police problem, it's a black problem.
Literally every single time something like this happens it's because there was a chimpout, followed by white progressive women in the media trying to reframe it as a policing issue. But when you look into the situation, it's actually because an animal with a double-digit IQ decided to make life harder for everybody else.
>Pushing the lies of the pigs
>On /news/
Why are you trusting the lies of people who encouraged race riots in 2020 versus the people who risk their lives to keep the country safe.
You can go read the court documents for yourself faggot, I don't give a shit.
>Why are you trusting the lies of people who encouraged race riots in 2020
But you're pushing the lies of Trump and the pigs.
>anti-establishment and anti-police when it comes to blacks committing crimes
>pro-establishment and pro-police when it comes to institutions of government being violated
You managed to repeat literally every single lie about this case possible. Most bizarrely, you're licking police boots because you hate black people. Its so weird.

>Why are you trusting the lies of people who encouraged race riots in 2020
The Kentucky legal officials who investigated this case didn't encourage any race riots in 2020. Nobody has any clue what you're talking about, including you.

>versus the people who risk their lives to keep the country safe
Imagine tonguing police asshole this eagerly
she was a blm terrorist. her dying is based
you really are spamming that shill thread
already a thread, see >>1333737
>Blacks can't protest being brutalized and murdered by police because it makes white conservatives scared
cops have never in the history of the US brutalized or killed blacks
If someone said - if a certain shooter had been successful - that Trump's dying was 'based', what replies would you give to them?
is trump a member of BLM?
If someone said - if Thomas Matthew Crooks had been successful - that Trump's dying was 'based', what replies would you give to them?
Republicunts ITT are defending a corrupt police claiming its a crime to shoot at home invaders.
Its hilarious how quick they're willing to give up the Second Amendment as long as it hurts black people. They really have no scruples
At least it proves that gun schizo is full of shit and secretly hates guns.
>the 2A shill campaign is running at full steam
Oh no, gunbro's I'm so demoralized. lol, kick rocks loser.
Shills are still cheering on Police being able to legally kick down your door and kill you
Why are there so many non-Americans in this thread?
Not what the Judge said. Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean that everyone else is equally as stupid as yourself.
>there is no direct link between the warrantless entry and Taylor’s death
Isn't the entire premise of Castle Doctrine that warrantless entry into someone's home is potentially lethal?
>lie to a judge to get a bad warrant
>no knock, no announce
>get rightfully shot at by homeowners boyfriend
>shoot back and kill the homeowner
>"Its not our fault for shooting the homeowner, its their fault for shooting at a credible home invader!"
All you need for Republicunts to cheer this on is make the victim black
At least they have an easy path to get rid of the Castle doctrine now.
>hurr durr literally too retarded to google "What is the legal standard for proximate cause in a civil suit"
>year 20230, 6 years into Trumps third term
>sleeping peacefully in my own home
>hear someone outside my door talking indistinctly
>pull trusty AR-15 and get in position just in case
>see door get kicked open by shadowed thugs
>prepare to fire
>see police uniforms last second
>assume the Trump Submission Position
>police see my gun
>watch them laugh and magdump my sons crib because they can
>all they did was shoot off his penis
>sue police officers for turning son into a tranny
>judge cites OP's case, get sent to prison for life because I forced the police to perform gender changing surgery on my son
Thanks NRA
Yeah, the judge was

>break into someone's house
>someone dies
>go to jail for felony murder
if we're being technical it's something like 6 unarmed blacks killed per year by cops
so it's not *never* in terms of "brutalized or killed" but not as much as the 1000+ a year redditors think it is
you sound like a bot
they were literally terrorists, members of a terrorist organization faggot
good post
no, kill blm terrorists
good posts
they were resisting with violence and the police used the minimum force possible
so >1333973 can't answer a simple question
The foreigner's a retard. What if someone said - if Crooks was successful - that Trump dying was 'based', would the bot agree? It can't understand English if it can't answer that simple question, therefore it's a retarded foreigner that has no place in an American board
It sounds like a bot if it can't answer that question. Or it's a nonAmerican, thus a foreign retard. It can always prove me wrong by providing evidence it's not a bot and is American
>inb4 'I am american, with a birth certificate to prove it'
[citation needed]
>police used the minimum force possible
Police entered illegally and had no right to use any fucking force.

The minimum force possible was surrendering to the occupants or retreating. If they couldn't manage that, they should have simply died.
there were racist black terrorists inside. they used minimal force
Police show up at the wrong address and break down door because they have no knock warrant

Resident is not a criminal, and he acts to protect himself from unknown assailants

Assailants continue the escalation by murdering an innocent citizen.

Justice system tries to defend cops and charge resident for defending his family and home.

Resident loses his partner and must fight the system in order to stay out of prison for defending himself from unknown attackers who happen to have badges.

Enter the smear campaign by the badge bootlickers.
>not a criminal
he was a blm terrorist
They're not even a bootlicker, its just a shitty troll.
I don't even think they're racist, even racists aren't as retarded as the local schizo
yeah he just gets paid an extremely small fee to act like a dumb faggot. he's so potently retarded that it might even be black propaganda, who knows
some antipedo here has a financial times subscription to post a comment or send a letter? there's a thing to set straight here regarding child abuse of young males help me
blm is a terrorist org. its fine for cops to kill blm terrorists no matter how much you seethe
Not only has gun schizo never fired a gun, its clear from their retardation in this thread that they never cared about castle doctrine or actually being able to use a gun for home defense.
I am literally playing with an AR while I post this
>isn't that dangerous
I have a mantis black beard in it, it literally couldn't fire even if it was loaded because the black beard replaces the bcg and mag and is brick red and you can see it through the ejection port and the charging handle slot
blm terrorists get fucked
You the Proud Boys are a fascist terrorist org who's leaders are in prison for sedition.
the proud boys are neither fascist nor terrorists. pretty sure they are 100% a government honeypot
>>1334462 is pouting at the Humiliated Boys being 101% fascist terrorists
That didnt look like pouting, but your post looked like conflating and dishonest hedonistic childish gaslighting. Leave that to your overlords mental slave.
I wonder how much these DNC shills are getting paid per post.
good post
not much in USD, but its a ton in their countries when you factor in exchange rate
I wonder how much >>1334504 and >>1334514 are paying for a room?
Maybe don't deal drugs and murder people?
2 different posters, you are bad at this
good post
>>1334529 is even worse at this, as proven here: >>1334527
Retards with autism can't read rooms, and here's proof they don't have reading comprehension:
>I wonder how much these DNC shills are getting paid per post
>not much in USD, but its a ton in their countries when you factor in exchange rate
>>1334529 dosen't know that I know >>1334504 and >>1334514 are two different posters, but here's the punchline: >>1334504 and >>1334514 clearly more than just agree with each other, someone else would say 'Get a room, you two!', thus these two lover boys paying for a hotel room, and the cost involved.
It's not only >>1334504 that is retarded, but >>1334514 >>1334529 is too. More so if it can't read rooms and has no reading comprehension, it's that autistic.
what a schizo post
tranny, are you okay?
So, tranny, are you okay? Are you okay, tranny?
tranny, are you okay?
>paraphrasing lyrics in a song by he who hung around with little boys
>>1334547 is more than just an autistic retard, but is proven to be worse than weird.
michael jackson never raped anyone and protected macaulay culkin from jewish pedos
KFC Americans don’t protest, they riot.
>now we know >>1334651 is now a pedo apologist
Schizo is worse than weird now
good post
michael jackson never pedo raped anyone. he is innocent. the jews were trying to bring him down and the jews killed him
>Jackson last seen alive by a black person
Most likely true. He was an American hero until he controlled the Beatles' ip.
The jews jewed him and screwed him after that.
jews are white
good post
lol no
>cops have never brutalized blacks
You were obviously born after the 60’s or you’d know your statement was patently false, but I was also born after the 60’s and I know it’s false, so I guess you must just be stupid.
cops never brutalized blacks in the past. that shit was made up

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