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Vance can't help being real fucking awkward.


JD Vance isn’t beating those weird allegations anytime soon, if his interaction with a donut shop worker is anything to go by with his haircut also coming under scrutiny

The Republican vice presidential nominee informed this stranger working behind the shop counter that he was running for vice president, and it’s fair to say they could not care less if they tried.

Vance headed into a donut shop in Georgia ahead of his rally in Valdosta, Georgia on Thursday.

The worker didn’t want to be filmed, but the pair still had an incredibly awkward exchange while Vance ordered a load of donuts.

“I’m JD Vance. I’m running for vice president,” Vance tells the donut shop worker.

The worker replied: “Okay.”

Vance continued: “We’re gonna do two dozen. Just a random assortment of stuff here.”

“Everything. A lot of glazed here. Sprinkle stuff. A lot of cinnamon rolls. Just whatever makes sense,” Vance added.

Then came more awkward small talk, as Vance tried to chat to the clearly uninterested workers.

Vance asked how long the shop had been open, with the staff replying “four years”.

“About four years? Okay,” Vance said. “Well, we selected this place. I didn’t know if it had been here for 20 years or four years. You never know.”

That wasn't the only thing that people noticed about the clip as Vance's hair, which appears to have a rather brutal chop job at the back had people joking that "even his hairdresser hates him."
You can tell Democrats are on suicide watch if they're reaching THIS hard.
>the only argument the dems have for why trump shouldn't be president is that his vp has a bad hair cut
For real tho
I guess when this is your job you still got a post stuff even if it's a slow news day
Compare couch fucker man to Gov Walz's reception when he went food shopping and the interaction

I'd feel bad for Vance, if it wasn't a fascist sociopath.
Or when Kamala kicked out the patrons of a diner in Pennsylvania so the could bus in a bunch of actors to pretend to be locals to get some good media presense.
JD 'Couchfucker' Vance: 'Just fuck up my shit, man'
That hairdo can be called 'The Donut'
Who cares about a diner full of people who have no cell phones and can't be arsed to record anything.
They're also just imaginary people in your schizo mind, because that never happened, lying faggot.
The best part is he's still a US Senator
Already debunked
Vance being a senator really is a smoking gun with how corrupt the media and electoral system is where Republicans can just outright buy elections.
How the fuck is Vance the most qualified guy in Ohio?
>he has a bad hair cut and look at this grocery store
tranny, are you okay?
So, tranny, are you okay? Are you okay, tranny?
tranny, are you okay?
also walz is anti gun and deserves to spend the rest of his life behind bar.
I'm wondering if schizos country is 50 years behind in American pop culture and they're just being exposed to Michael Jackson, or if they're just 20 years behind and they're referencing the Alien Antfarm cover.
>Republicans bringing up their sexual fetish unprompted and using Russian tactics
Good post
top kek at the amount of seethe the tranny are you ok caused.
plus crackhead bot is a chatgpt bot and will start copying it soon
Are you done pissing yourself?
>needing to mention' trannies' when others hadn't ITT
Freud would have a field day about >>1334203 >>1334234's obsessions. Such intrusive thoughts that others clearly never have. Says so much about one thing in /news/. It gets moist about them whenever it so much as thinks about them or would never mention them once.
Gun Schizos tranny fetish is well known.
They've also never fired a gun.
/pol/ppets are weird and creepy
In other breaking news, the pope is Catholic.
it's funny how well the 'weird' insult worked against you guys, you're still treading water a month later
>most of the thread is leftoid troons getting mad at troon jokes
Maybe if you guys drink some horse semen collected by Walz's retarded son's hands, you'll feel better
>Fascist right being both weird, but a total animal attacking Walz's kid
>>1334282 is seething at jokes against those who are weird
>proves its creepy credentials again
>>1334282 is weird
The leftoid on this board is especially retarded.
Idk how he hasn't killed himself yet
>is reduced to that BS
>those >>1334282 attacks have never been reduced to attacking Barron Trump about what is known about him
>those >>1334282 attacks have never been vile enough to being reduced to making vile 'jokes' about Trump's own son
Not only is >>1334282 weird by exposing it's own vile obsessions, but a hypocrite.
the rightoids prove their retardation via their own vile hypocrisy. they shall be on suicide watch when they lose.
I'm glad trump is going to lose to Kamala she's objectively better than Deadman Biden or trump

But that does not change the fact that you are an insufferable faggot and this board would be usable if you were to stop posting on it
>getting this mad over troon jokes and tard jokes
>expects to effectively fight a culture war on 4chan
Whoever sent you guys to shill on 4chan fucked up hard lmao

Do you think Walz's retard son also needs his stomach pumped after he drinks horse semen or did he gain a natural resistance to it from his father?
So >>1334309 wouldn't mind tard jokes about Trump.
...and not only about Donald? If your answer is anything other than 'Yes', >>1334309 fucked up hard lmao
I mean yeah, if you make jokes you should expect jokes being made in return

Are you Walz's son btw? Is that why your post formatting is all fucked up and retarded?
Well, certain people could be reduced to making 'jokes' about Donald's son, but maybe they don't do so as the father is retarded enough they don't need to. And that's why said certain people are superior to the likes of you. And thus why the likes of you will lose. Why?
Those who aren't like you aren't weird. They aren't reduced to being you.
>Hes weird!
I cant afford rent.
Stop being weird and get a job that doesn't include shilling racist fascist talking points for once.
This is why I vote democrat, no schizo posters
You would have to be a total cuck to support JD Vance
all this communist seething
tranny, are you okay?
So, tranny, are you okay? Are you okay, tranny?
tranny, are you okay?
lol even more samefag commie seething about being called a tranny and the fact dems have nothing so they need to make fun of JD's haircut because no normal person would vote for walz or harris
Isn't making fun of people and their appearances and inventing funny nicknames Trump's whole thing? By this logic, hasn't Trump been on suicide watch since like 2015?
>party that thinks men wearing dresses should be allowed to read to kids with their balls out calls others weird
good post
god post
>replacing annie with tranny is schizo
trump's nicknames usually weren't about appearance. they are almost always about action or behavior
Compulsively rambling about trannies in every thread for several hours a day is schizo, yes.
He doesn't do it cringedly. Leftists never understand the subtle nuances of life.
you will stop being called a tranny when you stop being a tranny
good post
>trump's nicknames usually weren't about appearance. they are almost always about action or behavior
Didn't he make fun of that disabled reporter by mocking him and call Ted Cruz's wife ugly and call Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" and call Stefanie Clifford "Horse face" and call his former aide Omarosa a dog and called Ariana Huffington extremely unattractive and insult Cher, Bette Midler, Heidi Klum and Kim Novak's "bad plastic surgery" and claim that the woman who accused him of sexual assault was too ugly to rape?
>you will stop being called a tranny when you stop being a tranny
Seek mental health intervention for your crippling tranny obsession
>Didn't he make fun of that disabled reporter by mocking him
being retarded isn't about looks
>and call Ted Cruz's wife ugly
Cruz's wife isn't in politics
> and call Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas"
that was about Warren lying about being indian to get gibs. and it worked Warren took a test, turned out she was like 1/144th indian and the indian tribes all called her a faggot
post medical credentials, troon
post legal credentials, >>1334556 the troon
And >>1334516 isn't a random post but is you, so you don't have the right to deny it. Post logs can determine if that is or isn't you. What say you, mods?
>crackhead bot is having a melty and is giving out >(you)s
Why are you replying to >>1334570 then, if you think that is a bot?
So, to review, Trump makes fun of people's looks all of the time. The notion that you would criticize Democrats for calling JD Vance weird while supporting Donald Trump whose only mode of political engagements is name calling is peak hypocrisy.
As if its obsession via its repeated use of the word 'Tranny' wasn't enough in proving the schizo is weird, it uses that word in paraphrasing lyrics from a song by he who liked hanging around with little boys.
>bigots making 'claims' about certain people, even mentioning their genitals
Accusations are indeed Admissions.
Freud was right after all.
Fascist NPC is seething that Vance is in constant damage control.
Now he's in favor of kidnapping children.
the bot copies anything you >(you) it with so its funny to make it come off as more unhinged
nope, repeating something after you were proven wrong and gay doesn't make it true
you sure are having a melty today NPC crackhead bot. did you not get fed for not getting enough >(you)s? is that why they fixed your ability to >(you)?
Do you think it can understand you?
>>1334658 paraphrasing a song by the pedo Michael Jackson. Accusations are Admissions.
This just in: >>1334658 admits to being a Michael Jackson apologist: >>1334651
The schizo loves a pedo
no, but it makes the bot seethe and post >(you)s wrong
michael jackson never pedo raped anyone. he is innocent. the jews were trying to bring him down and the jews killed him
continue doubling down on being a weird creep appreciator, foreigner. we know you now
go watch the whole video the poor guy is turbo cringe in the flesh. I hear he's always been an awkward buffoon according to everyone at his highschool.
I'm American, unlike you and obongo, and michael jackson never pedo raped anyone.
You not an American and like Trump, you a child rapist.
>nope, repeating something after you were proven wrong and gay doesn't make it true
Nothing was proven wrong. Trump made fun of the reporter for a physical disability and called Cruz's wife ugly along with the several other people that the poster ignored in their response including the women Trump called too ugly to rape. Trump insults people's appearances all the time. Cope and seethe.
turn your monitor on
you said he insulted his political opponents based on looks and then failed to prove that
What a weirdo.
>he still doesnt know why the vance couch joke stuck
lmao, even
i think men should be allowed to wear dresses if they want, and i dont think the government should have the power to enforce a dress code on its populace like some yuppie boarding school.
>with their balls out
are you just making stuff up to be scared at again? log out of oasis and come back to the real world, wade.

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