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Approximately 500,000 noncitizen spouses and 50,000 noncitizen stepchildren of U.S. citizens could be eligible to access President Biden’s Keeping Families Together program, according to the Department of Homeland Security.

“This is an extension of an existing program known as parole in place,” said Matias Bernal, executive director of the Fresno-based Educational Foundation, adding that the executive order that President Joe Biden announced on June 17, extends the program to those two new categories. Federal officials announced the specifics of the program on Monday.

“This program helps create and close the gap where families don’t have to be separated,” said Xavier Vázquez Báez, immigration services program manager with Centro La Familia Advocacy Services Inc. in Fresno. “This is not immigration reform. This just helps close the gap from doing consular process and reducing wait times.”

“It’s a little Band-Aid,” Vázquez Báez said.

If granted parole, noncitizen spouses and noncitizen stepchildren of U.S. citizens, if eligible, could apply for lawful permanent residence without leaving the country.

“Too often, noncitizen spouses of U.S. citizens – many of them mothers and fathers – live with uncertainty due to undue barriers in our immigration system,” said Ur M. Jaddou, director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in a statement. “This process to keep U.S. families together will remove these undue barriers for those who would otherwise qualify to live and work lawfully in the U.S.”
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) published on Aug. 20 a Federal Register notice to implement Keeping Families Together, a process for certain noncitizen spouses and stepchildren of U.S. citizens to request parole in place under existing statutory authority.

USCIS began accepting requests from eligible individuals for this process on Aug. 19. Bernal said, “there are some risks to consider, to think about for folks to know if they want to make an important decision of how to apply and not apply.”

“There is some risk there because we don’t know what’s going to happen in the future if there’s a change of presidency. We don’t know how this information is going to be used in the future, because you are self-reporting to the Department of Homeland Security all your information,” Bernal said. Individuals must file Form I-131F, Application for Parole in Place for Certain Noncitizen Spouses and Stepchildren of U.S. Citizens, online after creating a myUSCIS account. USCIS does not accept any other form for Keeping Families Together.

Eleazar Valdez, with the Central Valley Immigrant Integration Collaborative (CVIIC), said the online application process can bring challenges to people who want to apply but are not computer savvy. “We had to basically help the community create an email if they don’t have it. Once they have the email, we had to help and create an account with USCIS,” said Valdez.

“So that be a little bit challenging, but not impossible,” Valdez said. Vázquez Báez agrees with Valdez about online-only applications can become an issue for people in the Valley who don’t have the technology at home to file online. “That is where we come in and try to help folks,” Vázquez Báez said.
Bernal said it is important for people to have documentation to prove they have been in the U.S. for 10 years. “That can look like a lot of different documents – bank records, invoices or receipts from paying rent or paying utilities – those kinds of documents that show that you have a physical presence in the United States,” Bernal said.

Bernal reminds people that any physical application will be rejected. The filing fee is $580. Fee waiver requests for Form I-131F will not be accepted. USCIS published a Filing Guide for Form I-131F on the Keeping Families Together webpage to help individuals prepare to file a request for parole in place through the online process.

Vázquez Báez said the filing fee and attorney’s fees can also be a challenge for families in the Valley. Bernal said the Education and Leadership Foundation is going to have presentations either once or twice a week for people to determine if they are eligible, understand some of the risk and to start gathering all the documentation to apply for the Keeping Families Together.
Who is eligible Noncitizen spouses of U.S. citizens must:
▪ Be present in the United States without admission or parole; ▪ Have been continuously physically present in the United States since at least June 17, 2014, through the date of filing your request;
▪ Have a legally valid marriage to a U.S. citizen on or before June 17, 2024;
▪ Have no disqualifying criminal history and otherwise not deemed to be a threat to public safety, national security, or border security; and
▪ Submit biometrics and undergo required background checks and national security and public safety vetting.
Noncitizen stepchildren of U.S. citizens must:
▪ Have been under the age of 21 and unmarried on June 17, 2024;
▪ Be present in the United States without admission or parole;
▪ Have been continuously physically present in the United States since at least June 17, 2024, through the date of filing your request;
▪ Have a noncitizen parent who entered into a legally valid marriage with a U.S. citizen on or before June 17, 2024, and before their 18th birthday;
▪ Have no disqualifying criminal history and otherwise not deemed to be a threat to public safety, national security, or border security; and ▪ Submit biometrics and undergo required background checks and national security and public safety vetting.
inb4 more brown people
They're going back.
Not reading all that lmao. tldr or tongue my anus
>eligible to access President Biden’s Keeping Families Together program,
this is why we need trump. those illegals should be in concentration camps
>commie is still mad as fuck
Do you go apeshit when you see a hispanic person in everyday life? Do you go outside?
part of my family is hispanic. but they came over legally. I'm 100% white. the issue here is illegals. illegals should be put in concentration camps
No one cares but chuds
illegals are so unpopular brandon had to do an EO about them
Migrants pay taxes whether they're legal or illegal.
No they don't.
Yes they do.
Sales Taxes:
Except for a few states, everyone pays a tax whether they like it or not. If a migrant has $ and buys something with those $, in most cases they pay tax.
There. Your opinion destroyed, whether you like it or not.
>There. Your opinion destroyed, whether you like it or not.
As is the future demographic situation in his country. I assure you that he does not like it.
"he" is you, and you aren't american
>art of my family is hispanic. but they came over legally
[citation needed]
Which is offset exponentially by the free housing, free healthcare, free food, free phones, and free money.
>Which is offset exponentially by the free housing, free healthcare, free food, free phones, and free money.
If you think non-citizens get all that shit, why haven't you renounced your citizenship?

Are you an idiot? You're leaving a fuckton of free money on the table clearly. You'd have to be mentally disabled to pass up all that free shit? Why are you so fucking stupid? Stop wasting your time here and fuck off to a US embassy over the border to renounce your citizenship right fucking now! You practically can't afford not to.
>free housing, free healthcare, free food, free phones, and free money
You're factually incorrect. You've been watching too much FOX News, anon. There are no massive free shit programs that gives houses and phones and money to illegals. This is a thing conservatives invented because, for some reason, despite your courage to openly lie without shame you just don't have the spine to say you don't give a shit about the economics and you just don't want browns in your country. Even the absolutely most critical economic studies on the impact of illegal immigrants says its a wash.
They're literally renting entire hotels to house them in the cities. You retards are cancerously stupid.
They deserve it. You don't.
Didn't take you long to admit you were lying.
But that wasn't me. I posted >>1334632 and I was lying in that one though.
Someone really needs to open a rico case against you faggots.
You sound outraged.
>They're literally renting entire hotels to house them in the cities
Available for up to 28 days if the homeless shelters are full. That's not free housing. That's a fucking emergency shelter.

Go fuck yourself.
>They're literally renting entire hotels to house them in the cities
If you're so retarded you think a hotel is
"free housing" I don't know how to have this conversation with you.
How is it not? It's temporary, but it is the literal definition of housing
>structures collectively in which people are housed
>housing them for free
>it's not free housing though
no they don't. they do waste a ton of tax payer money on gibs
they get wic and ebt. they don't pay taxes
good post
lol no they don't
they also voted for trump. one of them who is 80 registered to vote for the first time ever to vote for trump
their kids go to school for free regardless of legal status and get free breakfast and lunch. if they have and anchor baby they get ebt and wic. blue states also give them free schooling. most dem states and cities also have rented out hotels to give them free housing and food. they get tons of gibs. if they didn't get gibs they wouldn't come. ny just spent a ton of money for them
good post
>in which people are housed
So what you're saying is "unhoused" people in "homeless" shelters are "housed"?

That's like calling a school or theater housing. There's a difference between being housed in a structure and just being located in a structure.
they are evil criminals, they deserve to be hanged
good post
so free housing. and no they should not get shelter. they should be sprayed with hoses
good post
good post
they are being housed in shelters. they should be in cages in camps with no shelters or blankets or food
>their kids go to school for free regardless of legal status and get free breakfast and lunch.
Good. Fuck you for even bitching about that. And unfortunately not everywhere does school breakfasts.

>if they have and anchor baby
That's an American citizen, you mean. At this point you're just bitching about "useless eaters". Nevermind that the children of immigrants are the most upwardly mobile demographic in the country and contribute greatly to our society.

>they get ebt and wic
So the American citizen then, not the illegal.

>blue states also give them free schooling.
You repeated yourself. Also kids regardless of circumstance should get free schooling in any civilized society. Again, fuck you.

>most dem states and cities also have rented out hotels to give them free housing and food
On a temporary basis as homeless shelter overflow, ffs.
>they get tons of gibs.
You have so far described less than your average homeless citizen would be entitled to.

>if they didn't get gibs they wouldn't come.
Pretty sure they come for work and safety, as evidenced by all the people using them as cheap labor because they don't have legal protections against exploitation

>ny just spent a ton of money for them
NY just spent a fraction of what they should have and that shit's only available to asylum applicants here legally. Fuck off and die.
Fuck off, ESL
Better still, the tranny schizo spells SCOTUS as 'scous': >>1334561 >>1334653. But then, of course:
>part of my family is hispanic
So should we be surprised? It isn't even American.
the only ESL here is you, faggot
should I delete my post and post it 6 times like you do, crackhead bot?
>Good. Fuck you for even bitching about that. And unfortunately not everywhere does school breakfasts.
illegals shouldn't get food or schools and the kids should be put in cages separate from the camps the parents get sent to
>That's an American citizen
fuck that. America is the only first world country who gives citizenship to anchor babies born to 2 illegals
>You repeated yourself. Also kids regardless of circumstance should get free schooling in any civilized society. Again, fuck you.
meant to say college. and no illegals shouldn't get jack shit. they are ruining the schools for Americans. see the issues in denver
>On a temporary basis as homeless shelter overflow, ffs.
they shouldn't get it at all. they are evil criminal scumbags
>You have so far described less than your average homeless citizen would be entitled to.
homeless are living on the streets, illegals are living at the ritz
>Pretty sure they come for work and safety,
they come for gibs. if they wanted work and safety Bolivia, Argentina and Cuba all have low murder rates. hell most of mexico has low murder rates
>NY just spent a fraction of what they should have and that shit's only available to asylum applicants here legally.
US taxpayers should be spending a dime on gibs to these evil fucking scumbags
> Fuck off and die.
you and those piece of shit illegals first
>>1334693 should delete itself as it's a pedo michael jackson apologist >>1334697
>illegals shouldn't get food or schools
Well good news, Trump's willing to give them citizenship once they go to the schools.
So its happening regardless of whose elected.
>so free housing
If you think getting a few nights in a cheap motel because the homeless shelter is full is "free housing" then you are too low IQ to have this conversation.

>their kids go to school for free regardless of legal status and get free breakfast and lunch
Incorrect on all counts. Free lunch programs are not available in all states or counties so the claim that if you're illegal you just get free food is a lie. Additionally, schools are funded by property tax so if you rent or own anywhere in the county were your kids go to school then you are paying for their education.

>if they have and anchor baby they get ebt and wic. blue states also give them free schooling. most dem states and cities also have rented out hotels to give them free housing and food
None of this is true. Non-citizens do not qualify for these assistance programs. Your brain has been turned to wet tissue by conservative propaganda.

>they get tons of gibs
Economic data disagrees with you. I don't know how to argue with your feelings.
you are seething real hard
harris just doubled the number of illegals in the country in 3.5 years
>If you think getting a few nights in a cheap motel
they were renting nice hotels for the illegals in nyc. illegals should not be given food or shelter
>Incorrect on all counts. Free lunch programs are not available in all states or counties so the claim that if you're illegal you just get free food is a lie.
>Additionally, schools are funded by property tax so if you rent or own anywhere in the county were your kids go to school then you are paying for their education.
illegals don't pay taxes and renters don't pay property tax. its like you aren't even American.
>None of this is true. Non-citizens do not qualify for these assistance programs.
its literally true. they use anchor babies born in the US for gibs
>Economic data disagrees with you.
source? your aids infested asshole
>>1334716 is seething harder at being exposed as an apologist for Michael Jackson the pedo >>1334697
>they were renting nice hotels for the illegals in nyc
They weren't being rented nice hotels. That's conservative propaganda you heard on Rumble. They were being put in shitty hotels for a few nights because the homeless shelters were full. A shitty hotel is not free housing. You lied.

>illegals should not be given food or shelter
This has nothing to do with the fact that the claim "illegals get free housing" was a lie.

Only 10 states have passed universal free school lunches. So you got caught in a lie, again.

>illegals don't pay taxes and renters don't pay property tax
Illegals absolutely pay taxes. Renters pay rent to homeowners. Those homeowners then use their own income to pay their mortgage and property taxes. For some reason you don't understand how renting works. They should've taught you transitive property in like the 4th grade, Ivan.

>its literally true
Its not. You can't provide a shred of evidence to prove it.

>they use anchor babies born in the US for gibs
Illegals don't qualify for welfare or food stamps.

>source? your aids infested asshole
Arguing with you is super boring, schizoposter. Whenever you get proven wrong on a lie you just shift the goalposts and move to another. Anybody taking you seriously is beyond a waste of time.
>They weren't being rented nice hotels. That's conservative propaganda you heard on Rumble.
there are literally videos. and they shouldn't have been given any shelter, you tranny
>This has nothing to do with the fact that the claim "illegals get free housing" was a lie.
getting free shelter is free housing
>Only 10 states have passed universal free school lunches. So you got caught in a lie, again.
you lying tranny shill. income based free and reduced lunch is federal. nice try with trying to lie with the universal shit. you are a shitty shill
>Illegals absolutely pay taxes.
nope. if they did no one would hire them. they work tax free under the table for less than minimum wage
>Renters pay rent to homeowners.
renters don't pay taxes, troon.
>Its not. You can't provide a shred of evidence to prove it.
cope, you lying shill
Illegals don't qualify for welfare or food stamps.
see above. anchor babies absolutely get welfare
>Arguing with you is super boring, schizoposter. Whenever you get proven wrong on a lie you just shift the goalposts and move to another. Anybody taking you seriously is beyond a waste of time.
cool, so you have no source and admit you are lying. got it, reddit spacer. thanks for admitting you are a liar
>Submit biometrics and undergo required background checks and national security and public safety vetting.

Of USA citizens refuse to condone and promote eugenics Minority Report surveillance state, we'll just bring in a bunch of foreign slaves who will, and disarm and disable your police from enforcing territorial law and order.
How do you get to be so wrong?
>editorial as a source
This retard has never read a newspaper in his entire life
good post
wow you sure are seething because you got btfo'd and illegals are evil scumbags who are nothing but a burden to all but the mega rich
chud headcanon is so weird
I'm not jewish
'City inspectors were called to the Chabad-Lubavitch headquarters in Brooklyn on Monday to conduct an emergency structural inspection under concerns that the illegal tunnel could have caused damage to the famous property.
A brawl then ensued between police and some men inside the synagogue resisting the effort
Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, the chairman of the Chabad, thanked police for their efforts and said the community was "pained by the vandalism of a group of young agitators".
"These odious actions will be investigated, and the sanctity of the synagogue will be restored," he said
>Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, the chairman of the Chabad, thanked police for their efforts
>These odious actions will be investigated, and the sanctity of the synagogue will be restored," he said
The only thing pained here is a hispanic's culo due to quote mining causing destruction of opinions originating from that area.
why are the jews living in tunnels?
Why are the hispanics living in tunnels?
I'm not hispanic crackheadbot and illegals live in tunnels because they eat human flesh
>part of my family is hispanic
The 'one drop' rule, as certain white americans would say. If you're part hispanic, you're not 100% white. Thus said white americans - white supremacists - would say of a lying hispanic that it eats human flesh.
>>1335090 and >>1334557
The post logs. What say you, mods?
I get your family tree has no branches, crackhead bot, but some of us have cousins
Try convincing white supremacists
Once those farther right than the Republicans gained power, those that think they're '100% american' but aren't would realize they've been useful idiots in ensuring those farther right than Republicans have power. Then those useful idiots would no longer be useful as they're no longer needed. In a certain white supremacist book, the last of a certain race is publicly executed. The last useful idiot executed as it is no longer needed.
Frankly useful idiots should be glad that reality has a liberal bias: it's the only thing keeping idiots alive. Otherwise...!
Off topic, but OP's pic is a screenshot from an old porn scene from like 20 years ago. Just thought I'd pass that along
>If you dislike my text dump you're a commie
I'm not OP and you are a commie
One of your favorites?
The actress is one of my favorites. The particular scene itself is whatever though.

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