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Kamala Harris' campaign has a new demand for her debate with Donald Trump: that each candidate's microphone stays unmuted the whole time.

"The VP is ready to debate Trump live and uncensored," Harris' advisor Brian Fallon wrote on X on Monday. "Trump should stop hiding behind the mute button."

Fallon suggested that Trump's campaign would not agree to that condition, writing that Trump "should reject his handlers' attempts to muzzle him via a muted microphone."

A Trump spokesman did not immediately return a request for comment on whether that's true. But more broadly, Trump's campaign is complaining that the Harris campaign is making new demands about the debate, set to be held on September 10 in Philadelphia.

"Now that they've started their debate prep with Harris, they're wanting to change the rules," the Trump advisor Jason Miller wrote on X. "What is it they're seeing that has them worried?"

Miller also told Politico that Harris' campaign "asked for a seated debate, with notes, and opening statements." Fallon told the outlet that the campaign didn't push for any notes or for the candidates to be seated.
The back-and-forth over microphones came after Trump suggested on Truth Social on Sunday night that he might skip the debate, claiming that ABC wouldn't be fair to him. "Why would I do the Debate against Kamala Harris on that network?" he said.

The Harris campaign's unmuted-microphone demand is a significant break from the Biden campaign, which demanded ahead of the disastrous June 27 debate that a candidate's microphone remain muted while the other is speaking.

The switch likely reflects a degree of confidence in Harris' candidacy that wasn't necessarily there with Biden — that while the 81-year-old president may have been tripped up by Trump's interruptions, the younger vice president will be able to make such outbursts work to her advantage.

"She's more than happy to have exchanges with him if he tries to interrupt her," one person familiar with the negotiations told Politico, adding that Trump was "very prone to having intemperate outbursts" and that the campaign "would want viewers to hear."
She's scared.
Trump is the one planning on bailing.
You're scared
>Beat Hillary
>Beat Biden so bad he had to drop out the race
Nope. Lol, Kamala wont even agree to more debates.
>Beat Biden
Trump lost to Biden.
In an electoral college land slide.
Keep seething.
>Beat Biden so hard he had to drop out the race
Deal with it.
>Trump lost to Biden in an electoral college land slide
Harris better be prepared to deal with Trump's tidal wave of lies and bluster since ABC has an even worse conservative bias than CNN and will never try to reign him in or fact check his lies.
What happened after the last Trump Biden debate?
>Moderators need to HELP Kamala!
What happened during the last election?
>Moderators need to moderate
>Telling people not to lie means they're helping the Dems
>b... but
Donald J Trump debated Joe Biden on June 29 in Atlanta, Georgia. The result of the debate was so bad that Joe Biden had to drop out the race. This is the first time in American history this happened.

Do you dispute these facts?
Not the moderators job to "fact check", never has been and never will be. And yes we both know that the "fact checks" will only be deployed against Trump.
Why are you ignoring the fact that in the 2020 presidential election Joe Biden defeated Donald 'Convicted Felon' Trump in an electoral college landslide of 306 to 232?
Because its not relevant to the discussion? Its you coping over Trumps demolition of Biden.
Yes, it's the moderator's job to keep the debater's honest. Otherwise they shouldn't be there.
It's interesting how you think fact checking is a negative thing. But Trump is a constant liar, so that explains that.
We're talking about Trump losing to Biden.
And Trump being too scared to debate Kamala.
>Trump is scared to debate!
>He had no problem debating Hillary, or Joe
>In fact, his last debate went so well Joe had to drop out
Nigga wut?
>Talking about DEBATES
>B... but what about this ELECTION


Fyi, you cant say "Trump scared" when he offered Kamala three debates and she refused. She is the one who refused to debate and she is now the one who is trying to change the rules.
>He had no problem debating Hillary, or Joe
Yet he's scared to debate Kamala
>Yes, it's the moderator's job to keep the debater's honest

>It's interesting how you think fact checking is a negative thing
Yes. Its been politically weaponized.
>Facts have been politically weaponized.
This is the most retarded take to come from Republicans since they actually claimed 'Joy is actually a bad thing'
Kamala is the one who refused debates, and she is the one trying to change rules. Its clear who is "scared".
Trump's the one's backing out of the debate.
Why is Trump scared to debate Kamala?
>Reality has a left wing bias
Trump's the one's backing out of the debate.
Why is Trump scared to debate Kamala?
>according to Huffpo
And they're right.
So answer the question.
Why is Trump scared to debate Kamala?
The "fact checks" are a pretty obvious con and only a partisan retard would think otherwise.
>And they're right.
Do you have a source from a respected outlet that supports this claim?
Nah, you just hate them because they call out your lies.
No, I hate them because they poison political discourse in the country.

It took them 7 years to "fact check" the "very fine people" hoax. Its nakedly partisan.
Huffpo is creditable, why are you so desperate to avoid the simple question.
Why is Trump scared to debate Kamala?
>lefty-breitbart is credible
lol. lmao even.
Not an arguement
Argument: Huffpo is trash

>According to AllSides analysis, HuffPost has a tendency to use sensationalism in headlines, and to employ negative spin when reporting on Republicans and conservatives.

> We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to failed fact checks and the promotion of pseudoscience.
>He's still upset over the media correctly reporting that Trump called white supremacists very fine people.
I'm sure Trump will prove otherwise by not holding rallies in towns with historical ties to white supremacists.
Uh oh.

Well I'm sure that's just a coincidence, it's not like there's white supremacists there anymo-
Uh oh.

Still waiting for that condemnation on these very fine people who chant that they like Hitler and Trump.
>I'm sure Trump will prove otherwise by not holding rallies in towns with historical ties to white supremacists.
>Uh oh.
Biden campaigned in that same town.

And what do you mean? We heard him say the very fine people on both sides line. It’s just another example of Trump said something but he actually meant something else and you are stupid for thinking he meant the thing he said.

Suckers and losers
Medal of Honor is worse because you serve in the military to get it
Very fine people on both sides
There sending people from mental institutions
Kamala is suddenly black
Firing workers who strike is the best

How many more examples do I need of him saying something and then his cult members tells g us what he actually meant?
>But Biden!
He's still living rent free in your head.
So what about those people Trump would call 'very fine people' supporting him last Month?
Still not an argument.
Trump is afraid of Kamala.
>Trump is a racist because he went to Howell
>Biden went to that exact same town
Glorious self-own.
>Ignoring the part where White Supremacists held a rally for Trump there a month before.
Of course Trump would call White Supremacists Very fine people, they're his voters.
>Trump is afraid of Kamala.
In your opinion.
Nah, that's a fact. Otherwise he'd be setting the ground work to run away from the agreed to debate like a coward because he's scared of Kamala.
>Trump is a racist because he went to [location]
>Biden is not a racists even though he went to [same location]
Brain rot.
what location?
>Still talking about Biden
The Russian bots haven't had their programing updated
They're exactly like Trump.
Are you just here to vent your frustrations with Trump?

Like, its obvious that you're not here to talk about actual news. Have you tried /pol/? Seems more your speed.
>gets btfo
>starts rambling about Russia
Why are you so desperate to change the subject to anything other than the fact that Trump is scared to debate Kamala?
>Bot seething that he's been exposed.
>why wont you just accept my schizo fever dreams
Topic of the thread is Kamala wanting to change the debate rules. You are posting off-topic. That is a rule violation.
>bots have feelings
So, you know I'm not a bot and are just trolling?
You're both a bot, and seething.
Are you going to cry next?
>Trying to go full fascist to avoid the fact that Trump is too scared to debate Kamala.
>bots have emotions and can cry
I dont think you know what a bot is.
>Trying to gaslight now
The Russians aren't sending their best
I refer certain people to here, >>1334045, specifically
And don't forget this
>part of my family is hispanic
Come to your own conclusions when you not only read between the lines.
Argument: Schizo is trash, and knows they are trash.

Citation: >>1334810
>has a tendency to use sensationalism in headlines, and to employ negative spin when reporting on [political rivals]
see: >>1334033
>Both sides agree to debate rules, the exact same ones from the first debate
>One side suddenly decides to change the rules after all
>Other side says that's unfair and threatens to bail
>It's this sides fault now
lmao so unless Trump concedes for every change the DNC wants, he's the one at fault?
Don’t care, still voting Trump
Not reading all that lmao even so tl;dr or tongue in anus
>"asked for a seated debate, with notes"
How else is she going to remember her preformulated answers to the questions she gets given before the debate
I still you're one of those shills.
Trump originally wanted mics on, but caved.
Now it's interesting he's fighting to keep mics off.
>blow the fuck out of clinton because the mics never muted
>blow the fuck out of biden because the mics muted
>now harris wants the mics not muted
I don't think the mic muting or not matters
good post
why is a science magazine writing communist propaganda articles calling trump weird and saying he is a liar?
good post
massive voter fraud. over 90% of the votes for biden were fraudulent and trump was not convicted in the US. he was convicted in a kangaroo court in a communist nation
good post
>Science is for commies
The fascist shill has arrived.
fact checkers have been weaponized. where is that pic where they said clinton was correct for saying some gun lie and then they admitted they literally did not have the data for that statement and they also had trump and sanders both citing the same fucking stat about black unemployment and they said trump lied and sanders said the truth even though the numbers they both gave were basically identical.
good post
good post
>Huffpo is creditable,
cool, 80% of illegals are rapists
good post
also a good post
Is this autism?
>crackhead bot is seething and >(you)ing me before I even post in the thread
top kek, rent free
fascism doesn't exist. you think anything right of mao is fascist. and why is a science mag writing political articles, you fucking retard?
stop mass replying crackhead
What is she debating about? Nobody is going to vote for some random Indian bitch.
>Is this autism?
No its schizophrenia
>right-wingers: "Facts don't care about your feelings!"
>also right-wingers: "Fact-checking is bad because... IT JUST IS, OKAY?!"
The cognitive dissonance is a sight to behold.
>Fascist now trying to gaslight
You have no power on /news/
He's just seething that people are ignoring his spam threads.
fascism isn't real, you are just seething
Fascists exist, it's trump and putin.
Fact-checkers are propaganda outlets owned by corporate media, retard.
Damn reality and its liberal bias!
Fact checkers that prove retarded opinions wrong make rightards seethe. Good.
Harris' team has Trump by the balls for this since he just went on record saying he wants hot mics.
Now if he backtracks, it look like he's the bitch of his campaign staff, and Trump's ego and design to project authoritarian power will never allow that.
Seethe not a coward
>>1335127 has its right to have opinions killed
>The Harris campaign's unmuted-microphone demand is a significant break from the Biden campaign, which demanded ahead of the disastrous June 27 debate that a candidate's microphone remain muted while the other is speaking.
How many posters in this thread forgot that Biden is the only reason mics were muted?

Is this a hail mary so Harris can do a hand gesture and head bobble "excuse me, I'm speaking!"?
>Harris' team has Trump by the balls over random rule changes to the next debate
Why's she grabbing him by the pussy?
When's Harris going to do a three hour interview on Joe Rogan?
>Harris: "I'll debate anywhere anytime"
>Harris: "no not like that"
>Harris: "No I won't do that"
>Harris: "No I won't do that network"
>Harris: "No the mics have to be exactly how I want them"
All this blustering just to cover up the fact that she's terrified of public speaking and even more terrified of debating publicly.

Oh well, maybe if she can give an interview sober and not completely drunk for once, she'll show improvement
Funny you say this as Trump is actively seeking excuses to bail on the scheduled ABC debate. Also, is "Kamala is a drunk" the new "Walz ingested equine ejaculate"? That is, yet another desperate attempt by right-wingers to find a baseless completely fabricated smear that can stick?
>Funny you say this as Kamala is actively seeking excuses to bail on the scheduled ABC debate

>Also, is "Kamala is a drunk" the new "Walz ingested equine ejaculate"?
Not exactly- we don't have videos of Walz drinking horse semen even though we all know he's big and greedy. Kamala being drunk though? Lots of videos, just like Biden being creepy with kids or being senile.
It would be great if Kalama just grabbed Trump by his tie and yanked him if he tried to stalk her around the stage like he did with Hillary.
Trump is also calling for the mics to be unmuted. And he's again talked about backing out of the debate, unlike Kamala.
Good post
This isn't reddit. Stop trying to upvote posts here.
>Is this a hail mary so Harris can do a hand gesture and head bobble "excuse me, I'm speaking!"?
No. Its a pretty excellent acknowledgement of Harris's campaign that Trump is an excellent at self-destruction. Trigger him even a little and he says the most embarrassing, unhinged shit. Between the weird racist, sexist attacks on Harris, starting fights with Joe Rogan and his obsession with crowd sizes Trump is tanking his own campaign with his schizo old man rants. Harris's campaign wants to give him as much room as possible to do this.
This, Harris realizes that Trump's achilles heel is just mocking him, I wouldn't be surprised if the Harris Campaign isn't quietly recruiting top comedy writers to prep her zingers to further throw Trump off balance and piss him off move.

The only thing Harris has to prepare to counter is Trump's Gish Gallop. And since the media is clearly supporting Trump, they won't real time fact check him to stop that.
>Kamala being drunk though? Lots of videos, just like Biden being creepy with kids or being senile.
This is how you can tell magatards are in complete meltdown mode
>Fascists exist,
>t's trump
trump is pro freedom
> and putin.
putin is a jewish communist
you know trump is pro israel, not sure why you're being antisemitic anon
>Understanding the Growing Collaboration Between Russia and Iran
Opinion status: Destroyed.
Fascist fan fic yours is so silly
Whataboutism for $500
But enough about Trump's tactic
>amala Harris wants Trump's mic to stay unmuted the whole time during their upcoming debate
Of course she does. And she wants to sit and she wants to be allowed notes.

Because she is fucking terrified of Trump.
Then why doesn't Trump just agree to the Harris's simple request that he originally wanted too? What's Trump scared of?
Because a deal is a deal.
Trump of all people should know you need those deals in writing.
So why is Trump so scared of a hot mic?
>a deal is a deal.
Unless it's actually authored by Tony Schwartz.
Do you really think this shit convinces anyone of anything?
The last person to be scared of an u muted mic is Trump. And against Kamala to boot. You lefties can gaslight yourselves but I'll use my brain. Echo echo echo. I'm outside, just wanted to say your all dumb if you believe this nonsense.
I often wonder if they make these arguments more to convince themselves than anything.
Nope but I've watched your candidate talk and can't wait for kackling Kamala to provide the Internet with the gaffs for the meme machines to come roaring back to life. I've been stuck watching the old ones. You do know your candidate is dog shit lit on fire in a dumpster down an alley filled with Bidens crackheads and Kamala's illegal migrants. You do know that everybody hates her for that. You do know if you just want to provoke people with childish attacks, we can one up you at a moments notice?!?
It's not our fault Trump is a coward.
>Chat GPT, make me a video of kackling kamalamala saying poop
>Chat GPT, make me a video of kackling kamalamala saying fart
>>Chat GPT, make me a video of kackling kamalamala saying horse semen
>libs are so dumb
>>Chat GPT, make me a video of kackling kamalamala saying libs are so dumb
/pol/ ain't sending their best
That post is peak comedy for them.
I'm just letting you know that you being lied to. Trump ain't scared. Don't drink the coolaid.
>leftoids pretending Kamala continually flip flopping on debate requests isn't just laying the groundwork for her to drop out last minute

Either she drops out, or gives a worse debate performance than Biden. Pick one.
Your gaslighting is useless here. Trump is scared shitless and he's letting his handlers control him, which makes him look even weaker.
>Trump is scared shitless
Trump is giving full interviews to the press, Kamala is not
You're still running with this routine?

Kamala cant handle the traditional debate format, so she wants to change the rules. Thats pussy shit. Choose better candidates
>lol, I forgot dems dont get to choose their candidates
>Trump ain't scared
He was about being drafted and sent to Vietnam, thus 'Bone Spurs. Scaredy cat Don Old the coward. Orange? More like yellow.

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