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Comfort edition!

>Motorcycle tips & tricks
>Motorcycle pics, webms, streamables
>undertail exhaust is the best place to put it
>motorcycle anime girls
>r9 coping/seething
>Honda supremeriority
>No one like triples again
>ADV chads know the secret to life
>ghost repellant techniques
>it drags the knee or else it gets the made fun of again
>MSF class alumni

>(New map! Email dbtmap3@gmail.com with pic of bike (hosted) and location to be added):

STICKY: >>23526953
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/xu560p4q


>Twist Of The Wrist II


last thread >>28033859
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Henlo dargness my old fern
We're back.
How come so many members on the map? I haven't seen any of the bikes posted here.
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SSBEOY cap this, stamped
One day you will accept that That 450 bike is good.
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heavy enduro
I'll look for some, biggest problem I've had is that there are seemingly none that I've been able to find outside of ebay.
Which bike is this?
Maybe you can also find those extended fuel tanks, those are cool too
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love these guys riding the ultimate vintage shitbikes simply for it's own sake
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did my best
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Still waiting on the "new" (it's been like a year by now) battlegrounds video
All we get is simping for fucking tft screens for watching faggot cartoons
biking in its purest form
This is what I was hoping /dbt/ would be more like instead its chuds with ten thousand dollar tennies comparing the size of their dicks (feminine)
>omg going slow as fuck on the highway is so heckin' fun!!!
kek, damn you're stupid as fuck.
Must resist!
Do it
Record and show us!!
>omg going slow as fuck on the highway is so heckin' fun!!!

You don't have the balls to get on an 80 year old Shitbike like that and pin it at 9K RPM for the brisk speed of 60 mph. It would start shaking and you'd faggot walk it to a parking lot to ask for a tow truck to pick you up.
yeah I don't know what he was expecting.
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I want a tilt deck trailer just for this reason
dbt has its own charm but definitely would be cooler with less mean spirited ego posting. it's like bants but not from good faith. still would ride with any of you though its just a few shitters of course.
yeah enjoying something for it's own sake can be fun, even difficult or uncomfortable things, performance isn't the only thing that's fun
More australian engineering
Risitas fag
>dbt has its own charm but definitely would be cooler with less mean spirited ego posting. it's like bants but not from good faith. still would ride with any of you though its just a few shitters of course.
I don't even know why half of the time, it's not like we're arguing about bikes.
What makes you guys say mean spirited?
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internet culture aka crabs in a bucket
it is, sometimes. some times it's deserved too. other times dbt is extremely helpful and even welcoming to newfriends. just depends on the day
I don't appreciate being called out in such a way
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>tight 25mph/30mph zone twisties
>come up behind some car
>oh great he's probably gonna do the speed limit
>he hauls ass
>I just have to keep pace
>give him a little room in blind corners so I don't rear end him but I'm well on the side of the tire
>going fast enough to add MOAR THROTTLE to sustain the lean
>all I gotta do is watch for this guy's brake lights
>mfw cut my personal best for that run by like a minute
Thank you Mr. Dodge Challenger you are my greatest ally.
Sure kid
lay off the faggot cartoons for a while
Car or bike, I love coming up on other motorists who are actually competent. One of my best memories was following a fucking flapped dodge minivan that I just knew was some teenager's first car in Appalachia. I could have passed him, sure, he wasn't flying, but he was braking late, staying in his lane but using all of it for corner entry/apex, trailbraking, I was smiling the whole time watching.
The Legendary Yamaha T7 Tenere 700 XT
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Cute but be careful! This doesn't sound safu.
-> >>28036642
It's a road I know very well. Peeking at his brake lights basically let me see around the blind corners while going fast, it was very nice.
A LOT of the shitposting here isn't even an attempt to get someone to like a bike or get someone to ride, it's just subtle ways to telling people to fuck off. Not even because of bikes just in general.
That's a fucking beautiful tenny though

does that cave go all the way through?
living in the pancake that is Florida has made me realize that I would be a fucking terrible driver in the mountains
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>chuds with ten thousand dollar tennies comparing the size of their dicks (feminine)

Love visiting Florida.
How'd the storm treat you, anon?
I went to a dealer shop to ask them if they could adjust the rear shock preload for my honda cb500 and they wanted $250. Something that would only take 15 minutes max. Why are dealers such gypsies?
Don't live in South Florida, but the one that came by a few weeks ago barely did anything thankfully.
I know Lake City got FUCKED by Helene. And Milton completely fucked a bunch of folk in Tampa. I'd like to ride down there and look at the damage myself, tbqh.
It's called a fuck off estimate. Your presence probably made the service advisor sick to his stomach since you are probably a fighting age male but you need your hand held.
They're getting raped in the current market. I talked to a local dealer who had to sell out to a big chain to stay afloat. Basically old stock only moves after it's 2-3 years old because everyone has caught onto the grift of advertising the MSRP and then tacking on $1500 minimum of hidden markups. So now people are extremely wary of dealerships and shop used exclusively or only call the place so they can sit on the bike and then not buy it or buy used.

Which means the only place Dealers are making their money is the service department, it's a net loss everywhere else across the board. I bought a bike from that dealer and he told me that I basically just stole $1000 from him because I bought it at only a little over the MSRP of the bike, but he couldn't let it sit there any longer because it's >2 years old.
yeah he should be dying for Israel like all decent fighting aged men do

HYB!!!! HYB!!!!
Nice bait.
also I asked why they don't just advertise the true price of the bike or at least the price that they would be advertising the bike at Out-The-Door and it came down to the fact that if they did that, nobody would come in and look at the bike. Which I think is bullshit because the hidden dealership fees is what turned me off of buying new for the longest time.
How the fuck is it bait, wrenchlets genuinely make real men sick.
>Thank you Mr. Dodge Challenger you are my greatest ally.
>"Aw shiet! This niggas after us! Flo' it Lil' Bugs, its da ops!"
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He calmed down when we got to a stop sign so I think he was just a white junior enlisted or something.
$100 shop minimum labor with $150 idiot tax.
Why are you here instead of fighting for the holy land?
Just be careful. Flooding is very dangerous and we care about you.
what the FUCK are you talking about you deluded wrenchlet, nu-male, faggot
Well maybe I was far from home and wanted a quick fix so I can enjoy the rest of my ride without having to go back home. Also I do my own oil changes, air filter and tire changes and have modded my bike myself with heated grips for one.
>just stole $1000 from him
> I bought it at only a little over the MSRP of the bike
> >2 years old
I spent a decade at a marketing/ad agency that included a few years where I directly supported motorcycle dealers with marketing and promotional programs. And let me tell you, these guys are dumb as shit and greedy as hell.
"You stole my money by buying my dead stock at more than MSRP" is peak dealer. The fucked-up math in his head is that he should have gotten a grand more out of the bike but since no one would fall for his Big Time Sales patter he didn't get what he wanted and now he's butthurt about it.
Back when I was working with these guys (way pre-covid) it was expected that a two-year-out non-current model would get a 10-20% haircut from MSRP, hell by September their would be "$x,000 dealer cash" or "buyer cash" or some other sort of rebate available. The fact that you paid anywhere near MSRP should have had this guy trying to kiss you on the lips. But that's not how their brains work.
It is true that the money is in the service dept. $250 is probably the shop minimum.
>Well maybe I was far from home and wanted a quick fix
A real man would have just rode home and fixed it. Not go to the dealer and beg for help then get sad when the based service advisor makes you realize you're not only a helpless nu-male but you're also poor.
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you said fighting aged males not wrenching make advisors sick to their stomachs, but why are you, a fighting aged male, here on /o/ instead of fighting the good fight?

don't tell me you're another pencil-neck wrenchlet faggot throwing stones because he's projecting.
It's some huge abandonded mine. I walked like 500m into it and turned around, lots of old wooden ladders you have to climb, shafts that go straight down, and branches to the side. Would be easy to get Paris catacomb'd.
Apparently there's hundreds of km of interlinking mines under that mountain.
>don't tell me you're another pencil- neck wrenchlet
bro you literally got filtered by 250$ and a cresent wrenchet LMAO
>Back when I was working with these guys (way pre-covid) it was expected that a two-year-out non-current model would get a 10-20% haircut from MSRP, hell by September their would be "$x,000 dealer cash" or "buyer cash" or some other sort of rebate available. The fact that you paid anywhere near MSRP should have had this guy trying to kiss you on the lips. But that's not how their brains work.
Yeah I figure as much. They only operate by selling brand new stock, anything else on the floor is a liability since they will have to start cutting to sell it.

I actually felt like I paid too much for the bike for paying at MSRP. They still put on the pouty bitch fit regardless.
Scary as fuck.
>everyone who realizes I'm a faggot israelite is the same person
Oh okay so you are a pencil-neck LMAO why aren't you enlisting in the army son?
Don't worry, he still made money, but just not the money that he wanted to make.
Pre 'rona I would have said you paid too much, but all those rules are out the window now. As long as you got a nice bike to ride around and you won't starve for lack of cash than it's all good. Better than good, really.
What happened to /dbt/ bros, these threads used to be fun and now it’s mostly weird arguments where people aren’t even quoting each others posts yet still going back and forth, discord trannies, tripnigger nobikes, and busriders
It's honestly wild you can just walk in like that
got DAMN I want my own plot to hoon around in but I love between 3 mountain ranges, a border, and a coast so real estate is prohibitively expensive
Yeah I'm good. And with the post-rona blues I could probably sell it again at MSRP and someone would take it.

it's a fucking weird world out there right now.
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I guess the Ashville tranny janny got his power back

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Friday night in the US. So you have angry incels, guys with too much social anxiety to go to the bar like a normie, and old married guys like me. I just woke up from my nap, personally. Nice to meet you.
Is this mine from the 1800s? Just seems weird that all of it is just left like that with no barricade or anything.
you could probably shoot it several times and just duct tape it back together and it wouldn't miss a beat

love those XTs
I'm gonna visit you guys in NC next summer if the roads are open. I have a fun route planned out that enters NC via the Tail of the Dragon.
faggots taking the bait seriously. that's all it is. someone laid some bait and someone bit.
Closed in 1950 apparently
I blame biking becoming a popular hobby.
Most of us do touring, I've noticed. And touring wasn't really popular until Covid when no one had anything else to do but cruise the road by themselves.
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Ended up grabbing it for $2090 down from the $2500. Bike runs like a dream, previous owner was some cool Japanese nerdy kid who took autistic care of the mechanical side of things. Now gonna ride it home for him
SICK deal. Have fun!
That's why i am just buying my own tools and learning how to do shit. admittedly I will go to the shops and ask annoying questions just to get as much info and knowledge as I can. gotta start somewhere.
what do you guys think about blue line flags?
almost as gay as white dudes for harris shirts
Could be a way to avoid getting pulled over and ticketed.
As it's based on the fiction of the "thin blue line" between civilization and anarchy, I just see it as cop cope.
Yeah I've got a friend from uni who became a cop and he says this.

That looks slick, I'm glad you're enjoying it.
Cool, enjoy the bike bro! 400 i4 are really fun
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Remind me again, why does dbt hate K&N air filters? Been running them in my cars for years. My zx6r came with one so been running that in it. I put oem style filters in my gsxr750 and cbr250 because they were filthy and needed something cheap and easy. I'm probably going to run the spark plugs out 10k on the zx14 and do the air filter at that time. Debating on doing a K&N in that bike.
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>post about going to the Yamaha demo day
>anon dms me and says he’s going
>organize to meet there and maybe the next day
>anon goes radio silent rest of the day
Hope he didn’t crash or something on the way over
Lol RIP. WR250R anon here, Wish I could have made it but I was losing the battle with alcohol all weekend instead.
IIRC they’re worse at filtering air and don’t even give that much power in return, more of an “up to you” sort of value proposition and not a flat yes or no one is better
I don't know why dbt hates those filters, but I wanted to ask what your favorite exhausts are.
>I wanted to ask what your favorite exhausts are.
bet money this faggot says toce or m4
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>no dead bugs on windscreen, forks, back of mirrors
Yeah this guy takes care of his bike
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I noticed a definite increase in power on just my cars. Hard to believe it wouldn't make a difference on a motorcycle, but the air boxes on cars have a shit design, whereas the air boxes on sport bikes are optimized from the factory for performance.
I remember hearing one anon say they don't filter well and destroy your engine, which, press X to doubt.

My opinion on exhausts isn't worth much. I run a Chinese knock off two bros on my zx6r, and genuine M4 exhaust on my zx14 and gsxr750. Akra sounds good, not my favorite, higher pitched. Don't really know what a Yoshi sounds like, haven't heard that in person. Two bros sounds good, it's a little deeper tone in general. M4 sounds like a straight kamikaze squid missile, it's awesome; deep but simultaneously high pitched tone.
So far I like the sound of the M4 the best. People say the akra is best for performance, but I don't know...if it's a straight through muffler, it's gotta be roughly the same performance wise as any other straight through.

Kek. Ya got me.
Not sure why you're so hostile towards me, bro.
>no gages
life goals.
I wanted a 45 flathead for a while, 'till I learned that they make 20 HP and get 30 MPG. And the 74 isn't much better.
nada tunnel is cool i live like an hour from there I went after helene came through the roads were shitty but it was still fun
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It’s not the weekend anon… but I get it. Hope you can kick it sooner or later, known too many people who got lost in that.
Hope he ended up just flaking or something, going out while riding on the freeway has gotta be the worst way to go.
Thank u Mr Wing, got lots of compliments on my bike at the demo day. People were very shocked to hear it was a 2006 and most didn’t know what it is.
Gave it a nice little dry bath after getting home getting in all the nooks and crannies to keep it that pretty c:
I figure sportbikes are fast enough from the factory that doing something like running paper filters to increase your engine lifespan seems like it’s worth it
Went to AA for the first time on Thursday night. This shit is killing me and stealing my hobbies.
HYB, recognizing that you have a problem and taking a step in ridding of yourself of it are the two hardest parts. Wish you the best of luck in recovery, life without addiction is far more freeing than any temporary high it could give you
It's white zx6r anon and yeah that was my reaction when I read what he said too. M4 was on my radar before but I dislike the yoshi on 636s. As for akras I'll check those out next. Anyway, thanks for the tips on ecu flashing last time.
Tell us more about the R7
It's that bike that Yamaha sells. You know the one.
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I like supersport riding position, I loved how light the clutch was. The engine however was miserable and boring, nothing less exciting than meeting redline and not feeling the bike do anything under you.
Probably good for novice riding on twisty roads and skipping the beginner bike class but it has no character, it feels like a scooter with wheels
Right on
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>scooter with wheels
lmfao, meant with manual gears
Alright but you rode the R3 for some time, how would you compare? Does the higher weight make it less agile, less flickable?
And what about compared to the FZ6?
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>nothing less exciting than meeting redline and not feeling the bike do anything under you
so any non-200hp literbike?
you cant even ride
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I clearly rode the bike to the parking garage.
I love my 701 so much and all I can think about is selling it for a Tenere so that I can do ADV trips.
I feel as though I have betrayed it in my mind... it's such a cool bike.
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Didn’t get a chance to really get all that much turning/flicking in since it is a demo ride but I’ve never really struggling flicking a bike.
Definitely felt heavier at lower speeds like I couldn’t get the front wheel to keep a path without falling over a little.
Made me appreciate FZ6 a lot, it’s a heavy bike but it feels so much more exciting and punishing to ride. Anything less than buttery smooth inputs on the FZ6 results in the ride being jerky and you have to pay attention to where you are in the powerband constantly, makes for a much more engaging and enjoyable ride.
That 701 can be upfitted for adventure touring, it has more than enough gearing.
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I prefer it how it is. I wouldn't want to molest it considering I dreamed about having one since they started making them.
I also wouldn't want to put thousands of miles of highway driving on this single cylinder engine.
It is geared higher than say an FE501, but it 6th gear at 70 still feels like you're wringing its neck a little.
Where was this demo day?
>I also wouldn't want to put thousands of miles of highway driving on this single cylinder engine. It is geared higher than say an FE501, but it 6th gear at 70 still feels like you're wringing its neck a little.

It'll be fine, and if you're afraid of wringing it out at 70 you'll hate the t7.
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Fun Bike Center in San Diego, heading back tomorrow if you’re local
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>Fun Bike Center
What a good name
Sport touring best touring. Your engine should be almost asleep in 6th gear at legal speeds.

If they just raised the clibbons like 2" and extended the fairing to match the R9 would be an extremely fun bike. If I'm going to Assume The Position I want 4cyl and at least 14,000rpm.
That's bars vs clipons, clipons always make the front feel heavy. The engine is super boring on the street but it's just *nice* in the mountains, fast enough to be fun but it will never surprise you.
The Tracer 900 already exists, anon.
>no exhoost


at least those wings look like you can easily change them
> The engine is super boring (…) but it will never surprise you.
Sounds like what I don’t want, I want to learn the motorcycle not have it be perfect every time
I like bikes closer to the sport end of sport touring. The Tracer is too close to an MT09.

Yes I'm picky.
But does it actually hurt the engine? 8 have my doubts because I've run them for years in my cars.

No problem my dude. Kawasakis have a very distinct buzz to them and seem to have higher pitched tones than the other Japanese bikes, so imo the lower tone exhausts sound better on them. Unless you love the high pitched buzz and want to accentuate it.
>going into an old, abandoned mine
You can also casually stroll into an area and not realize you're breathing the wrong gas mixture until it's way too late to save your dumb ass. Don't fuck about in old, abandoned mines Anon.
Anybody went from an oval to a flat slide carb?
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Dumb question, but is anti dive useful every time you brake, or is it more of an “oh shit” situation type thing like ABS?

>t. exclusively rides shitty bikes from the 70s that don’t have such advanced technologies
It's an oh shit thing.
>VERY cute Hane on VFR
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I've been wanting a bike for ages.
I'm in the process of moving out into the sticks close to the Arctic circle.

I'm thinking of buying a clapped out 125 dual sports bike.

I'm a seasoned MTB Rider and know my way around shit boxes.

can I fuck around with a bike like that around some snowy not maintained Backroad or is biking a summer thing ?
not trying to go fast, I'd rather just explore my new home.

also how clapped out is too clapped out ?
I'm kinda in love with the Kawasaki kmx125

ps: I can do 125 legally and when it sticks I'll get something bigger, but I think I like small bikes in a way.
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>defined music with its DX7 synth in the 80s
>defined sports cars in the 70 with its concept car
>defined motosport in the 00s
>defined motorcycles with MT-series
>defined supercars with its Lexus LFA engine

How do they do it?
>advanced technologies

its a technology from the 80s nobody uses anymore for good reason.
The front diving is a GOOD thing, it shortens the wheelbase and makes turning the bike into a corner easier, thats why no race bike would ever use an anti-dive technology.
>best manufacturer
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I'm a zoomer who hasn't played that many open world games with vehicles but Cyberpunk is probably the best bike games i've ever played.
any other suggestions
They cost way more than OEM and don't do anything. Basically at all in the case of K&N street filters, mostly unless you some other major mods for race filters in general perhaps barring some shitbikes. (and even then they aren't really the favored brand) There's actually some bikes they've been worse on for some reason.

I am probably going to replace the K&N race that was on my GSX-R with the OEM I bought as a spare just in case it keeps the intake noise down a bit for sound limited tracks. Hilariously there's a series of K&N sponsored and hosted dyno runs that a magazine did for a race bike build and it claims 3hp gain on a dead stock engine and shows how it's a billion times better hp/$ than an exhaust but somehow when you put a full system and a fuel controller on the bike it's only worth 1hp (and the race filter makes less power than the street one) so they almost certainly did only one run and just advertised the typical second run gain as being from the filter kek.
>but I think I like small bikes in a way.
Same. CT110, my beloved...
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That's just a meme from people trying to get retards to trai lbrake. I mean it happens but it's a side effect and when anti-dive was trendy it was being tried in racing. The 80s production versions weren't even "really" anti-dive, they were like dive dampers that cranked the compression up except they also fucked the bump damping of the fork while the brakes were being used. Aprilia appeared to be considering a mechanical anti-dive system in MotoGP (as had been used a little on smaller displacement GP bikes in the 80s) a few years ago based on patents. It's that weird looking thing connected from the brake caliper to a rod that pushes up the on clamp.
Oh actually it did make it to 500s with Kawasaki, they had a pretty spotty history in that class so I figured it would be one of the weird things they did on 250s.
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>>best manufacturer
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R9 can NEVER replace the legendary R1
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they have a kino logo
>wrenched with the old man
>hit the twisties
a good day
>one new bike in 20 years which is a 2 cyl bigger displacment cp2

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>I want to hug and kiss Onsa in the neck
verification not required
You onlly have the R1 because you're rich firstwordler, we all would have an R1 if we were rich firstwordlers stop showing off
One more course before main test, feeling pretty confident fellas
Hope the chinks and poos leave it alone.
>*gives up on everything*
not him, but I think Werkes look cool. and BIG GUN on thumpers.
You don't need more.
good luck brother
I don't want that. I'd rather have a regular fz07.
'Member guyse, Don't ever lose your head over your hobby.
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Very true, except im from europe shithole, literally dont sleep at school, get degree and decent job. Its a 20k bike, not a 400k supercar

You do.

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i'm sure one day every single Italian brand will become solely based in their home country and stay in business at the same time!
(and Aermacchi come back too)
>people make 20k in 5 years here where I'm from

Yeah fuck you faggot
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thats the point, suzuki doesnt depend on cheese pizza to sell bikes
Suzuki doesn't sell bikes at all
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sorry to hear that anon, I guess its time to become a drug dealer!
Suzuki a fish.
>worse suspension
>worse frame
>no fairings

>like 500 usd cheaper
your mom smells like fish but i still fuck her
Do you fuck Suzuki because it's fish?
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Thank you for understanding.
i ride a suzuki, i dont fuck a suzuki. its a sad thing that nobikes cant comprehend the purpose of motorbikes. you ride a motorcycle, and you fuck this anons >>28037533 mom. simple
Tall anons? How do you keep balance on your bike? The break and accelerator pedals are so close and handled bar so far out I can hardly keep balance.
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>but it 6th gear at 70 still feels like you're wringing its neck a little.
Not really, mine doesn't even want to go into 6th until I get above 80. These bikes have long legs for a single. That being said I wouldn't want to do any long-distance touring on one unless I had an enduro and a good chunk of my travels involved unpaved roads.
potential R1250 RS buying anon dude what's the status
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got to ride a Harley yesterday. Some guy saw me riding in my usual lot and asked me to help him load his buddy’s bike. It was too heavy to load and the guy didn’t have a clue how to ride, so I drove it to his place.
Throttle had about a half inch of free play, front brake barely worked and the turn-in was garbage but it felt pretty good to rip into the throttle and feel it rumble. Don’t know shit about hawgs so idk what kind but it was a big one and probably 20-30 years old.
Check for the white light, that's the front end, face that way and ensure your head the fathest point from the ground on your body.
Bitch ass faggot has never been to a track day lmao, wrenchlet, dumb fuck
Gay as fuck, dead weight
What exactly do you find lacking in the Suzuki lineup?
Inb4 LED lights or a TFT screen so you can watch your faggot cartoons ROMFLALAGAHAHAHAHAHAHA fucking slow faggot, wrenchlet
hell yeah brother
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>NO anon carb cleaner does NOT work for cleaning carbs
>proceeds to spray wd40/penetrating fluid into everything
>bike doesn't start

Apparently i am the retard for thinking carb cleaner is for cleaning carbs
lol @ cleaning carbs, who falls for this shit
you sound upset, is this because you can't afford an R1 thirdy?
no such thing as clean carbs go keto
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One of the bike tourist that I watch uses a Husqvarna 701, used to travel in a Transalp, but said that the Husqvarna is more agile and light
Bitch you've never touched a wrench your whole life you LED loving nu-male faggot
keep seething
That's exactly what I thought kek. Don't ever post that clapped out r1 itt again. Gay ass little nu-male
gonna cry?
Fucking faggot lowsided and had to take it to a real man to change out some fairings Lmao, gay ass fucking euro wrenchlet
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ME - YES, I like YAMAHA!

Say Happy Birthday YAMAHA!

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Happy Birthday YAMAHA!
>thumbnail is a fucking scooter
>"protagonist" is female girlboss chink
>band is all DEI woke bullshit faggotry
>not a single fucking motorcycle in the entire thing
kill yourself
>most of the populations are faggots and jeets
>noooo how dare you to appeal to them

Don't blame the player, blame the game

Yamaha isn't gay, you're gay.
no u and yamahaha
Of all the based sounds some Yamahas can make they ONLY one they use is some soulless fucking low cc scooter engine droning on?
Anon you're dumb af. Commercial is trying to appeal to those who don't buy the stuff yet.
Like with Honda in the 70s for example when only baddies rode bikes, Honda claimed it was actually the other way around like if only good people rode bikes especially Honda.

Same thing here - Yamaha is the coolest and manliest brand on earth and they're trying to sell some scooters to f*males and blacks too.
true story i'm nice people and i like meeting nice people so i ride honda
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>Yamaha is the coolest and manliest brand on earth
honda > yamaha, even a trannyslap ozes more testosterone than yamahas entire catalog combined
Is that a green gen3 KLR? Got a pic of your bike, if you wouldn't mind? t. KLR admirer
I like small bikes, too. Bikes and snow don't really go together very well, however. I also live in a northern area (maybe not as far north as you) and people here usually only ride in the warmer months. Why not get a snowmobile if you want a fun winter activity?
fuck Yamaha (tbqhh) to be quite honest honestly
kek this, wtf was that even
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>cruising on the highway
g-glad I got a sportbike
>Kawasakis have a very distinct buzz to them and seem to have higher pitched tones than the other Japanese bikes
Unpack this.
>oh no a bike that was meant to Rev and revs to 18k rpm is at 8k rpm!!!
>Kawasakis have a very distinct buzz to them and seem to have higher pitched tones than the other Japanese bikes, so imo the lower tone exhausts sound better on them
Yea can you pull us please? With links maybe?
Has the dealer not told you what the shifter does?
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>revs to 18k
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>he doesnt cruise at 15k rpm
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Cringe and retardpilled
>Redlining at 15k at 96mph
Bless that bike's little heart.
this gib strembo now
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Not a sportbike but when I had the R3 I was regularly cruising around 10k-11k for hours at a time and it still performs as good as new
Valves weren’t even that bad when it got its first valve check at 30k miles (3K after the recommended window)
Woops didn’t mean to reply to (You) sorry
>he cruises
wrong, always go full retard
I've got places to be and people to meet, I don't have time for your nonsense
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Gott damm bruder you almost nailed those posts, would have been ebic
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Ever since I figured out these things are hollow (don't ask me how) I am not scared of them anymore
Hitting these posts has become my signature move
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>ghost repellant techniques
You'rr damn lucky that wasn't a Harley. Because you do not pass a Harley without permission.
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finally pulled the trigger on a liter bike, super fuckin fun. now I understand why people love em so much. the problem is the speed limit is 60, what gives?
Stay in first.
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Thats r6 on the left?
>honda > yamaha,
Is doggie practicing downing it in one from that position?
Good doggie.
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We just dont knwo
isn't that bad for the engine? I cycled all the gears on the high way but whats the point with the other 5 if 1rst goes to 60?
Shouldve gotten a single cylinder dual sport
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dawg is a cute
you bonked your head on one didn't you
It's not bad for the engine. An i4 ss should be able to get over 50k miles before needing any serous engine work. Just change the oil more frequently than the 6k mile intervals. And don't run a race oil like 300v that looses viscosity quickly.

>following speed limit
ok thanks for that info
oh I know I barely hit the throttle and its already at 100 mph you gotta be super careful because you don't even notice. I'm giddy thinking about it. gunna go ride now lel
Why do two strokes have more oomph compared to four strokes?
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I've seen one exploded on the side of the road, thankfully not caused by my shit riding.
because the stroke is shorter
But what does that mean?
Because the cylinder is firing every rotation of the crankshaft rather than every other rotation
Lean forward more, fatty.
Oh, okay. So how come they just have more power instead of completely double power?
nice Light rail #9E082E
im more of a Federation brown #634041 man myself but thats a good color.
more strokes = more oomph
come on nigga
just found this channel, extremely comfy.
I like Harleys
>can see out the BACK of the helmet
>ride my 'ku
>everyone is super nice to me, not following too closely
>go to buy gas
>someone prepaid 25$ for me
Feels good being a motorcycle.
Trip to one of the local dams today
Must be nice. I just get chink women in SUVs.
I wish I was on my 'ku right now...
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That's he norm here too, today was exceptionally comfy though.
Nice all black harley bro
>keep yourself safe
>rare r6 pic
been thinking of doing this next summer. this summer I did venture to norway already but now I've learned so much more. the trip from helsinki to stockholm is a ferry, google maps can't comprehend that. the trip from norway mainland to the lofoten is also a ferry and I plan on returning back home via car train, if I can just reserve a trip way beforehand

I just gotta sell more weed to finance this one
Its actually an indian but thanks
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shit it didn't paste
Literally the same thing
Hitting a diner for breakfast before my R1250RS test ride. And yes, riding another bike there.
nice trip, but I can only recommend to visit the northern polar sea or what its called, did pic rel this august:
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keep me posted >>28037644
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>stop at tsarbucks to get water and a sandwich on a long ride
>cashier smiles at me and asks if the bike out front is mine
>say yes
>tells me it looks cute and she likes it
>gives me my water 5 minutes later
Is this some tiktok trend or something?
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I’ve always been a wrenchlet, most of my bikes have been in warranty so I’ve let the dealership handle everything to keep it but this winter i wanna try doing some stuff myself. Are there are any recommended brands for chains and sprockets or do I just pick whatever that looks alright? I have until April next year so I can order from international shops and wait for weeks if that matters. Looking to spend some extra bucks for longevity, quality and possibly aesthetics if that applies, keeping this thing for a while
DID chain, JT sprockets
Look for a chain + sprockets set for your bike, preferably made by >>28038161 . They'll probably have a couple different variants, so get a sealed chain if you want premium. x-rings > o-rings
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She is either trying to hit on you
She (or he) is your friend and she (or he) writes funny things on your drinks so you can take pictures of them and act surprised/confused on an Thai riverboat modification and racing forum
it's himself and he's schizophrenic
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Yes, she is being a whore for you
In other newws, since the time of this fpbp, me obviously, ive since come to realize that 500km since parting ways wjth the shooms ive also not brought my brand new dunlop boots
Bout to chokeslam a bitch, but alas there is no bitxh here
I really wish I could find a DRZ-400S at a reasonable price around here.
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>She is either trying to hit on you
I was just passing through town and made that clear so idk why she would but I didn’t notice it til I walked out so maybe she was expecting a reaction
> She (or he) is your friend and she (or he) writes funny things on your drinks so you can take pictures of them and act surprised/confused
I wish, all my friends are officecels who are too busy to do anything ever
> Thai riverboat modification and racing forum
Have you seen the videos of those guys drag racing with 2 stroke motors it’s insane, sounds like a way better scene than bikes
we know you are writing this on your own cup you fucking faggot
she wants to peg u

what bike did you do that on? looks like a lot of riding
Don't care. If I have to deal with a faired bike, I'm going to get a real sport bike.
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thank you anons
u know those scooter things all those people in asian countries ride? how much are those in the USA and are they legal on our roads?

i live in the suburbs and everything is like 5-15 minutes away + im poor so they seem really tempting but i dont really ever see anyone on them, is it because it's dangerous or something?
So it's like the third time now? Or are you a different anon?
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Riding any non-trugg in America is dangerous on the principle that inattentive soccer moms love SUVs and can merc you at will
Up to you if you want to take the risk or join the rest and also be an SUV
Different anon, that’s why I’m asking if it’s a trend or something
You know he writes that himself
It's because until Obama's "cash for clunkers" program used cars were so cheap there was no market for scooters. You can buy a scooter for about 4-5K new.
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the mighty '92 Transalp, Ca. 9000km in effectively 3 weeks of riding. But I couldn't have done it without a new and higher seat with stiffer foam.
Do you know the joy of hitting speed bumps in 3rd at 120-140kmh and doing monster wheelies off them?
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All packed up and ready to go camp in 110°F weather
Remove number plates and live your best life noob
Nice try, no biofem has handwriting that ugly.
thats a rusty boy
of course not, mr. officer
I pass entire convoys of Harleys and they don't do shit. Drop a gear and disappear.
Will be at the dealership in an hour.
Anon I was supposed to meet with has been AFK on discord since he was supposed to head out…
Should my first bike be a sport touring VFR, a Crusier, or a standard/naked bike?

My mental would assume that a sport bike or naked would make you a better rider due to added lean angle but my dream bike is a Indian Scout so I'm torn which direction to go.
should've known shoomer is a flake since he bailed on meeting the tennyfrens
Different anon, honestly not sure if he flaked. He was answering texts within an hour or so for 2 days and he was supposed to head out yesterday morning but has been off the map since
Hope he flaked because the alternative is much more grim
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yeah that's a bit more comfy than mine. actually this isn't so bad on highways cause the airstream pushes me back but the slow speed stuff really starts to hurt. I was doing average 7 hour legs
A cheap naked/standard. A VFR is fairly heavy and awkward at low speed, and a fair amount of motor.
I think he replied to you last thread

it's not the type of bike, it's the respect to the bike. a lot of noob riders get noob/childrens motorcycle like 300cc ninjas and other two pot sub 600cc bikes thinking they will be able to master it in all situations. the same people think it's okay to lean it hard doing some twisty road because people on youtube did it too. they lowside their bikes the instant they get them. you can start out even with something like a goldwing as long as you don't think you can do stuff before you have the real confidence to do it

I started out with a heavy bike and it was a good thing. I noticed it's quite easy to tip it over if I don't pay attention. I grew up with that while I gained more expeirence and I'm glad it went that way. now I can ride anything with no issue at all. people will have different opinions about this, but my 2cnts is don't get one of those baby bikes children ride. or some fucking grom
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yeah, different beasts. Just to reiterate - Norway in the north-east was something else.
This is the best example I can find right now. There's a clear difference in the exhaust tones. You can pick out the buzz of the Kawasaki, almost like a buzzing bee, and once you know what it sounds like, you'll hear it in all of their 4cyl sport bikes. Same with Suzuki. Suzuki has a distinct deeper horn-like ring to their exhaust notes. Honda and Yamaha sound similar to me, kind of mid-range tone between the two. Kawasaki and Suzuki are the most distinct sounding to me.


On another note, the frame design of the zx14 is fucking wack, and I might drop the engine down for the valve adjustment when it's time.
Start out on the bike you want to ride first. Real life isn't an RPG. You don't level up your riding skill just because you do something a lot, you get used to how something behaves and learn to adapt to it.

My first bike is a KLR. I wouldn't trade it for the world despite it being a heavy and slow tractor.
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don't own a bike and don't know about them but I see these seemingly-rubber exhaust pipes. are these just the really cheap options? are these bad to have long term
At the dealership. Feels much more like a real dealership than the "assorted outdoor small motors" shop you get with Japanese brands in the US. Harley like, in a good way.
opinions on the triumph bobber, or their 1200 bikes in general?
Saw one for R$45k and I was interested on it
VFR is 530lb and will kill you if you whiskeythrottle it. Great first "big" bike but do NOT start on one.
How do I get good at U turns on gravel? They scare me.
just buy the scout
I appreciate these replies, as for dead I have a similar perspective with starting heavy into light. That was partially why I am drawn to the VFR as opposed to other sport bikes (the 80s post-chocolate cam have my attention) due to them being hefty but planted.

My issue is I'm really split on a sport v crusier because I come from a family who have a lot of 3 patch history but I also grew up on 90s Road Rash and I'm like damn sport bikes are cool too but I'm not sure what would smart to invest in due to me currently only able to justify 1 motorcycle. It's reassuring to hear that it's about adapting to what you enjoy rather than overcomplicating what to get.
The weight wasn't something I was concerned about because I was looking at crusiers that weigh about 500-550lbs. I heard from reviews that the power delivery is smooth not particularly violent for the 2nd-4th gen.
I want to. I am able to save no problem. The issue is, can a newbie scrub really drop 7 grand (used) on his first motorcycle even if it would hypothetically be his last?

also, a VFR sounds fucking sex with some free flowing cans. people underestimate how good it really sounds, I would swap my F4i's sound for that any day
Facts. Love me V4s simple as.
I toyed with the notion of compromising with a 90s Honda Magna till I could buy both kek
I like the ~400cc range for first bikes, it's enough to keep you engaged
Sports/Naked suggestions
Duke 390 / Rc 390 / R3 /Z400 / CB 300 / MT 03
>The weight wasn't something I was concerned about because I was looking at crusiers that weigh about 500-550lbs. I heard from reviews that the power delivery is smooth not particularly violent for the 2nd-4th gen.

it's the same deal with all low cc bikes like a VFR, it's not going to go fast unless you want it to go fast. the great thing about 600-750cc sports bikes is that they can't accidentally go too fast, you have to keep your hand on the throttle so you know exactly what you are doing. compare this to some R1 or similar liter bike where the difference between getting going and oh my god too fast is way smaller. they have almost twice the torque. but even then, there is that area where you have to keep pushing for anything to happen

these are just bikes indian people ride lol. just a waste of money, you will ride for one season max before realising yeah they are slow bikes
Basically what you're telling me is so long as I'm respectful I aint gonna wheelie the mf? Sweet.

no, it won't. VFR's through generations have about 100hp so just a few less than my CBR600F4i. while it's heavier it has more torque, so I would say it puts it in a very similar performance window. it doesn't rev as high, as far as I know they top off at around 11-12k vs my 14-15k limit. if I want to power wheelie my bike I have to lean back a little and let it almost hit the limiter. you can't do that by accident. I didn't know the F4i can wheelie but I found it could when I was racing some guy in a car and I absolutely sent it and when shifting from 2nd to 3rd I noticed the front end was really light. it had lifted the front wheel up a few inches or more but it was stable, aside from the surprise it was nothing

point is you can't just accidentally reach that point, you really have to hunker down because it starts going very fast once it's close to peak HP and generally new/inexperienced riders who aren't reckless (= white) will back off because it's too intense at first. come to think of it, it's really similar to hitting the bong and you get to that point where the world starts going a bit too fast for you and you gotta wait before taking another hit. most people would just chill for a moment. experienced bong hitters will just continue pushing but usually to get to that point you gotta have experience that only comes from figuring it out
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Makes sense, and what of low speed maneuvers? It seems better than a traditional sport bike due to riding position.

it's bulky so you just better learn to handle it. in the beginning don't try to stroke your ego, be humble enough to put your legs out when you aren't entirely sure of if you can keep it from falling. one common thing that happens is you are turning at full lock, but you overestimate your speed and you tend to drop it. for this scenario, try to avoid entirely locking while turning, give some margin for correcting. full steering lock on a sports bike type of machine is not smart. this effect has a multiplier when you are on a surface that is not straight. so if it's downhill even a little and you're off-axis, the tendency for it to drop is higher. this I think is the most common way people drop their bikes because they think they can just power out or that the weight load is always a constant while in reality it's a dynamic phenomenom where you just have to play it safe as opposed to trying to figure it out. just have a margin with everything you do and you will realise one day that they are ingrained to you. that way you can pull off moves when you have enough experience to instinctively react to them

hard to explain but the worst thing people tend to do is show off and think they are better than they are. being humble for longer than what seems appropriate guarantees you the best skillset for any bike. it's the same no matter what type of motorcycle it is, it just takes a lot of time to build the instinct
I take this pcx 160 out in the woods, it does surprisingly well. People call it gay but I like it. Why shift gears when you don't have to? Why not have a low center of gravity to make riding comfy? It can more that keep up with traffic on any road too. But people hate it because it's a scooter.
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Forgot pic
Who cares
If u like it that's what matters bro
gay vehicle
what the fuck does this even mean
Saved. I love Ducati.

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