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The Frog Edition

>Motorcycle riding tips and techniques
>Motorcycle pics and webms
>Getting too cold to ride already
>Vfr skill issues
>Milkcrate mounting solutions
>r9 DOA
>Never buy new, never buy used
>Eyeball cleansing motorcycle girls
>Pass the MSF class, wear ear plugs

STICKY: >>23526953
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/xu560p4q


>Twist Of The Wrist II


Last thread >>28060003
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good morning sirs
>he cried as they cut out the lack of fusion
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For me only the best suffices, Soviet supremacy
nothing in that sentence is true or makes any sense
Why did you post a modified BMW?
Lol wat?
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good bake
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It will make sense once your eyes have been opened
your country makes good looking women. bikes, not so much
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>tfw no fireblade
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While there's the occasional hit, I do agree. That's why I personally prefer Soviet and Russian bikes as they retained that old school vibe to this day.
mfw no japoneze life. how da fuck do they have a birthrate problem in this country.
They retained the old-school vibe because the Russians don't invent anything new besides misinformation and lies.
73% of girls in this country ride motorcycles by the time their in their 20s
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Why fix something that is perfect?
by the time they are in their
they're in thieir
one of those
I made that statistic up btw
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I finally got my bike back from the shop and am so happy, bros. Can’t believe how much my emotional state is tied to my bike.
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What's some shit to check for on a older Honda VFR? Pre-VTEC. Imma go look at one soon.
>I made that statistic up btw
but i want to believe
it could be higher than that
Wot yeer
I really was born too early in the wrong country. Few girls ride around here and of the ones that do 99% are busted
> 144 EUR/year just to own the bike
I hate the taxman!
Is that "free" healthcare worth it yet?
Dunno, I pay 150 EUR/month for my healthcare. Nothing is free here.
By the way, tell me your number. I'll send you a tikkie for answering your question.
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>backseat R1 is not real and can't hurt you
2000 massa
Cringy edgelord yamaha commercial
That’s a good year bc it’ll have fuel injection but still have the gear-driven cams. Just make sure the rectifier is good and that it charges the battery, and check for any of your usual old bike problems like rotted bushings, seals, dried grease, etc.
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Preemptive rectifier replacement and make sure you keep the brake/clutch fluid clean
>all that photoshop
Please leave the house more lil buddy
Dope thanks anons, what about Linked brakes? First time getting up close with that kinda system. What are some tells of abuse/failure?
I'm out.
They only work if you’re moving forward and stopping with momentum, and it still won’t be as instantaneous as braking with your hand + foot normally.
>What are some tells of abuse/failure?
When it doesn’t work. Also just check the lines and joints for leaks.
>cheap tron legacy copy costumes and music
>50 percent "characters" doing nothing 50 percent the actual bike on the road
>inorganic muh strong black woman for absolutely no reason
holy shit someone got paid to create that embarrassment
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>Furries on yams
does your boxer still identifies as a thumper?
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>one is a blade made of fire
>the other is made of a letter and a number
no thx, im good
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One of them does, currently sourcing parts for it and trying to get the K750 back together before pulling the engine from the IMZ
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Last summer I finished restoring my 40-year-old Honda VF 750C Magna to 100% factory state, it has about 20k miles in it. My friends ride enduro and croch rockets, and I don’t want to ride the life out of this beauty so I want to get something I can beat up a bit. This bike needs an owner who takes it to exhibitions etc. I'm really tempted to sell it because I barely rode it this summer, it's just sitting in the garage so I'm sad af. Any advice brahs? Did you ever get over selling your very first bike?
you will eventually want to ride it again because the magnas are actually pretty fast but if it's not your forever bike you'll live. i miss my 82 cb750sc sometimes but it will never beat the harley as a keeper
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I want that. wish they made one in a slightly more durable material other than dollar store blanket
You guys don’t put both feet down at a stop….right?
you would crawl through a cactus infested desert just to hear an R1 rev through a walkie talkie
on my current bike I feel silly trying to put two tippy toes down so I just one foot. works better on hills because I can use rear brake and take off faster/smoother as a result. really low bikes I don't one foot despite that benefit
why are superbike engines so much higher in power per capacity with natural aspiration than cars?
why haven't we seen a 2L V8 with like 450bhp?
because boomers need a 5.0L lifted v8 with high beam only retina blasters to pick up a box of nails and dad jeans at walmart
I fuggen love the current fireblade
I keep my tired underinflated to provide better balance.
Consumers largely don’t care about power. The people who prioritize performance are a tiny sliver of the car market and they largely don’t buy new.
Consumers care about fuel economy and reliability. So that’s what manufacturers cater to. They’re in the business of making money, not chasing performance or bigger numbers.
I keep my rear tire underinflated so that I can rip er open in any gear and know she'll stick. Top boomer logic protip.
I want a car with a X4. You get an X-4 by combining two boxer engines rotated 90 degrees.
You can combine two of these at 45 degrees to create a X+8 engine.
there's loads of niche performance orientated brands (Ariel) and all the big companies have performance divisions (M sport, AMG)
sounds like a nightmare to cool properly.
I'd call that a radial engine.
Cars are for homos
I want to sell my first bike now because is a bit underpowered for where I live. I wanted a magna(I got rebel 300 cause it was there and 3k) though but you probably don't live near me.
I do when I initially stop just to get situated.
You literally answered your own question right there.
>performance divisions
Yes, and how many cars do you think those performance divisions sell compared to the larger brand? Think for a second anon.
I know I know, I'm just curious.
enough for them to produce entirely separate model lines and engines? The marketing side of the question is what I'm least concerned about here.
take the Porsche Carrera, probably the best na engine builders for sports cars and they can only manage 388bhp from 3.0l a pathetic 129.3 bhp per litre, while a Fireblade is doing 214.
I do if threre's a Harley nearby. The difference in saddle heights makes them look like squatty manlets, and I am petty enough to die on that hill.
am I cringe if I listen to 505 while riding my baiku?
I currently don't put any feet down if it's a stop sign.
is 505 a band or something? the numbers make it seem like you're listening to computer bleep bloops or whatever sound the sin makes.
Do car engines need more robust valve train, rotating assemblies, and blocks to accommodate the load and the heft it has to move?
that 505 video is 404
>putting your feet on the filthy road
>not having a not a pair of wheels pop out automatically at low speeds.
I’m becoming convinced you either can’t read or aren’t very bright. The people who care about performance over economy or reliability make up a very small portion of the car buying market. It’s as simple as that. If manufacturers saw there was an opportunity to make powerful cars that sold, I’m sure they’d do it. You can do it yourself, you can be the change you want to see. Go vote with your wallet and buy a GT3 so you can show manufacturers that there’s still a market for high performance cars and engines.
they sell 50,000 911s per year, your point is invalid.
>If manufacturers saw there was an opportunity to make powerful cars that sold, I’m sure they’d do it.
they why does the Tesla Plaid exist?
Messaged a guy about a EX500r project bike. You guys think he'll even reply?
My point is very valid. You’re just too stupid to see it.
$3+ billion was spent on new 911s alone last year
Irrelevant. You’re just confirming that you’re too stupid to see the answer to your question. No more (You)s for you.
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>there's no market for performance vehicles
this one model of performance vehicle turns over $3billion every year

you're just an ingnorant fuck
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Every now and then youtube suggests me videos titled "2025 <BRANDNAME> <MODEL> Finally Unveiled!" with obviously fake imagery.
These videos generally have pathetic two/three-digit number of views. Channels publishing these videos have lots of them.
Why do these channels exist? Why would anyone put effort into zero-profit fakery?
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This sporty is only $4500, should I buy it
Allowing browns access to the internet and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
It's even worse. There are channels that upload a video every 15 minutes. All automatically generated videos with the answer to some random question.
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Hell Yeah (Brother)
Do it you fat fucking gay faggot (also nigger) + tranny
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>get to office from working in nebo and marion checking meters
>My bikes plate is missing
I just don't ride with plates anymore
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Today was a good day for Dual Sports.
I finally found some utility in insurance companies: they let me estimate the quality of a city without going there.
I'm looking for an apartment/house to buy, and visiting various places I found out that the vibes of a city strongly correlate with two factors: population pyramid and insurance premiums.
Boomer towns are often clean to the point of being sterile, lifeless. In towns with a high % of 20-25yo people the atmosphere is much more pleasant.
Places with high insurance premiums are often too diverse for my liking and are full of visibly rotting scooters (no nice scooters left, they are already stolen). Places with low insurance premiums feel and look safe.
It's fascinating how a change in postal code can increase insurance costs tenfold.
>Places with high insurance premiums are often too diverse for my liking
You can say what you mean here. You don't have to sugar coat it.
I was once banned for using the word "jap".
Jannies can be that sensitive.
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hopefully the vin checker anon is still here
I just got home so hoppefully he still able to check this one

hoping to get some info like accidents, liens, or something suspicious
cool japanese bike
not so cool when you notice the vin sticker missing and its in some cartel torture room
Those are all run by Indians/Chinese and are basically 90% automated at this point. Which is really a fucking shame because my heart skipped a beat at the thought of the VFR800 coming back.
Hp = torque * RPM/5252. Easier to make a smaller engine spin faster without hitting valve float or various rotational/other forces ripping it apart. Pretty much the best way to make power is to make it spin as fast as possible and optimize airflow for those high RPMs. Bikes being so light that they don't need a ton of torque (and yes I know torque is just a momentary force, but you know what I mean with regards to stalling/instantaneous acceleration) also helps.
dude just fucking save up some money why do you keep trying to buy stolen bikes
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it's not stolen, the seller literally tried to register it but couldnt
he has the title too so im not sure wht the hell is the reaosn hes unable to get plates
Holy shit dude a decent condition bike without problems is like $1000 more and you don’t have to worry you’re buying a lemon please stop with this shit
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You cant help retards who know theyre right
Say it with me
Is it in his real name? That was a reason that some guy tried to flip a bike onto me. He signed a title with someone who didn't give his real legal name when signing and then fucked off. So his title was worthless.
I suddenly don't feel so bad for buying that new XT250 for 5.4K. I could be fighting with cartel members to verify their IDs on the title in their back-alley chop-shop.
Just verify their identity using their teeth.
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Last fall I picked up a free motorcycle off craigslist. 1985 nighthawk 700. Havent had time, never did, but hey free bike.
After cleaning the carbs, new battery, vinegar in tank for a week, unfreezing the starter, finding missing o rings in the petcock, and like a lotta other shit.

She fired up today anons.
Last registered in 2016.
Fuckin love it.
Pic related was a rough day. Just about gave up and listed it for sale. Felt like I had forever to go, and im like building a house and shit. No time for bike surgery
hell yeah
I want to have some barn-found KLR I spend a summer rebuilding from scratch. I saw a couple on >facebook but it's impossible to contact the boomers who have them.
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I put all the dirt rags I use to clean my bike in the wash and they still look stained and kinda smell like they would give me cancer. Do you toss the rags and buy new ones or clean and reuse them?
Don't let the shitposters make you feel bad for buying new. In many cases (especially for wrenchlets) buying new can save you a lot of headaches. Hope you enjoy the bike anon :)
You should not be washing chemically exposed shit in yiur domestic laundry machines, take it to a dry cleaner if theyre coveralls or throw them away
Theyre called rags for a reason, one and done
Thanks anon :) I don't want to be a wrenchlet but I don't want a $3000 bike that I drop $2400 parts into before I can even get on it.
I personally wash them outside on a fence and if it doesn't get the grease off, I throw them away.

You can get a pack of shop towels at an auto or hardware store, 50 for like 12 bux.

If the idea of wasting cloth like that bothers you, get a roll of those blue paper towels, that's what I do for oil changes.
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Whats a decade sleep?
But seriously

Self adjusting valves
Shaft drive
Air cooled
6 spd
Sport tourer... a whole 2/10s of a second off the liquid cooled chained drive race bike of the year for the 1/4 mile. 11.9 vs. 12.1

An engineer, or a test rider had a point to prove.
I want to find out which.
But ive wanted this.
And its gonna happen.

She snarled. I liked it.
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Incredibly baste motorcycle healer and therapist
>buying new can save you a lot of headaches
I've wasted so much time working on my bike and getting it back on the road. Not time doing the actual work, but the time where the bike is down. It takes my retarded ass a ridiculous amount of time to do what I'm supposed to do. This is a me problem.

Ty anon

I do have somewhat of an issue where I cant really show the true color of the flame to the normies about things like this.
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Who gives a fuck, the reward of the work of your own hands is the only gratification you ever need
>source: bible
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fren hours or bully hours? need to know ASAP
every bike in korea is super expensive what the hell.
yeah because he's trying to rape ya. when you trawl the bottom you're gonna get rapists.

Even if you do get a good deal on a shitbike you're not gonna be happy owning it simply because you have no idea what youre getting into. clueless dummy. just go debtmaxx at the dealer. theyll hold your hand and do the paperwork for you.
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i know you guys are right, im a retard
but im an impatient retard and the chance of getting an actual good deal hidden beneath some sketchy shit is too tempting

yuou'll find my decapitated body in a forest somewhere bros, but at least i died on 2 wheels and not on my knees
Ill bully you as a fren
You can also be an impatient retard when you seal the deal and it breaks down and youre waiting for parts etc.
yeah in my parenting videos i was warned about kids like you. doesnt listen to advice and absolutely has to do it their way. funny nickname for these kids is 'stove touchers.'

essentially you're here to just narrate yourself touching the stove.
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anyone know this feel?
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>Ill bully you as a fren
say something about my 'ku pls
whered you get this picture of me
I think everyone's been there at one point anon.
not eating your meal on the bike so you can guard it == free bike
best kind of kid imo
Those handlebars are a gay abomination and you should have clippons, also that michelin sticker is covering your chain specs, looks silly
Also nice clean chain
Also nice masterlink in red
Also stop reposting the same gay streamies and make better content or else your bike will die in your sleep tonight

Also i wish i didnt lived in siberia so i could shoom in the warms again ;_;
nta but the bike would look better with different colored rims. Love the silver tank though.
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oh shit he saw me
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>caught you mirin
Did you post this in the /o/ pasta thread yet?
I bought an sv650 for a sweet deal because I was too impatient, week later it was leaking oil. I couldn’t sleep for 2 days realizing that I just threw away $3000. Got lucky a month later and sold it to the next sap
Don’t be like me or the next sap anon, you’re almost guaranteeing yourself a shitty time
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>Also nice masterlink in red
yea makes it easy to inspect!
>Those handlebars are a gay abomination
>so i could shoom in the warms again
wait, arent you that guy taht said to a bunch of people that he would show up but then you did the opposite?!?! they waited!
>he bike would look better with different colored rims
what color would you get?? i kinda dont like the wheels either but like you think blue wheels would be cool? or a blue wheel and a silver wheel??
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Incredible pic triumph bro!
Perfectly lit bike with stars. I've only managed to get one or the other.
Did you take it with your phone?
Looks like a comfy camp.
>arent you that guy
I am that guy
>they waited
So did i, but i waited longer you see and there was no gas station
Purple rims, with gold spokes, time to get knobbies
blue wheel silver wheel or both wheels silver.
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Nothin like a 3°C splash
You got heated grips?
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I kinda want a cruiser but don't want a pigfat Harley or some Soviet shitter older than me. Wat do? Any small(er) baiku with similar style that is not made of chinesium?
I already test rode a Honda Rebel and didn't like the suspension at all btw
Sounds like flaker talk to me!
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You bet
The controller is on the left side of the bars. The red light means its on full blast.
I usually only use the 3rd highest setting but today needed all the beans.
And what about for gloves? What's your review?
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tenny riders are so cool
what size condoms do you wear
Man, I like everything about the Tenny except that dumb cockpit...
I just moved to Florida and sold my car, thinking of buying a motorcycle am I retarded?

I used to play sports at a high level, but had to stop cuz of cancer and it was difficult to get back into anything apart from men’s league stuff here and there.

I miss doing something physical and having the related community aspect.
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Do you maintain your motorcycle yourselves?
Yes, except the chain. I just buy a new one instead.
What tool do you use for the chain?
chain removal/installation tool: D.I.D. KM500R

cleaning: old toothbrush + kerosene in a squirt bottle + old rags + cardboard underneath to collect the falling grime

lube: anything. gear oil, maxima wax spray, motul chain lube

tightening: open ended wrench
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can any anon do a check on this Ninja 500?

im not that other anon, this ones actually registered and insured
it's from 1995 though so wanted to see if it had any maintenance done in the last few years at least
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New whol vid

They arent very warm and the palms dont seem to be water proof.

I love this drawing

I like the cockpit. Its very functional.
Unless you are talking about my phone mount on top. I accept full responsibility for that looking ugly.
Friend of my boss in a tight place has a VTR thou he's looking to get rid of, along with a couple other boats and cars.
Reckons it's got full fairing and Repsol decals fresh and ready for application when it's reassembled (project).
God I'm hoping that when I turn up, it's got USD's for the 4k he's asking.
$4.44 for every second I have to wait in posting this.
so are the "650" bikes considered beginner bikes?
Ninja 650R
Yamaha FZ6R

those all seem to look like big numbers on paper, but theyre like really tame for what they are
In the general scheme of things, for bikes, they're not lazy but they aren't tuned for peak output. A more relaxed riding position, forgiving powerband and pretty good aftermarket for any random shit you might want.
A little big for what I would call beginner and certainly not ideal for someone who has never ridden, but plenty room in the proverbial boots to grow into.
On par with a car that has 300-450hp though in terms of acceleration.
FZ6R is 4 cylinder dingus
new MT-07 is beautiful.

I remember thinking a GSX-8S was good looking, but this bike btfoes everything
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BTFO's itself.

Is there a math equation thing to know if a bike I'm looking at has the ground clearance to make it into my garage?
>ground clearance
>wheel base
>incline in degrees
>incline length
That's just trigonometry.
Taking my MSF this weekend. Never rode a bicycle or anything but the Japanese chicks speeding around on my backpacking trip while in japan caught my eye. Wish me luck.
good luck :)
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just get the bike anon!
I think it's a little more involved, it's like the couch thing.
If i want to reduce my rear sproket to lower the rpms am I saving wear or am I just adding it back as more strain?
Why does she bend down before the jump cut?
Was she ripping a fart? Adjusting her panties?
Just get a tape measure and measure all the way up. Math is for nerds. Brute foce is the way.
Yes or no?
>this predates r6 anon changing his bars
r6 fluke confirmed?
big if tru
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You can just plug the numbers into wolfram alpha and it'll do the work for you. No guarantees I did this right, though. Been a while.
That's a plastic rag bro, u are washing plastic and also shedding microplastics when u do onto the water supply.
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Fucked up, use this one.
What's up with anglophones unable to pronounce "du" as it is written?
Jewcati, jewel sport — what's so hard about the /d/ and /u/ sounds?
That's what sound it makes in our language. Why do Spanish speakers use j as h when h already exists? Same reason. People from different places do things differently.
Looks beautiful but also severely fucked up.
NTA but ¿u mean the jajajaja?
not retarded it's a great place and interest for everything you mentioned. go for it bro
Among other things. The world is a big place.
I still feel like nakeds look better with circular headlights, half fairing ones or square shit like groms used to use.tired of bugshit that provides me neither aesthetic or windshield benefits.
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>parts only

I picked up an LT for 900 in much better condition, albeit she has 95k+ miles.
Just make a cardboard cutout of the side profile of the motorcycle and see if you can slide it into your garage.
You pronounce dew.
/d/ and /u/ can never work because futa on futa isn't /u/ there is too much penis. Futa, femboy, trap, twunk turning gay women bi/straight is hot though.
Even with math, a good application/practical engineer checks both.
Cutout will give you an idea where the numbers should be real math will account for the suspension travel so you know the actual minimum clearance.
>am I saving wear or am I just adding it back as more strain?
Unless you are changeing like +/- 5 teeth or more, no. You are looking at it the wrong way. It changes delivery but any stress or strain on the engine is from user driving characteristics.
My only advice is to get a friend when you go and do the pickup if it's THAT sketchy.
>Never rode a bicycle or anything
You better go get on a fucking bike right now before the class starts or you're going to be so far behind it'll be nuts

I give a fuck
Its nicer to be treated as an introvert who people think maybe goes off the deep end to pinch a penny rather than an actual psycho.

But by the time you do what i do where i do and are rehabbing free motorcycles... you lose some people if you really open up to em about the 30% vinegar part or the searching for and thru parts fiches for o rings I think exist but arent there. Possibly explaining clogged carbs but empty rusty as fuck tank. Who knows. Takes like 4 lines before people here are like " i aint reading all that "

So i smile and do my thing and say things like " hey guys, it runs "
>But by the time you do what i do where i do and are rehabbing free motorcycles... you lose some people if you really open up to em about the 30% vinegar part or the searching for and thru parts fiches for o rings I think exist but arent there. Possibly explaining clogged carbs but empty rusty as fuck tank. Who knows. Takes like 4 lines before people here are like " i aint reading all that "
These people are cool as fuck. People hear that IRL and think "This guy is a legit auto mechanic"
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So, in other words, you cant rebuke the neurotic inside you and would rather be a fucking normie
This site aint for you cupcake, cya!
nice 'ku!!!
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>dreamt I came back to my bike and it was disassembled

Like seeing a dead family member
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Are you into necrophilia?
Id compare it to something more lewd
>she took her fairings off and winked me with those high beams
Oh my...
Why would I be aroused at discovering someone had not only touched my bike but undone it into parts.
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Thanks anon! Feels good.
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That seat looks retarded
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Usedbros, we got too cocky. I'm buying new from now on.
Yo onii-sans, I currently have an XR650L and a Kawi Z125 that I use as an errand / stuntbike.

I like the Z125, but it tops out @ ~50 with the uphills around here (PA).

If budget ain't a huge thing, would you spend $2k on a 143cc+exhaust+intake+head+ECU kit to go from 8.3 -> ~14hp?

I'd get a bigger stuntbike but all of the big ones are twice as heavy.
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how suspicious should I be when buying an used bike without the original fairings?
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Anon, who needs the VIN run, can you post it again? Sorry, I got busy yesterday and forgot about it.
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It was dropped or crashed no exceptions. Look at the bar ends and levers as well, as these are commonly fucked up in low speed crashes (and high speed duh) that might not destroy a fairing.
The guy took the plastics off while doing work on the bike and accidentally steped on/ran over/otherwise destroyed the fairings while they were off the bike (which I have done)
>But anon that's an exception
Yes, but the owner is still a retard for doing this so any further enquiries with the bike you take with caution anyway.
Because they're sluts who fuck the top 20%, and then when their eggs are rotten and want to settle down they're worse than being in the military.
It's just a matter of being progressive and woke for whoring arou6but then they become the most traditional wife that ever existed, which with body counts on the hundreds means they'll just divorce the poor loser in a year tops.
im not the sketchy anon but if you could check this one out

just wanna see what the service history and stuff is on it is since it's a 1995
what if theyre honest about from the start.
Like "yeah bro i dropped it while it was standing still so i just replaced the fairings"
>used vehicle
>honest seller
Hmmm... possible, but more often than not unlikely. Look I don't want to just assume everyone selling used shit is a shitheel, but you know the saying buyer beware? If the seller is upfront about the damage, then cool but keep your eyes open and inspect the areas around where the damage to the fairing is / would have been with a strong flashlight.
From my sales / purchases / own damage to bikes: Damaged fairings can mean fuck all mechanical damage, or it can mean your triple tree is bent, or your forks aren't holding oil, or any number of things really.
embrace being a neurotic that would collect old junk just to spend 4000 hours fixing it up

there's pride to that
as long as you don't become a hoarder
Stop being a little bitch to start
See if you can find someone who already did it and ask them or try their bike
Imo though not worth it the bike is a toy
But if you want to spend it to get more enjoyment out of it I think it’s your call it’ll definitely be noticeable if those numbers are right

and thanks
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>check out what's happening on /deutsch/
>they're bakuon posting
funny you say that. they also said these kids are the best, and the smartest (At the same time the stupidest)
What the fuck is up with this post timer? I just waited, posted, and now I have to wait again?

>if I tell people what I used to clean out this gas tank, I'll lose 'em
Hwat in tarnation? Is this true? I like hearing people talk about their interests even if it isn't something I'm into. Do I put people off by doing what you do? I don't really think so. My friends are all into cars, guns, and motorcycles too. maybe you're a money guy with money guy friends? That's cool too. don't know nothing about that stuff
>What the fuck is up with this post timer? I just waited, posted, and now I have to wait again?
No idea
>4chan pass owner
well LA DI DA, Mr. Fancy Pants.
I think I'm a stove toucher
I was a "point a laser in my eye because it says not to what are they hiding from us" kid
I didn't do stuff like that. I was pretty calm as a kid but I really had no idea of what was socially accepted or not. I just didn't know. What you should or shouldn't do and took a long time to grow up/ mature.
But I'm a stove toucher adult now
Holy fuck. Harley I hate Harley. I'm the same dude with the ABS problem. The whole fucking bike exploded electrically. Every ECU spit some problem from VINERR to can bus. I have no fucking idea why. This damn thing is a bike from hell. What is Harley's problem??? This is only a 2021.
Motorcycles are COOL

>I really had no idea of what was socially accepted or not. I just didn't know. What you should or shouldn't do and took a long time to grow up/ mature.
Bro, same. I still fuck that up because I can't help myself sometimes.
>But I'm a stove toucher adult now
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>>28065300 (dubs)
I'm about to just chain it to the car and drag it across gravel. I've never had a worse experience than nu-harleys holy fuck. I'm probably going to get an 80' cx650 or 500 holy fuck. What a mistake.
Sounds fucking annoying, electrical/ECU problems on a bike that's supposed to be "simple" are a kick in the nuts. I haven't seen your other posts, did you already take it to a stealership to get it diagnosed?
No not yet. This happened right as I had to leave town so when I get back I'm gonna check my connections and pray it's a ground fault or maybe the terminal connections on the battery are loose. Gave the stealership a call but even they were like yeah it's either a loose connection on the battery or the system fried on you we dunno for sure since we're over the phone.
Shit looked like the exorcist it was insane. Abs light came on, then the security light, then the speedometer dropped from 60 to 0 then back and forth, engine light came on, then the battery light came on then off then on. The wildest shit I've ever seen. Damn near shat myself because traffic is NOT forgiving where I ride. They will just run you over and keep going.
Around this time last month I brought it in because my brakes locked up at 20mph because the ABS flipped out and it took the retards at the dealership 3 times to fix it and $700 total. Don't get me wrong I'm not allergic to doing my own work but I have to draw the line at electrical brake work.
anybody got an inspection check list for buying a used bike
Besides hearing a cold start/hearing it run, I usually look for aftermarket parts and ask why any of them were installed. Also good to look up the maintenance schedule and ask indirectly if they followed all the service requirements. Like "when was the last time the brakes were flushed" instead of "did you replace the brake fluid at 10,000 miles or within the last 2 years?"
Thats the only way I can achieve maximum ball crush. Both feet down, and I lean forward.
>Around this time last month I brought it in because my brakes locked up at 20mph because the ABS flipped out

Yet another reason besides complexity, expensive spares and utter lack of need that I do not use ABS and if a bike so fitted comes my way it will be deleted.
what should i be trying to listen to during cold starts?
I'm convinced it's designed to fail. This bike has just gotten 12k miles on it. And already it's on its last legs it feels like. Harley is clearly making bikes to be shelved by boomers and never actually ridden.
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I usually want to hear if it's struggling to start or keep revs, if revs are too high, or just any noises like clicking and "squeaking" that go away after the motor warms up. Even if you've never heard that bike before, if you notice the behavior at idle change a lot from cold to warm then it gives you some things to ask the owner about. They might just say it's normal or they might take the opportunity to talk too much which is kind of my whole strategy. The more they talk the more I might get an idea of how they've treated the bike.

While the bike is warming up I would probably be fucking around with the suspension and looking at the frame, looking for damage or cracks or anything that feels mechanically sloppy/"loose". Picrel is a random checklist I just found. It's not bad as a starting place.
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>inb4 no gay sex involved
Just rolling through, bros! Hope everyone’s weekend is on point – and remember, hit those twisties~~
>vroooom brap vrooom
HYB (no homo)
I did it to spite the jannies (come on!)
The jannies (come on!)
So you can take that timer
And stick it up your (yeah!)
Stick it up your (yeah!)
Stick it up your (yeah!)
If a Harley is in question they're the easiest bikes to modify and simplify. Custom and chopper builders and of course the aftermarket exhaustively explore all systems.

Replacing ABS with conventional brakes is basically just plumbing since non-ABS parts abound. Working pulls from conversions can be sold to get some of the money back.
Download a service manual before inspection and read online about any problem areas (no machine is perfect).

The cold start advice is sound. Inspecting spark plugs if easy to access is also wise. I do that on bikes like HD where they're trivial to access.

Be alert for blue (oil) smoke. Condensation in exhaust systems is common as with cars so ignore steam in both cases. Black smoke means it's running rich but a little while running on with a choke or enricher applied is normal. In that case black smoke should cease when bike is warm and enricher/choke no longer applied.

All this is worth learning like every aspect of wrenching and bikes being small and like are much less shitful than cars.

If you post year/make/model others can direct you to useful resources. Precise description gets precise information feedback.
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Don't buy Homo (honda motorcycle)
Based. Fred Durst, like him or not, was the last time a White celebrity was allowed to act masculine at all.
You can put the hand on the exhaust/exhausts to see if you feel something
Right, buy Chinese instead.
After Honda moved their production to Thailand many people got essentially defrauded since they buy Honda with an expectation of Japanese levels of quality and instead get Thai bikes that are documented to rust faster than nippon-made models.
When you buy Chinese bikes, you won't get disappointed by worse-than-expected quality.
White isnt a proper down stupid. You're not old school American. You're a woke numale little bitch.
>buy Chink bike
>it rattles and wobbles into its component parts right from under you
>if it lasts long enough in one piece, it rusts to shit come Summer instead
Taiwan has better manufacturing than China that's why China wants to invade Taiwan anon.
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Thailand is not Taiwan
Fuck off brownoid, I'll heem you cold.
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Nah. 850gs.
The place is a designated dark sky area.
Yes, just set it to long exposure1-2 minutes, and leave it alone.
> Thailand = Taiwan
This is the kind of person who keeps saying "China bad" regardless of the actual quality.
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what about kid rock tho?
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theyre making me wait so long to post now i hate it
k lil bitch
Fair, but I think they were basically at the same time.
kys troon
a 2L car with 400hp do exist but they don't make them for consumers, they're usually race only application. They need to rev really high with an unreasonable oversquare engine to make the airflow happen to make that amount of power. They can do that with bikes because they're just toys that don't live that long km wise. But cars have different requirements. you don't want a formula 1 engine in your car belive me.
upside down forks looks dope

do those fit my T7 dbt what do you think?
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How the fuck do people ride in sand?
I can't even pick the bike back up from this position without sinking to my ankles.
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+wrong tires
+lower your tire pressure.

Oh I'm rebuilding my tw125. Now shold I take the OEM piston set or an aftermarket one with coated skirts?
Step 1: pick a lighter bike, heavy pigs aren't made for offroading.
Step 2: >>28065640
Step 3: sit on the bike and keep the throttle steady, don't try to be fast.
I'm not a tranny :c
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I realised my grave mistake shortly after posting. Im sorry for misgendering you.

What phone do you have? I havent tried minute long exposures on mine yet. Only just the automatic 3-5 second night mode. I assume you have some kinda phone holder for keeping it still.
Some leathers are way cooler than others.
I wish there were leathers that look cool on me and are comfortable at the same time, but it's always either one or another :(
Why is Yamaha such a tranny brand?
Nice pics, looks very comfy
Because the author of Bakuon cursed it by reusing a (not) penis-having mentally irl girl design for Onsa.
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Pixel 8 pro.
Maybe I was using the starlight thing inadvertently, but the settings I used were night-light and long exposure. Would take about 3-5 minutes before it would be done with the image. I do genuinely think it was mostly the location(wilderness State Park, Michigan) and that there wasn't a single cloud in the sky. The images do resemble what I could see with my shitty eyes.
Have a terrible picture I took with flash for balance.
Me rikey
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Hi /o/, I'm looking for a bit of guidance:
>2021 Bajaj Avenger for $2000~
>2022 Suzuki GN125 (made in Argentina, not China) for $2000~
>2006 Suzuki SV650 for $3000~
The father of a friend is selling a few of his bikes (mentioned above) and I was thinking of maybe buying one off of him. I'm pretty sure all of them are pretty well cared for but I don't really know much about motorcycles.
My experience amounts to riding around in my gf's Super Cub back in college and watching motoGP as background noise lol.
Are any of those options good for the price and for a noob like me? I don't particularly care for looks or speed, I just am tired of daily driving a shitbox in traffic and figure this would be a good change of pace while being a bit more engaging than a scooter.
What uhhh, what color is... got pics of the GN125?
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>yearly oil change
Lmfao even
quick question
How come the line for "A" (being half of the bikes wheelbase) doesn't intersect with the bottom angle of incline, or does it not matter? or is it because "B" determines how deep into incline "A" sits?
Also, am I reading this right?
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I want the helmet.
thats a gay cyberpunk furry mask not a helmet lmfao

Even better - if it was an actual helmet it would be dangerous AF to wear - too many protrusions to catch and lever your neck.

I want to make a stylized headlight/number plate out of one.
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id get the GN, Suzuki did a really good job making it
got it
The Avenger is black with chrome details, the GN is grey with chrome, and the SV is pearl white. No pics rn, but I'll ask for some!
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Pic related is mine
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>How the fuck do people ride in sand?
skill, muscle, and a fat tire
>had to get the 250
I see why gaymoo called you FATWING before he died
>GN is grey with chrome
Ah OK. Was hoping to hear "dogshit yellow wrap with a harley sportster exhaust". Carry on.
anyone itt ever had sex? if so, what bike and gear?
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hemlo /dbt/
other than Twist of the Wrist is there an even more rudimentary video for teaching newbies about bike ownership?

Shit that will teach me things like "turn your petcock off before you leave your bike sitting" and stuff like that?
just ask your dad
What if it's really soft?
I struggle with it on my klx but I’m riding a klx lol and 50/50 dot tires. As long as I keep it on the power, on the back wheel it does “ok”
We have a ton of silt bc the trails are by the river so I am trying to get better.
>anyone itt ever had sex?
>if so, what bike and gear?
HJC c91

Also i've got Autism so sex was kinda not an option to begin with.
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They don’t make the 150 in the states

Where is he now? Find Christ before you end up in hell with gaymoo
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im fatherless
I am autistic and have been laid numerous times. I am not pulling beauties left and right but you just have to accept that you're working with a handicap and train yourself to do more things "manually" than a non-retarded person.
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more soft = more gas and/or speed
Keep your hand off the front brake unless you're about to dive off a cliff.
Try to keep your weight back, practice standing if you can and your handlebar ergos allow it. If it's technical, keep your nuts on the tank. Track ruts and try riding in them. If it's truly offroad, tracking is important with deeper ruts, good luck getting out and keeping speed if it ends up somewhere you're not willing to go.
Don't stop.
Don't be shy on the throttle, sometimes on a hill the better idea is to bang up a gear and keep in the powerband, usually helps to keep your line straight. Bogging is no good and banging down a gear risks diving the front AND slowing down.
Really leave the front brake alone.
At jogging/walking speeds, it's easier to just keep the rear spinning and eventually you'll point in the direction you want to go.
Finally, just come to terms with sand just being the worst and embrace it.
>it was leaking oil
>couldn’t sleep for 2 days realizing that I just threw away $3000
A gasket is like, $15
Onsa is her own character who does NOT have a penis, [spoiler]just a very thick bush[/spoiler]
That's plastic shavings from some retard threading a bolt through a gasket. Literal non-issue.
Are you me? I'm having the same problem on a way lighter bike.
Today I had some guy stop me when he noticed I was struggling and said "RIDE WITH THE WEIGHT BACK" and I was confused because every person I talked to about it said to put weight FORWARD in sand. So I was fucking myself and didn't even know it.
Excellent advice. Is it better to stand with full weight on footpegs and try to 'steer' using my legs or physically sit back as far as I can on the seat?

Also, how do I corner? I've been slowing down to a walking pace to not lean the bike, but I'm not sure this is the right way to do it.
is surface rust on footpegs a big deal?
should i just replace them completely?
Dip your heel if you’re standing and stay on the gas
How is riding in freezing weather (32/0 degrees)? Planning on an ironbutt ride that passes through some freezing-temp areas in January, any advice would be welcome so I won't fall and die.
Heated jacket liner
I would either bust the rust off with your method of choice or ignore it. If you don't like those, replace them. Not worth much thought.
Are you taking that CRF rally on it?
Got it. I'll do that tomorrow and give it a try.

It wouldn't be so bad around here if 99% of the forest trails here weren't ankle-deep sand.
Whoever told you weight forward is pants on fucking head retarded. Look up dirtbike "attack position" and basically do that, emphasis on ass out/back. If you must sit, sit rearward. Traction (friction) = weight * coefficient of friction. Add more weight, get more traction.
I don't ride sand often, and excuse the ADHD, but my XR400 has pretty much only ever seen sand so consider my advice on this is with a 130kg bike with proper knobblies.
Standing up with full weight on the pegs, but it's more of a high squat. Throttle inputs like snapping it open/shut can shift you harder forward or back than you can quickly control like a pendulum, risking cutting the throttle or snapping it open again. Rinse repeat.
Deep squat standing > tippytoes standing. Keep your weight on the handlebars light but not feather light. If you 'preload' your bars, you can act quicker with inputs and changing centre of gravity should you need to and bumps aren't likely to throw you off. Keep your thighs snug against the seat but not clamped.
WHen you stand up, you're sort of decoupling from the quick directional changes the frame is making and then slowly soaking it up as your body goes back into position. Kinda like a damper.
Going uphill I would tend to keep my weight central to forward because I'd be committed to pegging it, downhill and flats weight back to central back and use the rear brake for control.
Cornering is hard for me to explain, "You steer with the back wheel and just try to keep the front from washing out" sounds stupid. Try to keep a constant speed and keep the steering inputs on the minimal side. It's almost like the front wheel is skipping over the sand, just tugging the whole frame and rear wheel in a direction and the rear is doing all the work.

Kek. We had a friend that was one of the weird ALWAYS FORWARD kinds. Got around well but it was definitely funny seeing his feet leave the pegs every now and then.
One time I stalled my 400 and was just so fucking shagged I needed a breather before kickstarting it again. Mr Forwards happily stepped up to show me how it's done even as a skinny lad. Had to standup-kick to turn her over till it got to compression, kicked it so fucking hard he fell over the bars, I literally almost died. laughing.
checked. some people lack problem solving skills so they fall back on giving in to despair. as a child this usually leads to someone taking pity on you so not a bad learned behavior. peak manchild trait that points to being raised by a single mother
I think I prefer jerking off to cartoons
Yeah I heard of the attack position and some dirtbike guy said "If you're on loose sand, the front wheel losing traction first is your enemy, shift weight forward"

idk where he got that or if it's different on a really torquey dirtbike compared to my 250cc bitch bike
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Thank you
Quick question, is it better to be in higher RPM on a lower gear or lower RPM in a higher gear?
It's better to be in the correct gear and in your powerband, where ever that is on your bike
I'm also at the point that I realize that you can have bitches or you can have bikes. Bikes and bikes is rare, at the very least a bitch will demand you give up your bike.
I'm more than happy to lose traction on the front on sand/dirt, usually means the rear is doing just fine.
Really, the front can/does do what it wants just skipping along while the back is absolutely rock solid.
I have a 23 cb500x. I do alot of miles on it. I ride at least 1000-2000 miles a month. I am interested in upgrading my bike though in the future. I want more power and stability at higher speeds I also need cruise control. What bike should I get?
That guy ahead of me is doing kind of what I do when I ride, IE get thrown around with only vague sense of control from rut to rut
Whatever it takes to keep the wheelspeed up.
I tend keep it up a gear because I know my 400 has enough torque to keep it moving if I need more throttle, but banging off the limiter in 1st will just ensure my wheel keeps spinning but doesn't mean the wheelspeed is enough to get me anywhere. Too high a gear I risk bogging and falling way low in the powerband.
Weight too far forward for the most part.
If you have more weight on the front, any traction it does get has more authority in changing your trajectory.
Sitting didn't help, squatting decouples you from the frame and lets you sorta float around and stores less inertia(momentum?) in the bikes directional changes.
It doesn't matter how long the slope is in general - we just need to look at the part of it that's between the wheels when the crest of the slope is at it's highest (when it's directly between the front and back).
>Also, am I reading this right?
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I did Amarillo and it was like 20 degrees that morning during my cross country. I have many tips, like wind protection for hands being vital.

Picrel was New Mexico.
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Converted many a brass-balled bikie to heated grips, took a few years though.
Assuming proper normal gear, I normally went with heated grips, gauntlets that velcro _over_ your jacket sleeve, double knee-high socks, balaclava/scarf and decent thermals. You can always dress down if it's too warm.
If I had to pick any one thing though, it would probably be a onepiece rain suit. Breaks wind and you're not gonna wish you're dead if it rains.
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Fortnine videos are something like that
Otherwise kinda depends on the bike you own or are planning to get
If you get something thats been in production for 10-20years or more like drz400 or dr650 as an example, there will be many resources

Also post bike

Crf450rl 2023
Vfr800 2005
>formerly owned:
Cbr600f4i 2005
Cb500x 2017

But my last gf broke up with me with the first bike and ive been celibate since new years, today is nofap day 2 nightshift in siberia edition, im hoping to retain my seaman for the forseeable future

Same, nice thing about Weightlifting lets say is 200lbs is always 200lbs
While wrenching maybe has more entropic effects from use, a baiku is always a baiku

Corner in sand? Webm rel
It sucks until youve been jonesin for two wheelie feelies too long you suffer through it
Heated gribs are mandatory beyond 30 min rides above city speeds
Helps to have good studded tires and a bike you dont care about dropping / protrctive crash bar cage
Also hippo hands are goat, literally layer up and youll be fine apart from hands and knees: those will be the first to suffer
Also beware of the many skid demons because of gravelling and possible melting conditions
Have a plan for how to get to shelter asap too
Got it
Thanks, bro. This is probably the first math problem someone has given me in more than ten years beyond basic arithmetic.
>what kind of riding do you do? Assuming mostly paved roads
>what kind of bike do you like or want to get, stay in adv life?
Also cb500x is already stable at its high speed, anything beyond 170kph depends on tires mostly if it isnt a old ass shitbike with gay suspension
Sounds like you want a cruiser or a sport tourer, do you want my vfr800? Its red and in canada with 8000or so kms
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This bike is fun as fuck. Everyone is telling me this is a "laid-back" 4-cyl and I still cannot figure out how to ride it in a chill manner. First bike I've had since a DRZ400 that insists on being wheelie'd, it's the shit. Thanks for reading my blog.
i saw some fat guy on a shiny spanking hurrley and he kept stalling it
>Stalling a tractor
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>But my last gf broke up with me with the first bike and ive been celibate since new years, today is nofap day 2 nightshift in siberia edition, im hoping to retain my seaman for the forseeable future

based collector, never let them steal your precious fluids
fug I luv Z900 retro shizz

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