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Need to buy a compact travel camera. Would an entry level camera like the Sony a7c ii be a wise choice? Thanks.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS 80D
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Camera Raw 15.4.1 (Macintosh)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.8
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Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
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Image Created2023:08:23 20:41:07
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FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length100.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
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Sony is a meme. Buy a proper camera system.
Thanks but I hate the ergonomics of Cannon.

All the same frantic samefag spamming fud, disinfo, and “one time this happened” which you can find for literally every brand
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om-5. nuff said.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON Z 6_2
Camera SoftwareCapture One 23 Macintosh
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)24 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Exposure Time1/60 sec
Exposure ProgramAperture Priority
ISO Speed Rating1600
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FlashNo Flash
Focal Length24.00 mm
Image Width2012
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White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlLow Gain Up
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
The a7iv is about the same size, cheaper, and better in basically every way

the a7cr is good solely because the a7rv is still more expensive than it. Otherwise -c snoys are a huge meme.

Also a crippled camera without a whole shutter, and those lenses suck balls, might as well use the EF versions.
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>yo bro just spend an extra $300 on the same small sensors PNS because we changed the only good thing about it (the brand name from the 1970s) and changed the menu slightly
peak gearfag. gotta consoom the newest even if its the same fucking camera.

i could sell a retard like you a pentax Q for $1200 by renaming it the PEN SYSTEM Q-2

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And worse, the e-m5 models are always cripple hammered versions of the prior e-m1 model that isn't even that bigger IRL, it just looks bigger on the internet.

The III/OM-5 are particularly bad. The tripod mount is attached with weak plastic and is prone tobreaking.
when I bought my om-5 (with a discount it was 840 euros) the EM-5.3 was only 50 euros less, used. I think I did fine :)
>790 eur = 882 us
>you bought it a few months ago
>look at US ebay
>$500 = em5 iii
i am sorry for your economy but you really should have got an e-m1 ii instead of sinking money into this trash system

MFT essentially goes
No other cameras are really worth buying.
>And worse, the e-m5 models are always cripple hammered versions of the prior e-m1
yeah I dont care because I'm in m43 only for size and weight. for the other stuff I got a big boy fool frame cam. I would never buy an EM1/OM1 or G9 because of lol who would spend that kind of money on a point and shoot and also why would I want a body that's bigger and heavier than my full frame body?
>muh tripod
just dont go full fag and dont use that idiotic peak design clip. also why would you use a tripod with a point and shoot? a point and shoot with superb IBIS. my tripod stays at home when I'm out with the om5.
none of your cameras are worht buying except the om-5. it's either big bulky full frame sized body or stone age features just to save what amounts to maybe 30 minutes of work for someone who's not a burger flipper
The -5s are already too big to pocket. Every size difference between pocketable (ricoh GR, sony rx100) and 2lb hunk (dslr, medium format) is irrelevant.
>Stop complaining and give the japanese investment firm your money for no added value. You're not poor are you?
>t. snapshitting gearfag that acts hard because he has a shitty entry level nikon ff mirrorless he uses maybe once a month to take photos of his apartment rooftop and foggy trees
lol look at this retard and his cargo pants.
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The GR fits in khakis and jeans. It's the size of an iphone in an otterbox.

Do you wear womens jeans?
Sigma fp with Lumix 28-200mm, Sigma 45mm, and 17mm. Super compact and lightweight setup even with the super zoom.
Then you can also get a LUMIX S5ii for non-travel purposes, and all the lenses will work on that camera too.
other than autistically hating canikony why would you recommend a camera with no vf, hot shoe, or shutter and a fatter nikon z6 with worse autofocus and different video codecs

they are cameras sold for people building low budget amateur cinema rigs
only if you're looking for a full frame camera. Otherwise, it's not really "compact" or lightweight compared to crop cameras. I use a7c2 everyday though and love it.
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> Otherwise, it's not really "compact" or lightweight compared to crop cameras.
O rly?
travel, dslr, look thru viewfinder to see if any good, minimal battery wear
Stop being a limp-wristed Nancy Boy bitch ass nigga and bring a real camera with some balls.

t. traveled Ireland with only D800/35 Art
>Fat, out of shape man with 4lb camera knocking against his ribs: I dont feel a thing. You're weak!
>Man who can actually see his muscles, ribs, and penis: Lmao fuck that dinosaur gear canon is selling an r10 with a kit lens for $600 bye gearfag.
Many such cases

You're not a good photographer if you need to look through a viewfinder to know if there's a photo op. In real use, mirrorless, especially snoys, last as long on one battery as a DSLR.
>inb4 CIPA ratings
They only measure shots for DSLRs, for mirrorless they measure shots x 30 seconds in screen run time.
>This x1000
Fellow D700 user here
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Obvious troll is obvious but I'll bite.

You're a horrible Snoy shill, D800 has a Snoy sensor. Imagine everything you like about Snoy cameras but made for men with man hands and not faggots who get AIDS if they cut their pinky finger.

600 bucks? You can buy a D800 and 35/1.4 ART for less. Sorry that you're poor, 600 bucks is chicken shit money in 2024.

And yes, you are weak. I walked 4 miles a day in Dublin with that and a Leica IIIb / Canon 7 rangefinder with full set of Soviet lenses. Are you weaker than a fat American obese truck driver with titanium pins in his ankle who hasn't seen his dick since the Trump regime? That's pathetic.

Come back when your sack drops.
>indugles in some self hatred which would explain how he grasps for a sense of masculinity through unimpressive self-inconveniencing
Wow you carried a whole 5 pounds for 4 miles. I'm proud of you.
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>5 pounds is too heavy!
>5 pounds is nothing

So then you admit you're weaker than me? That's okay not everyone gets to be awesome like me. Can't even troll the dumbest motherfucker on the board without poking holes in your own argument. gg no re
5 pounds is not heavy. It's an obnoxious size for a digital camera. A DSLR is not large, but it is larger than a digital camera should be.

Are you strong because your gold chain weighs a pound or are you just a gaudy fuck with no taste who will grab at any opportunity to one up others in a way only a 12 year old could genuinely appreciate?

Your desperation to claim to be strong and masculine answers every question. It's not about the cameras, it's about your insecurity.
>and changed the menu slightly
and made it fucking WORSE
>em5, em5 m2: 4 separate mysets that can be bound to buttons or even mode dial positions, can save every setting on the camera including drive mode
>5III: oops we got rid of those and now you have 1 Custom position with 3 sub-systems that can't be bound to a button and require menu diving
>OM5: you can put some of the settings on buttons again but we still won't let you use the mode dial's wasted space for what you want
>A DSLR is not large, but it is larger than a digital camera should be.

As a person with large hands, a DSLR is almost smaller than a digital camera should be
I also have larger hands and digital cameras should be much, much smaller. Grips are for people with arthritis. When I see grips and large cameras I look at them like a normal person with a normal computer, ie: macbook looks at a tower PC with a bunch of ergonomic bullshit for old people attached. Don't forget your screen magnifier.
not sure what you’re trying to say. Other cameras in the image not only have smaller lens options like the panasonic 20mm but their bodies are even lighter. If you’ve ever held any of these cameras you’d instantly notice the solid heft and chonky-ness of a7c.
As a person I think cameras should have hands.
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>wahhhh Dey too beeeeeg!!!
Faggot baby hands could never handle a real camera lmao, meanwhile I’ve gone and shot this demure kit handheld no problem. Have you tried not being a homo?

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>he notices 100g and thinks clunky buzzy shitter lenses can be compared to sony G(lorious) glass
soi subhuman withering away, or highly trained kung fu master who can tell you which feather is the heavier of the two?

probably the former ramen-fed ricecake
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Based MF absolute chad
>Doesn't get it
That camera is allowed to be big. It's film.

Digital cameras are oversized for what they are. Always have been, probably because it appeals to tryhards, arthritic birdwatchers, and whatever OSHA agents have to deal with NFL and NBA photographers
>biggest m43 lens
>biggest aps lens
>smallest snoy ff lens
yeah, this is really a fair comparison
picrelated is with normal people lenses. suddenly your fool frame becomes huge frame
fuji would be ok if their XTRANNY sensor wouldn't have those shitty skin colors. your only option really is the om-5. it has also more cool features than the other 2 combined
5 pounds is dedicated photo equipment level. it's not something compact you take on a hike with you to document your fun time. it's rather something you go on a hike for, to take a specific image.
big heavy equipment has its place but OP asked for a compact travel cam. not a medium format with 3 strobes and 2 assistants holding your reflectors.
>damn we can only get to f2.5 wat do?
>yeah people wont buy that pathetic shit
>oh let's call it G MASTER
>hell yeah brother
t.snoy marketing department
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>Uhm, you have to compare an f1.8 lens to an f3.6 lens, thats not fair
But I thought you liked equivalence?

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Focal Length40.00 mm
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Exposure ModeManual
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Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlNone
>f2.5 lens with pro gimmicks and build quality for casual travel photographers
>hypersharp astronerd grade f1.4 lens for serious wankers
Eh, beats nikon's strategy.
>entirely plastic budget grade f2 lens for casual travel photographers
>f1.8 lens that is the size of sony's f1.4 GM lens and yet optically comparable to an ancient DSLR tube for people who want their lens attached to their camera with metal and a rubber gasket instead of janky plastic
>cant make small lens
>put a badge on it and double the price
>Snoy consoomers: its bigger and cost more it has to be better! Now this is epic! *guzzles onions milk*
i've gotta get me a 12-40
To date no one has made a an autofocus pancake for an FF mirrorless that is actually good.

Sony stopped short on shrinking the lens when it would have to lose features and turn into buzzy garbage like nikon's 26. I wish Nikon did the same and released a normal lens instead of a toy.
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because if you don't autistically judge it by its spec sheet, it's a great travel and general photography camera.
For one, higher-ISO noise is significantly better than the z6/ii/iii, which is pretty important for travel as you're seldom going to have control of lighting, and a lot of good travel lenses are relatively slow.
>no evf, hot shoe, shutter
EVF is a deal breaker to some, but I found when I was traveling I didn't use the EVF-11. I do use the EVF-11 for general photography, and it's nice being able to configure the camera to what I'm doing -- do I want more compact, or more full featured?
It has a hot shoe attachment, and works well enough with fell light.
E-shutter is a non-issue outside of sports and a few other niches. I have never missed a shot for it.
>fatter z6
See, this is how we know you're full of shit. The fp is smaller than the z6 in every dimension.
>contrast AF without hand-holding
Again, non-issue outside of sports and a few other niches. Boohoo, you're going to wait a half second longer to lock focus.

>they are cameras sold for people building low budget amateur cinema rigs
No, just the western camera market is more autistic than Sigma anticipated. Western reviewers got their hands on it, looked at the spec sheet and feature list, saw photos of it rigged up, and said "ah ha, with my advanced intellect I deduce that this is a cine camera!"
In Japan, which has far less autistic camera consumers on average, the fp is quite popular for street photography and general photography in general.
Sigma fully intends this to be a fully hybrid camera and feel they failed in communicating its intention with this camera to western markets.

Fuck Brandolini's law.
retard strength
no one but autistic retards wants to carry 5 pounds around with them when photography isn't the point of the outing.
>E-shutter is a non-issue outside of sports and a few other niches. I have never missed a shot for it.
1/15s jello is a non issue? You never used an EVF?

Your entire post just says "yes, I only photography blurry japanese hobos and street signs". And who the fuck cares about what the japs do, they whack off to cartoon 8 year olds and copied their entire culture from china

Nigga this is 4chan we're all autistic retards
>1/15s jello is a non issue?
I'm not a sports photographer, and I've never found myself in a situation where I have to shoot a car traveling perpendicular to me, so no. Pictures of people, animals, and most things do not induce noticeable rolling shutter effect outside of extreme situations. Yes, you will probably see rolling shutter on a ball in a sports shot, but seldom the players.
Your insistence on this being a deal breaker is either 1) misinformed and you have no idea how the photos actually turn out, or 2) autistic af because you read it on the spec sheet and therefore it defines the entire experience of the camera, rather than how we'll actually perceive the photos.
>You never used an EVF?
I use the EVF when I'm doing "serious photography". I initially had the EVF on when I first started traveling with this camera, but took it off and don't bring it traveling with me anymore because when the point isn't photography, I find I'm mostly treating it as point-and-shoot style.
(Want to shoot in sunlight? Get a matte screen protector).

>bitches about japs
bro Canon and Leica are pretty much the only non-chink brands at this point, and the latter is just Panasonic rehoused in luxury shells with reskinned and feature-reduced firmware.
Your entire post just says "yes, I'm autistic as fuck and judging this camera only by its spec sheet and feature list, rather than actual usage," because a lot of people are using this camera to great effect. It's not hard to find examples.

This is the most correct post in this thread.
You keep saying sports photographer like shutter speeds over 1/15 are sports only

Ok dude, your photographic needs are so nonexistent you can deal with a camera that underperforms a $10 film SLR with a $6 roll of fuji 200 in basic photographic activities not mere pixel peeping. That is so niche it shouldn't be recommend to anyone.

"I only shoot building corners and flowers, and spending $2000 on this cripple hammered sigma camera is the best thing that ever happened to me"
Sure, but a $250 micro four thirds is somehow better if something moves too fast for 1/15 (14 bit, FF DR) or 1/30 (12 bit, M43 DR)
>and other ken rockwell tier advice: ask your subjects to say cheese and always use the pop up flash!
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guys, i fucked up
i got a sigma fp
how will i ever capture motion?

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>how can i capture motion with a 1/15 readout?
By spamming at max FPS day after day and picking the 1 out of 100 where the stars aligned
I delivered.
The A7CII with a pancake also fits in a pocket.
What pancake?

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