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Even in Joe Biden's best potential performance....all Trump has to do is snipe one state and it goes from this
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>Top kek. Nope.

Yes, retard, GA is going red.
A Scot-irish McNigger Appalachian lie

You wanna suck trump's dick.

Have you given trump all your money yet so he can pay off his lawyers?
You should, it would really piss off the liberals if you become more of a welfare queen.
Better than paying off your liberal arts degree.
not happening in Arizona with Katie Hobbs getting all the illegal migrants to vote and restricting the day-of GOP vote. Arizona will float light blue imho. I produced the Katie Hobbs expose at PV a few years back. Those Boomers let the state fall to cartel Katie and they're not letting go. The last midterms were a shitshow of corruption and nothing's come of it - even after fraud was found in the "failed" audit with the Two Lemons
they're not polling the migrants

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The biggest lobbyist of the us government.
Shouldn't of being bribed legal. The citizeny of the us deserve it for voting for their own demise.

Grow your own food.
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That's correct. Biden stole it as the challenger because Trump was too dumb to properly rig it. Biden will 100% steal this one as he controls the levers of power.
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>But Biden is leading according to my esoteric sights(watching money).
>checked quads
The jew hates the independant homesteader.
chicken finger dreadlocks?
your shenanigans have gone too far

Why did vending machines never take off in the West?

Seems like a no brainer. You could buy a whole lunch, drink and a snack - no staff costs.
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oh the irony... niggers made even Starbucks close stores all over the country, especially the PNW due to physically destroying the stores
god you dumb fuckin foreigners have no clue... you need to just shut the fuck up
or just buy it in a store
not just because of a low-trust society or nonwhites. I worked as a cashier from high school to late college, I'm a zoomer so recently. The vast majority of people in the states can not figure out self-checkout devices. They can't figure out how to insert money or use any cards. Not just boomers but all ages. The majority of the time I am in the traditional cashier position and still for about 25% of customers I have to leave the register to show them how to inset their cards. Doesnt matter the age.The truth is the vast majority of americans would not be able to figure out how to use a vending machine without help. Even using straight bills not cards still isn't possible for the majority of people.
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We did.
You must not into "automat" or history

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AIPAC just spent $15 million dollars to defeat a congressman because he voted against Israel aid.

Conservatives are celebrating.
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vooters get the rope too, for participating in this charade and legitimizing the regime.
Nu/pol/ loves based commie niggers.
I think that f they found a bunch of homeless guys that still had valid IDs they could have spent much less that $50,000 for each of their votes and made it an actual landslide.
Bowman's been an embarrassment for the last few years. He got primaried for that shit, not for refusing to suck jew jew cock. The hebs are only taking credit to make you think they're more powerful than they really are.

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Is there an INCELDEMIC occurring throughout the world? And who's or what's to blame?
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Lowest threshold for inceldom is 5% (excess male births)

Highest is hard to tell, but based on dating apps I'd guess around 40-50%

So 5-50% of men are incels
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I had better luck having sex when I was unemployed kek. Now that I wagecuck I have no time and energy for sex let alone dating. And as each year passes with work and other responsibilities being in my life my interest in sex and dating dwindles to zero.
You see paypig cucks.
I'm sure a good portion of incels are actually m<f troons and schlubby jewish men.
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India will become a pussy paradise as more and more white women go there to find a trad indian husband.

Male who abandoned his wife and son to crossdress is called out and he proceeds to delete every tweet he's ever made. Trannies lost.
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she voted for it
Peculiar nose shape.
How many more years of this tranny nonsense?
>Your brain on porn
You know it's just a fetish bc clinical transgenderism is so astronomically rare, statistically, that it's basically non-existent. These porn addicted freaks are using this as a means to crossdress publicly, and they get off on forcing everyone else to play pretend. These people are sociopathic narcissists.
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Just downright peculiar...

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Why are there so many whores in mental health related fields?
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Most of the people working in that field got into it in order to figure out why they themselves are all fucked up.
Hits the nail on the head
>OMG, I'm such a borderline mess I want to figure myself out, vaguely talk about the issues of others but not actually solve problems.
For some of them being actual whores would be an improvement. The entire field would be helped by getting an influx of male psychologists, preferably a bunch of dudes that are into either olympic weightlifting, calisthenics and other shit. The physical side is too often neglected.
>The physical side is too often neglected.

Psychosomatics is actually pretty important. Just not part of usual "therapy"
Some professions make people wary of conventional social norms: anything psychology or medicine related, the entertainment business in general, air travel, perhaps police work.
People who work in these fields tend to see sex very objectively and detached from the subjective meanings that are sometimes attached to it because they (each in their own way) see what's the behind the curtain.
>Most of the people working in that field got into it in order to figure out why they themselves are all fucked up.
oh hey it's the reddit top comment!

captcha: MAP

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In 380 CE, the emperor Theodosius issued the Edict of Thessalonica, which made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.

>The Western Roman Empire ended on 4 September 476.

What did Christianity mean by this?
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Anglo americans slaughtered 50m Europeans last century. George Patton and Douglas MacArthur were not jews. You are much worse. Hail Mary mother of Christ
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End the white supremacy. We need a black Pope
Truth hurts.
It was the ancient pagan people who laid the foundation for civilized society.
Interesting take. I am a practicing Catholic who is of 100% Germanic extraction. That doesn't mean I cant criticize objectively destructive policies. Ambrose was the most momentous individual in history, aside from Jesus or Alexander, for this single act alone. Fun fact, he was elected Bishop of Milan by a 70/30 mix of Arian/Nicene Chrstians, then appointed by the Emperor Gracian, when he had not even been baptized yet. So his alleged Apolstolic Succession is a lil bit dubious.
Sorry I haven't read the history book written by Pastor McNigger.

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>buck shed
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based digits
It is funny
how did they get caught?

Was Hitler Pagan or Christian and is Christianity Jewish or not there seems to be good evidence to support both discuss
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Hitler was a politician who variously aligned with many contradictory philospohical and religious factions.

Christianity is a continuation of the Hebrew religion.

Judaism is a rejection of Christianity.
Put the speculation to rest.

Nazi Youth Song (The 12-year Reich: a social history of Nazi Germany, 1933-1945 By Richard Grunberger. P. 442)
Nazi Youth Song (The 12-year Reich: a social history of Nazi Germany, 1933-1945 By Richard Grunberger. P. 442)

“We are the joyous Hitler Youth, We need no stinkin’ Christian virtue Our Fuhrer is our savior and future The Pope and Rabbi shall be gone We wish to be pagans once again.

We follow not Christ, but Horst Wessel, Away with incense and Holy Water vessel, The Church should hang for all we care, The Swastika brings salvation on Earth everywhere.”
I think it matters when each of these quotes were taken.

In my youth I was very against Christianity because I found it dumb and oppressive. But now I see it as preferable to Judaic secularism and Islam and is part of the larger construct of white civil society (even though i realize most christians arent white anymore)

I think Hitler realized that Christianity was weak and jewified. The Nazis tried to take the Jewishness out of Christ and proclaim him as a more Aryan superhero. Christianity is already contaminated with tons of pagan influence. Saints are just ancestor worship and majority of Christian traditions are pagan. If you want to go deeper, Jesus is argued to not be a real historic figure and there are many other gods from antiquity with the same archetype. Christianity is only useful so far as its function.

I think Nick Fuentes is retarded when it comes to being so pro-Christian but I like his view of a potential America over what it is now withJews in control. But once Jews are removed from power, I would want us to give up the Jewish Christian tradition and segway into something more tailored to our true ancestral traditions. Religion can be molded to fit a function. It doesn't matter what god or gods we aspire to appease as long as we live honorably and strive to do well for ourselves and others
That's referred to as speaking out of both sides of one's mouth. Or to put it another way,
>his tongue is hung in the middle so that it can wiggle at both ends
Richard grunberger is a fucking jew you retard

Is there any arguments against racemixing with asians that arent pseudoscience or some blavatsky new age bullshit, like for real there are bigger genetical distance from Finn to Spaniard than to Asian

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Poke the poo and the flies will stung you.
You have been warned.
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Karma is getting delivered to nigger loving whores
>She is an albanian illegal migrant who even killed her poor innocent father for views, he was apologizing on her behalf for raising a bitch!
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teaching india english was a greater blunder than refusing peace with hitler. change my mind
All sub-humans will be plowed without prejudice

>Verification not required.
Hey gigi how you doin
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Still pajeets come to /pol/ only to find it to live rent free in their heads forever

I think someone at Camp David has realized that Joe isn't gonna make it through Thursday and they're got people circling the wagons to abandon him and endure a Trump Presidency.
Basically the deep state goes both ways, but they're always going to protect themselves. And it looks to me like the deep state has decided Joe Biden isn't going to make it.
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that game blew my fucking mind when it dropped
we just got dsl in the neighborhood and my mom bought us a new dell after my old man passed
>Democrat aparatchiks and deep state swamp creatures
also GOP but yeah.
the deep administrative state D.C. swamp needs a cleansing, Project 2025 (if Trump elected in Nov) has a co-ordinated plan for this.
It's what the corporate media and establishment shills are chimping out about rn (along with Biden's plunging ratings)
They're traitors to the United States, Liz Cheney, her father, Schiff... list goes on and on
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Take the L's and seethe more commie faggots
>Chevron deference
Oh fugg, that's expected this week? This is a dagger to globohomo, been going on forever
>They will NEVER play by any rules except "ends justify the means."
Always remember this.

Russia sentences 15-year-old schoolboy to 5 years for criticizing Putin regime and war against Ukraine

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Seems like a firm but fair law.

So will you. Even if you think you're not. I don't know what you think and I don't care. You still adhere to any society based on law. If you don't fuck off.

In this regard it is patriotism. In Russia I think it's the biggest crime. They don't care about much else. The minute they break that law it's a gulag. Over here it ain't like that. They glorify people being unpatriotic until you call them a name. Name calling is a bigger crime.
Chink hands typed this.
lel and the russkies freely voted for one more term of putin. hilarious shit.
You will conform to my laws. You already are in since you live in the west

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Previous: >>472195261
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment - https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers - https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam - https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures - https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation - https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! - https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed - https://archive.today/hLsXK

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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you're just one of the simpleton crowd which likes watching trading blows and gets bored if a fighter plays out his own well calculated plan for the fight
So trump isn't a Kremlin asset anymore?
He used to be before, what happened?

Did you get your textbooks confused?
>good tsar bad boyars cope
He knew they were lying to him, he was not going to accept a no from his own yes sir intel agencies
>I want the executions that are eminent fore us

Russia, ye as majority. Why are ye letting them get away w/ it

>First USA executions

Don't worry about it. If at all
>but what if Russia puts Israel flags on Kinzhals and bombs shit out of mutts?

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Oh, wait, that’s right - you can’t.
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Dear Diary;
Today Leaf was a Dragon.
those are luxuries nigger
>someone has to pay for this
no other argument necessary.
no one should have to pay for your shit. no one.
>debaaaaaaaaaaaateeee meeeeer
>I deserve defines civilization
No, civilization was about mutual benefit. How are you a net positive to society if you don't work? Society has always been OK with letting people die if they didn't help society. Hell society often kills people that oppose it that were part of it at one point.
>I am morally obligated to burn society down
What drives this moral obligation. If society is so evil that its mere existence merits destruction then you also deserve destruction as an accomplice. If the act of not adhering to your demands is the reason for its destruction then you must justify why your demands are so morally justified that not meeting them would infinitely justify you to do whatever you wanted. Why are you entitled to someone else's time? Why is your time so valuable that you should just be able to play all day while others must toil to support your lifestyle?

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Every accusation, an admission.
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>with an individual minor

Tranny anon, can you please explain to me why you keep referring to the individual 17 year old girl in the plural? You really seem to have an agenda here. Maybe you can just lay that out rather than misontextualising the shit out of the actual facts of this non-story?
Where'd you come up with the idea that the minor he was inappropriately messaging was 17?
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tranny anon, you're clearly retarded and can't wrap your head around the implication that twitch paid DD out his whole contract and then paid him to stfu about the case, which is why DD doesn't want to lay all the details out otherwise he's in breach of the settlement. I get that the only way you're capable of achieving anything close to sexual pleasure since the gender reassignment surgery is shitting up image boards with progfag cope, but this is just flagrant tranny desperation.
If it was about money, they wouldnt pander to people who have never and WILL never buy their product.
The same place you came up with the "plurality" of minors you keep referring to, tranny. What are you going to do when it turns out that the individual minor in question lied about their age to twitch and DD in order to circumvent Twitch whispers TOS? Are you just going to go back to screeching about DD's infidelity with his fucking smoking hot wife who still stands by his side throughout all of this?

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For all they've done

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Social media was a mistake. It is time to end it.

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the only problem with this guy is that he constantly cheats on his wife, not because he wanted to fuck a 17.99999999999999999 year old girl
That’s how Americans are, if there’s something that makes it ‘okay’ to dehumanize and kill someone they will do it enthusiastically
giving poorfags and brokies a voice was a mistake. make the internet expensive again.
Been slamming doc all day over at Twitter. Bloods in the water, frens. Time to take his place, minus the pedo stuff.
>buy an ad
I don’t think I will.
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Is this happa manlet nigger serious? Is he equating a public figure sending messages to someone he doesn’t know the age of and then never acting on it to dudes who are actively in the process of meeting someone they know is a minor?

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