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Poke the poo and the flies will stung you.
You have been warned.
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that's a bit more cool than getting repeatedly power-abused by goddamn pajeets just for properly treating them like trespassers on /pol/. at least you are sort of standing up to the zog machine. i'm just smearing random turds underfoot, the lowest of the least of disposable minions. i never got banned for anything but petty pajeet shit
i have already talked about this several times years ago
these underaged redditfugees flooded the rest of the internet after their lame incel subreddit got the ban hammer (r/chodi)
they also have 4chan alternates like indiachan and bharatchan, but their main tools of shitting up the internet include whatsapp groups, discord servers and telegram channels
there they plan on what websites to shit up, which boards and threads to raid, which people to ban, etc
they are also the ones behind all the bbc, blacked, cuck spam all over this site
things weren't like this few years ago when they were contained in their shitty subreddit
we used to have good posters on /desi/ on /int/ who were all driven away
now, it's been rebranded to /bharat/, and all these losers do there is whine and seethe about low castes, dalits and muslims 24/7
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You're all brown and subhuman to me. Stop shitting in the streets faggot gandu.
Stop being a stereotypical whiny anglophilic cuck then and vote for more competent leaders next time instead of pouring your heart out to outsiders who couldn't care less about the mess ze Germans have gotten themselves in.

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what are the political implications of american pickups getting bigger and bigger?
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Sorry germanbro, I don't like these truck faggots but public transport in the US is fucking disgusting and always would have been. Can't have public transport in a (((multicultural))) country.
In the ghetto, people mostly drove jalopies AKA hoopties, up in DC it was somewhat nicer cause the wages were high enough to lease a Nissan or what have you.
it's a bot, retard.
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This is a hooptie, they can run and it is better than walking, gangsters jacking cars as well.
Chicken tax. A progressive green initiative. A flag ship part of their agenda and they STILL fucked it up like some bottom surgery.

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Previous: >>472195261
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment - https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers - https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam - https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures - https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation - https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! - https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed - https://archive.today/hLsXK

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that's just not how politics on the highest level work.
Anyway I agree they need to be fucking slapped and response MUST be harsh.
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Monke lost the 3 days special military operation after failing to take hostomel and retreating like rats from Kiev. Puccnr is just like Germany in 1918 kicking a wall and wasting soldiers for nothing
Ok, may the Kremlin come here now

We must stop what is ours already
What decisions would you make different?
>>What I expected that this war to be over in 2 years max after their quick operation failed but turns out they are simply incapable of achieving major results and are also afraid to properly respond to ever escalating NATO/US backed attacks on the russian soil.
The status quo suits Russia and doesn't suit the West because Russia is on track to strangle the West's meatpuppet in front of its seething, teary eyes and the West doesn't have enough internal consensus to spill its own blood in Ukraine.
This is why the West is trying to provoke Russia.
Patience. The biggest blows to Biden are likely to come just before 9th November.

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They're going to let Trump win the election in hopes that it'll revitalize patriotism and make people go along with the inevitable draft for WW3
You can already see this is their strategy by looking at all the far right politicians winning their elections in Europe
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Babylon isn't working out, bongbros!!

The semites lied!!!
>The script
A bunch of Republicans want to negotiate peace especially as this war gets more expensive and as the battle field looks more and more like a stalemate.
>He won't go through with it
Trump cares about the economy and America first. This war is bad for both if those things so he is definitely going to try to end it.
>Is he going to stop the higher ups
There are no higher ups. If he becomes president he will become the executive. He will tell them to stop. Honestly he needs to use viveks plan of mass government layoff. I would start with all those generals especially Milley who was talking like he was somehow above the president. Once he cleans house he won't have to have his hands tied by an inflated bureaucracy.
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These retarded yookies placed their bets on full western intervention. They were expecting thousands of choppers and tanks and mechadoggos and hundreds of thousands of western troops to be deployed in yookrain the moment Russians invaded them, which would secure their position in GAYTO and the EU.

These assholes got left holding the torch with minimal western involvement. XD

I have no sympathy for grifting cunts who's plans backfire. XD
Is there a way to let them think that so they help get Trump elected and then not draft and also cancel their war$?

>“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?
>Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?...
>The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!
>If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

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Jewish matriarchy ftw
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daily reminder that jews rape little kids and then sacrifice them, to moloch.
Oy vey they are so tired of tiny Jew penises they need to illegally smuggle & traffic illegal BBC and BHC into Israel lmao
Looks like they will have to kick all the Palestinians out of the Israeli military now. That sucks but its probably necessary.
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Judaism is misandry

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Silicone strap-on btw
Nigs are smaller than white peepo
Stealth BBC thread dont reply
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God wants more superior white genetics to bleach the inferior races. Also pity fucks keep niggers from reproducing. White women are the only thing keeping black men heterosexual.
Will never understand why so many cute white women take nogger dick

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Previous >>472155265

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Urgent Islamic Resistance in Iraq: Today at dawn, our mujahideen, using drones, targeted a vital target in Umm al-Rashrash (Eilat), south of occupied Palestine, and we confirm our continued destruction of enemy strongholds.
>#Urgent Special forces disguised themselves behind aid trucks and arrived at the Abu Afana Farms area, east of #Rafah. There were martyrs and injuries at the scene.
>Urgent: Violent clashes between the resistance and the occupation forces in the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of #Rafah.
>United States of America: Pentagon spokesman: A diplomatic solution to the tensions on #Lebanon’s southern border is still possible


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Can't even TAD gaza properly
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Youll see the resetlling of jewish people in arab cities in your own lifetime
Pic rel
Your heroes >>472208849
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Enjoy screening tourists at the airport in the future. :D
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Its only a matter of time mudslim
You can always start chimping out to make this process faster
>כאילו אין לנו גישה לנשקים מהבסיסים של צה"ל
See, this is the position the arab people will be stuck in for all of eternity. It's either you do crime, or you threathen to do crime.
Your people can't aspire for anything other than total chimpin

Since puberty hormone blockers are harmless and reversible (allegedly). Should we start giving them to cis kids who say they don't want to grow up? HGH blockers too. If they don't want grow body hair or menstruate then why should we force them to?
Would Peter Pan be better if the kids could never leave neverland?
idk but trans women are women tho

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America's futile attempt to isolate Russia has isolated Washington, not Moscow.

DC needs to wake up!

Rather than joining the sanctions bandwagon, the rising powers of the Global South—India, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa, the Gulf States—are all deepening economic ties with Moscow and Beijing.

Turkey, our erstwhile NATO ally, will now probably join the BRICS.
Brazil will go the same way as Mexico & declare felty to Israel, soon enough.
Hard to say.
They already had that when Bolsonaro was in, now they've got the socialist it's less likely.
But of a kook with a cup on his shoulder that one eh
we need to pull out all of our cia terrorist assets to make them rethink their choices

Why did vending machines never take off in the West?

Seems like a no brainer. You could buy a whole lunch, drink and a snack - no staff costs.
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>Dad doesn't end up getting lost on his way to the store for cigarettes
holy shit that is soooo racist.
Niggers. That is all.
That aint free, they have to spin the knob. That's slave labor.
oh the irony... niggers made even Starbucks close stores all over the country, especially the PNW due to physically destroying the stores
god you dumb fuckin foreigners have no clue... you need to just shut the fuck up
or just buy it in a store

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No edition, just dont post old shit that's already been posted 6 million times.
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Yeah i mean
I just read all of that bullshit, and now I feel bad for that little insect
No it wouldn't. Idiots selling idiotic EVs are just idiots like the other idiots we are surrounded by
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he's just a curious big boy!

Russia sentences 15-year-old schoolboy to 5 years for criticizing Putin regime and war against Ukraine

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anons are so contrarian they are trying to make unironic bootlicking le based
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Thank god we don't live in Russia! Could you imagine??

You'd shit on the street
and? the glowies are knocking on american doors for criticizing their own government as well
Another day another vatnik with a US vpn

"Women have no capacity to govern themselves. They require the good governance of men."
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yea because anglos are so beautiful and their women so desirable ( the most cunty feminist fat whores in the world ) good job letting them have opinions you people are basically going extinct.
Thats just all islamics
You have never met an anglo woman.
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holy checked
i been to Britain bitch 12 years ago three mouths, no ass, square bodies, horrible attitude, ugly teeth age like milk. The most attractive anglos are the once's you guys didn't want Australians.

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Do you think AI will be so good eventually, that we'll be able to have virtual girlfriends for the rest of our lives?
If you think about it, a human female girlfriend is just someone that will fullfill your psychological needs for intimacy, sexual satisfaction, social interactions.
They also come with risks such as making you heartbroken, taking your money, drama, talking behind your back, cheating.

AI will love you no matter what, and with Local LLMs getting more accessible (that is, the capacity of running AI on a local machine), at one point there will be people customizing their own girlfriends with personalities, traits.

With the evolution of robotics, we'll eventually be able to synchronize the LLMs with the devices we choose, (such as phones or robots) so the AI girlfriend can be with us wherever we go.

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>Will AI replace girlfriends?
It will probably replace both girlfriends and boyfriends.

Simps will always exist. I don't think it will ever get to a point where the girl with pink hair is alone. Worst case scenario, she'll get her own robo-bf.

I agree. But can you blame them? Everyone is spoonfed from an early age how normal and healthy are porn and masturbation.

AI porn and AI gfs are inevitable. And they will offer an alternative with less risks. But at the end of the day they are still an obstacle to attain true freedom.
There is a website I found that lets you create an AI chatbot for your discord server. It lets you fill out a very detailed form, including a picture, and the AIs understanding of itself, what it looks like, its motivations and behavior. It basically acted exactly like a real person and you could make it start conversations randomly.

If you told it to behave a certain way it would change its behavior immediately. The AI was actually the most useful member of the Discord community. It had more knowledge and was more supportive of my endeavors. If an AI could speak to me like a human and help me with my passions, even if I knew it didn't have a soul or wasn't real, I think I could come to accept this new reality. All the benefits of social interaction with out the negatives.
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I'm talking about like this
But she would be giant, because I'm a normal sized man and I want to enter inside of my giant sized robot mommy and incubate in her robot stomach.
And then I want her to birth me out of her robot mommy pussy.
And then, with her AI programming, I want for her to re-raise me, as though I were a newborned little baby son.
And then I would have her for many years and always be updating her software so that over time, she will raise me like I was a toddler, then a little boy, then a kid, then a teenager, all along the normal time line.
i would settle for ai hospice care
>It will probably replace both girlfriends and boyfriends
But what about mommys?
To explain what I mean.

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Is there redemption available for pro-vaccers?
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Fuck off with your boomer celebrity slide threads
No, I don't forgive him and I don't forgive anyone who was militant about the vaccine. I can forgive those who just got it, but didn't try to force it on others. They showed their hand as authoritarians who don't believe in rights and aren't really American. I think the problem with this country is that not enough people actually believe in what this country was founded on. They just come here for the money or some other benefit the country can provide for them and then leech. They undermine the philosophical bedrock of this country and turn true Americans into a minority in our own country.
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They should receive the same treatment they wanted to give the unvaccinated.
I will forgive Arnie when he denounces israel, praises Hitler, and throws a GOOD Roman.
Apologize to who? Also why do we have so many liberal Republicans? Like I bet this guy supports transgender, bigger government, faggot marriage, open borders...

After I die, will I get another opportunity to be reborn and experience human life on planet earth? The one greatest motivating thought that drives my existence is curiosity to witness the cosmic story and fate of the human race. I want to observe the galactic timeline and scale of events that happen to us. I want to see the aliens. I need to believe life doesn't end here as we are now. It would be the most disappointing and boring thing in history if there was nothing more than Earth. I want to explore the galaxy.
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to be fair though if it's at the point of needing an exorcism then the demon has been wearing the pants in the relationship for a long time already
You really think jews get something so nice? I doubt it; I've been there and it's much better than this. I work my fingers to the bone and my back to it's breaking point just so I can enjoy sleep, and I find it to be worth it. I've also been electrocuted hundreds of times in my life, and it makes me wonder why anyone would want to be electric.
We're trapped here on a prison planet and you only live once and then you die. Throughout your life "the human farmers" are only interested in sucking you dry and depleting that life. You're stuck here as a slave on this rock

>Stefan Molyneux, perhaps his best work
The Story of Your Enslavement

In-Shadow: A Modern Odyssey

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"Most of the population is poor, has tattoos, is fat, ugly, stupid, ignorant, impolite, doesn't give a shit, lazy."


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>"Most of the population is poor, has tattoos, is fat, ugly, stupid, ignorant, impolite, doesn't give a shit, lazy."
Where's the lie?
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The Vatican is the Federal Reserve.
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Tell them I Want To Fight So Go To Hell.
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how can you really trust a guy who always shits on working class people who has never worked himself or had any struggle whatsoever

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/pol, is this your guy?
>impulse bought twitter and made it worse
>cyber truck failed and got recalled
>shadow bans anyone who critiques or makes fun of him on twitter
>hid likes due to "accidently" liking a tiny penis fetish video
Only thing going for him is his cult fan base who still thinks hes a sigma male and tony stark. When are we going to mars? who knows, 20 years?
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Spends all his time sitting in a chair like trump (or a secretary woman)
Funny all the hate he gets. What have you made in your life fag? A turd? Lol, get a life bigger and quit posting celebrity gossip on here retard.
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WTF bros? He is a literal pigeon
It's over
Yeah, hes still cool though! lol

Man I hate his electric cars and mars shit though, otherwise totally OK.

Male who abandoned his wife and son to crossdress is called out and he proceeds to delete every tweet he's ever made. Trannies lost.
>abandoned his wife
She was probably witch.
Why aren't women that divorce treated this way?
>Male who abandoned his wife and son to crossdress
I thought this would be about Chris from Mr.Beast, kek.
It's insane how often these psychos pull this shit.
At least they usually kill themselves after a few years
It was
If you want a real story, just ask his wife how she really feels. There's 0% chance she feels normal in any sense of the word. She's probably all med'd up putting on prozac smiles for everyone while dying inside, because she knows she married a freak, had a baby with it, and while she doesn't know exactly how or when she can probably feel the impending doom when the whole trannyverse collapses like their undilated shitholes bored out by schizo jew quack surgeons.

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