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It's Fuecoco

shows the tranny-neanderthal physique better
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>then a whole bunch of half-breds to weaken the other races.
so create some more latin americas and look how that has turned out so far
Yet you lust over blondes.
Kek, I like that. But yeah it actually is easy and once you do that you'll start to realize how bizarre human behavior is because it is directed by emotion, instinct, sex drive, dogma etc. rather than logic.
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Brown women breed like rabbits anyway. And if I have a load of legitimate, white children anyway, I'd rather also have a whole bunch of half-breeds than a whole bunch of purebred browns

Google Nego Ney, that's how Hans jr will look like.

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I don't think they will let you cite case law from the 1800s to get out of it. It would be funny if they started going global to get their citizens that are no longer in the country but came for the birth tourism thing.
Wanna stop getting fucked in the ass long enough to try for a more coherent version of your last post?
FEMA has emergency powers. They have already worked up the logistics to round up 3 million people in any form of emergency and they are at the ready. During said emergency they basically take over the country and have more power than the president.

It means that any "undesirables" will be rounded up at light speed.
Holy shit..
FEMA CAMP for patriots who know Israel is a grift and con, and wars for literal faggotry is not justified.
Id rather play SQUAD and get blown up by Russian MBTs in a virtual world. Faggot.

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maybe its just that English speaking women are bottom barrel or something idk, but honestly I think a lot of you are just hypocrites.

Listen I have no game, no rizz and escoliosis, but I am autistic so I find fun to analyze people.

What do you guys truly want?, do you guys want to have a family? a happy marriage? or just sex?, because for the most part, the most retarded women I have seen are the ones that are sexually attractive, while the ones that just look normal I have found to be very kind and just good people.

there is constant deranged behavior in here, every single time a """"woman"""" TM, appears here there is at least one person saying "tits or get out".

you constantly want this perfect virgin woman, and although I wish you guys were actually physically attractive, as that would make thing more one sided, I doubt you guys are actually healthy individuals.
dear diary
post tits
Too bad Pinochet isn't around to through fags like you out of a helicopter, also tits or gtfo.

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>literal who of youtube is antivax
>says someone the retards like
>it must be true
antivax retards are the worst posters of this board still living in 2020
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okay we believe you instead thanks for posting
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nicely put
would read again lol

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Previous: >>471340276
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed -https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times -https://archive.today/zWUbr
>Putin: 'Russia has the right to supply weapons to foreign countries & strike western targets with them' -https://archive.today/Thb5A
>'NATO maps out plan to block Russian "invasion" in Europe ' - The Telegraph -https://archive.today/MkhiF
>The Ukraine faces economic collapse: electricity shortages, lack of money to fund the AFU -https://archive.today/iwOrt
>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons -https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane -https://archive.today/iAtY3

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The ones who want to go there are still delusional. The ones who came from there kinda become confused about what's best.
Like, Romania was, is and probably always will be stuck between empires.
Be it the Romans, Bulgars, Austria, the Ottomans, Russian Empire, Soviets, Nazis, EU, we really didn't get enough time between fighting hordes from Asia to develop enough to stop whatever empire from having at least some degree of control over our shithole. It's pretty much apparent that we're doomed to perpetually bend the knee to someone due to that.
This begs the question: What flavor of 1984/Animal Farm-esque control are we going to live with?
Will it be the Altanticist DEI melting pot of culture subversion? The Chinese social credit system communism? Russian "do whatever you want except try to fuck with the state gulags"?
Who knows? Maybe nukes happen. I just hope we don't end up with mandatory trannies and bug eating.
I think the survey didn't ask anyone under 18
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glory to the united states of america of the ruschink empire
soon project will be complete and america would reach 59% troon peak

Are Jews—dare I say it— based after all, pol?
I blame the jesuit
Mulattos die of heart disease if they don't get shot by another nog first.
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looks like CORONAry got the best of him

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you still voting for trump?
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Hes going now full neocon. The antiwar populist grift fizzled out!
Because when we did we failed miserably?
Trump will need to do the bidding of those who have the real power. Kike Miriam Adelson already donated $100 million to his campaign to try and finish the Gaza war. The American empire is in rapid decline and desperate measures will need to be taken. Rather than working with the new framework and changing world order, the US will do everything it can to stop it

Literally was the commander in chief of the armed forces.

He could have retired with his fortune you know and lived wealthy with his family, while the globalist cabal destroyed what was left of the US. It really wasn’t his problem.

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>Kate returns to public events at Trooping the Colour

>What does Nigel Farage really want?

>Calls for investigation after police car rams loose cow twice
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Thoughts on Farage?
Life in the faslane
They've been monitoring us since about WW2 because we've begun to develop computers. Runaway A.I., and the singularity, is the only thing that is a threat to the ayy interstellar hegemony.
My friends 3 year old seems a bit... simple.
He can say some words but cannot handle a conversation.
He panics when there's loud car engine noises, hair dryer etc.
I watched him empty a bag of toys then put the toys back in the bag just to empty it again.
Do you think he has autism or a bit thick, maybe the covid jab turned his brain into mush.

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What the fuck was his problem? Did no one ever tell him 'with jews you lose'?
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He was a failure and alcoholic who was disgraced after Gallipoli and had no future in the military. Then he squandered a small fortune and was deeply in debt by the mid 20s. He originally expressed the sentiment that he admired the NSDAP and some of their positions. It wasn't until he was approached by "The Focus", a shadowy group of jewish financiers that he started non stop war mongering against the Germans and Hitler, and his bank account was once again flush with cash. He destroyed his nation, he destroyed Europe, he was the goodest goy that has ever lived, and he did it all for some liquor and shekels.
That's really the most ridiculous part with muuh special relationship when in reality the USA wanted to dethrone the UK as the new global power and they did it at the end but somehow the British don't realise that simple fact and are even grateful that Americans "saved" them in the war.
Well for one he's clearly a homosexual
He was a Zionist though, he believed the answer to the Jewish problem was to store them in their own place. Through that belief he signed onto the Rothschild's evil.
You can't be a little bid bad.
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>What the fuck was his problem
He is a war criminal
Im glad his only offspring died young

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Honestly, Mexican (Catholic) immigration to the U.S. is a good thing for them.
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Only allow castiza single young women.
More Mexicans in America doesn't make it great. It makes it more Mexico. If more Mexicans meant great things for them, then Mexico would be awesome, but its the exact opposite except for their tourism sector.
More blacks in a white neighborhood doesn't make it better it makes it worse. Then when all that's left is blacks the place gets run down.
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economic refugeeism is not cool no matter where you're from. you should be standing with your homeland fixing the problems that are driving you out from the place you belong. you are forfeiting your rightful claim to become a wandering gypsy beggar and you should be satisfied with the second class status that naturally comes with your behavior
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Mexicans are fleeing America back to Mexico due to even lower class immigrants from Haiti, Venezuela, Muslims, etc. coming into their neighborhoods now.

Yea the US is actually losing mexicans, some researcher guy on twitter for whatever its worth concluded his research saying mexicans moved to the us in the 70s and 80s as oil collapsed but they were in their 20s and 30s and are now retiring

sounds good, but the issue is we've increased immigration from every other south american country and they aren't built the same especially the venezuelans and colombians who refuse to do manual labor or work in the fields

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At a British bar, why the fuck did they hire a Jogger, the customers there are 99% White, why hire someone who is going to react and get your business sued and closed down.

Anyways, I witnessed this the other day and stopped to help my fellow white and had to scare off Joggers that were trying to intimidate me to not call for help.

>the Bar is Brit's Pub in Minneapolis. Nicolette Mall area
>story is already going viral on local level
>White people are saying they are now boycotting Brit's Bar.
Anyways 4Chan do your thing,
I can only harass this bar so much for hiring a low IQ ape as security
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Fuck off faggot, lmao. Go an play games with your pal jamal.
The south is way more nigger friendly than the north. It's bizarre. It's like how Germans adopted the conqueror's morality after WW2
if any of you american anons live near there and had any balls you'd set the place on fire after they close while the owner/staff are still inside
Kek I think this actually is a woman

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I have noticed an influx of pajeets in my city lately. Anything I should know?
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If you tell them to fuck off for the millionth time they will call you a rapist
If your dog eats pajeet shit he will die, so keep an eye out for streetshitters whe you let Fido outside.
Set out traps, poisons, baits and spray them now.
Look they figured out the truth

Their ethnostate is collapsing and weird discrimination makes people assume they competent at steem

Like assuming jews are any good with money
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Don't want you doxing yourself OP, but what general.. ish place would that be?

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Previous >>471287610 ,>>471254511

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Occupied Palestine: Al-Quds Brigades in a message via its Telegram account on the occasion of Eid al-Adha: Our jihad continues.. May God accept your jihad and may you be well every year
>Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades: We shelled with mortar shells the gatherings of enemy soldiers and their military vehicles in the axis of progress in Al-Shaboura camp
>#Yemen: Brigadier General Saree: The #Yemeni Armed Forces will continue to support the #Palestinian people and respond to the American-British aggression until the aggression stops and the siege on the #Palestinian people in the #Gaza Strip is lifted
>Occupied Palestine: Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades: Targeting the command and control rooms in the "Netzarim" axis with heavy-caliber "mortar" shells


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Watch this video and tell me what’s the first word that comes to mind to describe them?
https://x.com/SuppressedNws/status/1802230645546012909 6/16/24
https://files.catbox.moe/iedapj.mp4 6/16/24
Can someone remind me why I am supposed to hate China?
>It turns out that according to the Jewish Bible, Torah, about 6.5 billion Chinese, Indians, Buddhists and Christians are not qualified to live. Isuddenly realized that the Jews control the American economy, finance and politics, and the United States is always hindering China's development. The purpose of the US government is to destabilize China and divide China. But the root cause is that the purpose of the Jews is to destabilize China, divide China and divide China.
Bread is blessed
God bless Palestine
>Watch this video and tell me what’s the first word that comes to mind to describe them?

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First, they say 5 days.
Now 3-5 weeks to repair a few sections of a water line.

Last Thread: >>471240825
My showers take 1 to 1.5 hours.
No way in hell I could manage in 3 fucking minutes, what the fuck.
>My showers take 1 to 1.5 hours
Based, checked
It's happening!
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>TFW city niggers have to eat off dirty plates, flush once a day, and have picosecond long showers to save their chemical slurry "water" while I enjoy 40 minute long showers in my pristine well water pulled straight from mother natures tit
Flex seal tape would take care of that. Don't they know about flex seal?

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watch on 2x speed, you're welcome
He's Chauncey Gardiner the retard who became president in the 1980 film Being There

True. Scary part is, they are ALL OVER X. Many many many. I know X is a political forum so they will be there and its not the real world, but goddamn.
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the absolute state of this union right now

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Oh no, Vax bros we castrated ourselves!!
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based oversharer
No I'm not vaxxed. 4chancels are always wrong about everything.
The only thing you losers think you have going for you is that you're unvaxxed too.
Have any of you lost your virginity yet by telling a girl you're unvaxxed?
No of course of not because you're too scared to even say hi to one.
But soon they will be lining up outside your messy room with the anime posters waiting their turn for you priceless unvaxxed jizz.
Just 2 more weeks!
Why is eyetalia so gay ?
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maybe ill give it a try, my grandma always says thats why i dont have a girlfriend, i used to mildly care about fashion before i gave up and went for farmer/shitlib hipster larping as farmer aesthetic with flannels, jeans and sperrys, now i just wear whats clean and fits

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

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You don't have to be 6 ft.
Look how much chicks love Tom Cruise and he's a manlet
>just be a hollywood star bro
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Ok, then wallow in self-pity and self-hatred. Not very MAGA, but your choice.
>acknowledging reality if self-pity

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What are the reasons of polish hatred in this place apart from:
>Poland started WW II
>Poland flag behind most retarded takes in this place

And what will be political implications of diversifying European Aryan race in the wake of nationalist rebirth which is a result of spreading hate speech by nationalists from Western Europe countries against nationalists from Eastern Europe ?
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You should start to care.
>Secular governments have been tried and are perfectly fine so long as racial principles are maintained.
im asking for a third and final time now, please name me one, thank you.
There's no way he's ever getting into the mainstream at this point. He's avoided like the plague by every serious politician. Even Trump disavowed him and America First at some point after Jan 6.
I don't want to be a doomer but you are already fucked. UK, France and many other western countries are also fucked. Even a 10% minority can cause unprecedent amount of chaos in a nation. A third of the white population is too old or too brainwashed to fight and put up a struggle. I wouldn't even worry about the nigs, they can't shoot for shit and they're more likely to kill each other over looted jordans than go after "whitey". Spics are the real threat.
No matter what, just take care of yourself and get into shape.
>who shit himself in front of his classmates on the track back in high school.
you do realize how irrelevant, boring and profane this is ye? probably not, anyways.

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Well that is a nigger, and this is pol so...
Heavy Metal was a good movie.
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mods make no sense
Tell that little boy to put a shirt back on
>he gets b& for extended periods of time
>He doesn't use an old os on a burner phone from radio shack

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